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Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint


Morbid Saint
+ +O+ + +

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

The stories contained in this E-book are a work of fiction. Any similarities whe
ther it be person, place or thing are entirely coincidental. This E-book is prov
ided free of charge, and is not to be rented, leased, or sold for any reason. If
you are being, or have been charged to view this E-book, ask for your money bac
k. This E-book is not to be altered. No story contained within is to be released
under any other authors (or Persons) name, book, magazine, or website without t
he express written consent of the author alone. This E-book contains ADULT liter
ature, and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18, or the age of conse
nt in which reader resides in. The author is not responsible for who reads these
Copyright 2009 Morbid Saint
All Rights Reserved
First Edition

March 2009

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint .

One day, i sat down and wrote a story. I have written stories before, but this o
ne was different. I wrote a story about sex. It was different to me, but, I wrot
e it and enjoyed it. I enjoyed it not because of the content, but because it was
the first story that I had completed. I hardly ever read erotic stories myself.
I would much rather prefer real sex than literature. I guess, as for many other
s, it helps to release that sexual side about you. I love sex, but never with st
range or multiple persons. Loyalty, and devotion are key factors behind my work.
If you haven't noticed, almost every one of my stories are about couples in one
way or another. Along with a general continuing theme of lovers and relationshi
ps are dominant women, and women as the heroes (or heroines). I write different
stories, such as: Erotic Horror, BDSM, Erotic Couplings, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Roman
ce, Mystery, Exhibitionist & Voyeurism, and Lesbian Sex. I have even wrote non-e
rotic stories, but they will never be shown here. After a few short years of wri
ting, I am retiring to move forth to better things. So, I do hope that these sto
ries make it into your library.
Enjoy, M. Saint, 2009

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

COMMENTS (Honest and Real)
[ Danielle's Awakening ]
"Well Done" - Anonymous -"Well done. Danielle's Awakening is a great story altho
ugh it could have been longer. I really enjoyed reading it & I hope that you wil
l write more stories soon."
"A Very Good Story" - Anonymous -"I really enjoyed reading Danielle's Awakening.
It is a very good story but should have been longer. In the future,could you wr
ite longer stories maybe even continue with this one."
[ To Wake The Dead ]
"'To Wake The Dead' is excellent!!!" - Anonymous - "To Wake The Dead is excellen
t!!! Brilliant!!! Maybe if there was a group of witches and warlocks who will fi
nd a spell to get rid of the living dead? And accidentally wake creatures from h
ell, with big cocks hungry for men and women's asses, pussies and so on? And/or
hungry pussies with big teeth hidden inside? Anyways, your story IS GOOD!!! Than
k you!"
"Very Well Written" - Anonymous -"Just read your zombie story. Nice one, very we
ll written you could of course turn it in to series if you wanted to. The story
reminded me of 28 weeks later, was that intentional? Anyway carry on writing."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

"Just Like The Movies!!!" - Anonymous in Los Angeles -"Keep it coming. Good susp
ense and very scary!"
[ Everything's Hotter In June ]
"Really Got My Juices Flowing" - Anonymous -"Wow, that was great! it really got
my juices flowing. Keep up with the great erotic stories. Nice touch with the na
me Anita, which just happens to be my name."
[ Can I Tell You A Secret? ]
"Weird, But Doable" - Anonymous -"She got the house in the divorce & she KEPT it
so you could look at her through the windows, and get her all hot & bothered. T
hen, she'd come over & FUCK you? It's weird, but it's do-able. So is SHE, appare
[ Unwrap A Smile ]
"Very Nice Love Story" - Anonymous in Belgium "It's good to see true romance on
this site. Please give us some more."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

For The Believers In Erotic Gesture. For Those Who Love A Good Naughty Bedtime Stor
y. For Those Who Enjoy Sex Of All Kinds, And Can Make Your Fantasies Come True.
This Is For You.

M. Saint, '09

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint . CONTENTS

Akia of Gamora..................................................................
...............................8 I: First Love..................................
..........................................................8 II: The Emerald Moon
...........................................................................10 II
I: Reborn.......................................................................
......................14 To Wake The Dead.......................................
...................................................18 0: The Beginning (Prequel)
...................................................................18 I: The Ris
..............26 II: Natalie's War..............................................
........................................41 III: Sign of the End Times...........
...........................................................52 The Isaacs Murder
.....61 Everything's Hotter In June.............................................
.................................67 Danielle's Awakening........................
...............................................................84 Danielle's Rea
..........86 Ellie's Thoughts...................................................
............................................88 Ellie's Thoughts On Love.........
........................................................................93 Can I
Tell You A Secret?.............................................................
.....................98 Down In The Park........................................
..................................................104 Love Lost and Found.......
8 In Spirit My Helen............................................................
...............................123 My Ebony Alyssa..............................
..............................................................126 Twins.........
.....................128 Unwrap A Smile.........................................
.....................................................130 The Vampire Isabella...
...135 7

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint .

I: First Love Deep in the hills of Gamora, there was a valley known only to a se
lect few. One of those select few, a woman named Akia. She was a delicate woman.
Young, with long brown hair, and beautiful eyes. She was the princess of that v
ery land. She sat in a field of roses, and plucked the petals from a single rose
in her hand. The sky was darkening, and all bits of light succumbed to the inte
nse layout of clouds. A storm was coming, and Akia felt alone, as it was rare fo
r a storm to waken over Gamora. As Akia stumbled towards a hut that stood not fi
fty yards away, a man on a horse sped in her direction. Without hesitation, the
man picked her up and sat her behind him as he sped away from the storm. "My nam
e is Rayth," The man had said. A sense of happiness spread throughout Akia's bod
y, and she answered, "I'm Akia." They continued to ride away from the clouds, an
d they neared a small cottage just a few miles ahead. Rayth led his horse to the
place. "Whoa!" He called out for the horse to halt. As it did, he quickly dismo
unted the horse, and stood trying to pull Akia from the top. "Woo," Akia whisper
ed as she slid down the side gently. "Such a beautiful horse," she said to Rayth
. "Her name is Luna," He said, "And thank you. She loves compliments." Akia gigg
led. "Please. Come inside," Rayth spoke, "I can make you a cup of gold tea," He
added. "Best tea in the North Lands." "Yes, please do," Akia answered, feeling a
wave of heat enter her body. She sat on a stool looking up and down the amazing
, masculine body of Rayth's. He stood pouring the hot tea 8

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint into a small cup, and with each movement, A
kia ached. Rayth was tall, broad shouldered, with blond hair, and soft blue eyes
. Akia could not stand it any longer, and jumped from her seat, planting a kiss
on his lips. Backing up, Akia said, "I'm sorry," and leaned in hard for a second
kiss. The touch of his lips again to hers sent a shiver of delight through her
body and caused her to drip in her middle. As she kissed him more, she ran her r
ight hand down her front, lifted up her dress, and began to massage her mound in
hunger. Hunger filled with lust, and she knelt down in front of Rayth, and took
his bold, thick erect cock into her waiting mouth, sucking on him harder and st
roking his shaft with her palms. He pulled on her hair, force driven and slammed
his cock into her throat. Akia choked, but continued. Her hole now soaking wet
in so little time. "Suck it all!" Rayth ordered. "Suck my thick cock harder. Har
der!" He roared. Akia obliged, taking him in deep, and swallowing his pre-cum do
wn her throat. She opened up and licked the tip of his pulsating member, tasting
his juices and pausing abruptly as he shot his cum into her gaping mouth. She l
icked her lips, and swallowed his sticky sweet flavors. "Mmmm," She cooed. Rayth
knew what she wanted, and pulled her up by the hair, slamming her against the w
all. With his left hand, he grabbed her dress top by the cleavage, and ripped st
raight down to reveal her full naked body. Her breasts hung like sensual mountai
ns on her chest, and her nipples stood erect waiting for his command. "Do what y
ou want with me!" Akia blurted, smacking Rayth hard across the mouth. "You'll pa
y for that, you whore!" He shouted, tossing her across the floor. Her knees now
red, and her pussy lips open and wet. Rayth walked hard across the floor, and pi
cked her up over his shoulders and tossed her onto his bed. He took off his shir
t, and dropped his pants as he lay on top of Akia. Leaning down, he kissed her h
ard on the mouth. She tasted him, then sensually bit into his lip. "Oh, you like
it rough I take it?" He said as he pinned her hands back behind her head. He pl
aced his cock into her waiting hole, and he slipped it in, feeling her hotness s
urrounding him. "Yes!" Akia shouted. Rayth pushed deep inside her hole. He pushe
d in so deep, he raised her buttocks from the sheets as he hit her G Spot making
her cum hard instantly. She licked her lips in pleasure as he continued thrusti
ng harder, faster and deeper inside of her. Continuing, he pounded her flesh mak
ing her scream louder. "Fuck me! Fuck me, don't stop fucking me!" She screamed.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Rayth beat on her pussy, pulling her hair a
nd kissing her neck. The pressure was building in his balls, and he could feel h
imself ready to burst. As he gave a few last strokes in her open cunt, he releas
ed his seed into her belly, filling her up. Sweat poured down their faces, and t
hey lay naked on his bed. "What am I going to wear?" She asked him. He got up an
d looked around, finding a dress that he happened to keep for his next bride. Gi
ving it to her, he opened his mouth and said, "I will take you as my bride, and
we will make love forever." Outside of the small cottage, the thunder roared and
the rain fell hard to the ground. Rayth stepped outside and led his horse quick
ly to its stable. As he returned to the cottage and stood just inside the door,
he looked over at Akia. She lay naked on his bed, and asked for her man to come
fuck his bride.
II: The Emerald Moon Akia and Rayth drifted down a long path to Camadore. The li
ttle village inhabited by many good villagers. As the two rode Luna to the Inn,
they dismounted and tied the horse to a pole. Rayth entered through the doors an
d Akia followed. The sweet smell of fresh baked bread loaf, and delicious meats
filled the air. The kitchen was packed with customers toasting their goblets and
enjoying themselves. As Akia and Rayth asked for a room, they turned towards th
e kitchen and prepared for a feast. As Akia entered the dining hall, all voices
came to a halt, and silence now filled the void. Men, and women turned and stare
d as the Princess, and her mate walked in and sat at a lone table. A man walked
over to them, and greeted himself. "My lady, I am honored to be standing before
you." He spoke happily, but shaking a little. "My name is Darkboon." "Pleasure t
o meet you too." Akia responded, looking to Rayth, then back at the man.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "I beg you for one, small gift," He gesture
d, staring lustfully at her breast. "In return, you may have what you wish from
me." The man knelt down before Akia, and faced down to the floor below. "I know
what it is that you desire," Akia said to him, "And you may have it," She contin
ued, showing a small smile to him. The man looked up to her, and thanked her. Ak
ia interrupted, "But, what I desire will seal your fate," She began. "What is it
you want from me?" "I want you to find..." She paused, looking into his eyes, "
The Emerald Moon." The crowd opened their ears as she said this to Darkboon. Whi
spering became loud outbursts, and the crowd began to scream to Akia. "Do you kn
ow what you are asking of this man?" A male voice cried from the rear of the din
ing hall. "It's his death!" An old woman cursed at her. "I know what it is that
I am asking of him," Akia responded. "It is, after all, a fair trade," She conti
nued. If he does this task, then not only would he taste the pleasures of my bod
y, but he will be remembered as the man who gave his life for the Princess. He w
ill be remembered as a hero," She finished. A long pause loomed over the crowd,
until a few people rushed forward to Akia and her gent, raising fists, and cursi
ng her. Rayth held them off as the weight of multiple persons put pressure again
st him. A woman who pushed her way through raised her arm which held a stick, an
d swung it hard and fast. In mid-air, the cane stick froze, and Akia looked on a
t the older woman, as her eyes became dark. The old woman could not budge the st
ick, and felt a wave of fear race through her body. Akia looked still, and her h
ead tilted from left, then right. Her eyes became a pure black and as she opened
her mouth, such force exited that an invisible magic exploded sending many peop
le into the air and back down. Rayth looked on, and back towards Akia. Her face
now fine, and eyes normal again. "Now..." Akia paused to look at the crowd as th
ey stood upright to face her once again, "I do believe there is a task at hand."
"Yes, my Princess," Darkboon responded.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The crowd fell to whispers then a hushed to
ngue. A man's voice from the gathering asked Akia one question. "My Princess, ar
e you aware of the Emerald Moon's true powers?" "I know of its origins," She ans
wered, transfixed now with a look of confusion. "Then, you know that it possesse
s two halves?" He went on. "Those who...." He was finishing before an interrupti
on. "Leave that to me!" Akia spoke to this man. "What is your name?" "My name is
Ingel," He answered, lowering his head in service. "Ingel, you will come with m
e," She smiled to him, "Alone." Rayth looked among Akia, and lowered his head in
a response that shown her true power over him. Rayth noticed a change in Akia.
Obsession. Those who have chosen upon themselves to seek the Emerald Moon, fall
into a dark spell. The Emerald holds much power, and only the strong can overcom
e its powers that be. Ingel followed Akia through the long walkway to a private
room. Upon entering, she thrust Ingel back onto the small bed heap, and slid her
dress down to reveal a perfect naked body. Ingel licked his lips, and reached o
ut for her to come to him. Akia reached back, and pushed down hard onto him. Wit
hout any hesitation, she pulled out his penis by the large round tip, and slid h
im deep inside her slippery wet hole. He groaned loudly, and Akia tilted her hea
d backwards to the ceiling sifting through her own pleasures. From down the hall
, Rayth began to fill with anger. He was not too pleased with how Akia presented
herself. She was a Princess, wanting to be Queen. It was time, he felt, that sh
e awoke to a fresh reality. Rayth paced slowly, then his heavy boots trampled th
e floor underneath. He made haste down the long all, and stopped just a step out
side the closed door. From where he stood, moans were heard. With one hard fist
to the center of the door, it swung open smashing into the wall behind it. Akia
looked up, but didn't stop what she was doing. Ingel only gave wide eyes, before
returning to a trance of pleasure. "Come now, Rayth. Are you going to watch me
play, or come join in the fruits of the Gods?" Akia opened and said to Rayth. It
caught him off guard, but, his anger subsided.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Rayth removed his shirt top, and slipped al
ong side Akia as she still rode Ingel, softer then to a halt. She pressed on Ray
th leaning him backwards and curling forward to wrap her mouth around a now, thi
ck and stiff exposed cock. Rayth fell into a deep trance himself, as the seducti
on overwhelmed his body and mind. Ingel has long succumbed to the beauty and sex
of Akia, and she herself was unaware tremendously of her own actions. The conse
quences were great, the sex was fulfilling as the sweet smell rose to the air. H
er pussy opened then closed to wrap around Ingel's pleasuring member. As Akia mo
aned aloud, she dug her nails into Ingel's back, causing trails of blood leaking
from their wounds. Ingel was too far into the moment, that his bliss had blocke
d any pain that was set upon him. His hands pulled on her hair, and she screamed
and cooed at the same time, juices dripping from her pussy and all over him. Ra
yth wrapped his hand around his cock, and shot a thick stream into Akia's mouth.
She licked every last drop and enjoyed the tip of his dick lingering softly on
her lips. He maintained erection, and soon the two men switched so Rayth could f
eel the pleasures of his woman. Rayth eased behind her and plunged his stiff coc
k into her from the rear. He was immediately, but gently stroking her g-spot. He
didn't want to make it too quick, so, he slowly progressed, making sure that Ak
ia was very happy with it. Ingel had his large cock in Akia's mouth and was face
fucking her as he slapped her across the mouth. The pain she could feel, and it
was good. Akia gave in to the pleasures of pain and screamed, "Choke me! Choke
me Ingel while I suck your cock! Oh God, Rayth, fuck my pussy." Akia was rubbing
her clit as every stroke from Rayth's cock made her cum down her leg. The wetne
ss was so pure, and so pleasurable. Ingel choked her so she could feel pain, but
still maintain the mind to continue working his shaft. She relaxed her throat a
nd took him in to the base. He could feel himself ready to burst, but held in fo
r as long as he could. The force that hit her rear was great and she could feel
herself tingle even as Rayth still penetrated her hole. He raised his right hand
and brought it down hard as it connected with her right buttock leaving a perfe
ct, fine red hand-print on her ass. She jumped, but it felt oh so pleasuring to
her. She sucked Ingel harder and faster as Rayth smacked her again. As he did so
, he thrust deep into her hole and shot a thick, sticky load inside her. Ingel c
ouldn't hold it in no longer himself, and he ejaculated down Akia's throat. She
swallowed and showed tongue, to prove that she loved every drop. They laid there
for a while, filling the bed as Akia rest her head on the pillow. The more time
that passed, the more reality set in to them. Akia jumped, and realized what sh
e had done. She rose from her spot, grabbed her dress and ran from the room, hol
ding it to cover her breasts. She hurried to the dining area and 13

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint managed to utter, "We must find the Emerald
Moon, and destroy it!" As Akia finished, she blacked out and fell to the floor.
III: Reborn Akia lay in her bed, under a deep sleep. Rayth relaxed next to her a
nd stroked her fingers with his own. "Rayth," Ingel called, "You must know the t
rue powers that the Emerald Moon holds." "Tell me," Rayth said to him. "The Emer
ald Moon possesses two halves. A light and a dark. It can bring life, or death.
Those who seek the Emerald Moon become obsessed. Akia became obsessed, as did I,
and, as did you," Ingel said to Rayth. "The only way to destroy the darkness in
side, is to sacrifice love." "Love?" Rayth turned to look at Ingel. "Yes." "Ther
e will be no sacrifice from me," Rayth growled, and walked from the small room w
here Akia lay. "Rayth! Rayth, you must listen." Ingel continued to call. "The co
nsequences could mean death!" "I do not believe this foolishness, Ingel." "You m
ay not. But the Emerald grows ever the more stronger as it pulls your spirit awa
y," Ingel warned. "Rubbish!" Rayth made haste towards the room where Akia lie, n
ow awake and ready to begin the journey.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "May God bless you both, and have mercy on
your souls my friends," Ingel whispered in prayer to them both. As Akia dressed,
Rayth grabbed his belongings, and looked on to Akia from her backside doubting
his feelings for the journey ahead. "Oh, Rayth, my love?" Akia called to him. "Y
es, Akia?" He answered her call. "I do not believe you would object to making lo
ve to me once more before we go," She said to him, raising her dress and opening
her legs to show her insatiable sex hole. "No, my love," He answered, and grabb
ed hold of his fully erect fuck stick, stroking it in preparation. His large, mu
scular body lay over her and he entered his cock into her slippery pussy, thrust
ing slowly as she could build up excitement for more. "Oh, my pussy feels so goo
d and wet. Fuck it harder!" She moaned. Rayth pushed deep, raising her ass off t
he bed, and causing her body to shake and convulse. At every few hard strokes, j
uices exited from the sides of her hole. Every orgasm nearly brought tears to he
r eyes, and the moments were beyond the boundaries of pure pleasure. Her mind wh
irled, and to dizzying heights as Rayth deepened his cock into her cunt, rubbing
against her G-spot, and causing her to bite onto his neck. "Oh God, Baby! I lov
e fucking your hot wet pussy!" Rayth growled sexually. "Then fuck me harder, Bab
y." Rayth bounced himself with each thrust, pounding her harder as her buttocks
jiggled with delight. "Fuck me! Cum in me, cum in my pussy, Baby!" She begged. R
ayth released an intense shot of semen into her hole, and struggled to gain comp
osure himself as he last streams shot from his cock. Akia released her own orgas
m, but as an aftershock from still feelings in her pussy. As they rested for a f
ew minutes, they rose up to start their way to the Emerald Moon.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

The day had been long for them, having already traveled ninety nine percent of t
he way. The hills, containing a small cavern near its center, were not much furt
her. Ingel led the way up a long dirt path running up the side of the tall hill.
Rayth began to worry about what would really happen. Akia grew tired, and weary
. "There it is!" Ingel called out from the distance ahead. "The Lost Caverns." T
he three rode fast now to make their way to the entrance. As they came upon it,
they stopped and dismounted their horses. "Rayth?" Ingel called. "Please, you mu
st remember what I told you of the legend behind the Emerald. "I cannot do so, I
ngel," Rayth answered, saddened deep. Both men turned their heads to find that A
kia had gone. "Oh no, where did she go to?" Ingel thought. They hurried into the
cave entrance and followed every turn, finding splitting paths. "What do we do?
" Rayth nervously asked. "Listen," Ingel paused, "Do you hear it?" He asked. "He
ar what?" "The singing." "No. Wait, yes. Yes I do," Rayth answered. "Follow me,"
Ingel said, as he walked through different tunnels towards the sounds of a soft
lullaby. As they both came to a large open area, Akia stood just ahead, looking
down on a rock that held the most luminous jewel any have ever set eyes on. Aki
a slowly reached out to touch it, and as she did, she collapsed. "No! No!" Rayth
cried, and he ran to her, picking her up into his arms and whispering, "I Love
You," repeatedly to her. Her eyes were near closed, and they both knew that the
end was near for her. 16

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The cavern began to wither and crumble. It
shook, and echoes of a near doom roared from every direction. "Rayth?" Ingel's v
oice rang in his head. "Rayth, you must remember." As the rocks fell and the Eme
rald glow shined its brightest, Rayth knew what he must do. He lowered her head,
and slowly backed away. Akia's eyes grew wide, as she feared he was leaving her
to die; sacrificing her to her death. He was not. In his heart, he was sacrific
ing his love for her, in hopes to dispel the curse and proclaim his love once mo
re to her. Against the rock, Akia died as the walls collapsed around and rocks f
ell. Dust and debris settled, and Akia lay in her spot no more. Rayth and Ingel
brushed themselves off and coughed up dust that had been breathed in. They looke
d on to the rock, and a cloudy white mist swirled enchantingly around it. Rayth
noticed a face turn from within it and look into his eyes. It was Akia, and she
smiled to him, before disappearing. Both mens eyes grew in amazement as they not
iced something on the rock replacing the Emerald. They moved closer to it, and i
t revealed to be a newborn baby. Rayth picked the child up, and held it close to
his heart. "It's a girl," He said to Ingel. "How do you know?" "I know," He ans
wered. "She is my child." Ingel had witnessed the powers of the Emerald take pla
ce before his very eyes. Both men, and child left the caverns and met their hors
es. as they mounted, they slowly began to ride away as the sun rose highest in t
he sky, illuminating the fields beyond.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

0: The Beginning (Prequel) [ The Theater ]
The woman strapped to the table screamed in horror as a tall man wearing a long,
white coat entered the room. blood had been smeared all over it, some spots dri
ed and some fresh. In his hand, he held a long blade, and he looked at it, and t
o her, and back again. His face held no expression. He began to walk closer to h
er, calling out her name. "Tam-a-raaaaaaa!" He called out to her. Tamara screame
d louder, then fainted. The tall man laughed hysterically as he witnessed this.
"Man, fuck this shit!" William cursed at the movie screen. "Sit down, you're emb
arrassing," Rose pleaded with him. "This damn movie sucks!" He burst. "The actin
g is terrible!" "Dammit, William!" Rose shook her head at him and said aloud. "L
et's just go," He said to her. Rose agreed, as they both got up, and walked towa
rds the entrance, leaving the movie room. They noticed that nobody was around. "
Wow, this place is dead," William chuckled. "What a goof," Rose responded.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint This particular movie theater never really
had any good movies anymore. It was no surprise to them that there weren't any o
ther customers stopping in for a good flick. Screams were heard from the next mo
vie room over. "That sounds like a good one playing," William commented. "Wonder
what is showing?" "Looks like it's that new romance one, with Kate Hawn," Rose
said. She added, "That's weird." "Yeah, I feel uncomfortable now." "Same." Both
of them walked to the entrance of Regional Cinemas, and stepped outside into the
cool night air. The parking lot was empty, except for one car left towards the
back. It had been left to rust for the past week. "If there are no cars here, wh
o the fuck is running the place?" Rose asked, confused. "Umm, yeah. Two stoners,
and a pervert," William answered. "A pervert, eh?" Rose smiled at William. "Wan
na be my pervert, cowboy?" William gave a happy grin, and they began walking thr
ough the lot, and down the road.
[ Inside The Theater ]
"Light up another joint, bro," a short guy with a mo-hawk said to a long blond h
aired guy. "Dude, I can't feel my fingers," The blond responded. "Jeffrey, feel
your fucking fingers!" The guy with the mo-hawk said to the blond again. "Wait!"
Jeffrey paused. "Maybe Sheila can help me feel my fingers," He finished. "Heh,
I don't know, bro," The first guy said. "She's a bitch, always playing by the ru
les, and shit!"

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Yeah, Brett, but she's got the hottest tit
s I have ever seen," Jeff said, rubbing his hands around on the front of his shi
rt. "Whatever," Brett commented. "Hey Sheila, you around?" Jeff called out. No r
esponse. "Where the fuck is Jason's sorry ass anyways?" Jeff asked Brett. Sheila
walked into the room. "Probably playing with himself, or chasing some girl that
he can't have," She responded to his indirect question. "Yeah, what a freak," J
eff said. "Yeah, I caught him filming my ass the other day," She spoke, "But did
n't turn him in. I don't know why, but just didn't." "Whatever you two, I'm out,
" Brett said as he jumped up and put on his jacket. "I've got a date with Gina t
onight, and I'm not gonna stand around by one cunt, when I could be fucking anot
her. No offense, Sheila," He finished. "Oh my, what's a girl to do?" She answere
d sarcastically. "Suck my twat, fuck tard," She finished, then smiled as she wav
ed her middle finger. "Yeah, yeah," Brett responded as he flipped her off, then
pretending to suck on it. Sheila giggled, then shook her head. Brett walked out
the door. "Hey Sheila?" Jeffrey began, "Ten bucks to see those tits?"
[ William And Rose, Sittin' In A Tree. F-U-C.... ]
In the shadows, next to a large bank window in the drive-thru lane next to the b
uilding, William held Rose' leg up as he had his pants to the ground. His cock w
as thrusting hard inside of her wet hole. Her buttocks were being forcefully pus
hed against the wall, and if anyone was 20

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint inside, they would not only witness a good
show, but hear Rose scream in intense pleasure as Will buried deep into her. "Oh
my God, I'm gonna cum!" Rose screamed as she released a wave of fluids that was
too much to contain. Her sticky cum dripped down her inner thighs, and soaked h
er panties. Rose helped jerk William off, as she maintained composure, and bent
down to take his still hard shaft into her mouth. As she sucked on it, she taste
d her juices and swallowed every drop. William moaned. Rose stroked him back and
forth, and sucked him even harder. Will's hands were pressed against the buildi
ng, but he lifted one hand and placed it on her head as he let go and came into
her mouth. She swallowed most, but pulled his cock from her mouth, pressed his t
ip against her lips and rubbed his semen around. William looked ahead, away from
the building and saw shadows moving around in dim lit areas. "Eh, let's get out
of here." He said to Rose. "I feel like we're being watched. "Okay."
[ Back In The Theater ]
"You're such a fucking jerk, Jeffrey!" Sheila screamed at him. "Come on, I'm pay
ing you money to see you naked," He called after her as she started to walk out
of the projector room. "Okay, fine!" She said angrily, but giving in. "But only
a quick flash, you got it?" "Anything you say," He agreed with her. She paused,
looked at him as she gave a mock smile, and pulled up her top to show her size C
breasts. Jeff gained an instant erection, and as he promised, gave her the mone
y. 21

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Sheila lowered her top. "I'll give you more
if you suck my dick," He added. "I should punch you in the nuts!" Sheila said t
o him, angry and red faced. He kept his attention to her. "Okay, fine! I don't w
ant you telling people that I did this, you got it?" She shook her fist at him.
He laid more money on the table next to him. She knelt down, unzipped his pants,
and pulled them away. His fully erect cock gave a short bounce as it popped out
of its hold. Her right hand grabbed the shaft and she slid it into her mouth. H
er tongue licked up and down on him. Her left hand pulled on his shirt, as her r
ight pumped away, sucking him hard. His mind raced at thoughts of him wanting to
fuck her pussy. "I'm gonna cum!" He shouted. Sheila grabbed at his cock and tri
ed to back away. A long stream of semen shot out at her hitting her neck and ooz
ing down. "You asshole!" Sheila cursed at Jeffrey. "Oops," Was all he said to he
r. She grabbed the money from the table, and fixed herself right, wiping off the
previous load from her neck with an extra work shirt. "All of my cash for a fuc
k," He begged her. "Okay, fuck that! I don't think so." "Oh, come on!" He begged
her more. "Sorry, my shift is up. Talk to Rosey," She said, then left the room,
and Jeffrey to himself. As she clocked out, she walked down the stairway and en
tered the food court. "Wow, this place is fucking dead," She commented, then lef
t the building. As she walked down the road towards a nearby pay-phone, a figure
from the darkness grabbed her from behind and knocked her out-cold.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint [ Mother And Daughter Alone ]

A woman stepped in front of her step-daughter, protecting her from an abusive fa
ther. "Get the fuck out of my way, Betty!" A large man smelling of cheap whiskey
and beer screeched across the room. "I said move you cunt!" "No! I won't let yo
u hurt my child!" Betty screamed at the man. She grabbed a hard wooden bat that
was placed by the front door. "What? Are you gonna hit me, Betty?" He laughed at
her. "I'll protect Natalie even if it kills me!" She said to him, tears rolling
down her cheeks. "Promises, promises," He said, lunging at them both. Betty swu
ng the bat, and it connected with the left side of his head. Blood poured out as
he hit the floor. Natalie hid behind Betty. "Oh my God," Betty cried, then quic
kly pulled Natalie's arm to leave their home.
[ Sheila's Demise ]
Sheila woke up tied to a bed that she never been in. Above her
hat looked familiar. As her eyes adjusted, she saw who it was.
you fucker!" She screamed at him. He didn't respond. "Come on!
Sheila screamed louder, and moved wildly on the bed trying to

loomed a figure t
Jason. "Untie me
Please untie me!"
free herself.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Jason swung his fist and punched the right
side of Sheila's face, crushing her bone and causing her to nearly black-out. As
she struggled to regain consciousness, Sheila wiggled and begged him to free he
r. "I won't tell," She said trying to talk through broken teeth. He picked up a
shotgun, and aimed it to her face. As her eyes widened to meet the barrel, he sh
ot a load off and blew a hole into her face. Black burn marks covered most, and
blood and brain matter had saturated the sheets behind her body. Jason took a si
p from a bottle that he had sitting on a nightstand, and putit back down. He unz
ipped his pants and was ready to do what he always wanted to do, even if she was
a corpse.
[ Remember William And Rose? ]
William ran ahead of Rose, trying to play a trick on her. He moaned loud and mes
sed with the bushes. "Stop it Will! It's not funny," She said, feeling scared. A
s she walked faster, she heard a sound, then silence. "William?" As she continue
d to call after him, she started to walk again. Something was tossed in front of
her, and what she saw made her scream. Williams head sat just in front of her t
orn from the neck as blood poured out. Rose screamed in horror and ran as fast a
s she could. Her journey took her to a nearby neighborhood. As she ran down the
street, she toppled over herself and smashed into the pavement. The right side o
f her chin to the bottom of her right ear had a long gash. She stood up quickly
and held tight to her wounds. As she continued running she passed a woman and ch
ild. They were on the move themselves and heading towards a door to a home. Rose
met eyes with the little girl, her eyes frightened, but continued running faste
r to avoid death, or worse, at all costs. The little girl was being pulled towar
ds the front door to a home with an upstairs light on. The 24

