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Axial force, Pu

6.85 KN

Shear in X direction, Vx

3.15 KN

Shear in Y direction, Vy

41.66 KN

2 0.5

Maximum shear, V = (Vx + Vy )

= (3.15 + 41.66)


Depth, Ds

41.78 KN

HEA 200
200 mm

Width, Bs

190 mm

Thickness, ts

10 mm
248.21 N/mm2

Steel yield stregnth, Fyc

Depth, Dbp

300 mm

Width, Bbp

400 mm

Thickness, tbp

20 mm
248.21 N/mm2

Steel yield stregnth, Fyb

Number of bolts, Nb

Number of bolts in single group column, N bc

Number of bolts in single group row, N br

Bolt spacing on x-axis, sdx

300 mm

Bolt spacing on y-axis, sdy

120 mm

Diameter of bolt, db
Bolt Grade
Tensile area, Aste = 0.25[db - (0.9743/nt)]2

= 0.25 3.14 [20 - (0.9743/0.4)]

Shear area, Asve = 0.25[db - (0.9743/nt)]2

Number of threads per inch
Specified yield strength of anchor steel, fya

= 0.25 3.14 [20 - (0.9743/0.4)]

Specified tensile strength of anchor steel, futa

Depth of anchorage to concrete, h ef

20 mm
365.22 mm2
365.22 mm2
640 N/mm2
800 N/mm2
150 mm

Eccentricty of axial load, e'n

0 mm

Eccentricty of shear load, e'vx

0 mm

Eccentricty of shear load, e'vy

0 mm

ACI 318M-11 Section RD.5.1.2

ACI 318M-11 Section RD.6.1.2


45 N/mm2
1500 mm

Concrete compressive strength, fck

Thickness of concrete, tc
Distance from center of the baseplate to left edge of concrete, x cl

300 mm

Distance from center of the baseplate to right edge of concrete, x cr

300 mm

Distance from center of the baseplate to top edge of concrete, x ct

250 mm

Distance from center of the baseplate to bottom edge of concrete, x cb

500 mm

Edge distance left group column of bolt, cl

200 mm

Edge distance right group column of bolt, cr

200 mm

Edge distance top group row of bolt, ct

190 mm

Edge distance bottom group row of bolt, cb

Type of concrete

440 mm


Compression, c


Flexure, b
Weld shear, v

AISC 360-10 Section F1


AISC 360-10 Section J2


Tension force on each column of bolts, T u = Pu / 2

= 6.85 / 2

3.425 KN

Tension force on single bolt, Tb = Pu / Nb

= 6.85 / 4

1.71 KN

= 3.425 x (138 / 1000)

150 mm
138 mm
0.47 KN-m


Effective width of base plate (45 distribution) for bending, b eff
Lever arm to the column web face, e
Bending moment acting on the baseplate, Mup = Tu e

ACI 318M-11 Section


= [(4 0.47 10) / (150 0.9 248.21)]

7.49 mm
Thickness required, tpreq = [4Mup 105 / (beff b Fyb)]0.5
Thickness of required / Thickness of baseplate < 1.0; 7.49 / 20 = 0.37 < 1.0; OK FOR BASEPLATE THICKNESS



Axial force for weld on column
Tension flange weld leg length, twf

8 mm

Effective width of base plate (45 distribution) for bending, b eff

Tensile load per mm, FVLC = Tu / beff

150 mm
= 3.425 1000 /150

Angle of loading, c
Electrode classification
Filler metal classification strength, F exxc
Nominal stress of the weld metal, F nwc = 0.60 FEXXC (1.0 + 0.50 sin1.5 )

= 0.60 482.63 [1.0 + 0.50 sin(90)]

45.66 N/mm
482.63 N/mm2
434.367 N/mm2

5.66 mm2/mm
Design strength of weld, RNC= vFnwcAwe
= 0.75 434.367 5.656
1842.58 N/mm AISC 360-10 Section J2
Required tensile load / Tensile capacity of weld < 1.0; 45.66 / 1842.58 = 0.02 < 1.0; OK FOR WELDING OF COLUMN
Column flange check
Local stress on flange, fTCL = Tu / (beff ts)
= 3.425 1000 / (150 10)
2.28 N/mm2
Effective area of the weld, Awec= 0.707twf Unit length

