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CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

True / False Questions

1. Disruptive technology tends to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper products.
True False

2. Disruptive and new technologies typically cut into the low-end of the marketplace and
eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their reigning technologies.
True False

3. Dell computer ranks highest on the list for expecting returns from new investments.
True False

4. What is best for an organization's current business could ruin it in the long term.
True False

5. Ebusiness is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
True False

6. Ebusiness is something that a business can just go out and buy.

True False

7. Future managers and workers need to understand the benefits MIS and ebusiness can offer
a company if it wants to take advantage of sustaining technologies.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

8. A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs
of existing customers.
True False

9. A sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as
a faster car or larger hard drive.
True False

10. A sustaining technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing customers.
True False

11. A disruptive technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such
as a faster car or larger hard drive.
True False

12. The Innovator's Dilemma, a book by Clayton Christensen, discusses how established
companies can take advantage of disruptive technologies without hindering existing
relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders.
True False

13. The Internet provides access to Internet information through documents including text,
graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.
True False

14. The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including text,
graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

15. The Internet is a massive network that connects computers all over the world and allows
them to communicate with one another.
True False

16. Hypertext markup language (HTML) links documents, allowing users to move from one
to another simply by clicking on a hot spot or link.
True False

17. The WWW, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla's Firefox, allow users to access the
True False

18. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) is the Internet protocol web browsers use to request
and display web pages using universal resource locators.
True False

19. A universal resource locator (URL) is the address of a file or resource on the web such as
True False

20. A universal resource locator (URL) identifies a URL address and in the previous example is the domain name.
True False

21. URLs use domain names to identify particular websites.

True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

22. Domain name hosting (web hosting) is a service that allows the owner of a domain name
to maintain a simple website and provide email capacity.
True False

23. A URL is a program that runs within another application such as a website.
True False

24. Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. Ecommerce
refers only to online transactions.
True False

25. Ecommerce includes ebusiness along with all activities related to internal and external
business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with partners, and
exchanging real-time information. During Web 1.0, entrepreneurs began creating the first
forms of ecommerce.
True False

26. A paradigm shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that
reshapes the way companies and organizations behave.
True False

27. A few examples of ebusiness advantages can include opening new markets, reducing
costs, and expanding global reach.
True False

28. Intermediaries occur when a customer sells directly to another customer online cutting out
the intermediary.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

29. Interactivity measures advertising effectiveness by counting visitor interactions with the
target ad, including time spent viewing the ad, number of pages viewed, and number of repeat
visits to the advertisement.
True False

30. Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of
textual, graphic, audio, or video information.
True False

31. Information richness measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over
the world.
True False

32. Mass customization is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the
customers' specifications. For example, customers can order M&M's in special colors or with
customized sayings such as "Marry Me."
True False

33. Mass customization occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes and
dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person, say by tailoring its
website to individuals or groups based on profile information, demographics, or prior
True False

34. Cybermediation refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not
have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as
Kelkoo and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

35. In Reintermediation steps are removed from the value chain as new players find ways to
add value to the business process.
True False

36. Information reach refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a
global basis.
True False

37. An ebusiness model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates
True False

38. Content providers are companies that generate revenue by providing digital content such
as news, music, photos, or videos and examples include Netflix and iTunes.
True False

39. Transaction brokers process online sales transactions.

True False

40. Business-to-consumer applies to any business that sells its products or services directly to
consumers online.
True False

41. A click-and-motor business operates on the Internet only without a physical store.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

42. The majority of eBay's customers are using a business-to-business (B2B) ebusiness
True False

43. A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates
True False

44. A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates
revenues on the Internet.
True False

45. Dot-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.
True False

46. A search engine is website software that finds other pages based on keyword matching
similar to Google.
True False

47. Search engine ranking evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a
URL appears on the list of search results.
True False

48. Search engine optimization (SEO) combines art along with science to determine how to
make URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

49. Pay-per-call generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website.
True False

50. Pay-per-click generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user
directly to an online agent waiting for a call.
True False

51. Pay-per-conversion generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a

True False

52. Taxonomy is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context should be
True False

53. A Webinar is a form of Web conferencing, which blends videoconferencing with

document sharing and allows the user to deliver a presentation over the Web to a group of
geographically dispersed participants.
True False

54. Many businesses are using instant messaging as a way to answer and resolve questions or
problems quickly.
True False

55. An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet for a
monthly fee.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

56. Real-time communication occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it
receives it.
True False

57. Instant messaging (IMing) is a service that enables instant or real-time communication
between people.
True False

58. Instant messaging converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player.

True False

59. A videoconference allows people at two or more locations to interact via two-way video
and audio transmissions simultaneously as well as share documents, data, computer displays,
and whiteboards. Point-to-point videoconferences connect two people, and multipoint
conferences connect more than two people at multiple locations.
True False

60. Managing consumer trust is not a challenge for ebusinesses participants as the Internet has
numerous security technologies in place to completely protect consumers and their online
True False

61. The Internet marketplace is free of most forms of traditional sales tax.
True False

62. The Internet uses such strong security technologies that ensuring consumer protection is
not a challenge for ebusinesses.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

63. Web 2.0 is the next generation of Internet that uses a more mature, distinctive
communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and
True False

64. Source code is software made available free for any third party to review and modify.
True False

65. The most common form of collective intelligence found outside the organization is
crowdsourcing, or the wisdom of the crowd.
True False

66. An open system consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly
known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate
with the system.
True False

67. An open system contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to
be performed by computer software.
True False

68. Open source refers to any software whose source code is made available free (not on a fee
or licensing basis as in ebusiness) for any third party to review and modify.
True False

69. User-contributed content (or user-generated content) is created and updated by many users
for many users.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

70. User-contributed content is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by
facilitating the sharing and flow of information.
True False

71. Open systems tap into the core knowledge of all employees, partners, and customers.
True False

72. Knowledge can be a real competitive advantage for an organization. The most common
form of collective intelligence found inside the organization is knowledge management (KM),
which involves capturing, classifying, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing information assets in
a way that provides context for effective decisions and actions.
True False

73. The primary objective of knowledge management is to be sure that a company's

knowledge of facts, sources of information, and solutions are readily available to all
employees whenever it is needed.
True False

74. A knowledge management system (KMS) supports the capturing, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization. KMS can distribute
an organization's knowledge base by interconnecting people and digitally gathering their
True False

75. Tacit knowledge consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified,
often with the help of MIS. Examples of explicit knowledge are assets such as patents,
trademarks, business plans, marketing research, and customer lists.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

76. Explicit knowledge is the knowledge contained in people's heads. The challenge inherent
in tacit knowledge is figuring out how to recognize, generate, share, and manage knowledge
that resides in people's heads.
True False

77. Social media refers to websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed
content, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Digg.
True False

78. Social tagging is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags or
keyword-based classification system.
True False

79. A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information.
Providing individuals with the ability to network is by far one of the greatest advantages of
Business 2.0.
True False

80. Social networking is the practice of expanding your business and/or social contacts by
constructing a personal network.
True False

81. Social media maps group contacts (personal and professional) identifying who knows
each other and who works together. In a company it can provide a vision of how employees
work together.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

82. Tags are specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for means of
classification or taxonomy.
True False

83. Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with
keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search.
True False

84. A social bookmark is a locally stored URL or the address of a file or Internet page saved
as a shortcut.
True False

85. Social bookmarking allows users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks.
True False

86. The three Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools a business can use to
harness the power of people include blogs, wikis, and mashups.
True False

87. A wiki is a Hawaiian word for quick and is a type of a collaborative Web page that allows
users to add, remove, and change content.
True False

88. RSS allows a website to constantly feed information and news to consumers instead of
having the consumer search for it.
True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

89. Microblogging is the practice of sending brief posts (140 to 200 characters) to a personal
blog, either publicly or to a private group of subscribers who can read the posts as IMs or as
text messages.
True False

90. The network effect describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the
number of users increases.
True False

91. A mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to
create a completely new product or service. The term is typically used in the context of music;
putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song makes something old new. The web version of a
mashup allows users to mix map data, photos, video, news feeds, blog entries, and so on to
create content with a new purpose.
True False

92. Content used in mashups is typically sourced from an RSS, which is a set of routines,
protocols, and tools for building software applications.
True False

93. Open source and sharing are both advantages and disadvantages of Business 2.0.
True False

94. Copyright laws protect collaborative websites like blogs and wikis allowing users to reuse
material freely and easily.
True False

95. Tim Berners-Lee was one of the founders of the Internet.

True False


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

96. Egovernment involves the use of strategies and technologies to transform government by
improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between the
citizen-consumer within all branches of government.
True False

97. Web 3.0 refers to static text-based information websites.

True False

98. Mobile banking and mobile sales are both a part of the emerging mbusiness.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

99. Which of the following terms implies that organizations that cannot adapt to the new
demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction?
A. Collective intelligence
B. Digital Darwinism
C. Joint venture
D. Sole proprietorship

100. Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such
as a faster car or larger hard drive?
A. Sustaining technology
B. Disruptive technology
C. Reputation system
D. Personalization


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

101. Which of the follow represents a form of disruptive technology?
A. Enter the marketplace at the low end
B. A new way of doing things that initially doesn't meet the needs of existing customers
C. Tend to open new markets and destroy old ones
D. All of the above are included

102. Which of the following is challenge of sustaining technology?

A. Provides a cheaper product for current customers
B. Provides a product that does not meet existing customer's future needs
C. Provides a better product for current customers
D. Provides a faster product for current customers

103. Which of the following is not included in the top five companies that are expecting
future growth to be generated from new investments?
A. Johnson & Johnson
B. Sears
C. Dell
D. None of the above

104. The Innovator's Dilemma suggests that established companies can take advantage of
___________ without hindering existing relationships with customers, partners, and
A. Sustaining technology
B. Existing investments
C. Collective intelligence
D. Disruptive technology

105. Which of the following began as an essential emergency military communications

system operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA)?
A. Internet
B. Ecommerce
C. Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

106. Which of the following terms could you use synonymously when referring to the Web?
A. Network, Paradigm shift
B. URL, Domain Name
C. HTML, Internet
D. Web browser, Blog

107. At a local marketing firm, Steve is the lead Web developer and is responsible for
working with customers on their Web designs, development, and graphics. Which of the
following would be a critical skill Steve must have to be able to perform his job?
A. Understanding that he must create a unique domain name for each client
B. Being able to work with HTML
C. Understanding of the World Wide Web and how hyperlinks work
D. All of the above

108. Which of the following is not a reason for the explosive growth of the WWW?
A. Basic Web pages are easy to create and extremely flexible
B. The microcomputer revolution made it possible for an average person to own a computer
C. Digital Darwinism
D. The speed, convenience, and low cost of email

109. Which term describes the WWW during its first few years of operation between 1991
and 2003?
A. Web 1.0
B. Eshop
C. Open source
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

110. What is the difference between ecommerce and ebusiness?
A. Ecommerce includes Internet network effects; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all
activities related to internal and external business operations
B. Ecommerce is buying and selling of goods or services online; ebusiness includes
ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations
C. Ecommerce includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business
operations; ebusiness includes all of the knowledge of management systems
D. Ebusiness is buying and selling of goods or services online; ecommerce includes
ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations

111. What is the Internet protocol Web browsers use to request and display Web pages using
universal resource locators?
A. Hypertext markup language (HTML)
C. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP)

112. What allows user to access the WWW?

A. Web conferencing
B. Web browser
C. Web 2.0
D. Web business

113. Which of the following is a type of Web browser?

A. Microsoft Word and Excel
B. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
C. Facebook and MySpace
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

114. What caused Polaroid to go bankrupt?
A. It failed to have innovative technology and a captive customer base
B. One-hour film processing and digital cameras stole its market share
C. People who want instant access to their pictures also want a third party involved
D. Internet websites such as Flickr and Facebook stole its market share

115. Many social media sites today allow you to customize your Web address, for example What is an alternate name for a Web address such as
A. Digital bookmark
B. Internet bookmark
C. Universal resource locator
D. Web browser

116. Many industries have been forced to change due to technology advances. Which of the
below industries has felt the lowest amount of economic impact from ebusiness?
A. Auto industry
B. Retail industry
C. Travel industry
D. Waste or recycling industry

117. Universities were among some of the first users of the Internet. What was the Internet
first called?

118. What is the address of a file or resource on the web such as
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

119. What links documents, allowing users to move from one to another simply by clicking
on a hot spot or link?
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator

120. What allows users to access the WWW?

A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator

121. What is the Internet protocol web browsers use to request and display web pages using
universal resource locators?
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator

122. What identifies a URL address and in the previous example is the domain
name. URLs use domain names to identify particular websites?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift

123. What is a service that allows the owner of a domain name to maintain a simple website
and provide email capacity?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

124. What is a program that runs within another application such as a website?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift

125. What occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes the
way companies and organizations behave?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift

126. What does digital Darwinism imply?

A. Organizations that can adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the
information age are doomed to extinction
B. Organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the
information age are doomed to extinction
C. Organizations that can adapt to new information systems are doomed to extinction
D. Organizations that cannot adapt to new information systems are doomed to exile

127. Which of the following is an example of a disruptive technology?

A. Oracle's database software
B. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio)
C. Intel's low-end microprocessor
D. All of the above

128. Which of the following is an example of a sustaining technology?

A. Porsche's faster car
B. Intel's low-end microprocessor
C. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio)
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

129. Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on existing investments?
A. Dell Computer
B. Johnson & Johnson
C. Procter & Gamble
D. Phillips Petroleum

130. Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on new investments?
A. General Motors
B. Sears Roebuck
C. Dell Computer
D. Phillips Petroleum

131. Which of the following is a reason for the growth of the World Wide Web?
A. The microcomputer revolution
B. Advancements in networking hardware
C. Web pages being easy to create and flexible
D. All of the above

132. What is information richness?

A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another
using common computer protocols
B. Refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or
video information
C. Refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a global basis
D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without
access to technology


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

133. What is information reach?
A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another
using common computer protocols
B. Refers to the depth and breadth of information transferred between customers and
C. Measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world
D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without
access to technology

134. Which of the following is not one of the Internet's impacts on information?
A. Easy to compile
B. Improved content
C. Digital divide
D. Increased richness

135. What are agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure to bring
buyers and sellers together?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation

136. What occurs when a business sells directly to the customer online and cuts out the
middle man?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

137. What occurs when steps are added to the value chain as new players find ways to add
value to the business process?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation

138. What refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not have
existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as Froogle
and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation

139. Both individuals and organizations have embraced ebusiness to do which of the
A. Enhance productivity
B. Maximize convenience
C. Improve communication
D. All of the above

140. What is the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or
A. Information richness
B. Information age
C. Information reach
D. Information browser


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

141. What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world?
A. Information richness
B. Information age
C. Information reach
D. Information browser

142. Which of the below would not be considered an advantage of ebusiness?

A. Expanding global reach
B. Opening new markets
C. Reducing costs
D. Reducing information reach

143. What is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the customers'
A. Personalization
B. Long tail
C. Mass customization
D. Information reach

144. Which of the below would not be considered a company operating in the long tail of a
typical sales curve?
A. Walmart
B. Netflix
C. iTunes
D. Zappos

145. M&M's offers people the opportunity to order the candy in special colors or with
customized sayings. How would you classify M&M's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

146. Amazon creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its
website. How would you classify Amazon's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity

147. Netflix creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its
website. How would you classify Netflix's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity

148. Nike offers people the opportunity to visit its website to create running shoes in the style
and color they choose. How would you classify Nike's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity

149. What uses the Internet to reassemble buyers, sellers, and other partners in a traditional
supply chain in new ways?
A. Content providers
B. Intermediaries
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

150. When evaluating the business value of disintermediation the more ____________ that
are cut from the distribution chain, the lower the product price.
A. Technology
B. Customers
C. Data stream
D. Intermediaries

151. What is a type of mediation that refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that
simply could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness?
A. Cybermediation
B. Interactivity
C. Reintermediation
D. Disintermediation

152. A company can reduce its costs using ebusiness to change its business processes. Which
of the following represents an example of a company reducing its costs through ebusiness?
A. Creating an online travel reservation
B. Ordering a product online
C. Purchasing a book online and picking it up in the store
D. Researching products to find the lowest price and visiting the store to purchase the item

