Barry Lyndon

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Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon is a 1975 British-American period drama

lm written, produced, and directed by Stanley Kubrick,
based on the 1844 novel The Luck of Barry Lyndon by
William Makepeace Thackeray. It stars Ryan O'Neal,
Marisa Berenson, Patrick Magee, and Hardy Krger. The
lm recounts the exploits of a ctional 18th-century Irish
adventurer. Exteriors were shot on location in Ireland,
England and Germany. At the 1975 Academy Awards,
the lm won four Oscars in production categories.

horse, and identication papers. En route to neutral Holland he encounters the Prussian Captain Potzdorf, who,
seeing through his disguise, oers him the choice of being turned back over to the British where he will be shot as
a deserter, or enlisting in the Prussian army. Barry enlists
in his second army and later receives a special commendation from Frederick the Great for saving Potzdorfs life
in a battle.

After the war ends in 1763, Barry is employed by Captain Potzdorfs uncle in the Prussian Ministry of Police to
become the servant of the Chevalier de Balibari, a professional gambler. The Prussians suspect he is a spy and send
Barry as an undercover agent to verify this. Barry reveals
himself to the Chevalier right away and they become confederates in cheating at cards. After he and the Chevalier
cheat the Prince of Tbingen at the card table, the Prince
accuses the Chevalier (without proof) and refuses to pay
his debt and demands satisfaction. When Barry relays
1 Plot
this to his Prussian handlers, they (still suspecting that the
Chevalier is a spy) are wary of allowing another meeting
1.1 Act I
between the Chevalier and the Prince. So, the Prussians
arrange for the Chevalier to be expelled from the counBy What Means Redmond Barry Acquired the
try. Barry conveys this plan to the Chevalier, who ees in
Style and Title of Barry Lyndon
the night. The next morning, Barry, under disguise as the
Chevalier, is escorted from Prussian territory by Prussian
An omniscient (though possibly unreliable ) narrator ocers.
states that in 1750s Ireland, the father of Redmond Barry For the next few years, Barry and the Chevalier travel the
is killed in a duel over a disputed horse sale. The widow, spas and parlors of Europe, proting from their gambling
disdaining oers of marriage, devotes herself to her only with Barry forcing payment from reluctant debtors with a
duel. Seeing that his life is going nowhere, Barry decides
As a teenager, Barry becomes strongly attached to his to marry into wealth. At a gambling table in Spa, he enolder cousin, Nora Brady. Though she charms him dur- counters the beautiful and wealthy Countess of Lyndon
ing a card game, she later shows interest in a well-o En- (Marisa Berenson). He seduces and later marries her afglish Captain John Quin, much to Barrys dismay. Nora ter the death of her elderly husband, Sir Charles Lyndon
and her family plan to relieve their poverty with an ad- (Frank Middlemass).
The lm, which had a modest commercial success and
a mixed critical reception on initial release, is now regarded as one of Kubricks nest lms. In numerous polls,
such as Village Voice (1999), Sight & Sound (2002), Time
(2005) and BBC, it has been rated one of the greatest
lms ever made.[3][4][5][6]

vantageous marriage, but Barry refuses to accept the situation and shoots Quin in a duel. Barry ees to Dublin,
but en route is robbed of purse and equipment by Captain
Feeney, an infamous highwayman. Broke, Barry joins the
British army, whereupon he reunites with Captain Grogan, a family friend, who informs him that, in fact, he did
not kill QuinBarrys dueling pistol was loaded with tow.
The duel was staged by Noras family to get rid of Barry
so that their family nances would be secured through the
marriage of Nora and Quin.

