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Integrating 21st Century Skills into your Curriculum

How can educators assure that their students will be ready to productively
live and work in the 21st Century Global Economy?
Table of Contents:
Module 1
Warm Up for Module 1
Reading for Module 1
Assignment for Module 1
Discussion Topic for Module 1
Module 2
Warm Up for Module 2
Reading for Module 2
Assignment for Module 2
Discussion Topic for Module 2
Module 3
Warm Up for Module 3
Reading for Module 3
Assignment for Module 3
Discussion Topic for Module 3
Module 4
Warm Up for Module 4
Reading for Module 4
Assignment for Module 4
Discussion Topic for Module 4
Module 5
Warm Up for Module 5
Reading for Module 5
Assignment for Module 5
Discussion Topic for Module 5
Module 6
Warm Up for Module 6
Reading for Module 6
Assignment for Module 6
Discussion Topic for Module 6
Final Project & Grading Policy
How You Will Be Graded in This Course
Course Project
Course Syllabus


This course is designed to help educators assure that all students are
learning critical 21st Century skills. Participants in this course will examine
the skills that business and industry tell us are important for students to
learn in order to be successful participants in a 21st Century global
economy. They will evaluate the importance of integrating 21st Century
skills into their curriculum. During this course they will analyze their
curriculum and instructional strategies to determine which 21st Century
skills they currently teach, and which additional skills they can integrate
into their curriculum. The final product will be a lesson, unit, or project
that require their students to use 21st Century skills.
Learners will:
1. Analyze the skills that business and industry tell us are necessary
for 21st Century workers
2. Determine the characteristics and learning needs of 21st Century
3. Evaluate the criteria for creating 21st Century schools and
4. Analyze their curriculum and instructional practices in terms of 21st
Century skills and practices
5. Plan a lesson, inquiry-based unit, or project-based learning project
for their students
6. Examine the changing role of the teacher and the school for the
21st Century
Module 1:
Warm Up for Module 1
Learners will analyze the skills that business and industry tell us are
necessary for 21st Century workers.

Learners will:
1. Examine the skills students will need to live and work in the 21st
Century global economy
2. Analyze their curriculum in terms of the Foundation Skills" and as
"Functional Skills" that our students must have to be successful in
the 21st Century job market
3. Deduce what 21st Century job skills are necessary for schools to
integrate into their curriculum
Warm Up
Watch Did You Know 2014.

Then choose one of these versions of this video to watch:

"Shift Happens Educational 2010"
"Did You Know Shift Happens--Globalization; Information
Age" 2007
"Did you Know--Officially Updated 2012"
Compare the 2014 version to the other video you watched. What
is the same and what is different (new information in the 2014
There are several versions of this video on You Tube, and all are already
outdated; however it is worth reflecting on this video as a framework for
this course. What are the implications of living in exponential times for
our educational system? To what extent are we preparing our students to
compete for the jobs of the future? What are the implications for our
country, our localities, our citizens? How can we, as educators, best
prepare our students to thrive in the 21st Century global economy? Jot
down your thoughts, and keep them with you as you proceed through this
course. Take time throughout this course to reflect back on these
thoughts and consider how we, as 21st Century educators can better
meet the needs of our students.
II.B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology
when planning learning environments and experiences.
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning.
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Digital-Age Literacy
Basic, Scientific, Economic, and Technological Literacies
Visual and Information Literacies
Multicultural Literacy and Global Awareness
Inventive Thinking
Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk Taking
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication
Personal, Social, and Civic Responsibility
Reading for Module 1
We are now 15 years into the 21st Century. Yet our traditional educational
system is still (in some, but not all schools) stuck in the 20th or even the

19th Century. Change is slow and difficult, but if we are to prepare our
learners for their future, and to do so we must imagine what that future
might look like. As you viewed the videos in th Warm Up for this module
what thoughts came to mind in terms of how our educational system must
change to meet the needs of our learners? Think carefully about this blog
post: "To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine
Society by Luba Vangelova in Mindshift. In your mind what is the goal
of education? It is important that you carefully consider this question.
Now more than ever, we must prepare of learners to develop the skills
necessary to live and work in a global economy. We must prepare our
students for careers and jobs that may be very different from the ones
currently available. Business and Industry are looking for workers who
have a positive self-esteem and who are well educated, can think critically
and creatively, get along well with people from all cultures, work
cooperatively, adapt easily to change, and master new technologies. Our
teachers, our leaders and our learner must develop a growth mindset if
this is to happen. You might consider (not required) to test your
mindset. Hopefully youll discover that you have a growth mindset. You
might also want to explore The Nature of Change as way to think about
how your approach this course.
Before you begin this course, make a list of the skills you think learners
will need to be able to live and work in the 21st Century. Keep this list so
you can refer back to it , and perhaps edit and change it, as you complete
this course. Consider if this list is any different from what weve known for
a very long time. Are 21st Century skills really new?
As you read The Foundation Skills, Job Skills All Workers Need, think
about how you are preparing your students to gain these skills.
The Competency Model Clearinghouse describes the competencies
our students will need for several professions Think about your students
and the potential professions they might go into. Which of these skills
might each student need? How can you make sure your students are
prepared with the skills necessary to enter the 21st Century Job Market?
Read Why We Need to Teach 21st Century Skills. What patterns are
beginning to emerge between the various resources youve been
exploring? How do these skills compare with the list you made?
Be aware that a debate on the value of 21st Century Skills has emerged
with the introduction of Common Core Standards. We will revisit how to
integrate the two later in this course, but for now take a look at the
debate by exploring 21st-Century Skills Are Not a New Education
Trend but Could Be a Fad then read:21st-Century Skills: Evidence,
Relevance, and Effectiveness

Reflect on whether or noe 21st Century skills are important skills to teach,
or are they a passing fad. Consider whether or not 21st Century skills are
new skills (all or in part) or if these are skills we have always taught. Also
think about whether or not NCLB has created an educational environment
that does not allow time to teach 21st Century Skills. Be prepared to
discuss what you learned in our discussion forum. As you explore the
articles linked from this site, consider whether or not you see value in
teaching 21st Century skills, and how you can integrate them within your
content. Consider if education is just the learning of content, or does it
encompass more than that. Determine if the 21st Century skills are new
skills, or if they are skills that have always been important educational
Remember to be prepared to defend your ideas in our discussion
forum using information from ALL the sites youve explored so far
as well as your personal experience. Also determine if the term
21st Century Skills is the best nominclature for the skills our
young people will need for their future.
Take some time to explore some pedagogical methods and strategies to
help learners learn. Think about what strategies you might incorporate as
you plan your final project for this course:
21st Century Teaching Pedagogical Methods:
Project-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
Problem-based learning
Strategies that can be incorporated in the above pedagogies:
Flipping the Classroom
Personalizing Learning
Blended Learning
Other 21st Century Learning Strategies with
Technology (Edutopia)
Now consider the following videos. Consider what we can do to meet the
learning needs of our students/learners. Be prepared to start thinking
outside the box as we experience this course.

