Some People Think That A Sense of Competition in Children Should Be Encouraged

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Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged.

Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become
more useful adults. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
There is no doubt that children are the core of the future world, and the education
for children is considered to be the top priority in almost every nation. The selections of
the appropriate quality to train for children have become more essential than ever. Some
argue that young generation should be pushed to compete with others to be more
successful, whereas many people believe that cooperation is the key. In this essay, I
intend to look at both sides of the argument and give my opinion.
On the one hand, it is believed that among children, competition is supposed
to be nourished. First of all, competition can motivate/prompt children to pursue
excellence. Indisputably, the sense of having the target to achieved and independently
working under challenging conditions against each other generate a great motivation for
children to do their best. Understandably, under any competitive environment, anyone,
especially children tend to be pushed to their extremes. Through competitions, children
can train and sharpen their independent skills, confidence and ability of working under
pressure. In addition, competition is actually indispensable to survive in the strained
competitive society as well as be self-qualified in the future employment. Children
involved in a sense of competition are able to get acquaintted with the tricky problems
which they potentially encounter in the future. As a result, they have a chance to take
shape their ego and stimulate all of advantages of their prospective abilities as well.
On the other hand, many people hold the view that co-operation is the key to
future success and great contributions to the society. First, co-operations can boost the
interpersonal skills among children. Indeed, sharing can help children to learn not only
from the recognition of their weakness but also from the experience attained from their
peers. Besides sharing, children can learn the lesson of responsibility, leading skills as
well as social communication skills. Furthermore, teamwork is an essential part of being
a member of the present day society. This society is the grid of relationships. No one can
live without any involvement with others. Therefore, working with others is the
indispensable lesson that no matter when the child will be obligatory to learn ?.
Additionally, the fact that not any invention is the feast of only one person but the unity
of a whole team proves more drastically the truth of collaboration.
In conclusion, competition and co-operation is equally important to the complete
development of any child. Therefore, from my perspective, the elaborate combination of
these two skills are the core thing in the art of children education that is essential for
adults/educators to take more considerations.

As computers are used more and more in education, there will be soon no role
for teacher in the classroom. Whats your opinion?
Nowadays, technological age is rising; also, the technology barges in almost every
single facet of the modern life all over the world. Likewise, technology and its devices
are now playing such an essential role in educational practices. There is an assumption
that machines will substitute for the teachers in the responsibility of teaching and
culturing the very next generation of the society. From my perspective, I disapprove of
this idea and I intend to clarify this in my essay.
First, teachers provide students with the sense of interaction. Beyond the call of
duty, the role of being a companion and an available consultant to the students is involved
with the emotion and the vision that not any artificial intelligence can replicate. Besides,
the advances of technology prevent the mutual communication among people. Therefore,
the practice of using the computers in lieu of traditional teachers can even
worsen/exacerbate the situation.
Whats more, it is the flexibility in applying various teaching methods that is the
unique feature of teachers that cannot be substituted. Understandably, the targets of the
teacher are the living things, more specifically the human, that are unique and have their
own perceptions. The stiff application of teaching method on different students can cause
the unimaginable consequences. In contrast, teacher can circumstantially create a
classroom environment that intrinsically motivates students through honoring and
encourage the improvements through the methods that they equipped with.
However, the merits of using the computers are undeniable. First, the distractions
of many exterior elements can be avoidable. By illustrations, in the class it is noticeable
that children are often distracted by things such as what the teacher is wearing, her
mannerisms or the kind of mood she is in. These things tend to become so important to
some pupils that they lose focus on the topic that is being taught. Moreover, the computer
can guarantee the equality in classroom. It is explicable that teachers are human who
apparently have emotions. Therefore, bad impressions can by any degree affects the
teachers judgement.
In conclusion, although the application of computers in school can ensure the
fairness and distraction of students, the teacher is the key elements of the sense of
interaction and tactile application of teaching methods, which is irreplaceable.

