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For anyone preparing for that all-important IT job interview, here are some

questions to anticipate, and the responses that managers are looking for.

Q : "Tell me about yourself."

HINT : Talk about personal characteristics and skills that translate into career

A : "I love to jump into projects with both feet. I like sitting in front of a computer or
at my desk for hours at a time thinking about a problem, plotting out the solution,
making the presentation. Object-oriented technology [or any new technology] is my
newest challenge."

Q : "What books and/or magazines do you read?"

HINT : Obviously, a technical or trade journal is one answer they are looking for. The
books you've read tells the manager something about your personality.

A : Whatever you do, don't say, "I don't like to read."

Q : "What are your greatest strengths?"

HINT : Discuss specific assets the employer desires.

A : "Pleasant personality/politeness, loyalty, willingness to work hard, motivation,

persistence, tenacity."

Q : "What were your favorite subjects in school and why?"

HINT : Of course, if your major is Computer Science you want to mention some of
your computer science classes. You might mention other related subjects. For
example, if you're interviewing at a financial services firm, you might discuss why
you liked your accounting or finance classes. If you did any unusual or special
projects in that area, you would bring that up now. Mention anything that shows a
keen interest this employer's particular kind of work.

If you are interviewing at a software or integration consulting firm, somewhere during

the interview you would want to mention that you truly enjoy working with people.
To illustrate this point, mention any volunteer work or part-time jobs you might have
held anytime in your life that involved interacting with people. For example, "I
volunteered at a homeless shelter during the holidays giving out food." This shows
that you genuinely care about others and like giving back to the community, and that
you would go out of your way for a boss or a coworker.

Q : "How do you let off steam after you've completed a tough project? What do you
like to do in your spare time?"

HINT : Managers like well-rounded employees; your answer to this question

illustrates some of your personal qualities. If you can mention pastimes that would be
an asset to the job you are seeking, so much the better. For example, a bridge player
must possess valuable analytical skills. Whatever your favorite hobby is, strong
outside interests round out your character.

A : "For relaxation I like to read a mystery novel, go swimming, go skiing,

make pottery . . ."

Q : "Where do you plan to be in five years?"

HINT : Everyone hates this question, but everyone asks it. The traditional answer is
"management." But in recent years companies have started to develop a technical
career track. Many companies call this position "consultant" or "senior software
engineer" or "staff engineer." Of course, any other management position that you
think would interest you is also appropriate: product marketing manager, application
manager for a particular project (in other words, a first-line manager), or any other
position that requires a technical background. Employers like goal-oriented workers,
so saying you don't know will turn a manager off.

A : The generic answer would be, "I would like to try the technical career track," or,
"I want to follow the management career path."

Q : "What are your weaknesses?"

HINT : There are a couple of approaches you can take with the "weakness" question.
Whatever you do, do not mention any true weakness, such as, "I have a hard time
getting to work on time." The ability to answer the question properly is half of what
the manager is looking for. One strategy is to give a personal weakness that is
considered a professional strength.
A : "I'm so compulsive about my work, that I can't stop until the job is perfect."
Another approach is to turn the question into a discussion of your current professional
goals. Example: "I plan to improve myself this year by taking a class in public
speaking." Choose a peripheral weakness -- one that you may really need to work on,
but not one that would disqualify you for the position in question.

Q : "Why do you want to work here at XYZ Company?"

HINT : Be very careful with this one. If you've researched this company then you can
say something specific, like "object-oriented relational database technology really
turns me on." Showing that you have done some research marks you as a self-starter
with a solid grasp of the big picture.

A : "I've been following XYZ's growth and I want a company that I can grow with.
Your company is solid and stable, with a growth rate of X percent last year and a great
competitive position" Or, "I like a start-up environment where I can really make a

Q : "Why should we hire you?"

A : "Because I would be an asset to your organization. I'm loyal, tenacious, motivated,

and I learn fast. I'm someone who could be very productive very quickly."

Q : "What motivates you?"

HINT : Whatever you do, do not say lots of money. We all know that money, power
and recognition are all basic motivators. But you do not want to appear selfish. You
want to appear intelligent and hard-working and interested in doing a good job,
interested in giving rather than receiving. If you've held jobs while in college or
during the summers, be sure to reach from those specific examples to illustrate the

A : "A job well done." "A challenge." "Interesting work/technology." Any or all of
these answers work.

