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Rite Publishing Presents

Items Evolved: Conflict

Wordsmith (Design & Development):
Steven D. Russell
Wordartist (Editor):
Bill Collins
(Cover) Richard L. Biggs II
& Corey Graham
(Pencils and Inks): Richard L. Biggs II
(Colorist): Erik Rorrer
Visual Architects (Layout Artists
Corey Graham & Steven D. Russell
Special Thanks:
David Paul and Soren Keis Thustrup.
Miranda Gray, Mike Holt, Doug Hughes
Sean Middleton and Chris Olendorf,
To Miranda Gray; who is to be my Lady
Russell in our joining ceremony

Design Notes
Characters with Delve Into
Collective Memory or ranks in Knowledge
(Magic) or other listed skills can learn
more about a magic items background.
When a character makes a successful
check, the information listed in the lore
section is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
haracters that gain an akashic
class level or put a rank
k into the
appropriate skill automatically reroll to
learn more about the magic items
background (This does not count against
any uses per day)
Is not a random generation, the designer
chose carefully using the method below:
1.&2. Named NPC that appears in Rituals
of Choice adventure path.
3. 4. &8. Canon
on NPC and Location that
appears in a Arcana Evolved product.
9. A Generic NPC Name appropriate to
the race represented as the items
item most
famous owner in the Lore section.

Items Evolved: Oaths and Rite Publishing Copyright 2008 Steven D. Russell, Some content included
herein, as described in the Product Identity notice accompanying the Open Game License, comes
from Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved, Copyright 2003, M
onte J. Cook, used by permission; Open
ming License Copyright 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Items Evolved: Conflict

Armband of the Lair Steward

4. The name of the creator of the object was

5. The creator of the object was a dragon.
6. The purpose of the object is to help protect a
dragons lair.
7. The object is made of dragon scales.
8. The object was created in the Lair of the
Liege Lord.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Price (item level): 160,000gp; (23rd)

Body slot: arm
Caster level: 17th
Aura: Overwhelming Conjuration (DC 24)
Activation: triggered (door warning),
standard (teleport)
Weight: -

This item appears to be an armband made from

silver and gold colored dragon scales, with two
runes displayed prominently. A successful
Knowledge: Runes check (DC 15) reveals the
runes to be lair and Hu-Charad. As you
study it, the armband changes size to fit you.

Belt of the Ghi-Nammor Chrysalis.


Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or

Knowledge (Magic/Dangerous
DC 25: These armbands are ancient and
come from a time long before the pact that
kept the giants in the lands of the west. They
also hint a time when giants may have actually
served the dragons, and most giants scoff at
this notion. A few renegade Hu-Charad who
now serve the Dragonclave wear these.
This item allows you to become instantly
aware of an intruder entering your home or lair
that you have sworn to protect, as long as the
intruder is detectable by scrying. Spend a
charge to return to the home or lair via a
heightened refuge spell. An armband of the
Lair Steward contains 50 charges.
Prerequisites: Craft Charged Item (teleport,
door warning)
Cost to Create: 87,573 gp (7,002 xp)

Price (item level): 38,400gp (10 )

Body slot: Waist
Caster level: 9th
Aura: Strong Transmutation (DC 20)
Activation: Swift
Weight: 1 lb

This belt appears to be made from green silk,

reminiscent of a cocoon. It grows (or shrinks) to fit
you as you examine it. On the stone that serves as
the buckle, there are two words: one written in
Giant, the other written in Ogham, the secret
language of the Ollamh lorekeepers. Once deciphered
they read as Ghi-Nammor and chrysalis.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge
DC: Giants and Faen share a special friendship
after the Dramojh War. The Ollamh Lorekeepers
of the Harrowdeep Court created these belts so
that both giant and faen could experience a bit
of the others perspective. The minor curse that
accompanies them was placed by a secret
darkling among the Lorekeepers.
2/day you may change your size to Tiny or
Huge. If during the previous encounter, you
changed to Huge, the next encounter you must
change to Tiny. You remain this size until the
beginning of the next encounter (subject to DM
adjudication). This item bears a small curse; a
person cannot manipulate its use so that the