1.2 Act II
Containing an Account of the Misfortunes and
Disasters Which Befell Barry Lyndon

In 1773, Barry takes the Countess last name in marriage

and settles in England to enjoy her wealth, still with no
money of his own. Lord Bullingdon, Lady Lyndons 10year-old son by Sir Charles, does not approve of the marBarrys regiment is sent to Germany to ght in the Seven riage and quickly comes to hate Barry, aware that Barry
Years War, where Captain Grogan is fatally wounded by is merely a common opportunist and does not love his
the French in a skirmish at the Battle of Minden. Barry mother. The Countess bears Barry a son, Bryan Patrick,
deserts the army, stealing an ocer couriers uniform, but the marriage is unhappy: Barry is openly unfaithful


and enjoys spending his wifes money in self-indulgent While Barry is recovering, Bullingdon takes control of the
spending sprees while keeping his wife in dull seclusion. estate. He sends a very nervous Graham to the inn with
Some years later, Barrys mother comes to live with him a proposition: Bullingdon will grant Barry an annuity of
at the Lyndon estate. She warns her son that his position 500 guineas per year for life on the conditions that he
is precarious: If Lady Lyndon were to die, all her wealth leave England forever and so eectively end his marriage
would go to her rst-born son Lord Bullingdon, leaving to Lady Lyndon. Otherwise, with his credit and bank
Barry penniless. Barrys mother advises him to obtain accounts exhausted, Barrys creditors and bill collectors
a noble title to protect himself. To further this goal, he will assuredly see that he is jailed. Defeated, Barry accepts. The narrator states that Barry goes rst to Ireland
cultivates the acquaintance of the inuential Lord Wendover and begins to expend even larger sums of money with his mother, then to the European continent to resume his former profession of gambler (though without
to ingratiate himself to high society. All this eort is
wasted, however, during a birthday party for Lady Lyn- his former success) and that he never sees Lady Lyndon
again. The nal scene (set in December 1789) shows the
don, where Lord Bullingdon announces his hatred of his
stepfather and his intention to leave the family estate for middle-aged Lady Lyndon signing Barrys annuity cheque
as Bullingdon looks on.
as long as his mother remains married to Barry. Angered,
Barry assaults Bullingdon before the guests. This public
display of cruelty loses Barry all the powerful friends he 1.3 Epilogue
has worked so hard to make and he is shunned socially.
Bullingdon makes good on his announcement and leaves
It was in the reign of George III that the aforethe estate and England itself for parts unknown.
said personages lived and quarrelled; good or
In contrast to his mistreatment of his stepson, Barry
proves a compassionate and doting father to Bryan, with
whom he spends all his time after Bullingdons departure. He cannot refuse his son anything, and succumbs
to Bryans insistence on receiving a full-grown horse for
his ninth birthday. The spoiled Bryan disobeys his parents direct instructions that Bryan ride the horse only in
the presence of his father, and is thrown by the horse.
Bryan dies a few days later from his injuries.

bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are

all equal now.

2 Cast

The grief-stricken Barry turns to alcohol, while Lady

Lyndon seeks solace in religion, assisted by the Reverend
Samuel Runt, who had been tutor rst to Lord Bullingdon
and then to Bryan. Left in charge of the families aairs
while Barry and Lady Lyndon grieve, Barrys mother dismisses the Reverend, both because the family no longer
needs (nor can aord, due to Barrys spending debts) a
tutor and for fear that his inuence worsens Lady Lyndons condition. Plunging even deeper into grief, Lady
Lyndon later attempts suicide (though she ingests only
enough poison to make herself ill). The Reverend and
the familys accountant and emissary Graham then seek
Original suits used in Barry Lyndon
out Lord Bullingdon. Upon hearing of these events,
Lord Bullingdon returns to England where he nds Barry
drunk in a gentlemens club, mourning the loss of his
Michael Hordern (voice) as Narrator
son rather than being with Lady Lyndon. Bullingdon demands satisfaction for Barrys public assault, challenging
Ryan O'Neal as Redmond Barry (later Redmond
him to a duel.
Barry Lyndon)
The duel with pistols is held in a tithe barn.[8] A coin Marisa Berenson as Lady Lyndon
toss gives Bullingdon the right of rst re, but his pistol
misres as it is being cocked. Barry, reluctant to shoot
Patrick Magee as the Chevalier du Balibari
Bullingdon, magnanimously res into the ground, but the
Hardy Krger as Captain Potzdorf
unmoved Bullingdon refuses to let the duel end, claiming he has not yet received satisfaction. In the second
Gay Hamilton as Nora Brady
round, Bullingdon shoots Barry in his left leg. At a nearby
inn, a surgeon informs Barry that the leg will need to be
Godfrey Quigley as Captain Grogan
amputated below the knee if he is to survive.
Steven Berko as Lord Ludd


