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Subject Information Sheet


Module 1 - Purpose and Value of Advertising The Three Sides of
Advertising The Advertiser and the Advertising Department The
Advertising AgencyThe Media Owner and Advertising Manager
The Client-Agency Relationship
Module 2 - Media Evaluation The PressCommercial Television
Outdoor Transportation Cinema Screen Radio Direct Mail
Point-of-Sale Merchandising Exhibitions Sales Literature
Depreciation of Fixed Assets Profit and Loss Account Balance
Sheet Sale of Fixed Assets Bad Debts Bank Reconciliation
Statements The Journal Final Accounts and Adjustments
Vertical Layout
The Accounting Equation Transactions through Double
EntryChanges in Amount of Capital The Trial Balance The
Balance Sheet Fixed Assets The Ledger Structure Cash Book
Trading and Profit and Loss Account Income Accrual
Business Practice
Definition of Business Practice Business Practice as a Science
Concepts of Business Practice Forms of Enterprise The
Company The Co-operative Establishing an Enterprise Location
of an Enterprise Specialisation Functions of an Enterprise
Public Opinion Basic Publics Human Resource Management
Production Management Marketing The Marketing Concept
Consumer Markets Groups
Financial Management
Module 1 - Sources and Uses of Money Forms of Ownership
Enterprises Accounting Rules and Regulations Financial
Statements Recording of Financial Information Costs and
Costing Costing Methods
Module 2 - Forecasting and Planning Budgeting Interpretation of
Financial Statements Performance Ratios Liquidity Ratios Risk
Solvency Gearing Ratios Ratios
Human Resource Management
Module 1 - Labour The HR Function HR Management
Formulation of Policy Important Legislation AIDS in the
Workplace Employment Code of Conduct Understanding People
Behavioural Variables
Module 2 - Recruitment Service Conditions Remuneration
Labour Relations Training Skills Legislation Performance
Appraisal and Performance Management Analytical Methods of
Job Evaluation What does the Manager Need to Know about
Labour Relations
Module 1 - The Main Objectives of IR Management What Laws
Affect the Work of the IR Manager? What does the IR Manager
Need to Know about AIDS? What Ways Are There to Maintain
Productivity? How Do We Resolve Grievances? How Do We Deal
with Change? What Is Action Research? Organisation
Module 2 - Providing IR Resources Maintaining Industrial Relations
Development of Human Resources Training Performance
Appraisal and Performance Management Types of Performance
Appraisal Interview Style Performance Management Different
Variations of Payment and Reward Systems
Legal Principles
What is Law? Law in Society Legal Rights and Duties Statute
and Common Law Legal Procedures Civil Law Law of Persons
Family Law The Law of Things Law of Immaterial Property
Law of Obligations Contracts Delicts Unjustified Enrichment
Ex Lege Obligations Mercantile Law Law of Corporations Law
of Negotiable Instruments Insolvency
Management Principles
Management Theory Management Types Philosophies of
Management The External Environment Social Responsibility and
Ethics Goal Orientation Steps in Planning Operational Strategy
Organisational Structure Co-ordination Authority
DelegationDecision Making Overcoming Barriers Motivation
Theories Content and Work Theories
Marketing Management
Module 1 - The Nature of MarketingThe Evolution of Marketing
The Marketing Concept The Management Functions of Marketing
The Marketing Environment Market ResearchConsumer
Module 2 - Product Positioning Product Development Selling
Price Advertising The Product Life-cycle Brands and Useful
Trade Marks Packaging and Presentation SegmentationPrice
Project Management
Planning Activities Organising Activities Directing activities
Controlling Activities A Project Brief Project Environment
Work Breakdown Structure Life-Cycle of a Project Project

