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Endorsement of Bill King for Mayor of Houston


For the past six years, the office of the Mayor of Houston has
been used to promote an ideological agenda against the citizens
of Houston, Texas; and,


The proper role of the Mayor of Houston is described as follows

in the City Charter:


To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced.


The Mayor shall have power to appoint, subject to confirmation

by the City Council, such heads of departments in the
administrative service of the City as may be created by
ordinance, and the Mayor shall have the power to remove such
heads of departments at any time he shall see fit without
confirmation by the City Council. The Mayor shall also have the
power to appoint and remove all other employees of the City,
such appointments and removals to be subject, however, to the
civil service provisions of the Charter.


To exercise administrative control over all departments of the



It shall be the duty of the Mayor from time to time to make such
recommendations to the Council as he may deem to be for the
welfare of the City, and each year to submit to the Council the
annual budget of the current expenses of the City in accordance
with the requirements of the State Budget Law applicable to
cities and towns.


To keep the Council at all times fully advised as to the financial

condition and needs of the City; and,


There is no Republican or Democratic way to execute the above;



Bill Kings back to basics platform of fiscal responsibility

(Balance the Budget), fighting crime (Catch the Crooks),
infrastructure maintenance and improvement (Fix the Streets),
and opportunity for all (Grow the Economy) is exactly what is
needed to bring healing and prosperity to the City of Houston at
this time; and,


Bill King has advanced to the City of Houston mayoral runoff,

which will take place on December 12, 2015.

Be it resolved:
That the Harris County Republican Party hereby endorses
Bill King for the position of Mayor of Houston; and,

Be it resolved:
That the Harris County Republican Party is authorized by
its Executive Committee to use the resources at its disposal to
support Bill Kings campaign for Mayor of Houston during the
2015 Mayoral Runoff Election.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Bowen Senate District 11 Chairman, and Precinct 416 Chairman,
Harris County
Heather Harris Precinct 076 Chairman, Harris County
Jarrod Keeling Precinct 420 Chairman, Harris County
Phillip Webb Precinct 474 Chairman, Harris County
Tom Zakes Precinct 220 Chairman, Harris County

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