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IMRT dose verification using small volume chamber (0.1cc).

What should its

resolution (or measured error) be in order to be able to use for dose verification
(ans: 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 3%, 10%)
I saw this question before but was not quizzed on it for the exams.
Practical logic says 1%, but i'm not sure. When you get a chamber
calibrated from an acdl they quote around 1% accuracy. i grabbed some
of my notes and will page thru tonight. i know there is a tg report with %
accuracy of dosim tools and the summed % error for a given
measurement (check a tps tg or tg40). i'll look around

Which components of a LINAC are pulsed after Thyratron is fired

Thyratron is the switch that supplies high voltage to the gun and the klystron /

What is the difference between simulated annealing and gradient reduction in

this is a new one for me.... follow my raw logic. imrt implies optimization. sa and
gr are both methods of determining local max/min. so explore the differences in
the methods. sa takes a random approach using probabilitiy (tempature based
model). gr is more elegant using gradients and derivatives to dermine min/max.
gr seems dependent on your calculation grid (per say) while sa seems more
like a quantum potential well solution. that's all i can say without misleading
you... i never heard of those terms until here

Gas pressure low fault is related to which part in Linac? Gun, Waveguide (has
filled SF6 gas), Magnetron, Accelerating tube, etc.
waveguide: most everything else is vaccuum, sf6 acts as insulator so no arcing in waveguide

Multi detector CT, when cone beam increases size, whats true: Collimator
decreases, scatter photon increases, etc
Scatter Increases
both true, collimator opening must increase to expose more detectors,
scattered photons increase due to larger fluence/area, but your mA decreases
(larger area) so image quality decreases

Tolerance for deviation in a light field for a CT sim,

If the high voltage power source is pushing too much, what is the most likely
observed result on the accelerator
HVOC. (UDR) Dose rate
too fast of pulses=higher rep rate, too high voltage = higher gun voltage and
high klystron voltage = more e- to accel and either (not sure) higher energy
waveguide or maybe no waveguide due to loss of harmonics (Ghz change)

What is the dose for irreparable damage to the kidney?

quantec says 28gy mean for 50% incidence of "clincially relevant dysfunction".
my answer is 28gy

What is the range of a Y 80 beta 2.2Mev in air?

If the collimator rotation is off 1.2mm, the couch rotation is off 1.4mm and the
gantry rotation is off 1.5, according to AAPM what is the overall uncertainty?
I should know this. its either the sqrt of the sum of the sqrs or the largest
number is the radius of the sphere, ill check the mobius manual or a winstonlutz algorithm spec

Increasing the current to the magnetron does what?

Increases the microwave power

Treating a stereotactic lesion in the head with a 4 mm diameter beam. What is

the largest dose you can prescribe?
70 to 80 Gy for trigeminal neuralgia its always used 4 mm diameter cone.

To increase the energy in the accelerator, what you do? Increase the current in
the magnetron, or Increase the voltage in the magnetron, Increase the current
in the Thyratron, or, increase the current to the Gun
(Magnetron current), increase current in mag increases energy of wave which
increases energy of electrons..

How are in homogeneity corrections handled in the superposition convolution


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