Proposals Project Roles Overlapping Roles Critical Path

AnalysisPERT Four Fields Mapping Budgets Resource Analysis
Time Estimation Project Justification Internal Rate of Return
Control Systems
Public Relations
Module 1 - Defining Public Relations The History and Development
of PR The Nature and Scope of PR Qualities of a Good PR
Practitioner Communication The Publics of PR Internal PR
Planning PR Programmes Media Relations
Module 2 - Evaluating PR Results Budgets and Finance Oral
Communication Social Responsibility and Community PR in NGOs
PR in the Public Sector Crisis Management and Turbulence
Research Ethics
Purchasing Management
Module 1 - What is Purchasing? Purchasing Objectives and
Responsibilities Purchasing Organisation Materials Management
Logistics Management Purchasing Procedures, Documentation
and Records Purchasing and Information Technology Key
Module 2 - Sourcing Strategic Management Modern Concepts
Influencing Purchasing Negotiation Tendering Costing
Subcontracting Commodity Buying International
PurchasingPurchasing Ethic
Risk Management
What is Risk Management? Concepts of Risk and Uncertainty
Classification of Risk Perils and Hazards Theory of Probability
Long-term Expected Loss Financial Treatment of Loss
Hypothetical Utility Curve Market Viability Principles of Risk
Management Engineering Risk Control Suppliers Risk Financing
Mechanisms Financial Decision Making Retention Versus
Insurance Pre-Loss Financing Insurable Peril Speculative Risk
Specific Insurance Policies
Sales Management
Module 1 - Selling and the Marketing Mix Importance of the
Selling Function Internal Sales Relationships Sales Management
Communication The Process of Selling Measuring Sales
Module 2 - Advertising Distribution Operational Management
Public RelationsRetail Selling Industrial Selling Selling
Services Consumer Behaviour Market Measurement & Budgeting
Small Business Management
Module 1 - Business Enterprises Forms of Business Ownership
Small Business Start-upMarketing Basics Consumer Behaviour
Product Price Place
Module 2 - Importance of Finance Accounting Rules and
Regulations Financial Statements Recording of Financial
Information Costs and Costing Taxation
Supervisory Management
Module 1 - Flexibility Organising Leading ControllingTime
Management ChangeEfficiency and Effectiveness Planning
Module 2 - Delegation LeadershipIntrinsic and Extrinsic
Motivation Selection and PlacementInduction Elements of Staff
Training The Law Grievances
Supply Chain Management
Module 1 - Objectives and Responsibilities Organisation
Materials Management Logistics Management Purchasing
Procedures, Documentation and Records Information Technology
Key Variables
Module 2 - Sourcing Strategic Management Modern Concepts
Influencing the Process Negotiation Tendering Costing
Subcontracting Commodity Buying
Tourism Management
Module 1 - Tourism Concepts and Definitions The Travel Trade
The Tourist Market Market Segmentation Tourism Supply and
Demand The Tourism Product Pricing
Module 2 - Consumer Behaviour Marketing Research Tourism
Promotion Advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotions
Public Relations Management Control
Writing Report Outlining Drafting Editing
The Science of Governance The Political System The Nature of
the State Government? Democracy Dictatorship Autocracy
Authoritarianism Separation of Powers The Legislature The
Executive The Judiciary Democratic Parties The One-Party
StateRevolutionary Parties Sociological Aspect of Governance
The Family and its Place in Society Religion and the Social
System Education Forms of Governmental Control Capitalism
Socialism Economics Agriculture The Mining Sector

