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summary of the story ready or not here i come:

this story is about one teenager and her boyfriend who've been in a
relationship for a long period of time. Dillon's a hard man, boss of his
own team including keyshia, keyshia's a hard working model at the
bottom thats trying to make her way to the top, but when things gets in
her way, and she don't noticed until her dream comes tumbling down.
with a controlling boyfriend and some problems in her way theres no
way she'd cope. is running away the solution shes been looking for.

diz storiez okai i lyk it obviously carh i wrote it xD

i glued myself to the mirror, no matter what i did i still found myself
engaged to the mirror, the atmosphere was hyped, excited and rushed
for time, it was December 31st 2007, like one of the most cant wait-
able times of the years. because soon to be in a few hours it would be
“hurry up man!” dillion shouted through the thickened walls while he
sliced his eye brows with the razer
“okay, don't worry. are you ready?” i shouted back and starred at my
boobs in the mirror. holding then in my hand and pushing them up and
“I'm ready” i lied and finished touching up my make up, powdering my
we cothced up on the bar and nodded our heads to some songs
and dillion forced me to dance grindingly upon him.

i stayed glued to dillions side. i was his magnet not to move without
his permission. he stopped and spoke to bare girls kissing them on
their cheeks as a greeting and dismissle.
it eint asif i was jealous i just had had enough. i tapped his arm to grab
his attention.
“listen yea who are you here with?” dillion barked down my ear.
“i wanna go home now” i suggested annoyed i had had enough,
enough of all the girls entering dillions side and getting what they
wanted, and that my say and opinion didn't matter.
he made me feel so bad. he'd trained me. he owned me. I WAS HIS!
“with you... you Dillon” i replied and bowed my head in shame.
avoiding eye contact, because eye contact led to a slap in the face or
maybe even worser
“exactly so when I'm gonna leave you'll leave then k?” Dillon grawled
and carried on kissing on this girls neck. i looked away disgustedly
and ashamed not baring the sight of him and another girl.
i must admit i felt uncomfortable. since id been with Dillon my interest
in boys had disintegrated and that me and Dillon is forever. no matter
what even if my love for him dies for him, which they kinda have. it
don't matter I'm still his. on the other side there sat some boys, just
watching me. i felt uncomfortable but for got how it felt to know boys
were still interested in me, and that I'm not ugly. as what Dillon says
one moved his head showing me he wanted to talk to me.
some other boys on the opposite side of us had been eying me for a
while now smiling, grinning, winking and raising their glasses asif a
toast or something.

i never knew what to do or say so i started to make excuse to leave

Dillon. just to go someone i can feel comfortable. just for a bit. “uh the
heat in here is really hot I'm gonna check out the fan” i stuttered
confidentially “you think I'm dumb? no stay here why you tryna move
for?” Dillon asked. my smile dropped. what was i thinking? it wouldn't
of worked any way. hes a man. a dog. he knows all the tricks in the
book “you stay here with me” Dillon ordered
a few more hours went we had already counted down and Dillon was
mashed. he jigged and hopped around repeating himself, informing
me that he needed the toilet. “well go then” i replied annoyed of
hearing the same thing over and over
“kk” Dillon nodded his head and hopped towards the bathroom
the boys noticed that Dillon had exited my side so they walked over
“you okay sexy?” they all asked me, it was asif they planned it,
“yea yea” i replied nervously looking around to see if Dillon was
coming “that ya man?” one asked and wrapped his arm around my
“yea Dillon. the one that just went to the bath room” i informed them.
making it clear i weren't single!
“big bad Dillon?” they asked shocked. panic growing in their voice.
they sounded scared. i could tell in their voices
“yea i guess” i was kinda confused because i don't really know
anything about Dillon, all i know is that he owns me and my say don't
“what do you mean?” i asked interested. interested just to know
something about him
“well big bad Dillon fucking hell hes like da hit man”
“the hit man!” i repeated and laughed, thinking it sounded ridiculous
“yea, really” i began to laugh again. you should of heard how
ridiculous they sounded my Dillon a hit man, nawwwwwww
“okay what else then?” i raised my eye brows and looking out for
“he got locked up for 3 years and came out 4 going on 5 years ago i
think not sure how many years ago”
“and hes got in his yard a secret room or sutton like that” another one
interrupted. i thought to myself a secret room. i began to reminisce
recognizing stuff, things began to make sense. but i still couldn't
believe about the secret room.
“do you know anything about any ex girlfriends or any kids” they
looked at me funnily and walked off laughing. they walked off just in
time because Dillon entered my side and kissed me on my cheek. if i
never knew he was drinking i would of found out by the smell of his
i moved away as he tried to kiss me again “here have some” Dillon
held 2 big bottles of e j brandy right in my face “no i don't want none” i
pushed one of the bottles away from my face and started moaning
“your drunk stop!” i moaned and shuck him off of my shoulder
Dillon was drunk but only i could tell he was,
this man walked over to us and told us that the VIP area was again
ready. because Dillon had been sick in there and they had to clean it
back up AGAIN.

another few more hours had went and it was about 4 O clock in the
morning and i could hardly keep my eyes open and Dillon had made
2 joints and sniffed up shit. which i don't even know what it is and i
don't want to know what it is.
i hate being forced to do things especially in-front of people. it gives
me a bad name “keyshia who gets told what to do by her own man
and if she don't do it. she get punished in-front of everyone, shame on

i couldn't hold it no more and i kept asking Dillon for his permission but
he kept ignoring me so i decided to move off.
i wiggled towards the bathroom and the boy i was speaking to
yesterday (earlier) stopped me “where you going?” he asked
“toilet” i replied and swung the bathroom door open
“I'll wait for you k” he told me. fuck knows why he wanted to wait for
me. but i was so keen on using the toilet i nodded my head and tried
to see through my eyelashes as my eyes could hardly stay open.
the bathroom was empty and i couldn't see or walk straight. i stretched
my arms out tryna feel my way to the toilet but unsuccessfully i
reached to the sinks.
i felt dizzy and couldn't keep still
“wihygbooouihu” was what i came out with i sounded worser than a
baby tryna speak
i blinked desperately wanting some vision to idles see with. i don't
know what got into me because i don't take drugs and i only drank one
“arh” i screamed and dropped helplessly on the floor with my bag
smashing off my head
“you okay?” he asked through the closed door, then ran through the
door. to the rescue.
my eyes began to gather back vision and i could see a slight bit.
but what i could see was that i was rested up in his arms and my body
bent and my head bobbed lifelessly.
“you do look good though” he started to push my hair back and took
some of the dribble and sick out of my hair
“yea thanks” i started to push myself away my eye tensing then letting
he picked me up and pushed me against the sinks and started to kiss
me and unbutton my clothes
i landed in-front of my house and slept for a few hours, until i was
woken up by Dillon rudely
“get the fuck up” Dillon ordered and dragged me up
i didn't have the choice i had to do what i was told
i gathered the energy to get up quickly before i was blasted in the face
by a foot.
“why the fuck you outside for?” he asked and pushed me inside the
house “sleeping in the porch you must think you a tramp. fuck knows
how you got home. okay now you guys you can go now we safe now
init” Dillon informed our guards/Dillon's gang (not even a third of it)
well there our guards. guards for life. Dillon told them to be there with
him every where he goes even to spy on me sometimes.
“you sure” one asked
“does it look like I'm joking this bitch needs to learn some manors”
Dillon opened the door and dragged me in. then slammed the door on
all the guards face

Dillon grabbed me into our bedroom and started to rip off my clothes.
not again. i nodded and sobbed but none of that didn't seem to matter
“Dillon no not tonight” i mumbled and felt like i was getting thrown wall
to wall, my energy was gone. and all i could see was what happened
in the bath room

“Bitch get the fuck up!” Dillon whacked my legs with his fist plus with
his gold rings on
i moaned and turned over on my other side “i don't wanna get up,
forget college today”
“what the fuck you telling me? WHAT THE FUCK? what i say goes”
“i don't wanna tho” i moaned
“WHAT?” Dillon ripped the sheets off me and picked me up, swinging
me and making me smash my back of the corner of my ward-rove
“ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHH” i cried and forced myself off of the
ward drove just too stand up
i was in so much pain. i didn't even have enough to push him away
from me
he dragged me up and turned me around to face the mirror which i
slid down on. (the mirrors glued onto the ward-drove)
“look at yourself” he held my face and forced me to look at myself in
the mirror “look at ya!! your fucking putting on weight, your not really
sexy and fit and i don't even know what I'm doing with you”
eventually, i looked at myself, Id noticed i had put on a few pounds
and grew abit in the trunk if you know what I'm saying
“Dillon stop” i pushed him away and ran to the bathroom to be sick.
ever since the new years party everyday, each week there was a
default with my body.

i used the sink to help pull myself back up. once i was able to stand up
straight i looked at my reflection again
i whipped my mouth with my left hand and combed my fingers with my
right hand
i dropped my right hand down then looked at myself in the mirror, i
tilted my head diagonal and quenched my eyes,
i raised my right hand in the mirror and saw the reflection of a
diamond engagement ring glowing with the light in the bath room light.
i busted open the bath room door and stormed into out bedroom
“Dillon whats this?” i asked confused but sure what i saw
“well you been my girl for a long time and i want you to be so much
more, plus like your leaving college soon and i want you to be my wife
init and to carry my babies” my mouth opened but to many things
wanted to come out at the same time
“but i don't remember anything”
“you don't have too and plus u don't gots no choice your gonna marry
me, no matter what you say, you are!” Dillon commanded “no go have
your shower and make yourself some breakfast and me some too”
Dillon ordered “i fancy scramble eggs and toast and maybe some
beans” Dillon requested
i sighed and picked up my towel that was drying on the heater “yea
sure” i took one last look at Dillon and then at my ring

i stood rubbing my hands all over my body

feeling the lovely warm water, as it rolled down my body.
i kept dozing off. thinking of all the things that them boys told me ages
ago at the new years party, bout the secret room. i knew about Dillon
being in prison but i would of never guessed about this secret room. i
wouldn't have even thought of such a thin., i started to chock on the
water, and i don't know if it was me but i began to huloosantate. In my
eyes the water looked like blood, and began to chock me. the room
got really hot so i jumped out the shower and opened the bathroom
window quickly, as the water slid off of me and sheild me with a
spreading unpleasant temperature. i bent over outside the window
chocking and gasping for air, and holding onto my dangling breast. i
looked into the garden while chocking and i swear i saw a ghost. a
ghost of all the people Dillon had kilt and was after me too get
“ARGH!” i screamed and dropped back wards slipping on some water
that had come off of my feet, when i got out of the shower
Dillon came running in. he tackled down the door and picked me up
“wake up bitch?” he roared
Eventually i woke up and saw that i was in someones arms. i thought i
was back a the new years party and in that boys arm that rapped me.
“get off of me” i yelled and pushed myself away from him
i finally came to my senses and saw that i WAS in Dillon's arms
“what the fuck you doing? you sick bitch, making a scene just cause
you don't wanna marry me, tryna kill yaself ey?”
“no no i do no i didn't no, i do wanna marry you and I'm not tryna hurt
myself i slipped honestly. i slipped off some water. swear to god”
“don't swear to god! out of all people i thought you'd would know that.
your changing slowly and I'm not impressed. go dry yaself and make
me breakfast. and I'll think about it if you should make yourself some
breakfast too”
“okay” i got up and ran into our bedroom and dried myself on the bed.
Dillon's phone vibrated “Dillon your phone” i shouted to him.
he couldn't hear me because he was in the shower and locked the
door, which hes never done before.
it kept ringing and the phone received more texts and more. i starred
at the phone thinking if i should... you know read his texts. i hesitated
no! girls shouldn't do that its not right and plus i should be able to trust
him. the ringing began to get on my nerves it rang constantly. the
ringing finally stopped and Dillon received another text. “you know
what!” i grawled. i rolled over onto the other side of the bed and picked
up his phone. 53 messages and 72 missed calls. the phone rang in
my hand and i answered it aggressively.
“HELLO” i greeted the person on the other line
“hi whose this?” this voice rose slowly
“i should be asking the same thing. I'm keyshia Dillon's girlfriend well
from this morning his fiancée” i interjuiced myself rudely
the girl on the other line sounded shocked... and a little bit
disappointed. “oh well congratulations. is your fiancée there?” she
asked and i could hear a baby in the back ground crying. she sounded
calm, and kind of a nice person.
“hes in the shower but hes told me to take a message” i lied. i started
to chew my nails nervously, wondering if she'd believe me
she never knew whether to pass on the message or just hang up
“well what it is?” i asked
“that its his sons 1st birthday” she paused “and i just want to know if
we should have it at my house or in a center. he said hes paying for
everything” she paused again “but I'd like to do something too. seems
as i did give birth to him”
i couldn't believe what i was being told “son” the word echoed in my
“yeah oh you sound like you never knew” she replied
“i didn't. thanks for telling me. shows how committed he is to me. um
do you mind me asking some questions?” i asked her keen to know
“no not right now. Damien's crying and needs his nappy changed”
“o okay well could i get your address and come visit you. I'd love to
have a part of yours and Dillon's child's life” i asked her
“o um okay then... i guess” she told me the address and then i hung
i went over in my head over and over and over again. a son how could
he have all that time to get a son.
once i finished get dressed i went downstairs.

i finished cook Dillon's breakfast and i dashed it down in front of him

“what the fuck?” Dillon screwed up his face and looked at his burnt
egg and burnt toast “whats this?”
“your breakfast as you ordered”
“not bun up doe” Dillon laughed angrily nodding his head at the food
“well if your moaning do it yourself.” i looked at him with pure hate and
Dillon looked at me then through the plate with the food at me. i
ducked and it smashed off the wall. he hopped up and pushed me
against the wall holding me by my neck and the other hand pressing
my nose and mouth so i couldn't breathe. “uy listen up yeah. fuck
knows whats your problem yeah? but I'm not eating that. so what your
gonna do is. go back in the kitchen and make me something to eat.
something fresh and not burnt. oh and because of that clean that shit
up and the only food you eating is the food off the floor. DON'T YOU
“so how am i suppose to cook you something if i cant touch anything?”
i asked cheekily
“bitch just get in there” Dillon punched me in my face and that sent me
running flying into the kitchen. “and clean the food up with your

face to face with some things life changing:

i knocked on the flat door four times. hoping it was enough. i waited
for 3 minutes exact and heard movement in the flat. i couldn't wait any
more or I'd be late for college. so i took one last look then walked to
the bus stop slowly, hoping that she would open the door and let me

me and Lisa sat around the tea table going through our presentations.
Lisa's my best friend we do everything together, went everywhere
together, told each other everything and we even called each other
sisters. thats how close we are “it would have been better though if in
this photo shoot you would of straightened your back: because your
wobbly and it wont be all that. Sharron's not gonna be happy with his.”
“so what we gonna do then?” i asked hurried for time panicking.
Lisa thought for a few seconds and then came up with an idea
“come well retake it in the bath room” we both picked up our folders
and ran to the bathroom
“okay take your top and bra off, member at the same diagonal, middle
finger up n back o the camera” Lisa took the picture, i got dressed
quickly and we both ran to the printing room.