153. Which of the below statements is correct?

A. Just putting up a website can create tremendous ebusiness value
B. Just putting up a website can create tremendous business buzz
C. Just putting up a website can limit product availability
D. Just putting up a website does not create an ebusiness

154. What is the exact pattern of a consumer's navigation through a site?

A. Web browsing
B. Hypertext
C. Clickstream data
D. Web data


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

155. What is the best way to measure a company's ebusiness success?
A. Effective MIS metrics
B. Interactivity
C. Clickstream data
D. All of the above

156. Which of the following is an ebusiness marketing technique?

A. Cookies
B. Pop-up ad
C. Banner ad
D. All of the above

157. Which type of ebusiness marketing technique induces websites or users to pass on a
marketing message to other websites or users, creating exponential growth in the message's
visibility and effect?
A. Cookies
B. Click-through
C. Viral marketing
D. Pop-up ad

158. Bonnie Flat is a real estate agent who specializes in the luxury home market in the
Seattle, WA area. Bonnie is highly-technical and uses many types of online marketing
techniques to increase business. One of most successful online marketing techniques is to
place a box along the top of real estate websites and luxury custom furniture websites. What
type of marketing technique is Bonnie using?
A. A cookie
B. A banner ad
C. A pop-up ad
D. A click-through ad


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

159. What is the business strategy that lets a company shorten the order process and add value
with reduced costs or a more responsive and efficient service, and occurs when a business
sells directly to the customer online?
A. Disintermediation
B. Intermediaries
C. Cybermediation
D. None of the above

160. What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world?
A. Information
B. Mass communication
C. Information reach
D. Cybertronics

161. Which of the following is an example of a clickstream data metric?

A. Dates and times of visits
B. Number of customers with shopping carts
C. The number of page views
D. All of the above

162. What is the difference between a business model and an ebusiness model?
A. A business model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; an
ebusiness model does all of the same except on the Internet
B. A business model and an ebusiness model are identical
C. A business model and an ebusiness model are complete opposites
D. An ebusiness model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; a
business model does all the same except on the internet


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

163. What are the four main types of ebusiness models?
A. Business-to-borrower, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-toconsumer
B. Business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-toconsumer
C. Business-to-business, business collaboration, collective business, and consumer-toconsumer
D. Ebusiness-to-ebusiness, ebusiness-to-ebusiness, econsumer-to-ebusiness, and econsumerto-econsumer

164. What is the difference between a B2C and a C2B?

A. B2C focuses on companies as customers and C2B focuses on consumers as customers
B. B2C focuses on collaboration and C2B focuses on consumers
C. B2C focuses on business to consumers and C2B focuses on consumers to business
D. B2C focuses on consumers as customers and C2B focuses on companies as customers

165. What is the ebusiness model which applies to customers offering goods and services to
each other over the Internet?
A. C2C
B. C2B
C. B2B
D. B2C

166. What is the ebusiness model that represents 80% of all online businesses and are
typically more complex requiring greater security needs?
A. Consumer-to-consumer
B. Business-to-consumer
C. Consumer-to-business
D. Business-to-business


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

167. Which of the following represents businesses buying from and selling to each other over
the Internet?
A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2B
D. C2C

168. Carfax is an example of a company who sells its products or services directly to its
consumer's online. Which ebusiness model is Carfax using?
A. C2B
B. C2C
C. B2C
D. B2B

169. What is another name for an eshop?

A. C2C
B. Estore or etailer
C. Ecustomer
D. Econsumer

170. Which category below represents the three common forms of business operations: brickand-mortar, click-and-mortar, and pure play?
A. C2B
B. C2C
C. B2C
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

171. John and Jenny have been saving for two years to take their six children on a vacation to
Disneyworld. They are surprised to find out that airline tickets are far more expensive than
they had anticipated. They decide to try to find cheaper tickets on Priceline where they are
allowed to set their own price they are willing to pay for the airline tickets. What form of
ebusiness model are John and Jenny using?
B. B2B
C. C2B
D. C2C

172. What type of revenue generation model is Google using when it generates revenue by
allowing advertisers to bid on common search terms?
A. Awesome
B. Analytics
C. Applications
D. Adwords

173. What is a business that operates in a physical store without an Internet presence?
A. Brick-and-mortar business
B. Click-and-mortar business
C. Virtual business
D. Pure-play business

174. What is a pure-play business?

A. A business that operates only on the Internet without a physical store
B. A business that sells products only in a physical store
C. A business that sells services only in a physical store
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

175. What are the three primary models that a B2C can use to operate?
A. Click-and-brick, click-and-mortar, pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, virtual
C. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-consumer, virtual-and-consumer
D. Brick-and-click, brick-and-mortar, brick-and-virtual

176. Which type of ebusiness model is Amazon using?

A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Content provider

177. Which type of ebusiness model is Barnes & Noble using?

A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Virtual

178. Which type of ebusiness model best describes Apple?

A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Virtual

179. What is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenues on
the Internet?
A. Ebusiness
B. Ebusiness model
C. Ecommerce
D. Ecommerce model


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

180. What occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes the
way companies and organizations behave?
A. Ecommerce model
B. Eshop sale
C. Paradigm shift
D. Web 1.0

181. Which of the following represents a brick-and-mortar business?

A. The Gap
B. Amazon
C. Google
D. T.J.Maxx

182. All of the following are forms of ebusiness except ______________.

A. Subscription fee
B. Content provider
C. Infomediaries
D. Online marketplace

183. Which of the below is not a valid form of an ebusiness revenue model?
A. Value-added services fees
B. Subscription fees
C. Advertising fees
D. Service provider


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

184. For the past 20 years, Perry has been an owner of several Coldwell Banker Real Estate
franchises. To increase business Perry spends a great deal of money marketing and advertising
his businesses online. Perry decides he would like to move beyond just marketing and create
an actual ebusiness that acts like a search engine but only focuses on the real estate industry.
The main revenue source for this Perry's ebusiness will be a charge of $50 a month for each
property that is listed on the website. What is the primary revenue model for Perry's new
A. License fees
B. Advertising fees
C. Subscription fees
D. All of the above

185. What was the original term for a company operating on the Internet?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization

186. What is website software that finds other pages based on keyword matching similar to
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization

187. What evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a URL appears on
the list of search results?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

188. What combines art along with science to determine how to make URLs more attractive
to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization

189. What generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above

190. What generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user directly to an
online agent waiting for a call?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above

191. What generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a customer?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above

192. Websites can generate revenue by using which of the following?

A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

193. Which of the following represents the connecting and communicating tools supporting
and driving ebusiness?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees

194. Which of the following represents the primary forms of ebusiness?

A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees

195. Which of the following represents the primary ebusiness revenue models?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees

196. Which of the following represents the categories for ebusiness models?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

197. What is an ISP?
A. Instant service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
B. Internet service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly
C. Internet sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
D. Instant sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee

198. Which of the below is not an ISP?

A. Comcast
B. Facebook
D. Earthlink

199. What occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it receives the
A. Collective intelligence system
B. Collaboration system
C. Real-time communication
D. Knowledge management system

200. What is the primary business advantage of using email?

A. Increasing the speed of order entry
B. Providing the ability to inform and communicate with many people simultaneously,
immediately, and with ease
C. Providing the ability to have friends all over the globe
D. Increasing the number of computers required in an office

201. What is another term for instant messaging?

A. IMing
C. Podcasting
D. Webing


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

202. What is a service that enables instant or real-time communication between people?
B. IMing
C. Tacit knowledge
D. Elicit knowledge

203. What are some of the immediate results businesses found from using instant messaging?
A. Quickly identify which employees are at their computers
B. Easily hold simultaneous IM sessions with multiple people
C. Resolve questions or problems immediately
D. All of the above

204. What converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player?

A. Podcasting
B. Videoconferencing
C. Photo sharing
D. Email

205. As a trainer for Exempla Healthcare, Tina is faced with many challenges to properly
training her new hires. There are over 40 different locations where Exempla employees work
across the Chicago metro area. Tina decides to implement some valuable ebusiness tools to
help reduce traveling costs, increase speed, and provide flexibility for completing training
sessions with all the new hires. Tina primarily uses PowerPoints and videos during her
training modules. What is the most effective ebusiness tool for Tina to implement and
accomplish all of her training goals?
A. IMing
B. Webinar
C. Blog
D. Email


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

206. Companies use __________ as marketing communication channels discussing
everything from corporate strategies to detailed product overviews.
A. IMing
B. Web browsing
C. Email
D. Podcasting

207. Illuminate Live is a lecture program used in schools and is considered a _________ tool.
A. Instant messaging
B. Explicit knowledge
C. Web conferencing
D. Egovernment

208. What is a well-planned strategy that ensures the search and navigation functions are easy
to use and user-friendly on a website?
A. Blog
B. Taxonomy
C. Email
D. Podcast

209. What is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context should be
A. Information architecture
B. Collective intelligence
C. Content management system
D. Ebusiness model

210. Which of the below is not considered an advantage of a content management system?
A. Content management systems store website content
B. Content management systems increase order entry speed
C. Content management systems manage website creation
D. Content management systems allow editing and publication of information


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

211. Which ebusiness tool increases the speed of business by allowing the transfer of
documents with the same speed as the telephone?
A. Knowledge management system
B. Podcasting
C. Email
D. Ebusiness

212. What is the ebusiness tool that can increase marketing reach and build customer loyalty
through audio broadcasting?
A. IMing
B. Email
C. Taxonomy
D. Podcasting

213. Which ebusiness tool plays a crucial role in getting site visitors to view more than just
the home page by providing clear navigation choices?
C. Open system
D. Open source

214. Which of the following is a challenge facing an ebusiness?

A. Improving information content
B. Increasing convenience
C. Decreasing costs
D. Increasing liabilities


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

215. What are the four challenges facing ebusinesses outlined in the text?
A. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer
protection, and improving information content
B. Decreased costs, increased convenience, identifying limited market segments, and adhering
to taxation rules
C. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer
protection, and adhering to taxation rules
D. Differs depending on the industry where the business operates

216. Managing consumer trust is a challenge for ebusinesses. Which of the following is a
good way to build trust when working with customers over the Internet?
A. Be accessible to communicate in-person
B. Be available to communicate in-person
C. Use customer testimonials that link to your client website
D. All of the above

217. Internet marketers must develop ___________ to build strong relationships with
customers to ensure loyalty.
A. Consumer trust
B. Consumer testimonials
C. Consumer segmentation
D. Market segmentation

218. Ben Schultz decides to purchase an iPad on eBay. After the transaction completes and the
money is withdrawn from Ben's PayPal account the iPad never shows up and the email
address of the seller bounces. What issue has Ben encountered?
A. The physical separation of buyer and seller
B. Adhering to taxation rules
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

219. Susan teaches many individuals and business professionals how, why, and the benefits
and challenges to using social media. Of the four ebusiness challenges which of the following
is the most crucial challenge to consider before engaging in social media?
A. Adhering to taxation rules
B. Ensuring consumer protection
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. Managing consumer relationships

220. Many believe that U.S. tax policy should provide a level playing field for traditional
retail businesses, mail order companies, and online merchants. What form of ebusiness
challenge is this statement referring to?
A. Adhering to taxation rules
B. Ensuring consumer protection
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. Managing consumer relationships

221. Which of the below statements is accurate when considering the ebusiness challenge of
adhering to taxation rules?
A. All online companies must pay sales tax
B. Online companies do not have to pay any sales tax
C. Some online companies have to charge sales tax
D. Online companies that sell physical products have to pay sales tax and online companies
that provide intangible services do not

222. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?

A. Encourages user participation
B. Technical skills are required
C. Eliminates entry barriers to publishing on the Web
D. Provides an exciting and vibrant virtual environment


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

223. What are the four most common Business 2.0 characteristics?
A. Content sharing, user-contributed content, collaboration competition elimination, Web
browser organization
B. Content sharing through open source, specialty-contributed content only, collaboration
inside the community, specialized collaboration
C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the
organization, collaboration outside the organization
D. Consumer sharing through open systems, company-contributed content, collaboration
inside the organization, collaboration throughout the organization

224. What is the system that consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on
publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or
interoperate with the system?
A. Management system
B. Reputation system
C. Knowledge system
D. Open system

225. Which of the below is not a characteristic associated with Mozilla Firefox?
A. Mozilla Firefox holds over 20% of the Web browser market
B. Mozilla Firefox offers a free email service called Thunderbird
C. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of open source software
D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system

226. What is Mozilla Firefox?

A. A competitor to Microsoft Word
B. A competitor to Microsoft Excel
C. A competitor to Adobe Photoshop
D. A competitor to Internet Explorer


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

227. What is software whose source code is available free for any third party to review and
A. Free source
B. Open source
C. Code source
D. Network source

228. Erik is the president and owner of Watch Out, a local website development company that
helps clients create and build unique websites. Many of his daily tasks are heavily technical in
nature and require a high level of computer programming and Internet knowledge. Which of
the below would Erik primarily use when performing his daily tasks?
A. Source code
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Information reach
D. Explicit knowledge

229. Ebusiness was characterized by few companies or users posting content for the masses.
What characterizes Business 2.0?
A. A select few posting content for high level executives only
B. The masses posting content for a select few
C. The masses posting content for the masses
D. A select few posting specific content for the masses

230. What is Web content that is created and updated by many users for many users?
A. Cybermediation contributed content
B. User-contributed content
C. Executive generated content
D. Customer generated content


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

231. eBay buyers voluntarily comment to other users and sellers on the quality of service,
promptness of shipping, and their general satisfaction with the product. This is one of the
most popular examples of user-generated content and is called ____________.
A. Reputation system
B. Knowledge system
C. Explicit system
D. User-generated sales cycle

232. What is the most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization?
A. Crowdsourcing
B. Tacit management
C. Knowledge management
D. Tagging

233. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication?

A. Asynchronous is real-time communication; synchronous is one-way technology
B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time; synchronous
communication occurs at the same time
C. Asynchronous communication includes instant messaging; synchronous communication
includes email
D. Asynchronous communication is fast and instant; synchronous communication is collected
at a single point in time

234. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?

A. Knowledge management
B. Collaboration system
C. Web browser
D. Explicit knowledge


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

235. Which of the following is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by
facilitating the sharing and flow of information?
A. Collaboration system
B. Collective system
C. Competitive system
D. Real simple syndication system

236. Lisa loves her job as an executive recruiter for a large hospital located in Dallas, Texas.
Part of Lisa's job requires her to gather industry information, collaborate with partners,
compare competitors, and tap into the knowledge of prospective employees, partners, and
customers. Which of the below would Lisa use to perform her job?
A. Interactivity metrics
B. Source code
C. Network effect
D. Collective intelligence

237. Which system supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of knowledge
throughout an organization?
A. Cybermediation system
B. Knowledge management system
C. Source code system
D. Social media system

238. Which of the below focuses on user-generated content?

A. YouTube
B. Wikipedia
C. Netflix
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

239. What are the two categories that include intellectual and knowledge-based assets?
A. Explicit knowledge; tacit knowledge
B. Efficient knowledge; tacit knowledge
C. Intelligent knowledge; explicit knowledge
D. Open knowledge; closed knowledge

240. What is the type of knowledge that is contained in people's heads?

A. Explicit knowledge
B. Virtual knowledge
C. Tacit knowledge
D. Pure knowledge

241. What is the type of knowledge that consists of anything that can be documented,
archived, and codified, often with the help of a MIS department?
A. Tacit knowledge
B. Explicit knowledge
C. Pure knowledge
D. Virtual knowledge

242. Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge?

