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covenant in today's society.

Of how marriage is the basis

of all government in society
and of the restoration our
Father is bringing and our
vision of the 8th day. It
touches something deep in
all of our hearts. The newly
married couple ran through
the arch of raised hands,
around the house and into
the front door. Then we
gathered under their window
and sang a love song to
them. "If we could have all
the riches of this world"
They stood at the window,
Emmunah's head resting on
Israel's shoulder framed by
the lacy foliage of the trees
which surround the window.
It was a very beautiful
scene. Israel said later he
was so happy not to have to
leave, but to spend their first
night at home - a part of the
We saw our guests off
(which included several of
our neighbors who thanked
us so much for inviting them
so they could see what our
life was really about.) We
danced together with our
few remaining guests until it
was time for the minchah,
where our thankfulness
overflowed to our wonderful
Abba for all that He has
given us and for the great
privilege it is to be His people
There are so many essential things which we are
learning right now here in the
Tribe of Asher, but we will

have to communicate those

things more fully next time
in our intertribal newsletter.
Until then
Shalom to everyone!

This is a picture from

Israel and Emmunahs
wedding invitation

This is a very nice alternative to millet for breakfast. We soaked and cooked
the barley as described in
the last newsletter from
Cook the onions in some
salt and garlic. Fry or steam
zucchini, cauliflower (vegies) until slightly soft, with a
little salt. Fry the eggs

and cut into pieces. Toast

sunflower seeds and chop
spring onions.
Combine barley and
above ingredients together.
Serve with olive oil, soy
sauce and lecithin. That's it!
A delicious and nutritious
variation to our morning

There is going to be a Wedding!

And ... because of their love for one another, Nathaniel and Derushahs wedding
was announced, to be celebrated January 25 with dancing, feasting, and prophecy. All
are invited.
Ish Chadash, our new Rabbi, announced that his wife, Alisa, is pregnant. This
means four children in just two years! Now how did that happen? (Ish and Alisa care
for Ebed and Elnatah, two of Ruths children.)
And thats not all ... for three years we have struggled to make ends meet in our
restaurant/bakery. The new candle shop is beginning to take off there, but every time
we start to make headway, the real estate company that acts as rental agency uncannily
raises the rent accordingly... so, what can we do? How can we please our Father? Well,
finally, after many attempts, we managed to get into indirect contact with the owner of
the Segunda Eva building. He is a wealthy Jewish diamond dealer in Rio de Janeiro
who claims he was born right in what is now the restaurant. Apparently, he has a plan
for us... and we are waiting to hear what it is.
It is becoming clear to us that our Father is wanting to establish Naftali quickly
and thoroughly.
We realized this during the Yom Kippur teachings which were presented to a
group of the older brothers and sisters during three consecutive days. We had never
done this before . . . and suddenly our Father was speaking among us, revealing many
hurtful and inadvertent ways in us, communicating how earnestly he longs for a people
with a heart fully turned to Him.
Tahila, a sister who has suffered many things here in her struggle to be saved from
the subtleties of Christianity, has finally clearly entered the door into safety and peace.
We have three visitors who appear to be on the verge of salvation.
We are still hearing much, pondering and considering in our hearts,
calling out for wisdom. But one thing is clear our Father
wants Naphtali. Please pray that we may become worthy of

This is an article written by Yochanan Abraham about what Yoneq has
been learning about a very important subject for our health......
Wonderful news about salt!!!
Our Master said that salt is good (Mk 9:50). He said that we should have salt in ourselves, and live in peace with one another. Its clear that this was spoken with a spiritual
application... but it was only until recently that I discovered the deep and far-reaching consequences of the physical application. I never knew the great value of salt. It is quite appropriate that our Master used salt in His explanation of how were to be with one another.
Just recently Yoneq gave me an article to read about salt. I had never given the subject
much serious thought before, but by the time I finished that article, I was excited, amazed,


She decided instead to surrender and wait on our Masters timing to

bring her to birth. With each contraction that came she gave thanks,
waited and prayed for another one, knowing that only such suffering
would bring the child to birth. We all wait for the suffering that will
cause us to become what we need to be in order to bring the male
child to birth. It is the deepest longing of our hearts. It is so
wonderful how our Master uses every circumstance of our lives to
encourage us and lead us on to be who He needs us to be, who we
were created to be.
Isaac has been summoned to court at the end of February, in
relation with the lengthy abduction case of his son Michael. Please
pray for Isaac and the brothers in the government that we would
have proper discernment and wisdom in this whole affair. Michael is
now 14 and has had very little contact with his Abba. Shalom for
now from all of us.

About Pine Oil

Dear brothers and sisters,
Greetings to all of you who are in our wonderful Master Yahshua. I wanted
to take this opportunity to tell you about something that we have found to be
very helpful to us here in the tribe of Gad. Ever since my wife, Savav, was a little
child she knew of a herbal medicine called Pine Oil. Her imma had
used it for years growing up herself and she was faithful to pass it on to
Savav. Pine oil is made from the sap of the pine tree (although our
experience has shown that sap from the spruce tree is effective also).
What her imma used was a product that was available in Drug
Stores and was a clear, light, non-sticky liquid that was
distilled from the pine sap. In Savavs family Pine Oil
was used anytime you got a cut or scrape, a sore
throat or earache, infection, burn or bruise.
Always applied externally directly on the
affected area, it would be absorbed
through the skin and bring almost
immediate relief and healing.
So effective was pine oil that when the company that
sold it went out of business in the late 40s, Savavs imma
bought as much of it as she could so that they would
continue to have it for their family. When Savav and I got
married her imma gave us a bottle of it for our family, one of


her last bottles. For years we used it whenever needed, but it was obvious it was
going to soon be gone. We had tried to duplicate it several times, once coming
close in Island Pond about 17 years ago, but we never were able to quite get it.
Then last year as we were at a craft show for the candle shop in Chicago with
Nathaniel and his wife, we had an opportunity to spend some time with a
representative of a company that supplied the candle shop with essential oils. We
had brought our last few milliliters of pine oil with us, in the hopes that they
would be able to help us locate a source of it. Amazingly enough, as soon as they
saw it they were able to identify it as one of the essential oils they carried! They
ran a test on our sample to compare it with theirs and the two products were
identical. They even gave us a sample to test out here in the community. And it
wasnt expensive, only about $5 (CAN) a pound.
After returning to Gad we did test out the sample they had given us and
found it to be identical in every respect to the pine oil we had. Since then we
have continued to purchase it from them and it has come into widespread use
here in Gad, with much success in treating many different ailments. Because of
this we wanted to let everybody know about it and make it available to all who
would like to use it. Pine oil is most effective against burns and infections, even
preventing infection. Since it is an oil, to use it for burns, you should first apply
cold to remove all heat from the burn before applying the pine oil. It should only
be used for first and second degree burns, not third degree. (In fact it was from
our knowledge of pine oil that pine tea first came into use.) For cuts and scrapes
to promote healing and prevent infection, dab it right on the affected area. For
earache or sore throat, put some on your fingers and spread it on the outside of
your throat or around the ear. It is absorbed through the skin to work on the
infection underneath.
Some things to remember. NEVER cover the area where pine oil is applied
with a bandage or restrictive clothing (loose clothing is all right). Covering may
cause burning or blistering of the skin. Keep pine oil away from the eyes and the
inside of the nose (although you can saturate a cloth with pine oil and hang it
over someone to breathe in the fumes). It usually doesnt hurt to take it in the
mouth, although it doesnt taste good and we have never used it in this way.
Sensitive skin can react to pine oil, so if you suspect someone may have sensitive
skin, try a little first before going ahead with it. Also, it can be drying to the skin,
so we often alternate the pine oil with a moisturizing cream.
I hope this will help anyone who wants to use pine oil. We are very pleased
with the good results we have had with it here in Gad. We can order and supply
it to anyone who wants it, but outside of North America it probably would be
expensive for shipping. I would recommend trying to find a local supplier.
Someone who supplies essential oils should be able to provide it.


We are interested in things that our brothers and sisters are learned
in different tribes on health... Please send us interesting findings
you have made on foods that may increase our understanding.
todah, ha-emeq

Update on Phytic Acid

Several Newsletters ago we first shared about phytic acid. People were
excited about getting more nutrition out of their food and began soaking grains
and talking about the new recipes for breakfast grains. Since then though, many
people have forgotten about why we did it to begin with and wondered if it really
makes a difference anyway. So we wanted to refresh your memory and make it
more practical as well.
Phytic acid is a coating on all grains. It keeps the grain from breaking down
until it is planted in moist soil. It is a marvelous creation that enables us to store
grain from one planting time to another, or even longer. Phytic acid is not so
marvelous in our bodies though. It is an inhibitor. It locks onto minerals and
prevents them from breaking down. Since they are too big for our bodies to
handle, they are passed out as waste.
So, when we eat a meal that has unsoaked rice, or sunflower seeds, etc., in
it, our bodies will not take in as much nutrition. For example, 1 and 1/2 slices of
whole wheat bread that has not been made from a sponge or sour, will keep you
from absorbing 97% of the iron in the food of your whole meal! You will only
take in 3% of the iron in the food. If you didnt eat the bread, or if it had been
made from a sponge, you would have been able to absorb 97% more iron. It will
do the same thing to vitamin supplements. Phytic acid inhibits!
The same thing happens with calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, and
manganese. This may be why many of us are calcium and iron deficient even
though we eat foods high in these nutrients. Knowing this we will want to take
the extra time to soak our grains and sunflower seeds, and sponge our breads.
Just a little extra time and planning will help us all be a lot healthier and keep our
immune system stronger.
Remember, for the soaking to work, use cold or room temperature water,
not hot, and do not put any salt or anything containing salt, like soy sauce, in your
water. From Miriam, wife of Racham


and thankful to our Father for His care. Our Father wants us to live and not die prematurely.
Salt is one of the ways that He provided that this could be accomplished.
When I say salt, most of us think about that dry, white powder we buy in the supermarket, or health food store (if youre into sea salt). Its commonly known as Sodium Chloride (NaCl), and is usually inexpensive. Were all familiar with this type of salt... but that is
not the type of salt that is good for you.
Sodium Chloride is POISON (skull and crossbones)!!! It is chemically made by processing out all the vital constituents for resale, and Sodium Chloride is the by-product that is
sold for food. Sometimes iodine is thrown in as a bonus, but the type of iodine used can
cause reproductive paralysis. Even sea salt is taken through the same processing so that it
is worthless by the time it gets to the consumer. Its true that it came from the sea, but its
value was destroyed through processing. So, are we going to throw away all our salt-shakers? Maybe... but dont throw away your salt dispenser. Help is on the way!!
The kind of salt that is the subject of this article is called CELTIC SALT. It is made in
Northern France, where the conditions are most favorable. Its possibly made in other
places, but France seems to be the most preferred by most salt enthusiasts. Celtic salt is
murky brown in colour, or dingy grey (appetizing, huh?). Dont worry about looks... its
what it does that counts. It is not dry, but rather damp, and sticks together. Thats why
some sort of dispenser is preferable to a salt shaker (unless the lid has big holes).
The healing powers of Celtic salt equal those of Vitamin C, E, and many other nutrients you find in the health food store.
If you have high blood pressure, this salt will bring it down to normal in a relatively
short time. Low blood pressure is brought up to normal. In America the doctors tell you
not to use any salt if you have high blood pressure... but in France they ask what kind of
salt you use, because they know that Celtic salt is good for blood pressure control.
Celtic salt has the proper amount of sodium in it, which is necessary for the heart
muscles to function properly. It also has 84 different elements which help to insure that the
body uses the sodium, and then that the body gets rid of the sodium after it has been
used. Thats what helps to lower the blood pressure... the removal of the excess sodium. If
you put Celtic salt on vegetables, you get up to seven times more nutrition out of them. It
is recommended that you put a bit of the salt in your herb tea. It acts as a potentiator...
that means it causes you to get more of the healing properties of the herbs out of the tea
than usual. Kidney stones are dissolved with Celtic salt if you drink plenty of water.
Regular supermarket salt stuns and numbs your taste buds. Thats why you dump
more and more salt on you food, wondering why you cant taste the salt any more. Celtic
salt awakens the taste buds so that you dont need as much salt as you used before. Since
it increases the nutritional intake, you wont need as much food. Sourdough bread works
well with Celtic salt.
As a final note... once you start using Celtic salt, you will find that your body will
have a mild reaction. You could possibly get a rash for a short time, or sores under the arm
pit. If these things happen, be thankful. It means that your body has begun to eliminate
the toxins that are in it. Continue with your Celtic salt until its over.
Here in Reuben we are looking into ways of obtaining the salt at a good price, or make
it ourselves, if our Father opens a door in the region of France.
Until next time, Saltom!!!....uh....I mean Shalom!!!



by it. The more she struggled, the more

she got trapped until the little goat was
totally wrapped up in it, totally helpless bleating for help. Chets Berur was like
Yahshua to her, he set her free, but he could only do
it when she was still and surrendered, giving up all
her struggling.
We can struggle with the enemy and attempt to pull
ourselves away from him but we often get into a confused mess,
totally ensnared. Eventually we realize we need to lay down and
cry out for help - surrender our lives into Yahshuas hands. He
will always come quickly and set us free.
We need to listen to the still quiet voice of our Master Be calm, come, I want to help you.

Licorice Root
I just wanted to pass on something Ive learned about this
wonderful herb. Recently, we have discovered that it helps to restore
the body after going through physical stress, like hives for example. It
boosts the adrenal glands which become sluggish under duress and help
the body overcome. It has proven an invaluable aid to help Chets Barur
with the hives. We have also known how good it is for all sorts of
bronchial problems and also for people who may suffer with swollen
glands. Boil for 10-15 minutes before use. Judith


Bitter & Sweet

I have been encouraged lately that our father has spoken to us
that we should soak our grains and use celtic salt, both of which
increase the minerals available to us in our food.
Because nourishing our bodies is of importance for living all of our
120 years, I wanted to write to you about two issues that will further
increase the availability and absorbtion of nutrients in our bodies. Two
tastes that are often avoided by modern eaters, bitter and sour, seem
to have been created to help us properly digest our food. It is
interesting to note here that Yapheth may have held to something
from our Father longer than Shem. In the West we plan meals by
the basic food groups, protein, dairy, friuts, vegetables, and
stanches. However, in the East, the meals are balanced by sweet,
sour, bitter, spicy, and salty.
When our taste buds encounter a sour taste, there is a built
in reflex that causes saliva to be produced. The bitter taste, in
the same way, causes the flow of the digestive enzymes in
the stomach, the small intestines, and the pancreas. It
also stimulates the production of bile. In addition, a
tonic action is released which affects the over-all repair of the digestive
system. There is evedence of many unfortunate conditions resulting because
people repeatedly do not turn on their digestion switch or the digestive
systems repair switch.
I would like to propose several ways our life style could be altered to reflect
our Fathers wisdom in giving us the bitter and the sour taste. It is considered
optimal to eat something bitter 20 minutes before the main meal. We might
want to restore the serving of a big meal by courses, with the salad course being
the beginning; the salad should have a bitter taste and a sour taste. Children
avoid salad dressing from early on, but now we can expect them to develop their
acceptance of the vinegar or lemon juice in the salad dressing. The bitter taste is
supplied by endive, fresh parsley, radicchio, watercress, or arugula. It doesnt take
much in the whole salad if we chew each bite so we dont miss any of the
Perhaps the honey in our vinnie recipe needs to be reduced slightly so that
the vinnie is a little bit more sour. There are a few other foods that are sour
yogurt, sauerkraut, sour dough bread that we could come to enjoy more for
their sourness.
There is one more note of encouragement that I would like to pass on. Some
writers have noticed that eating bitter and sour foods eventually restores a desire
for these foods. They believe that the excessive desire for sweets results from a
liver imbalance that results from too much sweet and little or no sour and bitter.
Thus eating sour and bitter foods will bring a good measure of restoration to our
whole body.



In our family we have a tendency to have dry hair, years ago I

started diluting our shampoo with water and adding a little bit of
olive oil to it. This helped a lot. I had heard that shampoo is very
concentrated soap, and it is aggressive for your hair since it eliminates the natural greasy coating that protects your hair and scalp.
When you mix it with water it spreads better throughout your hair
and washes it better, although being milder. This way you
save the natural protection on you hair from being totally
Later on I studied what kind of herbs grow in our
country that are good for hair. I found many herbs that grow
at least in Europe and are good for many different problems. I
started making teas to dilute our shampoo instead of water. For
To strengthen your hair or keep it from falling:
Walnut tree buds or leaves
To activate the growth:
Olive oil
Achillea Millefolium
For dandruff:
Natural conditioner:
Chestnut tree leaves
Oak bark
These herbs are commonly found in Europe, but in every part of the
world people have used herbs locally growing to maintain the health of
their hair, making it nice and strong. For example, in Israel they used
Myrtle. In some countries they use coconut oil, etc...


Some Distasteful Facts about Chocolate

Chocolate has been found to be the
culprit in a number of ailments. For example, an 11-year-old was hospitalized
for abdominal pain and vomiting blood.
He had suddenly developed pupura (tiny
spots of hemorrhage in the body). It was
discovered, while he was in the hospital,
that his attacks of skin hemorrhage and
abdominal pain could be induced in a few
minutes by giving him chocolate (either by
the mouth, or by a scratch test in the
Chocolate is also a common cause of
pruritis ani, an uncomfortable itch
around the anus. Stopping the use of
chocolate results in a prompt cessation of
the itch.
An evaluation of chocolate as being
suitable for consumption will result in
condemning chocolate on at least three
counts. Let us take a look at each of these
factors individually.
The methylxanthine (theobromine)
in chocolate causes such things as central
nervous system stimulation, sleeplessness, general or localized itching, depression, anxiety, just to name a few.
Caffeine (another methylxanthine)
content may be as high as 112 milligrams
per cup of cocoa beverage.
Tannins have been implicated in certain cancers of the digestive tract, and
cocoa contains more tannin per cup than
Cocoa may interfere with calcium
absorption. Therefore, cocoa given to children (hoping that this addition will increase calcium intake) may actually tie up
the calcium they get from such excellent
sources as whole grains, legumes and

Additives Required to
Make Chocolate Palatable
Additives are required to mask the
bitterness of chocolate. A bitter taste is
usually associated with harmful alkaloids,
pyrolysates and strongly alkaline substances. An unpleasant taste is a signal
that something potentially injurious is in
the mouth; masking with sugar does not
eliminate the danger. Lots of sugar is necessary to make chocolate palatable.
Furthermore, oils must be combined
with chocolate in order to eliminate the
grainy consistency. Milk, cream, and/or oil
are added which produce an extremely
rich and unhealthy food. Eating this substance is certain to obstruct digestion and
cause fermentation.
Harvesting and
Primary Manufacture
The way chocolate is harvested and
processed causes natural contaminants
in the substance. Most cocoa beans are
produced in countries where sanitation
levels are far below those practiced in the
United States.
Cacao is a small, beautiful tree indigenous to the tropical regions of the world
where millions of pounds of chocolate,
milk chocolate and cocoa powder are produced annually. Cocoa is prepared by
beating and cracking the beans from the
cacao tree; chocolate is the solid or semiplastic substance prepared by finely
grinding cocoa and has a minimum of
50% fat.
The pods are cut from the tree, piled
up in the yard of the farmer, and fermented (a process that takes from 3-8
days). During this process people walk all
over the piles; insects, rodents, small animals and other living things make their


nests in these piles; and many other types

of contamination may occur.
During the fermentation process, the
temperature builds up, promoting the
growth of bacteria and molds. Large quantities of aflaxtoxin, the cancer-producing
agent from the molds, can be in those cocoa beans. The beans own enzymes and
wild yeasts enhance this fermentation
process which is essential to develop the
chocolate flavor. After fermentation the
seeds are sun or kiln dried.
They are now roasted and ground to
make the chocolate liquor, somewhat
like soft peanut butter. In this stage bacterial contaminants multiply.
There is a booklet, The Food Defect
Action Levels, which is published by the
United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It contains a specifications listing of current levels for natural or unavoidable defects in food.
This list includes the amount of insects, rodents, and other natural contaminants that are allowable (in chocolate) by
the Food and Drug Administration.
For example, up to 120 insect fragments or two rodent hairs per cup are

allowed in the chocolate or chocolate liquor used in the manufacture of such

products as chocolate bars. Visible or solid
animal excretions must not exceed 10 milligrams per pound. For chocolate powder
or pressed cakes there must not be more
than 75 insect fragments in three tablespoons of the powder. Four percent of cocoa beans may be infested with insects
and still carry the blessing of the FDA!
Many individuals who think they are
allergic to chocolate are really allergic to
the animal parts that are in chocolate.
Since sugar and fat both tend to exude from candy, additives are placed in it
to prevent the surfacing of these materials. Rancidity of the fats can usually be
detected after storage at 86F from six to
twelve weeks. The unpleasant flavor heralds the presence of the harmful change
that occurs with aging of fats.
Carob is a good substitute for chocolate. It has a more favorable manufacturing process and a greater likelihood of
being prepared under more sanitary conditions. It contains no methylxanthines, is
naturally slightly sweet, and does not require fermentation to develop its flavor.


emotions, our intellect... He knows where our weak areas are, where
we have to fully develope in the life of our Master. For me; it is my
emotions. I am at a low point and leviathan knows it. He would love
for me to give in and attach myself to him, to an easier way of life. But
we must use our will and be attached to our Master Yahshua totally.He
is waiting to fill us with His life, restore us physically, mentally,
emotionally, socially and spiritually. But first we have to stop getting
our life from other things and turn our hearts to Him. Huldah
If we love our life we will lose it. But if we have to hate our life
we will have eternal life....

Bekor ben Keli

Jn.12:25 The reason a person must hate his life in this world to be saved is
because that is the only way to die. If there is the slightest emotion,
attention, affection, or intellectual emphasis given to something of this
world, then your have not died because you still are being fed by outside
sources, which hinders the life of Yahshua from filling every fiber of your being.

To our precious brothers and sisters who are reading these words....take hope. Something
wonderful is happening today right before our eyes.... if we have eyes to see. We pray
that the eyes of all of our heart will be enlightened...and we will no longer see men as
trees! Shalom from ha-emeq at Oak Hill

Remedy for flu and intestinal virus:

When you feel the flu coming on, you feel chilly and sometimes you have
stomach cramps. Use this simple remedy: To 1/2 glass of water, add 1
tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (without honey). Drink this down, and
repeat in another half hour if necessary. It works every time. You will feel
relief in minutes. (Bacteria cannot survive in an acid environment.)
Do not wait until you have a full-blown case of the flu to try this. It's too
late then. You take it when you feel symtoms coming on. I've used this for
many years and it's never failed me when I was faithful to take it at the
proper time. Keep a bottle of vinegar where you work... you will be glad
you did.
Channah(LeBlanc) of the clan of Cambridge


of God was manifested that He might destroy (therefore, destroy lawlessness) the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not
commit lawlessness. For His seed remains in him; and he cannot be
lawless, because he has been born of God.
I was thinking that it really makes sense that if we are connected
to our Master, we will not sin, we will not do our own will, but if we are
connected to Him, we will do His will. He was connected to His Abba,
so he did not do anything (Jn 5:19) on His own initiative, but whatever
His Abba commanded Him to do, because there was no lawlessness in
Him. Lawlessness is sin and there is no sin in Him.
1 John 3:3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies
himself, just as He is pure. Just a little bit to stimulate the gifts to respond so I can gain greater understanding.
I love the Intertribal Newsletter!

I wanted to write something about cockroaches because they are such a terrible problem in
many places where we will be establishing tribes and
clans. It is very important that we do not see this as just one of those
things that happen but to see it as a very, very dirty and unclean thing
that has infiltrated our homes and we need to do everything we can
possibly do to rid ourselves of these filthy pests.
There should be no unclean thing in our midst and we must take
action and fight against it. The main thing is to make sure our houses
are clean. Not just clean in appearance, but really clean. You know as
well as I do that there are places and crevices in our homes that very
rarely get cleaned like they should. These are the breeding grounds of
all kinds of germs and viruses and cockroaches. The areas under the
sinks where it gets dusty and dirty, damp and stinky, behind the
refiigerators, stoves, and counters, in cracks in the Formica countertops
all are perfect for the roaches to nest and reproduce. They can live in
a clean house if the dishes are not dried. They will live off the water on
the dishes. They love the water in the rinse pan that doesnt get emptied
or the rinse water catcher cleaned. Sinks that are not cleaned after the
dishes are done are like a feast of delicacies for the roaches. They love
grease and oily substances like the damp, greasy dirt around the faucets


that we sometimes forget to clean off.

Have you ever heard that when you see one cockroach in your
house that means there are from 1,000 to 5,000 roaches that you dont
see? So if you work really hard to keep your house clean and use powdered sugar mixed with borax faithfully every day, dont stop just because you only see one or two once in awhile. Even after you dont see
any more you need to keep using the solution for at least a year. This
was how we finally got rid of them in Island Pond.
I cannot express it enough how important it is to not tolerate
even the smallest beginning of these infesting our homes and workplaces. If we are faithful and do our part, our Father who is in control of
all things will help us get rid of them. The roaches are not greater then
Sarah Masse was telling me about how they had roaches at the
Arbor years ago and they were pretty bad. She said when Spring came
the house also became invaded with all different kinds of ants. After a
while they noticed they still had lots of ants but couldnt find any
roaches anywhere and never saw one again. Their only conclusion was
the ants must have killed them off by eating the eggs and babies. Our
Father must have sent the ants to the Arbor to take cue of the roach
Responses from Gaders story about The Yellow Boat
From Lebanah Masse:
When Gader was telling the story it reminded me of what I had been thinking
about. I was thankful for my parents and those that went ahead of me and decided to get
on the boat although it wasnt as pretty as their boat. But they got on it because they knew it
was a better life than theirs and that we can have a future ahead of us instead of being out
in the world without any hope or future of even knowing why you are alive. But I am
thankful that I was chosen to build his Kingdom and know that I am not alive just for
anything but for a purpose and that purpose is to see that the Kingdom will be built. (The
boat is the Edah.)
From Havilah
I am eternally grateful for those who had the faith to leave their sinking
ships and get on Yahshuas boat so that I could be here. Those of us who were
raised here do not have to experience the heartbreak of being lost, without hope,
without our Master, in the world and on a sinking ship. We were born on the boat.
We should be the most thankful people who ever lived. The whole world is lost,
sinking into death, but we were born right in the center of life! Its too much for me
to fathom. Im so thankful. Its easy for me to take for granted the life our Master
has given us. I never want to forget what I have been saved from. I know our
Master is worth all we have.


and the autumn weather hadnt turned sour there yet. The meeting
was held in another football stadium, this one surrounded by freeways. The parking for the event overflowed into the second lot that
was more than a good walk away. We wondered how we would get
all the papers to their destination having to park soooo far away. We
were in the line of cars heading to this far away lot when suddenly a
man took down the barricade and started turning cars into the main
lot. We were in the main lot and not just in the main lot but up next
to the stadium evenly spaced between the two main entrances. Our
Father had heard our prayers.
We met some other group there that had been passing out
papers in Washington. They told us that the police had told them to
not pass out papers and if they did they would be arrested. Our
Father wanted these papers to get into the eager hands of these Texans. We were unhindered in passing out all but a few hundred papers
to eager people who lined up to take them as fast as we could hand
them out.
And back in St. Joseph
A man who had been visiting the community in Rutland,
Vermont, came to us early one morning at about 3 a.m.
He had left Vermont heading to Arizona thinking that this life wasnt
for him. Halfway across the country he had second thoughts and
turned aside to St. Joseph. His name is Chris and now he is our
brother. He is young and tall and is happy to have given up his life to
follow Messiah.
And on a more practical note:
We in Manasseh like soy sauce on our grains but what kind of salt
is in it? For now we dilute 1/2 gallon of soy sauce with 8 cups of water
and 1/4 cup of Celtic Salt.
Does anyone know how to make soy sauce?
Shalom from the tribe of Manassah


When in at the WayOut House in Florida we discovered from Zahavah a wonderful way to get living
calcium to the people who are needing calcium supplements without having to buy expensive pills
(which may or may not be effective). It will not be practical for us in Israel to be constantly needing
to go to the healthfood stores to buy vitamin and mineral suppliments, but that supplimentation
may be necessary for some people. So, now it the time to find the ways our Father can provide this
extra-potent source of the needs vitamins and minerals in a natural and living form. We are very
open to hear from the tribes for ways they have found to meet this need.
Please send it to us to publish in the ITN. (all the words in italic I have added,

In the same way that our hearts were rendered damaged and
deficient by an insensitive world bent on destruction, our
physical bodies exhibit many signa of our need for restoration to the perfect
design our Master intended. One day, through our obedience and suffering, we
will be fully restored in and to Him; meanwhile we are grateful for each revitalizing revelation we receive through the anointing. ha Emeq encouraged me to
submit the following recipe for a very assimilatable form of calcium: calcium
citrate. Its cost is low, but its value is great.
1.Wash eggs (dont use the bad eggs they sell in supermarkets) and dry them
2.Gently place them in any wide mouth jar, depending on the desired quantity
3.Juice enough fresh lemons to cover the eggs with juice ( you can use the
frozen lemon juice without preservatives as a substitute for the fresh lemons,
but fresh lemons may be hard to get in the far-north. Fresh is always preferable).
4.Place a lid on the jar and keep it refrigerated for 48 hours, gently tipping and
twisting the jar several times a day to help the process in which the calcium in
the egg reacts with the citric acid of the lemon juice to form calcium citrate.
5.After 48 hours the eggs are to be carefully removed. You may use them!
6.Strain the liquid to remove any pigmentation, lemon seeds, and pulp. Keep
pouring strained liquid through the strainer to dislodge any of the calcium
citrate precipitation left there.
7.Store the calcium citrate / lemon juice in the refrigerator for use as needed.
Begin with one teaspoonful (be sure to stir well first) and work up to a
tablespoonful once per day; take a week to work up to that from a teaspoon.
(Remember this is living calcium and thus it will go bad after a few days, so make a
batch with is just big enough for your needs and always keep a fresh batch going in the
refrigerator. I have found it better to make small batches, like 4 eggs at a time. It is
enough to last for a couple of days and then the new batch is ready.)
Calcium is a very abused, much needed mineral for all of us. Now we have a
source we can take with confidence.
Shalom, Zahavah


To Absalom ben Ayil

I read your article in last months ITN. I am honored that you
have that in your heart for us. I was among those that were sent to the
Promise Keepers event in Washington D.C. Those of us at that event could
never have won the victory that day without those who remained behind
being faithful. It makes me think of Moshe and Joshua in Joshua 1:9.
Those of you at home, both adults and children supported us. You were at
home supporting your abbas and immas hands like Aharon supported
Moshe. Remember everyone in Israel is important to building up the kingdom of Yahshua.
Yanaton of Manasseh

One small note on Soy Sauce... the debate rages. Is it

really a strange form of green mold that we are eating? A
process for making it was submitted and it includded green
mold as part of the recipe. Please, someone find out if there
are really ANY health benefits to eating soy sauce or tamari
and send the information to me. If we hear nothing, it may be
that Soy Sauce should not be part of the diet of Israel!!! (ha-emeq)
I couldnt figure out why I wasnt having life. I was being obedient. I was
repenting quickly for the wrong things I saw in my life. I didnt get it. There
didnt seem to be anything wrong. Why wasnt I hearing from our Master?
Then I read something that Bynah wrote in the June ITN about how our Master
causes us to lie down in green pastures and about being thankful. Oh, I get it
now! I need to be thankful! Being thankful is a green pasture! When I first
gave up my life, I was so thankful. I know I need to stay that way, not just
saying thanks or recognizing that I have received something but being thankful
and appreciating the new beginning He has given me. If I am not thankful, I
wont have any zeal to reach out to others. Im so thankful for our Master! It is
so simple.
Qatan of Manasseh in Providence on the way to Coxsackie, NY


More News
We have always been blessed to
live so close to the Hunts Point produce market in New York City.
Raphael began making friends with
the merchants and Ben Chesed continued the relationship when
Raphael moved to Island Pond.
They have always given us wonderful deals and we have found friends
who have often just given us food.
Recently it was on Gebars heart for
us to pursue getting organic produce. This was not easy because out
of 400 dealers, only one sells a variety of organic produce. And most of
his prices are double that of the
other merchants. But Gebar had
faith and we responded in our
hearts to his faith.

pay him for it he said, Please, keep

your money, we want to help you
any way we can.
The next week we decided to
give our friends a gift basket of some
of our products, but we had little
time or money to get what we
needed for our baskets. There were
eight dealers in particular who had
blessed us over the years. We called
our brothers at Common Sense
Products and the Candle Shop in
Boston and they came to our help.
By the very next morning, the day
before we were to go to the market,
the boxes arrived from our brothers.
We were thankful!
We made beautiful little baskets
and everyone at the market was so
touched by our appreciation. When
we are arrived at our friends place,
the organic produce vendors, they
loaded our van to overflowing with
organic produce! Because of their
great generosity we were able to
care for our brothers in other communities like Palenville. We are
thankful for our Abbas provision.
~ Shalom, John Imperial

A timely word
The first week the foreman at
the organic dealer gave us a good
deal on two things. The next week
we met one of the two brothers who
owned the company and he gave us
quite a bit of free produce and we
bought a little. The next week we
met the other brother and he welcomed us at the door and said, Ive
got a load of stuff for you. He filled
our truck and when we wanted to

It has been said that hand washing is the single most important
means of preventing the spread of
illness and disease. It is true. I remember a story that Yoneq told us
once about a man who came to visit
at Tabithas Place. This person had a
very bad cough. So when Yoneq noticed this about the visitor, he was
quick to wash his hands after shaking the guests hand, and because of


that he was kept from the acquiring

the same illness.
Recently, I was speaking to a
man that we do work for in Bridgeport. We greeted each other with a
handshake and as is the custom, I
asked him how he had been. At that
point he removed his sunglasses and
gingerly rubbed his hand over the
area surrounding his right eye. Hidden behind his glasses were very
painful looking blisters all clumped
together. He explained to me that
he had recently been diagnosed with
shingles and how it was; the most
terrible pain I have ever experienced. He said his eyebrows even
ached! This disease is related to the
same virus which caused chickenpox
in us when we were younger. After
our conversation you can be sure
that I washed my hands quickly. I
made sure that I didnt put my
hands near my face until I had thoroughly washed them with soap and
water because I didnt want to experience the kind of pain he was experiencing unnecessarily.
It has been my experience both
in and outside of the Community
that people lack in seeing the importance of proper hand washing.
Many times when I have used public
restrooms while I having been traveling, I notice that people who use
the toilet walk out of the bathroom
without washing their hands. One
person walked out of the bathroom
without washing and went straight
to the pay phone to make a call.
How many times do we use pay
phones? How many people handle

which are
accessible to
others like pay phones without
washing their hands after using the
bathrooms, or after they have
coughed, or...? It must be in us and
in our children to wash our hands
after we use the toilet. We need to
teach these things to our children
and not assume that they automatically know to do them. Also we
should check on them after they
have used the toilet to make sure
they are being diligent to wash with
soap and water.
If you will listen carefully to the voice of
Yahweh your Elohim and do what is
right in His sight, and give heed to His
commandments and keep all His statutes, I will not bring upon you any of
the diseases that I brought upon the
Egyptians; for I am Yahweh who heals
you. (Exodus 15:26)
Our Elohim has promised that
none of these diseases will come
upon us if we obey Him. He loves
us. So lets be faithful to wash our
hands and by doing so, keep ourselves healthy during this years flu


~ Shalom, Hoshua

the capacity of the metal to draw

down the power from the rain
To our forefathers who left
Egypt and wandered in the wilderness for forty years, YHWH accompanied them in a cloud every day.
His very presence was in that cloud.
In the edah we have the promise
that our Master Yahshua will visit us
every morning and every evening at
the appointed time. We cant see
Him in a visible cloud, but His presence is like those electrical charges
in rain clouds. As the cloud passes
over our minchah every morning
and evening, the Spirit is looking for
conductors, pure vessels that can
draw down His power to the earth.
He is looking for disciples through
whom His life can pass. Therefore,
whoever is prepared by making himself ready, purifying himself, will be
a conductor, able to draw down the

spirit through himself. This is where

we get the inspiration to sing, to
dance, to prophesy, and to teach in
the minchah.
The cloud will release as much
power to the earth in the minchah as
we are able to draw down. Once our
Master Yahshua has released as
much to us as we are prepared to
receive, He moves on until the next
minchah. So, we have an awesome
privilege to be prepared each day to
draw down the power of the spirit to
give us everything we need to live
for our Master and to do His will.
Lets remember this when the heat is
turned up in the crucible of community life. Our Fathers intention is to
make us into precious metal so that
we can be the best conductors we
can be. Remember the promise ...
For iron Ill give you silver and for
brass Ill give you gold.

Ben Nabiy

On Soy Sauce The Debate Continues...

I got several responses about soy sauce. It is clear that
there are varying opinions, but the fact that the process of making
make it unfit for us. Bread is yeasted, wine is fermented, and these
medicinally, and also algae may be valuable for its curative
But the artificial ingredients in cheap soy sauce are clearly
bad, and like all synthetic, chemically-processed foods, we must
stay away from using it.


Other news fr
om Boston...
Yathar from Providence is with us
now. We are so thankful for his
willing, and thankful heart. He is a
man of much hope. And so after
sharing his heart with a beloved
brother he is now Yachil. His name
means hope.
We sent our precious sister
Batach to Palenville this month. We
miss her much. We are so thankful
for her. She is such a wonderful
example to us of one who has been
set free in Messiah. May she abundantly bless Palenville.
Our friend Josh is still with us.
Some of you might remember him
from his time in Burlington six years
ago, He also spent some time in
Lancaster recently before he came here
to Boston. He has been with us for
about two months now. We believe
he is receiving revelation about the
worth of our Master Yahshua. We
pray for him daily that he would be
cut to the heart to the point of
complete surrender.
A friendly rreminder
eminder about aer
cise fr
om a convicted heart:
Ive been thinking a lot about our
vision for increased health and natural
healing as well as taking in a diet rich
in live, unprocessed, natural, organic
foods. As one who used to be quite
an advocate for this kind of lifestyle in
the world, I am greatly encouraged
that we, as a body, are coming into
this. There is a wealth of information
to be understood. Im thankful that
we can understand these things in the
right spirit as our Father reveals His
wisdom to us and communicates to
our hearts about these things.

