Lantern Lighting

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Lantern Lighting

Inside my head
Dense with fog
A light was lit

It burned a little
It smoldered some
It made me cough

Congested, no air
Tough to grow a flame there

Outside the wind whisped

Seeking an opening
Gently wooing

Inside, needs, dying

Turbulent fare
Life let in

Flickering Light
Defogging Life
Inside my head

©2001 Douglas P. Smith

Because we are made in God’s image, we are born with a knowledge of Him in our
conscience (Romans 1:18-21). This is the original “light” lit in our minds so that we are
without excuse. The Holy Spirit woos us throughout our lives to relight in us, indeed
become Light in us, to illumine and glorify Him in whose image we have been made.
Our own clouded and selfish ways bring us to the place of death in sin (Romans 3:10, 23;
6:23) and it is the pain of dying that is the greatest gift (conviction of sin is part of how
the Holy Spirit woos us – John 16:8), in that it gives us the opportunity and privilege to
cry out the pain we have caused ourselves, others and God in confession and
repentance…and breathe in God’s love, light and forgiveness. We are the lanterns, but
He is the Light in us (Luke 2:32, John 8:12; 12:46; 1:4 and Matthew 5:14).

© 2001 and 2010 Douglas P. Smith

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