A. Patent
B. Trademark
C. Employee opinion
D. Marketing research

243. What do Netflix and Amazon use to drive their recommendation tools?
A. Web 1.0 content
B. Open source content
C. Virtual content
D. User-generated content


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

244. What are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such as
Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube?
A. Synchronous communication
B. Social media
C. Social networking
D. Asynchronous communication

245. What is the practice of expanding your business and social contacts by constructing a
personal network?
A. Network effects
B. Tagging
C. Social taxonomy
D. Social networking

246. What is a locally stored URL, or the address of a file or Internet page saved as a
A. Website bookmark
B. Social tag
C. Folksonomy
D. Taxonomy

247. Which of the below represents an example of why an employer would use social media?
A. To find potential job candidates via LinkedIn
B. To review potential job candidates by viewing their Facebook page
C. To attract new job candidates via YouTube
D. All of the above

248. What are the two basic functions that social networking sites provide?
A. The ability to create and publish your own software
B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create
connections between other people within the network
C. The ability to capture and create URLs and RSSs
D. The ability to create URLs and edit RSS software


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

249. Which of the below is not an example of a social bookmarking website?
A. Facebook
B. StumbleUpon
D. All of the above

250. What is an SNA?

A. Strong network applications
B. Social needs analysis
C. Social networking analysis
D. Steady network areas

251. What maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works together?
A. Social network effects
B. Mashup networking analysis
C. Web network effects
D. Social networking analysis

252. Many social media websites use _________ or specific keywords or phrases
incorporated into website content for means of classification or taxonomy.
A. Conferencing
B. Tags
C. Long tails
D. Categories

253. Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with
keywords or tags as a way to ______________.
A. Organize it for future navigation
B. Organize it for future filtering
C. Organize it for future search
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

254. Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. Which of the
below would not be included in the folksonomy for a cell phone?
A. Cell
B. iPhone
C. Blackberry
D. Technology platform

255. What is the term that is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the
tag or keyword-based classification system?
A. Podcasting
B. Network effects
C. Folksonomy
D. Social bookmarking

256. How do the majority of potential customers find business websites?

A. By applying analytics
B. Through search terms that match the content
C. Through viral advertisements
D. Through magazines and newspapers

257. How would a company like Flickr use social tagging on its website?
A. By applying keywords that do not match user content
B. By building a tagging game for customers to participate in
C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords
D. By selecting the keywords to associate with each image a customer uploads

258. Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly
_________ content categorization costs.
A. Eliminates
B. Raises
C. Lowers
D. Balances


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

259. A social bookmarking site is dedicated to providing all of the following except
A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress
B. To share favorites
C. To store & categorize favorite sites
D. To annotate

260. Which social media site works by allowing content to find the users, instead of the users
having to search for the content?
A. MySpace
B. Facebook
C. Google
D. StumbleUpon

261. What is the primary way that social networks work?

A. Connecting people by matching profile information
B. Charging users each time they use the service
C. Providing a security system for communication online
D. Helping grow website traffic by viral advertisements

262. What is one simplification that has occurred with Business 2.0?
A. By helping online users create anonymity
B. By limiting the sharing capabilities of devices
C. By improving access to information
D. By communicating via email

263. Which of the following identifies Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools?
A. Microblogs, Tweets, RSS
B. API, RSS, tacit knowledge
C. Blogs, wikis, mashup
D. Tags, Web logs, RSS


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

264. What is an online journal that allows users to post their own opinions, comments,
graphics, and video?
A. Web masters
B. Folksonomy
C. Disintermediation
D. A Blog or Web log

265. Why are Fortune 500 companies engaging in blogging?

A. To order supplies
B. To review favorite Internet providers
C. To gather feedback and share ideas
D. To pay employees

266. Twitter is an example of a __________.

A. Social bookmarking website
B. Social tagging website
C. Microblogging website
D. Blogging website

267. What is the practice of sending brief posts 140-200 characters to a personal blog either
publicly or to a private group of subscribers?
A. Ebusiness model
B. Tagging
C. Blogging
D. Microblog

268. Unlike traditional HTML, which of the following lets writers communicate and readers
respond on a regular basis through a simple online journal?
A. Instant messaging
C. Blog
D. Email


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

269. What is the difference between a wiki and a blog?
A. A wiki is free and a blog has a subscription fee
B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, where a blog user can only add
information as a comment
C. A wiki is original content, where a blog is used sources
D. All of the above

270. What does RSS stand for?

A. Reorganized Site Syndicator
B. Really Simple Sites
C. Rented Site Syndication
D. Real Simple Syndication

271. Many websites use _______ to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having the
consumer search for the news.
A. Mashup
B. Source Code

272. Large wikis, such as Wikipedia, can protect the quality and accuracy of their information
by assigning users roles such as __________.
A. Reader
B. Subject matter expert
C. Editor
D. All of the above

273. What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number of
users increase?
A. Network effect
C. Mashup editor
D. Mcommerce


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

274. Which of the following is one of the largest wikis on the Web and one of the 10 most
popular Web destinations?
A. Google
B. eBay
C. Wikipedia
D. Yahoo

275. Some of the benefits for a company to operate an internal wiki are that they are great
tools for all of the following except:
A. Collecting and disseminating knowledge
B. Building software applications
C. Sharing information between functional business areas
D. Distribute to employees or partners across geographical distances

276. What is a website or Web application that uses content from more than one source to
create a completely new product or service?
A. Social tagging
B. Mashup blog
C. Social media
D. Mashup

277. An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for ______________.

A. Building software applications
B. Providing a visual interface for a web mashup
C. Describing how products in a network work
D. Writing and editing HTML

278. What does API stand for?

A. Asynchronous Programming Information
B. Application Programming Interface
C. Application Provider for the Internet
D. Asynchronous Protocol Interaction


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

279. What is the role of a mashup editor?
B. Often it allows the user to drag and drop data points into a Web application
C. To provide a visual interface to build up a mashup
D. All of the above

280. Which of the following are challenges of Business 2.0?

A. Information vandalism
B. Technology dependence
C. Violations of copyright and plagiarism
D. All of the above

281. What is a potential problem or impact of technology dependence?

A. Outages hold potentially great havoc for people, business, and educational institutions that
rely heavily on technology
B. Many have a need to be continuously connected for every activity that potentially
eliminates crucial in-person social skills and could stunt psychological growth
C. How do people or businesses function if the connection is down?
D. All of the above

282. Which of the following demonstrates potential issues with Business 2.0 and information
A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content
B. Copyright protection
C. Decreases in employee productivity
D. Decreases in process productivity


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

283. One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography
entry read which of the following:
A. Michael Jackson and Madonna were siblings
B. JFK and Robert Kennedy were the same person
C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early
1960's and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's
D. Madonna and Britney Spears are sisters

284. Which of the following best describes Web 1.0?

A. Static text-based information websites
B. Static electricity and connectivity
C. Social media
D. Technology intelligence

285. Which of the following best describes Web 2.0?

A. Static websites
B. Intelligent websites
C. Social media and user-generated Web content
D. Hypertext markup language

286. Which of the following best describes Web 3.0?

A. User-generated online business
B. Based on the intelligent' Web where applications use natural language processing
C. Collaboration and social media
D. All of the above

287. Which statement below is inaccurate?

A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users
B. Web 2.0 brings people closer together with information using machines
C. Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using information
D. Web 3.0 is a rich intelligent' understanding and relationships among concept and topics


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

288. What is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can
A. Social tagging
B. Sustaining Web
C. Social Web
D. Semantic Web

289. Which statement below is incorrect?

A. The semantic Web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how)
throughout an organization
B. The semantic Web describes the relationships between things
C. The semantic Web describes the properties of things
D. The semantic Web is not about links between Web pages

290. Which of the following is not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0?
A. A worldwide database
B. Intelligent applications
C. Social networking
D. Integration of legacy devices

291. What statement below describes Web 3.0's feature that ensure the integration of legacy
A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhone and laptops as credit cards or ticket
B. The design of websites and other software so they can be easily integrated and work
C. The ability for software to be distributed and accessed from anywhere
D. The design of software to be easily integrated and work together


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

292. Many industries have taken an active role in online business including the government.
Which of the following is the term that describes the use of strategies and technologies to
transform government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of
interaction between the citizen-consumer within all the branches of government?
A. Ecommerce
B. Information richness
C. Egovernment
D. Tacit knowledge

293. The website that was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government, and is the
official U.S. gateway to all government information?

294. Which of the following is the example of consumer-to-government (C2G) highlighted in

the figure extended ebusiness models?

295. What is the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internet-enabled
A. Ecommerce
B. Mobile business
C. Meconomics
D. Ebusiness model


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

296. How would you categorize mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile ticketing, and
mobile banking?
A. Mobile business
B. Mbusiness
C. Mcommerce
D. All of the above


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

Fill in the Blank Questions
297. Several companies were outlined in the book to launch new businesses by capitalizing on
disruptive technology. One example is _______________, who launched the revolutionary
products such as the iPod and the iPhone.

298. A __________ technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing customers.

299. Computers connected through the __________ can send and receive information
including text, graphics, voice, video, and software.

300. The World Wide Web provides access to ____________ information through documents
including text, graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called

301. A ____________ shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that
reshapes the way companies and organizations behave.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

302. An __________ is a program that runs within another application such as a website.

303. Web _________ is a term to refer to the World Wide Web during its first few years of
operation between 1991 and 2003.

304. A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing ________________.

305. A(n) ___________ technology produces an improved product customers are eager to

306. According to Christensen, companies may have placed too great an emphasis on
satisfying customer's ______ needs, while forgetting to adopt new disruptive technology that
will meet customer's future needs.

307. The Innovator's ___________ is a book by Clayton M. Christensen.


308. The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including text,
graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called ________
markup language.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

309. Information __________ refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of
textual, graphic, audio, or video information.

310. Information __________ measures the number of people a firm can communicate with
all over the world.

311. Through ____________ data companies can observe the exact pattern of a consumer's
navigation through a site.

312. A __________ is an online marketing technique where a small file deposited on a hard
drive by a website containing information about customers and their browsing activities.

313. Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of ___________ contained in a piece
of textual, graphic, audio, or video information.

314. Information reach ___________ the number of people a firm can communicate with all
over the world.

315. _____________ occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes and
dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person, say by tailoring its
website to individuals or groups based on profile information, demographics, or prior


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

316. The __________ tail refers to the tail of a typical sales curve.

317. _________ are agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure to
bring buyers and sellers together.

318. __________ measures advertising effectiveness by counting visitor interactions with the
target ad, including time spent viewing the ad, number of pages viewed, and number of repeat
visits to the advertisement.

319. An online version of a retail store where customers can shop at any hour is called a(n)

320. Business-to-Business applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over
the ______________.

321. _________-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.

322. A(n) _________________ model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers,
and generates revenues.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

323. A(n) ___________ model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues on the Internet.

324. A search __________ is website software that finds other pages based on keyword
matching similar to Google.

325. Search engine __________ evaluates variables that search engines use to determine
where a URL appears on the list of search results.

326. Search engine __________ combines art along with science to determine how to make
URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking.

327. Pay-per-_________ generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's

328. Pay-per-___________ generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the
user directly to an online agent waiting for a call.

329. Pay-per-_______ generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a



CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

330. An ebusiness model is a ________ that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues on the Internet.

331. Business-to-consumer applies to any __________ that sells its products or services
directly to consumers online.

332. Consumer-to-consumer applies to sites primarily offering goods and services to assist
____________ interacting with each other over the Internet.

333. Consumer-to-business applies to any _________ who sells a product or service to a

business on the Internet.

334. _____ and-mortar business operates in a physical store without an Internet presence.

335. Google is an example of a _________-play business.


336. Barnes & Noble is an example of a _________-and-mortar business.


337. T. J. Maxx is an example of a _________-and-mortar business.



CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

338. __________ single-handedly increased the speed of business through the exchange of
digital messages over the Internet.

339. The blending of videoconferencing with document sharing is the ebusiness tool called
Web conferencing or a __________.

340. A(n) Internet service ______________ is a company that provides access to the Internet.

341. Instant ____________ is a service that enables instant or real-time communication

between people.

342. Real-time ______________ occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it
receives it.

343. _______________ converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player.


344. _______________ is the scientific classification of organisms into groups based on



CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

345. The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to product or
service __________.

346. One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer protection,
guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy.

347. The Internet marketplace remains mostly free of traditional forms of sales tax, partially
because ecommerce law is vaguely defined making adhering to ___________ rules and laws a
challenge of ebusiness.

348. One of the most popular forms of user-generated content is a __________ system where
buyers post feedback on sellers.

349. The primary objective of __________ management is to be sure that a company's

knowledge of facts, sources of information and solutions are readily available to all
employees whenever it is needed.

350. Traditional ebusiness communications were limited to face-to-face conversations and

one-way technologies that used _______________ communications or communication such
as email in which the message and the response do not occur at the same time.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

351. A(n) _________ system consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on
publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or
interoperate with the system.

352. Source _______ contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to
be performed by computer software.

353. ________ source refers to any software whose source code is made available free for any
third party to review and modify.

354. ________ intelligence is collaborating and tapping into the core knowledge of all
employees, partners, and customers.

355. ______________ system is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by
facilitating the sharing and flow of information.

356. _____________ knowledge consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and
codified, often with the help of MIS.

357. __________ knowledge is the knowledge contained in people's heads.



CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

358. Social __________ describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content
with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search.

359. A website dedicated to social ____________, provides users with a place to store,
categorize, annotate, and share favorites.

360. Social ___________ is an application that connects people by matching profile


361. Social ____________ refers to websites that rely on user participation and usercontributed content, such as Facebook.

362. __________ are specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for
means of classification or taxonomy.

363. _______________ is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags
or keyword-based classification system.

364. A _____________ is a type of collaborative web page that allows users to add, remove,
and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

365. ____________ editors are WYSIWYG.

366. The __________ effect describes how products in a network increase in value to users as
the number of users increases.

367. An example of a __________ is putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song makes
something old new.

368. A Web _________ is another term for an online journal that allows users to post their
own comments, graphics, and video.

369. Twitter is one of the largest and most powerful _______________ websites.

370. John has a big issue with turning off his cell phone as he is continuously connected to his
friends and family via IMing. It has gotten so bad that John refuses to go to a movie because
he cannot possibly live for two hours without being connected. John is suffering from
technology __________, a clear challenge of Business 2.0.

371. You are in charge of creating and updating your company's Wikipedia page. You logon to
find that someone has placed inappropriate photos and blatant lies about your products on the
corporate Wikipedia page. Your company has been a victim of wiki _________, another major
challenge of the Business 2.0 environment.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

372. You have just been promoted at work and you are now responsible for all marketing
communication through the different Internet channels. You logon to your corporate blog and
find that there are many direct paragraphs from competitor websites and product
manufacturing magazines. The first issue you will need to address as you redesign the
corporate blog is to ensure you are avoiding copyright violations and __________.

373. The Web version that is defining the next generation of online business is Web________,
or the "intelligent" Web application.

374. The ______________ Web is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that
computers can understand.

375. Mobile business is just now emerging and is also referred to as mcommerce or


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

Essay Questions
376. Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and
WWW caused business disruption.