Of course we know from the

anointing that what is also necessary
to living a clean, long life is exercise. I
recently read an excerpt from a book
written by a well known health expert
about the benefits of aerobic exercise.
We all know that it is good for us but
I thought we could all use a gentle
reminder. I know that attendance
here in Boston is waning. I am part of
the problem. I have been lazy in
rising to do aerobics. It is much easier
to sit and read or to take a quiet walk
but if we arent faithful to do our
aerobics this is only a sample of what
we miss out on.
Aerobic exercise conditions our
hearts and arteries and respiratory
systems. It increases stamina and
general fitness. It promotes cleansing
of the blood by stimulating circulation
and perspiration. It gives us a sense
of strength and well-being, in part by
releasing endorphins, the opiatelike
molecules in the brain which can
make us more tolerant of the discomfort of our aging bodies. It increases
the flow of oxygen to all organs,
enabling them to work more efficiently. It burns calories, undoing
some of the damage done by eating
too much.. (Of course we need to
judge ourselves in this area) It
strengthens the immune system. It


A little note concerning

Celtic Salt
Living here in Australia, one must
always be on the alert and aware of
the possible dangers that are ever
present. Some of the worlds deadliest creatures dwell here - such as poisonous snakes and spiders. It had even
been discovered that we had two very
large (one meter long) fresh water eels
living in our creek (they look more like
moray eels).
One day, Ruth (one of the pregnant women here - shortly to give
birth) went down to the ole swimming
hole to do her daily routine of exercise. As she first just started easing her
way into the water, the largest of the
eels struck out to take a bite of some
of her toes. It left a nasty looking laceration on her right foot.
We had heard from Yochanan
Abraham that Celtic Salt heals a
wound very quickly. In no time, her
foot was in salty foot baths and then
we even applied some Celtic Salt directly to the grazes and then bandaged
it. Within three days, the wound was
completely healed and you could
hardly detect any scars. Wow!!! We
again used it on Yedidahs foot to close
up a wound. Again it dried and disinfected the entire area and sealed up
the wound within a few days.
We strongly suggest that you use
Celtic Salt medicinally; it has amazing
curative properties. It kills bacteria and
reduces the risk of infection, healing
wounds quickly and leaving hardly a
trace of injury.....

people from all over the world. We will

see what our Father wants us to do....
News also came this month that
we have been accepted for the Sydney
Royal Easter Show. This is a two week
long agricultural show (country fair),
which receives over 1.5 million people
every year. This is very big for Down
under. Many families and farmers from
all over Australia come to this show. It
will be a wonderful opportunity for us to
reach out in our one story caf to quite
a different spectrum of people. It is
hard to get into this event and will be
an excellent stepping stone to the
Olympics if the door opens up to us to
participate in this. The names Twelve
Tribes of Israel and Common Ground
Caf are slowly becoming known
throughout Sydney and Australia. Two
women have called us recently from
Melbourne, having read some of our
papers there in Victoria. The Three
Eternal Destinies Papers are going out
and people have the opportunity to
come to know our Master. We are
remembering what our Master Yahshua
said to His disciples, I tell you in truth,
the fields are already white for harvest... but the laborers are few. We
want to be the few our Master can
use to bring in the fruits of His Kingdom.
Soon the educational authorities
will make a visit to our farm in order to
evaluate our training. So far it has been
encouraging with them. We are praying
that we will find servants and establish
a good relationship with the authorities
here in New South Wales. We want to
form a relationship with them where
they respect our right to train our
children - keeping to our Gods standard and likewise, we respect their right
to know what we do and how we teach
our children. Please pray for us in this


reduces stress. It lowers serum

cholesterol. It tones the nervous
system. So with all the benefits, how
could we not want to do our aerobics? He goes on to say: in fact
some part of us resists, even hates the
whole idea of exercise. It is our lazy
self, the principle of inertia in us, (in
other words, its our flesh. We need
to cut it off) The only way to deal
with this voice is to pay no attention
to it. May we all be faithful to
increase in doing our aerobics. The
anointing teaches us every good thing.
And of course one of the best things
about doing our aerobics every day is
the fellowship of the saints.
Shalom, Yatsaq-Challemysh
From the Builders of YYehudah
Who are the Builders of
Yehudah? Im sure youve all heard of
BOY, BOJ, and, or the nursing home
crew, but you might have wondered,
who are they and what do they do?
These questions may have been asked
throughout the tribes. We wanted all
of our brothers and sisters to know
that something very encouraging is
being formed by the hands of our God.
We arent just a bunch of carpenters
who build nursing homes. We are
builders who have life and peace.
It all started about 15 years ago
with a small band of the men of Judah
going to Boston, MA to work in some
rather unimpressive areas of the city.
Boston later grew into a larger
community as the work crews started
getting bigger jobs. The community in
Boston became a center in the tribe
and B.O.J. Construction was an
established construction company
that was able to help support the

spreading of Israel. With the guidance

of the sons of Kepha Masse and
Beniah Sage, we had a crew of young
men who were known for the care and
quality displayed by the work they did
and how they did it. We traveled
often and were able to help build
houses and cafes for our fellow clans.
Work came to us because of our
reputation in Boston and we became
very busy, almost beyond what we
could accomplish ourselves.
As time
passed we began
to have revelation
as to who we are.
We arent a big
company. We
saw that B.O.J.
should stand for
the Builders of
Judah or, even
better, The
Builders of
Yehudah. Forget
about the Construction Company
part of it. We were being called to
something much greater than that.
We came to understand that we are
those who can use what our Abba has
given us to build the tribe of Yehudah.
We can do this with all the gifts in the
tribe working together. Gathering
together whenever the call goes out.
All work pushes could be like the
Sears job. We dont have to all work
on little crews, rather we can swarm
together into one big crew. Just
imagine what our Father can accomplish through us.
Were living in the reality of this
right now in Boston. When we heard
of the birth of Apostolic Community


Centers, Keli left us to help establish

our new home in Oakhill, NY. As the
center shifts so do the Builders.
Boston re-organized itself into a
smaller but just as wonderful community focused on cottage industry and
evangelism. All those who would
soon move to Oakhill, moved together
to the Tremlett and Melville houses.
We almost emptied the Melville house
and shrank to one small household.
But we soon realized that we had
more work than we could handle. So
Keli sent out the call and the Melville
started to fill up again. Our small
household that was waiting to move
grew in number to 60 men, women
and children. Our minchot are so full,
physically and spiritually. We go to
the jobs with 20-30 men working in
unity. People in the world have never
seen anything like it. The Gray house
is almost done and the giants at the
jobs dont look so big anymore. We
work together, from many clans, in
unity and we enjoy it. The project
manager at one job said it looked like
we were having a party. But were
not, its our life! And we dont all go
to our separate homes when it is over.
We gather together twice a day and
our Abba has been feeding us abundantly. Really it is never going to be
over. It is just the beginning of the
reality of the tribes of Israel. We
gather to build, to praise and bring
glory to the one who gave us this life,
our Master Yahshua.
Yochannan ben Raam

We are so thankful for the

sacrifice of all of the clans who
willingly give up their brothers to help
build up the kingdom of our Father.
The BOY brothers bring us much life
and encouragement at our Shabbat
eve and First Day eve gatherings. We
love them and are so thankful for their
poured out lives.
And finally, from deep in our
hearts, we are so thankful for the
example of our dear brother and sister
Michel and Dagmar. We were pierced
in our hearts by what we read in last
months ITN. We love you so much!!!
You are such a wonderful example to
us of trusting and faithfulness in the
face of suffering. Daily we lift up our
voices to our Abba with loud cries on
your behalf. We long for your freedom and the restoration of your
family. Let it be.
Until next month, the Boston Clan
And mor
moree good last minute news
Last of all, and best of all, the
young man named Josh, who once
lived with us in the community of
Burlington, has FOUND THE PEARL!
He found it, and for JOY over it, he
went and sold all that he had to buy
that pearl. At the waters Ethan told
him that to our Master, he was the
pearl whom He sold all for! It is so
wonderful, like a dream come true,
when someone you labor and pray for
and speak to and love, receives the gift
of faith God gives to those willing to
do His will, and they surrender ALL!
We are so thankful!!


advantage of the opportunity that

had finally appeared before us. Give
it up... And how did that phone bill
get home but a few hours before we
would go shopping?! Of course this
was only amazement, the kind that
makes you cry out for grace to stand
on your noble determination.
Anyway, off we went without
apparent hope of getting anything
but our clients needs covered. Ben
Jesed paid the phone bill. Good,
now we were free. That money was
in our hands, but it did not belong
to us because we had a debt. Without debt a little hope sprang up in
my heart, but I didnt even ask...
One day our Abba would provide a
new pair of glasses and material,
also... Well, actually material wasnt
so important... Old pants arent as
hurtful as old glasses can be.
As we had to wait for the store
to open, Ben Jesed pulled into the
parking lot of a big cotton factory...
First Elioenay went in as any worker
would and soon after he came out
with a smile he had found a
servant. Then both went in and
Leshem and I stayed in the van.
Time passed by. We talked, cared for
our little ones, cleaned the van... It
took so long! Finally our brothers
came out. Our Abba had provided
several rolls with good end pieces,
many meters of a few different kinds
of material! Later we paid almost
the same for four meters of fabric
for our client!!
We praised our Abba, and as
days pass by I cant stop realizing
that He really wants to encourage

us. He takes care of our real needs

if we trust and give up our own
plans. The day after this happened,
as we were still going through the
German Red Cross bags, a brand
new feather jacket appeared, just
the right side for Taharah and right
on the coldest day!!! Isnt He faithful? Will He care for bigger needs as
well? It is clear that He cares for
our needs in the right time. If we
can trust Him and wait, we will see.
SPRAYERS that make our life
cleaner and nicer:
1. We found an excellent, cheap toilet
About 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water or even
less vinegar depending on how strong it is
and a tiny bit of dish soap. If you put
more than a tiny bit it will foam too much.
It cleanses very nicely, dries fast, leaves no
stains, and our toilets are shiny all the
It is the cheapest cleaner! We tried it
to clean windows and tiles and it works
very nice! But for bathtubs and sinks, if
used too often, it could destroy the
enamel... especially if it is already used
It is much more friendly with Creation,
and less dangerous for your children, your
eyes... than any other commercial cleaner.
2. Our second spray sits on the sink
and it is marked cups. It is basically the
same thing but it has less vinegar and a
few more drops of dish soap. People who
come to drink find it really easy to wash
their cup. They only spray it and clean
with a little dish sponge, rinse under
running water and dry... Its very handy!
Ahavah Shuah, wife of Ben Jesed
P.S. While this may be an effective cleaner
for normal household use, it may not be
effective against some of the diseases of
the nations, like AIDS. So when outside
guests use our toilets, a more powerful
disinfectant may be necessary.


I have been wanting

all of Israel to know how
wonderful swaddling is. I
am so excited that our
Father has revealed
another precious treasure
to us. Although it was
really in my heart to
swaddle our baby, I almost
missed the opportunity
because it was so hot here.
I couldnt imagine keeping
my baby wrapped up in layers of cloth. When
our baby, Raam Anayv, was 1 1/2 months old,
Yoneq and ha Emeq came here. ha Emeq
spurred us on to do what was in our hearts by
reminding us that desert people dress in layers
of clothes because it keeps them cooler. So
that day I went home and ripped up an old
sheet into strips and a little bit apprehensively,
because he was used to being free, I wrapped
him tightly from his shoulders to his ankles.
But he loved it! And his heat rash went away
too. We tried to be sensitive to him though.
There was a few times when it was very hot
and he was nursing that we unwrapped him
so he wouldnt overheat.
I made four cloths out of the muslin.
Each cloth was about 6 inches wide and 15
feet long. I used 2 at a time. I started the 1st
one around his belly then around each arm
then around his whole body, starting at his
shoulders and wrapping my way down. I was
very careful to keep the fabric flat especially
around his arms, so the material wouldnt
bunch up and hinder his circulation. Then I
used a second cloth which I wrapped around
each leg, then around both legs and I wrapped
my way up. Using the clothes like this
allowed me to change his diaper fairly quickly
when I needed to. But he loved it when I
wrapped him and unwrapped him. He would
lay there and stare at me with appreciation. It
was bonding us together. Sometimes he
resisted at first but peace was always the end
result. After wrapping him in the clothes I

swaddled him in a thin muslin blanket. He

is my precious little bundle. He started to be
able to nurse better, sleep better and he would
just lay in his basket and watch me for hours
sometimes! The same thing at our minchah,
when he used to be really fussy he became
peaceful and content just watching and
listening to the prophets. Because he was not
distracted by self (uncoordinated movements) his attention and focus was often right
where it should be, on others.
At first we kept him wrapped up like this
all the time except for short times each day. I
would check his skin and make sure everything was healthy. At one point when I
checked him he was getting sores under his
arms from the moisture. This is one of the
reasons we started to wrap him so there was
material between his arms and his sides. I also
washed and dried his underarms and kept
them dry with cornstarch and powered
comfrey leaf. They were quickly normal and
healthy again.
In contrast to what you may think as my
baby pushed against his clothes he developed
a lot of strength in his muscles. As his
strength and coordination increased we
unswaddled him for longer periods of time
each day. Now our baby is 7 months old and
we usually only swaddle him, using only a
blanket, to sleep and when he needs it. Like
when he gets restless because he is tired and it
usually calms him right down. He has learned
that restraint means security and peace. We
want this warm tight security to continue
through the rest of our
training our children.
P.S. I am eager to know if
anyone in the tribes
knows of a good carrier
for these little bundles,
since most carriers and
slings dont work for
swaddled babies.


Yoel is a man with much practical

wisdom. We have asked him to write
regularly for the Intertribal News,
helping us to increase in
Common Sense...

An Auto Safety Tip:

When I was four years old my
father was a mailman. Early each
morning he would back his car out of
the garage and leave. Being young
and curious it was easy for me to get
up to watch when he left. One
morning I was in the driveway by the
house. Suddenly my father was
backing towards me. I did not have
time to run away, so I dropped down
on my knees to crawl under the car,
trying to anticipate where the wheels
would go. I knew the axle was high
enough to pass over me because I was
small and skinny. My brother, who was
only six at the time, saw me and ran
frantically to the car and dragged me
away. Todah!

Backing an auto is five times more

dangerous than going forward. It is
usually a good practice to park so that
you will drive forward when you first
move your vehicle again.
Whenever you back into a parking
place with a car that has a manual
transmission, always take the car out
of reverse and put it in first gear
before you leave the car. Many people
who are used to an automatic transmission will turn the key before they
realize there is a clutch pedal. We
seldom get into a car and look backwards before turning the key. Also, it
seems that we are more aware of safe
driving considerations upon returning
from a trip than we are when first
starting out, because we are
thinking of all the things we
have to do and are not
fully engaged in
driving yet.

blessing us with in our children.

This month I received notice from
the judge that she has decided to
deny my request for a dismissal of the
charges against me and so the prosecution will proceed to bring the case
to trial. We are still awaiting word
about my request to the Court to have
the present prosecutor disqualified.
As of last week, the judge hadnt even
looked at this particular request which
I submitted four months ago.
Its so wonderful that we are not
facing our various trials alone, but as a
people. The examples of Dagmar and

Michel are so precious, arent they? Of

course, Chayims endurance is also a
source of much courage. The list could
continue and actually it is going to be
like a continuation of Hebrews 11. It
brings me grace to consider all that
the nucleus has endured and continues to endure through the years to
make our Masters life available for us
who follow. Ive really been blessed to
live here in Island Pond with the foundation stones from this area.
Thank you so much for all your
prayers! Our Abba is absolutely mindful of everything.

Bellows Falls
This month for us in Bellows
Falls has been extremely busy. We
have been sending most of our men
away during the week on jobs.
Whoever we have not sent out has
been working in the caf or gathering firewood for the farm. Its good
to be busy and give all we have. Our
caf is progressing all the construction is finished and the major
equipment is in place. We have
Elisheva from Hyannis and Bynah
here with us helping Chashavah,
Yachabed, Bekor, and Craig do some
paintings. Many people come in to

look and talk. The town is looking

forward to us opening.

Concerning Herbal
and Healing Advice
Here at the Basin Farm weve
grown, used, and researched many
medicinal herbs. Much knowledge
has been gathered from what weve
done, from other tribes, clans, and
the nations around us. There are
some proven remedies and many
things to be learned. There is one


remedy that we want to rely upon,

that is the wisdom and understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit.
From this faith we have learned that
the traditions that have been passed
down to us come first water,
exercise, sleep, flossing, etc.
We know that some physical
problems are of a spiritual nature
that require the discernment of our
brothers and sisters to help us.
Weve also learned that seeking
advice from clan to clan or tribe to
tribe is a governmental issue, and
one that is not done lightly. It
happens often that we get letters
and even phone calls from other
clans and tribes wanting information
or advice on herbs and methods of
healing. While we are more than
happy to help in any way we can,
we wonder sometimes whether the
government of that community
directs these communications.
Our Abba is very orderly. It
would seem that proper order would
be that one government would

communicate with another in these

matters. In this way the gifts could
be released to possibly help. There
are so many ways in the area of
herbal healing. We grope to know
our Abbas way.
Shalom, Heemin and Othniel

Last Minute News!

Kelly has had the second touch.
Her eyes are opened! She saw how
she needed to have her whole heart
devoted to our God and His ways.
She saw how her lack in this has
hurt the whole Body. She was
immersed this morning and received
the name Amidah, which means to
stand with our Master, upright and
in line. Her boldness has been
turned to receive salvation at the
hands of her brothers and sisters
and she is excited about the life she
has come into. Kelly died this
morning and Amidah and Cloe are
returning to Bridgeport with Roi and
Rachel for now. We are so thankful.


yellow. It was hard to breathe. We had

plenty of opportunities to practice
helping people get better. We had very
good results defeating bad headaches
with wet socks. It was amazing how well
it worked.
This situation went on for days. Then
a week and after this, people started to
get up, but still many kept struggling
with the reactions that pollen provoked
in their bodies. To top off our week of
fighting and strengthening our bodies
for future attacks, towards the end of
the week the machines came and men
started to cut pine trees down about 100
meters from our house! This was really
the final attack. With each tree that fell a
huge cloud of pollen spread all about.
The woods were in a fog of yellow dust
and the wind blew it all over, shaking the
trees and causing more pollen to fill the
Zeberio is an old village and its
population is really getting old. There
are no children except ours. In the
center of the village stands the huge
Catholic church. Beside it is the cemetery, and behind it
an old peoples
home. Very often
the bells of the
church building
ring, calling for
funerals. People are
used to this sound.
It causes you to
meditate and to
really thank our
Master for what He
has delivered us
from. It is not a
light thing to hear
those bells. They

rang many times during that pollen

You might wonder what we are
doing here. But for now this is the place
our Abba has provided for us and we are
thankful for it. Truly there are many
good reasons for us to stay here, and the
place is amazingly beautiful and close to
the big city of Bilbao. We are encouraged with the interesting people we are
meeting. As our Abba lays the foundation of this tribe, working in the lives of
the stem, He also opens peoples hearts
and leads us to servants and people for
whom we have hope.
Wet a pair of cotton socks, wring
them out, and put them on. They feel so
cold! Put on a pair of wool socks
covering the wet cotton socks. Now you
can lay in bed well covered and close
your eyes. It is very possible that soon
you will find yourself sleeping. Many of
us are very thankful for this simple way
our Abba has shown us to get rid of bad


will allow the holy people the time

necessary to build in Europe so that the
great light of Isaiah 49:6 can begin to
It has always been that when our
Father wants to build, the evil one rises
up to oppose. But I also know that in
order for the evil one to be able to unite
the governments of Europe, laws must
be enacted that will also work in our
favor for a time just long enough for
the light to shine. So, much of the
spiritual opposition that is leveled
against our Gods purpose right now in
Europe comes directly against two
people Michel and Dagmar. The
pressure to compromise is great. They
face the loss of their children, they face
separation from one another, their
friends, not to mention bearing the
shame of false accusations. So much
emotional and social pressure is aimed
directly at them, and they stand, and so
must our brothers in
Reuben. It seems to
be an extremely
time in our

It made me really thankful for

Michel and Dagmar and our brothers in
Europe and made me want to labor in
prayer on their behalf that there would
be angelic intervention in the governments there and that our people in
Europe would stand. It also encouraged
me to see that there must be this
angelic intervention and that the
outcome would be the formation of the
kingdom of the ten kings, and that our
brothers and sisters in Europe would
indeed prevail. But, certain individuals
may have to suffer greatly in order for
this to happen. This seems to be the
case and calling for Michel and Dagmar
at this time. It caused me to have great
appreciation and thanksgiving for the
two of them. I am honored to be
numbered among people such as Michel
and Dagmar. They are very precious to
our Father and their lives and continued faithfulness are critical to our
Fathers purpose. Let us please continue to lift them up to our Father.

A Hopeful Thought
These last winter months have seen
many of us spend time in our beds with
various illnesses as headaches, fevers,
nasal congestion, coughing, and
stomach aches. Some of us have gotten
better and then fallen prey to a similar
illness once again. Every time it
happened we got out our medicine
chest of vitamins, tinctures, teas, and
whatever else could aid our situation.
A couple of weeks ago at the time
of the height of one of our plagues, I
was asking myself why this was all
happening over and over again. Then I


read on a cover of a tea box this

message: Since the time of the ancients, the cold season has brought with
it the challenge of maintaining optimum
health. Despite many cures and
remedies, the effects of cold weather are
still with us. Before modern times,
herbalists combined herbs and spices
and made teas to keep families healthy.
The tea kettle became the family
medicine chest. The people would buy
these teas and drink them all through
the season, keeping their health. And
then in the event that one has gotten

ill, the herbalist would prescribe him the

proper herbs for free.
I was thinking how, by next cold
season, we should be drinking those
herbal teas all through the season as
part of our diet. I was thankful to hear
that the Basin Farm will be able to
supply us with these teas. May our
Father increase our wisdom in preventing illness among us and strengthening
our immune systems through the cold
weather so that He can have our lives
healthy and strong.
In His love,


Shalom from the Shenandoah Valley

to all our brothers and sisters around the
globe! We have been so thankful for our
wonderful Master Yahshua this month.
We are realizing that He is the One who
paved the way for us to be able to die and
produce the fruit of the kingdom (Mt
21:43; 13:8,22). We took to heart what
we read last month concerning the
structure of our nation and our desire is to
produce the 30, 60, and 100 times as
much fruit, thus proving to be His
disciples (Jn 15:8). We realize that apart
from Him we are hopeless. He is our
source our Abba. If we believe in our
heart that He was raised from the dead,

then the inevitable result will be that

rivers of living water will flow from our
innermost being (Jn 7:38-39; Rom 10:810; Eph 4:29). If we believe in Him then
we will speak to our brothers (2 Cor 4:1213) and there will be a book written about
us as in Malachi 3:16. This book will
describe the daily death that every disciple
gave himself to in order that his brothers
and sisters might have the abundant life
that was promised (Jn 10:10; 15:2,5,8).
We have seen here that we must be those
who speak to one another. If we neglect to
do this then there is one who will not
neglect. Our enemy, Satan, is on the
prowl, seeking, waiting, watching, hoping


vinegar for the community got a big fine for transporting the vinegar back home. The
reason is: We dont have the right to transport anything in our trucks and vans
because of a law that the Transport Union infamously succeeded to pass... That law
forbids any transport in private vans or trucks unless you have a permit. This is not
at all easy to get plus it makes it mandatory for us to pay Social Security Oppression. Should we get a caravan of mules and donkeys to carry the Common Ground
portable caf? Even that would be completely impossible on our roads! What can we
do apart from crying out to our Abba to deliver us? Yes, we have much to pray for in
this worn-out country. The socialistic government that was ruling Spain for so long
has left an awful, complicated web of laws that always end up obliging people to pay
Social Security, and forbidding so much that it is the hardest thing for a person to
make an honest living, or create enterprises, or just simply drive some boxes of
cookies and bread to sell in a day street market. All that ordinary young Spanish
people are encouraged to do is to study to apply for a well-paid, secure job with as
much leisure time as possible. This is the ruin of many, many people who actually
find themselves without initiative, jobless, and depressed..
Actually, there are some mountains here that we cant surmount in our human
strength. The socialists forbid homeschooling, although the Spanish Constitution
assures educational and religious freedom. And practically everything disciples do
to make a living in other countries is illegal here because of that Social Security
System, which tries to replace mans conscience.
From Ben Jesed: We can conclude, saying that we can all pray that the Social
Security, Transport, and Education laws in Spain would change according to our
Abbas sovereign Will. We have hope that these laws will change and that we, His
people, will be firmly established, able to develop to become all that He needs us to
become in order to fulfill the purpose that the tribe of Shimon shares with all the
other tribes of Israel.
From the Print shop:
We are sorry that the picture we drew for Februarys article about a headach remedy
didnt accurately represent the heart of our brothers in Shimone. We hope this
correction gets rid of any confusion.

Wet a pair of cotton socks, wring them out, and put them on. They
feel so cold! Put on a pair of wool socks covering the wet cotton socks.
Now you can lay in bed well covered and close your eyes. It is very
possible that soon you will find
yourself sleeping. Many of us are very
thankful for this simple way our Abba
has shown us to get rid of bad headaches.


came back really encouraged

because they met a lot of sheep,
as every year.... This caused us to
really have faith about Alsace, a
rich and populated region located
next to Germany.

fair is over but all the

summer festivals are on the
horizon. Reuben is in a full time
preparation to send brothers
and sisters along with bus, truck,
trailers, and our restaurant to
England. Hagga bought a trailer
that was set up as a stand to
sell clothes at the market. He
entrusted this trailer to the
Builders of Reuben, led by Gidon
and Ananias. They worked day
and night on that trailer to
transform it, within a month, into
the most practical fully equipped
kitchen.The restaurant crew will
just have to set up the building,
park the trailer under it, open the
side panels, and start to serve.
What a gain of time and energy!
To work with them, Lappidoth,
Deborah and their daughter
Chanukah came from Levi. They
came together with Neriyah and
Shuah who are going to spend a
short time in our midst.
We are thankful for the full and
abundant life of our Master.

This month we dedicated our
precious son to our Abba and to the
Body of Messiah. Since he was born
in a time when we as a tribe are
facing many oppositions and
persecutions from the government, we
named him after Nechemiah of old.
He was courageous and didnt lose
heart when the enemy came to oppose the
work on the wall. He was bold and
continued to encourage the people to build.
We also desire for him to treasure the
word he listens to, so that what we invest
in him will be like a treasure that will be
used at the proper time to lead the many
to righteousness (Dan 12:3).
In Proverbs 15:6 it also says, Much
treasure is in the house of the righteous.
In Hebrew Owtsr means treasure,
and Tsadok has to do with righteousness
and being righteous.
Our sons name is :
Nechemiah Owtsr T
We are very happy our Abba blessed us
with a beautiful son. Our desire is that he
grows upright and that he will be a
builder as he stands for our Master
and becomes a son of the commandments. We love you.
Jonathan Elazar and Tabitha



All natural substances, when refined

and purified synthetically, undergo a
basic change in character. Refined
sugar is an excellent example. Because refined sugar causes physiological changes in the body of a temporary pleasant nature (which mask
significant degenerative effects), it has
been relatively simple to push this
substance on an unsuspecting population. It is estimated that refined sugar
production is approximately 200 billion
pounds per year, with personal consumption often exceeding 100 pounds
per year. Consumption of processed
foods (which are laced with sugar)
cost the American public more than
$54 billion in dental bills each year.
In 1948, a $57,000 ten-year study was
awarded to Harvard University by the
Sugar Research Foundation to find
out how sugar causes cavities in teeth
and how to prevent it. In 1958, Time
magazine reported the findings, which
were reported in the Dental Association Journal. They discovered there
was no way to prevent the problem
and their funding immediately disappeared.
Physiological symptoms from overconsumption, according to the best
medical evidence available, produces
diabetes, obesity, and heart problems.
Coronary disease has been regarded
as a complication of diabetes. Both
coronary disease and diabetes have
a common cause the consumption

of white refined sugar and white refined flour.

Of all the foods processed by humans,
refined carbohydrates like sugar and
flour are altered the most. In order to
get five ounces of refined sugar, over
2.5 pounds of sugar beets are processed, removing 90 percent of the
fibrous material. The result is an
eight-fold concentration of sucrose.
Yes, sugar is made from natural ingredients (sugar cane or sugar beets);
but so is heroin.
The word carbohydrate is the security blanket for the sugar pushers, and
it is deliberately misleading. On packaged ingredient labels sugar (as a refined carbohydrate) is lumped in with
all the other carbohydrates in order to
hide the effective sugar content from
the buyer. In addition, chemists use
the word sugar to describe an entire
group of substances that are similar
but are not identical:

Glucose is a sugar found in fruits

and vegetables that is the key material in the metabolic processes
of all organic life forms. It is always present in the blood and is
often referred to as blood sugar.

Dextrose is derived synthetically

from starch.

Fructose is found in fruit.

Maltose is a sugar present within
malt and fermented products.



Lactose is a natural sugar found

in milk.

Sucrose is a refined synthetic

sugar made from sugar cane and
the sugar beet.
When plants containing sucrose are
refined, they are stripped of their life
force, vitamins and minerals. What
remains is a sterile, pure carbohydrate
that the human body cannot use.
When ingested, there is incomplete
metabolism, resulting in the formation
of toxic compounds, such as pyruvic
acid and sucrose structures containing five carbon atoms. The pyruvic
acid accumulates in the brain and
nervous system and the abnormal
sucrose structures accumulate in the
blood, interfering with the normal respiratory processes of the cell and depriving them of oxygen.
In order to even absorb this predigested carbohydrate, the body has to
deplete its store of vitamins and minerals (thiamine and B vitamins), creating an imbalance. Sugar is, in effect,
an antinutrientit increases the need
for nutrients in the body.
A shining example is a pre-sweetened
cereal with vitamins added to it. The
product is entirely self-defeating and
injurious to the body. Realizing this to
some degree, the Federal Trade Commission made sugar advertisers
cease their claims that sugar was an
energy builder and a nutrient. If
sugar consumption continues, a
gradual process of cell death occurs
that leads to a degenerative condition.

Since upwards of 70% of the human

diet is composed of refined carbohydrates (refined sugar, white flour, polished rice, macaroni, and most breakfast cereals), it is not hard to understand why the population is developing a host of degenerative diseases.
Colas, for example, contains substances that are known poisons. It
also causes degeneration of the teeth
and stomach lining.
In 1957, Professor E.V. McCollum
published A History of Nutrition. In order to write the work, he reviewed over
200,000 published scientific papers.
He found that between 1816 and
1940, there was not one controlled
experiment within the framework of
establishment science performed with
refined sugar to indicate the health
effects on human physiology.
Sugar taken every day in processed
foods produces a continuously
overacid condition, and more and
more minerals are required from deep
in the body in an attempt to rectify the
imbalance. Eventually, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth
that decay and a condition of generalized weakening manifests itself.
During the process of continuous
sugar consumption, excess sugar is
stored in the liver in the form of glucose until the capacity of the liver to
do so is reached. During this process,
the liver becomes somewhat enlarged, and excess glucose is returned
to the blood in the form of fatty acids,
which are stored in the inactive muscular areas of the body (everywhere


those helping her are finished;

they have to take turns to
assist her. Haggai and Yochanan
Abraham are like pillars planted
before the door, watching and
praying day and night. To come
out of this critical situation,
there is only one escape: she has
to put her enemies under her
feet by our Masters grace. Ben
Yada is a rock for Yael, immovable,
he encourages her.
And it is Yahshuas victory! Yael is
determined to bring this child to
birth whatever it costs, by the
help of our Father and her brothers and sisters assisting her
with love and devotion. She
listens to the encouragements,
trusting the voice of her husband. And on first day, the 24th,
before midnight a beautiful girl
comes to birth. It is the joy
announced in John 16:21-22 that
causes a mother, after she gave
birth, to forget all the sufferings.
Elazar, from Naftali, wrote in the
last ITN: Our Abba wants to
conquer our trust and bring us to
the point of being like little
children who dont have any trust
in themselves, but only in Him. To
not resist ... for it is exactly at
this time that the seed has to
die to produce fruit.
Reuben is so thankful for this
birth and its spiritual meaning,
for our tribe has been suffering
unceasing persecutions for two
years. This birth caused our unity,
our determination, and our faith

to increase. Dont resist the

sufferings. Trust. Dont be afraid.
Be like little children and stay
under the anointing. Deliverance,
surely our Father will bring to us.
Enemies from within and without.
Everything Reuben goes through
as a tribe is for the birth and
true, firm and everlasting establishment of its nucleus.
Yochanan Abraham and Mithcah
are so happy to be Sabba and
Savta. This is a reward and a
blessing they well deserve.
We continue to pray for ser-

vants. This year, they allowed us

again to participate in the fair of
Rouffach in Alsace, certainly our
best one. Despite all the campaign against us and the pressure upon them coming from
other sellers, the organizers are
totally for us. They listen to their
conscience, whhich gives witness
of the truth about our life. May
our Father bless them.
This fair gave the push we needed
to the revival of our Futon industry. But our brothers and sisters


righteous and supreme judge of

this country. Of course, this
letter has to go first through
many secretaries and counselors. But someone expressed
that as the stone thrown by
David killed Goliath, this letter will
be carried by the angels to reach
the goal: the very hands of the
president.... About this Dagmar
wrote later:
I remember the judgment of
Isaac. I want to be like him, weak,
vulnerable with the eyes fixed on
our Master, who is our Lawyer. I
dont think this world can deliver
us. To prove this, our Father may
let evil run its course and act
after. But I maintain hope that
He will soon show His might like
with David and Goliath... What He
does is good. I wait patiently.
May this letter, carried along by
the angels, touch the heart of
the people who will have it in their
hands. Please, pray for it !!
Michel and Dagmar see the judge
more often now and the inter-

views are longer. Before leaving

Dagmar, we expressed to her that
when the contractions get more
often and more intense, delivery is
about to come.
Sufferings for Michel and Dagmar,
waiting to be set free from everything that keeps them in prison...
Sufferings for Yael, wife of Ben
Yada, for the delivery of her
And our Father turned His eyes
towards her when she entered in
labor on the 20th of May. The
travail is slow and progressive...
the heart of the whole community
beats together with Ben Yadas.
Soon tears and sufferings take
the place of the first enthusiasm...
Dagmar wrote in her last letter, I
saw how to receive the sufferings
is also to cry and express my
heart to our Father, and tell Him
that it hurts...
Yael s labor continues on, step
after step, but there is no delivery. It is long, laborious ... then it
even stops. But isnt our Father
faithful? Shall I bring to the point
of birth and not give delivery ?
says Yahweh. Or shall I who gives
delivery shut the womb? says
your God (Isaiah 66:9).
Faith is right here, our faithful
Father will deliver the baby ... But
the labor has stopped, four days
already after the beginning of the
contractions. Now she lays
exhausted, and the situation gets
intense for the whole community;


that people gain weight: stomach, buttocks, breasts, thighs, etc). When these
areas have been filled to capacity, the
fatty acids are then sent to organs
(heart, kidneys, etc), which causes them
to begin a process of degeneration.
Abnormal blood pressure begins to occur, the brain functions are affected, the
structural quality of the cellular structures within the blood decline, an overabundance of white cells occurs, creation of new tissue declines, and the
immune system is affected.
One of the keys to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, and this compound is found in many vegetables.
When sugar is consumed, the bacteria in the intestines which manufacture B vitamin complexes begin to die
- these bacteria normally thrive in a
symbiotic relationship with the human
body. When the B vitamin complex
level declines, the glutamic acid (normally transformed into go no-go
directive neural enzymes by the B vitamins) is not processed and sleepiness occurs, as well as a decreased
ability for short term memory function
and numerical calculative abilities.
The removal of B vitamins when foods
are processed makes the situation
even more tenuous.
The activity of removing precious vitamins from food during processing,
making it nutritionally worthless and a
medical hazard, and then establishing a multi-billion dollar market on
supplementary vitamins in order to
further compound the already bulging
medical profits gained from people
eating the food, constitutes an inten-

tional criminal act. Processing one

hundred tons of brown rice, removing
all the nutrients, yields seventy tons
of white polished rice, it lessens the
quantity of real food and replaces it
with a lesser quantity of a substance
which is a physiological hazard.
Today, a person can eat three square
meals a day and be completely unaware they suffer from malnutrition
especially when it comes to getting
available B complex, E complex and
Calcium, as well as minerals and trace
minerals from store-bought food.
Theres also a number of other factors to consider:

According to a Federal government document published in

1936, all agricultural lands at that
time were devoid of most of the
40 basic minerals and trace minerals necessary for good health.
Depleted soils means depleted
plants and livestock.

Today theres widespread use of

pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers. Its
worse on much of the land that
grows our imported produce.

Food preservatives are added to

manufactured food items.

Water and air pollution.

Fewer raw foods being eaten.
Americans love a cooked meal.

Food being enriched with syn-


thetic, dead fractions of vitamins

and minerals.

Increasing number of harmful of the bleach residue in the flour can

substances being used such as
over-the-counter drugs, alcohol,
tobacco and fake vitamins.

Daily consumption of dead, devitalized food, refined (dead) carbohydrates and sugars (cakes, candies, soda, white flour, chips, etc.)
Raw milk is easily the best food source
for absorbable calcium. Unfortunately,
a person can drink pasteurized milk
till theyre blue in the face and gain no
calcium from it. Why? The phosphatase enzyme found in raw milk that
allows absorption of the calcium, is
destroyed by pasteurization. And without calcium, folks can be pretty
up-tight, restless or anxious.
Yet, its against the law to sell raw milk
in the state of Massachusetts (and
most other states as well.) The consumer doesnt even get a choice. The
milk lobby that has brought this situation about has based their claims on
bad science, fear tactics, and greed.
The truth is pasteurization is the
cheapest way to create long shelf life.
The dead food industry has designed
most of the food sold in grocery stores
today for shelf life, not nutrition. Take,
for example, wheat floursomething
that should be one of our best sources
of B complex vitamins. Most folks already know that bleached white flour
makes for poor health (consumption

even lead to diabetes), but how many

well-intended souls, who buy whole
wheat flour in the grocery store, realize that its even more unhealthy than
the white flour? (It has to be bleached
longer than the white flour to kill off
the organics in it to allow for long shelf
(Since most of the B-complex contained in whole wheat is gone in four
days from the time its milled, its important to know when the wheat is
milled, relative to its being used to
make the bread. If, for example, a
bakery does not even mill its whole
wheat on the premises, the bread sold
would not be expected to yield B complex.)
Whole grains are just about the only
food source of B complex. Since most
of the rice consumed in America is
polished (i.e. Minute Rice, etc.), the
portion of rice that contains B complex is not consumed.
So-called B complex supplements
sold in most health food stores are
synthetics. Since the body can tell
theyre synthetic, the body sends it to
the urine to be flushed outthat urine
becoming a bright yellow.
As for Vitamin E, one of the best
sources for Vitamin E is raw butter,
Its loaded with vitamin E. Unfortunately, it too is destroyed by the pasteurization process.


(from a Cape Cod newspaper)

This month was intense, full of

events of all kinds ... Reuben is in
effervescence like a volcano
before erupting, a beehive before
swarming.... The pressure from
the government upon our children
is still going on. The different
social workers in charge of the
investigation are rather hostile
and tense. We are standing firm
on the anointing, refusing to
compromise, especially when they
insist on questioning the children
without the presence of the
parents. Yet it is not our will, we
cannot avoid the conflict. We
trust our Abba, knowing that
those people are sent by the
ruler of this world. But we know
that they have eyes, ears, and a
heart... We hope they will be
sensitive to our Father. May He
use this case to expose the evil
of this world and save those who
are appointed for salvation.

On the 14th of May, Yonah,

Lebanah, and I saw Dagmar after
her last interview with the judge.
Her weakness let us see her
strength and made us think of
Paul (2 Cor 12:9-10). Her first
question was : What time do you
now come together? This moved
us so much, because we saw how
much she wants to breathe at the
same rhythm as her people. As her
brothers and sisters who want to
turn their hearts towards Mr.
Bidart, the judge of the children
who is the head of the investigation about us, Dagmar turned her
heart towards Mr. Pons, the judge
who has been, for now 14 months,
in charge of her and Michels case.
She doesnt see him as an enemy
We brought her the greatest
encouragement when we let her
know that our tribe wrote a letter
to Mr. Jacques Chirac, President
of France, exposing our situation
and appealing to him as the


(from Bellows Falls), Tvunah, Abigail bat

Oded, Tisumet bat Ayil, and John Isaac are
pouring their lives out from early to late
amidst new technical difficulties each day
(usually right at opening time). Yashuvam
& Keliyah (our abba and imma of the caf)
continue to bring peace through every
circumstance from refrigerators
breaking down, to no produce order there,
to plumbing fiascoes s o m e h o w oh! We
know how our faithful Abba is hovering
over this little needy clan of His treasured
ones loving their hearts loving their
loyalty, loving their dedication through all
the trials, and not forgetting just how
m u c h grace we really need to bring this
baby to birth. We are just as much in awe
of His abundant grace as the two elderly
ladies who upon their first visit could
barely sit down to order because of their
amazement over what they saw.
Who made this place anyway? a man
asked. The answer still 25 years later is, Why,
the same architect that Noah had! Our caf
holds about 25 people just perfect for our
community and town. We are thankful, so
thankful here in Bellows Falls, and our Abba
knows just what temperature it takes to refine
His children. So in the midst of our caf
opening, just down the hill the Basin Farm
needed every extra hand for spring
planting in go the echinacea, in go the
tomatoes off to the greenhouse, out to the
fields! Jump in the river and back to the fields!
Oh yes! Were also cleaning up the farm amidst
it all! There goes Lev Zorav again with more
JUNK for the BIG YARD SALE. All the
proceeds go to cleaning up the rest of the
farm, and thats a BIG JOB. (Thank you Lev
and crew!) We welcomed the lively Yakob
family from Boston to his very own bakery
(right next to his room!) and also Avraham &

Are You Drinking Your Vinnie?

The following is from an advertisement for a book about the
healthy properties of vinegar:
Research from centers around the world report what ancient healers
knew thousands of years ago that vinegar is the wonder elixir for a
healthier life.
Since ancient times a daily dose of apple cider vinegar has been taken to
control appetite and maintain well-being. Even Japans feared Samurai
warriors of years ago relied on a vinegar tonic for strength and power
a tonic you can make in your kitchen.
Today, countless reports and scientific studies praise the curative and
preventive powers of vinegar as part of our daily diet.
Vinegar is natures own drug-free anti-inflammatory. Scientific tests show
organic vinegar is a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals,
including beta-carotene over different components to fight what
ails you.
Sarah and family from Hyannis. (GOOD! More
weed pickers!)
And Basin Farm Products is getting a
boost as Cary is getting increasing orders as we
long to have a solid cottage industry on the
So you can see May has been a full
month for us here in Bellows Falls, and were
looking towards even fuller summer days. A
few Barey Mitzvah on the horizon, who are
being prepared for June we hope Ezra ben
Yonah, Tisumet bat Ayil, and Shalomiah bat
One last note: WE MISS AND LOVE YOU
SO, SO MUCH our precious brother, Zerah.
We know you are a strength to the little flock
there in England.
You all are always in our prayers. Much
love and thankfulness for the abundant life we


More than 70 different research studies have verified that beta-carotene

lowers the risk of getting cancer and it boosts the bodys immune
When fresh apples are allowed to ferment organically, the result is a
vinegar that contains natural sediment with pectin, trace minerals,
beneficial bacteria and enzymes. And pectin helps your body reduce
cholesterol levels to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The book includes home remedies using vinegar to improve your
metabolism, aid digestion, help lower cholesterol, relieve middle ear
problems, condition problem skin, fight age and liver spots, condition hair,
relieve nighttime leg cramps, soothe sprained muscles, fight osteoporosis
with calcium, and help relieve urinary problems, coughs, colds, heart and
circulatory problems, arthritis, and high blood pressure. It also suggests
making and bottling special vinegars to sell at gift shops.
It is wonderful that our Father has given us such a natural, simple,
and inexpensive way to care for our bodies and cooperate with His desire
to prolong our life!
P.S. Dont forget Channahs flu-prevention remedy: a tablespoon
of vinegar in a half cup of water, several times a day as soon as you begin
to sense stomach troubles coming.