Assignment for Module 1

Begin Drafting your final project. If you are a K-12 teacher use this form:
Answer the following questions on the form:
1. Type of curriculum (problem based lesson, and inquiry-based unit, or
a project-based learning project)

2. Standards to be met
3. 21st Century Skills to be learned

Discussion Topic for Module 1

A. Exploration of 21st Century Skills in Relation to Current and Future
1. Pick one of the following professions (Try to pick on that no one else in
this course has picked):
1) Medical and Health
2) Agriculture
3) Retail
4) Automotive
5) Information Technology 16)
6) Fashion
7) Education
8) Sports
9) Radio and Television
10 Movies
11 Theater
10) Architecture

Real Estate

2. Research the skills necessary to get and succeed at a job in this

industry. Which of the 21st Century Skills are required for that job or
profession? Critically analyze how well are your students currently being
prepared for this profession. What skills do they need that they are not
currently getting at your school?
3. After you have posted your analysis. Read the other postings, and look
for common themes. Determine which of the 21st Century skills seem to
be emerging as the most critical for sucess in the 21st Century job
market, and post these to the discussion.
B. Value of 21st Century Skills in Terms of Common Core Standards
1. To what extent do you see value in teaching 21st Century skills?
2. How you can integrate 21st Century skills within your content.
3. Should education is just the learning of content, or does it encompass
more than that?
4. Do you see 21st Century skills are new skills, or as skills that have
always been important educational skills?
5. How do you think we can we best prepare learners to thrive in the 21st
Century global economy?
6. Based on what you read and learned from the videos, explain why some
educators think it is important to assure that all students are acquiring

21st Century skills, and why some say that it is not important. Then
explain your thoughts on the importance of 21st Century skills in the
Remember to be prepared to defend your ideas using information from
ALL the sites youve explored so far as well as your personal experience.
C. Analyze how well 21st Century skills are being taught in your classroom
and at your school. (Note: If you are not an and educator, you can either
share your experience at Foothill, or your experience with your
childs/childrens school(s).) Please share the following:
1. Which of the 21st Century Skills that business and industry say are
necessary for a 21st Century workforce do you feel are:
a. embedded in your curriculum?
b. emphasized at your school as a whole?
2. Which of the 21st Century Skills that business and industry say are
necessary for a 21st Century workforce do you feel are
a. not emphasized in your curriculum?
b. not embraced by your school as a whole?
3. How are you currently teaching (or are learning) 21st Century Skills. If
you are not, why?

Module 2:
Warm Up for Module 2
Learners will determine the characteristics and learning needs of 21st
Century learners.
Learners will:
1. Determine the skills students need in order to be productive citizens
in an increasingly complex global society?
2. Redesign their classrooms and their instructional methods to better
meet their students learning needs
3. Appraise how to overcome the barriers they face as they
restructure their classrooms and instructional approaches?
Warm Up
Listen to these leaners as they express what they want from

Think about the students in your classroom, and about our younger
generation in general. How might they answer the question asked in this
Create a list of ways they are different from young people in your
generation. What skills to they possess that perhaps you did not possess
at a young age? What are their expectations for school? What are their
lives like outside of school? What are their expectations for their lives and
Review eview what you learned in Module 1 and create a list of skills you
consider important for your students to learn and what the best strategies
might be to help them learn these skils.
At the end of this module compare your lists to what you learn in this
module. In what ways do they match what will learn in this module?
What new thoughts and ideas emerged?
II.A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that
apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the
diverse needs of learners.
II.B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology
when planning learning environments and experiences.
II.E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technologyenhanced environment.
III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
III.B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of students.
III.C. apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and
III.D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Inventive Thinking
Adaptability, Managing Complexity, and Self-Direction
Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk Taking
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication
Personal, Social, and Civic Responsibility
Interactive Communication
High Productivity
Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results

Effective Use of Real-World Tools

Reading for Module 2
Take time to read and refect upon "The Animal School". Consider
whether or not you are meeting the learning needs of all of your learners?
Does a standard curriculum or the same instructional strategies work for
everyone in your classroom? Why are some students engaged and
learning while others seem turned off and bored? Remember that some of
your learners are digital natives while others may have little or now
experience with technology at home. Take a look at "The 21st Century
Classroom--Where the 3Rs Meet the 3 Cs". Remember that 21st
Century skills are not just about technology.
Who are the learners in your classroom? What 21st Century Skills do they
bring with them? How do we engage these students in ways that will
enable them to be life-long 21st Century learners who will be able to be
productive contributors and participants in a global economy?
According to Educational Origami 21st Century Learners are:
Technology literate and adept
Media savvy
Flexible and dynamic
communicators and collaborators
interactive and networked
reflective and critical
creative and adaptive
student centric, life long learners & anywhere anytime learners
have Multimodal learning styles
This means our students need the skills to be able to effeciently mine
through an overwhelming amount of information in order to find accurate,
relevant information. They also need to be able to synthesis that
information so that it is not only relevant to themselves, but to others.
Explore the resources in "Making Learning Personal". Reflect on:
1. How can we make personalized learning a part of our schools and
2. How do we help our students become real learners?
3. What is/should be the role of assessment in student learning? How
can we improve upon our assessment practices in order to really
help all students be engaged, life-long learners?
4. What is the role of e-learning, and how will/is this change(ing) the
educational paradigm?
Now explore "Personalization vs Individualization vs
Differentiation". Think about how these are different or the same.
Consider how making learning student centered may or may not meet the
learning needs of the 21st Century learner. Examine your teaching style
in terms of how student centered it really. Reflect on to what extent you

are meeting the learning needs of all of your students. Think about each
of your students and deternine to what extent each student is full
engaged in and excited about learning. Ask yourself why that student is
or is not engaged, and what can you do to better excite and engage that
student in learning.
Consider this article by Marc Prensky:"The 21st Century Digital
Learner". How would your students answer the three questions he asks
What experiences in school really engaged you?
How do you use technology in school as opposed to outside of
What are your pet peeves?
Read the information in this Livebinder on 21st Century Learners. As
you read revisit the list you made in the Warm Up for this module. How
does the information in this article compare with your thinking? What, if
anything, surprised you as you read this article? How do your students
compare with the 21st Century learners described in this article?
21st Century learning is not the sole vision of American educators. The
graphic on the wiki for the International School in Bangkok, Thailand
gives a good overview of the international 21st Century learner. Focus in
on the qualities of a 21st Century learner on the outside rim of the circle.
Evaluate the students in your class in terms of these qualities. To what
extent to you see your students possessing these qualities? If you see
any gaps, what do you consider the reason for these gaps, and how might
you help your students gain these skills and qualities?
Review their definitions of Effective Learners, Effective
Communicators, and Effective Global Collaborators. To what extent
are these needs the same needs that your students have? To what extent
is your school and your classroom meeting these needs? How do you
think your school compares to the International school in Bangkok in
terms of preparing your students to be 21st Century citizens?
What keeps us as educators from making the changes we know are right
for our learners? Watch the video: "Fixed Mindset vs Growth
Mindset". Then watchDr. Carol Dweck on Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
Now expore what Barbara Bray has to say about fixed vs. growth mindset
in her Rethinking Learning Blog. Then read "How Can You Change
from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Minds?"
Select at least ONE of these articles on Habits of Mind and as you explore
it consider which Habits of Mind you will include in your final project, and
HOW you will include them:
1. Integrating the 16 Habits of Mind (Edutopia)
2. Describing Habits of Mind (Chapter 2, ASCD)
3. Habits of Mind (Habits of Mind. org)

Select at least ONE of these articles on Higher Order Thinking SKills. As

you explore it consider how you will include analyzis, creativity and
evaluation into your final project plan.
1. 20 Great Rubrics for Integrating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
into Your Teaching
2. Interactive Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel
3. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
As you watch the following videos about 21st Century Learners think
about your classroom, your teaching style, and the skills you want your
students to learn. Do you have a fixed or a growth mindset, and which are
you (and your school) fostering in your learners? Remember that todays
learners will live in a world that is very different from the one many of us
grew up in, and the one in which we live today. What skills will they need
in order to be productive citizens in an increasingly complex global
society? How might you rethink your classroom to make it a 21st Century
classroom? What are the barriers you face to making your class a 21st
Century learning environment?