1. It was created 6,876 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
D'par'v of Erixalimar.
3. The last person to touch the object was a


Items Evolved: Conflict

subject is always one size or the other in an

particular type of encounter (Huge in combat,
Tiny in stealth). Occasionally the object changes
you to the contrasting size (DM adjudication
governs this minor curse). All attended gear
transforms to the appropriate size for the
duration; this effect cannot be dismissed.
Size affects any special ability the creature
has that is affected by it. Size also affects a
creatures ability scores, AC, attack bonuses,
and damage values as indicated on the tables
below. Repeat the adjustment if the creature
moves up more than one size. Reverse these
adjustments when moving down size categories;
minimum ability score of 3.
Table: Damage By Size Repeat the adjustment
if the creature moves more than one size
category, reverse for those going down a
Table: Changes to Statistics by Size


Str Dex Con

Small +4
Small Medium +4
Medium Large +8
Large Huge



Same Same


New Damage

Table: Changes to Statistics by Size



Grp Snk Hgt

Small +4
Small Medium +4
Medium Large +4
Large Huge



+30 lbs.
+170 lbs.
+400 lbs
+7 tons

Cost to Create: 19,200 gp (1,536 xp)

1. It was created 248 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The names of the creators of the object
were The Ollamh Lorekeepers of
Harrowdeep Court.
5. The creators of the object were faen.
6. The purpose of the object is to strengthen
the bond between giant and faen.
7. The object is made of silk.
8. The object was created at the
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Jealden Starguard.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Crystal Mask of the Wardancers

Price (item level): 6,000 gp (10th)
Body slot: face
Caster level: 5th
Aura: moderate enchantment (DC 18)
Activation: swift
Weight: -

Table: Increased Damage By Size

Old Damage (Each)*

Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item (greater

masters reduction, greater form of the master)


Speed: if you drop below Medium size, reduce

your land speed by 10 feet. If you go above size
Large, increase your land speed by 10 ft.

This appears to be a mask made from entirely of

crystal. Within the crystal you see ephemeral
images of giants raging against a colossal
dragon, metallic scales black tipped with red, its
underside showing more red than black, ebon
claws, pale teeth and fiery eyes the color of a
hungry desert sun.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or
Knowledge (Magic/Religion)
DC 20: This item is called Chi-Juldruamar or
Crystal Mask of the Wardancers It was
created by a small sect of giants, at the end of
the Dramojh war. They held Nithogar the
Hated responsible as a war criminal for the
creation of the dramojh. They attempted a


Items Evolved: Conflict

coup along with their wardance supporters in

the Observance, but they failed, so the nature
of the giants changed to that of stewards and
caretakers. The item was created as a
remembrance to invoke the passions of the
giants. The sect was outlawed by the Throne,
and forced to disband before this plan could
be carried out. Only a rare few that were not
destroyed by the Diamond Throne remain.
1/day for the duration of a single encounter,
you may gain any one of the following abilities
as long as you meet the prerequisites:

Giants gain free use of the Chi-Julud feat

when fighting dragons.
Spellcasters gain free use of the Hunter
Mage (Dragon) feat.
Non-spellcasters select one weapon that
freely gains the bane (dragons) or bane
(humanoid, dracha) special quality (once
chosen it cannot be changed).

Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item (unbridled

Cost to Create: 3,000 gp (240 xp)

It was created 876 years ago.

The last person to touch the object
was Sister Nilith, the Crone of
3. The last person to touch the object
was a dracha.
4. The names of the creators of the
object were Chi-juld Da-jon.
5. The creators of the object were
6. The purpose of the object is to help
slay dragons.
7. The object is made of crystal.
8. The object was created in the fortress of
Du-Nor in Khorl.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Navara the Vengeful.
10. The magical function of the object is (see


Crystal of the Third Eye (Mark of

Price (item level): 24,000 gp (14th)
Body slot: head
Caster level: 8th
Aura: Moderate Enchantment (DC 19 )
Activation: Standard (command)
Weight: -

This appears to be a lovely green crystal but within

it is the image of a large eye, which stares right
back at you.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or
Knowledge (Magic/Religion/History)
DC 15: Followers of Xyphon wore this crystal in
the position of the third eye in the forgotten war
with the hypnolox. This crystal is quite favored
by akashic seekers who, if they find one, will
carry it to their dens. Little else is known about
them; most likely due to the influence of the
Hypnolox on the akashic memory.