Industrialisation Change Transformation Human Resource

Management Recruitment Probation Promotion Lateral
Transfers Secondments, Loans and Exchanges Re-Employment
Performance Management Career Management Management
of Conduct Termination of Service Capacity Building Monitoring
and Evaluation
Local Government
Transformation and Restructuring Finance The Constitution
Objects of Local Government Establishment of Municipalities
Powers and Functions of Municipalities Composition and Election
of Municipal Councils Municipal By-Laws History of Local
Government Britain South Africa Botswana Lesotho
Swaziland Administrative Systems Deconcentration
Devolution Delegation Decentralisation Staffing Political
Control Economic Regulation Central Government National
Council of Provinces (NCOP) Capacity Building
TransformationBudgeting Systems Ethics
Public Administration
Constitutional Development Constitutional Affairs Co-operative
Governance Traditional Affairs Local Government Financial
Management Corporate Services Historical
PerspectiveApproachesModern TrendsTasks Modernisation
Urbanisation Economic Planning Agricultural Policy Labour
Policy Energy Resources Welfare Security Forces Foreign
Affairs Internal Factors Human Resources Decision-Making
Managing Programmes Control Systems Models Central
Government Executive Authority Cabinet Central Legislative
Process The National Assembly National Assembly National
Council of Provinces Provincial Government Transformation and
Restructuring Administration of Justice Court Structures
Constitutional Court Supreme Court of Appeal High Courts
Circuit Local Divisions Special Superior Courts Regional Courts
Magistrates Courts Civil JurisdictionSmall Claims Court Other
Civil Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Legal Practitioners
International Affairs Magistrates Commission Law Commission
Judicial Service Commission Human Rights Commission
Budgeting Systems Ethics Developing Societies Role of
Economics Capital Formation Income Distribution Agricultural
Development Industrial Development Technology Human
Resource Management Performance Appraisal Training and
Public Management
Aim of Public Management The Public Service Commission Code
of Conduct Roots of Public Management Public Management
versus Public Administration Public Management Dimensions
Differences Between Public and Private Management Diversity of
the Management Environment Setting Goals Decision-Making
Openness and Closedness Values in Public Management
Different Roles of Public Managers Public Management in Africa
Training of Public Managers Policy Options Institutional
Arrangements Support Programmes Financial Provisions
National Strategic Policy Training versus Education
Discriminatory Rules and Regulations Policy Alternatives
Strategic Planning Standard Setting and Qualifications
Accreditation and Quality Assurance Handling Change
Safety Management
Module 1 - Occupational Health and Safety Act Health and Safety
Committees Occupational Diseases Implementing a Safety
System Equipment, Licensing and Training Accident and
Incident Reporting Monitoring and Investigation A Model for
Safety Management Health and Safety at Work Internal Theft
Controls Loss Prevention Physical Safety The Mailroom
Rubbish Removal Retail Safety Shoplifting Preventive
Module 2 - Cheque Fraud Store Policy Internal Theft Controls
Security Audit or Survey Goods-Receiving Controls Rubbish
Removal Package Control Employee Morale Civil Recovery
Safety in the Work-Place Unsafe Acts Safety Training
Preventing Accidents Loss Control Responsibility for Accident
Prevention Cost of Accidents Good Housekeeping
Safeguarding Machinery and Equipment Electrical Equipment
Company Vehicles Ladders Fire Protection, Safety, and
Emergency Planning Vulnerability to Fire The Nature of Fire
Classes of Fire Extinguishers Fire Fighting Evacuating
Industrial Facilities Evacuating High-rise Buildings Assessment of
a Safety Programme Identification and Control of Hazards
Leadership Assignment of Responsibility Training Emergency
Care Types of Emergencies Records Protective Equipment and
Clothing Enforcing Safe Behaviour Emergency Manual Bomb
Threats Accident Insurance Alcohol and Drugs AIDS in the
Workplace Employment Code of Conduct Sick Leave and
Performance Healthcare Workers and Aids Personnel Cafeteria
Security Management
Module 1 - How Your Qualification Works Training Defining
Security's Role Private Security Hazards Functions Services

