Adler & Ross - Pajama Game, The

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THE PAJAMA GAME was fist presented by Frederick Brisson, Robert E. Griffith and Harold S. Prince at the St. James Theatre, New York City, on May 13, 1954, with che following cast: HINES Eoote For, Jr. PREZ. . Srawuay Paacee JOE. : Rate Faanswor HASLER co -Ratem Dus GLADYS we Canot. Haney SID SOROKIN....... cone cere Jom Rarer MABEL. voces : : ‘Reta Saw FIRST HELPER . fener eteesessesses Jae DRUMMOND SECOND HELPER ane cet Boze Mica CHARLIE sieseteeceeeeseeseseesvesss RAM Canam BABE WILLIAMS. é : Jos Pron MAB Sen : con coceeecse Tatas Pause BRENDA. . : : “Manow Cosy POOPSIE... vee Rag Ave SALESMAN vee . socsees dace Waprow: EDDIE...... : soeeeeeee dite Huremsox POR ee : cee Wanttan Davin WORKER : costes cccceesee-Patix Genstano SINGERS: Rae Allen, Sara Dillon, Mara Landi, Virginia Martin, Mary Roche, Mary Stanton, Rudy Adamo, Bob Dixon, Jack Drummond, Ralph Farnsworth, John Ford, Gordon Woodburn, DANCERS: Carmen Alvarez, Marilyn Gennaro, Lida Koehring, Shirley MacLaine, Marsha Reynolds, Ann Wallace, Robert Evans, Eric Kristen, Jim Hutchisoa, Dale Moreda, Augustin Rodriguez, Ben Vargas. SCENES ACT ONE Scans 1. Sewing Room of the Sleep Tite Pajama Factory. Sees 2 The Same, Scent 3. A Hallway in che Factory. Scent 4 The Office Scat 5. On the way to the Union Picnic, Scewt 6. Picnic Grounds. Scene 7. Picnic Path, Scans 8. The Kitchen of Babe's House Scent 9. A Hallway ia the Factory. . Scene 10. The Shop. ACT TWO Seas 1. Eagle Hall Scan 2. The Kitchen of Babe's House. Scene 3. A Hallway in the Factory. Scens 4. The Office Scene 5. Hernando’s Hideaway. Scawz 6. Morning ia the Office. Scava 7. A Street near the Park, ‘The action takes place in a small town in the Middle West, TIME: The present. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACT ONE Page Ovenruns, e | 5 2 1. Tas Payaea Ganet—Ornsine eeecoo u 2. Racine Wren Tam Croce : oe BB 3. A Naw Town Is A Buus Town : eee 7) 4. Racine Wren Tux Ctock—Repaise a 6 5. Ta Nor Ar Aut In Love... eee 6. Tw Nor Ar Aut Iv Love—Cuanon. en 66 | 7. Tun Naven Br Jeatous Aaa... sccc ss 36 | 8. Iwracpucion To “Hey Tagen”... a ce 4 i 8s. Hay Tuxas “ : = vee AS i 9. Hux Is Verse) a 0 ! 92. Hae Is (Chorus). oe. ccs secs ee 150) 9. Hix Is (Dance) rene aon a 32 9c. Sumy Tree... mito 55 10. Ower-A-Yeax Dar (and Polk). = é 56 10a, Owca-A-Yaan Dax—Crosoven : ee 6 LL. Hae Ravens... — 8 12, Swaut Taux, n Wa, Vx¢ Not Ar Att In Love—incapewtat.. 8 13. Tenax Once Was & Man (I Love You 8 Mor). % 14. Factory Mune Perera aso 88 Ma. Stow Down 88 1b. Factory Muse a il 4S. Fiwacs Act I (Hey There). 3 i ACT TWO. : 16. Exre'acta 3 1 16a. Omniwo Act IL 7 i 17. Stan Heat = 7 Ya. Sweatt Taxe—Ineipaarat. 106 18. Hay Tuzas—Rapnise 106 183. Factory Mosic...... : : a 108 19. Tax Or Tar Tox I Save o eeeeerete 108) 20. Huawanno's Hipsaway : a 4 7 203. Huxnanpo's Hrozaway Dance 16 20. Heawawpo’s Hipeawat Danca—Incipentat. 5 10 21. T's Navex Bs Jeazous Aoatn—Batusr (Part 1) ee 2a. Tut Navex Br Jeatous Acais—Bauter (Part I1) 7 22. Hay Taena—Iveroavras, ee a9 23. Savaw Ano A Hate Cents eerie 1150) Ba. Rusu Muse : 1a 24, Tatas Once Was A Maw (I Love You Mor)—Rerse sees MB 25. Tae Payanca Gaee—Crosine . ccs MS 25a, Seven Awp A Hate Caen—Rapain. ooo. fects 148 : ee aoe By RICHARD ADLER ‘and JERRY ROSS March tempo Ton Sane Piano a Z by Same tempo (d.-d) i> RH. id A Ses feed es) ‘ntabile, ‘poco rall. wie t rt = _ TB Sy = SPT Sans S|! sad Trot wf Bene pred acct Brightly and eagerly Yew ane eed ee spovo accel. Sings WM, Per, | Peet t Tal toe ae ape Tree ae ‘ Stops, WH. Fire > t Moderato e accel. cece Brass ee ee Bee. cea ~Piti maestoso — Al ES, ee" le No.1 THE PAJAMA GAME-OPENTNG Allegro 2-420 iT tt be Va,Celfo a Va.Celle f Teron REERINESS roe fare . ent a factory In 108 Cedar Rapids. Vamp . The PA-JA-MA GAME the game Tim in. PP (tightly) And ffm proud to be inthe PA-JA-MAGAME.I love it. can hardly wait_to fF LF * r wake Aad get to work at eight. Nothing quite the same as the PA 4 f vamp Ad fib. Pie FNS putory! err [fr F Stees Quickly destin Ta, 1 nf Jamp Ad lib. Vamp untit: Cue: TASTER "Tura off those dam lights!” legro A a en Atfacea io fe | “aibacest No.2 RACING WITH THE CLOCK 2 amp ad lib. it eu (HINES tap rhythm with hin foot) “Surry up? Bette) Allegro moderato 4-132 Fe Hur-ry up Hur- ry up GIRLS Beefy oh 5, Cunt waste Hur-ry up. Hur-ry up.