Items Evolved: Conflict

This item is useable only by an akashic. It
causes the target to be flooded with random
images drawn from the akashic memory that will
render the target confused on a failed Will save
(DC 14+ wearers intelligence modifier) . This
ability can affect creatures that are naturally
immune to mind-affecting spells or effects so
long as the target has an Intelligence score.
Akashics, akashic seekers and hypnolox suffer a
-4 penalty to their save vs. this effect. If you are
in the area of an akashic node the save DC
increases by +4. Spells that protect against mind
affecting spells still function normally. It normally
possess 50 charges.
Prerequisites: Craft Akashic Item (Lesser delve
into personal memory)
Cost to Create: 12,000 gp (960 xp)
1. It was created 4,415 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
5. The creator of the object was a verrik.
6. The purpose of the object is to defeat
7. The object is made of crystal.
8. The object was created at the houses of the
9. The most recent owner of this object was
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Crystal of the Vexing Wound

Price (item level): 2,000 (6th)
Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 1st
Aura: Faint enchantment (DC 16)
Activation: standard (attach)
Weight: -

This small crystal is dark with refractions of

purple. Inside the crystal a rune appears. A
successful knowledge (runes) check(DC 15)
reveals it is the rune for Curse.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or
Knowledge (Magic/Giant)
DC 15: These are known as Voalgart Kloch in
the Faen language and Crystals of the Vexing
Wound in the Common. They are found in the
Darkling domains of Harrowdeep and can be
attached to any item that deals damage.
Those damaged by the item do not heal
normally due to the curse placed upon the
crystal by those terrible faen of the deep
A spell caster must make a successful power
check (DC 10+ the wielders character level +
the wielders Charisma bonus (minimum +1))
for their magical healing to work. A creature
must make a successful Fort saving throw (DC
10 + the wielders character level, + the
wielders Charisma bonus (minimum +1)) for
its natural healing, fast healing or regeneration
to function.
Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item (bane)
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp (80 xp)
1. It was created 5 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
Kiex Winterheart of the Kithmourn.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
Wyalu Nightkeeper.
5. The creator of the object was a faen.
6. The purpose of the object is to keep the
wounded and the dead, injured and
7. The object is made of crystal.
8. The object was created at the Frozen
Tomb of the Gods.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Toam Newleaf.
10. The magical function of the object is (see


Items Evolved: Conflict

Dramojh Fang

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor

(chill the soul, poison, sorcerous blast)

Price (item level): +4 bonus (18th)

Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 15th
Aura: Strong evocation (DC 23)
Activation: standard (attack)
Weight: -


This ivory blade is held in a blood red sheath of

webbing. The same blood red webbing covers the
pommel. The hard guard is obsidian carved in the
shape of a screaming dramojh; its legs serve as
vicious quillions.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory,
Knowledge (magic/dangerous beasts)
DC 25: This weapon is known as Jesk
Dramojh Fang of the Dragon Scion, or
simply Dramojh Fang. Possession of these
blades is a high crime in the Lands of the
Diamond Throne, due to many vile war
criminals preference for this weapon.
Possession is punishable by an eternal
woodlands prison, if not worse. Its most
famous wielder is a strange ebon-skinned
human and bull totem warrior who came from
the mysterious west. He incorporated this fang
into his shortspear and gained notoriety in
Thartholan by slaying Amerozh, a demon of
war who wielded a lightning sword and a fiery
whip. Amerozhs death throes killed the young
bull warrior, but the fang was never recovered.
When you draw this weapon from its sheath
for the first time, choose an energy descriptor,
an ability damage type, and a poison. This
blade deals +2d6 points of the chosen energy
type, 1 point of the chosen ability damage
upon a failed save (DC 12+your Constitution
modifier), and the chosen poison effect upon a
second failed save (DC 10+ your character
level + your Constitution modifier). You gain a
+10 bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing
with any creature considered a legacy of the
The blades poison afflicts anyone who is
not a mojh, a creature considered a legacy of
the dramojh, or a servant of such a creature.