Existence of every surrounding objects or living things contains its own history.
Some people believe that history is considered to be no longer responding to the modern
society. Others hold the opposite view that history brings about many merits. In this
essay, I intend to look at both sides of the argument and give my opinion.
On the other hand, some opponents of this argument believe that history is the
indispensable basis of the human future. First, history is the source for the human beings
to learn from the past available experience. In other words, occurred events in the past
own both the senses of soundness and blunder, from which people can avoid repeating
the wrong actions in the precious life. Second, history is the essential part of each
country. The course of history is considered to be the witness of the foundation and
development of every country. Therefore, the vision of loosing the perception of history
which may diminish the root, the tradition and the basic of every nation is unbelievable
and unacceptable. Furthermore, THE action of the consecutive generations looking back
to the past is the way to dig into pride, respect and appreciation in the young

The children who grow up in a family short of money are more capable of dealing
with problems in adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
An appropriate children education method is always a controversial topic which
never falls far from the world spotlight. Of the significantly influential elements of this
issue is the family background. There is an assumption that the children brought up in a
poor-conditioned environment are more likely to address the problems in the adulthood
rather than the ones living under an adequate condition. From my perspective, I strongly
approve of this idea and in my essay, I intend to clarify this.
The first thing to consider is that it is irrefutable the circumstance obliges children
from impoverished family to be soon faced up with the problems and get familiar with
addressing them. Understandably, children whose families have to financially struggle are
exposed to the real society at their early age to work to supplement the family financial
conditions. As a result, these children can be sharpen the skills to be able to cope with life
Whats more, children under difficult financial conditions are more motivated to
get over their fate to improve their family condition. While their peers from wealthy
families are considering the toy-related topics, these impoverished children are forced to
think about earning money and the way to overcome their condition. This somehow
forms the independent quality in themselves, which is of great importance to dealing with
difficulties. Also, maturity and decisiveness can be noticeably experienced from the early
stage of their life. All these elements create the enormous promotion for them to keep
moving forward no matter what happen.
Nevertheless, the children born with a silver spoon in mouth benefit from the
better-off conditions. They are able to perceive the best education environment, which
can nurture them to become a well-qualified person to deal with problems. Furthermore,
children from affluent families can even encounter problems from the early age. The
pressure to get the achievements in every aspects of life such as education, art can
accumulate the experience to handle with tension.
In conclusion, although rich children can receive the best environment to develop
their own skills, I still strongly approve of the idea of high appreciation of the abilities of
children from impoverished families in addressing impediment in life

In order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be

encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but others think it will result in loss
of respect and discipline in classroom. What is your opinion?
In modern society, it is undeniable that education is considered as the golden key
to the stable prosperity and civilization of each country. Understandably, urgent demands
on enhancing the quality of education fully attract the governments attention. Some
argue that students feedbacks on teachers performance is essential to intensify the
effectiveness of teaching and learning process, while others hold the view that this
approach could possibly lead to indiscipline and disrespect in the classroom. In my essay,
I intend to look at both sides of the argument and give my own opinion.
On the one hand, it is certainly true that encouraging students to participate in
measurement of teachers devotion brings about many beneficial effects for both sides. As
for teachers, listening to students constructive suggestions enable them to identify the
weakness of their own and their students expectancy thanks to which appropriate
adjustments can be made to enhance teaching standard. In addition, as regards students,
giving feedbacks is considered as the practice of students autonomy in such so-called
society in miniature. Students can benefit from the independence and the democracy
atmosphere created in the classroom.
On the other hand, some opponents assume that judgements from students can
undermine the quality of education. The most considering problem is that the students
feedback can arouse the indiscipline and disrespect attitude of students. As the students
hold the gavel to decide the teachers ability, that would be unfair to teachers taking the
role as evils to encourage and provoke the students performance. Moreover, this practice
can even incite the feeling of powerlessness and tension among teachers. As a result,
teachers performance can be partly affected for the simple reason that no one can work
in their best condition if there is bosss eyes gazing at oneself.
By way of conclusion, although students' judging their teachers may lead to a
unacceptable attitude amongst the class members, I believe that this can make a
significant contribution to advancing academic achievements for both the learners and the

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