377. Describe Web 1.0 along with ebusiness and its associated advantages.

378. Compare the four categories of ebusiness models.

379. Describe the six ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

380. Identify the four challenges associated with ebusiness.

381. Explain Web 2.0, and identify its four characteristics.

382. Explain how Business 2.0 is helping communities network and collaborate.

383. Describe the three Business 2.0 tools for collaborating.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value

384. Explain the three challenges associated with Business 2.0.

385. Describe Web 3.0 and the next generation of online business.


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

True / False Questions

1. (p. 94) Disruptive technology tends to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper products.
Sustaining technology tends to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper products.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

2. (p. 94) Disruptive and new technologies typically cut into the low-end of the marketplace and
eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their reigning technologies.
Disruptive and new technologies typically cut into the low-end of the marketplace and
eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their reigning technologies.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

3. (p. 95) Dell computer ranks highest on the list for expecting returns from new investments.
This is true according to the disruptive versus sustaining technology figure.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

4. (p. 94) What is best for an organization's current business could ruin it in the long term.
What is best for an organization's current business could ruin it in the long term.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

5. (p. 96) Ebusiness is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

6. (p. 96) Ebusiness is something that a business can just go out and buy.
Ebusiness is not something that a business can just go out and buy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

7. (p. 94) Future managers and workers need to understand the benefits MIS and ebusiness can
offer a company if it wants to take advantage of sustaining technologies.
Future managers and workers need to understand the benefits MIS and ebusiness can offer a
company if it wants to take advantage of disrupting technologies.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

8. (p. 94) A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing customers.
A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs of
existing customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

9. (p. 94) A sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy,
such as a faster car or larger hard drive.
A sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a
faster car or larger hard drive.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

10. (p. 94) A sustaining technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing customers.
A sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a
faster car or larger hard drive.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

11. (p. 94) A disruptive technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy,
such as a faster car or larger hard drive.
A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs of
existing customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

12. (p. 95) The Innovator's Dilemma, a book by Clayton Christensen, discusses how established
companies can take advantage of disruptive technologies without hindering existing
relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders.
The Innovator's Dilemma, a book by Clayton Christensen, discusses how established
companies can take advantage of disruptive technologies without hindering existing
relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

13. (p. 96) The Internet provides access to Internet information through documents including
text, graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.
The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including text,
graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

14. (p. 96) The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including
text, graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.
The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including text,
graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called HTML.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

15. (p. 96) The Internet is a massive network that connects computers all over the world and
allows them to communicate with one another.
The Internet is a massive network that connects computers all over the world and allows them
to communicate with one another.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

16. (p. 96) Hypertext markup language (HTML) links documents, allowing users to move from
one to another simply by clicking on a hot spot or link.
Hypertext markup language (HTML) links documents, allowing users to move from one to
another simply by clicking on a hot spot or link.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

17. (p. 96) The WWW, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla's Firefox, allow users to access the
Web browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla's Firefox, allow users to access the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

18. (p. 96) Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) is the Internet protocol web browsers use to
request and display web pages using universal resource locators.
Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) is the Internet protocol web browsers use to request and
display web pages using universal resource locators.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

19. (p. 96) A universal resource locator (URL) is the address of a file or resource on the web
such as
A universal resource locator (URL) is the address of a file or resource on the web such as

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

20. (p. 96) A universal resource locator (URL) identifies a URL address and in the previous
example is the domain name.
A domain name identifies a URL address and in the previous example is the
domain name.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

21. (p. 96) URLs use domain names to identify particular websites.
URLs use domain names to identify particular websites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

22. (p. 96) Domain name hosting (web hosting) is a service that allows the owner of a domain
name to maintain a simple website and provide email capacity.
Domain name hosting (web hosting) is a service that allows the owner of a domain name to
maintain a simple website and provide email capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

23. (p. 96) A URL is a program that runs within another application such as a website.
An applet is a program that runs within another application such as a website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

24. (p. 96) Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.
Ecommerce refers only to online transactions.
Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. Ecommerce
refers only to online transactions.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

25. (p. 96) Ecommerce includes ebusiness along with all activities related to internal and
external business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with partners,
and exchanging real-time information. During Web 1.0, entrepreneurs began creating the first
forms of ecommerce.
Ebusiness includes ecommerce along with all activities related to internal and external
business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with partners, and
exchanging real-time information. During Web 1.0, entrepreneurs began creating the first
forms of ebusiness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

26. (p. 96) A paradigm shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that
reshapes the way companies and organizations behave.
A paradigm shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes
the way companies and organizations behave.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

27. (p. 98) A few examples of ebusiness advantages can include opening new markets, reducing
costs, and expanding global reach.
Ebusiness advantages include 1) expanding global reach 2) opening new markets 3) reducing
costs 4) improving operations 5) improving effectiveness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

28. (p. 99) Intermediaries occur when a customer sells directly to another customer online
cutting out the intermediary.
Disintermediation occurs when a business sells direct to the customer online and cuts out the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

29. (p. 100) Interactivity measures advertising effectiveness by counting visitor interactions with
the target ad, including time spent viewing the ad, number of pages viewed, and number of
repeat visits to the advertisement.
This is the definition of interactivity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

30. (p. 98) Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of
textual, graphic, audio, or video information.
Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual,
graphic, audio, or video information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

31. (p. 98) Information richness measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all
over the world.
Information reach measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

32. (p. 98) Mass customization is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services
to the customers' specifications. For example, customers can order M&M's in special colors or
with customized sayings such as "Marry Me."
Mass customization is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the
customers' specifications. For example, customers can order M&M's in special colors or with
customized sayings such as "Marry Me."

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

33. (p. 98) Mass customization occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes
and dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person, say by tailoring its
website to individuals or groups based on profile information, demographics, or prior
Personalization occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes and dislikes
that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person, say by tailoring its website to
individuals or groups based on profile information, demographics, or prior transactions.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

34. (p. 100) Cybermediation refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply
could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites
such as Kelkoo and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank.
Cybermediation refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not
have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as
Kelkoo and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

35. (p. 100) In Reintermediation steps are removed from the value chain as new players find
ways to add value to the business process.
In Reintermediation steps are added to the value chain as new players find ways to add value
to the business process.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

36. (p. 98) Information reach refers to the number of people a business can communicate with,
on a global basis.
Information reach refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a
global basis.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

37. (p. 101) An ebusiness model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues.
An ebusiness model is an approach to conducting electronic business on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

38. (p. 104) Content providers are companies that generate revenue by providing digital content
such as news, music, photos, or videos and examples include Netflix and iTunes.
This is the definition of content provider in the figure showing ebusiness forms.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

39. (p. 104) Transaction brokers process online sales transactions.

This is the definition of transaction brokers in the figure showing ebusiness forms.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

40. (p. 102) Business-to-consumer applies to any business that sells its products or services
directly to consumers online.
Business-to-consumer applies to any business that sells its products or services directly to
consumers online.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

41. (p. 103) A click-and-motor business operates on the Internet only without a physical store.
This is the definition of pure-play (Virtual) business operates on the Internet only without a
physical store.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

42. (p. 102) The majority of eBay's customers are using a business-to-business (B2B) ebusiness
The majority of eBay's customers are using a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) ebusiness model.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

43. (p. 101) A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues.
A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

44. (p. 101) A business model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and
generates revenues on the Internet.
An ebusiness model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates
revenues on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

45. (p. 102) Dot-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.
Dot-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

46. (p. 105) A search engine is website software that finds other pages based on keyword
matching similar to Google.
A search engine is website software that finds other pages based on keyword matching similar
to Google.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

47. (p. 105) Search engine ranking evaluates variables that search engines use to determine
where a URL appears on the list of search results.
Search engine ranking evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a URL
appears on the list of search results.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

48. (p. 105) Search engine optimization (SEO) combines art along with science to determine
how to make URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine
Search engine optimization (SEO) combines art along with science to determine how to make
URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

49. (p. 105) Pay-per-call generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's
Pay-per-click generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

50. (p. 105) Pay-per-click generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user
directly to an online agent waiting for a call.
Pay-per-call generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user directly to
an online agent waiting for a call.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

51. (p. 105) Pay-per-conversion generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a
Pay-per-conversion generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a customer.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

52. (p. 108) Taxonomy is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context should be
Information architecture is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context
should be organized.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

53. (p. 108) A Webinar is a form of Web conferencing, which blends videoconferencing with
document sharing and allows the user to deliver a presentation over the Web to a group of
geographically dispersed participants.
A Webinar is a form of Web conferencing, which blends videoconferencing with document
sharing and allows the user to deliver a presentation over the Web to a group of
geographically dispersed participants.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

54. (p. 106) Many businesses are using instant messaging as a way to answer and resolve
questions or problems quickly.
Instant messaging is a way to answer and resolve questions or problems quickly.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

55. (p. 106) An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet
for a monthly fee.
An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet for a
monthly fee.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

56. (p. 106) Real-time communication occurs when a system updates information at the same
rate it receives it.
Real-time communication occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it
receives it.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

57. (p. 106) Instant messaging (IMing) is a service that enables instant or real-time
communication between people.
Instant messaging (IMing) is a service that enables instant or real-time communication
between people.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

58. (p. 107) Instant messaging converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player.
Podcasting converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

59. (p. 107) A videoconference allows people at two or more locations to interact via two-way
video and audio transmissions simultaneously as well as share documents, data, computer
displays, and whiteboards. Point-to-point videoconferences connect two people, and
multipoint conferences connect more than two people at multiple locations.
A videoconference allows people at two or more locations to interact via two-way video and
audio transmissions simultaneously as well as share documents, data, computer displays, and
whiteboards. Point-to-point videoconferences connect two people, and multipoint conferences
connect more than two people at multiple locations.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

60. (p. 109) Managing consumer trust is not a challenge for ebusinesses participants as the
Internet has numerous security technologies in place to completely protect consumers and
their online transactions.
Managing consumer trust is a challenge facing ebusinesses.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

61. (p. 109) The Internet marketplace is free of most forms of traditional sales tax.
The Internet marketplace is mostly free of traditional forms of sales tax.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

62. (p. 109) The Internet uses such strong security technologies that ensuring consumer
protection is not a challenge for ebusinesses.
Ensuring consumer protection is an ebusiness challenge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

63. (p. 109) Web 2.0 is the next generation of Internet that uses a more mature, distinctive
communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and
This is the definition of Web 2.0 or Business 2.0

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

64. Source code is software made available free for any third party to review and modify.
This is the definition of open source.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

65. The most common form of collective intelligence found outside the organization is
crowdsourcing, or the wisdom of the crowd.
This is the definition of crowdsourcing.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

66. (p. 111) An open system consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly
known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate
with the system.
An open system consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly known
standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate with
the system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

67. (p. 111) An open system contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the
actions to be performed by computer software.
Source code contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to be
performed by computer software.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

68. (p. 111) Open source refers to any software whose source code is made available free (not on
a fee or licensing basis as in ebusiness) for any third party to review and modify.
Open source refers to any software whose source code is made available free (not on a fee or
licensing basis as in ebusiness) for any third party to review and modify.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

69. (p. 111) User-contributed content (or user-generated content) is created and updated by many
users for many users.
User-contributed content (or user-generated content) is created and updated by many users for
many users.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

70. (p. 111) User-contributed content is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups
by facilitating the sharing and flow of information.
A collaboration system is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by
facilitating the sharing and flow of information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

71. (p. 111) Open systems tap into the core knowledge of all employees, partners, and
Collective intelligence is collaborating and tapping into the core knowledge of all employees,
partners, and customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

72. (p. 111) Knowledge can be a real competitive advantage for an organization. The most
common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization is knowledge
management (KM), which involves capturing, classifying, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing
information assets in a way that provides context for effective decisions and actions.
Knowledge can be a real competitive advantage for an organization. The most common form
of collective intelligence found inside the organization is knowledge management (KM),
which involves capturing, classifying, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing information assets in
a way that provides context for effective decisions and actions.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

73. (p. 111) The primary objective of knowledge management is to be sure that a company's
knowledge of facts, sources of information, and solutions are readily available to all
employees whenever it is needed.
The primary objective of knowledge management is to be sure that a company's knowledge of
facts, sources of information, and solutions are readily available to all employees whenever it
is needed.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

74. (p. 111) A knowledge management system (KMS) supports the capturing, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization. KMS can distribute
an organization's knowledge base by interconnecting people and digitally gathering their
A knowledge management system (KMS) supports the capturing, organization, and
dissemination of knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization. KMS can distribute
an organization's knowledge base by interconnecting people and digitally gathering their

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

75. (p. 112) Tacit knowledge consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and
codified, often with the help of MIS. Examples of explicit knowledge are assets such as
patents, trademarks, business plans, marketing research, and customer lists.
Explicit knowledge consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified, often
with the help of MIS. Examples of explicit knowledge are assets such as patents, trademarks,
business plans, marketing research, and customer lists.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

76. (p. 112) Explicit knowledge is the knowledge contained in people's heads. The challenge
inherent in tacit knowledge is figuring out how to recognize, generate, share, and manage
knowledge that resides in people's heads.
Tacit knowledge is the knowledge contained in people's heads. The challenge inherent in tacit
knowledge is figuring out how to recognize, generate, share, and manage knowledge that
resides in people's heads.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

77. (p. 113) Social media refers to websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed
content, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Digg.
Social media refers to websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content,
such as Facebook, YouTube, and Digg.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

78. (p. 113) Social tagging is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags
or keyword-based classification system.
Folksonomy is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags or
keyword-based classification system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

79. (p. 113) A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile
information. Providing individuals with the ability to network is by far one of the greatest
advantages of Business 2.0.
A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information.
Providing individuals with the ability to network is by far one of the greatest advantages of
Business 2.0.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

80. (p. 113) Social networking is the practice of expanding your business and/or social contacts
by constructing a personal network.
Social networking is the practice of expanding your business and/or social contacts by
constructing a personal network.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

81. (p. 113) Social media maps group contacts (personal and professional) identifying who
knows each other and who works together. In a company it can provide a vision of how
employees work together.
Social networking analysis (SNA) maps group contacts (personal and professional)
identifying who knows each other and who works together. In a company it can provide a
vision of how employees work together.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

82. (p. 113) Tags are specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for means
of classification or taxonomy.
Social networking analysis (SNA) maps group contacts (personal and professional)
identifying who knows each other and who works together. In a company it can provide a
vision of how employees work together.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

83. (p. 113) Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content
with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search.
Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with
keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

84. (p. 113) A social bookmark is a locally stored URL or the address of a file or Internet page
saved as a shortcut.
A website bookmark is a locally stored URL or the address of a file or Internet page saved as
a shortcut.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

85. (p. 113) Social bookmarking allows users to share, organize, search, and manage
Social bookmarking allows users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

86. (p. 116) The three Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools a business can use to
harness the power of people include blogs, wikis, and mashups.
Blogs, wikis, and mashups are the three primary Business 2.0 communication and
collaboration tools.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

87. (p. 117) A wiki is a Hawaiian word for quick and is a type of a collaborative Web page that
allows users to add, remove, and change content.
This is part of the definition of a wiki. It allows users to add, remove, and change content,
which can be easily organized and reorganized as required.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

88. (p. 117) RSS allows a website to constantly feed information and news to consumers instead
of having the consumer search for it.
In addition to facilitating syndication, RSS allows a website's frequent readers to track
updates on the site.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

89. (p. 117) Microblogging is the practice of sending brief posts (140 to 200 characters) to a
personal blog, either publicly or to a private group of subscribers who can read the posts as
IMs or as text messages.
Microblogging is the practice of sending brief posts (140 to 200 characters) to a personal
blog, either publicly or to a private group of subscribers who can read the posts as IMs or as
text messages.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

90. (p. 117) The network effect describes how products in a network increase in value to users as
the number of users increases.
The network effect describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the
number of users increases.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

91. (p. 117) A mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one
source to create a completely new product or service. The term is typically used in the context
of music; putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song makes something old new. The web
version of a mashup allows users to mix map data, photos, video, news feeds, blog entries,
and so on to create content with a new purpose.
A mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to
create a completely new product or service. The term is typically used in the context of music;
putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song makes something old new. The web version of a
mashup allows users to mix map data, photos, video, news feeds, blog entries, and so on to
create content with a new purpose.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

92. (p. 117) Content used in mashups is typically sourced from an RSS, which is a set of
routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.
Content used in mashups is typically sourced from an application programming interface
(API), which is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

93. (p. 119) Open source and sharing are both advantages and disadvantages of Business 2.0.
Open source and sharing are both major advantages and disadvantages of Business 2.0.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

94. (p. 119) Copyright laws protect collaborative websites like blogs and wikis allowing users to
reuse material freely and easily.
Copyright infringement is a challenge of the online world and business 2.0 is seeing more
cases and problems with it online.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

95. (p. 119) Tim Berners-Lee was one of the founders of the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee was one of the founders of the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

96. (p. 120) Egovernment involves the use of strategies and technologies to transform
government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction
between the citizen-consumer within all branches of government.
This is the definition of egovernment.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

97. (p. 120) Web 3.0 refers to static text-based information websites.
Web 1.0 refers to static text-based information websites, Web 2.0 is about user-contributed
content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural language
processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

98. (p. 120) Mobile banking and mobile sales are both a part of the emerging mbusiness.
Mobile banking and mobile sales are both a part of the emerging mbusiness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Multiple Choice Questions

99. (p. 94) Which of the following terms implies that organizations that cannot adapt to the new
demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction?
A. Collective intelligence
B. Digital Darwinism
C. Joint venture
D. Sole proprietorship
Digital Darwinism implies that organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on
them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

100. (p. 94) Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy,
such as a faster car or larger hard drive?
A. Sustaining technology
B. Disruptive technology
C. Reputation system
D. Personalization
Sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a
faster car or larger hard drive.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

101. (p. 94) Which of the follow represents a form of disruptive technology?
A. Enter the marketplace at the low end
B. A new way of doing things that initially doesn't meet the needs of existing customers
C. Tend to open new markets and destroy old ones
D. All of the above are included
Disruptive technology is 1) a new way of doing things that initially doesn't meet the needs of
existing customers, 2) tend to open new markets and destroy old ones, 3) enter the
marketplace at the low end and eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their
reigning technologies.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

102. (p. 94) Which of the following is challenge of sustaining technology?

