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Notes for meeting

Date | time

| Parthiban Ravikumar

I had butterflies in my stomach when James declared me as toastmaster during the last week session. Have you ever
wondered about the phrase butterflies in ones stomach. It always makes me to ponder why we have such feeling
when we are over excited or fearful. During the course of todays meeting I am going to take you all into the world
of butterflies. The word butterfly finds its place from Ikea showroom as butterfly chair to science theory as
butterfly effect. Interesting!! We have lot to talk about this. Now lets look todays agenda.
Furthermore, for who have butterflies in your stomach now, here is a moment to get yourself tickled and laugh
aloud. Perfect son Homework not done.

Educational Moment
What is really happening when we say butterflies in ones stomach? This reaction is caused due to the reduced
blood flow to the organs. So where is all blood flowing? They are flowing to the muscles. You could have observed
that this sensation comes during joy or sadness or fear. In all these circumstances the adrenalin rushes and the brain
feels that we have a Fight or flee situation and supplies all blood to the muscles which in turn creates low blood
supply in the stomach region and creates the butterfly fluttering sensation. Anyhow, if butterflies flies in stomach
these are the medical reasons. But psychologically if butterfly flies in your hear then you are in love or if it flies in
your head then you are married. A simple equation.
Now, moving ahead it is time for me to introduce the first prepared speaker for todays meeting. Members please
join me in welcoming Annamarie with a round of applause.

Table topic master

Show pictures of terms related to butterfly.

Butterfly effect (after table topics)

A single effect at one part of the universe no matter how small it is, can change the course of universe forever. The
smallest change that one takes towards his life can make big difference in ones life. As Rajesh has chosen the theme
as Gandhi, I can relate his famous quote to this butterfly effect as Be the change you wish to see in this world.
Thank you Rajesh and now I feel happy to create a bombastic energy here as I am pleased to welcome Bob who is
the general evaluator for today/s meeting

Table topic results and conclusion

Study of the structural coloration of the wing scales of swallowtail butterflies led to the development of more
efficient light-emitting diodes. The structural coloration of butterflies is inspiring nanotechnology research to
produce paints that do not use toxic pigments and in the development of new display technologies.

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