Armoured Delivery Contract versus Proprietary Services Law

Enforcement The Security Manager's Place in the Organisation
Definition of Authority Organising the Security Function
Planning Establishing Controls Hiring Security Personnel
Leading Controlling Planning Organising Time Management
Management Diary Delegation Process Steps Human Relations
Motivation Positive and Negative Incentives Nature of Work
Job Insecurity Selection and Placement Induction Staff
TrainingSkills Analysis Training Records Performance Analysis
Task Descriptions Client and Customer Relations Customer
Expectations Complaints Handling Complaints Report Writing
Module 2 - Site Evaluations Traffic Collisions Industrial Relations
Wiehahn Report IR Tasks Terms Common Law Statutory
Law AIDS Employment Code of Conduct Sick Leave and
Performance Termination of Employment Testing Compensation
Healthcare Workers and Aids Rights of Security Officers
Disciplinary Code Disciplinary Procedure Grievance Procedure
Communication Skills Productivity Resolving Grievances
Meetings Occupational Safety Occupational Health Crowd
Control Criminal Procedure Act Arrest Prohibition of Entry
First Schedule Offences Procedure after Arrest Use of Force
Use of Firearms Use of Dogs Common Offences Search and
Seizure Self Defence Security Officers Act Registration of
Security Officers Payment of Fees Code of Conduct
Requirements for RegistrationRegistration Certificates
Legal Practice
The legal profession Advocates Attorneys The firm of
attorneys Typical departments in a firm of attorneys Files The
name of the client Names of the plaintiff and defendant Typical
attorney file coverAccounts Business accounts Trust accounts
Taking a civil case to court Processes Pleadings Notices
Rules for court documents Summons Notes on headings
Citation of plaintiff Citation of defendant Dies induciae
Amounts claimed plus costs Notice to the defendant
Judgement by default Appearance to defend Types of
summonses high court summonses Power to sue and defend
Types of claims Liquid claims Liquidated claims Illiquid claims
Provisional sentence summons Short summons Combined
summons Briefing to counsel (an advocate) Magistrate's court
summonsesOrdinary summons Rent interdict summons Duties
of deputy sheriff / messenger of court Edictal citation
Appearance to defend Court days: plus distances Procedure
for filing and service of court documents Action by defendant after
summons has been served Summary judgement Request for
further particulars Pleas Further particulars to the plea Reply to
plea (replication) Preparation for trial Setting the matter down
for trial Discovery of documents Witnesses Exceptions Costs
The trial Judgement Defending a criminal case Bail and
release on warning Preparing for trial Appearing in court
Appeals and reviewsDebt collection Emolument attachment
order Execution against propertyConveyancing Documents
involved in property transfer Offer to purchase Power of
attorney to pass transfer Declaration by purchaser and seller
Rates clearance certificate Valuation certificate Transfer duty
receipt Marital affidavit Pro-forma statement Probate Wills
Testator Testatrix Residue Heir Beneficiary Bequest
Legacy Executor Survivor TrusteeCodicilSubstitution
Administration of estatesReporting the estate Appointment of
the executor Duties of the executor Notarial documents
Antenuptial contracts Notarial bonds Trusts Lease Maritime
bonds Specific legal instruments Agreements Affidavits
Powers of attorney
Medical Office Management
The Business and Organisation of Medical and Healthcare Facilities
Types of Enterprise The Service Sector Components of the
Healthcare Assistant Function Management Principles
Management Process Management Skills Decision-making
Communication Controlling Monitoring Time Management
Conflict Management Management Activities Professional Office
Design and Behaviour Facility Design Layout Patient Visit
Management Medical Staff Needs Management Patient
Appointments Files Medical Office Forms Basic Bookkeeping
Accounting Petty Cash Bank Reconciliation Credit Sales
Purchases Receiving and Recording Payments Credit
Management Stock Management Patient Invoicing Office
Anatomy and Physiology
Cells Tissues Genetics Structure and Function of the Body
Skeleton Joints Muscle Nervous System The brain Endocrine
System Respiratory System Blood Circulatory System Lymphatic
System Digestive System Excretory System Reproductive System
The Skin Sense Organs Aids

