Past Paper Chemistry 1st Year BISE Lahore 2013 Group 1

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Inter (Part-I) Lahore Board 2013

PARER-I (Objective Type)

Time : 20 Minutes
Marks : 17

Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which
you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number with marker or pen on the Anwer
Book provided. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
Attempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others
1. Which statement is not true?
(A) isotopes with even atomic massess are comparatively abundant
(B) isotopes with odd atomic massess are comparatively abundant
(C) isotopes even atomic massess and even atomic numbers are comparatively abundant
(D) isotopes with even atomic massess and odd atomic numbers are comparatively abundant
2. 27 g of Al will react completely with how much mass of O2 to produce Al2O3?
(A) 8g of oxygen
(B) 16g of oxygen
(C) 32g of oxygen
(D) 24g of oxygen
3. Solvent extraction method is particularly useful technique for separation when the product to be
separated is
(A) non-volatile or thermally unstable
(B) volatile or thermally stable
(C) non-volatile or thermally stable
(D) volatile or thermally unstable
4. Number of molecules in one dm3 of water is elose to





(D) 55.6 6.02 10

5. London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the
(A) molecules of water in liquid state
(B) atoms of helium in gaseous stale at high temperature
(C) molecules of solid iodine
(D) molecules of hydrogen chloride gas
6. The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form the

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(A) ionic crystals

(B) covalent crystals
(C) molecular crystals
(D) any type ot crystals
7. Quantum number values for 2p orbitals are
(A) n = 2 , l = 1
(B) n = 1 , l = 2
(C) n = 1 , l = 0
(D) n = 2 , l = 0
8. The nature of positive rays depends on
(A) the nature of electrode
(B) the nature of discharge tube
(C) the nature of residual gas
(D) the temperature
9. An ionic compound A+B- is most likely to be formed when.
(A) the ionization energy of A is high and electron affinity of B is low
(B) the ionization energy of A is low and electron affinity of B is high
(C) both the ionization energy of A and electron affinity of B are high
(D) both the ionization energy of A and electron affinity of B are low
10. Formation of chemical bond takes place when
(A) energy is absorbed
(B) forces of repulsion overcome forces of attraction
(C) forces of attraction are equal to forces of repulsion
(D) forces of attraction overcome forces of repulsic
11. For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (q p) and at constant volume (qv) are
related to each other as
(A) qp = qv
(B) qp < qv
(C) qp > qv
(D) qp = qv / 2
12. Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct
2SO2(s) +O2(s) 2SO3(g)
H = -188.3 kJ/mole
(A) the value of Kp falls with rise in temperature
(B) the vaiue of Kp falls with increase in pressure
(C) adding V2O5 catalyst increases the equilibrium yield of sulphure trioxide
(D) the value Kp = Kc
13. Ionic product of water (Kw) increases when temperature increases form 0C to 100C
(A) 25 times
(B)75 times
(C) 55 times
(D) 65 times
14. Which solution has the highest boiling point.

(A) 5.85% solution of sodium chloride

(B) 18.00% solution of glucose
(C) 6.00% solution of urea
(D) all have the same boiling point
15. Which statement is not correct about galvanic cell?
(A) anode is negatively charged
(B) reduction occurs at anode
(C) cathode is positively charged
(D) reduction occurs at cathode
16. Oxidation state of chromium in K2CrO4 is
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 3
(D) 7
17. The unit of rate constant is the same as ihat of the rate of reaction in
(A) first order reaction
(B) second order reaction
(C) zero order reaction
(D) third order reaction

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Inter (Part-I) Lahore Board 2013

PARER-1 (Essay Type)

Time Allowed: 3.10 Hours

Maximum Marks: 83


Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions:


1) Low of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculation, give reason.
2) One mg of K2CrO4 has thrice the number of ions than the number of formula units when ionized
in water, justify.
3) How many molecules of water are there is l0g of ice?
4) Differentiate between adsorption chromatography and partition chromatography.
5) Give the importance of sublimation.
6) Explain Boyle's law with the help of ICMT.
7) SO2 is comparatively non ideal at 273 K but behave ideally at 327 0C.
8) Give two applications of plasma.
9) Ice occupies more space then water, give reason.
10)Water and ethanol can mix is all proportions, give reason.
11)ionic solids do not conduct electricity in solid state, give reason.
12)Diamond is insulator and hard, give reason.

Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions:


State spin quantum number (s) briefly.

What is Planck's quantum theory?
Write properties of positive rays.
Why e/m value for the cathode rays is just equal to that of electorn?
Define ionizaton energy and write its variation in the periodic table.
The bond angles of H2O and NH3 are not 109.5 like that of CH4. Although O-atom and N-atom
are SP3 hybridized like C-in CH4, give reason.
7) The dipole moments of C02 and CS2 are zero but that of SO2 is 1.61D.
8) What is the basic assumption of VSEPR theory, and discuss the shape of a molecule (BF 3)
containing three electron pairs?
9) Define the term state function, give two examples.
10)Explain the term enthalpy.
11)State Le-Chateiier's principle.

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12)What is buffer capacity?


Write short answers to any SIX (6) questions:


Give the two applications of the solubility product.

Depression in freezing point is a colligative property. Justify.
What is meant by molality? Give its formula.
Why NaC f and KN02 are used to lower the melting points of ice?
Define electrochemical series.
Lead accumulators is a chargeable battery, Justify.
Calaculate oxidation numbers of manganese in KMnO4 and sulphur in SO42-.
Definespecific rate constant.
What are enzymes? How they act as catalyst?



Note: Attempt any THREE questions.


(a) What is boiling point? What is the effect of external pressure on boiling point? Why the
temperature of a liquid remains constant at boiling point although heat is continuously
(b) An ideal gas is enclosed in a container having volume 500 cm at S.T.P. Its mass comes
out to be 0.72g. What is the molar mass of this gas?


(a) Explain the molecular orbital structures of following molecules on the basis of the MOT:
(i) N2 (Nitrogen)
(ii) 02 (oxygen)
(b) State first law of thermodynamics. Prove that AE = qv


(a) State Dalton's law of partial pressure, also give its three applications.
(b) Describe Millikan's Oil Drop Method for the measurement of charge on electron.


(a) Describe the construction and the working of standard hydrogen electrode.
(b) what is the percentage ionization of acetic acid in a solution in which 0.1 moles, of it has
been dissolved per dm3 of the solution?
(a) Give three statements of Raoult's law and also mention how Raoult's law helps in
determining the ideality of a solution.
(b) What is arrhenius equation? How it can be used to calculate activation energy of a



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(Practical Part)
Note:(i) Attempt any THREE questions.
1) Write down standard sloution, chemical equation with mole ratio, indicator with end point,
procedure and supposed readings with calculations for Part A, B and C.
2) Write down material required, diagram and procedure for Part D and E.
3) The given solution contains 5.6 g of alkali metal hydroxide 'MOH' dissolved per dm .
Find out the atomic mass of metal 'M' Volumetrically.
4) Determine the % composition of 8 g mixture of KMnO4 and K2SO4 per dm3 by volumetric
method. (Molecular Mass of KMnO4 = 158)
5) 24.8 g of Na2S2O3. XH2O have been dissolved per dm . Find out the value of 'X' by volumetric
method. (Molecular Mass of Na2S203 = 158
6) Using mixture that them by using paper chromatographic method?
7) How you could prepare the crystals of benzoic acid form water by using crystallization method?

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