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Multi-Way Optimal Control of a Benchmark Fed-Batch

Fermentation Process
Hongwei Zhang and Barry Lennox*
Control Engineering Research Group, School of Engineering,
The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

A novel optimal control algorithm is presented for application to batch processes. The
algorithm utilises a linear model of the process that is identified using multi-way partial least
squares. This linear model is used within an optimal control law to regulate the productivity
of the batch by manipulating the substrates that are fed into the fermentation vessel. The
proposed control algorithm is successfully applied to a benchmark fed-batch fermentation
process and its performance compared with alternative control algorithms that have been
applied to this application in the past. The proposed controller is found to compare favourably
with these alternative algorithms.
Keywords: Fed-batch fermentation, partial least squares, optimal control

1.0 Introduction
The ability to control a fed-batch fermentation process to maximise product yield is of great
commercial importance in the biotechnology industry. Such processes represent a very real
challenge to control engineers as they possess many characteristics that make them
particularly difficult to control. These characteristics include dynamic behaviour that is nonlinear, highly complex and unpredictable and the fact that product concentrations are difficult
to measure on-line and may only be available through off-line laboratory assay.

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To stimulate research into the development of advanced controllers for application to fedbatch processes, the Biotechnological Control Forum developed a benchmark simulation of
such a system and invited researchers to apply identification and optimal control systems to it
(Leigh, 1998). The simulated process, which is provided in scrambled source code, is
representative of an industrial fed-batch process containing variations in the initial conditions
within the fermenter, unmeasured disturbances and physical constraints on several of the
process variables.

In response to the invite by the Biotechnological Control Forum to investigate this process,
McKay et al (1998) applied a genetic programme to help develop a non-linear model of the
system. The accuracy of the model was found to be very good, particularly for short-term
prediction during the batch, which is what would typically be required in an optimal control
algorithm. In a further investigation, Becerra and Roberts (1998) applied a control algorithm,
termed Dynamic Integrated System Optimisation and Parameter Estimation (DISOPE) to the
process. Despite using a linear model within this controller, the DISOPE algorithm performed
very well, with improvements of over 21% being made to the final productivity of the process.

In this paper multi-way partial least squares (MPLS) is used to develop a soft-sensor that is
capable of predicting biomass and product concentrations within the fermenter. Recent
investigations have demonstrated the suitability of using MPLS as a soft-sensor in industrial
fed-batch fermentation systems (Lennox et al, 2001 and Lakshminarayanan et al, 1996).
Despite the fact that MPLS is a linear approach, the results in this paper indicate that its
ability to model the fed-batch benchmark system compares favourably with the non-linear
approach reported by McKay et al (1998).

Following its development, the MPLS model is integrated within an optimal control strategy
that is used to regulate the feedrates of the two substrates in the process to maximise
productivity. Test results indicate that although the structure of the proposed control system is

very simple, it provides improved performance when compared with the much more complex
DISOPE algorithm proposed by Becerra and Roberts (1998).

The paper continues in section 2 with a description of the simulated benchmark process. This
is followed in section 3 with an overview of the MPLS technology and a summary of the
results obtained when the approach was applied, as a soft-sensor, to the benchmark fed-batch
fermentation process. Section 4 then describes how the developed MPLS model can be
integrated within an optimal control strategy. Results collected when the proposed controller
is applied to the benchmark fed-batch process are also provided in section 4. Finally a list of
conclusions arising from this investigation is provided in section 5.

2.0 Problem Description

The benchmark process represents a fed-batch fermentation process that produces a secondary
metabolite as the product. For growth and production the metabolite requires two substrate
feeds, S1 and S2. During each batch, on-line measurements of the substrate feedrates and
concentrations, F1 and F2 and S1 and S2 respectively, biomass concentration, X, product
concentration, P and reactor volume, V, are available. As with an industrial fermentation
process the initial conditions of each batch are variable, the process is subject to unmeasured
disturbances and noise is present on all measurements. Other process environment variables,
such as temperature and pH, are assumed to be kept constant at their optimum values.

