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Daphne (headline to introduction):
This mornings headlines!
City of Mandaluyong Science High School implements community service in exchange of coming
late to school
Local Customs Chief Alberto Lina apologizes to Overseas Filipino Workers over balikbayan box
Brazil President Dilma Rousseff criticized ride-sharing software Uber for increasing employment.
Gilas Pilipinas falls to Iran in Jones cup 2015.
And local actress Liza Soberano explains why she temporarily deactivated her account.
(LALAKAS, 7-10 seconds)
Live from PNBN News Center Mandaluyong, this is News Patrol, Metro Manila. Here are your reliable
news anchors, Michaela Eola and Beatrice Dela Cena.
(LALAKAS, 7-10 seconds na tagal ng SFX)
Michaela: Good morning/day, Philippines! We are your 24/7 Patrollers,
Bea: Bringing you the latest (and most leading news) coming from the country and all over the
Michaela: Starting from the National News, we head over to Helaman Parola
Aman: Several students of the City of Mandaluyong Science High School came in late today as they
weren't able to come to school within the allotted time period and grace period.
The said students come from different section in the 10th grade ranging from the pilot section,
Curie to the last section, Roentgen.
They were still allowed to enter school premises but had to do community service for an hour and a
half as a sort of payback given upon the school principal, Henry Sabidong as to avoid further
conflict to the students after they've talked and both had given their sides of the story.
Back to you, Michaela!
(After 6 seconds bago magsalita)
Michaela: Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina on Thursday apologized to overseas Filipino workers
(OFWs) in connection with the bureau's earlier plan to manually inspect balikbayan boxes a
policy vehemently opposed by migrant workers. "I am asking forgiveness for people whom i have
stepped on. I give my 200 percent support to them," Lina said during the hearing of the Senate
committee on ways and means on balikbayan boxes. Lina, who noted that his sister is an OFW in
Oman, said they are now drafting a new policy to make it easier for OFWs to get their balikbayan
boxes while the Bureau of Customs (BoC) is addressing the issue on smuggling.

Lina reiterated that the BoC did not intend to target OFWs in its plan to inspect balikbayan boxes,
supposedly to address technical smuggling, as they only wanted to check the containers for illegal
Also during the hearing, Customs deputy commissioner Jessie Dellosa admitted that they have no
proof yet that balikbayan boxes are being used by unscrupulous individuals to smuggle illegal drugs
and firearms into the country.
So far negative sa balikbayan box, Dellosa said when asked by Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. if they
have apprehended any balikbayan box containing illegal items.
Dellosa's response prompted Marcos to ask for the BoC's basis for proposing the opening of the
balikbayan boxes to check the contents.
"Where did the information that balikbayan boxes contain illegal drugs or armaments come from?"
Marcos asked. "What was the basis of your statement if there was no incident reported by your
office? There is no record there is no record of caught balikbayan boxes containing weapons or
drugs, where did this information spring from?"
Lina said he received reports that balikbayan boxes will be used for smuggling. There are some
reports that I received that it is going to be used for smuggling. Those reports are coming in, he
told the committee.
P3B to P6B every year
Lina said the government losing P3 billion to P6 billion every year due to smuggling through
balikbayan boxes. "More or less a few billion pesos in studying were lost to us., and it is only
estimated P3 billion to P6 billion, he told members of the committee. Lina said now that they will
no longer manually inspect balikbayan boxes, they will have to use X-ray machines to check the
balikbayan boxes for any illegal item.
He said based on their dry run, it would only take 15 to 20 minutes to put a container containing
balikbayan boxes under X-ray. It can scan up to 40 containers a day, he said, adding that they
receive an average of 1,200 containers a month.
(After 6 seconds bago magsalita)
Bea: And for the Foreign News
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff criticized ride-sharing software Uber on Wednesday for increasing
unemployment, adding to a chorus of labor concerns about the world's most valuable venturebacked start-up.
Rousseff said local authorities must regulate the service, which has led conventional taxi drivers to
stage protests and lobby lawmakers in Brazil's three biggest cities consisting of Sao Paulo, Rio de
Janeiro and capital Brasilia. All three have moved to ban the application but none has yet taken
effect as mayors weigh whether to approve the laws or not.
Uber is complicated because it takes jobs away from people... It leaves taxis with less work,"
Rousseff said in response to a reporter's question on Wednesday. "It's not an easy issue. It depends
on the rules of each city and state, because it is not a federal government decision," she said.
Taxi drivers complain that Uber drivers are not properly regulated and have fewer overhead costs,
giving them an unfair advantage.
Uber is a ride- sharing network which enables users to hail taxi drivers from a mobile app.

(After 6 seconds bago magsalita)

Michaela: Gilas Pilipinas fell short yet again in its latest clash with Iran, but the lessons learned in a
74-65 defeat to the Iranians in the Jones Cup on Thursday night will be most useful later on. Patrick
Clacio with a report on Jones Cup 2015!
Clacio: Asian power Iran jammed Gilas Pilipinas guns in the stretch on Thursday afternoon to pull
out a hard-earned 74-65 victory over the gritty Filipinos to inch closer to wrapping up the title in the
Jones Cup at the Xinzhuang gymnasium in Taipei, Taiwan
Though the Filipinos trailed practically the entire game, they were still in it going into the final 3:41
after JC Intal knocked in a triple that had Gilas coming within 61-65
Iran rose to 5-1 overall, while Gilas dropped to 3-2.
Gilas, the 2012 champion here, winds up its schedule with games against the Wellington Saints of
New Zealand, USA Select-Overtake and Chinese Taipei-B in that order starting today, September 4.
Patrick Clacio, PNBN News.
(After 6 seconds bago magsalita)
Bea: Liza Soberano is back on Twitter after she decided to deactivate her account for nearly two
weeks. Further information from Patricia Gabrel!
Patricia: In an interview with PNBN News and other reporters on Sunday, Soberano explained that
she left the micro-blogging site because she got hurt and disappointed that some fans are bashing
each other online.
You guys know that Ive experienced bashing, I know how it feels. 'I dont want others to experience
it because I know how low it can make you feel. As much as possible, I like to promote peace.
Maybe one time, I saw that on my fans side, hindi nila maiwasang ma-overwhelm or masaktan kasi
ako 'yung bina-bash so pumapatol sila, she said.
Soberano knows that some of her fans have misinterpreted her decision. Soberano continued: I felt
like I was trying to send out a message kasi ako as a celebrity, Im an influencer. I want to influence
them to do the right thing. Im hurt because I was trying to do the right thing pero parang mali pa
Moreover, the actress said the ones who she thought loved her were those who left her. Back then
I am not affected but to some fans, I get attached to them, I get close to them and those are the
ones that I lost. I thought you loved me, she said. Despite this, Soberano said would return to
Twitter because thats where she can communicate with her supporters.
Patricia Gabriel, PNBN News. Back to you Bea!
(SFX para sa ending)
Bea: And those are the news brought you by PNBN, News Patrol!
Bea: This is your news Anchor, Beatrice Dela Cena,
Michaela: and Michaela Eola,

Bea: Bringing you the latest (and most leading news) coming from the country and all over the
Chaela: Thank you and good morning!
(SFX, tuloy tuloy lang. After 7 seconds)
Daphne: PNBN News Center Mandaluyong, this is News Patrol, Metro Manila.

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