The Nations health authorities are
facing a very complex problem on the
question of calcium in the American diet.
Evidence points to the fact that most of
us are severely deficient in calcium, a
condition that has a distinct relationship
to age.
There is mounting evidence that
calcium supplementation and the
drinking of milk are simply not producing
good results. The incidence of osteoporosis and other calcium deficiency
diseases continue to rise. It is no
wonder that the American consumer is
confused when even health experts arc
confused. This brochure will explain why
all the various forms of supplementation
do not, in fact, can not, work. Best of all,
it will provide you with a low cost,
effective way to make certain that you
are getting the calcium you need.
We are inclined to think of calcium
only in terms of bones and teeth, but it is
vital in many body functions such as
nerve response, muscle control, blood
coagulation, and regulation of heart
rhythm and blood pressure.
The blood must maintain a certain
calcium level to make certain that all of
these functions can progress normally. If
this level drops and if no usable calcium
is available from the diet, then the body
will borrow calcium from the bones.
Osteoporosis is one of the most
common and yet poorly understood of
the debilitating diseases and affects an
estimated 15 million Americans to some
degree. It is a condition in which calcium
is leeched from the bones. This loss of
density causes the bones to become
porous, brittle, and weak. It is estimated
that 25% of the women over 50 have a
degree of osteoporosis severe enough

to cause pain, loss of height, bone

deformity, and contribute to 5 million
spontaneous fractures each year. In the
declining health state of our nation,
recent studies are showing the condition
evident in women as young as 25 years
of age.
Why Dont Calcium
Supplements Work?
It is not difficult to get calcium into
the stomach, but it is very hard to get it
from there into the cells. Calcium
absorption requires a very specialized
process in the stomach and is dependent upon a delicate balance between
acid and alkaline. To be absorbed and
used, the calcium must be of a particular
type, a usable calciurn.
What Is Usable Calcium?
There are two kinds of calcium,
organic and inorganic. Organic rcfers to
that which exists in a living entity. The
calcium in vegetables is organic.
Inorganic calcium is derived from
minerals and is held together by what
chemists term ionic bonds. These are
extremely hard, strong bonds which the
body cannot break apart and therefore
this form of calcium is unusable.
Dolomite is of the ionic bond form of
calcium and simply cannot be used by
the body regardless of how desperately
the calcium is needed.
Because plants have the ability to
take hard, ionic minerals and change
them into a form that we can use, all
organic minerals come to us from the
plant kingdom. Plants can break apart
these hard minerals and rearrange their
bonding into something called covalent
bonds. These are gentle, loose bonds
that the body can combine as needed
and this is the reason we need fruits and


The month began with the wedding of Aman & Ruth. Words can hardly
do justice in describing it. The rain began to fall the night before and we
awoke to falling rain. Oh, would our Abba part the clouds? Yes! Faith resounded within us. It stopped raining but the clouds remained. Our Abba
knew exactly what we needed! It was such a wonderful day!
The most honorable aspect of this wedding was and still is the heart of
Amans imma and abba (who was not able to attend) for putting wonderful
qualities into Aman and bringing him to the point of being able to take on the
responsibility of having a wife. Aman wept as he honored his imma who
brought him to the Edah, sparing him from any further damage the world
would have done to his life and as he talked about his abba (who died when
Aman was young). Ruth brought her parents up and completely honored
them for bringing her to the place where she could be a suitable helpmate for
Aman. All the tribes need to know the honor due to Ornan and Ruhammah of
the tribe of Gad. Upon realizing they needed help with their daughter, they
gave her to Barak
and Naomi (my
abba and imma!)
and never once
mistrusted them in
raising their
daughter, giving
her the added
she needed. They
had taken her as
far as they could
and had done it so
well! But she just
needed a little
extra input from
the body.
This really put
in Ruth a deep
respect and
gratitude towards
her abba and

What You Are To Me

In the soil long ago was I sown
My foundation was the earth
My source was the waters
Without you life began, yet I pushed forth shoots
Without you my growth would be immature
You were so vital in our Fathers plan for me, I needed you.
Behold! One day heat from the sun touched me
Everlasting warmth is your possession
Like a plant bends to light, I responded to your affection.
Only by it will I increase.
I burst through the earth and strove for you
Who can bind the glory of the sun?
Its brilliance surpasses precious jewels.
No longer will lacking define me
Youre the accomplishment of His plan
Today creation will be fulfilled
My branches take hold of you
You are my friend, you are my completion.
To me you are Ruth Kalal,
I love you!

burning, and the Holy Spirit

went back to heaven. He didnt
hang out down here.
Now we are a part of the
restoration of all things. Love
would never overlook a
brother at the dish sink. Hear
the word of YHWH, you who
tremble at His word. Your
brothers who hate you, who
exclude you for my names
sake, have said, Let the Lord
be glorified that we may see
your joy. But they will be put
to shame (Isaiah 66:5). We
know that we were cast out
already. The Christians hated
and despised us. We were
hated because we hated the
things of the world and they
loved them. We didnt want to
watch the Superbowl or 2001:
A Space Odyssey. They went to
the movies. I stayed home and
Isaiah 66:5 says that
someone will see our joy. It is
wonderful that we are still
standing. I thought that when I
saw us dancing tonight. I
thought, This is the germ.
But we will not continue if we

dont keep the offering

burning all day and night. The
people at Sardis were passing
their brothers by at the dish
sink. We do it once and our
garment becomes stained. We
do it again and the stain
becomes worse. Eventually our
offering quits burning
altogether and He removes our
Love is encouraging a
brother and not passing him
by. If we walk in the light as
He is in the light then we can
judge ourselves right.
Yoceph: We need to have a
zeal for His house. Bees
definitely have a zeal for their
house. They keep it
immaculate. I placed a dirty
box on one of the hives. I did
not have time to clean it, but I
knew that they would. When I
returned sometime later that
box was immaculate. That is
what an Edah is like. That is
how we must be.
The word says that if we
are not zealous and diligent,
then we will be put to forced
labor (Proverbs 12:24).

vegetables in our diets. They supply us

with calcium as well as all other vital
minerals which the body needs for
maintenance and repair or just to add to
the storehouse of minerals called the
alkaline reserve. Surprisingly, fruits
and vegetables also supply us with
every complete protein that we need for
all bodily functions.
Why Cant We Use The Calcium In
Milk? Its Organicl
That is a very reasonable observation. The calcium in milk is altered in the
pasteurization process. The heating
process turns it into a hard, mineral
calcium more like the bonding in
dolomite and unlike the bonding in fresh
fruits and vegetables. This type of
calcium unfortunately gets into the
bloodstream and the body, not only can
not use it but also has the added chore
of neutralizing it in some way. Some of it
is stored along the inside of the blood
vessels where it contributes to the
formation of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
Another place to deposit some of
this unusable calcium in the joints where
it would show up as arthritis. It might
seem unreasonable that the body shows
calcium deposits on the outside of
bones as arthritis and at the same time
shows a loss of calcium from the interior
of the bones demonstrated as osteoporosis. The body is responding very
intelligently to the stimuli that it is
receiving. It recognizes that some
calcium is usable while another kind is
not and has to be put somewhere. Since
milk does not prevent osteoporosis, it
may contribute to it.
Does Protein Affect Calcium?
It certainly does. In fact, a diet high
in protein is a major cause of osteoporosis. The digestion of animal protein
leaves toxic substances in the body

which must be neutralized. This process

of neutralization requires minerals and
when the body has depleted its stored
reserve of these vital minerals, it is
forced to turn to the only other source ...
the bones. Protein, like milk, may
contribute to osteoporosis.
Do I Have To Give Up All Meat?
No, but you have to eat much less
than is generally recommended. In fact,
recent research has shown that any
amount of meat over 47 grams of
protein per day will result in osteoporosis. If your mineral reserve is already
low, you can not even handle 47 grams.
I Dont Understand Grams
Examples will probably help in
understanding about the quantity
6 oz sirloin = 54 g of protein
6 oz chicken = 40 g of protein
I c green beans = 2 g of protein
I c lima beans = 16 g of protein
I pc chocolate cake = 5 g of protein
I c grapefruit juice = I g of protein
I c whole milk = 9 g of protein
I sl bread = 3 g of protein
I biscuit = 3 g of protein
I egg = 6 g of protein
Americans eat too much protein
and as a result deplete their body of
calcium at an alarming rate. As the
amount of meat eaten increases, the
amount of calcium lost in the urine also
increases. The more meat you eat the
more calcium you lose.
So What Do I Eat?
Mostly fruits and vegetables. Be
sure to keep your meat consumption
well below a level that would exceed 15
total grams of protein per day. This is
the amount that many authorities
recommend as safe. Anything in excess
of this may result in osteoporosis
regardless of how many fruits and
vegetables you eat, or how many


supplements you take. While reducing

your protein intake, if you would like to
take a calcium supplement, making sure
that you and your family get an adequate amount, here is a recipe which
will provide the very best calcium
Carefully fill a wide mouth fruit jar
with clean, whole, uncracked eggs.
Cover the eggs with freshly squeezed,
strained lemon juice. Cover the jar lightly
and place in the refrigerator. Gently
agitate the jar a few times during the day
and, as soon as all the bubbling has
stopped, your lemon egg is ready.
Carefully, so as not to break them,
remove the eggs and use them as you
would any other eggs. The only difference is that they no longer have hard
shells. The egg shells have been
affected by the chemical action of the
citric acid in the lemon juice which
allowed the calcium to leave the shell
and combine with the lemon juice as
calcium citrate.
It should take no longer than forty
eight hours for all the action to be
completed. Just watch for all bubbling to
stop. If you leave the mixture longer
than 48 hours, it will tend to get thicker
and the eggs will begin to absorb more
of the lemon juice taste.
Place a tight lid on the jar and
shake the mixture well. Take a teaspoon
of the liquid daily. This will provide your
body with an excellent source of calcium
and, in addition, will improve your
energy level. There is a complex
biochemical process in the body called
the citric acid cycle in which many
different substances are acted upon with

the end result being energy. Some of the

citrate part of the lemon egg enters into
this process thereby improving your
This is a wonderful source of
calcium, and, because it is also very
powerful, be certain to take only one
teaspoon per day in the beginning. You
will be advised as to when you can
increase the amount.
Any dietary change should be
undertaken only under the supervision
of a doctor trained in nutrition.
Remember, we said that a living
calcium could not be heated. Your
lemon egg is living because neither the
eggs nor the lemons were ever subjected to heat above normal living
temperature. Thus, the calcium that
results is a gentle, organic form which
the body can readily use. You could take
this lemon egg solution and cook it ...
just bring it to a boil ... and it would be
worthless. The calcium would have
changed to a hard mineral.
Most of todays health remedies are
expensive. Here is an opportunity to go
a long way toward protecting the health
of your family and doing it very inexpensively.
In summary two of the things that
can be done to improve health are quite
simple. (1) Consume a type of calcium
that the body can use and (2) decrease
the protein consumption to save the
calcium in the bones.
The old expression is If life gives
you lemons, make lemonade. Better
yet, make lemon egg.
Copyright 1987


Love Calls for Completed Deeds

dwell in us? (1 John 3:17). We
also fail if we are at the dish
sink all alone and we become
indignant because no one is
helping us. We are to keep the
burnt offering burning all day
and night.
What would the place
where God lived look like?
Would the dishes be piled up?
Love dictates that we would
leave no good work
incomplete. The early Edah
fell away. It began by having
incomplete deeds, by passing
by brothers at the dish sink.
Their offering stopped

We dont always
understand what love is, but 1
John 3:16 tells us. The
offering burns all day and all
night if there are no
incomplete deeds. There
should be none. If tables are
left dirty all night, that is an
incomplete deed. Someone
saw the table and passed it by.
That is what stains our
garments. If we see a brother
at the dish sink working alone
on an overwhelming pile of
dishes and we just pass him by,
not giving him what he needs,
how does the love of God

Power Packed Humus
(total live food)
Have on hand:
5 cups tahini (raw)
2 1/2 cups lemon juice
5 cups olive oil
1 whole garlic bulb
1/3 cup celtic salt
1 1/2 cups parsley
Sprout 2 gallons of chick peas. Soak chick peas in water (non-chlorinated) for 24 hours. Divide into 4 one gallon containers. Rinse chick peas
every 12 hours and keep in warm place, out of direct sunlight, for three days
and sprouts are ready. Use immediately or refrigerate.
Use Champion juicer to make a paste out of chick pea sprouts (with the
same attachments you use for banana smoothies). Yields approx. 22 cups
garbonzo paste. Set aside.
Chop garlic in small pieces.
In a blender put enough olive oil to cover blades. Add half of chopped
garlic pieces and puree. Once the garlic is pureed, add 1 cup of olive oil and
blend for a little while. Add half of the salt to the blender mixture. Pour this
mixture over garbonzo paste and mix.
Blend the rest of the olive oil and the lemon juice and pour over paste.
Mix thoroughly.
Pour 5 cups of tahini over the paste and mix thoroughly.
Add parsley to mixture; add salt to taste, and finish mixing.
Set in refrigerator for at least an hour; overnight is better - the flavor of
the garlic and lemon will intensify during the setting time.
Serve with pita bread cut in wedges, on toast, as a spread, or as a dip.


We are very hopeful about this
wonderful man and also another
man, named Jeff. He is an old friend
of Jennifer, also from R.I. We went
to take him home after a visit here.
When we got to his home he
decided to turn around and come
back to stay. He is counting the
cost. He is very familiar with working in restaurants. I asked him, Are
you willing to cut vegetables the rest
of your life? He said with a smile,
Sure! I love cutting vegetables!
Hopefully next month we can tell
you more about these men.
We are so excited for the
encouragement that is flooding our
community! Our God has strengthened our hearts in many ways as
you can see but ... theres more! He
has returned Yael Ahavah to us!!
AND Aysh!! They are both very
happy to be back. Do you remember Chayah? She was immersed last
year and then sent to Maine to help
in the caf. Well, then she was sent
from there to the caf in Boston,
and then ... well, shes not coming
back. She is waiting tables every day
in Boston, pouring out her life with
gratitude that is noteworthy. Her
love for our Master is obvious. Also,
just in case you havent heard, her
abba, Greg, was immersed several
weeks ago. He is living in Boston
with her. We are especially thankful
for the good fruit that is coming
through our cafs. We look forward
to the other precious lost ones that
are still ensnared in the world.
We send you all our love from

Hyannis. A special hello to Tsiy Tsah!

We miss you! Warm greetings also
to all our brothers and sisters that
were part of the big SWARM!
In the affectionate love of our
Elishevah of Israel
and everyone in Hyannis
Because of some reading and
a recent womens meeting in
Yehudah, I wanted to pass on
some encouragement about food.
I recently read that Menopause
is a concept far more prevalent
in Western Europe and North
America than with the rest of the
world. In Japan there is no term
for hot flash, because most
Japanese women never experience
a deregulation of their temperature mechanism. The reason may
be partly genetic but it probably
has a lot to do with diet. The
heavy emphasis on estrogenic soy
products such as tempeh, tofu,
and miso in this culture serves
as a natural form of hormone
Similarly, in some parts of
Mexico, India and Africa, there
is not the expectation that an
older woman might experience a
distressing stage of life. Very
few women over the age of fifty
who eat a traditional Japanese
diet ever develop heart disease or
breast cancer. One of the staples
of this diet is soy. The foods
made from this bean are tofu,
tempeh, miso, and soy protein
In the same book it talked


about the soluble fiber that is in beans that reduces cholesterol

which leads to heart disease. Beans are very good for us!
Some years ago Seth read T
he Book of Tofu. He began following
many of the recipes and soon we were using a lot of soy products
like soy beans and soy flour. We started to make sweet soy cream
and soy mayonnaise. Then we started using tofu, which made these
products easier to make and less fattening. (Tofu needs less oil in
its recipes.) Since then many times we have gotten sidetracked and
have started using milk products like sour cream, whipped cream,
etc. According to what I have been recently reading, soy products
and other beans are very good for us. You can even get some calcium from tofu that is solidified with a calcium compound. There is
always the subject of intestinal gas that tries to hinder us from
eating what is good for us. But much of our diet, including raw
vegetables and fruits, cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage family of
cabbage, broccoli, greens, and cauliflower), raw onions, etc., will
also tend to cause intestinal gas. So we should learn to accept this,
but find ways to alleviate it. Here are some guidelines that you may
have forgotten.
1. Soak your beans and soy grits for 24 hrs.
2. Cook them on low heat all day. Whole soybeans take ten hrs.
3. Dont overeat, this causes gas.
4. Drink your water.
5. Chew your food. Dont wolf it down.
6. Tofu can cause gas when the soy milk was not cooked enough or at
all before solidifying the tofu. I boil the tofu for twenty minutes to
help this. Then I cool it before I make soy mayonnaise or whatever I
am making.
7. Rinse your tofu daily. It is a bean product and bacteria will begin
working in your tofu, causing whatever you make with it to produce
intestinal gas.
2 cakes or 1 lb. tofu
one cake tofu or 1/2 lb. tofu
2 T fresh lemon juice
3/4 t salt
1/2 C oil
2-3T vinegar
1/2 C honey
1T honey
1 T vanilla
1 t prepared mustard
a skimping 1/2 t salt
1/4 C to 1/2 C oil
P.S. More recipes on beans and tofu will be coming in future ITNs.
Love, Ma aminah


but our Masters eyes are on what we held

I want to give all my trust to our Master
and give Him everything so he can trust me
and I can be close to Him. I know this
teaching really spoke to us, including our
Bnot Mitzvah. Our three precious girls;
Mercy bat John Imperial, Chayil bat
LoNekar, and Keturah bat Deshe all made
confident powerful confessions about how
they wanted to give their parents and our
Master everything. They proved the saying
true that good things come to those who
wait. We all waited for a long time for their
hearts to be made ready and at the right time

our Abba harvested three pieces of luscious

Also, we were not able to tell you in the
last ITN that two others were blessed by
waiting on our faithful Abba: Yatsaq
Challamish and Abigail Yaqarah. We all
enjoyed their wedding day at the end of
September. Abigail was so calm and
confident, all of her enemies were obviously
a footstool for her King, who was full of
vibrant passion and steadfast love. We were
so thankful for how they expressed our
Masters great love to the many guests we
had. It was exciting to see so many friends
weve met through the caf.

The Humble Cabbage

Our Father showed us long ago
about apple cider vinegar and this has
saved us many troubles with our health
over the years. Many of the older people
in the community know already about
the great health benefits of cabbage, but
it is something that needs to go into the
whole Edah, so we will not be unnecessarily ill. Our Father gave us an amazing
cure in such an unexpected place. True to
His Character as this is, we often find the
greatest of wisdom in the humblest of
Here are some interesting quotes
from a famous French herbalist (Jean
Valnet) who wrote many years ago about
the wonders of the cabbage plant :
Hippocrates, the father of modern
medicine said, There are illnesses that
can only be treated by nutrition. He also
said that one should not hesitate to
borrow from folklore that which can be
useful in medicine.
We know now, with sound proof,
that the folklore of cabbage has stood

the test of time and scientific experimentation.

A native of Europe and cultivated for
thousands of years, cabbage has been of
vital importance to mans health. We
have not discovered exactly why the
cabbage leaf has its remarkable healing
properties. We can only state that the
cabbage has a particular affinity for
disease-causing fluids, forcing them from
the tissues. It even seems that the
treating small areas of extensive disease
benefits the whole, as distant toxins are
drawn from the body by the cabbage.
Once toxins are removed the cabbage
promotes healing and scar tissue, thus
preventing complications.
A short history of cabbage
One wonders how the exceptional
remedy could have been banished to
twentieth century obscurity . Cato the
Elder declared that thanks to cabbage
ancient Romans existed without physicians for six centuries.
Perhaps cabbage seems too humble
to be of therapeutic value. One famous


problems. The doctor felt that Tisha

could possibly find help with us since
she knew we treated health problems as
naturally as possible. She also thought
that Tisha may find interest in our way of
life. When Tisha heard a little of what
we believe from this women doctor she
decided to get her husband and come
right away that night to visit us. They are
Christians from a place called
Springwood in the Blue Mountains. And
of course, there was still Christine and
Tara, Jenny and Letetia (her daughter),
and Brendon, a young man who had
been staying with us for several weeks
that night as well. Wooooothe air was
buzzing and alive that night. Our new
friends heard many wonderful, penetrating words that Shabbat from our Father.
Also that weekend we were off to
our little township of Picton to represent
our Master with our portable caf at a
two day Music Festival. This was the
first of its kind in Picton. We had hope of
meeting many local people and being
able to speak first hand with them. It
was surprising I think to all of us how
many people actually did turn out for this
Music Festival in Picton. We had soooo
many good conversations with people,
who were full of questions and it was a
perfect atmosphere to speak with them
in detail and serve them hospitably. We
were extremely encouraged by the end
of the festival with how our Father had
engineered the whole situation for His
sake and we are certain that our
reputation with the local people had
increased a 100 fold. People couldnt
stop complimenting us on our wonderful
food, atmosphere and presentation. We
have surely gained many more friends
from this local event.
The next morning during the
minchah we heard the long awaited cry
of a man who was ready to surrender his

life to our Master. Brendon wanted to

die and lay his hands upon the sacrifice
of our Master Yahshua through baptism.
With much joy we took him down to the
creek and washed away the old man,
bringing up a new baby. Our lost coin
celebration was filled with prophecy and
On Monday Tisha returned with
her 3 year old daughter and 10 month
old son, ready to stay for a week to hear
the true gospel for the first time. Tisha
responded gratefully to the love and the
care she received and found that this
was indeed the place where true help
was for her in every way. And what was
even more wonderful for Tisha and all of
our guests was to witness the baptism of
Steven (now Netzer) who clearly
renounced his Christian background and
was brought into the reality of our
Master Yahshua. The burden of his guilt
weighed heavily on Steven over the last
few days and he arose from the water a
very thankful and enthusiastic priest to
serve our Master.
It was only a few days later that
the first pangs of labour began for Ishah
Hadashah (wife of Yotham.) She
laboured hard and with much determination to bring forth this much desired
child. Yotham and Hadashah are
delighted, elated and extremely pleased
with their little son whom theyve been
entrusted with. We are so thankful for
how our Abba is faithful to bring forth life.
You will be hearing more about him in
the next month concerning his precious
So much life! A few days later
Michael arrived from Bellingen followed
over the next week by Christine and Tara
(also Jenny and her daughter, all of
whom had gone back to Bellingen to
gather their belongings and to tie up
loose ends.) Fitting them all in on the


ha~Qanai said to me while there: The

candles arent on display, we are! So under
that tree many seeds of hope were planted,
and we have vision that this area one day will
bear much fruit.
The day after the festival Michael
arranged a gathering at his home for anyone
who wanted to come and ask us questions.
Approximately 15 people came and throughout the afternoon and evening there was a
hub of conversation around the room. It was
very encouraging to have attentive ears. One
woman Jenny and her daughter came that
evening and returned to Peppercorn Creek
farm with us 2 days later. We have faith that
she is our sister. So already the fruit is falling
from the tree and we are ready to gather the

Meanwhile, back at home on the

Remember Nigel, the South

African man who has visited us before

on a number of occasions? This time,
on the Sabbath, he came with his wife
and three children, and some of his
friends from a Christian group. This
group was referred, by their ex-AOG
church members, as fringe-dwellers.
They all stayed the night and then some
of the men (there were 6 in all) stayed
and worked with us the next day. Two of
the men, a sensitive young man named
Steven and a young Australian born New
Zealand Maori named Remi, decided to
move in to hear more of the Good News.
That week was very exciting as those
returning from Bellingen brought home
Christine and Tara (Michael and
Christines 13 year old daughter), and
their three sons (from Christines former
marriage.) Jenny and her daughter
(friends of Michael and Christines from
Belligen) had also come with the hope of
finding a new life. Christine, Jenny,
Steven and Remi eagerly soaked up
everything they heard and were drawn
closer and closer to our Masters life.
The following Friday we were
totally inundated by guests who came for
our Shabbat Celebration. There was a
great need, therefore, for all of us to be
totally active in our spirits, to be hospitable, friendly and to communicate our
Fathers heart. Nigel and his friends
came once again, as did Neil our faithful
visitor (still wondering why he continues
to study at Bible College), and Shannon,
a local Christian woman with a broken
marriage, who came to see more of our
life. Then there was Tisha and her
husband Matthew and their two little
children from the Blue Mountains.
Through the suggestion of a women we
know who is a homeopathic doctor,
Tisha rung us up that Friday seeking
help with her 10 month old son who has
food allergies which cause him digestive


doctor, who devoted many years to the

study of cabbage reported that to be
rare, to come from a distant land, to bear
an exotic name, to have commercial value,
are what give a medicine a price in the
marketplace, the cabbage leaf lacks all of
these things.
It is easy to discover in literature
considerable evidence of the action of
cabbage as medicine, recognized since
the dawn of time. Hippocrates, Pliny,
Cato the Elder described the uses of
cabbage at length. Hippocrates recommended the eating of cabbage, wellcooked with a little salt, to those who
suffered heart and bowel disease. The
physician Cato the Elder, treated himself
and his family with cabbage, advising its
application on skin disease, wounds, and
as a remedy for arthritis. For six hundred
years, Romans used cabbage externally
and internally for various illnesses,
employing its benefits as a purgative,
disinfectant, and poultice : Roman
soldiers applied cabbage to their wounds,
and all considered it very effective. Later
in history the physician to the Great
Emperor Maximilian II and Rudolph
wrote in 1557, The juice of the cabbage
softens the belly, ends constipation,
cleans and cures old ulcers. Cabbage
juice mixed with honey makes a syrup
that heals hoarseness and coughing. The
leaves, cooked and applied to chronic
ulcers, modify and heal them, and aid
the resolution of tumors and wounds.
Other in history have written about
its wonders in drying, either by the juice
on the wounds or ulcers or by application
of the whole leaves. Red cabbage is
indicated for pleurisy, while a thick
emulsion of cabbage aids asthma. The
brine of pickled cabbage is good therapy
for burns, and cabbage seed banishes
intestinal worms. It is also recommended
as one of the best safeguards to preserve

sailors from scurvy. In an excellent

botanic dictionary published in 1802 it
describes a poultice made by mixing
white cabbage and an absorbent clay
with water, cooking until the cabbage is
reduced to a paste, then apply warm,
prepared with white cabbage leaves as a
folk remedy for pleurisy and rheumatism.
Boiled in wine, the leaves aid skin
disease. A brew of cabbage seeds has
been used successfully to treat intestinal
parasites of children.
Cabbage has been treated with
contempt by physicians, declared the
famous Doctor Rogues in 1832, yet it is
one of the best know antiscorbutics. With
a crew of 118 men Captain Cook sailed
in all climates on a three year voyage
without losing a singe man to scurvy.
In the treatment of leg ulcers,
eczema, and chronic or infected wounds,
the application of cabbage leaves
sometimes causes a temporary flare-up of
the infection and increased pain,
evidence of the action on the tissues by
the therapy. When this happens, treatment for the next few days should be
applied for an hour or two, separated by
intervals of six to twelve hours.
Sometimes the treated area becomes
acutely inflamed during therapy, and the
application of cabbage leaves should be
stopped, replaced by the use of virgin
olive oil or sweet almond oil. Once the
local irritation has subsided cabbage leaf
therapy can be resumed, using treatment
periods of shorter duration.
Episodes of irritation during cabbage
leaf therapy are not surprising and
should in no case prejudice the method.
In fact, while we know of many serious
side-effects caused by aggressive
chemical medicines, the occasional
difficulty following natural therapy is
uncommon and mild.
Furthermore, we must wonder about


the possibility that chemical fertilizers

improperly added to the soil may be the
cause of occasional side effects attributed
to cabbage therapy. Thus for greater
safety and enhanced therapeutics
effectiveness, we select fully mature and
well-colored leaves of green or red
cabbage, freshly harvested when
The preparation cabbage leaves is of
unequalled simplicity. Wash the leaves
under running water or perhaps soak
them for a few moments in water to
which lemon juice has been added. Wipe
dry, then use a knife to remove the
central rib and if the application is
planned for an ulcer or sensitive wound,
the secondary ribs also. Crush the leaves,
one by one with a rolling pin. The juice
appears on the surface of the leaves,
ready for application. One, two, or three
applications will be required according to
the severity of the disease. Cover with a
thick cloth and continue the application
for several hours, generally overnight or
during the day if pain persists.
In winter warm compresses may be
applied by warming the leaves with a
source of heat, for example, the cover of
a warm cooking pot.
For a sensitive wound plunge the
leaves for one or two seconds into boiling
water, softening them and reducing the
possibility of irritation.
If cabbage leaves are to be applied
to ulcers with irritated margins, soak the
leaves for an half hour in olive oil. The
resulting preparations will sooth inflamed tissue as well as combating
infection and aiding healing.
Cabbage leaves applied to infected
wounds, ulcers, or oozing eczema should
be layered like roof shingles, allowing
secretions to drain between the leaves.
Following use, cabbage leaves, although
sometimes dry, are often covered

noticeably with fluid demonstrating the

absorption of the toxic products.
When treating joint pain a poultice
should be prepared as follows :
Boil for 20 minutes 2 to 4 cabbage
leaves and two whole chopped onions
with 3 handfuls of bran and a little water.
After evaporation of the water, place the
poultice on gauze and apply hot for one
or two hours, or even for the whole
night. The mixture, although it may seem
old fashioned, is usually highly effective.
Besides external action, cabbage has
long been ingested as salad or juice for
its nutritive and healing properties. Its
indications are many and throughout
history cabbage has been employed in
the treatment of a wide variety of
maladies including pulmonary disease,
gastric disorders, intestinal diseases
including parasites and ulcers. It has also
been reported to correct anemia because
of the high levels of iron, manganese,
and copper found in cabbage.
The antibiotic property of cabbage
has also been demonstrated in studies.
There is also a compound in cabbage
which raises blood sugar, followed by a
lowering of blood sugar levels. Assuming
the truth of this premise, cabbage may be
useful in the management of diabetes.
The National Institute of Hygiene in
France lists the following ingredients in
100 grams of cabbage :
3 grams
0.3 grams
6 grams
50 mg
50 mg
1 mg
Vit C
80 mg
Vit B1
0.15 mg
Vit B2
.12 mg
Vit B3
0.6 mg
Vit A
2183 IU


Its definitely Spring here on

Peppercorn Creek Farm. New life is
springing forth all around us in more
ways than one!
Last month, you may remember
we met a man named Michael at one of
the markets where we were selling our
candles. He was selling his wifes
pottery and his crafts there. After having
talked with some of us (and reading one
of our freepapers) Michael was so
moved by what he heard, that he
decided he must come back home with
our brothers to visit the community and
see it all for himself. Then having visited
us and hearing our Fathers Word in the
minchot, felt that he needed to go home
at once. He was very eager to tell his
wife and friends of the hope he had
found in a people living together in
UNITY! This was something he had
always had in his heart for many years,
but never envisioned that it could come
Well, it just so happened that
early this last month we had already
planned on going to a festival in
Bellingen with our candles. Bellingen is
8 hours up the coast (north) from
Sydney, and just 10 minutes from where
Michaels organic goat farm is. So we
took the opportunity to stay with Michael
and his wife Christine and to meet some
of their friends.
Bakhirah will tell you some more
about this adventure

Chen, ha~Qanai & I had the

wonderful opportunity to go to the Bellingen
Global Carnival to sell candles at the
beginning of this month. Our Father arranged
perfect circumstances with meeting Michael
two weeks earlier. So we were able to go up
and reach out to more people, and water the
seed planted in the heart of Michael and his
wife Christine. Before and after the festival
we stayed with them and during it we camped
on the festival site. Our little woven candle
stall was perfectly placed under a giant
camphor laurel tree. It provided the shade
needed to protect our candles from the
blazing sun.
Chen commented that this was one of
the best evangelistic events hes been
involved in. Continually throughout the 3
days we met many new people and rekindled
many old contacts. People from this
alternative area really wanted to hear what we
had to say; they wanted to know why our
community works. Many people are worn out
with trying to make community work, and see
their multiple occupancy communities (called
MOs over here) as merely suburbia in the
bush. People are groping to find true life and
true community. Most are weary of religion,
but they were willing to hear about Yahshua
because they wanted to know how we were
able to live as one. We could really speak
with authority about our Masters sacrifice
because we had the fruit to prove whats true.
Michael and Christine are very well
known in Bellingen and had told many people
of their plans to join us already. Many of
these people could be seen watching us from
a distance. Later on, they approached us to
ask questions and find out who we were. As


The Iron and Clay

We came out of it the
world, the iron and clay
kingdom. Now the world has
to be taken out of us, and the
love of the world with it.
Through the fiery circumstances, these things are
being removed brittle areas
(clay), and those that melt
(iron). Holding onto the word
at the minchot, is the only
source that endures the
fireHis Word! As we walk
in His word, the fire does
away with the weak areas of
our lives; these things that
are undependable in time of
trouble to rely uponiron
and clay will not keep our
relationships together.Our
fellowship is in the
light1John 1:6-9, 1 Peter
1:19. Our Master, His Word
is causing us to stand! All
that remains of the former
kingdom in us must be done
away with (undependable,
unstable cannot build this
kingdom). BUT the Word of
Hashem endures forever
Gad of the tribe of Gad

To all our brothers and sisters

in Yahshua,
We were very honored to be
able to dedicate our daughter this
month. We wanted to tell you a
little bit of who our Father created
her to be. Her name is Amidah
Nagah. The root word for Amidah
is Amad which means to stand, to
be upright, to endure, to persevere, to be steadfast. It was on
our hearts that she would be able
to endure the suffering that it
takes to stand against her enemies and guard her priesthood.
Like the Levites in Ex: 32,27,
Nagah means to be clean, acquitted, purged, blameless. By her
taking a stand, she will be found
blameless when Yahshua returns. Our desire is for her to be
an example of one who keeps
herself clean and who helps her
brothers and sisters stay clean.
We need to be those who will
stand in the gate and guard the
purity of our priesthood. Psalm
24: 3-6, Psalm 15. We are thankful that we can dedicate her in the
body of Messiah.
In Yahshua,
Daveq and Huldah
TO Chayim, We have hope
that our daughter will stand
because of the example you are
for her. Keep praying and dont
loose heart. We love you.
Great News! MSusah, wife of
Ish, is pregnant!


The healing properties of cabbage

juice in the treatment of ulcers seems
due to the mucilages: sulfur, potash
salts, etc. The vitamin content is weakened with age, and some are destroyed
by cooking, so freshly prepared raw
cabbage juice is the best treatment.
Cabbage is healthful for the stomach
and intestines whether it is juiced, raw,
or steamed, and is well digested. This
observation has been confirmed many
times on both well and ailing individuals,
who are astonished to tolerate it so
easily. It is cooking with water, as done
in many households, that deprives
cabbage of vital elements, destroys its
nutritive balance, and sometimes
make it indigestible.
Even sauerkraut is digestible when
prepared naturally. Its fermentation aids
digestion of cellulose and fats and makes
it easily tolerated by the intestinal tract.
Lactic acid produced during fermentation
disinfects the intestinal tract, and is
preserved by not washing the sauerkraut.
Loaded with vitamins and other
nutrients, cabbage combats nutritional
deficiencies, boosts energy, stabilizes
chemical reaction within the cells and is
one of the most beneficial foods available
to mankind.
Cabbages high levels of sulfur,
arsenic, calcium, phosphorus, copper,
and iodine can explain its appetite
stimulating and tissue building properties .
By its vitamin A content, cabbage
maintains tissue nutrition and rejuvenation.
The vitamin B3 content makes it
important in preserving nerve function in
the absorption of oxygen by body cells,
and in the metabolism of carbohydrates ;
Thanks to its vitamin B2 content it
participates in cellular chemical reactions;

The sulfur content of cabbage

combats infection in the respiratory tract,
as well as protecting the skin against
eczema and seborrhea.
Magnesium, potassium and
calcium defend the body against illness,
including cancer.
The chlorophyll in cabbage boosts
hemoglobin levels and prevents anemia,
although cooking destroys this valuable
Cabbage contains iron and copper,
building blood cells and enhancing the
bodys use of calcium.
Protein and carbohydrates in
cabbage build strong tissue and provide
high energy calories.
No chemical laboratory yet has
been able to synthesize a single
cabbage, nor a remedy with its virtues.
The cabbage is of infinite value for
pregnant women and for those with
anemia, or intestinal parasites. But it is
important that to preserve its maximum
potency that cabbage be as close to
nature as possible. Any change, no
matter how trivial it may seem, can only
cause some lost of potency or disruption
in its natural balance, destroying some of
its powers.
The best method of consuming
cabbage is as a raw hors doeuvre, taken
at the beginning of the meal, laced with
natural oil, sea salt, lemon or vinegar,
parsley or even garlic. Freshly prepared
cabbage juice is also recommended, one
glass daily promotes good health,
increases vitality, and combats intestinal
urinary or respiratory disorders. If
cabbage juice does not sound tasty, add
some carrot juice and a few drops of
lemon juice to improve flavor.
For abscess, boils : Apply cabbage
leaves, washed and prepared as described above, 2 or 3 layers thick.


