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Nancy Castro, Michelle Cruz, Elimar Ravina, and Maria Socorro Sadaya

This study aimed to test the implications of the inductive research done by Dowson and
McInerney in the behavioral, affective, and cognitive components of students motivational goals
in academic achievement by constructing and validating these goals in the context of
mathematics. This is the first part of the study which focused on the behavioral component of
motivational goal. A scale of 80 items was developed to measure the construct. The scale was
administered to the participants using convenience sampling technique. The reliability of the
scale was analyzed using Cronbachs Alpha and was found to have acceptable or good reliability.
The items were then subjected to exploratory factor analysis to assess the validity of the scale.
EFA result shows that the eight factors of behavioral motivation were reduced to six factors.

Mathematics affects many aspects of daily life. It serves as the tool and language of the human
culture, may it be in the realm of monetary system, system of measurement, advancement of
technology, etc. According to the International Mathematical Union (2014), the contributions of
mathematics to modern life extend beyond its partnerships with the other sciences and
engineering(p3). Thus, a learner with a high level of mathematical skills brings about significant
outcomes both in the learner himself and in the society.
The World Banks Knowledge for Development in 1999, presented a report which indicates a
correlation between education in mathematics, science, and engineering and improved economic

performance. Consequently, a country must enhance the knowledge and skill of the learners in
these disciplines in order to achieve and sustain a progressive economy.
The Philippine educational system, gives a high value in attaining proficiency in mathematics
among students. In fact, there are a lot of programs done for students in the pursuit of the
advancement of mathematics education. Conversely, the assessments given to Filipino students
to measure their competencies in mathematics do not coincide with countrys goal in
strengthening mathematics education in the country.
The following assessment results concluded that the Philippine education performance in
mathematics is far below the international average as revealed in the 2011 Global
Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum under the area of Education, where it
ranked 112th in Science and Mathematics among 138 economies, while, in the 2003 Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study, it ranked 43rd out of 47 participating countries.
Motivation is defined as the cause for directing behavior to a specific goal, involving ones self
in a certain activity, or increasing dynamism and exerting effort to accomplish the goal
(Kleinginna & Kleinginna, 1981). It has been considered as one of the major factors that affect
the performance of students. According to Awan, Noureen, and Naz (2011), achievement
motivation contributes positively to students scores on achieving orientation, meaning
orientation and methodical study(p.73). LeBlanc (2004) stated that, with respect to academic
environments, the general goal behind motivational strategies is to increase students academic
performance by increasing their motivation to learn (para.1).
Some studies emphasized the relationship between motivation and learning mathematics like that
of Walter and Hart (2009) who stressed that teachers see student motivation as a major concern

in teaching mathematics. Pantziara and Philippou (2014) highlighted that there is a need to look
into the learning behavior of students in learning mathematics since students behavior and
achievement are correlated with each other. Boaler describes how teachers at a high school


mathematics teaching approach in order to develop good

relationships between the students and to reduce social and academic status differences in
the mathematics classrooms (as cited in Wge & Marilena Pantziara, 2013, p.5).
Another study that worked on motivation is the inductive research done by Dowson and
McInerney (2003) in the behavioral, affective, and cognitive components of students
motivational goals in academic achievement. They defined the behavioral components of
students goals as a range of concrete actions associated with each goal (2003, p. 100) from
which they also identified eight behavioral factors in the motivational goals of students:
(a) mastery - a variety of behaviours implicating initiative, challenge-seeking,
self-regulation, and effective effort management, (b) performance - a variety
of behaviours particularly relating to the measurement of academic
performance relative to others or attempts to maximise academic grades and
marks relative to others, (c) work avoidance - a variety of behaviours designed
to minimise engagement, or effort, in, particularly, demanding academic work,
(d) social affiliation - a variety of affiliative academic behaviours; particularly
working together with other students in productive or cooperative ways, (e)
social approval - a variety of academic behaviours designed to please, or at
least attract the attention of, significant others (particularly parents or
teachers), (f) social responsibility - a variety of behaviours involved with
participation in supportive classroom/school roles, or increased academic
effort due to perceived role expectations, (g) social status a variety of
academic behaviours (particularly effort management), which are designed to
promote students present, or future status, (h) social concern a variety of
behaviours designed so that students may be, at least potentially, involved in

helping situations or appointed to helping roles (Dowson & McInerney, 2003,

p. 101).