= 0.707 8 1

Column flange allowable stress, F ycap = 0.6Fyc

= 248.21 0.6
148.93 N/mm2
Local stress on column flange / Flange stresngth < 1.0; 2.28 / 148.926 = 0.02 < 1.0; OK COLUMN YIELDING
Shear force for weld on column
Shear web weld leg length, tww

8 mm

Shear in the direction selected, F v

Shear weld web force per mm, F VLW = Fv / [2 (Ds - 2 ts)]

41.78 KN
= 41.78 1000 / [2 (200 - 2 10)]

Nominal stress of the weld metal, F nww = 0.60 FEXXC (1.0 + 0.50 sin1.5 )
Effective area of the weld, Awew= 0.707tww Unit length

AISC 360-10 Section F1

= 0.60 482.63 [1.0 + 0.50 sin(90)]

= 0.707 8 1

116.06 N/mm
434.367 N/mm2
5.66 mm2/mm

Design strength of weld, RNw= vFnwwAwew

= 0.75 434.367 5.66
1843.89 N/mm AISC 360-10 Section J2
Required hear weld on column / Weld strength < 1.0; 116.06 / 1843.89 = 0.06 < 1.0; OK FOR WELDING OF COLUMN
LRFD Reduction Factors
Tension of steel element, ts


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Shear of steel element, vs


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Concrete tension, tc


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Concrete shear, vc


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Concrete tension for pullout, tcB


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Concrete shear for pryout, vcB


ACI 318M-11 Section D.4.4

Forces on bolt

Tension force on group of bolts, P u

6.85 KN

Tension force on group column of bolts, T gb = Pu / 2

3.43 KN

Tension on single bolt, TSB = Pu / Nb

Shear on single bolt, Vsb =

1.71 KN

V / Nb

Assuming force affects only the bottom row of bolts, V sbr =

V / No. of columns

= 41.78 / 4

10.45 KN

= 41.78 / 2

20.89 KN

Check for tension capacity of steel anchor

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.1.2
Tension capacity of the steel anchor, Tcap = ts fya Ase
= 0.75 640 365.22 / 1000
175.31 KN
Tension on single anchor / Tension capacity < 1.0; 1.71 / 175.31 = 0.01 < 1.0; OK FOR TENSION ON ANCHOR BOLT
Check for shear capacity of steel anchor
ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.1.2
Nominal strength of an anchor in shear, V sa = vsAsve futa
= 0.65 365.22 800 / 1000
189.92 KN
Shear on anchor / Shear Capacity < 1.0; 10.45 / 189.92 = 0.05 < 1.0; OK FOR SHEAR ON ANCHOR BOLT
Shear on anchor on bottom anchors / Shear Capacity < 1.0; 20.89 / 189.92 = 0.11 < 1.0; OK FOR SHEAR ON ANCHOR BOLT
Check for concrete breakout for group of anchors

Coeff for breakout strength in tension, kc

Concrete modifcation factor,
Modification factor for cast-in anchor in concrete, a = 1.0
Breakout strength of single anchor in tension, N b = kc a

= 1.0 1


= [10 1 (45 133.33)] /1000

Maximum edge distanc less than or equal to the actual 1.5h ef, ca,max
Effective depth of anchor, hefe = max(ca,max, s/3)

103.28 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.2

ACI 318M-11 Section 8.6.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.3.6

133.33 mm
= 9 133.33

Modification factor for anchor groups eccentrically,ec,N = min[1, 1/1 + (2e'n/3hefe)]

Minimum edge distance, Ca,min = min(cl,cr,ct,cb)

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.2

306000 mm2
200 mm

Projected concrete failure area of a group of anchors, A NC

Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor, A NCO = 9 hefe2


= min(1, 1/1 + (2 0 / 3 133.33)

= min(200, 200, 190, 440)

Modification factor for edge effects, ed,N = if ca,min 1.5hef = 1.0, otherwise 0.7 + 0.3ca,min/1.5hefe

159992 mm3
190 mm

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.4
ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.5


ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.5

Modification factor for cracked/uncracked at service loads concrete, c,N

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.6

Modification factor for cracked/uncracked concrete, cp,N

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.2.7

Nominal concrete breakout strength in tension for anchor group, N cbg = ANC / ANCO ed,N c,N cp,N Nb
= (306000 / 159992.0001) 1 0.985 1 1 103.28
194.57 KN
Concrete breakout strength, Ncbg = tcNcbg
= 0.75 194.57
145.93 KN
Tension on anchors / Concrete breakout strength < 1.0; 6.85 / 145.93 = 0.0469 < 1.0; OK FOR CONCRETE BREAKOUT