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint woman knocked hard, then began to bang loud
[ Jason Meets Betty And Natalie ]
As knocks were heard on the door, Jason stood up from his position over Sheila's
corpse and pulled his pants up around his waist. Her body was now a battered me
ss, and he pulled a sheet over her deceased frame. As he began to walk away, he
caught the sheet accidentally and it slid most of the way off. "Oh well, we can
all three play later," Jason mumbled as he hurried down the stairs and to the fr
ont door. As he opened it up, he saw a woman with a little girl holding her tigh
t. "Come in," He said to them smiling, offering them a place to sit. Betty and N
atalie sat on the couch. "My name's Jason," He managed. "I'm Betty, and this is
Natalie," She responded, trying to be polite. Jason tried to make small talk, ca
tching glimpses of Natalie as he moved about the room. For a little while, he wa
s polite, though often, Betty became uncomfortable with his presence. As he roam
ed the room, he found a pistol inside a drawer. "I'll add this to my collection,
" He thought. As Betty looked around the room, she noticed that the house had be
en boarded up already. Betty became worried that she chose the wrong house. "So,
how old are you, Jason?" Betty asked him. "Seventeen," He answered, looking aro
und the house as if he was paranoid. "Um, you're quite young," Betty said, tryin
g to find something to say. "I'm a man!" He said loudly. 25

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh, I meant no harm by that." Jason paced
the room slower now. Screams were heard by the three in the background behind th
e house. "What was that?" Betty asked scared now. "Don't worry, they won't be ab
le to get in," He looked at her, giving a smile. The sounds of car doors shuttin
g down the street made Jason rush to the crack in the boarded window to see who
it was. He could barely tell, as he saw two people walk into their house and clo
se the door. Jason dimmed the lights, and assured Betty and Natalie that everyth
ing would be just fine.
I: The Rise
[ And Now, It's Show Time ]
"Hurry, open the door!" Cried Gina. Her hands cupping herself as if it may help
her to not gush urine all down her long legs. Gina stood at 6'1", her hair black
, eyes brown. Thin, but a nice build. Her black skirt blew lightly in the wind.
"Okay, it's open," Replied Brett. His shorter and stocky frame of 5'11" stood at
the door. His hair in a mo-hawk, green, eyes bluish gray. Gina made a dash for
the restroom. The house was pitch black, and ominously quiet. Not that it was ou
t of the norm for any empty house to be so, but it felt much different. Neither
one paid much attention. Over the course of several hours, they both had shared
numerous drinks which included beer, several shots of tequila, bourbon, rum, and
mixed drinks all night long. It was a dark night, and the full moon glow shined
down on the earth leaving a bluish light out of the shadows. Before Brett took
a step inside the front door, he glanced across the street towards a darkened si
de of a neighbors house. From where he stood, he thought he could 26

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint see a silhouette of someone facing him. He
dismissed it as just a trick of the dark, and walked inside shutting the heavy d
oor behind him. Gina finished up in the restroom, and pulled up her panties befo
re facing the mirror. Her makeup ran a bit, but otherwise didn't lose its perfec
tion. The wind picked up outside, and the trees blew with each strong gust. The
sounds of scratching began outside, but Gina figured it was the branches scratch
ing the side of the house. The bathroom door opened slightly, and there was a lo
ng pause. "Brett? Is that you?" She called out. Gina stood in place and waited f
or a reply. A few seconds passed, and Brett opened the door wide and began to si
ng and air guitar to a random punk tune. "You fucking asshole!" She screamed at
him, and shoved him out of the way as she headed for their bedroom. "I'm sorry,"
he called out after her, pacing slowly behind her. Brett walked in behind Gina
and closed the bedroom door behind them. Gina jumped onto the bed and unbuttoned
her top. "How sorry are you?" She whispered seductively. "Oh, I'm so so sorry,"
He muttered almost stuttering. "Will you show me just how sorry you are?" "Oh y
es." "Strip for me." Brett paused, then in an awful attempt at dancing, he was s
topped by Gina, as she pushed him back on the bed, and inched her way down to hi
s shorts opening the belt. He moaned slightly. As Gina fully opened his shorts,
she pulled them down to his ankles and stared at his half hard erection. She bro
ught her mouth down to it and breathed heavily on it with hot breath. He moaned
some more. "You like that?" she cooed. She unbuttoned her top all the way and dr
opped it to the floor. She slid her fingers into each side of her panties and in
ched them down off her hips until they were completely off of her body. "Do you
want my pussy?" Brett was left speechless at the site of her fully nude body pre
ssing against him setting his dick off into a rock hard pulsing frenzy. Pre-cum
oozed a drop from the head and Gina took the tip of her tongue and licked it off
making Brett's cock twitch in anticipation. "Did you like that?" She asked Bret
t, and paused to hear what he would say. He didn't speak, but only smiled heavil
y and closed his eyes.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint She opened her mouth wide and took in his c
ock moving her tongue around as she sucked him off. She kept a steady rhythm, an
d sucked his head while she cupped and massaged his balls. "Oh yeah. Suck me har
d." Gina relaxed her jaw and opened her throat deep to receive the whole shaft,
as she deep throated his dick. She pumped it hard as she blew him well, and jerk
ed him off waiting for him to explode in her mouth. She continued wildly and suc
ked more and more moving her tongue and mouth up and down and around, until he s
queezed the sheets tight and released a hot thick load into her gaping mouth. It
shot hard and she almost gagged on it, but took it in and swallowed every last
drop. "Delicious," she said licking her lips. "Now eat my pussy you dirty bastar
d," She commanded. Brett rolled her over and relaxed in between her thighs. Spre
ading her lips, he wiggled his tongue and pushed deep into her hole licking up h
er juices. She ran her fingers through his hair, mashing his face into her wet c
unt. Her other hand fingered her clit, and she came hard. Brett licked her clean
and continued sucking her pussy. He stuck a few fingers in her and jacked her p
ussy off while his tongue rotated, wiggled, and pressed deep into her. She screa
med loud as she received several orgasms back to back. "Suck my pussy. Suck me y
ou fucking bastard." Her last orgasm forced its way out so hard, she arched her
back, dug her finger nails into Brett, and squeezed her thighs to almost cut off
his circulation. "Oh God, I can go for a joint," she said as she breathed heavi
ly trying to catch her breath. "Yeah, sounds like a plan," Brett responded regai
ning composure. He reached for his box. As he opened it, he pulled out a small b
ag filled with a few large nuggets and some good shake. "Oh fuck, no papers." "Y
ou got a bowl?" She suggested. "Hell yeah I do." He answered. He reached for it,
pulled it out and filled the bowl with shake. "Light it up," she said licking h
er lips both from anticipation and the taste of cum lingering sweetly on her lip
s. Brett lit up the bowl and inhaled deeply filling his mouth with pot. He held
it, then released feeling ready to choke, but did his best not to. Gina grabbed
it from him, and clicked the lighter making sure it was still lit. Brett grabbed
his dick and jerked himself hard again. While Gina took slow hits from the pipe
, he leaned over 28

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint laying her back and pushed his cock in deep
. She hardly flinched as he pumped her slow but steadily. She continued to take
slow hits. "Oh shit," she muttered. "Time for a refill." Brett didn't pay attent
ion to her. He fucked her wet sticky cunt harder and harder. She reached in the
box, and grabbed the bag of shake. She took it and filled up the bowl. It filled
to the top. She lit up again and took constant, but slow hits. Brett sucked on
her nipples and licked on her neck as his dick slipped inside and out making her
pussy more wet and hot. Every dirty word he could think of escaped his mouth as
he flipped her over, grabbed her hips and shoved himself deep into her hole fro
m behind her. She moaned louder and louder now as he plowed, pulled her hair and
screamed at her fucking her and pushing every inch of himself inside her. Gina
took another hit, as she did her best to keep herself held up. "Cum in me. Cum d
eep in my pussy." She planted her head into the pillow, then leaned up to take a
nother hit. Brett pounded hard into her, let out a loud scream and shot a thick,
powerful load into her sloppy dripping cunt hole. He stayed inside her, and Gin
a giggled a bit. "Good for you?" She asked, then took another hit emptying the b
owl completely. "I'm so fucking blown." They both lay back and passed out next t
o each other naked. Gina's hand rest wrapped around Brett's cock and occasionall
y she would jerk it for a slight second. Then, it became completely quiet again.
Outside the house, the scratching returned. Moans of a darker kind were present
as well. Brett kissed Gina's forehead, then got up to go to the restroom. He en
tered the bathroom, and stood over the toilet to take a piss. He heard a noise o
utside the house, but thought, "Neh," and continued. After he finished he stoppe
d to look at himself in the mirror. He flexed his chest, and out of the corner o
f his eye, a shadow moved past the window. Naked, but fearless, he headed for th
e back door and opened it, ready to let whoever it was have a piece of his fist.
Nobody was there. As he began to turn around to head back inside, he was attack
ed sending him backwards onto the ground staring into the deep hollowed eyes of
the dead. He tried to scream, but the creature thrust Brett's head into the grou
nd and bit into his throat. Blood began to gush, and he twitched and tried to ad
d pressure to his wound. It was too deep to keep in control. Moans began to soun
d in the background. Brett lay on the ground unable to move, and as he took his
last breath, his grip let go of his killer. Two more zombies came out of the dar
kness to feast on his flesh. His bloody, naked body ripped apart and plated on t
he cold earth strung about as a feast for the dead. His eyes lost. Gina opened h
er eyes and moved her hand to touch Brett and cuddle next to him. He wasn't ther
e, so Gina got up to check on him. Her head spinning, and her body shivering. Sh
e grabbed a robe, and put it on. Her cold nipples poking at the robe tenting it
a little. She moved 29

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint toward the restroom, and seen he wasn't in
there. Moving towards the kitchen, the lights remained out. The back door slight
ly ajar added concern, and she walked slowly towards it opening it up and lookin
g around outside to see what was going on. She looked down around the ground. Th
ere was nothing. Not Brett's body was no longer there. She looked up as she hear
d a noise coming from behind the garage. "Brett? Do you need some help?" She ask
ed calling for him. As she called his name again, Brett's head dropped to the gr
ound, exposing it's bloody skin and flesh. Gina screamed and turned to reenter t
he back door, but a moaning dark figure neared her preventing her from going bac
k. She ran around the house, and down the block screaming for help. Screams were
faintly heard in the background, and figures in the darkness looked on towards
her. As she ran further down the street. she tripped and fell to the ground bang
ing the side of her head. Gina was knocked out.
[ Waking Up ]
Gina woke up to gunshots. She lay on a couch as a woman, along with her little g
irl looked over her to make sure she was alright. Looking around, she noticed th
e house was dimly lit, the windows and door boarded up tight, and a boy, maybe 1
6 or so, enter the room. His rifle propped on his shoulder, and a pistol held in
the front of his pants. "Are you okay?" He asked Gina. "I think so." She answer
ed, rubbing her head. "My name is Jason." He introduced himself. "I'm Betty." Th
e woman said. "This here is my step-daughter, Natalie." She continued. "Hey." Gi
na said. "How are you?" She tried reaching for the girls hand. Natalie held tigh
ter to her step-mother. "She's just scared. We're all scared. I don't know what'
s happening." Betty spoke, beginning to cry. "We'll be fine." Jason assured. The
other three were too frightened to believe it. Screams and groans were growing
louder outside, and Jason held his rifle as he walked towards the front. He open
ed a small hole in the front of the house, and poked his rifle out 30

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint taking a shot at something as screams were
heard. Another blast, then silence. Another shot, and a loud pop was heard as it
hit its target. "Blew its fucking head right off!" Jason yelled in victory. Nat
alie held onto Betty even tighter. Jason spit to the floor, and closed the hole.
He set the gun next to the wall, and walked towards Gina. "So, how about a litt
le kiss for your savior?" he asked, staring sharply into her eyes. "What?" She r
eturned, in a serious tone. "I am your rescuer, and I think I deserve something
in return." He said, cracking his knuckles. "Or I could throw you right back out
there." "You got to be kidding me?" She said nervously. Jason grabbed her by he
r robe opening it up revealing her tall naked frame. Gina smacked him in the fac
e and he threw her onto the floor. "I guess it's out to the wolves, Darlin'" He
hissed, grabbing her around the throat. Natalie screamed and Jason went to backh
and her. He almost made contact when Gina screamed, "Okay! I'll do it. Okay." Ja
son grabbed her again and drug her into the next room. He stood her up and press
ed hard into her taking her robe completely off. He grabbed the pistol, and poin
ted it towards her head as he unfastened his belt, and dropped his pants. Gina g
rabbed hold of his penis and jerked him off. He moaned a little and stared into
her eyes. "Want me to blow you?" she said sounding horny, convincing Jason. "No.
No, I don't want you biting it off." He answered. He was about to stick it insi
de her, when a scream outside turned his head around. Gina kneed him in the groi
n sending him down hard to the floor. "Fuck!" he screamed out. Gina ran towards
the back of the house, unlocked and opened the door for escape. Jason recollecte
d himself and ran towards the back. Seeing the door was open, he walked out look
ing fast and hard in all directions. As he stood there holding his pistol out to
shoot on sight, the door behind him slammed shut. The sounds of locks were hear
d. Jason ran towards 31

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint the door, and banged on it. On the other si
de of the door Gina stood and backed away before turning around towards the fron
t room. She watched Natalie cry and squeeze Betty harder, too frightened to look
up. Gunshots were heard blasting away out the back, and screams rang as Jason b
ecame victim to the ravenous flesh eating creatures. Holding herself to cover he
r nudity, Gina asked, "Do you live here?" "No. We ran here trying to find shelte
r." Betty said scared, but calming herself. Gina looked around. "I don't know if
this was his house either. This place doesn't look right for him. It's a family
home, and I haven't seen any pictures with his face on them." Betty said, as sh
e thought more. "Stay here. I'm going to check upstairs." Gina told Betty. She h
eaded towards the stairs and slowly walked up them keeping her eye on everything
, and anything. A light glowed from underneath a door. Gina walked towards it, a
nd opened it up. Slowly the door creaked open and in the center of the room, a c
orpse lay tied to the bed. "Grotesque." Gina thought. The body of a woman, maybe
early twenties lay decaying, mouth hanging open and eyes rolled back into her s
kull. There were no clothes left to cover the body. Gina pulled the sheet that a
lmost hung completely off the bed over her, covering her dead frame in respect.
As Gina turned towards the closet to search for clothing to cover her own body,
a thud was heard from just inside it. Scratching and groans began. Gina turned a
round towards the door. As she walked through, she shut the door. She walked dow
n the stairs to meet once again Betty and Natalie. Betty asked, "Everything okay
? Did you find any clothes?" "Dumb question." Gina thought. "No. Can I have your
shirt?" She asked, extending her hand. Betty sat up, as Natalie let go her grip
around her waist, and pulled her shirt from over her head. Her breast filling h
er large bra. Betty's body wasn't large, but fit. Her breast were just big enoug
h for her body to hold. Gina grabbed hold of the shirt and put it on. It slid do
wn her body and felt soft to her skin. The length just reached the middle of her
hips and didn't cover much of her vagina. Even though it didn't, Gina thanked h
er. 32

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "You're welcome." Betty answered. "We have
to go." Gina proposed. "We have to get out of here and go somewhere a little mor
e safe." "Okay." Betty acknowledged. "I'm scared." Natalie whispered to Betty. "
It's gonna be alright." Betty said, assuring her that she'd be taken care of. "O
kay, I think that the back is the only exit here. Everywhere else seems to be bo
arded up pretty good." Gina said, as she grabbed a poker by an unusable fireplac
e. Natalie let go of Betty. "I can be tough." She said. "I believe you can be."
Gina answered, filling Natalie with courage. "Okay. Time to go." Gina led the tr
oop towards the back, and as they got to the door, Gina peered through a crack i
n the boards at the window. No sign of movement. She opened the door slowly, and
they hurried out scared, but trying to be brave. They moved out the back, and a
round the house. Moans were heard in the distance, but not too close. "okay, it
all seems clear." Gina called. A zombie stepped out from the shadows, and lunged
toward Gina. Natalie screamed. It was Jason. His eyes gray, and face bitten int
o as blood dripped from an open wound. His arms extended and grabbed at Gina. As
Jason's corpse continued to swing and claw at her, Gina swung the iron poker an
d crushed his skull in, leaving a coagulated spurt of blood dribble slow out the
side of his brains. "Oh fuck!" Betty shouted. Natalie's mouth hung open and eye
s wide as she witnessed the dark event. Gina took a deep breath and said, "Okay,
let's go." The streets were lit up by the streetlights lined down the way. Gina
began to run, with her breasts bouncing underneath the shirt given by Betty. Be
tty's breasts were bouncing hard causing her to breath heavier to catch a breath
. Natalie ran with ease, but being younger, had a harder time catching a good br
eath. "Over there!" Gina pointed. "The car is running." The three ran towards th
e powered vehicle as Gina peered inside to make sure nobody was present. Surpris
ingly, no one existed, and the three entered the car as fast as they could.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint [ 5 Miles Away ]

In an RV, parked in a deserted lot, a couple lay fucking in their bed. "Uh, uh,
keep going David." The woman moaned. David held the woman's waist from behind, a
nd penetrated her pussy with his 9 1/2 inch cock. "Harder?" he asked. "Oh God ye
ah. Fuck me harder!" she moaned. David, being in his early twenties, had stamina
, and his cock filled his forty three year old sex partner whole making her shak
e and cum fast, and cry out in lust for more. "Just like that! More." She cried.
"Oh, Mrs. Tabernacle," He moaned. "Miranda! Call me Miranda!" She cried, as Dav
id's pulsating cock filled her hole making her cum again dripping down his shaft
. Miranda Tabernacle was a woman that lived next door to him for years. After th
e chaos, David took the chance to finally get her into bed. Miranda wanted the s
ame. Now that her husband was dead, she had her chance, and slipped down to take
David's cock into her mouth. She opened her mouth and bobbed up and down, slipp
ing the skin in and out as she tasted the juices she left behind. She loved her
taste, and it made her suck harder on him making his body shake. As she continue
d her blowjob, David wrapped both hands around the back of her head. He pulled o
n her head as she stroked his cock with her mouth, building pressure in his ball
s. He moaned louder. "I'm gonna cum." He cried. "Cum in my mouth." Miranda said,
continuing to suck him hard. As She kept her lips wrapped around his shaft, tas
ting the flesh with her tongue, David gripped the back of her neck, and shot str
eams of cum down her throat. She could hardly contain it all, and some dribbled
from the side of her mouth. She popped his cock out of her mouth, still holding
it, and licked her lips to collect every ounce of semen he left behind. "Fuck me
again, baby." She whispered.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint David became hard again and plunged his lon
g love stick inside Miranda's super wet hole filling her with joy at each stroke
. David pumped her fast and hard taking deep, steady breath's and keeping a good
pace. Miranda's body shuddered as she came. As David thrust harder, Miranda cam
e again. "You like it when I fuck your pussy, baby? You like my big hard dick fi
lling you up and making you cum?" He said, talking dirty as he banged her cunt w
ith might. "Yeah, baby. Fill me up. Fill my pussy, baby. Fuck me harder." She be
gged. David popped his dick out of her waiting hole, and pushed it next to her t
o tease. She moaned, and he slid it back inside her making the feeling so unbear
able she came hard and bit his lower lip with ecstasy. He continued thrusting an
d beating up her cunt lips as she begged and moaned for him to do it harder. He
rammed her pussy hard hitting her clit through the skin and made her cum again.
"I'm gonna cum again." He said and she held onto his hips to let him shoot his l
oad inside her. His semen ejaculated hitting the walls and dripping both down in
side her, and out of her down her buttocks and onto the sheets. "Oh my God!" she
cried. "Even my husband couldn't fuck me like you did!" David lay back with a s
mile on his face. He finally fucked his long time crush. As they lay next to eac
h other, the outside filled with the moans and screams of the dead. David got up
, put on clothes and hurried to the wheel of the big vehicle. He started it up,
and put it into gear as he made way towards the nearest road.
[ Down The Highway ]
Gina and company drove down the highway, noticing the emptiness surrounding them
. No cars in sight. Natalie lay asleep in the back seat, and Betty wasn't too fa
r off as Gina continued to drive. The windows remained up so as not to let in th
e cold breeze, and also no intruders. The road seemed to get darker in some poin
ts. Gina would drive along, be in light for a few seconds, then near darkness th
e next few seconds. Bodies were sprawled out in the road. Blood splattered every
where as the corpses remained still. Gina stopped the car, and looked quickly ar
ound the way to see how she would make her way past. As she looked, a zombie scr
eamed towards her. Her foot slammed the gas pedal, and the car sped off leaving
it 35

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint behind. Betty and Natalie woke up to screec
hing tires and screams. Gina looked into the rear view mirror to see the two sha
king. Her eyes adjusted further back and seen the same zombie slowly pulling its
elf up onto the back of the trunk. Gina kept her speed, and tried to figure out
a way to get rid of it without seriously injuring either one of themselves. Gina
had a plan. "Okay you two. I'm going to toss it off the side, but it requires m
e to slam on my brakes. I'm gonna spin out and I know it sounds dangerous, but y
ou have to trust me." She finished. "Do it!" Betty screamed, watching the zombie
close in on them. She held Natalie tight as Gina grabbed the wheel, jerked to t
he side as she hit the brakes. The car spun around almost completely as the corp
se lost its grip, flying off the side and crashing to the ground. Its skull smas
hed in, as dark chunks oozed from the open wound. Gina tapped the gas and let lo
ose the brakes sliding now into the spin, then straightening the car out towards
the same direction they were heading. Without a seconds hesitation, they peeled
out and were on their way. "Oh shit!" Natalie screamed. "Natalie!" Betty laughe
d. "It's alright, honey." She continued. Gina drove down the road stopping slowl
y and looking around as they entered an open lot at K-Mart's. The car came to a
halt, as the car putted. The car died, making the three feel uneasy. Gina looked
in the dash to see the gas gage at empty. Exiting the vehicle, she looked under
the car to see the last remaining drops empty from the fuel line. "Oh, fuck!" G
ina said, angered. "Just fucking great." "What is it?" Betty asked. "We're defin
itely going to have to get inside." She said, pointing to the building with the
large K on the front above the doors. "Sigh," Betty exhaled. "Okay, honey, we're
going to go inside." She talked to Natalie. "Okay," Natalie answered, not feeli
ng so much scared as before. Gina walked quickly, but slow enough for the others
to catch up. The lot stay lit up by the lights shining from atop the large pole
s. The inside of the building remained lit up as well. Not a person in sight. Th
ey walked to the front doors, and pulled slowly on them.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint [ Two Lovers Inside ]

Locked inside the women's restroom, a young couple were spending perhaps, their
last bit of time together. Their bodies almost completely naked except for shoes
to keep their feet clean from the disgusting floor. Their clothes draped over t
he sink, and against another, the girl leaned back, moaning in pleasure. The man
penetrating her vagina with his very erect penis. The sink shook hard as if to
break away from its position on the wall. The young man thrust deep into her sli
ppery hole, filling her deep and causing her to convulse as her body gave way to
multiple orgasms. "I love you, Thomas," The girl said, shaking and moaning as h
er vaginal orifice was willingly violated. Thomas kept going, kissing the girl o
n her mouth, and tasting her saliva. What they both knew and understood, was tha
t the girl had been bitten on her arm. The wound darkening, and her body increas
ingly growing cold, they were spending their last bit of life making love. "Tany
a, I love you too!" Thomas cried to her, holding her close as he filled her cunt
with his cock. Her cries were deepening, and tears slowly stopped falling. Thom
as still held her close, closing his eyes as his thick member let loose a powerf
ul shot of semen. Her waiting hole filling up, and then dribbling out its entire
contents. Thomas looked down as her muscles loosened, and he noticed his cum dr
ibbling out. As he looked up to his beloved, Tanya, her eyes were now white. The
outside walls were almost bloodshot, and she stared blankly at Thomas. As Thoma
s had thoughts of changing his mind, and leaving his place in the restroom, Tany
a's corpse had other plans as she lunged for him, grappling his back. Thomas scr
[ Breaking In? ]
Gina and company pulled on the doors. They were locked. As they tried to think o
f how they were going to enter, Natalie pulled on a door at the end, and it fell
open. "Here!" Natalie yelled. Gina and Betty ran to her, and quickly entered th
e building, making sure that the door was locked behind them this time. 37

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Walking into the next set of doors, they lo
oked around into the semi-large sized inside. Lights were on, and the place seem
ed to be un-trashed. It was a relief to them, but there seemed to be an uncomfor
table silence to it all. They moved slowly in, and Gina led the way to the ladie
s department. Betty grabbed a shirt and put it on to cover her hanging breasts.
The shirt was thin, and they pressed against the cotton. Betty stared at herself
and pulled on her tits feeling sexy as she looked back up and stopped. She gigg
led. "Sorry." She said, feeling slightly embarrassed. "It's okay," Gina answered
. Gina grabbed herself a pair of black pants, a small form fitting shirt, and a
pair of black shoes. She looked in the mirror by the shoes at her own figure. Co
mfortable, sexy, and perfect for moving about. Natalie giggled a bit, then Betty
joined in. Gina couldn't help but do the same. "I have to go to the potty, momm
y" Natalie chimed in. "Okay kiddo," Betty responded, pulling her hand towards th
e back where the big restroom sign hung. Gina stepped over to the Sporting Depar
tment. While K-Mart never had much to offer in sporting equipment and hunting ge
ar, they certainly had enough there to use. Gina did not hesitate to grab a belt
, and pouch. She hooked it around her waist, and grabbed a shotgun from behind t
he counter. As she did so, she looked down to see an officer dead. His large bod
y still, and a bullet wound was visible entering from under his chin to the top
of his head. An apparent suicide. The handgun still in his hand, and two clips o
n his belt. Gina reached down to grab it, nervous that he might waken to bite he
r. His body lay still. He was dead, as the bullet must have obliterated his brai
n. As Gina grabbed hold of the gun, she checked the clip, and slid it back in. F
ull minus one round. She fitted it in her belt, and stuck the clips in the bag.
Hurriedly, she snatched a few boxes of shells for the shotgun, and stuffed them
into the pouch. She reached over to grab a second bag to fit more in. As she was
looking around for anything else that may be useful, her ears perked as Natalie
's screams filled the store. Gina ran towards the back. As she made her way to t
he restrooms, she noticed a zombie attacking Betty, and biting into her breast.
Betty bounced back against the wall as a second zombie grabbed her at the side,
pulling her head towards it and ripping open her throat. Blood poured as Betty f
ell to the ground. Gina pulled the pistol out of her belt, and unloaded a round
in the male zombies brains. She aimed again and blew the female zombies head cle
an off. Pieces of brain and blood ran down the wall. Betty fought to breathe, bu
t blood filled her lungs and oxygen never made it through. Her body slumped over
and she died. 38

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Gina yanked on Natalie's arm and held her t
ight, but hurried towards the front of the building to make an escape. Gina and
Natalie looked out towards the lot, and their eyes opened wide. Hordes of the un
dead were inching their way to them, moaning and screaming. As Gina loaded the s
hotgun and pumped it, she watched as a big RV came from the left and smashed int
o a small groups of zombies. "Die again, you fuckers!" A younger man screamed at
the dead. "Hurry! Get inside!" An older woman yelled, beckoning the two to ente
r. Gina pulled Natalie inside, and quickly sat down on the small couch. Iron bar
s were welded to the windows, and a large lock fit the door, holding it in place
. The man noticed Gina looking at them and said, "It was my dad's RV. He was a c
razy ass kind of guy. Always thought that the dead would come back to get him."
He continued. "we always thought he was a schizo or something. Turns out the mot
her fucker was right." He rambled on. "I'm Miranda," The older woman introduced
herself. "That there is David." "Thank you," Gina spoke, holding Natalie tight.
As the RV drove on, Natalie began to cry. Gina comforted her and stroked her hai
r. Her sobs lightened and she eventually fell into a deep sleep. "Well, she must
have been really tired," Miranda said, handing Gina a cup of instant coffee. "I
had to heat it up in the microwave." "Oh, it's okay." Gina thanked her, taking
a sip. David smiled at their reflections in the mirror. The RV pressed on, headi
ng for the next town. Miranda turned on the television and most of the stations
were static, or the Emergency Broadcast System. One channel though had a pre-rec
orded feed. The man behind the news desk looked into the camera, and spoke to th
e general public. "Some time ago, we had gotten word about strange occurrences h
appening in this city, and all surrounding areas. reports of zombies devouring t
he flesh of victims have rapidly developed, and in return, their victims rose an
d killed in the same manner. We strongly advise anyone out there to lock their d
oors. Stay on higher ground, and avoid all contact with these zombies. If anyone
does indeed find themselves face to face with the dead, run, and if necessary,
use blunt force to the head. Decapitation, crushing the brain, or shooting them
directly into their head will put them down permanently. Do not attempt to rescu
e or help any of your loved ones." He announced. 39

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint As Gina and Miranda watched this, David sla
mmed on his brakes. "What the hell?" Miranda blurted, as she turned around to th
e front. "Look," is all David said. Shining in the headlights was two army stati
oned jeeps. A small barricade was set in front of the bridge. A small crew of me
n stood firm in the front and looked inside the vehicle. "Yes!" David screamed.
"We're safe." Miranda grabbed his arm as David opened the door. Stepping out he
began to make his way towards the group. The men greeted David and Miranda as th
ey approached. Gina and Natalie felt unsure of their surroundings. "I need you t
o wait here, Natalie." Gina told her. "No, don't go," Natalie cried. "I don't wa
nt you to leave me, please." "I promise I will be right back," She whispered. "I
'll be right outside. You can see me standing right there." She assured Natalie.
"Hurry back, Gina." Natalie said, scared. "Lock this door behind me." Gina said
, as she stepped outside and shut the door. Natalie locked it and stepped back,
sitting back down on the small couch. Gina walked over to the men. They were all
dressed in Army fatigue, and loaded top to bottom with military grade weaponry.
Gunshots were heard in the distance, and small explosions sprang from different
areas. Out of the darkness, a group of zombies moved in. Shots were fired as th
e military men blasted through over a dozen bodies, tearing off limbs and shatte
ring the skulls of their opponents. As they continued unloading round after roun
d, Gina ran to the RV. She banged on the door for almost 10 seconds, then click,
and the door swung open. Natalie stood in front of Gina with eyes open wide. Gi
na jumped inside and locked the door. Outside, the group of the dead were growin
g and mauled everything in sight. David crawled across the ground, pulling helpl
essly with his torn hand. Miranda's body was ripped to pieces, and was being eat
en away by the undead. Gina checked the lock on the door twice, and jumped into
the front seat. No keys in the ignition.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh fuck!" Gina screamed. As she looked ahe
ad toward the front of the RV, there they lay. twenty or so feet from a group of
the cannibalistic creatures. Gina ran to the door, drawing the pistol from her
belt. She held it up, and unlocked the door. As she opened it, she made a dash f
or the keys. Natalie shut the door and locked it again. As Gina snatched the key
s from the ground, she was noticed. Making haste, she ran back to the big vehicl
e shooting at the heads of her enemies. Once to the door, it was opened by Natal
ie. Again, Gina locked it behind her and wasted no time starting the RV up. She
backed it up, and right turned to the opposite direction. Her mind was set. "Let
's get as far away from here as possible." Gina said, feeling a small weight lif
t from her shoulders. As Natalie sat in the next seat by Gina, she fastened her
seat belt tight. They were heading for somewhere safe, if there was such a place
through all the chaos. The sun began to rise, as they made their way to their n
ext destination.
II: Natalie's War
[ Natalie ]
Seven years had passed and Natalie stood in the midst of dust and debris, 18 yea
rs of age, and all woman. She stood at 5'11", muscular build on a thin frame, wi
th dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The summer heat felt harsh on her skin as the
air filled with smoke. The war between the living and the dead had come, and ma
ny survivors kept shelter in underground holds, buildings that were boarded up t
ight, and even prisons that were kept locked tight. Zombies were still weak, but
grew desperate as their need to feed became more aggressive. Gina had long sinc
e died. An attack on her and Natalie on the outskirts of Ohio left Gina in a sta
te of shock. Her throat had been ripped out, and her left hand ripped clean off.
Gina died in Natalie's arms, as Natalie was only 15 years of age. As Natalie st
ood on rubble, and looked around, zombies shuffled towards her, moaning and biti
ng at her. Natalie pulled out her pistol from her belt and took aim for one of t
heir heads. She fired, and it dropped to the ground as its head exploded. As she
took aim for another, a zombie jumped at her from the side. It grabbed at her t
rying to bite her, and rip at her body. It 41

