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Aeronautics Research
2002-2006 projects
Project synopses – volume 2

Directorate-General for Research

2008 Transport: Aeronautics

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Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008

ISBN 92-79-07678

© European Communities, 2008

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Contents of this volume

During the Sixth Framework Programme Similar to Volume 1, the projects are
(FP6, 2002-2006), there were nine calls grouped in the following categories:
for proposals related to aeronautics in the - Strengthening competitiveness
priority ‘Aeronautics and Space’. While
the first synopsis volume provided an - Improving environmental impact
overview of projects selected for funding - Improving aircraft safety and security
in the three first calls, this second volume - Increasing operational capacity.
covers the subsequent calls.
These were the four research areas called
Overall, during FP6, almost € 900 million for in the work programme.
of funding was made available, mostly
for research actions. This resulted in the Two indexes allow the identification of
funding of 130 Specific Targeted Research projects by their acronym (including the
Projects, 23 Integrated Projects, 2 Net- projects described in the first volume) and
works of Excellence, 7 Coordination by contract number. Finally, an alphabeti-
Actions and 24 Specific Support Actions. cal index of all project participants gives
This represents an amazing mass of work the page number of every project in which
and knowledge created. The two volumes the participant is involved. The contact
of this synopses book intend to give you details of the Commission staff involved in
a quick overview of the content of the aeronautics and air transport is also pro-
projects. Each project is the subject of a vided. The European Commission would
short summary providing its background, like to thank the project coordinators for
its objectives, a description of the work, providing the most up-to-date informa-
the expected results, the partnership and tion on their projects.
the contact details of the coordinators. The book also includes a list of National
We hope that this information will be very Contact Points. Should you have any
useful to those readers who want to be question on activities related to aeronau-
aware of past and ongoing projects. It can tics within the Framework Programme,
also be helpful to those who wish to par- you may contact them.
ticipate in proposals within FP7. Finally, it Note that an electronic version of the first
is an important source of information for volume can be found at
the scientific community, industry, policy-
makers and the general public.
in the section ‘More info: publications’.

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Aeronautics has become a key strategic proposals, which were run

sector for Europe. Growth in the jointly by the Directorate-
aeronautics sector is dynamic, with an General for Research and the
annual increase in passenger numbers Directorate-General for Energy
over recent years of around 8.5%. Already and Transport. These research
in 2005, 3.3 million persons were employed actions also serve other
across the air transport system as a whole policies which are important for
in Europe, with a turnover of € 500 billion Europe. The actions constitute
and a total of 1.3 billion air transport the building blocks of the
passengers. But outside Europe, certain European Research Area. Not
regions are seeing more rapid growth than only was particular attention
within the EU 25: Russia, China, India, in given to the participation of
particular, all being regions of growth and the countries which joined the
all calling for cooperation across the air Union in 2004 but in addition,
transport sector. the programme encourages
With more than 14% of turnover invested participation of SMEs.
in research and development, aeronautics It is my pleasure to provide you
is recognised to be a research intensive here with the description of the latest
sector. But investments in research only research projects that were funded under
produce useful results if the funds are the Sixth Framework Programme.
carefully invested, based on a sound Our support to aeronautics research does
and visionary policy. The role of the not end with FP6. Quite the contrary: the
Commission is to develop such a policy last contracts were signed in 2006 and
at European level. For this purpose, some of them will run until at least 2010.
in its Sixth Framework Programme The SESAR joint undertaking is being
for Research and Technological established with a view to converging
Development, the European Union has under a single European sky in the field
defined a Thematic Priority ‘Aeronautics of air traffic management.The Seventh
and Space’. The content of this priority Framework Programme has been
has been based on the input of a large launched. In addition to Collaborative
number of stakeholders, includes policy Research, which will continue to adapt
makers, industry, research centres, to a changing society, a new action has
universities, etc. In particular, the been proposed in the field of Aeronautics
Strategic Research Agenda, produced by and Air Transport: the Clean Sky Joint
the Advisory Council for Aeronautics in Technology Initiative.
Europe, has been very useful as a basis
on which to structure our policy (http:// We have a number of interesting Similar to the challenges before us. A strong European
Strategic Research Agenda, our work Union can help us meeting these
programme adopts a holistic approach to challenges.
air transport, i.e. it considers not only the
aircraft but also all the components of
the sector (e.g. Air Traffic Management,
Airports, etc.)
Over the four years of the Sixth Framework
Programme (FP6, 2002-2006), almost
€ 900 million of funding was made Janez Potočnik
available in the successive calls for European Commissioner for Research

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Aeronautics and air Society’s growing transport needs
in a changing context
transport in Europe
In 2004 and 2005, the increase of air pas-
senger transport amounted to 8.8% and
European air transport system
8.5% respectively. In particular, the low-
The air transport system (ATS) encom- cost airlines allowed an increasing num-
passes the aeronautics manufacturing ber of citizens to have access to the air
industry, the airports, the airlines and transport system. In addition, developing
the air navigation service providers. The countries started to play an important role
European ATS is vital for the growth of in the sector. For example, in 2005, out of
the entire European economy and for the a total of 2 448 aircraft orders, 15% were
cohesion of the Union and its regions. In from India and 14% from China. Based
addition to its role in facilitating economic on these figures, 51 000 aircraft will be
activity, the European ATS represents a needed over the next 20 years.
significant economic factor: in 2005, it
But these growing needs must be placed
contributed € 500 billion to the European
in the current context. The growth of air
gross domestic product. The aeronautics
transport also generates increasing noise
manufacturing industry also contributes
disturbance for the population. The use
to EU exports, with 53% of its total produc-
of hydrocarbon fuel results in the emis-
tion sold outside of Europe. This industry
sion of CO2 and NOx, i.e. greenhouse
is very research intensive with 14.5% of its
gases and pollutants. Currently, the
turnover invested in R&D.
European Commission is developing a
Some key air transport figures (2005): plan to include aviation into the existing
Emissions Trading Schemes, limited for
– 3.3 million jobs
the moment to industrial sectors produc-
(1.4% of all jobs in the EU)
ing large amounts of greenhouse gases.
– 130 airlines and 450 airports During the last few years, the oil price
has grown continuously, making a profit-
– 5 500 aircraft fleet
able operation in these sectors more and
– 1.3 billion passengers more difficult. Its evolution is difficult to
predict because it is linked to the political
– 18 million aircraft movements.
situation in oil producing countries, to the
increasing oil requirements of develop-
ing countries and to the knowledge of the






















Increase of passengers over 2004 in the top 20 airports (by passengers) in the world
Source: ACI

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available reserves. Security also has to be Based on this vision, the Advisory Coun-
a growing priority, especially in the light cil for Aeronautics Research in Europe
of preventing terrorist attacks; a high (ACARE) was created with the role of defin-
level of safety continues to be an impor- ing and maintaining a Strategic Research
tant concern. Agenda (SRA) i.e. a roadmap for research
into new technologies which were identi-
Therefore the research policy must also
fied as critical to fulfil the objectives of the
integrate these factors and take into
Vision 2020. Some of the ambitious goals
account aspects linked to the environ-
for 2020, as defined in the SRA, taking the
ment, the economy, safety and security.
state of the art in the year 2000 as a refer-
ence point, are as follows:
Vision 2020 and the Strategic – 80% reduction in NOx emissions
Research Agenda
– Halving perceived aircraft noise
In 2000, the Commissioner for Research,
Philippe Busquin, initiated a ‘group of – Five-fold reduction in accidents
personalities’ to draft a European vision
– An air traffic system capable of han-
regarding the future of aeronautics. This
dling 16 million flights per year
vision was published in the Vision 2020
report. Two top-level objectives were laid – 50% cut in CO2 emissions per passen-
out: ger kilometre
– Meeting society’s needs, in terms of – 99% of flights departing and arriving
demand for air transport, travel fares, within 15 minutes of scheduled times.
travel comfort, safety, security and
This first edition of the Strategic Research
environmental impact;
Agenda provided a main input for the defi-
– Ensuring European leadership in
nition of the aeronautics work programme
the global civil aviation market, by
in FP6.
enabling it to produce cost-effective,
operationally attractive and, from a A second edition of the SRA was published
performance point of view, highly effi- in March 2005, building upon and extend-
cient products at the pinnacle of cur- ing the original SRA, and illustrating the
rent technologies. dynamic fashion in which the Agenda con-
tinues to develop and evolve. This version
will constitute a solid basis for the FP7
work programme.

Cover page of the Vision

2020 report

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(&(&L_i_edjWh][j The challenge of the

environment as depicted in the
Strategic Research Agenda 1.
'/,& '/.& (&&& (&(& (&*&

The European Research – to develop strong links with partners

around the world so that Europe ben-
Area and the Framework efits from the worldwide progress
Programmes of knowledge, contributes to global
development and takes a leading role
in international initiatives to solve
The European Research Area
global issues.
In 2000, at the Lisbon European Summit,
As stated in the Green Paper, The Euro-
Europe sets itself the ambitious goal of
pean Research Area, New perspectives,
becoming ‘the world’s most competitive
the Sixth Framework Programme is a key
and dynamic knowledge-based economy’
contributor to the ERA.
by 2010. To overcome the fragmentation
of research and an absence of adequate
networking and communication among a Aeronautics research
growing number of Member States, it was in the Framework Programmes
decided to create a European Research
Specific aeronautics research at European
Area (ERA). The goals of the ERA are:
level was first introduced in 1989, under
– to enable researchers to move and FP2, in the form of a pilot programme.
interact seamlessly, benefit from The focus of the Framework Programmes
world-class infrastructures and work has changed over time, reflecting the evo-
with excellent networks of research lution of the programme, from modest
institutions; beginnings to the current status:
- FP2 (1990-91), budget € 35 million: a
– to share, teach, value and use knowl-
pilot phase aimed at stimulating Euro-
edge effectively for social, business
pean collaboration;
and policy purposes;
- FP3 (1992-95), budget € 71 million: a
– to optimise and open European,
consolidation phase with emphasis on
national and regional research pro-
key technical areas;
grammes in order to support the best
research throughout Europe and coor- - FP4 (1995-98), budget € 245 million:
dinate these programmes to address focused on industrial competitiveness
major challenges together;

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Information on current and past Framework
Programmes can be found at the
Community Research & Development Information Service

with increasing emphasis on subjects of and objectives laid out in the ACARE Stra-
wide public interest; tegic Research Agenda were instrumen-
tal in defining the structure of the work
- FP5 (1999-2002), budget € 700 million:
programme. In this task, the Commission
a specific key action aimed at industrial
was assisted by the Aeronautics Advisory
competitiveness and sustainable growth
Group which checked the consistency of
of air transport;
the document with the ACARE guidelines
- FP6 (2002-2006), indicative budget and the proposed strategic orientations.
€ 900 million: part of the ‘Aeronautics The work programme also adheres to
and Space’ thematic priority, with equal guidelines set out in the Lisbon Strategy
focus on issues of public interest and and in the White Paper on transport, enti-
industrial competitiveness. tled European Transport Policy for 2010:
time to decide. It also takes into account
The EU programme now contributes more
the observations provided by research
than 30% of all European public funding
centres, universities and the industry.
of civil aeronautics RTD. Public funding,
in turn, represents only 10% of the total Finally, the work programme integrates
spent on civil aeronautics RTD in Europe. the comments and receives the approval
of the Programme Committee which rep-
resents the Member States and Associ-
Aeronautics research under FP6 ated States.
Elaboration and scope of the work The content of the aeronautics work pro-
programme gramme follows an all-encompassing,
global approach to commercial aviation,
The work programme is a key document
focusing not only on the improvement
that is updated for every call. It defines
of aircraft technologies but also on the
the strategic fields in which Europe wants
infrastructure of the operational environ-
to concentrate its research and only the
topics mentioned in its text are eligible for
funding. The work programme is thus at The programme covers commercial
the crossroads between EC policy and the transport aircraft, ranging from large civil
research needs of the air transport sec- aircraft to regional and business aircraft
tor. and rotorcraft, including their systems
and components. It also encompasses
The content of the FP6 work programme
airborne and ground-based elements of
is the result of a broad consultation pro-
air traffic management and airport opera-
cess that involves all the stakeholders in
tions. However, note that the EU does not
the field of aeronautics. The guidelines
fund military aeronautics research.


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Main research areas 3. Improving aircraft safety and security
Aeronautics research activities are divided This means ensuring that, irrespective
into four general areas: of the growth of air traffic, there will be
fewer accidents and aircraft will be more
1. Strengthening competitiveness (of the secure against hostile actions. Overall
manufacturing industry) objectives include:
– Reducing the accident rate by 50%
and 80% in the short and long term,
– Reducing development costs by 20%
and 50% in the short and long term,
– Achieving 100% capability to avoid or
recover from human errors;
– Reducing aircrafts’ direct operating
– Increasing the ability to mitigate the
costs by 20% and 50% in the short
consequences of survivable aircraft
and long term, through improved air-
craft performance, reduction in main-
– Reducing significant hazards associ-
tenance and other direct operating
ated with hostile actions.
– Increasing passenger choice with
4. Increasing the operational capacity of
regard to travel costs, time to destina-
the air transport system
tion, onboard services and comfort.
This entails major changes in the way
2. Improving environmental impact with air traffic services are provided. Overall
regard to emissions and noise objectives include:
– Improving safety, taking into account
projected traffic levels by providing
– Reducing CO2 emissions (and fuel
better information on surrounding
consumption) by 50% per passenger
traffic to both pilots and controllers;
kilometre in the long term, through
– Increasing system capacity to safely
improved engine efficiency as well as
handle three times the current air
improved efficiency of aircraft opera-
movements by 2020 through an
improved planning capability, coupled
– Reducing NOx emissions by 80% in the
with a progressive distribution of tasks
landing and take-off cycle and con-
and responsibilities between aircraft
forming in the long term to the NOx
and ground facilities;
emissions index of five grams per kilo-
– Improving system efficiency and reli-
gram of fuel burnt while cruising (10 g
ability, aiming to achieve an average
per kg in the short term), and reducing
maximum delay of one minute per
other gaseous and particulate emis-
– Maximising airport operating capac-
– Reducing unburned hydrocarbons and
ity in all weather conditions through
CO emissions by 50% in the long term
improved systems to aid controllers
to improve air quality at airports;
and pilots.
– Reducing external noise per opera-
tion by 4 to 5 dB and by 10 dB in the
short and long term, respectively. For
rotorcraft, the objective is to reduce
the noise footprint area by 50% and
external noise by 6 dB and 10 dB over
the short and long term;
– Reducing the environmental impact of
the manufacturing and maintenance
of aircraft and their components.


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services, etc. The research activities are
Sixth Framework thus more downstream along the line of
Programme: instruments technology development and the aspect of
integration is key to the project. IPs bring
and implementation together a critical mass of resources to
reach ambitious goals aimed either at
FP6 research instruments increasing Europe’s competitiveness or at
addressing major societal needs. In aero-
In order to best support different types of
nautics, the partnership typically ranges
research activities or initiatives in sup-
between 20 and 60 with total costs of
port of research, the Sixth Framework
between € 10 and 100 million.
Programme proposed five instruments,
two of which were new to FP5 (Integrated
Network of Excellence (NoE)
Project and Network of Excellence).
These multiple partner activities aim at
Specific Targeted Research Project
strengthening excellence on a research
topic by networking a critical mass of
These projects support research, techno- resources and expertise. This expertise
logical development and demonstration will be networked around a joint pro-
or innovation activities that are located gramme of activities aimed primarily at
upstream along the line of technology creating a progressive and lasting inte-
development. In the field of aeronautics, gration of the research activities of the
the number of partners is typically below network partners while, at the same time,
20 and the total cost below € 10 million. advancing knowledge on the topic.

Integrated Project (IP) Coordination Action (CA)

These projects support objective-driven CAs are not about doing research but
research, where the primary deliverable coordinating research. Their goals are
is knowledge for new products, processes, to promote and support networking and

Research and technology acquisition Product development

Fundamental knowledge

Technology development

Technology validation
Demonstrators Prototypes

Product definition

Product design and development

Product desmonstration
EU Framework Programme
The place of STREP and IP STREP
instruments along the line
of research and technology Integr. Proj. (IP)
-10 -5 0 years +5


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Call 1A Call 2A Call 3A
12/2002 12/2003 3/2005
€243 m €309 m €245 m

2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

Call 1B Call 2B Call 3B Call 4B
12/2002 6/2003 6/2004 7/2005
€19.2 m €11 m €14.2 m €53 m

In addition to the calls in the chart above, there was a permanent open call for SSAs with € 7 million and a TTC
call with € 1.9 million

Indicative Indicative
Date budget (M€) Date budget (M€)
1A 12/2002 243.0 1B 12/2002 19.2
SSA 12/2002 7.0 2B 6/2003 11
2A 12/2003 309.0 3B 6/2004 14.2
3A 3/2005 245.0 4B 7/2005 53
TTC 2/2006 1.9
Sum 805.9 Sum 97.4 903.3

to coordinate research and innovation FP6 implementation

activities. This covers the definition,
During the Sixth Framework Programme
organisation and management of joint
(2002-2006), there were nine calls for pro-
or common initiatives, as well organis-
posals which were related to aeronautics
ing conferences, meetings, exchanges of
in the priority ‘Aeronautics and Space’.
personnel, exchange and dissemination
The responsibility was shared between
of best practice, performing studies, and
the Directorate-General for Research
setting up common information systems
(DG RTD) and the Directorate-General for
and expert groups.
Transport and Energy (DG TREN). Calls 1A,
2A and 3A from DG Research and 1B, 2B,
Specific Support Action (SSA)
3B and 4B from DG TREN were targeting
These single or multiple partner activities research projects or actions to coordinate
are dedicated to supporting the Commu- the research, i.e. the tools were STREPs,
nity research policy. They support confer- IPs, NoEs and CAs. The indicative budgets
ences, seminars, studies and analyses, and call dates are provided in the chart
working groups and expert groups, oper- below. There was also one permanently
ational support and dissemination, infor- open call for SSAs in DG RTD for actions
mation and communication activities, or mostly in support of the research policy
a combination of these. and strategy, specific support for SMEs,
international co-operation, etc. with an
EU funding under FP6 covers up to 50%
indicative budget of € 7 million.
of eligible costs for research and indus-
trial participants. For academic institu- Finally, the last call from DG RTD intended
tions, up to 100% of additional costs are to reinforce the presence of partners from
covered. NoEs, CAs and SSAs are nor- targeted third countries (TTC) in running
mally provided financing of up to 100% of projects, or in other words, to improve the
actual costs. dimension of international co-operation,


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and had an indicative budget of € 1.9 mil- crucial factor for mission success, and
lion. Overall, funds to the order of € 900 adequate mobilisation of resources to
million were made available over four achieve the critical mass needed to carry
years for these actions. out a project. Scientific and technologi-
cal excellence is especially important for
The selection process the technical aspects of IPs and STREPs.
Quality of coordination is more crucial for
In order to evaluate the proposals received
CAs, while a degree of integration is an
in response to each call, the Commission
indicator of potential success in creating
is assisted by evaluators who are experts
a NoE. The quality of the consortium must
in the technical fields of the proposals
also be taken into account when assess-
and who are independent of the partners
ing any type of instrument and, especially
in the case of NoEs, all participants must
A proposal is first evaluated independently demonstrate a high level of excellence.
by the individual evaluators (typically three
Proposals that pass the individual evalu-
evaluators for STREPs, CSAs and CAs, and
ation phase are then submitted to an
up to seven for IPs and NoEs). In many
extended panel consisting of selected
cases, the different evaluations providing
experts. The panel establishes a ranked
a coherent assessment and the grades to
list of projects. When the budget is
attribute to the different criteria are easily
exhausted, proposals are put on a reserve
agreed. When there are some divergences
list. It is the responsibility of the Commis-
of views, a consensus discussion takes
sion to propose the final list of proposals
place, moderated by a Commission rep-
eligible for funding.
resentative. If necessary, additional evalu-
ators will be asked to provide their input
before finding a consensus. Call results
The pre-defined main selection criteria The results of the selection process are
depend on the type of instrument a given provided below in two charts. One indi-
proposal applies to. All projects have to cates the number of projects per instru-
be relevant to the objectives of the Pro- ment while the second provides the budget
gramme and their potential impact must effectively allocated per instrument. One
be apparent. Proposals must demonstrate hundred and thirty STREPs have been
good quality of project management, a funded for a total budget of € 368 million,

(24 - 13%) NoE (12.9 - 1%) SSA
(14.1 - 2%) (7.6 - 1%)
(7 - 4%)
(2 - 1%)

(23 - 12%) (368.1 - 41%)
(496.1 - 55%)
(130 - 70%)

Number of projects per instrument and their EC funds allocated per instrument (M€, %)
associated percentage


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i.e. the average EC funding per project is € A full analysis can be found in the final
2.8 million. A typical funding rate ranges report of the Advisory Group on Aeronau-
between 50% and 60%; thus a typical aver- tics Research under the Sixth Framework
age project total cost ranges between € Programme.
4.7 and 5.6 million. To provide a very rough
approximation of the effort that this rep- Participation of small and
resents, assume that the cost of an engi- medium-sized enterprises
neer is € 100 000 per year, that the budget
In Europe, 99% of all enterprises are
is made up of only engineer manpower
SMEs. They account for 67% of European
and that the duration of the project is four
GDP and provide 55% of total jobs in the
years: € 5.6 million represents 14 engi-
private sector. These numbers explain
neers working for four years.
why Europe pays such special attention
IPs are much larger initiatives because to SMEs.
part of their success lies in their capacity
While the aeronautics sector is mostly
to gather a critical mass that is adequately
composed of large companies, SMEs
integrated during the course of the proj-
play a key role in the supply chain and
ect. The average EC funding of the 23 IPs
the Commission is supporting them to
is € 21.5 million; thus a typical total cost
ensure an appropriate participation in the
ranges between € 35.8 and 43 million.
research projects.
Only two NoEs have been financed in such
FP6 has seen the introduction of Specific
a way – this instrument’s contribution
Support Action projects, such as AeroSME,
is modest in the domain of aeronautics.
Seven CAs help to provide an overview in
initiatives dedicated to helping SMEs gain
sectors such as, for example, low emission
access to EU funding. The graphic below is
combustion, noise, air traffic services, etc.
self-explanatory and proves the success-
With an average EC funding of € 320 000, fulness of the approach taken. Overall, in
the 24 SSAs have modest budgets but these FP6 projects, 18% of the partners were
actions can have strategic importance. SMEs that garnered 10% of EC funds.

Evolution of SMEs' participation in Aeronautics

(retained proposals before negotiation)
All instruments
FP5 Growth 1999 19.4%
20% FP5 Growth 2000
FP5 Growth 2001 17.9%
FP6 FP6-2002-aero-1 17.1%
FP6 FP6-2003-aero-1
FP6 FP6-2005-aero-1
9.4% 9.9%

5.6% 6.2% 6.2%


0% 1 FP5 2 FP5 3FP5 1FP6 2 FP6 3FP6 1 FP5 2 FP5 3FP5 1FP6 2 FP6 3FP6
Grant (M€) Participation


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AT Austria SE Sweden
AU Australia SI Slovenia
BE Belgium SK Slovakia
BG Bulgaria TR Turkey
BR Brazil UA Ukraine
CA Canada UK United Kingdom
CH Switzerland WW Internationnal
CN China ZA South Africa
CS Serbia And Montenegro
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
CA Coordination Action
DE Germany
IP Integrated Project
DK Denmark
NoE Network of Excellence
EE Estonia
STP Specific Targeted
ES Spain
Research Project
FI Finland
SSA Specific Support Action
FR France
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IT Italy
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
MK The former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
RO Romania
RU Russian Federation


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Table of contents

Strengthening Competitiveness

CESAR Cost-Effective Small AiRcraft 25

FASTWing CL Foldable, Adaptable, Steerable,
Textile Wing structure for delivery of Capital Loads 29
PLATO-N A PLAtform for Topology Optimisation incorporating Novel,
large-scale, free material optimisation and mixed integer
programming methods 32
SimSAC Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control Characteristics
for Use in Conceptual Design 36
SmartFuel ADSP Automated digital fuel system design and simulation process 39
TIMECOP-AE Toward Innovative Methods for Combustion Prediction
in Aero-engines 42
AIM Advanced In-Flight Measurement Techniques 46
AVERT Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Reducing Technologies 50
ADIGMA Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for
Aerodynamic Applications in Industry 53
NODESIM-CFD Non-Deterministic Simulation for CFD-based
Design Methodologies 56
KATnet II Key Aerodynamic Technologies to meet
the Vision 2020 challenges 59
DIANA Distributed equipment Independent environment
for Advanced avioNic Applications 62
MINERVAA MId-term NEtworking technologies Rig and
in-flight Validation for Aeronautical Applications 65
COSEE Cooling of Seat Electronic box and cabin Equipment 68
E-Cab E-enabled Cabin and Associated Logistics for Improved
Passenger Services and Operational Efficiency 71
SEAT Smart Technologies for stress free AiR Travel 75
MOET More Open Electrical Technologies 78
NEFS New track-integrated Electrical single Flap drive System 82
DATAFORM Digitally Adjustable Tooling for manufacturing of
Aircraft panels using multi-point FORMing methodology 85
FANTASIA Flexible and Near-net-shape Generative Manufacturing
Chains and Repair Techniques for Complex-shaped
Aero-engine Parts 88
RAPOLAC Rapid Production of Large Aerospace Components 92


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 19 14/01/08 11:29:26

MAGFORMING Development of New Magnesium Forming Technologies
for the Aeronautics Industry 96
PreCarBi Materials, Process and CAE Tools Development for
Pre-impregnated Carbon Binder Yarn Preform Composites 99
SENARIO Advanced sensors and novel concepts for intelligent
and reliable processing in bonded repairs 102
MOJO Modular Joints for Aircraft Composite Structures 105
ABITAS Advanced Bonding Technologies for Aircraft Structures 108
AUTOW Automated Preform Fabrication by Dry Tow Placement 112
BEARINGS New generation of aeronautical bearings for extreme
environmental constraints 115
TATMo Turbulence and transition modelling for special
turbomachinery applications 118
PREMECCY Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue
in gas turbine blades 122
HEATTOP Accurate high-temperature engine aero-thermal
measurements for gas turbine life otimisation,
performance and condition monitoring 125
NICE-TRIP Novel Innovative Competitive Effective
Tilt-Rotor Integrated Project 128
ATLLAS Aerodynamic and Thermal Load Interactions with
Lightweight Advanced Materials for High-speed Flight 132
FLACON Future high-altitude flight – an attractive commercial niche? 135

Improving Environmental Impact

MAGPI Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions 139

NEWAC NEW Aero engine Core concepts 141
ENFICA - FC ENvironmentally Friendly, InterCity Aircraft powered
by Fuel Cells 145
ERAT Environmentally Responsible Air Transport 149
TIMPAN Technologies to IMProve Airframe Noise 151
CREDO Cabin noise Reduction by Experimental and
numerical Design Optimisation 154
MIME Market-based Impact Mitigation for the Environment 158


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 20 14/01/08 11:29:26

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security

X3-NOISE Aircraft external noise research network and coordination 161

ADVICE Autonomous Damage Detection and Vibration
Control Systems 165
CELPACT Cellular Structures for Impact Performance 168
LANDING Landing software for small to medium-sized aircraft
on small to medium-sized airfields 172
PEGASE helicoPter and aEronef naviGation Airborne SystEms 174
VULCAN Vulnerability analysis for near future composite/hybrid
air structures: hardening via new materials and design
approaches against fire and blast 178
ADHER Automated Diagnosis for Helicopter Engines and
Rotating parts 181
SHM in Action Structural Health Monitoring in Action 183
SICOM Simulation-based corrosion management for aircraft 185
SUPERSKYSENSE Smart maintenance of aviation hydraulic fluid using an
onboard monitoring and reconditioning system 188
ILDAS In-flight Lightning Strike Damage Assessment System 191
DRESS Distributed and Redundant Electro-mechanical nose
wheel Steering System 195
COFCLUO Clearance of Flight Control Laws using Optimisation 198
NESLIE NEw Standby Lidar InstrumEnt 200
SOFIA Safe automatic flight back and landing of aircraft 203
CASAM Civil Aircraft Security Against MANPADS 207


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 21 14/01/08 11:29:26

Increasing Operational Capacity

ART Advanced Remote Tower 211

EMMA2 European airport Movement Managemnt by
A-smgcs - Part 2 213
SINBAD Safety Improved with a New concept by Better Awareness
on airport approach Domain 216
SKYSCANNER Development of an innovative LIDAR technology
for new generation ATM paradigms 218
SPADE-2 Supporting Platform for Airport Decision-making
and Efficiency analysis - Phase 2 222
CREDOS Crosswind-reduced separations for departure operations 225
RESET Reduced separation minima 227
NEWSKY Networking the sky for aeronautical communications 231
SUPER-HIGHWAY Development of an operationally driven airspace traffic
structure for high-density high-complexity areas based
on the use of dynamic airspace and multi-layered planning 234
SWIM-SUIT System-Wide Information Management – supported by
innovative technologies 237
ERASMUS En Route Air traffic Soft Management Ultimate System 241
ASPASIA Aeronautical Surveillance and Planning by Advanced
Satellite-Implemented Applications 244
CATS Contract-based Air Transportation System 247
iFly Safety, complexity and responsibility-based design
and validation of highly automated air traffic management 250
CAATS-II Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Services II 254
INOUI INnovative Operational UAV Integration 257
EP3 Single European sky implementation support through
validation 260
STAR Secure aTm cdmA software-defined Radio 264


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Support Actions

EASN II European Aeronautics Science Network Phase II 267

USE HAAS Study on high-altitude aircraft and airships (HAAS)
deployed for specific aeronautical and space applications 270
VEATAL Validation of an Experimental Airship Transportation for
Aerospace Logistics 273
AeroSME VI Support for European aeronautical SMEs (Phase VI) 276
ECARE+ European Communities Aeronautics Research Plus 279
AEROCHINA Promoting scientific co-operation between Europe
and China in the field of multiphysics modelling, simulation,
experimentation and design methods in aeronautics 281


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Cost-Effective Small AiRcraft
Background Objectives
This project is aimed at providing Euro- CESAR’s objective is to improve the com-
pean manufacturers of regional, com- petitiveness for European manufactur-
muter and business aircraft with an ers and developers of small-size aircraft
enhanced ability to become fully com- used for commercial purposes. The com-
petitive in the world market of small-size petitiveness in this aircraft category com-
commercial aircraft. prises complex quantitative as well as
qualitative factors as perceived by poten-
The European manufacturers of larger
tial customers – the aircraft operators.
aircraft have achieved leadership on the
First of all it concerns the sale price and
global market and this part of European
low operating costs. Besides these quan-
aviation industry is nowadays highly com-
titative requirements, further qualitative
petitive. In the area of regional and small-
characteristics are required, for example
size commercial aircraft the situation is
safety and reliability, sufficient passenger
completely different. In the past, a num-
comfort and ecological aspects.
ber of traditional aircraft manufacturers
in this category have gone bankrupt or Affordable price: according to the eco-
struggled with economic problems; only a nomic theory, the sale price is determined
few European aircraft manufacturers suc- by the competitive environment in the
ceeded in establishing themselves in the market. In the case of a twin-engine pis-
world markets. In general, there is still ton aircraft for nine passengers, potential
sufficient potential for European aircraft customers nowadays expect to pay less
manufacturers to regain an influential than €1 million. For a double-engine tur-
position in the world market of small-size boprop for nine people they expect a price
commercial aircraft, which is nowadays of less than €1.1 million, while for a four
dominated, in particular, by the American to five-seater biz-jet the expected price
aircraft industry (predominantly by the should be in the region of €2.5-3 million.
USA, Canada and Brazil). To be price competitive puts stringent

WP 0 – Management and Training

WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4
Aerodynamic Structural Propulsion Optimized
Design Design Integration Systems

WP 5
Development Concept Integration and Validation
Integration and asessment of project's results
on two baseline a/c conigurations


modiied economical use of
technologies applied on
large commercial aircraft


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 25 14/01/08 11:29:27

Strengthening Competitiveness


Eicient design
Safety challenges requirements On condition
Security aspects Time-to-market
Afordable Operation cost
transport reduction
Highly customer


New development concept and technologies

ready for application on
small-size aircraft used for commercial transport (5-15 seats)

requirements on the development pro- ing fuel price and costs of maintenance,
cess as well as on the production itself. repair and overhaul (MRO), and indirect
The development cycle must be very cost- operating costs (IOCs) comprising mainly
effective with short development time ground operating costs.
(time-to-market) and to achieve effective
production it is necessary to use appropri- Description of work
ate manufacture and assembly technol-
CESAR will improve the competitiveness
ogy. At the same time efficient propulsion
of its partners by an enhanced develop-
units and aircraft systems integrated into
ment cycle and new technologies for
the aircraft, nowadays forming a substan-
reduction of aircraft operating costs. A
tial part of the costs, must be affordable
very comprehensive set of design and
to the manufacturers.
developmental procedures is necessary
Other delivery terms: a number of further for aircraft development. Similarly the
conditions, including warranty and post- reduction of aircraft operational costs is
warranty service (maintenance, repair characterised by many different features.
and overhaul) also have their impact on
Therefore CESAR cannot work only with a
the final price tag.
single topic and a single objective; it has
Acceptance: for an aircraft to be accept- to reflect a real complexity. Hence CESAR
able to the customer, it must be reliable has to be a quite involved integrated proj-
and safe, it must offer sufficient passen- ect to achieve the major competitiveness
ger comfort corresponding to the given objective.
aircraft category and it must be also envi-
The project consists of five RTD work
ronmentally friendly, i.e., have low noise
packages comprehensively covering the
emissions, economic fuel consumption
complexity of the aircraft design pro-
with low CO2 and NOX emissions.
cess, namely aerodynamic and structural
Low-cost operation: operating costs are of design, and integration aspects including
two types – direct operating costs (DOCs), optimisation of development processes
i.e. costs of flight operations includ- and knowledge management. In parallel,


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 26 14/01/08 11:29:27

new technologies will be gained through – New approaches and methods for fast
CESAR for selected aircraft systems and and reliable prediction of aero-elastic
propulsion systems. stability for CS 23 category
– Design tools and technologies nec-
essary for efficiently supporting the
development of modern turboprop
The expected achievements are: engines
– Proven high-fidelity aerodynamic – Complex power-plant control system
tools customised for use on the devel- including propeller control for smaller
opment of small size aircraft, category of engines
– A catalogue of advanced airfoils, – Reliable and accurate prediction tool
– Advanced wing concept capable of estimating noise emission
– Reliable wing contamination tool levels
– More consistent tool chain and data- – Competitive integrated environmen-
base for flight dynamics analyses, tal control system and cabin pressure
– Affordable and complex tool for esti- system
mation of operational and fatigue load – Integrated diagnostics and on-condi-
– Advanced structure technologies cost- tion maintenance
effectively tailored for small aircraft – Integrated design system covering
– Reliable and relatively fast methods integration of software tools
and tools for strength evaluation for – Distributed development of small air-
category of CS 23 aircraft craft by various companies on various
– Real-time structural health monitor- locations in the EU. Optimised pro-
ing system cesses and knowledge management

Acronym: CESAR
Name of proposal: Cost-Effective Small AiRcraft
Contract number: AIP5-CT-2006-030888
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 33 785 228 €
EU contribution: 18 100 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Mr Paiger Karel
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a.s.
Beranovych 130
CZ Prague
Tel: +420 (0)225 115 332
Fax: +420 (0)286 920 930
EC Officer: J. Martin Hernandez


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Partners: Aero Vodochody a.s. CZ
ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH AT
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL BE
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali ScpA IT
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Eurocopter S.A.S. FR
EVEKTOR, spol. s r. o. CZ
Swedish Defence Research Agency SE
Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A. GR
HEXAGON Systems, s.r.o. CZ
National Institute for Aerospace Research RO
Instytut Lotnictwa - Institute of Aviation PL
Jihlavan a.s. CZ
Jihostroj a.s. CZ
Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse S.A.S. FR
Materials Engineering Research Laboratory Ltd UK
MESIT pristroje spol. s r.o. CZ
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Office National D’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales FR
První brnenská strojírna Velká Bítes, a.s. CZ
Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. IT
Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. PL
Svenska Rotor Maskiner AB SE
Technofan SA FR
UNIS, spol. s r.o. CZ
University of Manchester UK
Brno University of Technology CZ
RWTH Aachen University DE
Université de Liège BE
Technische Universität München, Intitute of Energy Systems DE
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation
- University of Patras GR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 28 14/01/08 11:29:28

Strengthening Competitiveness
Foldable, Adaptable, Steerable,
Textile Wing structure for delivery
of Capital Loads
g-forces during deployment (<4g)
for shock sensitive equipment and
FASTWing CL aims to develop a parafoil/ manned missions;
payload system for cargoes of up to 6 – Development and/or adaptation of a
000 kg that can navigate using a Global deployment analysis tool for parafoil
Navigation Satellite System GNSS (e.g. material selection and reefing layout;
GPS/EGNOS/Galileo). FASTWing CL is – Reusable system layout by means of
the successor to the Fifth Framework short, cheap and easy refurbishment
Programme’s FASTWing which was suc- after a drop;
cessfully completed in June 2005. The – Selection of an advanced flight termi-
latter has developed a technology model nation system in order to reduce haz-
capable of flying independently, success- ardous situations or damage on the
fully demonstrating this technology by ground;
dropping loads of up to 3 tons. This was – Adaptable low-cost, volume control
the first time that such a heavy payload and weight steering box for indepen-
was dropped by a parafoil in Europe. dent, remote-controlled flight and
flight to a beacon;
This approach is a clear step beyond the
– Development of advanced flight con-
state of the art; currently such a system
trol software for all control modes;
does not exist in Europe. All functions of
– Development of a portable ground sta-
the developed system will be tested and
tion for monitoring all control modes
validated in a real drop test.
and measurements enabling remote
FASTWing technology will allow for a pre- control of the system;
cise delivery of heavy loads, e.g. mobile – Adaptable flight data acquisition sys-
medical aid units in disaster areas which tem for monitoring and transmitting
are not accessible overland. In a second the in-flight measurement data;
step, exploitation of the technology is – Development and/or adaptation
expected for aircraft and space vehicle of software tools for aerodynamic
rescue systems, targeted in accordance design, deployment analysis and flare
with the European Space Agencies’ future manoeuvre analysis;
planning scenario. – New concept for power distribution of
all components for avionics, actuation
Objectives and flight termination system in order
to minimise number, weight and vol-
The objectives are:
ume of batteries;
– Development and manufacture of a
– New concept for actuation, steer-
high performance parafoil with a high
ing manoeuvres and in particular the
glide ratio (>5) and a forward speed
flare manoeuvre in order to reduce
of more than 18m/s with high stand-
the weight of both the actuator system
off distances and independent of wind
and the batteries;
– Design and manufacturing of a new
– Development and manufacture of an
advanced light-weight payload carrier
effective parachute system for low


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 29 14/01/08 11:29:28

for different payloads, such as medical – Software capable of directing a num-
equipment, rice bags, vehicles. ber of flight systems to one single
or to different targets and capable of
In a number of cases, deployment and
controlling multiple co-operative sys-
steerable flights will be performed to vali-
date and optimise the different concepts.
– A modular lightweight and low-volume
steering system;
Description of work
– A reliable parachute system showing
The following components will be soft opening shocks below 4g and with
designed and developed during the a glide ratio of 5g, mostly independent
FASTWing CL project: from wind influence;
– parachute system – Low energy-consuming actuation sys-
– parafoil tem;
– steering box – A landing shock below 3g to be rea-
– payload system lised by a new flare strategy and
– actuation system damping system for fragile payloads
– emergency flight termination system like medical equipment;
– power supply – An autonomous emergency system
– flight data acquisition system able to terminate flight in order to
– design and analysis software tool for reduce the horizontal
dynamic flare manoeuvre. – An adaptable flight data acquisition
system capable of measuring location,
The following components will be
altitude, accelerations, etc. for flight
advanced during the project:
analysis during and after flight;
– Guidance and Navigation System
– Design software tools for the aero-
– Telemetry and Ground Control
dynamic design and analysis of para-
– Deployment Analysis Software Tool
– Aerodynamic Design Tool.
– Design software capable of analysing
The following components will be bought material selection and opening stag-
and adapted during the project: ing of the parachute system in order to
– measurement devices for data acqui- reach a minimised opening shock;
sition system – Software capable of analysing the
– motors for actuation system interaction between parafoil and pay-
– submission device for radio signal for load prior to landing in order to find
emergency system. the optimal activation of the flare
Results – Two flight tests with the emergency
The following results or developments
– Five non-steered parachute verifica-
will be available:
tion tests;
– A non-steered technology model for
– Engineering tests with lower payload;
parachute verification tests allow-
– Five remotely controlled steerable
ing analysis of opening and in-flight
flight tests from a minimum drop alti-
behaviour of the parachute system;
tude of 2 000 m
– A technology model, a steering system
– Five independent flight tests from a
and a flight control software capable
minimum drop altitude of 2 000 m.
of performing remotely controlled and
independent flights to a pre-defined
target with a payload of between 3 000
kg and 6 000 kg;


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 30 14/01/08 11:29:29

Acronym: FASTWing CL
Name of proposal: Foldable, Adaptable, Steerable, Textile Wing structure for delivery of
Capital Loads
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030778
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 968 541 €
EU contribution: 2 900 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.12.2006
Ending date: 31.01.2010
Duration: 38 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Mr Krenz Holger
Autoflug GmbH
Industriestrasse 10
DE 25462 Rellingen
Tel: +49 (0)4101 307 349
Fax: +49 (0)4101 307 152
EC Officer: J. Martin Hernandez
Partners: Compania Espanola de Sistemas Aeronauticos, S.A. ES
CFD norway as NO
CIMSA Ingeniera de Sistemas, S.A. ES
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL
Dutch Space NL


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 31 14/01/08 11:29:29

Strengthening Competitiveness
A PLAtform for Topology
Optimisation incorporating
Novel, large-scale, free material
optimisation and mixed integer
programming methods
Background and cost of designing and developing new
Developing safe and minimum weight
structures is the driving factor in aircraft
structural design. Usually weight reduc-
tion programmes have to be launched PLATO-N aims to overcome the limita-
deep into the detailed design phase, and tions of current state-of-the-art topology
are characterised by local, manual modi- optimisation tools in order to enable inte-
fications to the design, applying more gration into the conceptual design pro-
expensive materials or adjustments to cess of the European aerospace industry.
the manufacturing process. The following operational parameters,
performance criteria and novel features
An improved overall arrangement of
are targeted:
materials provides the largest potential
– reduction of turnaround time for prac-
for saving structural weight in airframe
tical solutions
design. Tools for topology optimisation
– increase of manageable problem size
support these early, important decisions
– increase in the number of manage-
by suggesting optimal material distribu-
able load cases
tions. Current commercial design tools
– consideration of composite materials,
do not allow the full potential of compos-
including post-processing
ite materials to be exploited in airframe
design. This requires new tools that are
targeted at the specific requirements
within aerospace structural design. © EADS-Munich

PLATO-N will enable the operational

integration of optimisation assistance as
a standard procedure in the conceptual
design process for the European aero-
space industry. PLATO-N will be vali-
dated against real case studies and will
be implemented as a suite of softwares,
integrated in a common environment,
and its improvement in performance will
be benchmarked against state-of-the art
commercial products.
PLATO-N will help to win global leader-
ship for European aeronautics, by provid- A design study using topology optimisation - a new
ing advanced tools that reduce the time layout of an aircraft tail section


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 32 14/01/08 11:29:29

– extension to multidisciplinary design misation code itself while a supplemen-
criteria (stress, displacements, etc.). tary approach using sequential convex
programming results in an integration in
The research goals are:
the platform that is somewhat different.
1. The platform should be flexible with
A central aspect of the software system
respect to the inclusion of new opti-
called PLATO-N is the interpretation and
misation algorithms and visualisation
visualisation of topology optimisation
tools, and it should be geared to aero-
results in order to derive the design con-
nautical needs.
cepts. Likewise it is considered important
2. The large-scale optimisation algo-
to provide benchmark examples and an
rithms should employ some form of
example library. For the latter, global
dedicated first-order algorithm.
optimisation will be pursued and these
3. The method should be extended to
methods also constitute an aspect of data
plate and shell problems and should
interpretation for FMO in terms of lami-
be able to handle multiple objectives
such as stiffness, vibration and buck-
4. An algorithm should be developed in
order to handle local constraints. The main innovations and products are:
5. Benchmark examples should be gen-
PLATO: A generic software platform for
erated using mixed-integer convex
topology optimisation, which is specific
for aeronautics applications.
6. The results should be interpreted and
visualised in a manner consistent with PLATOlib.: A sample case library, which
aerospace needs, e.g. shell structures can be used as a benchmarking library
using laminate lay-ups. for the topology optimisation community
7. The platform should be tested on including challenging applications from
examples of industrial origin. industrial design problems.
PLATO-N: A high-performance software
Description of work system integrating the implementations
of algorithms and methods developed in
The core of the project, which binds the
the project.
pieces together in terms of operational
software, is the software platform PLATO. Benefits from the multidisciplinary
It provides a library of common subrou- research approach are expected at all
tines, manages the dataflow between levels:
the modules and provides a graphical – The research community will profit
user interface. As well as the platform, from the ‘technology pull’ applied by
an example library, called PLATOlib, the aeronautic industry.
of industrial and academic benchmark – It will improve the awareness of enti-
examples will be generated. For the indi- ties outside the research community
vidual parts there are different aspects of the potential of topology optimisa-
to be developed, all in terms of upstream tion.
fundamental research. This encompasses – PLATO-N greatly extends the scope
the development of fast sub-algorithms of topology optimisation and expands
for the optimisation methods, inclusion both its applicability and acceptance
of these in the overall optimisation meth- in the European aerospace industry.
ods and the integration of these with the It provides a means for shortening
finite element analysis (FEM), which is development times and reinforces
required for the application at hand. For the competitiveness of the European
free material optimisation (FMO), the FEM airframe manufacturers on the global
analysis is an integrated part of the opti- market.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 33 14/01/08 11:29:30

– The European aeronautic industry
will be more capable of responding
to the growing demand of the Euro-
pean society for a more effective and
sustainable air transport system, by
being able to design and manufac-
ture conventional and novel aircraft
configurations at a reduced cost, with
lower operating costs and reduced
environmental impact.

A topology optimisation-
based design for
integrally stiffened
machined ribs for the
© EADS-Munich

inboard inner fixed

leading edge of the
Airbus 380


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 34 14/01/08 11:29:30

Acronym: PLATO-N
Name of proposal: A PLAtform for Topology Optimisation incorporating Novel, large-
scale, free material optimisation and mixed integer programming
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030717
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 2 874 088 €
EU contribution: 2 357 159 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Prof. Bendsøe Martin P.
Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelundsvej 101A
DK 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tel: +45 (0)45253045
Fax: +45 (0)45881399
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL
Institute of Information Theory and Automation of
the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg DE
Universität Bayreuth DE
Altair Engineering Ltd UK
RISC Software GmbH AT
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Military Aircraft DE
Airbus UK Ltd UK
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 35 14/01/08 11:29:31

Strengthening Competitiveness
Simulating Aircraft Stability and
Control Characteristics for Use
in Conceptual Design
Background bility of the design by empirical handbook
methods. The design methodology rarely
Present trends in aircraft design, towards
goes beyond static stability, does not
augmented stability and expanded flight
distinguish whether the design driver is
envelopes, call for an accurate descrip-
related to flight handling or operational
tion of the non-linear flight-dynamic
performance, hardly concerns itself with
behaviour of the aircraft in order to design
control-surface sizing, and never consid-
the flight control system (FCS) properly.
ers static aero-elastic deflections that
Hence the need to increase the knowl-
degrade the effectiveness of these control
edge about stability and control (S&C) as
early as possible in the aircraft develop-
ment process in order to be ‘right first The SimSAC project objectives are:
time’ with the FCS design architecture. 1. to create and implement a simulation
environment, CEASIOM (computerised
FCS design usually starts near the end
environment for aircraft synthesis and
of the conceptual design phase when the
integrated optimisation methods), for
configuration has been tentatively frozen
conceptual design sizing and optimi-
and experimental data for predicted aero-
sation suitably knitted for low-to-high-
dynamic characteristics are available. Up
fidelity S&C analysis
to 80% of the life-cycle cost of an aircraft
2. to develop improved numerical tools
is incurred during the conceptual design
benchmarked against experimental
phase so mistakes must be avoided.
Today, prediction errors related to S&C
result in costly fly-and-try fixes, some- In addition to enhanced S&C analysis/
times involving the loss of prototype air- assessment, CEASIOM supports low-
craft and crew. fidelity aero-elasticity analysis with
quantifiable uncertainty supporting air-
Testimony to this problem is NASA’s
craft-level technical decision-making,
COMSAC project on computing S&C using
thus advancing the state of the art in
linear aerodynamics. Indeed its rallying
computer-aided concept design suitable
call is “…inaccurate prediction of aero-
for procuring economically amenable and
dynamic stability and control parameters
ecologically friendly designs.
continue to have major cost impacts
in virtually every aircraft class. These
Description of work
impacts include unacceptable increases
in program costs, fly-and-try approaches The SimSAC project is organised into four
to fixing deviances, extensive develop- technical work packages (WP) and one
ment delays and late deliveries…” demonstration work package.
WP2: Development of the CEASIOM Simula-
tion System: definition, development, imple-
Today’s common practice in conceptu- mentation and testing the CEASIOM design
al-design sizing for stability and con- system including paying special attention
trol employs the so-called tail volume to geometry construction procedures and
approach, basically achieving static sta- accounts of aero-elastic deformation.


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WP3: Aerodynamic Modelling: link the lin- Results
ear aerodynamic models into conceptual
The SimSAC project aims to address
design (WP2 and WP5); develop stability
‘right first time’ design, in which test-
and control aerodynamic models from
ing is about design verification with a
simulation; develop fast CFD methods for
minimum of post-freeze problem solving.
data generation to populate stability and
The achievement of ‘right first time’ will
control aerodynamic models; and link the
initially lead to cost and time-to-market
high-fidelity aerodynamic models into the
advantages resulting from minimising
design process (WP2 & WP5).
laboratory and flight-testing, and then a
WP4: Benchmark Aerodynamic Model: robust design methodology will allow the
validate the different numerical tools of contemplation of bolder designs and radi-
WP3 by experimental data of the DLR- cal new aircraft concepts. This is crucial
F12 geometry; review the accuracy and since it is widely recognised that cur-
efficiency of the CFD codes pertaining to rent aircraft concepts are not likely to be
WP3; and review numerical data to be adaptable to meet the Vision 2020 targets
used in the stability and control analysis for environmental impact. To this end, the
in WP5. nature of the SimSAC approach is inten-
tionally of a generic nature, such that it
WP5: Stability and Control Analyser/
will be applicable to most novel aircraft
Assessor: compatibility with the CEASIOM
morphology configurations.
Simulation System (WP2) and Aerody-
namic Modelling (WP3) modules; inte- The outcome of the SimSAC project is the
gration as a sub-space in the CEASIOM CEASIOM design environment. After the
analysis environment; and perform project, CFS Engineering, as leader of the
integration and testing according to the dissemination, will be responsible for:
results from WP6. – Maintaining and coordinating further
development of the CEASIOM soft-
WP6: Test and Assess Design Process:
specify requirements for a number of air-
– Training and the organisation of users’
craft classes as test cases that span speed
range, size and unconventional morphology;
– Promotion of the CEASIOM environ-
demonstrate, test and evaluate the CAE-
SIOM simulation system for each of these
– Organising the SimSAC design work-
cases and show that the enhanced designs
shop, possibly under the auspices of
are quantifiably better than those obtained
the EWADE group, or EASN, or some
with the contemporary design process are.
other suitable European body.

$"%HFPNFUSZ Iteration loop/feedback on design


S&C Analyser Controlability &
SimSAC core: t4UBCJMJUZNBSHJO Maneuvrability
CFD solver
Flight state: NPEFT81 t&UD81
SimSAC environment modules WP2
Control surface state:


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Acronym: SimSAC
Name of proposal: Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control Characteristics for Use in
Conceptual Design
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030838
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 109 800 €
EU contribution: 3 282 550 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.11.2006
Ending date: 31.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Prof. Rizzi Arthur
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Aeronautics TR 8
SE 100 44 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 790 7620
Fax: +46 (0)8 207865
EC Officer: J. Martin Hernandez
Partners: Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
University of Bristol UK
CERFACS - Centre Europeen de Recherche et
de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique FR
CFS Engineering SA CH
Dassault Aviation FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Militärflugzeuge DE
Swedish Defence Research Institute SE
University of Glasgow UK
J2 Aircraft Solutions Ltd UK
Office National d`Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Politecnico di Milano IT
Saab AB (publ) SE
Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute RU
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a. s. CZ
Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) PL


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Strengthening Competitiveness
SmartFuel ADSP
Automated digital fuel system
design and simulation process
Background and simulation process (ADSP) for aircraft
fuel management systems. The system
Today’s fuel system design and develop-
developed will also be applicable to other
ment process requires evaluation of the
liquid-containing aircraft systems since
baseline specification to manually extract
those systems are basically designed with
and describe the functional requirements,
similar kinds of components.
which are mainly laid down as non-stan-
dardised verbal descriptions. The automated design and simulation
system mainly comprises:
Based on the specifications, rudimental
– the analysis of the general specifica-
simulations are performed, which can
tion and automated system configu-
lead to initial feedbacks that influence the
ration/composition (i.e. definition of
baseline requirement definitions. After
system functionality and number, type
the finalisation of rudimental simulation
and arrangement of all necessary sys-
tasks, the software and hardware devel-
tem components to fulfil the function-
opment/realisation begins.
Time-consuming and costly manufactur- – the automated generation of execut-
ing of hardware is imperative for system able software codes;
and component testing. The realisation – the verification of the system via exten-
phase for software and hardware has sive and sophisticated simulation.
to start at a very early stage of the pro-
The main topics of SmartFuel ADSP are:
gramme due to time constraints and in
– research and development on model-
order to get hardware available for veri-
ling tools for fuel systems
fication purposes on the rigs.
– standardisation of fuel system specifi-
Representative test rigs are essential for cation language
system testing in the conventional design – standardisation of fuel system hard-
process. These rigs are expensive and ware and software interfaces
require a long time to set up, contributing to – research and technological develop-
a large extent to programme schedules and ment on tools for fuel system simula-
costs. Any deviation in performance deter- tion
mined in the later stage of a programme has – fuel system certification aspects and
direct influence on software and/or hard- documentation
ware, thus often requiring new components – realisation of fuel system components
to be built. The time necessary to update to verify simulation in rig and flight
software and/or hardware directly extends tests
the programme duration and requires rep- – development of automated design and
etition of rig and flight-testing. simulation process tool chain
– evaluation of automated design and
simulation process compliance with
rig and flight tests
The scientific and technological objec- – evaluation of verification/validation
tives of SmartFuel ADSP are to develop compliance with certification authority
and test a tool-based automated design requirements.


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The goal of the project is to show that an WP2 analyses the certification and safety
automated system design process can requirements needs in order to stan-
be successfully and satisfactorily verified dardise the hardware and software parts
and validated. of the smart components.
WP3 defines and sets up a modular fuel
Description of work
system simulator ready to be used for
SmartFuel ADSP develops a tool-sup- automated system design process verifi-
ported automated design and verification cation and validation.
process for digital fuel systems.
WP4 provides a complete airworthy set of
Automating the design process will mini- equipment to build up a smart fuel sys-
mise the costs and time needed, while tem for the demonstrator aircraft.
providing a high-quality result. Today
WP5 aims to integrate all the smart com-
the design of a digital airborne fuel sys-
ponents into the test rig (and also into a
tem is a laborious, iterative process to
helicopter) to perform a ground and flight
be repeated each time a new aircraft
test programme to validate the overall
variant or engine model is employed. It
smart fuel system. As preparatory work
is expected that costly test benches may
for this testing, the safety of flight (SOF)
be made redundant by the new design
clearance for each smart component and
approach, which will provide a significant
the system will be achieved.
competitive advantage to the user of the
In order to test the designed system, a
It is anticipated that the automated
simulation will be defined and developed
designed system will produce the follow-
for the verification of compliance of its
ing benefits:
functionality against the basic system
– 60% reduction in the time for develop-
requirements. Simulation of flight opera-
ing a fuel system
tion procedures will be done, thus allow-
– 70% reduction in the cost of develop-
ing the testing and analysing of the newly
ing a fuel system
developed system’s functionality before
– 50% reduction in the time-to-market
any hardware is build.
for future complete fuel systems
The programme is structured in five Work – 25% improvement in the reliability of
Packages (WP). those systems developed using ADSP
– 50% reduction in the cost of the new
WP1 specifies the fuel management sys-
system due to a better use of off-the-
tem requirements and definition formats
shelf components
for automated transition from system
– 40% reduction in maintenance cost
requirements specification to a machine-
due to the advanced quality of design.
readable system description/specification
in order to automatically generate execut-
able code for the fuel management con-
trol logic and database protocol.


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Acronym: SmartFuel ADSP
Name of proposal: Automated digital fuel system design and simulation process
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030798
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 499 112 €
EU contribution: 3 224 957 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.12.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Mr Frewer Stefan
Autoflug GmbH
Industriestrasse 10
DE 25462 Rellingen
Tel: +49 (0)4101 307 150
Fax: +49 (0)4101 307 213
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: ASG Luftfahrttechnik und Sensorik GmbH DE
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Secondo Mona S.p.A. IT
Goodrich Actuation Systems SAS FR
Vysoké učení technické v Brnĕ CZ
Universidad Complutense de Madrid ES
University of Alcalá ES
CSRC spol. s r.o. CZ
Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. IT


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Toward Innovative Methods
for Combustion Prediction
in Aero-engines
Background Objectives
The pressing demand to reduce emissions The main objective of the project is to
and noise levels in future aeroengines is enable European industry to design and
of the greatest importance. These points develop innovative, optimised, low emis-
are evidenced through the very ambitious sions combustion systems within reduced
pollutant and noise reduction targets set time and cost scales. This will be made
for 2020. possible by the development of state-of-
the-art methods in the field of combus-
Several combustion technology-related
tion modelling. These prediction methods
programmes are underway to sup-
will give the European industrial partners
port these objectives, e.g. LOCOPOTEP,
the advantage to improve in three perti-
INTELLECT D.M. However, these pro-
nent fields:
grammes are not dedicated to improve
methodology. Within previous European Operability:
programmes (MOLECULES, CFD4C, – ability to model a wide range of oper-
LESSCO2, etc.) advanced computation ating conditions,
fluid dynamics (CFD) models, lower order – ability to model and cope with tran-
models, and methodology rules have sient conditions,
been developed in order to support the – ability to model and thus avoid com-
design of a low emission levels combus- bustion instability,
tion chamber that will satisfy these 2020 – ability to model and secure capability
targets. Within these projects, the main for altitude re-lights.
focus was on improving emissions at full
power conditions. Little work was done
– capability to lower combustion sys-
on the modelling of unsteady phenomena
tem emission levels during the design
including combustion and liquid spray
– ability to handle different fuel chemis-
In TIMECOP-AE, the next major step try and calculate biofuelled engine.
forward is made: modelling aeroengine
combustors which operate on liquid fuel
– reducing development costs by attain-
and developing the capability to perform
ing higher combustion module matu-
transient analysis. For this step to take
rity before development tests,
place, the development of improved tur-
– allowing more efficient design optimi-
bulence, turbulence-chemistry interac-
tion, spray dynamics and the building
blocks to model unsteady phenomena are Within the MOLECULES project, signifi-
required. This next step will further close cant advances were made in developing
the gap between the numerical model LES codes for turbulence modelling for
capabilities and the actual aero-engine combustors operating on gaseous fuels.
combustors operating on kerosene. Within this TIMECOP-AE project, it is pro-


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posed to extend this capability to liquid- blow out or not at landing conditions.
fuelled combustors. This is critical to the adoption of advanced
combustor concepts. Another impor-
Description of work tant operability aspect is whether or not
the combustor will re-light at altitude. It
Within TIMECOP-AE, the LES tools will
is extremely difficult to comply with the
gain the capability for modelling the
requirements for these aspects for lean
combustion process within conventional
burn combustors, since lean mixtures are
and low-emission combustors over a
more difficult to ignite and are close to the
wide range of operating conditions on
lean extinction limit. Current CFD meth-
liquid fuels. The operating conditions
ods are obviously lacking in predicting
include mentioned transient phenomena.
these transient phenomena. These oper-
To be able to model these phenomena,
ability issues are challenges that have to
improvements are required in the mod-
be addressed before low-emission com-
els of turbulence, chemistry, turbulence-
bustors can be realistically introduced
chemistry interactions and liquid spray
into the next generation of aero-engines.
models. The methods and models will
be evaluated against high-quality valida- Currently it is prohibitively expensive and
tion data which will be obtained by sev- time consuming to perform rig testing
eral validation experiments. Some are to determine the operability of advanced
designed to validate specific models: one combustor designs. TIMECOP-AE will
is a generic combustor, representative of develop the tools to allow virtual proto-
an aero-engine combustor, and permits typing of new concepts, which will sig-
assessing the full range of models. nificantly reduce the testing required,
thereby reducing cost and time taken to
Results introduce innovative combustion technol-
ogy into production engines.
CFD tools based on the LES approach
will be developed to allow predictions
of whether a combustion chamber will

Development of unsteady combustion prediction methods of future engines

Validated reacting gaseous-phase LES for steady state operation

Code development and validation against experiments
4 years

Improved and validated reacting LES models including

spray dynamics and transient loads capability




Partners: 6 Industrials / 9 Laboratories / 8 Universities

TIMECOP-AE overview


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Name of proposal: Toward Innovative Methods for Combustion Prediction in Aero-
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030828
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 7 109 401 €
EU contribution: 4 800 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 31.05.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Advanced Design Tools
Coordinator: Mr Hernandez Lorenzo
Combustion Group
FR 64511 Bordes Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)5 59 12 13 06
Fax: +33 (0)5 59 12 51 45
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG DE
Rolls-Royce plc UK
MTU Aero Engines GmbH DE
Centre Européen pour la Recherche et la Formation Avancée en
Calculs Scientifiques (CERFACS) FR
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA) FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) DE
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse FR
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR
Foundation for Research and Technology GR
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y
Tecnológicas ES
Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) FR
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of
the University of Cambridge UK
Technische Universität Darmstadt DE


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University of Karlsruhe, Institut für Thermische
Strömungsmaschinen DE
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven NL
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine UK
Loughborough University UK
Czestochowa University of Technology PL
Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, University of Rome
‘La Sapienza’ IT


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Advanced In-Flight Measurement
Background The results of the design process and
thus the quality of a new aircraft will be
The research project Advanced In-flight
verified during flight tests for certifica-
Measurement Techniques (AIM) has the
tion. Extrapolating data obtained in the
aim of developing advanced, non-intru-
wind tunnel or at low Reynolds number
sive, in-flight measurement techniques
simulations to real flight is not trivial and
for the purpose of efficient, cost-effective,
primarily based on engineering experi-
in-flight testing for certification and in-
ence, sometimes exhibiting considerable
flight research for aircraft and helicop-
deviations from the predictions.
ters. In order to achieve this ambitious
goal, AIM will organize and structure In terms of measurement techniques,
a close collaboration among leading non-intrusive, optical image-based mea-
experts from industry, research orga- surement methods have undergone con-
nizations, universities and a SME with siderable technological progress over the
complementary knowledge of and experi- last decades and are now used as stan-
ence in in-flight testing, development of dard diagnostic techniques to measure
image-based measurement techniques planar distributions of velocity, pressure,
and operation of small airports. density and model deformation in indus-
trial wind tunnels.

Image Pattern
Correlation Technique
applied to an Airbus

A 340: Setup and result.