— Fac-ing with the clock When youre rac- ing with the clock. Aad the 3 sec-ond band does- n't winery : orm =, eee Hur~ ry up Hue-ry up lun-der-standTThat your back may bresk und your fin-gersache,And your con sti - tu-tion is-n'tmade of z = Hur- ry up— Hur- ry up.— e' fes a tox - ing racewhen youre rac-ing with the, Rac - ing with the, Ws a losing race when youre rac-ing with the, Rac-ing with the, rac-ing with the rac-ing with the clock Hue ry up SO Cant waste time. ruc-ing with the clock, When you're _rac- ing with the clock. time, ANd your con-sti - tu-tion Under-stand That your back may break and your fin-gers ache And your con-sti - tu-tion When youre Ad the sec-ond hand does-n't ig-nt made of is-nvt made of Cant waste 4 los- ing race when you're rac-ing with the Ruc-ing with the, rac-ing with the clock. Cus SOLO VOICE-MALR I: When = will old maa. — Has-ler break down And ‘come — = a TET |? £7 F paar: | eee — up with our sev -en and a = _— TE PIT EF FF SOLO VOICE: MALE MI: = & swell hew sec-ond hand car On that eal - ry he a eo TE Fl? £ UF SOLO YOICR: GIRL I: What do you think— of the Ete, EF IF TS ef TE E27 fer iL ant: spoken) ora 1: Gyoken) ee ee den? Hes cute. Hell nev - or ELF Et fe [ELF] EF Terr Gra wv: He's kind of —— fresh for anew sup rin Ete Per Pero fer per ~ tent dru “= 2 —Baevpaspoken! To like & man with spunk! GIRL V: spokes a You like man, pe-ri-od— sme ye Tempus fugit. Tempus tug.” | Dialogue: HINES:"AIl right girls. Cut out the laughing. Cut out the Inughing. dd Cid, repeat Cl HINES: Hurey 7 Hur-ey up Cant waste Cunt waste time, When youre rue ing with the clock. Whenyou're Hurry up. Hur-ry up. Hurey up. Cant waste time, Cant waste Cant waste Facing with the clock. ‘And the second handdovset un-de stand that your back may break and your And your con-sti = tu-tion iy-at made of rock And your con-sti - tu-tion is -nit made of rock, fingers uche,And your eon-sti = tu-tion feat los - ing race when youre Ruc-ing with the, ruc-ing with the, rac-ing withthe clock. w= 2 ruc-ing, racing, rac-ing, exc ing, rac ing, Cant waste time: Ruc- ing, rac-ing, racing, rac-ing, rae-ing, rac. ing oreo Cust waste time, fac ing, fuc-ihg, racing, eae-ihg, racing, fae- ih Rac-ing, rac-ing, racing, rac-ing, racing, rac ing, Rac- ing, rac-ing, racing, rac-ing, rac-ing, rac~ ing, me Cant waste time. Fac ing, racing, ac. ig, Cant waste time. Rac- ing, rac-ing, (Stegs. piz2) racing, rac ing, rac-ing, Rac ing, rac- ing, rac ing, Rac- ing, rac- ing, rae rac - ing, rac - ing, fac ihg, rac ing, Fae Fac > ing, tho - he, Rac ing, Fac- ihe, ac - ing, ing, rac - ing, Rac ing, rac- ing, jing, rac ing, Rac ing, racing, ‘rac ~ ing, ing, rac- ihe, Rac ing, fuc-ihg, rac ing, rac ing, rac - ing, Surys a | erese. poco @ poco ~ Altacea Cu: Belk off staye = a. ) Et, Pricer®| teprteyy S| Sis No.3 A NEW TOWN IS A BLUE TOWN (Cue: SID: (fo second Aelper) Give him & hand... Move!!! BH, Piano blue town 2° Tenipo Steg. e r Lh. Yi Cello = 7 - os, 0 you know" and “show me what you can Ther’s be do” town. LH. e Ff Colla aoe Ro no red carpet ut your fert If youre nut tough theyll try to beat you dowa Iu & mew blue WW, Steys. 