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint succeeded in tearing half her shirt off, wh
en she stuck the barrel to its forehead and let it pop a round through the zombi
e brain. Coagulated blood splattered like goo into the air, and the creature dro
pped to the side. Natalie lifted herself up, and ran for hiding. Natalie made it
to a building, and crept inside. All the windows were already boarded up, but s
ome looked unstable. Finding a switch, she flipped it to see if lights would wor
k. Nothing. The place was dim, with some light spots from holes in the roof. Nat
alie made her way through the place, and saw a flashlight sitting upright on a t
able. She grabbed it, and flipped the switch. The light shined bright as she poi
nted it forward in front of her, and again made her way around. Silence everywhe
re. As Natalie stepped into the center of the warehouse building, she looked up
to see several decayed bodies hanging from ropes and cables. They were not movin
g, and that only assured Natalie more that to become one of them, you need only
be bitten by one. The smell of rotting flesh filled the air, and Natalie walked
on holding her weapon in front, in case of a surprise attack. Towards the back,
the sounds of someone beating on a metal door of some sort. Natalie gripped her
pistol tightly, creeping slow at first, then faster readying herself for anythin
g. As she looked around the corner, a large steel door was shut, but screams wer
e heard from just behind it. Natalie walked closer to the door, gripped the hand
le as it released the outer lock, and yanked it open. "What the fuck!" A dirty m
an screamed, as he came face to face with the end of the gun. "Who the fuck are
you?" Natalie boomed. "What were you doing in there? Are you infected?" She scre
amed back. "No! No, I'm not one of them. I haven't been bitten, see?" The man sa
id as he showed her every part of his body. "Put your fucking clothes back on,"
Natalie said, as the man did as he was told. "I'm Nash," The man spoke, shaking
nervously. "I'm Natalie," She answered, "Come with me." They walked away from th
e run down freezer hold where Nash had sat dorment in hiding. They scrambled ove
r piles of dirt, and Nash almost froze as he saw the bodies that hung over them.
His eyes widened as he noticed the upright darkened blue faces, with tongues ha
nging from the mouths. "I....I..I worked here once, you know," Nash told her, st
ill shaking. "Quiet!" They paused.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Down a corridor, shadows piled on the walls
, as moans and screams echoed in the distance. The zombies were moving quicker,
and their need to feed was becoming more vital to their survival. "Run!" Natalie
alarmed Nash. They ran out from the building, and down the empty road escaping
the group of flesh eaters. Behind a large dump area, a tanker roared as it crash
ed through taking a handful of zombies along for the ride. "Whoa," Nash muttered
. The tanker came to a sudden halt, and Natalie looked up into the cab, waving h
er gun to the driver. "Oh get in! I'm not gonna hurt ya." A large man grumbled.
Natalie walked to the passenger side of the cab, and hopped in the front seat, l
eaving the small back area for Nash to sit in. "This town is thick with 'em," Th
e trucker said, "So I suggest we make a run for it, and head straight for the ne
xt one," He finished. "They are everywhere," Natalie said, almost interrupting t
he driver. "Where do you suggest we go?" She concluded. "My brother's weapon sho
p," He answered. Natalie had a smile on her face, and asked, "How much?" "Everyt
hing, Darlin'" He assured her. "Just about every kind of weapon you can think of
." "What's the catch?" Natalie asked, wondering if there was a motive. "Well, I'
d let you blow my dick, but it hasn't worked since 1987." He said to Natalie. "M
y brother shot a hole in it." Natalie chuckled a bit, and Nash let out a laugh.
The man put on a smile and continued to drive. "I'm Rico by the way," The man in
troduced himself. "Natalie. Shakes back there is Nash," She responded. "Hey now,
" Nash looked up at her. 43

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The three headed for the next city over, pa
ssing corpses in the road, and even smashing head on a few walkers. Dust and blo
od spilled from their heads as they landed on the pavement. They continued on th
eir journey.
[ Helvon City ]
"Here we are," Rico announced. "Hell City," He laughed. "Okay! Let's get in, and
get the fuck out!" Natalie commanded as she hopped out of the passenger side, l
anding firm on the ground below. "She always like this?" Rico asked Nash. "Unfor
tunately," Nash responded, slightly less shaky as he talked. "I like 'em rough,"
Rico blared, putting another smile on as he too hopped from the cab. Nash follo
wed. Natalie took aim with her pistol and was about to shoot at the padlock on t
he gated door, when Rico stepped in hollering, "Wait! I have the key." Natalie s
tepped back as Rico unlocked the padlock and pulled open the gate. It made a rou
gh, rusty noise. As Rico unlocked the main door-lock, he pushed open the door. A
bell tinked upon entering. Each one scrambled quickly to find fitting pistols,
and gun belts. Natalie broke the pistol case, and reached for two matching Beret
tas. Stacks of ammo were on a shelf behind the counter, and she quickly grabbed
a pouch to fill. "Here, take this," Rico tossed her a pump action shotgun. She g
rabbed a bag this time, and filled it with extra pistols and ammo. Nash walked w
ith Rico to a digital safe hidden in the back. Rico tapped in the code, and the
door unlocked. Dust fell from the top, and as it cleared, a set of custom uzis s
at directly in the middle. "May I?" Nash asked Rico with a spark in his eyes. "H
ell if you can use 'em, you can keep 'em," Rico answered, reaching for the top a
s his hands 44

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint grazed his brothers classic 9mm beretta. "B
ingo." They walked back out to the floor, as Nash continued to adore his new wea
ponry. "Don't forget these," Rico said, tossing a small bag full of clips to Nas
h. "Let's lock it up," Natalie said to the other two. "Darkness falls, and we ne
ed rest for the day ahead." "Good thinkin'" Rico answered, locking the gate, and
then the main door. "This place is sealed up tight," He assured them. "We'll be
safe." Natalie moved to the safe room to set up a small spot to sleep in. Nash
followed. Rico opened the door to an empty storage room, and huddled there. He l
ooked in the corner, and saw a small box filled with dusty bottles. As he reache
d in, he grabbed one and dusted it off. "Whiskey," He mumbled. "Brother, you sho
uldn't have," He toasted the air. In the other room, Nash sat down next to Natal
ie. "I think today is my birthday," He said, unsure of what the days date was. "
You don't know?" She asked him. "Not really. I tried to keep track, but I was lo
cked inside of a freezer for days. Thank God it didn't work," He opened to Natal
ie. "The smell was horrible." He tried to laugh a little. "Hey look, I'm sorry i
f I upset you by the things I say," She said to Nash. "It's been so long since I
was around the living, I almost thought I was the only one left. Then I met you
, and I immediately took control. If I'm not, then anything could happen." "It's
okay." She continued. "I lost a dear friend of mine three years ago. She was my
protector. She died trying to save me." Natalie began to cry a little, with tea
rs welling in her eyes. "Hey," Nash interrupted, "It's going to be alright. I'm
not so bad. I'll protect you any way I can. Nash put his arms around her shoulde
r and pulled her close. Natalie admired his body, feeling comforted and protecte
d under his tall, slim figure. Looking into his brown eyes, she said to him, "I'
m a virgin." "'s okay." "I want to have sex....with you, now," She stamm
ered out, as she lifted her top over her small but perky breasts. 45

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Nash's eyes opened wide as he reached out t
o touch one of them. They were soft in his hand, and he leaned in to take her ri
ght nipple into his mouth. He began to suckle on it and taste it as he wiggled h
is tongue gently. "Oh, that's so nice," Natalie said under her breath. Nash lift
ed up and took off his shirt, revealing a rather built chest considering his act
ual build. Natalie looked on as she undone the strap on her pants and pulled the
m down off her legs. Her excitement unmasked her true self as she slowly, and se
nsually lowered her panties down past her ankles, and off the end of her feet. "
Wow, you look incredible," Nash gulped as he spoke. He quickly unfastened his pa
nts, and pulled them off his legs. Down went his boxers too, as he slid them off
. He admired and lusted now for Natalie's slightly fuzzy, pink mound. "Just fuck
me!" Natalie demanded, as Nash stroked his fully erect penis preparing for entr
y. "Take it slow," She paused, making sure that he heard her. As Nash placed the
tip to her virgin hole, he slowly pressed in, making Natalie jump, then let go.
He pressed further inside, as her tight cunt wrapped around his shaft. He press
ed harder, and felt himself reach the end as his body pressed tight against hers
. "It hurts," She said feeling pain. "It will go away, I promise," Nash assured
her, still pressing in deep. As he continued to press in, he pulled out a little
, and pushed easily back inside. The pain soon went away, and Nash thrust his ha
rd cock into her fulfilling pussy. She winced at first, then began to moan as he
stroked in and out feeling the walls of her caverns wrap tight around him. Rico
looked up from his spot to the doorway, as he heard Natalie moan in pleasure. "
Oh hell," He said as he looked down at his dick. "Can't use that," He groaned. "
I can still eat pussy!" He yelled into the hallway. Natalie continued to moan. N
ash pounded now at her willing cunt, and she moaned louder nearing her very firs
t orgasm. "I think I'm gonna cum!" She screamed, excited that it was going to ha
ppen. She released an intense, wet orgasm that leaked down Nash' shaft. He conti
nued to thrust harder as he held back his own orgasm hungering for more of her t
iny pussy. The lips hugged his cock as he moved in and out at a fast pace. He co
uldn't hold in much longer his own, and let go a hot load of cum filling her wom
b. They pressed together tightly as he did so, and Natalie lay against Nash' che
st. 46

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Rico leaned back against the wall, and took
another gulp of whiskey from the bottle. Soon, they all lay fast asleep. Natali
e wrapped up next to Nash, and Rico on the floor in the next room.
[ Rise And Shine? ]
Sometime, in the middle of the night, Natalie woke to the constant moans of the
dead, outside. She was naked from head to toe, grabbing her pistol and getting u
p to see how the situation was going. Looking out the window toward the front of
the store, she saw a small handful of zombies. The gate was still padlocked, an
d the door remained shut tight, "But for how long?" She thought. "Hey, you're lo
okin' pretty Darlin'," Rico mumbled, waking from a hard hangover, and rubbing hi
s forehead. Natalie smiled. She knew that he meant well, and the compliment made
her blush, making her feel like a woman. "Jus' complimentin'," He concluded. "T
hat's sweet, thank you," She said to him, not bothering to cover herself. She wa
s a woman, but still felt tough. Her body was incredible, but she never let vuln
erability overcome her. "Yes, you're welcome," He responded, putting on his usua
l good hearted smile. Natalie walked towards Rico and lay next to him, feeling t
he warmth of his body and smelling the scent of whiskey on his breath. She burie
d her face in his chest, and felt tired again. Soon, they both fell back to slee
p. Moments after they drifted off, a zombie smashed into the steel gate at the f
ront entrance. This awoke the two, and they stammered to the center of the shop
room. Nash rushed out to meet them, pulling up his pants and handing Natalie her
clothes. As they put them on, Rico grabbed his bags. Nash followed, and handed
Natalie hers before kissing her deeply on her lips. "If they get enough of them,
I think that they could break through," Nash hollered.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "No! The gate is solid," Rico echoed, "They
aren't that strong!" "But the gate is rusted through. Look!," Nash pointed to t
he side. As he did so, a large handful of zombies rammed the gate. The rust crum
bled, and the gate cracked in several spots. "Fuck!" Natalie screamed. They rais
ed their weapons and took no chances. Without hesitation, they unloaded several
rounds into the rotting heads of their enemies. The gate remained cracked, but i
t was only a small opening that wouldn't let anything through. "Ready?" Rico roa
red. They reloaded their small weapons. Nash loaded his twin uzis, and Natalie e
quipped her shotgun. "Set..." Rico again trailed on. He turned the knob, quickly
opening the door to unlock the gate lock. "Go!" His voice boomed, alerting more
creatures to their location. The three burst from the building, pointing their
weapons and shooting at every moving thing that got in their way. Natalie took a
im with her shotgun, blasting a large, open hole into one of the zombie's chest,
and pumped again before once again firing. This time, she landed the target, an
d the head exploded as the remaining corpse fell to the ground. Maggots crawled
from out of the open neck, feeding on dry flesh and dirt. "Get to the truck!" Ri
co ordered. As they scrambled to the truck, Rico was grabbed by the back and pul
led to the ground. Several zombies bit into his neck, arms and ripped off his le
ft leg. Rico screamed, "Shoot me! For Gods sake, shoot me!" Nash ran around to t
he other side, and popped a single bullet into Rico's skull. The bullet tore int
o his brain, and he died instantly. Nash grabbed hold of Natalie's waist, and hu
rriedly tossed her up into the drivers side seat. She climbed over and filled th
e passenger side. Nash leaped in, and holding his bag and Natalie's, he tossed t
hem into the back. "Can you drive this truck?" Natalie asked Nash. "I think so,"
He replied. "I used to ride with my dad when we made deliveries across the coun
try," He finished, as he looked around for the keys. "Oh fuck," He mumbled, as h
e looked down at Rico's dead body, still being eaten by flesh eaters. "What?" Na
talie asked. Nash grabbed his uzis and let off several rounds temporarily impair
ing numerous zombies. He 48

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint opened the door and hopped out, landing at
the foot of Rico. He quickly scanned the ground and pockets for the keys, and fo
und them on a clip that hung to Rico's belt. He grabbed them, and saw Rico's bro
thers custom 9mm beretta laying 5 feet behind him. Making a daring move, he snat
ched it up, and hurried back to the truck cab. As he hopped in, a zombie bit int
o the flesh on his left leg. Nash kicked at it before completely entering the tr
uck and shutting the door. He noticed that the truck had been equipped with an a
utomatic shift. "Incredible," He whispered. Nash turned the key, pulled the hand
le and put the truck into gear. The truck thundered from its parking spot, and m
ade haste down the road. Natalie ripped off part of her shirt and tied it around
the wound as Nash continued to drive. "I can't....go on like this," He said to
her, trying to calm his pain. "You must take the wheel. You have to!." He starte
d to feel dizzy. He parked on the side of the road leaving the truck running whi
le he switched seats with her. Natalie started to cry, and she knew that it was
only a matter of time before she would lose her new love. She pulled him close t
o her breast and hugged him tight. Leaning down, she planted a soft kiss on his
lips. "You'll have to leave me here," He said to her as he was drifting off. "No
," I can't leave you," She cried hard as the tears gushed down her cheeks. "It's
not an option," He told her. "You are going to leave me here." He leaned in for
one last short kiss before turning around, opening the door and jumping outside
from the cab. Natalie cried, but wiped away her tears as she knew what had to b
e done. Putting the truck into gear, she slowly eased her way to the road and mo
ved on. Nash looked at her from behind, and he soon faded away past the dust and
debris. The sun was rising, and Natalie started to cry again. The sunrise that
was meant for happiness and new beginnings only made her heart break more. She c
ontinued down the road.
[ Later Days ]
Natalie entered a small town, and halted the large tanker. The gas gage read nea
r E, and she looked around the deserted area to see if there was a fuel station
or anything else that may be useful. As she looked around, the door opened quick
and a large hand grabbed her, pulling her out 49

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint and slamming her to the ground. "Stay the f
uck down!" The voice of a man screamed at her. His face came into view. A tall,
built man with tattered clothes looked down at her. He wore a long beard, with l
ong matching brown hair, and darkened eyes. Natalie couldn't make out the color.
Out of the corners of the small buildings, another man walked out, and he pulle
d with her a frail woman. Her hair was matted to her head, and the dress she wor
e was ripped in the center. It left nothing to the imagination. Her small breast
hung out, and her pubic area was covered in thick, dark hair. She giggled along
and kept looking back and forth between Natalie and the man to gain his approva
l. The other man was almost identical to the large man who had grabbed her. The
only difference was that his hair was missing pieces and his clothes were caked
in dirt, and signs of blood were smeared across his shirt. As Natalie looked bac
k up at the man who held her to the ground, a swift blow from his fist connected
to her head and she was knocked out-cold. She woke some time later, as she was
laying on her back in a room. Light crept in from cracks in the boarded window.
Nothing remained in the room, except for a dirty bed. She scrambled to her feet
and searched for anything that may be useful. Peering at the gap in the window,
she noticed a single nail that dangled out and was ready to fall. She moved slow
ly to grab it. At first it remained in place, but then it pulled out. She held i
t in her hand, placing it between her fingers and pushed against her palm. The d
oor opened, and the man who held the woman previously entered. "Fresh meat!" He
said to her, smiling and showing his rotted teeth. Natalie hid the nail behind h
er so the man could not see. "Come to daddy," He called to her, inching his way
to her. His penis protruding from an open hole in his pants. He ran to her and t
hrew her to the floor. Opening her pants, and pulling them a few inches down he
was about to enter her when Natalie's left hand slammed into the side of the man
s head. The nail pierced the skull with such fore, the attacker dropped to the s
ide. He convulsed as blood poured from his wound. He lay wriggling before dying
painfully. The second, and much larger man burst into the room. His body naked a
nd he had the other woman's hair in his fist. As he moved, she trailed along wit
h him, sometimes scooting across the floor. "I'm gonna fucking murder you, you f
ucking whore!" He roared, the woman dropping down as she was released. He rushed
at Natalie, knocking the nail from her hand and punching her in the side. She s
kidded backwards, breaking a few boards, spilling light into the room. He jumped
over her and sat on her chest, smacking her mouth as blood spit out onto the fl
oor. 50

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Natalie tried to push him off, but he was t
oo heavy. Foul odor filled her nostrils, and she almost choked as he thrust his
dirty cock near her face. As he lifted from her still body, he was about to pick
her up again until a crunching sound was heard. The woman screamed as she thrus
t a long metal rod into the mans skull. It entered from the back of his head, an
d exited from his right eye socket. He tumbled over fast, and Natalie hurriedly
moved from below. The woman stood across the room at Natalie. "Thank you," Natal
ie said to her. The woman walked out of the room and down the stairs. Natalie fo
llowed. Standing by the front door, the lady pointed. It was barred shut. The la
dy pointed up to a single key that hung at the top of the door right at the ceil
ing. Natalie jumped at it, and it flung back landing right behind her. She picke
d it up, and stuck the key in the hole. It opened, and light shined inside as sh
e pushed the door open all the way. Emptiness filled the outside. No signs of li
ving or dead. It was almost beautiful to their eyes. "Come with me," Natalie sai
d to the lady. The lady shook her head and took a step back. "What is your name?
" Natalie asked. After a long silence, the woman opened her mouth and mumbled, "
Karina." "Karina," She said, "You're not alone. I want to help you," She continu
ed, reaching out to Karina. Karina opened her arms and fell into Natalie's. For
the first time in so long, the woman was able to cry, and show emotion. "It has
been so long since I seen the sun as a free woman," She cried out. "Come with me
. Let's leave here and go far away from this land," Natalie spoke. The woman agr
eed, and they left towards the truck. "Wait!" Karina halted. "I want to show you
something." Karina led Natalie to a small shack with a padlock on it. Natalie l
ooked at it and ran back to the truck. "Thank God they never looked inside the c
ab," She thought, as she reached for a pistol. As she grabbed it, she saw a crow
bar on the passenger floor board. She picked it up, and took it towards the lock
ed shack. With a swift blow, the lock snapped, and the door creaked wide open.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "It's mine," Karina told Natalie. "I was a
traveler like you, until....." She finished. Inside the hold was a motorcycle. C
lean, and ready to ride. "We can take it with us," Karina said to Natalie, ready
to leave. Natalie grabbed the bike, and walked it to the truck. With wire, rope
, and other cables that they had found about, the two women pulled the motorcycl
e onto the back of the rig. The truck sported a long, flat panel in the middle b
etween the rear tires. The connection port had been taken off, and it was appare
nt that this panel could hold the motorcycle completely on its top. They took th
eir time to tighten down the bike, and made sure that it would not tip over if t
hey moved suddenly to one side. They wasted no time in getting in the truck. Alt
hough the truck had been turned off, they left the keys in the ignition. Natalie
started the truck, and the two drove away down the deserted dirt road towards t
he main highway.
III: Sign Of The End Times
[ Deserted, Or Is It? ] Natalie and Karina made their way through a small mid-we
st town. The sun was high in the sky, and cast its rays on trees, small wooden s
helters, and the dirt road. Only two years have passed, but, the feeling of it a
ll seems like it has been never ending. Death has come, but these two, brave mor
tal women stand to defend themselves against the wave of disease and death itsel
f. Natalie had cut her hair shorter, leaving only enough hair on top to show tha
t she was indeed a woman. Her eyes weary from the journey behind. She wore a tig
ht fitted top, and long pants, with a belt attached at the waist. Two holsters f
it the sides, and she kept a knife in place against the center of her chest. Kar
ina had her hair wrapped up, and held behind her head. She no longer wore a tatt
ered and torn open dress, and her weapon of choice was a kitana that resided on
her back in its hold. A small pistol was holstered at her right side, and a sawe
d off shotgun was held at her left side. They were both on separate bikes, as th
e truck had been deserted long ago. Karina rode her old motorcycle, and Natalie
had found her own left alone near a broke down motel. The bike looked dirty, but
after a few wipe downs, and light mechanic work, the bike rode like new.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The town that they rode through had a horri
ble smell that lingered in the wind. Graffiti was written along the sides of the
boarded up homes and places of former business. As they approached an old fount
ain in the center of town, they stopped, and hopped off to rest. In a bag that K
arina carried at the back of her bike, she pulled out two canteens. One she toss
ed to Natalie, and the other she take small sips from. Just a little, as the res
t needed to be rationed. Good water was disappearing, as filth killed away much
of the purities. "Oh my God!" Karina jumped, as she pointed to the bottom of the
fountain waters. A reddish brown color filled the water, and looking close, a f
ew dead bodies remained. They appeared to have been alive at one time, and never
having turned into the mindless dead that wanders the earth. "What the hell?" N
atalie looked in. "I wonder just what the fuck happened here," She finished. The
two shrugged their shoulders and took notice of their surroundings. At first gl
ance, the trees were bare, graffiti stood out though, but otherwise, besides tha
t and dust, all was plain. At a second glance, the window to an old church was o
pened slightly. A corpse hung from one of the trees in the far distance. The fee
ling of being watched left the two searching in every direction. Although the wi
ndow was opened, there didn't appear to be anybody behind it. "Maybe we should g
o," Karina said to Natalie. "Wait. Let's go check out that church," She replied
to Karina. "What? Fuck that," Karina said to Natalie, pissed, but more annoyed.
"Oh, come on." "Fine!" The two prepared their pistols, and crept towards the mai
n doors to the church. Natalie pulled on one, and it creaked open. Dust fell fro
m the top of the door. "Damn! I doubt anyone has been here in a while," Karina m
uttered, knocking the dust away from her face. "Yeah." A small stairway was loca
ted immediately to the right of the entrance as you walked in. Broken frames rem
ained hung on the wall. The pictures were either missing, or ripped. Some pieces
of glass lay along the steps. Karina and Natalie walked up the stairs, keeping
eyes in every direction. Natalie was in front, and Karina was in back, keeping a
n eye on the bottom of the stairway.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "What do you see?" Karina whispered to Nata
lie. "I see......dust, and lots of it," Natalie answered, and giggled lightly. "
Smart ass." The two were now on the second floor, and a hallway was visible to t
heir right. Doors were opened up, and little light shined in. The room down the
hall, to the right and second to last, had more light inside. Karina walked behi
nd Natalie, as they both made way to the room. Making their approach, they quick
ly turned and entered with their pistols in front, in case they were to be attac
ked. "Jesus!" Karina gagged, turning away to vomit. "What the fuck are we dealin
g with here?" Natalie said, watching in horror as a decapitated head sat on a ta
ble in the center of the room. The eyes were darkened, and bite marks were clear
on the cheeks. The head split partway open to reveal brain chunks. Wiping her m
outh, and standing back up, Karina said, "Man, I don't want to stay and find out
." "I agree," Natalie replied. Without hesitating, they walked out of the room a
nd proceeded down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the front entrance. The
heat from the sun was beating down on them, and they continued towards their bik
es. Getting on and starting them up, they exited the town and made their way to
another to search for food, or supplies.
[ Sixty Nine Miles ]
Karina and Natalie pulled away to a small rest stop. It appeared to be deserted,
but otherwise, not disturbed. No broken glass, or vandalism present. They parke
d their bikes and took a breath of air as they walked inside the small area indo
ors. It was surprisingly cool, even though the heat outside may have been near 1
00 degrees. Karina sat in the chair of a security room. It was a small area, but
she made due. Natalie walked around, and then made her way to the ladies restro
om. As she walked inside, the stalls were empty, and the floors had a few bits o
f paper on them. Instead of any visible sign of blood, struggle, or even body, t
here was only space and a dirty restroom. Natalie felt a little uncomfortable, b
ut took in the knowledge that nobody had been there. Karina locked the main door
s to the small place, and then locked the inner doors as well. 54

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Walking back to the office, she once again
sat down on the chair. An overwhelming feeling came over her body, and she relax
ed. She began to rummage through the drawers of the desk. As she opened the midd
le drawer, there was a small switchblade. She picked it up, and put it on top of
the desk. She opened the bottom drawer, and noticed an XXX magazine laying ther
e. The woman on the cover looked seductively at the reader, and held her breast
in her hands. She grabbed it and tossed it onto the desk top. Flipping through t
he pages, there was a picture that shown a woman laying on her back, as another
woman licked at her hole. The woman on her back was giving fellatio to a man tha
t loomed over her. Karina's body became hot, and she unzipped the fly of her pan
ts, pulling them down off her bare legs, and tossing them to her right. As she d
one this, she propped one leg up on the top of the desk, and began to rub at her
slit. Her eyes kept looking at the picture, and every now and then, Karina look
ed up and around to check on her surroundings. Her right index finger now pushed
deep into her cunt, and her left hand index and middle fingers rubbed at her cl
itoris. The sensation sent Karina in a state of ecstasy, as she tilted her head
back and kept herself a rhythm, masturbating her pussy fast and hard. As she con
tinued, a hot stream ejaculated across the room, and she didn't pay any mind. A
few strokes later, she came again. She shook as both orgasms had taken some of h
er energy. Laying back still, she slowly rubbed herself still. Looking up, she n
oticed Natalie in the doorway. Natalie held a smile on her face, and said, "Was
it good for you?" "Oh God, yes," Karina answered, still touching her clit. Her p
ink slit in view of Natalie's eyes. Without hesitation, she walked over to Karin
a and knelt between her legs. At first, she could smell the sweet aroma that lif
ted from Karina's middle, and then she leaned in close and touched her clit with
her tongue. Karina moaned. The single touch from Natalie was enough for her to
cum once more. "Wow, did I do that to you?" Natalie asked, continuing to taste K
arina's juices. "Mmmhmm," Karina responded, biting her lower lip. Natalie slid h
er warm tongue up and down through the center of Karina's aching vagina. Her han
ds pulled on Karina's soft buttocks, and Karina slid closer to Natalie's mouth.
As Natalie moved up and down, pressing her mouth against her hole, and tasting K
arina's fluids that gushed from the center, her nose became hot from the heat wi
thin Karina. The tip of her nose rubbed softly on her clit. As Karina tilted her
head forward, she opened her eyes and did a double take at the guard room close
t door. A small pool of blood had long ago formed as if something had bled to de
ath just behind it. She jumped up and fixed her clothes on her bottom as Natalie
joined her standing up. The two looked hard at each other. "You open it," Karin
a said to Natalie.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Natalie looked at Karina, then to the door.
Extending her left hand, and holding a pistol in her right, Natalie opened the
door quickly. The body of the guard who had worked there before lay in pieces on
the floor. Karina sighed. "I'm beginning to see a pattern, I think." "Yeah, me
too," She responded. "Maybe we should be heading in the opposite direction," Kar
ina suggested. "No," Natalie answered. "We've already been there. There is nothi
ng." "Fine. But I don't want to end up in pieces, or half eaten." "Agreed," Nata
lie smiled. "Let's get the fuck out of here." "Okay."
[ The Gathering ]
There was a gathering 7 miles down the road from where Natalie and Karina were.
A large, well built man stepped forward and spoke. "They are coming," His deep v
oice echoed. "Let them come," Another smaller man answered. "I want their flesh!
" "I want them first!" A woman stepped forward, wearing a dark, tight shirt, lon
g black pants, and a pair of boots. Her face held a scar across her cheek. A kni
fe was kept at her side, and a nine millimeter holstered in front of her crotch.
"Bring them to me first, and then, you can have your meal." Each smiled at the
thought of bodies cooking, and the screams they would hear as these two unsuspec
ting women roasted over a fire. A tear trickled down the side of the lone womans
cheek, and the two men looked as it happened. The woman turned away and entered
through the middle of them before walking 56

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint into a doorway to a small building. The men
looked on in the direction of where they expected the two women to enter.
[ Enter Night ]
Natalie and Karina stretched their legs over the seats of their bikes and starte
d them up. The engines roared as they took off west towards the next town. Befor
e long, Natalie had doubts and pulled over. Karina stopped just to her left. "Wh
at's wrong?" "Don't you think that it is very strange that the last few places w
e have been, there are dead bodies?" Natalie said, reflecting. "Yes. I do." Kari
na answered. "But, you don't think..." Karina trailed off. "I don't know what to
think, Karina. I think that we must be careful," Natalie's tone changed. She gr
ipped the handle to her pistol, trying to remain calm. "Okay. We'll take cover i
n the hills over there," Karina planned, "And if there are any buildings that st
and, we'll avoid them." "Well now, I think that might work, lover." Karina smile
d, and looked back towards the long road ahead.
[ Waiting ]
"Where are they?" The lone woman called out. The small group took shelter inside
the small building, keeping themselves from sight. They 57

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint planned on an ambush as soon as the two arr
ived, however, they were nowhere near. "Fuck!" The little man shouted. "Let's go
after them!" The woman reached forward and backhanded the little guy across the
mouth, breaking what little teeth that he had left. The large man said to the w
oman, "Rose, I can search for them. They may be close and know our plans." "Do i
t, but make sure that you aren't seen, Jacob," Rose answered. "Food is hard to c
ome by, and I cannot go another day without it," She finished. Jacob left the bu
ilding through a small hole in the rear. To Avoid being seen at all costs, he op
ened a shaft that led underground, and began a walk-through of a long tunnel tha
t ran directly to a shack located in the center of the hills. As he reached the
end, he climbed a steel ladder up to an opening inside a small brick room. He wa
lked over to a small wooden door that suffered from years of rot and use. He pul
led it open almost tearing it away from the wall, and he entered the small space
that was the shack. His eyes grew in anger as he peered through the cracks of t
he walls toward the outside. He noticed, maybe 100 feet away, the two women laid
down and was peering off towards the little building that occupied Rose and com
pany. Being as quiet as possible, Jacob crept outside the door, knowing that one
creak would attract their attention and cause them to run. As he walked slowly
towards the women, he spotted two motorcycles just off to the women's right. He
kept going and as he approached them, Karina turned her head and was about to sc
ream when Jacob swung and caught the side of her face with his large fist. Natal
ie jumped and reached for her pistol, but as she tried to aim, Jacob had knocked
her out as well. Jacob grabbed onto both women's legs and drug them down to the
small building where he knew Rose would be pleased.
[ Familiar Faces ]
Karina and Natalie were hanging upside down in a room to themselves. The rope th
at held them by their legs was old, but still strong to carry their weight. As N
atalie woke, her eyes caught a glimpse of someone standing at the doorway. Her e
yes focused. A woman began to talk. 58