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© Piaggio

P 180 after the take off

Objectives sector for the application of advanced

in-flight measurement techniques,
Non-intrusive, optical image-based mea-
– To assess the feasibility of implement-
surement techniques shall be further
ing existing advanced image based
developed such that they can be routinely
measurement techniques for flow
applied to flight tests to provide compre-
field measurements during in-flight
hensive information on various important
parameters such as wing and propeller
– To validate the most promising tech-
deformation, thermal loads on the struc-
niques in an in-flight test performed
ture of helicopters, the planar pressure
with a large industrial transport air-
distribution on a wing, density gradients
craft, a helicopter and a light aircraft
in strong vortices generated by airplanes
carried out by the flight testing depart-
and helicopters and velocity flow fields
ment of the industrial partners.
near airplanes and helicopters.
The objectives of AIM are:
Description of work
– To prepare new flight test measure-
ment techniques with a significant The work plan has been constructed on
improvement in accuracy, ease of a fast-track with simultaneous efforts
installation and measurement speed on all technological aspects. The same
resulting in a major reduction in the measurement techniques will be adapted
duration and cost of flight test pro- to different applications. To avoid dupli-
grams for the industry. This advance is cation of work and increase the innova-
essential for both aircraft and helicop- tion per time unit, the work packages
ter development and certification, are strongly linked. The work packages
– To facilitate new collaboration between themselves are defined by the technologi-
European industry and the academic cal application:


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 47 14/01/08 11:29:34

1. Wing deformation studies, – Image Pattern Correlation Technique
2. Propeller deformation studies, (IPCT) for the measurement of local
3. Helicopter studies, deformations of e.g. wing, aileron
4. Surface flow measurements, and flap and with help of Quantitative
5. High lift structures, Video Technique (QVT) for the deter-
6. Industrial flight testing. mination of local propeller and rotor
Results – Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for
the measurement of a velocity flow
The expected results of the project are
field of a vortex and velocity fields in
reliable optical measurement techniques
high lift configurations,
performed in-flight for certification as
– Background Oriented Schlieren
well as for research purposes. This proj-
method (BOS) for the measurement
ect will demonstrate only the general
of the density gradients of a flow field
feasibility of the measurement tech-
and therefore to determine the posi-
niques, since not all possible application
tion and strength of spatial vortex fila-
can be tested.
In particular, the goal of AIM is to use of – Light detection and ranging (LIDAR)
the following measurement techniques for the measurement of a velocity flow
for in-flight investigations: field of a vortex,
– Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) for the
measurement of surface pressures,
– Infrared Technique (IRT) for the mea-
surement of surface heat distribu-


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Acronym: AIM
Name of proposal: Advanced In-Flight Measurement Techniques
Contract number: AST5-CT2006-030827
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 538 526 €
EU contribution: 2 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.11.2006
Ending date: 31.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Dr. Falk Klinge
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
Bunsenstrasse 10
Linder Höhe
DE 37073 Göttingen
Tel: +49 (0) 551 709 2471
Fax: +49 (0) 551 709 2830
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: Airbus France FR
Eurocopter Deutschland DE
EVEKTOR, spol. s r.o. CZ
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Office National d`Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Cranfield University UK
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) RU
Flughafengesellschaft Braunschweig mbH DE


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Aerodynamic Validation of
Emission Reducing Technologies
Background Objectives
The AVERT project will deliver upstream AVERT aims for a 10% improvement in
aerodynamics research that will enable cruise lift-to-drag ratio in addition to that
breakthrough technology and innovative promised by the ‘pro-green’ configura-
aircraft configuration leading to a step tion, due to direct reductions in profile
change in aircraft performance. drag and by unlocking traditional design
constraints to reduce vortex drag.
The project will contribute towards:
– strengthening the competitiveness of Several flow control technologies have
the European manufacturing industry; emerged recently that are considered to
– improving the environmental impact show sufficient promise, which might be
of aircraft concerning emissions. usefully applied to an aircraft in order to
reduce drag, either directly or by enabling
The main objective of the AVERT project is
variations in design that would result
the development and industrialisation of
in lower drag. AVERT will investigate
active flow control technologies for appli-
this selection of devices further with the
cation to a realistic configuration, thereby
development focused closely on indus-
reducing drag significantly.
trial application. This activity will link
This research responds to a target set in directly with the work on manufacturing
the ACARE 2020 review for a substantial and control technologies, and will be con-
increase in aircraft cruise lift-to-drag stantly reviewed by industrial partners.
ratio by realising the full potential of new This industrial review will assess the
configurations such as the ‘pro-green’ viability and gross performance benefits
aircraft. Active flow-control technology of the devices when applied to full-scale
can attack the two main sources of air- aircraft.
craft drag – profile drag and vortex drag –
The following describes the five technical
both directly and by unlocking traditional
objectives of the AVERT project:
configuration constraints and altering the
– Exploration and development of flow-
focus of many design rules. It is predicted
control technologies for high-speed
that the combined drag reduction could
be up to 10%, thus leading to large reduc-
– Exploration and development of flow-
tions in emissions.
control technologies for low-speed
Achieving this objective will give the application;
aircraft manufacturers within AVERT – Development of manufacturing and
confidence that emerging flow control control technologies for sensors and
technologies can be industrialised to the actuators;
point of practical and beneficial applica- – Industrial validation of flow-control
tion to an aircraft. technology;
– Industrial assessment of flow-control


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Description of work Results
Devices suitable for high-speed appli- The expected results are:
cation include active transition control, – Quantitative performance of each of
passive and active turbulent skin friction, the high-speed flow-control technolo-
drag reduction and active buffet control. gies;
- Identification of promising flow-
Devices suitable for low-speed application
control technologies for high-speed
include those which produce oscillatory
application through the use of the
blowing in a flap gap, and synthetic and
performance results in an industrial
fluidic jets for controlling flow separation
assessment process;
at the leading edge.
– Specification of the devices selected
The successful industrialisation and appli- for industrial validation;
cation of arrays of flow-control devices – Quantitative performance results for
onto an aircraft will be highly dependent each of the low-speed flow-control
on the ability to manufacture and install technologies;
them. Recent advances in MEMS technol- – Identification of promising flow-
ogy (MEMS: microelectromechanical sys- control technologies for low-speed
tems) have provided AVERT with the first application through the use of the
real opportunity to assess and develop performance results in an industrial
manufacturing processes for large vol- assessment process;
ume production of flow-control devices. – Specification of the devices selected
Additionally, by drawing on expertise from for industrial validation;
the field of structural health monitoring, – Feasibility studies concerning the
optimisation of the type and distribution manufacturing processes and costs of
of the appropriate devices will be pos- selected devices;
sible, together with the development of – Control laws for closed loop actuator
advanced means to control them such as systems;
open and closed loop systems. – Optimisation tools for signal speci-
fication and array design for devices
Part of this process will be the valida-
aimed at T-S instabilities;
tion that the manufacturing processes
– An array, or arrays, of selected devices
can deliver arrays of devices in sufficient
manufactured to specifications result-
quantity, quality and durability for indus-
ing from the device development activ-
trial application. The final step prior to
the inclusion of any of these technologies
– Testing of these devices to measure
in the product design process will be a
their quality, performance and dura-
large-scale wind tunnel validation. This
will evaluate possible performance gains
– Modification of one low-speed wind
and provide the final and most rigorous
tunnel model and one high-speed
set of performance data for industrial
wind tunnel model to incorporate
selected devices;
– Test results from wind tunnel tests of
the modified models;
– Validated performance characteristics
of the selected devices.


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Acronym: AVERT
Name of proposal: Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Reducing Technologies
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030914
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 7 494 957 €
EU contribution: 3 900 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.01.2007
Ending date: 31.12.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Dr Wood Norman
Airbus UK
New Filton House
Tel: +44 (0)117 9364552
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: Airbus España S. L. Sociedad Unipersonal ES
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Dassault Aviation FR
EADS Deutschland GmbH Corporate Research Center Germany DE
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
National Institute for Aerospace Research ‘Elie Carafoli’ RO
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherche Aérospatiales FR
Paragon Ltd GR
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a.s. CZ
Technische Universität Berlin DE
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Délégation Régionale 18 FR
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ES
University of Manchester UK
University of Nottingham UK
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 52 14/01/08 11:29:35

Strengthening Competitiveness
Adaptive Higher-Order Variational
Methods for Aerodynamic
Applications in Industry
Background Objectives
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has The goal of the ADIGMA project is to add
become a key technology in the develop- a major step towards the development of
ment of new products in the aeronauti- next-generation CFD tools for advanced
cal industry. Significant improvements aerodynamic applications with significant
in physical modelling and solution algo- improvements in accuracy and efficiency.
rithms have been as important as the The project will focus on the development
enormous increase of computer power to of novel and innovative adaptive higher-
enable numerical simulations in all stages order discretisation methods for the
of aircraft development. However, despite solution of the Navier-Stokes equations
the progress made in CFD, in terms of at high Reynolds numbers.
user time and computational resources,
The main scientific objectives of ADIGMA
large-scale aerodynamic simulations of
viscous high Reynolds number flows are
– the improvement of key ingredients
still very expensive. The requirement to
for higher-order space discretisation
reliably achieve results at a sufficient level
methods for the compressible flow
of accuracy within short turnaround times
places severe constraints on the applica-
– the development of higher-order
tion of CFD for aerodynamic data produc-
space-time discretisations for
tion, and the integration of high-fidelity
unsteady flows including moving
methods in multidisciplinary simulation
and optimisation procedures. The limita-
– the development of reliable adaptation
tions of today’s numerical tools reduce the
strategies including error estimation,
scope of innovation in aircraft develop-
goal-oriented isotropic and anisotro-
ment, keeping aircraft design at a conser-
pic mesh refinement
vative level. Consequently, enhanced CFD
– the development of strategies for
capabilities for reducing the design cycle
combining mesh refinement with local
and cost are indispensable for industry.
variation of the order of the discretisa-
Moreover on a longer term, advanced
tion scheme
physical models like DES and LES will be
– the utilisation of innovative concepts
used for evaluating the envelope of the
in higher-order approximations and
final design, but it becomes clear that
adaptation strategies for industrial
current results too often depend on the
applications, as well as the criti-
mesh which cannot be tuned sufficiently
cal assessment of newly developed
well, once more stressing the need for
adaptive higher-order methods for
novel methods.
industrial aerodynamic applications,
including the measurement of bene-
fits compared to state-of-the-art flow
solvers currently used in industry.


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Description of work Results
In order to concentrate effort, the ADIGMA The ADIGMA project focuses on the so
project focuses on two major innovative far fragmented research in higher-order
technologies: higher-order methods and methods in Europe. It will foster the sci-
reliable adaptation techniques. They have entific co-operation between the univer-
shown high potential to provide major sities, research establishments and the
achievements in CFD for aircraft design. aeronautical industry. The transfer from
Since the computational efficiency of innovative upstream technologies in CFD
higher-order methods is currently not into the industrial design cycle will be
compatible with the performance of clas- significantly improved. ADIGMA will pro-
sical lower-order methods, dedicated vide a major breakthrough in numerical
developments need to be addressed to simulation of high Reynolds flows and
improve this situation and to overcome thus will be essential and indispensable
current limitations and bottlenecks. Since to exploit fully the potential of computa-
ADIGMA is aiming at novel computational tional fluid dynamics as the major source
strategies for future industrial applica- for determining data required to drive
tions, it is indispensable that industrial the aerodynamic design process. More-
partners specify the requirements on over, to support the design of advanced
next-generation solvers at the begin- flow control technologies (mainly driven
ning of the project and carry out a critical by ecological topics like noise, emis-
assessment of the newly developed tech- sions and by economic (DOC) effects),
nologies at midterm and towards the end very precise CFD solutions – fulfilling the
of the project. With the help of a highly needs of, for example, aero-acoustics and
skilled consortium, the ADIGMA project complex flow control physics – are the
is aiming at scientific results and algo- key enablers to reach the ACARE Vision
rithms/methods, which are completely 2020 oriented design goals. ADIGMA is
novel in an industrial environment. an important cornerstone to support the
competitiveness of both the European
research community and European air-
craft manufacturers. As a benefit, the
developed algorithms and solution meth-
odologies will not be limited to aeronauti-
cal applications but can also be exploited
for flow simulation in general.

Acronym: ADIGMA
Name of proposal: Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerodynamic
Applications in Industry
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030719
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 887 080 €
EU contribution: 3 200 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2006
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness


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Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Dr Kroll Norbert
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Lilienthalplatz 7
DE 38108 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 (0)531 295 2440
Fax: +49 (0)531 295 2914
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Airbus France SAS FR
Dassault Aviation FR
EADS Military Aircraft DE
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL BE
Aircraft Research Association Ltd UK
Uppsala University SE
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique FR
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics BE
Università degli Studi di Bergamo IT
Société d’Etudes et de Recherches de
l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers FR
University of Nottingham UK
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics CZ
University of Wales Swansea UK
Universität Stuttgart DE
University of Twente NL
Warsaw University of Technology PL
Nanjing University CN


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Non-Deterministic Simulation for
CFD-based Design Methodologies
Background (such as fluid-structure, fluid-thermal,
aero-acoustic applications), are based on
NODESIM-CFD addresses the EU objec-
simulations with a unique set of input data
tives of reducing aircraft development
and model variables. However, realistic
costs and increasing safety, through the
operating conditions are a superposition
introduction of a new paradigm for CFD-
of numerous uncertainties under which
based virtual prototyping, aimed at the
the industrial products operate (uncer-
incorporation of operational and other
tainties on boundary and initial conditions,
uncertainties in the simulation process.
geometries resulting from manufacturing
The potential for achieving these EU
tolerances, numerical error sources and
objectives largely depends on the reliabil-
uncertain physical model parameters).
ity of the virtual prototyping of software
The presence of these uncertainties is the
systems upon which the design process
major source of risk in the design decision
is constructed. Since many uncertain-
process and therefore increases the level
ties affect the parameters and results of
of risk of failure in a given component.
a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
simulation, the design process has to The technical objective of NODESIM-CFD
develop a methodology by which these is to introduce these uncertainties within
uncertainties are taken into account in the the simulation process by applying non-
decision process. deterministic methodologies in order to
obtain, instead of a single predicted value,
NODESIM-CFD adheres to the priority
an associated domain of variation of the
items of Strengthening Competitiveness,
predicted output quantities.
action 1.a: Integrated design and product
development, particularly Advanced mod- The main industrial objective of NODE-
elling and simulation tools, and action SIM-CFD is to provide tools for the evalu-
1.1: Breakthrough technologies, particu- ation and quantification of uncertainties
larly in simulation methods. It is believed in aerodynamic and thermal performance
that the outcome of NODESIM-CFD will predictions, thus supporting the goals of
have a significant potential towards safety enhanced design confidence, risk reduc-
improvement and the objectives of tion and improved safety.
Research Area 3: Improving aircraft safety
and security as an inclusion of uncertainty Description of work
management within the design phase will
The NODESIM-CFD project is composed
serve to identify safety aspects and pro-
of the following action lines:
vide a more effective risk management by
– The identification and probabilistic
a reduction of failure risks.
quantification of the most significant
uncertainty sources, related to CFD
and multidisciplinary based simula-
As of today, analysis and design methods tions, of aeronautical components
in the aeronautical industry, particularly (wings, aircraft and engines).
the aerodynamic simulation tools based – The development and incorporation of
on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) efficient non-deterministic methodol-
and their multidisciplinary extensions ogies into the CFD simulation systems


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in order to produce reliability bounds The external dissemination will consist of
of the predictions (mean and standard publications, conference presentations of
deviations of relevant design quanti- the new methods (mainly by the research
ties) in a rational way. partners), while the industrial partners
– Application and evaluation of the will also consider application-oriented
developed methodologies to the non- publications.
deterministic analysis of aeronautical
Due to the innovative character of NODE-
components for industrial relevant
SIM-CFD, a strong action of information
and dissemination of these methodolo-
– The development and application of
gies will be undertaken. This will take
robust CFD-based design methodolo-
the form of dedicated presentations, for
gies incorporating the non-determin-
instance at meetings of other EU projects;
istically based simulations, enabling
demonstration of representative case
rational estimates of probabilities of
studies by NODESIM-CFD partners; vari-
ous illustrations of the potential impact
of NODESIM-CFD on all future industrial
projects where simulations are involved.
Two levels of dissemination and exploita- A final workshop will be considered for a
tion are defined within NODESIM-CFD: broader dissemination.
an internal action (during the life of the
As a by-product, we hope that through the
project) from the developers, mainly uni-
NODESIM-CFD project, many engineers
versity and research organisations and
and scientists in Europe will be made
SMEs, towards the industrial end users;
aware and become motivated to adopt,
and an external action from the consor-
develop and apply non-deterministic
tium to the external world.
approaches to analysis and design.
The internal dissemination and exploita-
tion consists of a strong action of knowl-
edge transfer between developer partners
and end-user partners.


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Name of proposal: Non-Deterministic Simulation for CFD-based Design Methodologies
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030959
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 309 135 €
EU contribution: 2 300 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.11.2006
Ending date: 31.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Prof. Hirsch Charles
Numerical Mechanics Applications International
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 5
BE Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 642 28 01
Fax: +32 (0)2 6479398
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Airbus UK Ltd UK
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
QinetiQ UK
Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en l’Enginyeria ES
Dassault Aviation FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Engin Soft Tecnologie per l’Ottimizzazione srl IT
Institut national de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique FR
MAN Turbo AG, Schweiz CH
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Scientific Production Association ‘Saturn’ RU
Sigma Technology RU
University of Trieste IT
Delft University of Technology NL
Vrije Universiteit Brussel BE
WS Atkins Consultants Limited UK


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Key Aerodynamic Technologies to
meet the Vision 2020 challenges
Background 2. providing a platform supporting com-
munication and strategy development.
Due to intense research and technol-
The platform will be realised by Inter-
ogy efforts, Europe is slowly reaching a
net publications, workshops and a
status of industrial balance with the US,
major conference on the subject.
which, for decades, dominated the aero-
nautics industry worldwide. It is of prime Whilst open upstream research in aero-
importance that the achieved industry dynamics will be primarily addressed,
and financial balance is continuously structural, manufacturing, systems, and
supported by an equivalent co-operation operational aspects will also be consid-
in research and technology development ered in order to ensure a realistic evalu-
in Europe. ation of the advanced technologies with
respect to their application to future air-
For the achievement of the ACARE Vision
2020 goals, aerodynamic technologies
play a dominant role. KATnet II, as a
Description of work
Coordination Action, provides support
for reaching this goal in the area of key KATnet I produced a strategy paper on
aerodynamic technologies. The project is key aerodynamic technologies, which was
the successor of KATnet I (2002 to 2005), a published in 2005. From this paper the
successful Thematic Network of the Fifth following three technology areas were
Framework Programme. defined by the KATnet I technology groups
as being important for reaching the Vision
KATnet II focuses on open upstream
2020 goals:
research, providing input to the devel-
1. Aircraft configuration technologies,
opment of strategies and technologies
covering shape optimisation, adaptive
to meet potential future aeronautical
sections, wing-tip devices, high lift
requirements on emissions, fuel con-
systems, engine integration, and novel
sumption, noise and safety. The project
supports ACARE’s Strategic Research
2. Drag reduction technologies covering
Agenda in order to maximise the indus-
laminar flow technology, turbulence
trial return of European R&TD invest-
control, vortex drag reduction technol-
ogies, and wave and interference drag
reduction technologies.
3. Separation control technologies cov-
The main objective of KATnet II is to iden- ering control surfaces, vortex gen-
tify and assess the aerodynamic technol- erators, surface suction, tangential
ogies that are needed to reach the Vision blowing, MEMS and load control.
2020 goals. This is done by:
The above technology areas provide a
1. supporting a joint European approach
thematic cover for the following ongoing
for defining the necessary technolo-
EU-funded aerodynamic projects: AWIA-
gies for improving aircraft perfor-
mance. The findings will be reported
in a strategy paper.


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Other non-EU activities addressed by The workshops, conference and the dis-
KATnet II are AIRnet, GARTEUR, ERCOF- semination of state-of-the-art technology
TAC and corresponding national pro- via an Internet website allow interested
grammes. parties to receive first-hand information
about actual aerodynamic trends, achieve-
The networking activities provided by
ments and future strategies of large enter-
KATnet II are implemented through the
prises. Through seminars, workshops and
following four work packages:
the conference, about 150 to 200 of the
‘R&T strategy development and exploita- industry’s leading specialists will person-
tion’, will identify critical technologies and ally be involved in KATnet II communica-
promotes their development for meeting tion and dissemination activities.
the Vision 2020 targets, raising industrial
awareness, and promoting the exploita-
tion of maturing technologies.
KATnet II brings engineers, designers and
‘Multidisciplinary technology assessment’
scientists together from all concerned
pays special attention to technologies with
disciplines in order to improve the envi-
a strong dependence on multidisciplinary
ronmental compatibility of future aircraft,
effects, such as performance-related tech-
to support the multidisciplinary design
nologies, aerodynamic noise and safety.
process, to foster the understanding
‘Dissemination of KATnet II information’ between scientists and engineers, and
will provide proactive network support by to intensify the dissemination of relevant
updating/using the existing KATnet web- knowledge.
site, distributing newsletters, and pro-
The expected main achievements of KAT-
moting the involvement of the academic
net II are:
community, e.g. via the EASN network.
– the identification of technology
KATnet II communication platforms will opportunities, investigation of their
make the existing KATnet organisational maturity, benefits and confidence,
expertise available by organising work- and the development of strategies
shops, an international conference and for their implementation into future
other networking events. aircraft

Key technology areas

Main TA 1 TA 2 TA 3
coordination A/C Coniguration Drag Reduction Separation Control Expected
actions Technologies Technologies Technologies achievements
WP 1
R&T Strategy Developm. Technology Opportunities
& Exploitation
Technology Evaluation
WP 2
Multidisciplinary Technology Beneits
Technology Assessment
Implementation Strategies
WP 3
Dissemination of Technology Guidance
KATNET II Information
WP 4
KATNET II International Conference
Communication Platforms

KATNET Community
Industry – Research Establishments – Universities
KATnet II matrix structure


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– the multidisciplinary assessment – the development of strong contacts
of potential candidate technologies within the academic community and
for virtual aircraft configurations as the integration of organisations in the
defined in KATnet new Member States of the European
– the dissemination of KATnet II infor- Union
mation and results via the KATnet II – the organisation of seminars and work-
website and regular newsletters shops on topics of interest and an inter-
national conference on the subject.

Acronym: KATnet II
Name of proposal: Key Aerodynamic Technologies to meet the Vision 2020 challenges
Contract number: ACA5-CT-2006-030943
Instrument: CA
Total cost: 1 183 376 €
EU contribution: 850 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Dr Schrauf Geza
Airbus Deutschland GmbH
Kreetslag 10
DE 28199 Bremen
Tel: +49 (0)421 538 3232
Fax: +49 (0)421 538 4714
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: Airbus UK Ltd UK
Airbus España S. L. Sociedad Unipersonal ES
EADS Military Aircraft Systems DE
Dassault Aviation FR
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
QinetiQ Ltd UK
Swedish Defence Research Agency SE
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a.s. CZ
Dziomba Aeronautical Consulting DE


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Distributed equipment Independent
environment for Advanced avioNic
Background integrated modular electronics (IME) plat-
form, providing avionic applications with a
With the evolution of aircraft systems and
secure distribution and execution on vir-
technologies, electronics are becoming
tual machines. This new platform will be
more and more a critical part of the civil
called, in the context of DIANA, Architec-
aviation industry. As such, their influence
ture for Independent Distributed Avionics
in flight efficiency, safety, security and
(AIDA). The DIANA project will develop a
cost is increasingly becoming a key factor
simulation and evaluation test-bed for
in the development of better aircraft.
AIDA and its associated concepts.
With the forecasted demand for new air-
The state of the art in the world of com-
borne functions and systems, concerning
puter engineering development applica-
mainly new safety, security and passen-
tions (tools, methodologies, etc.) will be
ger service functionalities, a potential
analysed. Existing resources will be iden-
increase in aircraft electronic costs may
tified and evaluated in the light of require-
be seen as an unacceptable factor by air-
ments for avionics development. The final
lines. Additionally, the weight and areas
result will be a development and certifi-
available for avionics in an aircraft bay
cation environment for the AIDA applica-
will also limit the introduction of new pro-
tions, which will include already existing
cessing units.
tools, adaptations to these and the design
To mitigate this scenario, aircraft industry of new ones.
suppliers are looking to emergent tech-
AIDA will benefit greatly from the stan-
nologies, which have been developed and
dardisation of its concept. Therefore, AIDA
validated in other technological domains,
must be defined by taking as many inputs
in order to adapt them to the aeronauti-
as possible from the relevant standardi-
cal safety critical standards and require-
sation organisations. This will be done
through the participation of these bodies
By introducing new breakthrough tech- by the members of the DIANA project. At
nologies in the avionics domain, DIANA the end of the project, the AIDA definition
will contribute to the reduction of an air- and associated evaluation test beds will
craft’s development and operating costs, reflect the results of the interaction with
enabling a faster upgrade and replace- the referred standardisation bodies. The
ment of the avionics applications, and development and certification methods
contributing to the overall reduction of will also be designed in a way that will
weight onboard an aircraft through a reflect these results.
better use of available computational
resources. Description of work
The DIANA project is the first step in the
implementation of an enhanced IME plat-
Building on previous work, the DIANA form, providing secure distribution and
project has the objective to give a first level execution on virtual machines to avionic
response for the definition of an enhanced applications.


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OO Avionics A653 Avionics OO Avionics A653 Avionics
Application Application Application Application

Interoperability middleware Interoperability

(virtual machine, distribution, security) Architecture

ARINC 653 Interface ARINC 653 Interface

IME Multiprocessor OS IME OS

Hardware Hardware I/O Module I/O Module Hardware Deployment view of DIANA
Physical project architecture for
communication independent distributed

The following activities will be performed – The foreseen high degree of contribu-
in DIANA: tion to standards will add to the dis-
a. Defining and evaluating an example semination of the research results
IME platform, including: achieved in the project. It will also
b. object-oriented (OO) avionic applica- strengthen the influence of Europe in
tions running on virtual machines, like the involved standardisation commit-
the java virtual machine (JVM) tees, traditionally dominated by Amer-
c. services supporting secure distribu- ican contributions.
tion (like CORBA) for avionic applica- – The strong research focus of DIANA
tions and the dissemination of its results
d. Defining the development process, among academic partners will con-
based on the model-driven engineer- tribute towards strengthening the
ing (MDE) approach technological and scientific back-
e. Defining the certification ground of Europe. It will contribute
f. Standardisation of the results of the towards creating an image of Europe
project. as a producer of advanced academic
and technological results, which is a
Today, the development of avionics soft-
way of attracting postgraduate stu-
ware accounts for 85% of the cost of the
dents from outside Europe: a known
development of avionics. Applying the
key factor for increasing scientific and
techniques mentioned above (MDE, OO,
technological capability.
CORBA and JVM) into IT systems has
– The exploitation of the results from
achieved reductions of up to 80% in the
DIANA will allow air framers to inte-
cost of software development.
grate more advanced avionic systems
with significantly reduced costs. Avi-
onic suppliers will be able to offer
DIANA will reduce costs in the devel- more competitive products in a shorter
opment, maintenance and refitting of time.
aircrafts, thus reducing the cost of air – The advanced goals under study will
travel. allow partners to increase their intel-
lectual property rights (IPRs) and con-
The innovation-related activities per-
sequently their competitiveness.
formed within the scope of DIANA will
influence the following areas:


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Acronym: DIANA
Name of proposal: Distributed equipment Independent environment for Advanced
avioNic Applications
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030985
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 042 129 €
EU contribution: 2 899 694 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.12.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Avionics
Coordinator: Mr Neves José
Skysoft Portugal - Software e Tecnologias de Informação SA
Av. D. João II, Lote 1.17.02,
Torre Fernão Magalhães, 7º
PT 1998 - 025 Lisbon
Tel: +351 (0)213829366
Fax: +351 (0)213866493
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: Thales Avionics SA FR
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Dassault Aviation FR
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Societa’ Italiana Avionica IT
Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU
Universität Karlsruhe (TH) DE
Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A BR


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Strengthening Competitiveness
MId-term NEtworking technologies
Rig and in-flight Validation for
Aeronautical Applications
Background munications, and will continue the basic
research on specific technological areas
MINERVAA takes a further step on the
in the field of Ka-band avionic phased-
roadmap to acquire enabling technolo-
array antennas.
gies to implement the future aeronautical
broadband network. MINERVAA is capital- In particular, MINERVAA will concentrate
ising on the experience achieved in other on three main flows of activity:
EU-funded projects in the same area of – outside-aircraft optical link (OOL): the
research, particularly in ATENAA. project moves from state-of-the-art
requirements and available research
Indeed, all the studies and efforts car-
results, to concentrating on the imple-
ried out in recent years in this area
mentation of an innovative, low-drag,
demonstrate that the future aeronauti-
compact, high data-rate terminal to be
cal communication systems will have to
installed onboard a dedicated testing
support a large number of new services
– flight safety, crisis management capa-
– inside-aircraft optical passenger net-
bility, air-traffic management capability,
work (IOPN): the project takes advan-
improvement in flight comfort, increase
tage of the inside-aircraft optical link
of onboard available services (in-flight
(IOL) technology, validated within the
entertainment, e-mailing, telephone
ATENAA project, to develop an overall
calls, etc.) – and solve the relevant tech-
passenger optical network, which is
nological challenges.
able to support different passenger-
New aeronautical network concepts, related applications and is connected
based on specific broadband commu- to the outer links (e.g. optical and Ka-
nication technologies (outside-aircraft band) in order to provide broadband
optical links, inside-aircraft optical links, connection from ground to seat.
Ka-band data links using avionic phased- – Ka-band avionic phased-array anten-
array antennas) have been assessed in nas: this project progresses with
principle and are being evaluated and ATENAA research activities by investi-
validated in the laboratory environment. gating at lab level both the integration
of TX and RX Ka-band avionic phased-
The MINERVAA project is expected to
array antennas into a single one, and
make good progress with this roadmap by
extending the Satcom design to match
bringing the above technologies from the
the air-to-air communications needs.
lab to the aircraft.

Objectives Description of work

The MINERVAA project, by focusing on Outside-aircraft optical link: the OOL air-
key emerging technologies investigated borne terminal will be designed by taking
within the ATENAA project, will validate into account a trade-off between ATENAA
on aircraft and in-flight free space opti- optimal solutions and installation con-
cal communication technologies, both straints, particularly with reduced size
for intra-cabin and outside-aircraft com- requirements. Such a terminal design


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will be validated in flight, together with an steering antennas. A test-bed will evaluate
innovative ADS-B based pointing mecha- aircraft-aircraft Ka-band communication
nism on a platform providing an air-to- and an algorithm will be developed, which
ground communication link. addresses the calibration and beam-
forming issues of TX/RX Ka-band anten-
Inner optical passenger network (IOPN):
nas, thus going one step further from the
the project exploits the ATENAA in-cabin
ATENAA project on what concerns antenna
optical link technology, which is based
integration and steering control.
on diffuse reflected light, to design and
implement a complete airborne pas-
senger cabin network. This passenger Results
network will be validated using different
MINERVAA will deliver:
kinds of innovative e-services for passen-
– an in-flight validated free-space optic
gers, such as passenger seat occupation
communications system, aimed at
monitoring, health monitoring, homeland
civil aviation applications, including a
security related services and video-on-
compact airborne terminal and posi-
demand. The validation platform will be
tion auxiliary channel
implemented in a cabin mock-up to pro-
– an integrated passenger optical cabin
vide a realistic environment scenario.
network, validated in a cabin mock-up
Ka-band avionic phased-array antennas using a set of passenger-related appli-
integration and validation: the project aims cations, ready for new aircraft devel-
at investigating the technologies capable opment and aircraft refurbishment
of increasing the Ka-band antenna’s com- – a design for an integrated TX/RX Ka-
pactness in order to make easier antenna band avionic phased array antenna for
integration on aircraft, in particular by aircraft-aircraft communications, and
integrating TX and RX antennas, as well a steering control algorithm for both
as developing specific calibration and a TX/RX Satcom and aircraft-aircraft
beam-forming algorithm for control of the Ka-band antennas.

Smiths TATEM Airbus ECAB Final application

Thales ANASTASIA Product industrialisation

Sagem DS Avionic network

Safran Group in-light validation


Manet Network Protocols

Results evaluation
Implement. Strategy Dein. MINERVAA

Emerging technologies Emerging technologies

In-laboratory test and validation in-light validation
Technologies study for Outer optical link
application inavionic networks Inner optical link
Avionic network Ka-Band Link
MINERVAA project concept deinition Selex Communications
in the context of
EU-funded research Funded projects 7th EU Framework programme


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 66 14/01/08 11:29:39

Name of proposal: MId-term NEtworking technologies Rig and in-flight Validation for
Aeronautical Applications
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030808
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 528 467 €
EU contribution: 2 993 610 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.03.2007
Ending date: 28.02.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Avionics
Coordinator: Dott. Amirfeiz Massimiliano
Selex Communications SpA
Via Pieragostini, 80
Via Negrone, 1A
IT 16151 Genova
Tel: +39 010 614 4479
Fax: +39 010 614 4602
EC Officer: J. Blondelle
Partners: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
SAGEM Défense Sécurité FR
Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus GR
Thales Communications FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 67 14/01/08 11:29:39

Strengthening Competitiveness
Cooling of Seat Electronic box
and cabin Equipment
Background change simulation and design, heat pipe
manufacturing, equipment cooling, seat
New generations of in-flight entertain-
integration and development, aircraft
ment (IFE) systems are required to pro-
vide more and more services (audio,
video, Internet, flight services, multime- An international co-operation with ITP
dia, games, shopping, phone, etc.) at an (Russian research leader and pioneer in
affordable cost. But unlike other avionics the field of miniature loop heat pipes) is
systems installed in temperature-con- proposed to strengthen the consortium
trolled bays, most of the IFE equipment research team.
and boxes are installed inside the cabin.
The quantified technical and scientific
They may be buried in small enclosed
objectives are to develop a new cooling
zones, not connected to the aircraft cool-
enhanced thermal link dedicated to cabin
ing system (ECS), and this situation cre-
IFE equipment, which will have the fol-
ates thermal management problems that
lowing characteristics:
affect the reliability, safety and cost of
– transfer capacity up to 100 W (existing
the equipment. The most critical piece of
equipment is between 30 and 75W)
equipment is the SEB (seat electronic box)
– thermal conductivity equivalent or
installed under each passenger seat.
greater than 800 W/m/°K (twice of that
To face the increasing power dissipa- compared to copper)
tion, fans are used but with the following – heat transportation distance 500 mm
drawbacks: extra cost, energy consump- (max)
tion when multiplied by the number of – resistance to aircraft cabin environ-
seats, reliability and maintenance con- ment (vibration, acceleration, shocks,
cern (filters, failures, etc.), risk of block- airbus specifications)
ing by passengers’ belongings, and noise, – minimum volume and low weight
coupled with unpleasant smells creating – ease maintenance
disturbance in the overall cabin area. – affordable cost target vs. cost of a fan
The objectives of the project are, there-
fore, to develop and evaluate an alternate Two Fifth Framework Programme proj-
advanced cooling technique to the fans ects are relevant to COSEE: MCUBE, ded-
based on a loop-heat-pipe, phase-change icated to the development of micro heat
passive system, adequately integrated pipes and ANAIS, dedicated to improved
inside the seat structure and taking IFE architecture. Both are coordinated by
advantage of the seat frame as a heat sink Thales Avionics and will bring experience
or of the aircraft structure when installed and results to this project.
in the ceiling.
Description of work
The technical programme is divided into
A European collaboration is necessary six work packages (WP), distributed by
due to the multidisciplinary nature of the type of activity.
problems to be solved and the fact that
Research and innovation activity:
the necessary expertise and knowledge
do not lie in a sole nation (e.g. phase- WP1 General technical analysis:


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 68 14/01/08 11:29:39

– System specifications – D3 Laboratory experimentationsT0+18
– Comparison of existing cooling options – D4 Technical report on system inte-
– System mock-up definition grationT0+18
– Test file definition – D5 Technical report on system mock-
up definitionT0+24
WP2 Loop-heat-pipe studies:
– D6 Technological system mock-up
– Theoretical approach
assembly reportT0+24
– Technology mock-up experimentation
– D7 Test report on thermo-mechanical
– LHP development
WP3 System integration designs: – D8 Final report with synthesis and
– Equipment integration limits of technologiesT0+30
– Seat integration
All the companies providing IFE sys-
WP4 System mock-up development: tems today are of American and Japa-
– LHP manufacturing nese ownership and origin. The top four
– Equipment adaptations players are supported by huge national
– Seat adaptations companies that have the critical mass
to fund research into new generations
WP5 Performance evaluation:
of products every two or three years.
– Thermo-mechanical performance eval-
The technological revolution of recent
years – moving from analogue systems
Management activity: to integrated digital systems – will con-
– WP6 Synthesis, exploitation and proj- tinue over the coming years as compo-
ect management. nents evolve in terms of package size
and complexity, and because of the
convergence of Internet, TV and audio
standards; so-called multi-media. Cur-
The deliverables for this project are: rently the only realistic way for European
– D1 Technical report on module specifi- players to compete in this market is by
cationsT0+6 grouping the experience and knowledge
– D2 Technical report on HP simulations of key partners in a given sector, as in
and experimentationT0+18 COSEE.

Seat installation


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 69 14/01/08 11:29:40

Acronym: COSEE
Name of proposal: Cooling of Seat Electronic box and cabin Equipment
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030800
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 200 793 €
EU contribution: 1 886 137 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2008
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Cabin Environment
Coordinator: Mr Sarno Claude
Thales Avionics SA
25 rue Jules Vedrines
FR 26027 Valence
Tel: +33 (0)4 75 79 86 57
Fax: +33 (0)4 75 79 86 06
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: Avio Interiors IT
BRITAX Premium Aircraft Interior Group UK
RECARO Aircraft Seating GmbH & Co. KG DE
Euro Heat Pipes BE
University of Stuttgart DE
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a.s. CZ
Institute of Thermal Physics RU


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 70 14/01/08 11:29:43

Strengthening Competitiveness
E-enabled Cabin and Associated
Logistics for Improved Passenger
Services and Operational Efficiency
Background venient boarding/deplaning of passen-
gers and by offering onboard office and
Travel has improved much in the last 100
home-like functionalities, which shall
years, from being an adventure to the
be adaptable to passengers’ individual
height of the ‘golden age’, when the mere
preferences and making use of the
ability to travel accorded a person signifi-
most advanced information and com-
cant privilege. Back then, access to the
munication technologies available.
aircraft was assured and once onboard,
2. To reduce the aircraft’s direct operating
the facilities and service were very much
costs in order to improve the airline’s
representative of what would have been
competitiveness. This will encompass
available in other situations to which the
e-enabled optimised ground handling
traveller would have been exposed.
for a reduction in aircraft turnaround
Since then, there has been much diver- time, e-enabled mission adaptive cab-
sification in travelling, with the develop- ins for a simplified cabin reconfigura-
ment of many classes of travel in order to tion during operation, and cabin crew
offer a wide choice of services for the pas- workload reduction through effective
sengers to select the overall travel quality cabin e-management tools using air-
experience that suited their means and to-ground communications.
their aspirations. 3. To reduce aircraft development costs
in order to enable the European air-
However, the ever-growing volume of
craft industry to build cost-efficiently
passengers and the high complexity of
operable and easy customisable air-
airports have dramatically increased, to
craft. This shall be achieved by modu-
the point where travel quality is being
lar and flexible system architectures,
considerably affected by the process prior
by introducing innovative wireless con-
to aircraft access. Thus, for ensuring
cepts for in-flight entertainment (IFE)
seamless logistic processes that keeps
and cabin/cargo management, leading
the traveller contented, the entire flying
to reduced aircraft manufacturing and
experience is to be redesigned, covering
customisation costs.
the whole end-to-end process from start
to finish.
Description of work
Objectives In order to achieve E-Cab’s ambitious
goals and correctly manage the complex-
The E-Cab project will provide answers
ity of the development task, the project is
to the identified issues by improving the
organised around eight interconnected
end-to-end-travel processes in a holis-
technical sub-projects, four of which
tic approach. The objectives for this are
reflect the four main streams under dis-
1. To increase passenger choice with
– The end-to-end chain ‘Passenger
regard to travel costs, time to desti-
Services’ will particularly concentrate
nation, onboard services and comfort.
on wireless and 3G (third generation)
This will be provided by a more con-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 71 14/01/08 11:29:44

communication technologies applied The key part of the E-Cab project will
to digital passenger entertainment be the ‘Communication Infrastructure’,
and seamless connectivity. which interconnects the different e-logis-
– The end-to-end chain ‘People Mov- tic chains and allows the developed ser-
ing’ covers the seamless fulfilment of vice applications to ‘talk’ to each other and
passenger tracing, guidance and other exchange data on an integrated network
useful information via stationary and/ platform. For proving the smooth interac-
or mobile solutions. tion between all end-to-end-chains, tests
– The end-to-end chain ‘Freight Han- will be performed on a full-scale ‘Integra-
dling’ addresses seamless, automated tion and Verification’ platform that will
baggage and cargo management solu- integrate all sub-systems under study.
tions, mainly based on radio frequency One last technical sub-project is dedi-
identification (RFID). cated to the ‘Evaluation, Dissemination
– The end-to-end chain ‘Catering Ser- and Exploitation’ of the project results.
vices’ will develop new technolo-
gies and processes for covering the Results
ground logistics, the service onboard
The E-Cab project will investigate and
as well as the data intercommunica-
deliver improvements within each of the
tion between booking and scheduling
aforementioned end-to-end service and
logistic chains, but more significantly
These four sub-projects cover most of will focus on the benefit to be derived
the project development, starting from from effective interaction between them.
requirement definitions up to pre-integra- It will set up a framework of seamless,
tion and testing of subsystems. They are validated processes, comprising the set
preceded and monitored by an additional of enabling key technologies across the
sub-project ‘Requirements, Concepts and spectrum of E-Cab technical domains and
Standards’ that ensures the consistency the underlying common communication
and coherency between the four end-to- infrastructure. The successful completion
end chains. of this project shall pave the way for the
European aviation industry to offer a step
change in passenger service concepts.

Deployment view of DIANA

Project Architecture for
Independent Distributed


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 72 14/01/08 11:29:44

Acronym: E-Cab
Name of proposal: E-enabled Cabin and Associated Logistics for Improved Passenger
Services and Operational Efficiency
Contract number: AIP5-CT-2006-030815
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 23 084 246 €
EU contribution: 12 500 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.07.2006
Ending date: 30.06.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Cabin Environment
Coordinator: Dr Rueckwald Reiner
Airbus Deutschland GmbH
Kreetslag 10
DE 21129 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 743 76878
Fax: +49 (0)40 743 76232
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd CH
B&W Engineering GmbH & Co. KG DE
CeBeNetwork France S.A.R.L FR
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Dassault Aviation FR
Diehl Aerospace GmbH DE
Dansk Teknologi Udviklingsaktieselskab DK
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Bucher Leichtbau AG CH
Cranfield University UK
Giunti Interactive Labs S.r.l. IT
University of Malta MT
Centro IBERLog, Associação para o Desenvolvimento
da Logística e da Organização PT
Identec Solutions AG AT
Jettainer GmbH DE
Microtech International Ltd Sp. z o.o. PL
OnAir N.V. NL
Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH DE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 73 14/01/08 11:29:44

Fundación Robotiker ES
SELEX Communications SPA IT
Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co. OHG DE
Siemens Business Services spol. s r.o. CZ
ULTRA Electronics Limited trading as ULTRA Electronics Airport
Systems UK
SITA (Société Internationale de
Télécommunications Aéronautiques) SC BE
Thales Avionics UK UK
Terma A/S DK
TriaGnoSys GmbH DE
Thales Avionics SA FR
TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-
natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek NL
Universitaet Bremen DE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 74 14/01/08 11:29:45

Strengthening Competitiveness
Smart Technologies for stress free
AiR Travel
Background Hence individual passengers are always
likely to have certain conflicting require-
Passenger comfort is clearly a main fac-
ments as the perception of comfort is
tor in a user’s acceptance of transporta-
affected by a variety of factors – gen-
tion systems. An individual’s reaction to a
der and ethnicity being among the most
vehicle environment depends not only on
important ones.
the physical inputs but also on the char-
acteristics of the individual. The findings SEAT promotes a radically new concept
of a number of passenger surveys and where passenger comfort is taken to a new
comfort-related research indicate that level. The SEAT system will develop smart
there is not a universal optimal setting for responsive seats and an interior environ-
comfort-related parameters in a plane. ment with the capability of detecting
physiological and psychological changes
in a passenger’s condition in real time.
This in turn will be analysed and appro-
priate adjustments, such as temperature
control, air ventilation, seat parameters,
etc., put in place. Furthermore passen-
gers will be able to create their own sur-
roundings with personal entertainment
and office characteristics in place. The
entire approach is to create an environ-
ment that responds to individual require-
ments and desires which is not centrally
controlled or manually adjusted. The sys-
tem is based on advanced technologies
and systems developed by the partners
as breakthrough research developments
or other advanced technologies.

The project is focused on:
– the creation of a ‘smart seat’ that
adapts the climatic characteristic to
the passenger physiological status,
– integrated physiological monitoring
system with health alert options,
– the development of a system for
active/passive vibration dampening
incorporating smart textiles
– the development of interactive enter-
– the development of fully integrated
cabin passenger services.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 75 14/01/08 11:29:45

The main SEAT objectives can be defined will be compatible with the central system
as follows: and will be able to function as a stand-
1. To develop a system that suppresses alone feature. This modular approach will
overall noise, as well as for each pas- guarantee sufficient flexibility for the pro-
senger, vision of different levels of service.
2. To develop novel approaches to active/
passive vibration reduction incorpo- Results
rating smart technologies and textiles
Innovation-related activities: One of the
in particular,
major innovations of the SEAT project is
3. To develop technology that allows a
the development of a novel integrated
healthier cabin environment including
cabin environment that incorporates:
temperature, pressure, airflow and
– physiological monitoring with a health
alert option that is not in existence in
4. To develop onboard systems that will
aircrafts, but partners in this consor-
enable office-like and home-like ser-
tium have developed such technolo-
gies for different applications,
5. To develop a functional prototype of
– a ‘smart seat’ that actively addresses
the SEAT system that will be an impor-
potential health hazards and is an inte-
tant stage in the development of an
gral part of the onboard entertainment,
– ‘smart textiles’ and other smart tech-
nologies for vibration dampening and
Description of work
noise reduction,
The aim of SEAT is to produce an integrated – an innovative active/passive noise con-
system for cabin services and environ- trol based on advanced computational
mental control. The work plan described models,
in this section will ensure that all the key – interactive context-based entertain-
objectives of the project are met. ment,
– an integrated approach to comfort,
The project is structured as follows:
entertainment and creation of flexible
WP1: Physiological monitoring of passen-
home/office environment.
gers systems,
WP2: Smart seat, These innovative building blocks are
WP3: Noise and vibration attenuation, based on:
WP4: Interactive and integrated enter- 1. Innovative wearable technologies for
tainment, physiological modelling,
WP5: Development of an integrated 2. Transferring physiological models
adaptable system. developed for sport and health appli-
The philosophy of the work programme is
3. Using intelligent textiles with built-in
simply to avoid unnecessary management
sensors and active dampening facili-
complication and to ensure a superior but
simple concept.
4. Developing structural analysis tools
The work packages (WP) 1-4 are designed that allow simulating and assessing
in a way to reflect the most important the effect of different ‘smart solu-
environment features from the passen- tions’,
gers, point of view. They are run in paral- 5. Developing fully compatible modules
lel as WP5 is providing compatibility and that can work in isolation or commu-
co-work for the technologies and once nicate with each other,
developed they will be incorporated in the 6. Utilising existing working technologies
fully integrated SEAT system. The second developed by the partners in the area
important feature of this design, apart of avionics, onboard entertainment,
from compatibility, is flexibility and self- noise control, smart textiles and wear-
sufficiency – each of the developments able monitoring.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 76 14/01/08 11:29:46

Acronym: SEAT
Name of proposal: Smart Technologies for stress free AiR Travel
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030958
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 065 000 €
EU contribution: 2 136 500 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Cabin Environment
Coordinator: Prof. Aliabadi Ferri M. H.
Imperial College of Technology and Medicine
Exhibition Road
UK London
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 5079
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: Acústica y Telecomunicaciones, S.L. ES
Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Textil ES
Antecuir S.L. ES
Centre for Applied Cybernetics CZ
Queen Mary and Westfield College UK
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven NL
Thales Avionics SA FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 77 14/01/08 11:29:46

Strengthening Competitiveness

More Open Electrical Technologies
Background be innovative electrical network prin-
ciples (full HVAC, full HVDC or hybrid)
In line with Vision 2020, MOET aims to
up to 1MW for a broad range of aircraft
establish a new industrial standard for
matching with PbW needs to be vali-
commercial aircraft electrical system
dated through component, equipment
design, which will directly contribute
and network simulations and tests.
towards strengthening the competitive-
– to resolve and validate the transfor-
ness of the aeronautical industry. The
mation of users into all electrical solu-
project will also contribute to reducing
tions. These deliverables will be on air
aircraft emissions and improving opera-
conditioning, wing ice protection, cool-
tional aircraft capacity.
ing and actuation systems validating
Recent national and European research the transformation into all electrical
activities and state-of-the-art commer- solutions with validation by hardware,
cial aircraft developments have launched such as integrated smart power pack
more advanced approaches for onboard or jamming-free EMA, tests and/or
energy power management systems. simulation.
These benefits have also been recognised – to develop and validate power elec-
in North America where they are being tronics enabler technology. The deliv-
given special consideration. erables will be a representative set of
integrated power electronics convert-
A step change is necessary to remove
ers validating high-performance tech-
current air and hydraulic engine off-takes
nology capability based on potential
and further increase the electrical power
innovative new standards.
generation capability. This in itself will
– integration into aircraft. These deliver-
require significant changes to current
ables will be a set of studies validating
electrical generation and network tech-
PbW integration into aircraft and high-
lighting new installation constraints
After Fly-by-wire, the Power-by-wire con- and opportunities.
cept (PbW) will enhance aircraft design – to develop a coherent design envi-
and use by power source rationalisation ronment to support PbW design and
and electrical power flexibility. This will validation. The deliverables are a set
be achieved by developing the necessary of simulation and integrated rig plat-
design principles, technologies and stan- forms permitting future PbW concept
dards. development, validation, optimisation
and assessment.
Description of work
The main MOET objectives aim at validat-
ing design principles, technologies and MOET provides a comprehensive approach
standards for innovative PbW concepts to PbW by simultaneously gathering
with an open-system approach from a broad range of aircraft manufactur-
components, from equipment through to ers with their requirements and a broad
design. range of partners providing technologies
ranging from components to systems.
The project’s objectives are:
– to define and validate new electrical net- The project will validate design principles
works up to 1MW. The deliverables will of an innovative PbW concept.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 78 14/01/08 11:29:47

The project aims at defining generic archi- At system level, the PbW concept, by defi-
tecture, equipment and components by nition, will increase the number of elec-
developing technologies based on stan- trical users which significantly affects the
dards for cost and risk reductions. Spe- electrical network. The PbW concept by
cialist power electronics companies have definition will extend electrical system
joined the project to add their expertise. applications.
Integration aspects will be considered At component level, the PbW concept by
through numerical mock-ups to validate definition will increase power electronics,
system integration. More composite air- which is no easy technology to master. PbW
craft will be considered based on ALCAS will extend the common technologies.
The European supply chain for PbW solu-
Simulation and rig open platforms will tions and technology will be stronger than
allow the project to validate PbW con- its competitors in the United States.
cept-gathering models and hardware
The project will also contribute towards
from generators up to users. Standard
burning less fuel by increasing electrical
designs and validation rules will enhance
generation and distribution capabilities
their capability to integrate technologies
onboard aircraft.
securely into their equipment.
Aeronautics is a key sector for European
Results technology which powers other industrial
fields. These major companies in turn
MOET will establish and reinforce a criti-
power their associated supply chain. The
cal mass of competences for a complete
supply chain, especially component man-
PbW solution across aircraft companies
ufacturers, will enrich their competitive-
and supply chains by developing key
ness by demonstrating their capabilities
technologies based on a broad European
to produce innovative and high-quality
components for their non-aeronautic
At aircraft level, the PbW concept, by market.
definition, will increase the criticality of
In addition to industrial benefits, MOET
electrical generation and distribution and
aims to develop an innovative electrical
move the boundaries between the sys-
network to develop the PbW concept for
which 2% fuel saving has been foreseen
with respect to the current state of the art.

Acronym: MOET
Name of proposal: More Open Electrical Technologies
Contract number: AIP5-CT-2006-030861
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 66 489 777 €
EU contribution: 37 756 231 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.07.2006
Ending date: 30.06.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 79 14/01/08 11:29:47

Research domain: Electric & Mechanical Systems
Coordinator: Mr Jomier Thomas
Airbus France
316 route de Bayonne
FR 31060 Toulouse cedex 9
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 18 86 73
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 93 07 58
EC Officer: H. von den Driesch
Partners: Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Airbus España, S.L. (Sociedad Unipersonal) ES
Airbus SAS Central Entity FR
Airbus UK UK
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
EADS Astrium Crisa ES
CROUZET Automatismes FR
Dassault Aviation FR
Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
DYNEX Semiconductor Limited UK
EADS Deutschland GmbH Corporate Research Centre DE
Egida Net PL
Eurocopter SAS FR
Goodrich Actuation Systems FR
Goodrich Actuation Systems Limited UK
Goodrich Control Systems Limited,trading as
Goodrich Power Systems UK
Hispano-Suiza FR
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse FR
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble FR
Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse S.A.S. FR
Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH DE
Liebherr Elektronik GmbH DE
Microtech International Ltd PL


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 80 14/01/08 11:29:47

MOOG Ireland Ltd IE
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Paragon Ltd GR
První brnenská strojírna Velká Bítes, a.s. CZ
PCA Engineers Limited UK
Puissance Plus FR
Rolls-Royce plc UK
Saab AB (publ) SE
Société Européenne D’Ingénierie multiTEchnique et de
Communication FR
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft DE
Smiths Aerospace UK
Técnica Electronica de Automatismo y Medida SA ES
Techniques et Fabrications Electroniques SA FR
Thales Avionics Electrical Systems SA FR
TTTech Computertechnik AG AT
Ultra Electronics Limited - Controls Division UK
A UK academic consortium consisting of the Universities of
Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Bristol UK
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ES
Gdansk University of Technology PL
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg DE
Lappeenranta University of Technology,
Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics FI
Seconda Universita degli Studi di NAPOLI II - Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dell’Informazione IT
Universidad Publica de Navarra ES
Universita’ degli Studi di Padova IT
Technological Education Institute of Piraeus GR
Intertechnique FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 81 14/01/08 11:29:47

Strengthening Competitiveness
New track-integrated Electrical
single Flap drive System
Background system and centralised motor will be
replaced. The track beams will be rede-
The high lift system of large transport
signed to enable an optimised system-
aircraft comprises leading edge slats and
structure solution for this new flap drive
trailing edge flaps and is deployed dur-
system. This provides the opportunity for
ing take-off and final approach, providing
an innovative composite design in flap
additional lift to get or stay airborne at low
support structures.
The proposed flap drive system offers
Symmetric flap actuation is tradition-
a fundamental change in high lift drive
ally assured by coupling all flap surface
technology compared to state-of-the-art
actuators to a torque shaft system, which
systems. The expected benefits are:
extends along the rear spar of both wings
– new functionalities of the high lift sys-
and is driven by a centralised hydraulic,
tem via differential flap setting (DFS),
electric or hybrid motor. The actuators
like accelerated vortex decay, roll trim
are located at or near special flap sup-
and roll control support
port structures called track beams which
– reducing operational interruptions
transmit the lift produced by the movable
caused by high lift systems by at least
flap surfaces to the wing.
Conventional flap drive systems have a – improving the drive system efficiency
low efficiency, require a high installation by at least 25%
effort with shafts and gearboxes dis- – a 2-3% L/D improvement in cruise
tributed across most of the wing trailing – a 20% weight reduction of the flap
edges and offer no functional flexibility, track beam due to highly integrated
e.g. differential surface deflection. composite design
– a 5% cost reduction in the manufactur-
It is the target of NEFS to fundamentally
ing and assembly of the flap track beam
change the high lift drive system and
due to the minimised number of parts
structure presently installed in commer-
– improved maintainability
cial transport aircraft. It is proposed to
– reduced installation effort (for design
develop a distributed electrical flap drive
and manufacturing).
system that is completely integrated with
the flap track beams. This new technol-
Description of work
ogy is an enabler for new functionalities,
which are developed in related RTD proj- As a baseline for the boundary conditions
ects like AWIATOR, NACRE or ATEFA. It and the assessment of improvements,
will also allow an increase in the fault tol- reference data will be adopted from a
erance of the high lift system. state-of-the-art commercial transport
One of the main criteria for the system to
The main objective of NEFS is to replace be developed is the high requested level
the traditional drive systems by a distrib- of redundancy, primarily concerning the
uted electrical flap drive system that is motors and electronics. To address this
completely integrated into the flap sup- problem, advanced redundancy concepts
port structure. The transmission shaft will be developed.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 82 14/01/08 11:29:47

Different drive system concepts are con- craft simulation and aircraft performance
ceivable to reach the above-mentioned analysis. Results from this analysis may
goals: a high torque/low speed approach reveal the necessity of additional moni-
with a rather heavy motor, but possibly toring functions or tighter monitoring
making an additional gearbox obsolete, thresholds.
will be compared to a geared low torque/
high speed drive. The competing solutions Results
will be developed by different partners.
If successful, the NEFS flap drive and
A highly integrated composite design support system will set a benchmark
has to be realised to achieve a significant for future aircraft models. The proposed
weight reduction of 20% in the flap sup- approach will be flexible enough to
port structure compared to the metallic cover almost all kinds of high lift system
reference. In order to integrate a maxi- requirements including advanced aircraft
mum amount of composite expertise and wing configurations.
into the design, two different concepts
The results of NEFS will be reported and
are developed by different partners. The
engineering design recommendations
concepts will be evaluated by all partners
will be published in order to assure a
and the best solution will be realised in
seamless exploitation of results. Utilisa-
the design and manufacturing phase.
tion of this technology will significantly
During the drive system development contribute to the European aerospace
it will be assured and verified by CATIA industries’ capability of supplying prod-
installation studies that the drive sys- ucts that can maintain 50% of the market
tem fits into the limited space below the for large transport aircraft.
track beam fairing, requiring a close link
Although the European aircraft systems
between system and structure develop-
suppliers’ global market share is signifi-
ment activities.
cant, US system suppliers still have the
The analysis of repercussions of system dominant position in almost all prod-
performance and failures on aircraft uct groups, with the US industry being
behaviour requires combined system-air- strongly supported by its government.
© Airbus Deutschland GmbH

Approach of NEFS


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 83 14/01/08 11:29:48

NEFS RTD work will support the systems
industries’ striving for hig hly competitive
products and thus prepare the ground for
a balanced market access comparable
to the one achieved by Airbus. The same
holds true for the partners involved in
structure development.

Acronym: NEFS
Name of proposal: New track-integrated Electrical single Flap drive System
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030789
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 6 128 977 €
EU contribution: 3 600 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.03.2007
Ending date: 28.02.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Electric & Mechanical Systems
Coordinator: Mr Christmann Markus
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Corporate Research Centre
DE 81663 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 607 20159
Fax: +49 (0)89 607 21717
EC Officer: J. Blondelle
Partners: ACE GmbH – Advanced Composite Engineering DE
BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd UK
Diehl Avionik Systeme GmbH DE
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Goodrich Actuation Systems Ltd UK
RUAG Aerospace CH
SAAB AB (publ), Saab Avitronics SE
Stridsberg Powertrain AB SE
Helsinki University of Technology FI
Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH DE
Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) PL


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 84 14/01/08 11:29:49

Strengthening Competitiveness
Digitally Adjustable Tooling for
manufacturing of Aircraft panels
using multi-point FORMing
Background Objectives
DATAFORM is highly innovative because it The main objectives of DATAFORM are the
is rapid and cost-effective in panel form- development and application of digitally
ing when compared to the traditional adjustable multi-point forming tooling
solid die forming or increment forming and multi-point positioning tooling for
technology. Today there are three main fabrication and assembly of aircraft pan-
surface sheet forming technologies and els. In particular, DATAFORM will enable
two thin-wall panel positioning technolo- flexible and digital manufacturing of skin
gies available for fabrication and assem- panels in aircraft bodies.
bly of aircraft bodies in terms of rapid and
The industrial and scientific objectives of
economical production. Forming tech-
the project are:
nologies are well established: semi-die
– to explore fundamental adjustable
forming technologies, such as age creep
multi-point tooling technology for
forming and stretch forming; incremental
forming and fabrication;
forming technologies, such as the shot
– to develop digitally adjustable multi-
peen forming, laser forming and single-
point tooling systems comprising
point incremental forming; and dieless
punch matrices to replace solid dies
forming technologies, such as reconfigu-
or hard tooling;
rable tool forming and multi-point form-
– to realise rapid dieless forming of skin
ing. The two positioning technologies
panels and accurate jigless fabrication
are simple modular fixturing technolo-
of panel segments;
gies used to clamp parts for machining,
– to investigate the implementation of
and extremely expensive reconfigurable
the DATAFORM tooling in the manu-
fixturing technologies used to hold work
facturing of aircraft products;
pieces for inspection. With respect to cur-
– to reduce tooling costs, set-up time,
rent aircraft manufacturing technology,
lead time and storage, and to increase
the advantage of DATAFORM is flexible
tooling utilisation significantly.
dieless forming and extremely rapid jig-
less positioning, which are two decisive It is the aim of DATAFORM to empower
advantages regarding emerging new digitally adjustable tooling technology
aeronautical production requirements. with a clear focus on its industrial use for
In general, DATAFORM has the following aeronautics and to drive the rapid devel-
advantages compared with other aircraft opment of flexible tooling in manufactur-
panels manufacturing technologies: high ing, which will lead to new processes and
flexibility, high efficiency, large deforma- immediate industrial exploitation. The
tion capability and low tooling cost. main advantageous features of DATA-
FORM will be digital and universal with
high flexibility, compared with the present
hard tooling for panel forming and panel


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 85 14/01/08 11:29:49

© DATAFORM partner - JiLin University
The element group
of a multi-point
prototype developed
by JLU

Description of work into a digitally adjustable tooling sys-

tem, to optimise the developed flexible
DATAFORM addresses research into
tooling and validate the tooling for dif-
adjustable multi-point tooling technol-
ferent applications.
ogy, the development of digitally adjust-
– WP5 focuses on the dissemination and
able multi-point tooling, the innovation of
exploitation of the R&D results of the
flexible fabrication tooling, applications of
dieless forming tooling and jigless posi-
– WP6 concerns all the management
tioning tooling. The work plan is broken
aspects of the project and the monitor-
down into the following six Work Pack-
ing of progress, identifying shortcomings
ages (WP):
and recommending remedial action.
– WP1 focuses on the analysis of indi-
vidual user needs and demands for
digitally adjustable tooling, and will
evaluate various flexible tooling tech- DATAFORM will develop technologies and
nologies. systems for the manufacturing of aircraft
– WP2 aims to study the fundamentals panels. The main deliverables and expec-
of multi-point forming methodology tations of the project are:
and explore the capabilities of flexible – A solution to the key technological
fabrication tooling technology for air- problems of adjustable multi-point
craft panels. tooling for the procedures of dieless
– WP3 will build a novel and efficient forming and jigless positioning of air-
digitally adjustable multi-point tool- craft panels.
ing system based on the principle of – The building of integrated CAD/CAE/
multi-point forming, and will develop CAT software and robotic control
automatic robotic control techniques devices for the modular system to deal
for a flexible fabrication tooling. with the data exchange interface, dif-
– WP4 aims to integrate the developed ferent material simulations and fabri-
hardware and software components cation process control.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 86 14/01/08 11:29:49

– The development and implementa- – DATAFORM will play a key role in real-
tion of digitally adjustable multi-point ising the full potential of flexible tool-
tooling and techniques in the manu- ing by combining multi-point forming
facture of aircraft products. Two pro- technology and computer-controlled
totypes of dieless forming tooling and fabrication technology.
jigless positioning tooling with punch
matrices will be developed.