our meeting with Sharron and the other models ended. so me and
Lisa held tight onto our folders, and strolled down the corridor talking.
talking about the meeting and other stuff
“whats that?” Lisa pointed at the ring that seem too be right in her face
as she says
“oh well this is our engagement ring” i informed Lisa
Lisa smiled then replied “with D-Dillon?” she asked
“yeah i didn't even get to say yes or no he said i got no choice and i have
to” i mimicked Dillon and Lisa grabbed my risk to see the ring closer
“congratulations sis so when is it?”
“i don't know to be honest. i don't wanna marry him he treats me like shit”
“tell me something i don't know already. so you gonna make me a bride's
maid?” she teased
“NO!” i teased Lisa back. her face looked shocked and her mouth dropped
wide open “I'm just playing L.O.L” Lisa laughed and chased me down the
corridor then i let her catch me. she wrapped her arm round my shoulder
and we walked and talked all the way to Lisa's house.
“you coming in Mrs to be?” Lisa offered me while throughing her folder on
the stairs
“naw I've gotta be somewhere in a few hours and it will take a while for me
to get there from here” i told Lisa. i felt like telling her exactly what i was
going to do. but at the time i don't know i just had too edless have
something that no one else but myself!

i knocked on her door again for the second time today and she took a
while to answer
“who is it?” this girl asked through the door
“Dillon's fiancée” i replied unsure what her reaction would be.
she opened the door and i saw this beautiful young lady about the same
age as me and a cute little baby in her arms bitting his toy.
“aww” i feel in love with this little boy just by first sight. he was so cute and
looked so intelligent for a little one “do you mind if i come in?”
“no not at all. i could do with company”
“thanks hes gorgeous”
“thanks i wish i could say the say”
“why do you say that?” i asked her and followed her into the living room.
“because i was once crazy over Dillon. i would of done anything for him but
now its like were in a boring relationship”
“so you mean your still going out?” i asked her confused
“for Damien's sake but i still have a bit of feelings for him” i felt
uncomfortable. it seemed that i had a competition. like she was ready to
fight for him.

After a few more hours we begun to get to know each other more and
more. we started to feel we could trust each other so we start having
deep conversations
“so whens the last time you and Dillon you know” i felt nakedly
uncomfortable when i asked that question. so naked!
she took a while to answer then she said it. the thing i hoped she'd
never say but she did...
“yeah... well last month”
my head tilted again not believing what i was being told.

faced with something else:

me and Dillon's baby mother got closer and closer and so did me and
in college me and Lisa sat in the chill out area just talking
“these days I've been feeling sick man. and Lisa guess what?”
“what?” Lisa asked.
i stood up and lifted up my top. “I've been putting on weight”
Lisa starred at me. she starred at me for a while
“what? why... you looking at me like that?” i asked her confused
“you may be pregnant”
i laughed at the thought
“ i cant be pregnant me and Dillon hardly speak now. the most he
does is get head”
“he forces you to” Lisa corrected me
i reminisced the last time we had sex and i couldn't remember. until it
came to me. the new years party!
“the new years party”
Lisa looked at me straight away and knew what i was thinking
“it cant be” i muttered. so only me and Lisa could here
“it could be a possibility” Lisa warned me.
i sat down and we both starred into space.
“what we gonna do then?” i broke the silence with.
“after we leave here. were going straight to the shop and buying a....
test” she nodded so only we understood what we were talking about.
The f crew girls were looking and started to walk over to us
“shit look their coming don't make it obvious just stay normal” Lisa
the f crew girl thought they were everything. they thought they were
the boss of Birmingham's modeling agency college but they weren't
only Sharron was.
“what you both gossiping about fill me in”
usually we kept our mouths close but we've got to much shit on our
mind and don't need them on our minds to
“why should we fill you in cause all you'll do is spread it”
“well idles what i spreads is clean” Sharnice said back
the rest of the f crew started laughing supporting her
“well everyone knows your da no.1 sket dats slept with mostly every
ones man. and you talking bout me spreading sutton dirty. your
already dirty everything bout you is. you were born dirty”
Sharnice was shocked. she stood impressed but embarrassed
“well if she slept with everyones man that means she slept wid yo
one of the other girls backed her up.
“NO Dillon don't sleep with things dat eint clean and spread shit” Lisa
Sharnice screwed her face up and dived for Lisa
“what the fuck!” i shouted then jumped on Sharnice
“get off me bitch” Sharnice ordered. the rest of f crew jumped in and it
was piles but actually fighting. i had three girls 2 of them dragged my
hair and i was pushing and scratching one next girl all over her.
some other models came running over and so did Sharron.
“girls what are you doing?” Sharron shouted and helped pull us apart.
once Sharron finally was able to break us apart i ran to Lisa's side to
see if she was okay. when i looked at the f crew i was shocked. there
was only two of us and about 9-11 of them and we mashed them up.
but to be honest they were all fighting each other. lol. cause i kept

Sharron took us to her room and sat us down. after a long speech
Sharron said “well I'm sorry girls” my eyes started watering and i didn't
want to hear the rest of her sentence. “well I'ma have to dismiss you
both for the rest of the day it's a good thing todays Friday”
“but i don't want to, i want too stay here”
“no keyshia it's not going to be safe with you them girls and you two
eventually, we finally left the room and finally went to the pharmacy
because it was closer and i could trust any where else
once we opened the door the woman behind the counter looked at us
in disgust, asif to say what are you doing here you should be
somewhere else.
Lisa walked over to the see through cabinet and i followed her.
“how much is that one?” Lisa asked because she could tell i was
nervous. just the woman's look changed my mood, i felt like i was at
home and Dillon found out something.
the woman walked over to the cabinet and pointed. “you don't need to
know your to young” the woman replied
“listen up likkle old shriveled up looking lady I'm 19 and shes 18 we
even got ID wanna see?” i looked at Lisa and shuck my head because
i left my ID at home
“yes i would like to see” the woman said and looked at Lisa's hand
“well NO your not seeing it, how much is it?”
the woman took a while to answer “£27.99”
“27.99” Lisa echoed the woman and so did i but in a low whispered
voice. “gimmi dat” Lisa handed the woman the money and took the
pregnancy test.
we walked to the door and the woman dismissed us with a rude
“black girls that can't use condoms Pakistani girls would do”
Lisa and i turned around in shock. she walked over to the woman and
held her ear “mek me hear you say dat again while I'm here” Lisa
stood there with her ear in her hands for a few second and never
heard anything. “come on keyshia”
before we left Lisa picked up a cereal bar and slid her hands on some
products which as a result dropped on the floor.

we walked down the street and Lisa stopped. she bit open the packet
“want some?” she offered me
“naw I'm good” all the way to the bus stop i couldn't stop thinking of
who's house we could crank there until college finishes. and then i
could go home so Dillon don't get suspicious.
“so who's yard we cranking at?” Lisa asked while leaning on the bus
stop shelter.
“i don't really know you know” i thought for a split second and then...
“yea i know”....

i rang the bell then decided to get my key out of my hand bag.
i opened the door and kicked my heels off and it bounced off the wall.
it didn't really matter because now because this has been my house
for aswell
“hi bab” i greeted Dillon's baby mother shanice
“back so soon what happened?”
i told her and then interjuiced her to Lisa my best friend
“hi I'm Lisa”
“k were going bath room k need to do something” i informed Shanice
i kissed Damien and made my way to the bathroom with Lisa tailing
behind me.
10 minutes later and Lisa had looked through the voices magazine
and was now looking through black womens magazine. she sat on the
side of the bath just flicking through “its time now” i told Lisa
shanice walked past and knocked on the door “just make sure you rip
up the box and throw it in the bin, because my neighbor looks through
my rubbish”
Lisa jumped at shanice's knock and i laughed thinking how does she
“but I'm doing a do doo” i lied but it never worked
“don't worry I've been there and these wall's aren't thick. they may
look thick but aren't trust me”
i got up and opened the door to let in shanice
“don't shut the door behind ya. member Damien” i asked shanice to
have a look and there she told me, sitting on the toilet... i was told the
results YES or NO! I'm not sure what my reaction should be.

after a few more hours i walked Lisa to her bus stop and went home. i
opened the porch door then let myself in with my key, that i got in a
“I'm home!” i screamed up the stairs guessing he was on the pc msn
as usual. but he wasn't. he walked out of kitchen door and looked at
me the same way as how that Asian woman looked at me but worser.
“how was your day?” Dillon asked me
i hung my coat on the hangers and walked past him into the kitchen.
because never once in his life hes asked me how my day was, IN HIS
LIFE until now.
i walked to the freezer and looked at what meat i could take out for
tomorrows dinner. Dillon followed me and lent on the cabinet
“how was your day?” he asked for the second time in his life but
i placed the ox tail in some hot water in a bowl, then took a while to
“well the usual stuff, got chose as the top model as the month” i lied
knowing that he knew something already.
“for doing what?” it actually felt nice knowing that he cared. But he
never really he was after sutton.
my imagination let loose and i started blabbering pure lies
“took the dog for a walk and the cat ate the dog” i bursted out with.. i
bit my lip in regret.
Dillon grabbed me by my neck and flung me against the wall.
i struggled for breath, gasping for anything even if it was let loosed
“you think I'm dumb?” Dillon clutched his fist tighter on my neck
“no no no” i panicked begging for him to let go
“Emily rang me and told me everything” i swallowed my spit. “bout
how you got in a fight with my ex, and got dismissed for the rest of the
day, where did you go?”
my head was still on the part about my ex. what she was saying was
true. i thought to myself o another one of your ex's I'm beginning to
loose count
“oh so you slept with her how many more?. get off of me” i finally
spoke out. i dashed his hand away from my neck and cut my eyes
after him.
Dillon was appalled and impressed. “so where ever you went you got
tough” Dillon slapped me in my face.
“don't slap me” i bit my lip “your not the boss off me, your my fiancée
which i really don't want to marry you. and plus i don't need you”
Dillon smiled “so what did you do for the rest of the day?”
i laughed and nodded my head. i thought to myself after what i just
said you still want to act like this?
“none of your business. who's shanice and hows Damien?”
Dillon looked at me confused but impressed once again.
“as i was saying... you know what” Dillon swung me and through me
on the seaty and started punching me.
i pushed him off and fixed my draw.
“I'm going to bed and you need to calm your self down”
Dillon got up and was about to punch me in my belly. but i stopped
him just in time “I'm pregnant” i screamed in panick
“what?” Dillon never heard anything “whats pregnant?”
i began to think “Lisa's pregnant” i lied and walked away before Dillon
could finish what he started.

i wrapped my self up in our bed sheets. crying. thinking of so many

things that was on my mind. Dillon strolled in and lent on the door
he walked over slowly and dashed himself on the bed next to me. the
bed wobbled and creaked a bit.
“sorry” Dillon whispered into my ear, then bit it
i moved away from him, so close to falling off the bed. “stop” i moaned
“what's the matter?” Dillon moved up closer to me and hugged me
“nothing” i lied and moved away once again
“sutton's the mater but i don't know what”
“you know what the fuck you did!” i cussed in my head. “nothing”
Dillon looked at me annoyed and fed up. he got up and dragged me
up “bitch I've had enough of you being a drama queen and acting like
a brat now tell me what the fucking problem is!” Dillon ordered. he
started slapping me
“stop fucking hitting me. you know what you piss me off all the time.
wanna know what my problem is?” i shouted while pushing his hand
away from my face
“yes i do!”
“I'm pregnant” i roared. i rushed back over to our bed and lied down
Dillon stood shacking his head in shock in unbelief and then belief.
“your pregnant?” Dillon repeated me then waked over towards me and
lent on the window sill
“yea 3 months now and 3 weeks” i informed him. “wow its been that
long since the new years thing?” i spoke to myself
Dillon smiled excited and sat next to me, and cuddled me “do you
know what were having?”
“no babe. i don't its a surprise. I'm going for my 1st ever scan and i
would love for you to come with me” i smiled at Dillon. I've never saw
him so positive and happy in my life
“i would love to babe. i promise I'm gonna change. I'm never gonna
hurt you again. i have to change now for your's, mine and the baby's
Dillon began to think ahead of ourselves. “I'll teach him how to fight,
well play football together, he could talk to me about everything. I'm
even gonna get a job”
i raised my eye brows “wuw wuw wuw lets not think ahead of
ourselves” i told Dillon
“I'll even stop doing things wid other things”
now that i liked. no more cheating on me “your be my wifey for lifey”
Dillon kissed me and began to imagine things.
“I'm going for my 1st ever check up I was suppose to have a scan
every once a month”
“what happened you for got?” Dillon asked. he pushed me back and
tucked me into bed.
“i never knew”
Dillon kissed me then covered me with the quilt.
“love you babe”
“love you 2, sweet dreams” Dillon walked over to the other side of the
bed and tucked himself in.
later on that night a physical bang awoken us. it vibrated the floor
boards, the curtains and even the bed. Dillon jumped up and ran down
the stairs straight to the door, in his boxers
“you down to fuck up dem nigga's dat kilt jay?” a voice whispered.
Dillon had been hyped and waiting for this moment for a while. in
between our arguments he'd include the part how what he's gonna do
to this man he'd do the same to me.
“naw naw I'm not up for dat init found out keyshia pregnant init wid my
yout” Dillon informed them and told them so they never thought he
was backing out.
“skeen but the mother fucker kilt jay”
“i know nigga but I'ma stay in init wid my fiancée” i could hear the
anger in Dillon's voice. if he never made that promise earlier he would
of shouted at them and sent them moving. “you'se do it yeah, I'll just
cover” before who ever at the door had the chance to answer him
back. Dillon pushed him back away from the porch and slammed the
door. i could tell there was more then one person because when i
looked out of the window i saw 3 full cars parked behind each other.