82 =~ olla cove all, ==; = The old town —— Its not like the old town, —_ You z Se Rita Tengo PL Vases FEE a dont tuke long to find that youre in a cold town. — But you know you cant lick it Did-at Se, Stes Ti Cotta cove rs cold, cold new blue town. wo ate 7 FP round trip tick - ot to this by be NF no - bod-y asked me to come here And no = bod-y asked me to Peco areelt, glade up myown mind AndI row that Tit fied my orn Ys, <7 ba 2 Since that flrs Gay RA SO |. YaxCalo “Hi town! They've damned well tried to make me suy"Good - bye town! But e : Ped) ot 1 wort leave un-til I make it my town, They'll see, 7 one horse two bit hick of a new town Aint gon-nu lick me. se ceanmett ing iae aei ne TCT 2 way we run HINES: Me. Hasier’ (ovkiag for you!” tings around here” aN, Since that s adedhstate oe. PP RH first dey — When T said “Hi tow” They've damawell ed to mukemesay’ Good-tye town T wort leave un ay town,THeyll see Aidt gon-na like 28 No.4 RACING WITH THE CLOCK- REPRISE ‘Cus: SID:"Youry the cutest Grievance Committee {ever had to deal with.” Allegro Moderato ints: With yy ,apiSy with the ce, Wien youre Piano cass wih the cick, ANE te wceaged Bind evemt understand That Jer back muy break und your fin gers ache Ald your (iW fase at owe) oa - ing race when youre Ad lib, repeat accel. with alternate groupe vocally Tome om tn esr ih te, eg ay : the peat) Tes a Geen fester a cage Sistas EGE YM NOT AT ALL IN LOVE eI Love... are you auts? POOPSIE: Some people cast te . ‘when fens them. ” re BABE:“Ban! ABB: Ad (id. Quasi revitatice) AU you got-ta do ix say“hel - 10" to MARL And they have you Whis-per-ing mn bie a ry have J pee ig a wna corda with > ie bree ES they hive you spend-Ing the night with bim. Tr theres guy you mere-ly have Surgs. pitt. —— Saoamae) Pow, —EamE Tt svems they're They've got you set - ting the wed-ding ate, Tae t a at uw "just got-ta have some dirt to bend your ear with, Sobe- fore they start Tempo di Valse allegro 2. 63-68 love, got ut alt ? F y Hes just an inch sure of him - self : fee 8 — tras 4 Well of course youre ho-tived that 7 + = ——— man-ly phy-sique und that took in bis ee ma, STITT 3 Meet Fe STF f az: GIRL 1, He must be us fierce as POOPSIE: And Til bet he ries like & iit-tle boy when heb ! ral if hes as strong as : Or if he has the rest of you FD rut Flt FF ral. Am __atempe You may be sold this girl aidt buy - a love. ‘poco accet, mf GIRLS: She's || ee Maus’ be the summer heat that Gs. [Pecrese. 2 f FRG FF ives her that glow. ‘Cause she's love,agt at all in Tel Eat 7 : PP erese. Muy' be the light from the ceil - ing shin-ing there in a Sigs. WW. . 5 z a res [th Hes young and handsome and smart and I t B heart he doesnt af - fect see that her daf - fy grin is the grin ‘And she's breathless be - cause she Poacaw/iP ee ONE VOICE: THREE VOICES: ALLYOICES: Bump o-vi-ous- ly! Nat-U-ral-iy! Cer-tain-ly! ws Long pack pak yore ALL Voces: Obviously Ha! voice WF arena Naturally! voice ua Certainly! Ha! ew, F BABE: No, Tin not. No not much! ral love therell be 0 doubt a - bout i, ‘Cause you will know fromthe way that I shout it gePy me Str FR IN ve tempo Whispers) = Spoken) ‘Youre skout-ing! surge. om a, Cal r fe (Wriayer) She bos - nk fal en, WOW, Strgs. Attaces 36 No.6 IM NOT AT ALL IN LOVE-CHANGE Bright = t Sax, Stes No.7 TLL NEVER BE JEALOUS AGAIN Cov: MABEL: Melngie ...- Heinate... Diategee: Mi iever be Jealous, agais” stick Yo itu (Ad tid, unter tatky Magen: Piano oO ralt. Tknew it, but lets take an example just for eas-i-er said than done. us: Tean do it. Sere. pee sees 37 Tempo di Schottische (sa. J12) fun, Pic thre this, youre So a sitting and waiting forher tocomebuckfioma date. > Ca ae ea! There WW, T am, Tim sitting and waiting forher to come back from adel oe el re not ve- 7 Here sheomes, “Mer blouse is un-but-toned,her stock straight Here she"comes, er 5 or oa er on she gets a bouquet with a card in it say-ing”To blouse is umbuttonedber stockingeurenctvery 38 MABEL: poh) “Well Heinze, what pov you do tren?” 5 sty, you were erat’ a T would trust her, T would trist he, ——— By vce George, I wear I would tusther —— Not ever be jeal-ouw ¢— a a r MABEL: Nice work Helnzie; Lets taxe another