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Macroscale Technique


Distillation Separation of compounds based on differences in
their boiling point
Evaporation: process in which molecules in a liquid state gain
sufficient energy to enter the gaseous state.
Boiling Point: temperature at which the vapor pressure of a
liquid equals to the external pressure applied to the surface of the
liquid (usually atmospheric pressure)
Vapor Pressure: pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with
its liquid state. Vapor pressure depends on the substance and the

Raoults Law

PT = x1P1 + x2P2

Toluene b.p.

(For a mixture of compounds 1 and 2)

PT is the total vapor pressure of the solution
P1 is the vapor pressure of compound 1
P2 is the vapor pressure of compound 2
x1 is the mole fraction of compound 1
x2 is the mole fraction of compound 2


Cyclohexane b.p.

The vapor contains a larger percent of the more volatile (i.e., lower
boiling point) compound

Simple Distillation
b.p. > 40 C apart

A (liquid) + B (liquid)
Heating (above b.p. of B)

A (liquid)

B (vapor)
Cooling (below b.p. of B)

A (liquid)

B (liquid)

One vaporization step = Simple ditillation

Simple vs Fractional Distillation




Fractional distillation = series of subsequent simple distillations

Simple vs Fractional Distillation

Simple distillation if boiling points more than 40 C apart

Fractional distillation if boiling points less than 40 C apart
Fractional distillation much more efficient but more costly (slower process)

Distillation Setups


rubber band


Use labjack to support

Reuse mixture for fractional distillation

Plug to controller (not to wall)


Begin building apparatus from round bottom flask (high enough so you
can add or remove the heating device). Grease joints and use a rubber
band to secure vacuum adapter to condenser.
Support heating device with a labjack. Plug heating device to controller
(not to the wall outlet).
Use a mixture of Water and Ethanol (25 mL of each). Reuse the same
mixture for fractional distillation.
Add 2 boiling chips before the mixture is heated.
Have your TA check your set-up before starting anything.
Distill at a slow but steady rate: 1 drop/2-3 seconds.
Record temperature every 2 mL of distillate.
Use glass beads to pack the fractionating column.
Construct graph Temperature vs Volume for each type of distillation in
your lab notebook.
At the end of the experiment, discard distillation mixture in the sink.

Simple vs Fractional Distillation

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