5 and a half weeks into my pregnancy:

in the morning Dillon came up with this weird idea that we should get
married next week but i thought and believed differently.
“babe i think we should wait until the babies are born and then wait till
we've settled down” i decided
“no i want to marry you earlier” i could hear the anger in his voice.
wanting to come out and scare me, then batter me.
“do you really want people talking saying stuff about how Dillon
married one fat thing whats worser then that. and all dat type of shit” i
lied. my imagination began to run loose. i knew what made him think,
made him change his mind, and what he hated etc.
“naw naw i don't want dat thing to happen. i want dem to be saying
yea don. i want Dillon's thing she looks so sexy but yo dogg we can't
have her shes Dillon's” i began to smile at the thought. Dillon kissed
me on the neck then set my shower. “get ready for college” Dillon
oh oh. i said to myself. since i got pregnant i got kicked out. because
once your a pregnant you get fat, really fat. “i don't feel like going
“you want to start something up again. see i made a promise i wont hit
you but you'll do anything just to get one” i thought to myself “you chat
shit. how you say you never gonna hurt me but you hit me when your
get angry”
“okay okay but help me up” since i got pregnant he began to help out
more. and just on purpose i would call him for stuff i could do and was
capable on doing myself
Dillon ran over to me and helped me out of our bed. and that which
was one of the things that i struggle to do.

i had had my shower and Dillon was dropping me to my college. at 1st

i began to panic but there was no need. i told him to drop me at the
bottom of the car park and he didn't have to watch me go in. i kept
texting shanice and she kept texting back.
“who's dat you texting?” Dillon asked while trying to take a peek at the
text while watching the road.
“Lisa” i fibbed. i thought if i told him i was texting shanice then he
would start off, and plus i told him we stopped talking a while ago. i
lied also and said she refused to stay friends with me because I'm
carrying your baby, and he thinks she wants him back but hes the last
person in the world she'd want back now. and you know what. I've
never asked her if he ever hit her.
Dillon dropped me at the bottom of the car park and i saw the f crew
slivering through the car park “look who's here come to drop her
babies on us” they all laughed
“ha ha ha very funny. you know why i haven't come modeling and why
i was dismissed”
“well what ashame Dillon dropped me off dis morning”
i bursted out laughing “really?” i knew in my head the truth. i just
wanted to see what else more lies she was to make up
“yes in his rosaroyse”
“no he didn't because he dropped me in our new bmw not long ago,
so stop dreaming, wake up you fake model” they were all about to
rush me until a car beeped its way through us.
“get in!” Lisa yelled and flung open the passenger seat door.
Lisa was the crazy type of person, she'd try anything. “who's is this?” i
asked while i put on my seat belt.
“watch your belly man! oh yeah the cars one boys” she informed me
while waving her middle finger at them all, asif she was whipping the
window screen with it. shes actually funny and shes a true friend. they
fired me so she quit too and shes the best model organizer I've ever
“can you even drive?” i asked while rubbing my belly seeing if i could
feel two bodies. sounds weird don't it? but i don't care. Dillon put this
weird thought in my head. saying my twins would hate me so much
one would run away. so thats why i often check them. Lisa always
laughs at me “haha your checking them twins again ey?” she teased
me. she calls it kid runs away skank “them skanking kids eint running
no where. oh and yea were going to my house init!” Lisa informed me
“oh cool...” i forgot what Lisa's name was
HOLE” Lisa shouted out the window aggressively, with her hair
“calm down chick” my love for Lisa and disintegrated lately. shanice
and Lisa became friends; close friends and as a result shanice let Lisa
move in and from then it was life they for got all about me. often you
see all of us but all the incept from now their both always together.

me and shanice sat on the seaty playing with Damien. he'd grown so
fast and his birthday was so cute aswell with Barny. Damien's first
word was key then keyshia and before me knew it he was calling me
ki ki and calling shanice mum, and then Lisa lee. i must admit it but we
both beginning to loose interest in each other, me and Lisa. its like
were start a conversation and then go in competition.
“looks like yout putting weight on around the waste” Lisa teased me
while taking Damien off of me, which made him cry
“no love memba I'm carrying twins, but you on the other hand weather
I'm getting bigger up here” i made my breast jump up and down in my
hand “or your getting smaller there” i pointed and shanice laughed.
Lisa pretended to hit herself, then she started crying. “no don't hurt me
i love you I'm pregnant” she mimicked me.
“ha ha ha ha ha ha” i laughed sarcastically “don't plan your future” i
replied then took Damien off of her because he was crying hard.

i got in after a long good and crazy time with shanice. we left Lisa to
look after Damien and we had a mothers moment of talking. talking
about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
as usual i flung my jacket on the coat hanger and threw my trainers on
top of all my heels,which i use to wear. i use to live in my heels.
everywhere me and Lisa went we wore heels. but since i been
wearing trainer because of the twins, i well we would break the heels
with weight. i walked into the living room were the dinning table was
and there sat Dillon looking at me disappointed, and so did the
secretary. she sat raising her eye brows at me giving me some weird
looks that sad HA!
“where was you today?” Dillon screwed.
“um i can explain” i swallowed my spit in panic
“explain that you've been wagging college” Dillon corrected me
“oh i see how you been checking me ,up then, i can't move without
you knowing, and if you eint been checking up on me you got one of
you hoe's watching me and filling you in” i yelled then tried to walk off
but Dillon wasn't having it
“get back here. Emily told me everything bout the fight and how you
was dismissed ages ago”
“but model's can't model when your pregnant, you put on so much
weight and they don't allow fat people.”
“you know what I'm sick of you and your lying self go to your room”
i looked at him unbelievably “Dillon” i said breathlessly
“go” i turned around slowly, very slowly and at the same time felt my
stomach to feel and see if they still were there. “thanks for coming
through and telling me everything. I'm coming to your's tomorrow”
Dillon kissed Emily on the lips as she went past him. Dillon i shouted
inn my head. you know what i hate you I'm leaving.

that same night when Dillon left the house to go to Emily's house i
started to pack. i rushed around the house well tried to. the twins kept
moving like crazy and kept giving me back pain.
“stop it. we have to go. i must be carrying boys”
i packed the stuff i needed the most. i packed clothes, bathroom
facility's, i even took Dillon's card. i walked past the spare room and
decided to see what i could take from in there.
it was dark in there. light blocked out, couldn't even make its way
through. i tripped over a couple of things. i felted around to try see if i
could feel the light. i finally turned on the light and wow...
its was just another normal room. the closet looked suspicious, so i
decided just to have a look in there.
i pulled both door's slowly open. once the doors reached a sirton point
some lights turned on and a whole new world was decorated.
i looked waiting for Dillon to be barking down my throat. telling me to
move, or do something else but he weren't there.
at first i took my time to walk down the stairs, but i reminded myself i
had a time limit, i didn't even know where i was going i just had to get
away. stop being treated like I'm owned.
a light hung above this cabinet, which made it made it glow and grab
my attention.
i rushed over to it making sure i had both twins. i tried to open the top
draw but it was locked, stupidly i tried to open the second one
underneath but it was locked to, so i tried to open the final one. the 3rd
one. i pulled it and it opened without using any strength.
there were different things in there. like papers, photos, rings, tissues
with blood on and a few guns. i looked at one gun in particular.
the mac 10. the same things he smashed against my face, just
because i wanted to watch the rest of Maury. i held it in my hand and
riminest the pain, it felt like my eye was about to drop out. i carried on
scrumaging through the cabinet and fold a folder more then one. each
one had names on which one had keyshia printed in. “whats this?” i
asked myself and rested the folder on my arm. i flicked through the
pages and came across rules and plans.
i raced through the page keeping well aware of the time.
rule no.22 once she's had the baby get her account details, rob her
clean and run for it.
once i read that i couldn't believe it. i stood mouth catching flies, and
nodding my head in disgust. i head and felt the box full of Dillon's
weapons drop and i jumped in fright. i waited for Dillon to sneak up on
me but he never. i began to be paranoid so i closed back the cabinet
and tried to leave everything as how it was before i touch his stuff.

i finished pack my small supply and stuff for the twins. i opened the
door and couldn't believe what i saw
“your not gonna let me in?” a voice said then a body appeared.
“no” i stuttered not believing my eyes. i tried to slam the door on his
face but he forced himself in
“words got round that your were pregnant so i decided to come check”
“how did you... why have you... what do you want?” i asked and
started to back away as he approached me getting even closer.
“nothing really i want to be part of my child's life” i wanted to correct
him. tell him it's not child its children's but i couldn't
“your not the father!” i replied with anger in voice. to be honest i didn't
know who's kids it was
“so I'm here to be in your life” he tried to kiss me but i moved away “at
the party i was dumb, drunk and i promise nothing like that will ever!
happen again. I've changed” his speech made me feel forgiven but i
wasn't gonna give in that easily
“thanks for that speech but their not your's” i informed his and pushed
hi towards the door, where he belongs. outside.
“twins. wow babe. twins” he opened his hands wide open expecting
me to run into them, i was gonna but i stood holding onto the bat,
behind my back which i picked up sneakily when he stepped in.
“okay now dis is your quew to leave now”
“babe... i have changed you know. if you need e here, heres my
number when ever you need me I'll come running, and please tell me
how the twins are doing heres my card” i took the card off him, and at
the same time my heart sank. he was so sweet. he hadn't changed
the only bad thing about him was that he rapped me.
i nodded “i will. now please go before my fiancée gets home and i
don't want to keep you any longer you need to clean up your face.”
“fiancée” he repeated. “yeah I'll clean up my face but fiancée?”
he never left when i asked him to so we started talking, getting to
know each other. he turned out to be a sweet person.
“so you coming or not?” he'd noticed i was running away so he offered
if i wanted to move in with him. he only lived a few minutes from him
“yeah come on then” we both got up off the stairs and he opened the
door for me...
Dillon came tumbling in. he threw himself on him. “STOP!” i yelled
but he never listened. Dillon picked him up and flung him up against
the wall. “what the fuck you doing out?” that same question washed
around in my head. what a strange question to ask
“i got out” the boy replied. then it came to me they probably enemies
from in prison
“you shouldn't have come out. hold on a second if you escaped
someone must have opened the door” Dillon looked at me then looked
at my bags “what...” Dillon couldn't believe what was happening, so he
sat down on the steps and i stood up.
“i have to think this through. for now keyshia go unpack fuck knows
what's going through your head plus your pregnant. and you back to
where you came from” Dillon grabbed him and brought him back
“stop leave him!” i ordered but Dillon never listened. he never did
i followed them both into the room and Dillon threw him in this cell that
just about had holes to breath let alone see through.
“you go unpack bout running away your fucking pregnant!”
“no stop. leave him hes innocent whats he done to you?” i asked.
i didn't know why i was sticking up for him. but theres a chance he
could be the twins dad, and i don't want them to have a dead dad.
“innocent oh polease. fuck knows why your sticking up for him”
he smiled and starred at me. admiring me nodding his head in shock
“innocent of not rapping you!”
froze. i couldn't believe he knew. how did he know? he must off found
out that same night
“DILLON! don't be ridiculous, rape me stop it”
Dillon stood there shocked. not understanding why i was sticking up
for him “he raped you and your sticking up for him. keyshia you make
me sick!” he made sure i felt bad off myself just by the word sick. “go
unpack yo shit while i deal with him”
“locking him in our spare room eint gonna change anything. i think no i
know hes changed. you was in here before?” i asked
Dillon looked at him pretest and interested to find out how
“when you opened the door i had already let myself out, i was gonna
attack you thinking you were Dillon but i didn't because i knew after a
while it was you. i could tell by your lovely smell” i began to fall in love
with him. it sounded like i was being told a romantic fantastic poem
“thats enough of your shit. come on keyshia were going. and you
better explain where you were going and why” Dillon escorted me
towards the door. i ignored what Dillon said “hows he suppose to
breathe and survive down here?” Dillon slammed the door behind us.

it had been a week since i found Taylor and i had to feed him. I'd
found so much about him his name and why he rapped me. how it
was all Dillon's plan, but how Dillon denies it then tells me why am i so
i placed the dog bowl full of tomato soup next to Taylor's feet.
through out the week Taylor had this weird feeling that i hated him,
couldn't stand him. but that was all a lie.
“thanks” Taylor thanked me as soon as i removed the duck tape from
his mouth.
i looked at him evilly and he looked away. i grabbed him by his chin
and made him look at me. after a while i lent forward and he thought i
was gonna slap him. but i never. i kissed him on his lips gently. “i love
you” my mouth and voice said.
he couldn't believe it. i couldn't believe it. “i love you to”
my heart sank well deeper than its ever done before. “how are the
“there not bad i just want to have then and get over with it. i so badly
want us to be together. once the babies are born and I'm on my feet
well run away” i planned out future
“well go to mine”
“no thats to close. well have to plan it” i heard movement in the back
ground so i shoved the duck tape back on his lips and ran out.
i locked the door and remembered hows he suppose to eat?

and that's how things were. and eventually we came up with a plan.
and i couldn't wait for that day to come!

months later...way later:

i lied on the bed, flat and restless. i couldn't move i never wanted to.
I'm to fat to even try. not long ago but last week i had to bail Dillon out
because he was a suspect off jays murder but was proved that he
weren't there. Dillon walked in with a tray full of something only blind
people would call food. “morning babe”
“no i don't want to. sorry babe I'm to full with your twins” i laughed. my
eyes began to water as Dillon helped me up to lean on my pillow.
“just eat some” Dillon grawled “i did go through all this trouble for you”
i wanted to argue but from what happened yesterday i don't want my
fetuses to b flicked again. yep he flicked them and my belly.
“okay okay” i mumbled and struggled to open my mouth. i felt so fat.
Dillon sat next to me on then bed then shot up. “what the fuck?”
i felt like i was loosing weight. getting lighter and lighter very quickly.
my back began to bend and i was in pain. before i knew it Dillon was
running for the house phone and was asking for an ambulance.
“what's happening?” i cried. i was panicking, not understanding, the
doctor warned me and it turns out that whats happening right now,
eint how the doctor described it.
i screamed, yelled and cried out loud waking up the whole neighbor
“she's in labor” Dillon yelled down the phone to his mom.
Dillon's mom doreen. i love her and she loves me to. shes so sweet
and says I'm the right one for her son.
“okay okay I'll be over in a second” once doreen hung the phone down
she reached the house the same time as the ambulance did.
i felt so ashamed. i didn't want to go out, to let people see me. i hardly
left the house since i was 6 and a half months pregnant. people nosy
bastards stood outside their front doors, watching everything. happy
that they got something new to gossip about in the saloon.

i screamed. “i don't want everyone to AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!”
i screamed i had wet the bed and was soon to be holding my babies.
“sush” was all Dillon could say. he held my hand all the way to the

every time the doctor was about to tell me how far my contractions
were Dillon told him to shut up “i still don't want you down my fucking
fiancee's pussy man you never know what you'll be doing”
“don't worry p2api. my husband is at home looking after our foster
i nodded my head in pain and shock
“i want evidence” Dillon protested
“oh shut the fuck up and help me deliver these fucking babies!” i
roared i felt so good because Dillon actually listened to me.
“Doreen! call shanice please”
“Dillon never clicked on he thought i just meant just an ordinary
“whats her number?” Doreen panicked
“0!” i shouted each digit number.

within minutes shanice was there and Dillon couldn't believe it

“aww my baby's having her babies”
“yeah yeah yeah” i dragged shanice by her collar close to my face.
“go to the house and you know the spare room where it says on the
door no entry. go in there and then walk towards the
clo...awwwwwwwwwww” i screamed “i cant do it” i cried. tears
dropped down my face and Dillon came running in the room with Lisa.
“fuck it!” i screamed.
Dillon stood still and starred at shanice “what you doing here?”
more doctors rushed past and made a big fuse about keeping the
door clear
“keyshia wanted me here. Damien's with my neighbor. we've been
friends for ages now”
Dillon looked at me angrily. at that time i was savaging on some
gasoline. i noticed Dillon had just found out so i pretended to scream
“aw it hurts. i don't wanna do it any more” i whispered to Doreen still
with my eyes glued on Dillon and shanice.
i actually knew how it felt to be high. the pain hurt less but i weren't
“PUSH!!!! you shouldn't have opened you legs” Lisa yelled about all
the screaming “ew i can see the head”
“leave her alone man and Lisa shut up!” shanice pushed Lisa out the
way and held my right hand.

