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Character Design OGR

By Tumo

My cards and my game

The cards that I got were candy, fragmentation and opposites. I brainstormed a few
concepts and how i could use them in the type of game that i would like. At this point i
have settled on a four player action RPG game that would happen in a land of twisted

Narrative of the world thus far

A once sweet world of candy has been turned into a dark and decaying mess after a
forgotten piece of candy came back into the world wishes to exact his revenge on those
he felt left him. But four characters brave of soul have chosen to fight to save and
return to the world they once knew.

Outcome of my project
To design four(4) full and complete hero classes that are interesting and unique
To design one(1) arch enemy who can embody all the aspects of broken, corrupted and
fragmented candy (mind or body)
To design at least one(1) minor villain character
To create a candy world that the characters can fit in while not feeling too alienating
for the player

Character concepts thus far...

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