example. Fee So go Pic turethis, youre nothing to do Soyou drop ia tochat for a - while ‘Tere with WW, aa Some = thingsup Wie win-daw is o-penandGlandynis fore“ roth-ing to do wo Tdrop ‘a tochatfor a ~ hil ie wia-dow fs 0+ penundGiatdys is fore-ing & smile : poten) abit 4 CE Sa shirt and u tie and a purir of punts in a nice, neat pit. aa ms (2112) ‘would trust. her, By George, Tsvear Twould trust he—— Nol F FTF Va,Celta ee er be jeul-ous, TH nev-ernes-erdev-br nev-erne-eraevertevernev-er = nev ee be jeul-ous a gui = z right-mares to sleep thru, No key-holes_to_peep thru, a pn a= bush- es to creep thru Well now that youre lew mun WLLL ue a Tempo 19 ¢2uz Pic - — turethis, you go to yoursweet-ies > part-mentyou bor-rawedthe keys There wow, shes giving a sailor a verry ‘af-fec-tion-ate go tomyswreties Gupartoment, Fbor-rowedthe "key 'SqueeTE —— —— wes giv-ing asail-or a verdy ‘uf-fec-tion-ate squeeze: a a Spoken)" tenate!” aT in the arms of her cous- in who " THe cousin trom in the fb in whos backfrom o - ver seas, Spohen/Her ensin ron telts you she wus 7x_meto believe tat?” T would thsthen= ~~ Twould trusthen —— By George, Tawear [would trust her—— f fee ' Tire wn (J. 126) never fe jeal-ous TH nev-er newer never never nev-er never never never aa, ™ 5 a, ™ we e Te br iva te nev-er nev-er dev-er cev-er ney-er ney-er nev-er be jealous a-guin, Hasnain -Soto dance Troos, Ae. Te oat — i uu * shoe Walk down toguther \ eet ofb hoe tewpo) a3 ZThe a Surgs. ™ ———— No.8 INTRODUCTION TO “HEY THERE” Cue: SID: But you see youre the superintendent and Tim the Grievance Committee Moderato Vise 8a HEY THERE 4s “temo 19 Sid Survkin HID ‘Slowly and expressively J-90 Sib: a. oS, Love nev-er made a Hey there,— you with the stars in your eyes, Veneer made fool of you, You used to be too wise! = So you on_thathigh fy-ing cloud. ‘Though she woot throw Bet-ter for- crumb to you, You thin some-day, she'll come to you; RE Aaa — oz Her with her gose ia the 5 ‘She bas you dane - ing oc Worit you Break it and she wont a (Or are you = take thi ad-vice hand you like a broth-er?. 5 just too far gone to heur, not vee-ing things too clear, Are you —— oe jamal, De - vo-ton to thee, to thee Oh, SS i— the land With your reinforced buttons And stretch-proof waist - band. = Sleep-tite, Sleeptite Best in et 7 H x6 No.10 ONCE-A-YEAR DAY (and Polka) Cari SID: "Come here, Catherine” 2nd Cue: BABB:"You'te not so bad yourselt”™ Slowly Ad lib es fey Piano oy #P under dialogue Bright polka 4= 126 si: ‘Thiv ‘Sires, W.W. 2 EEF FO, day Felt the morn-ing sun and knew that This is my EF Tib.celby igs from you, I feel like hop- pia’ up and dowa, ‘QUARTET: 3 BOYS, 4 GIRL: ‘Jump- in! fen-ces, climb-in’ trees, What pleas-es me is what Ti do,’cause This — tf once - a - year Ev - ‘ry-ones tn - li-thea to be wild, Be w a goof, raise the once - 4-year day, = Me year were jump-inr fences, This ogee = 8 = year day, Que - 4 - year day, Once your we SS} Bape: Look ut Charlie up agli tree Kiss-in" aS Char Heh wife is gud Is hell! hell! i. Oh well, it bhp-pens ees year ay, > Fy-ones en - ti a ninety-two to - day, OOPS! Look at pupa Halter-bush Hes hewctin’for that pile of bay, eause Run-nia' off with Sudie Lee, once - 4-year diy, Once - 4-year day, Strgs, W.W. i Ey - ry-one's en - ti-tled to be wild, Be & child, be a goof, raive the roof wwe, Wait for vieust cue from OL ADF a = vic Ns2 tps, Tre, ela Ev-'ry-oneyen - ti-tled fo be wild. B.Cl, Low Sings. (wu! ny Strgs. Cl, BH, at, ba == Heavy march (lower) ¥ TSF0060 WW, Vis. Trem. 1 EFEF WW, Stres Stops, WW 5 freee 5 brass aveel.e erese. |foco a poco Vivace > Wows, Stegs. 