Principal photography

Marie Kean as Belle, Barrys mother

Murray Melvin as Reverend Samuel Runt
Frank Middlemass as Sir Charles Reginald Lyndon
Leon Vitali as Lord Bullingdon
Dominic Savage as young Bullingdon
Leonard Rossiter as Captain John Quin
Andr Morell as Lord Wendover
Anthony Sharp as Lord Hallam
Philip Stone as Graham
David Morley as Bryan Patrick Lyndon
Diana Koerner as Lischen (German Girl)
Arthur O'Sullivan as Captain Feeney
Billy Boyle as Seamus Feeney
Critic Tim Robey suggests, that the lm makes you realise that the most undervalued aspect of Kubricks genius could well be his way with actors.[9] He adds that
the supporting cast is a glittering procession of cameos,
not from star names but from vital character players.[9]

project when a serialised version for television was produced. He told an interviewer, At one time, Vanity Fair
interested me as a possible lm but, in the end, I decided
the story could not be successfully compressed into the
relatively short time-span of a feature soon as I
read Barry Lyndon I became very excited about it.[10]
Having garnered Oscar nominations for Dr. Strangelove,
2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange,
Kubricks reputation in the early 1970s was that of a
perfectionist auteur who loomed larger over his movies
than any concept or star.[9] His studioWarner Bros.
was therefore eager to bankroll his next project, which
Kubrick kept shrouded in secrecy from the press partly
due to the furor surrounding the controversially violent A
Clockwork Orange (particularly in the UK) and partly due
to his long-standing paranoia about the tabloid press.[9]
Having felt compelled to set aside his plans for a lm
about Napoleon Bonaparte, Kubrick set his sights on
Thackerays 1844 "satirical picaresque about the fortunehunting of an Irish rogue, Barry Lyndon, the setting
of which allowed Kubrick to take advantage of the copious period research he had done for the now-aborted
Napoleon.[9] At the time, Kubrick merely announced only
that his next lm would star Ryan O'Neal (deemed a
seemingly un-Kubricky choice of leading man[9] ) and
Marisa Berenson, a former Vogue and Time magazine
cover model, and be shot largely in Ireland.[9] So heightened was the secrecy surrounding the lm that Even
Berenson, when Kubrick rst approached her, was told
only that it was to be an 18th-century costume piece [and]
she was instructed to keep out of the sun in the months
before production, to achieve the period-specic pallor
he required.[9]

The cast featured Leon Vitali as the older Lord Bullingdon, who would then become Kubricks personal assistant, working as the casting director on his following
lms, and supervising lm-to-video transfers for Kubrick.
Their relationship lasted until Kubricks death. The lms
cinematographer, John Alcott, appears at the mens club
in the non-speaking role of the man asleep in a chair near
the title character when Lord Bullingdon challenges Barry
to a duel. Kubricks daughter Vivian also appears (in an 3.2 Principal photography
uncredited role) as a guest at Bryans birthday party.
Kubrick stalwarts Patrick Magee (who had played the Principal photography took 300 days, from spring 1973
handicapped writer in A Clockwork Orange) and Philip through early 1974, with a break for Christmas.
Stone (who had played Alexs father in A Clockwork Or- Many of the lms exteriors were shot in Ireland, playange, and would go on to play the dead caretaker Grady ing itself, England, and Prussia during the Seven Years
in The Shining) are featured as the Chevalier du Balibari War.[9] Drawing inspiration from the landscapes of
and as Graham, respectively.
Watteau and Gainsborough, Kubrick and cinematographer Alcott also relied on the scrupulously researched
art direction" of Ken Adam and Roy Walker.[9] Alcott,
3 Production
Adam and Walker would be among those who would win
Oscars for their amazing work on the lm.[9]