Name of proposal: Digitally Adjustable Tooling for manufacturing of Aircraft panels using
multi-point FORMing methodology
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030877
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 725 230 €
EU contribution: 2 462 675 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Manufacturing
Coordinator: Prof. Pham Duc Truong
Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff University
Queen’s Buildings, The Parade, Newport Road
UK CF24 3AA Cardiff
Tel: +44 (0)29 20874429
Fax: +44 (0)29 20874880
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: Open Engineering S.A. BE
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique ASBL BE
JiLin University CN


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 87 14/01/08 11:29:55

Strengthening Competitiveness
Flexible and Near-net-shape
Generative Manufacturing Chains
and Repair Techniques for
Complex-shaped Aero-engine Parts
Background 3. Development of heat treatment cycles
before and after laser treatment to get
The aim of FANTASIA is to contribute
microstructures and thermal stress
towards winning global leadership for
fields that meet the mechanical prop-
European aeronautics by developing
new flexible and near-net-shape addi-
4. Determination of static and dynamic
tive manufacturing chains and repair
mechanical properties of the laser-
techniques using laser metal deposition
processed and heat-treated samples
(LMD) and direct laser forming (DLF)
together with correlation of these
processes. These techniques, in combi-
properties with microstructure and
nation with conventional manufacturing
stress fields
processes, offer the possibility to realise
5. First time workout of acceptance plus
a breakthrough in the manufacturing of
a non-destructive test (NDT) inspec-
aero-engine parts. In particular, the fol-
tion criteria for LMD and DLF pro-
lowing potential can be achieved:
cess (correlations between tolerable
1. New design possibilities using the
defects, microstructure, mechanical
nearly unlimited geometrical freedom
properties and process parameters)
of DLF
6. Support of the process development
2. Decrease time efforts in the whole
by simulation of temperature, stress
life cycle of a part in the design and/
fields and microstructure formation
or redesign phase, subsequent manu-
to predict process parameters and
facturing and the repair phase
build-up strategies
3. Savings in production and raw mate-
7. Development of equipment for LMD
rial costs due to reduced time effort
and DLF processes:
and raw material quantity to be used
– processing heads, including powder
in generative manufacturing
feeding nozzles and shielding gas
4. Processability of conventional nickel
units for 3D processing
and titanium base alloys as well as
– process chamber for DLF
upcoming advanced materials like
– software for Computer Aided Design /
TiAl and Udimet 720.
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/
CAM) integration
– sensors and systems for on-line pro-
1. Development of process layout for
cess control
LMD to achieve the required charac-
8. New manufacturing and repair chains
teristics with respect to material, part
by combining conventional (e.g. cast-
quality and economy
ing, milling, joining) and laser-based
2. First time development of process
techniques (LMD, DLF).
layout for DLF to achieve the required
characteristics with respect to mate-
rial, part quality and economy


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 88 14/01/08 11:29:55

© Rolls-Royce Deutschland

HPT Casing of a
BR715 aero engine
made of Nimonic
PE16 manufactured
by Rolls-Royce

Description of work of this WP is the development of on-line

process control methods.
The work is divided into work packages
(WP). Simultaneously with the process engi-
neering in WP3, a geometrical and metal-
In WP1, the test pieces and the additives
lurgical examination of the test pieces will
for LMD and DLF will be manufactured.
be carried out in WP6.
The additives (powder and wire) will be
characterised. In WP 7, test pieces from different materi-
als for mechanical testing are fabricated
The aim of WP2 is the Finite Element
with the suitable parameters determined
modelling of LMD and DLF processes to
in WP3. Different mechanical tests (e.g.
generate input for the process develop-
tensile and HCF tests) will be carried out.
ment (WP3). The main focuses are the
calculation of the temperature and stress To ensure the required and defect-free
fields, as well as the microstructure for- structure of the processed parts, non-
mation in dependence of process param- destructive tests (NDT) have to be carried
eters and part geometry. out (WP8).
In WP3, the process layout for LMD and Based on WPs 2-8, demonstration parts
DLF will be developed for different materi- will be repaired and manufactured in WP9
als and part geometries. A further aspect using the developed techniques and pro-
in WP3 is the development of suitable cess chains. This work package includes
heat treatment procedures after LMD and the heat treatment, the final machin-
DLF processes. ing, NDT inspection and the mechanical
In WP4, hard- and software for both tech-
niques will be developed, modified and In WP10, a technical and economical
tested. For quality assurance and reliable assessment of the results will be car-
LMD and DLF, process monitoring and ried out. An additional essential aspect
on-line process control systems will be is working out the acceptance and NDT
developed and tested in WP5. The focus inspection criteria for LMD and DLF.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 89 14/01/08 11:29:56

Results 3. Acceptance and NDT inspection crite-
ria for LMD and DLF processes
FANTASIA will deliver new manufactur-
4. Processability of new materials by
ing and repair methods for use in ‘older
generation’ and in future advanced per-
5. Control methods for LMD and DLF for
formance aero-engines. In addition, it will
quality assurance
contribute to a higher level of improve-
6. Heat treatment procedures before
ment in the reduction of emissions, fuel
and after laser treatment
consumption, manufacturing and repair
7. Mechanical properties of LMD and
costs, engine reliability and raw material
DLF processed materials
use that can be achieved in short, mid
8. Industrial equipment for LMD and
and long-term development. The directly
exploitable outputs from FANTASIA will
9. Models for temperature, thermal
stress and microstructure simulation
1. Advanced manufacturing and repair
10.New design possibilities by novel
technologies using LMD and DLF for
manufacturing techniques
complex shaped parts
11.Requirement profile for powder and
2. New manufacturing and repair chains
wire additive materials.
by combining conventional and laser-
based techniques


new cladding head

for laser metal


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 90 14/01/08 11:29:57

Name of proposal: Flexible and Near-net-shape Generative Manufacturing Chains and
Repair Techniques for Complex-shaped Aero-engine Parts
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030855
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 6 483 880 €
EU contribution: 3 781 040 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 31.05.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Manufacturing
Coordinator: Dr Wissenbach Konrad
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V.
Hansastraße 27 C
Steinbachstrasse 15
DE 52074 Aachen
Tel: +49 (0)2418906147
Fax: +49 (0)2418906121
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Rolls-Royce plc UK
Industria de Turbo Propulsores, S. A. ES
University of Manchester UK
Asociación Industrial de Óptica, Color e Imagen ES
TRUMPF Laser und Systemtechnik GmbH DE
Riga Technical University LV
TLS Technik GmbH & Co Spezialpulver KG DE
Sulzer Innotec, Sulzer Markets and Technology Ltd CH
Precitec KG DE
SR Technics Switzerland CH
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen DE
BCT Steuerungs- und DV-Systeme GmbH DE
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) ZA


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 91 14/01/08 11:29:58

Strengthening Competitiveness

Rapid Production of Large
Aerospace Components
Background of this technology. Further work will
define material properties, achieve cer-
Shaped metal deposition (SMD) is a pro-
tification for the process and widen the
totyping system that allows complex parts
range of materials which can be depos-
to be built directly from a CAD model with
ited. RAPOLAC will concentrate on aero-
minimum finishing. The system builds
space materials such as titanium, steels
components layer by layer without the
and nickel-based alloys, which are costly
need for tooling. Complex parts can be
and difficult to machine. This process
made with improved material properties
has attracted interest from several aero-
and hybrid components can also be cre-
space companies, but take-up is limited
The advantage of SMD is that complex – weld parameters vary according to
parts, or those that need a lot of machin- the material, substrate, geometry and
ing, can be made quickly and cheaply: in size
some cases lead times have been reduced – the material properties are not well
by 70%. The finished parts can also have understood
improved material qualities, the process – the benefits of SMD over more tradi-
has low to zero harmful emissions and tional processes are not clear.
it does not require tooling. Uses include
To validate SMD for commercial aero-
rapid prototyping, one-off parts, repair,
space use, exemplar parts containing
and complex or hybrid components.
difficult-to-manufacture features will
The SMD rig consists of a robot with a TIG be constructed from a variety of mate-
welding head and a manipulator, housed rials. Material characterisation will be
inside a sealed chamber with wire fed in performed, and the process modelled
from outside. The system welds the wire using FE and mechanical techniques. A
in an inert argon atmosphere to prevent cost-benefit analysis will be carried out
the substrate, electrode and part reacting to compare SMD construction with tra-
with atmospheric gases. Once used, the ditional manufacturing routes, allowing a
argon can be safely vented via an extrac- business case to be put forward to encour-
tion system, or re-circulated via a scrub- age take-up by SMEs. The time and mate-
ber system. A water-cooled vision system rial savings are expected to make SMD an
allows the welding arc to be viewed and attractive option for the manufacture of
the size of the bead and weld pool to be large aerospace parts.
monitored in real time. Features can be
built in any orientation without the need Description of work
for support structures.
RAPOLAC’s aim is to validate SMD to
manufacture aerospace parts in a variety
of materials. To do this, the properties
To exploit SMD technology fully within produced by different materials, geome-
aerospace, it must be demonstrated that tries and deposition parameters must be
it is a valid and cost-effective manufactur- catalogued, heat-treatments and machin-
ing route. RAPOLAC will produce a busi- ing strategies developed, and the process
ness case for SMD to ensure the take-up modelled and controlled.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 92 14/01/08 11:29:58

WP1 will build the parts needed for the used entirely, and where hybrid manufac-
microstructural analysis, fatigue and ture is more cost-effective. This will lead
stress tests and will provide data for mod- to the creation of a business plan for SMD
elling. It will also investigate the effects and encourage its take-up in industry.
of different weld parameters, materials,
substrates, part sizes and geometries, and
test the control strategies developed. It will
look at post-heat-treatment and machin- The final deliverables for RAPOLAC have
ing strategies for the finished parts. been chosen to improve process knowl-
edge and to make SMD more attractive.
WP2 will look at the properties of the
parts produced, and develop a database Investigations will produce post-heat-
of material properties, residual stresses treatment strategies, optimum weld
and susceptibility to fracture. parameters and machining strategies for
a variety of aerospace materials. These
WP3 will develop both local models (opti-
will be obtained by depositing parts and
mising weld parameters to give the best
obtaining micro-structural results, ten-
material properties) and global robotic
sile and fatigue test results, and surface
models of the SMD process.
analysis results. Mechatronic heat trans-
WP4 will look at all aspects of the SMD fer models and residual stress models
process and quantify its benefits, compar- will be created to help in this process.
ing SMD with traditional manufacturing This information will allow the SMD pro-
processes. It will highlight the cost and cess to be certified for non-critical aero-
environmental advantages and develop space applications for the materials and
best practice manufacturing methods, parameters chosen, and will give compa-
which will indicate where SMD should be nies confidence in the process.

Close-up of the Kuka

robot with attached
welding head and
camera, preparing

to deposit a part


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 93 14/01/08 11:29:58

As part of the drive to encourage SMD
take-up, cost-benefit reports will be pro-
duced for SMD with respect to traditional
processes, a business case for SMEs
will be developed, and a best practice
methodology for hybrid parts will be pro-
A website will be set up for the project,
the papers used to publicise it and for
workshops. Training modules will be
developed for interested companies.
The impact of the above deliverables will
– Reduction of 60% in the lead time nec-
essary to produce new parts through
the elimination of tooling and the use
of SMD parts as manufacturing proto-
SMD engineer types
examining a test © AMRC – Reduction of 40% in the cost of manu-
facturing products through reducing
raw material use, finish machining
and tooling
– Reduction of 90% in the inventory held,
since the only stock item is wire.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 94 14/01/08 11:30:01

Acronym: RAPOLAC
Name of proposal: Rapid Production of Large Aerospace Components
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030953
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 2 734 500 €
EU contribution: 2 140 650 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.01.2007
Ending date: 31.12.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Manufacturing
Coordinator: Dr Gault Rosemary
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
UK S10 2TN Sheffield
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 7866
Fax: +44 (0)114 222 7678
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: DIAD srl IT
Footprint Tools Ltd UK
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química
(Universidad Nacional del Litoral) AR
K.U. Leuven Research and Development BE
Metec Tecnologie snc IT
Università degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi IT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 95 14/01/08 11:30:04

Strengthening Competitiveness
Development of New Magnesium
Forming Technologies for the
Aeronautics Industry
It will be achieved by the following:
1. Methodologies for the preparation of
Magnesium is highly attractive for realis- raw material for plastic deformation
ing weight reduction in aeronautic struc-
2. Study of the lubrication needs of the
tures due to its low density - 65% of that
plastic forming of magnesium
of aluminium. Magnesium wrought alloys
can be made to have mechanical and sur- 3. The development of special heated
face properties similar to those of alu- dies with controlled temperatures and
minium. temperature gradients
The most important advances of using 4. The development of cooling proce-
magnesium shapes have been achieved dures, to attain the best qualities for
in the automotive industry. Most projects the manufactured part
were focused on cast alloys and meth-
5. The development of a press loading
odologies. Only AEROMAG, in the Sixth
application routine
Framework Programme, is explicitly
concerned with wrought aeronautic appli- 6. Some minor geometric modifications,
cations. MAGFORMING complements within the parts design, using model-
AEROMAG by developing forming tech- ling software, to make sure that the
nologies. magnesium part meets the specifica-
tions required by the end users.
It is evident from current research that
the products manufactured by forming
Description of work
processes of aluminium could be pro-
duced by upgraded processes of magne- MAGFORMING is divided into parallel
sium alloys, but in a completely different work packages which are related to the
domain of parameters. However, this various developed technologies. Theses
possibility is severely limited by the lack activities will be enveloped in four work
of technologies in plastic processing and packages: Specifications and Testing &
forming. Validation, before and after the above
activities, respectively, and Dissemination
& Exploitation and Assessment & Review
during the duration of the project.
The objective of MAGFORMING is to
First, technology demonstrators (TDs)
advance the state of the art in the technol-
and alloys will be selected and a prelimi-
ogy of plastic processing of wrought mag-
nary estimation of production feasibility
nesium alloys for aeronautical applications,
and costs will be done.
by developing tools and methodologies for
industrial technologies, and showing their Then, the technological work packages
feasibility in aeronautics. The measure for will begin: design and production of tools
attaining the objective will be the fabrica- and dies and manufacturing process of
tion of several prototypes, one or two for the TDs. Modelling and simulation will be
each of the technologies. done before the design of tools and dies,


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 96 14/01/08 11:30:04

and between design and production of The specific expected results during the
tools and dies. project are:
1. A list of parts (TDs) with specifications
The last step after the production of the
TDs will be a verification of the required 2. Preliminary economic feasibility report
mechanical properties and compatibility on the TDs
checking to the required specifications,
3. Improved semi-finished material and
as well as an estimation of complete cost
lubrication (suitable for each technol-
data for each technology process.
The final activity of the project will be a
4. Drawings of designed tools and dies
textbook for each technology demonstra-
(for each technology)
tor, specifying the process and approving
tests. 5. A prototype (TD) of each technology
6. Technology textbook and economic
analysis for each TD.
Aeronautics (decrease in the weight of
aircraft), the environment (less fuel con-
sumed) and metallurgy (development of
new processes) will all benefit from the
consequences of the successful comple-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 97 14/01/08 11:30:04

Name of proposal: Development of New Magnesium Forming Technologies for the
Aeronautics Industry
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030852
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 422 522 €
EU contribution: 1 894 090 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.08.2006
Ending date: 31.03.2009
Duration: 32 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Mr Fein Amir
Palbam Metal Works - AMTS
En Harod
IL 18960 En Harod Ihud
Tel: +972 (0)4 6530 700
Fax: +972 (0)4 6531 904
EC Officer: H. von den Driesch
Partners: EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Magnesium Elektron Limited UK
Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Israel Aircraft Industries IL
Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse S.A.S FR
SMW Engineering Ltd RU
Chemetall GmbH DE
Charles University, Prague - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Department of Metal Physics CZ
Universitat Hannover - IFUM DE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 98 14/01/08 11:30:05

Strengthening Competitiveness
Materials, Process and CAE Tools
Development for Pre-impregnated
Carbon Binder Yarn Preform
Background Objectives
Composites are the material of choice The project includes three material spe-
for many advanced aircraft structural cialist partners covering fibre, resins and
applications (A380 – 28% and Boeing 787 textiles, four selected research and uni-
– 50% content) and have proven weight/ versity partners, a finite element software
performance superiority over metals. company and four industrial partners
The critical issues today are performance representing Europe’s aircraft manufac-
improvements: the development of faster, turing industry.
more cost effective manufacturing and
The key project objectives are:
simulation tools to optimise their manu-
1. the development of new binder yarns
facture and design.
and compatible epoxy resins
Today’s manufacture of advanced com- 2. new energy and process efficient
posites uses either layers of pre-impreg- activation methods, suitable for rapid
nated plies (prepregs), or resin infusion of manufacture, will be evaluated and
dry textiles (liquid composite moulding or partially industrialised
LCM) to form a laminate. Prepreg com- 3. modifications of existing AdTP (auto-
posites give superior mechanical proper- mated tow placement) and textile
ties due to toughened resins, but suffer machinery to suit binder yarn process-
from high material costs, limited shape- ing
ability, expensive manufacturing and lim- 4. a full materials testing program to
ited shelf life. LCM can overcome many characterise the process and mechan-
limitations, but must use low viscosity ical performance of binder yarn com-
resins for infusion, which have a poorer posites. Detailed comparison with
mechanical performance. competitive LCM and prepreg com-
posites will be made and the data will
The PreCarBi project will develop new
provide input to the CAE (computer-
materials (carbon fibres and liquid resins)
aided engineering) tools development/
as well as supporting technologies that
validation and demonstrator parts
bring together prepreg and LCM technol-
manufacture, design and validation
ogies to combine the advantages of each.
5. development/improvement of exist-
Essentially pre-impregnated carbon fibres
ing CAE tools for impregnation, drape,
with a polymer binder will be developed
stress optimisation and cost will be
for LCM and tow placement processes.
undertaken and used to design the
Activation via heat allows binder yarns to
three chosen project demonstrator
be repeatedly shaped prior to resin infu-
parts. The finite element (FE) codes
sion. The binder yarns enhance mechani-
to be used are based on existing com-
cal properties, have indefinite shelf life,
mercial composite software owned by
and improve pre-form handling/trimming
one of the partners
and drapeability.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 99 14/01/08 11:30:05

6. manufacture, CAE design and valida- Results
tion of three challenging aircraft dem-
The main project deliverables include:
onstrator components will assess the
1. Development and industrialisation
validity of the new technologies.
of binder yarn reinforced composites
with better toughness, improved com-
Description of work pression after impact and better com-
pression properties than conventional
PreCarBi will develop a new manufactur-
LCM composites.
ing technology, including new base mate-
2. Development of a new resin system
rials (binder yarns and compatible resins)
that is fully compatible with the binder
and textile preforms that will lead from
yarn and the new processing demands
conception to final manufacture of three
which conforms to current aerospace
representative aircraft demonstrator com-
ponents. The research will address tech-
3. Optimisation of yarn structure for faster
niques such as efficient heat activation
and better impregnation by providing
and efficient preform construction that
open carbon filament arrangements.
is relevant to industrial manufacturing.
4. Development and industrialisation
Special emphasis is placed on the work
of composites suitable for plane, 2D
needed for automated processes and in-
and complex 3D geometries requiring
process inspection techniques (to control
drapeable fabrics, without compro-
preform and final composites quality).
mising plane properties.
An important focus of PreCarBi is the 5. Reduction of so-called ‘ply-drop-areas’
development of CAE and simulation tools by methods that can avoid/minimise this
dedicated to virtual prototyping of process by continuous distribution (spread width
and design of the binder yarn composites. of yarns that are fixed by the binder) and
These tools will be adapted from exist- tailoring of the yarn architecture.
ing composite simulation FE software for
Automated dry tow placement machines
impregnation, draping and composites
are highly efficient, but at the moment
design. The final validation will be against
demand expensive materials (slit tapes
the three diverse demonstrator struc-
extracted from prepregs) and energy con-
tures. In this way software developments
suming storage conditions. Binder yarn
will be fully integrated into the research
textiles could also be applied on these
structure and will also provide the back-
machines and have the benefit that cold
bone for an integrated virtual design of
storage and hot curing conditions are not
industrial parts. These tools will allow
needed (energy savings).
improved, optimal composite parts to be
designed and manufactured. The selected The project will develop existing commer-
software tools are commercial products cial FE software packages to simulate
belonging to one of the project partners. infusion, draping and stress optimisation,
Cost analysis and software tools are also and enable full advantage of these prop-
included in the project. erties to be taken.


1. binder yarn 2. activated 3. preform 4. composite

binder yarn


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 100 14/01/08 11:30:05

Acronym: PreCarBi
Name of proposal: Materials, Process and CAE Tools Development for Pre-impregnated
Carbon Binder Yarn Preform Composites
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030848
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 946 970 €
EU contribution: 2 329 500 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Prof. Pickett Anthony
Cranfield University
School of Applied Sciences
Bedfordshire, Building 61
UK MK43 OAL Cranfield
Tel: +44 (0)1234 754034
Fax: +44 (0)1234 752473
EC Officer: H. von den Driesch
Partners: Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Airbus Espania SL ES
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
ESI Group FR
Fischer Advanced Composite Components AG AT
Sicamp AB SE
Sigmatex (UK) Ltd UK
Tono Tenax Europe GmbH DE
University of Latvia, Institute of Polymer Mechanics LV
Huntsman Advanced Composites CH
Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials GR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 101 14/01/08 11:30:05

Strengthening Competitiveness
Advanced sensors and novel
concepts for intelligent and reliable
processing in bonded repairs
Background Objectives
Current economic world conditions The objectives of the project are to achieve:
are forcing civil aircraft to operate well – a scientifically-based assignment of the
beyond their original lifespan, resulting in correspondence between monitored
the need for innovative repair techniques. dielectric properties and actual mate-
The development of high strength fibres rial state (Tg) for the adhesive material
and adhesives has led to the invention of and the reinforcing composite;
new methodology for the repair of metallic – the development of thermo-mechan-
structures by adhesively bonding patches ical process simulation tools vali-
manufactured by composite materials. dated on small coupons to correlate
The biggest challenge in this field is to the internal stress development with
ensure compliance with increased qual- changes in the material state during
ity standards required at their process- repair processes;
ing and retrieve confident results on their – the incorporation of robust optical sen-
integrity across their operational life. sors into repair patches to augment
the information from the dielectric
The field repair is usually performed by
sensors and provide a means of long-
the use of ‘hot bonders’, a self-contained
term repair integrity assessment;
console that applies and controls heat
– an intelligent online process guidance
and vacuum/pressure over a repair patch,
algorithm for ensuring a predefined
primarily through a heating blanket. The
cure advancement and minimum inter-
thermocouple readings from the blanket
nal stress development within the com-
are currently used to assess the curing
posite materials of the repair process;
of the resin, through comparison of the
– a wireless operation of non-intrusive
actual temperature readings against the
dielectric sensors for measuring the
resin curing specification. The hot bond-
material state and the integrity of the
ers cannot supply consistent and even
adhesive material online;
heat over the whole repair, due to several
– a portable repair control console with
inherent factors.
multiple heating zones and blanket-
The main limitation of existing technology mounted dielectric sensors with an
in the bonding repair of aerospace struc- active link to blanket heaters;
tures lies in the inability of the repair con- – an application of laser technology in
trol systems to assess the actual material repair processes (cutting, heating)
state and integrate the available tools and automated treatment of the repair
(simulations, measurements, experience, surface;
knowledge) into an intelligent material- – a multi-zone process control system
based control system. demonstrated on large areas and thick
components, capable of safely guiding
optimal repair processes in terms of
uniform cure advancement and glob-
ally determining the final material


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 102 14/01/08 11:30:06

Description of work Results
The proposed research utilises: The proposed novel multi-zone integrated
– extensively studied and widely appli- process control scheme gains full benefit
cable dielectric monitoring methods; from the use of multi-sensory devices
– expertise in designing durable dielec- and the deployment of existing process
tric sensors for monitoring resin cure, knowledge (including cure and stress
adapted to process the monitoring of development) and enables the in situ
bonded repairs; monitoring of the bonded repair and the
– existing field repair control equipment resulting adhesion quality at any stage in
utilising heating blankets, with the the process, while offering a potential tool
potential to incorporate multi-sensory for non-intrusive structural health moni-
technology. toring.
The development route includes: Given the successful implementation of
– developing material models for the the scheme, the repair process uncer-
cure process and the stress develop- tainty can be minimised or even elimi-
ment; nated, thus contributing to the easier
– enhanced thermomechanical simula- certification and standardisation of the
tion tools with integrated functionality repair procedures. The global nature of
involving temperature effects, resin the multi-sensor and multi-zone control
cure, heat transfer, contraction and scheme allows the single-step repair
compaction; processes. This involves treating and co-
– multi-material process optimisation curing the adhesive and reinforcing the
tools and strategies connected with composite using portable and usable
simulation tools and repair control repair systems, leading to increased
equipment; safety and weight saving in the aircraft.
– designing dielectric sensors with a
The project results resolve significant
down-scaled sensing area according
problems for two groups of end-users:
to process requirements and capabili-
– for the aerospace component manu-
facturers and repair centres: the lack
– enabling wireless capability for the
of standard, online and in situ infor-
non-intrusive dielectric sensors in
mation on and control of the bonding
industrial operations;
process and quality, and
– adapting in-process optical fibre sen-
– for the manufacturers of process and
sors operating alongside the dielectric
repair support systems: the missing
link between the advanced industrial
– a miniaturised process monitoring
simulation and control systems and
modules with fast signal processing
the developing material and process
for integration with the portable repair
monitoring technology.
control equipment;
– an intelligent model-based process
guidance algorithm for single- or
multi-zone heat actuation;
– a gradual integration of the developed
systems towards a repair process con-
trol platform.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 103 14/01/08 11:30:06

Acronym: SENARIO
Name of proposal: Advanced sensors and novel concepts for intelligent and reliable
processing in bonded repairs
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030982
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 2 771 935 €
EU contribution: 1 789 355 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 21.11.2006
Ending date: 20.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Dr Maistros George
Integrated Aerospace Sciences Corporation (INASCO)
17, Tegeas St.
GR Argyroupolis
Tel: +30 (0)210 9943427
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Laser Zentrum Hannover eV DE
Tel Aviv University IL
Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd IL
National Technical University of Athens GR
Short Brothers PLC UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 104 14/01/08 11:30:06

Strengthening Competitiveness
Modular Joints for Aircraft
Composite Structures
Background adhesives allow a much more versatile
application range than film adhesives.
State-of-the-art technology for the
Significant cost savings are obtained
manufacturing of primary CFRP (Carbon
through the option of automation, which
Fiber Reinforced Polymer) aircraft struc-
is heavily applied throughout the automo-
tures is still prepreg (pre-impregnated)
tive industry.
technology. However, investigations have
been carried out in recent years towards
replacing this technology by cost-efficient
manufacturing processes. One of these The technical objective of MOJO is to
processes is the resin transfer moulding develop a material-driven composite
(RTM) process. With the RTM process, dry design philosophy. It combines the advan-
textile preforms are placed in the mould tages of low-cost infiltration processes,
and injected with liquid resin after closing advanced preforming technology and
the mould. Many preform technologies adhesive bonding, with the elimination
are associated with the textile industry of fasteners. The manufacturing risk of
where they have reached a high level of highly integrated parts is reduced through
automation. However, for state-of-the-art the differential design with decreased
CFRP components, the designs are often integration. The principle of MOJO lies in
not driven by the composite materials; the design of CFRP joining elements for
parts are manufactured and subsequently pure shear load transfer; peel stresses
assembled with the use of fasteners. So are generally avoided. The shapes of the
for joining cured parts, adhesive materials joining elements are defined by a number
are becoming more important and paste of standard attachment situations. The

Weaving, tailoring

3D reinforcement


Adhesive bonding

R ou

Skin preform
Pi-sectionproile Skin featuring Veriication

preforms pi-sections structure



H-section H-section Assembly

t py

preform proiles proiles of parts Details


© EADS Deutschland GmbH


Skin preform
T-section Skin featuring
preform proiles T-sections Coupons

Quality Assurance


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 105 14/01/08 11:30:06

final assembly of components and ele- Results
ments is performed using adhesive bond-
Year 1
ing. Tension loads in interfaces (e.g. skin
– Test programme with harmonised test
to spar) are handled using 3D stitching
technology. In combination with appropri-
– Loom operational and ready for test
ate preform architecture and design, high
– Delivery of non-woven preforms with
loads can be transferred without bolts.
H, T and pi-Shape
– Delivery of hedgehog tapes for pre-
Description of work form assembly
– Delivery of skins featuring tailored
The project will focus on the development
of three different joining elements. The
project starts with WP2, ‘Requirements Year 2
and Design’. It gives a direct input of geo- – Software completed for weaving pi, T
metrical and architectural requirements and H profiles
for WP3, ‘Advancement of the Loom’. This – Verified functionality of the loom, now
work package is dealing with the build-up ready for production
of a special automatic 3D-profile weaving – Delivery of 3D woven preforms
loom. – Delivery of skins featuring woven
WP4: ‘Preforming’ will investigate other
– Assessment of textile bonding meth-
preform technologies. Furthermore, 3D
ods completed
reinforcement technologies, such as tuft-
– First components bonded and ready
ing and offline stitching, will be investi-
for test
gated. The preforms will also be used to
– Establishment of a flow model which
validate the tooling and infiltration con-
is verified by tests
cepts developed in WP5, ‘Infiltration and
– Design allowable for pressure-free
Assembly’. The consolidated parts will
bonded composites
be provided for assembly, which is done
– Completion of E, C and D-level testing
using paste and film adhesives. The bond-
ing process is supported with analytical Year 3
and simulation methods. – Drawing set for A and B-level compo-
Further simulation of failure mechanics
– Report on influence of fibre volume
of the interface and the bond lines will be
fraction orientation and crimp of
investigated in WP6, ‘Structural Analysis
woven profiles
and Test’. This work package will also
– Delivery of A and B-level structures
provide the test data as well as estima-
– Conclusion of A and B-level testing
tions regarding cost and weight savings.
– Catalogue of profiles for modular
These data are used for further optimisa-
tion of the preforming process.
– Guidelines for modular joints
WP7: ‘Quality Assurance’ is dedicated to
The main outputs of the proposed MOJO
evaluating non-destructive test meth-
framework will ensure a strong strategic
ods for modular joints. Furthermore, it
impact by contributing to the two top-
addresses the tolerance management
level objectives identified in the Strategic
and possible damage repair scenarios
Research Agenda:
and methods will be investigated.
– To meet society’s need for a more
WP8 is ‘Exploitation and Dissemination’. efficient, safer and environmentally
friendly air transport
– To win the global leadership for Euro-
pean aeronautics by reinforcing com-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 106 14/01/08 11:30:07

Acronym: MOJO
Name of proposal: Modular Joints for Aircraft Composite Structures
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030871
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 731 101 €
EU contribution: 2 545 823 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Dr Körwien Thomas
EADS Deutschland GmbH
(for courier only: Wareneingang Geb 6.1 Ludwig-Bölkow-Alle, 85521
Ottobrunn, Germany)
DE 81663 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 60728722
Fax: +49 (0)89 60732158
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: BITEAM AB SE
Secar Technologie GmbH AT
Royal Institute of TechnologyDepartment
of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering SE
Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials GR
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav CZ
Dassault Aviation FR
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques BE
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures AU


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 107 14/01/08 11:30:07

Strengthening Competitiveness
Advanced Bonding Technologies
for Aircraft Structures
Background est to all. Due to the complexity of this
challenging issue, collaboration on
Aircraft manufacturers identified
a European level with support from
some decades ago that the joining
selected research institutions could
of aircraft structural elements with
be very beneficial.
adhesive bonding is a key technology
to low weight, high fatigue resistance, ABiTAS is therefore clearly contrib-
robustness and an attractive design uting to both the top-level objectives
for cost structures. The early wooden identified in the Strategic Research
aircrafts, the De Havilland Mosquito, Agenda and the Vision 2020 report
Fokker 50, Saab 2000 and the new Air- to meet society’s needs for a more
bus A380 are milestones, which prove efficient, safer and environmentally
a long tradition of adhesive bonding friendly air transport and to win global
in the aircraft industry. However, the leadership for European aeronautics.
adhesive bonding of structural ele-
ments is still restricted, mainly due Objectives
to a lack of universal, economic and
The central target of ABiTAS is the
robust processing techniques. Fur-
development of a more robust, flexible
ther technical progress in this area is
and economic processing chain for the
crucial for increased functional and
assembly of structural elements made
economic benefit.
from polymer composites and titanium
It was identified by different European by adhesive bonding in order to boost the
aircraft manufacturers (producers feasibility of new structural concepts as
of helicopters, civil and military jets) they are envisaged by a number of cur-
that the advancement of adhesive rent European and national research and
bonding technologies is of great inter- demonstrator projects.

Surface Treatment and

Monitoring, Adhesive


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 108 14/01/08 11:30:07

Therefore ABiTAS aims at the following RTD groups, including a university
four major innovations and their integra- from Greece.
tion into one processing chain:
The high complexity of the described
– Reliable, fast and cost-effective pre-
challenges and the limited time-
treatments for polymer composites
frame will force a parallel workflow
and titanium alloys, which assure
and require strong interconnection
durable bonding and which are appli-
between the partners. Starting with
cable for automated processing
collecting, structuring and assess-
– On-line monitoring of the physico-
ing the general and specific require-
chemical state of treated polymer
ments in Work Package 1, research
composite surfaces for more effective
and basic developmental work will
quality control
be performed in parallel in the field
– Adhesive chemistry, which enables
of new adhesive development, auto-
more flexibility with processing and
mated surface treatment and on-line
assembly via bonding on command
sensing of physico-chemical condi-
and the introduction of new material
tions at the surface (Work Packages
2, 3 and 4). The work on surface
– Combination of advanced fit analysis,
pre-treatments and surface sensing
automated bond-line gap adapted
methods will be concerted to form a
application and advanced assembly
basis for the development of a closed
technology, which incorporates tech-
concept for on-line monitoring and
niques for fast fixation and reaction
surface pre-treatment, which is to
initiation to reduce assembly pressure
be further developed and realised
and to shorten cycle times.
in Work Package 5. The processing
technology for the new adhesive for-
Description of work
mulations will be developed in Work
The trans-national consortium of 15 Package 6. Finally the prototypes
partners is well prepared to achieve developed within Work Packages
the objectives. It covers the full range 2, 5 and 6 will be combined into the
of competencies required for all rel- envisaged novel processing chain,
evant topics and is well balanced, due which will undergo a comprehen-
to the involvement of major European sive and critical assessment in Work
aerospace manufacturers, SMEs and Package 7.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 109 14/01/08 11:30:08

Results All these achievements enable the set-up
of advanced bonding processing, which
The outputs of this project are the conse-
allow the integration of processing steps,
quent advancements of young technolo-
reduction of heavy, costly manufactur-
gies like:
ing tooling and a cycle-time decrease in
structural assembly.
– automated surface pre-treatment
– a fast laser triangulation-based fit This will give the European aerospace
analysis system industry the opportunity to supply less
– gap-adapted application system and expensive products than their competi-
new developments like: tors, reduce the direct operating costs
– adhesives, which combine high and thus increase their market share.
strength and durability with flex-
ible processability like improved
wetting behaviour, multiple cur-
ing temperature or a bonding-on-
command functionality,
– a monitoring system for sens-
ing the physico-chemical state on
polymer composite surfaces in an
industrial manufacturing environ-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 110 14/01/08 11:30:08

Acronym: ABiTAS
Name of proposal: Advanced Bonding Technologies for Aircraft Structures
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030996
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 800 000 €
EU contribution: 2 585 600 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: 2
Research domain: 9
Coordinator: Dr Stöven Timo
Airbus Deutschland GmbH
Hünefeldstrasse 1-5
28199 Bremen
DE - Germany
Tel: +49 (0)421 538 6031
Fax: +49 (0)421 538 4482
EC Officer: J. Blondelle
Partners: Airbus España, S.L. ES
Airbus UK Ltd UK
Eurocopter S.A.S. FR
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Dassault Aviation FR
EADS Deutschland GmbH - Corporate Research Center Germany DE
Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials GR
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten
Forschung e.V. DE
ALENIA Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Huntsman Advanced Materials Europe CH
Upper Austrian Research GmbH AT
LLA Instruments GmbH DE
EDF Polymer-Applikation Maschinenfabrik GmbH AT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 111 14/01/08 11:30:08

Strengthening Competitiveness
Automated Preform Fabrication
by Dry Tow Placement
Background Objectives
The content of fibre-reinforced materi- The aim of the project is the development
als, or composites, in primary aircraft of a manufacturing technology for auto-
structures continues to grow and with mated preforming, with a parallel devel-
this growth comes the demand for con- opment of a design capability to match.
tinuous improvements in manufacturing
The AUTOW project will develop the tech-
nology by adapting existing automated
The most common manufacturing tech- deposition capability for pre-impregnated
nology for composites used today involves materials (prepregs) with the capabil-
manual stacking of pre-impregnated ity to deposit dry fibre tows, allowing the
sheets of material, followed by curing fabrication of complex preforms. These
in an autoclave. It uses complex tooling, can then be injected with a cost-efficient,
precludes a high level of part integration automated LCM process. The complexity
and increases assembly effort, making it of the challenge to develop this new tech-
a labour and capital-intensive manufac- nology is in the multidisciplinary approach
turing method. required to adapt, develop and explore:
– machine capability
A novel manufacturing method, often
– material format
referred to as liquid composite moulding
– processing windows
(LCM), uses dry fabric which is preformed
– an integrated design engineering
into the component shape, placed in a
mould, subsequently injected with resin
and cured. The advantages of this process The critical areas that will be developed
are that it is possible to use cheaper mate- are:
rials and simpler tooling. It also enables – advanced machine and materials
cheaper processing and part integration, expertise to develop a material that
thus reducing assembly costs. is compatible with the machine, will
stick to the mould or substrate and
So far, the potential advantages of LCM
allow resin injection in a subsequent
could not be achieved, because preform-
ing is either a manual process or an auto-
– aerospace expertise to determine
mated process with limited scope, such
the scope and constraints of the new
as weaving or braiding.
fabrication capability with respect to
Developing an innovative technology for preform shapes, fibre trajectories and
the automated fabrication of complex pre- processing parameters for relevant
forms would overcome these problems. It applications
could enable cost savings of up to 40% – expertise in material modelling, pro-
in comparison with current technology, cess simulation, structural analysis
due to cheaper part manufacturing, less and optimisation to obtain an integrated
scrap, reduced assembly and increased design engineering approach for the
accuracy. design of components to be made with
the new fabrication capability.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 112 14/01/08 11:30:08

Description of work Results
Machine capability for dry tow placement The project will result in:
will be developed first by carrying out
A new capability for automated preform
adaptations of existing machines. The
fabrication for LCM processes.
machines will then be used to determine
process window and preforming charac- The development of aerospace quality,
teristics. Innovative lay-up tooling will carbon fibre, dry tow material configura-
be developed, addressing the problem of tion with binder, which can be handled by
positioning the first ply. the machine, will stick to the mould and
is sufficiently permeable to allow resin
Material configurations will be developed
and approaches for the activation of the
tackiness of the material will be studied. Processing windows for fabrication,
options and limitations with respect to
The materials will be tested for com-
component shape and tow trajectories.
patibility with the adapted machines.
Subsequently the characteristics of the An integrated design engineering
preforms will be determined: (shape-) approach with software capabilities for
stability for handling purposes, and com- the design of components using dry tow
pressibility and permeability for injection placement.
purposes. A number of preforms will be
A validated fabrication capability for the
injected and cured to evaluate the detailed
fibre structure for modelling injection and
cycle for a representative component.
mechanical performance.
The proposed research will contribute
A design approach will be developed to
towards realising a validated fabrication
match the dry tow placement capability to
technology for automated preform manu-
account for the new options offered, such
facture with advanced dry tow placement
as fibre steering. The envisaged inte-
machines, which, in combination with
grated design environment will not only
automated liquid composite moulding
combine the manufacturing constraints
and curing, enables building compos-
imposed by the tow-placement technol-
ite structures for aerospace vehicles in
ogy, but also fabrication issues associ-
a fully automatic way. This will result in
ated with the resin infusion process.
considerable time and cost savings. The
The new technology will be compared to possible cost reduction will strengthen
baseline technology and validated by car- the competitiveness of the European
rying out the complete cycle of design, Aerospace industry and is in line with the
analysis, fabrication and testing using European Vision 2020.
a suitable component chosen during a
The enhancement of the state-of-the-
art achieved in this project will be sum-
marised, and scope and guidelines for
the new method will be presented as a
manual for future designers.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 113 14/01/08 11:30:08

Acronym: AUTOW
Name of proposal: Automated Preform Fabrication by Dry Tow Placement
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030771
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 842 809 €
EU contribution: 2 427 154 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.01.2007
Ending date: 31.12.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Ir. Müller Marcelo
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium
Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM
NL 1006 BM Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)527 248 792
Fax: +31 (0)527 248 210
EC Officer: H. von den Driesch
Partners: Dassault Aviation FR
Delft University of Technology NL
Hexcel Reinforcements FR
Israel Aircraft Industries IL
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE
KSL Keilmann Sondermaschinenbau GmbH DE
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Universität Stuttgart DE
Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav CZ


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 114 14/01/08 11:30:08

Strengthening Competitiveness
New generation of aeronautical
bearings for extreme
environmental constraints
Background focus on the understanding of degrada-
tion phenomena and the definition of
Bleed systems decrease pressure and
new bearing materials, processes and
temperature to levels acceptable for
designs in order to answer the following
downstream pipes and the air cooling
system. Bleed valves, which regulate the
– corrosion and oxidation resistance
pressure, have a strong safety issue: their
– impact resistance
failure can lead to aircraft depressurisa-
– low friction torque (constant during
tion with the immediate request to land
at the closest airport. In addition to all
– load variation resistance (0 to 5000
the direct consequences on passengers/
crews’ comfort, flight delay and traffic
– taking place in extreme environmental
management, failures have a strong eco-
working conditions with temperatures
nomic impact on airliners: a diversion is
of about 550°C and vibration levels at
estimated to cost up to € 150 000. In 2004,
about 25g. An additional constraint
ten diversions resulting from valve fail-
will be that only dry lubricants will be
ure were reported for the AIRBUS fleet
BEARINGS detailed objectives are:
Valve failures, resulting from ball bearing
1. To better understand the degradations
blockages, are due to fretting and false
encountered in bearings, using recent
Brinelling, known to occur in quasi-static
advances in contact modelling;
assemblies in a vibratory environment.
2. To propose innovative materials (bulk,
Due to the power increase in new aircraft
smart sintered, nanomaterials) and
engines and the extended service life of
adapted processes;
existing aircraft, vibration levels around
3. To propose relevant bearing designs.
engines are becoming extremely strong
(about 25g). Temperatures can also reach To overcome the limitations, BEARINGS
up to 550°C. Systems surrounding engine will introduce nanomaterials in aeronau-
zones are therefore submitted to new and tical applications in order to reach the
extreme environmental constraints. necessary properties in terms of hard-
ness, toughness and strength.
Even if the tendency is to develop more
electrical aircraft, most of the aircraft
Description of work
developed today, based on bleed sys-
tems, will still be in use over the next 20 BEARINGS will reach the objectives
years and these issues have to be solved. defined due to advanced innovations in:
Today’s bearing designs and materials – Tribology
are no longer suitable. – Powder design and manufacturing
– Spraying processes
and because of technological develop-
The main objective of the BEARINGS ments focused on improving:
project is to develop a new generation of – Tribological test-bench capabilities
aeronautical bearings for extreme envi- – Component test-bench capabilities
ronmental constraints. The project will – Valve design integration.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 115 14/01/08 11:30:09

The innovations can be summarised as: – Innovation No. 6: Responsible nano-
– Innovation No. 1: Adaptation and technology approach by using nano-
improvement of a new tribological materials in agglomerated forms to
methodology based on numerical avoid the release of nanoparticles in
modelling, tribological characterisa- the environment which may affect
tion and analyses with the objective human health.
of proposing a bearing generic model – Innovation No. 7: Innovative, smart
definition. nano-composite sintered materials
– Innovation No. 2: A better assess- with dry solid lubricants.
ment of the local contact solicitations
(amplitudes, directions and frequen-
– Innovation No. 3: Measure and intro- BEARINGS provides a unique opportunity
duce new material behaviour laws, to maintain European air systems and
which are relevant to the problems bearings suppliers’ leadership by offer-
with bearings, to greatly improve a ing a superior and affordable European
new tribological methodology. technology, which supports an invalu-
– Innovation No. 4: Improved under- able strategic advantage for European
standing and modelling of the for- airframe manufacturers and airliners. As
mation of the Superficial Tribological BEARINGS will be a technological break-
Transformations. through, they will also have a consider-
– Innovation No. 5: Large degree of free- able advantage on the world market.
dom in designing/conceiving/produc-
Advances in the associated scientific/
ing tribomaterial systems adapted to
technological fields will give a strong
material property expectations.
advantage to the equipment supply chain
and SMEs by improving their own skills


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 116 14/01/08 11:30:09

and developing new ones. These compe- – the sectors which need to find cor-
tences will also be valid for sectors other rosion resistant materials to replace
than aeronautics. chrome VI.
Strong economic impacts are also
expected for:
– the sectors which use solid lubricant

Name of proposal: New generation of aeronautical bearings for extreme environmental
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030937
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 763 023 €
EU contribution: 2 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Structures & Materials
Coordinator: Dr Duquesne Nathalie
Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse
408 avenue des Etats-Unis, BP52010
FR 31016 Toulouse Cedex 2
Tel: +33 (0)5 6135 22 58
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 35 29 52
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: První brnenská strojírna Velká Bítes, a.s. CZ
SKF Aerospace France FR
The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and
Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin IE
Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon FR
Consorzio per lo sviluppo dei sistemi a grande interfase - CSGI IT
MBN Nanomaterialia S.p.A. IT
ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH AT
Instytut Obrobki Plastycznej (Metal Forming Institute) PL
PyroGenesis SA GR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 117 14/01/08 11:30:11

Strengthening Competitiveness

Turbulence and transition
modelling for special
turbomachinery applications
Background Agenda and the Vision 2020 report, TATMo
represents a major contribution to both of
Today’s turbomachinery bladings for tur-
these high-level objectives:
bines can reach extremely high levels
– to meet society’s needs for a more
of efficiency at high levels of Reynolds
efficient, safer and environmentally
numbers. Low pressure turbines (LPT)
friendly air transport.
are operating at low Reynolds numbers
– to win global leadership for European
which make them more sensitive to flow
aeronautics, with a competitive supply
separation and may cause large aero-
chain, including small and medium
dynamic losses. In addition, the current
trend in LPT is to reduce the blade count
(i.e. reduce the weight) resulting in more TATMo will improve calculation capa-
lift on each airfoil. For these reasons, bilities by a better modelling of the flow
special design features are necessary for with and without span-wise roughness
LPT in order to preserve high levels of elements and synthetic jets, which is
efficiency. If the high lift blade philosophy necessary for the prediction of these
is to be maintained, these measures may complicated flow fields and the losses,
need to be reflected in special designs or through improved design tools.
in the application of perturbation devices
An improvement of simulation tools
on the suction side of the blade prevent-
and understanding of the physics dom-
ing or reducing the massive separations
inating the very low Reynolds number
near mid-span.
flows over the compressor and turbine
Within the TATMo project, these measures blades will:
intend to preserve high levels of lift while – enable the designers to reduce the
increasing the efficiency. In addition, the number of engine design iterations
existing database for higher Reynolds by providing the right design the first
numbers, as a result of the Fifth Frame- time,
work Programme project UTAT, will be – lead to more efficient and lighter
extended to lower Reynolds numbers. designs and thus to a reduction in the
aircraft fuel burn which finally cuts the
The performance of compressor blades
emission of CO2.
will also be adressed by lowering or avoid-
ing the detrimental corner separations by
Description of work
means of suction and blowing. Addition-
ally, the effects of real geometry such as The TATMo project contributes to the
fillet radius, weld and wall roughness on above-mentioned objectives of the
the efficiency will be assessed. aeronautics priorities by combining
experimental and analytical studies of
compressor and turbine flows. The most
appropriate test cases are chosen with
In conjunction with the two top-level objec- the help of preliminary CFD computa-
tives identified in the Strategic Research tions.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 118 14/01/08 11:30:11

The investigation for LPTs comprises: be investigated. The test cases, as defined
– a flat plate with a typical LPT pressure in a Computational Fluid Dynamics test
distribution without upstream wakes, matrix, will be verified with the differ-
– a flat plate facility with incoming ent turbulence models. The modelling
wakes, work will be mainly done by the research
– a cascade at design Mach number with establishments and the academic TATMo
and without an upstream high-speed partners, while the verification work is
wake generator. primarily performed by the industrial
The critical Reynolds number is deter-
mined for three designs where mas-
sive separation occurs. All designs have
the same turning but have two different The understanding of the physics of
suction side diffusions and two different separations in highly loaded compres-
pitch-to-chord ratios. sor and turbine blades of axial flow
turbomachines and the assessment of
Benchmark tests for code validation of
the potential benefit of active and pas-
compressors with real geometry effects
sive devices is a prerequisite to reduce
and for the LPT’s very low Reynolds num-
the losses and significantly increase the
ber high lift designs, with and without
efficiency of (low-pressure) turbines and
roughness elements or synthetic jets, are
compressors of an aero-engine. More-
over, the higher possible load of the
To account for specific flow phenomena blades will decrease the weight of the
and roughness effects, a range of differ- engine and hence reduce the specific
ent concepts of turbulence modelling will fuel consumption.
© Courtesy of VKI - von Karman Institute, Belgium

Cascade test section in

the wind tunnel at VKI


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 119 14/01/08 11:30:12

© Courtesy of Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Visualisation of calculation
results: total-pressure
distriution of a flow through
a compressor cascade

The exploitable outcomes of TATMo will – Database and validated modelling of

be: active flow control devices for highly
– Improved aerodynamic simulation loaded compressor blades on the
tools through code calibration and blade and on the casing,
validation against high quality mea- – Derivation of new design rules for
surements, compressor and turbine blades in
– Improved understanding of the phys- the very low Reynolds number flow
ics of low Reynolds number flows, regime.
– New views and insights into a mas-
In light of the arguments elaborated
sively separated flow field by means
above, the TATMo project outcomes will
of newly developed unsteady mea-
have a significant beneficial impact on
surement techniques,
the competitiveness of the European
– Database and validated modelling of
aeronautic industry.
perturbation devices for highly loaded
turbine blades,


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 120 14/01/08 11:30:13

Acronym: TATMo
Name of proposal: Turbulence and transition modelling for special turbomachinery
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030939
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 905 970 €
EU contribution: 2 999 908 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Propulsion
Coordinator: Mr Servaty Stephan
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
Dachauer Strasse 665
DE 80995 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 1489 4261
Fax: +49 (0)89 1489 99977
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: SNECMA FR
Industria de Turbopropulsores, S.A ES
Techspace Aero S.A. BE
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co. KG DE
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. DE
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze -
Dipartimento di Energetica ‘Sergio Stecci’ IT
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL BE
Technical University of Berlin DE
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
University of Cambridge UK
von Karman Institute BE
Università degli Studi di Genova - Dipartimento di Macchine,
Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti IT
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid ES
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 121 14/01/08 11:30:13

Strengthening Competitiveness
Predictive methods for combined
cycle fatigue in gas turbine blades
Background and a similar proportion of in-service
problems. The primary objective of PRE-
The modern gas turbine is a complex
MECCY is to develop new and improved
machine, the design and development of
CCF prediction methods for use in the
which takes many months and costs mil-
design process. These will halve the num-
lions of euros. The European gas turbine
ber of development and in-service CCF
manufacturing industry is under pressure
problems, thereby reducing the time and
to minimise the resources required to
cost required to develop a new engine and
bring a new design to market due to global
reducing the operating costs once in ser-
competitive pressure and increasing cus-
vice. They will also enable the design of
tomer expectations. Accurate design and
lighter, more efficient blades, reducing
prediction tools are key to success in this
engine Specific Fuel Consumption.
In order to develop the new prediction
PREMECCY identifies the field of rotor
methods the project will first generate
blade combined cycle fatigue (CCF) as
high quality material test data. All the
an area where there are shortcomings in
industrial partners are in a position to
the existing industry-standard design and
exploit the resulting methodologies within
prediction tools, and thus where signifi-
their existing design processes.
cant benefits can be achieved.
Rotor blade CCF accounts for up to 40% of Objectives
the total number of issues that arise dur-
The fundamental aim of the PREMECCY
ing an engine development programme
project is to deliver new and improved
combined cycle fatigue (CCF) prediction
tools for exploitation in the industrial
design process. This will be achieved
through a programme of material char-
acterisation and advanced testing.
The current industry standard assess-
ment of High Cycle Fatigue integrity at the
component design stage is based on the
Goodman or modified Goodman (range-
mean) approach. The Goodman method
has been in existence for over a century
and is undoubtedly a valuable tool for the
mechanical design engineer. However, the
demand for ever more powerful, efficient,
reliable and safe gas turbines has led to
a greater and greater complexity in rotor
blade design. This leads to a state of affairs
© Rolls-Royce, 2007

where the number of variables associated

with the true component HCF integrity in
the engine environment outnumber those
considered at the design phase.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 122 14/01/08 11:30:13

To meet these objectives the project will Methods development
carry out the following key tasks:
The industrial partners will identify which
– design advanced test specimens, rep-
modelling approach has the most potential
resentative of rotor blade critical fea-
for application at the component level. Based
on this they will develop advanced engineer-
– define and execute a matrix of tradi-
ing approaches that can be applied in the
tional testing to fully characterise the
design process and that will offer improve-
selected materials;
ments in both accuracy and timescale com-
– modify existing test rigs to allow CCF
pared with existing design capabilities.
testing of advanced specimens;
– define and execute advanced speci-
men testing to explore a range of CCF
mechanisms on life; This programme will yield the following
– develop new and enhanced CCF pre- deliverables:
diction methods. 1. A comprehensive database and reports
characterising the HCF and CCF response
Description of work of three gas turbine blade materials.
2. Validated engineering methods for
The project can be broken down into the
prediction of component HCF and CCF
following sections:
strength and life.
Materials selection 3. New and improved models accurately
describing the behaviour of features
The consortium partners have agreed upon
subjected to HCF and CCF.
three key expanding materials, including:
4. Enhanced HCF and CCF test rigs capa-
1. Titanium, used in IP and HP
compressor rotor and stator compo-
nents These deliverables can be linked to direct
2. Inconel 713LC, nickel alloy used in LP and indirect economic benefits.
turbine blade and vanes
Direct – Reduced development lead-time/
3. CMSX4, nickel alloy typically used in
development cost/engine operating cost,
HP and IP turbine blades and vanes
increased competitiveness and hence
Specimen design market share and improved profitability.
PREMECCY will adopt the aerofoil-like Indirect – Improved airline profitability,
working section that was shown to be increased supplier revenues, reduced
effective in a previous Fifth Framework cost of air travel and other gas turbine
Programme named RAMGT. Detailed services such as electricity, shipping and
design, including the definition of criti- fossil fuel supply.
cal features will be carried out using the
Impact on society includes:
latest design and finite element analysis
Quality of life – improved aircraft reliability
will improve the passenger experience and
Material testing the efficiency of air traffic operations. Sav-
ings are likely to be passed on to the cus-
The reality of gas turbine rotor blade
tomer who will thus enjoy improved service
resonance is that the alternating loads
at reduced cost. Improving competitiveness
are typically generated by a flap or tor-
will also safeguard highly skilled jobs.
sional mode-shape resonance resulting
in a stress field that is considerably more Environment – improvements in the effi-
complex than that generated in traditional ciency of the gas turbine as a result of
tests. In order to carry out a representa- PREMECCY will contribute to a reduction
tive test a more advanced test rig will be in fossil fuel usage and hence in CO2 emis-
developed. sions which are linked to climate change.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 123 14/01/08 11:30:14

Name of proposal: Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue in gas turbine blades
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030889
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 6 729 345 €
EU contribution: 3 708 882 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 31.05.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Propulsion
Coordinator: Mr Webster Adrian
Rolls-Royce plc
65 Buckingham Gate
UK SW1E 6AT London
Tel: +44 (0)1332 243528
Fax: +44 (0)1332 243530
EC Officer: D. Chiron
Partners: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG DE
MTU Aero Engines GmbH DE
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd UK
Volvo Aero Corporation SE
Technische Universität Dresden DE
Association pour la Recherche et
le Développement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels FR
Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic CZ


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 124 14/01/08 11:30:14

Strengthening Competitiveness
Accurate high-temperature engine
aero-thermal measurements for gas
turbine life otimisation, performance
and condition monitoring
Background – Measurement of gas temperature,
pressure, flow and blade tip clearances
Instrumentation is a key generic technol-
at very high temperatures (>1000°C);
ogy in the gas turbine industry that influ-
– Measurement of component tem-
ences the development cost, efficiency and
peratures in the hottest parts of the
competitiveness of gas turbine products.
The very hostile gas turbine environment – Measurement of component vibration
presents unique challenges for instru- on very hot components.
mentation. The drive to greater efficiency
is steadily raising the temperatures and Objectives
pressures in engines, and this further
The objectives of HEATTOP are:
increases the challenge to the instrumen-
– Reduced measurement uncertainty for
tation. The cross sector impact of short-
design validation, enabling improved
falls in current instrumentation capability
engine performance in new products;
was assessed by the Fifth Framework
– Instruments for validation of design
Programme’s European virtual institute
in parts of engines which are inac-
for gas turbine instrumentation (EVI-GTI)
cessible with current state-of-the-art
thematic network. EVI-GTI (www.evi-gti.
com) identified three areas where the lack
– Reduced engine development costs
of adequate instrumentation capability is
through more direct measurements of
perceived to be either holding back gas
key component performance, reducing
turbine engine development, or leading to
the amount of special testing required;
increased uncertainty in design methods
– Reduced cost of product ownership
and component life prediction:
through reduced component life pre-
diction uncertainty and therefore

Sensor Development Immediate benefits Targets achieved




OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 125 14/01/08 11:30:14

reduced parts consumption, and the final specifications will meet the aero
improved product performance giving engine manufacturers’ needs.
reduced fuel burn;
The four technical Work Packages are led
– Sensors enabling better engine con-
by engine OEMs (original equipment man-
trol and monitoring;
ufacturers) or by experienced industries
– Validation of all technology develop-
or research institutes. Work packages,
ments within the project in repre-
tasks and sub-tasks have been chosen
sentative environments to provide
and distributed amongst the partners in
instruments suitable for utilisation
such a way that all consortium work is
within three years.
complementary rather than competitive.
To achieve these objectives within a period
The Work Packages for validation of sen-
of three years, the work programme will
sors in test vehicles will verify if the idea
develop measurement technologies in
behind the development works out. If the
four areas:
prototype rig test of a technology gives
– Quantum step of thermocouple tech-
promising results, the technology will go
nology for use at very high tempera-
into the final engine tests which will be
done on production aircraft engines and
– Advanced, highly accurate, high tem-
power gas turbines.
perature, surface temperature mea-
– Advanced gas path aerodynamic mea-
surements for high temperatures; The expected results are:
– Clearance measurements at high tem- – Understanding the impact of the expo-
peratures for long-term monitoring. sure of new sensor technologies to
very hostile environments, which have
Description of work been previously used in laboratory
conditions only;
There are nine Work Packages in total:
– Reports on rig and engine tests, vali-
four technical Work Packages for sensor
dating the technology readiness of the
development (as listed above) and two
newly developed measurement capa-
Work Packages for sensor validation in
test facilities. The other Work Packages
– Sensor data from in-engine operation
are dedicated to definitions of targets,
including the uncertainty analysis of
coordination and project management,
the results;
and dissemination of results.
– OEMs will use sensors for developing
The four technical Work Packages will be new improved products, and monitor-
performed in parallel, followed by tests ing and control applications to reduce
in rigs and production engines. Although cost of ownership of new products;
there will be sensor development work – Vendors (SMEs, instrumentation sup-
in each of them, they have been set up ply chain) will ensure a rapid commer-
according to the technical problem to be cial exploitation of results by producing
solved rather than according to the tech- and selling sensors to the gas turbine
nology used for the solution. This will OEMs;
guarantee that the focus is on the solu- – Academia will publish knowledge of
tion of the problem rather than on the new technologies to stimulate further
technology only. advances in the field;
– Dissemination of information on
Coordination and project management
technology developments in sensing
will be led by Siemens Power Generation.
technology for harsh environments
The definitions will be led by the European through EVI-GTI open conferences and
leaders in aero engines to make sure that meetings.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 126 14/01/08 11:30:15

Acronym: HEATTOP
Name of proposal: Accurate high-temperature engine aero-thermal measurements for
gas turbine life otimisation, performance and condition monitoring
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030696
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 8 848 004 €
EU contribution: 5 219 660 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.08.2006
Ending date: 31.07.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Propulsion
Coordinator: Flohr Patrick
Siemens AG, Power Generation
PE53 Gas Turbine Diagnostics
Mellinghoferstr. 55
DE 45473 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr
Tel: +49 (0)208 456 4757
Fax: +49 (0)208 456 2714
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: Rolls-Royce Group plc UK
Volvo Aero Corporation SE
Vibro-Meter SA CH
Meggitt (UK) Ltd trading as Vibro-Meter UK UK
KEMA Nederland B.V. NL
CESI Ricerca - Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano
Giacinto Motta SpA IT
Farran Technology Limited IE
Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics BE
Oxsensis Ltd UK
Advanced Optics Solutions (AOS) GmbH DE
Auxitrol SA FR
Institut für Physikalische Hoch-Technologie (IPHT) DE
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of
Cambridge UK
University of Lund SE
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 127 14/01/08 11:30:15

Strengthening Competitiveness
Novel Innovative Competitive
Effective Tilt-Rotor Integrated
Background were conducted such as RHILP, ACT-TILT,
A tilt-rotor is a vehicle which is designed
ies and development were also conducted
to take off and land vertically like a heli-
under national support, more specifically
copter and cruise like a fixed-wing aero-
for the tilt-rotor blade development under
plane by tilting its propellers. The USA
French government support.
has a lead over Europe as the only country
with flying tilt-rotors. Besides generating important knowledge,
these projects have demonstrated techni-
The European rotorcraft community has
cal feasibility in relation to key tilt-rotor
been engaged in studies on the tilt-rotor
specific issues in aerodynamics, dynam-
concept since the mid 1980s, particularly
ics, mechanics, rotor or flight control.
within the EUREKA programme (EURO-
FAR project). This initiative led to further
studies and the bases were defined for
a programme aiming to fly a tilt-rotor The ERICA concept and architecture are
demonstrator by the early 2010s, open- very much innovative for tilt-rotor. Their
ing the way for a possible first commer- implementation requires the develop-
cial aircraft. A research and development ment of new features and achieving tech-
roadmap was defined and progressively nological breakthroughs, as was done in
implemented through several projects. previous EU projects with full-scale man-
In particular, several EU-funded projects ufacturing of a rotor hub and a gearbox,

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


Generic Rotorcraft Research


Handling Qualities RHILP

Interactional Aerodynamics TILTAERO
Dynamics and Noise ADYN

Rotor hub DART

Drive System TRISYD
Flight Control System ACT-TILT
Flying aircraft Full scale integration

Tilting Mechanism
Engine & Nacelle Commercial
Drive System NICE TRIP European
Control Actuators Tiltrotor



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 128 14/01/08 11:30:15



WP6 Dissemination, sustainability and perspectives

Integration of architecture Requirements

WP0 Project management

Integrated design and

installation studies

Development of
representative test items

Evaluation tests

Operational assessment

elastomeric components, mixed metal- – Design of the main tilt-rotor elements

lic/composite material pieces, advanced and their integration environment:
manufacturing processes, optimised rotor fuselage, wing, tail surfaces, nacelle
blades, advanced control features, fly-by- and engine integration, drive system,
wire/light technology, active side-stick, rotor system, flight control system,
enhanced flight mechanics models, etc. hydraulic system, electrical system
and fuel system. General CAD integra-
The NICE-TRIP project will continue along
tion of subsystems.
this innovation track and develop new fea-
– Manufacture and integration of criti-
tures such as:
cal tilt-rotor parts: rotor hub, blades,
– the integration of critical technologies
drive system, drive system housing.
developed in previous projects;
– Design and development of a rig for
– the design and manufacture of full-
full-scale prop rotor gearbox (PRGB)
scale tilt-rotor parts;
and housing testing, and for whirl
– the definition of new generation actua-
tower tests of the integration of rotor
tors (for nacelle, wing, rotor);
hub, blades and PRGB.
– the development of a powered full-span
– Full-scale testing: functional, kinemat-
mock-up (scale 1/5), fully movable;
ics and performance of the critical parts
– the development of new types of test-
(gearbox, input module, blades, rotor
ing rigs to accommodate the novel
hub) under representative hover loads.
features and to produce the much
– Design, development and integration
demanding tilt-rotor environment
of a large-scale (1/5) full-span pow-
(aerodynamics, loads);
ered model for assessing, through
– the analysis of the integration of tilt-
wind tunnel tests, aerodynamic inter-
rotors in air traffic management/con-
ference in helicopter, conversion and
fixed-wing modes.
– Design and development of a full-span
Description of work
modular model (scale 1/8) for evaluat-
The following topics are addressed by this ing the aerodynamic coefficients of the
project: aircraft through wind tunnel tests.