Assignment for Module 2

Add the following to your unit, lesson or PBL project plan:
1. Edit 21st Century Skills to be learned
2. Habits of mind to be stressed
3. Higher Order Thinking Skills embedded
4. Strategies to differentiate, individualize or personalize learning for
all learners in your classroom

Discussion Topic for Module 2

1. How do you think your students will answer these three questions:
What experiences in school really engaged you?
How do you use technology in school as opposed to outside of
What are your pet peeves?
2. Choose 4 of the following questions and incorporate your thoughts
about them to answer this questions: What can you do to create a more
meaningful learning experience for your students that will really engage
them in real world, authentic learning experiences?
a. Create a list of ways they are different from young people in your
a. What skills to they possess that perhaps you did not possess at a
young age?
b. What are their expectations for school?
c. What are their lives like outside of school?
d. What are their expectations for their lives and careers?

b. What skills do your students need in order to be productive

citizens in an increasingly complex global society?
c. What are the barriers you face as you restructure your classroom
and instructional approach? How might you over come these barriers?
d. How can we make personalized learning a part of our schools and
e. How do we help our students become real learners?
f. What is/should be the role of assessment in student learning? How can
we improve upon our assessment practices in order to really help all
students be engaged, life-long learners?
g.What is the role of e-learning, and how will/isl this change(ing) the
educational paradigm?
h. How do your students compare with the 21st Century learners
described in Mark Prensky"s article on "The 21st Century Digital Learner"?
i. Think about HotChalks article on 21st Century Learners? If you are
not a teacher: How do you as a student or your children compare with the
21 Century learners described in this article?
j. To what extent to you see your students (or your children, or yourself as
a student) possessing the qualities shown on the graphic on the wiki for
theInternational School in Bangkok? If you see any gaps, what do you
consider the reason for these gaps, and how might educators help
students gain these skills and qualities?
k. To what extent are you, your children or your students Effective
Learners, Effective Communicators, and Effective Global
l. To what extent is your school (or your children's school) and classroom
meeting these needs?
m. How might you rethink your classroom to make it a 21st Century
classroom? What are the barriers you face to making your class a 21st
Century learning environment? If you are not currently teaching how
should classrooms be re-thought?
Module 3:
Warm Up for Module 3

Learners will evaluate the criteria for creating 21st Century schools and
Learners will:
1. Compare their school and classroom to the requirements for 21st
Century schools and classrooms.
2. Propose changes to their classrooms to make them more in line with
21st Century classrooms.
3. Decide how to best present their ideas for better creating a 21st
Century learning environment in their school.
Warm Up
Think about the physical space in your school and in your classroom.
Does the school environment resemble a modern business or a 20th
Century factory? On a piece of paper sketch out what you think the idea
21st Century school should look like, then sketch out what the idea 21st
Century classroom should look like. Be creative and think about the
learning needs of students as you do this exercise. Later you will compare
this to what others have said about 21st Century learning environments.
Now take a look at "Which one describes your classroom or
school?". Analize your school and your classroom in comparison to the
schools on this chart? Take note of where they fall in each of the
categories. Does your school have more 20th or 21st Century
characteristics? Does your classroom have more 20th or 21st Century
characteristics? Take a look at the areas in which your school and/or your
classroom still fall in the 20th Century category. Jot down some ideas to
move your school closer to creating a 21st Century learning environment
for these. Keep these notes and update them as you work though this
II.B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology
when planning learning environments and experiences.
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning.
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Inventive Thinking
Adaptability, Managing Complexity, and Self-Direction
Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk Taking
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication

Teaming, Collaboration, and Interpersonal Skills

Personal, Social, and Civic Responsibility
Interactive Communication
High Productivity
Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results
Reading for Module 3
Take a look at th The Partnership for 21st Century Skills criteria for
a 21st Century learning environment. You might also find Designing
Spaces for Effective Learning interesting. Another resources
is Learning Spaces. List how your school and classroom environments
support 21st Century learning outcomes. Does the faculty at your school
collaborate, share best practices and integrate 21st century skills into
classroom practice? Do students in your school and classroom learn in
relevant, real world 21st century contexts such as project-based and
applied learning experiences? Do your students experience equitable
access to quality learning tools, technologies and resources? Does the
architectural design of your classroom create space for for group, team
and individual learning? Do you provide opportunities for both face to
face and online interaction with community members and experts in their
field for your students?
Now download and read this whitepaper on 21st Century Learning
Environments. To what extent does your school and classroom reflect
the 21st Century Learning environments discussed in this whitepaper?
What physical changes can easily be made to make your school/classroom
a better 21st Century learning environment?
Consider how Media Centers can be a part of a schools learning space.
Read Reimagined Learning Spaces for Media Centers by John Parker
of Buncombe County Schools in Asheville, NC.
Think about how technology fits into the 21st Century classroom.

A current concept for how to use technology to change education to have
more time in the classroom to meet student learning needs is the Flipped
Classroom. If you want more information on flipping your classroom you
might want to read (optional) Flipped Classroom 101 by ISTE Is this a
model that might work in your classroom?

It seems that the exhibitor hall at every education conference has vendor
claiming that their programs or tools are for Blended Learning. Many of
these are just online so called self-paced "drill and kill" tools. How can we
actually "blend learning" in our classrooms?
Read ONE of the following articles:
1. Blended Learning: Combining Face to Face and Online
Education (Edutopia)
2. Blended Learning Toolkit
3. Sharing Time in a Blended Learning Space
4. Beyond Blended Learning-Reaching Every
Student (presentation by my coleague and Friend Dr. Hobgood
The article "What is 21st Century Education", along with its various
links, challenges us to reassess how we think about education. Read this
article and follow its links to other articles. Go back to the list of skills
you created in Module 1 that you think your students will need. Compare
it to the list in this article:
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence
Agility and Adaptability
Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
Effective Oral and Written Communication
Accessing and Analyzing Information
Curiosity and Imagination
Think about your classroom and your curriculum. How are you currently
teaching each of these skills. What changes might you make to assure
that your students are getting these skills? Remember to think outside
the box. Dont forget to include possible obstacles and roadblocks along
with ways to get around them. Remember the childrens song: "Were
Going on a Bear Hunt." Its a good model for the work you need to do.
We cant go under, around, or around this, so we must tackle it head on-and not run away from it (as the song suggests).
Review Connected Classrooms "21st Century Classroom". It begins
with another version of the "Did you Know-Shift Happens" video. It is
good to review this video at this point in the course. As you watch it make
note of the implications for our schools. Pay attention to the learning
skills that the Partnership for the 21st Century says are critical. To what
extent are these emphasized in your school and in your classroom? Now
explore the 4 NCREL and the 4 ETS 21st Century literacies and ask your
self the same question. If you dont see some of these literacies in your
school or in your classroom, jot down some ideas on how you can
incorporate these in your classroom, and how you can encourage