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Well hello there," An angered, but calm vo
ice spoke to her. "I'm going to cut to the chase, or lack thereof," She giggled.
"I'm going to taste you, and hmmm, maybe more," The woman licked her lips. "Aft
er that, they are going to eat you too, although, it won't be as pleasurable to
you as it will for them." Natalie shook trying to break free, but, the rope was
strong. Karina's eyes opened as well, and she began to struggle. "As for your fr
iend, they can have her first," Rose said as she removed a knife from her belt a
nd swung it at Karina, cutting into her stomach and watched as blood spilled to
the floor. "Noooooooooo!" Natalie screamed at Rose. "You fucking cunt!" "My what
words," Rose grinned. As she said this she looked into Natalie's eyes, and noti
ced something. "I know you. I have seen you before," Rose repeated. "You was the
little girl that was with the older lady, I remember." Natalie cried heavy tear
s as she watched her lover and friend die just two feet away. Jacob entered the
room quickly. "Rose, we must go! The dead are coming and we have to find shelter
." His voice echoed. Rose began to weep in her hands. "No, Jacob," She spoke thr
ough her hands, "Stay here with me." "But rose....." Jacob stepped forward. "Ple
ase! Let her go too," She said to him. "Okay," He answered, cutting Natalie loos
e. As Natalie fell to the floor, she hurried towards the body of her love. "Go,
get the fuck out of here!" Rose screamed at Natalie. Jacob knelt beside Rose and
cradled her small frame in his big arms. The little guy entered and rushed to g
rab Karina's dangling body when Natalie grabbed a knife near her and swung it at
the man, penetrating his own stomach, and raising him two inches into the air.
Blood splattered onto the floor below, and tears still ran down her face. The li
ttle mans body fell to the floor and he remained there, dead. With a swift slice
, she cut through the rope and held onto Karina's body as it fell down into her
arms. Without a word, she tossed her onto her shoulder, and left the room. As sh
e walked out towards the exit, she opened the door, and walked outside. A motorc
ycle, older but in perfect shape, rest behind a tarp. It had a sidecar built ont
o it, and it was perfect to hold Karina. 59

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Natalie placed her body into the sidecar, a
nd took a quick look around her. She heard moans and noticed a very large group
of zombies rushing closer to the building. Natalie hopped onto the bike, and sta
rted it up. A roar exited the muffler, and Natalie wasted no time in racing off
down the road looking for closure to the nights defeat. As she was already in th
e far off distance from the spot where Rose and Jacob were left, she heard gunsh
ots and screams as the dead had overrun the hideout where they were. Tears had w
elled in Natalie's eyes again, and she realized that she was alone once more. Wi
thout anything left to live for, it would make her stronger, and she would fight
hard if she came across her enemies again.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

"Where were you on the night of February 3rd, at approximately 9:45 pm?" A tall,
thin detective echoed from across the table. "Well, let me see," A young, sexua
lly alluring woman responded, "I was with a man in my hotel suite." "I don't bel
ieve that," Boomed the detective, trying desperately to find any signs of sweat
from the young lady. "I have alibis, Detective, but you already know that don't
you?" The ladies lips quivering, not from nervousness, but from recalling the ni
ght in question. The detective swallowed. "We have witness testimony stating tha
t you were there during the murder of two Executives who worked for the Isaacs C
orporation." "Oh really?" Her voice sarcastic, and sensual in tone. "Miss Adoux.
.." "Please, Detective..." She waited for his response. "Binns." "Detective Binn
s. Call me Lexxi, or Lexx as I prefer." She winked at him, and he stared in her
eyes for what seemed like minutes. "Okay, Lexx, we have you on security cam. Wit
ness testimonies match exactly what was seen on tape." "Detective Binns....." "P
lease, call me Nigel," He stammered. "Indeed," She whispered. "Would you like to
know what I did on the night of February 3rd?" She asked, smiling.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Enlighten me." "I threw a small party. Som
e well known guests, including a one Professor Abel, and Tony Rummle whom you kn
ow well as the Governor's closest friend and adviser." "Yes, we had tried to spe
ak with them both, but they're not talking," Binns commented. "You should know b
etter to ask men of such stature, dirty questions in the public eye." "Dirty?" "
Yes. Might I have a cigarette?" Lexx asked the Detective. "Of course," He replie
d, and gave her a cigarette, lighting it after she placed the butt to her lips.
"So, Natalie, a very dear friend of mine had called me telling me that she would
be late showing. I had already set her up with a man that I have never met. Rhy
s Vernon. An....interesting character, he was. He entered the hotel room and imm
ediately grabbed the attention of everyone in it. After a few hours of trying to
call Natalie, we gave up. There was not even a call back to say that she couldn
't make it." "Natalie Hart, correct?" "Yes, that is correct." "Yes, we have call
records stating that you indeed placed over half dozen calls to her cell phone
between the hours of 7pm and 9:15pm. Also, we have a copy of the evening reserva
tions list from the hotel, and your name is on it. Signed and dated." "Isn't tha
t proof enough, Detective?" "Not exactly," He paused, "You see, the murders of t
he two Executives happened between 9:30pm and 10pm. While there had been nobody
in the lobby between those times, witnesses state that you were seen directly in
front of the hotel building before taking a cab to the corner of Herman street
and Willow Blvd. From there, you walked to Isaacs Square, and entered the buildi
ng. You had plenty of time to commit these murders." Lexx took another hit from
her cigarette. The smoke lifted into the air 62

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint as she exhaled the cloudy smoke into the ro
om. "So, Rhys had offered to stay at the party. "Wait it out," He stated. At fir
st, I was unsure, because, I love my friend Natalie dearly. I wouldn't dream of
ever taking her man away. Since she never called, I just took that as she was no
t interested and I let Rhys stay." Lexx re-positioned herself more comfortably,
and slid into position so she was slightly exposed to Detective Binns. Detective
Binns caught a glance and saw through his eyes, Lexx wore nothing underneath he
r skirt. Her shaved slit made his cock hard inside his pants. He moved to the si
de to hide his erection. "Why, Nigel, is that for me?" Lexx smiled, and licked h
er top lip slowly. "So what happened next?" Nigel hurriedly changed subject. "So
, Rhys talked to me for a few minutes, and he was persistent in his words. At ti
mes he gazed into my eyes, and I felt hypnotized; unable to breathe when he talk
ed. His voice was perfection, and his body intense and sexual. I caught myself s
tuttering quite a few times, and I grew very silent when he took my hand and led
me into my room. My heart skipped a few beats. His hand embraced the softness o
f my cheek, and he said to me, "You're beauty can only be matched by the smile t
hat comes with it." Before I knew it, his lips were pressed deep to mine, and ou
r tongues began swirling inside each other's mouths. I melted in his arms, and b
efore I knew what was happening, I laid next to him in my bed. His tongue moved
to my neck, and he licked under my earlobes. His fingers slipped easily up my sk
irt, and entered my wet pussy. I moaned loud, and I wanted people to hear me. I'
m not sure if anyone did. He kissed, and inched his way down to the top of my ch
est, and reached behind me to unclasp my bra. His tongue did wonders for my body
." "Have you ever had such an intense orgasm after just a few strokes?" Lexx ask
ed the Detective. "Ahem," Nigel coughed, "So, continue." Lexx giggled, and conti
nued. "I felt an orgasm build inside me, and I was so close to release. My soaki
ng wet cunt was hot, and after just a few more strokes in and out, I came. The f
eeling was more than I could bare, and I squirted juices a few 63

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint feet into the air. I quivered, and begged h
im for more. His tongue began licking my now exposed nipples, and I ran my small
hands under his shirt to feel the tone of his muscles. Without taking his eyes
away from mine, he removed his shirt and threw it aside. By this time, he moved
down my stomach, kissing just below my belly button and began to slide off my sk
irt, kissing further down as he did so. My hands grasped just behind his head, a
nd I pulled him into my pussy, forcing his tongue to lick me good. He could tast
e me completely, and I moaned as he delighted in pleasuring my cunt well. slidin
g back up to the top of my breast, I grabbed the side of his face and brought hi
m near for the most passionate, mouth watering kiss I have ever enjoyed. As our
tongues danced, I unbuttoned his pants, and together we slid them down to the fl
oor. Circling his thick, ten-inch cock, I stroked his shaft and each stroke I pu
lled him close to me. I wanted him in my mouth first, but, my pussy was dripping
with anticipation. I wanted him deep inside me. All ten inches," Lexx cooed. De
tective Binns could hardly stand it, and nearly walked out for a few moments. "A
re you leaving me, Nigel?" Lexx asked, knowing that her testimony had gotten int
o his mind, and made him hunger for her now wet slit. "No. Of course not," He wh
ispered. "Please continue." Lexx began to slowly stroke her pink pussy as she co
ntinued. "His breath at ease as he spoke softly to me. "How bad do you want me,
Baby?" Rhys asked, staring into my eyes. I could feel the heat from his naked bo
dy radiating. I never answered; his ten inch long cock entered my waiting hole,
and I screamed aloud in pleasure, calling his name. It hurt just a little, but I
was far from focus on that. My thoughts were completely on how well he thrust h
is cock in my tight wet pussy." Lexx stroked her pussy up and down as she contin
ued. "I was breathless, having never been fucked so good. His eyes stared into m
ine. His heart beat fast as mine did. Each thrust he gave me, I equaled in respo
nse. The inside of my slippery hole pulled onto his dick as he pushed inward, an
d pulled outward. I screamed, "Fuck me harder, Rhys!" his hips slapped the insid
e of my thighs. He leaned in and kissed me. I could taste my juices still caked
on his lips and tongue. His right hand slipped under the back of my head, raisin
g it up to allow me a sweeter kiss. I came with the most intense orgasm yet, and
soon after he released deep inside me. The pressure hit the walls inside hard,
and it drove me wild. The only thing that exited his lips were, "Oh my God." I f
lipped 64

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint myself over and slid down his stomach, taki
ng his cock into my mouth and sucking him off hard. I could taste his salty swee
t cum as it tickled my taste buds. His hand pulled my hair, bringing me closer t
o his shaft, and allowing me to feel the tip touch my tonsils." "Of course, we h
ad to rest a few," Lexx paused and noted. Detective Binns became silent, sweatin
g slightly, and doing his best to remain professional. "Do you need a hand with
something, Detective?" Lexx gave a mock stern look, then smiled, licking her lip
again. Nigel's erection was beyond obvious. He slid into a chair, and calmly re
sponded, "Continue." "It felt like love. His hand held mine and we lay there fee
ling the power of sex we both had just shared. Rest did not last long, and he tu
rned over, licking down my stomach before plunging deep into my pussy with his t
ongue. He licked, and ate my pussy like you could not believe. I moaned, and str
uggled to gain composure. The feel was overwhelming. I was wet still when he sta
rted, and before long, more juices added to the flavor. He bit, and sucked on my
clit. His tongue ring nestled in my cunt, and it felt so fucking good. I begged
for more of his thick cock inside my wet pussy. His hunger grew, and he obliged
. In no time, he was pounding against me. My ass jiggled rough as he beat agains
t me fucking my sopping wet slippery pussy harder and faster. I could almost fee
l him inside my stomach, and enjoyed every thrust he gave to my fuck hole. I beg
ged, and pleaded for him to cum for me. "Cum in my pussy, Baby!" I screamed to h
im. With a sharp thrust, stabbing me deep he screamed loud and came deep inside
my pussy. I squirmed and pulled his ass close to me so he could fill me up with
his sticky fluids. Dressing slow, taking little time to admire the sexuality of
our naked bodies, he whispered to me, "Until next time." I thought to myself tha
t there definitely will be a next time." "Are you okay, Detective?" "Fine," He m
anaged. Lexx slowly rose from her seat, and walked around the table towards Dete
ctive Binns. He eased his way up; erection in full view. "You want to fuck me, D
etective?" Lexx whispered, knowing that he wanted her very bad. Before he could
say a word, Lexx moved close, rubbing her right hand over the bulge in his pants
. Her lips only an inch from his. 65

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "You want my pussy, Detective?" Lexx whispe
red again. "I, uh," Nigel stuttered. The door opened and Lexx backed away giggli
ng. "Detective," a short man called to Nigel, "I have to speak with you," He fin
ished. Nigel and the other Detective exited the room, and talked to each other i
n the hallway. "We got nothing on her, Nigel. Every bit of information checks ou
t. We have credit card records and her signature on room service receipts, as we
ll as over a dozen people stating that she was indeed at the hotel all night." "
No, that can't be," Nigel responded. "Nigel, we even have a video that shows Mis
s Adoux and company having sex on the night and time in question." "How did that
happen?" "Unknown for sure," The other Detective answered. "Looks like someone
at the party recorded the whole session. It was sent with no name, address, or a
ny other personal information." "Fuck!" Nigel screamed, swinging a heavy fist in
to the wall. "Miss Adoux's lover is here to pick her up. I'm sorry Nigel." The t
wo men opened the door, and called to Lexx. "Alexis Adoux, you are free to go ho
me." Lexx rose from her seat, and exited the room, stopping to whisper softly in
to Nigel's ear just loud enough for him to hear. "Until next time, lover." Her h
ead turned to the exiting direction and she jumped into the arms of Rhys as he g
reeted her. The couple turned, and left the building. "Nigel, upon looking into
Miss Adoux's files, I noticed that she has a twin sister. It's possible that she
could be our killer. Would you like to pursue her as a suspect? "Yes, but I thi
nk I need a few minutes, uh, to think," Nigel answered. 66

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

High school was just another trip for Sara, Jessica, Philip, Adriana, and June.
Now that high school was over, they started college. Philip being the only male
in the group, seemed not shaken by being surrounded by all females. He loved the
company of girls, and even the older women. This being said, he has had sex wit
h three of the four girls in his group, all except for June. It's not like he ha
sn't tried or did everything he could to do so. June, was different from the oth
er girls. Smart, kind of nerdy. She wore glasses, always wore skirts well below
her knees. T-shirts usually instead of blouses, and, having recently came out, a
lesbian. The rest of the group......goth. But many a man cannot resist the nerd
y ones. You never do know what you will get. Heightens the pleasure so they say.
But June wouldn't have any of Philip's dirty ways. "Did you hear what happened
to Philip the other night?" the other three girls chattered among themselves. "T
otally rejected." "By who?" One asked. "June." Another answered. "So sad." The l
ast one replied. "Sad? Why? Philip ain't all that ya know." "I know. I fucked hi
m." "Shit bitch. You ain't telling me nothing new." The girls continued to talk
among themselves. June walked toward the crowd, and the girls pulled her in hugg
ing and beginning other conversations with her. June felt happy, but began to th
ink about the girls naked and her caressing each one of them. Tonguing and suckl
ing their nipples. She sighed in ecstasy. The girls paid attention. What June di
dn't know was that the other three secretly wanted to fuck her. Spending many ni
ghts thinking about it, the girls wanted to know the feel of another girl. June
was the one they chose. "Did you just make a sound, June?" one asked. 67

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "" June replied, trying to chang
e the subject. "How is everybody doing in English?" She began, rambling on. "Oh
I'm.....doing well." "Me too." "Three!" they all replied. Adriana took a long ha
rd look up and down June's body. Sara imagined being eaten out by June in her be
d with music blasting in the background. Jessica licked her lips, and thought qu
ite the opposite of Sara. Jessica wanted to do the eating. She felt her groin mu
scles tingle and her pussy begin to drip in her panties. "Well girls, you all do
remember what tonight is right?" Adriana spoke up. June looked puzzled. She cou
ldn't remember, until Jessica chimed in with the answer. "Costume party!" She ye
lled. "My house at 10 pm sharp." Adriana said, turning her head towards June. "B
ut, I don't have a costume." she replied feeling ashamed. "Oh it's okay hun. Wea
r all black. Anything you want." sara said sounding a little naughty. Philip wal
ked over to the crowd and made his way into the conversation. "Did I hear costum
e party? He asked. "Uh...yyyyeah. It''s....." "It's at my house." Sara i
nterrupted Adriana. "Yeah. 10 o'clock on the dot. "Rite on!" Philip burst. He lo
oked at the girls and said,"See you there." The girls watched him walk away, and
once out of sight, June asked,"Why did you tell him it's at your house Sara?" S
ara answered,"Don't worry. Nobody's home. My mother is out of town."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Yeah," Adriana spoke up,"Um, just a little
joke we're playing." "Right," Jessica agreed. "Alright. I'll believe you." June
responded. They all said goodbye's for now and walked away in different directi
ons to get ready for the night. [ Later That Night ] June arrived at Adriana's h
ouse dressed in a long black skirt, a black band shirt she stole from her older
brother, dark makeup, heels, and some goth gear she found in her brothers room a
while back. They weren't her brothers, but she thought maybe it was from one of
the girls he was fucking at the time. June still kept on her glasses. She never
wore contacts, and the glasses seemed to go real well with the outfit. It wasn'
t much, but for her costume, she was someone different. Someone other than her u
sual self. June walked up to Adriana's door, and rang the bell. No response. She
knocked a few times, and noticed the sounds of rock music blaring in the backgr
ound. June opened the door, and entered the house. Nobody was present, but the n
earby hallway was lit up leading the way it seemed to someplace. June followed.
Perhaps instinct, or possibly unsure of exactly what to do. She followed to the
end of the hallway, but, there were three doors. Each door read a certain name.
to the left, it read 'Adriana.' To the right, it read Sara.' Dead center straigh
t ahead, 'Jessica.' June wasn't exactly sure of what the hell was going on, but
gulped and entered the first door, at her left. Adriana's room. Although, it rea
lly wasn't her room. Hers was really the opposite room. But entered she did none
theless. "Come in June." a voice called from the dimly lit room. Coming from the
bed. It was Adriana's. Yes, her voice very distinct and can be picked quickly f
rom a crowd of girls. "I've been waiting for you." "Did I miss something?" asked
June. "Did the party end so soon? Did I scare anyone away?" She wondered. "No.
Not at all. This, my dear, is the party." Replied Adriana. "Now I'm definitely l
ost." She muttered. 69

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh, I think you will find you are in the r
ight place, and definitely at the right time." "I see." "We're gonna play a litt
le game. It has three parts." Adriana said. "There are no rules. So, you will no
t have to worry about anything." "Uhh...okay" June spoke. "So let me guess, thre
e parts, three girls?" She stopped to ask. "Ah, very good."
Adriana commented. "I think I get it." "Uh huh." "Why?" June asked. "Oh girl, w
e always wanted to know what it's like. And you are the one we all chose to be o
ur first." "Huh?" "Close your eyes. Relax, and let's make it happen." June close
d her eyes, laid her body down on the soft bed, and relaxed. Adriana's hands mov
ed slowly over June's breast and leaned over to share a first kiss with her. Her
lips were soft to the touch, her breath like that of an angels and June's heart
beat faster at each gentle touch. Adriana parted June's lips and pushed her ton
gue in with ease to wiggle her tongue and share a long, deep and intense French
kiss. June moaned with pleasure. Adriana obliged with a sensual kiss on the neck
. Moving to the ear and nibbling a bit. "Oh...God! That feels so good." June coo
ed. Adriana straddled June's midsection and slowly pulled off her shirt. Her bre
ast small but soft, and her nipples stood out with perfection. Adriana kept all
eyes on June, and June did the same. Adriana wore a pair of pink and black panti
es, and un-straddled June to remove them. Leaning to one side, she slipped her f
ingers in each side. Pulling them slowly down, she revealed her wet, open pussy
to June. Lightly trailed with peach fuzz, which added to the flavor. 70

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh Adriana, you're turning me on." "Good.
That's how I want it." June leaned over and started to kiss up and down Adriana'
s stomach, inching her way to the belly button before plunging her tongue deep i
nto the pink hole of Adriana's sopping wet pussy. The taste was so good, so fres
h. Having her fair share of it, she hasn't quite tasted a cunt like Adriana's be
fore. June's tongue wiggled and dug deeper into Adriana's hot snatch and the mor
e she did, the more the sounds and smells of sex rose high in the air. June rose
up and slowly and seductively lifting the shirt over her head and knocking the
glasses off her face. Adriana grabbed them and slid them back on for her. "Keep
these on baby." She replied. "Thanks." June having no bra on, Unbuttoned the sid
e of her long skirt and slid it off her hips and down her legs before the skirt
came completely off. She slid her fingers into the sides of her panties about re
ady to slip them off, when Adriana stopped to look at them. "Emily the Strange,
huh?" Adriana asked. "My favorite." June replied. "Niiiiice." June slid them off
and revealed her clean shaven light pink center, oozing with juices and ready t
o be licked. Adriana happily obliged, and dove down licking and sucking and pull
ing on June's buttocks squeezing and pulling closer and harder. June did not hes
itate to cum in Adriana's mouth. The sticky wet and salty flavor drove Adriana c
razy. She slipped a few fingers into June's pulsing cunt and finger fucked her t
o a second orgasm, and again licked up the juices. "Cum in my mouth, baby." Adri
ana Demanded. "Ughhh, Oh God!" June came harder than ever into her mouth. Lickin
g her lips and tasting the flavor, sticky sweet cum slid slowly down Adriana's t
hroat. Her throbbing hole open and begging for a round two. 71

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Adriana flipped her body around and straddl
ed June's face in a full 69 position. They both began to lick deep into each oth
ers slits and taste each other with delight and more pleasure. As they continued
their necks and heads slipped closer and harder as they rocked and fucked each
others faces exploding with intense multiple orgasms. They fell back onto the be
d nearly crying from their sexual workout. "That was hot, June. Time for the nex
t part." Adriana said almost out of breath. [ Philip's Encounter ] Philip walked
up to the front door of Sara's house. He didn't hear any music, and there weren
't any lights on, but he knocked again. The living room light came on, and the f
ront door opened slowly. Neither Sara, Adriana, Jessica, nor June answered. Ther
e in the doorway stood Sara's mom. Standing at 5'10" and wearing a short pink ni
ghtie, Philip gave in to the hot, sexy sight of her fit, sleek frame. Her breast
s nearly jumped out at Philip and he could feel a hardness growing in his pants.
"Can I help you?" Sara's mom spoke. "Uh, I'm here for the costume party." Phili
p muttered. "Well, you've been tricked. No party here, Philip." "Oh, well damn."
"What are you supposed to be anyways?" She asked. "Uh, haha. Uhm, a pimp." He a
nswered. "You look like a purple pecker with a hat, Philip." She giggled. "But i
t's okay." "Well, uhm. I didn't know what to be." He said embarrassed. "You're f
ine, hun." Sara's mom replied. "Would you like to come inside, and, sit down for
a few?" "Sure, I guess I could do that." He answered feeling a bit happier. "Th
anks misses, Uhm..." 72

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Please," She interrupted," Call me Anita."
"Anita. That's a nice name, Misses......oops...Anita." He stammered. "Why thank
you sweetie." She replied. "May I get you a drink?" "Wow. Yes, please." "What w
ould you like?" Anita asked. "Uhm, a Jack and Coke?" He said, wondering if she w
as really going to get it. Anita smiled and walked into the next room standing a
t the bar. She poured the whiskey into a clear ice filled glass, and bent over t
o reach into a small cabinet to collect a can of coke. Philip noticed Anita wasn
't wearing any panties and leaned closer as if to get closer to her now visible
slit. Anita popped the top of the can and poured it into the glass filling it al
most to the top. She turned, just as Philip jumped back trying to seem not so su
spicious, and carried the glass to the room where Philip sat. She handed him the
glass and he thanked her. He tilted the glass to his lips and took a sip. Tasty
. Before he could say anything else, Anita got on her knees in front of Philip,
unzipped his pants and stuck her hand inside wiggling around and grabbed a hold
of his now hard cock. "Ah, I knew it." She said. She jerked on him and licked th
e tip sending Philip's head back in a sudden state of lust. Anita lips suckled o
n his thick shaft and she began sucking him off filling her mouth with more cock
than air. She gagged while deep throating him to the balls, but never stopped.
"Suck me hard, Anita." Philip said pulling her hair and thrusting into her face.
"Choke me!" Anita commanded. "Choke me and make me suck your cock harder!" Phil
ip wrapped his hands around her throat, but not too tight, and choked off light
air while pounding her face making her suck him hard. Her hands pulled on to his
buttocks and Philip shot a thick load of sperm into Anita's mouth. He kept slam
ming into her, but loosened his grip and instead yanked and pulled at Anita's ha
ir. She screamed in pleasure and bit lightly on his large erection.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Fuck my pussy to orgasm right now, bitch!"
She demanded, making Philip ejaculate onto Anita's face. She licked up around h
er mouth and did her best to clean up sucking her fingers and rubbing her clit.
Philip kissed her mouth tasting the salty flavor of his cum leaking down her che
eks. Two words sprang from Anita's mouth, and these words lit a fire in Philip.
His eyes opened wide, and his grin grew wider. The words were, "Hurt me!" Philip
pushed Anita down onto the floor, ripped off her nightie and the rest of his cl
othing, and slipped his dick between her legs rubbing the juices around and thru
sting hard and deep inside her. Her pussy opened and invited him inside her. His
sex organ pushed and at times felt so hot that he might cum into her womb. He b
eat hard against her and smacked her face driving Anita crazy and making her scr
atch deep into the flesh on Philip's chest. He screamed, but only for a moment.
Philip lifted the right leg of Anita's and drilled his 7 inch cock into her drip
ping pussy. Anita moaned louder and louder as she stimulated her clit while Phil
ip kept his rhythm in fucking her and beating into her with his thick manhood. "
Fuck my ass!" she said, kissing his mouth and licking his lips. "I never done th
at before." he admitted. Anita smacked him across the mouth, and Philip decided
it was gonna happen now. He lifted her up slightly and rubbed her pussy getting
the juices ready and rubbed her anal hole lubricating it. He slipped his dick in
side her rectum and at first eased slow. His pace quickened and he filled her ho
le thrusting harder and rubbed her clitoris hard making her moan loud with inten
se sexual pleasure. She bobbed and rocked back and forth and screamed, "Cum in m
y ass. Fuck it! Cum inside me." Philip released an incredible thick load into An
ita's hole and kissed her hard as his last spurts shot out filling her up. Anita
smiled and Philip lie next to her, kissing her lips and stroking her hair. "Tha
t was the most amazing sex I have ever had, Anita." He admitted. "Let's have a f
ew drinks to toast, hun." Anita again smiled and said. "Of course."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint [ Ready For Room two ]

June, opened the door of the first room, walked through reentering the hallway,
and closed the door behind her. Two rooms left, and it's time to make a decision
on which one is next. Looking back and forth she rest her eyes on the next name
. 'Sara.' June put her hand on her chest and collected her thoughts. With her ot
her hand, she opened the door across from the previous room, and stepped inside
to a pink lit room with a large bed, pillows low music and Sara. As June walked
completely in and shut the door, she noticed Sara Leaning back on both arms, wea
ring only a black band T shirt. Her legs leaning to one side in front of her. Ju
ne inched her way closer herself also wearing a black shirt. Sara moved her legs
and opened them slowly. She held them a short length apart and June kept her ey
es on Sara's midsection. Sara's shaved pussy came into view and the soft, pink f
olds of her nether-lips clung together lightly in a haze of absolute perfection.
June slid her right index and middle fingers down past her own pubic bone, and
slowly began to massage her clit. Her left hand reached for her hole and slid in
with ease. Sara took in the sight before her, and opened her legs completely in
viting June in for a taste. As June climaxed and juices dripped down from her fi
ngers, Sara got up off the bed and took them into her mouth, tasting the flavors
she has been craving. June reached down, and slid her other hands between Sara'
s legs. Sara's clitoris stuck out waiting to be touched, and June did so. June k
nelt before Sara and opened Sara's vagina to explore the caverns of her smooth,
pink hole. June's tongue began to probe and penetrate deep into her inviting sli
t and Sara moaned in ecstasy sliding her fingers through June's hair. She let he
r tongue lick on the outside lubricating the outer labia and twiddling the folds
with her tongue. "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!" Sara moaned, thrusting into Ju
ne's face relishing a hard sexual climax. June opened her mouth to drink and swa
llow all that Sara had ejaculated. "mmmm, delish." June cooed. As June licked th
e remains from her lips, Sara lay on the bed holding onto two dildos. One pink,
the other a light blue. She held them out for June to choose which one she wante
d fucking her. She chose pink, as she wanted to fuck Sara's slot with the blue o

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint They lay in 69 position next to each other
and slid them in at the same time. Sara licked June's juicy center and pushed th
e pink dildo into her hole. Her tongue feeling super wet, tapped and tickled Jun
e's clitoris making her jump and shake a little at each feeling. It was intense
and she returned the favor by opening her mouth up wrapping it around Sara's pus
sy as she sucked hard and then returned to penetrating her with the light blue f
uck stick provided. June moved forward and pulled Sara's legs down so her ass wa
s in her face, and as she banged Sara's cunt with the blue dick stick, she slowl
y licked around Sara's asshole before plunging her tongue into it sending Sara i
nto a rave of extra pleasure. She humped June's hand as she came, but kept going
without stopping as three more orgasms came over her body and sent sticky fluid
s leaking onto June, the dildo and the sheets. She let June pop her tongue in an
d out of her ass and June let go a rush of cum as Sara slowly licked the borders
of June's puffy, sexed vagina. Both girls moaned uncontrollably as pleasures ne
ver before felt by either rushed over them, leaving them breathless. As both rel
axed for a few moments, Sara said, "June, I want more. But it's now time for the
last room." "Okay." June responded. They kissed each other and licked their lip
s. June got up and put on her shirt and walked towards the door. [ What's Behind
Door Number 3? ]
June opened the bedroom door and walked through to the empty dimly lit hallway c
losing the room door behind her. She was back at the beginning. One room left. J
une faced the center door now being the only one left. Without hesitating, June
turned the knob and entered room 3. It was the master bedroom. Much larger and c
ozy. A king sized bed straight ahead with matching brown bed clothes and quilt.
Sitting on top was Jessica, wearing sexy black panties and matching top. She loo
ked shy, and June walked closer sitting next to Jess and held onto her hand. "Ar
e you okay, Jess?" June asked. "I'm sorry. Just nervous. I don't want to ruin th
is. I've never been 76

