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Collecting information


r y o f news,
it e y our sto .
or de r to w r
i n f o r mation
In f f icient n
w i ll nee d s u
e i nf o rmatio
c o lle c t all th
w d o y ou
o u r s t ory?
Ho mplete
d t o c o
you nee IN THIS
Fret not. Writing news stories is
not particularly difficult. It does The Husband 2
take practice and not everyone will with 5 Wives
be an expert but if you follow the
Sensing 3
guidelines below you should be
able to create effective news information
items without too much stress. Points to Note 4

The Reporter 5
The Quiz 5

Here is how you use the Husband with 5 Wives

How? Who? What? Where? When? Why?

A good news story will provide an-

swers to each of these questions.
For example, if you wish to cover a
story about a local school’s debate
team entering a competition you will
need to answer these questions:

 Who is the  What is the  Where does the

coach? Who are topic for the competition take
the prominent de- debate? What place?
baters? Who are is the competi-
the supporters? tion?

How are they going

 When is the  Why are
to enter the competi-
competition? they entering
How long have this particular tion? Do they need
they been pre- competition? to fundraise? How
paring? Are If it's relevant, much training and
there any other why the team preparation is re-
important time was founded? quired? What will
factors? they need to do to
Page 3 SESSION 3

Sensing Information

When you are at the site of the event or carrying

out an interview, open up all your senses to
maximize the information you can gather.

Smell is another sense

that you use to ‘take’ your Observe the place, people and
readers to the event itself. the environment. Sometimes
By using appropriate vo- you might learn about things
cabulary, you can let people are not willing tell.
them to imagine the envi- Scrutinize your interviewee
closely during the interview. If
ronment at the event.
you see him/her hesitating,
you will know that there is
Sm ell

more to the story, but he/she is

If the event you on not telling it.
Touch Vi s i
are covering is
a garage sale,

get into contact


with the things Listen carefully


and let your while you are

If it is a food talking to some-
reading know
fair, why one. Do not make
how they were.
don’t you any mistakes of
taste some of what they said.
the food to Preferably record
tell your your interviews.
about it?

Points to Note

The Event Know all you can about the event. Where it
occurred? How long it took place?
E.g.: If it was a Canteen Day, get to
know of the entire event on the
schedule and when take place.

The People Find out who where the people involved in

the event and how they were involved.
E.g.: If there were doctors, firemen
and victims involved in a flood-
rescue, find out what they did

Objectivity You must not take any side. If there is

more than one side to the story, cover
them all.

Quote Quote some parts of your interview to let

your readers believe your story.
E.g.: "We're really excited about this
competition," says Coach Bobby
Page 5 SESSION 3

The Reporter Game

Roll up your sleeves and let us get some work done. Go to

Now, you are Grace Bailey, the jun-

ior journalist. You must now follow
the four stories to their end. Pick
up as many items and talk to as
many people as you can. You never
know what or who could be the key
to an important clue!

Good Luck!

The Quiz

Do not forget to try your hand at the quiz for this ses-
sion. All the best :)

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