22 more hours had went and i starred at these two small human
they moved so slowly and kicked their legs a little.
the nurse stood in the corner just starring at me, not knowing weather
to speak to me.
i didn't care that she was starring at me which i usually did, but my
mind was on Dillon and shanice looked at each other. he didn't even
look at her in hate or anger, hes NEVER looked at me like that.
“you should be really tired and you look angry. so I'm gonna take
dakirous and Demetrius over there okay well see you in the morning”
the nurse pushed the cot as i called it into the lock of room.
i know thats not the name but thats what the parents called it,
because it was like they were locked away from their baby's.
once the nurse left with my twins there was no need to think twice i
placed my head back on the pillow and fell asleep.

in the morning, Dillon and my mom came to visit me. they placed the
flowers on the table and mom couldn't stop crying
“mom stop it should be me crying. my eyes are recovering from all the
crying yesterday” i screeched. because my throat strained and my
voice blocked out through out my speech.
Dillon looked over the twins as they moved so slowly.
“could i pick one up?” Dillon asked. i smiled impressed. he used his
“sure their your kids” i lied. i could hear the shacking in my voice and
so did my mom hear it.
Dillon sat down gently holding Demetrius. he nodded his head and
tears began to slid down his cheek. when i looked at Dillon then
Demetrius i couldn't see the resemblance, they looked completely
different. mom looked at me. she noticed something.
“you know what. i can tell this likkle bwoy is gonna be daddy's favorite”
“baby! you can't favor one over the other.. we've got to love both the
Dillon was about to raise his voice and shout at me but he didn't,
because my mom was rocking dakirous to sleep because he kept
“fine I'll love them both the same but i know this little nigga's gonna
make me proud” Dillon boasted.

a few days later lost track of time:

i dropped the twins goodie's bag on the changing mat table and
watched mom and Dillon put the twins back to be.
“well i wish you both the best of look. because I've got to get ready for
my night shift” mom sniffed
“mom stop it. stop crying you promised you wouldn't cry” i moaned
and moved away from mom as she moved closer towards me.
“I'm sorry baby. its just that my little girl's grown up now shes given me
my first ever grand kids, and is engaged” mom kissed my cheek. and i
could feel her tears on my face.
“mom stop! you promised you wouldn't cry” i walked out the room,
towards the kitchen to make the twins bottle.

i walked slowly past the spare room with taylor in. i wanted to unlock
the room and hug him. tell him we've got twins. but i couldn't but i
could have. i may sound crazy but i was beginning to fall into his
i held onto the spare room handle and Dillon popped up behind me.
he looked at me weird “I'm so proud of you baby” he kissed me on my
cheek and took my hand of the handle. “now we can start thinking of
the wedding date” i could see the evil in his eyes. all he wanted was to
marry me and rob me blind, plus leave me with his kids. HELL NO!
“its to soon, still we've got to keep on track with the twins and I'm
gonna have to work on loosing all this weight.”
“you don't even look fat baby. you look da same but with a bit of
weight on ya belly and bare stretch marks”
“uh!” i punched him in his chest and stormed off towards the kitchen.
he knew how i felt about my weight and as a boy friend hes suppose
to make me feel much better.
“i was just joking” Dillon lied and chased after me
“no you weren't you were telling the truth. and now that we've got the
twins your gonna have to stay home more often. and try your best not
to get arrested because i want my kids to have a dad”
“kids” Dillon replied “what the fuck”
“yes kids! Dakirous and Demetrius”
“what the fuck! why you changing shit for now. just cause your mom
here you don't think i wont buss ya ass up? nothings gonna change
and you better noto be planning of running away aswell because
member, you can run but you can't hide!” Dillon had me against the
wall, gasping for oxygen and for his hands to let loose.
“get off. my moms here you twit” i tapped him on the back of his head
then rushed over towards the cupboard. “go keep mom company
seems as she'll be your mom when we get married”
Dillon scrunched his eyes up “once shes gonna your face wont be
looking pretty for a while” Dillon threatened me.

“remember stick to your routine or else you'll confuse the poor kids”
mom reminded us and started to exit the door. Dillon looked at me
happily. he can't wait until mom went so he could attack me
“mom why don't you stay. well give you a lift to work and we've got
enough food, water everything and you can help me out with the
mom was already convinced but Dillon thought different
“no keyshia shes probably got a lot to do” Dillon hit me with his
shoulder “keyshia stop”
“okay okay. but mom i would love the company and advice” i insisted
before Dillon could have his say mom agreed and watched over the
twins as they dozed off to sleep.

“mom i need to you keep Dillon really, really bus. I've got a plan” i
begged her
“hunny you've just had twins and you've got a plan. I'm confused”
“mom remember when you were in a terrible relationship yo needed
help so i helped you? well i need that help. if your confused I'll explain
everything after okay mom” i whispered to mom and ushered her
towards Dillon's run and we walked into Dillon whipping his gun
“whats that?” i pretend “hunny NO!” i fighted to pull the gun off him but
he won “mom will be staying with us for as long as she wants. and
today shes not going work”
“she needs to hunny. we NEED to talk talk about this!” Dillon made
the word this roll off of his tongue.
“another time baby. oh mom tell about how you were when you had
me, what a fathers got to do, then teach him how to make a bottle and
what baby's are like and are capable of” i winked at mom and mom
sat next to Dillon on the bed while i exited.

i rushed into the room that Taylor was held hostage in.
i ran straight over to him and kissed him on the lips. i was so excited
to see him i wanted him to be holding my hand in labor. he smiled
proudly once he saw my belly had melted down he glued his eyes on
“babe” was what he said straight away as i ripped the duck tape of his
“yeah. i had them. twins. two boys. their beautiful weighed in at
. Demetrius and dakirous”
Taylor's smiled dropped “you named them after him!” Taylor moaned
in disgust
“yeah just to make Dillon happen”
“but their not his their my kids not his” Taylor grawled
“shh” i placed my finger on his lips “yeah their your's” i was confused i
didn't know what to say. i wanted to tell him that the twins had another
brother that Dillon had had and tell him everything. “we don't know
that their...” i bit my lip
“babe. you know what just take the DNA test's because i can't wait to
be with you, and the twins raise them as our own if the test proves
that their not mine”
“i can't wait even babe. okay i got my mom here stopping with us.
shes keeping him busy so i could be with you okay. in between his
sleep I'll try do it okay don't worry i already got it. i figgered out that
you would want but for now we've got to be patient i love you I'm
going now” i kissed him on his lip and rolled the duck tape into a ball
and placed it in the back on my jeans.
“i love you to”

the bed room lamp flickered in tension. the radio (silk city) bounced
with the baseline just above silent so it wouldn't keep Dillon up in the
middle of the night.
my legs trembled as i entered the room. his snoring over took the
drum and bass that thumped quietly.
i could imagine Dillon waking up and asking me what i was doing with
a ear buds in my hand. but he didn't. he lied lifelessly, flat on the bed,
his chest pumping slowly the same time as his breathe and with his
snoring scared me even more. I'm sure Dillon could of heard my blood
pumping fast around my body and my brain changing my mind all the
i made sure Dillon was asleep by quietly faking fake orgasm's.
he budged a bit and turned over so he was sleeping and lieing on his
back. i lent on the back and kissed his lips. he stuck his tongue out
and slowly i whipped his tongue.
“what you doing?” he asked while stretching “come back to bed”
i placed a fake smile on my face and thought of a lie quick “I'm gonna
check on the twins babe. see how their settling in”
“oh no they'll be okay” Dillon pulled me down and placed his arm and
leg on my body
“okay” i laughed. i slowly dropped the bud underneath the bed.
all night i couldn't stop thinking about the bud under the bed.

in the morning me and mom spoke in the kitchen. cooking breakfast.

frying food.
“how were the twins in between your time?” i froze. i thought mom
knew what had happened yesterday.
“they were good. i thought they would cry in between the night and
want feed but they never. they never cried at the hospital but i thought
they never because they were with the mid wife and at the hospital.
but i guess they don't cry. YES” i praised god. mom started humming
in the name of jesus underneath her voice “and what do you mean
about my time?” i asked mom confused.
“you know. your time last night” mom nudged me with her arm as she
carried the chopping board next to vegetables.
“no mom i don't” i laughed still confused
“for god sake child. i knew not breast feeding you was a bad idea.
keyshia i advise you to breast feed them kids! your bump and grinding
with Dillon last night”
i still never got it at first. i nodded my head hoping something would
come back. “oh yeah. our...” i nodded my head. oh yeah shit i for got
mom was here. “it was nice but enough of that. how was Dillon acting
with the lesson?” i asked mom and winked at her.
“he was not concentrating at all. he kept wondering of towards the
kitchen door and i had to call him back”
“oh wow. hes so noisy” i preached.
“so why? whats happening baby?” i was about to tell mom until Dillon
walked in holding both twins in each arm. “they were crying” Dillon
lied. he winked at me, gave me the sneaky smile and raised his eye
brow up high.
mom rushed over and tried to take Demetrius but Demetrius is Dillon's
favorite so he wouldn't let mom hold him.
“well I'll have my second grand child” mom gently took dakirous off of
Dillon and placed him on her shoulder.
“okayy I'm gonna go wash the twins and get ready”
“ready for what? your going back to the modeling agency. go get ya
place back you need to start making more money” Dillon ordered
i was about to argue back. but i remembered the two sweet,
gorgeous, handson twins i gave birth to.

i made sure the twins were strapped in the perfection when we were
in the car.
mom sat in the passenger's seat, impatiently moaning that she was to
be late if i was any longer.
“don't worry bout them their trapped in fine, twos enough I'm gonna be
late” mom hurried me.
“no i need to make sure my twins are safe”
“have you for got who brought this car on your 18th?” mom reminded
“yes i do but it weren't the best birthday in the world because i was
pregnant with these two” i spat in disgust
“well who's fault was that?” mom nagged
i cussed my teeth then had a 5th check and finally got in the car.
“see ya” mom kissed me through the window
“see ya baby. and you to two babies” mom made faces but the twins
looked away and dakirous glanced a look at me. “aww i think he just
“no he never. he probably farted” i laughed. god bless em.
i watched mom walk into her nursery which she owned. she always
rolled in late on purpose to miss on all the complaints that as usual
she gets everyday. thats where I'm not sending my twins.

i rested dakirous on my shoulder as i moved the push chair's belt.

i hardly got to hood the twins , so they weren't use to me.
dakirous started crying, yelling. i was so blessed and glad that he
couldn't spoke because he would be cursing me badly.
“shh” i rubbed dakirous's back as i rested him on the flannel that
protected the clothes on my shoulder from any of the twins being sick
on. “dakirous shh its mommy why you crying?” i thought of all the
things mom told me. he'd been fed. burped. played and kissed. but i
think it was because dakirous never knew me. just like when you meet
someone for the first time it takes a while to get to know them, well it
was the same with me an dakirous meeting each other for not the first
time but it felt like it.
“shh” i sat at the back where his ca seat was but i moved it towards
demetrius's side.

after a few minutes dakirous didn't feel so tense as how he was when i
took him out. he was relaxed. he kept starring at me and it was like he
was getting use to my smell. i didn't want this moment to finish bu
demetrius started to breath heavily.
“oh yeah i remember sorry demetrius” i apologized and placed
dakirous gently in the double push chairs.
eventually, after a long time just making sure i tucked the twins in
properly i made myself inside the building. the building that made me
what i am.
i pushed the push chair towards the reception door.
i looked disgustedly at the bitch. who snitched on me ... Emily
“hello” i greeted her hatefully
“hello here to plant your kids on one of the models? i see” Emily
“speaking of the word model. hows it going with you trying to make it
as one?” i teased her. “don't worry i wish you the best not honestly.
and as for the reason I'm here where's Sharon?” i asked her while
checking on the twins.
“remember the only rule of Sharon's is once gone is not to ever be the
next number one” Emily echoed Sharon from months ago.
this unlocking noise echoed the whole reception room.
“hmm talking of the boss” i cussed my eyes off of Emily and watched
the f crew tail in behind Sharon
“keyshia baby” Sharon rushed her way through the crowd and gave
me a massive hug “shit how i missed you. i stayed up the whole night
when i found out you were in labor i even burnt down 3 spli i mean
cigarettes” Sharon corrected herself. only i knew about her little
slipping which she does more than one off.
“aww thanks their fine”
“their” Sharon repeated the word
some of the rest of the models came rushing in like a heard of
“keyshia's here and shes got kids” most people muttered.
people pushed, and shoved me out the way. i tried to hold tight with all
my effort and strength just gripping on the push chair handles but was
i felt so angry, aggressive i wanted to pull back every fake bitch away
from my kids. “move” i struggled to shout but as a result screeched.
they started stroking his cheek with their fingers
“NO! you wash your fucking hands” i roared. they finally heard. they
stopped and froze “move away from my fucking kids!” i roared again.
after a while they finally understood and started to depart bit by bit.