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– Design and development of a small- Results
scale partial model of nacelle, for
The NICE-TRIP results will be:
optimising the interference between
– Research in several topics: flight
nacelle and engine through wind tun-
mechanics modelling, aeromechan-
nel tests.
ics modelling, simulation and com-
– Wind tunnel testing in appropriate facil-
putation codes improvement, aircraft
ities with the full-span modular model.
performance prediction, handling
– Provision of appropriate full-scale
qualities, aero-elasticity and aero-
and wind tunnel data for the assess-
acoustic prediction, stress calcula-
ment of the tilt-rotor flight demon-
tion, materials.
strator and weight/cost/reliability of a
– Teaching and training programmes in
production aircraft.
aeronautics with enhanced tools.
The associated scientific and operational – Exploitation for research and studies
topics are: of the powered full-span mock-up
– Consolidation and validation of com- and ground testing tilt-rotor parts
putation codes: flight mechanics, built in the project.
CFD, aero-elastic, aero-acoustic and – Exploitation for research and develop-
performance. ment of the enhanced testing facilities
– Consolidation of the aircraft char- built in the project.
acteristics and architecture require- – Development of improved elements
ments: aircraft performance, general of traditional rotorcrafts (rotor, drive
design, loads, handling qualities, train) for more efficient and competi-
aerodynamics, dynamics. tive products, including new manu-
– Investigation of the tilt-rotor integra- facturing processes.
tion in air traffic management/control – Development of improved systems for
(ATM/ATC). conventional rotorcrafts (flight con-
– Assessment of the sustainability of trol, actuation).
the tilt-rotor. – Exploitation of an enhanced expertise
– Development of recommendations, in rotorcraft development.
strategies and plans for future work – Pre-certification studies (by rotorcraft
on the way to a flying prototype. manufacturers) and certification work
(by airworthiness authorities).
– Integration of tilt-rotors in air traffic
management and control (ATM/ATC).

Acronym: NICE-TRIP
Name of proposal: Novel Innovative Competitive Effective Tilt-Rotor Integrated Project
Contract number: AIP5-CT-2006-030944
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 38 302 000 €
EU contribution: 19 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.11.2006
Ending date: 31.03.2010
Duration: 54 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Novel Configurations


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Coordinator: Mr Favennec Yves
Aeroport Marseille-Provence
FR 13725 Marignagne
Tel: +33 (0)4 42 85 62 74
Fax: +33 (0)4 42 85 86 05
EC Officer: P. Kruppa
Partners: Agusta SpA IT
Eurocopter FR
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Westland Helicopters Ltd UK
Castilla y Leon Aeronautica S.A. ES
Galileo Avionica SpA IT
Gamesa Desarrollos Aeronauticos ES
Goodrich Actuation Systems SAS FR
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. IT
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH DE
MECAER Meccanica Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Secondo Mona S.p.A. IT
Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas ES
ZF Luftfahrttechnik GmbH DE
Riga Scientific Experimental Centre ‘AVIATEST LINK’ LV
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL BE
Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCpA IT
Fundacion Centro de Tecnologias aeronauticas ES
Deutsches Forschungzentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Consorzio SICTA - Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo IT
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Aerohydrodynamic
Institute named after Pof. N.E. Zhukovsky RU
Politecnico di Milano IT
University of Liege BE
The University of Liverpool UK
Universitaet Stuttgart DE
Politchnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) PL


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Aerodynamic and Thermal Load
Interactions with Lightweight
Advanced Materials for High-speed
Background A wide range of heat-resistant and light-
weight materials is available nowadays
One option for a future air transport system
but their definition and implementation
is the use of supersonic vehicles allowing
requires the availability of vehicle system
to reach the antipodes in a few hours. In
conditions and constraints.
Europe, very limited research has been
carried out in the field of supersonic trans- Indeed, the expected benefits of economi-
port vehicles above Mach 3. Concorde and cal, high-performance and high-speed
other studies on supersonic transport in civil-aircraft designs that are being con-
America and Japan limit the flight speed sidered for the future will be realised only
to Mach 2 to 2.4, which still allows the use through the development of lightweight,
of classical aluminium alloys. high-temperature composite materi-
als for structure and engine applications
For high-speed aircraft, the lift to drag ratio
to reduce weight, fuel consumption and
of the vehicle and the material and cooling
direct operating costs.
issues for both airframe and engine are
some of the key elements which force the While the LAPCAT project investigates
designer to limit the flight Mach number. propulsion systems for flight Mach num-


Creep test facility


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 132 14/01/08 11:30:16

ber ranging between 3 and 8, this ATTLAS techniques based on transpiration and
project looks into the vehicle aerodynam- electro-aerodynamics principles will be
ics and the testing of potential materials investigated.
that can withstand the high heat loads
Combined aerothermal experiments will
encountered at these very high velocities.
test various material specimens with a
realistic shape at extreme aerothermal
conditions for elevated flight Mach num-
The objectives of ATTLAS are: bers. Dedicated combustion experiments
– to evaluate two innovative supersonic on CMC combustion chambers will allow
aicraft concepts that will be able to the reduction of combustion liner cooling
provide acceptable levels of lift to drag resulting in a NOx-reduction and overall
ratios for flight Mach numbers rang- thermal efficiency increase.
ing between 3 and 6,
Finally, a particular aerothermal-ma-
– to identify and assess lightweight
terial interaction will strongly influence
advanced materials that can withstand
the aerothermal loadings. Conjugate
ultra high temperatures and heat fluxes
heat transfer, transpiration cooling and
enabling flights above Mach 3. At these
compressible transition phenomena are
high speeds, the classical materials
investigated and modelled.
used for airframes and propulsion
units are no longer feasible and need
to be replaced by high-temperature,
lightweight materials, with an active The project will result in:
cooling of some parts. – the definition of the requirements
and operational conditions at system
Description of work level,
– the assesment of the performance of
First of all, the overall design for high-
two supersonic vehicles,
speed transports will be revisited to
– dedicated and thorough in-depth
increase the lift/drag ratio and volumet-
experiments performed on material
ric efficiency through the ‘compression
characterisation in combination with
lift’ and ‘waverider’ principles, taking
aerothermal loads and combustion
into account sonic boom reduction. This
should allow vehicle definitions for Mach 3
– setting-up and validating physical
and Mach 6 cruise flights.
models integrated into numerical
Second, materials and cooling tech- simulation tools.
niques, and their interaction with the
aero-thermal loads will be addressed for
both the airframe and propulsion com-
ponents. The former will focus on sharp
leading edges, intakes and skin materials
coping with different aerothermal loads,
the latter on combustion chamber liners.
After carrying out material characteri-
sation and shape definition at specific
aerothermal loadings, dedicated on-
ground experiments will be conducted.
Both ceramic matrix composites (CMC)
and heat-resistant metals will be tested
to evaluate their thermal and oxidiser
resistance. In parallel, novel cooling PATH Structure


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 133 14/01/08 11:30:18

Acronym: ATLLAS
Name of proposal: Aerodynamic and Thermal Load Interactions with Lightweight
Advanced Materials for High-speed Flight
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030729
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 8 430 843 €
EU contribution: 4 776 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Novel Configurations
Coordinator: Dr Steelant Johan
European Space Agency - European Space Research and Technology
Keplerlaan 1
NL 2200 AG Noordwijk
Tel: +31 (0)71 565 5552
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: European Aeronautic Defense and Space -
Space Transportation GmbH DE
MBDA-France FR
Alta S.p.A. IT
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace
Center) DE
Office National d’Etudes et de Rescherches Aérospatiales FR
Swedish Defence Research Agency SE
Gas Dynamics Ltd UK
University of Southampton UK
University of Stuttgart DE
Technische Universität München DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH- Corporate Research Center Germany DE
Université Pierre et Marie Curie FR


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Strengthening Competitiveness
Future high-altitude flight –
an attractive commercial niche?
Background flying vehicle. The correspondingly pre-
dicted financial revenue based on space
It is the SpaceShipOne (SS1) whose
tourism seems to be sufficiently high to
experimental demonstration flights in the
let a niche industry survive (for example
USA have shown that sub-orbital (high-
Virgin Galactic) in the long term. How-
altitude) flight is technically feasible. This
ever, not everybody concerned would like
actually represents the state of the art.
to travel in adventure-like rough style; the
Much more effort needs to be invested to
more flight comfort that could be offered,
advance from this demonstration flight
the better.
to routine and potentially commercial
flights. This is also indicated by the efforts
undertaken by Virgin Galactic to market
and produce SS2. This concerns not only The objective is to identify and assess
technical but also non-technical issues. the long-term potential of commercial
high-altitude flight in Europe for selected
However, at least for the flights to be
mission requirements. Furthermore, it
anticipated, owing to the (comparatively)
is proposed to identify missing develop-
many start-up engineering companies
ments in technology for Europe and to
attempting to provide flight opportunities,
address safety measures, as well as the
the American Authority FAA is preparing a
required steps to satisfy legislation. A
legislation which mitigates and adapts the
corresponding research and development
stringent rules which apply to the tran-
strategy to enable commercial high-alti-
sonic transport. Polling investigations,
tude flights will be worked out in order to
for example by FUTRON, have shown that
secure the international competitiveness
there is a substantial, small community
of European industries.
which would be ready to pay the neces-
sarily high price of the order of about USD While the common understanding of the
200 000 to enjoy the near-space ride in a European community is that sub-orbital

In clockwise direction:
Rocketplane XP, XCOR
Xerus, Explorer C21


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 135 14/01/08 11:30:18

high-altitude flight is technically feasible mission opportunities. This would
within a few years, building on the avail- include the rough costing of a first
able knowledge in aviation, it has never experimental flight.
been proven experimentally. Such sub- 3. To investigate the possibility of an air
orbital flight is also understood to be on launch for sub-orbital flight, includ-
the borderline of space, since the trans- ing the effect on costs in the short and
port of people is approaching the orbital long term, and whether the launching
environment without really entering it carrier could be used for other pur-
fully, in the sense of having to master poses. The task would include choos-
the harsh environment of hypersonic re- ing a launching strategy.
entry into the atmosphere. According to 4. To summarise the experiences gained
reports, the interest in the USA in high- in the work on topics 1 to 3 by per-
altitude flying is very large in spite of the forming a synthesis and attempting a
high price, suggesting a profitable niche roadmap, including a rough schedul-
for commercial flight and triggering inno- ing of necessary events.
vation in small industries to satisfy such
demand. Results
The key objectives are therefore: Available/published approaches for high-
1. assess worldwide activities and define altitude flight have been reviewed, and
reasonable mission requirements; a corresponding assessment has been
2. identify potential problems, technical made. An analysis of potential market
but in particular non-technical ones, opportunities in addition to space tourism
and the missing elements for carrying has been carried out. Descent trajectories
out commercial high-altitude flight; for non-zero horizontal velocities at maxi-
3. propose a way forward to achieve com- mum altitude have been investigated with
mercial sub-orbital flight, including regard to loads on the vehicle and on the
potential self-sustained development people. A tentative list of requirements for
steps leading to human hypersonic high-altitude flight has been set up.
flight, and a funding scenario for an
The following agreement about the major
initial experimental flight.
user requirements for suborbital flight
was obtained:
Description of work
– > 100 km altitude
The topics dealt with in this project are: – < 4-5 z-g mechanical load on passen-
1. To evaluate the mission opportunities gers
of sub-orbital, potentially commercial – Low g-duration > 3 min
flights based on the review of available – Ticket price < USD 200-250 000
publications and existing in-house – Number of passengers < 8
performed work. – Crew necessary ( 1 or 2 )
2. To review the technical and non-tech- – Time to market < 2015
nical elements required for sub-orbital
Introduction of horizontal velocity for
flights, and to identify problems or
added attraction in future transportation.
missing elements/technologies. This
includes the investigation of what has Corresponding technical requirements
to be achieved in terms of legal issues, (e.g. maximum dynamic pressure, real-
and other non-technology topics to istic re-entry corridor, etc.) remain to be
be able to fly, and without too many defined based on the existing preliminary
restrictions regarding flying over land sensitivity analysis.
and inhabited areas. Another topic is
the estimation of costs associated with
sub-orbital flight based on selected


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Acronym: FLACON
Name of proposal: Future high-altitude flight - an attractive commercial niche?
Contract number: ASA5-CT-2005-30712
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 127 784 €
EU contribution: 110 000 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2007
Duration: 12 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Novel Configurations
Coordinator: Dr Kordulla Wilhelm
Keplerlaan 1
NL 2201 AZ Noordwijk
Tel: +31 (0)71 565 4410
Fax: +31 (0)71 565 6615
EC Officer: J. Martin Hernandez
Partners: ASTRIUM ST (HB) DE
Dassault Aviation FR


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Improving Environmental Impact
Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions
Background for improving engine thermal efficiency
and reducing secondary air losses’.
In a modern aero engine, up to 20% of the
main annulus flow is bled off to perform Experiments in dedicated rigs are planned
cooling and sealing functions. The vicin- to validate the design tools and improve pre-
ity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is diction capability of secondary flow systems
characterised by complex unsteady swirl- when interacting with the main gas path.
ing flows which are not fully understood.
Even the most up-to-date numerical tools Description of work
have difficulties predicting the behaviour
Within MAGPI, experiments are planned
of the secondary flow system when inter-
on turbine disc rim and compressor
acting with the main annulus.
manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas
The expected results are a reduction ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling
of cooling and sealing airflow rates, air flow and their impact on turbine and
improvements of the turbine and com- compressor performance, as well as a
pressor efficiency and an increase in the reduction of secondary air losses.
safety margin of the engine components
The experimental data will be used for
by better cooling.
a better understanding of the complex
The targeted outcome will contribute to flow phenomena and improvements of
the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions platform and cavity design. Furthermore,
via reduced fuel burn of 2% to improve the industrial partners will validate their
the environment and strengthening the design tools with these test data and
competitiveness of European gas turbine improve their prediction capability of sec-
manufacturers. ondary flow systems when interacting
with the main gas path.
The project addresses interactions
between the main gas path and secondary The expected technical results are:
flow systems in commercial gas turbines – Knowledge of the interaction phenom-
in a response to Research Activity AERO- ena and its effect on cavity heat trans-
2005- ‘Concepts and technologies fer, spoiling and performance;
© Rolls-Royce Deutschland

Development of reliable aero engines Durable gas turbines


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 139 14/01/08 11:30:19

– Experimental results for validation of The targeted outcome will contribute to
improved numerical tools for second- the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions
ary flow systems; via reduced fuel burn of 2% to improve
– Optimised design methods and com- the environment and thus strengthening
putational fluid dynamics best prac- the competitiveness of European gas tur-
tice guidelines. bine manufacturers.

Acronym: MAGPI
Name of proposal: Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030874
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 6 790 700 €
EU contribution: 4 300 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Emissions
Coordinator: Dr Klingsporn Michael
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
Eschenweg 11
DE 15827 Blankenfelde
Tel: +49 (0)33 708 615 49
Fax: +49 (0)33 708 632 85
EC Officer: D. Chiron
Partners: SNECMA FR
Rolls-Royce plc UK
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd UK
Alstom Power Ltd UK
Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A. ES
MTU Aero Engines GmbH DE
Turbomeca FR
University of Surrey UK
University of Sussex UK
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) DE
Darmstadt University of Technology DE
Università degli Studi di Firenze IT
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid ES


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Improving Environmental Impact
NEW Aero engine Core concepts
Background The existing programmes have already
identified concepts and technologies to
Global air traffic is forecast to grow at an
meet these goals. NEWAC will close the
average annual rate of around 5% in the
gap in the enabling technologies and will
next 20 years. This high level of growth
develop fully validated novel core engine
makes the need to address the environ-
technologies based on the results of past
mental penalties of air traffic all the more
EC projects, which will deliver a further
urgent. Consequently, Europe’s aviation
6% reduction in CO2 emissions and a fur-
industry faces a massive challenge to
ther 16% reduction in NOX emissions.
satisfy the demand whilst ensuring eco-
nomic, safe and environmentally friendly If these results are combined with the
air travel. expected results of VITAL (low spool tech-
nology) and other national programmes,
A first step to reach these 2020 objectives
and the different technology readiness
has been set-up through the Fifth and
levels are taken into account, the ACARE
Sixth Framework Programme projects
targets can be attained at a Technology
targeting noise, NOX and CO2 emission
Readiness Level of 5.
reductions. The recently started VITAL
project is focusing on technologies for
Description of work
low-pressure system improvements to
reduce CO2 and noise. There is, however, The innovations provided by NEWAC will
complementary research to be performed include:
on combustor technologies along with the – Intercooled Recuperative Aero Engine
introduction of new engine configura- (IRA), which includes optimisation
tions to reduce NOX emissions and fur- of the recuperator arrangement, an
ther reduce CO2 to achieve the SRA 2020 innovative duct design and a radial
objectives. compressor;
– Intercooled core, with compact and
Alternative engine configurations conse-
efficient intercoolers, aggressive
quently need to be researched in order to
ducting and an advanced compres-
find a more significant and durable reduc-
sor capable of performing at the
tion of pollution. Such reductions can only
extremely demanding conditions of
be achieved by firstly considering new con-
the intercooled cycle. The intercooler
figurations with innovative components
is also a critical technology for the IRA
and secondly by integrating and optimising
concept which was not developed dur-
these components in new engines.
ing the EEFAE-CLEAN programme;
– Active core, with active heat manage-
ment systems like active air cooling,
ACARE identified the research needs for active rotor venting system, smart
the aeronautics industry for 2020: a 20% compressor casing and active com-
reduction in CO2 emissions per passen- pressor flow control;
ger-kilometre from the engine, whilst – Flow controlled core with outer flow-
keeping the specific weight of the engine path control technology from casing
constant, and a significant reduction of air aspiration applied on blades and
the NOX emissions during the landing and vanes, new advanced 3D aerodynamic
take-off cycle in order to achieve the 80% compressor design and robust rotor/
reduction. stator tight clearance management;


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 141 14/01/08 11:30:20


– Innovative combustors with LPP (lean – SP6 will cover developments concern-
premixed prevaporised) technology ing innovative combustor solutions,
applied for low OPR engines (IRA), with which will complete the work done
PERM (partially evaporated rapid mix- on new core configurations to support
ing) technology for low to medium OPR lean combustion;
engines (engine with active heat man- – SP0, a management and dissemina-
agement or flow controlled core) and tion sub-project, will assure the coor-
LDI (lean direct injection) technology for dination of the work, its dissemination
medium to high overall pressure ratio outside the consortium, and proper
(OPR) engines (intercooled engine). exploitation and technology transfer.
The work in NEWAC is organised in seven
sub-projects (SP): Results
– SP1 defines the requirements for the
NEWAC’s main result will be fully vali-
technologies to be researched and
dated novel technologies enabling a 6%
assessed at the whole engine level,
reduction in CO2 emissions and a further
and the corresponding benefits will
16% reduction in NOX. Most importantly,
lead to disseminating and exploiting
the project will address the particular
the technology plans;
challenges involved in delivering these
– Four sub-projects (SP2 to SP5) cover
benefits whilst simultaneously contrib-
the development of innovative and
uting to the attainment of the ACARE
complementary solutions;
– SP2 is on the Intercooled Recuperative
Aero Engine (IRA engine) architecture All new configurations investigated in
(will provide the next step beyond the NEWAC will be compared, assessed
AEROHEX and CLEAN developments); and ranked according to their benefits
– SP3 is on intercooled high OPR config- and contributions to the global project
uration, which will give the CO2 reduc- targets. Detailed specifications will be
tions associated with very high OPR provided for all innovative core configu-
whilst using the intercooler to avoid rations. As a result, NEWAC will identify
the associated NOX penalties; the technology routes to environmen-
– SP4 is on active heat management tally friendly and economic propulsion
core configuration to reduce CO2 with- solutions. The developed components
out penalties for NOX; will further result in optimised engine
– SP5 proposes a flow controlled core, designs based on the NEWAC technolo-
which is a post CLEAN, new genera- gies, but also in combination with the
tion technology contributing to effi- results of the EEFAE, SILENCER and
ciency gain; VITAL programmes.


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Acronym: NEWAC
Name of proposal: NEW Aero engine Core concepts
Contract number: AIP5-CT-2006-030876
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 75 090 907 €
EU contribution: 40 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.05.2006
Ending date: 30.04.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Emissions
Coordinator: Dr Wilfert Guenter
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
Dachauerstr. 665
DE 80995 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 14894347
EC Officer: D. Chiron
Partners: Airbus France SAS FR
První brnenská strojírna Velká Bítes, a.s. CZ
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of
the University of Cambridge UK
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL BE
Chalmers University of Technology SE
Cranfield University UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. DE
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne CH
SCITEK Consultants Ltd UK
Loughborough University UK
National Technical University of Athens GR
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford UK
PCA Engineers Limited UK
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG DE
Rolls-Royce Group plc UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 143 14/01/08 11:30:21

Aachen University of Technology DE
Société des Nouvelles Applications des Techniques de Surface FR
Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH DE
Sulzer Metco AG (Switzerland) CH
University of Sussex UK
Techspace Aero BE
Graz University of Technology AT
Turbomeca FR
Università degli Studi di Firenze IT
University of Karlsruhe (TH) DE
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid ES
Université de Liège BE
Ecole Centrale de Lyon FR
Universität Stuttgart DE
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard FR
Volvo Aero Corporation SE
Vibro-Meter SA CH
Wytwórnia Sprzętu Komunikacyjnego «PZL-Rzeszów» Spółka
Akcyjna PL
Centre d’Essais des Propulseurs / Délégation Générale pour
l’Armement FR
EnginSoft IT


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Improving Environmental Impact
ENvironmentally Friendly, InterCity
Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells
Background noise abatement regulations are even
more stringent.
Rapidly emerging hydrogen and fuel-cell
power-based technologies can now be
exploited to initiate a new era of propul-
sion systems for light aircraft and small The main objective of the ENFICA-FC
commuter aircraft. In addition, these project is to develop and validate the use
technologies can also be developed for of a fuel-cell-based power system for
the future replacement of onboard elec- propulsion of more-/all-electric aircraft.
trical systems in larger ‘more-electric’ or The fuel-cell system will be installed in a
‘all-electric’ aircraft. selected aircraft which will be flight and
performance tested as proof of function-
The feasibility of this project is dependent
ality and future applicability for intercity
on several key-enabling technologies
aircraft. It will also demonstrate that
including fuel-cell stacks and integrated
noise levels and pollutant emissions can
systems, hydrogen fuel storage and a
be significantly reduced, or even elimi-
safe airport-based hydrogen-refuelling
nated, by more-/all-electric aircraft in the
infrastructure. Another important consid-
air and on the ground.
eration is that it should demonstrate the
path to future economic viability. No other project funded by the European
Commission will give such ambitious
The primary advantages of deploying
results and it will be presented at both a
these technologies are low noise and low
ground level and an in-flight public event
emissions – features which are particu-
within the scheduled time.
larly important for commuter airplanes
that usually takeoff and land from urban A feasibility study will be carried out to
areas. The possibility to takeoff and land define new aircraft propulsion systems that
within the noise abatement regulations can be achieved by fuel-cell technologies,
set for small airfields, in urban areas and (with performance improvements expected
near population centres, will allow the within the next 10-15 years) together with
use of these airfields late at night when other aircraft-based applications.

Commuter Jet (20 PAX)


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From these studies, and combined with
detailed design and published results
obtained from previous projects, scientific
and technological innovations are to be
pursued sequentially through the devel-
opment of innovative technologies in the
fields of more-/all-electric aircraft and
then exploited through the design, build-
ing, installation and flight test validation
of a small aircraft powered by a fuel-cell
system. This will all be achieved within in
the 36-month project duration.

Description of work
1. A feasibility study will be carried out to
provide a preliminary definition of new
forms of aircraft propulsion systems
that can be obtained by fuel-cell tech- INTELLIGENT ENERGY - 12 kWe Fuel cells stack
nologies with the following objectives:
The following items will be pursued:
– identification of requirements of spe-
– a fuel-cell unit will be designed, built
cific applications for regional trans-
and tested in a laboratory ready to be
port aircraft (APU, primary electrical
installed onboard for flying
generation supply, emergency electri-
– highly efficient brushless electric
cal power supply, landing gear, etc.)
motors and power electronics appa-
– preliminary definition of propulsion
ratus will be designed and manufac-
system including: fuel stack (compari-
tured ready to be installed onboard for
son between PEM, SOFC, MCFC, etc.),
hydrogen storage or direct onboard
– an efficiency of greater than 90%
production, fuel-cell system, electric
should be obtained by an optimised
motor and power management sys-
aerodynamic propeller design
– a study of the flight mechanics of the
– definition of preliminary relevant sys-
new aircraft will be carried out to ver-
tems and subsystems; integration of
ify the new flight performance
fuel-cell systems in the pressurised
– a flight test bed of the aircraft, capable
structure of aircraft operational
of remaining aloft for one hour, will be
the main goal of the project to validate
– safety, certification, maintenance and
the overall high performance of an all-
electric aircraft system.
– reliability and maintainability concept
definition; life-cycle cost evaluation.
2. A scale-size, electric motor-driven
In defining the intercity aircraft systems
airplane powered by fuel cells will be
that can be powered by fuel cell tech-
developed and validated by a flight
nologies, the feasibility study will take
into account future generation fuel cells
An existing, highly efficient design of a (with the performance improvements
two-seater aircraft that has already been expected within the next 10-15 years)
certified will be used. The fuel-cell system and will thereby show the technical (and
and the electric motor will be integrated performance) advantages that could be
onboard; the flight control system will obtained in contrast with existing conven-
also be converted into an electric system. tional systems.


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In addition, the feasibility of an all-elec- The other ambitious result will be to
tric propulsion intercity aircraft (10 to present, at a public event within the
15-seater), completely equipped by fuel scheduled time, the flight test bed of
cells, will be studied in order to assess the aircraft capable of remaining aloft
the impact that a more silent and less for several hours, which will validate the
polluting aircraft will have in being able overall high environmental performance
to takeoff and land from congested urban of an all-electric aircraft system.
areas using short airfields.

Acronym: ENFICA - FC
Name of proposal: ENvironmentally Friendly, InterCity Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030779
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 445 400 €
EU contribution: 2 918 600 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Emissions
Coordinator: Prof. Romeo Giulio
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
IT 10129 Turin
Tel: +39 011 5646820
Fax: +39 011 5646899
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd IL
Intelligent Energy Ltd UK
Brno University of Technology CZ
EVEKTOR, spol. s r.o. CZ
Jihlavan Airplanes, s.r.o. CZ
EnigmaTEC UK
Air Products plc UK
Université Libre de Bruxelles BE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 147 14/01/08 11:30:22

Improving Environmental Impact
Environmentally Responsible Air
Background space. Implementation of environmentally
sensitive airspace designs, the provision
ERAT aims at defining solutions that
of efficient flight profiles in the vicinity
can be operationally implemented from
of airports, and the implementation of
2012-2015 to improve the environmental
advanced low noise and emissions rout-
performance of the European air trans-
ings and techniques may all serve to help
port system.The continuing growth in
reduce aviation’s environmental impact.
traffic and the increasing concerns about
the environmental impact pose significant
challenges for the long-term acceptabil-
ity and sustainability of air transport. The Existing RTD, such as the Sourdine and
challenge is to accommodate the forecast Sourdine II projects have developed and
increase in demand whilst at the same established the feasibility and potential
time reducing the environmental impact benefits of new operational procedures
of aviation. (noise abatement procedures) to reduce
the noise impact in the vicinity of airports.
Over the past 40 years, continued techni-
cal advances have minimised the envi- Whilst a significant amount of research
ronmental impact of aviation growth has been carried out, this has been pri-
through the incorporation of technologies marily conducted in isolation and often
that have significantly reduced CO2, noise results in adverse side effects, such as
and emissions. Although there is scope reduced system capacity. To obtain the
for further improvement, technological full benefit, an integrated approach is
developments of aircraft and propulsion required, which consolidates the vari-
systems on their own are unlikely to offset ous strands of research to support an
the environmental impact of the expected environmentally optimised air transport
growth in air traffic movements. operation whilst maintaining, and prefer-
ably improving, capacity.
These technological developments need
to be complemented by improvements The objective of ERAT is to contribute
in the management of air traffic and air- to the reduction of the environmental

Identity and design ATM
operationalmeasures concept
Determine KPA
Determine Select best
(dis)beneits per KPA measures
Describe future Assess (dis)beneits Environmentally
operations incl. through modeling optimalised operation
selected measures and simulation

Description of work SESAR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 148 14/01/08 11:30:22

impacts of air transport in the vicinity of through which the project has arrived at
airports as of 2015 by: a particular type of operations is of itself
1. Identifying and developing operational generic and can as such contribute to the
measures reducing the environmental development of standards.
Bucharest Henri Coanda International
2. Selecting the best operational mea-
Airport (BHCIA) may cover the other end of
sures while taking into account any
the operating spectrum. Experiencing an
trade-off between noise, emissions
8% growth in aircraft movements, it is fac-
and capacity without sacrificing
ing a different set of challenges. BHCIA’s
experience will enhance the understand-
3. Embedding those operational mea-
ing of any obstacles for implementation
sures within a concept of operations
of selected measures at this end of the
for two airports and their surrounding
operating spectrum, thus contributing to
airspace, based on SESAR’s high-level
the selection of those measures carrying
concept of operations;
the greatest benefits over the full range
4. Providing quantified advantages and
of operations.
disadvantages of the selected opera-
tional measures through assessments
using ICAO key performance areas
and the European Operational Con- ERAT will deliver an ‘environmentally opti-
cept Validation Process methodology. mised’ air transport operation addressing
5. Establish an understanding of the noise and emissions at airports and in the
issues involved with implementation terminal phases of flight, demonstrated
by ensuring user acceptance of the through modelling and simulation, pro-
selected operational measures. viding quantified benefits and associated
non benefits.
Description of work
The ERAT project is:
The project is targeting two airport loca- – addressing the issue of environmental
tions, which represent a high and a sustainability and ATM-related con-
medium-density operating environment. straints in the eTMA;
The participation of both National Air – identifying and recommending best
Traffic Services and LFV show that two short-/medium-term operational
suitable sample locations for the pro- measures which will improve the
posed research are available, where, for environmental performance, whilst
instance, London eTMA operations may addressing the interdependencies
represent one operating environment and between performance objectives of
Stockholm eTMA operations the other. A different KPAs;
final selection of the two sample locations – validating selected operational mea-
will be made at the start of the project. A sures in different operating environ-
proper representation of different operat- ments using E-OCVM.
ing environments will be used as the cri-
These results will:
terion for selection.
– help consolidate various strands of
As the effects will be assessed for two research supporting an environmen-
particular locations, the results will not tally optimised ATM;
necessarily be transferable to other – help accelerate implementation of rel-
situations without reconsideration. By evant environmental measures;
seeking both a high and medium density – contribute to SESAR’s ATM master
operating environment the research may plan and help achieve the environ-
show which measures can deliver the mental objective of a 10% reduction
greatest benefits in even the most chal- in the effects that aviation has on the
lenging of ATM situations. The process environment.


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Acronym: ERAT
Name of proposal: Environmentally Responsible Air Transport
Contract number: 037182
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 7 459 857 €
EU contribution: 3 856 352 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.06.2007
Ending date: 31.05.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Emissions
Coordinator: Mr Boering J.H.L.
To70 B.V.
Postbus 43001
NL 2504 AA Den Haag
Tel: +31 (0)70 3922322
Fax: +31 (0)70 3658867
EC Officer: C. North
Partners: Airbus France FR
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre FR
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium NL
Deutsche Lufthansa DE
National Air Traffic Services UK
Snecma FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport RO


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 150 14/01/08 11:30:23

Improving Environmental Impact
Technologies to IMProve Airframe
Background Objectives
During the last decades, the replacement TIMPAN will address airframe noise by
of older jet-powered aircraft by aircraft tackling both landing gears and high-lift
with high bypass ratio engines, progres- devices, which are the two main con-
sively encompassing efficient acoustic tributors to approach airframe noise. The
design rules and noise reduction technol- investigations planned in TIMPAN are:
ogies, has significantly reduced the noise – the development and assessment of
impact from individual aircraft operations innovative technologies for airframe
on communities near airports. However, noise reduction application: a break-
the continuous growth in air traffic makes through technology for source noise
it is necessary to achieve further noise reduction is required to meet the long-
reductions to ensure the air transport term objectives. TIMPAN will rely on
industry’s sustainable growth. state-of-the-art research findings
of disciplines way beyond the aero-
In the report, European Aeronautics – a
acoustics domain.
vision for 2020, a group of people gave
– the improvement of low-noise designs,
their view on the future of air transport:
for generic aircraft components,
very challenging noise reduction targets
were defined; perceived noise levels must

be reduced by 50%, i.e. -10 dB per aircraft
operation by 2020.
To achieve such reductions, all fields of
investigation have to be pursued simulta-
neously by reducing the noise at source:
use new configurations with profitable
installation effects and improved aircraft
procedures around airports so as to limit
the noisy areas to airport boundaries.
In recently designed aircraft, contribu-
tions from airframe noise (mainly due to
the interaction of the airflow with the air-
craft airframe) and engine noise sources
to the overall aircraft noise are quite bal-
anced at approach.
The approach noise source reduction
challenge has to be addressed by reduc-
ing airframe noise to the same level as
engine noise. Dominant airframe noise SILENCE(R) advanced
sources, which are due to the deploy- gear that will be used as
the baseline for TIMPAN
ment of both high-lift devices and landing
gears, are to be considered.


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which will take results from previous Transversally, the technology evaluation
research investigations, such as EC will be performed, specifying the needs
(RAIN, SILENCE(R)), national or com- in terms of integration, cost and per-
pany-funded research projects linked formance, and analysing the results at
to airframe noise investigations. They aircraft scale, if relevant, with the use of
will target shorter-term objectives. three virtual aircraft platforms.
These investigations will focus on prin-
ciples and will be applicable to any type
of commercial/business aircraft, includ- The first deliverable will be the assess-
ing new configurations such as those ment of the efficiency of a selection of
developed in NACRE. Furthermore, the innovative concepts that could be tomor-
approach proposed in TIMPAN includes row’s breakthrough airframe noise-re-
a performance, cost and integration duction technologies.
assessment of the technologies with mul-
The second deliverable will be the
tidisciplinary evaluation.
improvement of proven low-noise tech-
nologies, which will have a direct impact
Description of work
on community noise for short-term new
TIMPAN is organised into three main work aircraft projects (2010-2015), with the
packages: expected reduction of 6 dB for landing
a. Landing gear noise reduction gear noise and 4 dB for high-lift device
b. High-lift device noise reduction noise levels compared to the 2000 state
c. Technology evaluation of the art. In both cases, a technol-
ogy assessment will help to identify the
In both technical work packages (a) and
potential impact of such findings in terms
(b), the work is split between the proof of
of overall aircraft noise reduction, inte-
concept of innovative technologies and
gration, cost, etc., so further research
the improvement of current state-of-the-
needs will be also identified.
art low-noise design.
TIMPAN will benefit European aerospace
Various innovative technologies will be
companies, the academic/research world
investigated, including plasma actua-
and European citizens beyond its main
tion, air blowing, use of meshes for land-
noise reduction objective by:
ing gear, and slat-less configurations
– Increased economic competitiveness
and flow control techniques for high-
of European companies in the world
lift devices. All these activities, led by
research and academic partners, will be
– Enhanced research skills and exper-
achieved in parallel, and conclude with
tise in research establishments and
laboratory tests to measure their noise
academia, through the development
reduction efficiency.
and application of new techniques,
The conventional design tasks include, in which to a large extent will be carried
addition to research and academia, the out by PhD students or young scien-
airframe noise partners from industry. tists
On landing gear activity, it is planned to – Expanded employment opportunities
use the Silence(R) advanced gear as a in the EU’s aircraft industries and their
basis and improve the design, in particu- associated supply industries, includ-
lar treating the currently noisier systems. ing high-technology SMEs
The advanced design for high-lift devices – Noise reduction for populations around
concerns the wing leading edge acoustic airports, and thus improved quality of
liner and the aero-acoustic design pro- life and health.
cess of a high-lifted configuration.


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Acronym: TIMPAN
Name of proposal: Technologies to IMProve Airframe Noise
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030870
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 260 175 €
EU contribution: 2 965 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Noise
Coordinator: Mr Piet Jean-François
Airbus France SAS
316 Route de Bayonne
FR 31060 Toulouse
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 18 53 23
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 18 57 66
EC Officer: P. Kruppa
Partners: Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Airbus UK Ltd UK
Dassault Aviation FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Free Field Technologies BE
Messier-Bugatti FR
Messier-Dowty S.A. FR
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) NL
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Technical University at Braunschweig DE
University of Southampton UK


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Improving Environmental Impact
Cabin noise Reduction by
Experimental and numerical
Design Optimisation
Background However, the development and imple-
mentation of advanced tools for inte-
The reduction of interior noise in aircraft
rior cabin noise applications is severely
and helicopter cabins is a critical aspect
impeded by the current difficulty and
of maintaining the competitiveness of
expense of measuring the sound power
the European aerospace manufactur-
from principle external noise sources
ing industry. Low cabin noise levels are
entering the aircraft cabin at different
crucial for passenger comfort and are a
locations. This information is essen-
consequential factor in the commercial
tial for the validation and calibration of
prediction models and the subsequent
Advanced design tools and prediction development of design tools. There
methods are necessary to reduce inte- are currently no commercially viable
rior noise levels of aircraft and helicopter methods of acquiring this information
designs in a maximal cost-effective way. quickly and accurately. In fact conven-
Accurate and reliable prediction methods tional acoustic intensity or holography
facilitate large reductions in noise levels measurements are polluted by multiple
while minimising extra production costs reflections from the walls and other
through informed improvement of cabin reflecting surfaces in the cabin.
design and the targeted selection and
installation of acoustic treatments.

Link between modelling

and measurements at the
local and global levels
in the advanced vibro-
acoustic design procedure


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 154 14/01/08 11:30:27

Objectives beamforming and scanning laser Doppler
vibrometry to provide acceptable results
Motivated by the aircraft industry’s acute
in a cabin environment in flight condi-
need to validate and calibrate prediction
tions. Specific design of experiment (DoE)
models and advanced design tools for the
procedures for cabin noise measurement,
cost-effective design of low-noise cabins,
and uncertainty evaluation and inverse
the CREDO project addresses the devel-
methods for test-based model identifi-
opment of experimental procedures and
cation for fibrous materials will be also
analytical tools by which the sound power
entering an aircraft cabin can be deter-
mined sufficiently quickly, accurately and As an interactive and mutual develop-
with the necessary spatial resolution. ment, these techniques will be extended
to a global acoustic model of the whole or
Two parallel approaches are pursued. In
a large part of the cabin interior and then
the first, the sound power entering the
inverting from measured sound data to
cabin is locally extracted from local mea-
the required entering sound power (WP3).
surements of the total field by new tech-
This will be achieved with pioneering
inverse finite element implementations
In the second approach, the sound power and groundbreaking inverse simplified
entering the cabin is determined globally energy methods, developed in close con-
through numerical inversions of mea- nection with novel measurement technol-
surements throughout the entire cabin ogy and algorithms, extended from the
using the new experimental tools. At local to the global level.
all stages in the project, the interaction
Subsequently, the developed techniques
between local and global approaches and
will be evaluated inside an aircraft cabin
between measurement and processing is
(WP4), during ground and flight tests. In
exploited to maximum innovative effect.
WP5, these techniques will be employed
in a more challenging environment, a
Description of work
helicopter’s cabin interior, with the aim
The project is divided into seven work of separating the structure- and air-
packages (WP). The first five WPs focus borne paths from the gearbox into the
on research and technological develop- cabin.
ment activities, WP6 is devoted to the syn-
thesis of results and innovation-related Results
activities, and WP7 covers the project
The anticipated results are expected to be
as follows:
After a clear definition of industrial speci- – potential acoustic ground- and flight-
fications and requirements (WP1), the test time and cost reduction of about
basic idea of the project is to develop 25%
innovative experimental and numerical – possibility of generating inputs for
tools and procedures (WP2) for detailed standardisation of flight test acoustic
local acoustic imaging of entering acous- procedures
tic intensity inside aircraft and helicop- – exploitation of techniques in the most
ter cabins, taking into consideration the important and challenging aeronautic
reverberant nature of these environ- cases for both aircraft and helicopters,
ments. This approach employs a hitherto each of them requiring different solu-
unavailable microphone array concept: tions and procedures
the double layer array, together with – direct contribution to noise reduc-
purpose-developed processing and pro- tion and cabin comfort through the
cedural algorithms. The feasibility study improvement of simulation reliability
will be performed using adaptations of 3D and validation levels


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 155 14/01/08 11:30:32

– improvement of acoustic design pro- source at the passenger position;
cesses and of problem solution effi- the sources not contributing will not
ciency through the establishment of be treated, saving weight, costs and
innovative accurate procedures for time)
simulation model calibration (more – application of new measurement
improved solutions can thus be tested: techniques in other fields with similar
possible reduction of noise and weight problems (automotive vehicles, trains,
at the same cost level or vice versa) ships, civil buildings, workplaces, etc.).
– new fast procedures for panel contri-
bution analysis (contribution of each

Acronym: CREDO
Name of proposal: Cabin noise Reduction by Experimental and numerical Design
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030814
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 494 099 €
EU contribution: 2 166 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.07.0006
Ending date: 30.06.0009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Noise
Coordinator: Prof. Tomasini Enrico Primo
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Piazza Roma 22
IT 60100 Ancona
Tel: +39 (0)71 2204441
Fax: +39 (0)71 2204813
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Brno University of Technology CZ
Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S DK
Dassault Aviation FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH - Corporate Research Centre Germany DE
Ecole Centrale de Lyon FR
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Free Field Technologies BE


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Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine FR
Ødegaard & Danneskiold-Samsøe A/S DK
Politecnico di Milano IT
Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’ - Dipartimento di Progettazione
Aeronautica IT
Agusta SpA IT


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Improving Environmental Impact
Market-based Impact Mitigation
for the Environment
Background establish a new and beneficial means of
balancing environmental and operational
Airlines and airports will likely face an
concerns for European air transport. The
increasing number of noise-impact con-
project will also address interdependen-
straints in future. There are already at
cies between noise and emissions with
least 128 airports worldwide with some
the consideration that noise should not be
type of noise surcharges, and the situa-
optimised at the expense of emissions.
tion that the air-transport industry faces
regarding noise-related environmental
Description of work
constraints on future growth is very grave.
As has been shown in other industries, The MIME project contains seven Work
there are conditions under which a mar- Packages (WP):
ket-based mechanism using transferable
WP1 – Project management and coordina-
permits can be used to provide improved
tion, providing management of the over-
control over environmental impacts and,
all project and coordination of the Work
at the same time, allow efficient business
Packages, and reporting to the European
operations. MIME is aimed at discovering
Commission. This Work Package focuses
whether, and how, such mechanisms can
on administrative, financial, schedule and
be used to improve environmental noise
coordination issues. To this end, the proj-
control in air transport.
ect coordinator (WP1 Manager) interacts
with all the project partners, and serves
as the principal intermediary between the
MIME seeks to determine the answers to European Commission and each of the
several basic research questions: partners.
1. How can noise be translated into trad-
WP2 – Noise technology, addressing all
able permits?
aspects of noise metrics and measure-
2. How would such a system be put into ments relevant to the envisioned system
place? of trading and environmental control. This
Work Package focuses on noise technol-
3. Can a market increase the number of
ogy, describes the state of the art, and
viable options?
addresses the key issue of how to trans-
4. How can air traffic management (ATM) late noise impact into noise permits.
contribute to enabling airlines to reach
WP3 – Market mechanisms, addressing
their noise goals?
all aspects of design and evaluation of the
5. Could this add a fifth dimension to the envisioned system of tradable permits. This
International Civil Aviation Organisa- Work Package focuses on economic issues
tion’s ‘Balanced Approach’? arising from the functioning of a noise trad-
able permit market. The validation strategy
6. What is the nature of an appropriate
is defined in this Work Package. To this
regulatory framework?
end, the WP3 manager interacts with other
Successfully answering these questions project partners in order to bring together
in alignment with the evolution of Single the aspects linked with noise quantifica-
European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) will tion, the economic background and view-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 158 14/01/08 11:30:33

point of the different market actors, and Results
the needs in terms of combined ATM, noise
The MIME project will provide the follow-
and business case simulations.
ing results:
WP4 – Simulation and analysis, address- – a system of transferable airline-based
ing the simulation and analysis of the noise permits;
envisioned mechanisms in their operation – a method of implementation of noise
with the broader air-transport system. permits and the means by which the
This Work Package focuses on simulation chosen system would be equitably put
and analysis, and describes which simu- into place at an airport;
lation capabilities are required and how – requirements for tools for calculating
they will be used to perform a number airline noise permit use;
of case studies addressing noise impact, – an analytic framework that would
permits and the permit-trading market. enable a single airline to understand
the operation of this market and the
WP5 – Implementation framework, address-
value of such noise permits;
ing the means of implementation of the envi-
– tools to enable airport situations to be
sioned system, including regulatory matters.
judged as advantageous (or not) for
This Work Package focuses on developing a
such market-based approaches;
workable implementation and regulatory
– propositions for enabling uniform
framework, building on the outputs from
implementation of the chosen noise
WP2, 3 and 4.
permit system at European airports;
WP6 – Scientific coordination, ensures – the regulatory framework that would
that coordination is maintained between establish and govern this system.
Work Packages 2-5 and that input from
the scientific community is sought and
integrated into the project. Whereas WP1
deals with the management of the con-
sortium and reporting to the commission,
WP6 deals with managing the scientific
content of the project within the Work
WP7 – Dissemination, addressing dis-
semination of project progress and results
to all relevant stakeholders. This Work
Package ensures a wide understanding of
the aims and objectives of MIME among
stakeholders during the lifetime of the
project, and a broad knowledge among
these stakeholders of the final results
and benefits of MIME.


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Acronym: MIME
Name of proposal: Market-based Impact Mitigation for the Environment
Contract number: 037060
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 458 740 €
EU contribution: 2 579 996 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.05.2007
Ending date: 30.04.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Noise
Coordinator: Javier Garcia
Boeing Research and Technology Europe S.L.
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Boeing Research and Technology Europe ES
QinetiQ UK
University of Leeds UK
Technical University Munich DE


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Improving Environmental Impact
Aircraft external noise research
network and coordination
Background lenges set by the ACARE 2020 Vision. To
this end, the objectives are:
Despite very significant technology
– to evaluate EC-funded project results
improvements over the past 20 years and
and assess their contribution to the
attention being paid to other environ-
state of the art;
mental impacts, aircraft noise remains
– to formulate, through the develop-
a major problem in Europe. This has to
ment of common strategies and
be solved by the air transport industry as
complementarity with national activi-
a whole so as to deal with the expected
ties, priorities and key topics for future
growth. Stakeholders and policy-makers
projects aimed at noise reduction at
are faced with the particular challenge
source, and at improved understand-
that, while noise reduction at source has
ing of the impact of aircraft noise in
generally been progressing well, particu-
the community;
larly with the evolution of engine concepts,
– to identify potential reinforcement of
there is a need for an economically viable
future project partnerships through
but continuously quieter airline fleet to
expertise mapping, to foster new col-
accommodate the expected traffic growth
laborations and promote novel ideas;
without adverse environmental impact.
– to ensure dissemination and exploitation
In practice, this calls for new, more of anticipated technology breakthroughs
encompassing systemic approaches, and scientific developments, includ-
underlining that, associated with the suc- ing providing technical information for
cessful development of novel technology regulatory bodies and policy-making
by manufacturers, additional elements agencies to make them aware of prog-
have to be taken into consideration for ress made in aircraft noise research;
noise source reduction to meet its goals – to contribute to an improved integra-
and play its full role in the face of expected tion of the European aircraft noise
future air transport developments. research community through a net-
work of national focal points, including
Coordinating aircraft noise research at
the development of local networks in
EU level thus implies the need to maintain
new EU Member States to foster par-
a competitive position in a technical area
ticipation in future projects.
where European manufacturers have
always held a leading position. The spe-
Description of work
cific European context with higher soci-
etal demands requesting new, efficient X3-NOISE involves 32 partners from 20
ways of managing the community impact countries and is organised around five
also needs to be considered. technical Work Packages (Reduction of
noise at source, Management of noise
impact, Scientific dissemination, Com-
munication and feedback, Network sup-
The X3-NOISE Coordination Action, port and Coordination). The project work
through its network structure and com- plan will:
prehensive work plan involving expert – establish detailed research plans to
groups, scientific workshops, stakeholder support the ACARE Strategic Research
seminars and a common information sys- Agenda by means of dedicated road-
tem, will address the aircraft noise chal- maps;


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The expected results are:
– successful implementation of tech-
nology development priorities associ-
ated with improvement of appropriate
research infrastructure;
– regularly updated technology sta-
tus documents, including technology
prospects and readiness levels;
– successful implementation of priori-
ties aimed at harmonised environmen-
tal planning tools and instruments,
including the evaluation of noise/
emission interdependencies;
– clarification of aviation situation vs.
the END directive from a technical
– active technical debate to stimulate
elaboration of research strategies in
specific areas;
– widespread information on aircraft
noise-related programmes and devel-
– investigate key enabling issues through – continuation of international exchanges
ad hoc task groups (computing capac- leading in particular to the presentation
ity, noise emissions tradeoffs, experi- of a worldwide technology status within
mental benchmarks); ICAO CAEP;
– seek constructive debates to address – better coordination of expertise at
forward-looking issues (stakeholders’ national and regional level (TTC), so
seminars on environmental inter- that added-value contributions to EC
dependencies, noise mapping tech- projects are more clearly identified
niques, technology status and green around a common set of well dissemi-
airport concept); nated priorities and objectives;
– ensure dissemination through an – better identification and exploitation of
annual thematic scientific workshop; national upstream research in coordi-
– pursue active collaboration with other nation with EC projects;
environmental networks such as – structured development of local net-
AERONET, ECATS and CALM; works in new EU Member States in
– implement a network of national focal order to foster participation in future
points over most of the EU-27. projects;
– development of co-operation with NIS
An advisory board, made up of aviation
and Mediterranean INCO regions as
stakeholders’ representatives, will pro-
well as South America.
vide feedback on potential developments
in the environmental domain.
The international co-operation aspects
of the research agenda to be developed
through the project activity are further
reinforced by the participation of three
partners, from Ukraine, Egypt and Brazil,
acting as focal points at regional level.


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Acronym: X3-NOISE
Name of proposal: Aircraft external noise research network and coordination
Contract number: 030840
Instrument: CA
Total cost: 1 880 000 €
EU contribution: 1 880 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 31.05.2010
Duration: 48 months
Objective: Environment
Research domain: Noise
Coordinator: Mr Collin Dominique
Site du villaroche - Rond-point René Ravaud
FR 77550 Moissy Cramayel
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 59 73 96
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 59 78 53
EC Officer: D. Chiron
Partners: Airbus S.A.S. (Airbus Central Entity) FR
Rolls-Royce plc UK
ANOTEC Consulting, S.L. ES
Airbus UK UK
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium NL
Free Field Technologies BE
Manchester Metropolitan University UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, e.V. DE
Zara web services FR
Airbus France FR
A2 Acoustics AB SE
Swedish Defence Research Agency SE
To70 B.V. NL
Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. IT
Dornier GmbH DE
University of Southampton UK
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Institute of Aviation (Instytut Lotnictwa) PL
Integrated Aerospace Sciences Corporation GR


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National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines -
Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU
Czech Technical University in Prague CZ
Vilnius Gedimino Technical University Institute of
Thermal Insulation LT
The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and
Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin IE
Instituto Superior Técnico PT
Laboratoire d’Electromagnétisme et d’Acoustique - Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne CH
National Aviation University, Department of Safety of Human
Activities, Centre of Environmental problems of the airports UA
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering - ASU Sound and
Vibration Lab., Department of design and production engineering EG
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical engineering,
laboratory of acoustics and vibration BR
Teuchos Exploitation, Direction des études Division Nord FR


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Autonomous Damage Detection
and Vibration Control Systems
Background – data are collected and analysed both
locally and globally and the severity of
Some technologies and prototypes exist
damage is determined by a self-learn-
today for either damage detection or
ing system.
vibration damping but which are not able
to combine both tasks under the same
system. In addition, very few systems can Objectives
perform the work in real time during the
The global objective of ADVICE is to
service life of the protected structure,
design, model, develop and validate a
without having to resort to dynamically
smart wireless network of self-powered
intruding instrumentation and sacrifices
devices that can be used for the simul-
in the electrical power of the structure.
taneous damping of structural vibrations
The majority of existing technologies and detection of damage in airplane and
rely on retrofits of the damage detection helicopter structures. The project concept
and vibration control systems, usually is illustrated in the Figure.
constrained by existing designs and are
ADVICE incorporates the following tech-
therefore not optimising the locations
nical objectives:
and performance of their corresponding
– to use the vibrations of the structure
as an energy source for the actuators,
The technology of ADVICE will overcome sensors and other electrical loads.
the shortcomings of existing fragmented This will induce significant space and
approaches and will supply combined weight savings compared with various
damage detection and vibration damp- existing smart systems
ing, a self-powered, wireless data trans- – to manage the sensor data collection
mitting system optimised for the location through a smart RF network
and whose effect on the dynamics of the – to address several monitoring strate-
protected structure will be known and gies aiming at defining new condition-
controlled. based maintenance programmes and
inspection procedures
Indeed, compared with completed and
– to investigate the robustness of the
current European projects with similar
system thoroughly, including the
objectives and addressing similar issues,
structural integrity of the device itself
the ADVICE project presents the following
and of the interface between the device
differences, listed by order of originality:
and the support made of composite
– it tackles the problem of power supply
for the network of sensors
– in terms of damage evolution, to
– it incorporates vibration damping and
couple both vibration damping and
damage detection at the same time,
real-time monitoring towards a syn-
which is very beneficial from the point of
ergetic mechanism between delaying
view of probabilistic fracture analysis
the occurrence of critical damage and
– the data collection is ensured through
accelerating its detection.
a reliable network which operates with
minimum energy and RF pollution Among the ADVICE benefits, we can high-
– ADVICE sets the focus on the struc- light:
tural integrity of the actuators, sen- – the definition of custom-tailored main-
sors and interfaces tenance programmes


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– an increase in the lifetime of the parts the delivery of recommendations for SYS-
and of the vehicle. TEM integration.
All these elements help to reduce the total
WP4 is concerned with the integration,
ownership cost while being a major contri-
reliability and safety assessment, testing
bution to the aircraft safety and reliability.
and validation of the system. The vibration
damping and damage detection efficien-
Description of work
cies of a set of VDCus on a simple struc-
The project is divided into four technical ture are evaluated.
Work Packages (WP).
Among the technical innovations, the
WP1 is mainly concerned with specifica- following advances can be highlighted:
tions of the target applications, definition of optimisation of semi-passive damping
the basic and performance requirements systems, on chip energy conversion and
of the autonomous damage detection and regulation from SOI technology, optimised
vibration control system, and specification network topology and management, ultra
of the test applications for validation. It low energy components, simulation of the
also includes an exhaustive technological structural integrity of the system, etc.
review and the evaluation of the economi-
cal impact of structural health monitoring Results
on the total cost of ownership.
The major deliverables of the project are:
WP2 gathers the tasks dedicated to the – a complete and operational autono-
design of the vibration and damage con- mous damage detection and vibration
trol units (VDCus), of the smart RF net- control system with several VDC units
work and of other hardware and software, (illustrated in Figure 2), associated RF
including the central treatment station. network, central station, data treatment
WP2 is also concerned with the definition software, management APIs, etc.
of measurement/structural health moni- – optimised and validated components
toring strategies. (semi-passive piezoelectric patch,
semi-passive visco-elastic constrained
WP3 consists of the development and
layer, on-chip energy management
manufacture of the system and leads to
module from SOI technology, Lamb

Piezoelectric Generator II Damping and Power Module

Piezoelectric Actuator I Energy conversion and regulation Energy storage (battery)


Damping System III

Additional treatment Signal processing Additional Additional

CPU, A/D & D/A converters, treatment treatment
Digital I/O, Flash memory,…

(PZT transceiver, Additional
RF transceiver
strain gauges, other) treatment Additional

View of a vibration Sensing Module Signal Processing & Transmission Module

and damage
control unit To gateway/router


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Wave transmitters and receivers, RF – a list of recommendations for the
transmission module, etc.) integration and use of VDC units.
– a review of the structural health mon- The project is carefully evaluated using a
itoring strategies and their technical ‘success measurement table’.
and economical impact

Acronym: ADVICE
Name of proposal: Autonomous Damage Detection and Vibration Control Systems
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030971
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 072 456 €
EU contribution: 1 758 029 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Accident Prevention
Coordinator: Dr Nawrocki Anne
Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL (CENAERO)
Avenue Jean Mermoz 30
Bâtiment Mermoz 1 - 2ème étage
BE 6041 Gosselies
Tel: +32 (0)71 91 93 50
Fax: +32 (0)71 91 93 31
EC Officer: P. Kruppa
Partners: CISSOID S.A. BE
DDL Consultants FR
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Corporate Research Center Germany DE
Aernnova Engineering Solutions S.A. ES
Goodrich Actuation Systems S.A.S. FR
Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd IL
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon FR
Spolka Akcyjna PL
Université Catholique de Louvain BE


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Cellular Structures for Impact
Background In the longer term the aircraft industry
sees a potential for twin-walled sandwich
The use of composite materials and new
structures due to their much higher shell-
metal alloys in aircraft structural com-
bending stiffness than single skin designs
ponents has grown steadily with each
and far higher strength/weight ratios. They
generation of aircraft. The development
would allow novel highly efficient fuselage
of a complete pressurised fuselage in
concepts without stringers and with much
composites or hybrid metal/composites
larger frame spacings, and would also
represents a big challenge, particularly
be appropriate for next-generation air-
because of increased vulnerability of
craft concepts such as the blended wing.
these materials to impact threats.
Current aircraft sandwich structures are
The big jump in technology needed for the particularly vulnerable to impact dam-
realisation of a new fuselage for the next- age, due to their thin composite skins and
generation Airbus requires new production low-strength honeycomb or polymer foam
technologies and materials for integrated cores. Thus for efficient lightweight future
structural concepts. Current concepts for aircraft structures there is a requirement
fuselage structures introduce composites now to develop new sandwich materials
in the fuselage barrel with conventional concepts with improved impact resis-
frame/stringer concept monolithic skins. tance.

© University of Stuttgart

Folded core composite

structural element


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© University of Liverpool

Cellular metal lattice

structure by selective
laser melting

Objectives design and analysis will be developed.

CELPACT will develop improved design
The scientific and technological objec-
techniques for sandwich structures based
tives of CELPACT are the development of
on advanced computational tools. Pro-
new sandwich material concepts for pri-
totype structures will be fabricated and
mary aircraft structures with higher per-
tested under high-velocity impact condi-
formance low-weight cores designed to
tions in order to validate design concepts,
enhance impact resistance. The new core
and material parameters will be experi-
materials to be investigated include folded
mentally derived as input to the simula-
composite elements, low-weight metal
tion software.
honeycombs and lattice structures. Sand-
wich structures with composite skins are
expected to be used in fuselage barrels; Description of work
however, in highly critical impact-loaded
CELPACT will develop new manufacturing
regions, such as wing leading edges and
techniques for both composite hybrid and
front cockpit panels, there is interest in
metal cellular materials and structures.
metal-skinned sandwich structures.
Candidate materials and geometries
To meet these technological objectives, defined are cellular hybrid composites
CELPACT will employ advanced manu- (CHC) with folded composite core struc-
facturing techniques for novel cellular tures, and cellular metal (CM) with closed
material designs at the micro scale, in cell and lattice cores. Open lattice geom-
order to improve structural performance etry CM cores will be fabricated by selec-
for strength/weight, fatigue resistance, tive laser melting (SLM) using aluminium,
damage tolerance and crashworthiness. stainless steel and titanium for the core
Physical phenomena associated with materials. Folded composite core struc-
impact damage and progressive collapse tures will be fabricated in a new continu-
of such structures are complex, and theo- ous folding process using aramid fibre
retical models and simulation tools for paper pre-impregnated with epoxy resin.


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Initial folding patterns to be investigated Results
will be V-form zigzag geometry, which
CELPACT will provide new technolo-
gives an open cellular structure.
gies for airframes which will facilitate
The key to the design of improved cellular novel aircraft configurations. They will
materials is modelling and simulation. be based on advanced twin-walled struc-
Methods will be developed based on cell tural concepts, using advanced compos-
micromodels for optimising cell geom- ite and metallic cellular structures as
etries, together with homogenised mod- core materials and leading to structural
els and multiscale code developments weight reduction in airframes.
for impact modelling in larger sandwich
New advanced manufacturing processes
will be developed and refined for cellular
The structural case selected for study metal structures using selected laser
is foreign object impact damage from melting technology, and for continuous
impactors such as bird strikes on CM fabrication of folded hybrid composite
panels and tyre rubber or runway debris core structures. Concepts will be dem-
impacts on CHC twin-skinned structures. onstrated for lightweight structures with
Structural tests will focus on gas gun and improved impact resistance. These mate-
drop tower impact tests on generic struc- rial developments have strong potential
tures. Validation studies will assess the outside the aerospace industry such as
technology developments, verify the sim- filter technology and medical implants
ulation and design methods by detailed for CM structures, and boat hull and
comparison of impact damage predic- vehicle structures for CHC materials.
tions with test results, and finally make
New design methods for advanced sand-
recommendations for aircraft design-
wich structures will be validated, based
ers. CELPACT will conclude with final
on new simulation tools which combine
assessment reports and design guides
multiscale modelling with microscale
for aircraft industry users, the ‘Road map
cell models. They may be used to opti-
to application’ reports and a final work-
mise structural concepts for improved
behaviour under complex load systems
such as impact and crash loads.


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Acronym: CELPACT
Name of proposal: Cellular Structures for Impact Performance
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-031038
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 109 000 €
EU contribution: 2 430 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Accident Prevention
Coordinator: Dr Johnson Alastair
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt eV
Institute of Structures and Design
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40
DE 70569 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 (0)711 6862 297
Fax: +49 (0)711 6862 227
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: University of Liverpool UK
The Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University of Oxford UK
Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials GR
Aachen University DE
ENS Cachan FR
University of Stuttgart DE
Brno University of Technology CZ
Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Alma Consulting Group S.A.S. FR


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Landing software for small
to medium-sized aircraft on small
to medium-sized airfields
Background – stage 1 software, based on input of
digital information of the ambient
Small to medium-sized aircraft are not
space, available through commercial
usually equipped with the latest expen-
off-the-shelf (COTS) 3D digital maps,
sive aviation technology. In parallel, small
satellite data and elevation data;
to medium-sized airports are also not
– stage 2 software, based on medium
always equipped with the latest airport
resolution input of the larger field
landing-guidance technology, such as
ILS. The small to medium-sized aircraft
– stage 3 software, based on high resolu-
business is expanding rapidly, so there
tion 3D geographical information sys-
is an emerging need to develop low-cost
tem (GIS) data including all obstacles
and effective technologies that are inex-
as input of the closer field vicinity;
pensive whist providing additional added
– software for the integration of the
assistance to pilots, such as landing dur-
above components, providing the air-
ing difficult weather. Such a pilot product
craft position within the digitally rep-
will be produced by LANDING.
resented space;
– 3D-visualisation software of the inte-
grated flight guidance information on
LANDING will deliver a low-cost soft- the hardware;
ware product assisting pilots of small to – the required approach from 3D-da-
medium-sized aircrafts to land safely on tabases and a high resolution digital
small and poorly equipped fields, in bad airport database.
weather and low-visibility conditions.
A pilot can use LANDING for additional Results
guidance during the three phases of the
LANDING components run on COTS hard-
landing process: the ‘approaching’ phase,
ware onboard, which can be portable or
the ‘tunnelling’ phase and the ‘runway’
there is the possibility of it being panel-
phase. LANDING thus offers integral
mounted computing equipment (e.g.
software at a pre-industrial level as an
pen-PC or Figure 2a) with a fast rendering,
‘add-on’ for safety, which is loaded on
including a display for 3D-visualization.
‘portable’ aircraft hardware navigation
The software is platform-independent.
The 3D terrain and other airport, field or
terrain data are pre-installed on the hard-
Description of work
ware. LANDING is cost-efficient since it is
LANDING will integrate seven software addressed to small or business aircrafts,
and data components: hydroplanes and helicopters, and deliv-
– the geo-referenced position of the air- ers software development, applications,
craft with the use of satellite and other dissemination and material for possible
data; future certification.