After 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kubrick made plans for a

lm about Napoleon Bonaparte. During pre-production,
however, Sergei Bondarchuk and Dino De Laurentiis'
Waterloo was released and subsequently failed at the box
oce. As a result, Kubricks nanciers pulled their funding for the lm and he turned his attention to his next lm,
A Clockwork Orange. Subsequently, Kubrick showed
an interest in Thackerays Vanity Fair but dropped the

Several of the interior scenes were lmed in Powerscourt

House, a famous 18th-century mansion in County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland. The house was destroyed in an
accidental re several months after lming (November
1974), so the lm serves as a record of the lost interiors, particularly the Saloon which was used for more
than one scene. The Wicklow Mountains are visible,
for example, through the window of the Saloon during
a scene set in Berlin. Other locations included Kells
Priory (the English Redcoat encampment)[11] Blenheim

Palace, Castle Howard (exteriors of the Lyndon estate),
Huntington Castle, Clonegal (exterior), Corsham Court
(various interiors and the music room scene), Petworth
House (chapel, and so on.), Stourhead (lake and temple), Longleat, and Wilton House (interior and exterior) in England, Dunrobin Castle (exterior and garden as
Spa) in Scotland, Dublin Castle in Ireland (the chevaliers
home), Ludwigsburg Palace near Stuttgart and Frederick
the Great's Neues Palais at Potsdam near Berlin (suggesting Berlins main street Unter den Linden as construction
in Potsdam had just begun in 1763). Some exterior shots
were also lmed at Waterford Castle (now a luxury hotel
and golf course) and Little Island, Waterford. Moorstown
Castle in Tipperary also featured. Several scenes were
lmed at Castletown House outside Carrick-on-Suir, Co.
Tipperary, and at Youghal, Co. Cork.


focal length" were problematic to mount, and were extensively modied into three versions by Cinema Products Corp. for Kubrick so to gain a wider angle of
view, with input from optics expert Richard Vetter of
Todd-AO.[9][12] This allowed Kubrick and Alcott to shoot
scenes lit with actual candles to an average lighting volume of only three candela, recreating the huddle and
glow of a pre-electrical age.[9] In addition, Kubrick had
the entire lm push-developed by one stop.[12]

Although Kubricks express desire was to avoid electric

lighting where possible, most shots were achieved with
conventional lenses and lighting, but were lit to deliberately mimic natural light rather than for compositional
reasons. In addition to potentially seeming more realistic, these methods also gave a particular period look to
the lm which has often been likened to 18th-century
paintings (which were, of course, depicting a world devoid of electric lighting), in particular owing a lot to
3.3 Cinematography
William Hogarth, with whom Thackeray had always been
The lmas with almost every Kubrick lmis a fascinated.
showcase for [a] major innovation in technique.[9]
While 2001: A Space Odyssey had featured revolutionary eects, and The Shining would later feature heavy
use of the Steadicam, Barry Lyndon saw a considerable number of sequences shot without recourse to electric light.[9] Cinematography was overseen by director
of photography John Alcott (who won an Oscar for his
work), and is particularly noted for the technical innovations that made some of its most spectacular images possible. To achieve photography without electric lighting
"[f]or the many densely furnished interior scenes... meant
shooting by candlelight, which is known to be dicult in
still photography, let alone with moving images.[9]

Hogarths The Country Dance (c.1745) illustrates the type of interior scene that Kubrick sought to emulate with Barry Lyndon.