“so what is it you want?” Sharon asked me while putting away the
photos that were not long taken.
“I'm here to ask for my job back. I've had the twins and I'm getting
back on trap now” i began to persuade Sharon beg her.
“oh keyshia please i beg you. please lets not go there. we've already
disgust it”
“i know we have but i really need the money. remember now that I've
got two other mouths to feed”
“keyshia no you know already”
we started raising our voices at each other but trying not to shout to
loud because the twins were finally asleep.
“think about all the things I've done for you. your drug addictions,
alcohol problems and four miscarriages”
Sharon shushed he and told me to lower my voice down. “theres no
need to bring up the past I'm sorry the law and the rules are the rules”
“just because I've had a child well more den one I'm now cut off and
“its not like that, well kind of listen babe i love ya and if it was up to me
you'd have the job the same day” Sharon stood in front of me holding
my shoulders.
all the shit that she was saying was going through one ear and out the
next. because Sharon use to be a bitch to me never Lisa. she even
made Lisa top model of the month. Sharon had only started to be kind
to me when she found out i was pregnant.
because of her miscarriages and the rule that she came up with about
if she had her own way it was her who made that rule.
she made i because no model can model again after they have had a
child, and she figured out that if she could persuade the x model's to
give her their child so as a sol8utions. she has a baby and he models
back to being a model. but it weren't working with me.
“so what do i need to do to get back to modeling name it”
i smiled. i knew she was waiting for me to ask that. “well there is one
option. you could hand over the baby to me”
“put my children up for adoption” i spat disgustedly. “no i can't do that”
the words punched Sharon in her chest.
“but keyshia i thought you really wanted your job back”
“yeah and i know how much you want my twins matter of fact, fuck
that dat any child your desperate for. but you can for get about it i
don't need your stinking job I'll make it with out” i stormed out the
room angrily for getting my kids.
i swung myself back into Sharon's room and pushed he double push
chair's outside.

i mumbled bad words under my breath as i looked through my bag

searching for car keys
“where the fuck are my fucking keys?” i asked the thin air and
remembered the twins lieing there. Demetrius lied wide awake just
starring at me “oh sorry baby mommy shouldn't be swearing naughty
i still couldn't find my car keys and it was so hard just to try make the
twins laugh
i turned around and the f crew right behind me all looking at the twins.
Tanya hung the keys above Demetrius's head. “you all don't give up
don't up don't ya” i nodded “just give me the keys and walk y'all asses
“hmm its not going to be that easy. you've got one of the best men in
the city and your planting kids onto him. hes should be my man”
“and my man” some one else shouted then some one else and so on
eventually, they gave me the keys and we were all in the car all
three of us. i drove off and the f crew started banging on the window
where the twins sat. i got so pissed off i had to pull over and calm
myself down.

we all sat around the table while the twins sat in their play chairs
resting. i flicked my food around the plate making little circles, and not
tempting to even try eat my food. “hunny why haven't you ate” mom
asked me. i began to make up some lies. lies that had to make sure.
“your leaving tomorrow and I'm gonna miss ya”
Dillon looked up from his plate and raised his eye brows “chatting shit”
Dillon chocked on his words
i looked at Dillon “you okay”
“no. mom could you get me some water please” Dillon ordered
and said it perfectly “plus i wanna talk to my fiancée”
mom looked at him rudely “sure but don't be expecting this every time”
mom replied. to whipped her mouth with her tissue and dismissed
herself into the kitchen
“i know your not upset for that. tell me what the fuck is the problem is!”
Dillon grawled while jabbing his fork deep into the table. i would have
been stick my table where my pride and joy and so were my sofas but
didn't care.
Dillon jumped up and his chair went sliding “i swear to the devil if you
don't tell me what the fucks the matter you wont be able to model,
have sex, have kids or even breath again and I'll shove dis fork right
down your throat and my dick straight in after”
i felt so intimidated, scared so i whispered it to him. “the f crew were a
fret to the twins” before i could even finish Dillon hoped up and started
phoning some numbers.
within seconds 4 cars were parked up outside full of people with black
masks that only showed their lips and eyes and two nostril wholes to
breath through.
mom came in holding a tray with the big glass of icy cold water with 3
ice cubes in.
“where's he gone?” mom asked me as she placed the tray on the
i heard mom but couldn't be bothered to answer her. i stood leaning
on the table just trying to trace something that would give me a clue of
where hes gone.
“mom watch the twins please” i ran and picked up my Adidas jacket

2 weeks later thats how long it took me to open the test:

i raised around holding demetrius close to my chest, picking up a
nappy to change him. “I'm not gonna argue or raise my voice around
demetrius and i want you to do the same” i whispered to him
“yeah i know but i don't think he deserves to be let out, well not yet”
Dillon corrected himself while following me around the room
“NO! Dillon i for give him let him out. don't you think hes got a family
just waiting for him. they probably think hes lost” i lied demetrius down
on the changing mat
“YEAH BUT” he dragged my shoulder back
“NO Dillon let him go or me and the twins walk out” Dillon starred at
“keyshia? why are you on his side it was him that raped you not me”
“oh you never raped me to didn't ya?” i sarcastically mumbled
“keyshia i never raped” Dillon lied you could here it in his voice
“that same night when you were drunk and we got home”
“that don't me i raped ya just meant we had drunken sex”
“NO! that was what i kept saying”
Dillon kept trying to speak to me but i gave him the silent treatment.
once again that was the thing he hated the most.
“okay i will” i wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed me
from my neck to my lips
i moved away because i could feel his boner pocking up slowly, thats
how close he was towards me. “fucking hell man i give you what you
want so you cant do the same for me? pus whens the last time i
fucked the shit out ya till ya pussy smoked?” i felt so embarrassed in
front of demetrius if only he could understand what his dad was
saying. “head eint enough you know. dis nigga needs sex everyday or
every two days. if i don't fuck you out by Wednesday then theres quit
a lot of girls dat wanting dis big daddy”
i watched Dillon walk out the room “i hope you don't turn out nothing
like him” i prayed

“so hes gonna let you out. the plan is I'll tell Dillon that I've got some
kind of trip and we get to stay with you for two weeks, and then i come
Taylor smiled “thats greet babe. so did you find the results for the
the smiled on my face dropped. i wanted to open it with shanice as
she's my best friend. i sighed then took the envelope from the back
pocket of my jeans.
i slowly opened the envelope hoping something would come in the
“are you sure you want to know right now?” i asked him with my voice
sounding all rusty
“yeah babe. i want our future to shine so bright. i want to be with you
and the twins” Taylor confessed
my face changed. i really didn't want to open it in front f Taylor

i scammed through the words on the paper and held the envelope in
between my fingers tightly. “what does it say hunny?” Taylor asked
me so calmly and soft
my heart thumped and the words rearranged them self in my head.
“their yours” i jumped up unbelievably
“oh babe” i kissed him on the lips and started to walk towards the
“remember Dillon should let you out okay”

“so its not his?” shanice repeated in shock. i nodded “wow thats
shocking i really thought it was his”
“shanice? your not making me feel any better you know” i grawled
“oh sorry” Damien tumbled over and crawled over to my legs. “he
dropped he needs to get the handle of sitting up straight with out
“aww come here” i picked him up and carried him into the kitchen to
collect the twins bottles. “stop crying baby”
shanice followed me into the kitchen. “your lot can sleep for ever man”
shanice teased me
“oh shut up. your son cant even sit up straight and hes nearly two
years old how wuckless is dat?” i teased her an Damien who was
nibbling on my top “and he eint even got 3 teeth. wow this boy and
his body is lazy” i made the word stretch over my tongue.
“oh shut up your kids cant even talk” shanice bursted out with. the
atmosphere demolished. the whole room was empty. she had kilt it.
with that stupid! come back.
“ANYWAY'S! the kids aren't...” before i could even finish i asked
myself why? i completely changed the conversation. i didn't even the
answer myself
but before i could finish my sentence shanice had already clicked on
“your fucked. dunno what you gonna do. you muss have some kind of
plan” shanice took Damien off of me and placed him on the kitchen
floor “go play” she ordered him and he did
i thought for a few seconds. “I've got a plan but it don''t all add up. but
here it is”

i opened the door quietly trying not for Dillon to hear. “psph” i whistled
well kind of. “Taylor its me”
there was no reply so i repeated myself “Taylor?” i heard a little creak
some where near me so i stepped in and closed the door behind me.
“Taylor god dam it! stop messing about Dillon will hear us I've got
something to confess” still no reply
“some one idles answer me!” i grawled and stamped my foot the same
“hes gone” a voice answered. it sounded form-ilia but i was so scared
my mind wouldn't recognize it.
i turned around and struggled to see the appearance of the man at the
door. his shadow.
“what do you mean gone where is he? and who are you?”
“aha dats a lot of questions from a lady thats confused and mixed up”
“mixed up you must not know who the fuck i am and who my
boyfriend is” i started to step closer towards the guy and the open
door which i closed after me before.
“oh don' worry about that i know who he is and i know him very well”
the man bragged
“oh sure you do” i nodded sarcastically “and hows dat?” the man
stepped closer to me and i saw his appearance.
it was Dillon. i gasped hard “uh oh” i thought to myself
“i know you still have feelings for him and thats why i let him go”
“oh sure you did where is he? and i don't still have feelings for him
behave Dillon” i managed to say
“i know things and so do you but you wont tell me what you know. i let
him go because i know you love him and to fucking prove it. i even
saw you both kiss each other”
i laughed “how can you accuse me of kissing another man. despite
the fact that he raped me and i thought i was carrying his kids” i spat “i
wouldn't kiss him!”
Dillon clapped sarcastically. “for a second i believed ya. i cant love
you the way that he loves you so you might aswell go to him”
“yeah your dam right. and thats what I'ma do”
“oh here take this he left it” he held up this thick sliver carrot chain with
a massive holy cross on it, with also blood dripping off of it
“thanks. why has it got blood on?” i asked as i took it off of him
“you thought I'd just let him go with out like that. naw you couldn't
have keyshia, i thought you knew me better than that. shame on you”
i raced out of the room and into mine and the bastards room. i
flung open the draws and threw three suit cases on the bed.
“where do you think your going?” he followed me around the bed
i ignored him and pretended he wasn't there.
i finished pack and had the twins in the push chair.
“KEYSHIA!” Dillon barked
i opened the door me and my littlens and shanice and her littlen
swopped places. i was outside the house and she was in.
i was shocked Dillon didn't raise his hand or fist onto me to try and
keep me to stay.
his gaw dropped wide open when he saw her “and you still have
feelings for her
“enjoy and good luck” i dragged the double push chair outside the
porch onto our pavement. before i put the kids into the taxi i heard
Dillon and shanices conversation well a bit of it.
“what you doing here?” Dillon asked
“here your sons growing and i cant teach him how to be a man, so me
and keyshia done a swop shes on her way to her moms” i could hear
her emotions in her voice. just happy to be in the same room as him.
i smiled then closed demetrius's door.

we finally reached there and i starred through the window of the taxi at
the house I'd been waiting so long just to see. “this will be our
new home kids” i informed the twins asif they understood and cared.
the taxi drive spun around in his seat and starred at me “what?” i
asked him rudely
“hu!” he cut his eye after me and turned back around
finally, i got the twins into the push chair and i slammed the back door
of the taxi
“bloody kids. all black teenagers getting pregnant” the taxi driver
mumbled under his breath
“WHAT! do not blame me. maybe having a kid at this age is no
popular. i never planned this it justed happened and I'm so glad it did.
I've got two beautiful twin boys and so what” i opened the door and
slammed it again. i know it sounds gay but don't care! “if i weren't a
responsible parent i would of smashed your window. but i don't want
my kids to grow up and see their mom in prison, because i would do
more than smash your window”

“babe” we both greeted each other. i let go of the push chair and
swung my arms around Taylor kissing him hard to show my love to
“i missed you to” he laughed.
i finished unpack my stuff and all three of us followed Taylor into this
light blue painted door. “close your eyes” i closed my eyes and
followed him into the room.
once i opened my eyes i was so impressed. the room was painted sky
blue, it had calm clouds light Grey that looked like cotton, the wall also
had painted on cartoon characters like mickey mouse, sponge bob,ect
and the cot ect was made neatly out of mdf wood. how t all looked so
cute. “oh baby its beautiful not even the twins room at hoom...” i
couldn't say home.
Taylor moved closer to my face “no this is your home”
i nodded so proudly of him. we sat and watched the twins start to get
use to their new room.