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Acronym: LANDING
Name of proposal: Landing software for small to medium-sized aircraft on small to
medium-sized airfields
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030905
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 1 613 000 €
EU contribution: 983 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.01.2007
Ending date: 31.12.2008
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Accident Prevention
Coordinator: Prof. Bonazountas Marc
Epsilon GIS Technologies SA
Monemvasias 27
GR 15125 Maroussi
Tel: +30 (0)210 6898615
Fax: +30 (0)210 6821220
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: Aeroservices SA GR
Airport Authority of Bolzano, ICAO: LIPB Ente Nazionale per
l’Aviazione Civile IT
Aschenbrenner Geraetebau GmbH DE
Delft University of Technology NL
Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH AT
Lugano Airport CH
Technische Universität München DE
TopoSys Topographische Systemdaten GmbH DE
Suediroler Transportstrukturen AG (STA) IT


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
helicoPter and aEronef naviGation
Airborne SystEms
integrity in the final zone for fixed and
rotary-wing aircraft, which when imple-
Approaches, landings and take-offs or, mented correctly can result in:
more generally, manoeuvres or naviga- – airport application without the need
tion in the terminal zone, are among the for ground-based precision landing
most critical tasks in aircraft operation. installation systems,
– improved pilot confidence during both
Today, the only certified navigation sys-
landing and take-off,
tem available for landings, ground rolls
– reduced workload for the crew,
and take-offs are the ILS and MLS which
– reduced environmental impact through
require heavy airport infrastructures.
improved procedures,
However, there has been a recent trend
– reduced fuel consumption through
towards the GNSS systems but these
shorter waiting patterns,
do not have the necessary integrity. This
– a system not susceptible to jamming/
clearly highlights the unmet need for new
systems which could either replace or
complement the existing systems.
Users and operators of aerospace trans-
port expect improved all-weather opera- The purpose of the PEGASE project is to
tions and safer operations at an affordable prepare the development of an autono-
cost. Easier and more efficient proce- mous (no external assistance or ground
dures in the terminal area’s final zone equipment required), all-weather, locali-
will contribute to meet such expectations. sation and guidance system based upon
PEGASE will introduce cost-effective the correlation between vision sensor
higher levels of navigation accuracy and outputs and a ground reference database.

Computed image Accurate localisation

Sensed Tracking I1
Onboard Computed features image
database ON Guidance
BOARD Servoing I2
System Platform

BOARD Oline creation
of the on board NavAid system
Database I3 Conceptual view


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This innovative NavAid system is intended The goal of WP3 is focused on one of the
for use onboard in fixed as well as rotary key technology of the project: the imag-
wing aircraft. ing sensor, which may be in the form of
a CCD camera, infrared camera, laser
The applications of such a NavAid System
active imaging, SAR imaging, fused sen-
are twofold and can be considered either
sors (electromagnetic and/or optronic
as a primary means of navigation to pro-
sensor), etc.
vide guidance to the aircraft for opera-
tion on any helipad/runway without any WP4 will continuously and incrementally
external assistance or ground equipment, develop a shared simulation framework
or as a supplementary mean of naviga- based upon existing tools. It will provide
tion, i.e. a system used in correlation with to the partners:
other means such as ILS/MLS or GBAS/ – a clear understanding of the specifica-
SBAS, in order to improve the integrity tions and requirements,
and potentially the accuracy of the total – a clear understanding of the models,
navigation system. – the possibility to test the models within
an existing simulation,
Once the feasibility has been demon-
– to delivery of the models.
strated and the constraints relative to
the implementation have been identi- WP5 will compare different data sources
fied in this project, the definition and and their qualities and refine quality
development of a proof of concept will metrics, taking into account the metrics
be necessary. The application of the needed for safe aircraft navigation.
system is anticipated in concordance
WP6 will develop new methods in image
with the Single European Sky master
processing, visual tracking and visual
plan (ATM 2000+, SESAR) in the period
serving to implement the functionalities
required in the PEGASE Navaid system.
WP7 will assess the functionalities of the
Description of work
designed PEGASE NavAid System in the
PEGASE is a feasibility study of a new nav- reference simulations.
igation system which will allow a three-
dimensional, truly autonomous approach
and guidance for airports and helipads,
and improve the integrity and accuracy The NavAid System will contribute to the
of GNSS differential navigation systems. enhancement of the state of the art by:
This new navigation system relies on – Increasing operations in all weather
three key technologies: conditions/night and day (for instance,
– the specification of a reliable ground by maintaining the same landing
reference database, rate),
– innovative correlation techniques – Consolidating RNP/RNAV approaches
between sensors and the onboard due to the improvement in the integrity
ground database, of the means of navigation and thus
– a robust serving algorithm for the permitting a reduction in the minima,
management of the trajectories of both – Smoothing the ILS/MLS path, which
fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. will allow a more accurate approach
and landing and reduce the risk of a
Seven work packages (WP) will allow
missed approach,
PEGASE to achieve its goals.
– Allowing GPS/SBAS/GBAS CAT 3
WP2 will establish the operational and operations with the possibility of
functional requirements for the PEGASE selecting the vertical path (from 3° up
NavAid System, based upon existing pro- to 7° for fixed wing aircraft or up to 12°
cedures and their possible changes. for helicopters) and to define curved


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WP2: Speciications WP7: Assessment
and requirements PEGASE system and synthesis
Methodology view Rotary wing:
Operational requirements
piloted simulation
Fixed Wing:
System requirements
detailed simulation
Aircraft: global
Assessment criteria
technical simulation

WP6: Visual tracking

and visual servoing
Servoing I3

Tracking I2

WP3: Sensors
WP5: Geographical
Oline creation of the
on board Database I1

WP4: Shared simulation framework

approaches through a hybridisation

with the system,
– Providing a supplementary/primary
means for final approach, landing, roll
breaking, taxi exit and take-off run,
– Contributing to the progressive
reduction in ground facilities (lights,
paintwork, ground Navaid, etc.) while
ensuring current and future safety


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Acronym: PEGASE
Name of proposal: helicoPter and aEronef naviGation Airborne SystEms
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030839
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 511 395 €
EU contribution: 3 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2006
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Accident Prevention
Coordinator: Mr Patin Bruno
Dassault Aviation
9 Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées Marcel Dassault
FR 92552 Saint-Cloud Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 11 58 54
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Eurocopter FR
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Walphot S.A. BE
Elliniki Photogrammetriki Ltd GR
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni IT
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique FR
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne CH
Instituto Superior Tecnico PT
Jozef Stefan Institute SI


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Vulnerability analysis for near
future composite/hybrid air
structures: hardening via new
materials and design approaches
against fire and blast
Background – development of numerical tools for
blast vulnerability analysis of compos-
The increase of air traffic is not accompa-
ite and hybrid aeronautical structures;
nied by a similar percentage of increase in
– blast vulnerability map of composite
airborne accidents; however, the absolute
and hybrid-scaled fuselage substruc-
number of fatalities due to accidents has
tures for different charge locations
increased. Moreover, despite the strict
and different explosive quantity;
safety measures, terrorist acts cause the
– implicit and explicit blast harden-
probability of an internal or external inci-
ing strategies of composite and
dent of fire or blast to increase. More than
hybrid aerostructures by design and
ever, passenger airborne safety and con-
by materials (including novel design
sumer faith require hardening strategies,
approaches tailored to the new gen-
which should be incorporated in aircraft
eration materials).
The objectives regarding fire are:
Composite and hybrid metal/compos-
– development of algorithms, material
ite aerostructures are nowadays con-
models and failure criteria for fire
sidered as the only way to obtain a safe,
behaviour: criteria for fire spread and
light, environmentally friendly and cost-
fire burn-through;
effective aircraft. This fact is reflected in
– fire vulnerability map of in-flight fire
the constantly increasing usage of such
spread and burn through conditions in
materials in the new generation of civil
composite and hybrid-scaled fuselage
aircrafts. The improvement of current
substructures for different types of
aircraft against blast and/or fire incidents
flame intensity and location;
remains an open issue; therefore the vul-
– Implicit and explicit fire hardening
nerability of composite and hybrid struc-
measures for composite and hybrid
tures under such loading is requiring
aerostructures by design and by novel
more intense research than ever.
materials to reduce fire spread.
Description of work
The objectives regarding blast are:
The scope of this project encompasses
– development of algorithms, material
the development of novel materials and
models and failure criteria for high
design optimisation strategies aimed at
strain rate loading of composites and
strengthening composite/hybrid airborne
hybrid materials, and calibration of
structures and preventing catastrophic
the numerical tools against experi-
damage. This will be obtained via the
mental results;
assessment of the vulnerability of model
aerostructures to blast and fire. Numeri-


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cal tools will be developed and validated and security. Going one stage further, the
against experimental findings in order to experience gained through the envisaged
develop a vulnerability map of typical sub- test campaign will be consolidated in
structures. Vulnerable locations will be proposing new standards for the study of
identified and reinforced in two ways: (a) blast and fire incidents and thus provide
by introducing novel design approaches, the roadmap for an integrated approach
and (b) by using tailored novel composite to the issue of civil aircraft survivability.
and hybrid materials. Implicit and explicit
This project is directly addressing the sub-
measures will be considered based on
ject of passenger survivability: VULCAN
reinforcing design strategies and novel
will identify research, and specify and
introduce strategic approaches which will
Finally, hardened sub-aerostructures will bring major benefits to the safety of the
be designed, manufactured and validated passengers, thus minimising the number
aiming at a tenfold increase in blast and of fatal losses, even in the case of onboard
fire resistance compared to those cur- terrorist actions.
rently used with the minimum weight
The outcome of VULCAN will provide
methodologies readily applicable to air-
craft design and the anticipated benefits
will reflect the realisation of safer airborne
One of the major innovations of VULCAN structures within the next five to seven
is the development of novel hardening years. In this way VULCAN is expected to
methodologies for aircraft structures contribute to the sustainable development
against blast and fire incidents. These of a sector that has suffered serious blows
methodologies will be based upon the in the last few years and thus enables the
adoption on novel materials (and material European air transport sector to reinforce
technologies) and the application of new its current global position and continue to
design approaches which are expected increase, offering employment and better
to significantly enhance aircraft safety customer service.

WP0 – Project Management

WP1 – Literature Survey: WP2 – Response WP3 – Vulnerability WP4 – Improvement WP5 – Manufacturing WP6 – Economic
Selection and Design of structural analysis of the response strategies for blast & fire and testing of optimised evaluation, exploitation
of Simplified components HSL of simplified protection by design scaled and simplified and dissemination UoP
Aerostructures PEMA aerostructures and novel material aerostructure IAI
WP2.1 – Numerical to blast & fire UoP configurations SENER
WP1.1 – Existing analysis of the response WP5.1 – Manufacturing of
Procedures and Criteria of structural components WP3.1 – Simulation of WP4.1 – Improvement optimised scaled and
to blast loading the response of simpliied strategies by design simpliied aerostructure
WP1.2 – State-of-the-Art: aerostructures to
Materials WP2.2 – Simulation of blast loading WP4.2 – Improvement WP5.2 – Testing of
the response of strategies by novel optimised scaled and
WP1.3 – Civil Air transport WP3.2 - Vulnerability materials/conigurations
structural components simpliied aerostructure
Accidents/ Incidents and map for blast behaviour
to ire propagation
Implications to Safety WP4.3 – Implementation WP5.3 – Evaluation against
WP2.3 – Manufacturing WP3.3 – Simulation of of improved design and imposed targets and
WP1.4 – Selection and of lat panels the response of simpliied novel materials in numerical tool simulation
Design of Scaled aerostructures to simpliied aerostructures of optimised scaled and
Simpliied WP2.4 – Experimental ire propagation and numerical simulation simpliied aerostructure
Sub-Aerostructures response of structural
components to blast loading WP3.4 - Vulnerability WP4.4 – Combined loading
map for ire behaviour scenarios and simulations
WP2.5 – Experimental
response of structural
components to
ire propagation
VULCAN project: Work
WP2.6 - Validation and
optimisation of algorithms Package breakdown


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Acronym: VULCAN
Name of proposal: Vulnerability analysis for near future composite/hybrid air structures:
hardening via new materials and design approaches against fire and
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-031011
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 825 113 €
EU contribution: 2 987 524 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 01.04.2010
Duration: 42 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Accident Prevention
Coordinator: Mr Karagiannis Dimitri
Integrated Aerospace Sciences Corporation (INASCO)
Tegeas St., 17
GR 16452 Argyroupolis - Athens
Tel: +30 (0)210 99 43 427
Fax: +30 (0)210 99 61 019
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: University of Patras GR
University of Sheffield UK
Health and Safety Executive UK
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research NL
Institut fuer Vebundwerkstoffe DE
Fundacion Inasmet ES
PeMA Aerosapace - Associação PT
Royal Military Academy BE
Warsaw University of Technology,
Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics PL
Hellenic Aerospace Instrusty S.A. GR
Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd IL
PIEP - Polo de Inovação em Emgenharia de Polímeros PT


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Automated Diagnosis for Helicopter
Engines and Rotating parts
Background corded data. This will reduce false alarm
rates and maintenance costs and increase
Aircraft availability, in-flight reliability
operational aircraft availability, enabling
and low-cost maintenance are major
efficient scheduling of preventive main-
concerns for helicopter operators. HUMS
(Health Usage Monitoring System) imple-
menting sensor-based monitoring is an The main scientific and technological
enabling technology seeking to provide objectives of this project are:
a condition-based maintenance (CBM) – To obtain a better understanding of the
relying on automated diagnosis/progno- physical behaviour of ODM, vibration
sis of the health of aircraft components. and acoustic sensors through new the-
One challenge for HUMS is to implement oretical models and through a series
automated low-cost CBM systems as an of bench test experiments on helicop-
alternative to periodic physical inspec- ter gearboxes, especially in terms of
tions. Existing HUMS technologies tend ‘ageing effects’ and ‘progressive emer-
to generate high rates of false alarms gence of failures’ for rotating parts;
due to the use of fixed alarm thresholds. – To define innovative self-adaptive algo-
The automated analysis of fleet operat- rithms enabling data-driven automatic
ing data on engine and rotating parts learning to analyse time evolutions of
recorded by onboard sensors is a major sensor data and to generate antici-
scientific objective to reach adaptive, reli- pated health diagnosis, taking account
able, and low-cost HUMS systems. This of ‘vehicle usage context variables’;
objective will be explored in this project – To test these algorithms on helicopter
by addressing: fleet vibration data;
– Performance of simultaneous oil – To evaluate the feasibility of automated
debris monitoring (ODM) and vibration health monitoring of helicopter fleets
monitoring using available ODM and by self-adaptive software analysis of
vibration sensors; (ODM + vibrations) data.
– Analysis of new physical models for
ODM and vibration characteristics of Description of work
helicopter rotating parts (gearboxes,
The project work breakdown structure
bearings, etc.) to calibrate ‘ageing
includes three sub-projects (SP):
effects’ and ‘progressive emergence
– SP1 is concerned with project man-
of failures’;
agement, scope specification, results
– Design and validation of innovative
evaluation and dissemination towards
software tools dedicated to self-adap-
potential end users.
tive diagnosis/ prognosis of potential
– SP2 addresses experimental data
failures of helicopter rotating parts.
acquisition and physical modelling of
three key categories of sensors known
to have discriminating capabilities to
The project’s main goal is to enable ‘fleet- monitor the health of helicopter rotat-
scale’ health monitoring for helicopters ing parts: oil debris monitoring, vibra-
with robust failure diagnosis and progno- tions and acoustic emissions. The
sis, relying on multi-sensor monitoring main goal of SP2 is to reduce the rate
and automated analysis of sensor-re- of undetected faults.


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– SP3 focuses on innovative multi- – Quantitative impact of contextual vari-
sensor diagnosis software tools and ables on defects;
explores the diagnosis potential of – Experimental evaluation of the poten-
self-learning algorithms. It includes tial of acoustic emission sensors for
five work packages addressing a heli- diagnosis;
copter fleet sensor database, external – Database of vibration recordings for a
variable impact on vibration-based helicopter fleet;
diagnosis, multi-sensor data fusion – Self-adaptive software tools for health
for diagnosis, automatic elimination of diagnosis;
defective sensor data and the overall – Methods and tools for automated
technical evaluation of the project out- multi-sensor data fusion for diagnosis;
puts. The main goal of SP3 is to reduce – Methods and tools for automated
the rate of false alarms. elimination of degraded sensor data;
– Bench test evaluation of defect diag-
Results nosis on helicopter rotating parts;
– Validation concepts and industrialisa-
It is expected to acquire/obtain the follow-
tion feasibility;
ing knowledge elements and results:
– Perspective assessment for fleet-scale
– Oil debris fault detection rates for
automated multi-sensor diagnosis.
various damage modes and operating

Acronym: ADHER
Name of proposal: Automated Diagnosis for Helicopter Engines and Rotating parts
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030907
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 1 458 596 €
EU contribution: 1 059 090 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.12.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2008
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Mr Derain Jean-Pierre
Eurocopter S.A.S.
Aéroport Marseille-Provence
FR 13725 cedex Marignane
Tel: +33 (0)4 42 85 91 98
Fax: +33 (0)4 42 85 87 65
EC Officer: P. Kruppa
Partners: RSL Electronics Ltd IL
Cardiff University UK
University of Patras GR
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan FR


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security

SHM in Action
Structural Health Monitoring
in Action
Background Objectives
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is an Advances in technology stem from
emerging technology, dealing with the advances in knowledge. The development
development and implementation of tech- and the usage of technologies depend
niques and systems where monitoring, on the dissemination of state-of-the-art
inspection and damage detection become information, which is the objective for this
an integral part of structures and thus a project.
matter of automation. It also merges with
Structural health monitoring (SHM) sys-
a variety of techniques related to diagnos-
tems and technologies have acquired a
tics and prognostics.
significant relevance during the last two
SHM emerged from the wide field of smart decades, and it is referred to as one of the
structures and laterally encompasses key issues in long-term R&D aeronautic
disciplines such as structural dynam- plans.
ics, materials and structures, fatigue
SHM in action will prepare the experts,
and fracture, non-destructive testing
required by European industry, to be
and evaluation, sensors and actuators,
able to design and manage the structural
microelectronics, signal processing and
health of engineering structures in the
possibly much more. To be effective in the
development of SHM systems, a multi-
disciplinary approach among these disci- This will be achieved by shortening the
plines is therefore required. Without this delay among the existing knowledge and
global view it will be difficult for engineers its industrial applications which was due
to holistically manage the operation of to:
an engineering structure through its life – the multidisciplinary aspect of the
cycle in the future and to generate new technology requiring a long learning
breakthroughs in structural engineering. period;

SHM approach


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– the lack of basic teaching materials; niques relevant to the understanding and
– few people having access to laborato- handling of SHM. Laboratory and demon-
ries for hands-on experience; stration activities will also be included so
– a large number of tests having been that participants gain hands-on experi-
done on small specimens, but few dem- ence in the main techniques addressed.
onstrations done on real structures.
This advanced course will be given two or
three times each year, in different Euro-
Description of work pean countries and in close co-operation
with industry.
A matching network of experts from
European universities and research insti-
tutions, selected by their technical com-
petence and teaching experience, have The first lecture series will be held in
prepared an intensive (40 hours) lectures Madrid, 7-11 May 2007. Dates for further
series, covering all theory and tech- courses can be found on the website.

Acronym: SHM in Action

Name of proposal: Structural Health Monitoring in Action
Contract number: ASA6-CT-2006-044636
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 786 060 €
EU contribution: 265 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 30.09.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Prof. Güemes Alfredo
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Dpt Aeronautics
Plaza cArdenal Cisneros, 3
ES 28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)913366327
Fax: +34 (0)913366334
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: University of Siegen DE
University of Sheffield UK
University of Lisbon PT
Polish Academy of Science PL
Risø National Laboratory DK
University of Patras, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering GR


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security

Simulation-based corrosion
management for aircraft
Background the basis for new cost-efficient mainte-
nance and repair strategies.
Corrosion management concepts utilis-
ing the application and integration of pre-
dictive tools for corrosion occurrence and
growth will be a driver for new technical SICOM will develop models that can
advances in the field of corrosion main- become an essential part of future pre-
tenance, and in the development of new dictive maintenance concepts. They will
structural designs, materials and pro- deliver the information about onset and
cesses for surface protection. Additional evolution of corrosion and thus fill the gap
benefits can be expected by reduced between corrosion detection or monitor-
time-to-market for new products. ing and the calculation of the structural
impact of corrosion. Data from environ-
Current maintenance philosophy claims
mental condition or corrosion monitoring
that all corrosion damage has to be identi-
systems and non-destructive inspection
fied and repaired prior to becoming struc-
can be used as input data. Model outputs
turally critical. The consequences are
will be utilised for the repair decision
unanticipated and result in unscheduled
process or can supply structural integrity
maintenance with high costs. The total
calculation programmes.
annual direct cost of corrosion, for exam-
ple to the US aircraft industry, is estimated Modelling parameters will be defined,
at $2.2 billion, which includes the cost of which represent corrosion condition and
design and manufacturing ($0.2 billion), in-service experience of aircraft. Localised
corrosion maintenance ($1.7 billion), and corrosion will be simulated by a numerical
downtime ($0.3 billion). A reliable predic- microscale model with regard to micro-
tion of the occurrence of corrosion flaws structure and the micro-electrochemical
and corrosion propagation would provide condition. The corrosion rate of alumin-

Requirements and Speciication
Management and Quality Control

WP2: WP3: WP4:

Microstructural Based Engineer Based Modelling Engineer Based Modelling
Modelling – Occluded Cell – Galvanic Corrosion

Impact of Surface Treatment

Validation and Model Integration

Dissemination and Exploitation Project organisation


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(Galvanic Corrosion)

(localized, selective Corrosion)
(Crevice situation)
SICOM: Support Tool
a decision-support tool

ium alloys in the meso-scale of occluded for prediction of galvanic corrosion behav-
cells by means of numerical calculation iour will be developed and up-scaled for
will be modelled as a function of physi- application to structural elements of air-
cal and geometrical factors for a given craft. The influence of surface treatment
macro-environment. An engineering-based on modelling results will be included
numerical model for prediction of galvanic with regard to inhibitor release from
corrosion behaviour will be developed and protection systems, role of clad layer
up-scaled for application to structural ele- influence and oxide degrading effects. A
ments of aircraft. The models are intended decision-support tool will be established
to be incorporated into a decision-support for exploitation and implementation of the
tool to enable the engineer to view the data project results in scientific and technical
generated by the models but also to exam- applications. A further extension of the
ine the trends of the data. models is to take into account specific
surface treatment of the aluminium alloy
Description of work and their localised breakdown.
A numerical microscale model will simu-
late localised corrosion of aluminium
alloys with regard to microstructure The following major results are expected:
and the micro-electrochemical condi- – specification of requirements for in-
tions developed. The corrosion rates of and output data used in different fields
aluminium alloys will be provided in the of application;
mesoscale of occluded cells by means of – mass transport model and the evalu-
a numerical calculation as a function of ated, critical parameters that trigger
physical and geometrical factors for given localised corrosion;
macro-environments. A numerical model


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– numerical calculation of the corro- – galvanic corrosion model predicting
sion rate of aluminium in an occluded the corrosion rates for typical struc-
cell; tural joints under varying conditions;
– advanced modified mass transport – a decision-support software tool will
model for the impact of a clad layer be designed and provided to enable
that includes the relevant (complex) a wide application in corrosion man-
geometrical and chemical param- agement.

Acronym: SICOM
Name of proposal: Simulation-based corrosion management for aircraft
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030804
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 088 766 €
EU contribution: 2 569 583 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.03.2007
Ending date: 28.02.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Hack Theo
EADS Deutschland GmbH
DE 81663 Munich
Tel: +49 (0)89 607 23389
Fax: +49 (0)89 607 32163
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
EADS Corporate Research Center France FR
BEASY - Computational Mechanics Incorporated UK
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research CH
University de Bourgogne - Central National de la Recherche
Scientifique FR
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg DE
Vrije Universiteit Brussel BE
Sheffield Hallam University UK
University of Patras - Laboratory of Technology and Strength of
Materials GR
Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) PL


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security

Smart maintenance of aviation
hydraulic fluid using an onboard
monitoring and reconditioning
Background Objectives
Aviation hydraulic fluids are hygro- The strategic objective is to strengthen
scopic and, as a result, their lifetime is competitiveness in the European civil
highly unpredictable. The performance aeronautics industry through substan-
of the entire aircraft hydraulic system is tially reduced maintenance costs, and,
affected by the condition of the hydraulic in addition, provide improved safety, reli-
fluid and, if degradation goes undetected, ability and reduced environmental impact
it may cause damages with serious con- – all related to the degradation of hydrau-
sequences. These may be economic at lic fluid by means of an optimised mainte-
best or catastrophic at worst. At present, nance concept based on an onboard fluid
assessing the condition of the hydrau- monitoring and reconditioning system.
lic fluid in an aircraft is laborious, time
The technical objectives are:
consuming and expensive. Therefore the
– to develop an optimised hydraulic fluid
fluid is typically tested less than once a
maintenance programme to reduce
year, with the risk of unscheduled main-
cost, downtime and environmental
tenance if the fluid has exceeded its lim-
impact, and to increase safety and
its of usage. Consequential interruption
reliability of aeronautical hydraulics;
of the airline service bears a huge eco-
– to design, develop and validate an
nomic cost.
onboard intelligent multisensor system
This project proposes the development to monitor the critical parameters and
of an optimised maintenance concept evaluate the condition of the aviation
based on an autonomous onboard system hydraulic fluid used in most civil air-
capable of monitoring the fluid condition craft (phosphate ester-based fluids);
and restoring it when required. This will – to design, develop and validate an
increase the lifetime of the fluid yet pre- onboard hydraulic fluid recondition-
vent damage caused by degraded fluid. ing system to stop fluid degradation
If external reconditioning or a change and thus enhance the fluid’s lifetime
of fluid should prove to be unavoidable, almost indefinitely.
this could be scheduled to coincide with
regular service and maintenance opera-
Description of work
tions, thanks to the predictive capability
of the monitoring system. Fibre-optic Different water separation and elimina-
sensors using luminescent indicators as tion techniques will be investigated and
well as alternative optical and electro- selected. The chosen approach yields a
chemical sensors will be developed for balanced-risk strategy in which estab-
fluid monitoring. lished techniques are combined with


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 188 14/01/08 11:30:45

cutting-edge research, the outcome of advantage that the entire industry will be
which results in concurrent individual strengthened. At the end of the Super-
deliverables of high intrinsic value, SkySense project, the consortium plans
thereby enhancing the combined benefits to have introduced a new hydraulic fluid
expected from the project. maintenance, radically improved from the
present one, and characterised by:
The partial objectives of the project mate-
– hydraulic fluid condition monitored
rialise into different technological deliv-
erables, each of which have high intrinsic
– instantaneous results and trend
value on their own, representing ambi-
curves available continuously;
tious research objectives, including:
– risk of corrosion or clogging virtually
1. Development of novel sensing pro-
inexistent due to a smart maintenance
cedures for the measurement of
moisture, chlorine, dissolved gases,
– no fluid substitution, or only when
acidity and particles in an aggressive
and unusual matrix such as hydraulic
– lower cost and optimised use of
2. Development of materials, electronics – no hydraulic fluid-related, unsched-
and software for the successful con- uled maintenance (but probably no
struction and operation of such robust maintenance at all);
sensors. – reduced or zero-waste emission;
– lower environmental impact.
3. Obtaining adsorbent materials and
membrane filtration technologies, The consortium estimates that the pro-
and, in particular, optimised com- posed system may result in direct cost
binations thereof, to yield effective reductions for the airlines of several hun-
elements for the removal of water, dreds of thousand euros per aircraft. This
particles and other undesired ele- represents between 10 and 30 times the
ments from hydraulic fluids. initial system cost. For the entire airline
industry (assuming 360 planes per year),
this represents savings in the region of €
100 million per year in the middle to long
The material output of the project will term.
consist of a preliminary test unit contain-
Based on the developed and proved con-
ing the multisensor and reconditioned
cept, once the project has been success-
subsystems. The system will be tested
fully concluded, a specification for the
on the ground to verify the technology,
Onboard Monitoring and Reconditioning
and evaluate the system’s performance
System will be issued by Airbus.
within the new maintenance strategy.
A sufficient number of units of the sen-
sor subsystem and of the regeneration
subsystem will be manufactured in the
project and used for individual testing in
the laboratory before assembly and pre-
liminary testing of the complete system.
The impact of this system will extend far
beyond the consortium partners: the cost
savings to airlines due to the optimised
maintenance strategy will give Euro-
pean constructors such a competitive


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Name of proposal: Smart maintenance of aviation hydraulic fluid using an onboard
monitoring and reconditioning system
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030863
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 731 237 €
EU contribution: 2 760 000 €
Call: FP6-2004-TREN-3
Starting date: 15.10.2006
Ending date: 14.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Mr Garcia Enrique
Interlab Ingenieria Electronica y de Control S.A.
C/ Maria Tubau, 4 - 2
ES 28050 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)91 3589627
Fax: +34 (0)91 3588327
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: Airbus France SAS FR
EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Lufthansa Technik Budapest Kft HU
Instytut Lotnictwa (Institute of Aviation) PL
Loughborough University UK
Compañia Española de Sistemas Aeronauticos ES
Sofrance SA FR
Universidad Complutense de Madrid ES
Fundación INASMET ES
Centre de Transfert de Technologies Céramiques FR
Groupe d’Etudes en Procédés de Séparation FR


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Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
In-flight Lightning Strike Damage
Assessment System

Background To be able to design appropriate lightning

protection, aircraft manufacturers have a
Commercial passenger aircraft are on
strong need for a well-defined real light-
average struck by lightning once a year.
ning threat to aircraft.
The effects of lightning on aircraft and
helicopters are minimal for low-amplitude
strikes, but higher-amplitude strikes may
result in expensive delays and important The ILDAS project is to provide important
repair and maintenance. data concerning the properties of real
lightning strikes to flying aircraft and pos-
The present certification threat level is
sibly helicopters. The first project objec-
derived from cloud-to-ground lightning
tive is to use this knowledge to develop
strike data measured on instrumented
tailored and efficient maintenance
towers. While historically this threat defi-
inspection procedures which must be
nition has served the purpose of lightning
applied after a recorded strike. Secondly,
protection adequately on metallic air-
improved knowledge provides a better
frames, modern aircraft incorporate an
insight into the actual effects of a light-
increasing amount of composite materi-
ning strike to a fixed-wing aircraft or a
als that make them more susceptible to
helicopter, which can be used to improve
damage. Moreover, aircraft now employ
aircraft design.
more high-authority electronic control
systems that are susceptible to upset and In order to achieve these high-level objec-
damage. As a result of the introduction of tives, the derived objectives are:
extra protection measures the advantages – to develop an innovative and efficient
of modern materials could be cancelled measurement system prototype called
by the addition of weight and higher cost. ILDAS (In-flight Lightning Strike Dam-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 191 14/01/08 11:30:46

age Assessment System) for in-flight the protection measures will be taken into
measurement of lightning strikes to account.
aircraft. ILDAS uses advanced smart
The state of the art in lightning strike
sensor techniques which enable char-
measurements, available sensor tech-
acterisation of lightning strike param-
nologies and electro-magnetic model-
eters and current flowing through the
ling will be defined as a starting point
aircraft skin during an in-flight light-
for innovation. During the development
ning strike.
of the solution, the needs will be trans-
– to adapt existing electromagnetic
formed into requirements for a lightning
modelling software and to develop
strike measurement system prototype
and validate enabling electromagnetic
with on-board recording of the data. The
software technology for calculations
technology development for the prototype
of current flow resulting from a light-
of the measurement system will focus on
ning strike to an aircraft. The develop-
innovative and reliable sensor technology,
ment and implementation of a very
measurement chain and data recording
innovative inverse method based on a
technology development.
numerical simulation of the lightning
current propagation will be performed There will be a strong interaction between
within ILDAS. the prototype development and the elec-
– to define a database dedicated to the tro-magnetic analysis research in order
measured and deduced lightning data, to further define the related measure-
enabling subsequent exploitation. ment data recording chain, the analysis
and the management of the lightning
data, and other data collected during the
Description of work
lightning events.
At the start of the ILDAS project the inputs
will be defined in terms of end-user
needs and state-of-the art technology.
The need for the measurement system The ILDAS research project will yield a
will be further detailed with all stake- complete system concept that has been
holders involved, defining the measure- verified during simulated on-ground
ment requirements and in-flight lightning lightning tests. The project will also yield
measurement sensor constraints. During the validation of the inverse method for
this early study phase, the need to pro- deriving the strike amplitude and attach-
tect aircraft and helicopters against the ment points on fixed-wing aircraft and on
effects of lightning strikes and the cost of helicopters.

Sensor cover Aircraft structural interface


Power Aircraft Signal I/F

Signal Analysis

Analysis Data Readout

Lighting Data Storage
Facility Ground based readout
ILDAS preliminary system architecture


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 192 14/01/08 11:30:49

After future industrialisation and final Better knowledge of lightning proper-
certification, the actual application of ties also enables European and other
ILDAS in aircraft and helicopters enables standards committees, which act on
a rapid build-up of the lightning database behalf of the European aircraft industry,
contents. to verify and possibly improve the light-
ning test standards. This should also
Improved knowledge of the actual light-
enable optimisation of the protective
ning strike should lead to executing
measures of aircraft, through tailor-
a tailored and efficient maintenance
ing the design to the properties of real
inspection procedure after a recorded
lightning, and resulting in a reduction in
strike. This will strengthen the com-
the cost and weight penalty of protec-
petitiveness of the industry by reducing
tive measures.
aircraft operating costs through a reduc-
tion in maintenance time and other direct
operating costs.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 193 14/01/08 11:30:49

Acronym: ILDAS
Name of proposal: In-flight Lightning Strike Damage Assessment System
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030806
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 255 247 €
EU contribution: 2 331 793 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 31.03.2009
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Ing. Zwemmer Rob
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR)
Anthony Fokkerweg 2
NL 1059 CM Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 511 3327
Fax: +31 (0)20 511 3210
EC Officer: P. Perez-Illana
Partners: EADS CCR FR
Airbus France SAS FR
Culham Lightning Ltd UK
LA Composite s.r.o. CZ
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven NL
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH DE
Air France FR
Lufthansa Technik AG DE
Vector Fields Ltd UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 194 14/01/08 11:30:49

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security

Distributed and Redundant
Electro-mechanical nose
wheel Steering System
Background In lower visibility conditions, all landings,
ground manoeuvres and take-offs have to
An aeroplane is steered on the ground by
be interrupted.
orienting the nose landing gear wheels.
On all commercial aeroplanes today, Continuous efforts are being made by the
these wheels are oriented by a hydrauli- aeroplane manufacturers and the air traf-
cally actuated steering system. On auto- fic management sector to fully automate
matic landings, during the automatic the approach, landing, ground manoeu-
braking sequence, the steering system vres and take-off in order to increase the
is commanded by the flight control com- air transport system efficiency by being
puters in order to keep the aircraft on the able to operate the airports in true ‘all
runway’s centre line. When reaching the weather’ conditions.
end of the runway, pilots have to regain
The weak link today is the current nose
manual control of the aeroplane as there
landing gear steering system, which must
is no automatic ground guidance on taxi-
be improved in terms of safety so that it
is able to be integrated into the future
Even the automatic steering during the fully automated ground guidance system,
automatic braking sequence is of limited allowing the expected air transport effi-
use since, due to the low safety level of ciency levels to be reached.
the current steering systems, airworthi-
ness regulations impose a minimum visi- Objectives
bility that would allow the pilots to be able
The project objective is, therefore, to
to safely regain manual control in case of
gradually increase the reliability and
steering system malfunction and keep the
safety levels of the aeroplane ground
aeroplane on the runway by using manual
steering system.
differential braking.

Single-aisle aircraft
nose landing gear


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Electromechanical redundant actuation modular and redundant open control
technology associated with new modular system architecture studies, and also
control system architecture, based on a addresses the complex nose landing
digital bus network, should allow large gear oscillations damping control.
improvements in the reliability and safety – The ‘Electromechanical technologies’
of the ground steering system to levels work package concerns the electro-
compatible with the requirements of a mechanical actuator, a new electric
fully automated ground guidance system. motor architecture, and a safe and
segregated power electronics control
The DRESS architecture will improve
safety and fault tolerance while offering
– The ‘Components manufacture’ and
an open and modular structure through
‘Technology Integration’ work pack-
the digital bus network reconfiguration
ages will cover the manufacture and
capabilities, and will provide an easy and
then the assembly of various compo-
safe connection to the future automatic
nents with first sub-assembly tests.
guidance system. The system fault man-
– ‘Technology evaluation’: the main
agement will be improved by automatic
components and then the complete
failure localisation.
validation prototype of the new steer-
Another step will be made towards the ing system will be tested against the
all-electric aircraft and its associated specifications. An evaluation of this
advantages by eliminating the current new technology regarding its integra-
hydraulically actuated steering system tion in a production aircraft system
and its well-known drawbacks. will be provided.
An overall steering system weight reduc-
tion at aircraft level will also be reached,
even if the electromechanical actuators A steering system demonstrator will be
could turn out to be slightly heavier than available at the end of the project which
the current hydraulic actuators, since will have been tested on a dedicated rig.
many current hydraulic components
DRESS will develop a cost-effective
associated with the hydraulically actuated
steering system with an improved level
system will be deleted.
of safety allowing automatic aircraft guid-
ance. Furthermore, DRESS has a global
Description of work
approach: improving the safety critical
DRESS will achieve this technology break- system architecture with modular and
through, investigating in the fields of both open real-time control loop architecture
system architecture and electromechani- while introducing jamming-free electro-
cal actuation. mechanical redundant actuators.
DRESS is composed of the following work DRESS will improve the European aero-
packages: nautic industry competitiveness, contrib-
– The ‘Specifications and assessment uting to securing long-term employment
criteria’ work package will identify all in this industry.
the requirements, providing a base on
It will contribute to education and training
which high-level as well as detailed
via the development and application of new
specifications for this new steering
digital and electromechanical techniques,
system will be established. Assess-
to a large extent based on work carried out
ment criteria will be defined to assess
by PhD students or young scientists com-
the final validation results in an easier
ing from different European countries.
and better way.
– The ‘Research on optimised system DRESS aims to provide the technology
architecture’ work package concerns to improve competitiveness and safety,


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 196 14/01/08 11:30:50

which will contribute towards airport By helping to improve airport traffic effi-
traffic efficiency. This will allow aviation ciency, DRESS will contribute towards
growth in harmony with society needs reducing the air transport system’s
and efficiency, and thereby enable air energy consumption with a more efficient
travel to become a more efficient trans- service without delays.
port medium for both people and goods.

Acronym: DRESS
Name of proposal: Distributed and Redundant Electro-mechanical nose wheel Steering System
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030841
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 223 456 €
EU contribution: 2 586 477 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 15.06.2006
Ending date: 14.06.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Mr Dellac Stephane
Parc Jean Monnet
41, Avenue Jean Monnet
FR 31770 Colomiers
Tel: +33 (0)5 34 50 77 19
Fax: +33 (0)5 34 50 77 03
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: Saab AB SE
Airbus UK Ltd UK
Messier-Dowty FR
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse FR
Université catholique de Louvain BE
Université de Haute-Alsace FR
Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU
TTTech Computertechnik AG AT
Equip’Aéro Technique FR
Stridsberg Powertrain AB SE
Institute of Aviation PL


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 197 14/01/08 11:30:50

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Clearance of Flight Control Laws
using Optimisation
Background flight conditions as compared to the
current industrial standard
Proving to the certification authorities that
2. a reduction in effort and cost in terms
an aircraft is safe to fly is a long and compli-
of simulations and flights when opti-
cated process. It is the responsibility of the
misation-based CFCL is used prior
manufacturer to show that the aircraft com-
to final in-flight validation in order to
plies with the certification specifications,
define the test campaign
and especially the so-called airworthiness
3. a significant increase in safety through
code. This code contains a huge amount of
better quality and confidence in the
different criteria that has to be met. Before
clearance process when optimisation-
manned flights are performed to show that
based CFCL is used prior to final in-
an aircraft meets all the clearance criteria,
flight validation in order to define the
simulations and computer computations
test campaign.
are performed. This project will focus on the
computer computations in the certification
Description of work
process. If the computations can be made
faster, time is saved which will reduce time to The clearance criteria will be selected so
market for new products and will also allow that the successful use of them in con-
for rapid prototyping. Moreover, it is also junction with optimisation-based CFCL
desirable to make the computations more will result in fewer off-line and manned
detailed and accurate which would improve simulations. For civil aircraft, dynamics
the quality of the certification process, and related to the flexible structure require
thus increase the safety of aircraft. different, more detailed and thus larger
models than what is necessary for mili-
tary aircraft. Therefore new, integrated
models will be developed and special
It is important to keep in mind that the ques- attention will be paid to the fast trim-
tions addressed in this project are not purely ming and linearisation of these models.
technical, since industry is already techni- Also the question of how to obtain ratio-
cally able to successfully clear flight control nal approximations of the state space
laws. The main industrial benefits of the new matrices of the linear parameter-varying
methods should be related to reducing the systems resulting from the linearisation
involved effort and cost, while getting suf- will be addressed. This will be essential in
ficiently reliable results, or increasing the order to build so-called linear fractional
reliability of the analysis results with a rea- transformation-based parametric mod-
sonable amount of effort. Therefore a bench- els, which are the state-of-the-art model
mark problem will be defined according to representations used in robustness and
current industrial standards and the results stability analysis of control systems.
obtained from optimisation-based clearance
In addition to this, the optimisation prob-
will be compared with a baseline traditional
lem for CFCL is in some cases non-convex,
solution based on gridding the parameter
hence there are local optima. This means
space and testing the flight control laws for
that many optimisation methods will not
a finite number of manoeuvres.
find the global worst-case parameter com-
More specifically the following objectives bination, which for the CFCL might result in
will be demonstrated: the wrong conclusions. Moreover, optimis-
1. a higher reliability of optimisation- ation algorithms for non-convex problems
based clearance of flight control laws often have tuning parameters which for
(CFCL) in detecting safe and unsafe the ordinary engineer might be difficult to


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 198 14/01/08 11:30:50

understand. Also some optimisation prob- tion quality clearance tools. These tools
lems might have such a large dimension, will either be sold or licensed, and used
or the number of problems to be solved in-house or for consulting services.
might be so large, that answers might not
The results from the project are useful not
be found in reasonable time. Thus there is
only for clearance of flight control laws for
a need for more research in optimisation
civil aircraft but also for military aircraft.
algorithms dedicated to CFCL in order to
Many of the results obtained are general and
overcome the above-mentioned obstacles.
can be adapted for clearance of control laws
for vehicles other than aeroplanes, such as
unmanned aerial vehicles, cars and trucks.
When the methods and tools developed Flight clearance for unmanned aerial vehicles
in the frame of COFCLUO prove to be reli- is expected to be even more important than
able, accurate and relevant in the valida- for manned aircraft. For the car industry, one
tion and clearance process performed by application of optimisation-based clearance
design engineers, they are expected to of control laws could be to improve the reli-
become very soon part of the internal Air- ability of existing systems, such as vehicle
bus flight control laws validation process. stability control and traction control. Another
Later on when confidence has been gained application in future control systems devel-
internally on such a new process involving opment is automatic obstacle avoidance. The
optimisation-based methods, Airbus could results obtained can also be used in the con-
propose to airworthiness authorities that nection of validation of many other different
they include the methods in the official types of systems, and thus the results will
clearance process. Some of the results of strengthen the ability of European industry to
the project will be developed into produc- validate safety-critical systems in general.
Acronym: COFCLUO
Name of proposal: Clearance of Flight Control Laws using Optimisation
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030768
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 253 686 €
EU contribution: 2 055 516 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Duration: months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Maintenance & Reliability
Coordinator: Prof. Hansson Anders
Linköpings Universitet
Department of Electrical Engineering
Division of Automatic Control
SE 58183 Linköping
Tel: +461(0)3281681
Fax: +461(0)3282622
EC Officer: A. Podsadowski
Partners: Airbus France SAS FR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Swedish Defence Research Agency SE
Universita’ degli Studi di Siena IT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 199 14/01/08 11:30:51

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
NEw Standby Lidar InstrumEnt
Background cano ash or bugs, although some acci-
dents have occurred due to the failure of
An air data system usually consists of
pneumatic connection after maintenance
a primary system that includes three
redundant channels and has, in addition,
a separate stand-by channel. Even though efforts are made by manu-
facturers to design dissimilar air data
Traditional air data standby channels are
channels, there is no reason that external
composed of pitot tubes and pressure
aggressions such as ice, ash or bugs will
ports, which deliver parameters such
independently affect the primary air data
as airspeed and pressure altitude. The
system probe and the standby air data
standby channel has generally neither a
system probe.
temperature probe nor an angle of attack
probe. The standby static pressure probe The purpose of NESLIE is, therefore, to
location on the fuselage is selected so as demonstrate that a LIDAR-based (light
to limit the influence of sideslip. detection and radar) air data standby
channel will help to suppress the major
Air data standby channels are therefore
drawbacks of existing pneumatic sys-
composed of equipment very similar to
tems whilst maintaining the performance
that encountered on the primary chan-
required by the related standards.
nels: pitot probes, static probes and
pneumatic tubing.
The main reason for aircraft accidents
to be linked to air data systems is probe LIDAR will allow the implementation of a
obstruction due to icing problems, vol- measurement principle that is very differ-

Single – particle measurement principle

Optical architecture
Laser Source Separator
VL +VD Vtrans



Signal Processing
V = 2.Vlong
HF Signal D
Ampliication/ Air
Digitalization Signal Processing
Filtering Speed
Single particle
© Thales

measurement principle


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 200 14/01/08 11:30:51

ent from existing systems. The sensitivity surement optimal architecture and
of LIDAR to wear and pollution differs from requirements
traditional pneumatic systems because – TEEM Photonics and IMEP will develop
there is no part of it outside the fuselage an integrated optical circuit for aero-
(the LIDAR window is mounted flush with nautical application
the fuselage); in fact, the presence of air – EADS CRC will derive the Airbus and
pollution-like droplets or ash improves Dassault specifications at LIDAR level,
the LIDAR signal. to develop an adapted free space optic
and aircraft window
The LIDAR can be installed in a large
– XENICS will deliver an optimised
range of available locations on the fuse-
lage whereas standby channel probes
– CERTH will develop a signal process-
should be installed on locations where
ing software that is able to deal with
there is minimal sideslip effect. NESLIE
low signal level compared to noise
should demonstrate that it is possible to
design an entire LIDAR-based air data
– NLR will test the LIDAR in flight and
standby channel with few or no pneumatic
support Thales and CERTH in the
interpretation of test results
This technology will also allow a non- – Thales Avionics will manage the con-
protruding probe to measure Pt, AOA and sortium, and assemble and test the
SSA in comparison to traditional probes, mock-up before flight-testing.
which have protruding parts that are sub-
ject to damage.
NESLIE goes one step further in the
NESLIE’s main output will be a mock-up
domain of LIDAR size, weight and cost
that will be tested on NRL aircraft, which,
reduction, with the use of emerging
after the project, will be installed on an
integrated optic technology (integration
Airbus aircraft for a testing period lasting
on substrate, guided optics, etc). The
thousands of hours.
required technological parts (laser, sepa-
rator, commutation, pump hybridisation, The product that Thales will develop,
etc.) will thus be merged into a minimal based on the NESLIE experience, will
number of integrated modules. replace the standard Pitot, AOA and SSA
probes, which are too sensitive to outside
Description of work
A second output of the NESLIE project
The project is organised into four work
will be a series of high quality documents
such as:
– The specification of a functional archi-
– Air data parameter requirement and
tecture of LIDAR-based standby air
equipment performances for use as a
data system
standby instrument
– The research and development of
– State of the art of the required tech-
innovative technologies
nologies for NESLIE (laser specifica-
– The development and in-flight test of a
complete functional mock-up
– LIDAR and subassembly specification
– The consortium management
of IR airspeed measurement channel
All the necessary skills to achieve the report
project goals are present in the NESLIE – Airborne installation constraints
consortium: – Signal processing interfaces and sig-
– Airbus and Dassault will define air- nal characteristics
borne LIDAR-based air data mea- – Flight test plan


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 201 14/01/08 11:30:52

– Certification requirement for a laser IR airspeed system, and technological
airborne system risk assessment
– Requirement for flight-tests on a com- – Flight test evaluation report
mercial aircraft – Laser passivation report
– Ground accuracy test and report – Final exploitation report and techno-
– Report on literature study, specifica- logical implementation plan of a laser
tion and integration possibilities with anemometer on production aircraft
and its benefit.

Acronym: NESLIE
Name of proposal: NEw Standby Lidar InstrumEnt
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030721
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 983 001 €
EU contribution: 3 100 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 02.05.2006
Ending date: 30.04.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Security
Coordinator: Dr Olivaux Pascale
Thales Avionics SA
45, rue de Villiers - 92526 Neuilly sur Seine
25, rue Jules Vedrines
FR 26027 Valence
Tel: +33 (0)4 75 79 35 93
Fax: +33 (0)4 75 79 86 55
EC Officer: M. Brusati
Partners: Airbus France SAS FR
Dassault Aviation FR
Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas GR
Teem Photonics SA FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 202 14/01/08 11:30:52

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Safe automatic flight back and
landing of aircraft
Background security emergency (e.g. hijacking), dis-
abling the control and command of the
The SOFIA project is a response to the
aircraft from the cockpit. This means
challenge of developing concepts and
creating and executing a new flight plan
techniques enabling the safe and auto-
towards a secure airport and landing
matic return of an aeroplane in the event
the aircraft at it. The flight plan can be
of hostile actions. This is proposed as the
generated on the ground (ATC) or in a
continuation of the SAFEE works on FRF
military airplane and transmitted to the
(flight reconfiguration function), a sys-
aircraft, or created autonomously at the
tem which returns aircraft automatically
FRF system.
to the ground. SOFIA will design archi-
tectures for integrating the FRF system
into several typologies of avionics for civil Objectives
transport aircraft. This requires the devel-
The main objective of SOFIA is to develop
opment of one of these architectures, the
and validate the FRF system to safely and
validation (following E-OCVM) of the FRF
automatically return civil transport air-
concept and of the means to integrate it in
craft to the ground when they come under
the current ATM. A safety assessment of
hostile action conditions. The project will
FRF at aircraft and operational (ATC) lev-
also analyse what kind of conflicts can
els (applying ESARR) is also needed.
generate FRF in the airspace and will
SOFIA will produce the FRF system, propose some solutions to minimise the
which will take control of the aircraft impact. The overall SOFIA objectives are
and safely return it to ground under a as follows:

SOFIA scope


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 203 14/01/08 11:30:52

Validation resources

– demonstrate that FRF can be designed Description of work

and developed in a reliable and afford-
SOFIA is chiefly a technological project
able manner;
with a strong technical component to
– demonstrate that an FRF equipped
design, develop and validate the flight
aircraft is safe during its normal oper-
reconfiguration function. It also dedicates
an important part to assessing the opera-
– demonstrate that when FRF is in com-
tional issues related with the integration
mand of an aircraft it can be safely and
of the FRF system into the airspace.
securely returned to the ground at a
designated airport; SOFIA will benefit from the UAV experi-
– formulate a proposal to integrate FRF ence regarding ‘sense and avoid’, and
in the current and future (ADS-B, CDM, especially automatic flight, and the com-
4D Trajectory Negotiation) airspace; mercial aviation experience regarding
– determine the modifications needed certification, whereby one common FRF
in the ATC systems on the ground to function will be developed in compliance
handle FRF; with international aviation rules.
– implement FRF and necessary modi-
SOFIA follows a stepwise approach in its
fications in ATC to perform validation
development. It is formed by four interre-
trials representative of two operation
lated main steps that are complemented
by the dissemination and exploitation
– flight plan re-planning with negotia-
tion: flight plan generated by ATC and
executed by FRF; a. Assessment of the issues related with
– flight plan re-planning without nego- the operation of the FRF in airspace
tiation: FRF creates and executes the In this task, the air and ground system
flight plan. environment in which the FRF will be
used is defined. The necessary pro-
cedures for the operation of the FRF
including all air and ground (ATC) pro-
cedures will be detailed. The regula-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 204 14/01/08 11:30:54

tory and certification frameworks will Results
be assessed, identifying possible con-
The main expected result from the SOFIA
flicts for the FRF operation.
project is the development of a sys-
b. Design of the FRF system tem that provides the airplane with the
Here the specification and integration capacity to return automatically to the
of the FRF on some typical avionic ground when an onboard hostile action
architecture that are anticipated for takes place, e.g. hostile individuals have
future aircraft will be examined. The replaced the pilots. This assumes such
design covers the three solutions: hazards for which the activation of FRF is
FPL generated and sent by ATC, FPL the only solution to avoid any major dam-
generated autonomously by FRF and age, not only to the aircraft and its pas-
station keeping. sengers but also to the population and
infrastructures on the ground.
c. Development of the FRF system for
enabling the validation exercises Furthermore, FRF development poses a
In this task, the simulation environ- great challenge for European industry,
ments that allow FRF functional vali- ANSP and research centres because
dation are set-up. This includes the of the difficulties in carrying out such a
adaptation of already available flight system and integrating it in the airspace
simulator components and the devel- whilst maintaining safety levels in the
opment of appropriate new mock-up aircraft operation. SOFIA will allow the
components. The station keeping aeronautical European community to
solution will not be developed. acquire knowledge about the required
techniques and solutions. Such develop-
d. Validation of the FRF system and its
ments will therefore enable the Euro-
integration into the airspace
pean industry to assume a leadership
This will be performed by experimen-
position to implement this kind of solu-
tal validation in three steps:
tion worldwide.
a) Preliminary validation on virtual
GAL ATENA cabin simulator linked
to the DFS ATC simulator, and a
preliminary flight test (IoA);
b) Final validation on THA cabin and
UAV simulators;
c) Experimental flight tests (DAI)
linked to the DFS ATC simulator.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 205 14/01/08 11:30:55

Acronym: SOFIA
Name of proposal: Safe automatic flight back and landing of aircraft
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030911
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 997 984 €
EU contribution: 2 589 623 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.09.2006
Ending date: 31.08.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Security
Coordinator: Mr Herreria Garcia Juan Alberto
ISDEFE, Ingenieria de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A.
Edison, 4
ES 28066 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)91 271 17 47
Fax: +34 (0)91 564 51 08
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DE
Skysoft Portugal, Software e Tecnologias de Informação S.A. PT
Teleavio Srl IT
Thales Avionics SA FR
Institute of Aviation (Instytut Lotnictwa) PL
Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH DE
Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH AT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 206 14/01/08 11:30:55

Improving Aircraft Safety and Security
Civil Aircraft Security Against
Background their relatively low cost and the vulner-
ability of large aircraft on landing or tak-
Commercial aircraft are a target of ter-
ing off, the probability of such attacks
rorists because they represent one of
appears to be high.
the best achievements of our society: an
attack has a big psychological impact on The US is preparing some regulations to
population, and thus economical activity. force commercial aircraft to be equipped
If a multiple attack like the ones on the with onboard protection systems. It is vital
Madrid railways and the London Under- for Europe from a security and an eco-
ground were to occur in several airports nomical standpoint to be able to answer
spread over the globe, economy would be this requirement. Future protection sys-
severely weakened. This effect would be tems must be competitive, i.e. low cost and
reinforced if the terrorists underlined that minimal perturbation on the aircraft (low
London occurred after Madrid. mass, low drag and low consumption).
There exists another threat besides the
11 September twin-towers type of event:
15 000 disseminated shoulder-launched The likelihood of a terrorist attack against
infrared guided missiles (MANPADS) a commercial aircraft by firing several
which are in uncontrolled hands. Several MANPADS missiles towards it from a
attacks have already occurred and evi- populated area nearby a large airport
dence of trafficking has been reported. appears to be high. The global objective of
Taking into account the large number of the proposed CASAM project, is to design,
MANPADS currently known to be in the and validate a closed-loop laser-based
possession of over 27 terrorists groups, DIRCM (directed infrared countermea-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 207 14/01/08 11:30:56

sure) module for MANPADS jamming the get efficient jamming capability. The inter-
fired missile(s), which will comply with esting challenge and the possible risk are
the constraints of commercial air trans- linked to the global requirements of air-
portation, including the civil aircraft pro- lines and airframers: low total volume, low
file of flight, and will be able to defeat first drag, low mass, low power consumption,
and second generation MANPADS (cur- high reliability, low LCC, and no risk on-
rently the most available worldwide) and ground and during take-off and landing.
also third generation ones which may be
Part of the challenge lies in technol-
available in the future. CASAM objectives
ogy improvements and simplifications
consider that this DIRCM system shall be
through an innovating approach.
designed with reference to the specific
requirements and constraints relevant to The main technical DIRCM modules need
commercial aviation. For example, con- innovative work:
sideration must be given to the following: – Optronics have to be low volume, low
– environmentally friendly for ground mass and low cost. The opto-mechan-
objects and inhabitants close to ical turret will reach outstanding per-
the airport, safe for the aircraft (for formance in steering and stabilisation.
maintenance, handling and usage), New focal plane array (imagery sen-
highly efficient against the recognised sor) will integrate passive and active
threats, detection modes for improved passive
– upgradeable for further and future and active tracking modes. Line of
disseminated threats, sight stabilisation will use innovating
– maintainable within commercial bud- low-cost devices.
gets and processes. – Laser technology will be based on new
progress in OPO crystals with a simpli-
A protection system is made of a mis-
fied architecture. For the pump laser,
sile detector and deceiving equipment.
research will be focused on mass, vol-
CASAM will concentrate research on the
ume and consumption reduction, as
latter: innovative directed infrared coun-
well as output power and pulse rate
termeasure (DIRCM) equipment which
frequency improvement. OPO research
represents the most expensive and heavi-
will deal with wavelength conversion
est part of a global defence system.
stage optimisation, crystal choice,
arrangement and optimisation.
Description of work
– Laser technology will be based on new
During the 26-month project, CASAM efficient approaches including fibre
will explore several technological break- lasers and simpler frequency conver-
throughs in laser, optics, electromechan- sion modules (OPO), as well as directly
ics and processing that will be the core of emitting mid-infrared semiconductor
the future competitive equipment. A tech- lasers.
nical validation prototype will be tested – Tracking technology will be adapted
against actual missile seeker heads. Spe- and optimised in synergy with hard-
cific effort will be put on threat analysis ware development.
and simulation, economical analysis, air-
craft installation constraints and impact. Results
A specific study will be carried out on
The results of the project will be:
legal and regulation issues which have a
– a DIRCM prototype test article to be
prominent position in the roadmap.
ground tested,
The goal of the research is to progress on – a validation of this developed innova-
innovative technologies that will identify an tive DIRCM system’s effectiveness with
efficient and competitive DIRCM system respect to the operational require-
for use on a commercial aircraft. Military ments due to a set of laboratory tests
research has shown that it is possible to and open range tests.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 208 14/01/08 11:30:56

Due to the sensitivity of the topic related ect during its course will be classified as
to the security of commercial flights, the confidential and put under tight access
vast majority of technical data, draw- control.
ings and sketches released by the proj-

Acronym: CASAM
Name of proposal: Civil Aircraft Security Against MANPADS
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030817
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 8 651 122 €
EU contribution: 4 543 581 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 31.07.2008
Duration: 26 months
Objective: Safety & Security
Research domain: Security
Coordinator: Mr Vergnolle Jean-François
SAGEM Défense Sécurité
Le Ponant de Paris 27, rue Leblanc
FR 75512 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 58 11 25 37
Fax: +33 (0)1 58 11 70 84
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: EADS Deutschland GmbH DE
Diehl-BGT-Defence GmbH & Co. KG DE
Thales Optronique SA FR
INEGI - Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestao Industrial PT
A. BRITO, Industria Portuguesa de Engenagens, Lda. PT
Clyde and Co. UK
Institute for Economic Research SI
Office National d’Etudes et de recherche Aérospatiales FR
Adria Airways the Airline of Slovenia d.d. SI
Lufthansa Technik AG DE
Laser Diagnostic Instruments AS EE
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften e.V. DE
Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A. GR
Thales R&T FR
Alcatel Thales III-V Lab FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 209 14/01/08 11:30:57


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 210 14/01/08 11:30:57

Increasing Operational Capacity
Advanced Remote Tower
Background Description of work
The enhanced situational awareness is The following steps are planned to achieve
one of the main prerequisites for improved these objectives:
regularity at the aerodrome, which has 1. Design and construct a remote tower
proven to be one of the bottlenecks in cab.
today’s ATM system. 2. Evaluate controller workload and situ-
ational awareness.
A cost-benefit analysis regarding remotely
3. Evaluate operational benefits with new
operated towers shows substantial eco-
possibilities to present information.
nomical benefits when compared to tra-
4. Identify and quantify vital parameters
ditional ATC operations at airports. These
for remote airport operations.
benefits for the ANSP will in turn reduce
5. Evaluate technical and operational
the cost for airline operators and travel-
safety issues.
The intention is to prove the concept and
The concept of placing the controller of
technology in low-density areas in order
the airport in a high building with win-
to explore the applicability in medium-
dows overlooking the area of responsibil-
and high-density areas. The ART concept
ity has remained unchanged. However,
will in turn be one of the bricks in the
this involves a number of limitations to
future concept of highly automated ATM
the concept of operations. Some of these
at airports.
– low utilisation of personnel resources The concept of ART will also have spin-
– a need for redundant resources at off effects in the areas of incident and
each ATC unit accident investigation. ART will explore
– adding new aids and sensors often the possibility of not only using recorded
implies stand-alone equipment voice communication but reproducing
– stand-alone equipment adds to the the course of events with audio and video
head-down time thus removing focus copies of the controllers’ situation.
from the primary field of view.
Major deliverables are the ART concept of
The ART project aims to change this con- operations, system design, incorporation
cept and evolve airport operations. Its and adaptation of sensors, and an ART
objectives are to: demonstrator on a low-density airport
– remotely operate an airport ATC unit in Sweden with the possibility to explore
– combine remote operation with the concept at an operational airport. The
enhanced visibility and composite pre- possibility to control live traffic at specific
sentation of view and operational data events at the airport will be analysed.
– - evaluate operational pros and cons
of the remote airport concept.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 211 14/01/08 11:30:57

Acronym: ART
Name of proposal: Advanced Remote Tower
Contract number: 37179
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 2 900 000 €
EU contribution: 1 504 500 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.06.2007
Ending date: 31.05.2009
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airport Operations
Coordinator: Mr Fält Kari
Saab AB
Ljungadalsgatan 2
SE 35180 Vaxjoe
Tel: +46 (0)470 42135
Fax: +46 (0)470 42071
EC Officer: E. Martin
Partners: Luftfartsverket SE
National Aerospace Laboratory NL
Equipe Electronics Ltd UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 212 14/01/08 11:30:57

Increasing Operational Capacity
European airport Movement
Management by A-smgcs - Part 2
Background modular system will be validated in an
operational environment. Moving ahead
Due to the recovered growth in air trans-
from current level 1 and 2 of A-SMGCS
port, airport capacity is expected to
towards these higher levels, further con-
become the major bottleneck in the near
straints will be taken into account and fur-
future. The A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface
ther applications will become possible to
Movement Guidance and Control System)
get the full A-SMGCS benefit. The project
project EMMA2, the successor of EMMA,
results will feed the relevant documents of
aims to become the most significant R&D
international organisations involved in the
contribution to the Vision 2020 goals by
specification of A-SMGCS (ICAO, EURO-
maturing and validating the A-SMGCS
CAE, EUROCONTROL) and so should be
concept as an integrated air-ground sys-
mandatory for all future implementations.
tem, seamlessly embedded in the overall
air traffic management (ATM) system. In a
Description of work
two-phase approach, EMMA has consoli-
dated the surveillance and conflict alert In order to meet the objectives mentioned
functions, and EMMA2 will focus now on above, installations at international airports
advanced onboard guidance support to and in test and airline aircraft will be pro-
pilots and planning support to controllers. moted and used. Building upon the previous
Objectives the harmonised concepts of operations will
be applied and validated thanks to func-
The main objectives of EMMA2 are the
tional and operational testing under real
consolidation of higher A-SMGCS func-
operational conditions. Active participa-
tions in the operational environment.
tion of licensed controllers and pilots from
Building upon the harmonised levels 1
different countries are mandatory. Finally
and 2 of the ground movement assistance
the Integrated Project EMMA2 will lead to
tools and procedures, further functions
comprehensive results which will support
will be realised and validated. The focus
the regulation and standardisation bodies,
of EMMA2 will be:
as well as the industry in early and efficient
– the routing and planning function implementation of A-SMGCS worldwide.
realised by several planners (Depart-
ing Manager, etc.) and the adequate
Human Machine Interface (HMI); 2-GP0 Management
– the guidance function mainly realised
by information displayed to the pilot
thanks to CPDLC (control pilot data 2-SP1 Concept
2-GP7 User Forum

link communication);
2-SP5 Ground 3 (MXP)
2-SP3 Ground 1 (PRG)

2-SP4 Ground 2 (TLS)

– the information management function

2-SP2 On Board

realised by embedding A-SMGCS into

the ATM smoothly.
Within EMMA2, these functions will be
developed at least as prototypes, the
adequate operational procedures will 2-SP6 Validation
be worked out and as far as possible the


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 213 14/01/08 11:30:57

Validation is split into two test phases to by the overall management and a user
ensure an iterative process and provide the forum, which is used as a ‘speakers’ corner’
chance to build up a full level A-SMGCS. or as an interface to the project for additional
Licensed controllers and pilots, as well as users or other interested stakeholders.
simulators, aircraft and ground vehicles,
will be involved in the testing in order to gain
realistic results. Controllers and pilots will
be trained in simulation and on site to pre- At the end of EMMA2 the relevant concept
pare them for coping with a full A-SMGCS documents will be updated by the results
under real operational conditions. and experiences gained. Furthermore, rec-
ommendations will be issued that directly
EMMA2 is organised the same way as its
affect the A-SMGCS standardisation bodies.
predecessor EMMA was in six different
subprojects, which will be coordinated by Therefore the expected results of EMMA2
six different partners. There are four verti- are:
cal development subprojects, three being – The operational concept for all
dedicated to the development of ground sys- A-SMGCS levels;
tems for the three test sites and the fourth – The derivation of the necessary per-
one being dedicated to onboard systems. formance requirements;
These four subprojects are independent of – A-SMGCS integration in simulators at
each other. This organisation was used to three airports and in several aircraft;
minimise frictional losses to give the part- – Two iterative test periods;
ners involved the chance to use their own – Verification of performance require-
existing systems. However, these four sub- ments;
projects are interlinked with the subprojects – Validation of operations;
‘concept’ and ‘validation’ to guarantee that – Guidelines and recommendations to
different systems are based on a common common technical and operational
A-SMGCS interoperable air-to-ground co- system performance, safety require-
operation concept and validated with the ments, certification aspects and pro-
same criteria. This structure is surrounded cedures for the transition phase.


