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Austin Iovanna

L3 Civics / B2
24 March 2015
The Week
Boston bomber faces his victims
-24+ of the bombing victims provided their heart-wrenching
stories in court this week while federal prosecutors were
presenting cases against Tsarnaev.
-He claimed that the USA was killing innocent people and he
couldnt stand to see such evil go unpunished
-Bombing killed 3 people and injured 260+, defense believes
there should be no death penalty because his older brother
swayed his actions
-Not many are buying this defense, deeming it sad and pathetic,
saying hes responsible for his own actions
-Tsarnaev was very relaxed in court, many wondering how he
could carry himself like this after knowing the torture he caused
in the lives of thousands
Hilary: Why Democrats are suddenly nervous
-Story surfacing about how Clinton used a private email account
to communicate while in place a secretary of state to avoid the
inconvenience of official emailing/having numerous devices for
various types of communications
-She deleted more than 30,000 emails from that time, leaving
many wondering what those emails contained and what she was
trying to conceal
-Democrats wondering if they need to start looking for a new
-Many have doubt that she can survive such a difficult situation
-Some saying here we go again with the Clintons often
surfacing drama to the political scene
Madonnas endless rebellion
-Constantly shocks people with her ways, this set her apart
growing up
-If you dont like it, screw you attitude. She wanted to be more
provocative and separated because of this
-My nature is to provoke, I cant help myself
-She is still determined to push the limits of pop culturewanting
to be the first to prove women in their 50s can own their
sexuality and love their bodies

The quest for a perfect diet

-We should all eat vegetablesveggies of all types. People who
eat these types of plant based foods (beans, whole grains, fruits,
seeds, nuts) have lower rates of heart disease, other issues as
opposed to those who eat mainly animal-based products
-Fats are good for us, but certain types & in moderation (like
those in nuts and fish); they are linked to good cardiovascular
-Univ. of Minn. physiologist concluded that people who eat a lot
of meats and dairy die earlier from heart issues as opposed to
those who eat fish and grain-heavy diets which leads to a
healthier record
-Mediterranean diet is very effective
-Best advice: avoid overthinking menial aspects of your diet and
avoid junk foods and over-processed meals to ensure a healthy
and well-functioning body
Kids gun deaths are no accident
-Kids finding guns are not accidents, but results of parents
criminally negligent behavior and attitude
-Guns being left out in the open, loaded and ready to go are the
ones being picked up by children and abused accidently,
resulting in fatal consequences (deaths and injuries of these
children and those around them)
-Texas and 27 other states have a law against this parental
behavior, however the law is only effective if strongly enforced
by authorities; most authorities sympathize with the already
suffering parents, so nothing actually gets done
-Many believe these parents should be criminally responsible for
these tragedies
Not all sex crimes are equal
-Not all sexual assaults are equal Meghan Dunn
-She states, Violent rape is not the same as psychologically
coercive sex
-There are many awful experiences involving sex, however not all
drunk college students that regret a one-night-stand have
become the victim of rape
Professors battle students over Muslim garb
-Muslim headscarves banned in public French schools, along with
yarmulkes and crucifixes
-Many think colleges should go with this policy as well saying,
religious symbolism is fundamentally incompatible with free

-Universities in France invented secularism, practically

-Many thought this religious fight was over, but apparently it has
just begun
Where winter could be a jail sentence
-Canadians put into solitary confinement solely because of the
winter season
-Toronto had the coldest February on record this year, old &
disabled stuck inside for monthsunable to participate actively
in society because of the torturous weather
-One wheelchair user was dropped off by Taxi in Toronto, and was
found dead because he could not navigate and maneuver himself
to his house
-These house-ridden individuals experiences muscular atrophy
and depression
-Better weather to be approaching by about mid-June
Ferguson: When the police are the problem
-It was decided that there was not enough evidence against the
white Ferguson police officer (suspect in crime) that shot and
killed the unarmed teenager named Michael Brown in August
-Observers saying that the police forces of Ferguson have
instilled racism into every aspect of their powers there; with 67%
of the population being black, 93% of arrests from 2012 to 2014
were accounted for black individuals
-Some say Ferguson cops arent motivated my racism but by
predatory government who viewed Ferguson as a type of
collection agencywhere unnecessary fines are issued to
citizens to increase the towns funds
-Police told that would be promoted if they increased their
-USA policing has become more corrupt than it has been in a
-Prospective changes include: removing existence of ticket
quotas, avoiding situations like the Michael Brown incident
Mobile: Why Google is going wireless
-Google has confirmed that they will begin experience with a
wireless company
-Finding new and better ways to send messages, make calls &
access the Internet with smartphones via their company
-Google hopes to end the consumers reliance on one wireless
carrier, weaving together existing carriers like T-Mobil and Sprint
as well as local Wi-Fi hubs
-Technology that can automatically reconnect dropped calls, etc.

-Project Loon in seven major US citiesinitiating the floating of

portable balloon cell towers & project Titan which allows
drones that are capable of increasing internet access extremely
to travel the earth in case of extra demand or disaster
-If they can make wireless service cheaper and better through
these ideas, they have a strong tactic for selling more android
phones and yielding a heavy profit in the long run
-Future, people of America parting with their iPhones?
Coffee may curb heart attacks
-New research stating that up to 5 cups a day can assist in the
reduction of risk of heart disease
-High levels of calcium in individuals who consumed about five
cups daily
-Possibly the powerful antioxidants in coffee that help reduce the
risk of diseases
Uncovering an ancient lost city
-White City, home to long-lost Central American civilization
-Researches think theyve found these civilizations living
-La Ciudad Blanca identified in 2012 by aerial survey using
ground-penetrating radar
-When investigated further, researchers found remains of the
once-thriving metropolisincluding plazas, possible irrigation
canals, etc. all dating back from between A.D. 1000 and 1400
-One of most amazing discoveries52 statues partially buried at
base of an earthen pyramid
-Currently the most undisturbed rainforest in Central America

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