1. It was created 659 years ago.

2. The last person to touch the object was
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
Fangmaster Villithiss.
5. The creator of the object was a dramojh.
6. The purpose of the object is to aid loyal
dramojh totem warriors.
7. The object is made of a dramojh fang.
8. The object was created at Serpents Heart.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Kulloru from the West.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Jackboots of the Diamond Throne

Price (item level): 20,500 gp (15th)
Body slot: Feet
Caster level: 9th
Aura: Moderate evocation (DC 20)
Activation: standard (open door), attack (attack
of opportunity)
Weight: lb

These black leather boots rise to at least mid-calf, have

no laces, and have leather soles with hobnails and heel
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge
DC 25: These Jackboots of the Diamond
Throne were originally called Ju-karo in Giant,
which translates to March Boot. These boots
saw widespread use in recent years amongst
warriors in service to the Diamond Throne when
conflicts between the aboriginal population and
the Diamond Throne grew along with the
insurgency of the Knights of the Axe. A rather
vicious sibeccai serving as a bonded agent of
the diamond throne killed a score of Squires of
the Axe with her boots, until the Order saw to
her execution.

Items Evolved: Conflict

1/day: You can open any door by kicking it as if
you had cast an open door spell, destroying the
door and dealing 1d6 points of damage for every
two character levels you possess to all those
within 5 of the opposite side of the door. A
successful Reflex Save (DC 10+1/2 your
character level + your strength modifier) halves
the damage dealt.
You also gain a free attack of opportunity with a
boot on any prone opponent. The boot deals an
amount of damage equal to 1d4+ your Strength
modifier. Creatures of Large size or greater also
gain the Trample special ability. Giants and
Sibeccai gain a +2 racial bonus to damage dealt
by these boots
Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item, Combat
Rite: reaction of the viper (open door, conjure
energy creature)
Cost to Create: 10,250 gp (820 xp)
1. It was created 1 year ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was OiaMarask.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
Earral Starspeaker.
5. The creator of the object was a faen.
6. The purpose of the object is to suppress
rebellion against the Diamond Throne.
7. The object is made of a leather and iron.
8. The object was created at Castle Vanguard
in Serathis.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Vakslen the Faithful.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Preservers Runestone
Price (item level): 15,300 gp (14th)
Body slot: none
Caster level: 17
Aura: Overwhelming conjuration (DC 24)

Activation: standard (command)

Weight: 1lb

This appears to be a simple piece of bedrock with

a rune carved into the flat side. (With a
successful Knowledge: runes check DC 15) you
know it is the rune for preserve.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or
Knowledge (magic/runes)
DC 20: According to the akashic memory, one
of the first runechildren ever to defeat a rune
reaver bore this rune. Apparently, it now
contains the power to harm enemies of the
land, while providing aid to those who know its
This rune heals you for your normal hit point
total plus one. Gain the excess healing as a
temporary hit point. You must make a
Fortitude save DC (26) each round that your
temporary hit point total exceeds your normal
hit point total. If you fail the save, you are
killed/destroyed in a riot of energy. This item is
often used as a weapon (touch attack) against
rune reavers (as it is the only rune they are not
immune too), heralds of annihilation,
darkbonds, and the undead.
Prerequisites: Craft single use item (perfect
Cost to Create: 7650 gp ( 612 xp)
1. It was created 1,717 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
Brianna Neverhold.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
Sarel the Rune Messiah.
5. The creator of the object was a litorian.
6. The purpose of the object is to help
protect a dragons lair.
7. The object is made of dragon scales.
8. The object was created at the Wall of
Honor on the Central Plains.
9. The most recent owner of this object was


Items Evolved: Conflict

9. The most recent owner of this object was

10. The magical function of the object is (see

10. The magical function of the object is

(see above).