The researchers deemed that Dowson and McInerneys study is an applicable tool to address the
concern regarding the present condition of the performance status of Filipino learners in
mathematics. Since their theory is domain, general, and qualitative, it needs a more empirical
quantitative study. The researchers aimed to contextualize it in mathematics using quantitative
data, patterned after the eight factors in motivational goals.
Specifically, this study aimed to (a) construct a test that will measure the behavioral components
of students motivational goals in Mathematics, (b) validate the constructed test that will measure
the behavioral components of students motivational goals in Mathematics, and (c) measure the
reliability of the validated test on Behavioral Components Scale of Motivational Goals in
The participants of the study were freshmen college students from private university in Manila,
Philippines, in which 270 of them were Pharmacy students and 586 were students from other
majors that include fine arts, computer science, economics, biology, microbiology, information
technology, hotel and restaurant management, financial management, occupational therapy, and
physical education.

The Pharmacy students consisted of 210 females and 60 males. They voluntarily took part in
answering the Behavioral Components of Students Motivational Goals in mathematics.

The 586 students from other majors consisted of 384 females and 202 males. The number of
participants on the other majors were the following: 96 fine arts, 61 computer science, 31
economics, 57 biology, 34 microbiology, 122 information technology, 39 hotel and restaurant
management, 31 financial management, 73 occupational therapy, and 42 physical education.
They voluntarily participated by answering the constructed scale that was based from the survey
result. The mean age of the participants is 16 years old.

The researchers used the convenience sampling technique. The consent from the participants
and their respective professors were sought before administering the instruments. The available
and willing participants were the only ones who answered the survey and the scale test. The
researchers facilitated the instruments to the participants to ensure accuracy on administering the
instruments and on achieving their desired objectives.

This study used two instruments: the first instrument was the Behavioral Components of
Students Motivational Goals (Mathematics) Survey anchored on the theory of Dowson and
McInerney (2003). The survey was used to collect data (see sample in Table 1) on Pharmacy
students which were used to formulate items for the Behavioral Components of Students
Motivational Goals (Mathematics) Scale. It includes two sections namely the academic goals and
social goals. The academic goals section asks students to write what motivated them most to
study mathematics in terms of their mastery, performance, and work avoidance; while, the social

goals sections asks the same in terms of their social affiliation, social approval, social status,
social responsibility, and social concern.

Table 1: Survey on Behavioral Components of Students Motivational Goals (Mathematics)


Definition: Wanting to achieve academically to demonstrate understanding, academic competence, or
Example: I do the best work that I can. It makes me feel good when I do something really well even if I
dont get any marks for it.
I read additional reading materials about our lesson besides the book/reading material that my
teacher prescribed because I want to make sure I have an extensive understanding about the
Definition: Wanting to achieve academically to demonstrate ability, outperform other students, attain
certain grades/marks, or to obtain tangible rewards associated with academic performance.
Example: I really want to get high marks and beat other people so I work really hard even if I
sometimes get sick because of it.
I read the lessons in advance because I want to be a step ahead of my classmates.
Definition: Wanting to achieve academically with as little effort as possible. Conversely, avoiding
demanding achievement situations to minimize expended effort.
Example: If I can, try to get the teacher to do some of my work for me, so that I dont have to do it all
I read the chapters summary instead of reading the whole chapter assigned by the teacher
because it saves time.

The second instrument was the Behavioral Components of Students Motivational Goals
(Mathematics) Scale. This scale was formulated from the items collected in the survey given to
the Pharmacy students. The scale has two sections: (a) academic goals- mastery, performance

and work avoidance; and (b) social goals- social affiliation, social approval, social status, social
responsibility, and social concern (see sample in Table 2). This instrument prompts the
participants from other majors to rate themselves on a 5-point Likert scale (5-always, 4-often, 3sometimes, 2-rarely, 1-never) by putting a check mark on the best option that describes them on
their academic and social motivational goals behavioral components. Each sub-scale was
composed of the following items: 5 mastery, 7 performance, 9 work avoidance, 8 social
affiliation, 8 social approval, 8 social responsibility, 4 social status, and 5 social concern with a
total of 55 items.
Table 2: Behavioral Components of Students Motivational Goals (Mathematics) Scale
Behavioral Components of Students Motivational Goal (MATH)


DIRECTION: Read the each statement carefully and check the best option that describes you.


