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No explosion

No sun explosion not enough mass

Cain 12
(Fraser, march 20th 2012, Life of the Sun
First, theres

no possible way that the Sun will ever explode. It might seem huge to us, but the Sun is a
relatively low mass star compared to some of the enormous high mass stars out there in the
Universe. When our Sun runs out of hydrogen fuel, it will expand up as a red giant, puff off its
outer layers, and then settle down as a compact white dwarf star ; slowly cooling down for trillions of years. But
lets say that our Sun has about 10 times as much mass. Now were talking explosion. When this super massive Sun runs out of
hydrogen fuel in its core, it switches over to converting atoms of helium, and then atoms of carbon. It keeps consuming heavier and
heavier fuel in concentric layers, like an onion. Each layer takes a shorter period of time, all the way up to nickel, which might take a
mere day to burn through. Then iron starts to build up in the core of the star. And iron doesnt give off any energy when it undergoes
nuclear fusion. Because of this, the star has no more outward pressure in its core stopping it from collapsing inward. When about 1.38
times the mass of the Sun in iron collects at the core, it catastrophically implodes, releasing an enormous amount of energy. Within 8
minutes, the amount of time it takes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth, an incomprehensible amount of energy would sweep past
the Earth, and destroy everything in the Solar System. Supernovae can briefly shine more than an entire galaxy. A new nebula, like the
Crab Nebula, would be visible to nearby star systems, expanding outward for thousands of years. All that would remain of the Sun
would be a rapidly spinning neutron star, or maybe even a stellar black hole. But remember the

Sun has too little mass to

ever explode. It wont explode, so dont worry.

The sun is incapable of exploding.

Schuyler 10(D.VanDyk,IPACHeadofScience,SeniorresearchscientistsspecializinginAstronomyat

Supernovae are exploding stars.Theyrepresenttheveryfinalstagesofevolutionforsome

explosionasourSunreleaseseverysecond. Our Sun, fortunately, will not end its
life as a supernova. Currently,supernovaeareonlyseeningalaxiesotherthanthe
More ev

Masters 02
(Karen, scientist, September 2002, Is the Sun expanding? Will it ever explode?
So the

Sun will never explode (even though more massive stars can and do). The difference is that the Sun isn't massive
enough to ignite anything past helium in its core. More massive stars continue nuclear burning until they
start making iron. This creates an unstable core which will then explode in a supernova explosion.

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