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Interviewee: Joelle Chassard, Manager, World Bank Carbon Finance Unit

Interviewer: Toni Johnson, Staff Writer,

February 5, 201

The UN's December development, it's almost now a given

Copenhagen meeting that you have to take into account
on climate change the impacts of climate change." She
ended with draft text notes that movement on a U.S.
of an agreement that carbon market is also playing a role
left many provisions in improving the outlook for global
undecided. The carbon markets. "We do hope if
subsequent uncertainty about the there is a legislation adopted by the
future of international action on U.S., it will include some sort of cap-
climate change suggested that and-trade scheme," she says. "That
interest in carbon trading and will create a lot of demand for
carbon financing could be emissions-reducing projects in
depressed (FT). But Joelle Chassard, developing countries."
manager of the World Bank's Carbon
Finance unit, sees hopeful signs in the What impact is Copenhagen's lack of
February 1 submissions by more than clarity having on markets? Will the
fifty countries on their voluntary Copenhagen Accord's voluntary
emissions reduction actions target approach be enough to
(PDF) under the Copenhagen bolster markets?
Accord. "We feel quite encouraged,
but from an outsider's perspective, it We don't think that Copenhagen
may not be as meaningful because was such a disaster. We were hoping
there still is so much work to be done the uncertainty would diminish, but
to translate that political we were not confident that
commitment into the nitty-gritty of everything would become clear
implementation," Chassard says, after Copenhagen. Prices in the
arguing the overall demand for market have not fallen that
carbon trading will continue to rise. significantly. They have actually
"[If] you talk to companies, all the stayed relatively steady. This reflects
economic actors working on future the fact that the market had already

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managed expectations about the mechanism. There has been

outcome of Copenhagen. There is significant progress on the
still a lot of uncertainty, but if you look whole REDD [Reducing Emissions
at the totality of what happened in from Deforestation and Forest
Copenhagen, we certainly feel that Degradation] agenda, and
there is cause for optimism. Important reinforced in the Copenhagen
political signals on certain aspects of Accord, you saw an immediate
the future climate change regime direct reference to moving
have been stated, and now of immediately on the REDD
course all the work that needs to be mechanism.
done is to build on this important There was also in the Copenhagen
direction that Copenhagen has laid Accord a political statement that
out. We are quite confident that the acknowledged, or at least opened
latest submission [by countries under the door to continue exploring, the
the Copenhagen Accord] over the role of markets. Even more
weekend confirmed that there is significantly, it's really the first time, in
momentum to continue on this. Copenhagen and pre-Copenhagen,
where developing countries have
What specifically has you confident? stated that they are committed to
undertaking significant mitigation
There is definitely a momentum action. From a general perspective,
[behind the scenes] to make there is a strong movement toward
significant improvements in the way acting on friendly change and
the current flexibility mechanism of putting in place the means to act in
the Kyoto Protocoloperates. The a meaningful way, both by bringing
discussions from the CDM [Clean public finance and letting the market
Development Mechanism] are play a role in supporting this
moving quite nicely and reflect a mitigation action. We feel quite
general recognition that, yes, there encouraged, but from an outsider's
are problems and we need to fix perspective, it may not be as
them. I would say also the prospect meaningful because there still is so
of a possible mechanism or a cap- much work to be done to translate
and-trade regime in the United that political commitment into the
States has had a very positive nitty-gritty of implementation.
influence on encouraging the
current regulators to look more The World Bank's Carbon Finance unit
seriously at the weaknesses and the started working on financing carbon
efficiencies of the Kyoto Protocol projects more than a decade ago.
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What do you tell people when there climate change, and there is an
is all this uncertainty? expectation that as an economic
actor you will be subjected to certain
What we say is, first, this is nothing kinds of regulation. It's clearer in
new for us. When we started in 2000, some parts of the world than in
the world was much more uncertain others, but companies are definitely
than it is today. The world knew anticipating that and already acting
nothing about how carbon markets on it.
were going to function, how the
mechanism would be used. The
market has developed sufficiently,
and carbon finance has reached a
certain level of maturity, certainly not
yet an adult, but we have been able
to garner enough experience to
have a pretty good idea of how it
should evolve. We feel that the next
ten years are there to build on the
first ten years, and we are putting in What's the biggest worry for carbon
place instruments that will help financing outside of a lack of clarity
pioneer what could be the future on an international regime?
market instruments.
Carbon finance is a very important
THE TREND IS GOING TO BE THAT THE catalyst for mitigation, but it doesn't
PRICE OF CARBON WILL GO UP, BECAUSE do everything. It needs help from
THE MORE SERIOUSNESS THERE IS IN other elements. Some countries
DOING MITIGATION, THE MORE THE pursue policies that go against the
DEMAND FOR EMISSION-REDUCTION implementation of certain types of
INVESTMENT WILL GO UP. projects. Their energy-sector policies
are not yet fully consistent with
Certainly, greater clarity on an promoting CDM projects. We have,
international regime is needed to in many countries, tariff policies that
make that happen. But if you talk to are not adequate yet. Or you have
companies, all the economic actors simply the investment climate that is
working on future development, it's not fully adequate to promote
almost now a given that you have to private investment. For instance, the
take into account the impacts of African continent has so far
[participated] very little in the [Clean
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Development Mechanism]. One market. That for us is very