I study my Math lesson in advance so it will be easier for

me to understand it when our teacher introduces it to
2. I look for additional exercises to solve besides the ones
provided by my teacher.
3. When I study Math lessons, I answer many exercises
over and over until I get a perfect score.
4. I answer Math worksheets during my free time.
5. I search on new techniques in answering Math problems.
6. I study in Math so I can maintain perfect scores in
7. I listen attentively to the teacher when he/she discusses
Math problems so I can participate and earn extra points
in doing board works.
8. I want get high grades so I study when it is needed to
9. I want to provide solution to Math problems.
10. I want to be knowledgeable in Math.





Adaptation and Administration of the Survey
Using Dowson and McInerneys theory on motivation (2003), the researchers made an
adaptation of their concepts on individual goals and goal categories. A survey questionnaire was
crafted consisting of the academic goals and social goals with the corresponding specific goals
under each. The survey questionnaire elicited from the Pharmacy participants respondents their
best motivation in achieving each goal listed. After writing the survey questionnaire, the
researchers subjected it for a peer review to insure its readability since the definitions used were
quoted from the study of Dawson and McInerney (p. 100). The comments of trained editors were
acknowledged and the recommended revisions were done, after which, the final copy was

produced. There were only the 55 items were included in the construction of the Behavioral
Components of Students Motivational Goals (MATH) Scale.

Upon approval of the mathematics professors of the student respondents, the survey was
administered by the researchers. They explained in detail to the respondents how the survey
would be answered and to what purpose the survey serves. The responses were tabulated and
analyzed by the researchers.
The data gathered were treated statistically using Cronbachs Alpha and Exploratory Factor
Analysis to establish the reliability and validity of the scale.


In order to establish the internal consistency reliability of the items in the scale, the researchers
used the Chronbachs Alpha reliability coefficient test to analyze the data. This item analysis
technique helped them determine how well the items in each behavioral motivational factor
measure the intended behavior. They followed the proposed rule of thumb interpretation of
George and Mallery (2003) where _ > .9 Excellent, _ > .8 Good, _ > .7 Acceptable, _ > .6
Questionable, _ > .5 Poor, and _ < .5 Unacceptable.
The initial analysis showed that the eight factors in motivational goals have the following
Chronbachs Alpha coefficient: Mastery (0.780), Performance (0.796), Work Avoidance (0.784),
Social Affiliation (0.809), Social Approval (0.882), Social Status (0.757), Social Responsibility

(0.822), and Social Concern (0.842). This reflects that the over-all internal consistency of each
factor considering their respective items included in each of them is acceptable (Mastery,
Performance, Work Avoidance, Social Status) or good (Social Affiliation, Social Approval,
Social Responsibility, Social Concern) based on George and Mallery (2003).
The Inter Item-Total Correlation with the minimum range from 0.2 to 0.3 prescribed by
Tang and Cui (2003) that deleting Work Avoidance (Item 1) and Social Approval (Item 2) will
not significantly improve the reliability of each subscale, thus the researchers opted to retain
these items.
The construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis using SPSS. The
initial scale included eight factors which are mastery, performance, work avoidance, social
affiliation, social approval, social responsibility, social status, and social concern.
Prior to the extraction of the factors, the suitability of the respondent data for factor
analysis was assessed using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy,
and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity. The result shows that the KMO of the sample is 0.70 which is
higher than the minimum requirement of Kaiser (as cited in Field, 2013) which is 0.5, while
Bartletts Test of Sphericity is significant (p<0.001), suggesting that the data from the
participants responses are suitable for factor analysis. The correlation matrix of the data was
then analysed using principal component analysis. Using the Guttman-Kaiser criterion
(eigenvalues> 1.0), eight factors were identified from the EFA, but the scree plot suggested six
factors only. It is concluded that the six-factor solution which accounted for 45% of the variance
in the data provided the optimal solution because: (a) it was consistent with the scree plot, (b) it
had the least number of items with weak factor loading or cross-loading (factor 1 loading 13

items, factor 2 loading 11 items, factor 3 loading 5 items, factor 4 loading 8 items, factor 5
loading 9 items, and factor 6 loading 9 items with the total of 55 items). In terms of the factor
loadings, only items with loading of at least 0.40 in one factor and not more than 0.35 in another
factor were considered.


The results of the study reveal that Dowson and McInerneys eight behavioral
components of students motivational goals was adjusted into six factors because of the
following reasons: (a) the scree plot suggested six factors, and (b) some factors merged based on
the outcome of factor loading and cross-loading.
This study is considered as a preliminary phase in constructing and validating
behavioural component scale of motivational goals in Mathematics. Using the six-factor
components, another set of test administration must be conducted with a larger number of
participants in order meet the sufficient data needed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis which will
measure the goodness of fit of the items.

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