A. Provides a cheaper product for current customers
B. Provides a product that does not meet existing customer's future needs
C. Provides a better product for current customers
D. Provides a faster product for current customers
Sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a
faster car or larger hard drive. They tend to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper
products in established markets.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

103. (p. 94) Which of the following is not included in the top five companies that are expecting
future growth to be generated from new investments?
A. Johnson & Johnson
B. Sears
C. Dell
D. None of the above
The top five companies expecting future growth from new investments, the top five ranked,
are 1) Dell, 2) Johnson & Johnson, 3) Procter & Gamble, 4) Walmart, 5) Cisco.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

104. (p. 94) The Innovator's Dilemma suggests that established companies can take advantage of
___________ without hindering existing relationships with customers, partners, and
A. Sustaining technology
B. Existing investments
C. Collective intelligence
D. Disruptive technology
The book "Innovator's Dilemma," discusses how established companies can take advantage of
disruptive technologies without hindering existing relationships with customers, partners, and

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

105. (p. 95) Which of the following began as an essential emergency military communications
system operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA)?
A. Internet
B. Ecommerce
C. Ebusiness
Originally the Internet was essentially an emergency military communications system
operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA).

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

106. (p. 96) Which of the following terms could you use synonymously when referring to the
A. Network, Paradigm shift
B. URL, Domain Name
C. HTML, Internet
D. Web browser, Blog
When referring to the Web, URL (Universal Resource Locator) and a Domain name mean the
same thing or are the most interchangeable.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

107. (p. 96) At a local marketing firm, Steve is the lead Web developer and is responsible for
working with customers on their Web designs, development, and graphics. Which of the
following would be a critical skill Steve must have to be able to perform his job?
A. Understanding that he must create a unique domain name for each client
B. Being able to work with HTML
C. Understanding of the World Wide Web and how hyperlinks work
D. All of the above
At a local marketing firm, Steve is the lead Web Developer. Among his responsibilities are
working with customers, Web design and development, and graphic design techniques. More
than likely he will be required to utilize URLs, Domain names, HTML, World Wide Web
knowledge, Web browsers, and HTTP.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

108. (p. 96) Which of the following is not a reason for the explosive growth of the WWW?
A. Basic Web pages are easy to create and extremely flexible
B. The microcomputer revolution made it possible for an average person to own a computer
C. Digital Darwinism
D. The speed, convenience, and low cost of email
Some of the reasons for the growth of the world wide Web are 1) the microcomputer
revolution made it possible for an average person to own a computer, 2) advancements in
networking hardware, software, and media made it possible for business computers to be
connected to larger networks at a minimal cost, 3) browser software gave computer users an
easy-to-use interface to download, find, and display Web pages, 4) the speed, convenience,
and low cost of email, and 5) basic Web pages are easy to create and extremely flexible.
Digital Darwinism implies that organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on
them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

109. (p. 96) Which term describes the WWW during its first few years of operation between
1991 and 2003?
A. Web 1.0
B. Eshop
C. Open source
D. All of the above
Web 1.0 refers to the World Wide Web during its first few years of operation from 1991-2003.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

110. (p. 96) What is the difference between ecommerce and ebusiness?
A. Ecommerce includes Internet network effects; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all
activities related to internal and external business operations
B. Ecommerce is buying and selling of goods or services online; ebusiness includes
ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations
C. Ecommerce includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business
operations; ebusiness includes all of the knowledge of management systems
D. Ebusiness is buying and selling of goods or services online; ecommerce includes
ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations
Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet and refers only to
online transactions; Ebusiness includes ecommerce along with all activities related to internal
and external business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with
partners, and exchanging real-time information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

111. (p. 96) What is the Internet protocol Web browsers use to request and display Web pages
using universal resource locators?
A. Hypertext markup language (HTML)
C. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP)
Hypertext transport protocol is the Internet protocol Web browsers use to request and display
Web pages using universal resource locators.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

112. (p. 96) What allows user to access the WWW?

A. Web conferencing
B. Web browser
C. Web 2.0
D. Web business
This is the definition of a Web browser.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

113. (p. 96) Which of the following is a type of Web browser?

A. Microsoft Word and Excel
B. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
C. Facebook and MySpace
D. All of the above
This is the definition of a Web browser.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

114. (p. 95) What caused Polaroid to go bankrupt?

A. It failed to have innovative technology and a captive customer base
B. One-hour film processing and digital cameras stole its market share
C. People who want instant access to their pictures also want a third party involved
D. Internet websites such as Flickr and Facebook stole its market share
Polaroid went bankrupt because of one-hour film processing and digital cameras stole its
market share.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

115. (p. 96) Many social media sites today allow you to customize your Web address, for
example What is an alternate name for a Web address
such as
A. Digital bookmark
B. Internet bookmark
C. Universal resource locator
D. Web browser
Many social media sites today allow you to customize your Web address, for example This address is also called a Universal resource locator

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

116. (p. 97) Many industries have been forced to change due to technology advances. Which of
the below industries has felt the lowest amount of economic impact from ebusiness?
A. Auto industry
B. Retail industry
C. Travel industry
D. Waste or recycling industry
Industries that have been revamped by the disruption of ebusiness include 1) auto, 2)
publishing, 3) education & training, 4) entertainment, 5) financial services, 6) retail, and 7)

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

117. (p. 96) Universities were among some of the first users of the Internet. What was the
Internet first called?
The first name of the internet was ARPANET.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

118. (p. 96) What is the address of a file or resource on the web such as
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator
Universal resource locator is the address of a file or resource on the web such as

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

119. (p. 96) What links documents, allowing users to move from one to another simply by
clicking on a hot spot or link?
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator
Hypertext transport protocol links documents, allowing users to move from one to another
simply by clicking on a hot spot or link.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

120. (p. 96) What allows users to access the WWW?

A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator
Web browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla's Firefox, allow users to access the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

121. (p. 96) What is the Internet protocol web browsers use to request and display web pages
using universal resource locators?
A. Hypertext markup language
B. Web browser
C. Hypertext transport protocol
D. Universal resource locator
Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) is the Internet protocol web browsers use to request and
display web pages using universal resource locators.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

122. (p. 96) What identifies a URL address and in the previous example is the domain
name. URLs use domain names to identify particular websites?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift
A domain name identifies a URL address and in the previous example is the
domain name. URLs use domain names to identify particular websites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

123. (p. 96) What is a service that allows the owner of a domain name to maintain a simple
website and provide email capacity?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift
Domain name hosting (web hosting) is a service that allows the owner of a domain name to
maintain a simple website and provide email capacity.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

124. (p. 96) What is a program that runs within another application such as a website?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift
An applet is a program that runs within another application such as a website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

125. (p. 96) What occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes
the way companies and organizations behave?
A. Domain name
B. Domain name hosting
C. Applet
D. Paradigm shift
A paradigm shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes
the way companies and organizations behave.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

126. (p. 94) What does digital Darwinism imply?

A. Organizations that can adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the
information age are doomed to extinction
B. Organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the
information age are doomed to extinction
C. Organizations that can adapt to new information systems are doomed to extinction
D. Organizations that cannot adapt to new information systems are doomed to exile
This is the definition of digital Darwinism.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

127. (p. 94) Which of the following is an example of a disruptive technology?

A. Oracle's database software
B. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio)
C. Intel's low-end microprocessor
D. All of the above
All of the above are examples of disruptive technologies as displayed in the figure companies
that capitalize on disruptive technology.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

128. (p. 94) Which of the following is an example of a sustaining technology?

A. Porsche's faster car
B. Intel's low-end microprocessor
C. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio)
D. All of the above
Sustaining technologies tend to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper products such as a
faster car or larger hard drive.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

129. (p. 94) Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on existing
A. Dell Computer
B. Johnson & Johnson
C. Procter & Gamble
D. Phillips Petroleum
According to the disruptive versus sustaining technology figure, Phillips Petroleum is
expecting returns on existing investments to equal 97%.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

130. (p. 94) Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on new
A. General Motors
B. Sears Roebuck
C. Dell Computer
D. Phillips Petroleum
According to the disruptive versus sustaining technology figure, Dell Computer is expecting
major returns on new investments.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

131. (p. 96) Which of the following is a reason for the growth of the World Wide Web?
A. The microcomputer revolution
B. Advancements in networking hardware
C. Web pages being easy to create and flexible
D. All of the above
All of the above are reasons for the growth of the WWW.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

132. (p. 98) What is information richness?

A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another
using common computer protocols
B. Refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or
video information
C. Refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a global basis
D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without
access to technology
This is the definition of information richness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

133. (p. 98) What is information reach?

A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another
using common computer protocols
B. Refers to the depth and breadth of information transferred between customers and
C. Measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world
D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without
access to technology
This is the definition of information reach.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

134. (p. 98) Which of the following is not one of the Internet's impacts on information?
A. Easy to compile
B. Improved content
C. Digital divide
D. Increased richness
The digital divide is not one of the Internet's impacts on information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

135. (p. 99) What are agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure to
bring buyers and sellers together?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation
This is the definition of intermediaries.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

136. (p. 99) What occurs when a business sells directly to the customer online and cuts out the
middle man?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation
This is the definition of disintermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

137. (p. 99) What occurs when steps are added to the value chain as new players find ways to
add value to the business process?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation
This is the definition of reintermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

138. (p. 99) What refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not
have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as
Froogle and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank?
A. Intermediaries
B. Disintermediation
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation
This is the definition of cybermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

139. (p. 98) Both individuals and organizations have embraced ebusiness to do which of the
A. Enhance productivity
B. Maximize convenience
C. Improve communication
D. All of the above
Both individuals and organizations have embraced ebusiness to enhance productivity,
maximize convenience, and improve communications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

140. (p. 98) What is the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic,
audio, or video?
A. Information richness
B. Information age
C. Information reach
D. Information browser
Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual,
graphic, audio, or video information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

141. (p. 98) What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the
A. Information richness
B. Information age
C. Information reach
D. Information browser
Information reach measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

142. (p. 98) Which of the below would not be considered an advantage of ebusiness?
A. Expanding global reach
B. Opening new markets
C. Reducing costs
D. Reducing information reach
Ebusiness advantages include 1) expanding global reach, 2) opening new markets, 3) reducing
costs, 4) improving operations, 5) improving effectiveness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

143. (p. 98) What is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the
customers' specifications?
A. Personalization
B. Long tail
C. Mass customization
D. Information reach
This is the definition of mass customization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

144. (p. 99) Which of the below would not be considered a company operating in the long tail of
a typical sales curve?
A. Walmart
B. Netflix
C. iTunes
D. Zappos
Niche markets that are excellent examples of long tail sales include Netflix, Amazon, Zappos,
and iTunes.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

145. (p. 98) M&M's offers people the opportunity to order the candy in special colors or with
customized sayings. How would you classify M&M's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity
M&M's offers people the opportunity to order M&M's in special colors or with customized
sayings which is an example of mass customization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

146. (p. 98) Amazon creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its
website. How would you classify Amazon's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity
Amazon uses personalization to create unique recommendations for each customer and this is
an example of personalization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

147. Netflix creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its
website. How would you classify Netflix's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity
Netflix uses personalization to create unique recommendations for each customer and this is
an example of personalization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

148. (p. 98) Nike offers people the opportunity to visit its website to create running shoes in the
style and color they choose. How would you classify Nike's ebusiness strategy?
A. Information richness
B. Mass customization
C. Personalization
D. Interactivity
Nike's customized shoes are an example of mass customization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

149. (p. 100) What uses the Internet to reassemble buyers, sellers, and other partners in a
traditional supply chain in new ways?
A. Content providers
B. Intermediaries
C. Reintermediation
D. Cybermediation
This is the definition of reintermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

150. (p. 99) When evaluating the business value of disintermediation the more ____________
that are cut from the distribution chain, the lower the product price.
A. Technology
B. Customers
C. Data stream
D. Intermediaries
When evaluating the business value of disintermediation the more intermediaries that are cut
from the distribution chain, the lower the product price.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

151. (p. 100) What is a type of mediation that refers to the creation of new kinds of
intermediaries that simply could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness?
A. Cybermediation
B. Interactivity
C. Reintermediation
D. Disintermediation
The type of mediation that refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply
could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness is the definition of cybermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

152. (p. 100) A company can reduce its costs using ebusiness to change its business processes.
Which of the following represents an example of a company reducing its costs through
A. Creating an online travel reservation
B. Ordering a product online
C. Purchasing a book online and picking it up in the store
D. Researching products to find the lowest price and visiting the store to purchase the item
These are some examples that demonstrate how a company can reduce costs by changing
some of their business processes and utilizing ebusiness 1) air travel reservations done online
instead of over the phone, 2) the online ordering process of a product. Researching cost
savings online does not help the company it only helps the customer. Going to the store and
purchasing the product does not take advantage of ebusiness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

153. (p. 100) Which of the below statements is correct?

A. Just putting up a website can create tremendous ebusiness value
B. Just putting up a website can create tremendous business buzz
C. Just putting up a website can limit product availability
D. Just putting up a website does not create an ebusiness
Just putting up a website doesn't create an ebusiness. The website must also create buzz, be
innovative, add value, and provide useful information. They must build a sense of community
and collaboration.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

154. (p. 100) What is the exact pattern of a consumer's navigation through a site?
A. Web browsing
B. Hypertext
C. Clickstream data
D. Web data
This is the definition of clickstream data.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

155. (p. 100) What is the best way to measure a company's ebusiness success?
A. Effective MIS metrics
B. Interactivity
C. Clickstream data
D. All of the above
The best way to measure a company's ebusiness success is by using different effective MIS
metrics, such as interactivity and clickstream data.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

156. (p. 101) Which of the following is an ebusiness marketing technique?

A. Cookies
B. Pop-up ad
C. Banner ad
D. All of the above
Ways of marketing through Ebusiness Include 1) an associate program, 2) banner ads, 3)
click-through, 4) cookies, 5) pop-up ads, and 6) viral marketing.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

157. (p. 101) Which type of ebusiness marketing technique induces websites or users to pass on
a marketing message to other websites or users, creating exponential growth in the message's
visibility and effect?
A. Cookies
B. Click-through
C. Viral marketing
D. Pop-up ad
Viral marketing is a marketing technique that induces websites or users to pass on a marketing
message to other websites or users, creating exponential growth in the message's visibility and

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

158. (p. 101) Bonnie Flat is a real estate agent who specializes in the luxury home market in the
Seattle, WA area. Bonnie is highly-technical and uses many types of online marketing
techniques to increase business. One of most successful online marketing techniques is to
place a box along the top of real estate websites and luxury custom furniture websites. What
type of marketing technique is Bonnie using?
A. A cookie
B. A banner ad
C. A pop-up ad
D. A click-through ad
A banner ad is a box running across a website that advertises the products and services of
another business, usually another ebusiness. The banner often contains a hyperlink to the
advertiser's website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

159. (p. 98) What is the business strategy that lets a company shorten the order process and add
value with reduced costs or a more responsive and efficient service, and occurs when a
business sells directly to the customer online?
A. Disintermediation
B. Intermediaries
C. Cybermediation
D. None of the above
This is the definition of disintermediation.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

160. (p. 99) What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the
A. Information
B. Mass communication
C. Information reach
D. Cybertronics
This is the definition of information reach.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

161. (p. 101) Which of the following is an example of a clickstream data metric?
A. Dates and times of visits
B. Number of customers with shopping carts
C. The number of page views
D. All of the above
Examples of clickstream data metrics include 1) the number of page views, 2) the pattern of
websites visited, including most frequent exit page and prior website, 3) length of stay on the
website, 4) dates and times of visits, 5) number of registrations filled out per 100 visitors, 6)
number of abandoned registrations, 7) demographics of registered visitors, 8) number of
customers with shopping carts, and 9) number of abandoned shopping carts.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

162. (p. 101) What is the difference between a business model and an ebusiness model?
A. A business model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; an
ebusiness model does all of the same except on the Internet
B. A business model and an ebusiness model are identical
C. A business model and an ebusiness model are complete opposites
D. An ebusiness model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; a
business model does all the same except on the internet
A business model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; ebusiness
does all the same except on the internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

163. (p. 102) What are the four main types of ebusiness models?
A. Business-to-borrower, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-toconsumer
B. Business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-toconsumer
C. Business-to-business, business collaboration, collective business, and consumer-toconsumer
D. Ebusiness-to-ebusiness, ebusiness-to-ebusiness, econsumer-to-ebusiness, and econsumerto-econsumer
The four main types of ebusiness models are 1) business-to-business (B2B), 2) business-toconsumer (B2C), 3) consumer-to-business (C2B), and 4) consumer-to-consumer (C2C).