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint with another girl." She spilled. "It's okay
." June said to make her feel at ease. "I brought this. Will you use it?" Jess a
sked, holding a strap on dildo up for her. June grabbed a hold of it, and said,
"Yes." "It will make me feel better. Maybe I will feel better and not use it lat
er." Jess said. June removed her shirt, and slipped on the strap on. "I will do
my best to make it very pleasurable for you, Jess." She assured. "Okay." Turn ar
ound and bend over on your knees." She said, being easy. Jess turned around and
leaned over in doggy position on the bed. June ran her hand down Jess' backside
and pulled her panties to one side revealing her hot peach fuzz slit. She slid h
er fingers down and slowly eased one finger, then two inside of Jess. She jumped
at first, but then relaxed and let her continue. Jess began to drip wetness fro
m her hole. June's fingers rubbed and lubricated around the edges. She raised up
holding Jess' hips and slipped the strapped cock into Jess with ease. Jess moan
ed. Her eyes closed trying to think of any guys face. June rubbed Jess' hips hel
d her shoulders and pumped hard into her. "UHH!" Jess cried. Her thoughts slowly
changing. She knew she wanted this. June's face replaced that of any guys face
she was previously thinking of. She moaned more, and June thrust her weight hard
er into Jess'. The pleasure was almost unbearable, and Jess shot a stream down t
he thick fuck stick, as it leaked down its shaft and dribbled down June's inner
thighs. Now that Jess let go of her inhibitions and hung her guard in its closet
, she turned around and got on her knees. She grabbed the strapped shaft and stu
ck it in her mouth suckling off her juices and licking her lips. June pulled her
hair and kissed her mouth. A hot wave ran through Jess' body like a rush of bot
h adrenaline and lust. "Lay on your back, June. I wanna eat your pussy." She sai
d, feeling a sexual high like no other.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint June lay on her back. Her pussy hot and wet
waiting for Jess warm tongue to taste and fuck. Jess licked on June's clit push
ing and wiggling hard and fast. Her right hand index and middle fingers pushed l
ightly into June's rear while her left hand index finger probed her cunt hole. J
une screamed in pleasure and began to cry. The tears running down her face were
not from a bad pain, but from intense oral and anal satisfaction. Jess continued
to lick on June's clit and sucked on the outer lips of her mound. "Uhh, keep go
ing. Don't stop." she cried. Jess pulled her fingers from June's ass and her cun
t, and moved up to kiss June on her mouth. Their tongues flipped around and tast
ed each other in delight. A sound from the outside made them stop what they were
doing. They got up and put their shirts on, and walked out to the hallway. Sara
and Adriana met them. [ Surprise At The Door ]
"What was that?" Adriana said. A knock on the door made them jump a little, and
Sara called out from where she stood, "Who's there?" No response. The girls wres
tled up courage and walked towards the front door. Adriana grabbed a bat from th
e closet as they stopped, and prepared to open it up. Sara grabbed the handle, t
wisted it, and popped open the door fast as Adriana stood ready to whack anyone
who gave her any shit. "What the hell!" Philip jumped back screaming. The girls
stood in the doorway looking at him and wearing only their t shirts that barely
covered their buttocks and front. Outside it began to rain, and the thunder roar
ed in response to occasional lightning.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Can I come in?" Philip asked as he pulled
his shirt over his head to cover from the downpour. The girls didn't say a word,
but moved out of the way letting him in to dry. "So what's up?" Philip asked an
noyed. "I thought there was a party at Sara's." The girls left the room, leaving
Philip sitting on the couch by himself. "Stay!" Jessica commanded. "Woof!" Phil
ip replied. As the girls filled the hallway, they began to whisper amongst thems
elves. "I think I have an idea," Sara spoke. "Spill it!" Adriana replied. "June,
I think it's time you knew what it feels like to have a dick inside you." Sara
blurted. Having no idea what was going on, Philip continued babbling into the da
rkness waiting for them to come back in. "I wore my costume. I was a pimp, but d
oesn't matter. You Weren't there! I can't believe I was tricked. I went to every
one of your homes looking to see where you four really was. And here you all ar
e, hiding out and again leaving me alone." He continued to babble. The girls rem
ained still, and continued to talk about their idea. "I don't know, you guys." J
une spoke nervously. "Relax. You'll be fine." Adriana added. "He's already pract
ically begged you to fuck him. Giving it up to him will probably make him your b
itch." Sara said. "Yeah. He's got the biggest crush on you." Jessica said, addin
g to Sara's comment. "Really?" June said. "He is kinda cute for a guy.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Perfect. You'll do fine." Sara replied. He
'll fumble around and act like a kid in a candy store. But he'll make sure you a
re satisfied." "Yeah." "Second that." "Okay, here it goes." June said summoning
courage and walking slow towards the living room. After she walked away, Jessica
said, "Make sure she's satisfied? You must be crazy." "Oh, shut up. He may have
taken a while to finally make me cum, but, I did nonetheless." Sara finished. P
hilip was still mumbling as June entered the room. It was dark, except for a dim
light coming from a lamp Philip had turned on. Philip stopped talking as he see
n June walk towards him with only a shirt covering her naked frame. June stood u
p onto the cushions where Philip sat and lowered her clit onto Philip's face. Ph
ilip opened his mouth and slowly probed her hole and clitoris with his tongue. J
une rubbed herself up and down on his face as he slurped her juices gushing from
her orifice. The girls watched from the hallway as Philip and June began sharin
g each other for the first time. Adriana walked in and lowered herself in front
of Philip, unzipping his pants and wrestling them down around his ankles. Her sm
all hands encircled his hard cock and she started licking the tip, and sucking h
im off. Sara walked in and stood behind the couch and right in front of June. Sh
e leaned forward and pressed her lips into June's kissing her mouth and sucking
on her tongue. "Mmmm," June moaned. Outside the thunderstorm continued setting t
he mood for the perfect sex. Jessica entered the room, and helped Adriana suck o
n Philip's hard dick. As Sara continued to kiss June, Adriana and Jess set up Ph
ilip's cock to penetrate June's wet pink hole. Philip ate June's pussy wildly as
if he found buried treasure. As he eased up, the girls helped lower June onto P
hilip's lap, easing his cock in, and letting June feel the pleasures of a hard c
ock inside her. As they helped her out, the girls left the two to their own enco
unter as 80

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint they went to Adriana's room to play with ea
ch other. Philip felt the heat from June's drenched hole sliding up and down on
him. He thrust up as best he could to help her as she bounced on his lap. She le
aned down and kissed his mouth giving him a first kiss, and making him smile and
tingle all over. "I want to suck your dick." She said stopping for a second. Be
fore Philip could say a word, she lept from his lap and knelt between him taking
all of his cock into her mouth. She felt the textures of his penis as it slid i
n and out of her mouth, almost hitting her tonsils at each thrust. She kept goin
g. She could taste a mix of pre-cum and her pussy juice leaking down her throat.
"Do you like that?" June asked as she removed him from her mouth. "Yes. Keep go
ing." He said anxious to be inside her mouth again. "Nope," June said, teasing h
im, "If you want more, you have to beg." "Oh God, please oh please." Philip plea
ded. "I love you, June. I have always loved and wanted you." He added. June paus
ed. "Really?" she said sounding a bit shocked. "Yes, I always have." He said. Sh
e popped him back inside her mouth, and licked his head like a sucker, twirling
and swallowing him. Philip moaned and pulled her head lightly down on him. "If y
ou love me, cum in my mouth." She said demanding that he make it happen. Philip
lost it and shot spurts of thick white semen into her mouth. She invited it in a
nd swallowed it all leaving no drops behind. "Okay," June said staring at him, "
Fuck me now." Philip pushed her back onto the couch, as she smiled at him. He be
at on his cock getting it hard again for her. She stuck one finger deep inside h
er, pulled it out and sucked on it. Philip moaned and plunged into her slot fill
ing her with his now bulging erection.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Do you love me?" she asked. "Yes." he answ
ered. He thrust harder. "Do you want me?" She asked him. "More than anything." "
Fuck me then." She said pulling him into her as he slammed into her pounding her
pussy and shaking the couch. "Fuck me hard, Philip!" She demanded. He tore into
her cunt filling her with a load of cum. "Cum inside my pussy, baby!" she screa
med. "Fill me up." Philip indulged in the sounds of her screaming and wanting hi
s thick load buried deep inside her. Spurts of cum shot out and felt never-endin
g. He popped his dick out and stuck it in her mouth and shot one more stream of
jizz down her mouth. She licked up the nut and swallowed the rest. Philip breath
ed heavy as June lay feeling completely satisfied. She realized it was the best
sex she ever had. "Fuck me again!" she begged. Out of breath, but still holding
a huge erection, Philip once again dove in her pumping her cunt hard as he could
. Her legs wrapped around his back and she pumped herself on him. The intensity
was powerful, and her body quivered as he nestled deeper and deeper in her filli
ng her body with lust that completely took control. She yanked his head down mak
ing him suck on her tits. He pulled out, smacked his cock on her mound and thrus
t it back in. She cried out in pleasure. "Cum in me again." She cried. "Make me
a baby." Philip kept thrusting harder and deeper, satisfying her hole and giving
her another huge load of cum. It burst from him hard and shot deep inside her.
His body shook as he squeezed out what remained. "I love you too, Philip." she s
aid, pulling him close to hold. Their bodies lay holding each other for hours af

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint [ 8 Months Later ] June became pregnant, an
d was soon to give birth to twins. she married Philip, and still enjoyed the ple
asures of a females body. The group never left each others side and the five con
tinued sharing their bodies with one another. Jess and Sara hung out alone more,
spending their time fulfilling each others fantasies. They both gave up men. Ad
riana swings both ways and fucks the three and Philip at times. She visited Sara
's house, and started talking with Anita when Sara wasn't home. They began a rel
ationship, enjoying the fulfillment of an older woman. Anita is also pregnant. P
hilip told June about his encounter, and she forgave him since it was before the
y got together.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

I'm Danielle, and I'm 19. but what I am about to tell you happened last year. I
felt hornier than I have ever felt as I laid on an old couch resting up after a
breakup with my boyfriend. He was such a jerk. The pains were lost suddenly, and
the pleasures of ditching his ass have really turned me on. I let my hands run
up and down my stomach slowly, just enough to keep me going. My fingers beginnin
g to push inside my pants, and slowly on the outside of my panties. I was so hot
. So FUCKING hot. I could feel my hot juices thickening around the mound of my p
ussy, and I pulled one hand out and licked on my fingers. The sweet intoxicating
smell drove me wild, and I craved more. More of myself maybe? Or another girl?
So, I weighed my thoughts back and forth. I had never been with another girl bef
ore. Guys and cock was what I knew. Not to say I was a slut or anything, but I w
as told I gave the best head. I'm kind of proud of that in a weird way. I contin
ued to lay back and stick a finger or two inside my now dripping cunt. I was boi
ling under pressure. My body felt like a time bomb ready to explode. A few more
fingers. The feeling was intense. With one hand still massaging my sopping wet h
ole, my other slowly took off my clothes. Nobody was home, and won't be until la
ter tonight. I lie completely naked except for my socks. I had no intentions of
taking them off. My mind focused on my body. My left hand rubbed my nipples and
cupped my small but perky tits. I need to be fucked BAD! Oh God! I could feel it
. My right hand fingered my pussy faster and harder...the pressure was building.
I must have screamed out so many different things, I didn't know for sure. I'm
coming, I'M COMING! Suddenly, my best friend Kimmy opened the front door, and sa
id "I didn't even knock." Then she turned around and saw me laying on my back na
ked, with my hands inside me. "Oh my gosh," was all she could utter out of her m
outh. "Kimmy, I didn't know you was coming over today" Kimmy stood in a trance g
azing at my nakedness. I thought maybe I saw her even lick her lips, but I was u
nsure. She walked over to me, and I felt my body tingle. Kimmy began to take her
clothes off. I knew what she wanted. I was prepared to give it to her. 84

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "It's okay, Kimmy," I said to her, "You can
have me if you want me." I bit my lower lip as she stood before me naked. Her t
its slightly bigger than mine, and standing out to perfection. Her mound complet
ely shaved and inviting. I licked my lips. "I've been wanting this for so long."
She said in a low voice. She walked towards me and I grabbed her waist to lay h
er on top of me. Our faces met each others slits and we began to lick each other
slow, plunging our tongues into our creamy centers. The taste was sweet, and I
licked her faster as she flicked her tongue against my clitoris. The feeling was
too much and I had an orgasm. My pussy became slippery as Kimmy fought to lick
it all up. Our bodies rubbed against one another and I rubbed her pussy lips wit
h my fingers before diving in for more. It was her turn to orgasm as a thick cre
am seeped from her hole. It truly tasted sweeter than apple pie. I giggled as I
slurped and drank it down, licking my lips in thanks. We got up from the couch a
nd I pulled her arm. I opened the patio doors, and jumped into the pool. Kimmy f
ollowed. Our naked bodies glistened in the sun as water embraced us warmly. It f
elt so right. Kimmy swam towards me, kissing my lips and then down my neck. I ba
cked up, teasing her a bit as I hopped onto the side of the pool wall. She took
the hint and slid in between my legs to lick my pink slit. Her head lifted up an
d down as she wiggled her tongue faster and deeper. I almost slid off the wall a
nd fell into the water. Luckily, I didn't, as I held on. The magic of her mouth
fulfilling my desires. My cunt burst with another mess of sticky fluids. She smi
led, cleaning me up and pulling me back into the water. We swam naked for minute
s, before heading back inside to lay with one another. We have since became love
rs and I am now a lesbian. I couldn't ask for a better partner than my Kimmy.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

"Where did the love go?" I wondered to myself. That heartbreaking day Kimmy left
me for another girl. I felt my world come crashing down. The pain of losing the
one you love. It hurt me. It really hurt me bad. Every night, I would sit alone
and play songs that reminded me of her. Her eyes, her smell, and her feel. It w
as all I could do to bring myself that much closer to her. I tried, but the fact
was, she was gone. All that changed one day, two weeks ago, and one year after
Kimmy left me. This time, not with another girl, but with a man. And he was more
than my eyes could take in. Oh, he was so hot the day I first laid my eyes on h
im. Still is. Back to the facts. I had been staring into a wishing well, and wat
ching the shimmer of sun reflect from the ripples. A man came up to me, and toss
ed a coin in. "Make a wish," He spoke to me. I turned to see him. I literally ac
hed and came in my pants. I was rendered speechless. He laughed, but it was comf
orting. Then, he introduced himself. "I'm John," He said. "I'm Danielle, hi," I
felt like a dork. He just smiled at me. We walked along the path away from the w
ell, and had long conversations. He told me that he was 26, and had his own home
. Age was not important to me, anyways. I was 21, and could drink. So we did. Hi
s place, drinks, and his hot tub. The night was getting far more interesting tha
n I could ever have dreamed. "So tell me, why aren't you with anyone?" He began
asking me that inevitable question. I hesitated. Finally, I spoke. "I was." "Wha
t happened?" "She left me for another girl." "She?" He asked, surprised. "Yes, I
was a lesbian." "Was? And now?" His voice whispered as he began to rub my back,
neck and shoulders.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Now? Now, you tell me," I let go from my m
outh. That was all it took and soon, we were kissing, and rubbing each other sof
tly. His fingers slipped inside of me, and instantly, I became wet. I fell in su
ch a daze of lust that I didn't notice he carried me to his bed. The pillows nes
tled under my head as he kissed me up and down. His tongue was divine, and my ho
t pussy dripped with anticipation. I cooed. His breath on my neck made me feel s
o hot, and I slipped my hand down the front of his trunks. My right hand grabbed
hold of his erect cock, and I jerked his meat hard for him. He slipped my wet p
anties down from my legs and helped me with my bra. I didn't have a bathing suit
, so you could imagine why the alternates. My tits jiggled around as he licked a
nd sucked my nipples. He teased and loved them both. I grabbed his thick cock, a
nd pulled him into me. At first, I jumped because I haven't felt a cock inside m
e since I dated my ex-boyfriend. That, and John's prick was pretty big. The wall
s of my hot cunt wrapped around his thick shaft. At each stroke, he kissed my mo
uth. Our saliva mixed and tongues tangled in ecstasy. He delivered me the ultima
te pleasure: Multiple, and steady orgasms. My pussy was being fucked deep, as Jo
hn screwed my cunt rough. "I'm gonna fuckin' cum! Oh God, I'm gonna cum!" I crie
d. All I could think about was, "Is this for real?" and "When can we do it again
?" John continued to pound into me, slamming my cunt as I squirmed and moaned. W
ith a quick thrust, he came. I could feel the powerful shots tapping me on the i
nside. It was a sensational feeling. For the night, we rested. In the morning, w
e ate breakfast. Another terrific quality about him, he could cook. We took a ri
de along the strip. He was looking for new outfits, and offered to buy me a few
as well. I declined, but he insisted. He told me, "I'm not trying to buy your af
fection." I told him, "I know. You already have me if you want me." He smiled, a
nd said, "I definitely want." I smiled back. We were officially a couple. After
two weeks so far, we are making every day better than the last.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

ELLIE'S THOUGHTS (1) I have been lying in my bed all day, and my body is aching.
I just need to be touched, stroked, or maybe far more than either. I haven't ha
d sex in months, although I got really drunk at the bar and blew a stranger in t
he parking lot. Couldn't even enjoy it. Life pushes me along and doesn't even le
t me pause to get a big dick in my pussy. I crave it. I need it now. I figure, m
aybe tonight, a stranger will come (pun soooo intended). I'll have a few drinks,
but only enough to get a good buzz. Wet my lips, grab his cock, and suck it har
d. Oh God. I want it so bad. I'm watching a lame ass porn flick that isn't helpi
ng. I just wanna be fucked, licked, sucked, swallowed, teased...fuck it....I jus
t need raped. I was seeing a man not too long ago. He was a lawyer for a powerfu
l firm. Too bad....power is all in his work, not play. I will admit, he was a go
od eater. I loved the way he worked his tongue on my clit. It was almost enough
to keep him around. Almost. I needed something more. I need a man to love me and
make me hurt. Is that so much to ask for? When I was 18, fresh out of high scho
ol, I met a man who was in his early twenties. Handsome. Tall, tan, blond hair b
lue eyes. His name was Phillip. I remember it because I loved to make his name s
ound exotic. He gave me everything. His heart and soul. His body. He was an incr
edible lover. He literally made me cry on numerous occasions. I wanted it to las
t. He died the day after my 20th birthday. When I turned 21, I met a girl. It wa
sn't my intention. She walked up to me and we made small talk. Her brown eyes an
d dark complexion. Long dark hair. She made me wet in my pants. And it was all i
n her voice. We drank heavily, touched each other and made love all night. We da
ted for a few weeks, then she left me. I missed her. I was lonely. There was a m
an who I slept with one night. He was the ultimate lover. He sucked, fucked, abu
sed, and pleasured me every way possible. His name was Bo. I don't think it was
his real name though. But he could be whatever he wanted. He was a good fuck. I
didn't love him. But, I loved his cock. He provided me with everything I needed.
He treated me like his girl, and we weren't even dating. Friends with benefits.
And, I liked it. 88

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Mmmmm, just thinking about his 9 inch cock
makes my pussy wet. Oh God, I need a dick right now. Someone please help me. (2)
Last night I did it. I went out to the club and sat at the table furthest from
the bar stand, in the corner. I had a few drinks. Beers, Jack and Coke, a shot o
f Tequila. My aim was to get trashed and lower any guard I had and any inhibitio
ns. While i was feeling rather sloshed, I noticed a young man who looked to be i
n his early twenties, maybe a fresh legal age to drink. He kept looking at me, a
nd he didn't exactly look me in the face. When he saw me look back at him though
, he turned away embarrassed I had caught him. "Oh, I don't think so buddy." I t
hought to myself. I smiled at him the next chance I got, as he saw me and tried
to turn away. I giggled and he looked at me directly this time. I nodded to him
towards the exit door, and I got up and walked away, outside and around the corn
er. I didn't have to wait long as he walked out the door looking in every direct
ion trying to spot me. When he did, he walked towards me. I slid further into th
e dark and lifted my leg up onto a crate and lifted my skirt to display my clean
shaved wet pussy to him. He looked hungrily at me. "You want me?" He asked in a
shy but daring voice. "Shut the fuck up and fuck me!" I exploded feeling hornie
r than ever. He came closer, dropped his pants to the ground and grabbed onto hi
s cock. "Yummy." He jerked on it and then stuck it inside me like a cheap whore.
It felt so good. Mmmm, and poor him....he unloaded a round of cum inside my pus
sy. "Well, we'll just have to fix that won't we?" I said. "Y-y-yeah...." "I said
shut the fuck up." Interrupting him as he tried to speak. His eyes got wide, an
d his dick went limp. "Oh no, let me help you." I knelt down, finger fucking my
cunt as I 89

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint started licking the tip of his cock. Oh, it
got hard real quick. The taste of cum left dribbling on his dick mixed with my
juices tasted delightful and made me cream again and again. Yum. He moaned as I
stuffed every inch of his thick shaft into my mouth, choking and swallowing it m
aking his eyes roll back into his skull. "Is it good baby?" I asked. He didn't s
peak. But he smiled at me. "Good boy." His hands became fists and he beat on the
bricks of the walls behind him. He pulled back and shot his load onto my face.
I licked my lips tasting the jizz that landed. "Now, you must be a good boy and
clean up your mess, or you wont get dessert." I demanded. He leaned over towards
my face and licked his cum off with no problems or pause. "Do you want your des
sert?" I asked him seductively. He smiled and nodded yes. I leaned back onto the
wall, and pushed his head down and into my hot snatch. Burying him deep and mak
ing him suck and lick me. "Oh yeah baby! Eat my pussy." His cock in his hand, he
jerked himself off and was gonna shoot his load, but I smacked it, then made hi
m stick it inside me. His hot sperm filled me up, and I was very pleased. A nois
e came from behind the dumpster, and we both turned to see what it was. A filthy
man, who was probably sleeping there was staring at us. I wondered if he saw th
e whole thing. "Hey!" I called out. "Did you get a good show from us?" He wiped
his lips and messed with his beard. I promised him a good time as well, but firs
t, cleanup, showers and drinks.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint (3) As promised, I walked into my house wit
h two complete strangers. I dropped my keys on the counter. I led the dingy man
to a shower just down the hall. The other man I had fucking me first, I made him
sit on a chair. He was going to watch this time. First thing's first. I will sh
ower too. I walked into the master bath and undressed, running the shower and cl
eaning my body off. The hot water made my body tingle and I thought of dirty thi
ngs that may or may not happen. After I finished, I stepped out of the shower. I
dried my hair and wrapped a towel around it. Before I walked out, I put on my s
ilk robe. Opening the door, a cool breeze tackled my exposed legs. At first it w
as just cold, but the air touched my still wet mound. I cooed as I continued to
walk into the living room. I sat talking to the young gentleman about nothing in
particular. He only seemed too eager to watch me screw the other one. As I cont
inued to listen to blah, blah, blah.... the greasy, bearded man returned with a
towel still wrapped around him. He wasn't dirty any longer. Furthermore, he had
no beard either. His hair straight and brown, and his eyes deep. I couldn't help
but notice the tent rising at the crotch. I got up and grabbed his arm, pulling
him into my room and throwing him on my bed. The young prick followed, and sat
by the wall in an old chair I kept for looks. He dropped his pants and grabbed h
is dick, as I disrobed and pulled the towel from my new partner. I was shocked t
o see that the cock in front of me was huge. I would guess 9 1/2 inches. I would
n't know for sure. I made him keep quiet. I didn't waste no time, and forced his
long, thick erection deep inside my juicy hole. He was almost delicate with me,
but I was feeling nasty and wanted more. I grabbed his hips and brought him dow
n into me pumping my cunt raw as my mound turned red from contact. My cunt felt
like it was about to split down the middle as he rammed his long cock into me. I
moaned, and cried in pain. It was making my pussy shake, and I released what fe
lt like gallons of cum from my sopping hole. As I was being filled with the bigg
est, hardest cock I have ever had, the young man sitting in the chair stroked hi
s meat, jerking himself off as he eyed my pussy. It made me so hot. My lover pou
nding me harder and harder, sucked on my tits, and licked my nipples making them
poke out erect. As he did so, he thrust hard inside me, still sucking on my nip
ples as he shot a large, hot load of man juice into me. I never felt so hot, 91

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint and worn out at the same time. I was filled
with so much cum that it was leaking out of my body. I lay back onto the bed, a
nd thought to myself, "What a dirty whore I must be." I knew what I have done. I
couldn't wait to do it again.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Ellie woke up in the comfort of her bed. Both men that had tasted her sex the ni
ght before had already gone. Her mind was racing with thoughts of sex and just a
little bit shame. She had pushed herself over the edge and gave in to lust. Her
mound was still hot, wet, and sore from the sex she had all night. In her mind,
she felt lonely once more. As she rose up slowly from her bed, she winced as he
r body moved. "Oh, I ache," She whispered to herself. As she stood straight up c
ompletely, she noticed that the trees were blowing in the wind, and the sun was
up, shining into her bedroom window. She stood in front of her mirror and rubbed
her hands over her belly. As she did so, she looked down towards her crotch are
a. The lips were reddened, and the night before came rushing back to her. At fir
st, disgust had fallen on her. She blushed, but as she thought about it more, sh
e began to slide her finger down to her mound, and penetrated her hole with two
fingers as she became wetter than she was already. Her juices dripped from her o
pening, and she moaned as she felt the heat exit from her pink hole; The wetness
drizzled down her hand. As she finished feeling her body, and orgasm after orga
sm finally subsided, she took a hot shower. Ellie rest her head under the shower
head, and let the hot water wash down her face and cleansed the soap from her n
aked body. Her breast tingled as small droplets touched the tips of her nipples.
A sensual feeling, and made her look forward to the day. The loneliness she fel
t, however, took over as she thought of a man that could stay in her life. Her w
ishes were sent, but she new wasn't up to her to decide. After her shower, she g
ot dressed, and wrapped a fresh towel around her top breast, as it covered her t
o just below her groin. Her thighs were soft and sexy looking. Her appearance in
the mirror brought a smile to her face. "What man wouldn't die for this?" She a
sked rhetorically.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint She rummaged through her closet and found a
nice outfit to wear for the day. Sexy and seductive, but, professional. The pai
r was a nice dress top, with a black dress skirt that reached to the top of her
knees. As she looked to the shoe rack towards the back of her walk-in closet, sh
e found a pair of matching heels. "Knock 'em dead, Ellie," She thought to hersel
f. Her plans for the day consisted of a trip to the mall. She loved to shop, but
more importantly, for the men. It was something that she loved to do occasional
ly, although, the bar scene became her spot to find them. The mall was now a pla
ce that she wanted to go to actually shop and browse the latest trends. The next
stop after the mall, the local bistro. A bite to eat, and then back on her way.
As she stepped out the doors of the eatery, she bumped into a tall thin built m
an as he was trying to enter the doors to eat himself. "I'm so sorry," He said t
o Ellie. "Oh!" She blurted. "I mean, you're fine" She finished, letting fine lin
ger off her tongue so as to make it sound like a compliment. The man gave a swee
t smile, and again apologized. Ellie smiled back. "Well, I had better get inside
," He said. "Today, they are serving their signature soup, and it's the best." "
Yes, oh, I'm sorry," She apologized herself. "No need to say sorry," He said, th
en introduced himself. "I'm David." "I'm, Ellie," She answered, almost choking a
s she spoke. "Are you alright?" He asked her. "Yes, I'm fine." "Of course you ar
e." Ellie smiled again. 94

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Well, I must go," He began. "It was nice t
o meet you Ellie," He gave a wink. "Likewise." The two parted ways, and Ellie bl
ushed as she thought of him naked and teasing her with his tongue. "Oh, I have t
o stop," She thought to herself.
[ Later On ]
Ellie had once again escaped to the pleasures that be from the bar scene, but, t
o a different locale. The place, Razzles, was not just a bar, but a gentleman's
or couple's bar. There were topless dancers, and waitresses taking charge as the
y performed and served. It was a classy place to be, and everyone knew everyone.
Men looked Ellie's way as she walked in. The days dress attire still on. It was
obvious that she wasn't with anybody, and men were waiting to make their move.
Ellie ordered herself a drink, and tipped the waitress. As the waitress brought
her order, she left a small note next to the glass. Ellie and the waitress excha
nged smiles, and they separated. Ellie read the folded note. It read: "555-1694
- Call me - Anna Marie" Ellie blushed, but was turned on by it. A wonderful nigh
t of possibilities was abound for her. As she drank the mixed concoction from th
e glass, she glanced towards the entrance way. "Oh my," She whispered softly. "I
t's that man from the bistro," She thought to herself. "Dave, was it? Yes, David
." As she looked on in his direction, he turned and caught notice of her presenc
e. He also noticed that her eyes were focused on a certain area on 95

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint his body. He walked over to her. "Well, it
looks as if I came to the right place," He said to her, seating himself across f
rom her. Ellie smiled. "Do you come here often?" He asked her. "First time," She
answered. "I'm not a regular myself," He chatted, "But, I have been here before
." "Oh yeah?" She said playfully. "Yes." The night went by with the two chatting
about themselves, work, and life overall. It was near 2 am. "Listen," He starte
d, "Would you like to get out of here?" Ellie looked at him, as if he were tryin
g to say "You want to fuck?" but in other words. She hoped he was. "Maybe we cou
ld go for a walk, and catch the cool night breeze," He finished. "Sure." They le
ft, and began walking. The night was indeed cool, but just enough to make them c
ling closer as time went on. They made small talk, and the heat was rising insid
e Ellie. Her groin ached for pleasure. David himself felt a wave of lust fall ov
er him. He stopped where he was, and turned to look at Ellie. As she looked at h
im, he brushed the hair aside and kissed her softly on her lips. Ellie tingled a
s he did so. She became wet, and reached her hand up and grabbed tight onto his
head, pulling him closer. As she did so, it made the lust rush ten times faster.
Ellie slipped down, and opened his pants. She admired the thickness of his cock
, as she pulled it out. People were taking notice at this sexual display out in
the open. Ellie grabbed hold of him, and took his hard cock into her waiting mou

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint David moaned, and leaned back onto a wooden
fence to keep his balance. Ellie's mouth sucked hard on his shaft, and she lick
ed her tongue around his tip. Pre-cum dripped from his hole, and she licked it u
p. Her right hand wrapped around him, and she jerked slowly at first, then harde
r and faster as she sucked him off. David grabbed her hair, and pulled her to hi
m closer, as he fucked her face. As he was ready to cum, he paused, then yanked
her up to him and kissed her again on the mouth. He flipped her around and pushe
d her forward, as she leaned herself over the fence. She hiked her skirt up and
pulled down her panties. With David's thick cock in his hand, he stroked himself
against her mound, then pushed his way in. Her hole completely filled. She moan
ed loudly, and people were watching them perform sex in front of them. Many spec
tators began to do the same, and have sex in the open. David pushed deep, and hi
s tip rubbed her G-spot. She came uncontrollably as he kept his rhythm. One hand
held onto her waist as the other began rubbing her clit. The heat from his body
against her back as he thrust hard against her was overwhelming. She shook rapi
dly as he pumped his dick into her cumming hard inside her hole. "Oh!..... Oh my
God!" She screamed. She came herself, and she leaned forward on the fence to ke
ep her balance. Her head was spinning, and David had to make sure to hold onto h
er tight. The night went on with the two once again walking. Instead of small ta
lk, they stopped occasionally to kiss. A few separate times, they would stop, an
d Ellie would give David a good blowjob. The two decided to talk more, and get t
ogether more often. Ellie fell in love with David, and David with Ellie. They sh
are a home together, and are in their first year of marriage. They are hoping fo
r a child. On occasion, they go to where they first made love, and recreate the
moment they had before, adding more memories to what they began.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Static filled the screen of the television, and it was well past 2 a.m. I must h
ave dozed off while watching it. Actually, this was the norm for me. I was 26, a
nd remained single through most of my adult life. No roommates, and not many fri
ends. I worked, and still work, at a big factory that helps produce the cases fo
r the newest computers. At this time, I'm not sure what. I have never seen any o
f our products on any sales floor. My second job was bar hopping. Just kidding.
I was actually a bouncer at a local club. How and why I got the job is a mystery
, since I only stand at 5'11", weigh 189 pounds, and look like I work at a facto
ry making the casings to the latest computers. But, the girls of the evening are
hot. As pathetic as it is, I jerked off to many of them in a stall in the mens
restroom. I fantasized about fucking them, and cumming on their tits after they
have sucked me off. I was alone in the restroom doing my thing, when I saw throu
gh the opening a girl I was looking at all night walk in to piss. Thinking I had
locked the stall door, I felt at ease as I waited impatiently for her to use th
e toilet. She must have been drunk, because for one, she was obviously in the wr
ong restroom, and two, she stumbled as she reached for the stall door next to me
and pulled on it. It was locked. I fucking hate immaturity. Chuckling inside, I
knew there was only one left to try, and I was in it. But, I was safe behind th
e door, or so I thought. She pulled and opened the door to my stall, and I froze
immediately with my dick still in my hand. "Oh shit!" I shouted. "Fuck!" She sl
urred, and then giggled as I still stood in front of her, dick in hand. "I just
always wanted to fuck security!" She claimed. Walking in to me, she pulled the d
oor closed and locked it this time behind her. A man walked into the restroom an
d immediately tried to open the stall door next to us. Of course, it was locked.
"Fucking immature assholes!" He shouted, and walked out pissed off. She turned
to me giggling, and lifted her skirt to reveal that she wore 98