reason for that is that they are low encouraging.
emitters, so the potential for
reduction is limited. But participation There's some discussion about
in the market is certainly lower than it shifting the Clean Development
could occupy if it were fully Mechanism to focus on least-
responding. Some of this is due to a developed countries. Right now,
private sector that is much less India and China have the bulk of the
vibrant than in other regions of the projects. What do you think of this
world. Part of it is a perception of risk plan?
for investment in these countries. We
need to help overcome this bias. That least-developed countries
should benefit from the market to a
Is this atmosphere of uncertainty greater extent than they have today
about what Copenhagen is something we fully support. I
accomplished hurting carbon- mentioned earlier that Africa is hardly
finance investment in developing anywhere to be seen in the carbon
countries? market. They have less than 2
percent of the [CDM] projects that
It's probably slowing down the pace are currently active. In our own
at which market participants were operations, Africa represents 21
ready to continue their activities. I percent of the number of CDM
see more of a slowdown, and projects, so we have always had that
slowdown just means that getting focus, and we see by working in
developing countries to fully embark Africa that there is a lot of potential
on mitigation strategies is not going that needs to be further developed
to go at the pace we would like. We in carbon finance.
know how much must be put in The trend is going to be that the
place before you really can get into price of carbon will go up, because
action, and it's something that I think the more seriousness there is in doing
richer countries don't fully mitigation, the more the demand for
appreciate. We see also market emission-reduction investment will go
players that are already very actively up.
involved in considering projects for But if you stand back and ask
post-2012 and so on. We are yourself, "How can we tackle the
receiving a lot of requests to consider challenge of climate change?" we
programs in developing countries need to continue to have the big
that could be supported by the countries, the big emitters [such as
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China and India] not only continue push, and maybe their expectations
their mitigation efforts but were not realistic. We welcome very
accelerate. And we cannot just much their input and their push, we
decide because we have seen it find it very constructive, but REDD will
work for them, that we will pull the not appear in isolation. The text has
plug. It just does not make sense. We been negotiated already to a very
need the global community to large extent, but it's not going to be
encourage these countries to go a stand-alone text. It will have to wait
forward, [but] not indefinitely. There is for all of the other pieces to fall into
recognition that at some point they place. But the good thing is in the
will need to rise to the same level as meantime, the countries are already
developed countries. But we are only getting ready.
at the beginning of these mitigation
efforts. So we feel the mechanism What do you think about the debate
needs to be available to everybody over whether the World Bank should
at least for another few years. be in charge of the proposed global
green finance fund? Several
developing countries said they would
prefer to have a different
organization, maybe one created out
of the negotiations.
In the end, it's very important to let
the parties negotiate. We are aware
of the criticisms that are voiced
about the bank; we acknowledge
that a lot of points of view are
Some activists were disappointed justified, and the bank as an
with the tabling of deforestation institution is already responding to this
policy in Copenhagen. How much criticism. There is a lot of discussion
has this affected REDD projects? currently among the shareholders of
the bank about the relative
We are very encouraged by what distribution, the voice to be given to
Copenhagen did, and by the follow- its membership. So this is a debate
up to Copenhagen that is taking that goes well beyond climate
place on REDD. The day you would change. But because [climate
tell me an environmental group is change] is an area where finance is
happy, then we must have a such a critical aspect of future
problem. They are there to push and action, the role of institutions like the
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World Bank is debated. It's an

encouraging trend that the Even before there is any legislation in
developing countries want to have a place, the debate that is taking
bigger say, and we need to listen to place in the United States is having
how they want to conduct their already a positive influence on the
affairs. The world is different from current market mechanisms. Being
what it was sixty-five years ago when users of the mechanism, we know
institutions like the World Bank were that the U.S. mechanism can't be
established. The world is changing, vastly different from the existing ones.
and we need to change. We are But if they [improve on some of the
ready to help in whichever way the deficiencies in the current
parties decide the bank should play mechanisms], it provides an incentive
a role. We believe there are services for the existing ones to align
we can offer, but we will do so in themselves and get improved in the
response to demand from process. We do hope if there is a
developing countries. legislation adopted by the U.S., it will
include some sort of cap-and-trade
The United States is still debating a scheme, because we see it's working
carbon market, and the climate bill's well [and would] like to expand that.
future is unclear. How much of an That will create a lot of demand for
impact would a U.S. market have on emissions- reducing projects in
carbon finance? developing countries.

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