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Lady Braves Soccer

For Tryouts and practices please have the following each day:
shin guards
water bottle
shoes: running, cleats, and clean shoes for inside
warm clothing, hat, gloves etc.
please lock all valuables including jewelry in your locker. If you need a locker
please see your PE teacher.

Please listen to the bulletin and announcements. Sometimes practice location

will change because of the weather.

Team Rules
Grades: maintain a c+ or above in every class. If your grades fall below this
mark please let us know. Weʼd like to help you solve the problem before it gets
worse and you are academically ineligible.
Notify and get work from teachers before missing class. Get extra help at school
or from teammates if you need it. Also, be on time to class. Tardies will result in
extra work for the whole team. Grades will be checked every week.

Unfortunately sometimes athletes make choices that force us to decide weather

they may continue to play or not. Please think before you act.
The following behaviors will get you immediately dismissed from the team:
Drugs, alcohol or tobacco
Being in a boyʼs room or having a boy in your room on an overnight soccer trip

Dress Code
Home games=skirt or dress
Away games=nice dress slacks, skirt, or dress (no Jeans)
We want to represent S.V. in a positive way.

Missing practice: Please notify coaches before practice if you will miss it for any
reason. Consequences for not informing us are:
1st time=do not play in next game. + extra conditioning
2nd time=miss 2 games +extra conditioning
3rd time = dismissal from team
Missing Games: please let us know at least 1 week ahead if you will be missing
any games during the season because of school or other conflicts.
Please make these notifications in writing. Preferably email.

Other important items:

Priorities: 2.academics
Nutrition: eat healthy and you'll perform better
Injuries: report them to coaches when they happen.
Night before a game: be home by 10:00 p.m.

We are planning to keep30-32 players this year. When we carried more than that
we felt we werenʼt giving girls adequate time to grow and develop their skills.
Girls who are ineligible because of grades for 2 consecutive weeks will be
asked to leave the team and concentrate on their schoolwork.
Ladies who make the team will be asked to purchase a few items for the season
1. Game socks $5.00 maroon. 6.00 white.
2. Black “skins” long sleeve top ($ shorts $
3. I was able to get black team pants for the year. If you would like to buy
them they are $
Please turn in all money to Mrs. Harmon in the main office. Do not bring it to

Overnight trips: please park in the lot by the football field or out front (donʼt
park in teachersʼ parking).
Girls may bring a small cooler of food/drink. Usually meals cost about $10.00 for
dinner and $5.00 for lunch. We try to use hotels with a continental breakfast.
Away games: Athletes are expected to ride to and from on the bus.
Parents may sign for their children to ride home with them from an event. They
may not take other athletes without prior approval from the A.D./Coach

Cell phones may be brought along on trips. They need to be turned off at lights
out and 1 hour prior to a game. If you have an emergency, I will have my cell
phone with me.

Spring Break:
please plan on being here over the break. We will have mandatory morning
practices at 9:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If we are playing well,
we will take the rest of the break off!

Coach Hicks 885-4654 (H) 885-8002 (W) cell 208 688-1015

email Coach Hilton 885-5506 248-2042 email
College information:
Please let us know if you are trying to get a soccer scholarship so we can do our
best to help you.
More information on being recruited (div I, II, and III) (junior college)

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