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Jasmine El-Jourbagy

FRIT 7739 Digital Citizenship

Collaborative Unit on Digital Citizenship
General Audience
The primary audience consists of high school students ages fourteen through eighteen, in
Introduction to Business and Technology and Physical Science. The primary audience is to be
taught and gain knowledge from a wide variety of digital citizenship topics. The broad range of
topics in the course allows for students to be interested in many of the topics throughout the
course. Also if the students were to transfer to another school system the course work would
have the same look and feel because of standardization throughout the state and nation following
Common Core principles.
Problem Identification
Students never realize the importance of knowing copyright law. They take for granted that
someone is protecting their own works of art. Many students will search the Internet for images,
music and video to use in their projects and presentations. They do not first realize the impact
they are making on the market and how legal action can come down on them. By providing a
course that helps students understand their global impact and understand Copyright law, they
become more aware of their societal impact.
Instructional Goals

Students will be able to know the importance of Copyright Law.

Students will be able to navigate the web to find Fair Use files.
Students will be able to produce copyright free assignments.
Part II: Learner Analysis

The learners in this 9th to 12th grade class are made up of 42% girls and 58% boys, 37%
White/non-Hispanic, 45% Black/non-Hispanic, and 18% Asian. Fifty percent of students are
labeled as economically disadvantaged, and only 10% are students with disabilities. The
demographic information for this learner analysis was obtained by using the Georgia Department
of Education Website. The GDoE (Georgia Department of Education) also provides
demographics of students throughout the entire school. In order to obtain the needed information
for these high school students test scores were accessed through academic transcripts on Infinite
Campus, which is the schools database of all students. Teacher observations and interviews were
also conducted in an attempt the gain information for the learner analysis.
Entry Characteristics:
Prerequisite skill & knowledge:
Mastery of ability to access a computer.
Most have heard of Copyright before.
Able to access and navigate a desktop computer.
Most learners can research and access information.

Jasmine El-Jourbagy
FRIT 7739 Digital Citizenship
Prior Experience:
Recognize the importance of navigating a computer.
Understand personal Ethics.
Retrieve information through researching the web.
Although many learners have heard of copyright before, few, if any have actually implemented
or even given thought to the importance of the principal for their own future. Many also may
have no clue how to properly navigate online content and how to properly cite the use of images
and music. .
Attitudes Toward Content and Academic Motivation
When asked 43% of students agreed that many courses did not teach them much about Copyright
Law, Plagiarism and Ethics. The students recognized the importance of the analysis of data and
knew that they must begin to implement proper Digital Citizenship skills into their daily life.
When asked of their comfort level the data analysis showed that over 70% of students rated
themselves as feeling as though they gained important knowledge from the course. These results
were gathered through the use of a survey, which was administered at the end of the course.
General Learning Preference
The learners expressed preference to online presentations versus having reading assignments
every week. They preferred to work and discuss issues through online boards versus having to
submit one answer to the professor for review. This information was gathered through a student
survey and teacher interview.
Attitude Towards Teachers and School
Students expressed a strong sense of respect for their teachers and understood the efforts and
participation that go into creating a working through a course. As for the Academy, many of the
students expressed an extreme love for attending the school. They liked the way the school
offered more courses then their traditional school and how they could also participate in online
Potential Misconceptions

Students have not realized the importance of protecting themselves while using the
Students will learn the different concepts that go along with Copyright.
One must read directions carefully for hidden steps.
Being able to know how to properly format documents will help students into college.

Group Characteristics
The school is located south of Atlanta in a town known as Covington where the median income
is below the national average. About 50% of the students attending the school receive free or
reduce lunch, which qualifies their home school as a Title I school. The learners go through an

Jasmine El-Jourbagy
FRIT 7739 Digital Citizenship
application process to attend the Newton College and Career Academy. They check to make sure
students are on track for graduation and appear to have little to no discipline infractions. The
majority of the learners are African-American and all of them speak English, even the Hispanic
leaners who attend the Academy are fluent in English. The learners all submit work online in a
timely manner and contact with their professor through online chat or e-mail.

Digital Citizenship
Co-Taught by: Jasmine El-Jourbagy and Jane Watson
Copy or Not to Copy???
GPS Standard/Element

Jasmine El-Jourbagy
FRIT 7739 Digital Citizenship

Duration 90 Mintues

2.2 Demonstrate ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.
ISTE Standard:
Standard 5: Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical
A. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
B. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
C. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
D. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

1. Opening/Lesson

Pre-Test Kahoot on Copyright.

2. Video on copyright:
Question students during video over importance of copyright laws.

Overview from instructor on copyright. (Have students take a sheet of paper, have them fold it hot dog
style, on one side before any review takes place have the students write down what they think copyright,
fair use and plagiarism once they are finished cover the topics as a class discussion. Students will then write
how they were either right or wrong once teachers discussion is done. )


Brainstorm on poll everywhere together. Students will create a word cloud.

-the private citizen's perspective
-the recording artist or actor's perspective

5. Role-playing. Teacher will pass out slips containing different ethical situations, Students will volunteer for
role playing activity.
6. Writing assignment Students draw topics out of a box or jar.
7. Closing: Review topics learned and studnets will Post-Test Kahoot quiz on Copyright.
Copyright music

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