Revision #2-Karim - Kerasha

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Karim Kerasha

Dyon Stefanon

Rough Draft
Revision #2

Islam is one of the most leading religions in the world, however, it is

also one of the most attacked and prejudiced if not the most targetted
religion on Earth due to terrorist attacks. I believe it is wrong to deny the
existence of Islamophobia, and that it is wrong and should be stopped. It has
caused negative effects and unwanted harassment towards innocent Muslim
bystanders, and that there should be no correlation between Muslims and
Islamic terrorists in the first place.
In one journal by many authors, including Jonas Kunst and Hajra
Tajamal, it was about Muslims coping with Islamophobia. It stated interesting
information about a cross-sectional study of direct and indirect effects of
religious stigma on Norwegian-Pakistani and German-Turkish Muslims.
Although the study results showed that some countries might tolerate
treatment towards Muslims better than others, it sadly displayed that their
identity and and engagement in public and private matters were changed.
Although none of these Muslims identify with terrorism or harmful acts, they
experience prejudism and undeserved racism due to their choice of faith.
In another academic journal by Arlene Stein and Zakia Salime talks
about how the United States exaggerate the threat Islamic militants pose to

people in the West. The article provides a "textual analysis" of how the videos
use "heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspirational fantasy". Many
documentaries and media broadcasts, such as CNN, attack Muslims using
exaggerating or irrelavant Islamophobia, not only to distill irrational fear into
the American people, but to cause drama and attention to their news
channel, generating more profit for their company. General fake propaganda
like this can be easily caused to generate fear, a selfish gain, or to unrightly
blame or attack a race that did not deserve anything discrimination.
Finally, in an online article on the gallup website, the author provides a
very good summary of the Anti-Muslim sentiment in the West. He says
researches define Islamophobia as an exaggerated fear, hatred and hostility
towards Islam. The article later reports on that Muslims in the West say do
not feel respected their inhabitants. Europeans and Americans were surveyed
in the process of this article, scoring high on their phobic feelings towards
Islam, to deliver a point that ever since 9/11, many Westerners have been
displaying unjust feelings of fear and racism against Muslims and them living
in Western countries.
Here is my article on the existence of Islamophobia around the world,
and why I believe it is unjust and should be stopped.

Works Cited (MLA):

Ogan, Christine, et al. "The rise of anti-Muslim prejudice: media and

Islamophobia in Europe and the United States." The International
Communication Gazette 76.1 (2014): 27+. Academic OneFile. Web. 16 Nov.

Stein, Arlene, and Zakia Salime. "Manufacturing Islamophobia: Rightwing

Pseudo-Documentaries And The Paranoid Style." Journal Of Communication
Inquiry 39.4 (2015): 378-396. Business Source Complete. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

"Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

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