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The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Narrator 1 ______: A teacher of the Law came and began putting Jesus to the test. And he said...
Narrator 2______: "Master, what shall I do to receive eternal life?"
Narrator 1 ______: Jesus replied,...
Narrator 2______: " What is written in the scripture? How do you understand it?"
Narrator 1______: The man answered,...
Narrator 2 _____: " It is written: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself ."
Narrator 1 _____: Jesus replied...
Narrator 2 _____: "What a good answer! Do this and you shall live."
Narrator 1 ______: The man wanted to justify his question so he asked,...
Narrator 2______: "who is my neighbor?"
Narrator 1 & 2: In reply Jesus began the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Narrator 1 _____: There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. , and he fell to the hands
of the robbers.
Wounded Man______: No! Please that's mine! Have mercy.;mfg
Robber 1 _____: Haha not anymore.
Narrator 2_____: They stripped him, beat him and went off, leaving him half-dead..
Robber 2 _____: We've got what we want. Let's get out of here.
Narrator 1______: It happened that a priest was going along that road and saw the wounded man.
Priest_____: Oh there's a wounded man!
Wounded Man______: Please help me.
Priest_____: Hmmm... it's better if I just walk by, a priest as virtuous does not want to touch blood
and dust. I know my duty. I'll leave him here and he'll be fine.
Wounded Man _____: Have pity sir, I'm such in pain... It's no good he already left.
Narrator 2_____: Likewise a Levite saw the man.
Wounded Man______: Someone please...
Levite _____: An injured man? Robbers no doubt. Supposing they are still here. I must reach in town
quickly. I'll just leave the poor fellow here. He'll be alright. He isn't crying so he is not in much pain.

Narrator 1 _____: The Levite also left the wounded man, but a Samaritan was also going in that way,
and when he came upon the man, he was moved with compassion.
Samaritan _____: Let me clean your wound, you poor man. I'm not much of a doctor but I'll do what I
could. I'll help you up and find a place for you to stay.
Narrator 2_____: He put him on his own mount and brought him to an inn where he could take care
of him.
Wounded Man ______: Oh thank you, thank you. I thought I'll die.
Samaritan_______: Don't think about it now, you're safe with me.
Narrator 1 ____: The next day he had to set off:; but he gave two silver coins to the inn keeper and
Samaritan______: Take care of him, and whatever you spend on him, I will repay when I return.
Inn Keeper:______: Alright good sir.
Narrator 2 ______: Jesus then asked
Narrator 1 _____: " Which of these three, do you think, made himself neighbor to the man who fell
into the hands of the robbers?"
Narrator 2____: The teacher of the Law answered
Narrator 1 _____: " The one who had mercy on him"
Narrator 2____: And Jesus said
Narrator 1______: "Go and do the same"
All: So we must treat our neighbors, if we can
Just as our hero here treated this poor man.
Our neighbors should be everyone we meet
Even the total strangers on the street
Samaritans and Jews were never friends
But they stand together as our story ends.
They teach us of God's kingdom and his love
On earth below and in heaven above

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