Maintain the dressing in place for 2 to 4

hours or perhaps all night. If there is
complaint of severe heat replace the
application with new leaves. Continue
treatment until all inflammation disappears. Cabbage juice or steamed cabbage
may be taken internally.
For Anemia : Take 1 or 2 glasses of
cabbage juice daily.
Sore Throat : Use cabbage juice with
honey as a gargle and for ingestion.
Acne : Apply a lotion of freshly
prepared cabbage juice, preceded, by the
application of leaves. The ingestion of
cabbage juice is also helpful.
Asthma, bronchitis : 2 to 3 thicknesses of cabbage leaves are applied to
the chest, throat, lunges or shoulder
blades, according to the location of the
symptoms. Leave on for 4 hours or
preferably all night. It also helps to take
a broth prepared by cooking. 60 grams of
cabbage for one hour in a pint of water
with 70 grams of honey, a remedy
especially useful in treating chronic
Colds : The following is a first-rate
remedy for the common cold :
Red Cabbage juice
Boil to the thickness of syrup. Take
one tablespoonful in tea 3 or 4 times
Eczema : Begin treatment with one
hour applications of cabbage leaves,
lubricated with olive oil if the skin is
excessively dry. Repeated application is
indicated if no side effects occur.
Although cabbage is a first-rate eczema
remedy, not all patients will respond
identically. Application of cabbage leaves
should be supplemented by the oral
ingestion of raw or steamed cabbage,
plus cabbage juice.
Sinusitis : Apply 3 thicknesses of
cabbage leaves over the frontal or

maxillary sinuses, leave in place for a few

hours and overnight. Each morning and
evening, instill one-half teaspoonful of
fresh cabbage juice in each nostril.
Worms : A classical treatment for
intestinal parasites is as follows : Take
one-half glass of juice 3 mornings in a
row, beginning during the waning phase
of the moon (when worms release their
eggs). Twenty grams is the child dose.
Therapy should be repeated monthly for
at least 3 months. Cabbage seed broth is
useful in certain individuals, and
symptomatic relief may follow nocturnal
application of cabbage leaves.
All these interesting facts are taken a
direct quotes from this French herbalists
book on folk remedies. Yoneq feels that
there is much merit in the things this
man is sharing. But it is certainly not
something new. Just ask any of the older
people in the Edah and they will be able
to advise you about the use of such
remedies in the olden days. There are
just a couple of recipes included, but a
little research in your tribe will certainly
add to this.
This brings us to the point of this
article. We desperately need to compile a
booklet which makes this kind of folk
wisdom available to our people. Many
people know many things about such
long-standing remedies. We want to
begin gathering these well-tested, timeproven remedies. In each tribe there
should be someone covering this type of
wisdom and if those people can begin
gathering their information and getting it
typed into a format that can be sent to
Parchment Press. Then Savav will gather
the things together and eventually we
will publish the booklet. Please help us in
gathering these remedies along with the
recipes of how to use the remedies.
Shalom from ha-meq


the Twelve Tribes. Suddenly,

Geoff turned to Naphtali and
asked, Naphtali, what is the most
important thing to you? Naphtali
then did something quite amazing
to me. Instead of responding the
way I expected he would (as I
would have), he looked down and
began to think about the question.
After a few minutes it was very
obvious that as he was carefully
considering his response he was
experiencing great spiritual
opposition. His struggle was
apparent to both Geoff and I.
After many more minutes of
silence, Naphtali finally spoke.
Our Life, was his reply. I asked
him why and immediately he
replied, Because we love one
another, but out there people are
killing each other. Upon hearing
this Geoff responded, Maybe
those people dont know what
theyre doing is wrong? Everybody knows. Its instinctive law.
As Naphtali was about to continue
with his explanation he was called
to help out in the juice bar.
Without any hesitation he quickly
returned to his post leaving Geoff
deeply affected, in awe of the
simple truth he had heard. As we
continue to train our children, the
evidence of Malachi 4:6 is going to
be more and more clear as each
new generation proclaims the same
Three Eternal Destinies message
to the world. I am thankful that
our children are learning who they

An encouraging word about the

double minchah on the Shabbat:

Our forefathers ate the manna

and died, but he who eats of Me
will never die. Our Master said in
John 6:48-51. We know that there is
physical and spiritual bread. At the
minchah we get spiritual bread. We
need to go and cry out early in the
morning to gather our manna
before the sunrise. If we go cry out
before the sun rises, then we will
have the everlasting bread that will
keep us from ever dying. Thats
why He said to get the manna
before the sun rises. So, right now
we are living in the 6th day of time.
Whatever we gather during the
week, will keep for the 7th day. If we
dont do this, then we do like the
children of Israel in the wilderness
(Exodus 16:15-25) We do not bring
new things on the 7th day, but we
speak, or eat that which was
gathered before the 7th day. Our
Father gave us our manna during
the week, so we dont need any new
food on the 7th day. We must eat
what was provided during the
week, and digest it. Manna wasnt
preserved except for the 7th day
(Sabbath). They gathered enough
on the 6th day for the 7th day. Its so
encouraging to see how the scriptures all tie together. Im so thankful I can be a part of it.


return of the captives to Jerusalem, and

Nehemiah rebuilding the wall. As he so
amazingly portrayed the characters and
related the actual events, all I could think
of was the Lancaster Community and
what is taking place on a smaller scale
here, rebuilding, restoring and vindicating our Abbas Name.
Night and day the brothers worked
before Shammah and Chavilahs wedding, tearing out and replacing walls and
floors in the living and dining rooms.
And when the newly-sanded floors were
wet with finish, we had no idea where to
have our Minchah. The next largest room
was on the third floor where the ceilings
were too low to lift hands. A knock came
on our bedroom door. Could we have the
Minchah in here? Of course, my
husband replied. As the household filled
our room, my heart was filled with
praise. It was like the Ark of the Covenant entering our room. What an honor
it was!
The work continued as walls were
mudded and painted. Sheetrock dust was
flying and nail guns banging, bandsaws
going, but we had one thing in mind and
that was RESTORATION. All of this took
place up until the very night before the
The preparation of the couple, the
decorations, the meals, and housecleaning, it was amazing how it all came
together. It was only with the help of our
friends from Island Pond, as well as some
from Hyannis, and the entire family of
Phinehas and Simchah from Cambridge
(who somehow always end up here
during our biggest events, building our
community as if it were their own).
We were literally running around in
the kitchen putting away dishes, produce, etc., at one point. Our friend from
town, Nate, was watching all the action,
hands in his baggy pockets and a short
beaded dreadlock hanging beside one

eye. The beehive of activity must have

been very interesting. Then I heard this
quiet voice ask, in the midst of the
commotion, Miriam, do you need some
help? I stopped and looked around. It
was Nate. Do you want to help? I
asked. Yes, of course. Well, OK
Before long, he had brought order to
the chaotic jumble of produce and boxes
in the pantry. At the same time, Pearl
(Remember from our last two ITN
entries?) was helping Yaqarah with meal
preparation and Roderick helped
Hoshuas crew with decorations. Richard
Robbins from Plattsburg, NY, who was
Shammahs college professor years ago
and has visited many of our communities
and festivals, was there too, doing yard
work with the brothers.
Shammahs mother, Diane, stayed
with us for a day and a half, too,
specifically to spend time in the household and participate in all the preparations before her relatives came to see the
wedding. She was greatly appreciative of
the love being lavished on her son, and
we were thankful for the opportunity to
talk about the wedding and our Masters
Shammah was such a good king! In
the weeks before the wedding he had
laid aside his formerly quiet personality,
speaking with passion about his two
favorite subjects: the fire our Master
wants to kindle on the earth, and his
bride. Chavilah has one of those wonderful personalities where things just come
out, and through the time of their
betrothal our household gained such a
personal revelation of our Masters love
and desire for us, and how our faults and
iniquities dont dismay him one single
bit. He is even more delighted with us as
he sees us overcome, and his great love
for us captures our heart more and more.
In Chavilahs outspokenness she had

Hello from ha-meq! We hope to
bring you peace about this subject.
We had wanted to let everyone
know about the dangers of thinking that
we are getting calcium from all the
milk and cheese we were using. As most
of the clans of Israel are still not blessed
with their own cows and goats, most of
us were still spending lots of money at
the supermarket on pasteurized milk
products to bring home some calcium
for our households. The large Drink
Milk! advertisements plastered all over
the highways in the United States by the
greedy merchants who exploit their
animals to make themselves rich, have
deceived many of us into thinking that
pasteurized milk gives us calcium. Old
and young all need calcium very much,
so Yoneq was very concerned about
making sure we were all getting a
sufficient supply. When he learned about
living calcium such as what is described
in the article we passed on in the ITN
about Lemon Eggs, he was happy to be
able communicate this to the tribes. He
also did not want anyone to be deceived
by those false advertisements.
We know that the whole subject of
nutrition is a very complicated one.
There are so many opinions about the
subject. Each of them have scientific
reports and experiments to back up
their opinions. So, the average person is
left with the helpless feeling of not
knowing who to believe. And because
most of us have lost our own instinct of
common sense, it is hard for us to
glean the precious from among the vile

when we try to read through all the

nutrition books. So, when we put those
articles about health in ITN , we should
have extracted the facts we wanted to
communicate and not included the whole
article. We can see now that this has
brought confusion to many of you as you
have written to me asking for more
So, the simple truth of what we
were trying to communicate about milk
is this :
The Creator made cows, goats and
sheep for a special purpose. We can eat
them and we can use their milk. He
never intended for men to slaughter
animals from their herd daily for meat.
Now we live in such a rich society that
men are free to eat lots of meat. This has
proven to be very bad for their health
and most doctors do not recommend
eating a lot of red meat.
Aside from the dangers of overeating
of their meat, many cows (not so much
goats or sheep) are inhumanely treated
by their owners. They are kept locked up
in the barn their whole life, never being
allowed to graze free. Their meat is full
of hormones, given to the animals to
insure larger profits. Other chemicals are
also given them for their sicknesses
which they get so easily in that abnormal
environment. All these are in the meat
when you buy it in the supermarket. The
animals are usually slaughtered in an
inhumane way so lots of adrenaline goes
into their meat at the time of their death,
which also is bad for us when we eat that
meat. That is why our Father has shown


his people how to humanely slaughter

We have very few possibilities of
finding good meat. Some communities
have small herds of cows, goats and
sheep to use for meat. There are also
communities who have friends who are
farmers who they trust. They can buy
meat from these reliable sources and can
have confidence that the meat they are
eating is good for them. But we do not
often eat meat. For special occasions we
slaughter an animal. We do not want to
slaughter our whole herd just to provide
a heavy meat diet for ourselves daily. It is
not normal or good for our health to eat
so much meat. Most of our protein is
provided for us through good plant
sources and we are a healthier people
because of that. But we are not vegetarian and will be glad to receive meat
when it is provided for us.
But that is about meat and most of
us know already our national identity is
not as great meat-eaters. But it is milk
that is making lots of confusion now.
Were it not for pasteurization and
refrigeration there would be no
question about all of this. Heating the
milk as they do makes it possible to do
something very unnatural keep milk for
long periods of time. That ability makes
for the abnormally high consumption of
milk products in western countries.
If we lived just a little bit earlier in
history, before refrigeration, we would
have gone out to milk our faithful cow
and then immediately done something
with the milk to preserve it. We would
have made different types of yogurt and
kefir, soft cheese, or butter. (The butter
would become quickly rancid without
refrigeration so we would be careful not
to make too much. It has long been
known that eating a lot of fat is not
good for the health.) This is the way our

Father meant us to use the milk from our

cows well, what was left over after the
baby cow had her fill.
That yogurt, cheese, and butter
would have lasted a short period of time
and would have been free of chemical
additives and hormones. If our faithful
cow was sick, we would not drink her
milk or eat her meat if she died of
sickness. The same with our faithful
goats. So, it would not be so complicated.
Milk from cows is fine for food. That
milk makes the pretty baby cows nice
and fat and healthy. But we know that
lots of dairy products will make a person
fat like a little cow. But if the person is
very skinny and needs to get fat they can
eat more. We are promised enough
goats milk to feed our households in
Proverbs 27:27. So, we really know our
Father wants us to drink goats milk. The
Bible talks about curds from cows milk,
so we know they used sour milk
If people are really concerned about
our nutrition they will earnestly seek the
healthy ways to eat and not just try to
please our tastebuds. Most of us have
been raised on very unhealthy diets. We
do not know how to eat properly. Here in
the USA we are used to eating potato
chips and hamburgers, spaghetti and
pizza. This is not our national identity.
We must change our way of thinking
about food and learn to prepare our food
from good dairy products. In some
communities they have experimented in
making yogurt without heating the milk
to the boiling point. There have been
good results. They have tried different
ways to use their fresh cow s milk. We
have used milk in mate in the past but
now we are seeing that lemons and limes
make a much nicer compliment to the
mate. But sometimes we CAN use milk.


For several months now, my
daughter Chemdah has wanted to finish
a picture of a calf being set free from its
stall, as a gift to Michael and Dagmar to
remind them of the promises of El
Shaddai. One day as she was drawing,
we heard this excited voice
Amanah, come see the rainbow!
exclaimed Yohannah, the wife of John
I also ran out of our room in search
of the closest window in hope of seeing
this rainbow. Yohannah, Amanah, and I
stood looking at the rainbow, remarking
on its beauty. I ran back to our room and
said, Chemdah, come with me! Youve
got to see this rainbow. We ran outside
to look at the double rainbow, fascinated
by the brilliant colors and the majestic
handiworks of our Fathers creation. I
turned to Chemdah and said, Well, that
was a special gift our Abba gave us
As we were walking back to the
house I kept looking at it, until its colors
began to fade. Then I began to consider
and think about the rainbow, and hope
came to my heart. It was given as a sign
of promise to man, so that whenever we
look at it we can remember the promises
of El Shaddai. It came to my heart that

day that our Abba put this particular sign

in the sky that day as a reminder for
some reason. It was a double rainbow, a
double blessing.
Within 3 or 4 days something so
marvelously wonderful happened! Will
our Abba bring to birth and not deliver?
Matthew and Chasidahs little girl was
born. And we were so happy to hear
about the birth of a daughter to
BenNabiy and Bathshevah of Hyannis on
the same day!
And then several days after the
birth, we heard about how Michel and
Dagmar had been set free!! We all
cheered and gave our Abba great praise
for their deliverance. Many times weve
come before our Abba with loud cries
and tears for them, pleading for mercy
and for their deliverance. Truly, our God
will both bring to birth and bring
deliverance, and he will set the prisoners
free. But yet, can you cause a flower to
bloom before its time? Or can a nation be
born in a day? He will do it. He is El
Shaddai. He will do what He promises.
A few months back our wonderful
brother David Yonah and his most
wonderful wife Yachebed came to visit
our Community. He told the story of the

Recently Jonathan and I were walking in the forest and we

stopped to sit on a fallen tree. While we were sitting I noticed a
beetle near my feet making its way across the forest floor. I never
realised before how many obstacles there are in the way of such a tiny
creature. The forest is covered in fallen leaves, broken branches and
little plants. In order to go anywhere this little creature has to surmount all these obstacles in its way. While I watched, the beetle
struggled up a blade of grass, hung precariously from the top, then
toppled to the ground. It lay on its back kicking its legs trying to get
upright again. As soon as it was on its feet it continued on - up the
side of a leaf, over a twig onto another blade of grass - and down it
fell again. Over and over this little beetle slid and toppled and fell to
the ground. Each time it got right back up again and kept going on
its course. While we sat there the beetle never stopped in its journey.
In all that time it only travelled two feet in distance!
There were so many obstacles in its way. Yet it always travelled in a straight line, never swerving to the right or to the left to
take an easier path. No matter what the obstacle in its way the beetle
kept going, straight towards its goal whatever that might have been.
How far away I am from being as steadfast as this little
beetle! Yoneq later shared with us from Isaiah 26:3, explaining
that the beetle had perfect peace in all its struggles because its mind
is always fixed on its creator. If we will set our focus on our Father at all times and trust in Him, He will keep us in perfect peace
too, no matter what circumstances come our way.

It is good to use moderation and

common sense in eating.
We have never said that we do not
want to use dairy products from cows.
But if people find themselves beginning
to look a little bit like baby cows they
should consider that they may be using a
bit too much. As we see from the
following letter from Prisca, wife of
Aquila :
Here are some exerpts from a letter
that Prisca wrote to ha emeq:
Aquila and I went to Boston last
weekend for the Bat Mitsvah. It was our
first time to ever attend one. We
received so much vision and encouragement. Our daughter Emunah really
desires to become a daughter of the
covenant as soon as possible. She is
growing up and really turning her heart
to us. We are pleased with her. So I look
forward to the day when she will be
connected to our Master.
Im sure you already know this but
our greatest desire is to go south. I think
everyone from the south feels this way.
We are looking forward to the day when
we will be sent to that area. We went on
the bus to Asheville and it was so
powerful how our Father went before us.
He wants to save many people in the
Ive been concerned about something for a while now. I really wanted to
talk to you about it but I dont know if I
will see you so I thought I would
mention it. I have noticed that there are
a lot of overweight people in the body. I
went somewhere recently and noticed
that nearly everyone there, men and
women, are overweight. There are a lot
of older people there but it is so sad to
see this happening to people as they get
older. Aquila and I have been wondering
why this is such a hard thing in the body
to overcome. Even with us, we both

have gained weight and have found that

it is hard to stay within our normal
weight. Just recently when we were
talking about dairy products (last
regional cooks meeting), Aquila and I
decided to stop eating dairy products and
unfertilized eggs and try to avoid eating
foods fried in oil. You wouldnt believe
how much these things are a part of our
diet. I know you have been talking
about these things for years. I understand now more why you have been
saying that we need spiritual women to
learn how to cook within our own
national identity, and get away from this
American way of eating. Its killing us.
Finally, I got concerned enough to
do something about the weight I was
gaining. I was 25 pounds overweight, so
like I said, Aquila and I stopped eating
those foods and in less than two months
we both had lost 20 pounds. Just from
cutting out mainly dairy products. I keep
hearing that we are not going to eat
dairy products but really our diet is full
of milk products. It seems so hard to
take on the right mind about the way we
want to eat. When I cut out those
certain foods I replace them with more
grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. I
never went hungry. I was full and
satisfied. I wish we could eat this way
more. I just wanted to bring your
attention to this. There are some people
there that look very unhealthy. I want to
be healthy and live a long life and Im
sad to see some of my old friends gaining
so much weight. I dont think its because
they are going out eating candy bars and
drinking cokes. They are getting fat
because of what they are served. OR
maybe they just need to understand not
to take in so much fat in their diets. Well
if I see you before you leave I would like
to talk more about this. I would like to
know what you think about this.


enough or approved of the result:

insecurity. With all my heart, I desired my
son to use his hands to be a builder, to lift
others up. With tears flowing, I asked
Judith what builder was in Hebrew. She
looked at me and said, Eben. At this I
wept even harder thinking of the only
Eben I knew (Eben Ben Chazaq) and how
much I appreciate him. Eben means to
build or builder of the family name. It

Lately, we have discovered this
wonderful, healthy and versatile
ingredient. It is a by-product of tofu/soy
milk manufacturing therefore is very
inexpensive and is readily obtainable
from bulk tofu manufacturers.
Okarah is high in dietary fibre and
it contains the same amount of protein
as brown rice. It is also known to
enrich the milk of nursing mothers and
to stimulate its flow. Traditionally, it is
a cure for diarrhoea. Okarah is light in
texture, gives body and bulk to recipes
and it absorbs flavours well. It can be
used in sweet or savoury recipes, eg.
cakes, bread/scones, veggie burgers and
Here is a sample recipe:

From Ben Nabi and Bathshevah:

Last month we were grateful to
be able to say a little bit about the
birth of our baby girl. We are beginning to see what a privilege it is to be
a part of the Body of our Master and
how wonderful it is that we can
dedicate our daughter to His care in
that Body. He is real! He is alive! He is
risen! We know this because of the
real, tangible group of dedicated
people who are alive, making
themselves available, not living for

means a stone - Our Master was the
Eben which the builders rejected. David
killed Goliath with an Eben. Then, in the
midst of all the post-birth activity,
Bakhirah said he would have to be
determined to be his name, to be a
builder. The name for determined is Amatz
again I cried, knowing Amatz Hakam.
(David told his son Solomon in 1 Chron
28:20 to be amatz and act!) So our sons
name is Eben Amatz ben Yotham of the
tribe of Asher.
My wife and I are extremely
grateful for Our Abbas care and extremely
grateful for the encouragement, wisdom
and support of the midwives here: Judith,
Bakhirah, Ruth, Emunah and Shelem. Our
Abba is teaching us and establishing his
twelve tribes- the new social order.
With Shalom,
Yotham and Hadashah.


5 Cups Okarah
2 Cups Wholemeal Flour
Cup oil
3 tbs National Yeast (optional)
1 Cups of Soymilk or Cows Milk
Bunch of Basil
2 tbs of both Oregano & Sage
White pepper
Cup of Soy Sauce
Cup of Ground Sesame Seeds
3 Garlic Cloves
3 Teaspoons of Cumin
Cook in pressure cooker for 30
minutes or in a steamer for 1- hours
or bake in loaf pans for approximately
2 hours on low temperature & add 5
eggs. Needs to be served with sauce
tomato sauce is nice.

We have found a better substitute
for soy sauce. Miso is a fermented
soybean paste, which is full of living
enzymes, vitamins and proteins. It also
has body-detoxifying properties.
Diluted with water it makes a sauce that
can be poured on top of the hearty
Israelite Breakfast (millet.)

themselves, giving up everything to

enter into the kind of human relationships the world has not seen since the
vibrant life of the first Edah thousands
of years ago. This is who we are. The
people we live with are the ones who
are willingly going into the scarred
and painful territory of their broken,
fallen human hearts to get to the root
of the dysfunction in their lives, just so
they can love us, represent our God
to us, help us make it into a place
where we will never have to taste
death. Our friends are like this
because they know what Cain did not
they understand that they are their
brothers keeper. They are like this
because they obey the Master, they
have revelation of the resurrection,
and they live resurrected lives. This is

no issue of perfect performance, but

sincerity, humility, and accountability.
These are the people I can trust and
dedicate the life of my daughter to. I
am so thankful to live among the most
wonderful and courageous faulty
people on the face of the earth.
My excellent wife and I have
named our daughter Chitah
Shevurah, (Hee-tah) which means
Broken Wheat. It was on my wifes
heart that we would raise a daughter
who would be easily broken, able to
be handled by her people. What
was speaking to my heart was the
future she has, the life our Abba has
given to her at this time in history. I
realized that she was born into a life
of hope in the face of much adversity. What lies ahead for her is a
great sifting, an awesome threshing.
The circumstances in her life, like all
of ours, are meant to bring her to an
absolute end of herself. As she
strives in this life-time, through all of
the sifting and threshing, all of the
upheaval, it is our hope that she will
give herself willingly and always
land at the threshers feet. And His
winnowing fork is in His hand to
thoroughly clear His threshing floor,
and to gather the wheat into His barn;
but He will burn up the chaff with
unquenchable fire (Luke 3:17).
A special note to Chaiym:
You are so much on our hearts. We
are praying for you that your strength
would be renewed and your heart
instilled with courage. We love you so
much and continue to pray for you..
Your overcoming life affects the
resurrection of the Twelve Tribes!!

In the affectionate love of our

Master Yahshua,
Elishevah and all your friends in


life and that He helps me to love my

brothers and sisters the way He loves.
And I want to have His compassion
to love the gentiles, for many among
them will be my brothers.
Shalom from Anak
(Isnt he wonderful?)

Early in the morning, before the

minchah, Netzak drove Ohevi to Bilbao
to the get the bus to San Sebastian. On
the way back to Zeberio, he thought this
was the best opportunity to pray and seek
our Abba but he saw that there was so

much opposition. Sleep wanted to

overcome him, any thoughts and reasoning came as intruders in his mind. When
he shared about it, it made me think that
we have to reject those thoughts and
spirits and seek our Master diligently,
because it can happen to all of us, but if
we entertain them, Satan will come in
and the Holy Spirit will go into a corner
of our hearts. We have to reject them so
that Immanuel and none else will dwell
and rule in our hearts.
I love you all,
Ishshah bath Ben Jesed

A Health Note:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I need to share with you something to see if it could be
helpful to other brothers and sisters. You might already know
about it, but to me it has been a real discovery. I knew of women
who experienced a certain anxiety to eat plain fresh lettuce during
their pregnancy. A woman who had lost lots of blood after birth
also got this special obsession for fresh lettuce. I have found
myself at this point all along this pregnancy. Then I got information
about lettuce that greatly encouraged me. I summarize it:
This original plant from India is well known since ancient
times and its mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Roman Emperor
Augusto was healed from a serious liver problem thanks to the
lettuce remedy given by his doctor Antonius Musa. Paracelso and
Avicena highly esteemed lettuce as a healing remedy for various
Its energetic power is low. Only 17.5 cal./100 g. but it is
rich in vitamins and minerals so it helps in the growing years and
prevents raquitism. Thanks to some trace elements (iron, zinc,
copper) it is efficient in fighting anemia and clorosis (or mineral


impoverishment of your blood). Apart from vit. E, necessary for normal

reproduction and growth, lettuce is rich in calcium, and this is easier to
assimilate than the calcium from milk.
Lettuce stimulates your appetite and its natural remedy for
the digestive tract. It calms down hot burnt (this, I experience with
great joy... Often I chew plain fresh lettuce or drink cold peppermint
tea for my awful hot burnt. It is effective.) Its a tonic and revitalizes
your stomach. It has a favorable effect on liver and spleen infarcts.
Lettuce juice calms your nervous system. This was already
discovered by Hippocrates. It calms and gives a peaceful sleep to
nervous people, those who suffer anxiety or insomnia. (I have experienced sleeplessness almost every day from around 3:30 or 4:00 till
about 5:00 in the morning since my 4th month of pregnancy; I saw that
some nights, when I eat lettuce before going to bed, I slept normally.
But it could be due to other factors too.)
Applied on your skin, lettuce broth can help rushes.
Lettuce is good for everyone, but specially children, old
people, and pregnant and nursing mothers. It nourishes and calms your
thirst. It combines with almost everything except sweets, for this will
upset your digestion. Evidently raw is the best way to eat it. You can
eat it at any meal, at night it will help your rest and will help your
intestinal activity in the early morning. It is best eaten before other
foods for it will quickly arrive in your intestines, preparing the way for
the other food. But it is not so good to eat it together with meat or at
the end of your meal because it could flush substances not yet
The greener the lettuce, the more nourishment for you.
Ben Jesed gave thanks for lettuce for this is something,
somehow we always had on our tables. Our Abba has made a way that
we can meet the needs of our bodies in many ways. Sometimes we get
anxious or complicated but really our Creator has wisdom in providing
our needs. Sometimes the most humble food is the worst known yet
our best ally. Netzak, our gardener got very encouraged.
Doesnt this sound wonderful to you?
Ahavah Shua



Our Father is establishing the Twelve Tribes.

We are so honored to be now one of the Twelve
Tribes of Israel. I was so thankful to write on the
title Issachar. Our Father spoke clear to us that
Issachar will be a tribe of humble servants and we
want to truly accomplish what we are called to be:
thankful humble servants that do not complain.
At the beginning of the month we had the
privilege to receive Qashab to our Tribe. He came
from Manasseh and will stay with us for a time in
order to support us during the time we will be
firmly settled. He also is teaching us English and
helping us at the mobile cafe.
Nahaliel and his wife Havdalah, together
with their two older children Issachar, Daveqah
and baby boy Netanyah, went back to their tribe
after being with us for two precious months. We
are so thankful for their help and love they gave
us. They left us such a pleasant flavor from
Naftali, full of vision and much encouragement.
They also let Bath Aviv, our Yapheth sister from
the clan in Londrina, be with us to help in a fair in
Santa Fe. It was so wonderful to have her here.
Through the visit of these precious brothers and
sisters from Naftali we feel closer to them.
Geographically we are 2000 km away from each
other. I always compare it with the distance
between Shimon and Levi - North. We have
vision for tribal gatherings which will increase our
tribal bonds.
In Santa Fe we spent two weeks an a craft
fair. It wasnt so busy like a few months ago when
we went there, but we met a lot of people which
could hear the wonderful good news we had for
them. The response is that we received a visit of a
young man named Alejandro. He came on a trip

at the end of this month in order to be with us.

Also two young women we meet in Santa Fe
called and they are traveling in order to join us.
We also have with us a woman named
Andrea (from Cordoba) with her two children. She
visited when Yoneq and ha-emeq were here.
When she left she said that if she is going to
come back then it would be forever. Well, she
came back and she seems very determined. We
are growing and will soon need a place to receive
the foundation stones of our tribe.
Here is a little note from Qashabs point of
We continue to cry out about our housing
situation here in Issachar. We are living in a
rented house that we are supposed to leave
before tomorrow, the first of January. We have
vision for a beautiful property nearby. It is like a
little farm, with a large house, fruit trees, and
places for a few animals. It looks like we will be
able to get it, but we cant move in just yet,
because there is another family living there. What
will we do? Good news, Our Abba has just
opened a little door for us. The owner of this
house has decided to let us stay for another two
weeks! This will be just the time we need to
prepare a place for us to stay temporarily on the
other property. It is so wonderful how our Abba
cares for us and helps us when we cry out to Him!
Please continue to pray for us, that our Abba
would open the door for us to have the home he
wants us to have.
It is so wonderful and encouraging to see
how our brothers are here in Issachar. They are
so full of faith, thankfulness, and trust in where


Plink Goes the Back

A Little on Lower Back Problems

The single most likely cause of lower back

pains and transferred pains in the buttocks,
thigh and sometimes all the way down to the
feet is a highly technical and distasteful term
sometimes pronounced reluctantly by wellmeaning people in our midst; that is bad
posture. Things like Cant do it and Hurts
too much are what you hear when you say,
Straighten up, son, or youre going to have
back problems when you get older Some talk
about their backs being out and mention
slipped disks, pinched nerves and trips to the
chiropractor. Nevertheless, it can be shown that
over 80% of those who have these lower back
problems have also sported bad posture, walked
little, exercised little, and have spent a good
80% of their waking (and sometimes sleeping)
hours in a bent-forward position.
Washing clothes, digging holes, sawing
boards, weeding gardens, washing dishes,
cutting vegetables, mopping floors, nursing
babies, typing at the computer, sitting in meetings and other such jobs often require a bentforward position. What is meant by a bentforward position is that the natural curve of
your spine is distorted to accommodate your
work. This requires the flexing of your disks,
stretches ligaments, and re-aligns all those
bones back there into a stressed position. Nothing wrong with that, really, but
if your back is always in that position, your spinal column begins to take on
that curve all the time, and, you guessed it, its just not made to take it. So
one day you do something different, like, say, carry a fifty-kilo sack of flour
on your head a little off center, and, plink, something snaps.
Now, before we get carried away and think that we slipped a disk and
lost a bolt, we must think about it for a few days in bed. Of course, this
depends on how much painful revelation comes to you during the plink. (It
might be good to mention here that plink or some other appropriate term is

a term of revelation. It is an instantaneous revelation of your true condition;

i.e. you are unfit to do what you just did.) As you lie in bed wondering why
that happened, you remember your parents exhortation to sit up at the table.
Dont slouch, they exhorted. You would reluctantly straighten your back for
the next five minutes and then forget but you can be sure your sins will
catch up to you.
Thats just it. The real solution to all back problems in general involves an
extremely difficult ingredient: You must correct your posture.
Question: What is posture? It is the way you hold yourself as you walk,
talk, work, sit, etc. It refers mainly to the way you hold your back as you live
your life. Your back has a normal position, a way in which all the bones,
disks and ligaments are in standard position. This means that all other
activity that is done with your back out of this alignment or position is nonstandard or extra-normal. Notice that I didnt say abnormal. It just
means that every single activity you do that uses your back in an out-ofstandard position requires a return to standard as soon as that activity is
Perhaps all this is starting to get too complicated. To put it simply, every
time you bend over, you have to straighten up. And when you dont have to
be bent over, you shouldnt be. You should hold yourself in good posture. In
fact, you should try to maintain your posture as much as possible, even when
doing your work. It is the position in which your back is strongest. However,
if you have to work bent over, or if you have to sit slouched, then every hour
or half-hour you must compensate with backward bends, six of them, to get
things back in shape.
So you are in bed, you did that plink thing and are in terrific pain.
What do you do? You get into the most comfortable position possible and
stay there. Hot compresses, massages, and relaxation are the best. (Antiinflammatory herbs are helpful and can be used under the supervision of
those who know how to use them correctly.) Then, as soon as you can move
around a bit, you begin a simple exercise that will probably cure you, if you
add it to good posture and a few other essential ingredients which are
already a part of our life in the Edah.
Here is this very simple procedure that may deliver you from most of
your back and leg pains:
1. Lie on your stomach on the floor with your arms at your sides. You
should face one way or the other (meaning you dont have to stick your
nose onto the floor). A mat or rug or something to keep you from direct
contact with the floor is nice.
2. Relax your whole body, paying special attention to your lower back. (This

My Heart about Children

I love my children! I want them to know it. Im not afraid to show

them my love. It is in me, thats why it comes out. Whats in the well
comes up in the bucket. I cherish them. I love to put them to bed and
pray for them and bless them and tell them stories. I love to lay down
with them, hold them tight and speak to them. I love having their bed
right next to mine, so I can be right there when they need me. Everything in me yearns to be close to them. I love thinking about them, I
love talking about them, and I cry writing these things down. I am
extremely thankful for our Fathers great love for me, to give me my
precious children. Now I can somewhat relate to the great love He has
for me. Because I love my children. He has put this love in my heart. I
dont think it is a fallen love. I believe it is a true fatherly love that I
have for my children.
But also I will not allow my child to be separated from me in his
spirit. He must always be completely surrendered to me. He is under my
control always. If hes got the attitude of the disobedient then I will turn
his attitude to the attitude of the righteous. And that is my practice ever
since my child is very little. He doesnt know anything different than
Therefore he is not a hellion (someone who comes from hell).
But now people come with all these laws:
You cannot pick your child up when it is crying, because later he
will be demanding of you.
You cannot be in bed or sleep with your child because later he will
be demanding of you.
You can not carry your child around all the time because later he
will be demanding of you.
Ive heard someone say: Then we would have all these hellions
running around here. Any child that has not been brought under
control and into total surrender will show signs of an unruled over,
independent, spoiled and rebellious spirit. Before we can do anything
with a child we have to bring him under control. Why would I deprive
my child from my love and affection just because Im afraid he would be
demanding later on? The only reason for that would be that I dont
want to or Im afraid I cant rule over my child. But the solution doesnt
seem to be to withdraw attention and affection, but to have control over
your child along with affection. Especially since we are learning about
the homo-zagus genes.
Chanowk Yatsar


district on the border of Bavaria. With his

big, strong hands, he does farming,
carpentry, and builds log cabins a man
who is EAGER to work. We can already
picture him as a future builder of Levi.
Ernst, like Herbert a sturdy Bavarian type
of person, came for the first time. This
simple man is seeking for God and for
peace in his soul. We also knew Sebastian
and Samuel from the markets. They were
really refreshing to have with us raised
at a Waldorfschule (an alternative kind of
school in Germany), their minds are not
so perverted yet and we were able to find a
lot of common ground.
Three older couples came who have
proven to be real servants in providing for
our needs. They all withstood the pressure
to receive accusations against us. We
appreciated very much how one lady, Mrs.
Reuter, came on Christmas, sacrificing
some of the few precious hours she would
have had with her husband who normally
doesnt stop to work all year round except
at that time.
All who came heard the story about
the three wise men as told through some
simple narrated skits by our children. The
next day was another skit about Matthew
13:45-46 the merchant seeking fine
pearls. It contrasted in a lively way the
material riches of the world with the pearl
that our Master and His gospel represent.
For this pearl we were willing to give up
everything once we had faith the
needed illumination or fascination in our
hearts to see it. Im thankful that our
Master, in His mercy, gave us the gift of
I am very encouraged because
over the weekend I went with my
abba, Ephraim, Shalomah, Hoshua,
Noah and Uriah Geber to a big
Christian gathering in Lutherstadt,
where Luther nailed a list of 95

points against the Catholic Church

on the door of the church.
It was packed with people and
many Catholic nuns and priests
were also there. The first two
days it was difficult to hand out
freepapers because people were not
interested, but we met a few
people who were open to us and
even invited us home for tea.
The last day of the gathering
they held a mass in the morning.
We got up early and went to the
gathering center and everybody
was going to church and no one
wanted a freepaper, so we left and
came back again in the afternoon
and played music and handed out
some freepapers.
That night we walked through
the streets and then we passed
through a tunnel where we found
many people gathered. It turned
out to be an opportunity for us
to play music and dance and even
offer hospitality, serving cookies
and punch.
We had such a wonderful time
talking with different people.
Shalomah was reaching out to some
young people, my abba was speaking with some people and I started
talking with a Korean man who was
a pastor. He started telling me a
fantasy story about how the
Yapheth race came about and the
woman beside him told me not to
listen to that evil story.
Then I began to tell him about
the creation of man and how
Yapheth really came about through
Noah, and then I told him about
the story of Mary Magdalene and
the right response. He stood
there listening to me with his
mouth hanging open and could not
say anything more.
I was thankful that our Abba
blessed our time there. We came
home very encouraged! I am
thankful that we have the truth
to offer people and that we are
able to love them.
Asher ben Jehu


means you imagine your lower back relaxing more than the rest of your
3. You do this for five minutes without falling asleep, because there are
other things to do.
4. See the simple illustration provided.

That was the first part of our special exercise. It is a very simple
procedure. The next step, though, is a bit more complicated. So pay special
1. You are still lying there, thinking about how what you are doing is very
2. You lift yourself (your upper body) up onto your elbows
and stare straight ahead as if there was something to
be seen on the horizon.
3. Relax your lower back as much as possible and stay
in this position for five minutes.
4. When your five minutes are over, go back
to the floor.

5. See the illustration provided.

That was the second part of our special exercise. You should only go on
to the third part if you can do the first two parts without extreme pain. The
third part is even more complicated, and I will try to make it seem more so,
so that you will see how important it is indeed.
1. You are still lying on your stomach. You havent gone to sleep. You are
totally relaxed.
2. You place your hands flat on the floor right at the level of your armpits as
if you would raise yourself from the floor in a pushup.
3. You slowly and carefully push the floor away from you, bending at the
waist, being careful not to do a classic pushup. (Now here is where you
have to pay special attention, because the effectiveness of this exercise
depends on this not pushing up detail while pushing the floor away

from you.)
4. As you do what item 3 tells you to do, you must not let
your pelvis leave the floor. You are actually arching your
back and lifting your shoulders away from the floor
while keeping your pelvis on the floor. The process
here is relaxation. In other words, you dont hold
your pelvis to the floor by force, but let gravity
keep it there by relaxing your back as much
as possible. Relax. There is an illustration that accompanies this text.

Detail: If you find you cant bend enough in order to straighten your arms
completely as shown in the illustration, just go as far up as you can
without lifting your pelvis off the floor. You should try to go as far as you
can each time you do this exercise, without getting into extreme pain. In
time, you will be able to straighten your arms completely.
5. So you push as far away from the floor as you can stand to (because it
will probably hurt) and hold yourself there for a count of 2 to 4 seconds,
making an all-out effort to relax your lower back and let your belly hang
to the floor. The only muscle work going on is in your arms, shoulders
and head, if you have any muscles there. Your face must always face
forward (with your eye on the horizon).
6. Go back down to the floor slowly and relax for 2 to 4 seconds. Then
repeat the above procedure 9 more times. Obviously, if you are still pretty
bad off, you will have to build up to this number
This whole thing from start to finish should be done six times a day until
you can go back to work.
What you have done is flex your back in the process of restoring lordosis to your back. Lord-what? you might ask. Lordosis
is a word used to describe the natural and graceful curve your
lower back should have when it is normal and healthy.
Some people call it the hollow of your back. Those
who are always bending forward and sitting slouched
in a chair often lose their lordosis. Restoring this
curve is a key to getting rid of lower back problems.
Okay, lets say the big pinch is over and you have decided to
give up the idea that you have spinal arthritis and slipped spinal ball


Some news from Oberbronnen

This month brought us many guests,
especially at the end of the month when
we prepared a feast for the lost souls at
the time of the nations pagan holiday.
(Barak will tell you about them.) Also
Yehezkels sister, Kirsten, came to spend a
week with us as she listened intently at
every minchah and teaching and is
considering the cost. And (attention
brothers and sisters in Naftali), Tulio is
here! He cannot help but admit that the
truth is here in Yahshuas people. He
said that Germans living together is
really a miracle. We are very happy to
have him here with us.
We have rented a space to store our
market goods, which will free up a room
for training. We have always been
expecting to move out of this house, but
as of now we are still here. So we are
making some changes so that we will
have an uninterrupted place for training
our children. At the same time we are
looking and praying for a place to live
with our fellow Levites of the north. We
continue to pray and wait which we
understand is good for our people.
And we would like you all to know
that Sharat and Shmaryah are on a
waiting period. They are very thankful
for this time of waiting for our Abbas
will to be revealed about their relationship.
We rejoiced for you Shimone, that
you had your day in court. And we
continue to pray for your sons and if our
Abba wills, another day in court.
Michel and Dagmar, you are on our
hearts, we pray also for your vindication.
With love to you all who pour out
your lives for the sake of our Master
YAHSHUAs kingdom coming about, your
friends in the south of Germany.
And from Barak:

Earlier this month, Chanowk had

shared a lot with us about our national
identity as Israel. Christmas is not part of
our national identity. So we werent going
to celebrate Christmas, but rather a
feast for the lost souls as David spontaneously named it something that would
draw lost and lonely sheep from our tribal
area, especially those who had already met
us. Chanowk said that if no guests came
we would just pack up our stuff and go
back to work.
But our Abba considered us worthy of
sending many guests to our house. The
first one, a special one, has been here
almost two weeks. His name is Tulio. He is
the son of Tahilah, and the brother of Yafia
Neshef and Zoak in the tribe of Naftali
to whom we send our special greetings.
Tulio has become dear to us and we have
hope for his salvation. From here hes
going to go visit Sus and possibly the tribe
of Shimon. His visit with us has definitely
brought the tribe of Naftali closer to us.
Abiyahs brother, Uwe, came once
again and was a great support, as well as
Yehezkels sister, Kirsten. Yehezkels
parents came some days later. Their
hearts are really warming up to receive
our love and hospitality. Their understanding for the way we live has increased as
We saw our Fathers hand in that,
after we had given out hundreds of special
invitations for our feast, a young Christian
psychologist, Monica, just called us on her
own initiative to ask whether she could
spend the Christmas days with us. And she
had never even received one of our
invitations for this time.
The fruit of us going to sell natural
clothing in markets throughout our tribal
area (that is, all of South Germany as far
as the Alps) came forth: our friend Herbert
determined in his heart that he would find
his way to our house in the remote village
of Oberbronnen in the rural Ostalbkreis


In the days of our ancestors, it was only the rod of Aahron, of the tribe of Levi,
which budded. This was because only this tribe was connected to their creator so as to be
willing to cut off and forsake all to have that relationship. But our hope is that now, in
the New Covenant, all twelve rods will bud and bear much good, abundant fruit and
bring forth the nation our Abba has always desired.

