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27th of Rajab

By Sadaf Zahra

27th Rajab (night)

This was the night that the Holy Prophet (SAWW) went on the miraculous journey
- the Me'raj. He was taken to visit the Holy Ka'abah, Bethlehem (birth place of
Prophet Isa (A) where he prayed with all the other Prophets of Allah (SWT); the
Mount of Sinai where Allah (SWT) spoke to Prophet Musa (A) for forty nights;
and off to the vist to all the different levels of Hells and the Heavens - a unique
sight and experience no other Prophet of Allah (SWT) has been blessed with!
Thereafter, he was further graced with the opportunity which no other human or
Prophet of Allah (SWT) has experienced: a meeting with the Almighty (SWT)
Himself, at the point beyond the tree in the Heaven called Sidratul Muntaha.

At this point, Angel Jibrael who toured the Holy Prophet (SAWW) around every
place mentioned earlier, left him to meet his Lord (SWT) who showed him His
signs and proclaimed the obligatory rulings of the Fasting in Ramadhan, the five
daily and obligatory Salaat and more, for all Muslims.
It was this very night that t he Holy Prophet (SAWW) had performed the Wudhoo
for the first time, up in the Heavens, from the water of the streams of the Heavens
on this blessed Night.
He who spends this night in prayer and remembrance of the deity of the Holy
Prophet (SAWW) and his Holy Family (AS), along with rejoicing the rejuvenation
of Islam, will successfully achieve the Mercy and Blessings of the Almighty

Amongst the many a'amaal for tonight is a Du'a known as Du'a Al Mi'raj/ Allama
Kafmi has written this dua'a in his book Misbah,
on the authority of Imam Ali ibna abi Talib who learned it from the Holy Prophet.
The Holy Prophet said:
"Allah will have mercy on him who keeps this dua'a as a tawid, and recites it a
great deal. He will forgive his sins and the sins of parents and his children, bestow
on him countless blessings, keep him safe from misfortunes, multiply his earnings,
and cure his ailments."
Top improve and develop memory write the (Arabic) text of this dua'a on a clean
piece of paper with saffron, wash it with pure water and drink it.
Hang the written (Arabic) text of this dua'a (like a tawid) around the neck of
children to keep them safe from wild and poisonous animals, and the evil of
witchcraft and jinn.

It is reported that at the time of mi-raj the Holy Prophet saw this dua'a written at

the last post, qaaba qawsayn aw adnaa. The Almighty Allah informed him that
whoso recites this heavenly dua'a or keeps it written version on his person, will get
countless blessings.
The a'amaals along with the Du'a al Me'raj can be found on:

27th Rajab (day)

Amongst the four highly recommended (Mustahab) fasts in the year - which have
the acceptance and status of having performed 60 years of Sawm (fasting) and
ibaadat - is the fast of 27 th Rajab; yawm -e- be'sat (the day when Angel Jibrael
came down with the first revelation to the Holy Prophet SAWW in the 40 th year
after Aamul Feel)
This day, the Holy Prophet (SAWW) not only received the Divine revelation but
was also declared the Mercy for All Mankind - Rehmatulill 'Aalameen!
Hence, another wonderful and blessed day in the history of Islam, and yet another
day with Allah's endless Mercy and bounties being showered on His Believers.
Make the most of this day by doing as little as fasting and attaining the pleasure of
Allah (SWT).
- ltemase du'a, Sadaf Zahra

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