Medical Studies 1
Medical Specialists Medical Diagnosis Medical Examination
Medical Testing and Frequency Infants Children Teens Adults
The Elderly Specific Testing for Men and Women The Medicine
Cabinet Patient Visits Proper Use of Medicines Test Procedures
and Terminology Drugs and Their Action Generic Drugs Drug
Administration Risks and Benefits Drug Side-Effects Drug
Interaction OTC Drugs Natural Medicine Alternative Medicine
Complementary Medicine Drug Abuse Prescribed Medicines
Illegal Drugs
Medical Studies 2
Understanding Medical Terms Prescription Writing Specific
Diseases Disorders HIV/AIDS Allergies Arthritis Asthma
Cancer Diabetes Epilepsy Glaucoma Heart Disease Hepatitis
Hypertension Influenza Malaria Osteoporosis Peptic Ulcers
Skin Disorders Prostate Disorders Strokes Thyroid Disorders
Zoonoses Mental Illness Emergency First Aid Cardiac Arrest
Choking Bleeding Poisoning Burns Electric Shock Seizures
Heat-stroke Allergic Shock Anaphylaxis Snakebite
Pharmacy Management
Advertising Business Efficiency Buying Capital Resources
Communication Competitors Consumer Behaviour Critical
Success Factors Customer Loyalty Customer Needs Customer
Relationships Customer Service Floor Space Projection
Goodwill Growth Objective Market Segments Market Share
Market Size Merchandising Personal Selling Pharmacy Product
Offering Pharmacy Trading Area Retail Marketing Store Image
Understanding Medical Terms
Veterinary Studies 1
Animal Anatomy and Physiology Handling and Treating Animals
Restraining Dogs Cats Small Mammals Birds Administration of
Drugs by Mouth Administration of Drugs through the Skin
Administration of Drugs by Injection Applying Medication to Eyes
and Ears Taking Body Temperature Skin Injuries Types of
Wounds Injury Sites Stopping Bleeding Treating Wounds
Fractures Dislocations Sprains Serious Injuries Assessment of
State of Consciousness Extent of Injury and Required Treatment
Eye, Ear, Nasal Injuries Physically Caused Emergencies
Chemically Caused Emergencies Digestive Emergencies
Neurological Emergencies
Veterinary Studies 2
Reproduction in Animals Sexual Cycles Mating Pregnancy
Giving Birth Problems during Birth Problems in the Post-Partum
Phase Stray Animals in Distress Assessing Age, Sex, State of
Health Zoonoses Characteristics and Care of Animals General
Care Feeding Caring for Sick Animals Common Disorders Dogs
Cats Rabbits Reptiles and Amphibians Guinea Pigs Hamsters
Mice Horses
Dental Studies 1
Duties and Roles of the DSA Office and Surgery Patient Care
Dental Charting Deciduous and Permanent Dentition Dental
Anatomy Tooth Identification Microbiology and Pathology Dental
Caries Causes of Dental Disease Miscellaneous Dental Problems
Preventive Dentistry Drugs Used in Dentistry Dental Materials
Dental Studies 2
Restorative Dentistry Conservative Dentistry Periodontology
Prosthetic Dentistry Minor Oral Surgery Malocclusions
Orthodontic Treatment, Orthodontic Appliances Anaesthesia and
Sedation Conscious Sedation Local Anaesthesia General
Anaesthesia Radiography X-Ray Apparatus X-Ray Films
Common Radiographic Techniques Dealing with Emergencies
Health and Safety in the Dental Practice
Service 1
People and the Food Service Industry You and Your Employer
Your Professional Attitude Your Rights Importance of House
Policy Dealing with Guests You and Your Fellow Workers A
Guest's First Impression Special Needs of Guests Some Difficult
Situations The Impression You Make Grooming The Habit of
Hygiene Sanitary Food-Handling How Foods Become
Contaminated Bacteria: How Poisons Grow and Spread Chemical
Toxins Preventing Food Poisoning Safe Food Handling and
Storage Working in Safety Accidents Don't Just Happen A Safe
Work Environment Electrical and Gas Hazards In Case of Fire
Fire Safety Procedures Basic First-Aid Occupational Health and
Safety Act Tools of the Trade Tableware Linen and Napery
Napkin Folding Electrical and Gas Breakfast Items Starters
Soups Fish Salads Main Dishes Vegetables Take-Away Foods
Desserts Beverages Setting Up For Service Your Opening Duties
A Note about Side Duties Carrying Tableware by Tray Appliances
Electrical Equipment Gas Equipment Stainless Steel Your Side or
Service Stand How to Interpret a Menu Purpose and Layout of
the Menu Categories of Food Types of Menus Points to Note
about Menus Three Basic Types of Menus Carte du Jour Table

