Levea WM Second Medical Parole Release Denied.11!17!15

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FOR: IMMEDIATE RELEASE-November 17, 2015


The Cayuga County District Attorney's Office announced this morning that the NYS Parole Board (Full
Board in Albany reviewed application) in Albany denied William LeVea's application to have an interview and
hearing seeking release on Medical Parole (compassionate release for end of life medical conditions
District Attorney Jon Budelmann said "Our Office joins the family of Christopher Spack (Leveas
homicide victim), and with Bradley Leyburn, Patrick Walton, and all of the other victims and families of the
victims of William LeVea's violent criminal history, in thanking the NYS Parole Board in Albany for considering
all of the facts and determining that this defendant was not deserving of another hearing for medical parole."
In Spring of 2014 the defendant applied for early release on Medical Parole . In May of 2014 the
defendant had a hearing upon his application for early release on Medical Parole. His application was
ultimately denied May 27, 2014. After this the defendant had his regularly scheduled Parole Hearing in
August of 2015 as he approached his minimum prison term (sentenced to six to eighteen years indeterminate
prison). He was denied Parole at that time.
Levea recently (in October 2015) submitted another application to be re-considered, a second time, for
early release on Medical Parole. The first step in considering such an application for Medical Parole is a Full
Board Case Review during their normal business meetings in Albany. If the Full Board decided there was a
sufficient basis to consider the new application, the matter would have been referred to the Parole Board of the
facility where defendant was incarcerated for a Medical Parole Hearing. The victims and the family of Chris
Spack would have had been granted an opportunity to be heard (again) as well. Then the Parole Board would
then have had to make a decision (as they did when they denied LeVea Medical Parole Release in May of 2014).
This time, his application did not make it past the first step, the Full Board Case Review meeting. We
have been advised that he cannot apply for medical parole again unless there is a substantial change in his
medical condition. Privacy Laws prevent the Parole Board from releasing the details of his medical parole
application. LeVea will not be eligible for another regular Parole Hearing until July of 2017.
This Friday, November 20th marks the 6th Anniversary of the killing of Chris Spack. We are all pleased
that the Parole Board in Albany prevented this defendant from being released based upon his claim that he is
too sick to serve his sentence for killing Christopher Spack and seriously injuring Bradley Leyburn.
William LeVea, now 85 years old, was convicted of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide and Driving While
Intoxicated in March 2011 for the November 20, 2009 death of Christopher Spack in a high speed drunk
driving crash where LeVea repeatedly rammed Christopher Spack's truck (from behind) until he sent Spack's
truck spinning into the path of a Chevy Silverado driven by Bradley Leyburn, of Cato, who was seriously
injured in that crash. 16 year old Patrick Walton and a passenger in his vehicle were also involved in the
collision, but escaped without serious injury. LeVea was sentenced to 6-18 years in Prison in Cayuga County

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