Hexagram 18 Yijing

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I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi

by LiSe

Yi Jing, Oracle of the Sun

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Hexagram 18
Gu, Can o' worms
Gua Poem:
Decay. Eminent expansion. Harvest wading the great
river. Before Jia three days, after Jia three days.
The great image says: At the foot of the mountain the wind
blows: decay. The noble one inspires the people to raise virtue.

Gu: the ideogram and the story. (../hexstories/18.html) What does it mean for your
Top 9: Not serving king or lord. Honoring one's affairs high.
Everyone's spirit and tao is unique, as long as it serves anyone else it is not true to
itself. To find your road, you need a totally clear unsullied mind and spirit. Your

Master dwells inside you, listen to him and him only, not grovelling before facts or
(Changes to hex.46) (hex_46.html)
6 at 5: Stemfather's decay. Use praise.
With praise and rewards one can gently induce changes where every other method
fails. Do not force people or events when it is not necessary, act as gentle as possible,
then changes can grow organically. The slightest push can thwart growth.
(Changes to hex.57) (hex_57.html)
6 at 4: Tolerating father's decay. To proceed sees distress
One learns about laws in childhood. Without this knowledge one cannot build up a
solid life. For every decision, power, intuition, insight, one has to draw on this inner
source. So if they failed to teach you then learn about them. If you tolerate your own
lack of rules, you are no better than the one who didn't teach you.
(Changes to hex.50) (hex_50.html)
9 at 3: Stemfather's decay. There is some regret (../origins/goodbad.htm#Hui:
regret). Without big fault (../origins/goodbad.htm#JIUfault).
Fighting decay and weakness will only succeed if one exaggerates a bit. Straightening
something bent needs a little bending in the other direction.
(Changes to hex.4) (hex_04.html)
9 at 2: Stemmother's decay. No determination possible.
Do not answer to demands which go against your sense of righteousness, beauty or
love, even if they are commonly accepted as being good and nice. Many 'nice' gestures
are demeaning for the recipient, taking away his strength or selfconfidence.
(Changes to hex.52) (hex_52.html)
Initial 6: Stemfather's decay. There is a son. The deceased father is without fault
(../origins/goodbad.htm#JIUfault). Danger. Completion is auspicious
(../origins/goodbad.htm#Ji: auspicious).
If something goes wrong then the most important thing is your concern. Stay calm,
find out what you can do, what caused it, do not put the blame on anyone. Find out
what it is, so you can do the right thing.
(Changes to hex.26) (hex_26.html)
More about the lines and their characters (../hexlines/lines18.html)
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LiSe April 20002014

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