d'Hte Basic Menu Terminology Specialised Terminology Meat

Cuts Primal Cuts of a Side of Beef First Category Steaks Second
Category Steaks Veal, Pork and Lamb Food Condiments and
Accompaniments Setting the Covers What is a "Cover"? The
Counter A Note about "Basics" Setting the Table Placement of
Silver Glasses Side Plates Serviettes General Hints Basic
Setting for Lunch and Dinner
Service 2
Serving Your Guests Types of Service The Order of Service
Breakfast service Lunch service Dinner service Welcoming Your
Guest Presenting the Menu Serving Water Taking the Order A
System for Writing the Order Rolls, Butter and Juice Portion
Control Placing the Order Communications with the Kitchen
Timing Your Order Using an Arm Tray The Side Towel Rules of
Thumb for Table Service Appetisers Serving Soup Side Salad
Main Dish Serving With Spoon and Fork Serving a Casserole
Clearing the Table Using a Tray Dessert Beverages Adding up
the Bill Presenting the Bill Looking After Your Book Cleaning and
Resetting Tables Closing Procedures Serving at a Counter or
Booth Serving for Special Functions Setting up for Service
Serving and Clearing Alcoholic Beverage Service Hot and Cold
Beverages Coffee Preparing Coffee Tea Preparing Tea Hot
Chocolate Iced Tea and Coffee Ice Cream Products Dipping Hard
Ice Cream Preparing Milkshakes Soda or Float Sundaes Dinner
Sundae Fountain Sundae Parfait Banana Split Alcoholic
Beverages Drinking Customs Classifications of Alcoholic
Beverages Beer Wine Sizes and Types of Wine Bottles Wine
Glassware Wine Service Accessories Corkscrew Ice Bucket Wine
Basket or Cradle Presenting and Serving Wine When to Serve the
Wine How to Open a Bottle Natural Corks and Wire Hoods
Tasting and Pouring Fundamentals of Mixology Equipment,
Supplies and Setting Up Basic Bar Equipment and Supplies
Ingredients General Tips Mixing Drinks Stirring Shaking
Building Standard Cocktails and Mixed Drinks Taking and Serving
the Cocktail Order Hosting Duties Handling Cash and Charges
The Cash Register Layout of the Cash Register The Cash Float
Sample Float Sheet Making Entries on the Cash Register
Correcting Errors How to Make Change Disputes Over Change
Processing Credit Cards and Cheques Cash
Managing People The Law Governing the Food and Hospitality
Industry The Law Governing the Appointment and Employment of
People The Tobacco Control Act of 2000 The Hospitality Industry
Training Board The Hospitality Education and Training Authority.
Restaurant Management
Restaurant Layout Customer Service Area The Dining Area The
Production Area Parking Telephones Utilities Restaurant
Equipment The Service Area The Preparation Kitchen The
Ventilation System Dishwashing Equipment Receiving and Storing
The Bar The Dining Area The Office Inventory and Stock
Control Purchasing Suppliers The Business Cycle Financial
Statements The Income & Expenditure Statement The Balance
Sheet The Cash Flow Statement The Budget Costing Fixed
Expenses Variable Expenses Cost of Sales Determining Mark Up
Division of Duties Customer Service Taxation Advertising Sales
Promotion Signage Principles of Food Management The
Restaurant Trade The Partie System Movement and Logistics
Silver Service Restaurant Self-Service Fast Food The Holding
Process Quality Assurance The Menu Food Choices Customer
Profile Price Expectations Service Times Seasonality Kitchen
Staff The Menu Maker Publicity and Promotional Aspects
Composition of the Menu Types of Menu Menu Planning Menu
Databases Menu Preparation Menu Engineering Service Systems
The CIS Sales Mix Portion Sizes Food Distribution Chain
Production Planning Using Feedback Using a Bin Card Using
Computers Quality Control
Hotel Management
The Hotel Manager Management Information Internal Sources of
Information Production Finance Human Resources Marketing
External Sources of Information Customers Trade Suppliers
Advertising and Competitor Activity Controlling Information
Production Control Quality Control Productivity Materials Control
Maintenance Control on-Monetary Standards Monetary
Standards Work Study in Hotels Accommodation Housekeeping
Department Maintenance Department The Front Office
Accommodation Requirements Human Metabolic Needs Human
Thermal Comfort Sensory Comfort and Privacy Exit and Entry
Points The Hotel Building Room Size Bedrooms Bathrooms
Passages Space Lighting Noise Colour Texture Carpets Wall
Coverings Soft Furnishings Heating and Ventilation Safety
Graphics Seating Tables Sanitary Fittings Service Equipment
Replacement Cycles Linen: Purchase or Hire? Choice of Fabrics
Exchanging Linen Stocktaking Emergency Maintenance Cleaning
and Maintenance Planned Preventative Maintenance ReDecoration and Furnishing Programmes Frequent Maintenance
Problems Electrical Problems Plumbing Problems Building