Shalom from the north of Levi,

The focus of this month has been the

celebration we had on the 27th. We took
every opportunity we had to invite
people for this event in hopes that the
lost sheep would come. The highlight of
the celebration was a skit about the
prodigal son prepared by our children.
The long awaited day arrived and several
guests also. Our children were a wonderful witness of our life as they not only
gave themselves with their whole heart
in the skit but also with their zeal to
serve during the whole day. Among the
guests who came that day were the
parents of our new disciple, Talmidah
and her sister, Stephanie. Her parents
have visited us several times since
Talmidah has been here and can only
express how thankful they are that their
daughter is here. We also have hope for
Stephanie as she has been here for over a

week now.
So now that this celebration is over,
everyone is zealously preparing for the
bar mitzvah which is planned for the first
week of February. It will be Noach ben
Ephraim, Zakar ben Obadiah, and Beulah
bat Yathed.
Excitement is filling the air as all the
children are looking forward to this
event and talking about the time when
they will become bar and bat mitzvah.
Our children are coming to know who
they are and the purpose they have. They
are taking it in their hand and running
towards that goal.
And we cannot forget to give special
greetings to our friends Drorah and
Yarash who are in Spain to help our
brothers there for a short time.
We love you.
Berachah wife of Ephraim


bearings. Bed rest, massages and mental gymnastics have reduced your back
pain. You tried the above-indicated exercise and it worked, but you want to
know what else you must do to maintain your back healthy and get rid of all
You will have to do the following (and I am simplifying things for the
sake of space):
1. Restore your posture. You will have to learn the dos and donts of
posture and put them into practice.
2. Restore lordosis. You will have to continue the above exercises and learn
a few more, taking the time each day to do them. You may also want to
wear a lumbar roll while driving, sitting for long periods of time and
sleeping. This simple device helps a lot.
3. Change your back habits (the way you treat your back). You will have to
learn to work without always bending forward, compensating for forward bending with backwards bending, changing the way you lift things.
4. Strengthen your back. There are vigorous exercises that strengthen your
back and tighten the muscles that hold your back in proper posture.
5. Maintain general corporal flexibility. Look at it this way. If you are going
to grow old and stiff, then youd better get a coffin and stiffen up in it,
because you will be more comfortable that way. However, there is no
reason to grow old and stiff in the Kingdom. You may grow old, but you
should maintain your flexibility.
There is much more to be said, many questions to be answered. However,
we cannot fit it all in this month. We will (hopefully) return to our patient
in the coming issues of the ITN and contribute other chapters to this important subject, detailing the last five items listed above and questions like:
1. What are transferred pains and how do you deal with them?
2. What are backward bends and how do you do them?
3. What is a good back exercise to do if you have lower back pain in the
morning when you get up from bed?
4. Does the exercise described above help in middle back pains and upper
back pains?
Thank you for your kind and determined consideration of the above. I
have tried this simple procedure and have recommended it to others. It
completely cured me of the back pains I used to have. Others who used it
faithfully had good results also. As usual, full restoration requires a change in
your daily habits.
I would advise that any use of the knowledge provided in this article be
first submitted to those who know you well.


about how Dardah will extol the praises

of her king. This morning we had a
graphic example of this as Yohannan
asked one of the children to stand on a
chair. Next he asked that child to pick up
the Bible that he had just placed on the
floor in front of him. The only way that
he could do it was by getting off the
chair. Yohannan said that our Master has
been brought low for almost 2000 years
now. We must become low to lift Him
up. If we exalt ourselves, we cannot raise
him up. If we raise Him up then all men
will be drawn to Him.
I am so thankful that Ive had the
opportunity to visit the beautiful land of
Ahavah, in the name of our master
Milcah of Yhudah
Here is a poem from our precious
sister Naharah MsSusah
I wanted to be a pilot
But I couldnt do math,
I wanted to have my own day care
But I didnt know the law.
I wanted to travel around the world,
But I couldnt find the way.
I wanted to sing,
I wanted to play,
I wanted to give,
I wanted to love,

I wanted to know- Who

am I?
Why am I here?

God of heaven, show me the way

To be all that you have created me
to be.
Who am I?
I am a woman. I have a part in the
restoration of our Fathers will. I am
learning to be humble and submissive.
There is no place I would rather be than
right here building up our Fathers

For a period of time, our Abba has

been putting in Ha Qinais heart a desire
to know Milcah of Yehudah. They have
been writing to each other for several
months and our Abba has been drawing
these two closer and closer to each other.
They have on their heart to know what is
our Abbas will for them and they are
now on a waiting period, seeking the
wisdom of the body as to whether to
make a marriage covenant with each
other. Milcah and Ha Qinai are both Jews
of the natural tribe of Levi and they will
be going back to Yehudah sometime in
January and continue their pilgrimage
there. We will miss Ha Qinais zeal at the
caf and in our household.
We appreciate the community in
Boston for sending Micka for a visit to
our tribe. She is a wonderful support at
our caf, eager to serve the fruit of the
Spirit to our customers. Micka is a young
disciple but she loves our Master and we
are thankful that we could be reminded
of our first love through her.
A lot of our time and energy has
been devoted to wedding preparation
this month as Isaac and Dardah have
received an Amen from the body. The
wedding was held here at East Gate on
January 2. Isaac and Dardah both gave
themselves to their preparation with
much youthfulness, enthusiasm, obedience and joy.
This verse in Phil. 3 came very true
for both of them this past month: No,
dear friends, I am still not all I should be,
but I am focusing all my energies on this
one thing: Forgetting the past and looking
forward to what lies ahead, I strain to
reach the end of the race and receive the
prize for which God, through Christ Jesus,
is calling us up to heaven.
Here is an account of the wedding
from Naomis perspective.
One of the highlights of the month
was the wonderful wedding of Isaac and
Dardah. It is so wonderful to be reminded
of our first love. All through their week of
preparation it became so clear what the


Eldad in printing and binding the

ten thousand freepapers needed for
these events. Once again our
brothers and sisters were denying
themselves with many sleepless
nights for the sake of the lost sheep.
We were encouraged after going to
the shows and reaching out to those
needy ones. It seems like the seeds
are planted and well receive the
harvest in due time. Even if just one
sheep is found by all our efforts of
reaching out, we will rejoice with
our Master that one more person
has overcome death.
Because of all the pressure here
in this community, many of us are
understanding the true meaning of
death. We all want to die to ourselves in this age so we can experience the power of His resurrection.
We want to be rid of everything that
may weigh us down and keep us
from leaping up to meet with Him
when He returns. Thank you, Abba,
that you love us enough to restore
us and purify us of our wrong ways.
Tamiydah, wife of Eldad, and
Tohorah bat David Zerubbabel

About Our Diet

Since weve been hearing about

dairy products and how many of
them sold in stores have absolutely
no nutrition left in them, the
women in our community have
been trying out new ways and menu
ideas to complete our diet. We
wanted to share with you what we
are eating.
We still eat yogurt made with

raw milk that we buy from our local

farmer friend. We only heat the milk
to 120 degrees. This temperature
heats the milk without taking away
the calcium. Because of the lack of
pasteurization, we have found that
it takes a much longer time of
incubation anywhere between 9
12 hours. But it works and we
have good tasting yogurt that is also
good for us.
Another thing weve been
experimenting with is making our
own cheese. Just as for the yogurt,
we heat the milk up to 120 degrees,
then cool it to room temperature.
Add 1 cup of natural cider vinegar
to a gallon of milk, let it curd, heat
it again and then hang it. (Make
sure you skim the cream off the raw
milk or else you wont get much
curd.) Weve been using the whey in
breads, soups, casseroles, or whatever.
On the other hand, weve been
using other kinds of milk to substitute for cows milk, like rice milk,
soy milk, and tofu milk. Many of
our Erev Shabbat desserts have been
made with these milks. You
wouldnt even know it. Its just as
good without the whipped cream or
fatty cows milk pudding, and better
for us.
Weve also noticed during this
cold season that many of us have
been getting over our coughs and
congestion much faster than when
we had been consuming the mucusforming dairy products.
To increase our protein intake,


we eat several nuts and seeds in our

meals, on salads, in stir fries,
casseroles, over rice, and even in
our oatmeal. We also eat more
beans and rice, lentils, organic eggs,
and of course tofu. Im encouraged.
Our Father has caused us to cry out
to him for what He wants us to eat.
We know He wants us to be healthy
and live a long life so that we can
leap to meet Him when He returns.
I hope youre encouraged, too!

About Stewardship

Beware and be on guard

against every form of greed; for not
even when one has abundance does
his life consist of his possessions
(Luke 12:15).
The people of the nations tend
to be good stewards for the welfare
of their own families and ultimately
themselves. They know that a stitch
in time saves nine. The righteous of
the nations are in tune with the
laws of conscience which our Abba
has so generously put on the heart
of man. If you open it; close it. If
you break it; fix it. If you use it up;
replace it.
Now we have been immersed
into the family of the living God,
members of the Body of Messiah.
We are the Majestic Ones, caring for
the needs of the other Majestic
Ones, no longer living for ourselves,
but for Him who died for us. But
sometimes the things we get involved in and our actions arent

majestic. Then we can repent.

Stewardship and the care of
material possessions is something
Ive noticed myself and others
suffering about. We have to be
careful in our zeal to be good
stewards that our enemy doesnt
come and attack us as I just experienced recently.
I got a car, one of many Ive
gotten in the Body over the years.
And boy, what a great deal! I got it
for almost nothing and I could fix it
up and it would serve our people for
many years. I reasoned that if I
could repair and maintain it, and be
a good steward it would serve me in
the things I was doing and of course
it would serve my brothers and
sisters, too. Maybe there would be
other deals like this that could
supply the whole tribe with vehicles. I have some capacity to fix
machinery, but as I reflect now it
wasnt with the same detail and care
and zeal that I had to work on my
car. I called it a pressing need to
get that car not only running
smoothly, but also to restore its
original beauty. The train of
thought I was on was that if we
would give individuals greater
personal responsibility over certain
areas, that, like me, they would
have greater care because it would
be something that would directly
reflect them. Of course this thought
remained quite subtle, masquerading as a desire to be a good steward.
The problem with forced
communism is that there is a great


This month, here in the tribe of Gad,

we spoke about how the geese are a
representation of the glory of our Abba
expressed through His creation. Man has
tried to, in his own strength, recreate the
gift of flying by inventing airplanes.
Kepha Zerah shared that man can fly. He
lifted his right arm and said that this
wing is called hearing. Then he lifted
his left arm and said this wing is called
obedience. He said that when the two
are used together one can soar on the
heights of the earth. Kephir said that
faith was the wind that creates the lift
needed to fly.
Our new sister from Israel, Micka,
by way of the community in Boston is
visiting us here in Gad. Last night she lit
two candles in honor of Shabbat. She
shared that the Jews clean up their
homes and take a bath then light the
candles signifying that they ended the
week clean. She also said that only
women in the house light them because
the women can have rest too because it is

the Sabbath. Ha Qinai shared that the

candles can represent that we have been
brought out of the kingdom of darkness
and transferred into the kingdom of
light. He and I were sharing about the
candles a little later. We saw that the
Jews can only have a type of what we
have in reality. This is because we have a
true sacrifice for our sins in our Master
We can truly light the Shabbat
candles because we confess our sins and
can be the light to the nations spoken of
in Isa.49:6. We also spoke that we all
labor to bring about his kingdom being
co-laborers with Him, crying out every
day and laboring to believe. There is no
male or female in the new covenant. All
are equal recipients of His grace. The
igniting of the candles can also represent
how both men and women begin the
minchot. We are no longer under the law
or the traditions of men.
Because of the upcoming wedding of
Dardah and Isaac weve been talking


woman, in a previous ITN. Robert, her

husband, and their two children also
came with her from the North to visit us.
Intuitively, sensing the need for a real
change of direction in their lives, they
packed all their belongings and put them
in storage. That way they could come
and see for themselves what the life of
our Master Yahshua was like here. Robert
has been a practicing Zen Buddhist for
the last seven years and only intended to
stay for two days. He stayed a few days
longer and then left headed for Adelaide
(southern Australia). But on the way
down he was in such turmoil about his
life and future that he turned around to
come back and follow his heart being
open to what we spoke concerning our
Master. He has a Jewish father, was born
in Scotland, but lived most of his life in
Australia. A large seed was planted in his
heart which we hope he will respond to.
He left again for a while, saying he
would be back this month. Birgit is
slowly being penetrated and seeing her
rotten condition and need for Yahshua.
She also has left for a time though. We
hope they will return soon, and come
into our Masters kingdom.
Also this month, it became
apparent that Sabrina and Chavvah, our
Argentinean twins, were needed to
support the newly forming tribe of
Issachar. We always sensed in our hearts
that one day they may be called upon to
support our dear brothers there. Though
it is a huge sacrifice for us, we are so
happy to send them on to this precious
new tribe in Argentina. It is hard to
imagine how it will be without them.
They are strong pillars in our tribe,
especially in the caf and the household
kitchen, having so much care for peoples
personal needs. But we know that this is
exactly what our little brother Issachar
needs right now. We send them knowing
our Fathers kingdom is advancing and
that is the most important thing for our
developing nation. The tribe of Asher is
happy and blessed. Even our Master said,
it is better to give rather than to

We will also be sending our

dear brother Chen back to the tribe of
Yehudah for a few months to glean
everything he can concerning cottage
industries. He is also going to support
our big brother Yehudah in some
painting projects to help meet the
pressing needs there. We are thankful to
have this opportunity to repay, in a little
way, the support we have received from
that amazing tribe. We are sure the time
Chen will spend there will be a time of
vision, increase and encouragement for
This month, before going to
Woodford, we wanted to put together a
Three Eternal Destinies of Man paper, so
that the name of our God would be
justified. So we put our hands to the
plow and worked night and day to
accomplish it. Finally, on the very last
day before the last crew left for
Woodford, the layout was finished. And
it was printed
For those of you who do not
know, Woodford is a six-day folk festival,
flooded with a cross-section of Australians who come to see thousands of folk
music performers. This was our third
year in the same spot, so people knew
where to find us. On the opening day our
caf began filling up table by table with
many familiar faces from last year and
the year before. They were all so grateful
we were there once again.
It is hard to find the words to
describe the next five days. One day
seemed to blend into the next. The caf
has never been busier, and the influx of
people continually coming in caused us
to give ourselves all the more. It became
increasingly more demanding as the days
went by, but our Fathers grace was upon
us all. People did not seem to mind
waiting for a table. They know the
quality of our food and the hospitality of
our cafe. There were many, many
favorable comments about us.
As we served, you knew that
many people were watching you, seeing
how we related to one another and how
we cared for the customers, etc. They


any time, done his own will.

We made a very great sacrifice this
month that we know will increase the
body of Messiah. We sent our precious
Yasha to Hamburg to help with training.
Since the beginning of the clan in Oak
Hill, she has selflessly laid down her life
in order that the life of Messiah could be
established in this place. She has been
very dear to Zimrah and I ever since we
were immersed last year. We greatly
miss her, but we know that it is our
Fathers will that she would help build
up the clan in Hamburg, therefore we
also have much joy. We love you
Jim, a man originally from Michigan, came to stay with us and witness for
himself the life described in our
freepapers. He was amazed by the life of
love and unity that backed up the
articles. He knew that he needed
salvation, but like so many others who
have been burned by the great harlot,
Christianity, he was afraid to trust his
life to other human beings. So he waited
and listened. The love of the body of
Messiah laid siege to his heart. The
walls of mistrust crumbled. He finally
understood that you must become like a
little child to enter the kingdom. Down
at the creek he was immersed into the
reality of the Body of Messiah, receiving
the forgiveness he had so long desired.
Time and time again we are reminded
of why our Masters name is Yahshua.
Neriyah and Zimrah

My little one-month old daughter

always managed to squirm her arms out
of her swaddling, sometimes within
minutes of wrapping her tightly. (Remember Houdini?) Then my husband
thought of this. I was so amazed, I
thought it was worth passing on (in case
you havent already tried it). Start with a
strip of cotton cloth about 8 to 10 inches
(20-25 cm) wide and 4 to 6 feet (1.2-1.8
m) long. Roll it almost all of the way up
and put the end halfway in the middle of
the babys back. Place the roll on the
babys right side so that the first wrap of
the roll is on top. Now pass the cloth
between the babys body and his right
arm; go around his arm and under his
back to the left side. Pass the cloth
between his body and his left arm,
around the arm and under his back
again. Now you have little sleeves that
are anchored to his sides. Continue
wrapping as you normally would
according to your climate. (I like to
leave her legs free for diaper changing,
but also wrap with a blanket since it is
winter.) What a wonderful way our
Abba has given us to put a good
foundation of restraint and boundaries
into our future rulers right from the start.
You dont have to wrap so terribly tight,
but his arms cannot go anywhere.

A Helpful Hint from

Chasidah, wife of Yeled
Qatan, The Best Way to


That very night we had two

women come over for the Sabbath
Celebration. Amazingly enough Mila
is from Peru, and Patricia and her
son from Argentina. Mila has visited
us a couple of times and is starting
to understand more about our life
and the cost to follow Yahshua. Our
Master needs her warm, lively spirit.
She is returning to Peru for a month
and may visit Issachar, and Patricia
is returning to Argentina and only
lives 50 km from our brothers and
sisters. She asked for their address
and telephone number. May they
join the ranks of Issachar as
foundational stones.
Next was the departure of
Chen. Though we understand it is
only a temporary visit to Yehudah,
we really wanted to honor our
brother. He has labored and laid
down his life in this tribe for thirteen
years. He is a big part of us. He has
invested so much into so many
people and we all love him very,
very much. We exist because he
and Yachath were willing to do our
Fathers Will and come to the ends
of the earth and endure to establish
the Tribe of Asher. Because of their
lives, fruit was able to grow and
flourish in the South Pacific.
So that was the month of
January for us. The Sun shone
brightly on Peppercorn Creek Farm,
the intensity was great, but the love
our Father has poured into our
hearts was greater. Our unity
prevailed and we didnt wither. Our
roots went deeper. Yahshua is our
Shalom from Bakhirah
P.S. The sickness is leaving us
now and we are learning about an

excellent natural remedy that cures

diarrhoea almost immediately. It is a
remedy known throughout the
islands of the South Pacific and
Australia (primarily because of
parasites which bring on this
P.S.S. One last important news
flash...Emunah is just about ready to
give birth. Please pray for her, she
has two weeks left. We will write
about it in our next entry. Until
then, all our love. Shalom...


*Paw Paw Seeds

(or better known in the U.S. as

-Take one time

-8-10 seeds
-Do not take more than this
amount, for they are quite
powerful and act immediately
on the virus within the lining of
the colon. They contain a
strong acid, which if taken in
higher doses, can counteract
the healing properties that a
small amount brings.
-Finally, chew the seeds
very, very well. Otherwise, they
will go straight through you and
the potent healing properties
will have little effect.
-If necessary, repeat once
more the next day.
The amazing results for
those who suffered with this
virus were almost immediate restoring vitality and health
within a few hours!

their communities. We too, have been

undertaking and undergoing the careful
work of restoration. As our brothers
cleared away all the debris from the
first floor of our building, our Abba has
been clearing away things in our own
lives that dont belong there. Just like
we desire for that side of the building
to house our Simon the Tanner business, our Abba wants His business to
be carried on in our lives. Restoration
is so encouraging! Seeing the large
empty room on the other side of our
store excites us because we know it is
being made ready for the building of a
new and larger store. We are full of
vision for this new undertaking, that
is, a Simon the Tanner store and Caf
under one roof. Already our men have
cleaned and remodeled a good portion
of the basement, building new rooms
that are well lit.
And the work goes on in our lives
as well. Dark, dirty, scary places deep
down in our souls are being cleaned up
and made room in, well lit so His spirit
can dwell there. Miriam MSusah had
something in her heart to share with all
of you about such restoration.
Many of you all over the world
have known me through the years, and
know that my personal enemy has been
Belial. For years this enemy has
burdened me with lies and crafty
reasoning causing me to react, resist,
and reason away our Masters Salvation through many of you. I have
intimidated people and made it almost
impossible for anyone to handle me. I
have been ashamed to extend my
withered hand. Yahshua has come to
me many times, reaching out to me and
saying, be healed. However, I was
still blind in many ways, seeing only

Our Master never gives up on His
own. He touches our eyes twice, three
times, and even ten times or more until
we can see clearly. I am no longer
ashamed to admit to you about this
enemys influence in my life, as many
of you have longed to help me and see
me healed. Our Master has opened my
eyes and for the first time I can see
clearly. Belial does not belong in me or
in any of us. He has no part in me, nor
does he belong behind my eyeballs, in
my ears, or speaking from my mouth.
When I saw the vile, wicked, destructive evil of this enemy, I pleaded with
loud cries and tears to be delivered
once and for all, never allowing its evil
influence again.
I know our Master loves His
people and His heart is only to save us
from our enemies. He is mighty and
powerful to save. He is El Shaddai and
promises us that Belial will never walk
among us again. Nahum 1:15. My
husband and I knelt down, hand in
hand, together as one man. As the
water was being poured over our heads,
I knew we were being washed clean
from Belial.
To all our friends everywhere,
thank you for suffering with me, and
covering me, and not giving up on me.
To you and our Master, Yahshua, I am
eternally grateful. We love you.
Ebyown and MSusah
PS. Noah, we miss you so much.
We are thankful for the times your
parents allowed you to live and work
with us here. We love you and are so
thankful for your friendship.


able for us and our brothers in

the other European tribes.
Oh! I almost forgot to
mention one other very important event here this month. We
sent our beloved brother Levi to
Yehudah. It was sooooo hard to
say good-bye to him. But we are
happy for him to be able to
spend time with our brothers
there. Levi we already miss you
So, there was quite some
news to share from the far north
this month. Yet there is still
more on peoples hearts to say,
so I will stop and let them take
Berachah shel Ephraim
I am thankful that I can be
a Bar Mitzvah, son of the
commandment. I am also
thankful that I entered into the
covenant with our Master
Yahshua and vow to my parents
to serve them for the next seven
years. I see how important it is
to encourage the children to
follow in the footsteps of their
parents so that the male child
can come about.
Noach ben Ephraim
I am so happy that I am a
bat Mitzvah and that I can have
one heart and one soul with my
parents. I am also thankful that
I could make a covenant with
our Master Yahshua. I am so
thankful that I am saved and
that I am a daughter of the
commandment. I want to turn
my heart to my parents by
serving them with all my heart.
I want to give my heart to them.
I am glad that my parents
raised me up in the right way. If
you weed the garden and you do
not pull out the root right away,
it will grow again. But, if you
pull out the root also, it will not
grow back. It is the same with

us. If our parents train us in the

right way by disciplining us
every time we need it, it is like
our parents take the root out.
But, if our parents are not
faithful to us then we are
growing up to have bad fruit. I
want to let our Master take the
roots out of me. Thats the
reason why I can now be a
daughter of the covenant, a bat
Beulah Chassidah bat
And from the overflowing
hearts of Beulahs thankful
To experience the bat
Mizpah of my firstborn daughter this month (as well as the
one of Zakar and Noach) has
been the most wonderful thing I
have experienced up to now in
the body even greater than
her birth or my own wedding.
The fact of seeing her turning
her heart towards us and
vowing her life to us by honoring us with such a determined
simplicity has really touched my
heart beyond what words can
express. I know I have lacked
many times to prepare her since
her dedication and it has been
only our Fathers mercy with us
as parents of the first generation that has brought about this
miracle. I know that I have
increased in the knowledge of
the truth to walk out the vow
since the day of the dedication
of my other children to do
everything to prepare them to
receive the Holy Spirit.
We are so blessed to be
chosen to raise up these generations of princes of Israel, corulers with our God for all
eternity simply by talking to
them from when they are small
at every situation and circumstance about the purpose of our


very loudly in my mind that I cant

even hear what she is saying
anymore. Im struggling to overcome
a bad attitude. I see this way in me
so much! I know I test our Abba in
this way, just like old Israel,
constantly putting Him to the test.
I cry out to receive my portion with
a thankful heart, instead of doing
my usual sulking. Our Abba always
makes a way for us.
I ended up having a wonderful
day with the children, and finding
the wisdom and grace I needed to
be encouraged. Not only that, but
when it came time to do my oral
report I had absolute confidence to
speak because I knew I was giving
up my life. The words came
flowing out like a rushing river
that could not be hindered!
It is only through suffering
that we will make it into the
Kingdom. Self-pity, depression, and
rebellion are a waste of time!
Nothing that can come to us from
any source can hurt us unless it
causes us to have a bad attitude. If
we want to hear from our Abba we
must be willing to pay the price,
truly denying ourselves. If we lose
ourselves in Him, we can be secure
and trust the reality that He will
find usand speak to us.
I am thankful to be growing
up to be like a little child, building up the Kingdom with all of my
Today I was looking at a
wart my daughter has on her
thumb, and noticed that it
looked different than it
has. It looked like it was
responding to the treatment
my husband was doing on it.
Weve tried different things
on it but this time something seemed to be happen-

ing. The right formula has

been found to start making
it go away.
I started to think about
creation and that our Abba
established everything
according to a certain
order. It made me think
about Matthew 17:21, casting
out a demon, But this kind
does not go out except by
prayer and fasting. There
are certain elements involved in every situation
that have to be in place in
the proper order for the
desired results.
It is the same in creation. A certain order of
elements or formula is
necessary to make a tree, a
rock, a flower, a human
being, even the universe
itself. Our Abba created
order, and everything in
order flourishes. Everything
out of order doesnt.
It is the same with us.
Each of us needs a certain
formula to save us. This
special formula is unique
for each one of us and is
designed with just the
circumstances we need for
our salvation. We need to
have the right response to
His special formula for our
lives in order to be purified. Then we will be ready
for Him when He returns.


Achsah Shel Othniel

1 doz.
3 c.
13-16 heaping TBS.
2 c.
2 TBS.
4 cans

orange juice (not from concentrate)

milk (soy milk is good)
celtic salt
crushed pineapple (drained well)
fresh oranges (cubed)
sliced bananas (optional)
Graham Cracker Crusts (pre baked)
whipped cream or soy cream

Break eggs into a thick-bottomed pot. Add orange juice, milk, cornstarch,
honey and salt. Bring to a boil stirring constantly so it wont stick. When it is
thick, remove from heat. Spread the crushed pineapple on the bottom of the pie,
pour the thickened liquid on top and top with fresh fruit. Serve with whipped
Yields 6 to 8 pies

I want to share something with you about lemons.

Sometimes I see children and youth eating lemons, and I dont
have much peace about it. Twice I have asked, Can you show
me your teeth? And both of them didnt have good teeth. I
learned from the world that the lemon takes out the calcium
from your teeth. So much so that many vegetarians drink
lemon juice with a straw. And this makes sense to me, because
of what we know about lemon eggs. Also I feel something
when I eat lemons which makes me brush my teeth right away.


Our lives are certainly rich. We always manage to pack-in so much to

every month that it gets difficult to remember all that happened. This
month in the tribe of Gad we had the blessing of Gidon and Jerimiah ben
Soreph of Manasseh who both gladly labored alongside us as we continued to renovate our Stone House. They were just as causal in the
minchot sharing the flavor of their tribe with their outspokenness, music
and life-giving spirit. Thank you, Manasseh for these extraordinary men,
we need more builders like them!
Finally, we are now living in the very finished residence of No. 69 East
Gate, and with only one more house on the other side of the river to sell
we are all very much looking forward to operating as one community in
the same neighborhood again.

The Vine House

Making TOFU...
I am so thankful for the
encouragement in the body and
the freedom to do whats on our
heart. This month has been very
full and exciting for me because
many others and
myself have a burden
that we here in Gad
would make our own
tofu. There is still a
lot to be learned but
so far the doors have
been opening very
nicely, like finding the
right supplies such as
fresh organic soybeans, sodium

chloride (coagulant) and even a

stone soybean-grinder to process
the beans to a very fine puree
(peanut butter machines work
The first few tofumaking attempts
failed because of
using old beans and
lack of know-how but
finally we got good
quality beans, gained
some wisdom and
with the support of
our wonderful and
willing brother Levy
Malcosh, succeeded in

Leviy Malcosh

making our first TOFU!

I dont want to say too much
because the project is still in its
infancy and there is still a long way
to go but, we are very encouraged.
The morning after the first
successful tofu-making venture
Phineas Maqor told us a story
about communists, how when the

painters ran out of paint they

simply sat down and waited for the
supervisor to come around with
more. We heard that Israel is not a
communistic nation. We are a
Common Wealth. Disciples initiate
and act on whats in their heart.
Thats how Israel will be built
Daveed Peratz


e are excited to announce the first Kiwi hatched in Gad! Naomi Ruth
wife of Lev Chadash (of Asher) gave birth to their 8 lb., first-born son. The
boy is, by all accounts, the image of his father!

e are also pleased to announce the birth of Obed Edoms fourth child
and first son, a very healthy boy weighing in at 9 lb. Obed Edom was reported to
have not stopped laughing and smiling for the longest time afterward! We thank
our Abba that He was the one who delivered these babes safely into (or out of)
the world. This is what Obed Edom has to say about his son:

W e are very thankful

that our Abba has given us a
son. We have three daughters
and we are very thankful for
them, and we have desired a
son for a long time. It has
spoken that he

would be a man of faith like

Nachshon was when they
crossed the Red Sea. He waited
for the prophetic word, then
he acted. He didnt lean on his
own understanding, and it
caused all of Israel to respond.
His second name is
greatly desired,
cherished, beloved. We want
him to know
his value.
We believe
that if he
knows he
is loved it
will cause
him to
trust like


confess with your mouth Yahshua

as Sovereign and believe in your
heart that He rose from the dead,
you shall be saved. I said I know
He rose from the dead because I
see the changed lives of my
brothers and sisters. Yonathan
and Bekor took me to the water
where I cried out with all my
heart to our loving King.
I am so thankful our
Father led me to the point where
I could trust enough to not be
afraid to express what was really
in my heart. I want to appreciate
our Masters compassion and
patience with me, communicated
by all my brothers and sisters in
Yehudah also. There was not one
wasted minute in the last five
years. Now I can do things with a
whole heart, and not
performance, fear and principle. I
can be like King David and Elazar
who took on the Philistines, backto-back, because they knew
Yahweh would give them the
victory, if they would just STAND
and fight with their whole heart.
Love, your new brother,

* * Kol Lev (whole

No longer Christopher


Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you again for all
your loving support and
encouragement. In a few days
(June 5) I will have been in
prison for two years, or one
fourth of the tariff I have received
from the Home Office. This is the
minimum period that must be
served before consideration for
I recently had my first
major sentence Review Board,
which went really well. I got
excellent reports in all areas. As a
result of this, and due to my
relatively short tariff, it has been
decided to cut in half the time I
will spend here at the Lifers
Assessment Unit. This means that
I can become eligible for a
medium security (C category)
prison in less than a year!
I am hoping to go to a
well-guarded training prison
called Channings Wood, which is
in Devon, not too far from
Stentwood Farm. Apparently, it
has a good pottery workshop, as
well as modern facilities, and a
minimum security unit. So, I may
be able to finish my sentence
there, eventually being able to
leave occasionally for a day, to
visit the Community prior to

Although my reports here

may be excellent, I know our
Father has much higher standards
than the Prison Service, and I
often fall short of the glory He
has for His disciples.
I am grateful for your
prayers, as I often fail to judge
my thoughts and easily give in to
despair, or just become apathetic,
and tend to shut people out, as I
find certain attitudes very
I am greatly blessed by
everyones letters, even if I am
able only to reply with a brief
attachment at times. Although
most letters reach me without
difficulty, after six months I am
still getting letters re-directed
from my previous address at HMP
Brixton. To ensure prompt
delivery, be sure to eradicate the
old listing from all address books,
and use this new address:
This is where Ill be for at least
another year.
Ahavah in Yahshua.
Your brother forever,

Phineas Maqor of Gad found this information for the ITN so that our people would know of this terrible danger to our
Caries: Cavities
Dentifrice: Toothpaste
Fluoride: any combination of elements
which contain the fluorine (F-) ion.
Dental fluorosis: a condition caused by an
excessive intake of fluorides while the
teeth develop characterized mainly by
mottling of the enamel, although the
skeletal system is also affected.
Is this true that fluoride is a poison?
Yes. Fluoride is an acute toxin with a
rating slightly higher than that of lead.
According to Clinical Toxicology of
Commercial Products, 5th Edition, 1984,
lead is given a toxicity rating of 3 to 4, and
Fluoride is rated at 4 (3 = moderately toxic,
4 = very toxic). On December 7, 1992, the

new EPA Maximum Contaminant Level

(MCL) for lead was set at 0.015 ppm, with
a goal of 0.0ppm. The MCL for fluoride is
currently set for 4.0 ppm thats over 350
times the permissable level of lead.
Fluoride is also considered toxic waste. It
is one of the most bone seeking elements
known to mankind. The US Public Health
Service has stated that fluoride makes the
bones more brittle and the dental enamel
more porous
How much fluoride am I taking in?
Current intake is estimated to be
between 5 and 7 mg/day in optimally
fluoridated areas. Current fluoride intake
is equally divided between drinking water
(in fluoridated areas), food, other
beverages, and dental products, meaning


that even if you dont live in a fluoridated

area, fluoride is endangering your health.
Average fluoride content in juices is 0.02
to 2.80 parts per million, in part because
of variations in fluoride concentrations of
water used in production. Childrens
ingestion of fluoride from juices and juiceflavored beverages can be quite substantial
and a crucial factor in developing fluorosis.
Grape juice has been found to contain up
to 6.8 mg/L of fluoride, a can of chicken
soup up to 4 mg of fluoride. Fluoride can
be found in water, toothpaste, mouthwash,
Dentists treatment, fluoride pills, juice, soft
drinks, canned food, commercial fruit and
vegetables, Teflon and Tefal coated items
(such as frying pans), etc. (Note: No
optimal fluoride intake has ever been
scientifically documented.)

How much is too much?

As little as 0.04 mg/kg/day has been proven to cause adverse
health effects. Retention of 2 mg a day will produce crippling
skeletal fluorosis in ones lifetime.
Does fluoride accumulate in the body?
Yes. Approximately half of each days fluoride intake will be
retained. This is what makes it so dangerous. The dose makes
the poison. All sides agree to the fact that healthy kidneys can
eliminate only about 50% of daily fluoride intake. The rest gets
absorbed in calcified tissues, like bones and teeth.
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) stated in 1977 that, for
the average individual, a retention of 2 mg/day would result in
crippling skeletal fluorosis after 40 years. Considering the above
mentioned intake level, it is likely that skeletal fluorosis already
affects a significant portion of the population.
Children and the elderly are in the high risk group for fluoride
poisoning and must be warned to monitor their fluoride intake.
How does fluoride get into the water?
Most often as a byproduct from the fertilizer, aluminum and
other industries, who manage to sell this toxic waste to
municipalities nationwide for human consumption incredible,
but a fact.
What about toothpaste?
Studies show that adults can absorb up to 0.5 mg of flouride
per brushing. Small children, even if pea-size amount is used,
will still absorb the same, more if the child is younger and has
less swallowing control skills. Half a tube of toothpaste can kill a
child. Current content of sodium fluoride in toothpaste in Canada
and the US is up to 0.4% = 4,000 ppm (parts per million).
Bubblegum-flavored dentifrice obviously is especially inviting for
children. Since April 1997 all toothpaste in the US must carry a
warning label, advising parents what to do if their child swallows
more than the pea-size brushing amount. Wholesale containers
carry the poison symbol of skull and crossbones.
How can my dentist say that its good for my teeth?
By receiving limited training on the subject and being
misinformed on purpose by the ADA and CDA. Figures in ADA
pamphlets contain an incredible amount of untruths, and outright
fraudulent claims. If you check the references cited and numbers
listed in your local libraries, you will undoubtedly come to the
same conclusion. Some fluoridation endorsements are listed, which
prove fraudulent when checked. Most dentists never bother to
take the time to study both sides of the fluoride issue. Consider
this statement by the ADA in 1979: Individual dentists must be
convinced that they need not be familiar with scientific reports
and field investigations on fluoridation to be effective participants
and that non-participation is overt neglect of personal
responsibility. There are NO reliable studies, conducted under
ethical research guidelines, which prove the benefits of fluoride
supplementation. The FDA admits to this! There are more than
500 peer-reviewed studies documenting the adverse effects.
Furthermore, dentists make higher profits in fluoridated areas
and through fluoride use. As a result of mottled enamel, many
more restorative measures are necessary, such as braces, bridges,
etc. For the ADA/CDA, this condition is a real money-maker,
because cosmetic dentistry is far more lucrative than cavity repair.
In addition, there is an abundance of evidence in the scientific
literature indicating that fluoride causes a delay in the normal
shedding of the baby teeth, and their replacement by permanent
teeth. This delay has been shown to increase the number of
children with malpositioned teeth. Again, braces are far more
expensive than fillings.
In 1993 the National Academy of Sciences warned, dental
fluorosis... might be more than a cosmetic defect if enough fluorotic
enamel is fractured and lost to cause pain, adversely affect food
choices, compromise chewing efficiency, and require complex
dental treatment.
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
has classified fluoride as an unapproved dental medicament due
to its high toxicity.
The FDA considers fluoride an unapproved new drug for
which there is no proof of safety or effectiveness. The FDA does
not consider fluoride an essential nutrient.
Four major studies involving 480,000 children (US, 39,000;
Japan, 22,000; India, 400,000; Tucson, 29,000) comparing

fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas showed no significant

difference in decay rates. Proven is that a higher intake of fluoride
will actually cause MORE cavities, especially for children with
low dietary calcium intake.
Is it true that fluoride can cause cancer?
Yes. In 1981, Dean Burk, for many decades Chief Chemist at
the US National Cancer Institute, testified at congressional
hearings, reporting that at least 40,000 cancer deaths in 1981
were attributable to fluoride. 40,000 cases that could have been
prevented simply by NOT putting industry waste into the public
water supply. Burk stated that fluoride causes more cancer, and
causes it faster, than any other chemical.
1n 1996 yet another cancer-related study was published
showing significant positive correlation between fluoride
concentration in drinking water and uterine cancer mortality.
Fluorides can transform normal cells into cancerous ones, as has
been shown in countless studies since Tsutui first published his
data in 1984. In 1997 there were more than 80 references
available, linking fluoride to cancer.
Does it cause brain damage?
Yes. Fluorides lower the intelligence capacity of humans, with
children, again, especially susceptible to early fluoride toxicity.
IQ levels were significantly lower than children not exposed to
fluorides in all age groups listed.
Further studies proving the neurotoxicity of fluoride in rats
have also been conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullinex. In 1995 Mullenix
and co-workers showed that rats given fluoride in drinking water
at levels that give rise to plasma levels fluoride concentrations in
humans, suffer neurotoxic effects that vary according to when
the rats were given the fluoiride as adult animals, as young
animals, or through the placenta before birth. Those exposed
before birth were born hyperactive and remained so throughout
their lives. Those exposed as young animals displayed depressed
activity. In 1998 Guan et al. gave similar doses as used by the
Mullenix group and found that several key chemicals in the brain
those that form the membrane of brain cells were substantially
depleted in rats given fluoride, as compared to those who did not
receive fluoride. Partly based on these findings, the union
representing all EPA scientists in Washington have now filed a
grievance demanding fluoride-free bottled water for their offices.
(Note: this also explains a recent University of South Florida study
relating fluoride intake during pregnancy to the yearly 1% increase
in learning disabilities found in children...)
There are also several studies linking aluminum with fluoride,
showing that the bioavailability of aluminum is increased in the
presence of fluorides, causing aluminum in the brain to double in
treated animals. According to an October 28, 1992 Wall Street
Journal Article about a study conducted by Varnier JA, et al.: Rats
fed the highest doses developed irregular mincing steps
characteristic of senile animals. Post mortem examination of
the rat brains disclosed substantial cell loss in structures associated
with dementia the neo-cortex and hippocampus. Similar data
was published by Varner, Jansen and others in Brain Research in
(Note: Alzheimers Disease, first diagnosed by Dr. Alois
Alzheimer in 1907, is now the #4 killer for every person over 60
in the US. Every 2nd person over 70 will develop Alzheimers
Many serious toxic and detrimental effects to plants and
animal species have been documented, salmon populations in
particluar being in the high risk category.
ITS A TOXIC WASTE! Think about it day after day, millions
of tons of fluoride are legally released into the environment,
especially in fluoridated areas. Showers, toilet flushes, lawn
sprinkling . As a result of the original Manhattan Project logic,
industries, now mainly the fertilzer and aluminum industries, have
a perfect way to release their hazardous and toxic waste. It would
cost up to $US 8,000 per truckload to dispose of this hazardous
waste. At a rate of emissions into the air of 155,000 tons/year, in
addition to an estimated 500,000 tons of emissions into lakes,
ocean, rivers (not counting fluoridation) its obvious that industry
saves billions and billions of dollars.



the biggest was out of the nest on a

beam, practicing flying from there
to the clothesline and back. The
next day they were all grown up
and gone. The nest was still there
now empty, with only memories
of those busy days, attending those
needy little ones who had now
flown off to begin their own lives.
Summer is upon us. Life at its
full-blown. The days are long and
hot (and muggy at times). The lives
of those little robins made me
really appreciate my own little ones
and want to attend their real needs
in a selfless and giving way; like
abba and imma robin.
Appreciating them while they
are here in the nest. That
is the most important
thing we can do!
Our evening
picnics by the river are
complete with
volleyball and tag.
They are sociable and
enjoyable as the sun
lingers long. But
theres work to be
done the building of
the Kingdom! Pushes in
the printshop get those
papers ready for the trip
to England. Pushes in the
woodshop, get those boot
jacks and jelly cupboards
ready for the Grand Opening
in the Plymouth store. THE
wash sweaty, grimy little hands
and feet, stained purple from the
abundant summer crops of
mulberries and receive droopy little
bouquets of white clover, buttercups
and assorted grasses and weeds.
Abba wont be here tonight, hes
got work at the shop. We all feel a
little droopy these days, with the
heat, but our Abba is giving us
Be friends! He says to us, over
and over. Love one another!
Living in community is like walking
on water, but do not fear little flock,
I am with you. Fix your eyes on Me
and you can do it. You can walk on
water! And when your eyes turn

inward and you start to sink, cry

out to Me and I will save you! But,
dont forget be friends! Love one
another, encourage each other and
talk to one another.
Oh, the best thing our
friends from Naftali Amatz,
David Israel, Neriyah, Qatan
and Oseh Haverim (the friend
maker!) came and spent a few
remarkable hours with us on one
First Day. After a pancake
breakfast and a tour of Coxsackie
we had a spectacular game of

volleyball. WE LOVE YOU ALL!

