Handout 11 - Introduction - To - MICT V20140101-1.0.0

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Introduction to MICT
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. . 1
1.1 MICT OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... .. 1
1.2 GUIDE STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 ACCESSING MICT ..................................................................................................................... .. 3
2. MICT HOME ................................................................ ..................................................................... . 4
3. CHANGE UNIT .................................................................................................................................. 4
4. ASSISTANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 HELP GUIDES ............................................................................................................................ .. 5
4.2 PROGRAM STATUS ................................................................................................................... .. 6
4.3 FAM CONTACT LIST ................................................................................................................ .. 6
4.4 REPORT A BUG.......................................................................................................................... .. 7


1.1 MICT Overview
Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT) is an interactive application designed to
help all levels of leadership implement the self-assessment program and checklist
management requirements defined in AFI 90-201 and perform their missions
successfully. MICT employs a set of comprehensive and versatile self-assessment
tools that allow all levels to efficiently self-evaluate and address deficiencies where
The self-assessment program provides commanders with a vital tool for internal
assessment of unit health and complement external assessments. The tools within MICT
are available to all levels of leadership. Starting from the lowest levels, Unit MICT
Administrators and their designated Self-assessment Checklist Assessors can access
applicable checklists. Further, they can display results for later viewing by Wing/Unit
leadership and Higher Headquarter (HHQ) inspection teams. To facilitate the flow of
information up and down the supervisory and inspection chains, each level of authority
is assigned specific roles, responsibilities, and visibility within MICT. The roles each
member in the process plays are based upon administrative permissions.
permissions are set by the a p p li c a bl e W in g/U n it MICT Administrator and can be
adjusted as necessary.
There are four distinct levels of responsibility in the MICT process.
discussed below:

Each level is

At the Headquarters Air Force (HAF) level, per AFI 90-201, Self-Assessment Checklists
(SACs) are developed by their respective functional community, referred to as Functional
Area Manager (FAM) to address readiness, compliance and nuclear surety areas. These
checklists reflect unit/program mission requirements. The checklists are created,
reviewed and published in MICT.
At the MAJCOM level the MAJCOM FAM, may develop and maintain MAJCOMspecific checklist supplements. These checklists are not to contain any duplicate
questions contained within the HAF SACs. All checklists, once published in MICT, are
available to subordinate units to utilize as appropriate as part of their self-assessment
At the Wing (Wing or Wing equivalent; hereafter referred to as Wing) level, Wing
Administrators oversee the self-assessment process for their Wing. They determine
which checklists apply to their subordinate units and track those checklists in MICT.
They create l o cal checklists, as necessary. However, as more checklists are loaded by
H A F a n d MAJCOM FAMs, the creation of local checklists should become the
exception. Additionally, f o r u n i t s c o n s i s t i n g o f s u b o r d i n a t e u n i t s , W i n g
a d m i n i s t r a t o r s assign Unit Administrators.
The Unit Administrators assign
permissions, assign self-assessment checklist assessors, manage the workcenter
hierarchy within MICT (if needed) and generate self-assessment results-oriented
reports. For Wings, such as FOAs, that do not have subordinate units, the Wing


Administrator will also function as the Unit Administrator.

At the unit level, Self-assessment Checklist Assessors are responsible for accomplishing
self-assessments by running the applicable self-assessment checklists.
1.2 Guide Structure
Several MICT guides have been developed to provide assistance on MICT functionality.
These guides are structured to mirror the functionality tabs found across the top of
every page in MICT.
This guide, the Introduction to MICT, provides a broad overview of MICT. It includes
a discussion of how to access MICT. It also addresses the MICT Home, Change
Unit and Assistance tabs.
The MICT FAM Guide addresses all options found under the FAM tab. This tab is
available only to members assigned FAM permissions. It assists the HAF and MAJCOM
FAMs in developing and sustaining all necessary requirements for their specific
The MICT Search Guide addresses all options found under the Search tab. This tab is
available to all members, even basic users who have not been assigned administrative
permissions or Self-assessment Checklist Assessor duties.
However, some of the
functionality under the Search tab does require assignment of Self-assessment
Checklist Assessor d u t i e s o r a d m i n i s t r a t i v e p e r m i s s i o n s . The M I C T S e a r c h
G u i d e a s s i s t s members in locating and viewing checklists and specific checklist
questions, including virtually inspectable checklist items.
The MICT Assessment Guide addresses all options found under the Assessment tab.
This tab is available to members with administrative permissions. It is also available to
any member assigned Self-assessment Checklist Assessor duties, even if they have not
been assigned administrative permissions. The MICT Assessment Guide assists SelfInspection Checklist Assessors in conducting a self-assessment using the checklists
published in MICT.
The MICT Customize Guide addresses all options found under the Customize tab.
This tab is available only to basic users and members assigned Self-assessment Checklist
Assessor duties, but not assigned any administrative permissions. This tab allows a basic
user or Self-assessment Checklist Assessor to view, but not edit, the Checklist POC
page. It also allows a basic user or Self-assessment Checklist Assessor to select
personal settings and checklist notification options.
The MICT Administration Guide addresses all options found under the
Administration tab.
This tab is available only to members with administrative
permissions. It assists Wing/Unit/Program O w n e r s (administrators) with the initial
set-up and maintenance of MICT within their unit, including feature customization,
workcenter, member, permission and checklist m a n a ge m e n t .
It a l s o a s s i s t s in
the recurring administrative duties associated with MICT.


