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Learn English>English Lessons>TOEFL Exercises>Advanced Grammar Exercises

Advanced Grammar Exercises - TOEFL Practice Tests
Exercise #3
Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of English grammar. Each
question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted.
Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation.
Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click on
the answer you think is correct.
1. I am slow to express my opinion. [input] express my opinion
[input] express my viewing [input] make my views [input] make my opinion
--------------------------------2. I have to have this report finished by Friday. [input] by Friday
until Friday [input] Friday before [input] Friday beginning


--------------------------------3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has many beautiful
[input] beautiful scenery that is much [input] many beautiful
landscapes [input] many beautiful sceneries [input] much beautiful scenery
--------------------------------4. The car was parked directly directly the diner.
ahead of [input] in front of [input] preceding

[input] before


5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people who enjoy skiing.
[input] enjoy [input] that enjoying [input] who enjoy [input] who enjoying
--------------------------------6. It is already 3 o'clock. Can you make it in time to catch the bus? [input]
have enough [input] have it in [input] make in [input] make it in
--------------------------------7. I went to have my glasses fitted on.
on [input] fitted on

[input] fit

[input] fitted

[input] fit

--------------------------------8. Mary's house is next to the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?
along [input] near to [input] against [input] next to


--------------------------------9. The burning stick was very hot. He let go it just in time.
[input] go alone it [input] go it [input] go of it
(madrina, aqu tengo dudas, esto no debera ser let it go?)
--------------------------------10. Do we have enough money to last us the week?
plentiful [input] plenty of [input] enough

[input] alone it

[input] a lot of


--------------------------------11. John decided to take up golf on weekends. [input] to begin
commence [input] to take up [input] to start up

[input] to

--------------------------------12. It makes no difference to me whether we meet them or not.
makes no difference [input] makes not a difference [input] is indifferent
[input] is not a difference
--------------------------------13. We were outworn after all the hard work. [input] wear out
outworn [input] weary out [input] worn out


--------------------------------14. We saw quite a few wild animals while on vacation.
[input] quite a few
[input] quite much [input] quite many [input] quite some
--------------------------------15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should wait for them.
for [input] wait for [input] await on [input] wait on

[input] await

16. Are you going to enter the competition? [input] enter

entering [input] go to enter [input] going to enter

[input] going

--------------------------------17. You had better inquire at the tourist information office. [input] inquire at
[input] inquiring at [input] inquire to [input] inquiring at
--------------------------------18. Ireland was part of the UK, wasnt it?
[input] hasn't it [input] weren't it

[input] didn't it

[input] wasn't it

--------------------------------19. They will be present at the party. [input] present
[input] presenting [input] at present

[input] presents

--------------------------------20. Will they go swimming this summer?
[input] swimming [input] to swimming

[input] swim

[input] to swim

--------------------------------21. The New York police were very anxious to learn more about the crime.
[input] more learn [input] learn more [input] to more learn [input] to
learn more

--------------------------------22. Many excited women could be seen at the department store sale.
seen [input] be seen [input] be seeing [input] be see


--------------------------------23. The sink in the locker room tends to overflow .
overflow [input] flow over [input] over flowing

[input] flow


--------------------------------24. How long did the baseball game last?
[input] survive [input] continue

[input] last

[input] endure

25. We must attend the annual board meeting tomorrow.

[input] attend to [input] attend in [input] attending

[input] attend


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