school/district leaders to make them part of your schools learning

Take a look at Ian Jukes Chart about 7 changes that educators need to
make. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Mr. Jukes?
One of the ideas that has surfaced to reduce technology costs for
districts/schools is "Bring Your Own Devise." Explore at least TWO of
these BYOB resources and formulate how this might (or might not) work
for your school/district. What are the postives of having students bring
their own devises? What must a school or district consider before
implementing this? What are the possible pitfalls? How might BYOB help
bring 21st Century skills into the classroom?
How to Make BYOD Work for Your School
Bring Your Own Devise Catching on in Schools
Bring Your Own Devise to School Initiative
7 Questions for Bringing Your Own Devise to School
Seven Myths about BYOD Debunkied
From Distraction to Engagement
Watch the video, "21st Century, How Do We Get There?". (It can be found
at the bottom of this page.) Its time to rethink our classrooms and our
schools in order to create 21st Century learning environments that will
help our students build the skills necessary for their future. What changes
need to be made both in your school and in your classroom to create a
21st Century learning enviornment for your students. Take a look at the
sketches you made during the warm up for this module. What
modifications might you make to these based on what youve read and
seen in this module? You might want to review Educational
Oragami and the 21st Century Learning Envonment Quick Guide as
you reflect on how to make your classroom a 21st Century learning
Another consideration to creating a 21st Century classroom is how to best
integrate technology with pedagogy (instruction) and curriculum. Take a
look at theTPACK model. This site is used by NC Department of
Education Curriculum and Technology Coaches when they work with
teachers. has more information about this model. Think
about how you might use this model when integrating technology into
your curriculum. How does this blend with student centered or personalize
Read Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization by
Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey. Then read the information on

personalized learning on Barbara Brays Rethinking Learning

Blog. Check out the updated version of the
Personalization/Differentiation/Individualization chart and the chart on the
stages of personalized learning environments. Reflect on how to best
meet the individual learning needs of all of your students.
Optional Reading on Personalizing Learning:
Another view of personalized learning is the Rethinking Learning blog
on Race to the Top and Personalized Learning.
Here is an example of what one school did to facilitate giving students
more input in student decision making: How Can Students Have More
Say in Student Decisions.
Another good article for how schools are personalizing learning is: How
Students Lead the Learning Experience at Democratic Schools.
Think about the 5 Big Ways Education Will Change by 2020. Knowing
that that is JUST 5 years from now, consider if you think this is the way
education should and will go.
Finally watch the video of Michael Fullan discussing what doesnt work in
school reform. Consider what does and doesnt work, and what might
work for your school or district.

Assignment for Module 3

Complete these aspects of your final project plan:

Strategies to differentiate, individualize or personalize instruction

for all learners in your classroom:
How your classroom will be physically arranged as a 21st Century
How technology will be used by your students for this lesson, unit,
or project?

Discussion Topic for Module 3

1. Why is it important to create a 21st Century learning environment for
your students? What are the obstacles and roadblocks that you will face
as you attempted to create a 21st Century learning environment for your
students? How might you get around these obstacles and roadblocks?

2. How might Bring Your Own Devise (or might not) work for your
school/district. What are the postives of having students bring their own
devises? What must a school or district consider before implementing
this? What are the possible pitfalls? How might BYOB help bring 21st
Century skills into the classroom?
3. List how your school and classroom environments support 21st Century
learning outcomes. Does the faculty at your school collaborate, share best
practices and integrate 21st century skills into classroom practice? Do
students in your school and classroom learn in relevant, real world 21st
century contexts such as project-based and applied learning experiences?
Do your students experience equitable access to quality learning tools,
technologies and resources? Does the architectural design of your
classroom create space for for group, team and individual learning? Do
you provide opportunities for both face to face and online interaction with
community members and experts in their field for your students?
4. What physical changes can easily be made to make your
school/classroom a better 21st Century learning environment? How might
you present your school change ideas to other faculty members and your
schools administration in a way that might be positively received?
Module 4:
Warm Up for Module 4
Learners will analyze their curriculum and instructional practices in terms
of 21st Century skills and practices.
Learners will:
1. Analyze their curriculum looking for opportunities to integrate and
embed 21st Century skills
2. Analyze their instructional strategies looking for opportunities to use
21st Century instructional strategies
3. Chart their standards in terms of 21st Century skills
Warm Up
Take a look at this 21st Century Framework chart taken from
the Partnership for 21st Century Skills web site :

for 21st Century Learning

Jot down your own definition for each of the elements on this chart, and
list some of the ways you are integrating these into your curriculum. Save

these definitions and integration strategies so you can compare them with
what you learn during this module.
II.A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that
apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the
diverse needs of learners.
II.E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technologyenhanced environment.
III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
III.A. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content
standards and student technology standards.
III.B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of students.
III.D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning.
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Digital-Age Literacy
Visual and Information Literacies
Inventive Thinking
Adaptability, Managing Complexity, and Self-Direction
Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk Taking
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication
Teaming, Collaboration, and Interpersonal Skills
Personal, Social, and Civic Responsibility
Interactive Communication
High Productivity
Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results
Effective Use of Real-World Tools
Reading for Module 4
Take a look at the Partnership for the 21st Century criteria for 21st
Century Curriculum and Instruction. Reflect on the curriculum and
instruction in your classroom. In your classroom are 21st century skills
taught discretely in the context of core subjects Is your curriculum
interdisciplinary? If you are a middle or high school teacher do you
collaborate with teachers in other departments to create multidisciplinary

projects? Does your curriculum focus on providing opportunities for

applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a competencybased approach to learning? Do your instructional strategies enable
innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive
technologies such as inquiry-based, project-based and problem-based
approaches as well as promote higher order thinking skill? Do you
encourage the integration of community resources beyond school walls?
If you answered no to any of these questions, jot down some ideas on how
to assure that these criteria can be met within your classroom. If you
answered yes to any of these questions jot down what your are currently
doing to make sure your curriculum and instruction meet these 21st
Century criteria.
Review the NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies. In what ways
to the support the 21st Century Skills discused in the Partnership for the
21st Century criteria? Read the National Writing Projects Empathy and
Elaboration: Using 21st Century Tools to Enhance Creative Writing
and explore the links for the module. Consider how this might help
you as you create your final project for this course.
Read the Partnership for the 21st Centurys Route 21: "Curriculum and
Instruction: A 21st Century Skills Implementation Guide". Take a
look at the Guiding Recommendations, and (optional) exlplore those that
interest you the most. Compare these recommendations to the Buck
Institutes Essential Elements of Project Based Learning and to the 6
As of Project Based Learning. What are the common elements in
these three readings?
Next explore the Buck Institutes 21st Century Framework Chart. Be
sure to click on the numbers that show the comparison between skills and
the framework focus areas. Bookmark this chart so you can return to it as
you plan your 21st Century lesson, unit or project for this course. Also
explore the Intel PBL training materials. Intel has a variety
of eLearning opportunities for 21st Century schools and teachers
that you might wish to expore.
Watch "Cyber Summit on 21st Century Skills: Kansas Technology
Rich Classroom Project". As you watch this video make note of the
instructional strategies you see being used. Also make note of how
classrooms are arranged and how students are using technology. What do
the students say about how they are learning?
Return to the Partnership for the 21st Century website and study
their Framework for 21st Century Learning. Take a look at their link
on Core Subjects and 21st Century Learning Themes. Be sure to
explore the links for each of these themes:

Global awareness

Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy

Civic literacy
Health literacy
Environmental literacy
Continue to explore the links on the Framework for 21st Century
Learning site:
Learning and Innovation Skills:
Learning and Information Skills
Creativity and Innovation
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Communication and Collaboration
Information, Media and Technology Skills
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
ICT Literacy
Life and Career Skills
Select and explore ONE of the following resourses on competency based
P-Chat Archive: Competency Based Learning
What is Competency Based Education?
Moving from Time to Competency
Competency Based: It's All About the Learning NOT Time
What's New in K-12 Competency Education?
Consider whether the competency based model of learning is a better
model than the traditional model. How might you or your school move to a
competency based model? Why might you want to do this? What
challenges might you face if you do move to this model? What are the
benefits for your learners?
Explore the 10 Elements of Digital Learning and look for common
threads between these 10 elements and the 21st Century skills. Explore
what Mooresville NC is doing by watching this PBS video as well
as Digital Learning in Mooreville, NC. To what extent has Moorsevile a
21st Century district? Consider how you might implement what
Moorseville is doing in your classroom or at your school.
Now take a look at the TPACK model. You may also find this information
from a workshop on TPACK to be helpful. Consider how you might use

this model to determine the best pedagogy and technology to support

your content.
Beginthinking of what and how you teach. How can you begin to weave
21 Century skills into every lesson, learning, and project? How will you
organize your curriculum to assure that throughout the school year all
your students will acquire skills they will need to be successful 21st
Century global citizens?
Finally lets explore how 21st Century Skills and the Common Core can
work together Explore ONE of the following resources:
1. P21 Common Core Toolkit: A Guide for Aligning the Common
Core Standards with the Framework for 21st Century
Skills (48 page PDF file)
2. Common Core and 21st Century Standards (Livebinder)
3. 21st Century Skills and the Common Core Standards (The
Whole Child Blog)
Now chart your the standards you will use for your final project with the
21st Century skills.
CA state standards
Common Core Standards.
Pick a content area that you teach (or if you teach in a multi-disciplinary
classroom pick two that blend well together such as social studies and
language arts or science and math. Use the attahed chart to chart when
you will integrate each of the 21st Century skills into your curriculum for
your final project for this course. The chart is also available in Google
Docs. You can download it from there. Put an X in the boxes on the
matrix to indicate where each skill will be integrated. Think this through
carefully to make sure you have incorporated as many 21st Century skills
as possible throughout your student-centered project, unit or lesson, and
that you are creating a logical fit and not trying to force a skill where it
doesnt fit well.
Next, think about how you will know that students are mastering the 21st
Century skills. What will you accept as evidence? Then consider which
instructional approaches you might use to assure that students are
acquiring these skills. Some standards might lend themselves well to a
project based approach, others might better be taught through inquirybased or problem based instruction. In Module 1 you decided if you were
going to create an inquiry-based unit, a problem-based lesson or a full PBL
project. After reviewing the decisions you made about how to best teach
the standards youve selected for your learners to learn, review the three
methods and see if your first thoughts about the pedagogy you will use is

still the best one (See the instruction below the links to the three
instructional strategies):
Project-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
Problem-based learning
After exploring the above three instructional methods, go back to your
chart, and considering the best approach to integrate the 21st Century
skills into the standards youve chosen for your problem based lesson,
inquiry based unit or project based learning project, change the Xs on
your chart to reflect the best instructional method for this integration:
I for inquiry-based, PBL for project-based or, and PB for problem-based
learning. If more than one pedagocical method would work well, indicate
all that you think will promote the integration of 21st Century skills with
the standards youve identified for you project for this course. This chart
should help guide you as you create your final project for this course.
Remember that within a unit or project you can include inquiry based
learning and problem based learning as well as PBL. You can also use
each as an independent instructional strategy depending on your goal, the
length of time that can be spent for your learners to master this content
area, and what will work best for the learners in your class.
NOTE: If youve determined that the instructional strategy you chose in
Module 1 might not be the best strategy for your learners to learn the
standards/content area, then be sure to revise that in your final project

Assignment for Module 4

Chart your standards with the 21st century skills. You can use this site to
access state standards, and this site to access the Common Core
Standards. Pick a content area that you teach (or if you teach in a multidisciplinary classroom pick two that blend well together such as social
studies and language arts or science and math. Use the attached
chart to chart when you will integrate each of the 21st Century skills into
your curriculum. Put an X in the boxes on the matrix to indicate where
each skill will be integrated. Think this through carefully to make sure you
have incorporated as many 21st Century skills as possible throughout the
school year, and that you are creating a logical fit and not trying to force a
skill where it doesnt fit well.
Next, think about how you will know that students are mastering the 21st
Century skills. What will you accept as evidence? Then consider which
instructional approaches you might use to assure that students are
acquiring these skills. Some standards might lend themselves well to a
project based approach, others might better be taught through inquirybased or problem based instruction. Review the three methods:
Project-based learning

Inquiry-based learning
Problem-based learning
After exploring the above three instructional methods, go back to your
chart, and considering the best approach to integrate the 21st Century
skills into the standards youve chosen for your problem based lesson,
inquiry based unit or project based learning project, change the Xs on
your char to reflect the best instructional method for this integration:
I for inquiry-based, PBL for project-based or, and PB for problem-based
learning. If more than one pedagocical method would work well, indicate
all that you think will promote the integration of 21st Century skills with
the standards youve identified for you project for this course. This chart
should help guide you as you create your final project for this course. Post
your chart as an attached document.
RETURN TO YOUR PROJECT PLAN. Based on the chart you've
completed determine if the instructional method you initially chose is still,
in your mind, the best pedagogical method for your learners to master the
content (standards) you've selected. If you need to make a change, do so.

Discussion Topic for Module 4

Analyze HOW your currently teach and how your learners currently learn.
1) To what extent does your curriculum focus on providing opportunities
for applying 21st century skills across content areas and for a
competency-based approach to learning?
2 )To what extent do your instructional strategies enable innovative
learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies such
as inquiry-based, project-based and problem-based approaches as well as
promote higher order thinking skill?
3) To what extent do you encourage the integration of community
resources beyond school walls?
4) What strategies are you currently doing to make sure your curriculum
and instruction meet these 21st Century criteria? What ideas have you
gotten from this module on how to assure that these criteria can be met
within your classroom?
Module 5:
Warm Up for Module 5
Learners will plan a lesson, inquiry-based unit, or project-based learning
project for their students.

Learners will:
1. Edit a lesson, unit or project to make it a 21st skill based lesson, unit
or project
2. Decide whether a problem-based, inquiry-based, or project-based
approach will the best method for their lesson, unit, or project
3. Use established problem-based, inquiry-based or project based
methods to construct their lesson, unit, or project.
Warm Up
In this module you will tie all you have learned so far together to draft a
21st Century lesson, unit or project that you will do with your students.
Look over the chart you created in Module 4 and consider the feedback
you got from your instructor. Determine if the standards you will be soon
teaching can be integrated into a longer inquiry-based unit or a full
project, or if they better lend themselves to shorter problem-based
lessons. Begin gathering the resources you will need to plan your lesson,
unit or project.
This course is not designed to teach problem-based, inquiry-based or
project-based learning. If you need more information on these please use
the following resources:
Tutorial on Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Learning
Narrative Centered Tutorial for Inquiry Based
Learning (Downloadable PDF tutorial on inquiry based learning)
Concept to Classroom--Inquiry Based Learning
Intel Teach Elements (select the link for the free self-based online
Project Based Learning courfse
Project Based Learning Lesson Plans, Templates, and
Websites for Teachers
PBL Do it Yourself (Online Project Based Learning Tutorial)
Why Project Based Learning (Buck Institute)
III.A. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content
standards and student technology standards.
III.B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of students.
III.C. apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and
III.D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning.
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of