Co-op Non co-op

Location, identity, Machine
velocity, quality Interface Control of lights/signs
Pilot/vehicle displays

Monitoring Guidance (& Control)

Deinition of Deviation
monitoring Conlict resolution
from planned
parameters routes
(conlict table) Planning
Planned routes Planned routes

EMMA2 Planning rules and objectives


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 214 14/01/08 11:30:58

Acronym: EMMA2
Name of proposal: European airport Movement Management by A-smgcs - Part 2
Contract number: TREN/05/FP6AE/S07.45797/513522
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 20 816 840 €
EU contribution: 10 997 830 €
Call: FP6-2003-TREN-2
Starting date: 01.03.2006
Ending date: 28.02.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airport Operations
Coordinator: Mr Roeder Michael
German Aerospace Center e.V.
Lilienthalplatz 7
DE 38108 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 (0)531 295 3026
Fax: +49 (0)531 295 2180
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (representing Airport
Council International) ES
Airbus France S.A.S FR
SELEX Sistemi Integrati S.p.A. IT
Air Navigation Service of the Czech Republic CZ
BAE Systems Limited UK
Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne FR
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium NL
Park Air Systems AS NO
Thales Air Traffic Management S.p.A. IT
Thales Avionics S.A. FR


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 215 14/01/08 11:30:58

Increasing Operational Capacity
Safety Improved with a New
concept by Better Awareness
on airport approach Domain
Background Objectives
In recent years, the European aviation Improving the ability to monitor air traffic
industry has faced enormous challenges. in a rapidly growing density of aircraft, and
Fierce competition has restructured the raising an anticipated alert to endangered
industry and the aftermath of 11 Sep- aircraft in case of confirmed collision risk,
tember has turned the industries’ uneasy is a crucial element towards significantly
situation into an economic crisis, leaving increasing aircraft safety and security,
no stakeholder unaffected. especially in the airport control terminal
region (CTR) zone.
While competition in the aviation industry
remains fierce and the threat of safety or SINBAD aims to perform the proof of
security related incidents is still immi- application of a new functionality, intended
nent, there is an urgent need to take new to improve aircraft safety and security at
actions to face such threats and secure airport CTR to wards the 2010 horizon.
the European aviation industries com-
petitive position.

SINBAD : System
SINBAD: System overview
and emergency
emergency orders

New air
air traffic

Approach system
Approach and
Approach NonTransgressing
andNon Zone
TransgressingZone Surveillance
Passive sensor

ATM center
Mode S Extended fusion
Multilateration ++
Currently capabilities
Currently capabilities Systems PAM decision
decision support
Extended capabilities
capabilities capability

SINBAD: system overview A global

A global improved
improvedapproach surveillance
approach surveillance system


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 216 14/01/08 11:30:58

Description of work Results
To achieve this goal, the tasks performed The expected outcomes of this project
in SINBAD are: are:
– to refine the air traffic control (ATC) – an assessment of the safety and
and security management (SMS) security improvements with respect
operational concepts for those parts to collision avoidance, provided by
that could make use of such enhanced the introduction of the new PMS and
surveillance capabilities; AHA technologies currently existing
– to develop a new concept of primary in ATM systems. This assessment will
multilateration surveillance (PMS); be made according to the EUROCON-
– to develop a new concept of Active TROL Operational Concept Validation
Hazard Assessment (AHA) functional- Method (E-OCVM),
ity for the ATC sub system; – a cost-benefit analysis, which will
– to perform their proof-of-concept at show in a parameterised approach
two different sites (Brno and Frank- which costs would be generated and
furt airports). which benefits would be extracted
from the insertion of SINBAD tech-
nology into the European Air trans-
portation system, according to various
deployment hypotheses,
– a technology analysis and the related
technology implementation plan,
showing the future steps to be taken
in order to provide the market with a
certified operational product.
This project will give the Europeans a
leading position in aircraft, passenger,
crew and airport, safety and security


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 217 14/01/08 11:31:05

Acronym: SINBAD
Name of proposal: Safety Improved with a New concept by Better Awareness on airport
approach Domain
Contract number: 37164
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 585 966 €
EU contribution: 3 084 636 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.07.2007
Ending date: 30.06.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airport Operations
Coordinator: Mrs Greverie Wilfried
Thales Air Defence
7-9 rue de Mathurins
FR 92221 Bagneux
Tel: +33 (0)1 64 91 99 74
Fax: +33 (0)1 64 91 67 66
EC Officer: E. Martin
Partners: Thales ATM Ltd FR
National Aerospace Laboratory UK
German Air Navigation Services DE
Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic CZ
Thales ATM GmbH DE
ADV Systems DE
Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 218 14/01/08 11:31:05

Increasing Operational Capacity
Development of an innovative
LIDAR technology for new
generation ATM paradigms
Background Description of work
Laser detection and aircraft tracking sys- The work is divided into 16 Work Pack-
tems (LIDARs, LIght Detection And Rang- ages (WP):
ing systems) are emerging as a critical – WP 1: System and testing require-
design trend in the development of new ments specification
generation ATM (air traffic management) – WP 2: First measurement session
paradigms, of which they are the main – WP 3: Laser beam and airframe inter-
innovations. The realisation of laser sen- action model design and development
sors as rotating laser range-finder arrays – WP 4: Simulation software design and
and their combination with versatile sys- development
tems lead to major advantages for their – WP 5: Sensor control software design
application with air traffic control (ATC), and development
airport surveillance and ground-to-air – WP 6: Laser sensor design and devel-
laser communications, and last but not opment
least to save cost, usually at the same – WP 7: Sensor management computer
time as achieving an improved ATC per- design and development
formance. These laser systems, devel- – WP 8: Data handling and C2 software
oped these days without any particular design and development
difficulty, are challenging classic ATM – WP 9: Aircraft collision probability and
paradigms in many aspects. Nevertheless decision-support model design and
it is commonly recognised that the effec- development
tiveness of these systems relies strictly – WP 10: Field-testing target design and
on their capability to reliably perform a development
track data fusion with airport radars, and – WP 11: New generation ATM paradigm
to manage a new generation ATM para- specification
digm. Also driving and controlling a data – WP 12: System prototype integration
fusion between laser tracking data and – WP 13: Field testing
radar tracking data requires a very high – WP 14: Dissemination
computation power. – WP 15: Exploitation
– WP 16: Consortium management.
SKYSCANNER’s target consists of devel-
oping a demonstrator model of an inno- The expected results of SKYSCANNER
vative LIDAR technology, which can detect are:
and track aircraft up to six nautical miles – development of a demonstrator based
from the ATZ (aerodrome traffic zone) on a rotating cylindrical laser range-
barycentre and which can be the base finder array, capable of detecting and
concept for the development of new ATM tracking aircraft up to at least six nau-
paradigms based on laser positioning tical miles from the ATZ barycentre;
and ground-to-air laser communications – development of alpha release software
(landing and take-off supported by a laser for the computation of the aircraft col-
guide). lision probability and optimal decision


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 219 14/01/08 11:31:06

Yr aircraft 2

Protected Zone

simulations - aircraft 1
protected and alert V
zone for one aircraft
T = (x: l(x) < 0)

on corrective actions (decision support The compliance of the above SKY Scan-
system) based on data fusion between ner technical objectives to the technical
radar data and laser tracking data objectives of the ‘Aeronautics’ priority is
fusion, and ground-to-air laser com- demonstrated with reference to the fol-
munications; lowing project output effects:
– new generation ATM paradigm – development of an innovative tech-
requirements specification based nology useful to increase the traffic
on data fusion between radar data capacity of airports, by means of full
and laser tracking data fusion, and laser control of ATZ volumes and the
ground-to-air laser communications. related aircraft movements in a new
generation ATM paradigm perspective
provided as an output of the project;
– development of a useful innovative
technology to attain optimal opera-
tional performance of the aircraft-
supporting infrastructure, seeking to
reduce the number of transport fatali-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 220 14/01/08 11:31:06

Name of proposal: Development of an innovative LIDAR technology for new generation
ATM paradigms
Contract number: 37161
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 457 159 €
EU contribution: 2 427 107 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.07.2007
Ending date: 30.06.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airport Operations
Coordinator: Mrs Crispino Maria Vittoria
Nergal Srl
Viale Bardanzellu 8
IT 00155 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4080 1869
Fax: +39 06 4080 1283
EC Officer: C. Bernabei
Partners: Institute on Laser and Information Technologies,
Russian Academy of Sciences RU
University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ IT
Hytech Electronics Ltd UK
Olympus Engineering S.r.l. IT
Vilnius University LT
Piaggio Aero France S.A.S. FR
AIR Support S.r.l. IT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 221 14/01/08 11:31:06

Increasing Operational Capacity
Supporting Platform for Airport
Decision-making and Efficiency
analysis - Phase 2
Background Description of work
A major challenge in the Strategic The implementation, testing and evalua-
Research Agenda for European Aeronau- tion of the SPADE system consist of five
tics is for airport utilisation to be able to major activities:
accommodate rising traffic without undue 1. Preparation. The results and feedback
delays, while preserving safety, improving of the SPADE project are assessed so
efficiency and service, and reducing the as to update and detail the activities to
burden of operations on the environment. be performed in the SPADE-2 project.
This implies that airport stakeholders and 2. Implementation and testing of sys-
policy-makers have to solve challenging tem components. The system generic
airport decision-making questions with components (i.e. components that are
strong interdependencies and often con- generic to the system and which may
flicting objectives. be used by different case studies) are
implemented and tested.
Objectives 3. Implementation, testing and integra-
tion of case studies. Each case study
The objective of the SPADE-2 project is
is implemented and tested: its input
to implement, test and evaluate a user-
and output interface, and its compu-
friendly decision-support system for
tational component. Furthermore, the
airport stakeholders and policy-makers,
implemented and tested case stud-
based on the system design in the pre-
ies are seamlessly integrated into the
ceding SPADE project. This system will
SPADE system.
seamlessly integrate a set of case stud-
4. Validation. Any areas where the design
ies, which can be considered as airport
and implementation of the case stud-
studies in the form of decision-making
ies and the overall system do not
questions supported by the system. As
properly support the provision of the
such, each case study concerns one or
functionality specified, the case-study
more specific airport decision-making
requirements are identified and any
questions on airport development, plan-
correction is carried out.
ning or operations, and enables trade-
5. Field exploitation. This activity con-
off analyses for a variety of measures of
cerns an operational assessment of the
airport effectiveness (e.g. capacity, delay,
system by airport stakeholders in their
level-of-service, safety, security, envi-
real environment, and the determina-
ronmental impacts, and cost-efficiency).
tion of the future use and commercial
This concept enables the user to perform
exploitation of the final system.
the analysis under consideration through
‘pre-structured’ and built-in, ‘wizard-
type’ navigation aids in a single run by
shielding the user from the complicated The SPADE-2 project will have one main
model and tool world, thus enabling the result: a user-friendly, fully tested and
him or her to focus on the real question to validated decision-support system for
be addressed. airport development, planning and opera-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 222 14/01/08 11:31:06

tions. This system seamlessly integrates
a set of case studies, enabling airport
stakeholders and policy-makers to per-
form integrated impact analyses at the
various levels of decision-making through
pre-structured paths and built-in, ‘wiz-
ard-type’ navigation aids.

Graphic user interface for

the selection of the use case

GUI for the specification of a

specific airport decision-making
question (assessment of changes in
infrastructure) associated with the
selected use case.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 223 14/01/08 11:31:06

Acronym: SPADE-2
Name of proposal: Supporting Platform for Airport Decision-making and Efficiency
analysis - Phase 2
Contract number: TREN/05/FP6AE/S07.45797/518362
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 12 592 515 €
EU contribution: 7 688 395 €
Call: FP6-2004-TREN-3
Starting date: 01.01.2006
Ending date: 31.12.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airport Operations
Coordinator: Dr van Eenige Michel
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (National Aerospace
Laboratory NLR)
Anthony Fokkerweg 2
NL 1059 CM Amsterdam
Tel: + 31 (0)20 511 3383
Fax: + 31 (0)20 511 3210
EC Officer: E. Martin
Partners: Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea ES
Research Centre of Athens University of Economics and Business GR
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
International Air Transport Association CA
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol NL
Athens International Airport GR
Airport Research Center GE
ECORYS Nederland NL
Incontrol Management Consultants NL
Ingenieria y Economia del Transporte ES
Ingenieria de Sistemas para la Defensa de España ES
Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Trasferimento di Tecnologia e Conoscenza IT
Polar Consultores ES
Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo IT
Delft University of Technology NL


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 224 14/01/08 11:31:07

Increasing Operational Capacity
Crosswind-reduced separations
for departure operations
Background techniques these models will be used to
establish safe separations under various
ICAO separation standards for land-
crosswind conditions. An operational con-
ing and take-off were implemented in
cept for crosswind departures will be devel-
the 1970s to protect an aircraft from the
oped and validated in accordance with the
wake turbulence of a preceding aircraft.
Operational Concept Validation Methodol-
However research has shown that the
ogy. The project will also produce an algo-
transport and persistence of wake vorti-
rithm for detecting wake vortex encounters
ces are highly dependent on meteorologi-
from flight recordings and this will be used
cal conditions, so that in many cases the
as part of the validation process.
ICAO standards are over-conservative. By
developing a full understanding of wake The project is structured as follows:
vortex behaviour in all weather catego- – WP1 – Data collection and acquisition
ries separations could be reduced under – WP2 – Data analysis and WV behaviour
certain suitable conditions. modelling
– WP3 – Quantitative risk assessment and
Objectives safety
– WP4 – Operational concept and valida-
The CREDOS project will study the opera-
tional feasibility of this approach by focus-
– WP5 – Stakeholder communication and
ing on the situation for take-off under
crosswind conditions. Although this repre-
sents only part of the scope of application,
the methods and tools developed by this
project can be later used to cover arrivals The expected results are:
and other meteorological conditions. – validated operational concept for
reduced separations for crosswind
The objectives are:
– to demonstrate the feasibility of a Con-
– implementation support package and
cept of Operations allowing reduced
separations for Single Runway Depar-
– enhanced wake vortex behaviour
tures under crosswind;
models and encountered risk models
– to provide all stakeholders with the
capable of use for departure situa-
required information to facilitate
the implementation of this concept
where appropriate in the near-term
– to increase the body of knowledge con-
cerning wake vortex behaviour during
initial climb phase of flight.

Description of work
The project will use recordings of wake vor-
tices (WV) taken at St Louis and Frankfurt
airports to develop models of wake vortex
behaviour. Using Monte Carlo simulation


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 225 14/01/08 11:31:08

– proven wake vortex detection configu- – documented application of validation
ration for departures; method for reduced separations con-
– database of wake vortex recordings cept (OCVM).
for departures including weather con-
ditions from two sites;

Acronym: CREDOS
Name of proposal: Crosswind-reduced separations for departure operations
Contract number: AST5-CT-2006-030837
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 467 964 €
EU contribution: 2 809 309 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2009
Duration: 42 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Harvey Andrew
European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre
FR 91222 Bretigny-sur-Orge
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 88 74 13
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 88 73 52
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
Airbus Deutschland GmbH DE
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales FR
Université catholique de Louvain BE
Technische Universität Berlin DE
NATS En-Route Limited UK
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DE
Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte SA ES


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 226 14/01/08 11:31:08

Increasing Operational Capacity
Reduced separation minima
Background 5. Identify how to accomplish the process
of change.
Many sources in the ATM arena are
warning about the expected high traffic 6. Prioritise and select (at least) three
demand in the future: three times more separation minima potential reduc-
movements by 2020, as mentioned by tions for detailed safety, efficiency and
the European Commission in the docu- economic assessments.
ment European Aeronautics – a vision for
7. Identify and apply methods to safely
2020. If the aeronautical community is to
(fulfilling ICAO/ESSAR requirements)
accommodate a factor three growth, an
and cost effectively assess the prior-
efficient and safe use of airspace within
itised separation minima reductions.
the context of the supporting ground sys-
tem and airframe system infrastructures 8. Provide feedback on the outcome of
is needed. Separation minima standards the safety and economy assessments.
form one of the key instruments in defin- 9. Disseminate the RESET developed
ing what a safe usage of airspace and process of change across the ATM
infrastructures is. A widespread belief community.
is that advanced technology, concepts
and applications under development will Description of work
allow reduced separation minima to be
The sequence of problems to be solved is
facilitated in the near future during some
as follows:
or all flight phases while maintaining, or
– First identify per flight phase if and
even increasing, the level of safety.
by how much the separation minima
have to be reduced in order to accom-
modate a x3 growth of air traffic over
The main objective is to identify what Europe. This will be addressed inde-
reductions in separation minima are pendently of the particular operational
safe and feasible to contribute towards concept, which means that the feasi-
enabling a ‘factor of 3’ (x3) traffic growth bility remains to be proven.
over Europe. The following specific objec- – Next identify what the combination of
tives are steps towards achieving that a factor three traffic growth and the
aim: reduced separation minima means for
1. Derive from the ‘x3 traffic load over the roles, tasks and responsibilities of
Europe’ a set of separation minima the pilots and the air traffic control-
targets for the various phases of a lers.
gate-to-gate operation. – Identify what the impact is on the tech-
nology needs, and if this technology is
2. Identify gaps in enabling the ‘x3’ by the
already in use, in development or at a
operational concepts and technology
conceptual stage.
in other projects.
– Finally, provide adequate supporting
3. Develop a qualitative (and quantitative evidence and justification, in terms
where possible) model to capture the of safety, efficiency and economic
rationale of existing and future sepa- assessments, to press for changes in
ration minima standards. separation minima.
4. Develop high-level advanced opera- Nine Work Packages (WP) have been
tional concepts. defined:


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 227 14/01/08 11:31:08

– WP1: Goal setting of desired future – Learn about the methods currently
standards available and in development which
To define clear objectives and goals will support the safe design and safety
in terms of separation standards that assessment of future ATM, and learn
should come from real operational about how these methods can be com-
needs. bined and/or extended.
– WP2: Identify current separation min- – WP7: Preliminary safety and human
ima standards factor assessment
Compilation of the applicable regula- This Work Package performs safety
tions and separation minima. and human factor (HF) assessments
– WP3: Qualitative model of current and of the reduced separation minima of
future separation minima WP1 in combination with the opera-
To generate a comprehensive model of tional concept specified in WP4. The
the separation assurance budget iden- aim here is to verify whether, safety-
tifying the various budget components wise and HF-wise, a ‘factor of three’
or influencing factors that contribute traffic growth over Europe can be
to the establishment of the separation accommodated.
minima. – WP8: Preliminary efficiency and econ-
– WP4: Future operational concept omy assessment
It is obviously not sufficient to just This activity is focused on providing
reduce the separation minima as evidence that supports and demon-
identified in WP1. In addition to this strates if the modifications to the
there are many more improvements separation minima regulations are
needed on the operational concept. feasible from a business perspec-
– WP5: Prioritisation of separation min- tive.
ima reduction – WP9: Exploitation and dissemina-
To determine the preferred priority in tion
which the reduced separation minima This covers all activities necessary
settings identified in WP1 should be to disseminate the results from the
introduced, and which three (at least) project to all the involved stakehold-
should be further evaluated within ers, and specifically to promote the
RESET. achievements of the project within
– WP6: ESARR and ICAO compliant the regulatory and standards organ-
safety and safe separation methods isations and the industry.

aerodynamic boundary

procedural safety bufer

minimum separation requirement

personal safety bufer


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 228 14/01/08 11:31:08

“Factor 3” Desired future Standards OPTIMAL

Future Operational Preliminary safety/

Concept Requir./Tech. efficiency feedback

Safety Case

standards foundations CHANGE STANDARDS Fully Compliant Method

Prioritisation Standards Selection economic Case
of two standards for further study. Human
Factors Case

Desire ‘factor 3” future NO

Standards are satisied

t3FQPTJUPSZPGTUBOEBSETBOEJUTGPVOEBUJPOT Methodological framework Set of Fully supported proposals
t1SJPSJUJTFEMJTUPGTUBOEBSETUPCFSFWJTJUFE minima standards particular standards
on current scenario Modelling framework including human factors, balance
between safety and capacity, operational risk assessment,
functional and non-functional hazards assessment.

– Set of separation goals
– Repository of standards and its foun-
– Relational matrix of factors influenc-
ing separation
– Prioritised list of standards to be
– Rational for new regulations based on
the current scenario
– Methodological framework for devel-
oping separation minima standards
– Fully supported proposals of modifica-
tion for two particular standards
– Modelling framework including human
factors, balance between safety and
capacity, operational risk assessment,
functional and non-functional hazard


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 229 14/01/08 11:31:09

Acronym: RESET
Name of proposal: Reduced separation minima
Contract number: TREN/06/FP6AE/S07.62916/037146
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 6 774 026 €
EU contribution: 3 668 148 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 30.10.2006
Ending date: 29.10.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr de Pablo José Miguel
C/ Josefa Valcárcel 30
ES 28027 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)91 321 33 92
Fax: +34 (0)91 321 31 20
EC Officer: C. North
Partners: Entidad Pública Empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación
Aérea ES
Boeing Research and Technology Europe S.L. ES
ECORYS Nederland B.V NL
The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte S.A: ES
Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España S.A. ES
Luftfartsverket (The LFV Group) SE
NATS En Route plc UK
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Athens University of Economics and Business - Research Center GR
Sociedad Estatal para las Enseñanzas Aeronáuticas Civiles S.A. ES
Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo IT
Honeywell Aerospace SAS FR
University of Belgrade CS


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 230 14/01/08 11:31:09

Increasing Operational Capacity
Networking the sky for
aeronautical communications
Background communication from safety critical ATC/
ATM and AOC communication to non-
Due to the continuing growth of air traffic
safety critical AAC and APC communica-
and an increasing need for communica-
tion. Work on this topic is underway in the
tion, it is expected that current ATC/ATM
United States where the ‘network-enabled
communication will be running out of
operation’ is being taken from the military
capacity within the next 10-15 years, even
environment to the civil ATM world.
with full VDL Mode 2 deployment and a
further conversion of 25 kHz to 8.33 kHz
Description of work
DSB-AM channels.
NEWSKY will make possible, by 2020 and
As a result of different driving needs,
beyond, an innovative ATM network-en-
several communication systems are cur-
abled vision for which there is already an
rently being developed for ATC/ATM and
urgent need. Increases in current air-traf-
Airline Operation Center (AOC) commu-
fic movements and forecasts for the next
nication. In addition, several aeronautical
10 to 20 years reinforce the vital require-
communication systems for commercial
ment for a fresh ATM perspective: an ATM
and non-safety critical AAC and APC com-
transformation philosophy which includes
munication exist or are likely to become
new networking concepts, new ATM ele-
available within the next few years.
ments and new ATM operational con-
cepts. Addressing this transformational
Objectives paradigm shift in a viable way implies
defining in detail the changes required
The main goal of NEWSKY is to integrate
and a migration strategy to achieve the
all of the different communication tech-
NEWSKY concept. This project is being
nologies and different application classes
proposed at an ideal time to bring Europe
into a global heterogeneous airborne
into a leading position as a key player for
network with appropriate priority proper-
future network-enabled ATM.
ties. The NEWSKY approach enables the
achievement of improved communication The ‘networking the sky’ concept of
capabilities and assists the expected ATM NEWSKY does not aim to develop new
paradigm shift. Moreover, real air-ground link technologies. Instead NEWSKY aims
integration is achieved and the informa- to develop an innovative networking con-
tion sharing concepts of collaborative cept to integrate different existing and
decision-making (CDM) and system-wide emerging link technologies into a single,
information management (SWIM) are global ATM network for a secure, seam-
made available to the aircraft. As a con- less and robustly redundant ATM system,
sequence, the NEWSKY approach assists which is also scalable to cope with future
the realisation of the Single European long-term increasing demands.
Sky concept and helps to create a future
To achieve this objective, NEWSKY will
European ATM system which is viable well
start by defining the requirements of this
beyond 2020.
approach without restricting its view to
NEWSKY takes an innovative approach to current constraints. Secondly, ATM par-
embracing aircraft within a global network- ticularities and constraints will be under-
ing environment by supporting all forms of stood, in order to define in a feasible way


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 231 14/01/08 11:31:09

ATM between
ATM/ATC Aircraft
over Satellite


© NEWSKY Consortium
Integration of different ATM in and
aeronautical communication around Airports
systems into a global
heterogeneous airborne
network to realise the vision
Ground Network
of ‘networking the sky’

the network transformation required by Results

NEWSKY, and how to implement it effi-
The benefits of the scientific and tech-
ciently and on time.
nological NEWSKY approach will realise
Co-operation opportunities with related future aeronautical communication with
projects and initiatives will be identified considerably increased capacity, cover-
and concrete interactions will be defined age and reliability. This improved com-
to achieve the highest possible synergy for munication capability is a key enabler for
future ATM research. Relevant initiatives many high-level target concepts which
and projects include, but are not limited are described in the strategic research
to, SES initiative, SESAR, CASCADE, Nex- agenda of ACARE (Advisory Council for
SAT, ATENAA, and B-VHF. The NEWSKY Aeronautical Research in Europe). Thus,
objectives do not compete with other ATM NEWSKY will support the expected sus-
initiatives; rather NEWSKY aims to mutu- tainable growth of European air trans-
ally benefit from other related activities port.
by efficiently disseminating and exchang-
ing achievements from both sides.
Once the framework to enable ATM net-
work transformation is agreed, the basic
NEWSKY architecture will be defined.
Next, innovative networking concepts will
be developed, assessed, tested and vali-
dated by means of software simulations
and limited laboratory trials.


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 232 14/01/08 11:31:09

Acronym: NEWSKY
Name of proposal: Networking the sky for aeronautical communications
Contract number: TREN/07/FP6AE/S07.68685/037160
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 3 590 792 €
EU contribution: 2 125 828 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 26.02.2007
Ending date: 25.08.2009
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Dr Schreckenbach Frank
DLR (German Aerospace Center), Institute for Communications and
Münchner Strasse 20
DE 82230 Wessling
Tel: +49 (0)8153 28 2899
Fax: +49 (0)8153 28 1442
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Alcatel Alenia Space FR
QinetiQ Ltd UK
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg AT
Frequentis GmbH DE
TriaGnoSys GmbH DE
Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 233 14/01/08 11:31:10

Increasing Operational Capacity

Development of an operationally
driven airspace traffic structure
for high-density high-complexity
areas based on the use of dynamic
airspace and multi-layered planning
Background thus also affecting the capacity and safety
of high-level objectives. Improvements
The complexity of the European upper air-
arise from the use of CDM and techno-
space regions, together with the expected
logical enablers. The existence of mostly
traffic growth rate of 3-4%, will affect the
conflict-free route structures simplifies
performance of the European ATM sys-
the airspace, thus easing the generation
tem. The seventh Performance Review
of situational awareness.
Report states that in order to preserve
good performance in terms of delays, Improvements in on-time performance
effective capacity needs to grow at an arise from a combination of the first two
annual rate consistent with traffic fore- objectives, together with trajectory con-
casts. Capacity increases need to be care- trol and timely information exchange.
fully planned. To address this in the long Their success results in an improvement
term (2020+), SUPER-HIGHWAY develops of the predictability of the entry/exit times
an innovative airspace traffic structure on the highway routes, and thus in on-
based on the simplification of the route time performance.
network around the major traffic flows.
Description of work
The project focuses on the assessment of
The project has three objectives related
the workload per aircraft, and of the situ-
to operational improvements and user
ational awareness for both junctions and
lanes. The assessments mainly address
– decreasing controller workload
the effect of the new airspace structure
– improving situational awareness
on the controllers and these will be per-
– ensuring on time performance.
formed on the two elements of the super
The expected reductions in workload highways (S-H): lanes and junctions.
arise from the application of the layered
The strategy to carry out the project
planning principles, the redistribution of
objectives will be based on two axes: the
tasks, the simplification of the airspace
design of operational scenarios, and the
structure, and the use of ASAS and SWIM
assessment and exploitation of these
applications. The decrease in workload
operational scenarios through the use
affects the capacity and economy high-
of fast-time and real-time simulations.
level objectives.
The operational concept scenarios will
Improving situational awareness enables identify and describe the operations and
a reduction in the number of incidents, activities related to the use of the S-H by
and a reduction in aircraft separation, the relevant actors. The operational sce-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 234 14/01/08 11:31:10

narios will also support the identification – conflict search and resolution for
of the tools and technologies needed to future traffic
implement the S-H. – planning of entry/exit conditions
– sector coordination.
The fast-time and real-time simulations
will be used to identify the potential ben- For the executive controller the following
efits that could be accrued by the S-H and aspects will be considered:
also to identify its operability. Since the – planning (as regards conflict solving)
project will be focused on the determina- – actual traffic conflict search
tion of the viability of the proposed organi- – monitoring (deviations from flight
sation, the assessments will address the track)
effect of the new airspace structure on – implementation of solutions
the controllers. The assessment will be – handover procedures.
performed on the operational concept
As a result of the assessment, the project
scenarios in the two main S-H elements:
will include a list of initial requirements
lanes and junctions.
for the new support tools that might be
For the planner controller the following necessary.
aspects will be considered:

Overview of the Super-

Highway operational
concept scenario


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 235 14/01/08 11:31:10

Following the stated technical principles its physical parameters (length, num-
and the development strategy, the proj- ber and arrangement of lanes) and by
ect is organised into four work packages: the related set of procedures (e.g. entry/
Operational concept scenario elaboration, exit, crossing). The Super-Highway will
Benefits assessment, Development of make assessments using fast- and real-
conclusions and recommendations, and time simulations, including the expected
Exploitation and dissemination. Addition- safety, capacity and efficiency benefits
ally there will be a project management derived from its use.
and coordination work package.
Appropriate result awareness within the
aeronautical community will be obtained
through coordination with related proj-
The Super-Highway is an airspace struc- ects, workshop, participation in confer-
ture located in an area with complex, ences and the project website.
high-density traffic. It is defined by both

Name of proposal: Development of an operationally driven airspace traffic structure
for high-density high-complexity areas based on the use of dynamic
airspace and multi-layered planning
Contract number: TREN/06/FP6AE/S07.56057/019544
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 1 886 328 €
EU contribution: 977 372 €
Call: FP6-2004-TREN-3
Starting date: 01.04.2006
Ending date: 31.03.2008
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Suárez Nicolás
Edison 4
ES 28006 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)91 271 17 51
Fax: +34 (0)91 564 51 08
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Aena ES


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 236 14/01/08 11:31:11

Increasing Operational Capacity
System-Wide Information
Management – supported by
innovative technologies
Background by means of a test campaign per-
formed on the developed test bed;
To date, the management of different
– Assessment of the organisational,
types of information has evolved indepen-
legal and financial implications,
dently, based on sub-system and service-
including an analysis of the possible
specific requirements. As a result of this
impact they may have on the SWIM
bottom-up approach, today’s ATM infor-
implementation and, thus, to the asso-
mation systems are insufficiently inte-
ciated enabling technologies.
grated, resulting in organisational and
institutional barriers which prevent timely
Description of work
use of relevant information.
SWIM-SUIT aims to demonstrate the
Although several initiatives have been
feasibility of initial system-wide informa-
launched with the aim of studying the
tion management functionality for the air
interoperability solutions, none of these
transport system.
projects identifies the characteristics
of the infrastructure required to make Starting from the preliminary results of
interoperability possible. the SESAR definition phase, the project
will firstly specify the requirements of
Objectives ATM information management, exploiting
the expertise derived from the large par-
Although the importance of introducing
ticipation of users in the project.
a system-wide information management
(SWIM) capability-facilitating co-opera- Secondly a tailoring of the requirements
tion among stakeholders is now generally will be done to define the context of the
recognised, there is still no clear indica- SWIM-SUIT prototype. Then a SWIM-SUIT
tion as to how to implement this capabil- prototype will be specified, designed,
ity and, in particular, which technologies developed and tested, based on several
would enable its successful operation. As existing user applications connected to
a consequence, there is a need to iden- the test bed, such as ACC/APP centres,
tify different options and demonstrate airport CDM, airline operating centres,
the feasibility of realising SWIM in all its CFMU and flight simulators.
aspects. SWIM-SUIT moves in this direc-
Finally two evaluation sessions will be
tion and intends to target the following
performed in order to evaluate the poten-
tial benefits of SWIM’s functionality, and
– Specification of the requirements for
to identify different options and SWIM’s
the SWIM implementation;
overall consequences and implications.
– Design and development of a SWIM
test platform (SWIM prototype) sup- The development of a SWIM prototype is
porting the evaluation of the SWIM considered a key task of the SWIM-SUIT
concepts; project. It has the objective to provide
– Evaluation of the technologies identi- measurable indicators relevant to the
fied as enablers of the SWIM concept technologies enabling the implementa-


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 237 14/01/08 11:31:11

tion of the SWIM concept. It is a multi-site – WP2 and integrated with the legacy
structure, covering several ATM domains applications (WP3);
and integrating different legacy applica- – WP 5: Financial and institutional,
tions. which aims to perform the cost ben-
efit analysis of the selected technical
The work structure has been organised
solutions based on the SWIM concept.
into Work Packages (WP) as follows:
– WP 0: Management and dissemina-
tion, which aims at the management
and coordination of all the project Although the SWIM concept is expected to
activities; represent the basis upon which the future
– WP 1: Information management users’ interoperable ATM systems will be built,
requirements, which aims to identify there are still enormous uncertainties
the set of user requirements for both over its actual technological implemen-
SWIM and its prototype; tation. SWIM-SUIT will predominantly
– WP 2: SWIM design, development contribute to this need for technological
and testing, which aims at producing assessment by developing a SWIM pro-
a SWIM prototype and represents the totype, which will provide the basis for
core design and implementation activ- assessment of the technological solu-
ity; tions adopted. The significant involve-
– WP 3: Test-bed integration and test- ment of users will also ensure that the
ing, which aims at the adaptation of requirements for SWIM implementation
the existing legacy applications to be will be identified and legal and financial
used in the test bed for the evalua- implications will be assessed.
– WP 4: Technical evaluation, which
includes all activities required for the
technical evaluation of the selected
solution(s) from WP2, using the test
bed developed in

Legacy LAN

SWIM-SUIT Developed SWIM-SUIT Developed

Wrappers Wrappers
Applications Applications

Airport Flow Tool
Neomet SITE
Network AFC SITE


Figure 2: SWIM Flight Simulator Airport CDM Lisbon

prototype - physical ACC DSNA SITE CFMU SITE


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 238 14/01/08 11:31:12

ACC/APP Airport Flow Tool
ENAV Exp Centre Neomet

ACC/APP Flight Simulator

DSNA Acquire Data Manage Content AZA
Check Store


ACC Disseminate Data Security, Pricing AF

LMC ISPOC Prototype
AIRPORT (CFMU) prototype - logical


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 239 14/01/08 11:31:12

Acronym: SWIM-SUIT
Name of proposal: System-Wide Information Management – supported by innovative
Contract number: TREN/07/FP6AE/S07.69084/036990
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 11 855 123 €
EU contribution: 6 285 912 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 20.04.2007
Ending date: 19.04.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr d’Auria Giuliano
SELEX Sistemi Integrali
Via Tiburtina km 12.400
IT 00131 Rome
Tel: +39 06 4150 4448
Fax: +39 06 4150 2722
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Alcatel Alenia Space FR
Advanced Resources PT
Air France Consulting FR
Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC CS
Alitalia S.p.A. IT
Boeing Research and Technology Europe, S.L. ES
Direction des Services de la Navigation Aerienne du Ministere
des Transports, de l’Equipment, du Tourisme et de la Mer de la
Rupublique Francaise FR
Frequentis GmbH AT
Navegacao Aerea de Portugal PT
Neometsys FR
QinetiQ Ltd UK
SELEX Communications S.p.A. IT
Consorzio SICTA IT
University of Zilina SK
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre FR


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Increasing Operational Capacity
En Route Air traffic Soft
Management Ultimate System
Background ing at a better use of the current poten-
tials offered by the air segment.
The ACARE Strategic Research Agenda
(ACARE SRA II) proposed in October The strategic objectives addressed
2004 is strongly pushing the Air Traffic through ERASMUS are to propose an
Management (ATM) sector to get more innovative ATM solution which is able
capacity, greater efficiency and increased to respond to the challenge of traffic
safety. ACARE SRA II stresses the inabil- demand, and to improve the efficiency and
ity of the current ATM system to cope safety level of the European Air Transport
with this growth if no radical changes System as stated in the ACARE SRA II.
are performed. This makes it clear that
revolutionary measures are a necessity to Description of work
respond to these objectives. Several fields
ERASMUS adopts an air-to-ground co-
of improvement require urgent investiga-
operative approach aiming at defining
tions and among them, two are of particu-
and validating a human-centred innova-
lar interest to the ERASMUS project:
tive ATC automation for the sector safety
– more automation for ATM;
and productivity, and maintaining the
– shifting responsibilities from the ground
controllers in the decision-making loop.
to the air.
Today, the controller, when extrapolating
Objectives the present position and speed of each
individual aircraft, takes a large margin
Considering the high level of automation
of manoeuvre due to the limited accu-
that has been introduced in the air seg-
racy. The uncertain environment in which
ment during the last 50 years, the Flight
controllers work represents a domain
Management System (FMS) being a recent
that allows the automated system to
example, one can question why this has
optimise the traffic flow by using the Pre-
not taken place for the ground segment.
cision Area Navigation (P-RNAV), the air-
The ATM system seems to be ‘archaic’ for
to-ground communication facilities and
many observers, and has not taken full
the airborne Flight Management System
advantage of Precision Area Navigation
(FMS). In the same way that the autopi-
(P-RNAV), air-to-ground communication
lot system performs minor adjustments
facilities or the FMS, all of which are in
(roll axis, level control) not perceivable
use worldwide. Airlines, aircraft manu-
by the pilot, the ATC automation system
facturers and system designers have
would use minor adjustments (vertical/
difficulties in understanding why such
horizontal speed, rate of climb/descent)
potential in terms of data precision and
to resolve (or dissolve) a large number of
computing capacity, both on the ground
the conflicts. Such minor actions are not
and in flight, still remains unused.
directly perceivable by the controllers and
ERASMUS proposes innovative ways are not conflicting with their own action
to re-synchronise automation between and responsibility. Assuming that the air
the air and ground segments seeking to speed can be safely adjusted by this auto-
develop high co-operation between the matic control (e.g. changes of horizontal/
human being and the machine, and aim- vertical speed or rate of climb/descent),


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1 Enhanced MTCD
2 ATC Auto-pilot
3 Subliminal control !!!??

3 I ix it 2 Ask to the machine

1 I inform 1 I ix it

it is estimated that the residual number Results

of conflicts to be considered by the con-
The ERASMUS results will provide:
trollers could therefore be significantly
– a definition of operation concepts for
reduced (by up to 80%).
the air and ground segments (includ-
The ERASMUS project considers this sub- ing advanced tools, working meth-
liminal control and proposes to assess a ods);
set of three envisaged applications to be – detailed specification and design of
applied from the strategic to the tacti- the prototype;
cal level. These three applications range – assessment and refinement of the
from a full automation (i.e. a full delega- hypothesis and proof of concept in
tion to the machine) to a lower automa- terms of safety, efficiency, capacity,
tion (i.e. the computer being an adviser to security and economy;
the controller): – clear identification of quantified ben-
– subliminal control; efits in terms of safety, efficiency,
– ‘ATC autopilot’; capacity, security and economy;
– enhanced medium-term conflict – identification of the transition plan
detection (MTCD). before full implantation, if any.
There is a high expectation that early ben-
efits could be forwarded into SESAR.


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Acronym: ERASMUS
Name of proposal: En Route Air traffic Soft Management Ultimate System
Contract number: TREN/06/FP6AE/S07.58518/518276
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 635 326 €
EU contribution: 3 150 101 €
Call: FP6-2004-TREN-3
Starting date: 11.05.2006
Ending date: 10.11.2008
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Brochard Marc
Experimental Centre, Centre de Bois des Bordes
FR 91222 Brétigny sur Orge
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 88 76 08
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 88 69 52
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Honeywell CZ
University of Linköping SE
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 243 14/01/08 11:31:13

Increasing Operational Capacity
Aeronautical Surveillance and
Planning by Advanced Satellite-
Implemented Applications
Background – to perform an economic cost-benefit
analysis which assesses the benefits
In the aeronautical world, new concepts,
of SatCom systems for surveillance
procedures and technologies, including
ASAS applications, are being studied and
developed to optimise task distribution
Description of work
between aircraft and ground with a medi-
um-term perspective. The work to be done can be structured
into several sections.
In the satellite world, ICAO standardised
the AMSS System in the 1990s, but this Surveillance applications:
standard has experienced little evolution,
A group of surveillance application sce-
and nowadays the AMSS use for ATM-re-
narios will be configured for a simulation
lated functions remains limited to remote
study of their operation with the availabil-
and oceanic airspace due to service cost
ity of satellite data links. Then three cho-
and technical limitations.
sen applications (ADSB-NRA, ADSB ADD,
and ASPA S&M) will be developed and
tested over the validation platforms.
The main objective of ASPASIA, in the
SatCom and ground broadcast protocols:
framework of innovative surveillance and
The study and development of the Sat-
tactical applications, is the combination
Com architecture will include the follow-
of new advanced satellite communication
ing topics:
(SatCom) technologies as a complemen-
a. Air/air satellite-based data link: the
tary ADS-broadcast data link in the pro-
study of the technological feasibility
vision of Airborne Separation Assistance
of air/air satellite based data links,
Systems (ASAS) and Approach Manage-
which is of paramount importance for
ment systems (AMAN).
the final conclusions of ASPASIA;
Hence, ASPASIA’s objectives are: b. Broadcast SatCom data link protocol
– to study SatCom applicability to sur- for the air/ground data link: the proe-
veillance applications, considering the jct will evaluate several options for
benefits of SatCom not only when it is upgrading the current AMSS specifi-
the only means of communication, as cation and make it efficient for broad-
in oceanic airspace, but also when it cast applications;
can be the most appropriate method of c. Broadcast application protocols, for
communication, even in core Europe; airborne and ground systems: access to
– to explore and develop three selected data link services will be done through
surveillance applications; a simple protocol or set of protocols;
– to validate SatCom requirements for d. Ground inter-networking infrastruc-
surveillance applications by developing ture to support broadcast applica-
a satellite architecture that supports tions: definition of an inter-networking
new surveillance scenarios, stressing infrastructure to support broadcast
the performance capability of the new applications, and a ground broadcast
generation satellite systems; application server forming part of the
ground earth station.


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ADS-B App (Snd&Rcv) TIS-B App ADS-B App Rcv TIS-B App


App Broadcast Protocol App Broadcast Protocol App Broadcast Protocol App Broadcast Protocol

SatCom Broadcast Data link Protocol SatCom Broadcast Data link Protocol

Airborne Side Ground Side Simulator

SatCom link Emulator

Validation platforms: Cost-benefit analysis:

Two main platforms will be used in order The cost-benefit analysis will include a
to validate the feasibility of using SatCom study of system deployment and operation
technology to provide ADS-B and TIS-B costs and groundside integration costs,
applications. These two platforms are: followed by the assessment of benefits
– a satellite emulation platform, com- resulting from the use of SatCom technol-
posed of a satellite link emulator, the ogy compared to ground technology, and
applications and the required traffic finally an overall cost-benefit balance.
generators, designed for application
tests and validation;
– a real capacity satellite demonstrator,
based on an Alcatel DVB-RCS satel- The outcome of this project will be a fully
lite system, but adapted to ASPASIA integrated surveillance applications/satellite
requirements. platform allowing the assessment of satel-

Aeronautics Surveillance Environment


Internetworking and
Broadcasting aspects
Satellite stack
Real Satellite
Communication System

SAT emulation
Test beds and validation


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lite as a powerful enabler of surveillance – Requirements and design of the Sat-
services adoption in many European areas. Com architecture
In detail, the main expected results are: – Implementation of the validation plat-
– Requirements of GS/AS applications forms
in a SatCom environment – Cost-benefit analysis
– Design and implementation of the – System validation and conclusions.
application test beds

Acronym: ASPASIA
Name of proposal: Aeronautical Surveillance and Planning by Advanced Satellite-
Implemented Applications
Contract number: TREN/06/FP6AE/S07.57614/019717
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 241 750 €
EU contribution: 2 374 310 €
Call: FP6-2004-TREN-3
Starting date: 07.03.2006
Ending date: 06.03.2008
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Paradell Antonio
Atos Origin, SAE
Diagonal 210
ES 08018 Barcelona
Tel: +34 (0)93 486 1818
Fax: +34 (0)93 486 0766
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Alcatel Alenia Space France FR
BAE Systems (Operations) Limited UK
University of Glasgow UK
Société Française d’Etudes et de Réalisations d’équipements
Aéronautiques FR
Skysoft Portugal - Software e Tecnologias de Informação, S.A. PT
Airtel ATN Limited IE
Entidad Pública Empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles
y Navegación Aérea ES
Euro Telematik AG DE
Indra Espacio, S.A. ES
Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte S.A. ES


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 246 14/01/08 11:31:14

Increasing Operational Capacity
Contract-based Air Transportation
Background The Contract of Objectives allows ‘rec-
onciling’ ATCo, airlines and airports by
CATS is proposing an innovative air traffic
giving mutual awareness of the con-
management (ATM) solution which will be
straints (i.e. target window) and focus-
able to deal with the challenges of traffic
ing on the ultimate target – punctuality
growth (2012+ horizons), and improve the
at destination.
efficiency of the European air transport
– to integrate flexibility to cope with
This new ATM paradigm is based on an Target window modelling includes
innovative operational concept: Contract both technical level constraints and
of Objectives. This concept introduces room to keep sufficient flexibility when
an innovative way of managing ATM by disruptions occur. The target win-
mutually agreed objectives, leading to dow gives the available management
a market-driven air transportation sys- space for ATCos and aircrew to deal
tem. It addresses the entire air transport with any uncertainty during airborne
supply chain by reconciling operational flight life, but always respecting the
links between air and ground services. initial schedule.
This functional and operational continu- – the coordination of actors’ resources
ity between air and ground will enhance to deliver the best service
efficiency by increasing the predictability The Contract of Objectives is the ele-
of the air transport system. The objec- mentary unit of the collaborative pro-
tive assignment and negotiation are cess – built, agreed and shared by all
performed through a collaborative deci- the actors. It represents a ‘guarantee
sion-making process which will establish of service results’ where each actor
the operational agreement, including the provides the relevant resources and
right balance between productivity and infrastructure to deliver the appropri-
safety. Through the Contract of Objec- ate service.
tives, a guarantee of results respecting – enhanced collaboration over Single
punctuality will be offered to the airline by European Sky
the air traffic system. The Contract of Objectives and target
windows represent a commitment on
Objectives agreed interfaces between actors. To
be efficient, the network should be
The CATS project aims at giving a com-
considered at a European level.
mon, known and agreed objective to all
The Contract of Objectives involves the
the air transportation system actors with
collaboration of all actors focused on a
an integrated input of their own con-
unique area – the European airspace.
straints through a negotiated trade-off,
leading to an efficiency improvement in
Description of work
the organisation of flights and so to a cost
reduction. The first step will be devoted to define,
with the air transportation community
The objectives are:
partners, the concept of operation that is
– to link ATM actors together through
linked to the Contract of Objectives and to
agreed objectives and interfaces
describe the objectives of the operational


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assessment performed through human- In the meantime, the operational approach
in-the loop (HIL) experimentations. will focus on three main assessments:
– Impact of the Contract of Objectives
The assessment of the concepts will then
between ATCos:
be performed.
The acceptability and the impact of the
The systemic view will concentrate on Contract of Objectives are evaluated in
three aspects: the context of the border area of two
– Safety and risk assessment of the con- ANSPs.
cepts: – Impact of the Contract of Objectives
The aim is to develop a model-based between ATCos and aircrews:
assessment strategy for the key ele- The acceptability and the impact of the
ments of the concept based on the Contract of Objectives will be mainly
target window. The strategy will evolve evaluated in a given sector.
around case studies that will attempt – Evaluation of the renegotiation pro-
to identify both typical and risk sensi- cess involving ATM actors (airline, air-
tive scenarios that may arise with the port and ANSP):
target window concept. This will involve all ATM actors (airlines,
– Benefit assessment of the concepts: pilots, ATCos, airport) in case the Con-
A cost-benefits analysis at three hier- tract of Objectives is not fulfilled.
archical levels (strategic, organisa- The assessments will be performed
tional and operational) will be carried by means of human-in-the loop (HIL)
out for the different stakeholders. experiments.
– Legal assessment of the concepts:
The objective is to establish a legal
framework governing the service pro-
vision for ATM activities in the multi- The project will produce various outputs
partite relationship between airlines, applicable not only within the project-
airports and ANSPs. The Contract of partner organisations but also in other
Objectives should be implemented similar organisations in the aeronautical
through target agreements and/or industry:
service level agreements between the – a new concept of operations and the
actors. adequate modus operandi;

Contract of Objectives
1 Flight
Ground side Air side
main objective main objective
© 2005 - The European Organisation for the Safety

Control Unit Control Unit Control Unit

of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)

Of-Block Take Landing In-Block

Time of Target Windows Time

Airport TWR ANSP1 ANSP2 Approach TWR Airport

On ground Taxiing On Flight Taxiing On ground

The Contract of


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– its assessment, highlighting: – a modelling of Target Window;
– prototypes of potential tools for both
– a better use of available resources
ground and air selected during opera-
– an increase of predictability
tional assessment;
– a better respect of punctuality
– collaborative platform for multi-ac-
– a better resilience to uncertainty
tors’ experiments fitted to European
– an overall increase of the system’s
environment data;
– economical models of the identified
stakeholders provided by the cost-
benefits analysis.

Acronym: CATS
Name of proposal: Contract-based Air Transportation System
Contract number: 036889
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 2 906 654 €
EU contribution: 1 669 314 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.05.2007
Ending date: 30.04.2010
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Rihacek Christoph
Innovationsstraße 1
AT - 1100 Vienna
Tel: + 43 01 811 50 0
Fax: + 43 01 811 50 1009
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre BE
Air France Consulting FR
DSNA / Centre En Route de la Navigation Aérienne Nord FR
Unique CH
Leiden University NL
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH
Laboratorio di Ricerca Operativa Trieste University IT
L’Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo IT


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 249 14/01/08 11:31:14

Increasing Operational Capacity
Safety, complexity and
responsibility-based design and
validation of highly automated air
traffic management
Background manage a three-to-six-times increase in
current en-route traffic levels. This incor-
During recent years, the ATM community
porates an analysis of safety, complexity
research trend has been to direct large
and pilot/controller responsibilities and
airborne self-separation research proj-
an assessment of ground and airborne
ects to situations of less dense airspace.
system requirements, which make part
Typical examples of this trend are the EC
of an overall validation plan. The pro-
research projects MFF (Mediterranean
posed iFly research combines expertise
free flight) and ASSTAR (Advanced safe
in air transport’s human factors, safety
separation technology and algorithms).
and economics with analytical and Monte
This is remarkable because airborne
Carlo simulation methodologies providing
self-separation has been ‘invented’ as
for ‘implementation’ decision-making,
a potential solution for high-density air-
standardisation and regulatory frame-
space. iFly aims to develop a step change
works. The research is aimed at support-
in this trend, through a systematic exploi-
ing SESAR and actively disseminates the
tation and further development of the
results among the ATM research com-
advanced mathematical techniques that
have emerged within the HYBRIDGE proj-
ect of the European Commission’s Fifth
Framework Programme. See http://www. Description of work
iFly will perform two operational con-
cept design cycles and an assessment
cycle comprising human factors, safety,
The objectives are to achieve a separa- efficiency, capacity and economic
tion design and a highly automated ATM analyses. The general work struc-
design for en-route traffic, which takes ture is illustrated in Figure 1. During
advantage of autonomous aircraft opera- the first design cycle, state-of-the-art
tion capabilities and which is aimed to research, technology and development

Air and Ground



Operational Concept
Design Cycle 1 Design Cycle 2
iFLY work structure


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 250 14/01/08 11:31:14

Design Cycle 1 Assessment Cycle

WP1 WP6 TO+36

A3 operations Economy
A3 ConOps Economy

WP2 WP7 TO+36

A3 operations
Human responsibilities Safety/capacity/eiciency

Start at
WP3 TO+18
WP8 TO+36
Complexity prediction A3 operations Ground
A3 ConOps Requirements

WP4 Start at
Multi-agent SA consistency TO+18 WP9 TO+36
A3 operations Air

Conlict resolution Design Cycle 2
Innovative methods
Organisation of iFly research
Innovative methods

(RTD) aeronautic results will be used to Innovative methods:

define a ‘baseline’ operational concept. To develop innovative architecture-free
For the assessment cycle and second methods towards key issues that have to
design cycle, innovative methods for the be addressed by an advanced operational
design of safety-critical systems will be concept:
used to develop an operational concept – Develop a method to model and pre-
capable of managing a three-to-six- dict complexity of air traffic (WP3);
times increase in current air traffic lev- – Model and evaluate the problem of
els. These innovative methods find their maintaining multi-agent situation
roots in robotics, financial mathematics awareness (SA) and avoiding cognitive
and telecommunications. dissonance ((WP4);
– Develop conflict resolution algorithms
As depicted in Figure 2, iFly work is
for which it is formally possible to
organised through nine technical Work
guarantee their performance (WP5).
Packages (WPs), each of which belongs
to one of the four types of developments Assessment cycle:
mentioned above: To assess the state of the art in Autono-
mous Aircraft Advanced (A3) en-route
Design cycle 1
operations design-concept development
The aim is to develop an Autonomous with respect to human factors, safety and
Aircraft Advanced (A3) en-route opera- economy, and identify which limitations
tional concept which is initially based on have to be mitigated in order to accom-
the current state of the art in aeronautics modate a three-to-six-times increase in
research. The A3 ConOps is developed air traffic demand:
within WP1. An important starting and – Assess the A<sup>3</sup> oper-
reference point for this A3 ConOps devel- ation on economy, with emphasis on
opment is formed by the human respon- the impact of organisational and insti-
sibility analysis in WP2. tutional issues (WP6);


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– Assess the A<sup>3</sup> oper- Results
ation on safety as a function of traf-
There are ten expected iFly results:
fic density increase over current and
1. Autonomous Aircraft Advanced (A3)
mean density level (WP7).
Design cycle 2
2. Human factors of A3 ConOps
The aim is to extend the A3 Concept of
3. Safety/capacity of A3 ConOps
Operations (ConOps) of design cycle 1
with highly automated ATM support, so 4. Cost-benefit of A3 ConOps
that this safely accommodates a factor
5. Predict traffic complexity
of three-to-six-times more traffic then
at current busy traffic levels. WP8 devel- 6. Maintaining multi-agent situation
ops the corresponding A4 ConOps. WP9 awareness (SA)
develops preliminary safety and perfor-
7. Guaranteed conflict resolution
mance requirements on the applicable
functional elements of the A4 ConOps 8. Automated ATM supported A3 (A4)
focused in order to identify the required ConOps
technology to make this concept a reality.
9. Airborne requirements
10. Overall validation plan.

Acronym: iFly
Name of proposal: Safety, complexity and responsibility-based design and validation of
highly automated air traffic management
Contract number: 037180
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 245 900 €
EU contribution: 3 309 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 24.05.2007
Ending date: 23.08.2010
Duration: 39 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Blom Henk
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR
P.O. Box 90502
Anthony Fokkerweg 2
NL 1006 BM Amsterdam


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Tel: +31 (0)20 511 3544
Fax: +31 (0)20 511 3210
EC Officer: C. North
Partners: National Aerospace Laboratory NLR NL
Honeywell CZ
Isdefe ES
University of Tartu EE
Athens University of Economics and Business Research Centre GR
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH
University of l’Aquila IT
Politecnico di Milano IT
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of
the University of Cambridge UK
National Technical University of Athens GR
University of Twente NL
Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile FR
Dedale FR
NATS En Route Ltd UK
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
en Automatique FR
University of Leicester UK


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 253 14/01/08 11:31:15

Increasing Operational Capacity
Co-operative Approach to Air
Traffic Services II
Background The E-OCVM focuses on describing
the type of information that should be
In order to avoid unrealistic expectations
expected from the validation process and
being placed upon experimental teams,
how this information should be struc-
there is a need to create a ‘validation
tured in order to ensure that it is acces-
strategy and plan’; at the level of pro-
sible and understood by all stakeholders.
gramme management. CAATS, this proj-
To this end the ‘case’ format is used to
ect’s predecessor, identified the E-OCVM
collate this information. Good practices
as the best concept validation method-
to perform a ‘human factors case’ and a
ology due to it being seen as the most
‘safety case’ were identified by the CAATS
applicable to the first three phases from
project. The CAATS II project will further
the AP5 maturity model. The Operational
develop these ‘cases’ and will extend
Concept Validation Strategy Document
them to also include a ‘business’ case and
developed by FAA/Eurocontrol proposed
an ‘environmental’ case.
a five-level concept maturity scale: idea,
establish concept principles (V1); initial
‘proof of concept’, prototypes (V2); con-
cept integration and pre-ops simulations The objective is to continue the work
(V3); industrialisation/procedure approval begun within the CAATS project by man-
(V4); and implementation of processes/ aging, consolidating and disseminating
procedures (V5). In this process, the the knowledge produced in European
stakeholders play an important role: they ATM-related projects. The project will
make decisions about the progress of the focus on five areas namely safety, human
concept, based on its maturity, beyond factors, business, environment and vali-
the world of ATM R&D. dation.

ATM Concepts – Level of Maturity Implemented
Established concept Initial “proof of ? concept integration Industrialisation / Implementation of
principles concept” prototypes ops simulation Procedure approval processes/procedures

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Validation checkpoints – increasing rigour addressing

Speciics e.g. Safety, human factors, technical, cost.
Levels of maturity of ATM


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Environmental Case based model Key Performance Area
Good Practices

Environmental Case
Business Good Practices
Technology Case
Updated Safety Business Case Stakeholders
Good Practices
Safety Case

Updated HF Human Factors Case

Good Practices
Study results

V1 V2 V3
CAATS II contribution to
E-OCVM overall case-based view

Description of work – identifying the projects’ best practices

in the areas of business and environ-
The CAATS II work plan is divided into
three Work Packages (WP) and five sub-
– developing guidelines for typical
Work Packages, each comprising closely
safety, human factors, business and
related activities.
environment cases;
WP 0: Project management and coordina- – applying the cases developed in FP6
tion will assure project progress accord- projects;
ing to the planning, control the quality – integrating the above practices and
and delivery of deliverables on time, and cases in the E-OCVM.
control the various (and total) budgets for
WP 2: Dissemination and interaction with
the project.
the projects will provide the basic infra-
WP 1: Knowledge management and structure needed to operate the CAATS
consolidation will cover all activities of II website and dissemination activities in
interaction with other Sixth Framework order to create the appropriate coordina-
Programme (FP6)/ATM projects. The main tion and collaboration environment with
task will be to collect, collate and analyse the projects and with the stakeholders.
the obtained knowledge in the areas of
safety, human factors, business, environ- Results
ment and their integration in the E-OCVM.
The expected results are:
A specialised team is assigned to each of – Best practices for business and envi-
these areas. These activities involve: ronmental areas;
– collecting and collating the informa- – Case-based approach models for
tion generated by the ATM projects human factors, safety, business and
in the areas of safety, human factors, environment. The ‘case’ approach
business and environment; includes detailed information on per-
– identifying and analysing the lack of a formance capabilities and behavioural
coordinated approach within the cur- characteristics;
rent ATM projects and the gaps; – Integration of the cases in the
– updating the projects’ best practices in E-OCVM;
the areas of safety and human factors – Dissemination and support on the use
identified in CAATS II; of best practices for the projects.


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Acronym: CAATS-II
Name of proposal: Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Services II
Contract number: TREN/06/FP6AE/S07.63283/036826
Instrument: CA
Total cost: 3 452 212 €
EU contribution: 3 000 000 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 06.11.2006
Ending date: 05.11.2009
Duration: 36 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Valmorisco Fernandez Marcial
Edison 4
ES 28006 Madrid
Tel: +34 (0)91 271 17 52
Fax: +34 (0)91 564 51 08
EC Officer: M. Jensen
Partners: Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España (Isdefe) ES
Imperial Collage London UK
Entidad Publica Empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación
Aérea (AENA) ES
Eurocontrol Experimental Centre FR
Integra DK
Ingeniería y Economía de Transporte, S.A (INECO) ES
Deep Blue s.r.l IT
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) NL
Boeing Research and Technology Europe, S.L. SE
NATS (Services) Limited UK
Nickleby HFE Ltd UK


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Increasing Operational Capacity
INnovative Operational UAV
Background – Identifying how UAV can benefit from
SWIM and what activities have to be
The driving force behind creating the
taken to achieve the benefit;
INOUI project is stemming from the fact
– Identifying the safety issues related to
that no ongoing European ATM proj-
UAVs and developing high-level safety
ect focuses on the crucial matter of
objectives and requirements;
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Regard-
– Identifying the potential airport types
less of the fact that drones are already
for UAV operations and describing the
furrowing the skies, albeit either at a very
operational impact.
low altitude or in segregated airspace due
to their mostly military nature, integra-
Description of work
tion in the non-restricted airspace is not
happening. In particular, the topic of UAV The work within INOUI is divided into
is almost totally absent from SESAR and seven Work Packages (WP):
its high-level Definition Phase (Phase I).
1. Identification of the future ATM envi-
INOUI aims at complementing SESAR to
ronment and UAV applications
compensate for this.
WP 1 sets the scene for all further
work in this project. Existing know-
how from, for example, EUROCON-
The main objective of the INOUI project TROL, SESAR and international
is to provide a roadmap for the future of organisations like ICAO will be analy-
UAVs in the context of the ever-changing sed and ideas and plans existing today
ATM environment. Furthermore, INOUI will be projected into the future. This
aims at complementing the SESAR activi- comprises inter alia the assumed
ties with regard to the operational con- operational concepts or technological
cept and the architecture, as well as the concepts in use. Having done this the
roadmap for research and development related requirements will be captured
activities. in a dedicated workshop.
In particular INOU is aiming at: 2. Assess the impact of the future ATM
– Identifying the spread of operational system on UAVs
concepts for UAV applications and WP 2 will analyse and define how UAV
describe the resulting procedures and systems will be integrated in the 2020
requirements in the different time- ATM architecture in terms of techno-
frames up to 2020; logical concepts and requirements.
– Identifying how UAVs can fit into the The available, planned or envisaged
ATM system of 2020 and what activi- technologies identified for either UAVs
ties have to be achieved, especially or ATM systems will be assessed for
from the UAV point of view (research their ability to fulfil the operational
roadmap); concept and the related operational
– Identifying existing certification require- requirements for different UAV applica-
ments, and process and suggest an opti- tions. Furthermore, it is the intention to
mum certification blueprint for human complete a roadmap with regard to the
resources and, as far as is required, availability of technology or the require-
UAV-related technologies; ment for development up to 2020.