Check for concrete pull-out for single anchor

Net bearing area of the head of single anchor, A brg
Pullout strength in tension of a single headed stud, N p = 8 Abrg fck

422.23 mm2
152 KN

= 8 422.23 45 / 1000

Modification factor for anchor on cracked concrete, c,P

ACI 349 Table 4(b)

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.3.4
ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.3.6

ACI 318M-11 Section D.5.3.1

Pullout strength in tension of a single headed stud, N pn = tcB c,P Np
= 0.7 1 152
106.4 KN
Tension on single anchor / Anchor pullout strength < 1.0; 1.71 / 106.4 = 0.02 < 1.0; OK FOR ANCHOR PULL-OUT

Check for side face blowout of group of anchors

Check for requirements
Depth of anchorage to concrete, h ef
Direction of shear
Concrete edge distance in the direction of shear in check, c a1
For side blow out to occur the both criteria must be met
he > 2.5ca1
= 150 < 2.5 200 = 500
anchor spacing < 6ca1

150 mm
Edge distance left group column of bolt, cl
200 mm
Edge is far and no need for side blow-out check

= 300 < 6 200 = 1200

Edge is far and no need for side blow-out check

Factor for ratio of perpedicular edge distances, ed



= 0.513157894736842 (13 200 422.23) 1 183.91

45 KN

Nominal side-face blowout strength, N sb = ed (13ca1 Abrg ) a fck

Side face blow-out strength, Nsbg = tc (1 + s/6ca1)Nsb

= 0.75(1 + 300 / 6 200) 183.91
172.42 KN
Tension on single anchor / Concrete blowout strength < 1.0; 6.85 / 172.42 = 0.04 < 1.0; OK FOR SIDE FACE BLOWOUT

Check for concrete breakout in shear for bolts in front of shear (All forces along X direction acting on front bolt)
Maximum shear, Vx

3.15 KN

Actual edge distance in the direction of shear, ca1sx

190 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2s1x

200 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2s2x (min(actual edge dist, 1.5ca1sx)

285 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2sy (min ca2s1y,ca2s2y)

200 mm

Spacing of anchor in shear, sx

120 mm

Depth of concrete, ha (tc)

1500 mm

Limiting concrete depth, h'a = min(ha, 1.5ca1sx)

285 mm

Limiting value for min of ca1sx, and max of the following:

190 mm

ca2sx,max / 1.5

= 285 /1.5

ha / 1.5

= 1500 /1.5

sx / 3

= 120 /3

1000.00 mm
40.00 mm

Projected shear concrete area, Avc

Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor, A vco = 4.5


= 4.5 190

Diameter of bolt, da

213750 mm2
162450 mm3

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

20 mm

Load bearing length of anchor for shear, le = hef

150 mm

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vbx1 = [0.6(le/da)0.2 da0.5]afck0.5ca1sx1.5

= [0.6 (150/20) 1 20 190 1.5 /1000

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vbx2 = 3.7afck0.5ca1s1.5

= 3.7 1 20 190 1.5 /1000

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vbx = Min Vbx1, Vbx2

Modification factor for anchor groups eccentrically,ec,V = min[1, 1/1 + (2e'v/3ca1sx)]

= min(1, 1/1 + (2 0 / 3 150)

Modification factor for edge effects, ed,V = if ca2s 1.5ca1s = 1.0, otherwise 0.7 + 0.3ca2s/1.5ca1sx
Modification factor for cracked/uncracked at service loads concrete, c,V
Modification factor for edge dist., eh,V = if ha < 1.5ca1sx = (1.5ca1sx/ha)0.5

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

190 mm

= 1500 > 285

70.54 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.2

65 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.3

65 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.4

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.5


ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.6

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.7

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.8

Nominal concrete breakout strength in shear for anchor group, V cbgx = AVC / AVCO ec,V ed,V c,V h,V Vb
= (213750 / 162450) 1 0.91 1 1 65
77.83 KN
Concrete breakout strength, Vcbgx = vcVcbgx
= 0.75 77.83
58.3725 KN
Shear on anchors / Concrete breakout strength < 1.0; 3.15 / 58.3725 = 0.05 < 1.0; OK FOR CONCRETE BREAKOUT