student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Inventive Thinking
Adaptability, Managing Complexity, and Self-Direction
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication
Teaming, Collaboration, and Interpersonal Skills
High Productivity
Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results
Ability to Produce Relevant, High-quality Products
Reading for Module 5
In this module you will draft the plan for your lesson, unit or project Take
a look at the chart (and the instructor feedback) from your Module 4
assignment as well as the components for your final project that you
drafted in Modules 1-3. How did you envision teaching these standards
(problem-based, inquiry-based or project-based)? Which of the standards
that youve chosen for your lesson, unit, or project might the students
already have some prior knowledge? When MUST be taught to all
students. Which can be taught in workshops for the students who dont
have any prior knowledge. Which students can take these standards to
the next level for more enrichment? How will you differentiate,
individualize or personalize the instruction so that all your learners not
only meet these standards, but many go beyond them? Be sure to edit
your plan after exploring the materials in this module. If you need more
information about problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning or
project-based learning, be sure to explore the links in the Warm Up for
this module.
What makes good pedagogy for 21st Century students? Review this
PowerPoint presentation on Designing Courses That Help
Students Learn by Karl A. Smith of the University of Minnesota
and Purdue University. The lesson, unit or project that you plan as your
final project for this course should meet the elements of backward design
outlined on slide 4. As you review this presentation compare the
curriculum planning and instructional strategies and what you now know
about 21st Century learning. To what extent does each of these strategies
meet the needs of 21st Century learners? Which strateties might you try
in your classroom. Which strategies do you already use? You might find
Todd Roses talk at CAST on Variablity Matters (Myth of Average) helpful
as you think through what instructional strategies you use.
The TechLearning Blog suggests an interesting model for
transforming teaching and learning. It demonstrates that the 20th

Century technology integration model focused on tools sets, but the 21st
Century model needs to be about mind sets and skills sets. Think about
the technology you have available and what 21st Century skills sets you
want your students to gain. How can the technology currently available to
you be utilized to help your students gain these skill sets?
As you plan your lesson, unit or project please determine how you will
assess what students have learned (summative assessment), and how
you will use formative assessment to help your students be more
successful learners. Select the 21st Century skills that your lesson, unit or
project will address. Be sure tie these to your standards. Also consider
what Habits of Mindand Higher Order Thinking Skills your project will
address. You might also consider taking a look at the book:
Habits of Mind Across the Curriculum: Practical and Creative
Strategies for Teachers
Edutopia has some resources for teaching critical thinking that you
might find useful. You might find Blooms Taxonomy Wheel for Writing
Learning Outcomes helpful as you plan your lesson, unit or project.
Finally determine how you will differienate instruction to meet your
students various learning styles and learning needs. Some good
resources for this are:
Multiple Intelligences
Strategies for Differientating Instruction
Report on Personalization, Individualization and
The West Virginia Department of Education has some great 21
Century lesson plans and designs. Regis University also has great
lesson planning resources.
If you plan to teach this standard or group of standards in one or two
lessons you will want to choose a problem-based approached. Begin by
creating a problem statement that ties the concepts or skills to be learned
with a real-life situation. Divide your students into collaborative teams,
and have them begin by analyzing the problem by listing what the know
and dont know about the problem. Next have the research what they
dont know (but need to know in order to solve the problem). Then, have
your student create some models or test solutions to the problem. Have
them select the solution that best solves the problem, and present their
solution, as well as how they arrived at it, to the class for peer feedback.
Finally provide time for them to reflect on their problem solving strategies
and methods (meta-cognition). Use this New Tech Network Problem
Based Planning Form for your Problem-based lesson

Here are some problem-based learning resources to help you create your
problem-based lesson:
Problem Based Learning Video
Problem Based Learning
Problem-based Strategies
For longer units that cover multiple standards you might choose an
inquiry-based of project based approach.
Inquiry-based learning lends itself well to science and engineering
projects. However it can also be effective for other content areas as well.
It looks a LOT like the scientific method. Like, problem-based learnng you
begin with a good question that ties the concepts and skills to be acquired
to a real-life or real-world situation that students care about. Group your
student into collaborative groups and have each group create a
hypothesis. Next each group will design an experiment or experiments to
test their hypothesis and answer the original question. Students will
research the problem posed by the question and their hypothesis, and will
systematically and carefully record their research and data collection.
Next students will analyze their research and data collection to look for
relationships and the best solution to the problem stated in the original
question. They will determine whether or not their hypothesis is valid,
adjust it if necessary, and continue to look for the most viable solution.
They will then share their product(s), experiments, and solutions with the
class or with scientist working in the field. Use this Inquiry Based
Lesson Plan Template for your inquiry based unit
Here are some inquiry-based learning resources to help you create your
inquiry-based unit:
Inquiry-based Learning Video
Inquiry-based Learning Resources
Inquiry-based lessons by grade level and subject
Project-based learning involves multiple standards and works well for a
multi-disciplinary approach to learning. Project take place over time and
should meet multiple standards. Before planning a project know what
learning outcomes you desire, and what kind of product(s) your students
will create to demonstrate that they have mastered the content. Projects
(like the other two approaches) begin with an essential queston that ties
the curriculum to a real-world, real-life issue that students care about.
Teachers introduce a project with an entry document that engages
students in wanting to do the project and outlines the projects
requirements. The teacher then illicits and charts what the student the
students know about the content and about the project requirements, and
what they need to know to create their final product. Students are then
put into collaborative groups, they create a group contract that outlines

who will do what within the group and how they will agree to work
together. They then begin researching the topic, taking notes, creating
outlines, storyboards, rough drafts, etc. All teacher led instruction is
designed to help the students gather the information and skills necessary
to be successful with their final projects. Final projects are often
presented to the class or to an audience of community members or
experts in the field. Use this Buck Institute Project-based Learning
Planning Form for your project

are some project-based resources to help you create your project:

The Buck Institutes Designing Your Project
The 6 As of Project Based Learning
Buck Institute Project Search (see right-hand side of page)
Intel PBL
This Edutopia YouTube video on PBL (Below):

Assignment for Module 5

Edit and continue to work on your final project plan. Make sure upload any
documents or include the links to any google docs.
Make sure you've included the following new elements:
Map out the lesson, unit or project using the appropriate method outlined
in this module using one of the templates in this course (or another
template that works better for you, and is approved by the instructor prior
to mapping out your lesson, unit or project). Please attach the form you
are using. Be sure to include the project plannng template you've chosen
for your problem based lesson, and inquiry-based unit, or a project-based
learning project that that integrates 21st Century Skills
Time line (Be specific. What is due and when? What will happen on each
day? How much time will learners need to complete the lesson, unit or
project? You can use Day 1, Day 2 instead of specific dates):
Will will be the role of the teacher?
NOTE: In Module 6 we'll complete your final project plan by
including your assessment strategies.

Discussion Topic for Module 5

Post a draft of your lesson (link to online documents (Google Docs) or
upload your MS Word Docx, unit or project plan to the Discussion Forum
for this class. Make sure you include both your final project planning chart
AND the Planning Chart for the type of lesson, unit, or project you are
planning. Review one or two projects posted by other learners in this

course. Try to select projects that have not yet been reviewed twice. Use
this structure for giving feedback on each project.
1. I like_____ (Tell everything you like about the plan)
2. I wonder_____ (List all the question that come to mind as you review the
3. Have you considered_________(Give some suggestions that will make
the lesson, unit or project a better learning opportunity for students or
suggest resources that will help the teacher creating this plan)
Remember that peer review is a critical component of your final project.
Be sure to think deeply about the comments on your project. You can
choose to defend why you disagree with the feedback, or your can choose
to incorporate it. The feedback you give and receive is designed to create
a collaborative culture of trust and respect that will help make learning
better for all learners.
You will use the feedback from you peers as well as the feedback from
your instructor to finish your final lesson, unit or project plan. NOTE: You
will add assessment strategies to your final project plans in Module 6.
Module 6:
Warm Up for Module 6
Learners will examine the changing role of the teacher and the school for
the 21st Century.
Learners will:
1. Defend how they will become 21st Century teachers
2. Defend how they will help their school become 21st Century
3. Edit their 21st Century lesson, unit, or project plan.
Warm Up
In this module we will explore the role of the teacher in 21st Century
learning. We will also consider how other nations are approaching 21st
Century learning and how that affects what we must do to re-create our
schools as 21st Century learning environments so that our students will be
competitive in the 21st Century global workforce.
Additionally, you will edit your draft plan for a 21st Century lesson, unit or
project that you will do with your students using the feedback youve
gotten from both your instructor and other learners in this course.
II.A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that
apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the

diverse needs of learners.