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint no panties. Her pussy was bald, and her lip
s slightly darkened showing that she had sex a lot. Propping her heel up on the
toilet seat, she pulled me into her and I slid deep into her hole. "Oops," She g
iggled again, then began to kiss my mouth as I tasted a mix of alcohol as our to
ngues played. I was stunned, because up until then, I was a virgin. Yes, I said
it. A virgin. She helped me out along the way though, as I thrust into her cunt
hard and then soft, and hard, and harder, and soft. I was unsure of what to do,
so I just went along with how she reacted. She moaned, I pushed deeper. She moan
ed louder, I rammed her pussy hard. She bit my ear, I screamed. She giggled. Bef
ore I knew it, I had erupted into her cunt, filling her with sticky cum that dri
pped from my cock head. "Oh shit!" She jumped. "I'm gonna get pregnant! Gee, my
boyfriend is gonna be so mad at me." She confessed. "What?" I backtracked, and f
elt my heart sink. My first real lay, and I was going to die. Yay me! She collec
ted her things and walked out of my stall, then turned around and said, "Call me
," making that phone gesture to her ear. I quickly pulled my pants back in place
, and went back to work hiding out as was my usual way until my shift had ended.
I knew I was fired, and not only because I had just fucked the bosses daughter,
but because the boss believed me to be gay and thought I was trying to fuck him
. I have more free time I suppose. Sometimes, late at night, my neighbor is out.
A woman in her late 30's married to a jerk. She was average, looking nice in he
r clothes, fit with a nice set of tits. I have been wanting to fuck her since I
saw her just a few short years ago. Her husband was a businessman. Always away o
n business, doing business, and making lots of money. Carrie, being her name, al
ways thought that her husband was having an affair with another woman. She had s
pent every night wondering, and finally he confessed. They were outside one day,
arguing about it. Tears ran down her cheeks, and she punched him in the mouth,
causing him to almost fall backwards on his ass. He hopped in his car, and sped
away. For nights, I thought maybe I should go and say something. Talk to her. 99

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint She wasn't the same since he left. I had th
e urge to do so one evening, and was ready to go, when I glanced towards the win
dow at movement. The blinds to her house were still open, and she walked around
topless. My cock stiffened in my pants. She continued walking around letting her
tits show. I quickly turned off my lights, and crept towards my window, peeking
at her while I remained in the dark. I felt like such a pervert. I didn't care.
I stuck my hand down my pants and grabbed my pecker, rubbing it slow as she sto
od at her television, changing the channels. I thought it was odd. She had a new
television, and didn't have a remote. Maybe she threw it at her husband and it
mashed to pieces. Yeah! She moved out of the room for something, but I couldn't
see her. Other curtains were closed. It must have been minutes before she reappe
ared. This time, she wore a top. I was disappointed. That was my cue to go jerk
off. I went to my room and turned on the light. Laying back on my bed I yanked m
y penis from its place, and masturbated to the thoughts of her delicious tits. T
hat really set me off as I stroked furiously on my erection. I wanted those nipp
les in my mouth. To squeeze them, and cum on them. Oh, that really did it for me
, and I squirted a long stream of nut into the air and it landed on my stomach.
Tissues were near for me to use, and I wiped the sticky jizz from my belly and t
ossed it into the trash can. Night after night, I hoped that she would do it aga
in. No such luck. I peeked out from my window only to see closed blinds and shad
ows moving around. One night, however, it happened. I just got home from a late
shift at work. I was tired. As I walked towards the kitchen, I happened to look
over towards the window and saw Carrie, again, walking around topless. Instant e
rection. She moved seductively around the house, and arranged things on shelves
that probably didn't need to be fixed. "She's OCD," I thought to myself. My bulg
e pushing at the seams of my pants. She often disappeared, doing other things an
d leaving me with a huge boner, before coming back to the room. Tease. This now
was an every night thing. She would walk around, cleaning her house, and exposin
g those perfect round tits to me. Sometimes, she even touched them a little like
it was nothing. As I stared at her from the darkness of my home, through the op
en blinds to her lit living room, she turned and looked at me, and she covered h
er chest with her arms. "What?" I thought to myself, then realized I forgot 100

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint to turn the damn hall light out behind me.
When I looked back towards the house, she was gone, and I heard her door slam sh
ut. Before I knew what the hell to do, a loud knock echoed from my back door. "O
h God, oh God, oh God, oh fuck!" I panicked. As I was going to hide somewhere, I
heard another knock. "Oh shit!" I blurted. Wanting to explain myself, I answere
d the door, feeling my stomach twist and turn. I wanted to puke. When I opened t
he door, Carrie stood looking at me, staring at me with lowered eyebrows and her
arms folded over a button up shirt, holding her breast in away from view. "Uh,
hey, geez, um." Was all I could mutter. "I saw you looking at me." She said, sli
ghtly raising her tone. "Did you like what you saw?" She asked, sounding really
upset. "I uh, yeah, um, no." I muttered again, trying to choose my answer carefu
lly. Before I could speak, she gave a small smile, almost enjoying torturing me.
"It's oh kay," She said, speaking lower and no longer upset. "Can I tell you a
secret?" She asked. "Sure," I responded, not knowing if it was going to be bad o
r good. "I knew all along that you were watching me." She admitted. "I saw you.
The first night I walked around nearly nude, I saw you." She continued. "I left
the room to find myself a shirt to wear, and looked outside from my bedroom wind
ow. I looked at your window, and I saw the outline of your face staring into my
living room. I felt angry, and was going to call the cops. I stood around and de
bated on what I should do. I went upstairs and walked into my room," Carrie said
, getting into the story. "I hadn't turned on the lights yet, and looked out to
see your lights come on. I looked out, not really knowing why, but I did. Your c
urtain wasn't properly closed, and I could see straight to your bed. "Uh oh, I k
now where this is going," I thought, feeling embarrassed now. She dropped her ar
ms slowly, leaving an opening to her shirt exposing her sexy cleavage. As I snea
ked a few peeks at her, she kept talking. "I watched you play with your cock, ma
sturbating and enjoying yourself. I 101

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint only wondered what you were thinking about.
Then I realized, it was me. It had to be." She sounded excited. "It was hot. Tu
rned me on." Before I could say anything, Carrie reached over and kissed my lips
. Her hand cupped my pants over my bulge, and she whispered, "I see I'm doing it
again. I just had to come and make sure you knew. And now, I just want to cum,"
She purred in my ear. That was all it took, and I grabbed her wrist and led her
to my room. We stripped off our clothes and she threw me on the bed, falling be
tween my legs and taking me whole into her mouth. The tip of my cock touched the
back of her throat, and she gagged, and held on sucking me hard and jerking me
with a tight grip. I moaned softly, then grew louder as she sucked harder. "Cum
in my mouth," She begged me. "Cum in my mouth!" I didn't hold back and did as sh
e asked me to do. I let loose and semen shot out of me, hitting her tonsils as s
he gulped it down, licking her lips. "Fuck me!" She now begged. I threw her onto
the bed, and was going to fuck her, when she said, "From behind." Never done th
at. I did anyways. Using her hand, she got my cock hard again. I watched her get
in doggy position and I slipped my cock in her from behind, in her behind. "Oh,
not yet!" She protested. "Here ya go," She said as she grabbed my cock and guid
ed it into her fresh pussy. Not being able to control myself, I thrust harder, f
illing her deep and pounding against her ass hard as she screamed with lust and
begged for me to go harder and deeper. My dick pumped her cunt for all its worth
, and she groaned, and made sounds, and cried out in both pain and pleasure. I t
ore into her making her pussy lips red and bruised. "Eat my pussy!" She demanded
. Tossing me to the side, I fell on my back. She lifted herself over my face and
lowered down for me to taste her juices. The sweetness combined with a slight s
alty taste drove me wild as I dove in, licking her lips and wiggling my tongue a
round to clean up her fluids with each orgasm. She had several. I was excited, a
nd kept going. Another orgasm came and sent her body shaking as she released a g
ush of pussy juices all over my face and the sheets underneath me. Pausing to co
llect herself, Carrie got into the doggy position again. "Oh kay," She said catc
hing her breath, "Fuck my tight ass." I pulled myself up against her buttocks an
d inserted my cock between her cheeks and into her rectum. My thrusts were slow
and she moaned with delight. "A little harder," She whispered, and I pushed in h
ard and smacked into 102

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint her as I thrust more faster and harder. Bef
ore long, I was pounding against her ass making it red from skin slapping and ha
rd fucking. My fingers reached underneath and played with her clitoris. She love
d that, and made me stick more fingers in her while I beat against her ass fucki
ng it with my dick. "Oh, yeah," She groaned loudly. "Tear me up, baby. Cum in my
hot tight ass!" She screamed aloud. I beat hard into her and released the thick
est, hottest, stickiest load deep inside her back hole, making her wince, then c
ry out as she had one last powerful orgasm. "Oh fucking shit!" I cried out. "Tha
t was so great." I said to her. We lay next to each other after that, and talked
. Many thoughts went through our minds, and we came up with an idea. To this day
, we're still together. I'm now 32, and she's in her early forties. We keep up w
ith the fantasies and stuff, peeking at her from my window. What's funny is she
had went through her divorce. She got to keep the house, along with a shit load
of money. She kept her home just so I could peep at her naked from my window. We
're married and expecting a child in the next few months.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

"We are not lovers, we are not romantics, we are here to serve you" -Marilyn Man
"Get down on your knees!" Britt ordered Summer. She stood over her, holding a le
ash that attached at the clip to a spiked collar. She pulled at the throat as Su
mmer was yanked back. "Yes..." Summer tried to speak. "Yes, what?" Britt asked l
ooking down at her slave. "Yes, Mistress," She finished. "Good girl," Britt told
her, looking down at her thick body. Summer wore only a pair of white panties.
Her full, perky breast hung low as she was on her knees crawling, and her knees
scuffed from her journey. The collar around her throat was back with small silve
r spikes protruding from the leather base. Britt stood over her body, wearing on
ly panties herself. Her frame also wearing cotton panties, with a butterfly on t
he crotch area. Her large breast bounced with each step. Her nipples stood out t
ough. "Lead the way," Britt ordered Summer. She obeyed, and crawled slow down th
e long road. Some people stood outside on their porches, and watched as the two
girls made way to the Athena Park. Britt could feel her groin begin to get wet,
and she stopped abruptly, with the leash jerking at Summer's collar. "Oh!" She w
inced. "What was that?" Britt asked, holding up the leash and looking into Summe
r's striking blue eyes, and her black hair hung low to the ground.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Yes, Mistress," She replied, staring sensu
ally into Britt's beautiful blue eyes, and admiring her long dirty blond hair. A
s summer's eyes slipped lower, she became aroused at the sight of Britt's hard n
ipples. Both pierced with rings, and black balls that fit her attitude. "Call me
, Britt!" She said to Summer. Summer was about to do so, when Britt added to wha
t she had just said. "AFTER, you eat my pussy," She ordered once more, then wink
ed slightly. Summer stared up at Britt's eyes, and obeyed. They stood in the mid
dle of the small side street, and Britt parted her legs slightly for her to slid
e in. Summer was still on her knees, as she scooted closer, pulling down her pan
ties, and hungrily placing her open mouth over Britt's waiting hole. The flavor
of her juices filled her mouth, and the sweet aroma tickled her nostrils, making
her coo and cream herself. Summer began to lick around Britt's hot clit, and th
en around the outside of her shaved mound. "Eat it! Eat it good, slave," Britt o
rdered, almost tipping over from the intense session. "Oh, fuck it!" Britt spoke
, pulling the leash. Britt pulled her hard, as Summer's knees bled a little. Bri
tt made it to the hood of a car, and leaned back on it. She once again parted he
r legs, as her panties slipped fully off. She dropped the leash. As Summer saw t
his, she knew that she could go for it. Nothing holding her back. She lifted up
from her knees, and walked towards Britt, licking her lips from the previous eng
agement. As she did, she slipped down her own panties. Her now open shaved hole
was visible to Britt's eyes. Summer slid into Britt's vagina, penetrating her wi
th her tongue, and tasting the juicy center. Summer began to rub her own clit, a
s onlookers gathered to witness the event. Britt and Summer paused, then they me
t each others faces, kissing their lips. "Let's go to the park," Britt said to S
ummer as she followed. They made their way, holding each others hand. As they fi
nally made it to the parking lot, they hurriedly jogged to an area with picnic t
ables. Instead of Britt leaning onto the bench, she forced Summer onto it, as Br
itt slid sexily down her stomach. She kissed her way down. As she made it to Sum
mer's dripping hole, she did not hesitate in slipping her tongue inside and tast
ing her sweet cum. Summer moaned. She placed her right hand on the back of Britt
's head, and pulled her in deep. "Uh, oh my God! Don't....stop!" She begged. Bri
tt continued. Her 105

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint hunger for Summer's tight wet pussy made he
r finger her own clit. She rammed two fingers inside herself, and moaned as she
continued licking and slurping. Her tongue penetrated Summer's orifice, and she
slowly licked the pink folds as Summer released an orgasm, spilling hot, wet jui
ces all over Britt's mouth and face. Summer shook after the intensity of release
, and paused to catch breath. Britt tugged at the leash, and Summer opened her e
yes, knowing what was to come. She didn't resist as she let Britt pull the leash
to lead her back home. This time, she was not crawling. Not yet, anyways, as Br
itt was thinking amongst herself.
[ Home Sweet Home ]
Summer lay on their bed, and Britt walked towards her. Her hands reached out, gr
abbing Summer's as she cuffed her to the railings. Summer looked into Britt's ey
es, and a tear rolled down her cheek. Not a sad tear, but for pain. Pain was in
turn positive, as pain equaled pleasure. "Try and get out of that one, slave," B
ritt said to Summer, as she produced a whip. She wore only a fresh pair of panti
es, and Summer wore none. Her naked body lay sprawled out, ready to take a beati
ng for her Mistress. Whip! Britt brought down the whip onto Summer's legs. Whip!
Another. "Oh!" Cried Summer. "Oh?" Britt responded. She grabbed Summer by her l
eft breast and squeezed on it, making it turn blue. "Ooo," Summer cooed. "Much b
etter," Britt said to her. She leaned over, putting her mouth around Summer's la
rge, pink nipple on her left breast, and bit down on it. Not too hard, but enoug
h to make her respond in delight. She twirled Summer's nipple piercing around in
her mouth. The barbell danced with her tongue, and she pulled at it with her te
eth. 106

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Mmmm," Britt moaned, and finished, "Don't
move," She winked. Britt reached in a table next to the bed, and pulled out a lo
ng chain, and a leather collar. Unlocking the cuffs from the railing, she placed
Summer in the doggy position. Pulling her hands behind her back, she handcuffed
them in place. With the chain, she attached a part to the collar, and tightened
it around Summer's neck. The rest of the chain wrapped around the railing and t
hrough the bottom to hold her in place. Summer looked up at Britt. Her cunt drip
ping juices down her inner thigh. Britt raised the whip, and let loose onto Summ
er's rear end. "Oh! ..uh...more!" She cried. Again, the whip belted her buttocks
, and left a long red welt on her cheeks. "Again!" She screamed. Britt whipped h
er harder this time, and the whip left another red welt on her tail, as a small
line of blood formed. Britt relaxed in front of Summer with her groin directly p
laced in front of her face. She grabbed the back of Summer's black hair, and pul
led, yanking her into her wet crotch. She licked her Mistress as she was forced
to. She rotated her tongue around, and circled Britt's hole, tasting her juices.
"Do it harder, now!" Britt commanded. Summer obliged, and penetrated deep into
her vaginal opening. Britt could not hold herself any longer, and she squirted h
er juices onto Summer's face. They were tired now, and Britt lay next to Summer'
s still chained body. "Okay, my turn!" Britt said excitedly.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

The sounds of the keyboard being used and tapped on livened up the rooms on both
ends of the Instant Messenger conversation, between Lynne and Mark. SweetGirl07
: When can we meet? GuessWho1974: We could meet anytime you like? I make myself
available anytime you ask. SweetGirl07: Okay, well, how about meeting me later a
round 6 o'clock? GuessWho1974: Sure. Name the place. SweetGirl07: Oh, I'm not go
od with places. Will you meet me at the park? GuessWho1974: Which one? SweetGirl
07: Julian Park. GuessWho1974: LOL. I can definitely do that. An instant message
box popped up interrupting Lynne typing and she recognized it as Ralph. It read
: UrManAlways05: Hey? SweetGirl07: What? UrManAlways05: You want to hang out? Go
see a movie or something? I psyched myself up for chick flicks. I'm prepared. l
ol. SweetGirl07: Oh, um, I'm sorry Ralph. I already made plans for tonight. Some
other time though. Okay? UrManAlways05: Sure. Yeah. It's fine. SweetGirl07: You
okay? UrManAlways05: Oh. Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint SweetGirl05: Okay, well I do have to go. I'
ll talk to you later, k? UrManAlways05: Yeah. Lynne clicked back to the previous
post with Mark, and he left a few messages. GuessWho1974: U there? GuessWho1974
: Lynne? She typed.... SweetGirl07: I'm here. Lynne paused and thought of an exc
use. SweetGirl07: Sorry, I grabbed a soda from the fridge. GuessWho1974: Okay. S
ee you around 6 then? How will we know each other? SweetGirl07: I'll wear a scar
f. Light blue. I'll be sitting on a bench by a tree near the middle of the park.
SweetGirl07: And you? GuessWho1974: Okay. Brown jacket, and, a hat. A trucker h
at. And scruffy jeans. LOL. SweetGirl07: He He. Well, I'll see you at 6. GuessWh
o1974: It's a date then. SweetGirl07: He He, sure. Bye 4 now. GuessWho1974: LOL.
I'll see you there. Both windows closed, and Lynne jumped up to get ready. Sitt
ing in the chair almost naked meant taking more time to get herself ready. She w
ore soft cotton white panties that wrapped gently against her lower hips. Her 42
D breasts looked sexy and free with no bra to support. She dropped her panties
and prepared for a nice hot shower. The water felt hot, but sensual among her sk
in and she felt relaxed and ready to meet Mark.
[ Meeting At The Park ]

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Lynne sat down on a bench near the center of the park, by a tree, exactly the sp
ot she mentioned. She also wore her light blue scarf. Sitting there she looked a
round in circles to see if he was around. Looking at her watch, it read 5:54. A
few minutes early, but better early than late. It was a little chilly out, but s
he wore warm jeans and a nice warm coat. A woman walked towards Lynne. She looke
d young, maybe 19 or 20. Her dark hair blew in the wind. She wore a black tee ov
er a gray long sleeved shirt. Her pants ripped dark jeans, and black boots under
neath. She smiled and spoke to Lynne. "Hey there. What's a girl like you doing s
itting here all by yourself?" She asked. "I'm waiting for someone," Lynne answer
ed. The girl bit her lower lip and smiled more, taking in the sight of Lynne's b
ody. "My name's Juliana," she introduced herself. "I'm Lynne." she responded. "I
saw you from way over there," Juliana said pointing at the bleachers near the b
aseball field," and I thought I would come to see how you were doing." she finis
hed. "I'm good, just, waiting on someone." "I won't keep you then," Juliana spok
e softly smiling. "But, if you ever need a friend, here's my number." Juliana re
ached for Lynne's arm, pulled out a pen and wrote down her number on Lynne's rig
ht wrist. "Okay." Lynne said. "For anything, please call me." Juliana said smili
ng and gave a wink. She got up and walked off. Lynne watched her leave, until a
voice spoke from behind her. "Lynne?" A man's voice asked. Lynne turned around.
"Mark?" she answered. "Wow, you look great. How are you?" "I just...I'm great. I
was a little nervous coming out here, and to be honest, you look a lot better t
han I thought." She admitted. 110

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "You look exactly how I thought you would,"
he too admitted. Lynne blushed, and they began to walk around talking about dif
ferent things, love life to family. Lynne and Mark stopped where they were and l
ooked in each others eyes. They held hands, and they leaned in to share their fi
rst kiss. They again looked into each others eyes, and started to walk together
again. "It's getting late, Lynne," Mark said. "You might say no, but, would you
like to come back to my apartment and have a drink?" Lynne thought about it. Her
eyes met his again, and she said,"That would be nice, Mark." They walked to his
apartment, and the wind grew colder than it was before. The street lights shed
a glow and leaves rustled. "Here we are." "Ooh, I'm so cold." Lynne said holding
herself tight. "The heat is just right," he said making her feel welcome. His k
ey slid in the slot and he turned it opening his door. He was right, the air was
perfect. Warmed you up in no time without making you feel hot. Lynne smiled as
he took her coat and scarf, and put them on the hook next to the door. "I have b
eer, wine coolers, and liquors." Mark said, insisting on taking at least one sho
t. giggling, Lynne said,"Okay, I'll have one shot. ONE shot of tequila." She fin
ished giggling again. "And, a wine cooler too." Mark went to the kitchen and pou
red 2 shots of tequila. One for him, and one for her. Then he grabbed a beer and
a Wild Berry wine cooler, put all of them on a tray and served them in the livi
ng room. Lynne smiled. Mark sat next to Lynne, handed her the shot, and toasted
her. Tipping back the tequila shots until the glass felt hollow, Lynne stared in
to Mark's eyes feeling mesmerized. Mark opened the wine cooler for her and sat i
t in front of her for when she was ready to drink it.
[ Later In The Night ] 111

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Lynne tilted her head back and let the liquor slide down her throat. Tequila bot
tle in one hand, and shot glass in the other. Mark looked on at her and lifted h
is shot glass to be filled again and again with hers. He felt that if she was go
ing to drink a lot, he was going to match. Mark swallowed his shot, and grabbed
a lime wedge to chew on. He sat back and opened his eyes to see Lynne's looking
at him. "How do you feel?" He asked her. "I feel a bit sloshed, I do." she slurr
ed. Her top unbuttoned some and her cleavage opened to view. As Mark rest his he
ad, Lynne jumped onto his lap and started to kiss his lips. He kissed her back a
nd they held kisses for minutes on end. Lynne slid down between Mark's legs, and
fumbled with his zipper trying to open them up. Mark unfastened quickly the res
t of her shirt and reached around to unhook her bra. Lynne became overcome with
lust and Mark could feel the intensity as she yanked his pants down to his knees
and engulfed his semi erect penis into her mouth. "Get hard for me, Mark!" she
begged, still slurring a bit. "Don't you want me? Get hard for me." She continue
d. As Lynne kept sucking on his long member, it finally became hard inside her m
outh. He moaned aloud as she stroked his cock fiercely with her hands pumping hi
m wanting his thick semen to enter her awaiting mouth. His hands dug into the cu
shions. Keeping Mark's cock inside her mouth, Lynne raised her ass end up and pu
lled off her pants and panties. Her shaved pussy dripping with hot cum. She rais
ed up and leaned back onto the arm of the love-seat, spreading her legs and rubb
ing her clitoris. Mark licked his lips and stroked his erection ready to give in
to his lusts for her body. As Mark moved halfway down, he let his dick glide in
to her fuck hole penetrating deep and pushing back hard to fill her up. Lynne wr
apped her legs around Mark's lower back and he stroked in and out, in and out fe
eling the hot walls of her cunt swallowing and tightening at each thrust. He fel
t the contact of skin to skin as bodies smacked against each other with force of
pleasure and pain at the same time. "Give it to me, baby!" Lynne screamed. Mark
slammed into her making Lynne scream louder and louder, surely waking the neigh
borhood. He grabbed her hands and held them down as he kept going, battering and
ramming her cunt. She screamed more. "Hurt me, hurt me! Fuck my pussy!" She dem
anded, as he kissed her mouth and gave few more hard thrusts before a jolt, and
release of cum blasting inside her vaginal orifice. Mark 112

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint lifted up a bit tapping her G spot and caus
ing her to shake and shoot cum from her already sopping wet pussy. They both fin
ished and lay back naked together enjoying themselves and relaxing.
[ Months Go By ]
Lynne and Mark have been dating and seeing each other everyday since that first
night they met. They both pleasured one another and made sure the other was sati
sfied. Lynne was sitting around on her couch reading a book. She loved novels of
suspense and terror, and also the occasional romance. Mark was soon to be over.
He promised her candies, flowers and a surprise. She could hardly wait. He was
her man, and she would just be happy to see him. A little time went by without M
ark showing up, or even a call to say he wouldn't make it. Lynne sat and drank h
er now cold cocoa. She was just getting up, when there was a rapid knock on the
door. It made her jump, but she walked towards, and answered the door. She felt
her heart sink deep into her stomach as just a few feet away stood an officer an
d a woman who Lynne instantly recognized as Mark's older sister. "What happened?
" Lynne said aloud as tears welled up into her eyes. "I'm so sorry Lynne," Cathe
rine, Mark's sister spoke. "Mark was walking along the side of the road. He had
flowers in his hand and candies." Her eyes too began to gush tears. "He was stru
ck by a drunk driver who lost control of his vehicle." "Oh my God! No, it can't
be!" Lynne screamed, bursting into tears. "I'm so sorry." Catherine said as she
held Lynne hugging her and calming her cries. As Lynne and Catherine separated,
Catherine reached into her coat pocket and presented a small gray box. "Here Lyn
ne. He had this with him." Lynne took it, and opened it up, and inside sat an en
gagement ring. A beautifully cut diamond lay atop of white gold. It gleamed in t
he light, and was exactly what she hoped her engagement ring would be. Tears wel
led up in her eyes again. Catherine wiped them away with her right hand. 113

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh my, it's just so beautiful." Lynne said
calming herself.
[ The Funeral ]
The service went on with family members chatting away and upset relatives showin
g up drunk. It wasn't too bad, and Lynne spoke to everyone, and was hugged by re
spectable members trying to show their sincerity. Lynne was happy for once. She
knew that she had family even through the untimely departure of her young, lovin
g boyfriend. Lynne glanced over to the corner. Near flowers, cards, and notes...
.Ralph stood there holding his arms crossed. Lynne walked over to him. "What are
you doing here?" She asked. "I used to work with Mark." He replied. "He was lik
e my best friend." "I'm sorry." Lynne said. "No, it's okay. God called and he an
swered." As the service ended, and they finally buried Mark below the earth, Ral
ph hugged and held onto Lynne so she was alright. "Thank you, Ralph." Lynne said
, giving him a sincere hug of thanks. "Oh, it was nothing. I'm here for you if y
ou ever need me." He returned with. Lynne let go, and left the funeral. Ralph st
ood in the background watching her every step of the way. She disappeared into a
crowd of people who were also leaving, and cars that were driving away.
[ Juliana ]
Lynne sat slumped backwards into her couch, and pulled out the number that the g
irl, Juliana, had given her. She made sure to write it down on paper before wash
ing the original from her skin. She hesitated, not knowing what to say. She didn
't really think Juliana would remember 114

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint her all this time later. Lynne picked up th
e phone from it's place, and dialed the numbers making sure she pressed the righ
t ones. The ling rang. Her hands shook lightly. A second ring. The other line an
swered. "Hello." A girls voice responded. "Juliana?" Lynne asked. "Naw, man." th
e girl replied. "Juliana? Line." she called into the background. "Hello?" Julian
a's voice spoke. "Uh, hi. Remember me?" Lynne asked nervously. Lynne was about t
o apologize and hang up her end, when Juliana answered. "Lynne, right?" "Yeah."
"The girl from the park. Yeah, I remember you." She said. "I lost my boyfriend,"
Lynne said beginning to cry. "Hey, don't cry." Juliana said trying to comfort L
ynne. "Look, you wanna meet me somewhere?" She asked Lynne. "I, don't know." Lyn
ne answered between sobs. "Where do you live?" Juli asked. "Tell you what, I'll
meet you in the same spot in the park we met the first time." Juli said, unsure
if that would make Lynne cry more or say yes to. Lynne stopped crying, and said,
"Sure." "Alright. Give me 15." Juli responded. "Be there." Lynne answered. They
both hung up, and Lynne put her coat on. As she was ready to leave, an instant
message popped up on her screen. UrManAlways05: Lynne? UrManAlways05: I just wan
ted to see how you are doing. Lynne looked at the screen, but decided she couldn
't answer now. She turned back towards the door, and walked out heading towards
the empty park. 115

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

[ Meeting Again At the Park ]
It was dark outside, being after nine. The street lights led the way, until it w
as time to walk towards the middle. There, in the center, no lights glowed, and
anyone could be hidden waiting. Usually, there were drug dealers making a sale,
prostitutes turning tricks to make their money, and even couples having sex. As
Lynne neared the center, she saw Juliana, and a tall figure standing next to her
. She wanted to turn around, but instead walked toward them. "Hey." Juli spoke,
taking a last hit from her cigarette before throwing it to the ground. "I hope y
ou weren't scared, but, I brought my friend Bulldog with me." Lynne looked at hi
m slowly, and bulldog returned with a gentle smile. Lynne smiled back. "Why do t
hey call you Bulldog?" She asked. He leaned in, and still smiling said, "I just
love to fight." Lynne looked at him funny, but never lost her smile. "No, that's
not why." Juli said, giggling. "Look at his face. He looks like a Bulldog." She
finished. Lynne giggled. "Plus he can't stop chasing the cat." Juli added. "But
don't let any of that fool you. He really does love to fight." "Oh," Lynne mutt
ered. "Don't worry, he's harmless." Lynne, Juliana, and Bulldog walked back to J
uli's place, talking about the past and everything they were going through recen
tly. Lynne felt happy, and warm inside. A smile lit up her face as Juli told a f
ew jokes. The three neared a small building. It didn't look so bad, except for a
few guys that hung around on the front steps. "I'm up on the second floor." Jul
i said, turning towards Lynne. "Okay." Lynne responded, feeling a little better
than previously. 116

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Bulldog said his goodbye's and walked over
towards the small crowd of guys that were still by the steps. Lynne and Juli wal
ked past them and made their way through the door. The hallway looked messy, but
as Lynne thought, "At least there are no drunks passed out on the steps." The t
wo made their way up a small flight of steps and turned right coming to a white
door that read 2B. "Come on in, Lynne." Juli said as she pulled softly on Lynne'
s coat. Inside the apartment, a couch sat back against a wall. The television on
the opposite end, and a coffee table sat in between. Numerous initials were car
ved in the table. Across the room in the open kitchen stood two girls. One wore
a black tee, and baggy jeans. Her hair black, with pink tips. She had a tattoo o
n her neck of her name. Angel. The other girl wore only a black bra, and short b
lack Gothic skirt. A large dragon tattoo ran up her side, and she held a piercin
g in her nose. He hair was dark purple. Juliana introduced them to Lynne. "Lynne
, this here is Angel. The other one here is Asia." Juliana introduced them as. "
Do you smoke?" Asia asked Lynne. "I've never smoked a cigarette in my life." Lyn
ne answered. Angel held up a joint, and let Lynne see it. "Oh, I don't know." Ly
nne responded. "It's okay if you say no. We'll never make you do something you d
on't wanna do." Juli assured Lynne. "Okay." Lynne answered. The girls sat down o
n the couch, and Lynne sat in the middle. "Do you want something to drink?" Asia
asked Lynne, holding up a bottle of Jack Daniels. Lynne grabbed the bottle and
took a small gulp from it. The girls looked on, impressed, but being cautious. A
sia slipped the joint between her lips, and lit the tip as she inhaled, holding
it in her lungs for a few seconds, and releasing it. Lynne shyly stuck out her h
and as the girls looked at her. Asia handed her the joint, and Lynne placed the
butt in between her lips. She took a small drag, before coughing, and trying to
catch her breath. 117