Ring of the White Wild

Weapon of Darkness or Light

Price (item level): 1,000 gp (4th level)

Body slot: Ring
Caster level: 1st
Aura: minor transmutation (DC 15)
Activation: swift
Weight: 1/2 lb

Price (item level): +1 bonus (7th)

Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 4th
Aura: Moderate Enchantment (DC 19 )
Activation: Triggered (critical)
Weight: -

This appears to be a simple ring of white gold.

This weapon flickers between jet black darkness

and brilliant illumination. In your mind you hear:
choose light or darkness.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or

Knowledge (Magic/Runes)
DC 15: These rings are often worn by newly
anointed heralds of annihilation and are given
as gifts by rune reavers by those they favor.
It is rumored that rune reavers discovered a
way to create these with the stolen runes for
wild and magic.
Once per encounter this ring will change the
DC of any save made within 120 of the
wearer. You subtract 10 from the DC and then
add the result of a single d20 roll to the DC to
calculate the new difficulty check.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or

Knowledge (Magic/History)
DC 20: The weapon of darkness or light, called
Kuse traydyr in the dead language of Verdune,
gained notoriety when a hidden company of
lights champions used them against the undead
hordes invading Verdune. When the company
was eventually overrun, darkbonds corrupted
these weapons to the service of their undead
champions of darkness.
When you pick up this weapon for the first time,
you must select a cause. Once you do, the
weapon illuminates or becomes jet black based
upon your choice. When you make a successful
critical hit, your opponent is blinded unless they
make a Fort Save DC 12 + your Strength
modifier (Dex modifier if you possess the
Weapon Finesse feat). Champions of Light or
Darkness add a +2 bonus to the DC.

Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item (elan)

Cost to Create: 500 gp (40 xp)
1. It was created 876 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
Sister Dairann of the Ice.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
5. The creator of the object was a rune
6. The purpose of the object is to create
7. The object is made of white gold.
8. The object was created at the mystical site
known as The Broken Door.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor

Cost to Create: 1,000 gp ( 80 xp)
1. It was created 1585 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
Sister Nilith the Crone of Nightmares.


Items Evolved: Conflict

3. The last person to touch the object was a

4. The name of the creator of the object was
Kallethan/The Kallethan.
5. The creator of the object was/were
6. The purpose of the object is to champion the
cause of light or darkness.
7. The object is made of solidified light or
8. The object was created at Bone Pass.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Hovara Raneldottir.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Weapon of the Nightwalkers

Price (item level): +3 (15th) Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 15th
Aura: Strong necromancy (DC 21)
Activation: triggered
Weight: (Spot DC 20) This weapon of transparent crystal

wraps nearly all light around it making it difficult

to see at best.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge
DC 25: These weapons of the Nightwalkers
have different names in nearly every culture.
The faen name all who wield them kinslayer,
while the litorians call them Lodari Odia or
Honors bane. The most infamous wielder of
these was an outcast litorian unfettered who was
adopted into a rhodin clan, and eventually
committed patricide by killing all of his blood
To use this ability you must declare that youre
attacking your opponent while he is unaware of
you. Win both opposed skill checks of your
Sneak vs. your opponents Spot and Listen. If
your opponent is flat-footed, unaware, and
successfully damaged, the opponent must
succeed with a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage
dealt) or die. If the damage is non-lethal, your
opponent goes unconscious for 2d6 minutes.
Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to
this effect.

Prerequisites: Craft Akashic Item (Sneak

1. It was created 1 year ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
Keix Kinslayer.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
The Master.
5. The creator of the object was a human.
6. The purpose of the object is to assist
Nightwalker assassinations.
7. The object is made of a steel and daelren
8. The object was created at Black Rock
Tower in Serathis.
9. The most recent owner of this object was
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Weapon of Spellreaving
Price (item level): +1 bonus (7th)
Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 12th
Aura: Moderate abjuration (DC 18 )
Activation: Weight: -