To be representative of an industrial application, the authors of the simulation provided the

following information:

1. A black-box model in scrambled source code that simulates the plant.

2. Typical substrate feed rate profiles which can be used in the simulation to generate
input/output data.

3. Specifications of the constraints, which are defined as:

0 F1 50 units
0 F2 50 units
V 4000 units

3.0 Soft-sensing using Multi-way Partial Least Squares

3.1 Partial Least Squares (PLS)

PLS is a system identification tool that is capable of identifying the relationships between
cause (X) and effect (Y) variables. The advantage that this approach offers over more
traditional identification techniques, such as ordinary least squares, is that it is able to extract
robust models even in applications involving large numbers of highly correlated and noisy
process variable measurements.

The approach works by selecting factors of cause variables in a sequence that successively
maximises the explained covariance between the cause and effect variables. Given a matrix of
cause data, X, and effect data, Y, a factor of the cause data, tk, and effect data, uk, is evaluated,
such that:


np < nx

t k p Tk + E and Y =
k =1

np < nx

u q
k =1



where E and F are residual matrices, np is the number of inner components that are used in
the model and nx is the number of causal variables. pk and qk are referred to as loading vectors.

These equations are referred to as the outer relationships. The vectors tk are mutually
orthogonal. These vectors and uk are selected so as to maximise the covariance between each

pair, (tk, uk). Linear regression is performed between the tk and the uk vectors to produce the
inner relationship, such that:

u k = bk t k + k

where bk is a regression coefficient, and k refers to the prediction error. The PLS method
provides the potential for a regularised model through selecting an appropriate number of
latent variables, uk in the model (np). The number of latent variables is typically made through
the use of cross validation.

For further details of the PLS algorithm, the reader is referred to Geladi and Kowalski (1986).

3.2 Multi-way Partial Least Squares (MPLS)

PLS is a linear tool, which unfortunately limits its effectiveness when applied to non-linear
fed-batch processes. Two options exist for improving the capabilities of PLS when applied to
fed-batch systems. The first is to develop non-linear counterparts to PLS and the second is to
transform the fed-batch data in such a way as to remove the non-linear characteristics.
Although non-linear PLS techniques exist (Qin, 1992), the transformation of batch data has
proved to be a more effective option and has been adopted in this investigation. The most
common form of data transformation, termed multi-way PLS, was initially proposed by
Nomikos and MacGregor (1994). Since then other researchers have adopted the approach and
applied it to a variety of processes. For example, Gallagher et al (1996) applied the technique
to monitor nuclear waste storage vessels and Lennox et al (2001) and Lakshminarayanan et al
(1996) investigated the detection of faults in fed-batch fermentation processes.

In a fed-batch process, the cause and effect data can be thought of as being in two 3dimensional arrays of size nb nx mx and nb ny my, where nb is the number of batches

for which data is available, nx and ny are the number of cause and effect variables
respectively and mx and my are the number of observations of the cause and effect variables
respectively that are made during a batch. Unfortunately, PLS requires that the cause and
effect arrays be two-dimensional. To address this problem the three-dimensional arrays are
recast into two-dimensional arrays in a process referred to as unfolding. The concept of
unfolding is illustrated in figure 1. The original data arrays are unfolded into a cause variable
array, X, of size nb (nx*mx) and an effect variable array of size nb (ny*my). It should be
noted that the number of observations made of the cause variables need not be equal to the
number of observations made for the effect variables. In fact, it is relatively common for there
to be a single effect measurement made during a batch. This measurement being the final
product quality taken at the end of the batch. Following the unfolding of the data, it is then
possible to apply PLS to the data in the conventional manner.

The subsequent use of this model on-line poses the problem that it is necessary to know the
values of all process measurements through to the end of the batch, since the unfolded array
contains the measurements of each of the variables throughout the duration of the batch. This
means that with the exception of the end point of the batch, it is necessary to estimate the
future values of all the measured variables. The prediction of future process values is referred
to as filling up the array. Of the three methods that were suggested by Nomikos and
MacGregor (1994) for filling up the array, Lennox et al (2001) found that the most
appropriate method for an industrial fed-batch process was to assume that the values of all
process measurements remain at their current offset from the mean trajectory through to the
end of the batch. Whilst the most suitable filling up method is likely to be process dependent,
this method was also found to be the most appropriate in this work.