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

164. (p. 102) What is the difference between a B2C and a C2B?
A. B2C focuses on companies as customers and C2B focuses on consumers as customers
B. B2C focuses on collaboration and C2B focuses on consumers
C. B2C focuses on business to consumers and C2B focuses on consumers to business
D. B2C focuses on consumers as customers and C2B focuses on companies as customers
Business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

165. (p. 102) What is the ebusiness model which applies to customers offering goods and
services to each other over the Internet?
A. C2C
B. C2B
C. B2B
D. B2C
The customer-to-customer (C2C) ebusiness model applies to customers offering goods and
services to each other over the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

166. (p. 102) What is the ebusiness model that represents 80% of all online businesses and are
typically more complex requiring greater security needs?
A. Consumer-to-consumer
B. Business-to-consumer
C. Consumer-to-business
D. Business-to-business
B2B relationships represent 80% of all online businesses and are typically more complex
requiring greater security needs than the other types.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

167. (p. 102) Which of the following represents businesses buying from and selling to each other
over the Internet?
A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2B
D. C2C
This is the definition of B2B.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

168. (p. 102) Carfax is an example of a company who sells its products or services directly to its
consumer's online. Which ebusiness model is Carfax using?
A. C2B
B. C2C
C. B2C
D. B2B
This is the definition of B2C.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

169. (p. 102) What is another name for an eshop?

A. C2C
B. Estore or etailer
C. Ecustomer
D. Econsumer
An eshop is also referred to as an estore or etailer.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

170. (p. 102) Which category below represents the three common forms of business operations:
brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, and pure play?
A. C2B
B. C2C
C. B2C
D. All of the above
These are all forms of B2C.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

171. (p. 102) John and Jenny have been saving for two years to take their six children on a
vacation to Disneyworld. They are surprised to find out that airline tickets are far more
expensive than they had anticipated. They decide to try to find cheaper tickets on Priceline
where they are allowed to set their own price they are willing to pay for the airline tickets.
What form of ebusiness model are John and Jenny using?
B. B2B
C. C2B
D. C2C
C2B applies to any consumer who sells a product or service to a business on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

172. (p. 102) What type of revenue generation model is Google using when it generates revenue
by allowing advertisers to bid on common search terms?
A. Awesome
B. Analytics
C. Applications
D. Adwords
Adwords, a part of the Google site, allows advertisers to bid on common search terms. The
advertisers simply enter in the keywords they want to bid on and the maximum amounts they
want to pay per click per day.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

173. (p. 103) What is a business that operates in a physical store without an Internet presence?
A. Brick-and-mortar business
B. Click-and-mortar business
C. Virtual business
D. Pure-play business
This is the definition of brick-and-mortar.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

174. (p. 103) What is a pure-play business?

A. A business that operates only on the Internet without a physical store
B. A business that sells products only in a physical store
C. A business that sells services only in a physical store
D. All of the above
Pure-play or virtual business is a business that operates only on the Internet without a physical
store, such as Google or Amazon.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

175. (p. 103) What are the three primary models that a B2C can use to operate?
A. Click-and-brick, click-and-mortar, pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, virtual
C. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-consumer, virtual-and-consumer
D. Brick-and-click, brick-and-mortar, brick-and-virtual
The three ways for a business-to-consumer business to operate are brick-and-mortar, clickand-mortar, and virtual or pure-play.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

176. (p. 103) Which type of ebusiness model is Amazon using?

A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Content provider is an example of a B2C pure-play business.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

177. (p. 103) Which type of ebusiness model is Barnes & Noble using?
A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Virtual
Barnes & Noble is a click-and-mortar business as it operates on the Internet and has physical

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

178. (p. 103) Which type of ebusiness model best describes Apple?
A. Pure-play
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Click-and-mortar
D. Virtual
Apple is a click-and-mortar business as it operates on the Internet and has physical stores.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

179. (p. 101) What is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenues
on the Internet?
A. Ebusiness
B. Ebusiness model
C. Ecommerce
D. Ecommerce model
This is the definition of an ebusiness model.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

180. (p. 96) What occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes
the way companies and organizations behave?
A. Ecommerce model
B. Eshop sale
C. Paradigm shift
D. Web 1.0
This is the definition of paradigm shift.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

181. (p. 103) Which of the following represents a brick-and-mortar business?

A. The Gap
B. Amazon
C. Google
D. T.J.Maxx
T.J. Maxx is the only company above that operates using a brick-and-mortar business.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

182. (p. 104) All of the following are forms of ebusiness except ______________.
A. Subscription fee
B. Content provider
C. Infomediaries
D. Online marketplace
As more and more companies began jumping into ebusiness new forms of ebusiness emerged
which are 1) content providers, 2) infomediaries, 3) online marketplace, 4) portals, 5) service
providers, and 6) transaction brokers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

183. (p. 104) Which of the below is not a valid form of an ebusiness revenue model?
A. Value-added services fees
B. Subscription fees
C. Advertising fees
D. Service provider
Examples of ebusiness revenue models are 1) advertising fees, 2) license fees, 3) subscription
fees, 4) transaction fees, 5) value-added services fees.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

184. (p. 106) For the past 20 years, Perry has been an owner of several Coldwell Banker Real
Estate franchises. To increase business Perry spends a great deal of money marketing and
advertising his businesses online. Perry decides he would like to move beyond just marketing
and create an actual ebusiness that acts like a search engine but only focuses on the real estate
industry. The main revenue source for this Perry's ebusiness will be a charge of $50 a month
for each property that is listed on the website. What is the primary revenue model for Perry's
new business?
A. License fees
B. Advertising fees
C. Subscription fees
D. All of the above
This is an example of using the subscription fees ebusiness revenue model.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

185. (p. 102) What was the original term for a company operating on the Internet?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization
Dot-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

186. (p. 105) What is website software that finds other pages based on keyword matching similar
to Google?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization
A search engine is website software that finds other pages based on keyword matching similar
to Google.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

187. (p. 105) What evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a URL
appears on the list of search results?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization
Search engine ranking evaluates variables that search engines use to determine where a URL
appears on the list of search results.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

188. (p. 105) What combines art along with science to determine how to make URLs more
attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking?
A. Dot-com
B. Search engine
C. Search engine ranking
D. Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) combines art along with science to determine how to make
URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

189. (p. 105) What generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above
Pay-per-click generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

190. (p. 105) What generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user directly
to an online agent waiting for a call?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above
Pay-per-call generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user directly to
an online agent waiting for a call.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

191. (p. 105) What generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a customer?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above
Pay-per-call generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes the user directly to
an online agent waiting for a call.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

192. (p. 105) Websites can generate revenue by using which of the following?
A. Pay-per-click
B. Pay-per-call
C. Pay-per-conversion
D. All of the above
Websites can generate revenue by using All of the above.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

193. (p. 106) Which of the following represents the connecting and communicating tools
supporting and driving ebusiness?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
The six primary ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating are email, instant
messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

194. (p. 102) Which of the following represents the primary forms of ebusiness?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
The primary forms of ebusiness highlighted in the figure include content providers,
infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

195. (p. 106) Which of the following represents the primary ebusiness revenue models?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
The primary ebusiness revenue models include advertising fees, license fees, subscription
fees, transaction fees, and value-added services fees as detailed in the figure.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

196. (p. 102) Which of the following represents the categories for ebusiness models?
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers,
transaction brokers
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
The categories for ebusiness models include B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

197. (p. 106) What is an ISP?

A. Instant service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
B. Internet service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly
C. Internet sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
D. Instant sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee
This is the definition of an ISP.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

198. (p. 106) Which of the below is not an ISP?

A. Comcast
B. Facebook
D. Earthlink
Examples of ISP's include AOL, AT&T, Comcast, Earthlink, Netzero, Juno, and many more.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

199. (p. 106) What occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it receives the
A. Collective intelligence system
B. Collaboration system
C. Real-time communication
D. Knowledge management system
This is the definition of real-time communication.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

200. (p. 106) What is the primary business advantage of using email?
A. Increasing the speed of order entry
B. Providing the ability to inform and communicate with many people simultaneously,
immediately, and with ease
C. Providing the ability to have friends all over the globe
D. Increasing the number of computers required in an office
The primary business advantage to email is the ability to inform and communicate with many
people simultaneously, immediately, and with ease.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

201. (p. 106) What is another term for instant messaging?

A. IMing
C. Podcasting
D. Webing
Instant messaging is also abbreviated to IMing.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

202. (p. 106) What is a service that enables instant or real-time communication between people?
B. IMing
C. Tacit knowledge
D. Elicit knowledge
This is the definition of instant messaging.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

203. (p. 106) What are some of the immediate results businesses found from using instant
A. Quickly identify which employees are at their computers
B. Easily hold simultaneous IM sessions with multiple people
C. Resolve questions or problems immediately
D. All of the above
All of the above were results businesses found from utilizing instant messaging.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

204. (p. 107) What converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player?
A. Podcasting
B. Videoconferencing
C. Photo sharing
D. Email
This is the definition of podcasting.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

205. (p. 108) As a trainer for Exempla Healthcare, Tina is faced with many challenges to
properly training her new hires. There are over 40 different locations where Exempla
employees work across the Chicago metro area. Tina decides to implement some valuable
ebusiness tools to help reduce traveling costs, increase speed, and provide flexibility for
completing training sessions with all the new hires. Tina primarily uses PowerPoints and
videos during her training modules. What is the most effective ebusiness tool for Tina to
implement and accomplish all of her training goals?
A. IMing
B. Webinar
C. Blog
D. Email
Web conferencing blends videoconferencing with document sharing and allows the user to
deliver a presentation over the Web to a group of geographically dispersed participants.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

206. (p. 107) Companies use __________ as marketing communication channels discussing
everything from corporate strategies to detailed product overviews.
A. IMing
B. Web browsing
C. Email
D. Podcasting
Companies use podcasting as marketing communication channels discussing everything from
corporate strategies to detailed product overviews.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

207. (p. 108) Illuminate Live is a lecture program used in schools and is considered a _________
A. Instant messaging
B. Explicit knowledge
C. Web conferencing
D. Egovernment
Illuminate Live is a lecture program used in schools that utilizes the ebusiness tool Web
conferencing to deliver the lecture.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

208. (p. 108) What is a well-planned strategy that ensures the search and navigation functions
are easy to use and user-friendly on a website?
A. Blog
B. Taxonomy
C. Email
D. Podcast
A well-planned taxonomy ensures search and navigation are easy and user-friendly on a

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

209. (p. 108) What is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context should be
A. Information architecture
B. Collective intelligence
C. Content management system
D. Ebusiness model
This is the definition of Information architecture.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

210. (p. 108) Which of the below is not considered an advantage of a content management
A. Content management systems store website content
B. Content management systems increase order entry speed
C. Content management systems manage website creation
D. Content management systems allow editing and publication of information
A content management system (CMS) can help companies manage the creation, storage,
editing, and publication of their website content.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

211. (p. 106) Which ebusiness tool increases the speed of business by allowing the transfer of
documents with the same speed as the telephone?
A. Knowledge management system
B. Podcasting
C. Email
D. Ebusiness
Email is the ebusiness tool which increases the speed of business by allowing the transfer of
documents with the same speed as the telephone.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

212. (p. 107) What is the ebusiness tool that can increase marketing reach and build customer
loyalty through audio broadcasting?
A. IMing
B. Email
C. Taxonomy
D. Podcasting
Podcasting is the ebusiness tool that can increase marketing reach and build customer loyalty
through audio broadcasting.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

213. (p. 108) Which ebusiness tool plays a crucial role in getting site visitors to view more than
just the home page by providing clear navigation choices?
C. Open system
D. Open source
Content management systems is the ebusiness tool that plays a crucial role in getting site
visitors to view more than just the home page by having clear navigation choices for visitors.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

214. (p. 108) Which of the following is a challenge facing an ebusiness?

A. Improving information content
B. Increasing convenience
C. Decreasing costs
D. Increasing liabilities
Increased liability is an ebusiness challenge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

215. (p. 109) What are the four challenges facing ebusinesses outlined in the text?
A. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer
protection, and improving information content
B. Decreased costs, increased convenience, identifying limited market segments, and adhering
to taxation rules
C. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer
protection, and adhering to taxation rules
D. Differs depending on the industry where the business operates
The four ebusiness challenges that the book outlines are identifying limited market segments,
managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection, and adhering to taxation rules.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

216. (p. 109) Managing consumer trust is a challenge for ebusinesses. Which of the following is
a good way to build trust when working with customers over the Internet?
A. Be accessible to communicate in-person
B. Be available to communicate in-person
C. Use customer testimonials that link to your client website
D. All of the above
Managing consumer trust is a challenge for ebusinesses. Ways to build trust include being
accessible and available to communicate in person, and also by using customers' testimonials
that link to your clients website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

217. (p. 109) Internet marketers must develop ___________ to build strong relationships with
customers to ensure loyalty.
A. Consumer trust
B. Consumer testimonials
C. Consumer segmentation
D. Market segmentation
Internet marketers must develop the ebusiness challenge, managing consumer trust, to ensure
strong relationships with customers to ensure loyalty.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

218. (p. 109) Ben Schultz decides to purchase an iPad on eBay. After the transaction completes
and the money is withdrawn from Ben's PayPal account the iPad never shows up and the
email address of the seller bounces. What issue has Ben encountered?
A. The physical separation of buyer and seller
B. Adhering to taxation rules
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. All of the above
The physical separation of buyer and seller and the merchandise is always a risk that is taken
into account when trying to improve the managing consumer trust ebusiness challenge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

219. (p. 109) Susan teaches many individuals and business professionals how, why, and the
benefits and challenges to using social media. Of the four ebusiness challenges which of the
following is the most crucial challenge to consider before engaging in social media?
A. Adhering to taxation rules
B. Ensuring consumer protection
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. Managing consumer relationships
Of the four ebusiness challenges ensuring consumer protection is the most crucial challenge to
consider before engaging in social media sites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

220. (p. 109) Many believe that U.S. tax policy should provide a level playing field for
traditional retail businesses, mail order companies, and online merchants. What form of
ebusiness challenge is this statement referring to?
A. Adhering to taxation rules
B. Ensuring consumer protection
C. Identifying limited market segments
D. Managing consumer relationships
Many believe that U.S. tax policy should provide a level playing field for traditional retail
businesses, mail order companies, and online merchants, through the ebusiness challenge
adhering to taxation rules.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

221. (p. 109) Which of the below statements is accurate when considering the ebusiness
challenge of adhering to taxation rules?
A. All online companies must pay sales tax
B. Online companies do not have to pay any sales tax
C. Some online companies have to charge sales tax
D. Online companies that sell physical products have to pay sales tax and online companies
that provide intangible services do not
Some online companies have to charge sales tax and some do not.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

222. (p. 110) Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?
A. Encourages user participation
B. Technical skills are required
C. Eliminates entry barriers to publishing on the Web
D. Provides an exciting and vibrant virtual environment
Business 2.0 (Web 2.0) encourages user participation and the formation of communities to
contribute to the content. Technical skills are no longer required to use and publish
information to the Web, and eliminate entry barriers for online business. They also provide a
virtual environment that is vibrant and important to many.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

223. (p. 110) What are the four most common Business 2.0 characteristics?
A. Content sharing, user-contributed content, collaboration competition elimination, Web
browser organization
B. Content sharing through open source, specialty-contributed content only, collaboration
inside the community, specialized collaboration
C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the
organization, collaboration outside the organization
D. Consumer sharing through open systems, company-contributed content, collaboration
inside the organization, collaboration throughout the organization
The four most common business 2.0 characteristics are 1) content sharing through open
source, 2) user-contributed content, 3) collaboration inside the organization, 4) collaboration
outside the organization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

224. (p. 110) What is the system that consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on
publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or
interoperate with the system?
A. Management system
B. Reputation system
C. Knowledge system
D. Open system
This is the definition of open system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

225. (p. 111) Which of the below is not a characteristic associated with Mozilla Firefox?
A. Mozilla Firefox holds over 20% of the Web browser market
B. Mozilla Firefox offers a free email service called Thunderbird
C. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of open source software
D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system
The Web browser Mozilla Firefox now holds over 20% of the Web browser market, offers a
free email service called Thunderbird and is open source software.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

226. (p. 111) What is Mozilla Firefox?