(Shalom to all my friends who sent
letters. I love you!)
Ruth shel Asuryah

A note about mat:

I want to share with everyone
what we have found out about mat
here in Coxsackie.
For several weeks now we have
been cold-steeping our mat.
Besides giving us a more pleasanttasting drink, we have seen other
advantages. First, it doesnt take
any energy to make it. No gas,

electricity, etc. Also, when you hotsteep mat it brings out the tannins
in the herb, which are bitter.
Sometimes you want the tannins
because they help tone body tissues,
but often you dont want them, or
the bitterness they bring (it requires
more sweetener to overcome their
taste). Cold-steeping also brings out
and preserves the chlorophyll in the
herb, which is destroyed in hotsteeping. Chlorophyll is very good
for us and is the substance that
makes plants look green. It absorbs
toxins in the body, especially in the
blood, and gives an immediate
boost of energy.
What we have been doing
here is cold-steeping our
tea using cup (about
200 ml I dont know
what it would be in
grams) to a gallon
(approx. 4 l) of water.
It can be steeped for 2
- 8 hours if not in
direct sunlight. When
in direct sunlight it is
better to not steep over
four hours.
Steeping longer
doesnt help and actually
will cause the drink to go
bad and start to smell and
taste fishy. If you steep it for
a short period of time, the
grounds can be used again, in
about half as much water. This
recipe makes a slightly weak tea,
and the amount of herb can be
increased according to taste and
need. We like it this way because it
gives us a nice taste while allowing
our mat budget to go farther. We
usually make some without any
pollutants as the die-hard mat
drinkers call them, and some with
cup (125 ml) honey per gallon.
Or we will use various fruit juices
to sweeten it. Also, we steep the
mat in glass containers whenever
Steeping our mat this way takes
more time and planning, but we are
definitely enjoying the benefits. We
hope you will too.

Good Sea Salt from the Celtic Sea in Brittany, France

Salt is good If salt is not good, salt is not salt.
Natural Good Salt has the essential minerals that
enhance health and sharpen the mind. It bears an
amazing likeness to human blood and body fluids,
capable of maintaining and restoring health to men
and women of all ages.
Natural Good Salt is the most basic condiment,
as well as a staple food. This sea salt is obtained from
the evaporation of the oceans water, simply and
without artifice. No synthetic mineral supplement can
equal the wealth of minerals that natural Good Salt
supplies, regardless of how rich its content or how
precisely it is formulated. This is real salt.
Natural Good Salt is harvested in Brittany, near
the Celtic Sea, in the northwest
of France. Cold, active, North
Sea currents, large tides, and
other marine and climatic
conditions offer the advantage of
a unique mix of minerals. It is this
combination of minerals that
gives Good Salt its special
In France and many other
countries outside the USA, this
type of Good Salt is treasured as
the finest of all condiments. Free
of any processing, it is dried only
by the summer sun and wind.
The salt is harvested by expert
salt farmers, who delicately
gather it with wooden hand tools
from the eddying salt flats. The
characteristic light grey color
comes from the pure clay
bottoms of the basins. The clay
ionizes the many minerals in the salt, making it even
richer in electrolytes. Because this salt is just sun and
wind dried, it retains some of the ocean moisture; this
helps lock in many vital trace elements. Good Sea
Salt is best used in cooking, particularly soups and
sauces, because of the coarse consistency and
density of the crystals. For use directly on food at the
table, you may want to grind it with a mortar and
pestle or a ceramic salt grinder as you use it (do not
grind it ahead of time, and do not use a pepper mill as
it has a metal grinder).
Refined salt lacks the many trace minerals that
natural Good Salt contains, because these minerals
are removed during the refining process. The
minerals are then sold to the chemical industry or to
pharmaceutical companies to make dietary


supplements. In order to make the color of the salt

white, many other sea salt products are washed. In
this process most of the valuable trace minerals are
also lost.
Refined salt is a waste product. It is what is left
over after the essential life-giving minerals are
extracted. Not only is it unfit for human consumption,
but it has a highly detrimental effect on the health of
the human body.
Refined salt is a poison. This is a fact that very
few people know, and even fewer are aware that a
whole, sweet-tasting and truly natural Good Salt is still
available, which fully satisfies the real hunger for salt
that is part of our instinct.

At the edge of the sea

The geographical orientation of the coastline also
plays an important part in the quality of naturally
extracted Good Salt. The ocean water is channeled
into pristine (non-polluted) ponds, edged with natural
waterways, wild grasses, and other green plants. The
wind and the sun evaporate the ocean water, leaving
a mineral-rich brine. The live flowing mixture is briskly
stimulated by the salt farmers actions, and within
hours the dazzling crystals form and are gathered by
The method used for gathering salt from natural
flats is crucial to the production of this health-giving
product. The salt fields of Brittany are lined with a
natural layer of clay and sand. If concrete-lined beds
were used, as in refinery type salt, the efflorescence

of the cement would pollute and lead the salt with

When harvested in these ways, natural Good Salts
are highly beneficial to ones health as they possess
many therapeutic qualities. Like vintage wines, these
culinary salts have an enduring quality. The purity,
cleanliness, and natural farming methods are carefully
guarded. In 1991 the French government, to prevent
developmental encroachment, classified the saltproducing region of Brittany as a national shrine and
recognized the practice of Celtic salt making as a
national treasure.
What makes salt salty
 Laboratory analysis of refined salt is as follows:
97.5% sodium chloride;
2.5% chemical additives that bleach, prevent water
absorption, and stabilize iodine; aluminum silicate,
and other additives, which maintain free flow.
(Iodine is added in the form of inorganic potassium
iodine or sodium iodine. This is a quick fix that
cannot adequately supply the starved glandular
tissues, because both of these iodine salts leave
the body in as little as 20 minutes. In order to
stabilize the volatile iodine compound, dextrose is
added, which turns the iodized salt an eerie purple
cast. A third additive, a bleaching agent, rectifies
this unappetizing color shift so consumers
unknowingly consume two extra chemicals when
purchasing iodized salt.)
Laboratory analysis of Macrobiotic salts (normal
sea salt) is as follows:
98% sodium chloride;
1% sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium;
1% carbon, bromine, silicon, nitrogen, ammonium,
fluorine, phosphorous, and iodine.

Laboratory analysis of natural Good Salt is as

84% sodium chloride;
14% sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium;
1.9997% carbon, bromine, silicon, nitrogen,
ammonium, fluorine, phosphorous, iodine, boron,
and lithium;
0.0003% (in order of amount) argon, rubidium,
copper, barium, helium, indium, molybdenum,
nickel, arsenic, uranium, manganese, vanadium,
aluminum, cobalt, antimony, silver, zinc, krypton,
chromium, mercury, neon, cadmium, erbium,
germanium, xenon, scandium, gallium, zirconium,
lead, bismuth, niobium, gold, thulium, thallium,
lanthanum, neodymium, thorium, cerium, cesium,
terbium, ytterbium, yttrium, dysprosium, selenium,
lutetium, hafnium, gadolinium, praseodymium, tin,
beryllium, samarium, holmium, tantalum and
0.0% (i.e. NONE of the following): All chemical
additives that bleach, prevent water absorption,
stabilize iodine and additives to maintain free flow.

Natural Good Salt is light gray in color. It is

normal that if left standing for a period of time, the
color darkens slightly at the base of the container.
Natural products reveal their richness in minerals by
their color. By its total lack of color, white refined salt
reveals its mineral deficiency and biological
Natural Good Salt is moist to the touch and
retains its moisture even when kept in cool storage
for long periods. It is formed by very small, precisely
cubic crystals. All of the salts essential trace and
macro-elements stay within the crystal only as long
as the moisture is maintained. Marine biologists and
many who have done studies in health attest to the
fact that Natural Good Salt restores electrolytic
imbalance, a disorder that causes the loss of the
immune response, creates allergies and causes
many other health problems. This moisture is always
present in natural Good Salt.
It is in the plant world of organic cereal grains,
vegetables, and fruits, that the major source of
minerals for human nutrition is found, and it is in the
natural, unrefined ocean or Good Salt that trace
minerals are found. Trace minerals are virtually
unavailable from the plant world, but are offered in
precise dosages by the natural, unrefined, Good
Salt, thus entirely completing the requirements of
the essential element in the body.
The vitamin controversy
The controversy about taking vitamins and
mineral supplements is still raging, especially if
these are taken in inorganic form, rather than
through the vegetable realm. It is very clear that
macro-nutrients as well as trace elements should
never be taken carelessly in large quantities. Most
have a very narrow range between what is essential
and what is toxic. It is not enough, for instance, to
have the proper quantity of the needed nutrients in
ones diet; there is still the requirement that these
trace elements be active in their ionized form, and
therefore capable of being metabolized.
Minerals work only in conjunction with each
other, and they cannot work to heal when their
concentrations are increased disproportionately.
Even in a dosage of taking just one inorganic
mineral supplementation, the effect can be toxic, by
upsetting the balance of minerals, rather than being
Trace elements are seen as regulators, tending
to harmonize the metabolic exchanges that assure
normal reaction and function. Their presence
endows the body with the ability of self-restoration of
its biochemical equilibrium. Therefore, the
supplementation of trace minerals must be furnished
in ionized form and it must be administered in proper


Vive la difference
Kidney failure in both men and women that occurs
due to nephron breakdown is common today.
Insoluble crystals of hemoglobin form in these
nephrons and are the cause of the failure. The
cortical hormones, secreted by the adrenal cortex,
literally program both mens and womens sexual
instinct by improving the quality of the gonads. When
these hormones are adequately and sufficiently
secreted, it assures that friendship and sentimental
warmth will be experienced toward all of humanity
and that the natural caring, loving response for a
person of the opposite sex unfolds intuitively as a
person matures. Salt is the catalyst that helps to
develop harmonious sexual character. Its subtle
essence plays a major role in defining and affirming
the characteristics in both sexes.
The Creator intended for the male biologically and
socially to be the
leader/initiator in every
way and the female to
be the receptor. To
maintain that
enterprising trait, men
instinctively consume
more salt than women.
The additional salt also
serves to balance the
male glandular
functions, since men
have more expanded
Men have to
consume slightly more
salt than females. This
salt is used to help
develop in them the
provider trait
necessary to hunt and
gather food, to initiate
relationships, and if
need be, to defend his mate and family. But it is in the
area of male virility and sexual character that two of
the components of the hormone cortisone really
accomplish great changes. Androsterone and
testosterone both help to regulate health in the
reproductive organs, maintain the deeper tones of
the male voice, and develop good sexual instinct and
response. These two substances are also
responsible for the bulkier skeletal development,
heavier bone formation, and genuine virility.
The secretions of the adrenals and the pituitary
gland are measurably curtailed when refined salt is
used. Vasopressin of the ADH and the hormone
cortisol that are vital to assure optimal sexual
functions are no longer secreted when refined white
table salt is the condiment. These sexual


malfunctions, added to the retention of body fluids

(caused by the absence of magnesium salts in refined
salt) can create a combination that destroys sexual
functions and sensitive response. The adrenal glands,
sometimes called the glands of combat, secrete
masculine motivators and regulators, circulating them
in the system. Any musculature activity such as
average and normal daily stresses, as well as salty or
high protein foods whether from animal or vegetable
origin tend to stimulate the male adrenal cortex in a
positive manner. Uncommon stress, however, the kind
which harms the inner self, occurs only when the
adrenal cortex becomes depleted by a lack of trace
and macro-minerals in the food, or by the excessive
consumption of protein without the significant
increase of minerals. It is this stress that is harmful
because it creates cruel and careless behavior, the
kind of uncontrollable emotions that lead to

disharmony, vehement strife, and passionate crimes.

When trace minerals are absent from the salt a
woman uses, ACTH, the adrenocorticotropic
hormone, begins to affect all her glands, from the
pituitary to the adrenal cortex. The strong male
hormones, the androgens, become overpowering and
tend to change female characteristics into male
aggressive traits by stimulating the adrenal cortex.
When the uniquely feminine internal secretions of the
ovaries, the estrogens, the progesterones, the luteins,
and the folliculins, are replaced by the male
androgens, the exquisite femininity disappears. This
can all be caused by the use of white refined salt, and
highly refined foods that it has been added to, along
with eating foods that are from the depleted soils of
today. Women become unhappy when they eat too

much meat, fish, cheese, or refined salt. When they

do indulge in these, women will also suffer from
menstrual irregularities. They will usually seek out
men with passive, obedient traits or other women,
often the kind that also are more submissive. Their
delicate feminine balance is lost due to the eating of
food and refined salt.
There is a correlation between salt quality and
sexual harmonious maturity. The reproductive system,
as well as a calm and harmonious mood in both men
and women, are influenced and determined by the
health of the kidneys. A breakdown in the gonad
performances is caused by a failure of the kidneys.
The kidneys are very efficient filtration organs. Without
the continuous cleansing that they provide, the blood
would become so toxic that a person would die in a
matter of days. It is because of our high refined salt
diets that they are often tired and overtaxed.
Free flowing fluids
Refined salt also produces pain, aches, or
tightness in the back, indicating a problem in the
kidney function. Nearly everyone who uses refined
salt experiences this at some time or another. A
stepped up fluid intake relieves the problem only
briefly. A greater volume of water only compounds the
problem as it causes the kidneys to work harder. Also
the kidneys need to work harder to eliminate the hard
refined salt in the form of kidney stones. This over
work makes them weaker, resulting in a lowering of
sexual energy in both men and women.
Natural Good Salt allows liquids to freely cross
the body membranes, the kidneys glomerulus and
blood vessel walls. Whenever the sodium chloride
concentration rises in the blood, the water in the
neighboring tissues is attracted to the salt rich blood;
then, if the kidneys are functioning properly, the
kidneys remove the saline fluids easily. Refined salt
does not allow this free crossing of liquid and
minerals, and causes accumulated fluids to stagnate
in joints, producing edema and chronic kidney
Excess salt collects in tissues and body fluids
when refined salt is used. Natural Good Salt does not
accumulate in the tissues; the magnesium salts will
eliminate sodium chloride after it has performed its
important jobs of acid-base balance, cell permeability
and muscle contractibility. If an excess of natural
Good Salt is ingested, thirst is increased, more water
is digested, and excess salt is passed harmlessly out
of the body.
One of the major functions of the adrenal cortex is
to secrete the hormone cortisone. This natural
cortisone regulates and balances salt and water
throughout the body, and has many other functions,
from changing protein into glycosides for energy,
changing food into cells for repair, and preventing

Rather than approach the problem nutritionally, the

medical profession has resorted to the use of artificial
cortisone (PREDNISONE), which creates enough
side effects to fill a full page.
Birth defects
Today the world is inundated with birth defects. A
study done by the World Health Organization a few
years ago ranked 33 of the top industrialized nations
on the earth in several categories of health. In
longevity the United States was ranked seventeenth.
Sixteen nations have people that live longer than
those in the US. In the category of first year
survivability of our babies, we were ranked twentythird (twenty-two nations boast that their babies have
a better chance of surviving their first year of life over
the US). In the category of birth defects we were
ranked dead last thirty-third out of thirty-three
nations because the USA is so terribly deficient in
Go to any store in your neighborhood and look at
the ingredients on a can of infant formula and you will
not find one product that has more than twelve
minerals, and these are synthetic. This should be
called child abuse. Go to any school playground and
look around during recess the children are
coughing, sniffling, choking, and screaming, already
on a road to sickness and degeneration before they
even reach sixth grade. Many of those who do not
look sick on the outside still have other deficiency
problems, such as attention deficit disorder, or
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or other
Salt is good
When combined with organically grown cereals,
vegetables, and fruits, natural Good Salt has
countless medicinal uses. It can correct excess
acidity, restore good digestion, relieve allergies and
skin disease, and prevent many forms of cancer.
Natural Good Salt provides a steady boost in cellular
energy and gives the body a heightened resistance to
infections and bacterial diseases. It has been said
that, Refined salt has not only been stripped of its
essential life-giving minerals, but also has lost its
ionic, electrolytic properties. It is this particular bioelectric quality which makes Good Salt from the Celtic
Sea a healing element and a vital and necessary
added ingredient in any diet.
Remember, refined salt is a waste product. It is
what is left over after the life-giving minerals are
extracted. Not only is it unfit for human consumption,
but it has a highly detrimental effect on the health of
the human body.
Beware of sea salt labels. These may have
originally come from the sea, but have been
processed, having chemicals added, which bleach,


a strong alkalinizer and to provide renewed energy. An

acidic body condition (not to be confused with the
digestive system that needs to be acid) is believed to
contribute to many sicknesses and alkaline foods are
considered powerful remedies for hemorrhaging, severe
Basic roles of Good Salt from the Celtic Sea
burns, physical trauma, acute infection, shock from an
Our bodies contain three internal oceans that
closely resemble the normal balance of ocean water. illness or surgical intervention, or very deep emotional
Each one of these complex solutions surrounds and stress. In conditions like these the bodys need for extra
potassium was traditionally provided by administering
circulates through our body: 1) Blood plasma, 2)
small doses of an isotonic salt solution made from
Lymphatic fluid, 3) Extracellular fluid.
Comparative analysis shows that these fluids are natural Good Salt from the Celtic Sea dissolved in water.
Sea salt has long been appreciated as an effective
very similar to sea water in their chemical
medicine, used alone as an energizer, detoxifying agent,
composition. Medical and biological facts indicate
that humans need Good Salt in their diet in order to or in conjunction with healing plants.
perform basic physiological functions. Ocean salts
Precious minerals working together:
contain the precious minerals our bodies require.
The need for these minerals make salt intake a
Proper electrolyte balance in the body is achieved by
necessity. In the salty environment of the amniotic
maintaining a relatively high potassium content inside
fluid, the human embryo grows over 3 billion times in the cell and a high sodium concentration in the fluid
weight. From the moment of conception on, humans outside the cell (extra-cellular fluid). Though potassium
and sodium are the two electrolytes found in greatest
are never without the need for salt. Good Salt from
the Celtic Sea is the salt of Life!
concentration in the human body, many other elements
Good Salt from the Celtic Sea is considered to be are required for normal physiological function. Trace
elements, found in ocean water and in natural Good
Salt, work to maintain proper function of
the bodys systems. This unique
combination of nutrients plays an
important role safeguarding good health.
If any one element is left out or
diminished, a link in an important chain
will be missing and the whole organism
will suffer. These elements work to
regulate optimum body function by
ensuring that our internal oceans are
never shortchanged of trace nutrients.
prevent water absorption and stabilize iodine along
with aluminum silicate, and other additives which
maintain free flow.

Storing Natural Good Salt:

The packaging is especially
important for storing Good Salt. It was
traditionally stored in a wooden salt
cellar (a lidded wood box), or a glass/
ceramic container with a loose fitting lid.
This allows the salt to breathe while
protecting it from dust. Salt is
hygroscopic (readily absorbs moisture),
so its moisture content will flux according
to environmental humidity. If your Good
Sea Salt dries out it will lose many of its
healthy properties and become

Good Salt is GOOD!


Menuchah here.
Along with that we also have some
very artistic spiders. I was taking a
walk one day and decided to take a
stroll to one of our boat docks. As I
walked down the gangplank (the walk
from the shore to the dock), I noticed
several well-woven webs. I only saw
one spider so I had presumed that she
had been very busy. I thought of how
these webs are like our iniquities
very intricately woven with lots of
dark sticky places to get caught up in.
I wanted to go back with a broom and
sweep the railings clean; just like
Yahshua washes us clean, and from
there it is up to us to stay clean.

I missed the minchot on
Monday and Tuesday mornings
this week because I was up a lot
with my children. Ever since I
came to the Body and have been
getting up early, I always thought it
would be nice to sleep in, but when
I did I really wished I had gone and
heard what our Father had to say
to us. During the day I was in a
circumstance with my children
and I kept wondering if our
Father had spoken what I
needed to hear for this
situation and I missed
Also I was
looking at my son
all swaddled up
and I was
what someone
told me about, how
swaddling changes
the character of a
child. I knew this was true because
Ive been watching my son change
just as I had with our other son
Raam Anav.
This encouraged me a lot about
swaddling. Then I thought about
our life and the narrow way that we
are on getting up early, full
schedules, disciplining our children
if they disobey on the first
command. It is like our Abba has
us tightly swaddled so He can
change us, from living according to
our selfish flesh to being like
Yahshua filled with His spirit. I am
thankful I live in the Body of
Yahshua and I am thankful I am
being saved.
Porachat shel Daveq


Great news from Warsaw!

This month our dear friend Jesse
was pierced to the heart during a
child training teaching. He shared
out of His heart that if a man was
righteous but then stopped doing
righteous things then none of his
righteous deeds would be
He, in tears, confessed to the
Body how he was wicked and needy
for our Master.
Thank you, Abba, for speaking
to Jesses heart! The Body was
overjoyed. We took him to the
waters and he cried out, Save me,
Yahshua, from my wickedness.
Thank you, Abba, for this great
victory in Warsaw and for the whole
Twelve Tribes.
I want to share with all my
brothers and sisters how thankful
I am to finally have died. I moved
here to Warsaw in January and
got wet that month. I never
saw my need and I
didnt burn all
my bridges. I
never really
died. Since I
hadnt really
given up my
life, I
arrogantly left
in March.
I do not
belong in the
world and I came
back in July. While I
was in the world I
feared if I came back
people in the community
would look down on me. I
was wrong. All that I received
when I came back was our
Masters love. Through daily
prayer, opening up with the
shepherds and the Body, and
hearing faith every day our
Father brought me to a place
where I could not deny that I
need His Son to save me. So by
His faithfulness I cried out to be
saved from my sin and
wickedness. I am so thankful for
His mercy and faithfulness.


One morning in our minchah

a couple of months ago Elkanah,
with much passion, said, Today
we are going fishing. That night
at Sandstone Theater (an
amphitheater outside of Kansas
City) there was a Phish concert.
Several brothers and sisters went
and found a small precious sheep
named Mary. She was the one our
Father picked out and brought
home. She never left. She found
the life she had been longing for.
She is so much like Bosmot
(Bosmot, we love and miss you!),
a sweet fragrance. A couple
weeks after she came she was
immersed into this life of love
and is the true definition of a
submissive, young disciple. She
loved what she had found and
then her family took her away.
She is 17 and wants to return as
soon as she is 18.
Anavah shel Aman

A note from Mary

Dear Twelve Tribes,
My name is Mary and I was
immersed on July 8,1999 in the
tribe of Manasseh in Warsaw,
Missouri. I began my new life,
devoted to the covenant,
completely falling in love with our
Master and learning the ways of His
heart. I was filled with joy and grace
and wisdom daily. But now the
persecution has begun and my
family has taken me from the
community and brought me to my
home in Pennsylvania until I reach
the age of 18 (which will be on
October 14). I am forbidden to
associate or contact anyone of the
Twelve Tribes, but there is a gaping
hole inside of me that can only be
filled by my brothers and sisters.
The world is a playground for the
Evil One and he lurks everywhere.
My helmet is in place, as is my
shield, and my sword is poised.
Until then, may grace be with you.
Praise Yahshua! I love you all and
I am thankful for your prayers.
Psalm 119 helped me a lot.
Shalom, Mary.

And now a special Shalom from

Netsakhs house!

Celtic weaving
This month our small household went through many things.
We had many guests as our Abba
opens doors through handcraft
fairs. We are selling well and
meeting many encouraging people
who are disappointed and looking
for hope. So, we constantly plant
our seeds of love and truth in the
hearts of those sensitive souls,
hoping for the right time to bloom.
Our shoe industry is waxing,
Ben Yada keeps busy - which is a
blessing for Sus in this
quiet winter period.
We renovated the
house to be able to
practice hospitality
towards people, and
our own children as
well. We want to work
on the shoe shop and
Ben Yada and Yaels
room, who are expecting their second child
next month.

From Michel & Dagmar

Abba showed us how He can cause
suspicious men to be tender: one
day, Hilkiyah and Ben Yada were
out looking for apples. They asked
a man, but he refused, so they
pulled away... but then he changed
his mind!


We were very encouraged, at

our last visit, to see how our
children, Nathaniel and Anas,
were eagerly waiting for us. We
came with their baby sister born
on the 24 th of September, and we
could see they are already bound
to her! Her name is:
She causes love to reflourish
in our childrens hearts, towards
their parents.

The meaning of this name

will have an important
impact in the near future;
we had on our heart
Malachi 4:6, and on top of
that, our cherry tree was
We surely noticed the power
her name has in our childrens
heart. We dedicated her in the
name of our Master Yahshua. He is
the only One who gives us the
necessary strength to overcome all
the oppositions of the enemy.
Dagmar and I send our love to
you, with Ahavah Chalapha in
whom our Masters name will be
justified. Hilkiyah and Naomi, Ben
Yada and Yael, also.
We are this preserved seed and
time is running out... soon the race
will begin and the new sound will
be heard on the earth.... YOPHI!!!!


Health Issues:
There is such a wealth of
opinions on the means to having
good health. We have tried for
many years to find the way
through all these opinions to
what really is the diet that our
Father desires us to eat as a
people in order to live long and
healthy lives. We are not scientists, but are equipped with the
common sense that our Creator has put into man that tells
him what is good.
We could see several years
ago that cooking our food to
death was not good. We embarked on trying to establish an
eating pattern of raw, fresh
vegetables and fruit whenever
possible. We have also seen that
the sprays and fertilizers they use
on supermarket fruits and
vegetables can be very devastating to our health. So, we try
whenever possible to eat organically-grown produce. This is
common sense.
We also know that most
clean meat is still not edible
for us because of the terrible way
they raise the animals, and have
avoided using meat that we do
not know. We also do not believe
in the needless slaughter of
animals just to satisfy our
cravings for meat, so we do not
seek to eat meat often. But we do
not reject the eating of meat and
consider it something special for
a festive meal. Fish we welcome


at any time and hope that it can

become more and more a part of
our diet.
So, with grains and vegetables and fruits we are satisfied.
But then we get into more
technicalities phytic acid,
acid/alcaline, complete protein,
anti-oxidents, vitamin pills,
pumpkin skins. And the list
goes on. It can become confusing
if you listen to the different
strong opinions. But really for
us there are only a few things
that we KNOW from our Father
are good and we will always do
it. Those are things like
vinney, celtic salt, olive
oil, pumpkin seeds, goats
milk (Proverbs 27 :27), and of
course, lots of water. Now we
are seeing the benefits of things
like seaweed, kelp, and algae as
medicine for certain ailments,
along with various herbal remedies that have been proven
among us, like St. Johns wort
and echinacea.
But there are so many others
things where people can really
be strong about that is really
not our way. We do not take our
stand on facts we have learned
unless it is somehow borne out
by fruit that is clearly seen. You
know a tree by its fruit. So, we
saw the addictive, harmful way
of coffee and chocolate, and the
way of life it promotes and we
rejected it. We are not caffeine

addicts like most of the western

world. But then we found Mat.
It seems just our cup of tea.
We recently ran across several
interesting articles about the
benefits of mat. Yoneq wanted
me to include this one:
Yerba Mate a South American stimulant and rejuvenating
herb that contains no caffeine.
Naturally lifts fatigue and provides broad range nutrition to
body cells. Rich in vitamin A, E,
C and B (especially pantothenic
acid), with measurable amounts
of chlorophyll, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and
manganese. Protects against the
effects of stress; helpful in
opening respiratory passages to
overcome allergy symptoms. In
addition to its inherent benefits,
Yerba Mat is a catalyst substance that increases the healing
effectiveness of other herbs.
We will include other interesting tidbits in the news from
time to time. But we never want
to come across as fanatic
healthfood nuts. We are people
with common sense and we take
our stand on love, the wonderful love that over flows from a
heart filled with His Spirit.
Shalom from ha-meq


Are There Good Fa ts ?

Some fats are very good for you. Cold pressed virgin
olive oil and flaxseed oil actually possess amazing health
benefits, as do the omega 3 and omega 6 fats found in
cold water ocean fish, among which mackerel is the best.
But the western diet abounds in many unhealthy fats
that have lethal qualities. The worst offenders are the
man-made transfatty acids often appearing on the food
labels as hydrogenated or partially hudrogenated oils.
You should avoid these and any fast foods -- which are
cooked in these lethal oils. What is worse, those oils in fast
foods are often used over and over again. As a people, we
want to use only fresh, unheated oil, if at all possible. This
will be very difficult for us, but it is worth the extra effort
and funds to save us from bad fats. This is the one area of
our national diet which is the most lacking. Seek for
good, fresh oil whenever possible!

Fat or Skinny
In the United States, 18% of the population is obese,
55% of the population is overweight. That makes 1 in 5
people obese now as compared to 1 in 8 in 1991.
Eating disorders like this are not just on the fat side
though, but also on the skinny side (as seen in anorexia
and bulimia, which are the names given to destructive,

A very nice letter from our brother, Nsu of Yehudah :

How wonderfully our Father made us, especially our
hearts! Did you know that there are two different kinds of
cells in the heart that cause it to beat in such a wondrous
rhythm? One kind of cell is called the pacer. These
incredible cells set the pace for the heart. They are all
placed strategically at various locations around the heart.
In some places they are gathered very close together in
what are called nodes, centers where the pace can start.
The other kind of cell is just as important and just as
needed. This cell is called the working cell. This is the cell
that actually takes the pace impulse and converts it to a
contraction, squeezing the heart. It carries out the
instruction of the pacer. The pacers set the pace at which
the workers labor to pump the heart muscle. It all happens
simultaneously through electrical impulses. Scientists call
this automaticity. In simple terms this means the heart can
generate energy by itself. This is a special gift from our
Father. No other organ in the Body has this gift.
I cannot help but think how fascinating this is. Both
kinds of cells need each other to survive along with the
blood cells and the other cells of the body. They are all so
important for the proper function of the body. Each is set
apart in order to work in perfect unison. When the pacers
ITN 2000-02

lying spirits that delude a person into thinking they are

fat when they are actually dying of starvation). These
self-destructive spirits are on the increase in this society.
Both being too fat and too thin are dangerous and cause
great health problems.
We as a people need to come out of this evil mentality
and return to normalcy. We must all stand in the gap and
fight our particular enemies in the power of our mighty
Savior, our Hero, our Master Yahshua. Is His arm too
short to save? What do we tell people as we go out to
preach to good news? Does our Master Yahshua save? Is
He the One sent from our Father to SAVE HIS PEOPLE
FROM THEIR SINS? The Fat people are being saved,
and the Skinny people are being saved.
It is not funny or weird that people are very fat or very
skinny. It is an enemy of the souls of men at work to
destroy them both physically and spiritutally.
We are promised the GATES OF OUR ENEMIES.
Remember this. And help encourage one another to go to
war against the enemies, and become healthy. It is a
powerful witness of the restoring power of our Master in
the midst of this very sick society.

tell the workers to contract, the instructions are carried

out from the top of the heart to the bottom. As the pacers
pace, the workers work and squeeze together. This impulse
cascades down the heart like a majestic waterfall. It is like
a farmer hand milking his cow, squeezing each finger at a
time in unison, coordinated, enabling the milk to squirt
out of the teat. WOW!
As the muscles contract, precious blood rushes through
the heart. This blood nourishes the pacers and worker cells
with oxygen and nutrients to sustain their life. As we all
know, life is in the blood. This rich blood pumps out of
the heart at very fast speeds. When the heart relaxes the
blood backwashes through blood vessels, thus providing
life to the outer portion of the heart where the pacers and
workers are located. All the cells are vital to one another in
order to function properly.
Unfortunately, things disturb this God-given process.
For example we put unhealthy foods into our bodies. Like
unclean spirits we fail to judge, the fruit of the flesh, the
inner workings, these things cause dysfunction and all
manner of disorder. The pacer cells and working cells fail
to work in unity. They begin to fire out of sync. They all
begin at different times to contract, pace, and relax. It
seems that the cells are out of order with their own minds.

The resulting confusion is known as fibrillation. Basically, this means that your heart stops pumping and begins to quiver
instead like a bag of worms. This condition is life threatening, FATAL! The blood cannot move to any part of the bodys
cells to release its precious cargo. Unless drastic measures are implemented to reorganize this disorder, the body will die.
Rescuers try to force the heart to stop in hopes that it will wake up and call the pacers and working cells to restart in the
order that our Abba ordained to bring life to the body.
Realizing this caused me to want to be healthy and not dysfunctional. So many times I make the wrong choices and let bad
food (spirits) into my body, contributing to this disorder. Oh how I want to hate this! Our Abba is making it clear who we are.
We are those who are set apart for specific purposes. Our job is to be in unity, not out of order, not independent from the
direction given to us. If we act independently, this will cause death to occur in the body. Now is the time when the heart is
being formed. It is necessary that we grow up strong and into the head (Eph 4:15-16) where we will receive greater instruction.
Nsu Basar




As ha-emeq was sharing with us in the last

ITN, there are many opinions and much literature on the subject Health. We dont want to
be a people with strong opinions but rather people who pass on their experience and wisdom to
one another as we see something we have tried or
experienced bearing good fruit. One of the things
we have come across is Hawthorn. It is a classic
herb that has been used for a long time in traditional herbal folk medicine. There is also scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this herb. What
excites us about Hawthorn is that we have found
real, visible results that are worth passing on.
Hawthorn strengthens the heart. It improves
blood flow to the coronary arteries, thus increasing oxygenation of the heart muscle. It also helps
normalize minor heart arrythmias (irregular heart
beat) and cures the feeling of tightness in the
chest. It slows down arteriosclerosis and thus
helps prevent heart attacks. It can also assist a
therapy to lower blood pressure. It is proven that
Hawthorn tea can be drunk as a preventative on
a daily basis even by people who dont show any
symptoms of heart problems yet.
Our lifestyle and the kinds of foods we ate
before we came to the Edah have affected our
bodies. Our Abba wants us to be healthy and live
until His son returns to the earth. Hawthorn
seems to be something He provides for us in His
creation to find healing. There are several brothers here in our tribe (all around 40 years of age)
who have been suffering with heart problems
(feeling of discomfort, irregular heartbeat).
Through the use of hawthorn they have become
trouble-free! Hawthorn can be taken as tea or
tincture. Since it is a common bush in moderate
climates it is not too difficult to collect plenty of
leaves and blossoms in spring time.

I also found something interesting in a health

food magazine recently about peanuts. It said
that they contain uric acid, which is hard to
dissolve and leads to deposits in the body. The
magazine recommends not eating a lot of peanuts
on a daily basis. The book Nutritional Healing
also recommends avoiding peanuts, but doesnt
explain why.
We tend to eat a fair amount of peanuts in our
communities (nut mix for trips and meetings, in
Muesli and as peanut butter). Peanuts are the
cheapest kind of nut. Really, it is a bean that is
probably roasted with bad salt and cheap oil. I
wonder if it is a food we should come away from
(or limit its intake) and replace by raw almonds,
hazelnuts, etc. (Gout is a disease that comes
about through the deposits of uric acid in joints.
Kidney stones can also be formed by uric acid.
There are other foods that are uric acid forming.
Some healthy foods (dried beans, lentils, oatmeal,
spinach) are low in it, others (meat, mushrooms,
mussels, and sweets) are high in uric acid.)
There was one other interesting health fact I
found which confirms the direction the anointing
is giving us about milk: I have a book about acidbase-balance in your body. As you know, many
people suffer from having a too acidic metabolism (mainly from eating too much meat, white
sugar etc. but even in the Body some people have
this problem). The author of this book distinguishes between raw and pasteurized cream. He
says that non-heated cream is more alkaline than
heated cream. Not that I am advocating eating
cream now, but I thought this was interesting in
regards to what we are learning about not heating
up our milk too much.

ITN 2000-02

Health Issues
Here is a little information from Ruth, wife of Asuryah. She has
ardent zeal for her people to become self-sufficient and healthy. She
will be adding to this information about oils for a few months in
the ITN in order to get us all acquainted with this subject.
I am really thrilled to be able to share with everyone a
little of what we have been learning about a very exciting
subject oils and fats. Ever since Nahaliel started teaching us
about oils down in Naftali years ago I have been very interested
in learning more about the subject, principally because, as haemeq said last month, it is an area we still lack understanding
about. We have come to understand about white bread, salt,
and pasteurized milk; now we are beginning to learn about dead
Adults need a minimum daily intake of 15 to 25 grams of
dietary fat to meet the bodys needs. Our bodies use fat in
numerous ways, ways in which most of us are unaware. We use
fat to manufacture antibodies to fight disease; fats act as carriers
for the fat-soluble vitamins A,D, E, and K; fat deposits cushion,
protect, and hold in place vital organs such as the kidneys, heart,
liver. They also aid in digestion by slowing down the stomachs
secretions of hydrochloric acid, which is what produces that
satisfying feeling of fullness after a meal.
There are two main types of fats in the body. They are nonessential fatty acids, which our body is able to manufacture, and
the essential fatty acids (hereafter known as EFAs) which we
cannot make and we have to get through our diets. These
essential (unsaturated) fats are necessary for normal growth, for
healthy skin, blood, arteries, and nerves, and for keeping our
metabolism running smoothly.
There are three main types of fats in the foods we eat. They are
poly-unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, and saturated. The
percentage of each type of fat is what makes one food a healthier
choice than another. Cholesterol is not a fatty acid, but since it is
a fat-like substance we will take a look at it, also.
Saturated fats are the bad guys right now; they stand accused
of causing obesity, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, and cancer.
Mankind has eaten these fats for centuries; the problem today is
mans lack of physical activity and excessive use of animal
products. Saturated fats are not in themselves harmful, but they
are only burnt up when energy is needed for hard work or to
provide warmth for the body. These fats are not used in any of
the essential functions of the body and any excess is stored in
the form of body fat. Saturated fats are found in tropical oils
such as coconut, palm, and cocoa butter. They are also found in
animal fats from meats, dairy products, and eggs. Certain kinds
of people could stand to eat some saturated fats; however, most
of us need to take care, lest we, too, become saturated.
Mono-unsaturated fats are found in most foods, but especially
certain vegetable and nut oils; the healthiest example is olive oil.
Olive oil is good for us, as we will explain more clearly later, but
it is not an ESSENTIAL fatty acid.
Poly-unsaturated fats are found in most foods, including certain
types of fish, but mainly in nuts, plant oils, seeds, and soybeans.
These fats are liquid at room temperature. Under this classification there are two main types; they are commonly known as
March 2000

Omega 6 (or LA) and Omega 3 (or ALA or before that LNA).
These titles represent the molecular structure of the oil (another
very interesting subject which I wont go into in this article).
These are the healthy oils which they are talking alot about in the
world today. Through my research of oils it has become apparent
to me that no one knows a whole lot about this subject yet.
Scientific research in general is a very perverted way of thinking
and most research is backed by greed and the insatiable desire for
knowledge. So, we need to be very careful to consider the things
we read and hear as partial truths or possibilities and not be
tempted to have fixed ideas and opinions about these things. The
conclusions that are made about these subjects are often based on
scanty circumstantial evidence and chance discoveries. There are
many differing opinions and conclusions. We as a people must
learn from experience of what works best for us and gives real
So back to the poly-unsaturated oils. These oils are used in basic
cellular functions and energy production in the body. There is
growing evidence and concern that in the US there is an
imbalance in the amount of Omega 6 oils (which come from
warm climate plants including safflower, sunflower, sesame,
peanut, corn, and cottonseed oil) that we consume and the
Omega 3 oils (which come from the colder climate plants. Omega
3 oils are found in fish oils, especially from oily coldwater fish like
mackerel and tuna. Also walnuts, wheat germ, soybeans, chestnuts, and flaxseeds contain Omega 3 oils. (Although soybeans
contain Omega 3 oil, it is very difficult to extract soy oil without
destroying the EFAs.) These EFAs are very susceptible to
destruction by heat, light, and oxygen. For this reason it is
important that we receive them in the freshest form possible.
Both poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated oils can be
hydrogenated. Hydrogenation is a process by which hydrogen is
forced into the molecular chain changing the structure of the oil
at a molecular level. It is done to make the oil solid at room
temperature. Hydrogenation is not normal and the oil loses its
health-giving capacity. Some oils are still liquid but are partially
hydrogenated to make them last longer on the shelf. Beware!
Many processed foods contained hydrogenated oils. Avoid such
oils as these!
Cholesterol(HDL and LDL) Cholesterol is a white, waxy, fatty
substance found in all animal foods, especially in organ meats.
Because plants do not have the ability to manufacture cholesterol,
there is none from plant sources. Cholesterol is essential to our
well-being. We dont need much of it in our blood, clogging up
our arteries, but we do need it to help build cell membranes, to
produce hormones, and to manufacture bile acids that are needed
to eliminate excess cholesterol from the body. Cholesterol is
manufactured in the liver, even if we dont eat animal products.
The cholesterol manufactured by our liver is carried through our
bloodstream by LDLs (low-density lipoproteins).High levels of
LDLs in the bloodstream can result in clogged arteries, causing
high blood pressure,stroke, or heart disease. This is why LDL is
referred to as "bad" cholesterol or you could say "lethal" for LDL.