Exteriors Windows and Doors Stairs Sheeting Materials

Sewerage Gas Electricity Water Drainage Systems Heat
Transference in Buildings Boilers Fuels Front Office Facilities
Services Portering Billing and Accounting Methods of Payment
Banking Guest Information Service Interdepartmental
Communications Outgoing Calls Security Reception Layout
Catering Management
The Catering Industry The Professional Kitchen Medieval and preIndustrial Europe The Industrial Revolution The Partie System
The 1900s Sectors of the Catering Industry Catering Systems
Planning a System Controlling a System Components of a
Catering System Sub-Systems Silver Service Restaurant SelfService Fast Food Link Between Production and Service Call
Order Service Cafeteria Service Hospital Tray Service Cook-Chill
System Cook-Freeze System The Sales Menu The Working Menu
Customer Profile Cost and Price Policy Service Times Supplies
Kitchen Staff Plant and Equipment Balance Publicity and
Promotion Composition of the Menu Types of Menu A La Carte
Table Dhte Selective Menu Plan Static Menus Cyclic Menus
Market Menus The Computer and Menu Planning Recipe and
Menu Databases Menu Generation Menu Preparation Menu
Engineering Production Planning and Control Production and
Service Systems Make-to-Stock Assemble-to-Order Catering
Information System Operational Planning Standard Recipes and
Projected Sales Mix Recipe Explosion Purchasing Policy Food
Purchase Purchase Specifications Production Planning Control
Recording Orders, Receipts, Stock and Issues Bin Cards
Production Control Computers in Production Planning and Control
Quality Control
Farm Management 1
Starting with the Soil Soil Erosion Natural Grazing Strategies
Sediment Losses Economic Consequences of Erosion Legislation
and Financial Assistance Causes of Soil Erosion Water Erosion
Wind Erosion Deposition Factors Affecting Erosion Preventing
Erosion Optimal Resource Utilisation Soil Life Concept Soil Loss
Tolerance Values Runoff Control Planning Conservation Works
and Measures Reclamation Grasses in Erosion Control Farming
as a Primary Industry Different Kinds of Farm Deciding What To
Produce Efficiency Location and Size Climate Temperature
Frost Rainfall Evaporation Wind Extreme Hazards Microclimates Pests and Diseases The Importance of Water Good
Farm Qualities Governmental Regulations Looking After Soil
Organic Matter Fertilisers Trace Elements Organic Fertilisers
Fertiliser Application Cover Crops Crop Rotation Farm
Degradation Production Systems Animal Production Systems
Grazing Systems Grazing Modifications Lot Feeding Managing
Cattle in Lots Pen Fattening Pig Production Poultry Breeding
Organic Farming Biodynamic Farming Permaculture Livestock
Management Choosing Your Animals Caring for Animals Animal
Health Injury Poisons Hereditary Conditions Nutritional
Problems Micro-organisms Parasites Preventing Illness
Vaccination First Aid KitNursing Quarantine Slaughter
Post-mortem Types of Wounds Treating Wounds Animal
Foods Water Shelter Wool and Meat Production Livestock
Management Tasks Legumes The Rhizobium Bacteria Pasture
Crops Pasture Crop Management Characteristics of Annual and
Perennial Grasses Preparing Land for Pasture Sowing Pasture
Germination Weed Control Grazing the New Pasture Native
Grasses versus Pasture A Pasture Management Programme
Grazing Periods Stocking Carrying Capacity Pasture
Maintenance Herds Pasture Limiting Factors Grassland
Management Continuous Light Stocking Split-Season Systems
Crop Management Crop Selection Grains Materials
Management Storage Equipment and Machinery Engineering
Solutions Maintenance Scheduling Training Operators Rules for
Operators Tractors Manual Tools Materials
Farm Management 2
Ecological and Pasture Concepts Plant Succession Sweet Veld
Sour Veld Mixed Veld Forest Biome Fynbos Biome
Grassland Biome Nama Karoo Biome Savanna Biome
Succulent Karoo Biome Optimal Grazing Carrying Capacity
Veld Management Veld Condition Stocking Rate Animal Ratio
Rotational Grazing High Production Grazing Rotational Resting
Veld Burning Type of Fire Fire Intensity Season of Burning
Frequency of Burning Post-fire Grazing Management
Monitoring Veld Condition Veld Management Layouts Veld
Rehabilitation Ecological Status Veterinary Products Drenches
Feed Products Fertilisers Fuel Tail Tags and Ear Tags
Computer Applications What is Software? Databases
Spreadsheets Farm Structures and Buildings Maintenance
Aesthetics Cost Access Floors and Surfacing Safety
Animal Shelters Fencing Posts Ways to Use Fences