3.3 Application of MPLS to the Benchmark Plant

To develop a model of the fermentation system it is necessary to collect plant data from a
series of reference batches. The original simulation that was provided by the Biotechnological

Control Forum operated with exponential feedrates for the two substrates. These feedrates
were defined as follows:

F1 ( t ) = 10 +

1+ e

5 0.1t

F2 ( t ) = 3.5

1+ e

10 0.15 t

In this paper we refer to these as the nominal feedrates.

Ideally the reference batches should contain data collected during full excitation of the
process, for example PRBS sequences could be applied to the feedrates of the two substrates.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain the necessary permission to perform thorough plant tests
since operating the process under such conditions will typically result in a poor quality batch,
which is unlikely to be acceptable. Therefore in this application the models were developed
using data collected from batches that operated under nominal conditions, or conditions close
to nominal.

Data from a total of 30 batches, referred to as reference batches, were used to develop the
MPLS model. Each batch was allowed to run for 200 time units, with the sample time set to
0.25 time units. The MPLS model was calculated using 20 of the reference batches, with the
remainder (testing batches) being used to assess the performance of the model. The model
contained 3 latent variables.

The accuracy of this model for product and biomass prediction, over the 10 testing batches, is
displayed in figures 2 and 3 respectively. In each figure the top, middle and bottom graphs
represent the 25, 50 and 100 step-ahead predictions respectively and the grey and black lines
represent the actual and predicted product and biomass measurements respectively. The
vertical dashed lines in these figures indicate when one batch ends and the next begins. The

numbers on these figures provide a numerical measure of the accuracy of the model. This
measure, the average squared prediction error (ASPE), being defined as:



k =1

yk ]


where yk is the actual product / biomass concentration and y k is the predicted product /
biomass concentration. There are 800 sample points during the batch, hence the division by

Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate that the accuracy of the model is very good and would appear to
compare favourably with the results reported by McKay et al (1998).

In addition to predicting the concentration of the biomass and product during the batch, it is
also helpful to have an indication of the expected yield from the batch. This can be achieved
by using the MPLS model to predict the concentration of product and biomass that is
expected to be present within the fermentation vessel at the end of the batch. Although each
batch was operated for 200 time units, the end-point of the batch was taken as being after 120
time units. The reason for this is that from the reference batches, it is evident that the
concentration of product in the fermenter begins to drop after this time. 120 time units could
therefore be considered a reasonable point at which the batch should be harvested.

Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate the accuracy of the MPLS model at predicting the end-point
concentration of the product and biomass respectively, for the 10 testing batches. The black
line in these figures represents the concentration of product and biomass that was actually
recorded at the end of the batch. The grey line in the figures represents the end-point
concentration that is predicted by the PLS model during the batch. The vertical dashed lines

indicate when one batch ends and the next begins. These graphs indicate that the prediction
accuracy is poor during the initial stages of the batch, but then improves significantly. The
reason for the poor accuracy initially is because at the start of the batch most of the data in the
unfolded data matrix has been estimated and is therefore less reliable than in the later stages
of the batch.

4.0 Batch Control Using Multi-way Optimal Control

Based upon the model developed in section 3 there are two possible control strategies that
were considered. The first is to use the continuous on-line prediction of product and biomass
to develop a control strategy that will attempt to force the product and biomass concentrations
to follow a pre-specified trajectory by manipulating the two feed streams. The second possible
control structure is slightly simpler and involves optimising the end-point product
concentration by manipulating the two feedrates. Since it is not clear what form any prespecified trajectory for the product and biomass concentrations should take the decision was
made to use the end-point controller.

This controller utilises the following cost function:

J = y tend wtend


where ytend is equal to the prediction made by the MPLS model of the product concentration
at the end point of the batch and the set-point, wtend , is the desired final product concentration.

