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Exam Units 1 to 5 (FCE Gold)

1) Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
The latest news
I'm sorry (1) _____ to you for so long, but I (2) _____ very busy lately. All last month I (3) _____
exams, and I (4) _____ anything else but study for ages. Anyway, I (5) _____ studying now, and
I(6) _____ for my exam results.
As you can see from this letter, I(7) _____ my address and (8) _____ in Croydon now. I (9)
_____ that I wanted a change from central London because it (10) _____ so expensive. A friend
of mine (11) _____ me about this flat, and I (12) _____ here about two months ago. When you
(13) _____ to London this summer, please visit me. I (14) _____ here until the middle of
August. Then I (15) _____ on holiday to Scotland.
Please write soon,
1) A don't write

B haven't written

C am not writing

D wasn't writing

2) A was being

B had been

C am

D have been

3) A had

B was having

Chad had

D have had

4) A haven't done

B don't do

C wasn't doing

D am not doing

5) A stop

B will have stopped

C have stopped

D was stopping

6) A wait

B am waiting

C have waited

D was waiting

7) A am changing

B had changed

C will change

D have changed

8) A will live

B have been living

C live

D have lived

9) A decided

B have decided

C was deciding

D decide

10) A will become

B becomes

C has become

D will have become

11) A tells

B told

C was telling

D will tell

12) A have moved

B had moved

C was moving

D moved

13) A will come

B came

C come

D were coming

14) A am staying

B stayed

C stay

D have stayed

15) A have gone

B went

C am going

D will have gone

2) Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

a) I like your new trousers. Where did you buy __________ ?
a) it

b) them

c) them both

d) them all

b) There is always a very large __________ at the church I go to.

a) congregation

b) audience


d) company

c) The local __________ has agreed to repair the road outside out house.
a) government

b) people

c) council

d) jury

d) When the police arrived, we were pleased to see __________.

a) him

b) him or her

c) it

d) them

e) The car turned over, but luckily it didnt suffer serious __________.
a) damage

b) injury

c) damages

d) injuries

f) Sorry, Im late, but I had a lot of __________ to do.

a) job

b) work

c) task

d) labour

g) Julie bought herself a complete new __________ for winter.

a) outfit

b) cloth

c) clothing

d) wear

h) I feel like going out tonight. Lets go to a/an __________.

a) dancing

b) night

c) club

d) entertainment

i) Thanks for a great weekend! We really had a/an __________.

a) fun

b) enjoyment c) hospitality

d) good time

j) In order to prove Smith is guilty, we must find some __________.

a) information

b) evidence

c) knowledge

d) means

3) Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

a) 'Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?'
Paul reminded Sue _____________________________________________________________.
b) 'I don't really think it'll snow tomorrow. '
I doubt ______________________________________________________________________.

c) 'I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier.'

Jill __________________________________________________________________________.
d) 'Yes, all right, I'll share the bill with you, Dave.'
Brenda agreed ________________________________________________________________.
e) 'Let's go out to the caf for lunch, shall we?'
Wendy ______________________________________________________________________.
f) 'It's not true! I have never been arrested.'
Larry ________________________________________________________________________.
g) 'If you like, I'll help you do the decorating, Bob.'
Ann offered __________________________________________________________________.
h) 'I'll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children. '
Tom ________________________________________________________________________.
i) 'I really think you should see a doctor, Chris.'
William ______________________________________________________________________.

4) Put a/an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.

a) Whats the use in taking _______ medicine for _______ cold?
b) Is _______ happiness of _______ majority more important than _______ rights of _______
c) Its _______ long way by _______ train to _______north of _______ Scotland.
d) _______ philosophers seem to think that _______ life is _______ mystery.
e) _______ most cars start badly on _______ cold mornings.
f) There was _______ time when I enjoyed _______ skating.
g) Do you have _______ reason for _______ arriving late?
h) When I arrive _______ home I feel _______ sense of _______ relief.
i) _______ end of _______ book is _______ by far _______ best part.
j) _______ friend always tells me _______ answers to _______ homework we have.

1) Match the words in the box with a suitable description (a-j)





a) You push this in the supermarket and fill it with food: ________________
b) You are given this as proof of buying something: ________________
c) This tries to persuade you to buy something: ________________
d) You put money especially banknotes, in this: ________________
e) This person is in charge of a shop: ________________
f) You might make this before you go shopping: ________________
g) Leave this if you cant pay now but want to buy later: ________________
h) Do this if you want to get a better price: ________________
i) Coins are usually carried in this, especially by women: ________________
j) Read this to find descriptions of goods: ________________

2) Complete each sentence (a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending once.
a) I think we should send for an ambulance ____
b) Some people go jogging every morning ____
c) It would be a good idea for you to go to the dentists ____
d) The doctor gave Andy an injection ____
e) Im going into hospital tomorrow ____
f) We took the cat to the vet ____
g) Susan took two aspirins ____
h) Nobody could find a stretcher ____
i) The doctor gave Helen a prescription ____
j) I bought some special cream ____

1) to have that bad tooth of yours taken out.

2) to check whether it had recovered from its accident.
3) to take old Mrs Jones to hospital.
4) to put on my sunburnt arms and legs.
5) to get rid of her headache.
6) to reduce the pain and help him sleep.
7) to take to the chemists.
8) to keep fit, or to lose some weight.
9) to carry the injured man out of the building.
10) to have an operation on my foot.

3) Use the word given between brackets to form a word that fits in the space in the
same line.
The school play
Congratulations to all involved with the school ________________ (produce) of The
Woman Next Door. The ________________ (advertise) was carried out by the Art Department,
and the posters were very ________________ (imagine). We certainly have some very
________________ (art) students in our school!
Many people helped with building and painting the ________________ (scene) and
the play was written by the English Department, who managed to create an
________________ (amuse) story, with excellent songs. The music was written by Sue Porter,
who also ________________ (company) the singers on the piano. Everyone enjoyed a
thoroughly ________________ (entertain) evening, and there was a long round of
________________ (applaud) at the end. Jim Barret gave a brilliant ________________
(perform) as Sergeant Moss, and Liz Aitken was a delightful Mrs Jump. Well done everyone!

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