A. A competitor to Microsoft Word
B. A competitor to Microsoft Excel
C. A competitor to Adobe Photoshop
D. A competitor to Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox is a Web browser and is a competitor to Internet Explorer.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

227. (p. 111) What is software whose source code is available free for any third party to review
and modify?
A. Free source
B. Open source
C. Code source
D. Network source
This is the definition of open source.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

228. (p. 111) Erik is the president and owner of Watch Out, a local website development
company that helps clients create and build unique websites. Many of his daily tasks are
heavily technical in nature and require a high level of computer programming and Internet
knowledge. Which of the below would Erik primarily use when performing his daily tasks?
A. Source code
B. Brick-and-mortar
C. Information reach
D. Explicit knowledge
Source code contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to be
performed by computer software. This is his main role or responsibility.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

229. (p. 111) Ebusiness was characterized by few companies or users posting content for the
masses. What characterizes Business 2.0?
A. A select few posting content for high level executives only
B. The masses posting content for a select few
C. The masses posting content for the masses
D. A select few posting specific content for the masses
Ebusiness was characterized by few companies or users posting content for the masses.
Business 2.0 is characterized by the masses posting content for the masses.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

230. (p. 111) What is Web content that is created and updated by many users for many users?
A. Cybermediation contributed content
B. User-contributed content
C. Executive generated content
D. Customer generated content
This is the definition of user-contributed content or user-generated content.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

231. (p. 111) eBay buyers voluntarily comment to other users and sellers on the quality of
service, promptness of shipping, and their general satisfaction with the product. This is one of
the most popular examples of user-generated content and is called ____________.
A. Reputation system
B. Knowledge system
C. Explicit system
D. User-generated sales cycle
One of the most popular forms of user-generated content is reputation system, where buyers
post feedback on sellers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

232. (p. 111) What is the most common form of collective intelligence found inside the
A. Crowdsourcing
B. Tacit management
C. Knowledge management
D. Tagging
The most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization is knowledge

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

233. (p. 111) What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication?
A. Asynchronous is real-time communication; synchronous is one-way technology
B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time; synchronous
communication occurs at the same time
C. Asynchronous communication includes instant messaging; synchronous communication
includes email
D. Asynchronous communication is fast and instant; synchronous communication is collected
at a single point in time
Asynchronous is communication such as email in which the message and the response do not
occur at the same time, where synchronous is communications that occur at the same time
such as IM or chat.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

234. (p. 111) Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?
A. Knowledge management
B. Collaboration system
C. Web browser
D. Explicit knowledge
When reviewing the business 2.0 characteristic of collaboration inside the organization it
includes the terms 1) collaboration system, 2) collective intelligence, 3) knowledge
management, 4) knowledge management system, 5) explicit knowledge, and 6) tacit
knowledge. Web browser is part of Business 1.0.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

235. (p. 111) Which of the following is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups
by facilitating the sharing and flow of information?
A. Collaboration system
B. Collective system
C. Competitive system
D. Real simple syndication system
This is the definition of collaboration system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

236. (p. 111) Lisa loves her job as an executive recruiter for a large hospital located in Dallas,
Texas. Part of Lisa's job requires her to gather industry information, collaborate with partners,
compare competitors, and tap into the knowledge of prospective employees, partners, and
customers. Which of the below would Lisa use to perform her job?
A. Interactivity metrics
B. Source code
C. Network effect
D. Collective intelligence
Collective intelligence is collaborating and tapping into the core knowledge of all employees,
partners, and customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

237. (p. 111) Which system supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of
knowledge throughout an organization?
A. Cybermediation system
B. Knowledge management system
C. Source code system
D. Social media system
This is the definition of a knowledge management system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

238. (p. 111) Which of the below focuses on user-generated content?

A. YouTube
B. Wikipedia
C. Netflix
D. All of the above
Some real life ebusiness that operate with the help of user-generated content include YouTube,
Wikipedia, Flickr, Digg, Yelp, Amazon, Netflix, and eBay.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

239. (p. 112) What are the two categories that include intellectual and knowledge-based assets?
A. Explicit knowledge; tacit knowledge
B. Efficient knowledge; tacit knowledge
C. Intelligent knowledge; explicit knowledge
D. Open knowledge; closed knowledge
The two categories that intellectual and knowledge-based assets fall into are 1) explicit
knowledge and 2) tacit knowledge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

240. (p. 112) What is the type of knowledge that is contained in people's heads?
A. Explicit knowledge
B. Virtual knowledge
C. Tacit knowledge
D. Pure knowledge
This is the definition of tacit knowledge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

241. (p. 112) What is the type of knowledge that consists of anything that can be documented,
archived, and codified, often with the help of a MIS department?
A. Tacit knowledge
B. Explicit knowledge
C. Pure knowledge
D. Virtual knowledge
This is the definition of explicit knowledge.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

242. (p. 112) Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge?
A. Patent
B. Trademark
C. Employee opinion
D. Marketing research
Examples of explicit knowledge include patents, trademarks, business plans, marketing
research, and customer lists.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

243. (p. 111) What do Netflix and Amazon use to drive their recommendation tools?
A. Web 1.0 content
B. Open source content
C. Virtual content
D. User-generated content
Both Netflix and Amazon use user-generated content to drive their recommendation tools.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

244. (p. 113) What are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such
as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube?
A. Synchronous communication
B. Social media
C. Social networking
D. Asynchronous communication
This is the definition of social media.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

245. (p. 113) What is the practice of expanding your business and social contacts by constructing
a personal network?
A. Network effects
B. Tagging
C. Social taxonomy
D. Social networking
This is the definition of social networking.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

246. (p. 114) What is a locally stored URL, or the address of a file or Internet page saved as a
A. Website bookmark
B. Social tag
C. Folksonomy
D. Taxonomy
This is the definition of website bookmark.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

247. (p. 113) Which of the below represents an example of why an employer would use social
A. To find potential job candidates via LinkedIn
B. To review potential job candidates by viewing their Facebook page
C. To attract new job candidates via YouTube
D. All of the above
Companies are utilizing all of the following strategies to expand, develop and grow their
businesses via social media sites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

248. (p. 114) What are the two basic functions that social networking sites provide?
A. The ability to create and publish your own software
B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create
connections between other people within the network
C. The ability to capture and create URLs and RSSs
D. The ability to create URLs and edit RSS software
The two basic functions that social networking sites provide are the ability to create and
maintain a profile that is your online identity and second is the ability to create connections
between other people within the network.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

249. (p. 114) Which of the below is not an example of a social bookmarking website?
A. Facebook
B. StumbleUpon
D. All of the above, and StumbleUpon are examples of social bookmarking sites. Facebook is not a
social bookmarking website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

250. (p. 114) What is an SNA?

A. Strong network applications
B. Social needs analysis
C. Social networking analysis
D. Steady network areas
SNA means social networking analysis.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

251. (p. 114) What maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works
A. Social network effects
B. Mashup networking analysis
C. Web network effects
D. Social networking analysis
This is the definition of social networking analysis (SNA).

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

252. (p. 114) Many social media websites use _________ or specific keywords or phrases
incorporated into website content for means of classification or taxonomy.
A. Conferencing
B. Tags
C. Long tails
D. Categories
This is the definition of tags.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

253. (p. 114) Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content
with keywords or tags as a way to ______________.
A. Organize it for future navigation
B. Organize it for future filtering
C. Organize it for future search
D. All of the above
Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with
keywords or tags as a way to organize them for future navigation, filtering, or search.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

254. (p. 114) Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. Which of
the below would not be included in the folksonomy for a cell phone?
A. Cell
B. iPhone
C. Blackberry
D. Technology platform
Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices, the folksonomy
could include mobile phone, wireless phone, smart phone, iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, and
many others.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

255. (p. 114) What is the term that is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines
the tag or keyword-based classification system?
A. Podcasting
B. Network effects
C. Folksonomy
D. Social bookmarking
This is the definition of folksonomy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

256. (p. 114) How do the majority of potential customers find business websites?
A. By applying analytics
B. Through search terms that match the content
C. Through viral advertisements
D. Through magazines and newspapers
The majority of websites are found online through search terms that match the content.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

257. (p. 114) How would a company like Flickr use social tagging on its website?
A. By applying keywords that do not match user content
B. By building a tagging game for customers to participate in
C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords
D. By selecting the keywords to associate with each image a customer uploads
Flickr allows users to upload images and tag them with appropriate keywords. After enough
people have done so, the resulting tag collection will identify images correctly and without

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

258. (p. 114) Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content
significantly _________ content categorization costs.
A. Eliminates
B. Raises
C. Lowers
D. Balances
Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly
lowers content categorization costs, because there is no complicated nomenclature to learn.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

259. (p. 114) A social bookmarking site is dedicated to providing all of the following except
A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress
B. To share favorites
C. To store & categorize favorite sites
D. To annotate
Social bookmarking sites provide users with a place to store, categorize, annotate, and share
favorites. LinkedIn is primarily used to reconnect with colleagues for business progress.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

260. (p. 114) Which social media site works by allowing content to find the users, instead of the
users having to search for the content?
A. MySpace
B. Facebook
C. Google
D. StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon represents a new social media networking model in which content finds the
user instead of the other way around.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

261. (p. 114) What is the primary way that social networks work?
A. Connecting people by matching profile information
B. Charging users each time they use the service
C. Providing a security system for communication online
D. Helping grow website traffic by viral advertisements
A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

262. (p. 114) What is one simplification that has occurred with Business 2.0?
A. By helping online users create anonymity
B. By limiting the sharing capabilities of devices
C. By improving access to information
D. By communicating via email
Business 2.0 simplifies access to information and improves the ability to share it.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

263. (p. 116) Which of the following identifies Business 2.0 communication and collaboration
A. Microblogs, Tweets, RSS
B. API, RSS, tacit knowledge
C. Blogs, wikis, mashup
D. Tags, Web logs, RSS
Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools include blogs, wikis, and mashups.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

264. (p. 116) What is an online journal that allows users to post their own opinions, comments,
graphics, and video?
A. Web masters
B. Folksonomy
C. Disintermediation
D. A Blog or Web log
This is the definition of a blog.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

265. (p. 116) Why are Fortune 500 companies engaging in blogging?
A. To order supplies
B. To review favorite Internet providers
C. To gather feedback and share ideas
D. To pay employees
Many fortune 500 companies are engaging in blogging for the purpose of marketing, sharing
ideas, gathering feedback, press response, and image shaping.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

266. (p. 116) Twitter is an example of a __________.

A. Social bookmarking website
B. Social tagging website
C. Microblogging website
D. Blogging website
Twitter is one of the largest examples of microblogging.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

267. (p. 116) What is the practice of sending brief posts 140-200 characters to a personal blog
either publicly or to a private group of subscribers?
A. Ebusiness model
B. Tagging
C. Blogging
D. Microblog
This is the definition of microblogging.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

268. (p. 116) Unlike traditional HTML, which of the following lets writers communicate and
readers respond on a regular basis through a simple online journal?
A. Instant messaging
C. Blog
D. Email
Unlike traditional HTML, blogs or Web logs, lets writers communicate, and readers respond,
on a regular basis through a simple online journal.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

269. (p. 116) What is the difference between a wiki and a blog?
A. A wiki is free and a blog has a subscription fee
B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, where a blog user can only add
information as a comment
C. A wiki is original content, where a blog is used sources
D. All of the above
The difference between a wiki and a blog is that a wiki user can alter the original content of
an article, where a blog user can only add information as a comment.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

270. (p. 116) What does RSS stand for?

A. Reorganized Site Syndicator
B. Really Simple Sites
C. Rented Site Syndication
D. Real Simple Syndication
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

271. (p. 117) Many websites use _______ to constantly feed news to consumers instead of
having the consumer search for the news.
A. Mashup
B. Source Code
Many websites use RSS, to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having them search
for it.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

272. (p. 117) Large wikis, such as Wikipedia, can protect the quality and accuracy of their
information by assigning users roles such as __________.
A. Reader
B. Subject matter expert
C. Editor
D. All of the above
Large wikis can protect the quality and accuracy of their information by assigning users roles
such as reader, editor, administrator, patroller, policy maker, subject matter expert, content
maintainer, software developer, and system operator.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

273. (p. 117) What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number
of users increase?
A. Network effect
C. Mashup editor
D. Mcommerce
This is the definition of a network effect.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

274. (p. 117) Which of the following is one of the largest wikis on the Web and one of the 10
most popular Web destinations?
A. Google
B. eBay
C. Wikipedia
D. Yahoo
Wikipedia is one of the largest wikis on the Web and one of the 10 most popular Web

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

275. (p. 117) Some of the benefits for a company to operate an internal wiki are that they are
great tools for all of the following except:
A. Collecting and disseminating knowledge
B. Building software applications
C. Sharing information between functional business areas
D. Distribute to employees or partners across geographical distances
Benefits for a company to operate an internal wiki are that they are great tools for collecting
and disseminating knowledge throughout an organization, across geographic distances, and
between functional business areas.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

276. (p. 117) What is a website or Web application that uses content from more than one source
to create a completely new product or service?
A. Social tagging
B. Mashup blog
C. Social media
D. Mashup
This is the definition of a mashup.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

277. (p. 117) An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for ______________.
A. Building software applications
B. Providing a visual interface for a web mashup
C. Describing how products in a network work
D. Writing and editing HTML
This is the definition of an API or application programming interface.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

278. (p. 117) What does API stand for?

A. Asynchronous Programming Information
B. Application Programming Interface
C. Application Provider for the Internet
D. Asynchronous Protocol Interaction
API stands for Application Programming Interface.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

279. (p. 117) What is the role of a mashup editor?

B. Often it allows the user to drag and drop data points into a Web application
C. To provide a visual interface to build up a mashup
D. All of the above
This is the definition of a mashup editor.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

280. (p. 119) Which of the following are challenges of Business 2.0?
A. Information vandalism
B. Technology dependence
C. Violations of copyright and plagiarism
D. All of the above
The challenges of Business 2.0 are 1) technology dependence, 2) information vandalism, and
3) violations of copyright and plagiarism.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

281. (p. 119) What is a potential problem or impact of technology dependence?

A. Outages hold potentially great havoc for people, business, and educational institutions that
rely heavily on technology
B. Many have a need to be continuously connected for every activity that potentially
eliminates crucial in-person social skills and could stunt psychological growth
C. How do people or businesses function if the connection is down?
D. All of the above
Technology dependence can cause All of the above scenarios.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

282. (p. 119) Which of the following demonstrates potential issues with Business 2.0 and
information vandalism?
A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content
B. Copyright protection
C. Decreases in employee productivity
D. Decreases in process productivity
Potential issues facing Business 2.0 and information vandalism are with open source websites,
which allow anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

283. (p. 119) One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false
biography entry read which of the following:
A. Michael Jackson and Madonna were siblings
B. JFK and Robert Kennedy were the same person
C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early
1960's and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's
D. Madonna and Britney Spears are sisters
One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography entry
read that John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the
early 1960's and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's. Seigenthaler was
an assistant to Robert, but was not involved in either of the assassinations.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

284. (p. 120) Which of the following best describes Web 1.0?
A. Static text-based information websites
B. Static electricity and connectivity
C. Social media
D. Technology intelligence
Web 1.0 refers to static text-based information websites, Web 2.0 is about user-contributed
content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural language
processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

285. (p. 120) Which of the following best describes Web 2.0?
A. Static websites
B. Intelligent websites
C. Social media and user-generated Web content
D. Hypertext markup language
Web 1.0 refers to static text-based information websites, Web 2.0 is about user-contributed
content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural language
processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

286. (p. 120) Which of the following best describes Web 3.0?
A. User-generated online business
B. Based on the intelligent' Web where applications use natural language processing
C. Collaboration and social media
D. All of the above
Web 1.0 refers to static text-based information websites, Web 2.0 is about user-contributed
content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural language
processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

287. (p. 120) Which statement below is inaccurate?

