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Ana Mara Cifuentes Orozco

The Night in Question is a short story written in 1996 by Tobias Wolff. It belongs to
Wolffs second collection of short stories, which has the same name, and was written
under impact of the deadly fields of Vietnams War. It explores aspects of family, love,
violence, relationships, faith, loyalty and betrayal.
The story develops two narrations in one. On one hand, it presents the story of Frances
and Frank, a couple of siblings whose lives suffer a twist after their dad, Frank Senior
dies, while Frank Junior recalls events from his childhood along with the constant abuse
he received and his Sisters endeavour to protect him. On the other hand, it introduces
Franks repetition of a Dr Violets sermon he had liked. It recounts the situation of Mike
Boiling, a railroad man who is involved in the terrible choice of saving a trainload full of
strangers while killing his only and special son, Benny, as a metaphor of Jesus story.
Nonetheless, as the story moves on, Frances makes it clear that in a situation like this,
it is more significant to choose the loved individual above the many, as she had done for
him in repeated opportunities protecting him from Frank Senior mistreatments.

Besides, this story develops different kind of themes, dualities and tensions. Firstly, it
shows the importance of Love, as it is shown through the personal relationships people
have with each other, such as brother and sister (Frank and Frances) and father and
son (Frank and his children/ Mike and Benny). Other kind of love that is shown in the
story of the one between God and Jesus, showing that God did not just show his love
to one person, but to everyone. In this case, Wolff contrasts such this love with the one
Frances shows Frank throughout their lives. Secondly, it shows how crucial are
relationships between fathers and sons in life by means of a duality between two
divergent kind of relations between father and son. The relationship between Mike and
his only son, Benny, shown as one of authentic and faithful love and care, and the
relationship Frank has with his father, as one of dread, fear, obedience, and abuse. And
least but not last, it is shown how faith in God can have a bearing on the decisions
people make giving them a foundation to build their lives and thoughts.

Furthermore, in my personal opinion, the message that this story intends to transmit is
not fully achieved in terms that the reader may get confused as he follows the story
because it doesnt have a falling action to intrigue him and make the story more
appealing. Besides, I think it is a bit too plain and wordy and the message may stray
through the story. However, I reckon that the author was successful in terms of style and
prose. The idea of conveying two stories in a single narration and making a
juxtaposition amongst them is just brainy and interesting. Somehow, it is engaging to
read a story that can be analysed from different perspectives and beliefs.
To make a final point, as it was shown, The Night in Question is not just a simple story.
Somehow it can help us to reflect upon the relationship we have with our siblings and
parents, since it shows how a controversial and abusive relation may affect us
psychologically and emotionally. And on the other hand, a loving relation may change
our lives and ways of reacting upon daily circumstances.

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