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3. Assess the requirements on the tion of safety requirements will be car-
UAV-related technology and humans ried out.
6. Identify challenges for airports with
WP 3 will investigate procedures and regard to UAVs.
requirements on certification and
WP 6 focuses on the operational and
licensing of personnel dealing with
technological perspective from the
UAVs and will classify UAV operators’
airport point of view by defining an
working environments, based on those
operational concept for the UAV oper-
for pilots and controllers. If required,
ations at airports of 2020 and beyond.
INOUI will also support certification
The technologies under development
and licensing issues for technology.
will be assessed with regard to their
4. Assess how situational awareness can capability to enable airport operations
be assured. to facilitate the integration of UAVs.
WP 4 aims to analyse and define how 7. Dissemination and exploitation
UAV systems will be integrated in the
The INOUI project plans an extensive
2020 ATM architecture, focusing on
programme of dissemination activities
the common operating picture. In this
(WP 7), ranging from the organisation
step INOUI will identify how situational
of a web page up to participation in
awareness can be assured by studying
panels, workshops and dissemination
the differences between the ‘tradi-
forums of other projects.
tional’ users of ATM systems and the
‘new’ users, the UAV-users. This study
will be two-pronged: the information
and communications layer, and the INOUI is the European R&D community’s
applications layer. attempt to resolve the question of the UAV
integration in 2020 ATM. INOUI outcomes
5. Assess and identify safety issues.
will establish a framework for their oper-
Within WP 5, a safety assessment ation in Europe, serving as a booster for
cycle from system/model definition, the European UAV industry. INOUI will
via hazard identification to the defini- define an operational concept, propose

WP 2 WP 3
WP 2.1 WP 3.1
Technology Watchlopments Certiication and licensing
SESAME issues of UAV operators WP 6
WP 2.2 WP 3.2 WP 6.1
Assessment of Technology Certiication and licensing Operational concept for
for UAV Integration issues of UAV airframes the UAVs on Airports
WP 2.3 WP 3.3 WP 6.2
C-ATM Conclusions and Recommendations Roadmap for certiication Technology watch for
for New Technology Developments and licensing issues of UAVs UAV operations on airports

WP 4
Elements of the UAV systems within
the 2020 SWIM-enabled ATM

WP 4.2
New UAV-related COP actors
WP1.1 WP 4.3 WP 7.1
Deinition of ATM Level of Autonomy Dissemination and
Environment for UAV in 2020 Exploitation plan
WP 1.2
WP 7.2
Gate to Gate Deinition of operational
INOUI Web Site
concepts for UAV WP 5
WP 1.3 WP 5.1
Integration of UAV into System description and functional WP 7.3
the ATM System analysis of the UAV system Dissemination activities

SWIM WP1.4 WP 5.2

Discussion with Hazard analysis
the relevant organisations
WP 5.3
Deinition of safety objectives
Work Packages and CASCADE
WP 5.4
interdependencies Deinition of safety requirement


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operational procedures and assess the Another main result of INOUI is the sup-
technologies in order to facilitate the UAV port for maintaining safety levels when
integration in the airspace and airport introducing UAVs into a 2020 environment,
paradigm foreseen by 2020 and beyond. even with air traffic expected to be three
times greater than what it is currently.

Acronym: INOUI
Name of proposal: INnovative Operational UAV Integration
Contract number: TREN/07/FP6AE/S07.69061/037191
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 4 305 719 €
EU contribution: 2 317 414 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 01.06.2007
Ending date: 31.05.2009
Duration: 24 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Baumann Achim
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
AM DFS- campus 10
DE 63225 Langen
Tel: +49 (0)6103 707 4904
Fax: +49 (0)6103 707 4995
EC Officer: C. North
Partners: Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A ES
Boeing Resarch and Technology Europe ES
Fundación Instituto de Investigación INNAXIS ES
Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH DE


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Increasing Operational Capacity
Single European sky
implementation support through
Background Description of work
The European Commission initiated EP3 The European Commission and EURO-
(Episode 3) to undertake a detailed first CONTROL launched the ‘industry-led’
assessment of SESAR. SESAR programme in April 2006, and
Commissioner Barrot set the following
EP3 will assess a significant part of the
SESAR gate-to-gate operational ATM con-
– Safety: increase 10 times
cept during a three-year period. EP3 will
– Capacity: increase 3 times
deliver validated operational services and
– ATM costs: reduce by 50%
environment definitions (OSEDs) together
– Environmental impact: reduce by 10%.
with the associated performance justi-
fication, to SESAR stakeholders. During SESAR will deliver its concept of opera-
their life cycle, these activities will be fully tions covering strategic and tactical
integrated into the SESAR programme’s planning, air traffic control, airport and
development phase (2007-2013), gov- airspace user operations in 2007.
erned by the SESAR joint undertaking.
EP3 will focus the assessment by using
ICAO key performance areas and the
European Operational Concept Validation
EP3’s scientific and technical objectives Process methodology. The project has
are to: constructed validation areas that group
– provide evidence that the SESAR oper- the SESAR concept elements in accor-
ational concept is ‘safe in principle’, or dance with its mode of operation to assess
otherwise; the expected benefits and its acceptability
– define a performance validation by human actors.
framework based on SESAR perfor-
Sequences of classical and innovative
mance targets;
assessment tools will be used, including:
– provide evidence of the performance
– Expert groups providing initial qualita-
of the operational concept against
tive assessment against selected KPA
these targets;
in relation to operability, safety and
– provide evidence of the operational
human factors whilst also developing
viability of the SESAR target concept,
validation scenarios;
or otherwise;
– Gaming exercises providing human
– provide evidence of the technical via-
assessment of strategic decision-
bility of the SESAR target concept, or
making processes feeding fast-time
simulation and analytical modelling;
– consolidate and detail the SESAR
– Fast-time modelling performance
operational concept in accordance
assessment on KPA, and filtering sce-
with the assessment results.
narios and options to be evaluated by
real-time simulation and trade-off


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– Real-time simulation providing quali- Results
tative operational assessments, which
EP3 will deliver operational services
will be valuable for developing the
and environment definition documents
concept and building common under-
(OSED), which will detail the SESAR Con-
cept of Operation and be validated by the
All assessments will be consolidated in a project’s assessment process. A final
top-level system model for trade-off and delivery will involve education and dis-
reporting. semination to cover the many stakehold-
ers not directly involved in SESAR but who
EP3’s 26 partners (a majority of which
need its output for implementation deci-
participated in SESAR) cover all ATM
technical and system aspects including
flow and traffic management, air traffic Key results from EP3 will enable SESAR
control, airspace user and airport opera- decision-makers to take implementation
tions. decisions based on performance assess-
ment and operator acceptance of the pro-
Assessment activity will exploit the part-
posed SESAR Concept of Operation.
ners’ validation capabilities throughout
Europe in a European validation infra-
structure during two validation cycles,
which will cover a generic first assess-
ment followed by local specific validation
EP3 will produce a full assessment of the
SESAR Concept of Operations by 2010.


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Acronym: EP3
Name of proposal: Single European sky implementation support through validation
Contract number: TREN/07/FP6AE/S07.70057.037106
Instrument: IP
Total cost: 33 379 219 €
EU contribution: 17 402 543 €
Call: FP6-2005-TREN-4-Aero
Starting date: 18.04.2007
Ending date: 16.08.2010
Duration: 40 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Ground Based ATM
Coordinator: Mr Leplae Philippe
Centre de Bois des Bordes
FR 91222 Bretigny sur Orge
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 88 75 51
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 88 69 51
EC Officer: C. North
Partners: The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation BE
Entidad Pública Empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación
Aérea ES
Airbus France FR
Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DE
Nats En Route Ltd UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL
Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne FR
ENAV s.p.a. IT
Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte, S.A ES
ISA Software FR
Neometsys FR
SELEX Sistemi Integrati IT
Smiths Aerospace US


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Thales Avionics FR
Thales ATM FR
Queens University of Belfast UK
Civil Aviation Authority of China Air Traffic Management Bureau CN
Civil Aviation Authority of China Centre of Aviation
Safety Technology CN
AustroControl AT
HungaroControl HU
Letove prevadzkove sluzby Slovenskej republiky (Slovakia) SK
Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland NL


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Increasing Operational Capacity
Secure aTm cdmA software-defined
Background to support both wideband communi-
cations and the existing VHF analogue
ATM (Air Traffic Management) systems
audio format,
will run short of communication capac-
4. to estimate the capacity and QoS
ity between 2010 and 2015 depending on
improvements offered by a wideband
the considered geographical area (e.g.
communications system with regards
northwestern France, which is a dense
to the 8.33 kHz and VDL-mode2 sys-
air-traffic area, will be among the first
ATC-saturated ones).
5. to validate and verify a secure wide-
Depending on the forecast scenarios, it band communications system by 2008
appears that current and planned ana- in lab and flight trials,
logue and even digital VHF systems (VDL 6. to carry out the preparatory stan-
mode 2, 3 or 4) will only support capac- dardisation and regulatory activities
ity growth until 2015 at most in Europe required for an effective wideband-
before being saturated. It is feared that based ATM system deployment,
ATC problems could arise earlier (from 7. to promote the system with dissemi-
2010 on) in high-density traffic areas nation towards the relevant stake-
creating severe traffic congestion and holders.
increasing safety risks.
Description of work
At European level, ICAO in the ACP work-
group has initiated an analysis and first The STAR project will study and validate
selection of potential radio solutions. a secure, scalable, wideband UMTS/3GPP
communication system at RF frequen-
The UMTS 3GPP Wideband CDMA stan-
cies, including the avionics modem and
dard has been identified officially as a
necessary ground communication infra-
candidate for the future ATC radio system
structure for a future air-traffic commu-
by the Working Group C of the Aeronauti-
nication system (part of ATM) with VHF
cal Communications Panel belonging to
audio capability through SDR re-config-
Objectives Innovation in the STAR programme will
mainly be on the following items:
The STAR project’s scientific and techno-
logical objectives can be summarised as 1. Software Defined Radio (RF +
follows: modem)
1. to develop a secure wideband ATM STAR is aiming at proving the advan-
communications system based on tages of a SDR concept for avionics
UMTS protocols, ATM purposes regarding modula-
2. to develop a representative trial net- tions (legacy analogue voice and digi-
work permitting the set-up of an air- tal wideband 3GPP) and frequencies
ground link by airborne equipment in (at VHF for voice and at RF band for
wideband communication mode, wideband CDMA) showing the back-
3. to perform research on and to develop ward compatibility of this concept
a prototype multi-mode (SDR) avion- with legacy and forward compatibility
ics baseband platform, which is able with other possibly future standards.


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2. Adaptation of the UMTS protocols Results
(down to the physical layer) to allow
The main project deliverables are:
their use in the avionic ATM/ATC radio
– SDR state of the art (open literature),
taking into account its specificities
– Traffic classes definition and specifi-
(Doppler, delays due to cell size, etc.).
The validation of the ATM SDR concept – Security requirement specifications,
will be carried out as follows: – Legacy systems requirements,
1. In lab trials emulating the complete – Wideband air interface requirement
system (airborne and ground equip- definition (R1 and 2),
ment), using channel simulators, – Frequency band allocation report,
traffic load generation and jamming, – Avionics SDR RF/modem architecture
at VHF for legacy analogue voice and specification,
digital wideband modulation, and at – STAR network architecture (R1 and 2),
RF band for CDMA waveforms. – Capacity evaluation results,
– Avionics SDR subsystems implemen-
2. Through flight trials in order to con-
tation and validation report,
firm the lab tests results at VHF for
– Avionics SDR platform,
legacy analogue voice and at RF band
– Ground subsystem implementation
for CDMA waveforms.
and validation,
– STAR system integration report,
– Laboratory tests results,
– Acquired and post-processed air
flight-test results,
– Study results abstracts for presenta-
tion to standardisation bodies,


Node B Node B Node B




App Node B
Node B RF BB


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Acronym: STAR
Name of proposal: Secure aTm cdmA software-defined Radio
Contract number: AST4-CT-2005-030824
Instrument: STP
Total cost: 5 204 567 €
EU contribution: 2 692 768 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.06.2006
Ending date: 01.12.2008
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Capacity
Research domain: Airborne ATM
Coordinator: Mr Bernard Meuriche
Thales Communications
160 boulevard de Valmy
FR 92704 Colombes
Tel: +33 (0)1 46 13 35 42
Fax: +33 (0)1 41 30 29 79
EC Officer: J.L. Marchand
Partners: Agilent Technologies Belgium SA/NV BE
Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA IT
Green Hills Software BV NL
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DE
Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium NL


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Support Actions
European Aeronautics Science
Network Phase II
Background – To facilitate and foster the mobility of
researchers in Europe.
The European Aeronautics Science Net-
work, EASN, was set up by six partners The strategic objectives addressed by
from five European universities and one EASN II are:
research establishment. Its goal was to – Promotion of upstream and innovative
establish an open, unique European plat- research and development of break-
form in order to structure, support and through technologies, which represent
upgrade the research activities of the the prerequisite for achieving the stra-
European aeronautic universities as well tegic target of Europe’s technological
as facilitating their role in realising the leadership in aeronautics, by develop-
European Research Area. Before EASN ing incubator mechanisms;
was launched, the contribution of these – Realisation of the European Research
universities in realising Europe’s present Area;
research objectives in aeronautics and – Development of an EU research strat-
developing long-term research goals and egy for universities in the aeronauti-
associated strategies had been limited cal sector, in accordance with and
to the fragmented individual university complementary to the strategies of
contributions. The weakness of this frag- the respective industrial and research
mented approach was in direct contradic- establishment associations;
tion with the high level and potential of – Support of the integration of the new
these individual universities on the one Member States’ universities within the
side and the very well organised associa- European aeronautics research com-
tions of the other aeronautics stakehold- munity;
ers on the other. EASN II aims to exploit – Facilitating the links between SMEs
the tools created during the first phase of and universities;
the project in order to further facilitate the – Facilitating the coupling of aeronau-
communication and co-operation between tics research and aeronautical engi-
the European academic community and neering education;
finally establish a non-profit association – Dissemination of knowledge and
which will ensure the continuation of the exploitation of scientific and techno-
European Aeronautics Science Network. logical results;
– Stimulation of international co-opera-
Objectives tion.
The main objectives of EASN II are:
Description of work
– To take the fragmented and multiplied
efforts in the research activities of By exploiting the current EASN Thematic
European aeronautic universities and and Regional structure, EASN II aims to
organise and network them according further stimulate and promote upstream
to their technological disciplines; research in European aeronautics. Com-
– To restructure the existing EASN munication routes to and from univer-
regional structure, so as to achieve the sities in the 12 new Member States will
integration of universities from the 12 be established and a new tool, namely
new Member States; the National Contact Points, will be


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introduced in order to further increase Results
the efficiency of the network.
The main expected results of the EASN II
The EASN Interest Groups (IG) will be project are:
expanded and further developed to cover – The concept of the scientific and tech-
the complete scientific and technologi- nological pan-European IGs, which
cal areas in aeronautics. Links between was successfully developed and vali-
industrial research centres and IGs will dated for a limited number of tech-
facilitate the exploitation of the IGs by nological areas in the framework of
the European aeronautics industry. The the first EASN phase, will be further
workshops of the EASN IGs will contrib- developed and exploited to cover the
ute to the information flow, suggestions whole scientific and technological
and discussions of ideas on innovative area of the 2020 Vision for aeronautics
research, breakthrough technologies, and beyond. IGs will become the rep-
harmonisation of research activities, and resentatives of the industry to take its
the development of ideas and plans for views into account. Related IGs will be
fostering collaboration and human mobil- networked within major technologi-
ity. cal and scientific areas of aeronauti-
cal research, in accordance with the
Furthermore, a new updated and more
ASTERA/ACARE Taxonomy in order
user-friendly EASN website will be set
to cover the complete scientific and
up which will facilitate the exchange of
technological area related to aeronau-
knowledge and promote collaboration
tics (second networking level). These
between EASN members. Finally, the
networks will be cross-linked, so as
EASN association will be established
to provide a unique research structure
after analytically formulating the aims of
which includes the European aero-
the association, identifying the founding
nautic universities (third networking
members, formulating the statutes and
finally organising an awareness cam-
– The thematic scientific and technologi-
paign to make the existence of the EASN
cal structure of EASN described above
association known.
will serve as the infrastructure and
also the incubator mechanism which
will facilitate, organise and promote
upstream the innovative research and
development of breakthrough tech-
– The exploitation of regional and the-
matic EASN structures as well as the
links created with the industrial sec-
– The establishment of a permanent
and self-funded university association
for aeronautical research.


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Acronym: EASN II
Name of proposal: European Aeronautics Science Network Phase II
Contract number: ASA5-CT-2006-044667
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 319 500 €
EU contribution: 319 500 €
Call: FP6-2005-Aero-1
Starting date: 01.11.2006
Ending date: 30.04.2008
Duration: 18 months
Objective: Competitiveness
Research domain: Aerodynamics
Coordinator: Prof. Pantelakis Spiros
University of Patras, Laboratory of Technology and
Strength of Materials
Panepistimioupolis, Rion
GR 26500 Patras
Tel: +30 (0)2610 991027
Fax: +30 (0)2610 997190
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: TU Braunschweig DE
Cransfield University UK
Warsaw University of Technology PL


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Support Actions
Study on high-altitude aircraft
and airships (HAAS) deployed for
specific aeronautical and space
Background ing and developmental HAAS unmanned
aircraft, which will be used for potential
The USE HAAS proposal develops an EU
deployment to provide important mis-
research strategy in the technology sec-
sions and applications.
tor of high-altitude aircraft and airships
(HAAS). HAAS are designed to fly above
controlled airspace up to the strato-
sphere. From such a high altitude, they The objectives are:
are expected to provide important aero- 1. to analyse the worldwide state of the
nautical missions and applications. When art including HAAS aeronautical uses;
hovering in geo-stationary flight they will 2. to develop tentative research objec-
also provide satellite equivalent services tives for HAAS deployment;
such as regional Earth system observa- 3. to discuss objectives in workshops
tions and communication services with a and working groups to prepare a SRA
terrestrial footprint of 600 km in diameter. for the HAAS sector;
In order to provide such services HAAS 4. to disseminate recommendations
must carry out long-endurance flights based on the objectives;
of weeks or months, which introduces 5. to issue the final report including the
new concepts for multi-mission applica- conclusions and the impact on regula-
tions, given existing legal unmanned air- tions;
craft air traffic management regulations. 6. to make recommendations for coor-
More than a hundred potential USE HAAS dinating the activities in this sector,
stakeholders and end-users took part in and for defining and disseminating
the two workshops and working group a technological roadmap and a SRA
meetings, and shared the challenge of for the HAAS sector based upon the
creating the HAAS sector by preparing inputs given by the end-users and
the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for any potential industrial partner dur-
the sector. The executive summary of the ing the workshops and working group
project also includes analysis of exist- meetings.


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Description of work Results
Analysis of the working group meetings The main achievement of the USE HAAS
shows an impressive contribution to project was to provide the HAAS sector
the USE HAAS consortium work and its with a Strategic Research Agenda that
objectives. It specifically highlights the includes the R&D needs for developing
preparation of the HAAS SRA and the cre- the HAAS platform, and prospective HAAS
ation of the HAAS sector. missions and applications. There is a need
to establish a forum to follow up the activi-
The first workshop was organised to dis-
ties of the HAAS sector and implement the
seminate the planned project activities to
recommendations of the HAAS SRA, and
the new HAAS sector, and to involve EU
promote legalisation of needed regulations
stakeholders and HAAS platform devel-
in order to deploy civilian HAAS unmanned
opers from the USA, Russia, Japan and
aircraft. Such a forum could be a HAAS
Korea. The second workshop summarised
observation platform (HAASOP) to include
the current HAAS state of the art and the
major HAAS stakeholders, relevant indus-
draft version of the SRA was presented.
tries, research institutes and end-users.
The European aeronautical industry,
The surprisingly large number of active
including the air transport industry, is
participants in the two workshops and
large, important and complex. It was,
working group meetings (136) represents
therefore, entirely appropriate that the
an adequate spread from industry and
work done on this project should include
potential end-users, research institutions,
the development of the HAAS sector’s
public authorities and stakeholders. Many
SRA. The HAAS SRA consists of three
of them were encouraged to implement
volumes: i) Summary; ii) R&D needs; iii)
the HAAS SRA R&D needs and develop a
Missions and applications.
regulatory ATM (air traffic management)
to deploy civilian HAAS for different mis-
sions and applications. The first meeting
of the suggested HAASOP took place on
16 October 2006 and a mandate was given
to implement these recommendations.
The deliverables are published on the
project website.


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Acronym: USE HAAS
Name of proposal: Study on high-altitude aircraft and airships (HAAS) deployed for
specific aeronautical and space applications
Contract number: ASA4-CT-2005-516081
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 435 882 €
EU contribution: 435 882 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.03.2005
Ending date: 31.08.2006
Duration: 18 months
Objective: Support Actions
Coordinator: Prof. Arie Lavie
CTI – Creative Technologies Israel Ltd
49 Dagan St.
IL 93856 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 (0)2 64 52 086
Fax: +972 (0)2 64 52 489
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: Royal Military Academy BE
University of York UK
Israel Aircraft Industries IL
University of Liege (Centre Spatial de Liege) BE


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Support Actions
Validation of an Experimental
Airship Transportation for
Aerospace Logistics
Background flight with a 4-ton aerospace payload
if possible;
The 20 century started with the con-
– to simulate all the operations required
quest of the atmosphere by aeroplanes
for a transcontinental airship flight,
and ended with orbiting the earth and
covering all the requirements of the
moon. The 21st century can foresee the
European aerospace industry.
conquest of air cargo transportation by
airships in the new economic paradigm of These objectives can be realised by:
globalisation. – a group of logisticians making an
inventory of their needs and handling
The intensification of transporting goods
methods in special transportation;
worldwide requires:
– a roadmap of airship technology inno-
– payloads, which are heavier, larger,
indivisible and pre-mounted, still
– an industrial and R&D consortium for
needing to be transported;
larger prototypes and industrialisa-
– delivery to be achieved at any time, in
any place, in all weather, infrastruc-
– an international training centre, based
in Europe, for teaching pilots to fly air-
– the carrier to be ‘mission versatile’
and if active in airspace, to be able to
– co-operative work on the airship
move/hover, lift/descend, be ecologi-
theme, carried out by universities spe-
cal and autonomous.
cialising in aerospace and technology.
Description of work
During the early part of the last cen-
The first part of the work will consist of
tury, airships were able to tour the world
reviewing the state of the art in aerostatic
endlessly with 100 tons of payload. This
matters, and illustrating aerostation past
project challenges the new century to
history and achievements to provide the
‘retro-innovate’ in order to provide trans-
background necessary to sustain the
port solutions for cumbersome payloads
architecture of the conference.
and break the present limit of two tons.
Semiosphere, assisted by the Troisel and
To reach this challenge, the preliminary
Supaero teams, will provide the condi-
objectives are:
tions and constraints attached to any sat-
– to organise conferences/workshops
ellite payload transportation along with a
relating to the transportation of cum-
comparative review of the transportation
bersome and indivisible payloads
(specially in the aerospace domain) as
well as participating and presenting Troisel will provide material and illustra-
papers during other conferences; tions of the lift and transport limits they
– to demonstrate via the media the fea- face in their day-to-day operations with
sibility of this transport technology, the assistance of logisticians from differ-
performing an experimental airship ent walks of industry.


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Thermoplane and Compagnie des Results
Aérostats des Pyrénées will then demon-
It is expected that VEATAL will achieve a
strate the type of contribution which will
thorough assessment of the requirements
solve the exposed needs, how the tonnage
linked to the retro-innovation of airships
limit can be broken with illustrations of
for transportation in terms of comple-
the existing Russian prototype and how
mentary interoperable transportation.
navigating to launching sites will be rea-
lised (supported by an animated simula- A modern airship technology develop-
tion), while Troisel will investigate how ment roadmap will have been drawn up,
the technology investment (as a roadmap) and hopefully an industrial consortium
will be beneficial to the economic sys- will be implemented, along with a train-
tems at large. ing centre.
These demonstrations will constitute
the core of the presentations during the
conferences to which experts in the logis-
tic fields will be invited to present their
Conferences should take place in France,
Russia, Beijing and Brussels in order to
cover a large spectrum of the stakehold-
ers’ issues.

A thermoplane airship


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Acronym: VEATAL
Name of proposal: Validation of an Experimental Airship Transportation for Aerospace
Contract number: ASA4-CT-2006-016093
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 278 000 €
EU contribution: 278 000 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.10.2006
Ending date: 31.03.2008
Duration: 18 months
Objective: Support Actions
Coordinator: Dr Gronoff Christian
30 bis rue de l’ancien chateau
FR 31670 Labege (Toulouse)
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 24 41 69
Fax: +33 (0)5 62 24 00 71
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: Thermoplane, KB RU
Compagnie des Aérostats des Pyrénées FR
Troisel S.A. FR


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Support Actions
Support for European aeronautical
SMEs (Phase VI)
Background Objectives
AeroSME VI is another project in the The objectives of the project are:
series of successful Specific Support – to support aeronautical SMEs in
Actions for aeronautics. Running since advancing their technology base and
1999, AeroSME is providing information their competitiveness through par-
and support to encourage and facilitate ticipation in European R&TD projects
the participation of European aeronauti- to improve and maintain the competi-
cal small and medium-sized enterprises tiveness of the European aeronautical
(SMEs) in R&TD projects funded by the supply chain;
EU. – to promote SME participation in the EU
Framework Programmes by providing
The improvement of the communication
the necessary support and informa-
flow and exchange of information with the
tion services. AeroSME VI is focused
larger companies and other stakehold-
on the first call of FP7 and will start
ers in the aeronautics sector, e.g. uni-
the preparation of the second call;
versities and research establishments,
– to stimulate international co-operation
has resulted in a wider access for SMEs
by supporting and coordinating a reli-
to the industry-led research propos-
able network between SMEs, industry,
als. Along with other support actions,
research institutes, universities and
AeroSME has contributed to an increase
other entities;
in the participation of SMEs from 5.3% in
– to support the aerospace sector of the
the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) to
new and candidate Member States in
11.9% in the third call of FP6. However, it
joining the European aerospace com-
is obvious that continuous support is still
needed to achieve the 15% SME participa-
– to stimulate the exchange of infor-
tion targeted for FP7.
mation and views among the various

© Aero SME

Aero SME Home page


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tiers of the supply chain by providing a Results
communication platform, not only for
Since its beginnings, AeroSME has con-
SMEs but also for large enterprises
tinuously widened its range of activities.
and research organisations which
Today, AeroSME is an effective communi-
usually have little direct access to the
cation platform for all players in the aero-
SME community.
nautics community, including those who
are not represented by the large national/
Description of work
European industrial associations or the
AeroSME is a support action co-ordinated major national aeronautical research
by ASD, the AeroSpace and Defence establishments. The project provides a
Industries Association of Europe (for- single point of contact for all inquiries
merly AECMA) representing the aero- on both EU research and supply chain
space industry in Europe in all matters issues, and for networking in the aero-
of common interest. Due to the privileged space sector.
communication channels with large
AeroSME has constantly adapted its ser-
companies (represented in the Industrial
vices to the needs of SMEs in the respec-
Management Groups – IMG4), research
tive Framework Programmes. Based on
establishments, universities, and national
an analysis of the SME role in FP6 proj-
and regional associations, AeroSME pro-
ects and the new requirements for FP7,
vides a proactive interface between SMEs
AeroSME will provide an advanced FP7
and the aeronautic-related bodies and
SME support scheme. It will offer the ser-
represents a point of reference for SME
vices and activities necessary to cope with
issues. The coverage of all 33 countries
the new FP7 rules, to provide the continu-
associated with FP7 ensures a truly pan-
ously required support to SMEs and to
European approach.
attract and take care of new SME users.
Building on acquired expertise, AeroSME
Along with other EC supporting actions,
VI continues to provide tailored services
AeroSME will aim to increase the percent-
in FP7 such as the helpdesk, the website,
age participation of SMEs in the first calls
the internet SME database and newslet-
of FP7. The relationship with IMG4 will
ters. Specific actions are undertaken
facilitate the access of SMEs to informa-
in co-operation with IMG4 to facilitate
tion on research strategies and proposal
the integration of SMEs in the large col-
preparation activities, which are not usu-
laborative proposals to be submitted in
ally available to smaller companies.
the first aeronautics call in FP7, e.g. the
workshop including one-to-one meetings
between interested SMEs and project
coordinators. Workshops addressed at
aeronautical SMEs are organised to raise
awareness on European research issues
and the industry’s future needs, as well as
facilitating contacts with large companies
in the supply chain.


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Acronym: AeroSME VI
Name of proposal: Support for European aeronautical SMEs (Phase VI)
Contract number: ASA5-CT-2006-036587
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 320 324 €
EU contribution: 320 324 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.12.2006
Ending date: 30.11.2007
Duration: 12 months
Objective: Support Actions
Coordinator: Ms Chiarini Paola
ASD - AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe
Monsanto Building, 270, Avenue de Tervuren
BE 1150 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 775 82 98
Fax: +32 (0)2 775 81 11
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: ASD BE


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Support Actions
European Communities
Aeronautics Research Plus
Background The ongoing collaboration with
AeroSME and SCRATCH will be main-
The participation of research-intensive
tained and increased. Dialogue will be
SMEs in EC-funded research has always
established with regional governments
been a challenge in the area of aeronau-
or programmes as well as with the
tics, considering the high level of struc-
aeronautical companies in charge of
turing achieved by the supply chain in
the large collaborative projects’ coor-
this particular field. However, the new
instruments implemented by the Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6), with the
objective of structuring the European Description of work
Research Area, have been considered by
In the first phase, ECARE+ will expand its
many SMEs to be a major hindrance on
core group from what it was at the end of
the road to participation, making it an
the previous ECARE project (17 clusters)
even greater challenge than during FP5.
to 30 clusters. Common tools and meth-
ods will be discussed and implemented.
People in the regional points of contact
This proposal follows up on the ECARE will be trained for the subsequent project
project (2003-2005), which was funded activities, allowing the ECARE+ Group to
under FP5, and is planned as an ampli- become fully operational regarding the
fication of the tasks resulting from the project activities and be effective relays to
first project. The main objective is to the SMEs in their region.
greatly improve on the involvement of
In the second phase, regional sessions
research-intensive aeronautical SMEs
will be organised in the 30 ECARE+
into EC-funded research (on collabora-
regions, with the aim of preparing SMEs
tive projects), following a method adapted
for the first call for proposal of FP7 in the
from the ECARE project, with its identified
field of aeronautics. The ECARE+ ses-
best practices and the lessons learnt:
sions will present the opportunities of the
– A core group of 8 partners, includ-
first FP7 calls and the ECARE+ method,
ing 6 aeronautical regional clusters
which will support participation of SMEs
and benefiting from the support of an
in large collaborative projects.
already established group of 11 other
clusters, will further expand in order Once the information is disseminated
to involve up to 30 regions. during the regional sessions, the
– Information seminars on FP6 and FP7 ECARE+ contact points will assess the
opportunities will be organised and technological capacities of SMEs and
SME capabilities will be assessed in their willingness to bring a benefit to
order to expand the already existing large collaborative projects. The ECARE+
database of companies to 300 entries. database will be expanded from 200 to
Partner search functionalities will be 300 entries and will be updated for each
installed on the project’s website. call during the life of the project. Small
– SME capabilities will be relayed to the groups of SMEs will be identified and for-
large collaborative projects’ coordina- warded to the coordinator of each large
tors after fine-tuning by ECARE+. collaborative project.


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During this process, much emphasis will Results
be put on ECARE+ fostering partnerships
ECARE+ will foster partnerships between:
between SMEs from different regions,
– European aeronautics clusters
with the aim of establishing trans-national
– SMEs from different clusters
clusters for research and business.
– SMEs and large companies in the
ECARE+ will work in close collabora- framework of FP7’s large collabora-
tion with other EC-funded support mea- tive projects.
sures in the field of aeronautics, such as
ECARE+ will organize 20 information
seminars, or regional sessions, and will
expand its SME database to include up to
350 SMEs.

Acronym: ECARE+
Name of proposal: European Communities Aeronautics Research Plus
Contract number: ASA4-CT-2005-016087
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 535 000 €
EU contribution: 535 000 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.02.2006
Ending date: 31.07.2008
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Support Actions
Coordinator: Ms Menant Violaine
European Federation of High Tech SMEs
Washingtonstraat 40
BE 1050 Brussels
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 23 54 93
Fax: +33 (0)1 45 23 11 89
EC Officer: R. Denos
Partners: ANRT FR
Aerospace Wales Forum UK
Comité Richelieu FR
Linköping University SE
Technapoli IT


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Support Actions
Promoting scientific co-operation
between Europe and China in the
field of multiphysics modelling,
simulation, experimentation and
design methods in aeronautics
Background Objectives
Numerous codes, models, design opti- The aim of AEROCHINA is to foster the
misations and experimental tools have co-operation between a number of indus-
been developed and used until recently, in trial, university and research organisa-
both Europe and China, and have proven tions in the aeronautics sector in Europe
to be of significant value in many indus- and China in the field of mathematical
trial applications, but not when dealing modelling, computer simulation and
explicitly with combined multidisciplinary code validation, experimental testing and
issues. So far, the correct use of such sin- design methods for the solution of mult-
gle discipline codes has been limited to iphysic problems of interest in the aero-
a specific range of applications. There is nautics sector. The physical disciplines
still a lack of initial information on avail- (combined or not) considered in AERO-
able methods, codes and experiments CHINA which are of interest to European
related to combined multidisciplinary and Chinese partners are aerodynamics,
problems in aeronautics in Europe and structures and materials, fluid dynamics,
China. aero acoustics and aero elasticity.
The aim of AEROCHINA is to identify and
implement future collaboration between Description of work
Europe and China by finding a solution to
The project structure is divided into five
the multidisciplinary design problems in
Work Packages (WP).
aeronautics. This will be achieved by stud-
ies aiming to collect, store and dissemi- Work in WP1 focuses on the collective
nate the existing knowledge in Europe assessment and report on the strat-
and China in the field of multiphysics egy to be followed for the development
modelling, simulation, experimentation of the project objectives. The technical
and design in aeronautics. specifications of the web-based Com-
munication System are also defined in
The combined disciplines to be consid-
WP1. Additional work includes the initial
ered include, among others, fluids, struc-
specification of the data collection and
tures, chemistry and thermal flows with
quality assessment procedures, and the
applications in aero elasticity, aero/vibro-
dissemination and exploitation plans.
acoustics, aero heating, combustion and
turbulence. New experiments and mod- The Communication System is developed
ern diagnostic measurement techniques in WP2. Work focuses on the develop-
will be investigated and identified for ment of the web structure, the data stor-
future rigorous multidisciplinary valida- age and the communication procedures.
tion purposes. The development and management of the


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multidisciplinary database is also part of Results
the activities in WP2.
The web-based communication tools and
WP3 focuses on the state-of-the-art the project database are the basic tools
review and collection of existing mul- that have been used for the identifica-
tidisciplinary mathematical models, tion and storage of the different math-
numerical and experimental methods, ematical formulae and computational/
simulation results and test results. The experimental approaches for solving
data collected is stored in the database multidisciplinary problems in aeronau-
within the Communication System. tics. Some time has also been invested in
the compilation and storage of data from
WP4 focuses on the definition of RTD
experimental tests to be used as a refer-
activities which will require further joint
ence for validating the methods and soft-
RTD work in Europe and China for analy-
ware for multidisciplinary applications in
sis and design optimisation of the mult-
iphysics problems. Both scientific and
industrial aspects are considered. Spe- In addition, a set of six working groups
cific RTD activities that are ready for a related to the different multidisciplinary
joint proposal in the Seventh Framework test cases considered in the project has
Programme are also being defined. been created and their corresponding
activity has already started. The idea
The organisation of a kick-off conference
behind this is to put together, inside each
and one workshop in Europe, which is
multidisciplinary working group, the spe-
aiming at both internal and external dis-
cialists of each discipline in order to deal
semination of the information compiled in
with the important problem of the inter-
AEROCHINA, will be carried out in WP5.
faces between the disciplines giving the
experts of one discipline the opportunity
to be aware and open-minded when con-
sidering the impacts of their discipline on
another one.
Two major dissemination events have
been organised in connection with AERO-
– West-East High Speed Flow Field 2005
– AEROCHINA China-Europe Open
Both events have centralised most of the
activities of AEROCHINA partners.


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Name of proposal: Promoting scientific co-operation between Europe and China in the
field of multiphysics modelling, simulation, experimentation and
design methods in aeronautics
Contract number: ASA5-CT-2006-030750
Instrument: SSA
Total cost: 200 000 €
EU contribution: 200 000 €
Call: FP6-2002-Aero-2
Starting date: 01.10.2005
Ending date: 31.03.2007
Duration: 19 months
Objective: Support Actions
Coordinator: Prof. Bugeda Gabriel
Edifici C1, Campus Nord UPC; Gran Capità s/n
ES 08034 Barcelona
Tel: +34 (0)93 401 64 94
Fax: +34 (0)93 401 65 17
EC Officer: D. Knoerzer
Partners: Dassault FR
Airbus ES
University of Birmingham UK


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Unit staff contact list
RTD Directorate H
European Commission
21 rue du Champ de Mars
1049 Brussels

H: Transport
Director András Siegler
Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 80182 CDMA 4/45 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 92111

Assistant Christina Kaltsounidou-Kennedie

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 52676/56009 CDMA 4/32 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 92111

H.3 Aeronautics
Head of Unit Liam Breslin
Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 50477 CDMA 4/167 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Johan Blondelle

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 64080 CDMA 4/160 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Marco Brusati

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 94848 CDMA 4/169 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Daniel Chiron

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 52503 CDMA 4/134 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Rémy Dénos

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 86481 CDMA 4/137 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Dietrich Knoerzer

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 61607 CDMA 4/161 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Per Kruppa

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 65820 CDMA 4/162 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 285 14/01/08 11:31:39

Project Officer Jean-Luc Marchand
Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 86619 CDMA 4/138 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer José Manuel Martin Hernandez

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 57413 CDMA 4/163 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Pablo Perez-Illana

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 84928 CDMA 4/127 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Andrzej Podsadowski

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 80433 CDMA 4/133 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Project Officer Hans Josef von den Driesch

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 60609 CDMA 4/172 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Secretary Mark Arlestrand

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 60606 CDMA 4/164 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Secretary Thomas Schizas

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 64081 CDMA 4/167 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Secretary Krystyna Sitkowska

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 88322 CDMA 4/171 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

IT/Budget Matthew Joseph Cosgrave

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 60970 CDMA 4/170 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757

Secretary Jessica de Lannoy Home

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 57679 CDMA 4/164 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 66757


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TREN Unit F.2
European Commission
DM24 5/
24 rue de Mot
1049 Brussels

F2: Single sky & modernisation of air traffic control

Head of Unit Luc Tytgat
Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 68430 DM24 05/083 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 84349

Project Officer Morten Jensen

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 64620 DM24 5/068 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 68353

Project Officer Christopher North

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 68336 DM24 5/033 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 68353

Project Officer Elisabeth Martin

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 57798 DM24 5/055 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 68353

Secretary Sylvie de Boeck

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 52105 DM24 5/077 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 68353

Secretary Sagrario Rosado

Tel.: +32 (0)2 29 87611 DM24 05/059 Fax: +32 (0)2 29 68353


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Index by acronyms

ABiTAS Advanced Bonding Technologies for Vol. 2 108

Aircraft Structures

AD4 4D Virtual Airspace Management Vol. 1 299


ADELINE Advanced Air-Data Equipment for Vol. 1 67


ADHER Automated Diagnosis for Helicopter Vol. 2 181

Engines and Rotating parts

ADIGMA Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Vol. 2 53

Methods for Aerodynamic Applications
in Industry

ADLAND Adaptive Landing Gears for Improved Vol. 1 85

Impact Absorption

ADVACT Development of Advanced Actuation Vol. 1 145

Concepts to Provide a Step Change in
Technology Use in Future Aero-engine
Control Systems

ADVICE Autonomous Damage Detection and Vol. 2 165

Vibration Control Systems

AEROCHINA Promoting scientific co-operation Vol. 2 281

between Europe and China in the field
of multiphysics modelling, simulation,
experimentation and design methods in

AEROMAG Aeronautical Application of Wrought Vol. 1 159


AERONET III Aircraft Emissions and Reduction Vol. 1 177


AERONEWS Health monitoring of aircraft by Vol. 1 248

Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy

AeroSME V Support for European Aeronautical Vol. 1 53


AeroSME VI Support for European aeronautical Vol. 2 276

SMEs (Phase VI)

AEROTEST Remote Sensing Technique for Aero- Vol. 1 180

engine Emission Certification and


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 289 14/01/08 11:31:39

AIDA Aggressive Intermediate Duct Vol. 1 183
Aerodynamics for Competitive and
Environmentally Friendly Jet Engines

AIM Advanced In-Flight Measurement Vol. 2 46

TechniquesFinding a way out of the
future pensions conundrum

AISHA Aircraft Integrated Structural Health Vol. 1 251


AITEB II Aerothermal Investigations on Turbine Vol. 1 150

End-walls and Blades II

ALCAST Advanced Low-Cost Aircraft Structures Vol. 1 161

ANASTASIA Airborne New and Advanced Satellite Vol. 1 72

techniques and Technologies in a
System Integrated Approach

AROSATEC Automated Repair and Overhaul System Vol. 1 148

for Aero Turbine Engine Components

ART Advanced Remote Tower Vol. 2 211

ARTIMA Aircraft Reliability Through Intelligent Vol. 1 254

Materials Application

ASAS-TN2 Airborne Separation Assistance System Vol. 1 271

– Thematic Network 2

ASICBA Aviation Safety Improvement Using Cost Vol. 1 223

Benefit Analysis

ASPASIA Aeronautical Surveillance and Planning Vol. 2 244

by Advanced Satellite-Implemented

ASSTAR Advanced Safe Separation Technologies Vol. 1 274

and Algorithms

ATENAA Advanced Technologies for Networking Vol. 1 47

in Avionic Applications

ATLLAS Aerodynamic and Thermal Load Vol. 2 132

Interactions with Lightweight Advanced
Materials for High-speed Flight

ATPI High Performance Damping Technology Vol. 1 81

for Aircraft Vibration Attenuation and
Thermo-Phonic Insulation


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 290 14/01/08 11:31:40

AUTOW Automated Preform Fabrication by Dry Vol. 2 112
Tow Placement

AVERT Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Vol. 2 50

Reducing Technologies

AVITRACK Tracking of Aircraft Surroundings, Vol. 1 281

Categorised Vehicles and Individuals
for Apron’s Activity Model Interpretation
and Check

B-VHF Broadband VHF Aeronautical Vol. 1 293

Communications System Based on

BEARINGS New generation of aeronautical Vol. 2 115

bearings for extreme environmental

C-ATM Co-operative Air Traffic Management Vol. 1 305

CAATS Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Vol. 1 302


CAATS-II Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Vol. 2 254

Services II

CASAM Civil Aircraft Security Against MANPADS Vol. 2 207

CATS Contract-based Air Transportation Vol. 2 247


CELINA Fuel Cell Application in a New Vol. 1 186

Configured Aircraft

CELPACT Cellular Structures for Impact Vol. 2 168


CESAR Cost-Effective Small AiRcraft Vol. 2 25

COCOMAT Improved Material Exploitation of a Vol. 1 164

Safe Design of Composite Airframe
Structures by Accurate Simulation of

COFCLUO Clearance of Flight Control Laws using Vol. 2 198


COINS Cost Effective Integral Metallic Vol. 2

StructureRecognising coins to stamp
out illegal antique trading


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 291 14/01/08 11:31:40

CoJeN Computation of Coaxial Jet Noise Vol. 1 204

COMPACT A Concurrent Approach to Vol. 1 102

Manufacturing Induced Part Distortion
in Aerospace Components

COMPROME Monitoring, Optimisation and Control of Vol. 1 105

Liquid Composite Moulding Processes

COSEE Cooling of Seat Electronic box and cabin Vol. 2 68


CREDO Cabin noise Reduction by Experimental Vol. 2 154

and numerical Design Optimisation

CREDOS Crosswind-reduced separations for Vol. 2 225

departure operations

DATAFORM Digitally Adjustable Tooling for Vol. 2 83

manufacturing of Aircraft panels using
multi-point FORMing methodology

DATON Innovative Fatigue and Damage Vol. 1 167

Tolerance Methods for the Application of
New Structural Concepts

DEEPWELD Detailed Multi-Physics Modelling of Vol. 1 107

Friction Stir Welding

DESIDER Detached Eddy Simulation for Industrial Vol. 1 36


DIALFAST Development of Innovative and Vol. 1 169

Advanced Laminates for Future Aircraft

DIANA Distributed equipment Independent Vol. 2 62

environment for Advanced avioNic

DINAMIT Development and Innovation Vol. 1 110

for Advanced ManufacturIng of

DRESS Distributed and Redundant Electro- Vol. 2 195

mechanical nose wheel Steering

E-Cab E-enabled Cabin and Associated Vol. 2 71

Logistics for Improved Passenger
Services and Operational Efficiency


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 292 14/01/08 11:31:40

EASN II European Aeronautics Science Network Vol. 2 267
Phase II

ECARE+ European Communities Aeronautics Vol. 1 192

Research +

ECARE+ European Communities Aeronautics Vol. 2 279

Research PlusEuropean Communities
Aeronautics Research +

ECATS Environmental Compatible Air Transport Vol. 1 189


ECOSHAPE Economic Advanced Shaping Processes Vol. 1 113

for Integral Structures

ELECT-AE European Low Emission Combustion Vol. 1 194

Technology in Aero Engines

EMMA European Airport Movement Vol. 1 284

Management by A-SMGCS

EMMA2 European airport Movement Vol. 2 213

Management by A-smgcs - Part 2

ENFICA - FC ENvironmentally Friendly, InterCity Vol. 2 146

Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells

EP3 Single European sky implementation Vol. 2 260

support through validation

ERASMUS En Route Air traffic Soft Management Vol. 2 241

Ultimate System

ERAT Environmentally Responsible Air Vol. 2 148


EUROLIFT II European High Lift Programme II Vol. 1 39

EWA European Windtunnel Association Vol. 1 42

FANTASIA Flexible and Near-net-shape Generative Vol. 2 88

Manufacturing Chains and Repair
Techniques for Complex-shaped Aero-
engine Parts

FARE-Wake Fundamental Research on Aircraft Vol. 1 226

Wake Phenomena


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 293 14/01/08 11:31:40

FASTWing CL Foldable, Adaptable, Steerable, Textile Vol. 2 29
Wing structure for delivery of Capital

FIDELIO Fibre Laser Development for Next Vol. 1 229

Generation LIDAR Onboard Detection

FLACON Future high-altitude flight - an attractive Vol. 2 135

commercial niche?

FLIRET Flight Reynolds Number Testing Vol. 1 45

FLYSAFE Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Vol. 1 232

Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection
and All Weather Operations

FRESH From Electric Cabling Plans to Vol. 1 23

Simulation Help

FRIENDCOP- Integration of Technologies in Support Vol. 1 206

TER of a Passenger and Environmentally
Friendly Helicopter

GOAHEAD Generation of Advanced Helicopter Vol. 1 50

Experimental Aerodynamic Database
for CFD Code Validation

HASTAC High Stability Altimeter System for Air Vol. 1 76

Data Computers

HEATTOP Accurate high-temperature engine Vol. 2 125

aero-thermal measurements for gas
turbine life otimisation, performance
and condition monitoring

HeliSafe TA Helicopter Occupant Safety Technology Vol. 1 246


HILAS Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Vol. 1 257

Aviation Systems

HISAC Environmentally Friendly High-Speed Vol. 1 213


ICE Ideal Cabin Environment Vol. 1 83

IDEA Integrated Design and Product Vol. 1 116

Development for the Eco-efficient
Production of Low-weight Aeroplane


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 294 14/01/08 11:31:40

IFATS Innovative Future Air Transport System Vol. 1 296

iFly Safety, complexity and responsibility- Vol. 2 250

based design and validation of highly
automated air traffic management

ILDAS In-flight Lightning Strike Damage Vol. 2 191

Assessment System

INOUI INnovative Operational UAV Integration Vol. 2 257

INTELLECT Integrated Lean Low-Emission Vol. 1 196

D.M. Combustor Design Methodology

IPAS Installed Performance of Antennas on Vol. 1 25

Aero Structures

IPROMES Using Image Processing as a Vol. 1 119

Metrological Solution

ISAAC Improvement of Safety Activities on Vol. 1 236

Aeronautical Complex Systems

ITOOL Integrated Tool for Simulation of Textile Vol. 1 121


KATnet II Key Aerodynamic Technologies to meet Vol. 2 59

the Vision 2020 challenges

LANDING Landing software for small to medium- Vol. 2 172

sized aircraft on small to medium-sized

LAPCAT Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Vol. 1 136

Concepts and Technologies

LIGHTNING Lightning Protection for Structures Vol. 1 240

and Systems on Light Aircraft Using
Lightweight Composites

MACHERENA New Tools and Processes for Improving Vol. 1 124

Machining of Heat-Resistant Alloys
Used in Aerospace Applications

MAGFORMING Development of New Magnesium Vol. 2 96

Forming Technologies for the
Aeronautics Industry

MAGPI Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions Vol. 2 139


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 295 14/01/08 11:31:40

MESEMA Magnetoelastic Energy Systems for Vol. 1 88
Even More Electric Aircraft

MESSIAEN Methods for the Efficient Simulation of Vol. 1 210

Aircraft Engine Noise

MIME Market-based Impact Mitigation for the Vol. 2 158


MINERVAA MId-term NEtworking technologies Rig Vol. 2 65

and in-flight Validation for Aeronautical

MOET More Open Electrical Technologies Vol. 2 78

MOJO Modular Joints for Aircraft Composite Vol. 2 105


MULFUN Multifunctional Structures Vol. 1 172

MUSCA Multiscale Analysis of Large Vol. 1 28


NACRE New Aircraft Concepts Research Vol. 1 139

NEFS New track-integrated Electrical single Vol. 2 82

Flap drive System

NESLIE NEw Standby Lidar InstrumEnt Vol. 2 200

NEWAC NEW Aero engine Core concepts Vol. 2 141

NEWSKY Networking the sky for aeronautical Vol. 2 231


NICE-TRIP Novel Innovative Competitive Effective Vol. 2 128

Tilt-Rotor Integrated Project

NODESIM- Non-Deterministic Simulation for CFD- Vol. 2 56

CFD based Design Methodologies

NOESIS Aerospace Nanotube Hybrid Composite Vol. 1 174

Structures with Sensing and Actuating

ONBASS Onboard Active Safety System Vol. 1 243

OpTag Improving Airport Efficiency, Security Vol. 1 287

and Passenger Flow by Enhanced
Passenger Monitoring


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 296 14/01/08 11:31:40

OPTIMAL Optimised Procedures and Techniques Vol. 1 277
for Improvement of Approach and

PEGASE helicoPter and aEronef naviGation Vol. 2 174

Airborne SystEms

PIBRAC Piezoelectric Brake Actuators Vol. 1 91

PLATO-N A PLAtform for Topology Optimisation Vol. 2 32

incorporating Novel, large-scale, free
material optimisation and mixed integer
programming methods

PreCarBi Materials, Process and CAE Tools Vol. 2 99

Development for Pre-impregnated
Carbon Binder Yarn Preform

PREMECCY Predictive methods for combined cycle Vol. 2 122

fatigue in gas turbine blades

PROBAND Improvement of Fan Broadband Noise Vol. 1 216

Prediction: Experimental Investigation
and Computational Modelling

RAPOLAC Rapid Production of Large Aerospace Vol. 2 92


REMFI Rear Fuselage and Empennage Flow Vol. 1 55


RESET Reduced separation minima Vol. 2 227

RETINA Reliable, Tuneable and Inexpensive Vol. 1 94

Antennae by Collective Fabrication

SAFEE Security of Aircraft in the Future Vol. 1 267

European Environment

SCRATCH Services for CollaboRative SMEs Vol. 1 69

Aerospace Technical research

SEAT Smart Technologies for stress free AiR Vol. 2 75


SEFA Sound Engineering for Aircraft Vol. 1 219


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 297 14/01/08 11:31:40

SENARIO Advanced sensors and novel concepts Vol. 2 102
for intelligent and reliable processing in
bonded repairs

SHM in Action Structural Health Monitoring in Action Vol. 2 183

SICOM Simulation-based corrosion Vol. 2 185

management for aircraft

SimSAC Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control Vol. 2 36

Characteristics for Use in Conceptual

SINBAD Safety Improved with a New concept by Vol. 2 216

Better Awareness on airport approach

SIRENA External EMC Simulation for Radio Vol. 1 97

Electric Systems in the Close
Environment of the Airport

SKYSCANNER Development of an innovative LIDAR Vol. 2 219

technology for new generation ATM

SmartFuel Automated digital fuel system design Vol. 2 39

ADSP and simulation process

SMIST Structural Monitoring with Advanced Vol. 1 261

Integrated Sensor Technologies

SOFIA Safe automatic flight back and landing Vol. 2 203

of aircraft

SPADE Supporting Platform for Airport Vol. 1 290

Decision-Making and Efficiency Analysis

SPADE-2 Supporting Platform for Airport Vol. 2 222

Decision-making and Efficiency analysis
- Phase 2

STAR Secure aTm cdmA software-defined Vol. 2 264


SUPER-HIGH- Development of an operationally driven Vol. 2 234

WAY airspace traffic structure for high-
density high-complexity areas based on
the use of dynamic airspace and multi-
layered planning


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 298 14/01/08 11:31:41

SUPERSKY- Smart maintenance of aviation hydraulic Vol. 2 188
SENSE fluid using an onboard monitoring and
reconditioning system

SUPERTRAC Supersonic Transition Control Vol. 1 58

SWIM-SUIT System-Wide Information Management Vol. 2 237

– supported by innovative technologies

SYNCOMECS Synthesis of Aeronautical Compliant Vol. 1 100

Mechanical Systems

TATEF 2 Turbine Aero-Thermal External Flows 2 Vol. 1 152

TATEM Technologies and Techniques for New Vol. 1 263

Maintenance Concepts

TATMo Turbulence and transition modelling for Vol. 2 118

special turbomachinery applications

TELFONA Testing for Laminar Flow on New Vol. 1 60


TIMECOP-AE Toward Innovative Methods for Vol. 2 42

Combustion Prediction in Aero-engines

TIMPAN Technologies to IMProve Airframe Noise Vol. 2 151

TLC Towards Lean Combustion Vol. 1 198

TOPPCOAT Towards Design and Processing of Vol. 1 127

Advanced, Competitive Thermal Barrier
Coating Systems

TURNEX Turbomachinery Noise Radiation Vol. 1 221

through the Engine Exhaust

UFAST Unsteady Effects of Shock Wave Induced Vol. 1 62


ULTMAT Ultra High Temperature Materials for Vol. 1 156


USE HAAS Study on high-altitude aircraft and Vol. 2 270

airships (HAAS) deployed for specific
aeronautical and space applications

VEATAL Validation of an Experimental Airship Vol. 2 273

Transportation for Aerospace Logistics


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 299 14/01/08 11:31:41

VERDI Virtual Engineering for Robust Vol. 1 130
Manufacturing with Design Integration

VITAL Environmentally Friendly Aero-Engine Vol. 1 200

VIVACE Value Improvement through a Virtual Vol. 1 31

Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise

Vortex- Fundamentals of Actively Controlled Vol. 1 142

Cell2050 Flows with Trapped Vortices

VULCAN Vulnerability analysis for near future Vol. 2 178

composite/hybrid air structures:
hardening via new materials and design
approaches against fire and blast

WALLTURB A European Synergy for the Assessment Vol. 1 65

of Wall Turbulence

WEL-AIR Development of Short Distance Welding Vol. 1 132

Concepts for Airframes

WISE Integrated Wireless Sensing Vol. 1 79

X3-NOISE Aircraft external noise research Vol. 2 161

network and coordination


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 300 14/01/08 11:31:41

Index by instruments

AERONET III Aircraft Emissions and Reduction Vol. 1 177

ASAS-TN2 Airborne Separation Assistance System – Vol. 1 271

Thematic Network 2

CAATS Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Vol. 1 302


CAATS-II Co-operative Approach to Air Traffic Vol. 2 254

Services II

ELECT-AE European Low Emission Combustion Vol. 1 194

Technology in Aero Engines

KATnet II Key Aerodynamic Technologies to meet Vol. 2 59

the Vision 2020 challenges

X3-NOISE Aircraft external noise research network Vol. 2 161

and coordination

ALCAST Advanced Low-Cost Aircraft Structures Vol. 1 161

ANASTASIA Airborne New and Advanced Satellite Vol. 1 72

techniques and Technologies in a System
Integrated Approach

C-ATM Co-operative Air Traffic Management Vol. 1 305

CESAR Cost-Effective Small AiRcraft Vol. 2 25

E-Cab E-enabled Cabin and Associated Logistics Vol. 2 71

for Improved Passenger Services and
Operational Efficiency

EMMA European Airport Movement Vol. 1 284

Management by A-SMGCS

EMMA2 European airport Movement Vol. 2 213

Management by A-smgcs - Part 2

EP3 Single European sky implementation Vol. 2 260

support through validation


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 301 14/01/08 11:31:41

FLYSAFE Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Vol. 1 232
Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection
and All Weather Operations

FRIENDCOPTER Integration of Technologies in Support Vol. 1 206

of a Passenger and Environmentally
Friendly Helicopter

HILAS Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Vol. 1 257

Aviation Systems

HISAC Environmentally Friendly High-Speed Vol. 1 213


MOET More Open Electrical Technologies Vol. 2 78

NACRE New Aircraft Concepts Research Vol. 1 139

NEWAC NEW Aero engine Core concepts Vol. 2 141

NICE-TRIP Novel Innovative Competitive Effective Vol. 2 128

Tilt-Rotor Integrated Project

OPTIMAL Optimised Procedures and Techniques Vol. 1 277

for Improvement of Approach and

SAFEE Security of Aircraft in the Future Vol. 1 267

European Environment

SPADE Supporting Platform for Airport Decision- Vol. 1 290

Making and Efficiency Analysis

SPADE-2 Supporting Platform for Airport Decision- Vol. 2 222

making and Efficiency analysis - Phase 2

TATEM Technologies and Techniques for New Vol. 1 263

Maintenance Concepts

VITAL Environmentally Friendly Aero-Engine Vol. 1 200

VIVACE Value Improvement through a Virtual Vol. 1 31

Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 302 14/01/08 11:31:41

ECATS Environmental Compatible Air Transport Vol. 1 189

EWA European Windtunnel Association Vol. 1 42

AEROCHINA Promoting scientific co-operation Vol. 2 281
between Europe and China in the field
of multiphysics modelling, simulation,
experimentation and design methods in

AeroSME V Support for European Aeronautical SMEs Vol. 1 53

AeroSME VI Support for European aeronautical SMEs Vol. 2 276

(Phase VI)

EASN II European Aeronautics Science Network Vol. 2 267

Phase II

ECARE+ European Communities Aeronautics Vol. 1 192

Research +

ECARE+ European Communities Aeronautics Vol. 2 279

Research Plus

FLACON Future high-altitude flight - an attractive Vol. 2 135

commercial niche?

