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She accused me of stealing her boyfriend.

Are you afraid of spiders? I I was frightened of being left on my own.
I agree with you. I We agree about most things.
Are you angry with me?
I think you should apologise to Dad for your behaviour. I
What time did you arrive at Grodzisk/in Warsaw?
Im really bad at tennis. Im hopeless at football. Im good at maths. I Im
clever at chess.
Dont believe her. Do you believe in God?
Who does this dog belong to?
My hands were blue with cold. My face was red with anger.
Can I borrow this book from you? Can you lend me this book?
I care about you = you are important to me.
I want to congratulate you on your success.
It depends on the weather. I
He died of flu.
She is so different from her sister.
She is so similar to her father.
I have some difficulty with this exercise.
I am so disappointed with you!
Lets discuss it (no preposition), but: a discussion about politics I
The book is divided into three parts.
I often dream of going to Iceland.
She was dressed in black, (a woman in red is dancing with me, cheek to
Granny drove into the garage again!
When I entered the office, the guard tried to stop me (no preposition).
This is a good example of English grammar.
Could you explain these rules to me? I
Get into the car and dont get out of it until I tell you. (car and taxi)
Get on the bus here and get off at the next stop. (bus, train, plane, ship)
I dont like the idea of getting married yet.
Im ill with flu.
Im impressed with your work (also by)
We have noticed a huge increase in sales.
I insist on paying.
Im not particularly interested in politics. I
In fact, Im totally bored with it.
She is kind to children and small animals. They were so nice to me! She
was very polite to me. But her husband was very rude to me. I
Dont laugh at me! Who are you smiling at? I
What are you laughing about?
Listen to me because Im going to say this only once. I I I I
Stop looking at me like that! I
Im looking after my neighbours dog while they are on holiday. Im also
taking care of their garden. I

Im looking for my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere? I

Its made of plastic. I
She is married to an old millionaire. She married him in 2008. She got
married in a small church.
They operated on my grandma yesterday at midnight.
Can I pay for the drinks? Can I pay the bill? Can I pay you now?
Why are you so pleased with yourself?
You need a sunscreen, factor 20 at least, to protect your skin from the sun.
This loud music prevents me from sleeping.
I need proof of that. Proof of Life is a very good film with Russell Crowe.
What was the reason for this accident?
You remind me of my teacher. She always shouted at me.
Who is responsible for this situation? I
I was surprised at him. I was shocked at the news (or by).
Im so sorry for your loss. Im sorry for being late. But: Im sorry about it. I
Dont speak to me like that! Talk to me, you never talk to me. I
I would like to take part in the competition.
What do you think of politicians? What are you thinking about now? I
She was angry and started throwing all her books at me.
Can you translate it into Polish, please?
Whats wrong with you? I


a book by Nigella Lawson I

go by bus/car/bike I
go on foot I
for a few reasons
from my point of view, ...
in my opinion I
at the beginning, at the end I
in the picture I
Im dancing in the rain
Stop talking in this funny voice.
Its on page 123. I
On the radio, on TV, on the phone I
I arrived on time, Im always punctual. I
If you hurry we can be there in time to catch the train.(= before its too
At least I 5 people were killed in the train crash.
At last! Ive been waiting here for 20 minutes!
Im in a hurry I

To discuss, mention, attend, enter, marry, tell somebody

Call somebody, phone, ring

Next, last, this, one, every day, month, year, etc.

$5 an hour, PLN 80 per day
What time can we meet?
go home, come home, Is anybody home? BUT: at home I

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