HDLs (high density lipoprotiens), the good chloresterol or healthy for HDL, carry excess cholesterol fro m
different body tissues to the liver, where it is metabolized by the liver and then processed through the intestines and
eliminated from the body. High levels of HDLs are correlated with a healthy heart. Their level can be raised by
r egular exercise.Thats probably enough for this month! Next month well learn more about the essential Omega 3 fats
and why they are so important to our health.
M o re Health Issues
Another interesting note here about our health comes in a copy of a letter that Israel of the tribe of Gad wrote to a major
company in Canada when re- turning several products their commissary had purchased by mistake. Once they realized that
the company used propylene glycol in their products they wanted to return them. We do want to try to avoid products
with this ingredient if possible. Well, it is interesting how Israel put it in his letter I wonder what the company
thought when they read it????????
To Whom It May Concern:
We appreciate the fact that you are taking this product back. We were
unaware that your productcontained propylene glycol when purchased and do
not wish to sell such a product on our storeshelves. As you probably know,
propylene glycol is a clear, colorless, slightly syrupy liquid at room
temperature and is practically odorless and tasteless. It is used to make
antifreeze and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats; to make
polyester compounds; and as a solvent inthe paint and plastic industry. We
understand the reason why it is used in the cosmetic industry since it helps
absorb extra water and maintain moisture. However, we believe that it is
harmful when the human body absorbs it through its porous skin. It is common
knowledge that propylene glycol is manmade and has the ability to cause cancer.
Propylene glycol molecules are plenty small enough to go through human skin
tissue via such skin products and hair conditioners and eventually into the blood
stream and lymphatic fluids. It is known to also destroy the human liver and other
organs. This type of compound can change your body chemistry by increasing the
amount of acid. There are many terrible side effects of propylene glycol that are
reported and under investigation on a regular basis all over the planet and we would prefer to abstain
from selling such products. Of course some of these effects only happen in a long term but this chemical
does go into the human body. It might only be considered a matter of conviction at this stage, but again, we
thank you for taking back the following list into your stock: 6 Summer Spice Deodorant Sticks; 4 Winter Clean
Deodorant Sticks, 3 Autumn Breeze Deodorant Sticks.
Yerba Mat and the Xanthine Alkaloids
ever made the attempt. Researchers at the Free Hygienic Institute of
The xanthines draw a lot of attention because they number among Hamburg, Germany, concluded that even if there were caffeine in
them some traditional nasties, chief of which is caffeine. Others are mat, the amount would be so tiny that it would take 100 tea bags of
theophylline and theobromine. All of the xanthines have a similar mat in a six ounce cup of water to equal the caffeine in a six ounce
stereo-chemistry but each has its own unique set of properties. For serving of regular coffee. They make the rather astute observation
many years, and even now, in some sectors, yerbamat was(is) thought that it is obvious that the active principle in yerbamat is not cafto contain caffeine. It turns out that mateine is not identical to caf- feine! But then, we know for sure it is not caffeine, for caffeine is not
feine; it differs from caffeine in some rather dramatic ways. Some present at all.
members of the scientific community still resort to calling mateine a
Mateine, then, has a unique pharmacology and it is unfair to comSouth American term for caffeine, or to maintaining, in
pare it to caffeine. Mateine
perfect knowledge of the falseness of the assertion, that
appears to possess the best
two substances so similar chemically must have the same
combination of xanthine
properties. Slowly, they are being forced to acknowledge
properties possible. For exthe distinction between mateine and caffeine.
ample, like other xanthines,
Stereo-chemical and clinical work on xanthines in the
it stimulates the central nerlast couple of decades have shown that, though similar in
vous system, but unlike
structure, the members of this class have widely varying
most, it is not habituating or
pharmacology. In fact, there is only one effect that seems
addicting. Likewise, unlike
to be shared by all trimethyl xanthines: smooth muscle
caffeine, it induces better,
relaxation. It is this action that makes them, with the exnot worse, attributes of
ception of caffeine, whose smoothmuscle relaxant effects
sleep. It is a mild, not a
are diminished by other side-effects, good clinical dilastrong, diuretic, as are many
tors of the bronchi and hence useful in the treatment of
xanthines. It relaxes periphasthma.
eral blood vessels, thereby
Chemical assays on mat have traditionally looked for
reducing blood pressure
caffeine, and in such tests mateine, being a simple stereo(Small excerpt from a little
isomer of caffeine, would test positive. Until recently nobook we found about mate
body has looked at the exact structure of the molecule
- Ha-meq).
and, to my knowledge, nobody in the United States has
Yerba Mat Leaf and Berry


ITN March 2000


The Nature of EFAs

This month were going to learn a little bit about

the Essential Fatty Acids, which have been given the
names Omega 3s and Omega 6s. The 3 and 6 have
to do with the molecular structure of the different
kinds of oils.

EFAs have an electric nature. They attract

oxygen. They absorb sunlight increasing their ability
to react with oxygen by 1000 times. They carry a
slight negative charge. This means that the molecules repel each other and therefore spread out in a
very thin layer over surfaces like cellular membranes. This quality is called surface activity. (I try
to picture it like the colorful oily substance that
moves about on the surface of a bubble.) It gives the
power to disperse and carry away toxins. Also the
weak negative charge makes them weakly basic
which causes loose bonds to form with sulphur
protiens. These bonds create an oscillating movement of electrons and molecular energy that is the
basis for chemical reactions on which all life depends. The electrons can loosen and move about
creating bioelectric currents between the water
inside and outside the cell and the oils in the cellular
membrane. These currents are especially important
in nerve, muscle, heart and membrane functions.
EFAS are involved in production and movement
of life energy. They govern growth, vitality and
mental state. They are directly involved in oxidation
which is the moment-to-moment burning of food for
production of energy required for life processes.
They are directly involved in respiration, the transter
of oxygen through the lungs, through the alveolar
membrane into the capillaries, then through the cell
membranes into the red blood cell. They are like an
oxygen magnet. Because of this they hold oxgen
in the cell creating a protective guard against viruses
and bacteria which hate oxygen much the same way
evil hates the light. They also transport excess
chloesterol and help keep the body fats fluid. They
generate electric currents that make the heart beat
in an orderly sequence. They are precursors for a
hormone like substance in the body called prostaglandins. These have an important function in the
immune system, helping to fight infection, disease
and allergies. Prostaglandins are tissue based
hormones (as opposed to the organ based ones) that
regulate an enormous amount of body activities, far

You may be wondering what all this talk about

EFAs is all about. Essential Fatty Acids are dietary
fats which our body requires on a daily basis. They
must be taken in through food since the body is
unable to produce them on its own. There are two
types: ALA(Omega 3) and LA(Omega 6). ALA is
needed in smaller quantities but never-the-less is
essential. LA is needed in larger quantities but in the
American diet and especially in our diet it doesnt
seem to be deficient.
ALA coldwater fish, especially mackeral, tuna,
blue, salmon, trout, and sardines, flaxseed, northern
beans, walnuts, chesnuts, pumpkins, winter wheat. In
small quantities: egg yolks, green leaves, seaweeds.
The highest plant source is wild purslane.
LA warm climate plants such as: sesame,
safflower, peanut, soft wheat, corn, sunflower.
EFAs are extremely important on a cellular level.
They make up phosphatides which are the basic
building block of cellular membranes of every living
thing. Fat along with protien make up this substance.
The cellular wall and the organelles (little organs) of
the cell are made up of a combination of the two in
differing percentages depending on the type of
function the cell does. This membrane is the barrier
that guards what goes in and out of the cell. Highly
active cells like nerve cells are higher in fat percentage. Fats are the dominant factor in all life functions.
To show this we can see a few examples:
red blood cells: 45% phosphatides,
nerve cells:
80% phosphatides,
25% phosphatides,
50% phosphatides,

55% protien
20% protien
75% protien
50% protien

ITN 2000-04

more than I can mention here. They are basically an

EFA with a knot in the middle. They have been
recently discovered and not everything is known yet
but they do regulate many of the bodys acivities,
akin to community coordinaters. They control the
inflammatory process, healing and repair, immune
system, neural circuits in the brain, cardiovascular
system, digestive system, reproductive system,and
body temperature regulation among other things.
Plankton and algae spread out over the surface
of the waters absorbing sunlight energy. Fish in the
ocean eat the algae. They store that sunlight energy
in their fatty deposits. Plants store sunlight energy in
their seeds to carry that life energy through the cold
winter. EFAS are intergrally involved in this storage
process. In the human body EFAs absorb sunlight
and ultraviolet light through the skin and store that
energy in chemical bonds within the body. The EFAs
are like the antenna that attracts and draws in the
light. They are the highest source of energy in
nutrition. They generate a field of electrons which
recharges the living substance, especially of the
brain and nerves. Life cannot exist without them.
Thats why they are essential! Its a question of
the flow of energy.
Most of the research being done in this area is
incomplete. It seems that the use of Omega 3
essential fatty acids is quite different in primates and
humans than in other animals like rats and rabbits,
the victims of most of the research on EFAs.
Omega 3 EFAs are essential to humans in higher
quantities and especially important to brain and nerve
development. So, even though they have had some
good results in their laboratory research with rats,
more recently theyve found that the need for
Omega 3 EFAs is much, much higher in humans that
in other animals. It is especially important for the
developing fetus and the nursing infant when brain
development is rapidly occuring. Breast milk contains EFAs, but the imma needs a supply. A lack of
EFAs at that time can stunt brain growth. Cerebral
matter is composed of 60% fat, Omega 3 being the
most prominent substance, totally necessary for
maintaining the fluidity needed for proper reception
and transmission of impulses between brain cells.
Most vegetable oils, even the good quality ones,
come from warm climate crops. But if we live in a
cold climate or are from ancestry of northern
peoples we need more than do warm climate
peoples. Of all the seed oils that we know of flax oil
is the highest and most beneficial of these oils. It is
ITN 2000-04

60% Omega 3 EFA. EFAs can be destroyed by

heat, light, and oxygen for the very same reasons it
is good for us. (Being its reactive nature with these
elements.) This is why flax oil is expensive and hard
to find. In pre-WWII Europe flax oil was often
delivered door to door like any perishable substsnce
like milk or eggs. People knew it needed to be fresh.
But with the introduction of modern bottling and
distribution, they had to find ways to make the oil
have a longer shelf life. To do that they had to
destroy the EFAs!
Some people see that in the early 1800s when
modern milling techniques were introduced there
was a wave of pellegra and beri-beri. These were
treated by adding a few B vitamins back to the
milled flour, which seemed tlo alleviate the
symptoms.(The three Ds- diarrhea, dementia, and
dermatitis could we give them more modrn names
- irritable bowel syndrome, schizophrenia, and
psoriasis?) However, since that time more and more
modern food processing has been introduced taking
more and more of the essential nutrients out of our
food. Anything with life in it has to be removed since
that makes the food perishable hence white flour,
white sugar, white salt, pasteurized milk, and refined
oil have been the norm in westernized society. No
one really questioned the nutritional value of modern
mans diet and all the refining it undergoes.
Over the years the deficiencies in EFAs as well
as enzymes, vitamins, minerals have taken their toll.
They have created a whole gamut of common
diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, skin and hair
problems, eye problems, mental illness, tooth
decay,obesity and heart disease. You cant attribute
all these to lack of EFAs, but at the same time a
lack of the right kind of fat WILL affect ALL the
bodys functions, especially where there is an
inherited weakness, which is why one may have
psoriasis and another irritable bowel syndrome. At
the same time an increase in Omega 3s can bring
an improvement in small things like dandruff, dry
skin, and regularity. It will bring an overall increase
in health and in some cases will bring about big
changes, sometimes in a matter of hours.
Ruth shel Asuryah



Dear Soreph Gamaliel,

Greetings and shalom in our masters
name. This is Yohannan. Im writing in response to
your letter concerning dental matters. Ive spoken
with Eliezer about this whole area and recently held a
sort of first of its kind mini-seminar here at the Jog
Run Farm to inform our people here of what I believe
to be the simplest, most effective program for dental
I believe if we first have a basic understanding of
the causes of dental problems the solutions will then
be most easily seen. There are many false, misleading
concepts in this country, which are propagated by the
personal interests of dental professionals, and strongly
reinforced by the hype of mass media. One example is
toothpaste. There is absolutely no reason to use
toothpaste with regards to fighting tooth decay, unless
it has an anti-bacterial ingredient such as hydrogen
peroxide. We are spending a lot of money as a body
on what is essentially a breath freshener. There are
much more economical ways to deal with the bacteria.
Another example regards how we brush our teeth.
There are many methods going around, but it wasnt
until I was in dental school that I actually realized why
we even need to brush, and how to most effectively
do it.
The most damaging misconception propagated by
the money-based dental system in the world is the
myth that decay is inevitable, and, of course, dentists
are indispensable. This mind-set is subtly passed on
because the dental profession, like the medical system
in general, is symptom-based instead of cause-based.
There is not much concern about developing a way of
caring for people, which would almost eliminate the
need for their profession, for obvious reasons. It is
possible, however, in our life, for us to achieve zero
decay (with the possible exception of special cases
such as very weak enamel, etc, and we believe even
these may be within our reach)
Theres a definite urgency in me to pass on, as I
attempted to here in Florida, the proper mind about
cavities and decay in general. Once decay has invaded
the tooth to the point of breaching the enamel, we
should really consider that tooth lost. We should

pull it out and
realize we lost the
battle for that tooth. All a
dentist can do is postpone this reality. A
good filling is expected to last 10 or 15 years, maybe
20 with good care. Once the initial filling is breached,
in most cases the next step is a major one involving
great expense and further health complications: in the
case of a bridge, both adjacent teeth are comprised, or
in the case of a root canal, the persons overall, longterm health may be affected. The other option is
extraction. All of these options should be seen as
totally abnormal. A healthy tooth should last a lifetime;
our creator designed them to. Even a well-done (and
expensive) crown is expected to last only 20-25 years
with good care. The next step, in every case, is an
agonizing decision between health and money. These
procedures are, of course, an option, but we really
need to see that the tooth has already been lost. The
battle for its life was lost once decay breached the
This way of thinking, for most of us in the stem,
could leave us in despair because of the way we grew
up full of neglect and ignorance. Im mainly
addressing how we need to teach our children. Fillings
are abnormal! Care is normal. Most of us from the
world have mouths full of toxic mercury from silver
amalgam fillings. Mercury is a known poison one of
the most toxic of all substances! Processors of
canned fish and other foods cannot even sell their
products if they contain more than a certain level of
mercury, which is measured in PPM (parts per
million). Just a few PPMS makes the food illegal to
sell, but at the same time, the silver amalgam which is
placed directly into a persons mouth, only inches
from the brain, is 50% mercury! Our children must
not have this exposure.
The whole realm of dentistry has grown into a
huge mega-structure of science and craft, mixed with
medicine, in order to creatively compensate for the
ITN 2000-04

publics poor nutrition and gross negligence.

Once we have this basic understanding, the facts
we need to know in order to properly care for our
teeth can be discussed. The most basic fact involved
with tooth decay is that bacteria live in the mouth and
on the teeth. This is normal; bacteria are a part of the
human digestive process. Bacteria eat the same food
we do. The process of decay begins when these
colonies of bacteria living on the teeth, grow to the
point that their waste, which is acidic, becomes strong
enough to dissolve enamel. The bacteria themselves do
not do the damage; its their population size, which, if
unchecked, produces waste, which is capable of
pulling enamel apart, molecule by molecule. The acid
dismantles the crystalline structure of the enamel.
The reason we brush and floss our teeth is to
disrupt these bacteria populations, thus rendering their
waste harmless. If this is done often enough, the
threat of decay is eliminated. How often is often
enough? It is a known fact that it takes these bacteria
approximately 24 hours to reach populations whose
waste is potent enough to dissolve enamel (for normal
teeth). The other critical factor involved here is how
thoroughly the teeth are cleaned. As a rule we should
gently and thoroughly brush and floss twice a day,
never less than once a day!
How thoroughly we brush and floss is determined
by how we brush and floss. We should always use a
soft-bristle brush. The confusion brought in by all the
different brushing techniques may be thrown out the
window once we know what the goal of the brushing
action is. The purpose of brushing is to disturb the
happy colonies of bacteria. The place they are happiest
is down inside the gum, next to the tooth. There is a
small pocket, called the sulcus, which completely
surrounds each tooth. This pocket is normally about
1/8 inch (3 mm) deep. This is the goal to aim the
bristles of the brush, at a 45 angle, down into the
sulcus and gently vibrate the bristles of the brush back
and forth to reach all the way around the tooth. The
same is done with the upper teeth; the brush is aimed
at 45 up into this space where the bacteria hide. In
this process youll find the whole tooth gets brushed
as well. Be sure the chewing surface is brushed;
short, back and forth strokes or vibrations are best to
spread the bristles.
The other important place bacteria love to hide is
between the teeth. This is why we need to floss. We
need to floss at least once a day for the same reason
we brush at least once a day. We should really floss
twice a day as well, because many cavities occur
between the teeth. (Note: when flossing, always move
the floss to a clean portion before snapping back out
from between teeth. This prevents replanting bacteria
ITN 2000-04

between teeth)
One danger we need to be aware of is overbrushing. This means brushing too hard or too many
times per day. Over-brushing also removes enamel and
is especially damaging to the part of the tooth toward
the root, which is not covered by enamel. Large
ditches are worn into this area just at the gum-line if
you over-brush.
The issue of what to use instead of toothpaste is a
very debatable one. What I believe our Father is saying
is that there are natural, inexpensive substances which
are easily available to us, that will work in conjunction
with our bodies own defense mechanisms to keep us
in good health. I, personally, believe this to be true of
most, if not all, health problems. I believe the
substance in this case is salt. I recommend dissolving
a little Celtic salt in your mouth or in a little bit of
water and then brushing with this non-abrasive form
of salt. Be sure to swish the solution around to all
areas, keeping the salt in your mouth while brushing.
Salt is good and kills all kinds of microorganisms. Salt
has an amazing property called osmotic pressure,
which is a powerful force caused by its irresistible
attraction for water. This force literally causes the
bacteria to implode one by one.
We already know about drinking water and doing
our exercises. If we are doing these essentials, our
bodies immune system will greatly assist us in
fighting decay.
We, as Americans, are so used to using
commercial products such as toothpaste, it may be
difficult to adopt a simpler mind, but surely our Abba
is leading us in this direction. For breath we could mix
some baking soda and mint oil with the Celtic salt.
A note to put things into perspective: The bacteria
were talking about are very small. They are so small
that one thousand of them, placed side by side, would
form a line only one millimeter in length (1/25th of an
inch). They are invisible, so we cant trust how our
teeth feel. Every part of every tooth must be cleansed
regularly, or a large population will quickly develop
and decay will begin. Rinsing with the same solution
after eating or sweet drinks, in addition to the regular
brushings, will discourage unwelcome guests.
The primary understanding we need to gain is
why were doing what we are doing. We need vision
and revelation in order to deliberately and diligently
develop excellent cleaning habits. If we are thorough
and consistent, no enemy can breach our walls, or our
I think this covers the basics. I appreciate your
concern and am anticipating how our Father is going
to help us. Please give your family my greetings.

C o ok
ing Hints

*1 can juice concentrate can be replaced with c. honey

Notes: steeping times are important. If you oversteep mat or mint, they will become bitter. Also, dont boil
the mat or mint for they will be unpleasant. It is important to thoroughly stir in your honey while the tea
is hot or else it sinks to the bottom and there seems to be better results adding juice in while the tea is
cold. The recipes containing mat are not real strong and are designed for mixed crowds of men, women and
children. If youre looking for a lift during a push or any work crew increase to 5 c. per bucket.

ITN 2000-04

Health Issues

More on oil... in case youve ever wondered...

now youll know why Ruth doesnt like to see us frying our sunflower seeds.
What happens when you take a good,
healthy, polyunsaturated vegetable oil and heat
it to high temperatures? What is the temperature on a black cast iron skillet over an open
flame? Who said it doesnt taste good unless its
burnt to a crisp? For answers to these and
other controversial questions, keep reading...
Now comes the part about oil that is a little
bit harder to understand, maybe even a little
hard to swallow. Were going to have to have a
little understanding of chemistry, but not too
much so dont get scared off. The trans of
trans-fatty has to do with the molecular structure of the fat. Oils are made up of hydrogen
and carbon atoms. The arrangement of these
on the molecule are what determines if the oil
is saturated or unsaturated; essential or not.
There are many different types of fats, and
most foods that have fat have a combination of
different fatty acids, but are usually identified
by the most predominant. (In flax oil ALA is
predominant, in sunflower oil LA) Normally oil
is in what is called a cis shape. The molecule
is bent in a certain shape that fits into the
molecules of the body to perform specific
functions, like we spoke of last month. When
the oil is hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated, or heated to high temperatures, the
molecule is straightened out, bent from its
normal shape. Now it is like a key that only
half fits in the keyhole. Not only can it no
longer perform the function it was created for,
but it also blocks the normal cis shaped
molecule from fitting. So it does twofold
damage. These fats are not able to partake in
the life functions because they almost fit, but
not quite. It can be likened to a spark plug with
too wide of a gap. Compared to the size of the
car, it may seem like a tiny fault, but still the
car wont go. Not only this, but trans molecules are more sticky, like saturated fats, they
can cause heart and circulatory problems,
making deposits in the arteries, liver and other
organs. (But saturated fats, although sticky,
dont block the keyholes like trans do.) Worse

yet, they impair the protective barrier around

the cell, letting the good out and the bad in.
But the greatest damage yet is the electronenergy of the nice living oil is made completely dead. They block the current from
being able to flow and therefore cut off the life
energy. This energy flows over molecules in a
special arrangement. The trans fats throw off
the flow and interfere with healthy heartbeat,
nerve function, cell division, coordination,
sensory function, mental balance and vitality.
Given each individuals hereditary weaknesses
and sensitivities this can cause a wide range of
symptomatic results. That is why these trans
fats are so much worse for us than saturated
fats like butter or coconut oil. That stored
sunlight energy that we spoke of last month is
made dead in the oil. The electrical charge is
gone. The ultimate form of this is the disease of
cancer where there are dead places within
specific organs or tissues where that life energy
is no longer flowing. The trans-fatty acids are
sometimes referred to as funny fats and they
turn into a substance similar to plastic, when
they join together in globs, or polymerize.
When people eat trans-fatty acids it increases
their need for EFAs, but unfortunately, those
who eat high trans diets usually get little or
no EFAs. So the world is facing a famine right
now, a famine of EFAs caused not only by their
lack but also the high consumption of transfatty acids that they gobble down in fast foods,
chips, pretzels, margarine, bottled salad oils
and dressings, prepared baked goods made
with shortening. Well, you may be thinking,
whats that got to do with us? We dont eat any
of those things. This is true to an extent although it is good to read labels when you are
traveling and forced to buy on the road, but
you will be hard-pressed to find anything that
passes for real food out there. Its true we are
way ahead of the SAD (standard American
diet) which is very sad indeed. But how healthy
do we need to be? (To live to 120, to raise the

ITN 2000-06

Male Child, to keep warm, tight hands on our

children, and to serve our God day and night?)
In many of our bodies the damage has already
been done and we are in restoration process.
And there are still ways that we destroy EFAs
and create trans fats.
HIGH HEAT COOKERY This is a subject of
much debate and question both in the Edah
and in the world. To what temperature can you
heat oil before you destroy the delicate EFAs?
Should we cook with oils at all? If we do cook,
which oils are the best to use? There are many
bits and pieces of conflicting information and
opinion available, so what are we going to do?
This quote is from a researcher of EFAs
who developed a way to photograph the individual types of fats. She feels it is essential that
Western man change his eating habits before it
is too late. This really spoke to me... It [the
choice to eat healthy food] is far more important than many people in the Western world
are willing to admit. It is not those who acknowledge this fact who are materialistic in
their way of thinking, but those WHO ARE
order to achieve a far greater goal. The something they need to forego is their dietary preferences and the far greater goal is optimum
health. Sometimes we need to retrain our
tastebuds to like what is good for us. Common
sense would teach us to reach for optimum
health. Lets say you can judge by the nature of
the seed plant how to use the oil. A delicate
flower like flax? Dont heat it up. Oil like flax
should not be used for cooking because of its
highly reactive nature. (Not to mention the
high cost.) Sunflower and safflower? You could
use inside of baked goods or sauces that will
not go much above boiling point, but you
would never fry with them or oil baking sheets
and pans. Olive? This oil is more stable, solidifies at a higher temperature, has less EFAs so
can go to a higher temperature. (However, high
heat WILL destroy the natural vitamin E and
chlorophyll in the oil, which are qualities we
pay dearly for when we buy extra virgin first
pressed oil.) For sauteing and oiling baking
pans, better to use butter or coconut fat (although Im not sure how this is processed.) The

ITN 2000-06

temperature inside the baked good only goes

up to 100 C (212 F), but the temperature of
the baking pan is the same as frying. 160-220
C The saturated fats, although lacking health
giving EFAs are more stable and therefore less
damaged by high temperatures. If you just
must have stir-fries here is the best way: use a
wok, start with water and add the oil after the
water has reached boiling point. That keeps the
temperature of the oil down. But oil is still best
for us in the freshest form available, so that is a
good thing to remember when planning meals
or cooking.
Some other points: Trans-fatty acids show
up in mothers milk the day after ingesting.
A diet low in EFAs will cause the person to
consume 6x as much food as he needs. He is
starving for EFAs.
Light also destroys oils health giving properties, as does oxygen (air). Clear plastic is not
an acceptable material in which to store oil.
Truly cold-pressed oil should be in opaque
containers and nitrogen packed to remove
It was previously mentioned that we need
15-25 grams of fat per day in our diet. Did you
ever realize that 2 Tablespoons of olive oil is 28
grams? Shocking when you consider how
much oil we actually do consume daily in
baked goods, sauces, creams, mayonnaise, on
grains and bread, etc.
Correction: In the April health article, it
should say ALA is found in PUMPKIN SEEDS,
not pumpkins. Sorry about that.

Hopefully, well learn more next month.

Lets see... flax seeds, Omega 3 eggs, olive oil....
well see! Love to all my friends around the
twelve tribes! SHALOM!



Next to goats milk, yogurt is the next best

thing to have when cows milk is all you have
available. There are still some misconceptions
about how to make it, but here is
a method we found that keeps
the calcium able to be
assimilated and still
provides a good,
creamy, nice yogurt.
First, clean your
buckets very well so that
any unwanted bad
bacteria will not have a
breeding ground to
grow. We use 5-gallon
buckets. Heat your milk
to 120 degrees,
warmish. If your milk
gets a skin on the top
you have overheated it.
It does not take long. We
have often put the flame
fairly high because we are
brooding over it, so it does not have an
opportunity to burn. Once it has heated to this
point you can let it cool down on its own or put
the pot in cold water and cool it down to about
109 degrees or 110 degrees. It does not take long
if you stir it, so watch it. Once it has cooled
down, put it in your bucket. (One time, we
accidentally cooled it down to 105 degrees. It
started to incubate once the starter was added at
100 degrees, and it turned out beautifully.)
Once it is in the bucket, take a bowl and put a

ITN 2000-06

little of the heated milk in it (a cup or two). Then

put cup of yogurt starter in it (we use storebought yogurt that has active cultures in it) and
mix well with a small
whisk or fork. Then
pour it in the big bucket
and whisk it really well;
cover with the lid, and
wrap it up in a wool
Most likely, your
yogurt will take 5-7 hours
or so. If the temperature
has gone down to 100
degrees it may take 7 or 8
hours, but you will find
that it makes beautiful
creamy yogurt. Dont be
afraid of the low
temperature or the little
yogurt starter. The more
yogurt starter you use, the tarter
(sourer) it gets; and the hotter you
make it, the more whey it has. (Some have
experimented with using cup starter for 5
gallons and it has worked.) It is a delicate process,
but we have found this to be a very good way to
do it. And of course, we always pray for our
yogurt. Thats one of the first things anyone ever
taught me about cooking.
When its ready, put it straight into the
refrigerator and enjoy your nice thick, creamy
Tamiydah shel Kephir

S t . Jo hns Wo r t
(Hypericum perforatum)

St. Johns Wort is such a wonderful plant that our Abba created for us. It grows
bountifully here in the Midwest, but it also grows throughout much of the world, possibly in all
of our tribes. Around late May, early June (in the U.S.) if you look on dry, dusty and sunny
roadsides and fields, you will notice its bright yellow flowers growing in patches. Its stalks
usually stand 1-3 feet tall and they are distinguished by their oval shaped leaves that grow in
pairs on opposite sides of the stalks and stems.
After the flowers die, the petals and seedpods turn rust
color. When you rub the flowers between your fingers a dark
red juice comes out. This oil is the most healing part of the
plant, and it can be extracted by soaking the fresh
flowers in olive oil in a clear jar and setting it in the
sun for 6 weeks. The oil will turn bright red. The
redder the better.
St. Johns Wort oil is so healing and
wonderful for just about every topical ailment: burns, cuts, infections, deep wounds,
rashes, blisters, etc. The oil disinfects, speeds up
healing and takes away the pain. Just apply the oil
directly to the burn or clean wound and wrap if necessary.
We are thankful for this oil. We use it often.
We also use the leaves and stems from the plant
internally because it is strongly antiviral. This is especially
helpful when we are fighting viruses. To make antiviral cold
tea, just steep the St. Johns Wort along with other antiviral
or immune system boosters like hyssop, echinacea, elderberry,
lemon balm or peppermint in hot water for a half an hour.
Porachot shel Ben


ITN 2000-06

Health Issues
We have been talking a lot about all the good
EFAs and fresh flax oil. But most of us know that to
actually get enough flax oil for all of us is not
realistic right now since it is quite expensive. Do we
think our good Abba would tell us something was
good for us and then keep it out of our reach? I
didnt think so! Then I found something better yet
for you. No matter how much you pay to get the top
of the line fresh pressed oil, you really dont know
how fresh it is. But I have found that whole untreated flax seeds have even other qualities besides
the oil that are health producing.
Flax has been used for many purposes throughout history. Even the first sails for sail boats were
made of linen. Oh! Did you know that the very same
plant that we get flax seeds and oil from is the one
you get linen from? Thats why the Latin name for
Flax is LINUM USITATISSIMUM, which means
highly useful!!! It was flax that the spies in Jericho
hid under, flax that the woman swept up to find her
lost coin, linen which was the fabric of priestly
purity, and LINUM is the etymological source of the
word line. In Ezekiel the plumb line is referred to
with a line of flax in his hand and a measuring
reed. Ez 40:3
Somehow the use of flax as a staple food has
been lost to the memory of North Americans. This
isnt too surprising since a lot of other memories
have been lost also, such as the rich history of
herbal medicine and the knowledge of what good
salt is. Up until very recently flax was not even
considered a food by the FDA since there had not
been a continuous use, and no studies had been
made on its safety. It is only since 1982 that a new
popular interest has turned toward flax for its ALA
essential fatty acids and even more recently for the
benefits of whole untreated flax seeds. (Which, in
addition to ALA is also high in soluble fiber mucilage and lignans.) Most of the scientific research,
then, has come about in the last decade and a half.
The conclusions they have come up with are rather
disturbing to the financial backers of the researchbig companies looking for ways to improve the
raw material in order to make money. Their goal is
to make a lucrative industry around this new superfood which has actually been eaten for centuries
but they cant seem to formulate a product that

ITN 2000-07

outdoes nature itself. As far as they can tell, the

most benefits come from whole, untreated, flax
seeds. Any attempt to refine them and the delicate
living qualities are destroyed.
Some of the areas where whole flax seeds seem
to have beneficial results are the following:

Flax seeds have antiestrogenic properties

which help women suffering from PMS
symptoms and menopause.


They strengthen the immune system.


They help with glucose metabolism due to

the slowed absorption of carbohydrates. In
other words, they help people with blood
sugar problems.


The soluble fiber and lignans seem to help

prevent and even reverse cancer, especially
breast cancer and colon cancer.


Due to the high content of ALA and also the

ability to decrease blood cholesterol levels
and LDL(the lethal ones) flax helps reduce
risk of heart disease.


In cases of kidney disease whole flax seeds

have proven more beneficial than flax oil.


Consumption of flax seeds seems to block

parasite reproduction in cases of malaria.

Flax seed meal is almost a whole food. Here

are the nutrients :

OIL. The oil is 50-60% ALA and 15-25% LA

and also contains oleic and saturated fats,
lecithin, other phosphatides, pro-vitamin A
and vitamin E.


PROTEIN. They have high quality, easily

digestible, complete protein, including all
the essential amino acids, including
histidine, which is essential only for infants.

FIBER. They contain soluble and insoluble

fiber. This is important for healthy intestinal bacteria as it sweeps clean, prevents


cholesterol from being reabsorbed into the

bloodstream. It softens the stool, prevents
constipation and maintains regularity.

MUCILAGE. The best natural laxative

available. It soothes and protects delicate
stomach and intestinal lining, absorbs
water (why you need to drink 5x the
amount of water with it), and it stabilizes
and modulates blood glucose.


MINERALS. They contain all the major and

minor minerals with the possible exception
of selenium and vanadium. (But this could
just be due to the soil the sample was
grown in.)


VITAMINS. Contains vitamin E, pro-vitamin

A, vitamin D, B1, B2, and C.

There ARE side effects to eating flax, such as

softer, smoother skin, healing of dry flakiness and
skin lesions and thicker, fuller hair! Others have
found help for depression, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, easy bruising, a reduction in sun
sensitivity, improved cold tolerance, increased
intestinal flora, lessening of fatigue, and a feeling of
lightness and well-being.
Well, you may be saying, Sure. Sounds like
another one of those modern cure-alls! But there
actually is a very basic reason why flax seed effects
so many very diverse symptoms.
Two of the main elements in the tiny seed also
happen to be two essential ingredients in human
nutrition which up till recently werent even considered essential, that is, they must be gotten from
daily food intake. One is ALA Omega 3 oil which
we have been learning about. The other is fiber. A
type of fiber recently discovered is lignans which are
said to prevent cancer, kidney disease and other
maladies. Lignans and ALA are higher levels in flax
seeds than in any other food presently available to
us. Since we are presently unable to press our own
fresh flax oil, I would recommend flax seed. It is
SO, SO good for us and it tastes good, too, if
properly prepared.
Here are a few suggestions on preparing flax:


Grind the flax seed fresh, within 20 minutes

of consumption in a coffee or seed grinder
or a blender. This means you are getting the
freshest Omega 3 oil available. Anav of
Palenville suggests we soak the seeds
overnight and blend them into drinks or
salad dressing to make LIVE oil. I have
tried this in my goats milk with carob and

it made it like a thick milkshake. (Yum!)

Dont leave the ground flax sitting around
as the oil will go rancid. If your flax has a
bitter, acrid or biting (burns your throat)
taste dont eat it. It has gone bad.

About cup of flax seed = 1 Tablespoon of

flax oil. 50-100gms per day is considered a
good amount. As with anything you can get
too much of a good thing. Depending on
your need and your body weight you may
need between 1 Tablespoon to cup per
day. For example, I use about a quarter cup
and my husband about a cup. A good
rule to judge by is your regularity.


To make it more palatable since it is quite

dry, we mix it with honey. We also put a
little celtic salt right in the grinder with the
seeds. You can also mix it with yogurt, or
add anything you like: chopped nuts, fresh
fruit, dried fruit, vanilla, cinnamon, add to
your grain or granola. When you mix it
with honey the honey prevents oxidation so
it wont go rancid as quickly. According to
recent research, flax meal can be ground
into flour and added to bread or muffins
without losing any of its nutritional properties. In bread extra gluten or high gluten
flour is required to make up for the extra
fiber. I havent tried this, but if anyone
would like to experiment I have recipes.
Wed like to hear about it.

There has been some concern in certain books

expressed about eating too much flax seed, but I
discovered the main researcher, a wonderful 80 year
old man who wrote me a personal letter. He
reassured me that the deficiencies he found were in
baby chicks under 2 weeks of age. In humans there
have been no signs of flax blocking nutrient absorption. I believe him since he says he was the original
publisher of the information the others are basing
their warnings on. Also, after two weeks you CAN
feed flax seeds to your chickens and they will
produce eggs and meat high in Omega 3 and low in
cholesterol. You can add flax to their feed at a rate
of 10-20%.

ITN 2000-07

Health Issues
little. The best amount will vary from person
to person depending on their stage of life
and activity, but in general it will be about
LA 11 grams per day, 5 grams in a teaspoon,
14 grams in a tablespoon; ALA 4.5 grams
per day, 28 grams in an ounce. An ounce to
an ounce and a half of oil (about 30 to 45
grams) a day is probably enough for most of
us. We want the LA and ALA in a proportion
of 1 to 3 so that would roughly translate to
a teaspoon of flax oil to a tablespoon of
safflower or sunflower. Or we could eat flax
seeds and sesame or sunflower and have a
tablespoon of olive oil. We CAN use higher
amounts of flax for therapeutic conditions,
but not exclusively for more than six
months. Im not suggesting that we be
fanatic, measuring our oil, Im just saying we
probably use much more than this daily. It
has been shown to be especially harmful to
eat large amounts of Omega 6 oils such as
safflower, sunflower, sesame, and soybean
oil. These should be used in small amounts
in the ratio of 3 to 1 with omega 3 oils.

A number of people have been asking me to

simplify what has been said so far, so here it goes:


and meat and needs to be eaten in the
freshest possible state. This may often be
the nut or seed itself, or cold-pressed seed
oils produced in the absence of light, heat,
or air.



Some will make you more healthy, some are
destructive. As a people we need to choose
OPTIMUM HEALTH and not our fleshly
tastes. We can actually train ourselves to
LIKE things that are good for us, and HATE
things that are bad for us.



OLIVE OIL ARE BEST. Farm butter is also
good IN SMALL AMOUNTS. Store-bought
butter, however, is a concentrated form of
the milk it came from. Since commercial
dairy products are full of antibiotics, hormones, and other bad substances, the best
butter would be homemade, farm fresh
butter from our own cows. Unpasteurized
fresh butter from cows that graze in green
pastures is actually quite good for us,
especially for growing children.





PANS? For now, I dont have one. The
temperature on bread pans and baking
sheets reaches the same height as frying.
Butter is the most stable at high temperatures, but is expensive and hard to get fresh.
Coconut oil is also stable, however commercial coconut oil is highly refined. Baking
sheet papers help in some cases. Inside the
bread or cake we can use fresh oils because
the temperature remains at a safe level.
PER DAY. As ex-Americans, and possibly in
some of the other tribes as well, we use an
overabundance of fats. We really need very



OILS. Light is the #1 enemy. EFA containing
oils should be in opaque (light-proof)
containers. High heat, such as you encounter
in frying or on baking pans also is destructive. That brown, oily crust that most of us
love the taste of is bad fat. Anything with air
forced into it (oxidized), or hydrogen forced
into it (hydrogenated) is very bad. Unfortunately, this includes mayonnaise since air is
forced into the oil in the blender. We need to
move towards more nutritious spreads such
as tofu mayo, bean spreads (chic peas,
lentils included), and nut and seed butters.
(Peanut is not very nutritious.)



BOIL IT IN THE SHELL. Egg yolks have EFAs
in them, especially if they are free-running
chickens who eat insects and greens. Scrambling and frying is not good, since it oxidizes
the oils.
ITN 2000-08




should never be butter-fried or grilled over
charcoal but can be grilled over the open
flames like our Master did after the wood
has burned down to glowing embers.
Cutting the skin open as little as possible to
clean the fish and leaving the head on will
minimize the escape of the precious oil. If
the oil is dripping into the fire it is a loss to
us. The oils in fish (EPA and DHA) last two
weeks in our bodies so it would be ideal to
have fish at least every other week.
infant needs an abundant supply for growing
brain and nervous system and also to
protect them from future food allergies. This
can come from a mixture of seeds or seed
oils as in #5. Dont overdo it though. Olive
oil is good but cant be used exclusively.