Special ultra-fast lenses were used for Barry Lyndon to allow

lming using only natural light.

According to critic Tim Robey, the lm has a stately,

painterly, often determinedly static quality.[9] For example, to help light some interior scenes, lights were
placed outside and aimed through the windows, which
were covered in a diuse material to scatter the light
evenly through the room rather than being placed inside
for maximum use as most conventional lms do. A sign
of this method occurs in the scene where Barry duels Lord
Bullingdon. Though it appears to be lit entirely with natural light, one can see that the light coming in through
the cross-shaped windows in the tithe barn appears blue
in color, while the main lighting of the scene coming in
from the side is not. This is because the light through
the cross-shaped windows is daylight from the sun, which
when recorded on the lm stock used by Kubrick showed
up as blue-tinted compared to the incandescent electric
light coming in from the side.

Kubrick was determined not to reproduce the set-bound,

articially lit look of other costume dramas from that
time.[9] After tinker[ing] with dierent combinations
of lenses and lm stock, the production got hold of three
super-fast 50mm lenses (Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/0.7)
developed by Zeiss for use by NASA in the Apollo moon
landings, which Kubrick had discovered.[9][12] These
super-fast lenses with their huge aperture (the lm ac- Despite such slight tinting eects, this method of lighttually features the lowest f-stop in lm history) and xed ing not only gave the look of natural daylight coming in



one of the most beautiful lms ever made.[14]

through the windows, but it also protected the historic locations from the damage caused by mounting the lights on
walls or ceilings and the heat from the lights. This helped
the lm t... perfectly with Kubricks gilded-cage aesthetic the lm is consciously a museum piece, its characters pinned to the frame like butteries.[9]

Director Martin Scorsese has named Barry Lyndon as his

favorite Kubrick lm.[15] Quotations from its script have
also appeared in such disparate works as Ridley Scott's
The Duellists, Scorseses The Age of Innocence, and Wes
Anderson's Rushmore.


4.1 Awards


The lms period setting allowed Kubrick to indulge his

penchant for classical music, and the lm score uses
pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach (an arrangement of the
Concerto for violin and oboe in C minor), Antonio Vivaldi (Cello Concerto in E-Minor, a transcription of the
Cello Sonata in E Minor RV 40), Giovanni Paisiello,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Schubert (German Dance No. 1 in C major, Piano Trio in E-Flat,
Opus 100 and Impromptu No. 1 in C minor), as well
as the Hohenfriedberger March.[note 1] The piece most associated with the lm, however, is the main title music: George Frideric Handel's stately Sarabande from
the Suite in D minor HWV 437. Originally for solo
harpsichord, the versions for the main and end titles
are performed very romantically with orchestral strings,
harpsichord, and timpani. It is used at various points in
the lm, in various arrangements, to indicate the implacable working of impersonal fate.

In 1976, at the 48th Academy Awards, the lm won four

awards, for Best Art Direction (Ken Adam, Roy Walker,
Vernon Dixon), Best Cinematography (John Alcott), Best
Costume Design (Milena Canonero, Ulla-Britt Sderlund) and Best Musical Score (Leonard Rosenman, for
his arrangements of Schubert and Handel".)[9] Kubrick
was nominated three times, for Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Adapted Screenplay.[16]
Kubrick won the British Academy of Film and Television
Arts Award for Best Direction. John Alcott won for Best
Cinematography. Barry Lyndon was also nominated for
Best Film, Art Direction, and Costume Design.

5 Source novel

Kubrick based his adapted screenplay on William MakeThe score also includes Irish folk music, including Sen peace Thackeray's The Luck of Barry Lyndon (repub Riada's song Women of Ireland, arranged by Paddy lished as the novel Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq.), a
picaresque tale written and published in serial form in
Moloney and performed by The Chieftains.


