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Legislative Information - LBDC Page 1 of NEW YORK STATE SENATE INTRODUCER'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 4 BELL WUSER: 96092 the per ation ar any fantasy oF simslation sports game oF educa~ tional gare or contest aeeting certain conditions from the definition of fo clarify that ceftain skill games that mest epecific eriteria are not ganes of chance, Saction ong = Avendi subdivision 1 of Section 225.00 of the genal Law, which s2 the definstion of "contest of chance" to specifically indicate id Sports ganes or educational ganes ox lontest of chance for the purposes of nie bill vse he tame Language used in the federal law regula:ing internet gaming to exclude fantasy sports leagues that mest ceriain criteria which make then gantes of skill rather than ganes of chance ecens ‘Orney General has indicated that he Believes thse f2ntan sy football sites ing sites, in contradiction 70 feder= BI law, and in ape {ction to the current definition of & contest of chance. This bill simply seeks to clarity, using federal Ianguage, that fantasy sports team activities are ganes of skill rather than games of chance. ‘Tine and time again, New York has stood in the way, ubether by overzegulation ane banning Bre legal and enjoyed in most states scrosz the country. Te 19 important at this tine to clarity thet perticipation in fantasy skill games. ss egal snd to protect the rights of businesses and individuals wio wish to engage in this type of conmerce -itps/ 162013 -13-15;02: 16 00 518 426 6969, 10 a 2 a as as 1s as 2 2% as » naps 2 asiss-oa-s Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 225.00 of the penal law is amended to reed a6 follows: 2+ "Contest of chance” means any contest, game, gaming schene or gaming device in which the outcone depends in a material éegree upon an elonent of chance, notwithstanding that skill of the costestants say iso be a factor therein. “Contest of chanca" chal} not sneluée partien ipation in any fantasy oc aimigtion eports cane or educations) came ox ft _in_vhich (AE the game or contest involves a teen of Lean fantasy of simulation sports team is based on the current nenberehip of an_actua) team that is a senber of an amateur or profess s¢ defined in section thirty-seven nundzed nt of the Unites states te meste the ‘segantzation ox thoss vers one ete twentyns following conditions: all prizes and awards offered to vinning participants are estab- Lished_and mage know uctietpants in advs ane of contest and their value {¢ oot determined by the nusber of partici of the anount of any fees pase by these participants. b)_a21 inning outcomes reflect the relative knowledge and skill of the participants and are detersingd predominantly by accumlated state: Efcal seaults of the perfomance of individuals (athletes in the case of DOES events) in sultiple ronl-vor14 sporting or other events. (c) no vinning outcome is based on the score, point or any Berfocnsnce of performances of any single real-world teas or any combi nation of such tonne; or solely on any sinate performance of an individ ual athlete in any single reni-vorla sport ns vent. § 2. this act shall take effect on the first of November next eucces sng the date on which 1 shall have becone Lev. vn

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