Condromalacia Patelar

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I'm 31 and have been suffering from chondromalacia for 10 years.

Along with the constant ache and pains, my

patellas also dislocates very easily in both knees. I have found I need to be very gentle to my knees which I find
extremely frustrating. Most people think I am just making excuses not to do things. I am not overweight and I have
found the treatment that has worked the best for my pain has been a trip to the podiatrist. Good shoes with custom
orthotic insoles has made the world of difference. Please consider this as a possible treatment; it has worked
wonders for me.

Avoid surgery!

Chondromalacia patella (housemaid's knee or secretary's knee) results from misalignment of the kneecap
as it slides over the lower end of the thigh bone. Symptoms include tightness or fullness in the knee area,
swelling, and mild discomfort. Treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory medications, in addition to
stretching, strengthening and icing the knee.

How is chondromalacia patella treated?

The primary goal for treatment and rehabilitation of chondromalacia patella is to create a straighter
pathway for the patella to follow during quadriceps contraction. Initialpain management involves
avoiding motions which irritate the kneecap. Icing and anti-inflammatory medications (for
examples,ibuprofen [Advil/Motrin] or naproxen [Aleve]) can also be helpful.
Selective strengthening of the inner portion of the quadriceps muscle will help normalize the tracking
of the patella. Cardiovascular conditioning can be maintained by stationarybicycling (low resistance
but high rpms), pool running, or swimming (flutter kick). Reviewing any changes in training prior to
chondromalacia patella pain, as well as examining running shoes for proper biomechanical fit are
critical to avoid repeating the painful cycle. Generally, full squat exercises with weights are avoided.
Occasionally, bracing with patellar centering devices are required.
Stretching and strengthening the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups is critical for an effective
and lasting rehabilitation of chondromalacia patella. "Quad sets" are the foundation of such a
program. Quad sets are done by contraction the thigh muscles while the legs are straight and
holding the contraction for a count of 10. Sets of 10 contractions are done between 15-20 times per
Pain at the front of the knee due to overuse can be managed with a basic program consisting
of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), anti-inflammatory medications, and physiotherapy[6][8],
however; if there is cartilage damage this is not easily repairable


What is the prognosis (outlook) with chondromalacia patella?

Under optimal circumstances, the patient should have a rapid recovery and return at full functional

Chondromalacia Patella At A Glance

Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain.

Chondromalacia patella has also been called patellofemoral syndrome.

The pain of chondromalacia patella is aggravated by activity or prolonged sitting with bent

Abnormal "tracking" allows the kneecap (patella) to grate over the lower end of the thigh
bone (femur) causing chronic inflammation and pain.

Treatment involves improving the alignment of the patella during contraction of the thigh




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