At each sampling instant, ts, the controller identifies what changes should be made to the
current value of the two substrate feedrates to minimise the value of equation 1. In performing
its calculations the controller assumes that only a single change is made to each of the two

substrate feeds, i.e. the feedrates of substrate 1 and 2 at sample time ts+1, denoted as F1(ts+1)
and F2(ts+1) respectively. Following this change the values of these feedrates are assumed to
remain at their current offset from nominal conditions for the remainder of the batch. To
achieve the optimisation of the cost function defined in equation 1, the controller utilises a
float-encoded genetic algorithm (FGA) (Zhang et al, 2000). The FGA searches in the
permissible operating space of the process, subject to the constraints 0 F1 50 units,
0 F2 50 units and V 4000 units, for a suitable value for F1(ts+1) and F2(ts+1) that will

minimise equation 1. This control move is then applied and the calculations repeated at the
following sampling instant. The procedure for the FGA is summarised below:

1. One hundred possible values for F1 and F2 are selected at random from the
permissible solution space and encoded as floating-point decimal numbers. These
values are termed the population of possible solutions.
2. The cost function, equation 1, is evaluated for each of the 100 possible values of F1
and F2.
3. If the finishing criteria is met, which in this case was that either the routine had
converged to a minima or the maximum number of iterations had been exceeded, then
the optimal values of F1 and F2 are applied to the process, otherwise continue.
4. Apply standard genetic operations (such as cross-over and mutation) to the population
and generate a new population of possible solutions.
5. Return to 2.

It is standard practice with control systems for there to be a tuning parameter within the
controller to ensure that the controller achieves acceptable performance. In this work it was
found that the controller was capable of delivering acceptable performance by simply
imposing constraints on the incremental values of the two substrate feedrates, F1 and F2.
Without this constraint the controller tended to make excessive control moves which had a


detrimental effect on micro-organism growth. For this application the feedrates were
prevented from varying by more than 20% from one sampling instant to the next.

The authors of this benchmark process suggest that the following measure be used when
assessing the performance of any proposed controller:

Jc =

P *V

where P is the concentration of product in the fermenter when it is harvested, V is the volume
of contents in the fermenter at the end-point of the batch and t is the run length of the batch.

This performance measure indicates that the control system should produce the maximum
amount of product, in the minimum length of time.

From the earlier observations made regarding the productivity observed during the reference
batches, the run length is assumed to be 120 time units. This value is consistent with the run
length used by Becerra and Roberts (1998) in their study. The set-point, wtend , was set to 3500.
Whilst specifying the target end-point concentration does not allow the productivity of the
batch to be maximised, based upon the results presented by Becerra and Roberts (1998) a
figure of 3500 is believed to be close to the maximum productivity that is achievable from
this process. Whilst it may seem appropriate to simply select an extremely large value for

wtend in order to produce the maximum product concentration, this can lead to problems as
discussed later in this section. This controller is referred to as MOC1.

Figure 6 shows the product concentration that was produced for 10 separate batches using this
control strategy (light grey lines). The bold line in this figure represents the average product


concentration profile measured during these 10 batches. Although the set-point concentration
of 3500 is not quite achieved in each batch, the trajectory of the product concentration does
compare favourably with the thick grey line, which represents the average product
concentration profile that was produced under nominal feedrate conditions.

The feedrates of the two substrates and the volume measurement within the fermenter, when
the process is operated under nominal conditions and using the MOC1 controller, are
provided in figure 7. It is clear from figure 7 that there is a marked difference between the
feedrate profile of substrate 1 measured under closed loop operation and that measured under
nominal conditions. However, the feedrate profile of substrate 2 has changed only slightly.
This is to be expected as the authors of the benchmark simulation state that substrate 2 seems
to be complementary to substrate 1. Figure 8 illustrates the improvement in the average
production (P*V) that was recorded during the batches implementing the MOC1 controller
compared with that obtained in the reference batches. The average production of biomass
produced by MOC1 is compared in figure 9 with the average produced for the reference
batches. It is clear from figure 9 that the proposed controller has had only a limited impact on
the production of biomass within the fermenter.

