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My day goes on envisioning his face;

my day goes on drifting in space.
Mind wanders to his distant side;
I let my body go along for the ride.
Eyes closed, what's he dreaming about? ,
These feelings, makes me shout,
above the clouds, above the rain
Am I going insane?"
No, Im not!
As the day turns to night,
the feelings of loneliness I have to fight.
Does he know about the echoes
that empty hearts make?
My thoughts turn to dreams,
love turns to unbridled screams.
My eyes close on darkened skies
as my dear sings me lullabies.

March 2005
Have you ever felt like you knew someone a long, long time ago?
Another place, another time, an am cus of the souls?
Two people who share a bond for reasons neither know,
A feeling that they were more than friends, a long, long time ago?
Did they stumble onto each other by pure circumstance?
Or was it fate and destiny that played a certain hand?
Two souls intertwined, they are worlds apart,
But the soul, it knows no difference, in matters of the heart.
Somehow they are drawn together, fate has brought them back,
Each living worlds apart, they journey separate paths.
When this life is over, and a new life begins,
Their souls will find each other, two souls that well call friends.

Oh, how can I explain the gift that you have given?
The flutter of the heart, as its beat becomes driven.
Like the beauty of the roses, when carefully tended.
The loneliness in my heart finally being mended.
It caught me by surprise, you see
With the simplest smile you gave to me.
The heart was breaking from wounds long past,
But the sparkle in your eye was so vast.
Though I was caught off-guard,
So scared of bearing my scars
You gave me the courage to be open
To the dream that I had once chosen.
Tucked away so long ago,
I thought never would it happen
The anxiousness that I now felt,
Within the heart that I feared might melt.
Started to change into this warm, caring lady,
That I had never met.
I know its hard to believe,
But, you, my dear, had found the key.
The key that opened the real me,
And now I am that and more to be.
The gate is now wide open,
With my heart full of hope, not broken.
You, the gardener of my soul,
Have taken the rose bush and made it whole.
Never have these words that I have written,
Flowed with such ease. Ive been smitten!
I hope you find within these words,
The meaning that I have accord.
For they are written with the love,
That you have given to me.

March 19, 2005

As I sit here, looking at the sky of blue,
My thoughts drift afar, across the miles to you.
I can see the faint sparkle coming back to your eyes,
And the smile that comes to your face, as you realize.
Yes, that is my presence that you feel brushing your side!
Yes, that is your heart beating, see Dear, you have not died!
Take my hand now, and let go of your world,
Trust me, it is easy, like a new butterfly unfurled.
See you will not float away,
Enjoy the sensations as we start our day.
Look at the stars, far and above,
As we gracefully fly like the doves.
Come see my special places, where I run,
My daffodil covered hill, where I played as a child, where I had fun.
Pick all you want, there are so many, a whole hillside covered in yellow,
A slight breeze blowing through the trees above, always so mellow.
The birds singing, the river down below flowing, the smell of sweetness in the air,
Picking elderberries and whittling cedar with Grandpas pocketknife, oh how I miss his tender loving care.
This is my place that I go to, I share it with you and our inner child.
And then you smiled.

March 23, 2005

My Dearest One, my Knight who brings himself to me bare,
As your Maiden unlaces her corset, the cords blow in the wind.
The sunset mirages into a beautiful painting,
Two souls merge together, sinuous on top of the canvas.
I stand, inquiring the scene
What a glorious moment the artist did portray.
Did he propose to bestow a cherished desire?
A moment in time today, whilst I gazed at the mural,
It appeared surreal, the creator turned to me.
Observe, it is not done, I have more blending.

Cargo Muchachos
Prisms of rainbows fill the air
Crystals twirl, bending the rays
Warmth beams down
Heat penetrating the waves of sand.
Sounds of the fan
Monotonous hum, would rather watch
Blades circle overhead
Awaiting words printed on a page
Souls journey to this place
A place of refuge, a place of search
Boys found much
Pockets filled with treasure
Deep dark eyes wander the path
Sleep arrives in the circles
Broken pottery shards, jagged peaks and ironwood washes
Bodies left for the vultures of times past
Black volcanic basalt and white quartz
Scattered across the desert
Petroglyphs tell the story
Spiritual pilgrimages, timeless, still pass.

May 12, 2005

I hear the pain screaming from the written characters
I feel the sorrow from your soul
If I could only take it all away
Grief, sadness, uneasiness, and anguish
Lay your head on my chest, hear the soft breath
Feel the gentle rise, the love enveloping your whole essence
Close the eyes, let tranquility take hold
I am there, right beside you
I will hold your hand while we walk to higher ground
Here let me wipe the sweat from your brow
See the vast expanse before us, peacefulness unfolds
Calmness, harmony, contentment, and repose

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