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Story Proposal

Target audience:
What age group will your story be for, within the range 5 to 11 years? Boys and/or girls?
Reading ability?
My target audience will be 9 year olds, boys and girls who have an average to good reading ability
for their age.
What will your story be about? Is it just for fun or do
you want users to learn something? What style do
you want - fun, adventure, serious, etc?
My story will be about two pancakes; one goes missing
and the other tries to save/rescue him before he ends up
on a humans dinner plate. The main character pancake
goes on a journey to save the other.
This storys will be based on the idea of fun and doesnt
really have a moral.
Who or what will be in your story? Are they people,
animals or imaginary creatures? Are they goodies or
baddies? Will they be real or cartoon?
My storys characters are imaginary as theyre what
would usually be inanimate objects (kitchen appliances
etc), they will be in a cartoon form. Majority of the
characters are goodies, although the human will never
be portrayed as an evil character but the human does
take the pancake that gets rescued.
Characters in the story
Peter the Pancake (the main character
pancake, who the story will be based around
and tries to save his friend.)
Patrick the Pancake (Peter the pancakes- friend
who gets taken away by the human)
The Human (takes the pancake)
Multiple kitchen appliances ; (Tony the Toaster,
Pluggos the Plug Socket, Krissy the Kettle and
Percy the Pan)
Outline of the story:
How will your story start? Where will the action take
place? What will happen? Where will the decision
point be? What will the user have to do?
It will start in the kitchen with Peter and Patrick the
pancakes. When suddenly Patrick is taken by the
human. The action takes place in the kitchen as Peter
is on an journey and meet several kitchen appliances
who help on their way. The decision point will be when
Peter finds the pan in which Patrick is in. They will get
the option to choose the good and bad ending.

Teacher feedback:

Teacher feedback:

Teacher feedback:

Outline of animated endings:

What type of animation will you use? What will each
animation do?
I will use flash animation to create my animated endings.
I will you the animations more for movements of my
characters (walking) etc
Story will have two ending-a good ending and bad one.Good-Peter pancake convinces the pan to flip out the
pancake who needs rescuing. *Pan will do the flip action*
Bad Human picks up pan before Peter manages to
make it in time and walks off into distance with the pan.
*walking movement* Peter the pancake is upset.

Teacher feedback:

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