The MICT Reports Guide addresses all options under the Reports tab. This tab is
available only to members with administrative permissions, unless the unit has
customized report availability to all members. This guide provides a description of all
reports currently available in MICT.
There is very little overlap among the guides. As a result, depending upon an
individuals responsibilities pertaining to MICT, reference to multiple guides may be
necessary. For example, if an administrator is also responsible for actually conducting a
self-assessment, the MICT Assessment Guide and the MICT Administration Guide
would be referenced.
1.3 Accessing MICT
All MICT users require a MICT account to access MICT. U p o n l o g g i n g i n t o
M I C T t h e H ome page will display (Figure 1.3-5).

Figure 1.3-5
NOTE: The tabs across the top vary, depending upon the permissions assigned by the
Wing MICT Administrator. Users may not see all of the tabs shown in Figure 1.3-5.


Tabs across the top of each MICT page allow users to navigate through the MICT
functionality. Figure 2-1 shows the available tabs in the MICT application.

Figure 2-1
Place your cursor over each tab to see the drop-down menu of functionality for that
specific tab. As noted in the Introduction, the tabs across the top will vary, depending
upon permissions assigned.
Only members with specific FAM permissions will see the FAM tab. All members
will see the Search, Change Unit and Assistance tabs. In addition to members with
administrative permissions, members assigned Self-assessment Checklist Assessor duties
will see the Assessment tab (even if no administrative permissions are assigned). Only
basic users or members assigned Self-assessment Checklist Assessor duties (but no
administrative permissions), will see the Customize tab.
Only members with
administrative permissions will see the Administration tab.
Only members with
administrative permissions will see the Reports tab, unless the unit has customized
report availability to all members.

If a member has visibility into multiple units, the Change Unit drop-down menu allows
them to navigate to the appropriate unit. For instance, a member with permissions at the
Wing level may see all units within the Wing hierarchy. Another example is a member
assigned as an administrator or checklist assessor in multiple units. That member can use
the Change Unit drop-down menu to navigate to any unit they manage or assess. See
Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1
The Home page will refresh. Depending upon assigned permissions for the newly
selected unit, the tabs across the top and associated available functionality may differ.
Any changes or updates (to checklists, workcenters, member rosters, etc.) will affect only
the data associated with the selected unit.


MICT Assistance functions are available to all users.

Figure 4-1 depicts the menu of

4.1 Help Guides

To access assistance resources, such as training modules, select Help Guides from the
Assistance menu. A screen similar to Figure 4.1-1 will display.

Figure 4.1-1
From this screen, a myriad of help information is available including help guides,
briefings and How To guides for quick reference on many tasks in MICT. All titles are
active links that open a new window and allow access to the desired document.


4.2 Program Status

To access information on the status of MICT; select Program Status from the
Assistance menu. A screen similar to Figure 4.2-1 will display.

Figure 4.2-1
The Program Status page provides news on current projects, releases and future
4.3 FAM Contact List
To access the FAM Contact List, select FAM Contact List from the Assistance
menu. A screen similar to Figure 4.3-1 will display. The page shows all FAMs listed
within MICT for the various MAJCOMs and Directorates and includes all known contact
information. To narrow results, use the drop-down menus to select MAJCOM, then

Figure 4.3-1
FAM lists are maintained by each MAJCOM. If there are issues with content on a
checklist, please utilize this list to contact the applicable FAM in the applicable


4.4 Report a Bug

To report a system error or a bug, select the Report a Bug option from the Assistance
menu. A screen similar to 4.4-1 will display.

Figure 4.4-1
This page allows a user to provide information directly to the MICT staff regarding
system errors and bugs within MICT. The form will generate a report to the MICT team.
Include as much detailed information as possible, including the steps you took to get the
error/bug so that the MICT development team can recreate the situation. Include your
contact information in order to get feedback on resolution.
NOTE: P l e a s e ,
c oordinate all system errors and bugs through your units MICT hierarchy.

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