The lm was not the commercial success Warner Bros.

had been hoping for within the United States,[9] although
it fared better in Europe. This mixed reaction saw the
lm (in the words of one retrospective review) greeted,
on its release, with dutiful admiration but not love. Critics... rail[ed] against the perceived coldness of Kubricks
style, the lms self-conscious artistry and slow pace.
Audiences, on the whole, rather agreed...[9] This air
of disappointment[9] factored into Kubricks decision to
next lm Stephen King's The Shining a project that
would not only please him artistically, but also be more
likely to succeed nancially. Still, several other critics,
including Gene Siskel, praised the lms technical quality
and strong narrative, and Siskel himself counted it as one
of the ve best lms of the year.
In recent years, the lm has gained a more positive reaction. As of October 2014 it holds a 96% Certied Fresh
rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 52 reviews, eight
of which are from the sites top critics.[13] Roger Ebert
added the lm to his 'Great Movies list on 9 September
2009, writing, It dees us to care, it asks us to remain
only observers of its stately elegance, and it must be

The lm departs from the novel in several ways. In

Thackerays writings, events are related in the rst person by Barry himself. A comic tone pervades the work, as
Barry proves both a raconteur and an unreliable narrator.
Kubricks lm, by contrast, presents the story objectively.
Though the lm contains voice-over (by actor Michael
Hordern), the comments expressed are not Barrys, but
those of an omniscient, although not entirely impartial,
narrator. This change in perspective alters the tone of
the story; Thackeray tells a jaunty, humorous tale, but
Kubricks telling is essentially tragic, albeit with a satirical tone. Kubrick felt that using a rst-person narrative
would not be useful in a lm adaptation:
I believe Thackeray used Redmond Barry
to tell his own story in a deliberately distorted
way because it made it more interesting. Instead of the omniscient author, Thackeray used
the imperfect observer, or perhaps it would be
more accurate to say the dishonest observer,
thus allowing the reader to judge for himself,
with little diculty, the probable truth in Redmond Barrys view of his life. This technique worked extremely well in the novel but,
of course, in a lm you have objective reality in front of you all of the time, so the

eect of Thackerays rst-person story-teller
could not be repeated on the screen. It might
have worked as comedy by the juxtaposition of
Barrys version of the truth with the reality on
the screen, but I dont think that Barry Lyndon
should have been done as a comedy.[17]


[12] Two Special Lenses for Barry Lyndon, by Ed DiGiulio

(President, Cinema Products Corp.), American Cinematographer
[13] Barry Lyndon (1975)". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved
[14] Barry
(1975)". Retrieved 2010-09-25.

Kubrick also changed the plot. For example, the novel

does not include a nal duel. By adding this episode, [15] Ciment, Michel; Adair, Gilbert; Bononno, Robert (2003Kubrick establishes dueling as the lms central motif:
09-01). Kubrick: The Denitive Edition. Macmillan. p.
vii. ISBN 9780571211081. Retrieved 2015-04-19. I'm
the lm begins with a duel where Barrys father is shot
not sure if I can have a favorite Kubrick picture, but somedead, and duels recur throughout the lm.
how I keep coming back to Barry Lyndon.


[1] The soundtrack album for Barry Lyndon attributes the

composition of the Hohenfriedberger March to Frederick
the Great. The origin of this attribution is uncertain; see
the relevant articles for further details.

See also
List of American lms of 1975


[1] Barry Lyndon (A)". British Board of Film Classication.

26 November 1975. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
[2] Barry Lyndon, Box Oce Information. The Numbers.
Retrieved 22 January 2012.

[16] NY Times: Barry Lyndon. NY Times. Retrieved 200812-29.

[17] Visual memory (interview). UK. Archived from the
original on 10 February 2010. Retrieved 2010-03-07.

9 External links
Barry Lyndon at the Internet Movie Database
Barry Lyndon at Rotten Tomatoes
Barry Lyndon

at the British Film Institute's

Film trailer on YouTube

Screenplay of Barry Lyndon (18 February 1973) at
Daily script.
Barry Lyndon Press Kit at Indelible inc.