Eventually, we made our way back down stairs but into the living room
“you got any romantic films or funny films?” i asked while sitting on the
double sofa
“well i got down to earth”
i laughed and watched him crawl over towards the massive dvd
cupboard. while he looked through the dvds looking for my type of
films. i sat starring at him and looking around. the house was
beautiful. it was so big and posh he could never afford all this. i
crossed my legs and smiled at dakirous, as his eyes closed slowly. my
phone vibrated in my pocket and i shot up in painck.
“you okay chick?” i greeted shanice
i heard keys drop, then silence “shanice?” i called out “shanice!” i
screamed down the phone. by this time i was on my feet pasting up
and down the living room “shanice!”
“hes coming!” shanice yelled down the phone.
i stood still asif i was stabbed in my heart. Taylor froze and looked at
“what babe? what is it babe?” Taylor panicked
i heard him but ignored him. in was in shock and terrified
i ran over to the massive glass table where the twins bag was with all
the twins stuff well most.
i cried and Taylor chased me around the house pulling my arm back
and trying to find out what the problem was
“what is it keesh? I've been chasing you around for 15 minutes”
eventually, i told him “keyshia he don't know where you are. he thinks
your with your mom. you rang her ages ago and told her everything.
think about it. this is the last place he'd look” just Taylor's very words
made me feel much better, but i never told him that Dillon's aware of
how close we are.

i rested my head on Taylor's shoulder as we watched Chris tucker act

as a white man being comedian at the place.
“thats crazy” i laughed i was resting from the amount of jokes i had.
the door bell rang gently. we both span our heads around and starred
at the living room door. “who's that?” i whispered to Taylor
i could hear the fright in voice “i don't know. watch the twins k” i
rushed over towards the twins “oh its okay act normal”
i was confused but ran over to the sofa and tucked my legs under my
bottom. i stared at the family photo. this weren't the life that i wanted.
to be hiding every time the door bell rings, i wanted to feel save and
have also mine, the twins and Taylors (family) photo hanging up there.
i heard the sound of high heels but took no notice of it.
“why is there a double push chair in the hall way” i heard someone
“we should have a...” the woman stood at the door way starring at me
with a smile. she was beautiful, young and sassy also classy, she
looked like Keri hilson but the elder version
“hi love” she moved up to me quickly and took her hand out of her
gloves for me to shake it. her hands had black gloves on with a long
thin coat. she looked very busy, rich and clever.
“hi I'm keyshia” i interjuiced myself
“hiya love. you are beautiful. I'm Katie” once i looked down at her
boobs i could tell why “Katie, Taylors mother” she broke it down even
more “you must be a friend as he calls girls he has over” Katie said
then she looked on over at the twins sleeping
“no actually I'm his girlfriend”
“and these are my twins” Taylor finished my sentence. he pushed her
towards the kitchen “why are you here anyway?”
“i left my keys its a good thing you here” Katie turned from the push
and sat next to me on the sofa
“your a mother? and their kids tell me more”
Taylor folded his arms looking embarrassed.
“i know its all been shocking to us all. I'm keyshia this is dakirous and
demetrius. I'm sorry i would inter-juice you but their sleeping. we
moved in today”
“moved in?” Katie sounded shocked like she'd never heard of it
“wow everyday i find out something new about my son. he went away
for a few months on a college trip, then i find out hes got a girl friend
and a father, which means I'm a grand mother. THANK YOU!” at first i
thought she was angry at me. but she held my cheeks and kissed me.
a horn beeped from outside and Katie hopped up “and thats my alarm.
I've got to go now sweetie but i hope you'll be here when i come back
usually Taylor and his relationships dont last for long”
“MOM!” Taylor mumbled
“sorry i think she has the right to know though” Katie slid back into her
black leather gloves and got up. “well I've got to go I've got an jet
waiting for me and a limo outside waiting to bring me to my jet. oh I'm
a journalist and a tv host that'll be releast in two months time”
Katie rushed into the kitchen and picked up a key
“have fun” i told her
“i will now since that i found out my son is a father, also hes got a child
more than one and I'm a grand mother” i felt uncomfortable how
excited she was.
she waved at us all including the twins then left.
i folded my arms and fasted him angrily.
“what?” he asked
“you've got a lot of explaining to do and you lie to your mother and to
me about this is your house you LIAR” i made a nasty face at him
“it is my house but i share it with my mom. she's going threw a ruff
time and needs shelter”
“see there you go again lying. it looks like its the other way around.
does your mom look like shes struggling?” i asked Taylor
“its not” before he could finish i started again
“no answer my question. does your mom look like shes struggling?”
Taylor bowed his head “no” he replied
“your fucking right. shes traveling countries and shes the one thats
struggling. psh. i knew the house weren't just your's if i t was when
Dillon had you locked away you would have been robbed time ago” i
looked away from him “and because of your lying self no welcome to
your new how freaky chick for you”
Taylors head dropped once again. he looked like a child in primary
school. he was disappointed and was looking forward for my
performance i was aswell.

i unpacked mine and twins clothes and made up whole leap of lies,
while Dillon leaned on the wall close to the door humming and starring
at me waiting for another lie. “and mom didn't want us to leave” i
smiled and nodded my head seeing Taylor cry when we went.
“hum” Dillon nodded still sharking my each move “so hows your day's
been with out me?” i asked Dillon
he sighed and followed me and picked up dakirous because i had
already picked up Demetrius.
“Lisa's just been so much trouble after she told me she was pregnant”
Dillon followed me downstairs then into the kitchen to prepare their
bottles. “turns out she had an abortion and and when i came off the
phone to you, Lisa's neighbor rang me saying she hung her self”
“stop messing around” i laughed.
Dillon's face screwed up and demetrius smiled at Dillon
“look he just laughed at your silly faces. his first smile”
“really?” Dillon took demetrius off of me and gave me dakirous “I'm
serious doe Lisa drugged her self” by facial expression on his face he
didn't look asif he was joking.
“you must have had a terrible night” i nodded sarcastically.
Dillon lied down demetrius on the side beside the toaster.
i looked at what he did, putting demetrius on the side i knew this was
bad news.
“you think I'm joking don't you?” Dillon pushed me against the wall and
i had to guard dakirous with my arms.
“NO no i don't I'm sorry. i believe you, i believe you” i panicked making
sure Dillon didn't hurt dakirous and watching to see if demetrius would
roll off.
“do you really?” Dillon asked still gripping onto my shoulders
in my head i was screaming 'get off of me you lunatic. of course i don't
believe you, your loosing it' but outside my mouth started moving “yes
i believe I'm sorry baby” i still felt uncomfortable but eventually, Dillon
let go off me and moved back fixing his Adidas t-shirt. “I'm so sorry” i
ran over and picked demetrius who was screaming his eyes out “i cant
believe you just put him there” i moaned when i was far enough away
from him to run
“why don't you believe me?” Dillon panicked while following me into
the living room
i looked away from him and changed dakirous's pamper.
once again Dillon hates the silence
eventually, Dillon moved me from the twins that were playing and
“I'm sorry for hitting you. but you don't listen to me and always take
the piss” inside i began to believe him but i couldn't for give him after
risking my childs life.
i nodded and we hugged each other.
“I'm sorry baby” Dillon repeated in my ear. i could feel him breathing
on my breast
i pushed him off from me and, ran upstairs and dashed onto mine and
Dillon's bed punching in Taylors number.
“but its the fact that the he risked my child's life i can't take it any
more” i cried down the phone. i leaned forward whipping my eyes
repeatedly as the tears kept sliding down
“keesh? do you want me to come get you both” Taylor asked me softly
i could her the anger in my voice
“no it wont be safe, he'll kill you and i don't want that” i whispered still
sobbing tears still rolling down my cheeks
“okay but just stay strong think of it soon well be together” Taylor
reminded me
“okay i love you”
“i love you to” Taylor reminded me. just talking to him made me feel
more better, and confident which boost up my peace aswell
i tip toed towards the bed room door, expecting to see Dillon's ear
pressed against the door but he weren't there.

i slowly walked into the living room and turned around to see Dillon
pushing up and down both of the twins baby chairs and the toys
jingling at every movement.
he looked up at me with a smile “babe things have got to change. i
cant do this any more. i want you to be able to trust me, be able to talk
to me, and not scared every time you drop something, or burn my
i laughed and remembered that morning when i burnt his breakfast to
prove how i felt at that time.
“yeah you said that last time” i folded my arms i lent on the heater
which stuck onto the wall.
“yeah but this time i mean it. i promise things are changing. if i hit you
again you have the right to run away, leave me”
i tutted and walked over to see the twins faces . i changed the subject
“it seems to be ever since you made that horrible face the twins have
been smiling a lot more” but i knew why the twins were laughing.
Taylors got this charm that can make any 1 laugh even if you don't
want to smile.
“promise me” Dillon grawled
i laughed and sat next to him playing with his mawikam as it moved
straight back into place when i stopped touching it.
i laughed again and watched both of the twins as they grinned der
gums off.
“I'm not gonna promise you anything. now stop acting silly and be a
father no a clown” i kissed him on his cheek and demetrius started
three weeks later all tears:
we all gathered around looking deeply down this deep whole, eyes
filling up with water most already letting out some.
“good bye Lisa. you've gone but never for gotten” Lisa's mom threw
some yellow roses onto Lisa's grave. once the roses landed and
bounced we all let loose off the rose petals and threw them aswell.
Lisa's mom nodded at Lisa's to younger sisters. they lifted their hands
in the air which were in the shape of a cocoon and let the two white
birds fly into the sky.
my heart sank once the birds where high enough to touch. i felt so bad
because the twins never really got to meet their ex god mother, plus
for she was the first one to find out about the pregnancy.
me and Dillon walked towards our car and so did the others but to the
limos and cars.
Lisa's mom walked over to me while Dillon opened the passenger seat
“keyshia?” Lisa's mom greeted me
“mom” i replied. mom looked at Dillon and he knew what it meant. he
cussed his teeth and let himself into the car. “i came to show my
respects even though me and Lisa went through a bad faze” i pleaded
with mom
“no shush. i didn't come for you to say your speech i came here to
give you this” she didn't even look at me, look at me in my face
“yes mam” i bowed my head
“here because of him my daughters dead” i looked at Dillon shocked,
but mom grabbed my hand and placed in it her diary and her beaded
holy cross necklace
“thanks. but what do you mean because of my fiancée?” i corrected
she looked away and got into the back of the limo.
“she wants you to follow her” Lisa's little sister translated for me
“oh okay” i was meant to pick up the twins from mom before 7 but i
needed to get to the bottom of this situation and its not like mom ever
minds any way.

i slid out of my heels and we both followed her upstairs into Lisa's
room. the candles flickered, the curtains kept sealed and the room
was just how she left it.
“here” she handed us a letter which had blood on it
Dear mom and family:
i know by the time you read this i would already be dead,
I'd just want you all to know how much i love you all and will always
love you all,
I'm looking down on you right now smiling, knowing you'd be fine and
cope just the same as you did when i was alive,
make sure to tell Dillon i didn't have an abortion the baby died inside
of me,
but make sure your by the twins and Damien's side and in their life at
all times,
keyshia every time we argued i meant the opersite,
when you thought i was cursing you i weren't
i was praying fro you i admired you,
still do even though I'm dead now.
make me proud i love you all
and for my younger sisters Louis and landa i love you
p.s i drugged myself and i died under the sink remember me for the
good person i was not the mistakes i made. Dillon happy now?
“oh my gosh” i held my mouth crying i turned to Dillon “what does she
mean are you happy now?”
Dillon backed away slowly nodding his head no words coming out of
his mouth. “uh uh um”
“your the reason why shes not with us now” i punched Dillon in his
“stop that and follow me” mom shut the door behind her and took us
the bath room, which was only on the other side near the spare room
she opened the door slowly and the bath room looked asif it hadn't
been used in ages.
“this is where she last was where she died, blood was all over the
floor, puddles of blood, she slit her risks, and many more, talking
about it makes me wanna be sick. no ones been in here since you
know, and no one will NEVER come in here again. we figured Lisa
loved this house so we wont move out but I'm getting extra piece onto
the house”
“so how do you wash and stuff?” i asked disgustedly but tried not for
her to hear it in my voice.
“the kitchen sink”
i shivered in my body “ew” i mumbled under my voice.

i gave Dillon complete silence half the way home. “i never kilt her
hunny” Dillon repeated him self over and over “she wanted my cocky
so badly i gave her, and it kilt her. get over it!” Dillon shouted and
banged his fist on the steering wheel.
i lost it how could he say shit like that? i grabbed the steering wheel
and couldn't control myself “pull the car over!” i unleashed my anger
“keyshia calm down!” Dillon yelled down my ear trying to get back the
grip of the wheel
me a punch right across my face leading me to let go of the wheel and
hold my face in shock “you murder” i whispered gasping for breath
“calm down” Dillon threatened me
i curled up rocking forward and backwards in the car “stop it keyshia”
i ignored him and carried on rocking. but to make it worst i made my
head change in action by making it look like it was gonna drop off.
“stop it” Dillon demanded, grawling at me asif i was a little child.
“NO” i replied and sucked my thumb.

Dillon through the keys against the front door. “what the fuck was you
thinking” Dillon shouted and threw me against the wall, next to my
blown up modeling photos.
“stop you promised” i windge while trying to move from where he had
me edged “stop it now” i managed to escape
“NO! get back” Dillon grabbed be back in between the wall and his fist
i began to cry and my face tensed.
“you promised” i cried hard, not even looking at Dillon. once Dillon
realized what he was doing and the impact he had on all of us he
stopped and looked down.
“I'm sorry but you piss me off all da time!” Dillon whispered still looking
down but day dreaming at my heels (toes)
“leave me alone you murder” i pushed his arm away but it wouldn't
he swung a punch but purposely missed and punched my photo
leaving a hole of where his fist had connected.
“shut the fuck up” he glued his fingers close together and forced his
hand against my mouth. so i couldn't talk and it was hard to breath.
“I'm not no murder just believe me, they say she committed suicide
not she died of murder! okay?”
i nodded desperately for him to let go off me. “okay” i hummed
finally, Dillon got tired off starring at me in anger so he calmed him self
down. “I'm sorry but you just piss me off”
i raised my eye brow and moved away at the chance he gave me.
“whall ever” i snorted. i picked up the keys from where Dillon had
threw them. “I'm going to go pick up the twins” i informed Dillon not
caring what he had to say i had already made up my mind.

i bursted through the door shouting “mom get the twins ready”
mom came running down the stairs shushing me “the twins are
sleeping shush” mom covered my mouth while wobbling for her
i realized my actions and calmed down slowly. reminding myself that
I'm a mother soon to be turning 20. “sorry mom” i sobbed on the
bottom stairs
“its okay baby. whats happened baby?” mom sat next to me and
placed my head on her shoulder
i began to tell her. she nodded her head, hummed and held onto me
tightly strocking my arm to remind me she was here and always will
“I've had enough of him i just want to be with Taylor” well obviously
what moms just been told shes confused, she don't understand
“but why would you want to be with someone who's raped you?” mom
spat the words out confused and disgusted
“because he treats me good, loves me and makes me feel good”
we both started arguing shouting stuff at each other, constantly we
would remind each other that the twins were sleeping.
slowly, mom began to under stand where i was coming from but we
carried on arguing until we were both were happy and mom under
stood me.
my phone rang vibrating the whole stairs. i started to panic and so did
mom. “mom please tell him I'm gonna stay at your's” i begged crying
tears racing down my checks. once again me and mom began to
in the end mom got sick off it “is arguing going to answer the phone?”
usually i would be sarcastic but the mood i was in, i couldn't be
“no its not mom stop taking the piss. you always do it dats why i cant
talk to you” i cried even harder
“oh so what are you doing now? just answer the fucking phone”
i picked up the phone “hiya babe sorry i just ran for the phone” i
nodded to mom
“hmm sure. where are you?” Dillon asked calmly but pissed off
“I'm at moms” i stuttered, gasping for all the oxygen that could fit in my
mouth, to try calm me down. i leaned towards mom nodding to inform
her that it was Dillon
“hmm sure” was all Dillon kept replying
“don't you believe me? if you don't here she is” i handed the phone to
mom quickly so Dillon could believe me
i starred at mom bighting my nails curled up in the middle of the
bottom step. i struggled to hear mom and Dillon's conversation, i could
hear some jealousy in his voice even though i didn't understand why
he'd be jealous
“can you hear one of he twins crying?” mom acted
i nodded my head disagreeing with her confused
“i cant hear them” i replied trying to convince her she was hearing
“go” mom whispered while covering the phone so Dillon couldn't hear
mom “go check on them” mom got up and opened the door silently
“go” she pushed me to the other side of the door
“thank you mom” i kissed mom “I'm coming darling”
“oh hunny your phone?” once mom handed me the phone i could hear
“why does she need her phone?”
“because i wanted to say good night before i checked on the twins”
“oh well let me say good night to them” Dillon commanded
“NO! i mean no babe I'm going now”
“but i wanna...” i hung the phone up on him but it felt so good. he
always did that to me, when he was with one of his Gucci mommas
kissing on his neck and he had to go take care of some business
i walked back wards towards the front gate thanking mom over and

fitting in. does she like me or not?