SCRATCH Services for CollaboRative SMEs Vol. 1 69

Aerospace Technical research

SHM in Action Structural Health Monitoring in Action Vol. 2 183

USE HAAS Study on high-altitude aircraft and Vol. 2 270

airships (HAAS) deployed for specific
aeronautical and space applications

VEATAL Validation of an Experimental Airship Vol. 2 273

Transportation for Aerospace Logistics


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 303 14/01/08 11:31:41

ABiTAS Advanced Bonding Technologies for Vol. 2 108
Aircraft Structures

AD4 4D Virtual Airspace Management System Vol. 1 299

ADELINE Advanced Air-Data Equipment for Vol. 1 67


ADHER Automated Diagnosis for Helicopter Vol. 2 181

Engines and Rotating parts

ADIGMA Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Vol. 2 53

Methods for Aerodynamic Applications in

ADLAND Adaptive Landing Gears for Improved Vol. 1 85

Impact Absorption

ADVACT Development of Advanced Actuation Vol. 1 145

Concepts to Provide a Step Change in
Technology Use in Future Aero-engine
Control Systems

ADVICE Autonomous Damage Detection and Vol. 2 165

Vibration Control Systems

AEROMAG Aeronautical Application of Wrought Vol. 1 159


AERONEWS Health monitoring of aircraft by Vol. 1 248

Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy

AEROTEST Remote Sensing Technique for Aero- Vol. 1 180

engine Emission Certification and

AIDA Aggressive Intermediate Duct Vol. 1 183

Aerodynamics for Competitive and
Environmentally Friendly Jet Engines

AIM Advanced In-Flight Measurement Vol. 2 46


AISHA Aircraft Integrated Structural Health Vol. 1 251


AITEB II Aerothermal Investigations on Turbine Vol. 1 150

End-walls and Blades II


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 304 14/01/08 11:31:42

AROSATEC Automated Repair and Overhaul System Vol. 1 148
for Aero Turbine Engine Components

ART Advanced Remote Tower Vol. 2 211

ARTIMA Aircraft Reliability Through Intelligent Vol. 1 254

Materials Application

ASICBA Aviation Safety Improvement Using Cost Vol. 1 223

Benefit Analysis

ASPASIA Aeronautical Surveillance and Planning Vol. 2 244

by Advanced Satellite-Implemented

ASSTAR Advanced Safe Separation Technologies Vol. 1 274

and Algorithms

ATENAA Advanced Technologies for Networking in Vol. 1 47

Avionic Applications

ATLLAS Aerodynamic and Thermal Load Vol. 2 132

Interactions with Lightweight Advanced
Materials for High-speed Flight

ATPI High Performance Damping Technology Vol. 1 81

for Aircraft Vibration Attenuation and
Thermo-Phonic Insulation

AUTOW Automated Preform Fabrication by Dry Vol. 2 112

Tow Placement

AVERT Aerodynamic Validation of Emission Vol. 2 50

Reducing Technologies

AVITRACK Tracking of Aircraft Surroundings, Vol. 1 281

Categorised Vehicles and Individuals for
Apron’s Activity Model Interpretation and

B-VHF Broadband VHF Aeronautical Vol. 1 293

Communications System Based on

BEARINGS New generation of aeronautical bearings Vol. 2 115

for extreme environmental constraints

CASAM Civil Aircraft Security Against MANPADS Vol. 2 207


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 305 14/01/08 11:31:42

CATS Contract-based Air Transportation Vol. 2 247

CELINA Fuel Cell Application in a New Configured Vol. 1 186


CELPACT Cellular Structures for Impact Vol. 2 168


COCOMAT Improved Material Exploitation of a Safe Vol. 1 164

Design of Composite Airframe Structures
by Accurate Simulation of Collapse

COFCLUO Clearance of Flight Control Laws using Vol. 2 198


COINS Cost Effective Integral Metallic Structure Vol. 2

CoJeN Computation of Coaxial Jet Noise Vol. 1 204

COMPACT A Concurrent Approach to Manufacturing Vol. 1 102

Induced Part Distortion in Aerospace

COMPROME Monitoring, Optimisation and Control of Vol. 1 105

Liquid Composite Moulding Processes

COSEE Cooling of Seat Electronic box and cabin Vol. 2 68


CREDO Cabin noise Reduction by Experimental Vol. 2 154

and numerical Design Optimisation

CREDOS Crosswind-reduced separations for Vol. 2 225

departure operations

DATAFORM Digitally Adjustable Tooling for Vol. 2 83

manufacturing of Aircraft panels using
multi-point FORMing methodology

DATON Innovative Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Vol. 1 167

Methods for the Application of New
Structural Concepts

DEEPWELD Detailed Multi-Physics Modelling of Vol. 1 107

Friction Stir Welding

DESIDER Detached Eddy Simulation for Industrial Vol. 1 36



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 306 14/01/08 11:31:42

DIALFAST Development of Innovative and Advanced Vol. 1 169
Laminates for Future Aircraft Structure

DIANA Distributed equipment Independent Vol. 2 62

environment for Advanced avioNic

DINAMIT Development and Innovation Vol. 1 110

for Advanced ManufacturIng of

DRESS Distributed and Redundant Electro- Vol. 2 195

mechanical nose wheel Steering System

ECOSHAPE Economic Advanced Shaping Processes Vol. 1 113

for Integral Structures

ENFICA - FC ENvironmentally Friendly, InterCity Vol. 2 146

Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells

ERASMUS En Route Air traffic Soft Management Vol. 2 241

Ultimate System

ERAT Environmentally Responsible Air Vol. 2 148


EUROLIFT II European High Lift Programme II Vol. 1 39

FANTASIA Flexible and Near-net-shape Generative Vol. 2 88

Manufacturing Chains and Repair
Techniques for Complex-shaped Aero-
engine Parts

FARE-Wake Fundamental Research on Aircraft Wake Vol. 1 226


FASTWing CL Foldable, Adaptable, Steerable, Textile Vol. 2 29

Wing structure for delivery of Capital

FIDELIO Fibre Laser Development for Next Vol. 1 229

Generation LIDAR Onboard Detection

FLIRET Flight Reynolds Number Testing Vol. 1 45

FRESH From Electric Cabling Plans to Vol. 1 23

Simulation Help


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 307 14/01/08 11:31:42

GOAHEAD Generation of Advanced Helicopter Vol. 1 50
Experimental Aerodynamic Database for
CFD Code Validation

HASTAC High Stability Altimeter System for Air Vol. 1 76

Data Computers

HEATTOP Accurate high-temperature engine Vol. 2 125

aero-thermal measurements for gas
turbine life otimisation, performance and
condition monitoring

HeliSafe TA Helicopter Occupant Safety Technology Vol. 1 246


ICE Ideal Cabin Environment Vol. 1 83

IDEA Integrated Design and Product Vol. 1 116

Development for the Eco-efficient
Production of Low-weight Aeroplane

IFATS Innovative Future Air Transport System Vol. 1 296

iFly Safety, complexity and responsibility- Vol. 2 250

based design and validation of highly
automated air traffic management

ILDAS In-flight Lightning Strike Damage Vol. 2 191

Assessment System

INOUI INnovative Operational UAV Integration Vol. 2 257

INTELLECT D.M. Integrated Lean Low-Emission Vol. 1 196

Combustor Design Methodology

IPAS Installed Performance of Antennas on Vol. 1 25

Aero Structures

IPROMES Using Image Processing as a Vol. 1 119

Metrological Solution

ISAAC Improvement of Safety Activities on Vol. 1 236

Aeronautical Complex Systems

ITOOL Integrated Tool for Simulation of Textile Vol. 1 121



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 308 14/01/08 11:31:42

LANDING Landing software for small to medium- Vol. 2 172
sized aircraft on small to medium-sized

LAPCAT Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Vol. 1 136

Concepts and Technologies

LIGHTNING Lightning Protection for Structures Vol. 1 240

and Systems on Light Aircraft Using
Lightweight Composites

MACHERENA New Tools and Processes for Improving Vol. 1 124

Machining of Heat-Resistant Alloys Used
in Aerospace Applications

MAGFORMING Development of New Magnesium Vol. 2 96

Forming Technologies for the
Aeronautics Industry

MAGPI Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions Vol. 2 139

MESEMA Magnetoelastic Energy Systems for Even Vol. 1 88

More Electric Aircraft

MESSIAEN Methods for the Efficient Simulation of Vol. 1 210

Aircraft Engine Noise

MIME Market-based Impact Mitigation for the Vol. 2 158


MINERVAA MId-term NEtworking technologies Rig Vol. 2 65

and in-flight Validation for Aeronautical

MOJO Modular Joints for Aircraft Composite Vol. 2 105


MULFUN Multifunctional Structures Vol. 1 172

MUSCA Multiscale Analysis of Large Vol. 1 28


NEFS New track-integrated Electrical single Vol. 2 82

Flap drive System

NESLIE NEw Standby Lidar InstrumEnt Vol. 2 200

NEWSKY Networking the sky for aeronautical Vol. 2 231



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 309 14/01/08 11:31:42

NODESIM-CFD Non-Deterministic Simulation for CFD- Vol. 2 56
based Design Methodologies

NOESIS Aerospace Nanotube Hybrid Composite Vol. 1 174

Structures with Sensing and Actuating

ONBASS Onboard Active Safety System Vol. 1 243

OpTag Improving Airport Efficiency, Security and Vol. 1 287

Passenger Flow by Enhanced Passenger

PEGASE helicoPter and aEronef naviGation Vol. 2 174

Airborne SystEms

PLATO-N A PLAtform for Topology Optimisation Vol. 2 32

incorporating Novel, large-scale, free
material optimisation and mixed integer
programming methods

PreCarBi Materials, Process and CAE Tools Vol. 2 99

Development for Pre-impregnated
Carbon Binder Yarn Preform Composites

PREMECCY Predictive methods for combined cycle Vol. 2 122

fatigue in gas turbine blades

RAPOLAC Rapid Production of Large Aerospace Vol. 2 92


RESET Reduced separation minima Vol. 2 227

SEAT Smart Technologies for stress free AiR Vol. 2 75


SEFA Sound Engineering for Aircraft Vol. 1 219

SENARIO Advanced sensors and novel concepts Vol. 2 102

for intelligent and reliable processing in
bonded repairs

SICOM Simulation-based corrosion management Vol. 2 185

for aircraft

SimSAC Simulating Aircraft Stability and Control Vol. 2 36

Characteristics for Use in Conceptual


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 310 14/01/08 11:31:43

SINBAD Safety Improved with a New concept by Vol. 2 216
Better Awareness on airport approach

SIRENA External EMC Simulation for Radio Vol. 1 97

Electric Systems in the Close
Environment of the Airport

SKYSCANNER Development of an innovative LIDAR Vol. 2 219

technology for new generation ATM

SmartFuel ADSP Automated digital fuel system design and Vol. 2 39

simulation process

SMIST Structural Monitoring with Advanced Vol. 1 261

Integrated Sensor Technologies

SOFIA Safe automatic flight back and landing of Vol. 2 203


STAR Secure aTm cdmA software-defined Vol. 2 264


SUPER-HIGHWAY Development of an operationally driven Vol. 2 234

airspace traffic structure for high-density
high-complexity areas based on the use
of dynamic airspace and multi-layered

SUPERSKYSENSE Smart maintenance of aviation hydraulic Vol. 2 188

fluid using an onboard monitoring and
reconditioning system

SUPERTRAC Supersonic Transition Control Vol. 1 58

SWIM-SUIT System-Wide Information Management – Vol. 2 237

supported by innovative technologies

SYNCOMECS Synthesis of Aeronautical Compliant Vol. 1 100

Mechanical Systems

TATEF 2 Turbine Aero-Thermal External Flows 2 Vol. 1 152

TATMo Turbulence and transition modelling for Vol. 2 118

special turbomachinery applications

TELFONA Testing for Laminar Flow on New Aircraft Vol. 1 60


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 311 14/01/08 11:31:43

TIMECOP-AE Toward Innovative Methods for Vol. 2 42
Combustion Prediction in Aero-engines

TIMPAN Technologies to IMProve Airframe Noise Vol. 2 151

TLC Towards Lean Combustion Vol. 1 198

TOPPCOAT Towards Design and Processing of Vol. 1 127

Advanced, Competitive Thermal Barrier
Coating Systems

TURNEX Turbomachinery Noise Radiation through Vol. 1 221

the Engine Exhaust

UFAST Unsteady Effects of Shock Wave Induced Vol. 1 62


ULTMAT Ultra High Temperature Materials for Vol. 1 156


VERDI Virtual Engineering for Robust Vol. 1 130

Manufacturing with Design Integration

VortexCell2050 Fundamentals of Actively Controlled Vol. 1 142

Flows with Trapped Vortices

VULCAN Vulnerability analysis for near future Vol. 2 178

composite/hybrid air structures:
hardening via new materials and design
approaches against fire and blast

WALLTURB A European Synergy for the Assessment Vol. 1 65

of Wall Turbulence

WEL-AIR Development of Short Distance Welding Vol. 1 132

Concepts for Airframes

WISE Integrated Wireless Sensing Vol. 1 79

PIBRAC Piezoelectric Brake Actuators Vol. 1 91

PROBAND Improvement of Fan Broadband Noise Vol. 1 216

Prediction: Experimental Investigation
and Computational Modelling

REMFI Rear Fuselage and Empennage Flow Vol. 1 55


RETINA Reliable, Tuneable and Inexpensive Vol. 1 94

Antennae by Collective Fabrication


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 312 14/01/08 11:31:43

Index by Contract number

030840 X3-NOISE Aircraft external noise Vol. 2 161

research network and

036889 CATS Contract-based Air Vol. 2 247

Transportation System

037060 MIME Market-based Impact Vol. 2 158

Mitigation for the

037180 iFly Safety, complexity and Vol. 2 250

design and validation
of highly automated air
traffic management

037182 ERAT Environmentally Vol. 2 148

Responsible Air

12226 UFAST Unsteady Effects of Vol. 1 62

Shock Wave Induced

37161 SKYSCANNER Development of an Vol. 2 219

innovative LIDAR
technology for new
generation ATM

37164 SINBAD Safety Improved with a Vol. 2 216

New concept by Better
Awareness on airport
approach Domain

37179 ART Advanced Remote Vol. 2 211


516149 TOPPCOAT Towards Design and Vol. 1 127

Processing of Advanced,
Competitive Thermal
Barrier Coating

ACA3-CT-2003-502882 AERONET III Aircraft Emissions and Vol. 1 177

Reduction Technologies


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 313 14/01/08 11:31:43

ACA4-CT-2005-012213 ASAS-TN2 Airborne Separation Vol. 1 271
Assistance System –
Thematic Network 2

ACA4-CT-2005-012236 ELECT-AE European Low Emission Vol. 1 194

Combustion Technology
in Aero Engines

ACA5-CT-2006-030943 KATnet II Key Aerodynamic Vol. 2 59

Technologies to
meet the Vision 2020

AIP-CT-2003-502917 VIVACE Value Improvement Vol. 1 31

through a Virtual
Collaborative Enterprise

AIP3-CT-2003-502773 FRIENDCOP- Integration of Vol. 1 206

TER Technologies in Support
of a Passenger and
Friendly Helicopter

AIP3-CT-2003-503521 SAFEE Security of Aircraft in Vol. 1 267

the Future European

AIP3-CT-2004-502880 OPTIMAL Optimised Procedures Vol. 1 277

and Techniques for
Improvement of
Approach and Landing

AIP3-CT-2004-502909 TATEM Technologies and Vol. 1 263

Techniques for New
Maintenance Concepts

AIP4-516132 HISAC Environmentally Vol. 1 213

Friendly High-Speed

AIP4-CT-2004-012271 VITAL Environmentally Vol. 1 200

Friendly Aero-Engine

AIP4-CT-2005-516068 NACRE New Aircraft Concepts Vol. 1 139


AIP4-CT-2005-516092 ALCAST Advanced Low-Cost Vol. 1 161

Aircraft Structures


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 314 14/01/08 11:31:44

AIP4-CT-2005-516128 ANASTASIA Airborne New and Vol. 1 72
Advanced Satellite
techniques and
Technologies in a
System Integrated

AIP4-CT-2005-516167 FLYSAFE Airborne Integrated Vol. 1 232

Systems for Safety
Improvement, Flight
Hazard Protection and
All Weather Operations

AIP4-CT-2005-516181 HILAS Human Integration into Vol. 1 257

the Lifecycle of Aviation

AIP5-CT-2006-030815 E-Cab E-enabled Cabin Vol. 2 71

and Associated
Logistics for Improved
Passenger Services and
Operational Efficiency

AIP5-CT-2006-030861 MOET More Open Electrical Vol. 2 78


AIP5-CT-2006-030876 NEWAC NEW Aero engine Core Vol. 2 141


AIP5-CT-2006-030888 CESAR Cost-Effective Small Vol. 2 25


AIP5-CT-2006-030944 NICE-TRIP Novel Innovative Vol. 2 128

Competitive Effective
Tilt-Rotor Integrated

ANE3-CT-2004-502889 EWA European Windtunnel Vol. 1 42


ANE4-CT-2004-12284 ECATS Environmental Vol. 1 189

Compatible Air
Transport System

ASA3-CT-2004-510981 SCRATCH Services for Vol. 1 69

CollaboRative SMEs
Aerospace Technical


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 315 14/01/08 11:31:44

ASA3-CT_2004-511045 AeroSME V Support for European Vol. 1 53
Aeronautical SMEs

ASA4-CT-2005-016087 ECARE+ European Communities Vol. 2 279

Aeronautics Research
Aeronautics Research +

ASA4-CT-2005-516081 USE HAAS Study on high-altitude Vol. 2 270

aircraft and airships
(HAAS) deployed for
specific aeronautical
and space applications

ASA4-CT-2006-016093 VEATAL Validation of an Vol. 2 273

Experimental Airship
Transportation for
Aerospace Logistics

ASA5-CT-2005-30712 FLACON Future high-altitude Vol. 2 135

flight - an attractive
commercial niche?

ASA5-CT-2006-030750 AEROCHINA Promoting scientific Vol. 2 281

co-operation between
Europe and China in
the field of multiphysics
modelling, simulation,
experimentation and
design methods in

ASA5-CT-2006-036587 AeroSME VI Support for European Vol. 2 276

aeronautical SMEs
(Phase VI)

ASA5-CT-2006-044667 EASN II European Aeronautics Vol. 2 267

Science Network Phase

ASA6-CT-2006-044636 SHM in Action Structural Health Vol. 2 183

Monitoring in Action

AST-CT-2003-502865 SEFA Sound Engineering for Vol. 1 219



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 316 14/01/08 11:31:44

AST-CT-2003-502927 AERONEWS Health monitoring of Vol. 1 248
aircraft by Nonlinear
Elastic Wave

AST-CT-2003-502937 AROSATEC Automated Repair and Vol. 1 148

Overhaul System for
Aero Turbine Engine

AST3-CT-2003-501848 ISAAC Improvement of Vol. 1 236

Safety Activities on
Aeronautical Complex

AST3-CT-2003-502723 COCOMAT Improved Material Vol. 1 164

Exploitation of a Safe
Design of Composite
Airframe Structures by
Accurate Simulation of

AST3-CT-2003-502741 MACHERENA New Tools and Vol. 1 124

Processes for Improving
Machining of Heat-
Resistant Alloys Used in
Aerospace Applications

AST3-CT-2003-502790 CoJeN Computation of Coaxial Vol. 1 204

Jet Noise

AST3-CT-2003-502817 SIRENA External EMC Vol. 1 97

Simulation for Radio
Electric Systems in the
Close Environment of
the Airport

AST3-CT-2003-502818 AVITRACK Tracking of Aircraft Vol. 1 281

Categorised Vehicles
and Individuals for
Apron’s Activity Model
Interpretation and

AST3-CT-2003-502831 DINAMIT Development and Vol. 1 110

Innovation for Advanced
ManufacturIng of


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 317 14/01/08 11:31:44

AST3-CT-2003-502832 WEL-AIR Development of Short Vol. 1 132
Distance Welding
Concepts for Airframes

AST3-CT-2003-502836 AIDA Aggressive Intermediate Vol. 1 183

Duct Aerodynamics
for Competitive and
Friendly Jet Engines

AST3-CT-2003-502842 DESIDER Detached Eddy Vol. 1 36

Simulation for Industrial

AST3-CT-2003-502846 DIALFAST Development of Vol. 1 169

Innovative and Advanced
Laminates for Future
Aircraft Structure

AST3-CT-2003-502884 ECOSHAPE Economic Advanced Vol. 1 113

Shaping Processes for
Integral Structures

AST3-CT-2003-502900 COMPROME Monitoring, Vol. 1 105

Optimisation and
Control of Liquid
Composite Moulding

AST3-CT-2003-502907 AISHA Aircraft Integrated Vol. 1 251

Structural Health

AST3-CT-2003-502910 B-VHF Broadband VHF Vol. 1 293

System Based on

AST3-CT-2003-502915 MESEMA Magnetoelastic Energy Vol. 1 88

Systems for Even More
Electric Aircraft

AST3-CT-2003-502938 MESSIAEN Methods for the Efficient Vol. 1 210

Simulation of Aircraft
Engine Noise

AST3-CT-2003-502961 INTELLECT Integrated Lean Low- Vol. 1 196

D.M. Emission Combustor
Design Methodology


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 318 14/01/08 11:31:45

AST3-CT-2003-502977 ULTMAT Ultra High Temperature Vol. 1 156
Materials for Turbines

AST3-CT-2003-503611 IPAS Installed Performance Vol. 1 25

of Antennas on Aero

AST3-CT-2003-503826 IDEA Integrated Design and Vol. 1 116

Product Development
for the Eco-efficient
Production of Low-
weight Aeroplane

AST3-CT-2004-502725 ARTIMA Aircraft Reliability Vol. 1 254

Through Intelligent
Materials Application

AST3-CT-2004-502727 HeliSafe TA Helicopter Occupant Vol. 1 246

Safety Technology

AST3-CT-2004-502793 ADLAND Adaptive Landing Gears Vol. 1 85

for Improved Impact

AST3-CT-2004-502843 ATENAA Advanced Technologies Vol. 1 47

for Networking in
Avionic Applications

AST3-CT-2004-502844 ADVACT Development of Vol. 1 145

Advanced Actuation
Concepts to Provide
a Step Change in
Technology Use in
Future Aero-engine
Control Systems

AST3-CT-2004-502856 AEROTEST Remote Sensing Vol. 1 180

Technique for Aero-
engine Emission
Certification and

AST3-CT-2004-502858 OpTag Improving Airport Vol. 1 287

Efficiency, Security
and Passenger Flow by
Enhanced Passenger


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 319 14/01/08 11:31:45

AST3-CT-2004-502895 REMFI Rear Fuselage and Vol. 1 55
Empennage Flow

AST3-CT-2004-502896 EUROLIFT II European High Lift Vol. 1 39

Programme II

AST3-CT-2004-502905 IPROMES Using Image Processing Vol. 1 119

as a Metrological

AST3-CT-2004-502924 TATEF 2 Turbine Aero-Thermal Vol. 1 152

External Flows 2

AST3-CT-2004-503019 IFATS Innovative Future Air Vol. 1 296

Transport System

AST3-CT-2005-516053 DATON Innovative Fatigue and Vol. 1 167

Damage Tolerance
Methods for the
Application of New
Structural Concepts

AST4-516118 FLIRET Flight Reynolds Number Vol. 1 45


AST4-CT-2004-516045 ONBASS Onboard Active Safety Vol. 1 243


AST4-CT-2004-516079 TURNEX Turbomachinery Noise Vol. 1 221

Radiation through the
Engine Exhaust

AST4-CT-2004-516089 MULFUN Multifunctional Vol. 1 172


AST4-CT-2004-516470 WISE Integrated Wireless Vol. 1 79


AST4-CT-2005-012222 PROBAND Improvement of Vol. 1 216

Fan Broadband
Noise Prediction:
Investigation and

AST4-CT-2005-012238 FARE-Wake Fundamental Research Vol. 1 226

on Aircraft Wake


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 320 14/01/08 11:31:45

AST4-CT-2005-012242 ASICBA Aviation Safety Vol. 1 223
Improvement Using
Cost Benefit Analysis

AST4-CT-2005-012270 LIGHTNING Lightning Protection for Vol. 1 240

Structures and Systems
on Light Aircraft Using
Lightweight Composites

AST4-CT-2005-012282 LAPCAT Long-Term Advanced Vol. 1 136

Propulsion Concepts
and Technologies

AST4-CT-2005-012326 TLC Towards Lean Vol. 1 198


AST4-CT-2005-012334 HASTAC High Stability Altimeter Vol. 1 76

System for Air Data

AST4-CT-2005-030824 STAR Secure aTm cdmA Vol. 2 264

software-defined Radio

AST4-CT-2005-12139 Vortex- Fundamentals of Vol. 1 142

Cell2050 Actively Controlled
Flows with Trapped

AST4-CT-2005-12328 AD4 4D Virtual Airspace Vol. 1 299

Management System

AST4-CT-2005-516008 WALLTURB A European Synergy for Vol. 1 65

the Assessment of Wall

AST4-CT-2005-516046 VERDI Virtual Engineering for Vol. 1 130

Robust Manufacturing
with Design Integration

AST4-CT-2005-516059 FRESH From Electric Cabling Vol. 1 23

Plans to Simulation

AST4-CT-2005-516074 GOAHEAD Generation of Advanced Vol. 1 50

Helicopter Experimental
Aerodynamic Database
for CFD Code Validation

AST4-CT-2005-516100 SUPERTRAC Supersonic Transition Vol. 1 58



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 321 14/01/08 11:31:45

AST4-CT-2005-516103 SMIST Structural Monitoring Vol. 1 261
with Advanced
Integrated Sensor

AST4-CT-2005-516109 TELFONA Testing for Laminar Vol. 1 60

Flow on New Aircraft

AST4-CT-2005-516111 PIBRAC Piezoelectric Brake Vol. 1 91


AST4-CT-2005-516113 AITEB II Aerothermal Vol. 1 150

Investigations on
Turbine End-walls and
Blades II

AST4-CT-2005-516115 MUSCA Multiscale Analysis of Vol. 1 28

Large Aerostructures

AST4-CT-2005-516121 RETINA Reliable, Tuneable and Vol. 1 94

Inexpensive Antennae
by Collective Fabrication

AST4-CT-2005-516126 CELINA Fuel Cell Application Vol. 1 186

in a New Configured

AST4-CT-2005-516134 DEEPWELD Detailed Multi-Physics Vol. 1 107

Modelling of Friction
Stir Welding

AST4-CT-2005-516140 ASSTAR Advanced Safe Vol. 1 274

Separation Technologies
and Algorithms

AST4-CT-2005-516146 ITOOL Integrated Tool for Vol. 1 121

Simulation of Textile

AST4-CT-2005-516150 NOESIS Aerospace Nanotube Vol. 1 174

Hybrid Composite
Structures with
Sensing and Actuating

AST4-CT-2005-516152. AEROMAG Aeronautical Application Vol. 1 159

of Wrought Magnesium


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 322 14/01/08 11:31:45

AST4-CT-2005-516165 ADELINE Advanced Air-Data Vol. 1 67
Equipment for Airliners

AST4-CT-2005-516183 SYNCOMECS Synthesis of Vol. 1 100

Aeronautical Compliant
Mechanical Systems

AST5-CT-2006-030696 HEATTOP Accurate high- Vol. 2 125

temperature engine
measurements for gas
turbine life otimisation,
performance and
condition monitoring

AST5-CT-2006-030717 PLATO-N A PLAtform for Vol. 2 32

Topology Optimisation
incorporating Novel,
large-scale, free
material optimisation
and mixed integer
programming methods

AST5-CT-2006-030719 ADIGMA Adaptive Higher-Order Vol. 2 53

Variational Methods
for Aerodynamic
Applications in Industry

AST5-CT-2006-030721 NESLIE NEw Standby Lidar Vol. 2 200


AST5-CT-2006-030729 ATLLAS Aerodynamic and Vol. 2 132

Thermal Load
Interactions with
Lightweight Advanced
Materials for High-
speed Flight

AST5-CT-2006-030768 COFCLUO Clearance of Flight Vol. 2 198

Control Laws using

AST5-CT-2006-030771 AUTOW Automated Preform Vol. 2 112

Fabrication by Dry Tow

AST5-CT-2006-030778 FASTWing CL Foldable, Adaptable, Vol. 2 29

Steerable, Textile Wing
structure for delivery of
Capital Loads


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 323 14/01/08 11:31:46

AST5-CT-2006-030779 ENFICA - FC ENvironmentally Vol. 2 146
Friendly, InterCity
Aircraft powered by Fuel

AST5-CT-2006-030789 NEFS New track-integrated Vol. 2 82

Electrical single Flap
drive System

AST5-CT-2006-030798 SmartFuel Automated digital fuel Vol. 2 39

ADSP system design and
simulation process

AST5-CT-2006-030800 COSEE Cooling of Seat Vol. 2 68

Electronic box and cabin

AST5-CT-2006-030804 SICOM Simulation-based Vol. 2 185

corrosion management
for aircraft

AST5-CT-2006-030806 ILDAS In-flight Lightning Strike Vol. 2 191

Damage Assessment

AST5-CT-2006-030808 MINERVAA MId-term NEtworking Vol. 2 65

technologies Rig and
in-flight Validation
for Aeronautical

AST5-CT-2006-030814 CREDO Cabin noise Reduction Vol. 2 154

by Experimental and
numerical Design

AST5-CT-2006-030817 CASAM Civil Aircraft Security Vol. 2 207


AST5-CT-2006-030825 COINS Cost Effective Vol. 2

Integral Metallic
coins to stamp out
illegal antique trading

AST5-CT-2006-030828 TIMECOP-AE Toward Innovative Vol. 2 42

Methods for
Combustion Prediction
in Aero-engines


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 324 14/01/08 11:31:46

AST5-CT-2006-030837 CREDOS Crosswind-reduced Vol. 2 225
separations for
departure operations

AST5-CT-2006-030838 SimSAC Simulating Aircraft Vol. 2 36

Stability and Control
Characteristics for Use
in Conceptual Design

AST5-CT-2006-030839 PEGASE helicoPter and aEronef Vol. 2 174

naviGation Airborne

AST5-CT-2006-030841 DRESS Distributed and Vol. 2 195

Redundant Electro-
mechanical nose wheel
Steering System

AST5-CT-2006-030848 PreCarBi Materials, Process and Vol. 2 99

CAE Tools Development
for Pre-impregnated
Carbon Binder Yarn
Preform Composites

AST5-CT-2006-030852 MAGFORMING Development of New Vol. 2 96

Magnesium Forming
Technologies for the
Aeronautics Industry

AST5-CT-2006-030855 FANTASIA Flexible and Near- Vol. 2 88

net-shape Generative
Manufacturing Chains
and Repair Techniques
for Complex-shaped
Aero-engine Parts

AST5-CT-2006-030863 SUPERSKY- Smart maintenance Vol. 2 188

SENSE of aviation hydraulic
fluid using an onboard
monitoring and
reconditioning system

AST5-CT-2006-030870 TIMPAN Technologies to IMProve Vol. 2 151

Airframe Noise

AST5-CT-2006-030871 MOJO Modular Joints for Vol. 2 105

Aircraft Composite


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 325 14/01/08 11:31:46

AST5-CT-2006-030874 MAGPI Main Annulus Gas Path Vol. 2 139

AST5-CT-2006-030877 DATAFORM Digitally Adjustable Vol. 2 83

Tooling for
manufacturing of
Aircraft panels using
multi-point FORMing

AST5-CT-2006-030889 PREMECCY Predictive methods for Vol. 2 122

combined cycle fatigue
in gas turbine blades

AST5-CT-2006-030905 LANDING Landing software for Vol. 2 172

small to medium-sized
aircraft on small to
medium-sized airfields

AST5-CT-2006-030907 ADHER Automated Diagnosis Vol. 2 181

for Helicopter Engines
and Rotating parts

AST5-CT-2006-030911 SOFIA Safe automatic flight Vol. 2 203

back and landing of

AST5-CT-2006-030914 AVERT Aerodynamic Validation Vol. 2 50

of Emission Reducing

AST5-CT-2006-030937 BEARINGS New generation Vol. 2 115

of aeronautical
bearings for extreme

AST5-CT-2006-030939 TATMo Turbulence and Vol. 2 118

transition modelling for
special turbomachinery

AST5-CT-2006-030953 RAPOLAC Rapid Production Vol. 2 92

of Large Aerospace

AST5-CT-2006-030958 SEAT Smart Technologies for Vol. 2 75

stress free AiR Travel


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 326 14/01/08 11:31:46

AST5-CT-2006-030959 NODESIM- Non-Deterministic Vol. 2 56
CFD Simulation for
CFD-based Design

AST5-CT-2006-030971 ADVICE Autonomous Damage Vol. 2 165

Detection and Vibration
Control Systems

AST5-CT-2006-030982 SENARIO Advanced sensors and Vol. 2 102

novel concepts for
intelligent and reliable
processing in bonded

AST5-CT-2006-030985 DIANA Distributed equipment Vol. 2 62

environment for
Advanced avioNic

AST5-CT-2006-030996 ABiTAS Advanced Bonding Vol. 2 108

Technologies for Aircraft

AST5-CT-2006-031011 VULCAN Vulnerability analysis for Vol. 2 178

near future composite/
hybrid air structures:
hardening via new
materials and design
approaches against fire
and blast

AST5-CT-2006-031038 CELPACT Cellular Structures for Vol. 2 168

Impact Performance

AST5-CT2006-030827 AIM Advanced In-Flight Vol. 2 46

TechniquesFinding a
way out of the future
pensions conundrum

ASTC- ATPI High Performance Vol. 1 81

-CT-2004-516057 Damping Technology
for Aircraft Vibration
Attenuation and


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 327 14/01/08 11:31:47

FP6-2003-AERO-1- ICE Ideal Cabin Environment Vol. 1 83

Missing info FIDELIO Fibre Laser Vol. 1 229

Development for Next
Generation LIDAR
Onboard Detection

Poposal 016087 ECARE+ European Communities Vol. 1 192

Aeronautics Research +

TREN/04/FP6AE/ SPADE Supporting Platform for Vol. 1 290

S07.29856/503207 Airport Decision-Making
and Efficiency Analysis

TREN/04/FP6AE/ C-ATM Co-operative Air Traffic Vol. 1 305

S07.29954/502911 Management

TREN/04/FP6AE/ EMMA European Airport Vol. 1 284

S12.374991/503192 Movement Management

TREN/04/FP6TR/ CAATS Co-operative Approach Vol. 1 302

S12.29891/ to Air Traffic Services

TREN/05/FP6AE/ EMMA2 European airport Vol. 2 213

S07.45797/513522 Movement Management
by A-smgcs - Part 2

TREN/05/FP6AE/ SPADE-2 Supporting Platform Vol. 2 222

S07.45797/518362 for Airport Decision-
making and Efficiency
analysis - Phase 2

TREN/06/FP6AE/ SUPER-HIGH- Development of an Vol. 2 234

S07.56057/019544 WAY operationally driven
airspace traffic
structure for high-
density high-complexity
areas based on the use
of dynamic airspace and
multi-layered planning

TREN/06/FP6AE/ ASPASIA Aeronautical Vol. 2 244

S07.57614/019717 Surveillance and
Planning by Advanced


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 328 14/01/08 11:31:47

TREN/06/FP6AE/ ERASMUS En Route Air traffic Soft Vol. 2 241
S07.58518/518276 Management Ultimate

TREN/06/FP6AE/ RESET Reduced separation Vol. 2 227

S07.62916/037146 minima

TREN/06/FP6AE/ CAATS-II Co-operative Approach Vol. 2 254

S07.63283/036826 to Air Traffic Services II

TREN/07/FP6AE/ NEWSKY Networking the sky Vol. 2 231

S07.68685/037160 for aeronautical

TREN/07/FP6AE/ INOUI INnovative Operational Vol. 2 257

S07.69061/037191 UAV Integration

TREN/07/FP6AE/ SWIM-SUIT System-Wide Vol. 2 237

S07.69084/036990 Information
Management –
supported by innovative

TREN/07/FP6AE/ EP3 Single European sky Vol. 2 260

S07.70057.037106 implementation support
through validation

To be established COMPACT A Concurrent Approach Vol. 1 102

to Manufacturing
Induced Part Distortion
in Aerospace


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 329 14/01/08 11:31:47


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 330 14/01/08 11:31:47

Index by Partners
Page numbers refer to the first page of each project.
Page numbers in bold indicate projects in which the organisation is the coordinator.

A UK academic consortium consisting of the 78

Universities of Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester and

A. BRITO, Industria Portuguesa de Engenagens, Lda. 207

A2 Acoustics AB 161

Aachen University of Technology 141, 168

ACE GmbH – Advanced Composite Engineering 82


Acústica y Telecomunicaciones, S.L. 75

Adria Airways the Airline of Slovenia d.d. 207

ADV Systems 216

Advanced Optics Solutions (AOS) GmbH 125

Advanced Resources 237

AENA 227, 234

Aernnova Engineering Solutions S.A. 165

Aero Vodochody a.s. 25

Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea 213, 222

(representing Airport Council International)

Aeroservices SA 172

Aerospace Wales Forum 279

Agilent Technologies Belgium SA/NV 264

Agusta SpA 128, 154

Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering - ASU 161

Sound and Vibration Lab., Department of design and
production engineering


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 331 14/01/08 11:31:47

Air France 191

Air France Consulting 237, 247

Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic 213, 216

Air Products plc 146

AIR Support S.r.l. 219

Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC 237

Airbus 281

Airbus Deutschland GmbH 53, 59, 71, 78, 82, 96, 99,
108, 151, 168, 185, 225

Airbus España S. L. Sociedad Unipersonal 50, 59, 78, 99, 108

Airbus France SAS 46, 53, 78, 78, 141, 148,

151, 161, 161, 188, 191,
198, 200, 213, 260

Airbus UK Ltd 32, 50, 56, 59, 78, 108,

151, 161, 195

Aircraft Research Association Ltd 53

Airport Authority of Bolzano, ICAO: LIPB Ente 172

Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile

Airport Research Center 222

Airtel ATN Limited 244

Alcan Centre de Recherches de Voreppe

Alcatel Alenia Space 231, 237, 244

Alcatel Thales III-V Lab 207

Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. 36, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 78,
108, 154, 161, 174

Alitalia S.p.A. 237

Alma Consulting Group S.A.S. 168

Alstom Power Ltd 139


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 332 14/01/08 11:31:48

Alta S.p.A. 132

Altair Engineering Ltd 32


Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 222

ANOTEC Consulting, S.L. 161

ANRT 279

Antecuir S.L. 75


ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH 25, 115

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 141

ARTTIC SAS 78, 141


Aschenbrenner Geraetebau GmbH 172

Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd 71

ASD - AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association 276, 276

of Europe

ASG Luftfahrttechnik und Sensorik GmbH 39

Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Textil 75

Asociación Industrial de Óptica, Color e Imagen 88

Association pour la Recherche et le Développement 122

des Méthodes et Processus Industriels


ATECA 151, 168

Athens International Airport 222

Athens University of Economics and Business - 227, 250

Research Center

Atos Origin, SAE 244


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 333 14/01/08 11:31:48

AustroControl 260

Autoflug GmbH 29, 39

Auxitrol SA 125

Avio Interiors 68

AVIO S.p.A. 42, 88, 118, 122, 139, 141

B&W Engineering GmbH & Co. KG 71

BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd 5, 82, 213, 244

BCT Steuerungs- und DV-Systeme GmbH 88

BEASY - Computational Mechanics Incorporated 185


Boeing Research and Technology Europe S.L. 158, 158, 227, 237, 254,

BRITAX Premium Aircraft Interior Group 68

Brno University of Technology 25, 146, 154, 168

Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S 154

Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport 148

Bucher Leichtbau AG 71

Budapest University of Technology and Economics 62, 115, 161, 195, 216

Cardiff University 181

Castilla y Leon Aeronautica S.A. 128

CeBeNetwork France S.A.R.L 71

Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute 36


Centre d’Essais des Propulseurs / Délégation 141

Générale pour l’Armement

Centre de Recherche en Aéronautique, ASBL 25, 53, 83, 118, 128, 141,


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 334 14/01/08 11:31:48

Centre de Transfert de Technologies Céramiques 188

Centre Européen pour la Recherche et la Formation 42

Avancée en Calculs Scientifiques (CERFACS)

Centre for Applied Cybernetics 75

Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas 200

Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en 56


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 42, 50, 71, 174

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 50

Délégation Régionale 18

Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, 42

Medioambientales y Tecnológicas

Centro IBERLog, Associação para o Desenvolvimento 71

da Logística e da Organização

Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCpA 25, 128

CERFACS - Centre Europeen de Recherche et de 36

Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique

CESI Ricerca - Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale 125

Italiano Giacinto Motta SpA

CeTIM 279

CFD norway as 29

CFS Engineering SA 36

Chalmers University of Technology 141

Charles University, Prague - Faculty of Mathematics 53, 96

and Physics

Chemetall GmbH 96


CIMSA Ingeniera de Sistemas, S.A. 29



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 335 14/01/08 11:31:48

Civil Aviation Authority of China Air Traffic 260
Management Bureau

Civil Aviation Authority of China Centre of Aviation 260

Safety Technology



Clyde and Co. 207

Comité Richelieu 279

Compagnie des Aérostats des Pyrénées 273

Compañia Española de Sistemas Aeronauticos, S.A. 29, 188

Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le 174


Consorzio per lo sviluppo dei sistemi a grande 115

interfase - CSGI

Consorzio SICTA - Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo 128, 237

del Traffico Aereo

Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite 105


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) 88

Cranfield University 46, 71, 99, 141, 267

CROUZET Automatismes 78

CSRC spol. s r.o. 39

CTI – Creative Technologies Israel Ltd 270

Culham Lightning Ltd 191

Czech Technical University in Prague 161

Czestochowa University of Technology 42

Dansk Teknologi Udviklingsaktieselskab 71

Darmstadt University of Technology 139


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 336 14/01/08 11:31:49

Dassault Aviation 36, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 71,
78, 105, 108, 112, 135,
151, 154, 174, 200, 281

DDL Consultants 165

Dedale 250

Deep Blue s.r.l 254

Delft University of Technology 112, 56, 172, 222

Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, University 42

of Rome ‘La Sapienza’

Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH 231, 260

Deutsche Lufthansa 148

Deutsches Forschungzentrum für Luft- und 25, 29, 36, 42, 46, 50, 53,
Raumfahrt 56, 59, 65, 78, 82, 105,
118, 128, 132, 141, 148,
151, 154, 161, 168, 198,
207, 222, 225, 260

DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH 203, 225, 234, 257, 264

DHS 75

DHV 158

DIAD srl 92

Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH 172, 203

Diehl Aerospace GmbH 71

Diehl Avionik Systeme GmbH 82

Diehl-BGT-Defence GmbH & Co. KG 207

Direction des Services de la Navigation Aerienne 237, 213, 260

du Ministere des Transports, de l’Equipment, du
Tourisme et de la Mer de la Rupublique Francaise

DLR (German Aerospace Center), Institute for 135, 231, 270, 281
Communications and Navigation

Dornier GmbH 161


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 337 14/01/08 11:31:49

DSNA / Centre En Route de la Navigation Aérienne 247

DSNA/DTI/SDER 241, 250

Dutch Space 29

DYNEX Semiconductor Limited 78

Dziomba Aeronautical Consulting 59

EADS Astrium Crisa 78

EADS CCR 78, 105, 112, 108, 168,

174, 188, 191

EADS Corporate Research Center France 185


EADS Deutschland GmbH - Corporate Research 25, 50, 65, 71, 78, 82, 96,
Center Germany 105, 108, 132, 151, 154,
165, 168, 185, 188, 207

EADS Deutschland GmbH, Military Aircraft 32,36


EADS Military Aircraft 53

EADS Military Aircraft Systems 59




ECE 78

Ecole Centrale de Lyon 141, 154

Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile 250

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan 168, 181

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 141, 174

ECORYS Nederland B.V 216, 222, 227


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 338 14/01/08 11:31:49

EDF Polymer-Applikation Maschinenfabrik GmbH 108

Egida Net 78

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich 174, 250

Elliniki Photogrammetriki Ltd 174

Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A 62

ENAV S.p.A. 213, 219, 260

Engin Soft Tecnologie per l’Ottimizzazione srl 56

EnginSoft 141

EnigmaTEC 146


Entidad Pública Empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles y 227, 244, 254, 260

Navegación Aérea

Env-ISA 148, 158

Epsilon GIS Technologies SA 172

Equipe Electronics Ltd 211

Equip’Aéro Technique 195



Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA 264


ESI Group 99


Euro Heat Pipes 68

Euro Telematik AG 244

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre 148, 237, 247, 254

Eurocopter 128, 174


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 339 14/01/08 11:31:49

Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH 32, 39, 46, 99, 105, 108,
128, 154, 174, 191

Eurocopter S.A.S. 25, 46, 78, 108, 181

European Aeronautic Defense and Space - Space 132

Transportation GmbH

European Federation of High Tech SMEs 279

European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation 158, 225, 227, 234, 241,
(EUROCONTROL) 250, 260

European Space Agency - European Space Research 132

and Technology Centre

EVEKTOR, spol. s r.o. 25, 46, 146

Farran Technology Limited 125

Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central 128

Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Pof. N.E.

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical 161

engineering, laboratory of acoustics and vibration

Fischer Advanced Composite Components AG 99

Flughafengesellschaft Braunschweig mbH 46

Footprint Tools Ltd 92

Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte 207

Naturwissenschaften e.V.

Foundation for Research and Technology 42

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der 88, 108

angewandten Forschung e. V.

Free Field Technologies 151, 154, 161


Frequentis GmbH 231, 237

Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen- 32, 185



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 340 14/01/08 11:31:49

Fundacion Centro de Tecnologias aeronauticas 128

Fundación INASMET 102, 122, 178, 188

Fundación Instituto de Investigación INNAXIS 257

Fundación Robotiker 71

Galileo Avionica SpA 128, 203

Gamesa Desarrollos Aeronauticos, S.A.U. 25, 128

Gas Dynamics Ltd 132

Gdansk University of Technology 78


German Aerospace Center e.V. 213

German Air Navigation Services 216

GFIC 161

Giunti Interactive Labs S.r.l. 71

Goodrich Actuation Systems Ltd 78, 82

Goodrich Actuation Systems S.A.S. 39, 78, 128, 165

Goodrich Control Systems Limited,trading as Goodrich 78

Power Systems

Graz University of Technology 141

Green Hills Software BV 264

Groupe d’Etudes en Procédés de Séparation 188


Health and Safety Executive 178


Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A. 25, 178, 207

Helsinki University of Technology 82

HEXAGON Systems, s.r.o. 25


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 341 14/01/08 11:31:50

Hexcel Reinforcements 112

Hispano-Suiza 78

Honeywell 241, 250

Honeywell Aerospace SAS 227

HungaroControl 260

Huntsman Advanced Composites 99

Huntsman Advanced Materials Europe 108

Hytech Electronics Ltd 219

IABG mbH 172

Identec Solutions AG 71

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. 128

IFTR 281

IMEP 200

Imperial Collage London 254

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine 75, 42, 118

IMST GmbH 264

IN.SI.S. SpA 65


Incontrol Management Consultants 222


Indra Espacio, S.A. 244

Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A. 88, 118, 122, 139

INEGI - Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestao 207





OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 342 14/01/08 11:31:50

Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España 222, 227, 254, 257

Ingeniería y Economía de Transporte, S.A (INECO) 222, 225, 227, 244, 254,



Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) 42

Institut fuer Vebundwerkstoffe 178

Institut für Physikalische Hoch-Technologie (IPHT) 125

Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH 82

Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et 53, 56, 174, 250


Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon 115, 165

Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse 195

Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble 78

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse 42, 78

Institute for Economic Research 207

Institute of Aviation (Instytut Lotnictwa) 25, 161, 188, 195, 203

Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the 32

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences 122

of the Czech Republic

Institute of Thermal Physics 68

Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, 219

Russian Academy of Sciences

Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria 92

Química (Universidad Nacional del Litoral)

Instituto Superior Técnico 161, 174



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 343 14/01/08 11:31:50

Instytut Obrobki Plastycznej (Metal Forming Institute) 115

Integra 254

Integrated Aerospace Sciences Corporation (INASCO) 102, 161, 178

Intelligent Energy Ltd 146

Interlab Ingenieria Electronica y de Control S.A. 188

International Air Transport Association 222

Intertechnique 78


ISA Software 260

ISDEFE, Ingenieria de Sistemas para la Defensa de 203, 234, 250, 254, 260
España, S.A.

Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd 96, 102, 112, 146, 165,

178, 270


J2 Aircraft Solutions Ltd 36

Jettainer GmbH 71

Jihlavan Airplanes, s.r.o. 25, 146

Jihostroj a.s. 25

JiLin University 83

Jozef Stefan Institute 174

K.U. Leuven Research and Development 92, 112


KEMA Nederland B.V. 125


KSL Keilmann Sondermaschinenbau GmbH 112

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan 36


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 344 14/01/08 11:31:50

LA Composite s.r.o. 191


Laboratoire d’Electromagnétisme et d’Acoustique - 161

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine 154

Laboratorio di Ricerca Operativa Trieste University 247

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation 25

- University of Patras

Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials 99, 105, 108, 168

LAMEP S.r.l. 219

Lappeenranta University of Technology, Laboratory of 78

Fluid Dynamics

Laser Diagnostic Instruments AS 207

Laser Zentrum Hannover eV 102

Leiden University 247

Letove prevadzkove sluzby Slovenskej republiky 260


LFV 148

Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH 78

Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse S.A.S. 25, 78, 96, 115

Liebherr Elektronik GmbH 78

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH 128

Linköping University 198, 279

LLA Instruments GmbH 108

Loughborough University 42, 141, 188

Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland 260

Luftfartsverket (The LFV Group) 211, 227, 260


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 345 14/01/08 11:31:51

Lufthansa Technik AG 191, 207

Lufthansa Technik Budapest Kft 188

Lugano Airport 172


L’Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo 247


Magnesium Elektron Limited 96

MAN Turbo AG, Schweiz 56

Manchester Metropolitan University 161

Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff 83


Materials Engineering Research Laboratory Ltd 25

MBDA-France 132

MBN Nanomaterialia S.p.A. 115

MECAER Meccanica Aeronautica S.p.A. 128

Meggitt (UK) Ltd trading as Vibro-Meter UK 125

MESIT pristroje spol. s r.o. 25

Messier-Bugatti 151, 195

Messier-Dowty S.A. 151, 195

Metec Tecnologie snc 92, 146

Microtech International Ltd Sp. z o.o. 71, 78


MOOG Ireland Ltd 78

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical 46


MTU Aero Engines GmbH 42, 118, 122, 139, 141


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 346 14/01/08 11:31:51

Nanjing University 53

Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium 148, 213, 222, 260

National Aerospace Laboratory NLR 211, 216, 250, 250

National Air Traffic Services 148

National Aviation University, Department of Safety of 161

Human Activities, Centre of Environmental problems
of the airports

National Institute for Aerospace Research ‘Elie 25, 50


National Research & Development Institute for Gas 161

Turbines - COMOTI

National Technical University of Athens 102, 141, 250

NATS (Services) Limited 254

NATS En Route Ltd 225, 227, 250, 260

Navegacao Aerea de Portugal 237

Neometsys 237, 260

Nergal Srl 219

Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific 178


Nickleby HFE Ltd 254

NLR 200

Numerical Mechanics Applications International 56

Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches 25, 36, 42, 46, 50, 53, 56,
Aérospatiales (ONERA) 59, 112, 118, 125, 128,
132, 135, 141, 151, 161,
191, 198, 207, 222, 225,

Olympus Engineering S.r.l. 219

OnAir N.V. 71

Open Engineering S.A. 83


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 347 14/01/08 11:31:51

Oxsensis Ltd 125

Palbam Metal Works - AMTS 96

Paragon Ltd 50, 78

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg 231

Park Air Systems AS 213


PCA Engineers Limited 78, 141

PeMA Aerosapace - Associação 178

Piaggio Aero France S.A.S. 219

Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. 25, 39, 46

PIEP - Polo de Inovação em Emgenharia de Polímeros 178

Polar Consultores 222

Polish Academy of Science 183

Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of 36, 82, 128, 185


Politecnico di Milano 36, 122, 128, 154, 250

Politecnico di Torino 146

Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. 25

Precitec KG 88


První brnenská strojírna Velká Bítes, a.s. 25, 78, 115, 141

Puissance Plus 78

PyroGenesis SA 115

QinetiQ Ltd 56, 59, 158, 231, 237

Queen Mary and Westfield College 75

Queens University of Belfast 260


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 348 14/01/08 11:31:51

RECARO Aircraft Seating GmbH & Co. KG 68

Research Centre of Athens University of Economics 222

and Business

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule 88


Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH 71, 203, 257

Riga Scientific Experimental Centre ‘AVIATEST LINK’ 128

Riga Technical University 88

RISC Software GmbH 32

Risø National Laboratory 183

Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG 42, 118, 122, 139, 141

Rolls-Royce Group plc 42, 78, 88, 122, 125, 139,

141, 161


Royal Institute of Technology Department of 105

Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering

Royal Military Academy 178, 270

RSL Electronics Ltd 181

RUAG Aerospace 82

RWTH Aachen University 25

Saab AB (publ) 36, 78, 195, 211

SAAB AB (publ), Saab Avitronics 82

SAGA S.p.A. 219

SAGEM Défense Sécurité 65, 207


SAMTECH s.a. 92, 128

Scientific Production Association ‘Saturn’ 56


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 349 14/01/08 11:31:51

SCITEK Consultants Ltd 141

SEA S.p.A. 237

Secar Technologie GmbH 105

Seconda Universita degli Studi di NAPOLI II - 78

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione

Secondo Mona S.p.A. 39, 128


SELEX Communications S.p.A. 65, 71, 237

SELEX Sistemi Integrati S.p.A. 213, 237, 260

SEMELAB plc 78

Semiosphere 273


Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas 83, 102, 128, 178

Sheffield Hallam University 185


Sicamp AB 99

SICOMP AB 25, 178

SICTA 241, 260

Siemens AG, Power Generation 125

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 78

Siemens Business Services GmbH & Co. OHG 71

Siemens Business Services spol. s r.o. 71

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd 122, 139

Sigma Technology 56

Sigmatex (UK) Ltd 99



OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 350 14/01/08 11:31:52

Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo 222, 227

SITA (Société Internationale de Télécommunications 71

Aéronautiques) SC

SKF Aerospace France 115

Skysoft Portugal - Software e Tecnologias de 62, 203, 244

Informação, S.A.

Smiths Aerospace 78, 260

SMW Engineering Ltd 96

SNECMA 42, 78, 118, 122, 139, 141,

148, 161

Sociedad Estatal para las Enseñanzas Aeronáuticas 227

Civiles S.A.

Societa’ Italiana Avionica 62

Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions 105


Société d’Etudes et de Recherches de l’Ecole 53

Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers

Société des Nouvelles Applications des Techniques de 141


Société Européenne D’Ingénierie multiTEchnique et 78

de Communication

Société Française d’Etudes et de Réalisations 244

d’équipements Aéronautiques

Sofrance SA 188


SR Technics Switzerland 88


Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH 141

Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en 25, 29, 46, 53, 62, 78, 112,
Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) 128, 151, 161, 191, 225,
227, 254, 264


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 351 14/01/08 11:31:52

Stridsberg Powertrain AB 82, 195

Suediroler Transportstrukturen AG (STA) 172

Sulzer Innotec, Sulzer Markets and Technology Ltd 88

Sulzer Metco AG (Switzerland) 141

Svenska Rotor Maskiner AB 25

Swedish Defence Research Agency 25, 59, 132, 161, 198

Swedish Defence Research Institute 36

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 241, 247

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and 185


Technapoli 279

Technical University at Braunschweig 151

Technical University Munich 158

Technical University of Berlin 118

Technical University of Denmark 32

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 29, 32

Techniques et Fabrications Electroniques SA 78

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 42, 75, 191

Technische Universität Berlin 50, 225

Technische Universität Darmstadt 42

Technische Universität Dresden 122

Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg 78

Technische Universität München 25, 132, 172

Technofan SA 25

Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus 65, 78

Techspace Aero S.A. 118, 141


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 352 14/01/08 11:31:52

Teem Photonics SA 200

Tel Aviv University 102

Teleavio Srl 203

Terma A/S 71

Teuchos Exploitation, Direction des études Division 161


Thales Air Defence 216

Thales Air Traffic Management S.p.A. 213

Thales ATM 260

Thales ATM GmbH 216

Thales ATM Ltd 216

Thales Avionics Electrical Systems SA 78, 260

Thales Avionics SA 62, 68, 71, 75, 200, 203,


Thales Avionics UK 71

Thales Communications 65, 264

Thales Optronique SA 207

Thales R&T 207

The Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University 168

of Oxford

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the 42, 118, 125, 141, 250
University of Cambridge

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the 125, 141

University of Oxford

The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the College of 115, 161

the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near

University of Liverpool 128

Thermoplane, KB 273


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 353 14/01/08 11:31:52

TLS Technik GmbH & Co Spezialpulver KG 88

TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast- 71

natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek

To70 B.V. 148, 161

Tono Tenax Europe GmbH 99

TopoSys Topographische Systemdaten GmbH 172

Trasferimento di Tecnologia e Conoscenza 222

TriaGnoSys GmbH 71, 231

Troisel S.A. 273

TRUMPF Laser und Systemtechnik GmbH 88

TTTech Computertechnik AG 78, 195

TU Braunschweig 267

TURBOMECA 25, 42, 88, 122, 139, 141

TWI Ltd 88

Técnica Electronica de Automatismo y Medida SA 78

Ultra Electronics Limited - Controls Division 78

ULTRA Electronics Limited trading as ULTRA 71

Electronics Airport Systems


Unique 247

UNIS, spol. s r.o. 25

Universidad Complutense de Madrid 39, 188

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 50, 118, 139, 141, 183,


Universidad Publica de Navarra 78

Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di 118

Energetica ‘Sergio Stecci’


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 354 14/01/08 11:31:53

Università degli Studi di Siena 198

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 78


Università degli Studi di Padova 78

University de Bourgogne - Central National de la 185

Recherche Scientifique

University of Alcalá 39

University of Belgrade 227

University of Birmingham 281

University of Bristol 36

University of Glasgow 36, 244

University of Karlsruhe, Institut für Thermische 42


University of Latvia, Institute of Polymer Mechanics 99

University of Leeds 158

University of Leicester 250

University of Linköping 241

University of Lisbon 183

University of Liverpool 168

University of Lund 125

University of l’Aquila 250

University of Malta 71

University of Manchester 25, 50, 88

University of Nottingham 50, 53

University of Patras 178, 181

University of Patras - Laboratory of Technology and 185, 267

Strength of Materials


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 355 14/01/08 11:31:53

University of Patras - Mechanical and Aeronautical 183

University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ 219

University of Sheffield 92, 178, 183

University of Siegen 183

University of Southampton 132, 151, 161

University of Stuttgart 68, 132, 168

University of Surrey 139

University of Sussex 139, 141

University of Tartu 250

University of Trieste 56

University of Twente 53, 250

University of Wales Swansea 53

University of York 270

University of Zilina 237

Università degli Studi di Bergamo 53

Università degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di 92

Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi

Università degli Studi di Firenze 139, 141

Università degli Studi di Genova - Dipartimento di 118

Macchine, Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti

Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’ - Dipartimento di 154

Progettazione Aeronautica

Università Politecnica delle Marche 154

Universität Bayreuth 32

Universität Bremen 71

Universität Hannover - IFUM 96


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 356 14/01/08 11:31:53

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 41, 62, 139

Universität Stuttgart 53, 112, 128, 141

Université Catholique de Louvain 165, 195, 225

Université de Haute-Alsace 195

Université de Liège 25, 141

Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard 141

Université Libre de Bruxelles 146

Université Pierre et Marie Curie 132

Upper Austrian Research GmbH 108

Uppsala University 53

Vector Fields Ltd 191


Vibro-Meter SA 125, 141

Vilnius Gedimino Technical University Institute of 161

Thermal Insulation

Vilnius University 219

Volvo Aero Corporation 122, 125, 141

von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics 53, 118, 125

Vrije Universiteit Brussel 56, 185

Vysoké uÐení technické v BrnÐ 39

Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav, a.s. 25, 36, 50, 59, 68, 105, 112

Walphot S.A. 174

Warsaw University of Technology 53, 267

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of 178

Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics

Westland Helicopters Ltd 128


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 357 14/01/08 11:31:53

WS Atkins Consultants Limited 56


SWIDNIK” Spolka Akcyjna

Wytwórnia SprzÐtu Komunikacyjnego “PZL-Rzeszów” 141

Spółka Akcyjna

XenICs 200

Zara web services 161

ZF Luftfahrttechnik GmbH 128

Ødegaard & Danneskiold-Samsøe A/S 154


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 358 14/01/08 11:31:53

NCP listing
Mr AGOLLI Edmond
Ministry of Education and Science of Albania
Directorate of Scientific Research (DSR)
Street Durresi, 23

Dipl.-Ing. ROHOWETZ Hans
FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Sensengasse 1
A-1090 Vienna

UWE (Union Wallonne des Entreprises)
Chemin du Stockoy, 3
B-1300 Wavre

BONNIJNS Alexandre
BEA (Brussels Enterprise Agency)
Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86c B 211
B-1000 Brussels


STIS (Scientific and Technical Information Service)
Boulevard de l’Empereur, 4
B-1000 Brussels

IWT (Instituut voor de aanmoediging van innovatie door
Wetenschap & Technologie in Vlaanderen)
Bischoffseimlaan, 25
B-1000 Brussels


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 359 14/01/08 11:31:54

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics
9000 Varna

Ministry of Transport Coordination of Programmes and Projects
9 Diakon Ignatii
1000 Sofia

Mrs DIMOVA Biliana

Technical University
8 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
1756 Sofia

Burgas Free University
Centre for Informatics, Engineering and Natural Sciences
62 San Stefano Str.
8001 Bourgas

Rousse University «Angel Kanchev»
Auto-Transport Faculty
8 Studentska Str.
7017 Rousse


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 360 14/01/08 11:31:54

Effingerstrasse 19
3001 Bern P.O. Box 7924

Mr. SPANOS Mathaios
Research Promotion Foundation
P.O. Box 23422 Nicosia

Ing SKARKA Martin
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Technology Centre (TC)
Technology centre AS CR, Rozvojová 136
165023 Praha 6

TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH
Research Management, Nationale Kontaktstelle Verkehr
Am Grauen Stein 33x
51101 Köln

Dr ROMAHN Stephan
PT-Luftfahrtforschung c/o DLR
Nationale Kontaktstelle
Königswinterer Str. 522-524
53227 Bonn

Mr DOERR David
TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH
Research Management, Nationale Kontaktstelle Verkehr
Am Grauen Stein 33x
51101 Köln


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 361 14/01/08 11:31:54

PT-Luftfahrtforschung c/o DLR
Nationale Kontaktstelle
Königswinterer Str. 522-524
53227 Bonn

Danish Agency for Technology and Innovation
Bredgade 40
1260 Copenhagen K

Väike-Turu 8
51013 Tartu

Cid, 4
E-28001 Madrid

Prof. GARCIA BENITEZ Francisco

Universidad Superior de Ingenieros
Ingeniería e Infraestructuras de Transportes
Camino de los Descubrimientos
E-41092 Sevilla
+34-95 448 73 15


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 362 14/01/08 11:31:54

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Administration and Specialist Unit
FI-00023 Government
00023 Helsinki P.O.Box 31

Ministère du transport / DRAST
8, avenue des arts
B-1210 Bruxelles

Mr MACÉ Christian
Ministère des transports, de l’Equipement, du Tourisme et de la
151, Quai du Rancy
94381 Bonneuil sur Marne BP 12

École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées - ENPC
8, avenue des arts
B-1210 Bruxelles

Aerospace Valley
2, avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse

GR Aero Ltd
12 The Mount, Aspley Guise
MK17 8AE Milton Keynes


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 363 14/01/08 11:31:54

National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
11 Park Road, Rottingdean
BN2 7HL Brighton

Sustainable Surface Transport (Land, rail, waterbourne)
70 Downview Road
PO22 0EE Barnham

Dr. TZITZINOU Cathrine
4, Zalokosta str.
106 71 Athens


1, Square Morihovou
546 25 Thessaloniki

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Department for European Integrations
Trg hrvatskih velikana 6
10000 Zagreb

National Office for Research and Technology
Department for Bilateral and Attache Affairs
Neumann János u. 1/c
1117 Budapest


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 364 14/01/08 11:31:54

Enterprise Ireland
Michael Street

ISERD-Israeli Directorate for EU Framework Programme
29 Hamered St
IL-61500 Tel Aviv POB 50436

Laugavegi 13
101 Reykjavik

Vegsyn ehf.
Klettabergi 62
221 Hafnarfirdi

APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
Piazzale Marconi 25
00144 Roma

APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
Piazzale Marconi 25
00144 Roma


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 365 14/01/08 11:31:54

Agency for International Science and Technology Development
A. Gostauto 12-219
1108 Vilnius

LUXINNOVATION EIG - National Agency for Innovation and
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
B.P. 1372

Mrs MICHEL Hélène

LUXINNOVATION EIG - National Agency for Innovation and
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg B.P. 1372

Dr KALNINS Kaspars
Riga, Technical University
Institute of Materials and Structures
Kalku 1
LV-1658 Riga

University of Montenegro
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Cetinjski put bb
81000 Podgorica
+381 67 544 766


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 366 14/01/08 11:31:54

Institute OHRID
Ul. Dimitrie Tucovic 24
1000 Skopje

University of Malta
Department of Microelectronics, University of Malta
MSD 06 Msida

Malta Council for Science and Technology
Malta Council for Science and Technology, Villa Bighi,
CSP 12 Kalkara

Juliana van Stolberglaan 3
2509 AC The Hague PO Box 93144

Ir SOEDE Matthijs
Juliana van Stolberglaan 3
2509 AC The Hague PO Box 93144

Research Council of Norway
Division for Innovation
St. Hanshaugen
0131 Oslo POB 2700


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 367 14/01/08 11:31:55

Mr THORSHAUG Niels Peter
Research Council of Norway
EU RTD Office
St. Hanshaugen
0131 Oslo POB 2700

The Research Council of Norway
St. Hanshaugen
0131 OSLO PO Box 2700

TUREK Zbigniew
The Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS
National Contact Point for Research Programms of the
European Union
Swietokrzyska 21 str.
00-049 Warsaw
+48-22-8287483 ext .159

PYCZAK Mikolaj
The Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS
National Contact Point for Research Programms of the
European Union
Swietokrzyska 21 str.
00-049 Warsaw
+48-22-8287483 ext .159

Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education
Av. 5 de Outubro, No 85 - 7
1050-050 Lisbon


OPO 7 0400_synopsis3.indd 368 14/01/08 11:31:55

GRICES (Office for International Relations in Science and Higher
DSAC (Unit for European Affairs)
Av. 5 de Outubro, 85,5
1050-050 Lisbon

Mrs PADUROIU Beatrice
Ministry of European Integration
Management of the EU Structural Funds21-25, Mendeleev Street
010362 Bucharest

Romanian Space Agency
Management of the EU Structural Funds21-25, Mendeleev Street
010362 Bucharest

Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection
Njegoseva 12
11000 Belgrade


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Mr. MELNIKOV Vladimir
Unit of Advanced Research and Technology
Rizhskaya pl., 3
107996 Moscow

Prof. PAVLOV Leonid

Rizhskaya pl., 3
107996 Moscow

WALLGREN Christine
Mäster Samuelsgatan 56
10158 Stockholm

Mäster Samuelsgatan 56
10158 Stockholm

Dr FEDOR Cerne
Ministry of Transport
Transport Policy Unit
Langusova 4
1000 Ljubljana

doc.Ing.PhD. FABIAN Peter
University of Zilina
CETRA- Centre for Transport Research
Univerzitná 1
010 26 Zilina


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Mr KORU Aziz
FPs National Coordination Office
Atatürk Bulvari No:221
6100 Ankara

Mr OZAN Gürcan
FPs National Coordination Office
Atatürk Bulvari No:221
6100 Ankara

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Private Bag x 395
0001 Pretoria

Dr PARKER Kamallunddien
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy
Manufacturing Technology
Private Bag x 395
0001 Pretoria


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European Commission

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2008 — 371 pp. — 14,8 x 21 cm

ISBN 92-79-07678

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