[3] 100 Best Films of the 20th Century: Village Voice Critics Poll. Village Voice Media.

The Kubrick Site, a non-prot resource archive for

documentary materials, including essays and articles.

[4] Sight & Sound Top Ten Poll 2002. British Film Institute.

Stanley Kubricks letter to projectionists on Barry

Lyndon at Some Came Running.

[5] Schickel, Richard (12 February 2005). All-Time 100

Movies: Barry Lyndon. Time.
[7] Miller, Mark Crispin (1976). Barry Lyndon Reconsidered. The Georgia Review XXX (4).
[8] Ciment, Michel; Adair, Gilbert; Bononno, Robert (200309-01). Kubrick: The Denitive Edition. Macmillan. p.
175. ISBN 9780571211081. Retrieved 2015-04-19.
[9] Robey, Tim, Kubricks Neglected Masterpiece, in
Telegraph Review (31 January 2009), pp. 1617
[10] Ciment, Michel. Kubrick on Barry Lyndon. Archived
from the original on 5 May 2007. Retrieved 2007-05-31.
[11] Barry Lyndon lm locations.


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Barry Lyndon Source: Contributors: MichaelTinkler, Oliverkroll, Zoe,

Camembert, Mintguy, Ericd, Twilsonb, Mic, Egil, BenKovitz, Michael Shields, Ghewgill, Ntnon, Johnwhite79, Zoicon5, Tpbradbury, Morven, Dimadick, Dale Arnett, Fredrik, Rfc1394, Asparagus, Crculver, DocWatson42, Mintleaf~enwiki, Halda, Levin, Everyking, Curps, Alison, Niteowlneils, ZeroJanvier, Chips Critic, Hugh2414, Pascal666, Lvr, CryptoDerk, Girolamo Savonarola, One Salient Oversight, ScottyBoy900Q, Necrothesp, TonyW, Avihu, Maclaine, MakeRocketGoNow, Arminius, Thorwald, D6, Rich Farmbrough, Guanabot, Sladen,
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Shvily, Timeineurope, Fadesga, Newzild, Witchwooder, RashersTierney, Saddhiyama, Foofbun, Trivialist, ChandlerMapBot, DragonBot,
Alexbot, Wwenut, Mrusis, Rhododendrites, Curious Blue, Thehelpfulone, Light show, Carlson288, Scgilardi, BodhisattvaBot, Tool2Die4,
Karynannestuckey, Addbot, Rbbloom, Darwin-rover, Declan Spelman, LaaknorBot, JGKlein, Tassedethe, Lightbot, Weaseloid, Contributor777, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Ruck68, Victoriaearle, DropShadow, Verite22, Itxia, AnomieBOT, LlywelynII, Materialscientist, Xqbot,
Delanor, Factuarius, FrescoBot, Hapleworth, Twinsdude, AstaBOTh15, Skyerise, Jschnur, Vlehdonv, Jedi94, Dinamik-bot, RjwilmsiBot, DASHBot, MURIEL43, Jg2904, ZroBot, Dolovis, Jordancelticsfan, 8mmlm!, SporkBot, Moliken, AbsoluteGleek92, EdoBot,
Spicemix, ClueBot NG, Macarenses, Frietjes, RajaNeela1993, Adamzanzie, Helpful Pixie Bot, Bobherry, Strike Eagle, Gothiclm, Neptunes Trident, Vagobot, Cinemahudson, Dnwwn, SamEtches, Wrath X, Ldavid1985, MinghamSmith, Achowat, Tutelary, Khazar2, PoppingCorns, Dexbot, CsDix, HoarseForeman, Pluperfectionist2, Rscher8655, Permafrost46, Filedelinkerbot, Cliord Mill, JShanley98,
, KasparBot, Rockysilvester, Dutral, Manosijbasu and Anonymous: 263



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Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
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Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by
DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: William Hogarth


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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