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Cosmic Dynamics with Quintessence as Dark Energy Model

M. Hilmi1*

Department of Astronomy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Various models of dark energy have been proposed to explain cosmic acceleration. Quintessence is one of dark energy models in the form of a scalar
field. With its Lagrangian that takes a form of kinetic component and its potential, it is possible for this scalar field to drive late-time cosmic acceleration.
In this work, cosmic dynamics with the presence of a quintessence has been derived. We will start by reviewing about phase plane analysis of a model
with exponential potential [1]. After that, cosmic dynamics for the case of non-exponential potential is derived. In case of non-exponential potential,
there will be a tracker solution that attract other trajectories to a common evolutionary path [2].
In addition, we will discuss about reconstruction of the field potential, to the evolution of its equation of state. We will also review about statefinder
parameters [3] that can be used to distinguish any dark energy models from cosmological constant. Finally, (w, w) plane as a classification of quintessence models is discussed.

1. Introduction

2. Equations of Dynamics

Observational evidences show that the universe contain mainly component with
negative pressure that triggered the late-time cosmic acceleration, dubbed as dark
energy. Cosmological constant is the simplest model of dark energy even it is poorly
understood at fundamental level. The other models of dark energy is quintessence
which takes form of a scalar field.

For the quintessence with Lagrangian density:

we can derive Friedmann equation and the equation of motion:

By introducing the following variables [1]:

3. Reconstruction from Observations
We can reconstruct the potential of the quintessence from observation of the luminosity distance by the following equations:

and differentiating these variables with respect to

For constant ,

But since luminosity distance is discrete, we need parameterization. Some example of parameterization given by

we obtain autonomous equations:

the autonomous equations are closed, and we can derive

the fixed points of the system (see picture for example of
phase plane).
For non-constant , let consider one of freezing models
By introducing [4]

as shown by these pictures:

we can derive the relation

Finally, to derive tracker solutions, let introduce new variable for radiation component [2]
so that we can get the equations for quintessence at tracking regime.

Statefinder is a way to distinguish any dark energy
models with cosmological constant. It is a new approach
from geometrical views, introduced by [3]. As shown by
the equations, it relates physical quantities of dark
Finally, we can distinguish freezing quintessence (the field was rolling along the potential
in the past, but gradually slows down after enter the cosmic acceleration) with thawing
quintessence (the field has been frozen by
Hubble friction until recently) from its evolution of equation of state (as shown by picture
at the left).

4. Conclusion
Quintessence is the simplest model of dark energy after cosmological constant. Even tracker solution could be a way to solve fine-tuning problem and coincidence problem, it become problematic to determine which potential that can
be used. We still need to tune that based on observational data.

The authors would like to thank to the committee who give exemption for accommodation and
registration fees, as well as for the opportunity to present this poster.
We would like to thank to Leids Kerkhoven-Bosscha Fonds (LKBF) too for the travel support.

[1] E. J. Copeland, A. R. Liddle and D. Wands, Exponential potentials and cosmological scaling solutions, Phys. Rev. D
57 (1998) 4686 [gr-qc/9711068].
[2] L. Amendola and S. Tsujikawa, Dark Energy: Theory and Observations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
U. K. (2010).
[3] V. Sahni, T. D. Saini, A. A. Starobinsky and U. Alam, Statefindera new geometrical diagnostic of dark energy,
JETP Lett. 77 (2003) 201 [astro-ph/0201498].
[4] P. J. Steinhardt, L. Wang and I. Zlatev, Cosmological tracking solutions, Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 123504 [astroph/9812313].
[5] A. B. Mantz et al., Cosmology and astrophysics from relaxed galaxy clustersII. Cosmological constraints, Mon.
Not. R. Astron. Soc. 440 (2014) 2077 [arXiV:1402.6212].

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