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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
For Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue l Portland, OR l 97214

Parish Office 503-231-4955 l Fax 503-736-1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists, committed
to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we, the community of St.
Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creations
through worship, education, and service toward the
common good.

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time s




This years theme for National Bible Week(Nov.15-20) will

On Thursday, November 12, Fr. Michael underwent
The Bible: A book for the family. The Bible can be
a second eye surgery. Please pray that this one be
is as
successful as the one on his other eye last month,
andas a great prayer book: use the Psalms or read any of
that good vision will now have been restored to the stories and put yourself in their shoes to see what you
would do in their situations. For the whole family---read the
both eyes. For the past week Fr. Charlie has been
stories and talk about the characters. Sometimes we can
undergoing daily fluorouracil cream treatments for predraw similarities with our own lives and situations. If you
cancerous lesions on his forehead, head and arms, and
are looking for a readable - reliable translation, we will be
on Friday, November 13, underwent photo light (PDT)
selling the New American Bible for $6.00 each after the
treatment for the same. The initial result of suchMasses on Nov.14-15 and 21-22.
treatments is a week or two of skin that looks red,
blotchy, and sometimes peeling. The literature saysCAMPAIGN
collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human
will be looking "thoroughly unpresentable" for a Next
(CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded
so, but he says he'll get over it and hopes everyone else
of poverty in the United States by funding
will too.
organizations that help individuals help themselves. With the
tradition of improving education, housing situations, and
economic development, CCHD continues to make
The drawing for the two Civil War baskets will be community
positive impact in communities nationwide. Your
next Sunday after the 9:30am Mass. Show youra team
spirit and support this Altar Society fundraiser. contribution will defend human dignity and reach out to
those living on the margins. Please give to the CCHD
collection next week.


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or other parts of the world, welcome &
for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give it
one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the office, 503-231-4955.

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time s November 15, 2015

Saturday, November 14th:
Sunday, November 15th:
Monday, November 16th:
Tuesday, November 17th:
Wednesday, November 18th:
Thursday, November 19th:
Friday, November 20th:
Saturday, November 21st:
Sunday, November 22nd:

8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:10pm Mass
8:00 am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass

Maria Young-He Lee & Jae-Gon Kim

Margaret Westhusing
Tony & Marie Starvaggi
Deaf Community
Christopher Chang Oh
Bona Hyang-Sook Oh
Fred Spada
Frances & Herb Heing
Joanne Scafidi <A>
Jong-Ho Lee
Margueritte Wolfe
Robert Salta
Deaf Community


If you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday, marriage, or other special event,
please fill out a Mass Intention form (located in foyer of the Church) or call the office.


Church Cleaning, November 16-22, Eleanore Baccellieri & Dorene Dehen

Nov. 18:
7:15pm B- Catholics, Chapel
Nov. 20:
7pm Open Sanctuary, Church
Nov. 22:
Civil War Baskets Drawing
Nov. 22:
10:45 RCIA, Center

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Hecker, Paulist Founder

Nov. 26:
11am-12:30pm Thanksgiving
Dinner All are welcome!
Nov 29:
1st Sunday of Advent
10:45, RCIA, Center
Nov. 30:
7pm, Michael Allen Harrison
Concert, Church

If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you
believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at
202-269-2519 and tell him your story.

Looking ahead: Advent Day of

Recollection, Saturday, Dec.5,
10am-1pm. Mary & Me.
Please call the office to register
by November 30th.

In the past, agriculture as well as the transcribing of manuscripts, learning,

science, literature, secular education, were almost exclusively in the hands of
Religious orders and the priesthood. The height and depth and breadth of
these are unfathomable, and they contain infinite stores of intellectual riches
unexplored, the gaining of which is the noblest employment of our capacities.
Hence the more the priesthood can devote their attention and time to these
studies and those immediately connected therewith, the more the honor that
will accrue to them, and the greater the benefit to all society. [On the Mission
of New Religious Communities, 1876]

Our 5th Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Nov. 26, 11am 12:30pm.
Parishioners and neighbors who are alone, without plans, homeless or in
transition are invited to join us. We also have cards to hand out to people you
want to invite or hand out to people you meet. You can help by donating:
vegetable dishes, pies, coffee (ground) & juice drinks. Cash donations are
also welcome to help offset the cost of food from New Seasons. There are
envelopes on the counters for your donation please write Thanksgiving
Dinner in the memo line of your check. We also need donations of socks,
gloves, hats, & scarves. Volunteers are needed to help serve, greet, bus
tables, monitor the gift table, and play the piano.


Please pray for:

Margaret Westhusing
Micki Campagna
Mary Palmer
For Paulist Leadership
Paulist Seminarians

It is our tradition to bring non-perishable foods to the Thanksgiving Day Mass.

The food will be brought forth at the offertory time as part of our gifts brought
to the altar. Let us remember those who are in need during this season and
all through the year and give thanks for all that we have in abundance.

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time s November 15, 2015

Pastoral Corner
Words That Remain . . .
Words are very important. Words can be very powerful. Words can also be very dangerous and hurtful if we are not
careful in how we use them and in what we say.
In the course of a lifetime we hear an awful lot of words. In the course of a lifetime we speak an awful lot of words.
Though we may forget many of the words we hear or say, others can remain with us. In fact, certain words can burn
themselves into our hearts and memory, words we will remember until the day we die. And not just the words, but
also the way they were said: the tone and the volume.
Words are very important and very powerful. Once uttered, they take on a life of their own, for good or ill. They can
bring a blessing or a curse, healing or wounding, life or death. Words can continue to harm us or help us for many
years after they have been spoken. Hence, we should be careful how we use words.
When we are very angry, it is better to remain silent. Words spoken in anger can cause deep hurt and make
reconciliation very difficult. Choosing life instead of death, a blessing instead of a curse, often starts by choosing to
remain silent, or being careful to choose words that open the way to healing. As one person put it: "Sometimes
loving others means keeping quiet and letting them be!"
Yet, just as some words can be very hurtful and cause lasting damage, other words can be soothing, bring us peace,
inspire us. And so it is with the words of Jesus who says in the Gospel this weekend: "Heaven and earth will pass
away, but my words will never pass away!"
The words of Jesus remain with us today, 2,000 years after he said them. They are still with us: comforting us,
guiding us, challenging us. They turn our values upside down. Once heard, they can never be forgotten.
But for all that, they will benefit us little unless we act on them. They are like precious seeds. If left in a jar, they
remain just so many seeds. Jesus speaks words of mercy, forgiveness, love and healing to us so that we might speak
words of mercy, forgiveness, love and healing to others.
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP



Michael Allen Harrison will open his Holiday concert

season with his 14th annual concert at St. Philip Neri
Church on Monday, Nov. 30 at 7pm. The Altar Society
will be selling tickets after all the weekend Masses and in
the office during the week. This concert has helped fund
many projects around the parish. Plan now on
supporting this important fundraiser and kickoff your
holiday season with a wonderful evening of holiday
music. Tickets: $15 for general seating & $25 for
preferred seating.
Proceeds from this years concert will go toward painting
Carvlin Hall and refinishing the stage.


The Contemporary Music Group that helps us with
music on the second and fourth Sundays is looking for
more musicians (flutes, recorders, percussion, guitars,
piano) to join the group once or twice a month.
Good Music is a very important support to our Masses
and it is fun! If you are interested in learning more
please contact

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