Q : "Tell me about a conflict you encountered and how you handled it."
HINT : This is one of the toughest interview questions of all. It's sort of a trick
question, as a matter of fact. Never speak negatively about anyone. The ability to
successfully resolve conflicts is important for all members of an IS team.. It may
be the most important factor if you're working in a service environment, such as a
large consulting firm that deals with outside clients. The answer you give here could
go a long way toward getting you a job offer. Managers want to see that you are
mature and unselfish. The answer should involve proof of your maturity level. They
are looking for your ability to handle conflict. Compromise and working it out without
external intervention are the keys. A disgruntled person is not going to be productive,
and tends to bring down coworkers' morale as well.

A : "I sat down with the other person and asked what his issues were. Then I outlined
my issues. We talked about which were the most important ones and which we could
compromise on. We looked for the common aspects of our goals and placed those
first. Then we decided together what to give up and what to keep, so that both parties
felt they were winning something. Both parties were satisfied."

Q : "What changes have you made in your life that you are most proud of?"

HINT : This tells the manager more about your ability to take control of your life. It
illustrates your leadership potential, and suggests just how promotable you might be.
After all, if he produces a star, he looks good.

If you're interviewing at a service provider, you will probably be asked to lunch.

Remember that you're being judged on whether you know how to make small talk
with a client and your overall manners and social skills.

Q : "What are your salary requirements?"

HINT : The use of the word "offer" is critical. It's a subliminal message that an actual
job offer is what you are discussing, not just your salary needs in general.

A : "Salary is not my primary consideration. Of course, I have to pay the bills. I'd be
open to any reasonable offer." Pause and maintain direct eye contact, even if it seems
like forever. Do not be the first one to flinch. Do not over-talk. Be prepared for a long
silence. Let the manager be the first to present a figure. It will give you power and

If forced to give a specific number, never give a broad range -- you will usually be
offered the low end. Instead, be as precise as possible: "I'd be open to something in
the low-fifties (or mid-forties, high-seventies, whatever)." Giving such a specific
number presumes you've researched the local job market and know what entry-level
people with your skills are making.

Q : "Are you interviewing at any other companies?"

HINT : You want the manager to know that you're extremely interested in his
opportunity, but are keeping your options open.

A : "Yes, Mr. X, but at this point XYZ is my first choice."

Remember, all of these interview questions have more than one appropriate answer. If
you are feeling nervous about an upcoming interview, keep in mind that the hiring
manager gets just as excited about a potentially strong candidate as the candidate does
about him or her. Strong, qualified, motivated technical people are very hard to find.
Be direct, but think before you speak, and you will surely get an offer.

"Why do you want to work with kids?"

"How would you handle a student picking on another student?"

"What are your strengths/weaknesses?"

"Name three ways that people describe you."

"What ideas do you have to bring to the classroom?"

1. I want to work with kids because I enjoy the learning process. I find it personally rewarding to play a
pivitol role in helping kids get to that next level of understanding. I also enjoy the challenge of meeting the
needs of students who have different learning styles.

2. I would intervene and explain how the behavior is inappropriate or unacceptable and use the classroom
rules to reinforce the proper behavior we use in the classroom when dealing with other students. I would
model this behavior and ask the students to provide examples of this to further reinforce the appropriate
behavior. If it happened again, I would talk to the students privately to probe deeper into the problem and
find a solution. If the problem persisted I would follow the teacher/school discipline guidelines. - it could be
written warnings, a letter home to parents, a parent conference, etc.

3. Good strengths to have for people in education: strong interpersonal skills, patience, flexibility,
determination, etc.
Weaknesses: Be honest with two weaknesses. The key is to show how you have improved on these
weaknesses with short examples. Turn the weakness into something favorable.

4. You have to choose qualities which honestly describe you. Pick ones that play up your strengths and
are beneficial to a positive learning environment. For example, being outgoing, creative, caring, focused,

5. Learn to write a lesson plan and bring two grade-specific examples to your interview that you can hand
over to them. Even if they don't ask this question. It is also a great thing to show them these examples
with they pop questions like "why should we hire you" or "why would you be good for this position" etc.
For example, "I'm glad you asked that. I have a passion for learning and would love to teach. I have a
couple of lesson plans that I created (hand them over) and hope to share with students at some point. I
think these would be great lessons because......"

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