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Out of the Dustlands

- The desert south of Kaldera is growing as more rivers are diverted for city u
- the out laying villages, and towns are forced to move into the city.
- Kaldera faces massive drought.
- main water source drys up with no more run off.
- backup water from the second aquaduct has not been replenished and begins to
- scouts reveals the runoff source (left over glaciers) are almost entirely gon
e from the mountains north.
- Reshi advises city leaders to abandon the city via unleashing the water down
the dry gulch and sailing out of the dustlands.
- counsel refuses entirely and instead orders an exodus of 6,000 south to civil
ization (Wada - Dalenpore) while some remain in an attempt to save the city.
- After a month the food and water pots start to run out.
- dust storms blow in and with them come vicious creatures that hide in them.
- 2,000 die marching through the dustlands. Leadership changes multiple times.
- bird from Kaldera carries message saying: "City is lost"
- 4,000 reach an oasis and the ruins of an ancient city.
- The survivors attempt to live in the city but start to steal and murder for f
ood and possessions.
- The incompetant leader makes an announcement to the ruins saying there
must be a secret coupe trying to betray them all.
- everyone loses trust in everyone else starting chaos in the city.
- new leader steps up to leave the city with the 3,000 survivors.
- group reaches Wada but Wada had heard news of the terrible things they did to
each other and did not welcome them
- A splinter of the surivors attempts to force their way in anyways resulting i
n Wada declaring war on them.
- Survivors are forced to fight Wada and capture Dalenpore fishing village to s
teal ships and sail out of the warzone.
- Without knowledge of the river system they take a detour through the Vegga ma
- sickness kills most of them in the dark swamp leaving under 100 survivors.
- The remainder make it through the Turon Jungle on their river boats and sail
over upper and lower Swallow falls to reach Florint.
- Wada sends men after them for revenge. and the survivors split up and go into
hiding in the city.
- Reshi remains in the city and attempts to gain enough influence to save the r
emnant citizens.
- Working with a handful of others they manage to repair two ships (one is the
future Borealis?).
- too many citizens to fit on the two ships. Reshi makes a lottery that include
s citizens and non-citizens equally.
- the counsel members that remain start an uprising of citizens and attempt to
burn one of the ships and leave with the other.
- The escape is rushed as a result and one of the ships is damaged. Reshi sends
bird south.
- the Arks sail east with the water towards Sorukan Basin. A Wada outpost there
attacks them unprovoked.
- they steer away to avoid going into Wada but crash over a waterfall instead.
- They reach expeditionary outposts at Headwater Fork who reveal the entire ki
ngdom of Wada has a bounty on a group described like them: survivors sailing eas
t on ships.
- the explorers hide the survivors and give them supplies saying their business
is disovery not bloodshed.

- directed further east to avoid going south to Wada they are cautioned about t
hieves landing.
- through the forest they are surprised at night by thieves and they get their
ships stolen.
- break into thieves landing and steal back one of the ships and a brig full of
- they make south for Florint and anchor at port there evading the dangers of t
he crooked coast on the way.
- meet up with some of the exodus survivors.
Between Books 5-10 years?
- one survivor takes most of the treasure and ship and sails east becomes promi
nent scholar in Lubrid; documents history of Kaldera which has been mostly disco
nnected from other kingdoms.
- the youngest survivor and the son of a builder stows away and follows him to
Lubrid becoming one of the cities engineers/architects. plans to flood the land
west of Agartha to restore it's fertility.
- Monahan leaves Bolo on a mission into the east.
- some of the survivors join the expeditionary troop they previously met on a j
ourney back west in hopes of reclaiming Kaldera.
- small group joins and decides to head across the sea east to start fresh and
get back their treasure and starts to make preparations in order to buy a ship a
nd start gathering other survivors.
- Monahan reaches Florint.
- Agartha starts to spew fire out after hundreds of years of inactivity.
- the cities current leader, an idealist, decides to leave the massive gates in
to the mountain open causing the erruption to blast into Lubrid, sacrificing the
city to save other lands.
- the Mother of Sorrow seals all the gates into Agartha to protect the city and
her orphanage causing the blast to launch fire down into the perilous lands ins
tead, earning her title.
- leader tries to incite city to execute her, but with the help of others she e
scapes the city to Surry.
- the city gets locked down, no one leaves or enters.
Book 2
- Monahan meets group planning to leave.
- Wada ambushes them the night they are going to shove off and burns their ship
in the water.
- escape forced to stowaway.
- land in the east.
- make their way through the mountains and some lava flow.
- they find the city gates locked and are turned away.
- while leaving the city they meet a legionairre captain who also escaped death
who tells them the only hope to enter the city is to save it.
- the group heads to Surry to get the Mother of Sorrows and other ex city leader
s back to Lubrid to start an uprising and reclaim the city.
- while traveling across the land they meet many dangers and obstacles.
- must go to Terramain first to get several Legionairres.
- recruit others seven samurai style before going back to Lubrid to save the cit
- save the city - able to divert water back to the valley of the sun which is gi
fted to survivors of Kaldera and the Perilous Lands.

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