82 2S a __> Bo a ee rese. ¢ awcel poco a poco aca. WS Tem 5 immer ove) Sugs, WW he Base ee vA No. 10a ONCE -A-YEAR DAY-CROSSOVER 69 x (Goes MABEL: “On top of the second pier on the Illinois side.” Slowly S ONE TENOR: Once- @ - year day, once - a - year duy CHORUS: Guitae Soto HM Ev-'ry-ones en-ti-tled to be wild, Be a child, be @ goof raise the roof {Nott HER IS-REPRISE { FREE: 50 08 705 A cue: Bees" Be BSP de pez: @ Kind- a doll what drives a fel- low bate, Piano lo, oe Ahi the kind-a shape what real- is the Has- it her? (ed) nfcls — seen what girls Bast the West hase, None have what her has, ry + Ft Yes, [have seen what the best have, Butyou havetwice ay much as the rest have. (ded) Tepts, Stes. WM. SS saatees. 1 us PZ: Her te ce anap- pydres-er what ivdrened to il, avait her? ti alee Catto, Bo x £ Spe * wa: Pa ee oe the only dell from +~ mas. which T get a thrill, Tet he? Hert cis. z £ £ £ jad ‘uaz aa = as Rerwure can bel, Him fe gou-nagether Te tos oe ha v es Yet Brass, yet. ti, SMALL TALK 's my Baby boy: She wants 2 Westers.” ‘BABE: “What the matter lover?” "youll want some coffee to. : SHRI keep me awake. Now cut it out AE pus a Forcefully J Epgonfully Jatse 1 donk wan - na talk Small Tale ww. t 1 oF? + ‘alone with you, ———___, 2 2 x y Weve got bigger things to do. ryt not taik of the weath - eg Bas * 2 YOR} y x =” vt Aw WL fashions fur the fall. stop all this Smait that takes dress -y dress, the - ‘Small Talk! Way dont you Stogs Tre got some-thing better for bo no tall. fone that T have is such a : —, Who will you vote for next €- lee- tion? How do you like the —stampcol- tee-tion? ‘Small Talk! ra Read in a book the oth- er day That hal- i for wea whin- ny and don- keys bray And = fur - ther - pye- my tribes in Af ri-ca May have a Plegdingly Js 75 dont wan- na talk ‘What do you think they charge for ham now? 3 iF Tin a- lone with you. ww Got xo a buck sist worth a dama now. Lor of Weve got big-gerthings to. do. Read where the Win-ters are get- tingmild-er. And that the teenage kids are wild - er. One of these days Ti paint the kitch - en. oe oF ad fons for the Pop to put a new light switch ia, + {re got some- thi ‘Why — dosit you stop Tre got in Like Twas say- iat bet - ter for your lips Twas on- ly v4 | fed Fade at SID*"Babe 1 0¥8 oH" =, — Rianne BABE‘can axeit BABE: ifyou ean” Vis T dont wan na talk Tee got some-thing bet ter for your lips to 2 fad —- — 3 No. a YM NOT AT ALL IN LOVE - INCIDENTAL Cue; ‘Babe's entrance” ‘Stup on ene: “Are you happy?” strings Piano doi r— F No.13 THERE ONCE WAS A MAN (I Love You More) sup: Bae ime fat 2 woman. (tell you.” ‘Vamp til ready J=tsa-iso eens Seng whl Loved a Vis ‘She was theaneshe slew a drag-on —] ‘They say that no-bod-y ev-er loved as auch ay BABE:“Teli me!” T love you more! iss. ey once was a man EW, A. ‘Shewas the one be gave his king-dom for. > | ‘They sty that —no-bod-y ev- er loved ay much ay he. To love you more!, how fierce und de - fi ant, a Airit got ho. King - dom, no drag - on, to ae back up my brag- gin: Vis, wu unr Joved as much ay ‘TsF0060 Shewas the one he They say that Howeanl showwhatI would do? T only knowthere ‘ate the ap-ple ‘no-bod-y ever a guise tise. a er epee eee who loved ew, = Stes. ue “He was the one that ste tock poi-son Ws. ‘Taey say that ao-bod-y ev-er loved asmuch ay ‘Stree iF t ——— I tore you morel_———_ ve x Ft wholoved a man, typ lk Ft He was the one she swam the chan-nel for Vis, an) no-bod-y ev-er loved as much as St aid T love you Stegs. x loves me- te - or- ie, Ne_ZElY #2 is It rocks ‘muh’ T just cart tell you how it ¢ Fitba Guna $= morel. Baw mere - ly hiv- to-ric, whirlwind,a ey clone on zw ely ay whole so-lar plex uyity dig PEE T Sehe feist! = TGn-Ty know there once was a wom-an— who loved a. uu Loved him e-nough to cause the Tro-jan war. - They say that o-bod-y ev- er loved us much ay She, hy Mire Fan @ dope fiend — I love you more, more, more, more! ‘ sw: / More titan Shang-man lovesiis rope, r j Ur pe epee Tipe Pipe tres Hf dope, ‘More than a yodel- er s. More than an _In- jun wd foves tis scalps, Tie ree Or rT per F [ee lovestis Alps, who loved @ wom- an, z 1 He was the one that ake tookpoi-son for ‘She was the one he slew a drag-on fort = LE 1 Flt DF [arse Snney way that non bod-y ev-er ved an mich a __ They say that no-bod-y ev-er loved as much as Vis — I love you more! T love you more! No.14 FACTORY MUSIC (Play 2 times) ues PREZ: "Siow dows! Ue cronten £0 Babe)"You'e in change ofthis rom Babe. Go to tSlow dwn 4-160 Briskly 8:5 i No. 14a SLOW DOWN 4d ib, Van tlt: HINBS:.Tin lng 0 see Ce superintendent on what’ going on around here” Jss04-108 oH woe, Piano) — Huey up GROUP Ut: Wheayourem-cing with the clock, Whenyoure racing with the clock, Hiri up— Hurry up Cant waste time, 1029 | 7 1 1 vem F No. 14b FACTORY MUSIC on ‘cus: SID: "I ean still hire and fire around Rere you know. Now eth go!” 60, Briskly Bass 2s xe hay slump on machine wp, & Tate LD Ptutter) Tees No. 15 FINALE ACT I (Hey There) Cue: SID:"Clear out of here tll Teall you back.” 9% Pianos] 2 SP PF [PTGS AE SID, y Better for-get her Herwithbernovein the ain, She has youdane-ing y= = so = : a on 4 string, Break it and she wont care. Will you take this ad-vice ica re und you ike a broth- er? jist toofargone to hear, Ts it all go-ing in one ear rtcut the Pee > > oS Ihe] TS 1 No. 10 ENTR’ ACTE o ‘Moderato aI . sx, Sis| Bras Piano w lade = eval val aa Strgs, Saxs, iF z es 4 Brass, Saxs Tept-Solo, Sax. ra no [CEFR ETP add Stes, ———+) ws bua UrpuNU AUL IL ders f ide on ene) Piano No.17 STEAM HEAT Cue: PREZ:'The little number they worted up fs something that righ: on the nose because it's about getting hot. And fellow union members that's what wee doing, getting Bot! Piano GLADYS AND BOYS:, * Yeah! —T got @lang) (clang) 8 - S = Steam Heat, T got lang) (langiS = S- Steam Heat_Y got (clangyilmgrS - S The clang te produced i the vocal chorus Like a"iluck"the longue huitiug the roof uf the mouth. TSF0060 >. keep me from freez - in’ to keep a- waythe cold. T got Steam Heat But 1 needyour be tang) Giang) S s ‘elang) (lang) 8 - 8 - # T got lang) lang) S - ye radi actors hiss-in} “Still — out yourhandto hold. The co oo I needyourkisein, "To each sight! water bot-tle but nothing I got - “ takethe place of hold-ing me tight got lung) Gling =, oo, sot lang) lang) Steam Heat But I needyour — love— to keep a- way the Tepts 101 zBovs: 7 a ‘They told me to shov-el more coal in the boil- ej __They told me to stor-el more coal in the boil-en ny told mie to shovel more coal in the thet dont do no good. 102 ‘They told me to pour some more oil in the burner, They told me to Poursomemore oil in the burn-er, ‘They told me to pour somemore oil in the (Spoken) q Coal in the b 1 (pokes) No grod ‘clapping hands) (Ciapping hands) we Yes yes yee STEAM PIPE! Drum ove Come 103 (Spoken) Boink Boink (Spoken) Boink Boink Boink Boink ‘Ad tiv Drum break I need your love to keep a-waythe col, I need your love to keep a - way. No. 17a SMALL TALK-INCIDENTAL Cue: (ucvk on the dove) Slowly Sus ele) Piano tal ae S1D:"Babe Tiave you! No.18 HEY THERE-REPRISE Cue: SID: "Goodnight, Sleep wel!” BABE: "Thanks? ah = : = ‘Strgs. Piano IN pane: —— F = > 7 Hey There, You with thestars cayour “yes, Lovenev-ermadea fool of you, eS Hey There, Youused to be too wisel you cnthathigh fly-ingclous, — aye on ‘Thoughyouvebeen act-ing coldtohim You knowyourheart is sold toi ; eae be ; b Fd Pefeeaget - e E ust take it all inyour stride, Dorltlethimmaeyou fall a-part, =, — Wont you take this ad-vice I band you like 107 im, Get onthe ball, gir, Bell Youve al-wayshadsuch pride. —— brother? Or are you ? Fo? iF not see-ing thingstoo clear. Areyou too much inlove toe ae FNPF Altacea Ht i re No. 18a FACTORY MUSIC Applause Sopur J1s0 Brivkly (Pade whon AEIVZIE treoke din) Piano jw if Altusca No.19 THINK OF THE TIME I SAVE Gees HINES:...