Gateways and Gates Water Troughs Cattle Handling Yards

Dips Weighing Scales Housing Horses Barns The Dairy
Siting of Dairy Premises Dairy Milking Shed Poultry (Layers)
Poultry (Broilers) Financial Management Financial Institutions
Finding Finance Financial Planning Life Assurance Family Law
and Wills Trusts Tax Marketing Managing Farm Marketing
Transportation Record Keeping Selling Systems Farm
Planning Short Term Operations Farm Business Structures
Managing Risk Quality Management Systems Strategic
Planning Planning Processes Whole Farm Planning Farm
Management Plans Staff Management Work Scheduling
Occupational Health and Safety Dealing with Chemicals
Handling Tools and Machinery Safety Audit Water
Basic Business Communication
Sentences Subject-Action Writing Loose and Periodic Sentences
Sentence Emphasis Active Voice or Passive Voice? Vigorous
Sentences The Verb "To Be" Avoid the Him / Her Trap
Parallelism Coherence Paragraphs The Topic Sentence
Developing the Topic Restatement Explanation Narrative
Reasoning Paragraph Development Sentence Interrelation
Transition by Linking Transition by Signalling Paragraph
Interrelation Using Abbreviations Paragraph Format Purpose of
Punctuation The Full Stop Abbreviation The Colon The
Semicolon The Comma Six Other Uses of the Comma Misuse of
the Comma Brackets Asides Explanations Definitions
References The Dash The Hyphen Inverted Commas The
Apostrophe Capitalisation Screamers and Queries Planning Your
Writing Report Outlining Drafting Editing
Business Communication
Module 1 - Case Study Using Communications Hardware The
Telephone Telephone Conversations Electronic Mail (e-mail) CellPhones Computers Consulting Employees Rap Sessions Formal
Schemes Scope of Consultation Leadership Style Defining Goals
Factors of Influence Deliberation Problem Solving Discussion
Topic Handling Conflict Corrective Measures Order and Creativity
Recognise Contributions Keep Discussion Moving Oral
Communication Interviews Elements of an Interview Selection
Interview Induction Interviews Goal-Setting Interviews
Performance-Appraisal Interviews Reward Interviews Disciplinary
Interviews or Reprimands Counselling Interviews Grievance
Interviews Resignation Interviews Dismissal Interviews
Retrenchment Interviews Press, Radio, and Television Interviews
Negotiating Some Theoretical Aspects Need
Module 2 - Case Study Using Oral Communication Characteristics
Gesture and Inflection Immediate Feedback Drawbacks Signs
and Signals Movement Some More about Gesture Culture First
Impressions Eye Contact Body Language Empathy Interaction
Spatial Relationships Seating Arrangements Proximity
Perception Questions Open-Ended Questions Wrong Questions
Standard-Revealing Questions Showing Authority Aggression
Argument Domination Moralising Losing Control Other Types
of Questions Reflection Interpretation Elaboration Clarification
Repetition Behaviour Modification Counselling Interviews
Listening Speeches Stage Fright What to Memorise Effective
Speaking Elements of Speech-Making Selecting the Topic
Determine the Purpose Preparing a Speech Specimen Scheme
The Introduction The Body The Conclusion Reasons for
Preparation Attention Goodwill Orientation Specific Purpose
Business English
Module 1 - Sentences Subject-Action Writing Loose and Periodic
Sentences Sentence Emphasis Active Voice or Passive Voice?
Vigorous Sentences The Verb "To Be" Avoid the Him / Her Trap
Parallelism Coherence Paragraphs The Topic Sentence
Developing the Topic Restatement Explanation Narrative
Reasoning Paragraph Development Sentence Interrelation
Transition by Linking Transition by Signalling Paragraph
Interrelation Using Abbreviations Paragraph Format Purpose of
Punctuation The Full Stop Abbreviation The Colon The
Semicolon The Comma Misuse of the Comma Brackets Asides
Module 2 - Letter Writing Beginning in the Middle Answering the
Customer Complaint Presenting Your Case The Direct-Mail Letter
The Business Proposition Letter The Request for Help Yes Please
and No Thank You Statistics Averages Percentages Profiles
Research Language Low-base Percentages Indices Visual
Presentation Report Writing Format of the Report Sections of the
Report Structure Within Sections Report Writing Style Memo
Writing The Creative Memo Word Choice and Vocabulary
Choosing the Right Word (An Alphabetical Review) Business
Terms and Expressions Business Writing Vocabulary Spelling
Read Make Friends with Your Dictionary Explanations
Definitions References Dash The Hyphen Inverted Commas
The Apostrophe Capitalisation Screamers and Queries

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