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MM451 Tutorial-10-2014 solution

Water flow through a 3.068 inch inner diameter pipe is
measured by an orifice having diameter 2.28 inch. The head
across orifice is measured through vena contracta taps.
Pressure differential is 10.8 inch Hg at 80F. The
temperature of flowing water is 200F. Find the flow rate
based on 60F. (1 inch = 2.52 cm).
Given that flow rate,

2 . where

Discharge Coefficient K0 for 3 Pipe Vena Contracta taps

Reynolds Number - Re






= flow coefficient, C = discharge coefficient, = (A2/A1)- = diameter ratio d/D, and d = diameter of

orifice while D is inner diameter of pipe, m=845lb per cu ft at 80F, f=62.2lb per cu ft at 80F, are density of
manometer fluid(mercury) and fluid(water) over manometer, =60.1 lb per cu ft is density of flowing fluid (at
flow temperature,200F) and b=62.4lb per cu ft is the density of flowing fluid at base condition (at 60F), is
absolute viscosity(~0.00021 poise) of water at 200F in appropriate units. Reynolds number may be defined for
the flow problem as
. K0 should be taken from standard tables (data in table may be extrapolated
and interpolated. Ignore change in density of mercury with temperature.

D = 3.068 inch = 0.256 ft
= 2.280/3.068 = 0.743
m= 845 (Hg at 80F) lb per cu ft
f= 62.2 (water at 80F) lb per cu ft
=60.1(water at 200F) lb per cu ft
b=60.1(water at 60F) lb per cu ft
h = 10.8 inch = 10.8/12 ft = 0.9 ft
= 0.00021 (water at 200F)

0.743%& 0.256%&

RD =

+ . & - .. /- .&*+

) * +&.&%+ .

0.9% .(g in fps is 32.17 ~ 32 ft/s2)

= 1,900,000 .(2)

It is necessary to estimate the Reynolds number before the flow coefficient K0 can be selected.
Assume RD to be large, say 105. Now use & RD to read K0 from the table provided.
K0 0.73 ... Interpolate data in the table

The flow is therefore 0.747 x 0.73 = 0.545 cu ft per sec

Now calculate Reynolds number for next iteration
RD = 1900000 * 0.545 = 1036089
Either accept this value(within 5% of estimate) or recalculate by obtaining a new value of K0 from
table if higher precision is required.
ProblemProblem-2: An 8 x 4 inch venturi tube is installed in an extra heavy 8 inch pipe. The inside diameter of the
pipe is 7.625 inch and the throat diameter of venturi is 4.023 inch. Water flows through the venturi at 40F.

The differential pressure is 20 inch Hg at 80F. Find flow per hour at 40F. Use m, f & b from previous
problem. The value of = 62.4 (water at 40F) Pounds per cubic foot, = 0.0010 (water at 40F). Given =
2 5


6 . Normally lookup tables are used to find CVT. As CVT is ~ 9.4-9.8, assume that CVT varies

linearly from 9.4 to 9.8 for Reynolds number varying in range of 25x104 to 107.

D = 7.625 inch = 0.635 ft
= 4.023/7.625 = 0.528
m= 845 (Hg at 80F) lb per cu ft
f= 62.2 (water at 80F) lb per cu ft
=62.4(water at 40F) lb per cu ft
b=60.1(water at 60F) lb per cu ft
h = 20 inch = 20/12 ft = 1.67 ft
= 0.0010 (water at 40F)





) * +&.&%

1.67% .(g in fps is 32.17 ~ 32 ft/s2)

q = 3.40CVT

+&. - .*&)- .+/*

= 237,000 .(2)

Estimate CVT from the relation provided.

Assume a high Reynolds number say 105, then
CVT= 0.944
q = 3.21 cfs
recalculate Reynolds number as 760770
Another iteration is required. Next value of CVT = 0.975
q = 3.315 cfs
Recalculate RD to check convergence. RD = 785655 (Fairly close hence accept).

ProblemProblem-3: By using ultrasonic sensors in Oscillating loop method, pair of Ultrasonic

receive/transmit sensors are mounted at a distance of 80 cm. The frequency differential
between the two loops is measured = 1Hz. Compute flow velocity if speed of sound in water
is 1500m/s. If the same measurement was setup as travel time difference, what would be the
difference in travel time between the sound waves travelling in flow direction and against it.
Solution: Since freq = 2V/l, where V is flow velocity and l is the distance between sensors
1 = 2*V/0.8 hence, V=0.8/2 = 0.4m/s
Problem-4: It is desired to measure the amount of gasoline in a storage tank. All other factors
being equal suggest which method should be adopted, direct measurement or pressure
measurement of level?

Solution: Gasoline is sold by volume, hence measurement of level is the suitable method.
Measuring pressure shall require knowledge of liquid density which may be dependent on
Problem-5: A vessel 20m high is filled by adding a second immiscible liquid (sp. gv 0.5) above
the first, and allowing the first (having sp. gv 1.0) to run out of bottom. If a pressure gage is
used to measure the pressure at the bottom of the tank, what is the range of the pressure
gage to indicate the full motion of the interface?
Solution: Pressure at bottom when filled with heavier liquid = gh =1x9.81x20
Pressure at bottom in case of lighter liquid = 0.5x9.81x0.5
Hence range may be computed as difference of these two pressures
Problem-6: For a nucleonic gauge, the intensity of radiation falling on the detector is given by
the expression 7 = 7 8 - where I0 is the radiation at detector in the absence of the
absorbing material, is the mass absorption coefficient in m3/kg, is the mass density of the
material in kg/m3 and x is the thickness of absorbing material in meters. Derive an expression
for the height of molten metal in the mold at 1600C, if the gauge and detector are collinear
and mounted at an angle of 45 to the central axis of the cylindrical mold. of molten steel
for a 300KeV source used for measurement is 0.1 x 10-6 cm2/g. Density for liquid steel
(@1536C) is reported to be 7022 kg/m3. At a superheat of 1727C, the density decreases to
6866 kg/m3. Assume linear variation of density between the two temperatures stated above.
Solution: Now ln (I/I0) = -x. Compute at 1600C which turns out to be 6973.4 kg/m3.
If height of the mold = h, then h = x.sin45, hence x = h/0.85. Substitute all values in
appropriate units to obtain the expression
h = 8.16 x 10-5 ln (I/I0).
Problem-7: A pitot tube is employed to measure flow of a salt water stream. Pressure
differential between Pstagnation and Pstatic was measured to be 20kN/m2. Find the velocity of the
stream (Given density of sea water = 1026kg/m3). For a pitot tube stream velocity is given by
& :;<=>?=<@A? :;<=<@B


where V and is the velocity and density of the fluid respectively.

The p between pitot tube and static pressure = 20kN/m2
Convert the pressure differential to pressure head in terms of height of sea water column.


& -


= 1.987m at sea level

This head is due to velocity of fluid with respect to the pitot tube
Thus V2/2g = 1.987
Compute V = 6.24 m/s

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