£°8 man wha has lived his lite by the clock” GIRL te" Wer IRL I:"Weee sorry Me Hines well be good” GIRL I1:"Were sorry. Allegro moderato 4-108 alogue) HINES: Tm atime tud- y man, Anda 2 Piano 109 time stud-y man cant _wante tine : a Pesante Is a crime. ct ‘And live omy life by the cluek, live my life ty the ‘When {go to sleep FL Ears Gh yes, 1 steep in all my clothes T must con fess 110 youray a strangevay to be- have Well Twill ad-mit thatthe suit gets mused ant it | poten i gathers lint and it picks updust But think of the time I save! ‘Think of thetime he saves! - _ And then right there in bed I shave, | = i wille I am stil! in bed I shave . Welt the ‘ WW Vis, mt lath- er drips and the bed gets wet, And oh ‘Thinkof thetimehesaves! How I tow to sit and watchthe Tick tock, tick tock, tem-pus furgit, Tick tock, tick tock time goes by. sec-onds mul-ti-ply! At breakfast time ngee ‘Then add some juice K poor ex-cuse forwhut I crave = tr ia al ovo ralt oO tempo then iad vem out-meal too And it comes out tnt-ing just legion But thnk of the time 1 save! ——S poco ral tempo Think of the time he saves! } ye: : Ticktock,tick took,tem-pus fu-git, Tick tocktick tocktimegom by. TI be sit- ting count-ihg sec-onds "til the day I die And when I a3. 4 I dead TH dig my grave, Thats what I said Be-fore Tm dead Ti dig my 7 lees . Pet-ercallsmy aunel knowT'll get there just the same, But think of the time Tit save! crats: _ Think of thetime héll save! aa > > JOR sert us 5. A Trpt Solo —s to De eater danced TAA Low ices Bo. B.C] = Surgs. a z 2. soon is 2 Stealthly Dialogue: In the dork: qosay, oF 7 ye reoed a rab Vong tit cue:"ey Budsy ‘wis alst Poopsiet” Voie Castine) 8 ini ras 1: mm a: know dark ¥e~ clud-ed place, nce where noone knowsyourface, A ALL 3 TOGETHER: of wine, a fast em-brace, It’s called Her-nan-dos Hide-a- way! 0 - la $e ALL SPOKEN: “toe sent us.” Deum Kicks Vis pie 7 Ba. .B.Cl,Low Stegs 7 2 Vamp tibk eu “Poopsie, Poopsie.” Gig I: feGold-en Fin-gerbowlor an-y placeyou £0, = At the Golden Fin-ger-bow! ¥ PIRCEYON BOs, serge gh BoY 1 “Aq Youwill meet your Uncle Max and fv-'ry-one you know. rrr er 9 soya: But if you go to the spot that I amihink-ux’ of, CFF LT emu: Ga sing suttooee) ‘You will be free andtulk of love! Just three times and whisper low, Teat you strike amatch and youwillknow, Youre . a a Quickly BE cos Ger opplonse) No. 20b HERNANDO'S HIDEAWAY-INCIDENTAL Cue; GLADYS:"Youll never get my key!” dewey ‘ sy | 'No.21 I'LL NEVER BE ee AGAIN - BALLET art Cue: GLADYS: “And tin glad {never married you!” Ad lib, HINES: a ‘Tom, Dick, Har - ry! cam see whas marriage to Prez, Gladys would be Uke. Piano Bn,Va,, Cello eres. O00 ae a Agitato a su = a po ee Pa FET ee OE _ = = = = are ip rrr a me Bright = S Tepts. I Vis., Tenor To wrest = pete phe beFTo. pe Tempo 19 Stes AW, = ie apressico (Boor knvck) Bright eps. Bright =a5% (toe tickles) Fanfare aa Brass 44 abe id ‘To purt I No.21a TLL NEVER BE JEALOUS AGAIN- BALLET toa! (Part ID) Bright Ti: Z ie FI ov Slowly | J 29 Slowly Ad lib ves: T would trust her, T would trust bes By George I swear I would, Vs. = Ne ee oe EN 3 2 fy ee No.22 HEY THERE - INCIDENTAL . Cue: PREZ"“Well wait for you downstairs, Babe.” Slowly Repeat and fade at cue ert for TPpiod at Seis 7% t= Piano line | LF SP FI SS Sar ¥ Pade on Gladys entrance Lae lara T Tt TSF0060 130 No. 23 SEVEN AND A HALF CENTS (Cue: S1D:*S0 do we 8 favor. St down and salk co me!" March tempo Sings, Brass co Piano Meike as * + Cav: BRENDAWhat do you mean, Prez?” PREZ: Ga tnarepeit vane T figured it out, T fig-ured it out, A, he With a pen-cil and 2 pad fig-ured it Sevtnend a Mit centy does- at buy a bell-uv-@ lot, PB half cents, does- it mean'a thing But give it to me ev~ ‘ry tour, PB BH, ho- urs ev ~ ‘ry week ‘That's e- nough for Liv - ia! Uke Ea, 7 eE z g-ured it ouk figured it out, fig-ured it ou yy T fg. Hie fig-uredit out. Pencil and u pad { fig-ured it out On- ly fiveg, years a Bas WW 132 On-ly five On-ly five years (Spoken) "Rive years... that’s 260 weeks... times 40 Rours every week.” at roughly 2 44 hours overtime 4 ce and 3 half for orertimer-come to exactly. Pasar Thats e- nough for me to get uu to-aiat -tc wash - ing ma-chine, A years sup-ply of gus-0-line, Car-pet-ing for the liv- ing room, Not to men-tion a for- ty inch 3 GIRLS: A vuc-uum in- stead of the blast-ed broom, fal- though hell- uv- a lot, does- at mean a thing But give it to me ev- ‘ty hour, —_. Bio. ‘TsF0060 Thats e-nough for me to be Liv - it lke Elo She fig- ured it out, she fig-ured it out. I fig-ured it pen-eil and a pad I fig-ured it out, = u) yy © ror) e — “Ten years... thats 20 weeks... times 40 tours i Wa Tee EN ull | Soran Sigg | BABE: ] ‘Thats e€ - nough for me to mo - tor - bost with wa ter skis; May- be e-ven a Sa for-eign car. Not to men-tion a scrab-ble board with May: ‘A charge ac-count at the cor- ner bar, pes ALL: GROCP I: Tet - ters made of gold. so al though Rove a: Wefig-ured it Me fig- ured it out. hell-w-a tot, half centy does- Bt mean ns We Figured tout, figeured it out at: a tae ee oo thing, — T fig-ure that give tt eee ® ev - ‘ry week Thats e- nough for ev > ty week Thay e- nough for vage e+ rough a v Thay fg-ured it PREZ: i We fig-ured it out pen-eil and a il and a pad they fig-ured it pad wo fig-ured it lee out, they fig-ured it out, um & PREZ: We fig-ured it BABE: On- ly Stegs, Cle, Tes Ad lib. twen- ty years from to - day. SOP, I-TENORT twen-ty years from to - day. SOR. 1I-TENOR tt | |] agro n-nass tr see it like a — vi-aion, twen- ty 139 PREZ: (Spoken) "Fwengy years, Now ietb ove. Houpiy oad quarer— comesso Thats one tnvasand and urs overtime at exactl fifty weeks... (Spoken) i Tanai aT == hee . TU. Gaene el a ate en fon so racer (Spoken) _ Tempo? ‘Wow! Spoken) Thats © - nough cor me to Wow! (Spoken) Wow! (Spoken) Wow! (Spoken) Wow! (Spoken) Wow! a Tempo a 140 dif- frent doll. TH have my-self a buy- is’ spree, Til buy a Pa- ja-ma fac-to-ry, Thea T could end up hav- ist old man Has- ler work for Maestoso fORUS: So at hell-uv- a lot, ——— - Be mean thing But give it to thes, «i te we No.23a RUSH MUSIC Cue, JOB:"“Haster’ talking. He's at the rally.” PREZ. "Come on.” ~ Surge. WW ees. only = mm) a yo a vo vy mI € F No.24 THERE ONCE WAS A MAN-REPRISE (I Love You More) Cue: ‘Kiss’ BABE! tell you.” ra Slowly subito Steg . a. rT Pianos] oe eal Fast-Tempo I2 BABE: rettana Li-on lovesher cub, More than a floun- der aoe SID: More than aLim-ey loves Bis pub, } ar Hee Ta Thal? Vert us joves his fin, More than aguz-aler loves bis gin, more, Tap El! TF Ve Ye Fe 4a Sy There once was a wom - an ire UGS) Ce Waa ras ee nema ‘He was theone that she tdok poi-son fork a / ‘Shewastheore be slew the ‘#2? drag-on fort BasswWho— be a “They say that no-Bod-y ev- er loved aw much a — They say st no- body ev- er loved as much as she, ris | I Tove you — I love you _— Ler 1 love you T fove you ‘more.. rarer No. 25 THE PAJAMA GAME - CLOSING bed Cucz WINES: "They'll never fast.” GLb. pislacye wy © Bak hAKe Solid fours > => > > Piano mf vrese.’ ~ ficase (subito) 4 g “68 (Cae: MAX, Sogn with our litte tribute to Sleep Tite Pajamas, And now... with the Sleep Tite Pashion paraie”” Ay Sogn 9 Tite Pa jeep i I sah Tempore Diatogue a > [ttt Ft ie £ > ot = +h MABEL: (Spoken) MAX: (Spoken) Drevs-es are fine but Simp Tite di-vine, Sleep Tite bas every. Te) F BRENDA: PREZ: Max: Dialogue thing... Grace, Style and Comfort. “7 TinGruce! Ii Style! fim Comfort! “Wear Seep Tie for EINES: (Spoken) “Now I trust her night and day, > Stegs. i | i f MAX"And another point. Sleep Tie is economical" Thal toe ine beSteepieway? WR r SID: Spoken) “Mar-ried Ute is lots of fun” INCIPALS: nore) 1D, BABE and all PRINCIPAL, “Two can sleep as clap as one” TSN ‘The _ Paja-ma Game the game we're in, And were proudto be in the Pa-ja-maGame, Welove it, We can hard -ly wait to wake And get tu work at eight, Nothing’ quite the same as the Par c : 0.254 SEVEN AND A HALF CENTS-REPRISE March Tempo Z nyse ede hwy dovs-ftmeana thing, Butgive to me ev - "ry hour ee a

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