This weapon holds a green so deep as to almost

be black, with a broken rune set on both sides. A
successful Knowledge: runes check (DC 15)
reveals it is the broken rune for arcane.
Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory or
Knowledge (Magic/Giant)
DC 20: The greatest of blade trolls forged
these for the chorrim war machine. Developed
in secret, they have been used to great
success against the Vallorian zealots and
slassan cabals who have attempted to claim
their territory under the Bitter Peaks. Their
success has been so great that the Chorrim
turned the invaders into a delicacy, having
gained a taste for proto-flesh and slassan


Items Evolved: Conflict

When a mage or a creature with a spell-like
ability is struck, the victim must make a
successful Concentration check (DC =
damage dealt) or their highest level spell slot
or most powerful remaining spell-like ability is
expended for the day. Chorrim add a +2 racial
bonus to the DC of this check.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor
(dispel magic)
Cost to Create: 2,000 gp (50 xp)
1. It was created 3 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was
General Rathkilg.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
5. The creator of the object was a troll.
6. The purpose of the object is to disrupt
7. The object is made of steel.
8. The object was created at Edgehold in the
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Captain Worgrim.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Weapon of the War-mind

Price (item level): +1 (lesser); +2 (standard);
+3 (greater)
Body slot: - (held)
Caster level: 6 (lesser); 8 (standard); 10
Aura: Faint Enchantment (DC 17)
Activation: Special (see below)
Weight: This weapon has a blood red crystal imbedded
in its hilt or haft. If you peer within the crystal,
you see flashes of images of all the battles
that have ever been fought with this weapon.


Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge

DC 15: The weapons of the war-mind are also
called Cithsimne by the faen and Chi-Tralod by
the Giants. Of the hundreds of thousands made,
only a few hundred of these survived. They
recently gained popularity due to the exploits of
a famous ollamh lorekeeper who used one to
great effect against a savage herd of Kahrn, who
were breeding amongst the conflicts of the
Harrowdeep court and the darkling faen.
There are three versions of this item lesser,
standard, and greater: the lesser version allows
you to activate your Battle Memory class ability
as a move action, the standard as a swift action,
and the greater as an immediate action.
Prerequisites: Craft Akashic Item (Lesser Battle
1. It was created 7,359 years ago.
2. The last person to touch the object was OiaMarask.
3. The last person to touch the object was a
4. The name of the creator of the object was
5. The creator of the object was a verrik.
6. The purpose of the object is to make an
akashic more effective in battle.
7. The object is made of steel and daelren
8. The object was created at the Houses of the
9. The most recent owner of this object was
Yoarn Memoryguard.
10. The magical function of the object is (see

Items Evolved: Rituals


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owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative
Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and
translations (including into other computer languages), potation,
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement,
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may
be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,
transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the
game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes
and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product
Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional
content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor,
and means any work covered by this License, including translations
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes
Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line
names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts;
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements,
dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions,
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic,
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations,
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other
trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes
the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names,
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify
itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open
Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means
to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your"
means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game
Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License
to Use, the Open Game Content.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each
element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in
conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner
of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product
Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the

ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product

Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and
interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing
are Open Game Content. All proper names and text in the
description section are product identity all other content including
translated proper names are open gaming content.
Open Content is the designated as follows: All common names the
stat block, all information in the ability section and the prerequisite
and creation sections
Notice: This work contains the following Product Identity from
Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved: [all Proper names and information in
the Lore and Loresight sections.]. Permission to use this Product
Identity has been granted by independent agreement with the
owner of the Product Identity. The use of this Product Identity in
Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the
ownership of that Product Identity. Monte J. Cook retains all rights,
title, and interest in and to that Product Identity. Any failure in this
designation does not cause such content to become Open Game

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may

publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any
of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive
the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 20002005, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. d20 System Reference Document Copyright
2000-2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David
Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Arcana Evolved Spell Treasury Copyright 2006 Monte J. Cook. All
rights reserved.
Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved Copyright
2005 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, The Book of Hallowed Might
II: Portents and Visions, and Legacy of the Dragons Copyright
2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
The Book of Hallowed Might Copyright
20032004 Monte J. Cook. All rights
Items Evolved: Conflict copyright 2008 Steven D. Russell

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