II.B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology
when planning learning environments and experiences.
II.E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technologyenhanced environment.
III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
III.A. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content
standards and student technology standards.
III.B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that
address the diverse needs of students.
III.C. apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and
III.D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced
IV. Assessment and Evaluation
IV.A. apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter
using a variety of assessment techniques.
IV.C. apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students'
appropriate use of technology resources for
learning,communication,and productivity.
V. Productivity and Professional Practice
V.A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional
development and lifelong learning.
V.B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of
student learning.
V.D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers,
parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
Engauge 21st Century Skills
Digital-Age Literacy
Basic, Scientific, Economic, and Technological Literacies
Visual and Information Literacies
Multicultural Literacy and Global Awareness
Inventive Thinking
Adaptability, Managing Complexity, and Self-Direction
Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk Taking
Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
Effective Communication
Teaming, Collaboration, and Interpersonal Skills
High Productivity
Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results
Effective Use of Real-World Tools
Ability to Produce Relevant, High-quality Products
Reading for Module 6

It is important to put 21st Century education in its global context. We are

not alone in trying to education our young people to meet the needs and
challenges of the 21st Century. It is clear that if we dont assure that our
schools and classrooms are 21st Century learning environments and that
our teachers are teaching students 21st Century skills, our students will
not be competitive workers in the global workplace.
View this trailer for a movie about Finlands educational
system. Then view this video report about the Finish educational
system. Also read "The Finland Phenomenon: "Inside the Worlds Most
Surprising School System". Think about how this compares with your
school and district. What evidence do you see of 2st Century skills in the
Finish model? What aspects of this model might work here?
Closer to home, read this New York Times article about what the the
San Francisco USD is doing to motivate truant students. Is this a good
example of 21st Century learning? How might something like this work in
other districts? Is it 21st Century education to create hands on courses
like these that engage, motivate, and excite students? How might courses
like this be tied to content standards?
In 2010 and world leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland for the 2010
World Economic Forum. One of the topics at the 2010 World Economic
Forum was 21st Century Education. The session on 21st Century
education is about an hour in length, however the video is worth watching
because it underscores how both emerging and industrialized nations are
approaching 21st Century skills. As you watch this video look for the vision
and direction expressed by the panel members as well the obstacles that
they see their nations facing as they try to create 21st Century learning
enviroments for their students. Compare these with the the strategies
you have learned during this course and with the obstacles youve noted
for your own classroom and school. Then take the time (c 1 hour) to view
this video and consider how the educators and others at this conference
are trying to reshape education globally:
Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - Rebuilding Education for the 21st
21st Century students, schools and classrooms require 21st Century
teachers. As you watch these three short videos on 21st Century teachers
reflect on how teaching and learning have changed, and how you, as a
teacher must continue to change and grow to meet the challenges
presented by the 21st Century learners in your classrooms. As you view
these videos make a quick list of the skills you need to have had the
different ways 21st Century teachers use their time. Reflect on what you
have leaned about 21st Century skill in this course and make note of 1 or

two things youd like to do to become more 21st Century in your approach
to teaching and learning.
Selection at least one of these resources to review. As you review it
consider your role (or the role of your instructors or your childrens
teachers) as 21st Century educators. What is the teachers role in a 21st
Century Classroom?
20th Century and 21st Century Teachers
Milton Chen on the Teachers Role in 21st Century Learning
A Vision of 21st Century Teachers
Select TWO of the following resources to read or view. As you review your
resources think carefully about how you will assess learning in your final
project plan. How will you know exactly what your learners have learned.
How will you involve your learners in expressing what they have learned,
and what they need/want to learn more about? How will you and your
learners use formative assessment strategies to help them guide their
own learning, and to help you guide them? What is the role of summative
assessments? Are traditional summative assessments (tests/quizzes) the
best method for really knowing what your learners have learned? How
can learner presentations for a real audience help them improve their
learning outcomes? Use your thinking on this and what you learn in the
resources on assessment that you review to guide your assessment
strategies for your final project plan.
Assessment: A 21st Century Implementation Guide
Formative Assessment Tools for 21st Century Learning
21st Century Assessment Skills
Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms
Assessing 21st Century Skills: A Guide to Mastering
Authentic Learning
Classroom Assessments for a New Century

Here are some other sites that are worth checking out and reflecting on:

The Top Ten Skills for the 21st Century Young Professional
Harnessing Childrens Natural Way of Learning
The 21st Century Learner
6 Practices for Creating a 21st Century Engaging Classroom
Common Core in Action Series (Edutopia)
As you review and edit your 21st Century lesson, unit or project, consider
your role as a 21st Century teacher. What will you do as a 21st Century
teacher to assure that your students are successful 21st Century learners.
Add the role of the teacher to your lesson, unit or project plan.
As you reflect on your own pedagogy and the changes you might make as
a result of this course you might also look at (Optional):
SAMR Model Resources:
1) SAMR Model
2) The SAMR Model: Engage in Deep Learning and Authentic
3) The SAMR Model Explained for Teachers
4) New Pedagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using
5) Common Core and Ed Tech
6) Using SAMR to Teach Above the Line
For those of you considering or trying to flip your classroom:
1) The Flipped Model: Turning Your Classroom Upside Down
2) TED Talk: What is a Flipped Classroom?
3) A Step by Step Tutorial on How to Flip Your Classroom
For those of you wanting to know more about how to personalize learnng
in your classroom:
1) Personalized Learning is Not Differentiating Instruction
2) Personalized Learning at Mt. Abraham UMHS
3) The Promise of Personalized Learning

4) Personalized Learning in Henry County, GA

Assignment for Module 6

Add the following to your final project plan:

Assessment strategies (tests; quizzes; rubrics; formative strategies

such as peer review; checklists, etc; presentations, outside
reviewers; artifacts, etc):
How will you use formative assessments to improve learning

After you've gotten feedback in the Discussion on your

assessment strategies post your final project plan and all supporting
documents either as Google Docs OR as MS Word or PDF attachments.

Discussion Topic for Module 6

1. How will your teaching change as a result of this course? Why will you
make these adjustments or changes in your classroom? If you are not
currently teaching, how do you see this course changing how you interact
with your own classes/teachers or your childrens schools/teachers?
2. What assessment stategies will you (both formatively and
summatively) to guide and assess student learning? How will you use
these strategies and why have you selected these strategies?)