As stated earlier, one of the objectives is to minimise the run length of the batch. To analyse
the effect of reducing the run length, the length of the batch was reduced from 120 to 100
time units. Reducing the value of the run length necessitated the reduction in wtend from 3500
to 3000. With wtend set to 3500, the controller performed poorly. The reason for this is that the
MPLS model is linear and whilst the unfolding technique has attempted to remove the major
non-linearity in the process, the MPLS model will have greatest accuracy the closer the
process lies to nominal conditions. When the set-point is set to 3500, the resulting controller
drives the process well away from the nominal conditions, which has a detrimental effect on
the accuracy of the model, and therefore the performance of the controller. As with all model


based control systems, the performance of this controller will be limited by the quality of the
model. Since the model was developed on relatively low production batches, its performance
as the process moves away from these conditions will begin to deteriorate, primarily because
of the non-linear nature of the process. There are a number of possible solutions that could be
adopted to improve the performance of the model, which include replacing the PLS model
with a non-linear approach and adapting the PLS model to changing operating conditions. For
application to fed-batch systems, such as that considered here, the second approach is
believed to be particularly appropriate and will be the subject of future work.

A simple approach that was applied in this work to alleviate the problem when wtend was set
to 3500, was to specify wtend to be equal to 3000. By doing this it is not necessary for the
controller to move the operating conditions as far away from nominal than if wtend was set to
3500 and as a consequence the performance of the controller remains acceptable. This
controller is referred to as MOC2.

Figure 10 shows the product concentration obtained over a series of 10 batches (light grey
lines) for this controller. The bold line in this figure represents the average product
concentration measured during these 10 batches which can be compared with the thick grey
line, which represents the average productivity under nominal feedrates. Figure 11 shows the
performance of this controller, in terms of average production (P*V) measured during the
batch. As with the earlier controller, MOC1, the performance of this controller, in terms of
increased product concentration, is seen to be significantly better than that produced using the
nominal feedrates.

Table 1 compares the performance of the two developed controllers with the production
capabilities of the process using the nominal feedrates and also the controller developed by
Becerra and Roberts (1998).


Run Length

Average Final Product

Total Production



Concentration (P)



Nominal Feed















Nominal Feed











Table 1: Controller Performance Assessment

The results summarised in table 1 indicate that the proposed MPLS optimal controller
increases productivity by almost 40% when compared with the productivity resulting from the
use of the nominal feedrates. The productivity of the MPLS optimal controller is also 12%
greater than that produced by the DISOPE controller. It is also evident from this table that
there is no clear difference in productivity produced by MOC1 and MOC2.

5.0 Conclusions

This paper has described the application of an optimal control strategy to a benchmark fedbatch simulation. The optimal control strategy utilises a linear model, developed using multiway partial least squares, which acts as a soft-sensor and provides long-term predictions of
product concentration at the end of the batch, to determine suitable substrate feedrates to
ensure that productivity of the batch reaches a required level.

The results that are reported in this paper indicate that the proposed soft-sensor and controller
compare favourably with those reported in other studies involving this benchmark process. In


particular, when compared with the nominal operating conditions, provided by the authors of
this simulation, the proposed controller was found to improve productivity by almost 40%.


The authors would like to thank EPSRC who have funded this work (grant number:


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Original X




Unfolded X

nx * mx

Figure 1: Unfolding


Figure 2: Prediction of product concentration


Figure 3: Biomass prediction


Figure 4: End-point product prediction

Figure 5: End-point biomass prediction


Product Concentration (P)


Optimal Controller




Optimal Controller - Average








Time Units

Figure 6: Performance of optimal controller with run length of 120 time units


Figure 7: Average Process Conditions During Batch





Optimal Controller








Time Units

Figure 8: Productivity

Biomass Concentration (X)




Optimal Controller














Time Units

Figure 9: Biomass concentration during the batch


Product Concentration (P)


Optimal Controller




Optimal Controller -Average












Time Units

Figure 10: Performance of optimal controller with run length of 100 time units

Figure 11: Amount of Product with run length set to 100 time units


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