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This Agreement of Easement of Right of Way, entered into by and between (insert
name of owner of the dominant estate), owner of the dominant estate, of legal age,
single/married and resident of ______________, and (insert name of owner of the
servient estate), of legal age, single/married, and a resident of _____________ ;

1. That (name of owner of dominant estate) is the owner of a parcel of land in
__________ and more particularly described as follows:
(insert description of land here)
which property is covered by Transfer Certficiate of Title Number (TCT)
___________ of the Register of Deeds of ___________ ;

2. That (name of owner of the servient estate), is the owner of a parcel of land
located at __________ , which lot is adjacent to the aforesaid property of (name of
owner of dominant estate), and particularly described as follows:
(insert description of land here)
which property is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) Number
__________ of the Register of Deeds of ________________;
3. That in order for (name of owner of servient estate) to have an access to and
from his above-mentioned land, it would be necessary for him to pass through the
property of (name of owner of dominant estate). For this purpose, (name of owner of
dominant estate) agrees to establish a path as passageway in favor of (name of owner
of servient estate), his heirs, successors-in-interest and assigns, the total area and
boundaries of which is that particularly described in the attached plan, Annex "A" hereof;
4. That in consideration of such path or passageway, (name of owner of servient
estate), hereby agrees and binds himself/herself to pay (name of owner of dominant
estate) as compensation in the sum of ______________ , Philippine Currency, upon
signing and execution of this agreement;

5. That the period of this easement shall be for ___________ years, starting from
the date of signing and execution of this agreement unless earlier terminated by mutual
agreement of the parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this _____________ in
the City of _________, Philippines.



owner of dominant estate

owner of servient estate


_______________AND __________________
CITY OF __________________ )SS.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ________,
Philippines this _______________ personally appeared _____________ with
his Community Tax Certificate No._____________ issued at ___________
on ___________ and ___________ with his Community Tax Certificate No.
________ issued at ______ on ___________ known to me and to me
known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and
they acknowledged to me that the same is their own free and voluntary act
and deed.
This instrument refers to an Easement of Right of Way consisting of
_____ pages including this page in which this acknowledgment is written
duly signed by the parties together with their instrumental witnesses on
each and every page hereof.
Doc. No. ________;

Page No.________ ;
Book No. _______ ;
Series of 2006 .

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