“morning” Katie greeted us and opened the curtains “i made you both
breakfast” Katie pointed to the two plates on the tray
“oh thanks” i tossed covering my breast that were feeling the breeze
“oh don't worry love your's are much much bigger than mine before i
got fake”
i scrunched my eyes trying to under stand what that meant and then it
came to me
“mom” Taylor moaned feeling a lil embarrassed
“oh stop it son. what i mean is that look at these do they look real to
i thought to myself why would she ask me these questions. i felt
uncomfortable and blushed in laughter
“no tell me the truth love were soon to be mother and daughter come
on. okay if you cant answer me this feel these”
Katie grabbed my hands and placed them on her boobs that felt so
“mom!” Taylor mumbled. he got up making sure his below well (in
between) his legs were covered and grabbed my hands “stop it.
naughty girl. don't scare her away i made crazy about her”
the quilt dropped and Taylors pistol glowed.
i giggled and blushed. Taylor lied down and covered it quickly.
“oh don't worry son it was me and your dad who helped make that.
and wow how yo got the weapon of your dad. making mommy proud”
Katie tapped Taylors leg and left the room “and thanks for keeping me
up all night” she winked at me and i felt so shamed
so do i fit in?? obviously yes
“i know but kept the weapon juicy and more than satisfied when we
finished” Taylor grawled and bit my ear. i laughed and slid more into
us cuddling then maybe even more you decide.................. have you
decided yet
“how was our night at your moms?” Dillon asked as i walked in
throughing my keys on the dinner table
“it was fun and wild” i remembered who i was talking to and by this
time Dillon was looking a me suspiciously “look who i brought”
Dillon starred at the door and i pushed in the double push chair.
“oh okay”
“you don't really sound happy to see dem” i laughed shockingly
“I'm not. its obvious you were going to bring them home unless were
out some where else then what you told” Dillon looked at me waiting
for me to confess some thing but there was nothing to confess. (wink)
only the readers would know.
“boy you all mixed up you know” i took out both of the twins and lied
them down on their play chairs
Dillon kept looking at me asif i would weaken and confess but i weren't
gonna give up.

5 months and 5 weeks later:

after 2 or 3 months later after all the arguing and the threats to leave
Dillon tried to change his ways. hes trying really hard to seek his
charming side i must admit it was working but i weren't gonna accept
it. it was to late. Taylor and the twins got my life.
“morning babe next week this time well be getting married” Dillon
greeted me. he kissed me on my cheek.
i felt like crying because i didn't know what i wanted but i knew! i don't
wanna marry him
“yea i know i cant wait” i lied. this was so fake. me acting like i loved
him, i would be lying in church if i said I'd be faithful i would be lying
and I'm a Christian. plus because of Dillon me and my father had been
so far away and i think its time for me to start making back up the time
we've missed “babe I've decided me and the twins are going to church
Dillon's mouth dropped. “why?” he stuttered “why do you wanna
worship something thats not even real?” Dillon shouted
“keep your comments to yourself. now I'm going to go wash the twins
then wash myself after. then were going church its your decision if you
want to come too. but were going” i picked up dakirous because he
was awake kicking his feet and chewing on his quilt “look at ya you
little bugger. come on were going to go get ready” i picked him up and
rested him on my shoulder and slid my phone into dakirous's fist
“i don't want you to go but please stay with me”
“no I'm going. now you go feed demetrius while i go wash dakirous”
Dillon tried to pull me back but i dodged it quickly and ran into the
bathroom “go feed demetrius” i ordered.
i started to set the twins mini baby bath which they both shared. i held
dakirous in my right arm while he sucked the corner of my phone. “yes
were going to church” dakirous smiled then dribbled all down my
sponge bob pj's “aww dakirous” i laughed then lied him on my legs
blowing into his bey
“yaahhh” dakirous laughed then yarned
“yes were going church... oh yeah daddy” dakirous smiled again then
shoved my phone in his mouth.
“no give mommy that please” after a through seconds dakirous under
stood what i said and handed me my phone “thank you” i picked him
up and we both kissed each other..
i sat dakirous on my lap and started texting Taylor:
morning baby its me, were going church today we''ll come pick you
up the twins are coming to. be ready before 11 because its a bit far
from where you live. love ya lots and miss ya.
once i sent the text i started to wash dakirous. he giggled at every
time i squeezed the sponge above his head and made the soapy,
bubbly water slid down his spine. “aww you like that? should i do it
again” i done it once more . on the third time my phone vibrated luckily
it weren't loud enough for Dillon to hear.
okay babe I'm getting ready but i don't know if i should wear a suit or
smart clothes xx
i replied back
i say just smart clothes and the twins are wearing matching outfits but
different colors.

i made sure the twins were tucked in safely in the back of the car. i
don't know what the twins were saying but they were tryna say sutton.
demetrius kept rocking forwards and back wards “demetrius stop” i
ordered softly and calmly trying to keep my eyes on the road.
but he never stopped. “stop it demetrius” but he STILL carried on
“STOP IT DEMETRIUS!” he finally stopped and i felt scared and
concerned so i pulled over and rang Dillon
“he wouldn't stop rocking i had to tell him 3 or 4 times to stop” i told
“maybe he don't wanna go church” Dillon laughed down the phone
“its not funny i got really scared” i wasn't smiling at all “you need to do
something here talk to him” i put the phone near demetrius's ear and
Dillon told him sutton. “what did you tell him?” i asked.
“its a father and son thing not for Christians” i hung the phone on him
and got back in to the car. “whats up with you boy?”

i pushed the double push chair unto the church and took out the twins.
i held demetrius and Taylor held dakirous. the man showed us where
to sit and it was next to shanice and Damien. “aww hello” i whispered
and kissed shanice on the cheek.
“hiya i never knew you were a Christian”
“i never knew you were one two” i replied back while resting dakirous
on my lap
at the same time and shanice jinxed each other “Dillon” we laughed
“yep your right. just because he don't believe in god he tried to stop
me from going” i told shanice
“well for me it didn't matter what he said i still went” i nodded to what
the paster preached and what shanice said to.

in church it was asif i hadn't been here in ages. when the time came
for individual prayers for people that waned then i felt that i had to go
up. i had some sins that i cant live with any more. cheating, allowing
Taylor to rape me though i couldn't have done anything different to
stop him, lying to Dillon telling him that i loved him and keeping a deep
and dark secret that not even you know yet.
i handed demetrius to shanice while Damien swung his feet forward
and back wards dangling. i walked slowly up the church iol tears
racing down my cheeks constantly.

i knelt on the edge of the stage crying my eyes out way before the
preach even started praying. “hold on a second is that keyshia?” the
preach asked
i froze completely inside and out. “yes” i replied slowly whipping my
eyes and turning around
“oh wow how i am glad to see you in the house of the lord” i flew into
pastors arms sobbing and stiffing all the snot that hung out my nostril.
“you see god is good. let me hear an amen” the people in the crowd
nodded and shouted “amen”
“you see keyshia. she was an angel always attended Sunday school
service and enjoyed it but after awhile keyshia began to get distant
and i prayed for her”
my heart sank and i asked him in my head “aww did ya thats so
“yes and my prairs have been answered the lord has returned her”
“amen” the crowed praised the lord
“with also family aswell two twin brothers” the preach pointed to the
twins which was sucking on each others bibs
“sorry paster but their my twins” i whispered in his ear politely
correcting him
“my apologies keyshia's very own first kids and just like what
happened to you i hope you'll get them Christened here” the preach
“sure” i replied unsure and unconvincingly
“promise” he starred in my eyes with faith and trust
“promise” i replied then pastor kissed me on the for head.
“well lets carry on with our prayers sister henry and brother Luke plus
come up” following sister henry and brother Luke were other 4
following which i weren't familiar with. wow since the last time i was
here sister henry looked so different. i could see a few more rink-ls but
she still had that sweet, comfortable, faithful smile that i grew up and
got it off.
and brother Luke wow how hes changed. hes shrunk and still looked
like a bully but a grumpy one.

my eyes were recovering from the redness caused by the crying of my

eyes. “that was one of he best services i went to in my life. the twins
were so quiet and smiled at pastor” i praised them both as i tiggled
their bellies.
“i know and Damien kept pulling dakirous's bib strangling him i had to
take him and dakirous out and slapped him” we both laughed and
tucked in the twins.

my wedding day:
my nerves trembled in my whole body. shivering like bees in a jar
trying to burst out. “come on” everyone kept yelling “hurry up keyshia
we eint got all day”
“I'm coming stop rushing me i need the toilet” i dragged myself to the
bath room hardly seeing any thing, because my fake eye lashes
weighed down my eye lids.
Karina followed me towards the bath room holding the bottom of my
wedding dress making sure it never dragged on the floor.
“I'm fucking okay theres no need to hold on to my dress piss off” i
yelled down to Karina
she backed away slowly shocked and confused of why i was
shoutuing at her “oh my how I'm so sorry I'm just following orders that
I've been given off your husband soon to be. and oh how I'm not sure f
ill be able to follow the second rule DO NOT LET KEYSHIA OUTSIDE
i was so disgusted in Dillon's rules i slammed the door on her face and
through myself on the toilet crying my fake eye lashes off.
how could he? why do ii hate him so much? no need to even think of
why i hate him so badly. after 2 more questions my mind drifted off to
thinking of Taylor. i wanted him to come but not for him to witness his
true love get married to another guy that tried to tie the not with ages
ago, but for other reasons. for him to hug and hold me tell me
everything will be okay. i missed him i wanted him so badly.

after i calmed down and pulled off what was left of hanging of my real
eye lashes i locked myself and shanice in the room.
“no i will not do that do you want me to die?” shanice spat
“no. of course i don't want you to i need you in my life. but i have to
have Taylor and be a complete family WITHOUT Dillon” i whispered
trying too keep my voice low enough for no one else to hear
“i know you do but....... i don't.... um..... I've got an idea come here”
she whispered in my ear some thing secretive then i nodded agreeing
with her 100%

everyone stood up eyes all over my body, smiles everywhere, grins

from the twins and the biggest smile ever from Dillon once he saw i
arrived safely and never ditched him.
i finally reached the top of the white carpet as i called it and i winked
at Dillon “hiya baby i love you”
“i love you to” Dillon replied and kissed me on my cheek
“were all gathered here today to...” pastor Bannister began. (the one
from the church)
“baby I've got a surprise for you at home and I've got to get it for you
now” i lied, quietly so i didn't distract pastor but i seemed to distracted
the audience attention
“no get it after” Dillon ordered aggressively
“no i need it now because we wont be able to get it after” i mumbled
making sure my mouth pronounced the words correctly
“no stay” Dillon ordered asif i was a dog or something he owned
“NO!” i screamed in his face and ran back in the house because the
wedding was in the back garden. once again because Dillon didn't
want to step in a church or be near one which nothing really to me
made sense.
Dillon smiled at the audience and sent his guards to follow me in to
the house but i locked them out. shanice had already put the twins
into the car, which 5 suit cases containing things we needed and had
left Damien sticking his tongue at the little babies.
i ripped my dress off not noticing this sheet had dropped out of my
bra. it was a special sheet thats why i hid it in there.
“drive!” i ordered.
shanice slammed her foot door and we drove speeding right up the
final arrival. my dream coming true my the second:
Taylor answered the door in teasers. “TAYLOR” i cried and dived into
his arms.
“keyshia” he replied and held onto me tight “what happened?” he kept
shanice smiled at us both. as we hugged and cried screaming down
each others ears. “well to cut a long story short. shes not married and
you can both live happily ever after” shanice closed the door and
walked a bit closer to us both which was still hugging and screaming.
when we finally calmed down we all sat on the sofa recapping what
happened and filling in what happened to Taylor
“so you ran off and now hes looking for ya?” Taylor corrected shanice.
i sniffed back up my snot and whipped my eyes. “yeah but i wanna be
with you and the twins” i persuaded Taylor “THE TWINS” i ran
towards the car and saw that the twins had disappeared “where are
they?” i screamed banging on the top of the car “where are they?” i
repeated myself
Taylor and shanice rushed in behind me. shanice covered my mouth
which told me to keep my voice down and Taylor opened the car door.
“here they are” Taylor told me and looked at me asif i was mad.
my jaw dropped to the grown in shock and relief. “but i looked”
“no keyshia you looked at the tinted black windows and assumed they
weren't there come here” he stretched out his arms and i ran into them
“well your both happy and all four of you are all safe I've got to get
back to Damien hes probably wondering where i am” me and shanice
hugged for ages. “I'm gonna miss ya. because i feel asif when Dillon
finds ya his gonna kill”
“i know and I'm scared but I'm old enough and know what i want and it
eint him.”
“what you gonna do though?” shanice asked concerned and
“well I'm gonna change my number, switch my cars up and move from
this country” i replied strong headed because i had already thought
this through
“o” shanice melted inside “I'm gonna miss”
before shanice could finish Taylor butted in “so thats what you wanna
do?” he asked holding my hand gently and not to tight
“yeah I'm positive. babe I''m gonna miss ya I'll text you off my new
number and i hope we stay in touch” i kissed her on her cheek and
shanice waved to Taylor
“i wish you both the best of luck I'll miss you and so will Damien”
“I'll miss you too. both off you” i squeezed Taylor's hand trembling in
“it'll be okay baby I'm hear” the twins dived out of Taylor's arms and
started crawling towards their baby chair in the living room.
“aww they were they have to go” i waved good bye to the shanice and
followed the twins to see what they would do.