Check for pryout of anchor in shear

Coefficient for pryout strength, kcp

Nominal pryout strength of anchor in shear, N cpg = Ncbg

145.93 KN

Pryout strength of anchor in shear, Vcpg = vcb kcp Ncpg

= 0.7 2 145.93
204.302 KN
Shear on anchors / Concrete breakout strength < 1.0; 3.15 / 204.302 = 0.02 < 1.0; OK FOR ANCHOR PRYOUT

Check for concrete breakout in shear for bolts in front of shear (All forces along Y direction acting on front bolt)
Maximum shear, Vy

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1

41.66 KN

Actual edge distance in the direction of shear, ca1sy

190 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2s1y

200 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2s2y (min(actual edge dist, 1.5ca1sy)

285 mm

Actual edge distance perpendicular to shear direction, c a2sy (min ca2s1y,ca2s2y)

200 mm

Spacing of anchor in shear y, sy

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1

190 mm

Depth of concrete, ha (tc)

1500 mm

Limiting concrete depth, h'a = min(ha, 1.5ca1sy)

285 mm

Limiting value for ca1sy, c'a1sy, max of the following:

190 mm

ca2sy,max / 1.5

= 285 /1.5

ha / 1.5

= 1500 /1.5

sy / 3

= 190 /3

1000.00 mm
63.33 mm
171000 mm2
162450 mm3

Projected shear concrete area, Avcy

Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor, A vco = 4.5 c'a1s2

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

190 mm

= 4.5 190

Diameter of bolt, da

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

20 mm

Load bearing length of anchor for shear, le = hef

150 mm

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vby1 = [0.6(le/da)0.2 da0.5]afck0.5ca1sy1.5

= [0.6 (150/20) 1 20 190 1.5 /1000

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vby2 = 3.7afck0.5ca1s1.5

= 3.7 1 20 190 1.5 /1000

Conc. breakout strength in shear, Vby = Min Vby1, Vby2

Modification factor for anchor groups eccentrically,ec,V = min[1, 1/1 + (2e'v/3ca1sy)]

= min(1, 1/1+(20 / 3 150)

Modification factor for edge effects, ed,V = if ca2s 1.5ca1s = 1.0, otherwise 0.7 + 0.3ca2s/1.5ca1s
Modification factor for cracked/uncracked at service loads concrete, c,V
Modification factor for edge dist., eh,V = if ha < 1.5ca1s = (1.5ca1s/ha)0.5

= 1500 > 285

70.54 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.0

65 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.1

65 KN

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.2

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.5


ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.6

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.7

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.2.8

Nominal concrete breakout strength in shear for anchor group, V cbg = AVC / AVCO ec,V ed,V c,V h,V Vb
= (171000 / 162450) 1 0.91 1 1 65
77.83 KN
Concrete breakout strength, Vcbg = vcVcbg
= 0.75 77.83
58.37 KN
Shear on anchors / Concrete breakout strength < 1.0; 41.66 / 58.37 = 0.71 < 1.0; OK FOR CONCRETE BREAKOUT
Check for pryout of anchor in shear
Coefficient for pryout strength, kcp

Nominal pryout strength of anchor in shear, N cpg = Ncbg

145.93 KN

Pryout strength of anchor in shear, Vcpg = vcb kcp Ncpg

= 0.7 2 145.93
204.302 KN
Shear on anchors / Concrete breakout strength < 1.0; 41.66 / 204.302 = 0.2 < 1.0; OK FOR ANCHOR PRYOUT


Nominal strength in tension, Nn = Ncbg

145.93 KN

Applied tension force, Nua

6.85 KN

Nominal strength in shear x, Vnx = Vcbgx

58.37 KN

Nominal strength in shear y, Vny = Vcbgy

58.37 KN

Applied shear force along x, Vux

3.15 KN

Applied shear force along y, Vuy

41.66 KN

Criteria for interaction of shear and tensile force to be needed for checking (any criteria)
Vux / Vn < 0.2
= 3.15 / 58.3725


No need for checking

Vuy / Vn < 0.2

= 41.66 / 58.37


Check is needed

Nua / Nn < 0.2

= 6.85 / 145.93


No need for checking

Interaction between shear and tension

Vux / Vny + Vux / Vny + Nua / Nn 1.2

= (3.15 / 58.3725) + (41.66 / 58.37) + (6.85 / 145.93) = 0.815


ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1

ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1
ACI 318M-11 Section D.6.3.1

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