A Male Dominated Society

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The implementation of one-child policy creates gender imbalance which had skewed the age

demographic in China.
The cultural preference for boys, particularly in rural areas has result gender imbalance in the Chinese
society. Families with limited resources prioritize sons in terms of their capability to perform farm work
in rural areas, provide financial support for aging parents and ensure the continuance of the family
name. (The Globalist, 2015)

A male dominated society

As a result of strong preference for male heirs with the one child policy, there have been reports of
large number in female infanticide which includes sex-selective abortion, infant disposal, orphanages
On the other hand; families in rural parts still hide the birth of daughters without register their new born
for a hukou, or registered permanent residence. This clearly shows their intention to clear the legal
path to have a son by removing first-born daughters. BBC News states that in 1990s, 26 males per
1,000 live births died before the age of one and 33 girls, while in the 2000s consist of 21 boys per
1,000 live births dying and 28 girls. It was notably that infanticide is the actual reason for the infant
mortality figures. Based on a real life story of Ms. Li, the second daughter of a blue-collar family in
southern Beijing, she was born contrary to the rules that have limited most urban couples to one child.
She grew up as a stateless inhabitant in China without a residence permit and identity card. Hence,
no access to education or health cares as well as good jobs and marriage licenses. (New York Times,
The gender imbalance of population has led to surplus of unmarried young men. The Chinas official
news agency estimated that 119 boys are now born for every 100 girls whereas the average ratio in
globally is 103 to 107 boys for every 100 girls. Thus, results the scarcity of marriageable young
women. (The Globalist, 2015) believes that greater than 25% of Chinese men will not be married in
their late 30s by 2030. It will be more likely for men in countryside to lose out in the competition for
bride since they are less educated and well financed. This imbalance has provoke a steep increase in
crime and social instability due to narrow social life with the lack of a female companion in which they
inclined to commit violent acts such as sex-related crimes and human trafficking. In addition, it is
strongly emphasized that the officials should impose specific treatment to improve the balanced
development of population. Provide stats to prove male population outnumbered female and
single men.

skewed gender ratio and rapidly shrinking work force

This gender imbalance is now narrowing as China seems to be valuing girls more. Being a one-child
policy girl also meant extra university points in one province. Based on a survey, they work an
average of 8.4 hours per day and contributed 35.8% to the family Income. Therefore, it can be
deduced that Chinese women now hold a more assertive role in society, combined with their having
equal or higher salaries than men. (PERCEPTION 2)

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