10. ONE LAST THING SUGAR. Any kind of

sugar, including honey, maple syrup, molasses and raw sugar are turned into fats in our
bodies. Sugar is turned into fat in our body,
but the fat cant be turned back into sugar. It
can only be burned off in activity. The sugar
floods our bloodstream, and being concentrated, our body quickly turns it into fat,
then we are left feeling hungry and weak
again. So we overeat and get even fatter, all
the while feeling like we are starving. An
excess of sweets interferes with EFA metabolism. Low blood sugar complaints seem to
be one of the most common among us.
Later, this can turn to type 2 diabetes. We
really need a very small amount of sugar so
be careful, especially of hidden sweets like
mate and other teas. Honey is good my son,
but watch out!
Our Abba wants us to live long, healthy,
productive lives. For years He has been leading us
to a healthy diet and way of life, making up for
the years the locusts ate away. Weve come a long
way since fried ham and egg sandwiches on white
bread. But Hes not done with us yet its time

ITN 2000-08

That precious oil
When you squeeze an olive or a seed hard
enough, its very essence comes out that
precious oil. Like the oil of the anointing we must
use it while it is fresh. Every morning and evening
our Abba pours out His fresh oil upon us, renewing our life force. Dont ever let it go rancid, but
apply it to your life right away. If we dont use it
while it is fresh it becomes worthless and even
dangerous to our well-being. But fresh, it gives us
life and vitality. It gets the fire of life going and
keeps it going. Its delicate fragrance and fruity or
nutty flavor is delightful. It is vital, healthproducing, light producing. It keeps us from being
heavy and weighed down.
That oil is actually stored light energy
from the sun (or Son) that is concentrated and
protected in the seed until it is time for the oil to
be poured out. Life itself depends on this vibrant
light energy. But there is another kind of fat, a
bad fat, which is worth nothing to our body, but
needs to be cut off and burned up. If we do this it
is a pleasant aroma to our God. Every minchah
we should do an inspection, like the priests of old
and CUT THE FAT. This kind of fat clogs us up,
fattens us, weighs us down. It takes away our
vitality and even clogs up our ears until we cant
hear and our eyes until we no longer see (Isa 6:910). It makes us dull, slow, lazy, idle, dragging
around without vitality. Eventually, if we continue
to eat this kind of fat it will encase our heart, clog
up our arteries and we will keel over dead like
Eli, the high priest of old, who fell over dead
because of the years of accumulated fat that he
refused to cut off. But the living, fresh, precious
oil of the Anointing cleanses the body of those
layers of old hardened fat that have accumulated
over the years. Its the ONLY thing that will wash
it out of our system.
I hope this has answered some of our
questions about oils. There is still much to learn.
Lets remember to share what our Father gives us!
Much love to all my friends in the twelve tribes!
Ruth shel Asuryah


The following comes from our dear friend, Ahavah
Shuah, of the tribe of Shimone where olive oil
Cold pressed virgin olive oil is a gift of the
Mediterranean diet. If it is not labeled virgin or
extra virgin, it is not cold-pressed or of high quality.
We know that the oil which is labeled extra-virgin is
of the first pressing and of the highest quality. This oil
has been known for centuries to have health-giving
properties. It has been commonly known to be good
for skin and hair, but it also has many other good
It is a medicine for your heart a protector. It also
protects us against mutagens substances which
destroy our genetic material, like radiation or
chemicals. This is due to the high proportion of
monounsaturated oleic acid in this excellent oil
(82%). Oleic acid increases the proportion of good
cholesterol HDL and hinders the production of bad
cholesterol LDL. Olive oil also stimulates your gall
bladder and avoids the formation of stones. It has
traditionally been used to cleanse and heal all types of
liver problems. It contains antioxidants such as
vitamin E which are very good for your skin and to
keep the free radicals under control. Those free
radicals are responsible for the aging process. (Free
radicals are loose electrons looking for a partner. They
always occur naturally, but should be kept under
control by antioxidants. If there are no antioxidants
available they can become destructive to our cells.
Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals that slow
down the oxidation process. Life itself is a constant
struggle between the pro-oxidants and the
antioxidants. We need the right kind of both in the
right balance.)
One tablespoon of olive oil in the morning
before breakfast is a good laxative. It increases
intestinal secretions when used as an enema. It is used
to get rid of pinworms after a garlic intake before
breakfast; garlic puts them to sleep and the worms
let go their grip. Latest research points to olive oil as
decreasing the risk of breast cancer and other cancers.
Its contents of beneficial plant substances
(phytosterols) are remarkable. It is these plant
substances that give olive oil its health-giving
properties. Many of them havent even been studied
yet, but we know that our Abba put them there for a
good reason.

ITN 2000-09

Olive oil is an antidote in case of phosphorus

intoxication. It actively helps fight whooping cough
due to its high percentage of vitamin E. It is a
liniment for burns. If you get a wound or bump
yourself, place a piece of cloth with olive oil on the
wound and leave it for as long as you can. Often you
will hardly see a bruise and the wounds heal so much
faster. We make our Hipericum (St. Johns Wort) oil
with olive oil, as well as our comfrey cream.
An olive has an average of 40-60% oil. First
pressure virgin oil or cold pressed virgin oil smells
sweet and has a yellowish color that ranges to dun
green depending on the variety of the olive tree. The
cold pressed virgin oil is the most beneficial to our
health as part of our diet or as a cosmetic. All other
oils extracted by chemical means should actually be
used only for industrial purposes, but there is a lot of
adulteration due to the greed of man.
Once we visited a mill in Tarragona, Spain. It
consisted of a pretty simple setup. The olives were
spread on round mats and the mats piled up. It looked
like a cylindrical tower of mats. Then the press came
down and squeezed the tower of olives. Under this
great pressure the rich juice of the olives flow down to
a system of pools connected to one another. The oil
floats and the water and solids stay underneath, then
as one pool fills up the oil on top overflows and pours
off into the next pool. In this second pool the oil gets
purer as more deposits sit at the bottom while the oil
on top keeps moving forward to the next pool. This is
how cold pressed olive oil is decanted in a traditional
Virgin olive oil is presently the ONLY
commercially available oil which is good for us.
Although it does not have many EFAs, it is the other
components in the oil that make up its health giving
properties. It is rich in chlorophyll (which contains
magnesium), vitamin E, and phytosterols; plant
substances that increase our health and protect our
cells. It is a good choice in oil as long as we are
getting a supply of essential fatty acids (ALA and LA)
from other sources in the right proportion. And we
need to keep our consumption to a minimum since it
can be fattening.



omeone once said that if they were stranded

on a desert island and could only have one herb
plantain would be it. It has many uses. It would
probably already be growing there, as its many
species are very common. Plantain grows in yards
and fields and is similar to dandelion in size and the
fact that the leaves all grow from a common center.
The leaves are darker green, smooth on the edges
and ribbed with thick veins. Narrow leafed plantain
has long, narrow, lance shaped leaves and is flat, not
glossy, while broad leafed plantain have short, round
or oval shaped leaves that are usually somewhat
glossy. These are the most common species in North
America and possibly the Northern Hemisphere and
there are others in the south. (For those who live in
the south it is not the banana.)
Plantain is very effective, and available, to relieve
the pain, inflammation and itching caused by insect
bites and stings. Collect a handful of fresh leaves, just
look down, theyre probably at your feet, and roll
them between your hands like a ball, or roll them
with a rolling pin or jar or chew them... until the juice
comes out and apply the juice directly to the affected
area. It often brings relief instantly but if the pain or
itching continue wait a few minutes and reapply.
For more serious bites, like the brown recluse,
bruise the leaves with a rolling pin (improvised or
otherwise) and tie the flat bruised juicy leaves
directly to the bite tying them on with a clean cloth.


Apply fresh poultices every few hours until redness,

swelling and ulceration are gone. For bites like these
diligence is essential and the poultice needs to be
applied continuously.
It is good for minor bites when steeped in olive
oil or thickened with beeswax for salve. It can be hot
steeped quickly or sun steeped for several weeks.
The oil or salve is also good for minor cuts and
scratches and the oil can be used for earaches
though it is best steeped with mullein flowers when
used for that purpose. The fresh juice can also be
used directly for earaches where the eardrum is
intact. And the fresh juice is also effective at stopping
bleeding though its effectiveness seems to depend
somewhat on the time of year it is picked. The
tannins increase as the season progresses. Since they
are astringent they are also helpful for relieving
diarrhea taken as a tea.
Plantain is also an expectorant and can be made
into a tea for coughs, earaches, headaches and other
problems that arise from mucous congestion in the
sinuses or lungs. We have found it most effective in
combination with other expectorant herbs like
mullein, red clover, yarrow, St. Johnwort and golden
rod. These are just some of the uses of this simple
weed. Its amazing that a plant can be so useful and
so common at the same time. It truly shows the care
our Father has towards man. We are thankful for his
Ben and Porachat

ITN 2000-09

H ealth No tes
Sleep the Stress Eraser
All humans deal with various stimulus of
stress each day. Our Father created us in a
most amazing way able to cope with our
environment. Stress comes out of our
environment and effects us every day.
Where does it come from? You might be
surprised. A sudden noise, a conversation
that becomes difficult for you, excessive
heat or excessive cold, laughter, joy, sorrow
and sadness all can create stress. Our very
own words and thoughts create stress for
us. In the course of a day stress is
registered upon our nervous system. It is as
if it makes a mark and that mark depletes us
of a capacity to perform at our optimum.
This is evidenced by our inability to cope
with a situation or our feelings of tiredness
in the evening and also an indicator for
those who experience extreme tiredness in
the middle of the day.
There are a number of theories of how
much sleep a person needs, but there is
one factor that is absolutely certain: the
nervous system cannot function optimally
when the mind and body are deprived of
sleep. One reason for this is during the
wakeful hours the cells of the tissues
become tired because of the complex
biochemical changes taking place in cellular
respiration (that is the work taking place in
the cell).
We marvel at how majestic our God is,
the creator of all. He created man so
efficiently. The mark received in the cells
from stress in the day can be removed by
sleep at night. Sleep is a stress eraser.
Much in the same way that a pencil will
make a mark on paper and the eraser can
remove that mark making it completely
disappear and the paper clear. Think for a
ITN 2000-10

moment. Have you ever gone to bed at

night and the problems of the day are like a
giant mountain looming over you. Have you
ever drifted off to sleep not knowing how
you will face the troubles of the next day?
Then, after a nights sleep you awake in the
morning and the mountain is gone and the
problems of the previous day are
surmountable. This is the work of sleep, the
stress eraser. Through sleep the cells can
be restored to their normal ability to function
at their optimum. However, the individual
must have received adequate water (that is
half your body weight in liquid ounces per
day) and nutrition so that the tired cells have
fully available the nutritional bio-nutrients
necessary to chemically service and repair
these cells during sleep.
If a person awakens refreshed and eager
to cry out to our Abba and embrace the day,
he does so because he has had enough
sleep and adequate nutrition to put their
nervous system back into good working
On the other hand, if a person can hardly
drag themselves out of bed and at that
moment would give anything if he could just
go back to sleep, this is a clear indicator that
the persons brain and body have not been
adequately restored through nutrition and
sleep to be able to function normally.
It should be that our normal function
would be our optimal level of performance.
That is we would be at our very best every
day to serve our Master.
How many people drag themselves
through weary hours, day after tired day? I
hear this complaint often. Some with a
dimmed level of awareness having the goal
to stay up and do more to get more done.

This is a real distortion. An enervation that

robs our vigor. They drink strong mate, cup
after cup, skipping their glasses of water.
This only facilitates greater dehydration.
Dehydration is a major contributing factor to
creating biochemical stress that registers
onto the nervous system.
It is important to understand that stress is
cumulative. Stress is registered onto our
nervous system and upon the cells of the
tissues on a daily basis. If we did not have
adequate nutrition or enough sleep the night
before, our sleep will not remove all the
stress and we will start off at a higher
baseline level of stress than we did the day
before. If adequate nutrition and sleep are
not employed on a daily basis, this person
will find themselves with less grace. This
can build in a negative way day after day,
week after week, month after month. Then
with a weakened immune system disease
sets in. It is at the cellular level that all
disease begins. In one single oxygen
deprived cell begins the cascade of disease.
Optimum performance, clarity of mind
and the overall feeling of well being are
dependent on our sins being confessed,
adequate nutrition, appropriate exercise and
sufficient sleep. As we encounter increased
physical and mental demands, both our
nutritional needs and our requirements for
tissue (cellular) repair proportionately
increase as well. It is all weighed in the
balance. Energy output must be met by
nutritional biochemical supply and a
sufficiently allotted time of (Sleep) in which
the body can restore itself to its optimal level
of functioning.
In terms of our daily lives this simply
means our nutrition and sleep must
completely compensate for everything we
do if we are to maintain the same level of
performance day after day. Not only should
we be able to maintain at an optimum level,
but also the long-term effect will actually
increase our basic level of health and
gradually bring healing to damage done in

the past. Understanding this brings light to

those who sleep a full eight hours and
shuffle through the day dulled in their minds
and bodies. Some who sleep ten hours
although seemingly having received more
than enough sleep suffer significantly
throughout the day. Some can become
condemned in their thoughts, confused by
their condition. Consequently, on a
nutritionally sufficient diet that same person
could feel great, functioning at their optimum
and only require seven hours of sleep.
The anointing has taught us about food
and our Father is faithful to supply our daily
bread. Just remember lots of fresh
vegetables, fruits and whole grains. All
things in moderation. Not to much honey or
cakes. Too much carbohydrate keeps your
insulin level high, leaving you feeling tired
and worn out and gaining weight. Sprouted
lentils and chickpeas along with a little tahini
on our grain is just one way to provide more
energy for the day. Cooks, utilize variety and
you will better supply the nutritional needs of
our people.

Eliezer will be providing us with insights

into our health from now on. If you have
any input for him or topics you would like
to see covered, you can write him at Jog
Run Farm in Florida.

ITN 2000-10

Ground Ivy
This low-growing ground cover is a member of the mint family. It has violet
colored flowers and can often be found growing in lawns. Ground Ivy sometimes has a purple tint to its leaves and, like all members of the mint family,
has a purple stem. The above ground parts picked in the spring and summer
are helpful mixed with other herbs for sinus and lung problems due to congestion including coughs, asthma and congestion in the ear. It also has a very
special use for mothers during childbirth for which it is most effective. Its
action is similar to but, perhaps, more effective than Shepherds Purse.
Todah Abba!
Ben and Porachat


ITN 2000-10

Health Notes
When I consider the works of y
our hand
The moon and the st

Yet of all these you have made man most precious in your sight.
Psalms 8
As we move toward the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, our daylight hours are shortened, so lets be wise and
take full advantage of the health that comes
from the sun in the form of light and energy.
For the tribes located in the Northern Hemisphere our days are getting shorter and
shorter until we reach that shortest day of
the year, December 21, when the earth, tilted
on its axis, places our continents tilted away
from the sun. People in the northern-most
latitudes actually have night for a duration
of several months. These most northern
locations are also known as the land of the
midnight sun because, in the summer
months, the same tilt that keeps them in
darkness all winter long, also keeps them in
the sunlight throughout the summer.
For those living in North America
and Europe, the shortened winter days with
their cold winds, cloudy skies, icy walkways
and flying, mounting snow means less time
outdoors for many. In view of this lets consider Ecclesiastes 11:7, it says: Truly the
light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes
to see the sun.
This command is very important to
receive if we want to keep ourselves free
from depression, sickness and disease. It is
now known in the scientific circles how
important it is for the eyes to be exposed to
reflected sunlight. It still remains true that it
is harmful to the eye to look directly at the

sun, but to receive reflected sunlight into the

eye helps all body functions. There is a
messaging communication by the vibration
of wavelengths of light reflecting onto the
retina of the eye which directly communicates to the pineal gland, which is a master
control center governing many important
bodily functions. The pineal gland does not
function properly when deprived of light.
But exposure to daylight, natural sunlight,
has successfully reestablished the bodys
natural rhythm for those who, through
ignorance, deprived themselves of this natural provision.
The bodys circadian 1 rhythm its
inner clock is regulated by the pineal
gland, which is affected by the absence or
presence of full spectrum lighting. The
pineal gland, tucked away in the middle of
the brain, is now found to be responsible for
controlling very important bodily functions
such as hormone 2 production, body temperature, and the timing of sleep. Until
recent years medical schools taught that the
pineal gland was considered a useless little
gland tucked away in the brain. Disturbances in the circadian rhythm can lead to
depression as well as insomnia and other
sleep disorders.
Without the wavelengths of full spectrum light from the sun reflecting onto the
retina, the body can not absorb certain
ITN 2000-11

nutrients. Inadequate exposure to proper

light can contribute to or worsen such conditions and illnesses as hair loss, poor fingernail growth, tooth enamel deficiency, depression, stroke, suppressed immune function,
cancer, hyperactivity, osteoporosis and
Alzheimers disease.
Ecclesiastes 11:7 says Truly the light
is sweet, And it is pleasant for the eyes to see
the sun. So it is good for the eyes to see the
sun. But here in the north what can we do?
Our Father thinks of everything and he has
made provisions for us ever since the fall.
Can you think of what His provision is? How
can we increase the amount of reflected
sunlight onto the retina of the eye during
these short winter days? With shortened
hours of sunlight we need to get more light
to make up for the lack of daylight. Have
you thought of it yet? Do you know what His
provision is? It is white, and bright, and
cold its snow. Yes, the wonderful white
stuff that transforms a gray dark gloomy
land into a winter wonderland. When that
happens, get out in that snow. Go for walks
when the sun is shining. Even when the sun
is not shining, the snow reflects the daylight
onto the retina of the eye. And whatever
you do, do not put sunglasses on. Once you
step outside into the bright winter day, it
may seem hostile to the eye. Be patient.
Take a moment or two to give thanks to our
Father for a beautiful day. Do this as you
look from the shadows into the daylight.
Your eyes will adjust and be strengthened in
doing so. Since these facts about sunlight
have been discovered, people are going to
expensive doctors to sit in front of special
lamps to get their bright light therapies to
combat the winter time blues and other
degenerative diseases. Unfortunately, they
put on their sunglasses and drive to the
doctors and then leave the doctors office
after their light treatment, don their tinted
glass spectacles, and drive home to their
darkened dwelling places. How sad it all is:
SAD (seasonal affective disorder). It has
ITN 2000-11

been many years since we heard about not

wearing sunglasses, so in obedience we
simply received it. I think most of us did not
understand the great significance of not
shielding our eyes from the sun. But then
we do not have to understand all things in
order to obey. So for all of you who received
that word, count yourself blessed.
Long, long ago our father made it
simple and clear that it is good for our eyes
to see the sun. It not only nourishes the
pineal gland, which then affects the whole
body, but also strengthens the eye supporting
good eyesight.
We see it again; fallen man with his
great technological advances has only confirmed what our father communicated to his
people long ago. They say, We have now
determined that sunlight in the eye is important to maintain good health and prevent
disease. It is like they discovered something new and great something that our
people have known for thousands of years.
For our tribes in the Southern Hemisphere, Asher, Naphtali and Issachar, the
height of summer will be soon here So just
keep this in mind as your fall season comes,
and you approach the shortened daylight
hours next June.

Circadian (sir-ka-di-an) Pertaining to

biological and physiological events which
occur in the human body at approximate 24
hour intervals, such as biological rhythms.

Note that hormonal production controls

many factors of our health. Premenstrual,
menstrual, pre-menopausal, menopausal and
postmenopausal disturbances n woman and
deficient androgenic levels in men are commonly experienced by to many people.



A few simple examples of potential

energy. Water is an amazing substance.
Picture in your mind a small lake, say four
billion gallons (16 billion liters) of water
(maybe the size of Island Pond). This stationary body of water has potential energy
even though it weighs over 32 billion pounds
(1 gallon (4L) of water weighs 8 pounds
(3.15 kg). This beautiful lake you can swim
in, sail on it, and even drink it if it is clean.
But take this same amount of water during a
hurricane, and stand that water up 50 feet
(15.5 m) tall as a tidal wave sometimes does
and this same 32 billion pounds of water
that was so pleasant as the gentle lake now
takes on a different form of energy called
kinetic energy, or energy in motion. That
same water is now able to crush and destroy

everything in its path. This same

amount of water passes over
Niagra Falls every day but is not
destructive, but quite useful. This
mass of water potential is able to
turn huge turbines able to produce
millions of volts of electricity
useful to hundreds of thousands of
people each day. Our potential
energy, or gifts, can be a tremendous blessing or very destructive
force, depending on whether they
are properly used and placed in
the body.
Kinetic energy or an object like
a flywheel in motion has the
potential to turn a windmill, wood
chipper, generator, or propeller
shaft for example. But this power
must go through a transmission in
order for it to be engaged. Our gifts must go
through our shepherds who engage brothers
and sisters in the works they were created to
do. Engines large or small are very useful,
like an engine in a car, but are rendered
useless if that potential and kinetic energy is
not in gear. A car left in neutral will idle for
days and days using up fuel, but will never
leave the parking lot. I wonder if there are
people in the body that havent left the
parking lot yet.
These are very simple examples. I hope
they give you a little help to understand
about potential and kinetic energy. Its vast! I
know we have even more potential than any
body of water or the largest engine on earth.
We have the potential to create! What a
precious gift from our Abba.
ITN 2000-11

Health News
There are so many concepts about health in
the world today, and so much contradictory
information. As in all areas of our life, we see
that true wisdom will only come from our Abba
as He reveals His mind to us. We must receive
the wisdom that comes from above to
understand His mind and to put away all the
remedies and so called cures that only lead from
one product to the other. All through the ages
the Mountebanks and Charlatans have heralded
their claims, peddled their snake venom and
miracle cures, preying on the ill to fatten their
own pocket book. Today, more than ever before,
there are more products to treat every disorder
under the sun. Each day a new product enters
the market touted by sophisticated advertising
aimed at educating the public to show them that
they must have this new cure-all. How do we
sort through all of this? In all our pursuits of
health matters, one thing we continue to see is
the amazing provision we have in the
Scriptures. The Scriptures serve as an objective
authority for judging the things we hear. Over
and over our Master exhorted the disciples to
not break the scriptures. It is amazing how true
this proves to be, especially in the area of health.
There are many examples of this that we have
seen already. Salt is one. When all of the great
minds of the world were saying not to eat salt,
long ago our Father made it clear that salt is
good for us. Now we know that salt itself was
not the problem but it was mans abusive
processing of salt. By isolating sodium chloride
and tantalizing the public with careless ease
When it rains it pours, the lives of a multitude
have been lost. Sodium Chloride, isolated from
the other eighty-five minerals contained in real
sea salt, by itself in concentration, is poisonous
to man. Similar atrocities exist with dairy
products, meat, fish, oil, honey and even water.
It is true, as these foods are sold to us from the
world they can be dangerous to our health. But
the problem is not the food itself but rather
what fallen man has done to them to massproduce them to make them last longer on the

ITN 2000-12

supermarket shelf. Most processed foods are all

the same, whether they are deceptively labeled
natural foods sold in the health food stores or
the ones sold in the big grocery markets. Try to
find a packaged product that is not pasteurized,
homogenized or hydrogenated. Of these
products they may even say organic and we will
not see listed on the labeling preservatives and
colors, but not all the additives can possibly be
written. Growth hormone and antibiotics
injected into meat, dairy animals and plants
may be present in meat, milk and vegetable
products but you would never know it until you
suffer the heath ravage they cause and then
people can not figure out why they have bad
health. What can be the answer? How will we
ever survive? It is everywhere and there is
almost nothing left that is pure and not
genetically modified. But look now. Listen, there
is a people being created, a Royal Priesthood,
that Holy set apart Nation of Daniel 2:44. The
only way we will be spared the plagues of the
nations is that we now emerge as that Holy
Nation. A completely self-sufficient nation who
grow all our own grain, vegetables and
legumes, mill our own flours and press our own
new oil, raise our own meat and produce our
own dairy products. Yes, it has to happen. The
faithful and diligent will bring it about only by
the grace that He supplies, only by crying out
every morning and night. So let us rise to the
call and do our part to develop the production
of all our own foods, foods rich in vitamins,
minerals and enzymes, foods providing us with
all the essential amino and fatty acids, foods
that supply all our daily requirements of
nutrition, foods that are rich in the healthy
bacteria that keep our intestinal tracts in prime
condition affording us all with optimal health.
Pray for the wisdom that comes from above and
you will be creative to provide your households
with pure undefiled foods. Let us be that Nation
that astounds the world as we bring glory to the
one who is saving us from all the ways of the
world, even her plagues.

This light green fuzzy plant with the
bright yellow flowers is Mullein. In
the summer when the plant is flowering
we pick the blossoms and soak them in
olive oil for earaches. We harvest
the leaves for expectorant tea mix.
Mullein helps drain congestion from
your head and chest (which also
relieves earaches).

ITN 2000-12


Health Concerns
The health council at the Jog Run Farm benefited much from the recent
InterTribal meeting on board Beulah this month. Much was spoken to keep us in
the way of our Father as we grow in Him and become His Holy set apart nation.
Our Father spoke to us about the laying on of hands to bring healing and
how this gift of healing comes to us through the hands that are laid on the sick.
Where there are two or more gathered to pray for a sick person then the
compassion that flows will be a pure compassion with no temptation in any one
person to take the glory to himself. Who is so spiritual that their head would not
puff up in pride if all the sick came to him and he lay his hands on them and they
are healed? This would give the glory to a man and not our Abba. As if that man
had some special power. Well, we learned that a man can have a special power
but that power is not of our Father and they will stand before him on that day and
say, Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons, healed
the sick and performed great miracles all in your name. Matt. 7:22 says, I will
declare to them I never knew you. Depart from me you who worked iniquity.
If two or more are gathered and through the laying on of hands in prayer a
sick person is healed, then the sick persons healing will not be attached to a man
but rather to our God who deserves all the glory when any one of us is healed. All
the glory will go to him and those who seek no glory for themselves will not fall into
So in these ways and in all of our ways may all the glory go to our Father.
It is so clear how the whole world lies in the power of the Evil one. We are the
only ones who are set free from his power, but that is only if we cling to our Master
Yahshua and His Anointing.



While often cultivated in other areas,
in Manasseh this wonderful plant with
purple flowers grows as a native wildflower
(weed). It is commonly called Purple Coneflower for the cone-shaped seed heads that
turn brown as they ripen. The root, leaves
and seeds can all be used to strengthen the
bodys immune system to fight off infection.
It seems most effective as a preventative,
taken at the first signs of
an illness.
Ben and Porachat



The Food Corner


Its such a nice celebration food. When you smell

that nice aroma it makes you feel good. It draws
people together. That smell makes you know
something special must be happening. But, sometimes
we find it on our menu. Popcorn for lunch? Popcorn
might fill your plate, but it doesnt fill you up. Its
okay, but not what we would build our daily meal upon.
We need good nourishing food. Instead of using
popcorn for lunch, have a nutritious rice salad! Have
your menu sprinkled with foods that will fight the
latest virus! But even though popcorn may be nice
occasionally, watch out for those hard kernels that
break your teeth. Ummmm. I think Ill have some
carrot sticks today.



Health Issues
Proverbs 24:13 & 14 My son eat honey because it is
good and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste. So
shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul. If you have
found it, there is a prospect and your hope will not be cut
Years ago our Father began speaking to us about the
dangers of eating white sugar, and we found appropriate
natural sugars to replace it with, like honey, molasses,
maple syrup and other natural sweeteners. But even good
things taken in excess become harmful. Our Father has
clearly told us this from the beginning as well. Honey is
good, but it is a highly concentrated form of sweetener and
enters the blood stream quickly. As a people, we use a lot
of honey; morning vinnie & mate, individual cups of tea
here and there, mate at work, weekend desserts, family
night desserts, celebration treats, sweet breakfasts, cookies
you share with friends, etc. When you look at it
objectively, we end up eating lots of sweets. For most
people, eating this much sweetener is bad. If done for many
years, as is common with children raised in a diet of sugars
and carbohydrates, diabetes can result. In America, this
abnormality is growing quickly, because of poor diet
choices. The need to produce insulin to deal with the sugar
wears out the pancreas and slows or even stops its ability
to produce insulin. The blood is then flooded with sugars
that become toxic agents in your body called ketones and
death eventually occurs.
Insulin is a powerful hormone. It is necessary for life itself,
and if your body is unable to produce it, you must take
shots of insulin made from animals. Insulin is also a storage
Carbohydrates are what the body needs to make fuel.
Grains, fruit, vegetables, are all carbohydrates and are
converted by hormones in the body to forms of sugar that
the body uses as fuel. Glycogen is the sugar that most
carbohydrates and sweeteners are converted to. Grains,
breads, pasta and sugars are quickly converted to
glycogen and enter the blood stream much faster than the
other types of carbohydrates (i.e. fruits and vegetables.
The body requires a constant supply of carbohydrates to
feed the brain and other tissues. The brain requires more of
this fuel than any other organ. But only a certain amount of
carbohydrates can actually be used by the body at one
time. Two or three hundred grams is sufficient. (We
generally eat many more times this amount at each meal).
Any carbohydrates not immediately used by the body will
be stored in the form of glycogen. The body has two
places to store glycogen, the liver and the muscles, and
they fill up quickly. The glycogen is converted to glucose
when the body needs fuel, and this happens constantly.
But there is always a storehouse of glycogen to meet this
need. Any glycogen that is not needed is stored in the

liver, or muscles, and once those two places are full, the
excess is converted to fat to be stored for later use.
Insulin lowers the level of blood glucose, but by
converting and storing the excess. When we eat too many
carbohydrates and sweets, we essentially send a message
to the body that says store fat. Increased insulin levels
say keep the fat, so your body is unable to convert the
stored fat into glycogen to be burned as fuel. You then
crave more sweets and carbohydrates, because of the
elevated insulin level in your blood. It becomes a vicious
cycle where you crave and eat more sweets and
carbohydrates, when in reality, more than enough of the
glycogen your body needs as fuel is stored as body fat. If
more insulin is produced than is necessary to convert
carbohydrates and sugars to glycogen, you feel tired and
sluggish and your pancreas is working much harder than
necessary, since every time you eat sweets and
carbohydrates insulin is produced, especially if they are
the kind that enter the blood quickly. Eventually something
crumbles under the stress.
There is one thing we as a people can do to modify our
intake of sweetener. In Brazil and other hot tropical
climates, an herb grows that has an exceptional ability to
add sweetness to the taste and yet not cause any rise to
insulin levels. In fact, it has been shown to even stabilize
the level of glycogen in the blood, although it is not clearly
understood how. This herb is stevia.
Unfortunately, it has a bad reputation because of its bitter
taste somewhat reminiscent of saccharin. But this bitter
taste is the result of excess. Stevia is extremely powerful. A
little goes a long way. We found that using cup of
crushed stevia leaves to 6 cups mate and 5 or 6 gallons of
water allows us to make a very pleasant tasting pot of mate
with just one cup of honey. It seems that a little honey
works well as far as taste goes, too. More stevia than
cup overpowers the tea, however. More honey than this
adds to our carbohydrate intake, which is something we
could all consume less of. If we would use less honey in
our teas, weekly beverages, and meals, our overall
consumption would decrease, making dainty morsels
served during special times sweeter and more satisfying. It
would eliminate excess stress on the pancreas and
decrease daily insulin production. It would be a shame if
many of our children were to become diabetic later in life
because their pancreases were worn out trying to deal with
excess carbohydrates and sugars that they consumed
daily. A little wisdom can go a long way in preserving our
hope for the future. Lets start using a little stevia in our
teas and drinks. Experiment with it in different ways and
see if we can come up with some pleasant recipes. Send
these tried and proven recipes to be included in the I.T.N.
We will all end up feeling and being more healthy.

ITN 2001-02


From Sarah in Bellows Falls

I was told about four years ago to write a letter on all I knew
about sprouts. But all I ever came up with was what I had read in an old
book about sprouts by Ann Wigmore. Somehow I knew this was not
what you were looking for.
When I came to know the Body I was close to 200 pounds and
not very healthy. Eliezer gave me a book about sprouts. I started
growing them and eating them. I guess I was obsessed with them. I
would go into the kitchen and everything I saw I wanted to sprout.
People teased me (not bad). I just needed a balance. Well, during this
time (when we were first in Hyannis) I got pregnant. I was constantly
eating sprouts, lettuce ends and whatever live food I could eat. I lost a
lot of weight. I would run up the stairs. I had a lot of energy. I was
curious about what proteins I should eat, what was good for whole
protein. Some people need poultry, meat or beans and rice or other
types of protein, each person has a different makeup. But sprouted
beans are a good source of protein for everyone.
I run into much opposition wanting to do a lot of sprouts. There
is not a lot of faith for as many sprouts as we actually need. It is all right
to do ten gallons for a house of sixty people each week. It is not that I
am just gaining a lot of weight, I just feel like the energy is harder to
come by if we do not have sufficient sprouts. This is not a complaint
because up here in Vermont dairy is a large provision. But my hope is for
our faith to be increased about sprouts.
A few months ago I was praying and I started thinking about
sprouts. Yes, I pray about sprouts, but it caught me off guard. I also
started thinking about Peter (a new single brother). Why was I thinking
about sprouts and Peter? I had a lot more on my heart and mind and I
had been praying for a long time. I thought I could ask Peter to do
sprouts. First I asked Roi and a few others if this would be all right.
When I asked Peter he said, I was just praying about my purpose and
what things I should be doing. I would love to do the sprouts. Since
then Dana moved here, who is the first fruits of the boat being in
Savannah. She does the sprouts in the morning and Peter does them in
the evening. He also makes sprouted wheat bread, etc.
Then, I had also been praying about an attic room that faces
south since I thought this would be the warmest place in a house up
north and I wanted to have a sprout room. I believed that all the
households in the Twelve Tribes should have a place to grow sprouts

ITN 2001-03

year round and that we need to pass on faith that they are an excellent
source of every vitamin, mineral and protein. They are also less expensive
than most of the produce we can find or even that we would want to eat
considering genetic modification, or whether the produce had been grown
organically or what it had been fertilized with.
Knowing sprouts are live and knowing what live food does to us
and also knowing that wherever we live it is a concern to have live food,
then we want to eat it and if we dont, are we just going to get closer to
death? So I continued to pray about sprouts and the room in the attic, not
telling anyone or worrying about it, trying to just trust, trust and be
patient, knowing that our Master would prepare the way.
So, Friday night Othniel said, Sarah, I have just spoken at our
social meeting about the attic room being used to grow sprouts, not just at
our house, but I want to go to social meetings all over and encourage this
everywhere. I was so excited! I know our Father is at work. I know He
wants us to have the desires of our hearts, and really our desire is to be
able to leap up and meet Him in the air at His return!
I want to be young and not die. I am not saying everyone must eat
sprouts. I just know that if someone wants to eat live there must be a way
we can do it. We dont want to gain even two pounds a year. In 50
Though I dont know a lot, I have a lot in my heart. I want all of
the stem (the foundation) to live until He returns, not like Moshe and the
Israelites. We have to be like Joshua and Caleb. (Even fresh fruit and
vegetables after they are cut start to die, losing all of the things we need
from them.)
I also have it on my heart to research about lambs quarters
sprouts. Their makeup is very close to broccoli sprouts and they grow wild
in our field here at the Basin farm. This could be just what we need to be
able to provide sprouts to Brazil, etc. (also Amaranth). All things in our
Masters time.
Othniel has said, The body becomes new every seven years.
Eating live food makes you live. We have learned that eating dead or
double cooked foods makes cancer cells. How this fits together for me is if
we eat live food it should cause our body (our whole body) to become

ITN 2001-03

Health News
Why Eat Sprouts?
We see from the article on eating
home grown foods the vast potential we have
as a people to grow organic foods right in our
own homes. Not only organic but nutritiously
superior foods that will keep us in good
health until the return of our Master Yahshua.
Very soon the race will begin. There are more
people in the body of Messiah who have the
genetic potential of living until that last
trumpet than do not. To live healthy
productive lives free of ailment and disease
we need to feed our bodies nutritiously rich
foods, drink plenty of good quality water and
get appropriate aerobic and anaerobic
exercise. (More on the differing benefits from
aerobic and anaerobic activities will be
coming in a future ITN).
There is no place to get high quality
food but to grow it ourselves. Commercially
produced fruits, vegetables and grains have
no guarantee to be free of the contamination
of pesticides, chemical fertilizers or even
genetically altered species that may carry
hidden hazards. Even with organically grown
and labeled produce we really have little
guarantee that their source was from mineral
rich soil. The supplements on the shelves of
health and nutrition stores are mostly
counterfeits. They may have vitamin A, C or E
in pill or liquid form but if they are taken out
of the genetic context that our Father placed
them in, meaning the specific food, they are
not really available for utilization in our
bodies. Every species of plant either in seed,
sprout or vegetable form has the ability of
supplying its own specific composition of
enzymes, vitamins, minerals amino acids, fatty
acids, protein and carbohydrates.
What is important? Variety. Lots of
different vegetables, sprouted seeds and

legumes. These mixed in a meal with beans,

bread, dairy, fish or a little of our own meat
or eggs; there you have it, a power packed
meal supplying the essential nutrients needed
to nourish optimal health. A meal not over
balanced with carbohydrate, protein or fat
but a meal designed in the proper balance
will supply the pituitary gland with the amino
acids it needs to stimulate production of
human growth hormone (HGH). The pills
and powders they sell to stimulate HGH are
inferior to gaining these from our own
reliable sources. HGH production rapidly
falls off as people age, especially in
westernized cultures that attempt to nourish
through processed and refined foods. The
centurions such as the Hunza and others that
live beyond one hundred years of age all
enjoyed a robust lifestyle and a diet of fresh
foods. We have the ability in every clan of
every tribe to produce superior quality foods
year round right in our homes. Dont think
you have to have a green house. All you need
is a light source, some running water, and
above freezing temperatures: a little time and
care and youll have beautiful bowls of fresh
greens year round. If we do not see the
immense value of producing these
magnificent greens we will not set apart the
people or make room in the schedule for this
labor of love.
What makes spouts so important?
They are alive, that is as long as they have not
reached a temperature of 120F / 50C. Once
you reach these temperatures with living
foods the enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes
play a vital role, as they are the substances
that make life possible. They are needed for
every chemical reaction that takes place in
ITN 2001-03

the human body. Enzymes are biological

catalysts, which work like an electrical
transformer that steps down the energy
required to begin vital and necessary
metabolic reactions. No mineral, vitamin or
hormone can do any work without enzymes.
Metabolic enzymes run all of the organs,
tissues and cells in our bodies. They are the
manual workers that build our bodies from
protein carbohydrates and fats just as a
carpenter will build a house. You may have
all the materials to build a house but with out
the workers (enzymes) nothing will get done
and so it is with vitamins, minerals and all the
other nutrients in the foods that we eat they
are useless without enzymes.

Another fascinating factor found in

leafy greens such as sunflower, buckwheat
and wheatgrass sprouts is the way they
transfer energy from the sun into muscle
development. Yes it is true, muscles get their
energy from the sun and here is how that it
All leafy green plants in your
sprouting trays and out in the fields capture
energy from the sun. The Chlorophyll or
green coloring matter of a plant uses the
energy in the suns rays to combine with
carbon dioxide in the air and with water and
minerals in the soil. The products formed are
carbohydrates along with other valuable
nutrients. It is these simple carbohydrates in
greens which you may know as sugar and
starch that are taken into our bodies when we
eat fruits and vegetables that provide fuel for
muscular action and development.
The enzymes (the catalyst) contained
in that same food change the carbohydrates
into a starch called glycogen. Every time you
bend your elbow, take a step or even just
raise your eyebrow, your muscles use some of
the glycogen broken down at that point into
glucose for muscular fuel. Thus the energy
that fuels your muscles originates from the

Pancreatic exhaustion. What does that

mean? It simply means that the pancreas is
exhausted from producing enzymes for your
food digestion. Every person has an inherited
enzyme level. If we are wise we will continue
to add to our enzymes by eating enzyme rich
foods. If we solely depend on the enzymes we
inherit they will be used up just like inherited
money if it is not supplemented by a steady
income. A continued lack of enzyme
supplication leads only to illness, aging and
death. When a human body continually
experiences insufficient enzymes in the food
being ingested, the pancreas rises to the
There is more on the virtues of sprouts
occasion and produces the necessary enzymes but for what little space we have here we will
to digest that food. Over stimulation of the
end for now.
pancreas by lack of enzymes in the food
causes pancreatic exhaustion. Pancreatic
exhaustion simply means that the pancreas is
worn out from working too hard. You will feel
tired too.

ITN 2001-03


Hawthorne is a small tree similar in size and shape to an apple tree. The white blossoms are a
common sight here. In the spring the trees thorny branches are covered with flower clusters, giving
rise to the common name Mayflower. The blossom also reminds one of the apple and they are
closely related as a member of the rose family. Here in the tribe of Manasseh the White
Hawthorne is the Missouri state flower. We are blessed to have several
trees within walking distance from our home.
Each fall we harvest many of the red berries, which
look just like miniature rose hips, and carefully lay
them out on screens to dry. If you wish to
harvest them you must be very careful,
for it is said that a scratch on the
eye from their thorns can cause

While somewhat
nutritious and pleasant tasting like the
rose hip, Hawthorne is especially useful for
strengthening the heart. It is helpful for many heart
conditions by lowering blood pressure, increasing the blood supply to
the heart muscle, strengthening the hearts muscle contractions and
increasing the hearts ability to use oxygen. Lower blood pressure is a result of
the plants effect on the body of increasing peripheral blood flow rather than
depressing the heart muscle as some drugs do. Hawthorne is also thought to reduce or
prevent cholesterol buildup in the arteries.
After the berries are dry we crush them in a small mill or blender to a coarse meal. They can be
eaten or made into a tea or tincture. Hawthorne is very safe, unlike many heart drugs, showing no side
affects. Its greatest benefits are seen when taken daily over a long period of time.
Ben and Porachot

ITN 2001-03


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