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Peter Drucker has stated: "You cannot motivate employees, employees must motivate
What does Dr. Drucker mean by this statement in regard to motivational theory?
I agree with Dr. Druckers statement, "You cannot motivate employees; employees must
motivate themselves. once that its not the company that should adapt to all its employees, but
the employees that must adjust their objectives and personal interests to the core values of the
company. In this direction, if the employee were not in accordance with the company values and
thoughts, even if the company provides the pay and best benefits that would not be enough after
a while. As very well disposed, motivation is the processes that account for an individuals
intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal, and the level of
motivation varies both between individuals and within individuals at different times (Robbins,
2015, page. 184)
What are some methods you could use to promote self-motivation in the workplace?
Self-motivation in the workplace could be promoted in a number of ways. These include:
1- Roping-in Employees in Decision Making
Allowing employees to be a part of the decision-making process promotes their commitment to
organizational goals and enhances their self-esteem. Given that motivation is largely about will,
as opposed to the application of specific techniques (for example offering of incentives),
involving employees makes them feel as part and parcel of the organization thereby inspiring
and stimulating their drive and enthusiasm.
2- Goal Setting
The performance of employees is likely to become better when goals are set and objectives
clearly defined. Essentially, goal-setting not only spurs involvement, but also ensures that
everybody is moving in the same direction. Goal-setting stimulates participation from
employees, thus further enhancing their commitment to the achievement of the said goals and
3- Provision of Opportunities for Growth and Professional Enrichment
Employees who enjoy that which they engage in are likely to be more motivated than those that
find tasks challenging or confusing. It is, therefore, important for the organization to not only
provide in-house training for employees, but also encourage them to further enhance their
professionalism by counting their education.

Sims, R. (2002). Managing Organizational Behavior. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing
Motivation And Performance Management Organizational Behavior (September 12, 2014)
Retrieved November 10, 2015, from
Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A.(2015). Organizational Behavior (16th ed.). New York: Pearson
Education Inc.

What are the three major ways that jobs can be redesigned? In your view in what
situations would one of the methods be favored over the others?
Some of the ways job Characteristics model (JCM) makes jobs more motivating are
a) Job Rotation: Periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another.
b) Job Enrichment: Increases the degree to which the worker controls the planning,
execution and evaluation of the work.
c) Mutual Assistance Programs: Employees who can help each other come to see the
organization in a more positive term.
I think in hospitals job rotation is favored for nutritionists and nurses. They have to be able to
perform multiple tasks such as: visit patients, make sure their meals and medicines are taken
care of, and analyze their test results to administer an appropriate diet (nutritionists).

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