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Angel grabbed the joint, as the girls calme
d her and asked her if she was alright. "Yeah, cough. I'm fine." Lynne said feel
ing dizzy, but really good inside. Juliana held onto Lynne's side and pulled her
close. Lynne felt relaxed, but noticed a feeling of need burning inside her bod
y. She became warm, and closed her eyes. "Lynne?" Juliana called to her. "Yes?"
Lynne answered still on cloud nine. "Me and the girls wanted to know something."
Juli said as she still held her close. "Yes?" Lynne answered again. "We wanted
to know if you've ever been with a woman." Juli asked straight forward. Lynne st
ill held her eyes closed and said, "No." The girls looked on not knowing what el
se to ask, when Lynne responded, "You can be my first." As Juli moved and lay Ly
nne down on the couch, Lynne pushed her hand down her pants and began fingering
her vagina. Angel and Asia looked at each other and then back down at Lynne. Her
eyes still closed, and her hand slipping in and out faster at each movement. Ju
li leaned down and kissed Lynne on the mouth. Their tongues wiggled against each
others. Angel and Asia instantly removed their clothes, and leaned down to remo
ve Lynne's pants. Lynne helped them as she sat up and removed her top and bra. L
ynne sucked the juices from her fingers as Angel leaned in to suck on her hard n
ipples. Her large, breasts hung like grapefruits, as Asia leaned in to suck on t
he opposite nipple. Juli removed her clothes, removing her pants, and sliding he
r panties away off her hips. Her clean shaved pink slit visible to all, as Lynne
grabbed onto Juli pulling her close. Juli sat loosely on Lynne's face, as she b
egan to lick her middle, first slowly, then penetrating her with her tongue. Lyn
ne's right hand slid back down, entering her hole as she pushed her fingers deep
to fill her hot, dripping pussy. Asia dropped down between Lynne's legs and suc
ked on her lips. The taste was enough to make Asia cum herself. Lynne wiggled he
r tongue as she fucked Juli's cunt with her mouth. "Uh, uh, uh!" Juli cooed as s
he came in Lynne's mouth. Asia moved her tongue fast against Lynne's clitoris as
she finger fucked her hole making her move and moan. The built up sex inside Ly
nne caused her to burst, as a stream of cum shot straight out onto Asia's face.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "Oh, we have a shooter!" Asia said happily,
as she licked the cum from her lips, wiping it with her fingers and massaging i
t into her own oozing pussy. Angel continued to suck hard on Lynne's nipple as s
he fingered herself. The four licked each other, penetrating each others holes a
nd satisfying their sexual cravings. It was late, so Juli grabbed Lynne's hand t
o take her to bed. Angel and Asia continued to please each other on the couch, l
ighting up another joint in between and taking swigs of Jack as they once again
sucked each others slits dry before they came again and again. Inside the bedroo
m, the walls were covered with bands posters, and a computer sat in the corner.
The bed was large and looked comfortable. Lynne fell back onto the bed, and said
, "Fuck me!" "Are you sure you want to go further?" She asked. "Yes." Lynne answ
ered, giggling and rubbing herself again. Juli slid down Lynne's body, kissing h
er nipples and down her stomach. Her face nestled against Lynne's sopping wet pu
ssy, and Juli slipped her tongue inside. Lynne's juices flowed and gushed out, c
ausing Juli to lick up every bit as she filled her mouth with the taste of sweet
and salty juices. Lynne felt her tits as Juli popped in and out of her, making
her body tremble. Lynne's next orgasm caused her to shake uncontrollably as Juli
struggled to keep and drink down each bit. The two collapsed next to each other
, hoping that after they catch their breath, they may do it again. Both of them
passed out, and cuddled next to each other like lovers embrace.
[ The Next Morning ]
As Lynne woke up, she noticed her clothes laying on the end of the bed. The othe
r three were up, and already making themselves something to eat. Lynne slid out
of bed, and put her clothes on. She walked towards the door and stepped into the
living room. Juli greeted her. "Good morning." Juli kissed her forehead. Lynne
looked at her, and smiled. "Look, about last night," Juli began to say. "It's fi
ne," Lynne answered. "I had a great time, so, don't apologize." She finished ass
uring Juli and the girls everything was just fine. "It took my mind off of thing
s and you made me feel happy and welcome." She said still smiling. As she hugged
Juli again, she said, "It's not something that I can do everyday." 119

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Juliana had a look of sadness, but understa
nding across her face. "I'll come back sometime, and I will keep in touch, but I
hope you understand that my mind is set." "I understand." Juli said as she and
Lynne hugged each other tight. The other two girls joined in. I have to go, but,
here's my number." Lynne said as she grabbed a pen to write down her number. Sh
e grabbed hold of Juli's right arm, and wrote down her number on Juli's wrist. J
uli smiled, and again kissed Lynne's forehead. Lynne grabbed her cheeks gently a
nd kissed Juli on the lips. "Thank you, again." She spoke. Lynne turned around a
nd stepped out the front door. The hallway was quiet, and as she walked down the
stairs, Bulldog stood there by the exit. "I just wanted to say bye and stuff."
He said, as he gave Lynne a gentle hug. Lynne smiled and said goodbye. She walke
d outside and down the street. The sun was bright and she felt sadness float awa
y. She made her way home.
[ Back At Home ]
As Lynne walked closer to her home, she noticed Ralph sitting on the front steps
. His coat wrapped tightly around him. "Oh my God, Ralph. What are you doing her
e?" She asked concerned and upset. "Have you been here all night?" She continued
. "Uh, yeah." He answered, looking around. "I know I shouldn't have stopped by a
nd stuff," he said serious but looking goofy, "but I didn't get a return instant
message. I didn't know what happened, and feared for your safety." "That's so s
weet, Ralph." She giggled. She invited him inside to warm up, and he followed he
r in. She made him some cocoa, and gave it to him. "It has marshmallows," She sa
id. "Thank you," He answered, smiling. "Look, Ralph, I know why you are here." S
he said, straightforward.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "You do?" He replied. "Yes." She answered.
"I think I have always known. I have just been ignoring it for so long." She fin
ished. Ralph looked at her in surprise. He wanted to hear her say what he always
hoped she would say. "I love you, too, Ralph." She uttered. "You didn't ever ha
ve to say it." She said, looking him in his eyes. "Oh, Lynne." I've wanted to be
with you for so long. "I didn't know if you knew or not." "I knew." She said. L
ynne grabbed his hand and led him into her bedroom. "I want to give you somethin
g. You can't say no." She said, winking at him. Ralph smiled, and understood. "I
won't say no." He winked back. Lynne led Ralph into her room, turning towards h
im and kissing his lips. As they kissed, she removed her coat. Ralph removed his
, and they slowly took off their clothes while still connected. The passion was
irresistible. The emotions were deep. Standing before each other they were both
naked. The heat from their bodies filling the room, and they laid down cuddling
and kissing. "I want you, Ralph." Lynne spoke softly. Ralph kissed down her body
, inching his way to Lynne's middle. Her vagina throbbing for him. She reached o
ver to her drawer, and pulled out her vibrator. Turning it on, she gave it to Ra
lph. He took it, and began to rub it against her bare mound, and into her slit.
He leaned it against her clitoris, then slid it inside her making her moan. She
licked her lips as he pushed deep. His tongue probed her soft, wet pink center.
She cooed and begged for more. The thrill of her new love made the feeling deepe
r and more intense. Her body shook and she had an orgasm, leaving Ralph to taste
and clean up the juices overflowing from her pussy. Ralph filled his mouth with
the sticky fluid. Lynne lifted her body up and pushed him down onto the bed. He
r mouth wrapped around Ralph's cock, and she sucked on him, rubbing her hand up
and down to help. His erection melted inside her mouth as she pushed him to the
back of her throat, and gagged. Her lips tight, and her mouth hot and wet, she l
icked and sucked harder. The feeling of his flesh in her mouth was good, and it
tickled her tongue. His tip tapped the top of her mouth, and he moaned loud. Har
der and harder she bobbed her head up and down, jerking his dick with her fist.
As she pushed his penis to the back of her throat again, he involuntary released
his sticky load into her mouth. Her head shot up an inch with such force, as sh
e tried to contain the load from spilling out.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Licking the remains drizzling from his cock
, she smiled up at him. Lust filled his body as he flipped her around in a doggy
position and entered her slippery hole from the rear. Her moans grew as he dove
deep inside her, pumping his cock harder into her. "Uh, uh, uh, yeah. Keep goin
g. Keep going." She moaned. Ralph grabbed her hips and smacked her rear as he fi
lled her up with his member. She screamed loud in pleasure as he shoved himself
in harder. her ass began to redden from his stomach smacking into it. His rhythm
was quick, and his pelvis slammed into her harder and harder. She moaned and cr
ied out, "Fuck me! Fuck me with your big dick!" Ralph turned her over and lay he
r down, leaning over her and reentering her vagina from the front. "I want to lo
ok in your eyes when I make love to you." He said, eyes sparkling. "I, I love yo
u Ralph." She cried, tears falling from her eyes. "I love you too, Lynne." He an
swered, kissing her lips. She kissed him back, and their bodies wrapped together
as Ralph kept a good rhythm. As they looked into each others eyes, Ralph gave i
n and shot his load into her waiting hole. He held her close as he emptied his b
alls of all he had. The wait was over for him, and they lay together covering th
emselves with a blanket. The day was theirs, and they fell asleep only to waken
to a new life together.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

It was hard for Helen to go to church again, meet new people or just face the ge
neral public like she used to. Helen was a 63 year old widow who had lost her hu
sband John to Cancer. Two years had passed and she cried herself to sleep most n
ights. Depressed all the time, she found solace in alcohol and writing. Most of
her scribbling would more than likely make no sense to others if they were to re
ad, but Helen understood completely.
John was a factory worker for a little known company that manufactures old fashi
oned style furniture, radio casings, and jukeboxes. For the company being small,
it was quite a success and John was on the verge of getting a promotion, meanin
g, he would get a big bonus as well. His body became weak and he collapsed in th
e middle of his shift. He died a few weeks later at the age of 62. Doctors told
Helen it was cancer, although there weren't any signs before. For the past few n
ights, Helen felt like she was not alone wherever she went. It wasn't an uncomfo
rtable feeling, more like a good feeling because she felt that she was safe and
protected. As she laid her head back onto her pillow one night, her body became
warm and relaxed. Sensations of pleasure and passion ran through her body. It wa
s something she knew well, and not experienced in years. But she knew the feelin
g. Only John could make her body feel that way. He pleasured her many times and
made her body feel like it was resting in Heaven. "John?" Helen spoke softly. "J
ohn, I know it's you. I missed you, John." Before Helen's eyes, John appeared. H
e looked younger, and healthier, but Helen knew it was him. "Helen," John spoke
to her,"I have missed you for a long time." Helen began to cry, but John hushed
away her tears and kissed her lips. "I have a gift for you. Take my hand." As sh
e held his hand, they walked away from the bedroom and into a light, which, as t
hey walked through, had 123

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint changed to their place many years ago. Hele
n looked in the mirror, and as she did, she noticed that she too also looked you
nger and healthier. "John?" Helen spoke,"I'm young again, John." She began to cr
y, but John again wiped away her tears. "Do not cry, my dear. This is my gift to
you. Do you remember the first time we made love? I remember it like it was yes
terday. We danced the night away, and told each other how much we felt about one
another. "Yes, John. I do. I have always thought about those days and all the o
ther happy days we have spent together. Holding each other. Caressing each other
." Helen's eyes lit up and were now full of happiness. "Let's do it all again."
John walked slowly towards her and lifted her chin with his hand. He met her eye
s with his, and kissed her gently on the lips, then cradled her next to his ches
t. Music began to play, and they swayed back and forth to the melodies that foll
owed. The whole time they danced, they never took their eyes away from each othe
r. The night sky outside was lit up by a beautiful moon that left a glow on the
balcony outside their room. It was breathtaking. As they walked out onto the bal
cony, they held hands and talked of the days that went by without each other, bu
t John hushed her, and said,"Tonight is our night together. This night is our re
turn to love we have missed for far too long." He lifted her up into his arms, a
nd walked her into the room. Candles lit, and the feelings of passion rose high
inside Helen. "Make love to me John. I've waited for you so long." John laid her
body down onto the soft bed. He leaned over and kissed her lips again, and the
heat of his breath tickled her neck as he kissed there too. She moaned and cooed
as he slid her robe to the side to reveal her younger breast. His tongue began
to lick around her nipples and she ran her fingers through his hair. It was so e
rotic and sensual, and Helen felt her body shake and wiggle as she had an orgasm
. John slid his fingers down her front and opened her robe up completely to reve
al her whole naked frame. As he licked around her nipples, he slid his fingers i
nside Helen's vagina pushing softly in and out. As he did so, he parted her vagi
nal 124

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint lips, and gently played with her clitoris.
Helen began to coo and cry in extreme pleasure. She helped John to rub her clit
as he licked and sucked gently on her nipples. His fingers pushed deeper and fas
ter into her wet vagina, and she came on his fingers twice. He removed his finge
rs and licked clean her juices from them. He then leaned between her legs and li
cked up the remaining juices from her hole, as she quickly came again filling Jo
hn's mouth with salty sweet cum. John removed his clothes and his erect penis st
ood out waiting to fill Helen's hot sex hole. Helen slid her fingers up and down
the shaft as she pushed John back onto the bed. She wrapped her warm wet lips a
round Johns cock and moved up and down sucking and tasting John. He moaned. She
masturbated his shaft while she continued to lick the tip and pleasure her husba
nd. Pausing only seconds she jerked his cock and then licked pre-cum away from t
he head. Then, she filled her mouth with his cock and continued. John couldn't t
ake anymore and shot a load into her mouth with intense pressure. Helen held as
much as she could in swallowing and licking up all remnants of cum that she coul
d. She climbed on top of him and pressed his still throbbing cock into her wet a
nd waiting pussy. She slowly rode up and down as she filled herself with as much
as she could of him. They shared passionate kisses and whispered in each others
ears. Johns hands held Helen's sides as he helped her move as she went. The fir
e burned inside their hearts. Love filled the room and Helen laid her body down
by John. John climbed on top of Helen and pressed his penis into her deep and th
rusted harder and faster. Her breasts bouncing and her eyes closed tight in lust
and love both. Helen began to cry happy tears as John Continued. Helen pulled J
ohn deeper into her and he slammed and thrust as hard as he could leaving her va
gina red. Moments later he shook and halted as he came deep inside her hole. Aft
er a short pause, they lay side by side on their bed. They talked about love and
more as they feel into a deep slumber. Helen never woke up. But when her body w
as found the next day, she lay in her bed with her robe on, underneath her blank
et, with the look of heaven on her face. She joined John in heaven.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

My name is Mitch, first let me say. I want to tell you about my girl. Alyssa is
a black girl I met in college. She isn't thin, but doesn't have really any fat o
n her. She's built fine, and I mean fine. Long black hair, brown eyes, light com
plexion. She has just the right ass for me. Not small, and not too big. I am as
white as they come. So you might ask yourself why she wanted me. To tell you the
truth, I'm not big down there. I'm a chubby guy. I was a virgin even until we m
et. Alyssa is into All sorts of things. Music, art, and poetry. She can sing wel
l and her poems are so beautifully written. She doesn't really draw or paint, bu
t she studies them on occasion. I'm sorry, I should get to the reason why I'm te
lling you this. She is an insatiable lover. Let me tell you. We were having sex
the other night. It's usually candles, music, and a drink or two....but not then
. She wanted me. She wanted me so bad I can feel the intensity of lust and desir
e filling the room. "Fuck me right now you mother fucker! Get over here and suck
my clit!" And I did. I walked over to her, parted the lips to her pink and juic
y pussy, and I sucked on it gently, all while pushing two fingers in her wet hol
e. She wiggled and moaned and rubbed her clit while I sucked on it. She kept her
self shaved clean, so I could lick on the outer lips too without worry. She was
so tasty. I laid on my back, and pulled her on top of me. She wiggled to fit. Tu
rning around she grabbed my dick, and stuffed it inside her mouth. The heat and
wetness of her mouth and lips drove me wild and I was ready to cum. I licked her
harder. "Oh, God make me cum baby. Make me cum. Lick it harder." She cooed. " O
h yeah! Stick your fingers in me. Push them inside my hot pussy baby!" "you want
it baby? Suck me harder you dirty slut. Make me shoot my cum in your mouth." I
didn't cum just yet. I literally tossed her onto her back, parted her 126

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint legs and pushed my rock hard cock inside he
r. I was filled with so much energy, I thrust hard, but not too fast. Her tits w
ere bouncing up and down. "Talk dirty to me!" She begged. "Call me a nasty whore
!" I spilled out every word I could think of. She was on fire. "You cock sucking
bitch! I'm gonna fuck that dripping cunt of yours with my dick, you nasty whore
!" My cock was thrusting harder into her sex hole, and my body slapped against h
ers making her bounce hard. She moaned, and cried out in pleasure. "Mmmmm, fuck
me harder bitch! Fuck me! Oh GOD! Fuck me. Ooooohh.....Oh yeah baby. Cum in my p
ussy!" Her tone changed and she became more aggressive and full of lust. "I want
a baby. Cum in my pussy. I want a baby. Her right hand was rubbing her clit whi
le I beat her cunt red. Her juices came flowing out like a waterfall. I reached
down and rubbed it, then licked my fingers to taste the salty sweet cum she had
ejaculated from her hole. It drove me insane. "That's it baby, Cum for me! Cum f
or Mommy! Cum for me Baby!" I came an intense load inside her fuck-hole, squeezi
ng out every last drop as she squeezed to fill more inside her. I pulled out and
kissed her deeply on her soft lips. "I love you baby." "I love you too." We col
lapsed side by side onto our bed and fell asleep. Since then, our sex has become
hotter, and we try new things. Our love is perfect.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Waking up to the moonlight filling my window at a little past 2 am, I felt a lit
tle horny. Let me be exact. A LOT horny. My wife Mara was away for the weekend w
ith friends, and her sister Kara. Her twin sister. They were identical to a tee.
Well, at least what I know of with clothes on. I don't know about anything else
. I got up off the bed and stretched out. I walked towards the door, but before
I got to it, the door slowly opened. In walked Mara, my lovely wife. She took on
e long and hard look at my massive bulge, and said,"Looks like I am just in time
." She walked over, eased my cock out of my boxers, knelt down and took almost t
he whole thing into her mouth. At first, it was almost passionate, then, she wra
pped a small hand around it and sucked harder and faster. "Oh, God baby. Suck it
good." She happily obliged. She pushed me back onto our bed all without missing
a beat or rhythm. My cock was pulsing with built up juices, and I felt like I w
as ready to cum right then, but she sensed it and stopped. Still holding onto my
cock, she lay down on her back, and with one hand pulled off her panties from u
nderneath her skirt. She yanked me close and ordered me to eat her cunt. So I di
d, and she was far past wet, she was drenched. "Suck my pussy! Suck it! Eat my c
unt baby!" She yanked and pulled at my hair. I did. Now, I have to admit, this w
as different than our usual sexual encounters. She was really hot tonight. So I
asked in between licks,"Damn baby, what's gotten you going tonight? She only coo
ed and cried out in pleasure. As I rest my head over her wet, pink pussy lips la
pping up her juices and hearing her oh's and yeah's, in walked her twin, Kara. I
stopped what I was doing, and gazed at her while she slowly took off her clothe
s licking her lips. "Oh, honey, you've been so naughty. Are you ready for this?"
she asked. "I'm not Kara. I am Mara, your wife."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint I looked back and forth between them, but s
till couldn't tell the difference. "I know you've been wanting this for so long,
and so have I," my wife said. "I was only more than thrilled to learn that Kara
wanted it too." Kara got up and grabbed me by the hand making me sit down on th
e edge of the bed. She straddled my hard cock facing front like me, and slowly s
lid up and down griding me with all it was worth. Mara lowered herself in front
of us, and wrapped her mouth on my cock as her sister's pussy was cumming on me.
she licked and sucked and tasted Kara's juices for the first time. I was beyond
thrilled and as I watched her enjoyment, I grabbed her sister by the side, thru
st my cock deep into her pussy, and came hard inside releasing loads of semen in
to her. As Kara slowly rose up off me, Mara sucked the cum off my still hard coc
k."Mmm, we'll have to do this again,"she said. I'm ready anytime.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Jesse woke up on Christmas Day. His pajama bottoms were shifted, as he had a goo
d nights rest. He was a 35 year old Architect, having designed his home, and mos
t of the designs for his land as well. His brown hair swayed at below ears lengt
h, and his soft brown eyes pierced even the toughest of women. Broad shoulders a
nd sexy abs were also a big factor. No need for other women, as his beloved Kait
lyn was everything that he could ever want in a woman. Perky breast, soft red li
ps, striking green eyes and seductive auburn hair. She had the hottest tan body
that he had ever seen on a woman. Perfect, with no flaws. 33 years of age, but l
ooked as if she was 20. Jesse got up from his empty bed, and figured that his wi
fe was already downstairs, making breakfast and preparing the gifts. He slid on
his slippers, and walked down the steps to greet Kaitlyn. He looked around, and
did not notice her anywhere. He stepped into the kitchen, and a nice, hot plate
of food was ready for him to eat. Two eggs, sunny side up, with hash browns and
sausage links. Toast and jam, with a nice cold glass of orange juice. He sat dow
n on the seat, and began to eat. To his left on the table, he saw a small note.
It Read: Enjoy breakfast. He continued to eat, and when he finished, he drank hi
s orange juice. Getting up from the table, he walked to the living room. As he m
ade his way around the corner to the main hall, he noticed a trail of rose petal
s leading to the door. Jesse walked to it, and slowly opened the door. It was co
ld outside. Fresh white snow lay covering the ground. As he looked to the sidewa
lk, a small box sat. He walked out towards the box, and picked it up, then carri
ed it into the warm house. As he closed the door. He noticed that a fire had jus
t been started. He walked into the living room and sat down in his chair and enj
oyed the fire. Looking down to the box, he opened it. Another note sat inside. I
t Read: 130

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Close your eyes, and relax. No peeking. He
did as the note had said. Keeping his eyes closed, he relaxed his muscles. He fe
lt the air move slightly knowing that someone was behind him. Without any words,
he was blindfolded, and could no longer see anything even if he opened his eyes
. Small hands began to rub on his neck, and down the front of his bare chest. He
knew those hands. Kaitlyn rubbed him the exact same way before she cuddled next
to him. He was thoroughly enjoying the moment, and relaxed even more as the war
mth cradled his body. She removed her hands and backed away. Another sensation t
ickled through his body as a pair of hands rubbed softly on his thighs, and he c
ould feel a soft pair of breasts nestle against his inner thighs. He became inst
antly erect, as the hands gently pulled on the waistband of his pajama pants, an
d lowered them down to his ankles, exposing a rather large, throbbing penis. A w
arm pair of lips wrapped themselves around him, taking in little by little, so a
s to make the experience very pleasurable and enjoyable. The warm fire burned, a
nd Jesse's body was saturated with heat both from the fire, and from the body of
this person. "Another woman maybe?" he had wondered. The mouth continued taking
him in, twisting the tongue and sliding a soft hand up and down to heighten the
act. The feeling was more intense than he could ever imagine. The wet, slippery
tongue licked, and flicked at his tip making pre-cum ooze as it licked it clean
. The hands lifted up his pajama pants again at the waist, and fitted them right
on him. The person moved, and got up, walking away. His wife's voice spoke gent
ly into his ear from behind him. "No peeking." She untied the blindfold from his
eyes, and he held them shut. His wife walked away and as she was about to leave
around the corner, she whispered softly, but enough for him to hear, "Open your
eyes." He looked down at his lap, and another note sat there for him to read. I
t read: Was that enjoyable for you as it was for me? "Yes," He said as he read i
t. He got up from his seat and was ready to walk upstairs, when his eye saw yet
another note.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint It read: Remove your pants, and go lay down
on the bed. He did as it had asked, and removed his pajama pants on the bottom
stairwell. He slid slowly up the stairs, and entered the bedroom. His eyes widen
ed as he saw the bed had been made, and candles were lit on each side of the bed
post. Another blindfold lay on his pillow, and he knew what he had to do. Tying
the dark cloth around his eyes, he made sure that he could not see anything. La
ying on his back, his penis proudly stood up into the air, the door creaked open
. He smiled a near cheesy grin. The bed was pushed down, as a body crawled betwe
en him to his inner thighs and took his hard cock into their mouth. It was the s
ame, sensual mouth as before. It seemed different from his wife's, and the mouth
continued to swallow him in, massaging the shaft. He moaned as they moved faste
r, and more erotic than before. Never letting up, or loosening the lips, this pe
rson deep throated his cock and seemed to moan very lightly too. As he was lovin
gly tasted by those perfect lips, a hand reached up and rubbed a slippery juice
onto his own lips. The sweet taste of female ejaculation was tasted, and the del
ightful scent filled his nostrils. "Hello honey," Jesse greeted Kaitlyn, smiling
. "Mmm, hello lover," She replied. He removed his blindfold, and looked down to
his wife, who was again taking him into her mouth. She didn't hold back this tim
e, and filled her mouth with his cock meat, sucking him in and making him moan.
Her warm, wet lips still wrapped around the shaft, and her small hands jerking t
o the base, she deep throated him to the point of her gagging. Still moving, she
bounced her head up and down on his lap, tasting his cum as he ejaculated his t
hick fluids into her mouth for her to swallow. Looking up at him with her green
eyes, she asked, "So, how did you know it was me?" "I know your scent," He told
her, "And no other woman can compare to that. Or you," He finished. She smiled,
and stood up to reveal a nice big, red bow wrapped around her breast, down the b
ack then wrapped around her groin. His penis stiffened once again.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "You know, if you did ever want to be with
another woman, just ask me," She said to him. "No, love. It is you and only you
that I want. I'm glad that it was you only and nobody else," He said to her, tak
ing her small right hand and kissing it softly. She smiled. "Would you like to u
nwrap your gift, or want to know the real Christmas present I have for you?" She
asked him, biting her lower lip, and hoping for the latter. He looked at her, a
nd wondered what better gift there could be that was better than she was to him.
"What do you have for me?" He asked her. She almost hesitated. "I'm pregnant, J
esse," She mumbled, hoping that he would be happy. "That's...." He whispered, ey
es wide, "That's....that makes me the happiest man in the world," He said as he
willingly shown her a smile. He reached up and pulled her gently at the waist, k
issing her mouth and holding her tight. "I couldn't ask for anything more better
than that," He told her. "There is none." "Just a little," She confessed, "But
you don't have to ask." She lifted herself up once again and stood in waiting. H
e understood, and touched the ribbon, undoing each strip and unwrapping his wife
. As the bow and ribbon fell, he sat back, and admired the beauty that his wife
held. Her perfect breast, and her bare vagina. The pink folds of her lips waitin
g to be touched. He pulled her close, and lay her down in the center of the bed.
He kissed her mouth, and slowly inched his way down to her stomach, and traced
his finger around her now erect nipples. She cooed. He rubbed both hands at the
sides of her hips, and wrapped his mouth around her waiting hole. He nudged the
clitoris with the tip of his tongue and slid it inside of her, penetrating her w
et vagina. Her hands squeezed her breast and she touched her nipples begging for
more. In a circle motion, he tasted her juices and pleasured his Kaitlyn, makin
g sure that she was hot and soaking wet inside and out. He nibbled on the sides
of her labia ever so gently. Again, she moaned. Holding on no longer, she releas
ed fluids into Jesse's mouth. He tasted every drop and looked up at her for appr
oval. "Make love to me, Jesse," She yearned for him. He moved up to her connecti
ng eye to eye and gave her the most deep, 133

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint passionate kiss he could give to her. She h
eld the back of his head as they kissed, and he slid his solid penis between her
mound. The wetness surrounded him on all sides and he pushed deep to fill her w
ell. The feeling was heightened for her as she came again, making her insides mo
re slippery for Jesse. He continued to thrust into her slowly, then faster as sh
e pulled onto his buttocks. She held on tight now with both hands firmly graspin
g his behind, as the walls of her middle pulled his cock in tighter. He pushed m
ore and kept a good rhythm, making Kaitlyn moan louder and whisper in his ear, "
I love you, Jesse." He whispered in return, "I love you always, Kaitlyn." The em
otional and physical connection brought both to a new level of pleasure as they
both came together. First, Jesse grabbed her buttocks and held her tight to him
releasing a thick, warm stream of semen into her. Kaitlyn came right after, as s
he leaked her fluids down her thighs. They held each other close, and Kaitlyn bu
ried her head in Jesse's chest. "Happy Holidays, lover," Kaitlyn whispered. "Man
y more to come," He answered back.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint

Alone in the darkness. It's your blood I crave. Sitting here, helpless. A victim
of my own free will. I remember once, I was human. I loved. I felt love. I've w
anted to cry for many nights over heartache. Feelings, I miss them so. I gave my
last breath to an other-worldly being. A man who came into my life, and filled
my soul with pleasures unimaginable, before taking that very soul away from me.
I remember my last living breath. The tears in my eyes. That was another time. M
y name is Isabella, and I am an Empress. I was once. I have taken liberty upon m
yself to fight against a vast army of creatures of the night. This was my life.
Many years ago, I fell in between what seemed to have been a never-ending battle
between the living, and the damned. I carried with me my trusted bow, and a swo
rd that clung to my side by strap. Not heavy, but light in its glory. I was call
ed to a village between the mountains. There, an army of vampires gathered, and
I along with my men traveled to fight them. I felt unstoppable, and my body felt
no pain as I put to rest the lost souls in my path. "He is here," I spoke to my
men, "I know he is here." I finished, gripping the sword at my side. The man, w
hich was not a man at all, I spoke of was the legions second in command. Somehow
, his presence connected with mine, and I could feel his body shiver in fear. I
too, felt fear, and it was not like me. "You will not defeat me!" a voice echoed
in our surroundings. It seemed to come from everywhere, and right in the middle
of us. "You will never defeat me!" the voice repeated. As I took a step forward
with my sword, my eyes darted aimlessly at nothing. Snow was falling, and at ea
ch sound, I turned to look. The snow began to blow hard against my face, coverin
g the visuals of the earth from my sight. Out of nowhere, Marco, the second to S
ebastian, leaped as he swung his sword, connecting with my own. As both armies h
owled, Marco thrust his sword towards me, missing my face head on as I flipped b
ack and swung mine in return slicing two of his fingers from his left hand. He m
ade a dash for a hut, and I ran after him, aware that I may walk into a trap at