Final Project & Grading Policy:

How You Will Be Graded in This Course
Please download and frequently review the course rubric. It is
available online and as a PDF document. For each module you will read
the course materials and complete the assignment and participate in the
course discussion. You will also respond to the metacognition (reflection)
questions in the course wiki. You will not receive individual grades for
each assignment, wiki posting, and discussion posting, but the quality of
your work over time will be noted by your instructor on the course
rubric. You will receive timely feedback on all assignments and, as
appropriate, in the Discussion Forum. This feedback is meant to be
formative, and should be reflected in your final project plan. Your final

project is a 21st Century lesson, inquiry-based unit or project plan that

you will use in your classroom with your students. It should be designed
to be useful for you. See the Final Project link for more information on
your final project. The modules in this course are desigend to help you
create your final project for this course.

Course Project
You can either copy the google doc or download the MS Word doc to work
on your project plan:
this form an rename it with YOUR NAME on it)
Here is the criteria for your final project:
Type of curriculum (problem based lesson, and inquiry-based unit, or a
project-based learning project):
Standards to be met:
21st Century Skills to be learned:
Habits of mind to be stressed:
Higher Order Thinking Skills embedded
Strategies to differentiate, individualize or personalize instruction for all
learners in your classroom:
How your classroom will be physically arranged as a 21st Century
How technology will be used by your students for this lesson, unit, or
Assessment strategies (tests; quizzes; rubrics; formative strategies such
as peer review; checklists, etc; presentations, outside reviewers; artifacts,
How will you use formative assessments to improve learning outcomes?
Map out the lesson, unit or project using the appropriate method outlined
in this module using one of the templates in this course (or another
template that works better for you, and is approved by the instructor prior
to mapping out your lesson, unit or project). Please attach the form you
are using.

Time line (Be specific. What is due and when? What will happen on each
day? How much time will learners need to complete the lesson, unit or
project? You can use Day 1, Day 2 instead of specific dates):
Will will be the role of the teacher?
Course Syllabus
This is a 2 unit course consisting of 6 modules. It takes place over a 6 week
period. One module will be opened each week. The modules will stay open until
the course is ended. Each module should take approximately 2-2 1/2 hours to
complete. The final project ( a 21st Century lesson, inquiry-based unit, or full
project-based learning project that you plan to use with your students. that
demonstrates that you understood and incorporated what you have learned in
this course) will be integrated into each module so that parts of it will be
completed in each module. This will allow for formative assessment designed to
help each learner in this course create an awesome unit of instruction for his/her
learners. If you are not currrently teach, I will work with you to creat a final
project plan that will work for your school, family, or work situation.
Although this is an asynchronous course that allows flexibility in when each
person logs in and completes the assignments and discussions, it is important to
try to complete each module within the time allowed for that module. This will
allow for a richer discussion and better learning experience.
Course Objectives Learners will:
1. Analyze the skills that business and industry tell us are necessary for 21st
Century workers
2. Determine the characteristics and learning needs of 21st Century learners
3. Evaluate the criteria for creating 21st Century schools and classrooms
4. Analyze their curriculum and instructional practices in terms of 21st
Century skills and practices
5. Plan a lesson, inquiry-based unit, or project-based learning project for their
6. Examine the changing role of the teacher and the school for the 21st
Course Content (Body of knowledge) During this course learners will:
1. Examine the skills students will need to live and work in the 21st Century
global economy
2. Analyze their curriculum in terms of the Foundation Skills" and as
"Functional Skills" that our students must have to be successful in the 21st
Century job market
3. Deduce what 21st Century job skills are necessary for schools to integrate

into their curriculum

4. Determine the skills students need in order to be productive citizens in an
increasingly complex global society?
5. Redesign their classrooms and their instructional methods to better meet
their students learning needs
6. Appraise how to overcome the barriers they face as they restructure their
classrooms and instructional approaches?
7. Compare their school and classroom to the requirements for 21st Century
schools and classrooms.
8. Propose changes to their classrooms to make them more in line with 21st
Century classrooms.
9. Decide how to best present their ideas for better creating a 21st Century
learning environment in their school.
Analyze their curriculum looking for opportunities to integrate and
embed 21st Century skills
Analyze their instructional strategies looking for opportunities to use
21st Century instructional strategies
Chart their standards in terms of 21st Century skills
Edit a lesson, unit or project to make it a 21st skill based lesson, unit
or project
Decide whether a problem-based, inquiry-based, or project-based
approach will the best method for their lesson, unit, or project
Use established problem-based, inquiry-based or project based
methods to construct their lesson, unit, or project.
Defend how they will become 21st Century teachers
Defend how they will help their school become 21st Century schools.
Edit their 21st Century lesson, unit, or project plan.
Methods of Evaluation and Grading The student will demonstrate proficiency using the course rubric by:
1. Developing 21st Century project, unit, or lesson plan
2. Presenting the project to peers.
3. Making constructive contributions to class discussions that demonstrates
understanding of the course materials.
4. Evaluating their course project
5. Completing all assignments
Please download this Rubric and use it to help guide you. I will use this rubric to
determine your fial grade.
Navigation of Course Materials (Course Website)
The main course menu is on the left hand side of the page just above my photo:

On the top of each module youll find links to each section of that module:

Navigating Course from within Etudes

You will enter this course via the LMS (Learning Management System) used by
Foothill College called Etudes. You can get information on how to create your
user name and password on theFoothill Global Access Site.
Once you long in, look for LINCF067.01W in your "Dashboard" and click on it.
This will take you to our course You will see your dashboard when you first log in:

LINC 059
Dashboard pic
Click on it and it will take you to our course. Once you are in the course,
you will navigate using the side bar on the left-hand side of the page.

The SYLLABUS tab will take you to this page. Please read and accept the
Syllabus first. The MODULES tab will take you to each module for this
course. The modules will be opened one week at a time. The links will
take you to the course outline, materials assignment information and
discussion information. Each assignment will be a part of your final
project. You will post your assignment by clicking on the ASSIGNMENTS,
TESTS, AND SURVEYS link. You will receive formative feed back on your
assignment, but it will not be graded. The rubric is your guide to what is
expected. You will post your discussion responses by finding the Class
Discussions link after clicking on the DISCUSSIONS AND PRIVATE
MESSAGES link in the left-hand menu bar.

Final Project
The final project for this course will be a 21st Century lesson, inquirybased unit, or full project-based learning project that you plan to use with
your students. It will demonstrate that you understood and incorporated
what you have learned in this course. The plan should include:
1. Type of curriculum (problem based lesson, and inquiry-based unit, or
a project-based learning project)
2. Standards to be met
3. 21st Century Skills to be learned
4. Habits of mind to be stressed

5. Higher Order Thinking Skills embedded

6. Assessment strategies (tests; quizzes; rubrics; formative strategies
such as peer review; check lists, etc; presentations, outside
reviewers; artifacts, etc)
7. Map out the lesson, unit or project using the appropriate method
outlined in this module.
8. A time line
9. Strategies to differentiate instruction for all learners in your
How your classroom will be physically arranged as a 21st
Century classroom
How technology will be used by your students for this lesson,
unit, or project
The role of the teacher
Grading Policy
Please download and frequently review the course rubric. For each
module you will read the course materials and complete the assignment
and participate in the course discussion. You will not receive individual
grades for each assignment and discussion posting, but the quality of your
work over time will be noted by your instructor on the course rubric . You
will receive timely feedback on all assignments and, as appropriate, in the
Discussion Forum. This feedback is meant to be formative, and should be
reflected in your final project plan. Your final project is a 21st Century
lesson, inquiry-based unit or project plan that you will use in your
classroom with your students. It should be designed to be useful for you.
See the Final Project link for more information on your final project. The
modules in this course are designed to help you create your final project
for this course. Please note that if your are NOT a teacher I will work with
you to modify the final project to meet your needs.

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