2 hours later and me and Taylor sat next to me on the sofa feeding
the twins.
“keep still dakirous” i grawled. it weren't asif he really did anything but
my emotions began to take over. i kept shouting at the sillyist and
smallest things.
“calm down babe” Taylor told me calmly under standing but pissed off
because i was shouting at his kids
“okay” i replied calmly. my arm shivered and every time dakirous tried
to eat the food off the spoon my arm would shake so hard it would
drop on him, then i would scream.
the door bell rang and i froze completely. inside and out.
“who is it?” Taylor yelled from in the living room. the door opened and
the foot steps got louder and closer every step.
“its only me. i finished my article sooner than i expected ad thought I'd
come home and pamper myself and enjoy a lovely bubbly bath and
on the side some fresh tasty champaign” mom told us “but i guess i
cant now because my daughter and my grand kids are here” she
walked over to me and kissed me on my cheeks “hello double d's”
“eo” demetrius dribbled and stretched his arms out for her to pick him
“hello baby” she picked him up and demetrius opened his mouth and
grabbed her boobs
“no” Katie laughed and tried to loosen his grip but he wouldn't
“DEMETRIUS STOP!” i yelled seeing Dillon in Katie's arms not
“DEMETRIUS. stop” Taylor yelled and demetrius stopped in shock
and starred at him with his mouth wide open.
“wow babe he listened. he's beginning to not listen to me and i don't
know what to do” i confessed and took demetrius off of Katie “sorry
about that”
“its okay love its usually grown men that act like that”
“mom!” Taylor winjed
“okay love. but don't worry he'll grow out of it soon thats what Taylor
done when he was younger thats how i know the twins are your's.
they get it off there daddy. well I'm going to go get change and soak
my feet these heels are killing me” Katie told us. she sat down and
took off her heels
“okay. wow i love them heels there nice” i nodded impressed of her
lovely fashion.
“oh thanks hunny. these were £380 but they've gone down to £300 not
like its a big difference if you want I'd buy you them”
“oh its okay” i nodded disagreeing with her
“no its no problem at all trust me”
“its okay hunny I'm fine”
“well the way how I've seen you dress you dress like a tramp”
i froze and laughed inside. it was like there was a car crash inside my
“mom ENOUGH she said no its fine now leave it” Taylor ordered
“okay son. i don't know whats up with you but you need to change
your attitude. well some worker men are coming to come build in a fire
place one that only celebrities could afford” Katie teased us “if they
come let them in okay they'll be here within 10 minutes just let them in
we both nodded together and Taylor put the twins upstairs to sleep.
once Katie went upstairs i realized something “babe if Dillon comes
looking for me he'd know where i am because of the car parked in
front of the house”
Taylor nodded “oh yeah your right”
“ima go move the car park it somewhere like down the bottom” i got
up but Taylor pulled me back down
“uh oh you stay here i don't even want him to smell ya let alone spot
ya. I''ll go move the car pass me the keys”
at first i thought of the consequences but there weren't none really
because Dillon would never think of coming here “okay babe but if
your not back within 10 minutes I'm calling the police” i handed him
the keys and he left the house.
i sat flicking through the channels and it had been 3 minutes since
Taylor left and I''d missed him already. there was a little tap on the
door and i jumped up and flew to the door. i flung the door open and
jumped into his arms “i missed you even though you left me. where
did you park the car?”i asked and kissed him all over his cheeks
“who left who?” a voice asked then pushed me off
“you” my whole body shivered and trembled.
“how?” i trembled in my voice and my heart thumped
and i began to breath fast.
“you know i always knew dat you had feelings for him. i knew you did
but i always fucking stupid enough to listen to you”
i couldn't say any thing neither look any where else. i kept asking
myself how? why? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?
“you ran out earlier on me because only god knows why and you jump
in my arms” Dillon pushed me back wards i slowly moved towards the
living room
“no i came back Taylor” spat out still trembling. i could hear Katie
moving around in the bath.
“oh so you admit it. you fucking skank” he threw me onto the sofa and
started punching me
“Dillon stop!” i screamed
he started pulling my hair but it wouldn't rip from the root, then he start
to rip my top off. “stop” i cried and tried to start punching but he held
my hands down. i felt asif i was back at the club but it felt way worser
because it was someone i once loved.
“oh i see how you've finally found your confidence back shut the fuck
up” he covered my mouth
“you okay hunny? Taylor be careful the twins are asleep” Katie
“a ha the twins are upstairs. your much more clever than what i
thought you were” he got up off me and moved towards the door
“no Dillon no leave them” i got up putting my breast back in my bra
and chased Dillon which by that time was at the bottom of the stairs
about to step. “leave them please. okay come back in here baby” i
wrapped my arms and legs around Dillon i started kissing Dillon
he carried me into the living room and through me on the sofa. “take
your thongs off dem” i felt so dirty but i had to do this. for the sake of
the twins i didn't want them to be touched or taken off of me
once i was naked i lied shaking with my legs wide open, tears falling
off of my face.
Dillon slapped my legs and laughed “you think I'd fuck you after all of
this?” Dillon laughed and pulled something out of his trouser pocket
“what?” i asked disgustedly and shocked
“i mean you walk out on me on our wedding day, i find you the same
day and i find this to” he shoved this sheet in my face.
my mind tried to ask him what was that but i knew what it was already
“how did you get that?” was all i said then got up looking for my
“you know what it is you slag. you make me sick” he dragged me up
and pulled me towards the front door
“how do i make you sick.. no I'm not going leave me alone and give
me that” i unloosened my arm from the grip off his hand and tried to
grab the paper
“who the fuck are you talking to?” he used the tip off his fingers and
smashed my head against the wall, leaving me to slide down the wall
in pain
“keyshia!” Katie shouted while running down the stairs in her name
brand dressing gown “what did you do to her” she pushed him out the
way and sat me up. by this time a bit of blood spat out of my head and
i felt dizzy
“fuck off this eint got shit to do with you” he dragged her up by her hair
and through her into the living room and she bounced off her glass
table which smashed all over her. “now come on were going and your
going to go marry me” he picked me up and rested me on his shoulder
“let go of me” i started kicking and punching and as a result left Dillon
struggling to stand up straight and walk “your sick” i spat on his
“WHAT THE FUCK” Taylor dived on Dillon and they rolled over the
floor. both punching each other mostly missing.
“stop” i screamed
eventually, Dillon sat on Taylor and ordered me to get in the car
“NO” i shouted “i don't wanna go with you i love Dillon”
Taylor starred at me “wheres your clothes?” he managed to ask while
i could see his eye slowly changing color – purple.
“he ripped them off of me” i snitched.
“go get some clothes and were going” Taylor told me softly chocking
some blood out
“what the fuck where you going. stop right there!” Dillon ordered. i felt
asif i was back to when i was Dillon's slave. with out thinking i stood
still and lent on the wall following what i was being told. “now you go
put some clothes on and get in the car”
i looked at Taylor tears once again falling own off of my cheeks
“I'm sorry” i cried then ran upstairs
by this time Katie had woke up and was slowly moving towards the
house phone “hello could i have the police please?” Katie whispered
“WHAT? what was that? who you calling?” Dillon dived over to the
phone and hung it up “i see your tryna ring the police” Dillon clutched
his fist and gave her an uppercut
“Dillon STOP!” i yelled while running down the stairs in some old
jogging bottoms and a dirty top.
Taylor jumped up and punched Dillon in the back of his neck
“don't fucking touch my mom” once Dillon landed Taylor started
kicking him in his ribs full blast
“Taylor stop i thought you were gonna change” once i shouted that
Taylor stopped and turned to me
“I'm sorry” he apologized “I'm so sorry” he stretched his arm out and i
ran into them
Dillon got up and pointed the gun to Taylor's head ....
Dillon jumped around the room crying the gun must have back fired on
him thats why he was acting in such a way.
“oh my god” i cried and covered my face in terror off what might
happen next.
“SHIT!” Dillon roared and dived for the front door

two police cars parked up outside the house. the police women and
men knelt behind the car door persissioning their guns through the
winded down window “hands above your head now!” one voice
at first i dicktated with myself weather i should go and have a look. in
the end i decided to have a peek.
the first thing i saw was flashing lights, police cars and guns.
“weapon on the ground” the same voice shouted.
Dillon tutted and held onto his hands asif it was a bandage
“move the fuck out my way and keep the noise down my kids are
sleeping” Dillon started walking avoiding the orders he was being
“we under stand that sir but we've been given orders” another voice
shouted “but you need to give yourself up”
“not with out a fight” Dillon pulled out another gun which was in his
boxers. before Dillon could point his gun he was taken down by two
police guys and they through him in the back of the police car.

a few minutes after less then 2 hours:

i looked up to god and smiled “thank you” i praised god and hooked
onto my step fathers arms
“may all rise” the audience stood up and smiled at each step i took
when i finally reached to Taylor i kissed his brews “hi babe”
he kissed me back and took my hand “i love you” he told me for the
1000000000000000th time and is even more.
after the preach said his long piece and we improvised out vouls he
asked Taylor “do you Taylor woods take this lawful wedding woman to
be your lawful wedding wife?”
“i do” Taylor replied an winked at me
“and do you keyshia walker take Taylor woods to be your lawful
wedding husband?”
“i do?” i replied. we both me and Taylor took the rings off of Lisa's little
sister and placed it on each others finger
“i pronounce you husband and wife” before he could finish me and
Taylor were already kissing and the audience were clapping
“thats my son” Katie yelled while demetrius tried again to grab and
suck her boobs.

The twins first birthday:

i lied in bed playing with the twins as they crawled over me and
dakirous nibbled on his little south park teddy bear.
“morning baby” Taylor walked in with my apron on and a tray in his
“morning” i replied. i sat up and took the tray off of him and he kissed
“you got some letter through the post here” he handed me the letter
and took some hardo bread of my plate and bit into it.
“uy” i tapped him on his head with my letter “you ow me a kiss now”
“you don't have to ask me twice. my sexy 7 month wife” he kissed me
on my lips again and then blew bubbles in demetrius's belly
i opened the letter and my heart began to beat fast “oh my gosh” i
held my mouth nodding in disbelief
“what is it?” he tried to see but i moved it
“nothing” i replied slowly still in shock and disbelief
“no what is it babe?” he snatched the paper off of me and began to
read it “is this true?” he jumped up “is this true?WHATDOES DIS
at that moment i didn't care what would happen next weather me and
Taylor would get a divorce, the only thing that bothered me was what
it said on the back
Happy 1st birthday my boys. daddy will be out soon so well share it
together. p.s i know who called the police it was my other baby mother

i got up and ran to the twins bed room and started to pack
“what is this you told me the twins were mine” Taylor questioned me
while chasing me around the room
“it is what it is and what it says is what it says” i didn't have time to
explain i just had to get myself and twins asses up out of here.
“what does that mean? where are you going? the bouncing castle will
be here soon”
i opened the door after finally packing and there stood Dillon.
“welcome home hunny” Dillon laughed then walked inside the house
“eint it nice being home?”
my mouth vibrated so many words trying to burst out at once
“what? what are you doing here?” i mumbled shivering all over.
“thats a nice welcoming could i come in?” he asked while shoving his
foot in between the door
“you well you FUCKING cant. go away your not wanted no one wants
“you bitch” he grabbed my hair and dragged me into the bedroom
were Taylor was sitting on the bed crying.
“STOP Dillon your hurting me go away”
the twins started screaming loudly and kicking viciously “da da da da”
demetrius called Dillon and dakirous called Taylor
it hurt so badly that the twins called different men their dad.
“oh hello sons” Dillon threw me on the bed and threatened me that if i
move he'd blow my head off
while, Dillon played with the twins for a bit Taylor tried to find out
“why would you lie to me?” Taylor whispered
i didn't want to answer but he deserves to know the truth. “i wanted
you to be the twins dad so badly i prayed you were”
“DONT! sit here and blame god its your fault”
“and its your fault to if you wouldn't of raped me we wouldn't be here”
Dillon stormed in the room holding dakirous by his head
“Dillon don't hold him like that” i dived on Dillon's arm unloosening his
hand grip “LET GO!” i screamed. he let go off dakirous and he
dropped on the floor “oh my gosh” i screamed and picked him up
quickly as he cried the hardest I've ever heard him down my ear.
“sit the fuck down bitch did i tell you to stand up” he pushed me down
and demetrius laughed “good boy son”
the door bell rang “its the people for the bouncing castle” Taylor told
Dillon and pushed him out the way
“and you shush” he jumped up behind me and covered my mouth so i
couldn't breath.
Taylor stayed outside with the man as he set up the bouncing
castle in the garden which looked like a field. Dillon kept peeking
through the blinds and i kept crying silently.

Taylor and the man came running up the stairs and i recognized the
man. it was Marco Taylor's best friend. the last time we spoke his ex
girlfriend kicked him out and he was on the street searching for a job
they dived on Dillon kicking him in his rib cage.
dakirous was still crying and for the chance that i had i picked him up
and examined his body. “shh” i rocked him and tried my best just to
lower his voice down.
Dillon struggled to reach for his pocket. when Dillon finally reached in
his pocket he shot twice and Marco and Taylor went diving.
“yeah who's talking now” he struggled to stand up one hand pointing
with the gun and the other holding his ribs.
i wrapped dakirous with my arms and ran towards the double pram.
i sat leaning on the pram crying my eyes out. “shh its okay every
things gonna be okay”
a gun shot fired and a body dropped on the bed room floor. i jumped
off the landing of the body and covered the twins eye sight with my
whole body.
a few seconds later Taylor came running out of the room and Dillon

i looked at demetrius and what i saw i couldn't believe it was like a

dream and i wished it was. i wanted to wake up and be in bad playing
with the twins and later on singing them happy birthday
Taylor dropped and i i picked up demetrius and lied him on the floor.
pumping his belly up and down and wrapping dakirous's scarf around
his belly
“DEMETRIUS!” i kissed him not giving up on him
Dillon stood still mouth open and dropped the gun on the floor
bouncing off his nike trainers.
the front door dropped forward and and lots of police came in
throughing Dillon on the floor and dragging me away from the scene.

i screaming this time vains ripping out of my skin “my baby” i roared
and broke free through their grip. i ran to demetrius and touched his
face “demetrius baby its mommy please don't leave me. i love you”
“mam were sorry but hes gone”
“NOOO no hes not baby wake up”
“hes gone mam were sorry”
“why my baby” i cried for getting about dakirous
“mam were sorry aswell but your brother gone too”
i didn't have the strength to correct him
“demetrius baby happy birthday” i cried “i love you”

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