A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users
B. Web 2.0 brings people closer together with information using machines
C. Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using information
D. Web 3.0 is a rich intelligent' understanding and relationships among concept and topics
Difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 include 1) Web 2.0 brings people closer together
with information using machines, 2) Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using
information, 3) Web 3.0 is a rich intelligent' understanding and relationships among concept
and topics.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

288. (p. 120) What is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can
A. Social tagging
B. Sustaining Web
C. Social Web
D. Semantic Web
This is the definition of semantic Web.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

289. (p. 120) Which statement below is incorrect?

A. The semantic Web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how)
throughout an organization
B. The semantic Web describes the relationships between things
C. The semantic Web describes the properties of things
D. The semantic Web is not about links between Web pages
To understand the semantic Web you need to understand that it is not about links between
Web pages, rather it describes the relationship between things (such as A is a part of B and Y
is a member of Z) and the properties of things (size, weight, age, price).

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

290. (p. 120) Which of the following is not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0?
A. A worldwide database
B. Intelligent applications
C. Social networking
D. Integration of legacy devices
Topics or features that are sure to be included in Web 3.0 include 1) integration of legacy
devices, 2) intelligent applications, 3) open ID, 4) open technologies, and 5) a worldwide

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

291. (p. 120) What statement below describes Web 3.0's feature that ensure the integration of
legacy devices'?
A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhone and laptops as credit cards or ticket
B. The design of websites and other software so they can be easily integrated and work
C. The ability for software to be distributed and accessed from anywhere
D. The design of software to be easily integrated and work together
Web 3.0's feature integration of legacy devices' means or includes the ability to use current
devices such as iPhone, laptops, and so on, as credit cards, tickets, and reservation tools.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

292. (p. 120) Many industries have taken an active role in online business including the
government. Which of the following is the term that describes the use of strategies and
technologies to transform government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing
the quality of interaction between the citizen-consumer within all the branches of
A. Ecommerce
B. Information richness
C. Egovernment
D. Tacit knowledge
This is the definition of egovernment.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

293. (p. 120) The website that was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government, and
is the official U.S. gateway to all government information?
The website that was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government, and is the
official U.S. gateway to all government information is

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

294. (p. 120) Which of the following is the example of consumer-to-government (C2G)
highlighted in the figure extended ebusiness models?
The example of consumer to government highlighted in the figure extended ebusiness models

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

295. (p. 121) What is the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internetenabled device?
A. Ecommerce
B. Mobile business
C. Meconomics
D. Ebusiness model
This is the definition of mobile business.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

296. (p. 121) How would you categorize mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile ticketing,
and mobile banking?
A. Mobile business
B. Mbusiness
C. Mcommerce
D. All of the above
Mobile business (or mbusiness, mcommerce) includes mobile entertainment, mobile sales,
mobile banking, mobile ticketing, and mobile payments.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Fill in the Blank Questions

297. (p. 94) Several companies were outlined in the book to launch new businesses by
capitalizing on disruptive technology. One example is _______________, who launched the
revolutionary products such as the iPod and the iPhone.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

298. (p. 94) A __________ technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet
the needs of existing customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

299. (p. 95) Computers connected through the __________ can send and receive information
including text, graphics, voice, video, and software.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

300. (p. 96) The World Wide Web provides access to ____________ information through
documents including text, graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting
language called HTML.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

301. (p. 96) A ____________ shift occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market
that reshapes the way companies and organizations behave.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

302. (p. 95) An __________ is a program that runs within another application such as a website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

303. (p. 95) Web _________ is a term to refer to the World Wide Web during its first few years
of operation between 1991 and 2003.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

304. (p. 94) A disruptive technology is a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of existing ________________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

305. (p. 94) A(n) ___________ technology produces an improved product customers are eager
to buy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

306. (p. 94) According to Christensen, companies may have placed too great an emphasis on
satisfying customer's ______ needs, while forgetting to adopt new disruptive technology that
will meet customer's future needs.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

307. (p. 94) The Innovator's ___________ is a book by Clayton M. Christensen.


AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

308. (p. 95) The WWW provides access to Internet information through documents including
text, graphics, audio, and video files that use a special formatting language called ________
markup language.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

309. (p. 98) Information __________ refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a
piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

310. (p. 98) Information __________ measures the number of people a firm can communicate
with all over the world.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

311. (p. 101) Through ____________ data companies can observe the exact pattern of a
consumer's navigation through a site.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

312. (p. 101) A __________ is an online marketing technique where a small file deposited on a
hard drive by a website containing information about customers and their browsing activities.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

313. (p. 98) Information richness refers to the depth and breadth of ___________ contained in a
piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

314. (p. 101) Information reach ___________ the number of people a firm can communicate
with all over the world.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

315. (p. 98) _____________ occurs when a company knows enough about a customer's likes
and dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person, say by tailoring its
website to individuals or groups based on profile information, demographics, or prior

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

316. (p. 98) The __________ tail refers to the tail of a typical sales curve.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

317. (p. 99) _________ are agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure
to bring buyers and sellers together.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

318. (p. 100) __________ measures advertising effectiveness by counting visitor interactions
with the target ad, including time spent viewing the ad, number of pages viewed, and number
of repeat visits to the advertisement.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness

319. (p. 101) An online version of a retail store where customers can shop at any hour is called
a(n) _________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

320. (p. 102) Business-to-Business applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other
over the ______________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

321. (p. 101) _________-com was the original term for a company operating on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

322. (p. 101) A(n) _________________ model is a plan that details how a company creates,
delivers, and generates revenues.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

323. (p. 101) A(n) ___________ model is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers,
and generates revenues on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Topic: Ebusiness Models

324. (p. 105) A search __________ is website software that finds other pages based on keyword
matching similar to Google.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

325. (p. 105) Search engine __________ evaluates variables that search engines use to determine
where a URL appears on the list of search results.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

326. (p. 105) Search engine __________ combines art along with science to determine how to
make URLs more attractive to search engines resulting in higher search engine ranking.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

327. (p. 105) Pay-per-_________ generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a
retailer's website.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

328. (p. 105) Pay-per-___________ generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link that takes
the user directly to an online agent waiting for a call.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

329. (p. 105) Pay-per-_______ generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

330. (p. 102) An ebusiness model is a ________ that details how a company creates, delivers,
and generates revenues on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

331. (p. 102) Business-to-consumer applies to any __________ that sells its products or services
directly to consumers online.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

332. (p. 102) Consumer-to-consumer applies to sites primarily offering goods and services to
assist ____________ interacting with each other over the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

333. (p. 102) Consumer-to-business applies to any _________ who sells a product or service to a
business on the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

334. (p. 103) _____ and-mortar business operates in a physical store without an Internet

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

335. (p. 103) Google is an example of a _________-play business.


AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

336. (p. 103) Barnes & Noble is an example of a _________-and-mortar business.


AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

337. (p. 103) T. J. Maxx is an example of a _________-and-mortar business.


AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

338. (p. 106) __________ single-handedly increased the speed of business through the exchange
of digital messages over the Internet.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

339. (p. 106) The blending of videoconferencing with document sharing is the ebusiness tool
called Web conferencing or a __________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

340. (p. 105) A(n) Internet service ______________ is a company that provides access to the

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

341. (p. 105) Instant ____________ is a service that enables instant or real-time communication
between people.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

342. (p. 106) Real-time ______________ occurs when a system updates information at the same
rate it receives it.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

343. (p. 107) _______________ converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating

344. (p. 105) _______________ is the scientific classification of organisms into groups based on

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

345. (p. 109) The main challenge to ebusiness is the lack of growth in some sectors due to
product or service __________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

346. (p. 109) One of the main challenges that ___________ face is ensuring consumer
protection, guarding them against unsolicited goods and invasion of privacy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

347. (p. 109) The Internet marketplace remains mostly free of traditional forms of sales tax,
partially because ecommerce law is vaguely defined making adhering to ___________ rules
and laws a challenge of ebusiness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

348. (p. 110) One of the most popular forms of user-generated content is a __________ system
where buyers post feedback on sellers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

349. (p. 110) The primary objective of __________ management is to be sure that a company's
knowledge of facts, sources of information and solutions are readily available to all
employees whenever it is needed.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

350. (p. 110) Traditional ebusiness communications were limited to face-to-face conversations
and one-way technologies that used _______________ communications or communication
such as email in which the message and the response do not occur at the same time.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

351. (p. 111) A(n) _________ system consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on
publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or
interoperate with the system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

352. (p. 111) Source _______ contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the
actions to be performed by computer software.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

353. (p. 111) ________ source refers to any software whose source code is made available free
for any third party to review and modify.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

354. (p. 111) ________ intelligence is collaborating and tapping into the core knowledge of all
employees, partners, and customers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

355. (p. 111) ______________ system is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups
by facilitating the sharing and flow of information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

356. (p. 112) _____________ knowledge consists of anything that can be documented, archived,
and codified, often with the help of MIS.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

357. (p. 112) __________ knowledge is the knowledge contained in people's heads.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-06


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0

358. (p. 114) Social __________ describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online
content with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

359. (p. 114) A website dedicated to social ____________, provides users with a place to store,
categorize, annotate, and share favorites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

360. (p. 113) Social ___________ is an application that connects people by matching profile

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

361. (p. 114) Social ____________ refers to websites that rely on user participation and usercontributed content, such as Facebook.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

362. (p. 114) __________ are specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for
means of classification or taxonomy.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

363. (p. 114) _______________ is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines
the tags or keyword-based classification system.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

364. (p. 117) A _____________ is a type of collaborative web page that allows users to add,
remove, and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

365. (p. 117) ____________ editors are WYSIWYG.


AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

366. (p. 117) The __________ effect describes how products in a network increase in value to
users as the number of users increases.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

367. (p. 116) An example of a __________ is putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song makes
something old new.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

368. (p. 116) A Web _________ is another term for an online journal that allows users to post
their own comments, graphics, and video.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

369. (p. 116) Twitter is one of the largest and most powerful _______________ websites.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating

370. (p. 119) John has a big issue with turning off his cell phone as he is continuously connected
to his friends and family via IMing. It has gotten so bad that John refuses to go to a movie
because he cannot possibly live for two hours without being connected. John is suffering from
technology __________, a clear challenge of Business 2.0.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

371. (p. 119) You are in charge of creating and updating your company's Wikipedia page. You
logon to find that someone has placed inappropriate photos and blatant lies about your
products on the corporate Wikipedia page. Your company has been a victim of wiki
_________, another major challenge of the Business 2.0 environment.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

372. (p. 119) You have just been promoted at work and you are now responsible for all
marketing communication through the different Internet channels. You logon to your
corporate blog and find that there are many direct paragraphs from competitor websites and
product manufacturing magazines. The first issue you will need to address as you redesign the
corporate blog is to ensure you are avoiding copyright violations and __________.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

373. (p. 120) The Web version that is defining the next generation of online business is
Web________, or the "intelligent" Web application.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

374. (p. 120) The ______________ Web is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a
way that computers can understand.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0

375. (p. 120) Mobile business is just now emerging and is also referred to as mcommerce or

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

Essay Questions
376. (p. 94) Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and
WWW caused business disruption.
Disruptive technologies offer a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs
of existing customers. Disruptive technologies redefine the competitive playing fields of their
respective markets, open new markets and destroy old ones, and cut into the low end of the
marketplace and eventually evolve to displace high-end competitors and their reigning
Sustaining technologies produce improved products customers are eager to buy, such as a
faster car or larger hard drive. Sustaining technologies tend to provide us with better, faster,
and cheaper products in established markets and virtually never lead in markets opened by
new and disruptive technologies.
The Internet and WWW caused business disruption by allowing people to communicate and
collaborate in ways that were not possible before the information age. The Internet and WWW
completely disrupted the way businesses operate, employees communicate, and products are
developed and sold.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-01
Topic: Disruptive Technology and Web 1.0

377. (p. 98) Describe Web 1.0 along with ebusiness and its associated advantages.
Web 1.0 is a term to refer to the World Wide Web during its first few years of operation
between 1991 and 2003. Ebusiness includes ecommerce along with all activities related to
internal and external business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating
with partners, and exchanging real-time information. During Web 1.0, entrepreneurs began
creating the first forms of ebusiness. Ebusiness advantages include expanding global reach,
opening new markets, reducing costs, and improving operations and effectiveness.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-02
Topic: Advantages of Ebusiness


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

378. (p. 106) Compare the four categories of ebusiness models.

Business-to-business (B2B) applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over
the Internet. Business-to-consumer (B2C) applies to any business that sells its products or
services to consumers over the Internet. Consumer-to-business (C2B) applies to any consumer
that sells a product or service to a business over the Internet. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
applies to sites primarily offering goods and services to assist consumers interacting with each
other over the Internet. The primary difference between B2B and B2C are the customers; B2B
customers are other businesses while B2C markets to consumers. Overall, B2B relations are
more complex and have higher security needs; plus B2B is the dominant ebusiness force,
representing 80 percent of all online business.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-03
Topic: Ebusiness Models

379. (p. 108) Describe the six ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.
As firms began to move online, more MIS tools were created to support ebusiness processes
and requirements. The ebusiness tools used to connect and communicate include email,
instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, videoconferencing, and Web

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-04
Topic: Ebusiness Tools for Connecting and Communicating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

380. (p. 109) Identify the four challenges associated with ebusiness.
Although the benefits of ebusiness are enticing, developing, deploying, and managing
ebusiness systems is not always easy. The challenges associated with ebusiness include
identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection,
and adhering to taxation rules.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-05
Topic: The Challenges of Ebusiness

381. (p. 113) Explain Web 2.0, and identify its four characteristics.
Web 2.0, or Business 2.0, is the next generation of Internet usea more mature, distinctive
communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and
free. Web 2.0 encourages user participation and the formation of communities that contribute
to the content. In Web 2.0, technical skills are no longer required to use and publish
information to the World Wide Web, eliminating entry barriers for online business. The four
characteristics of Web 2.0 include content sharing through open sourcing, user-contributed
content, collaboration inside the organization, collaboration outside the organization.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-06
Topic: Web 2.0 Advantages of Business 2.0


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

382. (p. 116) Explain how Business 2.0 is helping communities network and collaborate.
A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information.
Providing individuals with the ability to network is by far one of the greatest advantages of
Business 2.0. Social networking is the practice of expanding your business and/or social
contacts by constructing a personal network. Business 2.0 simplifies the way individuals
communicate, network, find employment, and search for information.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-07
Topic: Networking Communities with Business 2.0

383. (p. 117) Describe the three Business 2.0 tools for collaborating.
The three tools that harness the "power of the people" for Business 2.0 include blogs, wikis,
and mashups. A blog, or Web log, is an online journal that allows users to post their own
comments, graphics, and video. Blog websites let writers communicateand reader's respond
on a regular basis through a simple yet customizable interface that does not require any
programming. A wiki is a type of collaborative Web page that allows users to add, remove,
and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required. While blogs
have largely drawn on the creative and personal goals of individual authors, wikis are based
on open collaboration with any and everybody. A mashup is a website or Web application that
uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service. A
mashup allows users to mix map data, photos, video, news feeds, blog entries, and so on to
create content with a new purpose.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-08
Topic: Business 2.0 Tools for Collaborating


CHAPTER 3: Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Key

384. (p. 118) Explain the three challenges associated with Business 2.0.
As much as Business 2.0 has positively changed the global landscape of business, a few
challenges remain in open source software, user-contributed content systems, and
collaboration systems. These challenges include individuals forming unrealistic dependencies
on technology, vandalism of information on blogs and wikis, and the violation of copyrights
and plagiarism.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-09
Topic: The Challenges of Business 2.0

385. (p. 119) Describe Web 3.0 and the next generation of online business.
Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural language processing,
machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. Web 3.0 is the next step in
the evolution of the Internet and Web applications. Business leaders who explore its
opportunities will be the first to market with competitive advantages. Web 3.0 offers a way for
people to describe information such that computers can start to understand the relationships
among concepts and topics.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

AACSB: Technology
Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Outcome: 03-10
Topic: Web 3.0


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