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint any time. I held my position for seconds, a
s those seconds felt like eternity. I held my breath, and released, walking insi
de and holding my sword in front, waiting for him to strike. From a corner, he j
umped out, and I swung my sword, decapitating the demon, and claiming victory. I
had won this time, but next, I may not be so lucky. Walking from out of the sma
ll hut, I gripped his head in my left fist. The army of vampires looked upon it,
growling at the wind and cursing me in vain. "Take this!" I said to them, "And
tell your master I am coming for him." My hand tossed the pale head in front of
their feet. Without collecting, they ran off into the distance and disappeared b
ehind clouds of snow. It grew dark early that night. My men struggled for shelte
r, as we made haste to the next town. Our weary bodies barely making the journey
The towns pub was filled with patrons of all shapes, sizes, and professions. It
was cold, and drinks were passed along by the dozens as they filled their bellie
s to temporarily feel warm from the chill. I passed on drinks myself, staying ra
ther attentive to my surroundings. "How about a dance, lovely?" A drunken man as
ked standing before me, angry it seems at my lack of a quick response. "What is
the matter? Am I not good for you....Empress?" My men drew their swords, and I u
ttered, "No! I will dance with him." I flashed a smile, and the man smiled devio
usly in return, thinking I may fuck if he played his cards right. He led me to t
he center of the floor, and placed his arms around my waist. I slowly put my arm
s over his shoulders. We danced to the sounds of violins. They filled the night
air, and I fell into a temporary spell. My senses were blind to everything as if
I was drunken myself. It was a rush, but also dangerous if we were to fall vict
im to an attack. The man was not a big man. His hair matted to his head, and eye
s hollow as if he was near death. His cheek bones pressed under his skin making
near death seem past tense. He wore, however, fitting clothes, and not rags. A t
hief, maybe. "Let me take you to a room, where you may pleasure me, my dear," th
e man said to me, holding a twisted smile. "I can see you know how to treat a la
dy," I thought sarcastically to myself. I thought, "What the hell?" and answered
him, "Yes."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint He tried to kiss me at that moment, but I t
urned away, and walked upwards 15 stairs to the second floor suites. To the cont
rary, they were not suites at all, but a house of ill repute. A brothel if you w
ill. Ladies of many faces, and color looked on as I led him to a room in the bac
k. It was indeed empty, open only for paying customers who bring their own women
. He pushed shut the door behind him and slipped his belt from its loop, opening
his pants and slipping his rigid cock out for my eyes to see. I wasn't impresse
d, but kept that bit of detail all to myself. "I'm gonna fuck you like the whore
you really are!" the man growled as he stroked the flesh of his penis. "I see.
And you think I will let you?" I answered, almost daring him to make a move. I u
nfastened my top, and let my tits spill out, making his eyes leap from the socke
ts in hunger. "I'm not afraid of you," He muttered, still peeking at my tits. I
felt so hot at that very moment, and I unfastened my long black hair from its ho
ld, and let it drop. He wrapped his bony hands around his shaft and stroked it h
ard, falling back onto the bed provided, and hand fucked himself rough. It was n
ot exactly a sexy sight to my eyes, yet, my pussy quivered for it. His cock. Any
cock really. This man just so happened to approach me at the right time. I did
the first thing that came to my mind. I placed my sword to his throat, and made
him lick my soaking hole between my thighs. Actually, that was all I wanted from
him. Nothing else, for in my eyes, he wasn't worth the lay. His tongue pierced
my pussy and drank the juices I came. "Oh, lick me harder!" I begged, feeling th
e tingle run up and down my body. My cunt was very sensitive when it came to som
eone eating my pussy. I rubbed my clitoris hard as he licked and slurped my juic
y center, fucking me with his tongue harder and harder. He grabbed my hand, and
placed it onto his cock. I jerked him off, only for doing me a wondrous favor. A
s I lay back onto the bed covers, he slipped his fingers into my cunt, and I fel
t myself tighten as my pink middle pulled them in. "Oh, what the hell?" I whispe
red, and flipped around next to him, sucking his dick off hard, as I made sure h
e kept sucking my clitoris and more. My tongue licked up his shaft from within m
y mouth, and he gave in to the pleasure, releasing a shot of semen into my mouth
. It wasn't much, but I took it in either way. I didn't swallow his load, but in
stead, spit it into his mouth as I kissed him. I'm not sure if he was pleased at
the gesture, but he smiled anyways. "For your troubles, whore!" He hollered out
, tossing coins at my tits as they fell off to the floor. I drew my sword from i
ts sheath, and stuck it to his Adam's apple. I pressed in, almost piercing the f
lesh and cutting him open. "That was lovely," I smiled wickedly, and let him go
as he scampered down the stairs cursing at me from afar. As I finished dressing
myself, I wrapped my sword tight to me, and headed out from the room 137

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint to the hall. The small crowd was cheering,
and the whores who dwelt here smiled as a dirty man fled. I gave order for my me
n to feast, and fuck as much as they'd like. As I did so, I wrapped up my hair t
o the back of my head. We were put up in a few rooms at the Inn across the way.
Some men stood guard, and some took advantage of the pleasures awaiting inside t
he small saloon. I took my own room, away from my men. It's not that I don't tru
st any to be with me at night. But, I am a lady after all, and an Empress, so I
must separate myself when it comes to sins of the flesh. As many cheered in the
distance, I fell fast asleep while my door remained guarded.
I woke from sleep, and felt cold. My body shivered in the night air. Strange, as
I was covered with a thick blanket. My head feeling rather dizzy, as I stood an
d made my way to the door. I put my hand on the knob and pulled it open. It was
dark and empty outside. My guards were nowhere to be seen. They know not to leav
e me by myself. It was different. There were no signs of life around, and a chil
l other than that of the wind pierced my skin and ran its course through my spin
e. Whispers lingered in the wind that blew, and I searched in all directions hop
ing to find its source. Nothing. I went back in to the room, and grabbed my swor
d. Tightening it to my waist, I drew the sword from its hold and walked around l
ooking for answers. "Isabella..." The voice trailed off in the distance. I follo
wed it down a small pathway. The moon was high and trees rustled as the winds pi
cked up. Faces came and gone in the darkness, and I felt as though I were being
watched. I paused dead in my tracks, and saw a grisly sight. Bodies ripped apart
hung from trees, and others impaled on sticks. My heart beat fast inside my che
st, and I slowly walked further into the remains of those once living. I froze i
n my place. A hand waved in front of me, and a dark presence held me close. "Isa
bella..." It called to me in a raspy voice. "I've been watching you, Isabella,"
The voice continued sounding more human. I turned around and drew my sword, but
nobody was there. I turned in all directions, but nothing. I lowered my sword, a
nd invited this presence to reveal itself. "Show yourself!" I screamed into the
night. "Let me see who you really are!" The figure walked towards me. Ghostly at
first, but materialized into a man with medium length dark hair, pale skin and
sad eyes. He wore a long robe, almost like a coat, and he 138

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint looked on at me. I felt my body weaken, lik
e I had been drugged, and was finding myself slipping away into a spell. He wrap
ped his arms around me, and I blacked out. I woke from time to time, always slip
ping back into darkness. I saw villages below me, and then clouds.
I awoke some time later in a room with red curtains, and a fire blazed in the fi
replace. It was warm, and I wore a dress. My hair fitted with jewels, and my dre
ss made of silk. As I looked on, two women lay before me. They had a devilish lo
ok upon their faces, almost like jealousy. Whispers were spoken between them, an
d some came from around the room. In wlaked the man I had seen earlier. The same
sad eyes looked upon my body. I felt trapped, but continued to look at those ey
es. "Do you know who I am?" He asked me. "You are not Sebastian," I muttered. "N
o, I am not," He responded. "You are Dracula," I managed a whisper, as he approa
ched me. "Yes. I am Dracula," He said to me. My body not cold, but tense as he s
at beside me. "I have lived here behind these walls for a long time," He told me
. "Was it you that took my men?" I asked him feeling hatred as I spoke. "Was it
you who ripped apart the people of that town? Answer me!" I screamed at him as I
smacked his face. "It was not!" He thrust me back against the wall, anger in hi
s eyes. The girls across from me laughed at my suffering. However, I was put dow
n as Dracula pressed me to his chest. It was strange, as I heard nothing. Not a
heart beating. Nothing. "Annette? Lynn?" He spoke to the two women. "Do you hung
er for her?" He asked them. Annette and Lynn crawled towards me, looking sad in
their own ways, but almost as if they were happy that they were invited for the
taste of strong blood. "Take care of her well," He ordered them. He walked away,
disappearing around a corner. 139

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint Annette slid a finger into my hole, as the
feeling was only half pleasurable. Her body, as well as Lynn's had changed from
dark, to almost human. "Don't worry, my dear," Lynn spoke, "We will take care of
you," She smiled. Lynn removed her long dress, baring her body. Her breasts wer
e petite, and as I looked down, her mound was covered lightly in red hairs. She
began to lick me all over while Annette continued to finger inside me. I was beg
inning to loosen up, as my vagina slowly became wet at each stroke. Annette remo
ved her finger and Lynn rest in between my thighs. My pants were slowly pulled a
way as I took off my top. I was naked of course, but not vulnerable. As I lay ba
ck, Lynn slid her tongue into my wet slit, and began to lick away my juices. Ann
ette removed her dress as well, revealing larger breast, and a wondrous bare mou
nd. As my pussy was licked and savored, Annette raised herself in front of my fa
ce. I licked her center, and a certain, unknown, but sweet taste tickled my tast
e buds. She began to rub up and down, humping my face as I orally fucked her. Th
e pleasure was bold, and I came into Lynn's mouth. "Mmm, sweet," She said to me,
"But I crave your blood even more," She admitted. Dracula returned, walking slo
wly towards me. He removed his clothing, and I saw his thick penis ready for lov
e. Both girls backed away, as he slid onto me, and placed his penis inside, slip
ping in quick. My pussy wrapped around his cock, and pulled him tight. He ran hi
s tongue around my neck, penetrating my hole as he did so. I was unable to move,
but, it was alright. His touch was intimate in its darkness. My body convulsed
and I quivered as I came again. As my body was ravaged, and pleasured, he bit in
to the side of my neck. The invitation was open, as Annette and Lynn walked towa
rds my body. Taking both of my arms in each of their hands, they bit into my wri
sts. They drank slowly, as if making love to the wounds. Dracula looked sadly in
to my eyes, and offered life apart from death. I could not respond, as I lay the
re, feeding three the last drops of blood I had. Biting into his own wrist, he p
laced the open wound near my mouth. "Drink," He said to me. "Drink my blood, and
be reborn," My eyes were fading into the dark, but I obliged. Taking him and dr
inking from his blood. It was bitter to taste, but, an energy sprang through my
veins. Life seemed to return to me, and my eyes seen perfectly clear in front of
me. He removed his wrist from my lips and kissed me. My naked body still lay ex
posed. Pain was what I felt at that very moment. My heart was weak and I could v
aguely remember the last beat of my heart. The sadness I also felt. At the same
confused moment, I felt love for this 140

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint dear man. This creature, who took my life,
and gave it back to me. I was too weak to speak anymore, and I blacked out. When
I awoke, I was all alone. I wasn't in the same place, on a bed, undressed. My b
ody wore my old clothes, and I was in the cabin where I was before. I vowed to f
ind him. To search for the one who made me what I am. I knew I had turned. I alr
eady began to crave the blood of the living. I was damned. I was now, a vampire.
The year was 1989, and I had been traveling many a night. Chasing ghosts perhaps
, but nevertheless, a lead was a lead. The New York subway was dark, and the las
t train had already passed. There was a short time before the next, and I sat on
a bench. The lights flickered, and my surroundings were normal. I felt that it
may have been a waste of time, but something caught my eyes. In the corner, a ho
meless man lay, bleeding from his throat, and on the verge of death himself. He
pleaded with me, to help him. I did the only thing I could do, and I broke his n
eck, killing him instantly. Death would not let me bare tears, so I stood by his
side. The darkness seemed to close in on me, and I could feel someone close by.
I carried with me a pistol that I learned to use, as my sword was still at my s
ide. "Show yourself," I called out. Laughter peeled throughout the station, and
I was surprised when the figure did. I couldn't see any face, as the attacks wer
e swift. A hand swiped at my top, ripping a large hole in it. I shot at the figu
re and it dropped to the side. I walked closer towards it, and the figure stay i
n place. I noticed that the figure was that of a woman. "Annette?" I called out.
The bullet had pierced her heart and she was dying fast. "Where is he?" I asked
her. "I do not know," She replied. "But, he is coming for you," She finished, a
s she took her last breath, and died again. I cannot say that I was glad to be r
id of her. In fact, I felt pain. Pain, without a tear to cry. Walking away, I to
ok one last glimpse at her. As I made way for the stairs, the train roared to a
halt. Passengers that parted from the doors screamed in horror. By then, I had g

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint +6+

2007 came fast, and I was weary. I reflected on many years that passed, and I wa
nted death to come and take me. I was dead already. An immortal walking this ear
th feeding on humans and ending their mortal lives. The blood was salty, but swe
et on my tongue. The more I drank, the more I wanted. How can this be? I always
asked that question. Was there a higher power that chose to condemn me to a dark
servitude? I once believed in a God. Now, no longer. The Scenery had changed. M
usic, styles of dress, and people. As I sat on a park bench one evening, two men
approached me, and one opened his coat, pulling a blade on me. The other man la
ughed as he did so. It was clear what they wanted, and I, was going to give it t
o them. The man with the blade grabbed me by my top, and pulled me away from the
seat where I was. The other man pulled down his pants, and showed me his penis.
As I had a knife to my throat, the man had slid down my body, tearing articles
of clothing away. I let him. Sure, I knew that I was a much stronger creature th
an he, but, I still rather enjoyed sins of the flesh. My cunt was open for displ
ay to the two men. The larger man with the knife sucked hard on my nipples, as t
he other slid his long tongue inside of me. It was really amusing. By all means,
pleasurable. However, by them in return being prey is arousing. My pussy was pe
netrated forcefully with the tongue of one. My nipples became erect. I let out a
moan. "Oh, I think she likes it," one called out to the other. Images began swi
rling around inside my head. Faces in the dark appeared, and I suddenly felt lik
e I was being watched. I was not alone here any longer. I was too deep in though
t, and dreaming of long nights, and forgotten pleasures, that I hadn't noticed I
was being penetrated deep with both of their cocks. The strange part about it w
as, I had ejaculated, and my vagina was gushing with juices. As the men took tur
ns cumming inside my pussy hole, I lay there drifting off, feeling almost human
again. "Thanks for the fuck!" One of the two shouted down at me. A feeling of pa
in came over me. I knew this pain before. Sadness, and tears streamed down my fa
ce. The pleasure that the men had gave to me, although minimal, was good. I shed

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint tears because for once in ages, I was hurt
by what someone had to say. Instead of taking their lives, I let them go. I did
not feel the thirst. I lay there alone, naked on the ground. I still felt eyes s
urround me. From the darkness, a small figure crept slowly towards me. I recogni
zed the face, that of which belonged to a woman I knew. Lynn. She looked down at
me, then up towards the two men who had their way with me. I was out, as darkne
ss took over. Before I fell into a sleep, I heard screams.
I awoke later in a bed. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed Lynn laying beside me. He
r eyes met mine, and she kissed my forehead softly. "What.....what happened to m
e?" I asked. Lynn looked at me, then turned away producing a warm wet cloth, and
placing it over my head. I closed my eyes. "It was not him who made you," She s
poke to me. "It was me." "How?" I asked, curious. "When Dracula was looking away
, I gave you three droplets of my blood," She continued. "You did not know it yo
urself. Annette knew, but for an unknown reason, never told." "Does he know?" I
asked, feeling numerous emotions. "No, he does not." "Am I human again?" "Yes. I
released you. I watched you for so long," She spoke. "I waited for the right ti
me to show myself to you. I mean you no harm." "I believe you," I responded, fee
ling weary. Lynn lay next to me, and kept me safe over several nights. Through t
he days, she hid in the 143

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint darkness. It was both a joy to me, but a sa
dness to be able to see the sun again. I drifted off into a perfect sleep.
As I awoke, it was dark outside. Lynn lay naked against me. She moved to see me
waken. Pulling her close to me, I kissed her lips. My tongue licked hers as they
romanced each others. I removed what little clothing I had on, and began to kis
s her body softly. My tongue licked down her stomach, and inserted into her hole
. I could feel her body shiver in excitement. My hands grasped her buttocks, and
I pulled her into me. She turned herself around against me, and penetrated me w
ith her tongue. I cooed as she did so. By just a few strokes with her tongue, my
pussy came. Her face covered with sweet sticky juices. I continued to lick her
deep, and she moaned loud to signal her pleasure. As we licked each others cunts
and tasted each other, we gave in, collapsing on the bed. I was still weary fro
m ages of unrest. I fell into sleep again.
The sounds of the bell in the tower filled the air of a dark night. Lynn was no
longer beside me, but slumped inside of a cushion spot near the corner. She appe
ared to truly be weak. Her skin more pale than before. I decided to return her t
he favor which she had bestowed upon me. She had given me life back, and I shall
help her to live still. I raised from my place in bed, and walked hurriedly tow
ards her. By then, I had already slit open my palm, and bled myself with large d
roplets on her lips. She moved slightly, and she began to open her mouth farther
. I pressed my hand closer to her mouth, and she drank from me. Her force was fi
erce, but her response and her carefulness was astonishing. The blood of my body
exited my wound, and dripped down her waiting throat. Her hunger had been satis
fied, and her loyalty had been proven. That was the day that I fell deeply for m
y beloved, Lynn. She became a protector in my still weakened state, and we becam
e lovers among vampires and humans alike. For time we hid inside her home, waiti
ng for myself and her to become well. Laying in her bed, we faced each other, an
d stared completely into one another's eyes. Her eyes, they seemed to change col
ors, like the leaves on a tree as the seasons change. My heart pushed against th
e walls of my chest, and sometimes I couldn't breathe. The pains, however, had s
ubsided, and after much time, I was well again. Lynn, had recovered, and for 144

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint some nights, had once again found prey near
the woods. Although she had no choice but to feast on that of a human, she chos
e the ones that were soon to face judgment soon enough. My taste for food had re
turned back to the basics. Cooked meats, bread, and wine. The taste was not like
I had remembered, but, filling and satisfying. I hoped to find a way to return
her back to her human state, but the possibility had seemed not so likely. I kne
w though, that this is what I wanted, and I knew what had to be done.
+ 10 +
We had traveled for six nights, stopping for shelter and rest from the sun. On t
he seventh night, the moon turned red, and was full in the sky. It had been many
years since I hunted vampires. I have killed many, became one, was returned to
my human state, and forgotten most of what I knew and felt. Lynn had picked up o
n things right away. "We are being followed," She said low, but enough to startl
e me. "By whom?" I had asked in return. "Not by whom," She continued, "But by wh
at," She finished, looking at me. A cold chill ran down the center of my spine,
and I prepared myself for what might come. "It is a Lycanthrope," Her eyes opene
d to match my own. "The first of all Lycans," She said to me. My gaze was strong
toward hers. "I thought that they, and he too were a myth," I responded. "The l
egend is real?" "Yes." "How do we kill it?" I asked. "It is too powerful, and I'
m afraid that it is too strong to be defeated," She spoke. "The only possible wa
y to avoid the beast is to destroy Dracula." "How can we kill him?" I asked, pre
paring for what was to come, and knowing the outcome may not be so pleasant. "In
Dracula's castle, I had seen an old wooden box. Inside the box there is a medal
lion. It is no ordinary medallion, as it contains the souls of the damned. My so
ul is forever prisoner 145

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint inside the dark jewel that centers the meda
llion," She said to me. "You must destroy it." "How?" "It must be placed in the
light of the sun." "That is all?" I asked her, confused of all I was being told.
"Yes," She answered me. "Why haven't you done this yourself?" "That is a silly
question," She laughed low amongst herself. I felt my cheeks blush and realized
that she was right. "Besides, a vampire can never destroy the medallion," She sa
id to me, now in a serious tone. "If one was to try, his soul will remain foreve
r locked inside. He will never be free from his prison." "I see," I answered, un
derstanding more as she told me. "Isabella," She touched my shoulder, "Although
it is you that must do this, you must know that there is also a chance I could d
ie too." I did not say a word, but held her close and kissed her lips.
+ 11 +
I remember as I slept, that old familiar dream haunted my thoughts. Dracula hims
elf making love to me on a crimson blanket. The blood of the departed filled a g
oblet, and candles lit all around the room. He beckoned me to come with him, and
I had always hesitated in my dreams, until now. I began walking closer to him,
and following him through a passage. Just as soon as I entered the doorway of a
small room, a beast jumped at me and I awoke in a sweat. I looked towards the wi
ndow and saw Lynn glaring outside at the full moon. "What is it?" I asked her, s
tanding slowly and walking to her.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "It is coming, Isabella," She answered. As
she turned to face me, a tear of blood drip down her cheek. "Oh no," I responded
, and wiped it away with a cloth. "It is time," She spoke to me. "Go to the cast
le, and destroy it," She finished, as another tear fell. I quickly got dressed,
and grabbed my weapons. My sword, and just in case, my firearm. "Isabella, I did
not tell you everything," She said to me, holding my arm. "Unless the medallion
is destroyed, he cannot die. He has no heart." My eyes met hers, and the red st
ain of blood had long soaked in her dying flesh. I looked at her face once more,
smiled, and left her. I made my way to Dracula's castle.
+ 12 +
The sun rose to the sky, and I was 2 days into my journey. The heat fell over me
, and I desired water and food to help me along my way. A diner was close, and I
walked to, then stepped inside. I walked past the hostess, and seated myself. T
he small establishment, made to represent the 50's era, was covered by two waitr
esses. I noticed an older couple at the table by the entrance. Next, a trucker a
t the single spot next to the counter. In the far back of the diner, a figure in
a hood sat silently. An older waitress walked over to me. "What would you like,
hon'?" She asked me. "Water," I replied. "Is that all?" She asked me in return,
more than annoyed. I looked into her eyes, and said, "Yes. That is all." I gues
s not knowing what more to say, she left my table. I looked towards the back, an
d noticed that the person that was there before, was now gone. I looked outside
from the window, back to the table, and back outside. Strange. I did not see him
get up. 147

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The waitress brought me my glass of water.
I noticed quickly that there were smudges of lipstick on the glass. If that's no
t cliche, then I am not sure what is. What very few others would notice was, tha
t it was a mans lips that wore the darkened red shade as they drank. As she walk
ed away, I collected my things, and stood up myself to leave. As I proceeded to
exit the door of the diner, I heard a voice shout to me. "Bitch!" The upset wait
ress protested. I admit, I laughed inside, as it was not everyday that someone v
erbally abused me. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a different time,
and I was was no longer an Empress. I guess I was never much of an Empress eithe
r way, since my devotion was destroying creatures that hunt in the night. What k
ind of an Empress does that?
+ 13 +
On a long stretch of open road, I walked and it was now night. Traveling was alo
t different from how it used to be. There were horses in my time, and now, autom
otive transportation. I remember riding with a young man who was riding around i
n his fathers brand new Ford. The year was 1956, and the air was cool in the sum
mer night. He was on his way to pick up a girl, which, you know the reason for.
I had stumbled into the street, and he stepped on his brakes quickly to avoid an
accident. The bumper only inches from my legs. In his position, he of course wo
rried that he had hurt me, and stepped out to check on me. I noticed, that he wa
s leering at my breast. I must have looked like the evening dish, flaunting myse
lf like a prostitute. Without hesitation, I grabbed his pants, undone his button
, and pulled them down as I went with them. I took his cock into my mouth and at
first he protested, "No, please don't." He hushed as I took him entirely into m
y throat and brought it back to suck on the tip. I would have guessed that he ha
d built up his load, and was waiting for the perfect moment to release. He did,
and I swallowed it down. He looked down at me, and I saw his eyes change as guil
t took over. He pulled up his pants, and made a swift bolt to his vehicle. When
he shut the door and was ready to drive, he glanced to the passenger side, and t
here I was. He tried to scream, but my hand had cupped his mouth. With a swift m
ove, I clamped my teeth down onto his neck, and bit in as a warm, salty shot of
blood exited the flesh and filled my mouth. I was rather hungry. I drank so much
, he was beyond pale when I finished. Almost white. It was a sickening, and horr
ible moment. Looking at him with his mouth gaped wide open in terror, his eyes s
hut tight in pain. I opened the door quick, and vomited onto the street, as red
fluids splattered onto the ground.

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint I had been used to this. Visuals of my vict
ims after their last moment of life that I had purposefully taken from them. The
boy was young, and he did not deserve to be fed upon. The hunger for blood once
came from those who deserved to join death. Murderers, rapists, and those who c
hose to dwell in the darkness. The hunger, after time, had taken over completely
, and I had lost all strength to hold back. Now, back to me at the present time.
Still night, and I heard the howls of the beast in the distance. I looked to se
e, but the night was black, and the only light provided was that of the full moo
n. As I looked down the long dark road ahead, I saw light very dim. The engine w
as roaring into the night, but, still a ways away. The howls of a werewolf were
becoming very close, and I knew that the beast was coming for me. Each second al
lowed it to pick up speed, and I saw its eyes. Then in the moon light, I saw all
of him. A very large creature he was. The engine that was heard before was also
very close, and powered a big truck. As the Lycan jumped for me, the truck smas
hed head on crushing in the front completely, but knocking the beast several fee
t down the road. For now, it appeared to be unconscious. A motorcycle pulled up
next to the truck, and stopped. From the truck, I saw a well built man leap from
the seat. He wore blue jeans, a dark jacket, and had short brown hair. His boot
s stomped onto the pavement. On the motorcycle, I noticed the person from the di
ner sitting on the seat. As the face of this person looked up, and hands pulled
back the hood, I saw the face of a young woman. A large, crafted vehicle pulled
up close, and the large man sat in a seat that was directly behind the driver. I
looked back at the young woman. "Get on!" she said to me, as if ordering me to
do so. I obeyed, and we drove away with company behind.
+ 14 +
We came to a small area between the woods. As I walked inside of a cabin, I noti
ced a door 149

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint nearly ten feet away. That was all. I was d
irected through the entrance, and down endless stairs it seemed. "Where are we?"
I asked the young woman. "We are safe," She answered, her expression never chan
ging. "Who are you?" My questions changed. "My name is Moira," She said, walking
ahead of me and flipping on a large switch that turned on lights that hung more
than a dozen feet above our heads. "Sit down," She said, "I have much to tell y
ou." "Alright," I sat across from her at an old table. "Every five hundred years
, a guardian is chosen to protect Synestra," she told me. "Synestra?" "Yes. She
is the first born Lycanthrope." "That creature, it is a she?" A feeling of wonde
r, and shock fell over me. "Yes," Moira began, "A mother with child was bitten b
y the black wolf ages ago. As the woman could no longer bare the child in her wo
mb, she prepared to give birth." My heart became cold, and I listened more. "Nur
se maids cried out into the night as they found that she had been ripped open fr
om the inside," She finished. "How might I ask do you know that the creature is
a female?" I looked at her. "Somewhere, along the memories in my bloodline, one
of my relatives had came across Synestra in her human form." I was wrong. Amazem
ent was not the word for my reactions. "She can become human, too?" "Yes," She a
nswered. "What does she look like?" I had to ask. "She is a tall, thin woman, wi
th firey red hair, deep gray eyes, and soft pale skin."

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint The image I held in my thoughts were magnif
icent, but scarce to me. "I know who you are Isabella," Moira spoke to me. "I am
here to protect you as well, but, I cannot let you destroy What I have devoted
498 years to originally preserve." "I understand, as that is not what I wanted t
o do." "Good. Dracula has his spell over Synestra's head, and I will do everythi
ng in my powers to divert her away as you put an end to him," She assured me. "T
hen, I must go," I looked her in the eyes. As I turned to walk away, and leave,
Moira called to me. "Isabella?" I turned to face her once more. "Yes?" "Allow me
to give you this kiss, and hope that you do not succumb to defeat." She leaned
close to me and kissed my lips. A fire ignited my heart, and sadness melted away
. My thoughts and memories came back to me in one sensual kiss. As we parted lip
s, I kissed her down her neck. My hands slid her top down her back, and she drop
ped her bottoms to the floor. A most beautiful sight before me, her naked body w
aiting to be touched. She unfastened my clothing, and I became naked as she was.
Her lips kissed down to my belly button, and she allowed her tongue to enter my
slit, pushing deep inside my hole. My fingers rubbed on my clitoris, as she tas
ted my juices. My thoughts were swirling inside my head, and I blacked out many
times as we made love. Her two middle fingers on her right hand penetrated me an
d her index and pinky sat just outside pressing against my buttocks. I was cryin
g aloud, cumming hard and pulling her hair to make her lick me clean. We cradled
each other in arms, looking silently at one another. One feeling kept me from s
taying. I had to put an end to Dracula. I faintly remember more sex, but do reme
mber watching Moira lay sleeping as I made my departure.
+ 15 +

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint My journey had taken me along the lone cars
of a passenger train. I had searched the cab to find another soul, but, nobody
in my eyes view. I lay my head back, awaiting the final stop before my arrival.
My eyes were tiresome, so I slid my finger down my slit and teased myself to sle
ep. I dreamt of his eyes looking into mine. His body enveloping my own. His brea
th warming my skin. As I awoke, I saw him standing at the end of the cab I was i
n. He faded away, and as I looked on, the train slowed to a complete stop. I was
here. The outside air was cold against my skin. The moon was high in the sky, a
nd an unsettling sense of loneliness surrounded me in every area. I held my swor
d tight in my hand, and prepared for anything to happen. As I made my way down a
long path, the howling of a wolf filled the night air. I was being followed, or
hunted like prey. There, just ahead was the castle of Dracula. My feet carried
me further, and further more until I had reached the doors. I did not knock, as
the door opened by itself. Perhaps, I was being invited in. So, I accepted the i
nvitation. The large stairs took me up to a large hallway. So strange, as it was
much different than I remembered. It appeared that no-one had lived here in age
s. Maybe, I had been right. My feelings had told me otherwise. I released my swo
rd, and held it broad length in front of me. When I walked into a large room, it
all came back to me. This was his room, and there, alone silent on his bed was
him. Not in a coffin, but confined to his bed covered in black sheets. Again, I
wondered close and held my sword to his throat. Then, lowered it to his heart an
d was ready to thrust it in when, he vanished. Trickery of the devil. "I come to
claim your life, Dracula!" I screamed. A faint and startling voice crept in to
answer me. "You cannot kill what can never be killed, my dear." Out of nowhere,
he appeared to me. A sword in his hand, and darkness in his eyes. His face was e
vil, and he thrust his sword at me to kill. Our swords touched and he knocked me
against the wall. "I believe, that you shall have a whore's death." I rose from
the floor, and ran towards him swinging my sword and slicing away his fingers o
n his other hand. "Oh, you're such a tease," He said to me, and his fingers grew
back. The dark skies created an eerie mood for our fight. The moon was high, an
d he beckoned me close. "Come back to me, Love," He called to me. I fell into a
momentary enchantment. For that moment, I could only think of his body against m
ine. His fingers touching me. As I felt this, something happened. My heart chang
ed. My thoughts went to Lynn. It was her who held my heart. And as I had her in
my visions, my reality set in. 152

Erotic Short Stories by Morbid Saint "I will never come back to you!" I shouted,
and thrust my sword into his heart. As he stood there, dying by my blade, I whi
pped around and sliced his head clean off at the neck. His body fell, and he was
ted away in dust. I thought to myself, "It couldn't be that easy, could it?" I m
ay never truly know. Perhaps, he was weak from long years without none to feed u
pon. I may not know. I hoped, though, that he was the first, and now, the very l
ast. My journey was over. Now, here I am, telling you my tales. Lynn is a vampir
e no longer. I, myself, am not either. Everything seems to be well. Sometimes, h
owever, I still get that feeling like I am being hunted. If that is so, I will b
e ready.

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